
VOL. 120 - NO. 14 , , APRIL 1, 2016 $.35 A COPY When Should the It Ain’t Necessarily So High School Day Start? by David Trumbull “The problem with quotes on the internet is that you can never by Sal Giarratani be sure they’re authentic.” “The research is clear on this topic that later start times best sup- — Abraham Lincoln port the social and emotional needs of our high school students.” — Statement of the Middlesex League Superintendents As I write this column to be in style, he was fl owery even while Fox News existed in 1998, published on April ’s Day, for his age. Had Washington it had been around for just over According to a group of Bos- If you ask parents, most I am thinking of my friends on ever expressed the sentiments a year and wasn’t even available ton area superintendents from would say the school day is social media, most of whom, above (which I somewhat doubt in all parts of the country. It was the Middlesex League Superin- already too short. What ever in the frenzy of the current in view of his role in suppress- hardly, in 1998, the massive tendents, the idea of later time happened to making sure stu- presidential nomination media ing the Whiskey Rebellion), he voter infl uencer that the meme starts for high school students dents get to sleep by at least circus, seem to have lost all would likely have done so in suggests. is now gaining support in the 9:00 pm. To suggest that teens common sense. My Facebook at least three times as many “The end of democracy and educational world. need to stay up until the News feed is full of false memes and words. Often I’ve wanted to the defeat of the American Revo- There seems to be an agree- at 11:00 is ridiculous. Blaming fake quotations devised to quote Washington in my col- lution will occur when govern- ment among these public edu- the early time start for tardiness support this or that political umns, but I fi nd it very diffi cult ment falls into the hands of lend- cators that high school students or blaming it for too many “D”s view. My friends, both Repub- due to his prolix prose. A good ing institutions and moneyed should start their school day on report cards is appalling. lican and Democrat, appear to rule of thumb is that any Wash- incorporations.” between 8:00 am to 8:30 am. Everybody wants youngsters have temporarily lost the abil- ington “quote” brief enough to — Thomas Jefferson Many of them think the bell in school to get enough sleep, ity to distinguish news from fi t in a Facebook meme, is likely FAKE. While the quote is per- should ring at 8:30 am. but is the answer giving them parody and truth from phony not a real Washington quote. fectly in tune with Jefferson’s Today, most high school stu- fi ve more minutes like that old “quotes.” The website www.mountvernon. distrust of banks and commerce, dents begin the school day song goes? “A free people ought not only org has a list of this and other he did not say it, at least not between 7:45 am to 8:00 am. How ironic that while some be armed and disciplined, but spurious Washington quotes. in those words. The tipoff is Think about this idea and then public school administrators they should have suffi cient arms “If I were to run, I’d run as a “moneyed incorporations.” While think about after-school ac- are talking about later school and ammunition to maintain a Republican. They’re the dumb- Jefferson would have known of tivities and high school sports status of independence from est group of voters in the coun- what we now call not-for-profi t programs. (Continued on Page 2) any who might attempt to abuse try. They believe anything on corporations, such as colleges, them, which would include their Fox News. I could lie and they’d churches, and municipalities, own government.” still eat it up. I bet my for profi t business corporations, — would be terrifi c.” with few exceptions, did not exist News Briefs FAKE. There is no record that — Donald Trump, until a quarter of a century of Washington ever said that. If People magazine, 1998 so after Jefferson’s death. The by Sal Giarratani you have read any of Washing- FAKE. There is no record that website www.monticello.org has ton’s writings, you know that in Trump said that in People or a list of this and other spurious The Attack on Belgium an age when “fl owery” prose was anywhere else. One tipoff is that Jefferson quotations. The latest bloody terrorist attack in Europe hap- pened in Brussels, where 35 people were killed and more than 300 injured. The threat of radical Islam continues and slowly the Europeans are fi nally seeing Do You Remember? reality. The president of France and the prime minister of Britain are fi nally speaking out on radical Islam and the threat it is to all of Western civilization. The world is at war with terrorists who are still living in the sixth century. The barbarians are no longer at the gates of Western civilization, they are already migrating inside the gates. Between being inspired online, or at their favorite mosque, the enemy is already here. It is time for all of Western civilization to one, recog- nize this enemy, and two, deal with it effectively. Eu- rope is being overrun by many who have no intention of assimilating, but of conquering. One co-host on the morning Boston.com show on 680 WRKO called radical Islam a cancer. You cannot co-exist with cancer. One will win, and one will lose. Frank Sinatra Jr. Dies on Tour How often do we hear entertainers say that they died on their last tour? They don’t mean it literally, but their experience at clubs was less than pleasant. Unfortu- nately for Frank Jr., it was literal. He passed away on March 16th on tour in Daytona Beach, FL, at age 72. Frank’s sister Nancy shared the news with a Facebook post, saying, “Sleep warm, Frankie.” One of his last concerts was on December 12th [the centennial of his father’s birth] in Beverly Hills. There will sadly be no more for the road, as his dad often sang. Thank God We Didn’t Live in Puritan America These punishments used to be handed out to school children misbehaving. If you got caught telling tales out (Continued on Page 14) Patriot’s Day 1948 in North Square, North End, Boston. (Photo by Pat Barrasso)

THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE HAS MOVED TO 343 CHELSEA ST., DAY SQUARE, This offi ce is open on Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors Call 617-227-8929 for more information PAGE 2 POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 1, 2016 Swan Boat Season Opens April 16th

THE BASILICA OF ST. PETER the beautiful entrance colon- nade, the baldachin (bronze canopy over the altar), and the twisted black marble columns that support the baldachin. The Basilica of St. Peter is claimed by the Romans to be one of the wonders of the world and perhaps the most stu- pendous of all. For nearly 200 years, the greatest masters of the Renaissance exerted their genius and exhausted all of the resources of their art while more Celebrating the end of winter and the onset of spring in New than 40 popes lavished their England, Mayor Martin J. Walsh will host the fi rst ride of the sea- treasures on this unparalleled son as the popular Boston Swan Boats open at the Public Garden sanctuary, which stands on the lagoon at 10:00 am on Saturday, April 16th. site of Nero’s circus where thou- “We are proud to celebrate the 140th year that the Swan Boats St. Peter’s Basilica, view from Saint Peter’s Square, Vatican sands of the first Christians have brought joy to the Public Garden and millions of residents City, Italy. were martyred. and visitors since they were fi rst launched,” said Mayor Walsh. St. Peter’s is the most im- “I’m pleased to join the Paget family and local schoolchildren for Pope Julius II, an outstand- gallo the Younger. Sometime portant building of the Italian this historic ride around the Public Garden lagoon as we open the ing pontiff, statesman, and around 1547, when Michelan- Renaissance period, and the Swan Boats for another season.” patriot, ruthlessly pulled down gelo was 72 years old, he was largest church in the world. This annual rite is made possible thanks to the Paget family, the original Church of St. Peter commanded by Pope Julius Some idea of its tremendous owners and operators of the Swan Boats, fi rst launched by Irish in order to erect a monument to III to take over the position of size can be realized when we immigrant and shipbuilder Robert Paget. Mr. Paget designed the the papal power, the Christian architect for the edifi ce which discover that St. Patrick’s Swan Boats after attending the opera Lohengrin in New York City. religion, the Latin race, and to was about fi fty percent com- Church in New York City will At the end of the opera, the crosses a river in a boat drawn himself. This pope, quick to plete. Michelangelo prepared fi t inside St. Peter’s three times by a swan. detect genius, selected Donato the design for a central dome in length, and the Statue of Mayor Walsh will be joined on the fi rst ride of the year with Bramante, an Umbrian and set on a high circular drum- Liberty on its base will fi t under students from , including the Ellis Mendell Lombard- and Roman-style ar- like base and strengthened the dome of St. Peter’s leaving Elementary School and the Higginson/Lewis K-8 School, both in chitect, to prepare the designs the piers below. Unfortunately, 95-feet to spare. The lettering Roxbury. The students are drawing pictures of the Swan Boats for a new St. Peter’s and the Michelangelo died before the at the interior base of the dome in art class. Random selections from all the drawings created will construction work started in dome was constructed, but it translates from Latin to “Thou then be on display at . 1506. was completed from models that art Peter and upon this rock 2016 marks the 140th season for the Swan Boats. The oldest and Pope Julius died in 1513 and Michelangelo left. He had served I will build My Church and smallest boat in the fl eet just celebrated its 105th season, while Bramante was replaced by the the Pope without compensation to thee I will give the keys to the newest was launched in 1993. The swan on today’s boats is Florentine architect and sculp- “For Love of God only,” and once the Kingdom of heaven.” The made from either copper or fi berglass, depending on the age of tor Jiuliano da Sangallo, who again produced one of the great main altar is called the Altar the boat, and encloses a paddle mechanism that is used to foot died after accomplishing very master pieces of art. of Confession. It was built over propel the boat through the water. little. Other architects called The architects who succeeded the tomb of St. Peter. The Holy Fully loaded, each Swan Boat weighs three tons and carries up in at later times to lend their Michelangelo were: Giaconda Father or specially authorized to twenty passengers. The Swan Boats are built on oak framed expertise to the project were Della Portal, Domenici Fontana, cardinals are the only persons pontoons sheathed in copper just as they were initially constructed Fra Giocondo, the world famous Vignola, Liborio, Carlo Madera, permitted to say Mass here. The in 1877. After being stored in a safe place for the winter, the boats painter Raphael, Baldassare and Giovanni Bernini. Bernini are returned to the Public Garden Lagoon in the spring, with Mayor Peruzzi from Siena, and San- is the architect who designed (Continued on Page 14) Walsh and his young guests celebrating the fi rst ride of the season. For more information, please visit the Swan Boats of Boston online at www.swanboats.com or call 617-522-1966.

