COMMUNION AND LIBERATION INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE 2016 6 VOL. 18TRACES LITTERAE COMMUNIONIS THE WELLSPRING OF HAPPINESS A report from Africa to discover what makes life beautiful. And how God quietly builds His story within history. Content042016_Layout 2 13/04/16 10.59 Pagina 2 CONTENTS April, 2016 Vol.18 - No. 4 CONTENTS June, 2016 Vol.18 - No. 6 Communion and Liberation International Magazine - Vol. 18 ComEditorialmunion aOffice:nd Liberation Via Porpora, 127 - 20131 Milano CLOSEBRUS UPSELS InteTel.rna ++39(02)28174400tional Magazine - Vol. 18 Fax ++39(02)28174401 E-mail:
[email protected] Internet:www.tracesonline.orgEditorial Office: AFRICATHE MOMENT EditorVia P o(direttorerpora, 12 responsabile):7 - 20131 Milano TeDavidel. ++39( 0Perillo2)28174400 Vice-editor: FPaolaax ++ 3Bergamini9(02)28174401 AFTER Editorial Assistant: HE WHO DIRECTS E-mail:
[email protected] Anna Leonardi nd InterFromnet: w Newww .York,trace The terrorist attacks on March 22 shook Europe, but Holly Peterson THEthey also mROADade people stop taking their daily lives for GraphicEditor ( dDesign:irettore G&C, resp oMilanonsabile): Davide Cestari, Lucia Crimi granted. Here, we offer stories of the people in Brussels Davide Perillo One hundred CL leaders from 12 countries around who asked themselves what their lives are founded upon. Photo: KingoriVic eSimon-edito Ndegwa:r: the continent gathered in Nairobi, Kenya, for a three-day Cover, 6/13; Shutterstock: 14-15; OsservatorePao Romano:la Berga m16-17,ini 22; meeting. Here is the report of what happened. GettyImages:Editoria 19;l A sReuters:sistant: 22 PublishersAnna L (editore):eonardi Società Coop. Edit. Nuovo Mondo Via Porpora,From N127ew - 20131York, MilanoNY: Editorial A Boundless Question 3 Reg.