• When Should the High School Day Start (Continued from Page 1) starts, many chartered schools man (woman) healthy, wealthy are pushing for longer school and wise”? Consolato Generale d’Italia days sometimes starting at This advice is as good today 7:30 am until at least as it was when Ben Franklin Boston, Massachusetts 4:00 pm. fi rst handed it out for folks to While public schools are talk- contemplate. REFERENDUM ABROGATIVO ing about homework stress, If we want our students to chartered schools are talking continue to fall behind students 17 APRILE 2016 about more homework. around the world, is the cure Con decisione del Consiglio dei Ministri adoƩ ata il 10 febbraio è stata determinata la data del While public schools seem to let them just sleep later in 17 aprile 2016 per il REFERENDUM ABROGATIVO della norma che prevede che i permessi e to be fi xated on the social and the morning? Or is it making le concessioni a esplorazioni e trivellazioni dei giacimenƟ di idrocarburi entro dodici miglia emotional needs of students, education the best that it can dalla costa abbiano la “durata della vita u le del giacimento” (referendum popolare per chartered schools are all about be? Forget looking at the alarm Ɵ better and more education, not clock and look into the prod- l’abrogazione del comma 17, terzo periodo, dell’art. 6 del decreto legislaƟ vo 3 aprile 2006, less. uct being taught in our public n. 152 [Norme in materia ambientale], come sosƟ tuito dal comma 239 dell’art. 1 della legge Final thought, does anyone classrooms at every level from 28 dicembre 2015, n. 208 [Disposizioni per la formazione del bilancio annuale e pluriennale remember that old saying, “Ear- K-1 to Grade 12. dello Stato о legge di stabilità 2016], limitatamente alle seguenƟ parole: «per la durata di vita ly to bed, early to rise, makes a Stop all the psychobabble! uƟ le del giacimento, nel rispeƩ o degli standard di sicurezza e di salvaguardia ambientale»). ELETTORI RESIDENTI ALL’ESTERO ED ISCRITTI ALL’AIRE 1ST SUFFOLK AND MIDDLESEX DISTRICT Gli eleƩ ori residenƟ all’estero ed iscriƫ nell’AIRE (Anagrafe degli Italiani ResidenƟ all’Estero) riceveranno come di consueto il plico eleƩ orale al loro domicilio. Si ricorda che è onere del STATE SENATE SEAT ciƩ adino mantenere aggiornato il Consolato circa il proprio indirizzo di residenza. SCADENZARIO CANDIDATES FORUM Entro il 29 marzo il Consolato invia per posta a ciascun eleƩ ore il plico eleƩ orale con la A Candidates Forum for the 1st Suffolk and Mid- scheda e le istruzioni. Chi non avesse ricevuto il plico eleƩ orale entro il 2 aprile 2016 potrà dlesex District State Senate Seat will be held on recarsi di persona presso il Consolato per verifi care la sua posizione eleƩ orale e richiedere Tuesday, April 5, 2016, from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm at eventualmente un duplicato. the Salesian Boys & Girls Club, 140 Byron Street, Le schede votate devono pervenire in Consolato entro e non oltre le ore 16.00 di giovedì East Boston, MA. State senate candidates will be 14 aprile 2016. discussing their positions on issues important to Il Consolato Generale di Boston - che resta a completa disposizione per qualsiasi ulteriore residents of the district. Issues will include public informazione - può essere contaƩ ato ai seguenƟ recapiƟ : 617-722-9220 (Uĸ cio AIRE) / safety, affordable housing, and education. Mem- 617-722-9407 (fax) o a mezzo posta eleƩ ronica: eleƩ [email protected] . Per maggiori bers of the public are encouraged to attend. Light informazioni si prega di visitare anche il seguente sito: www.consboston.esteri.it refreshments will be served. POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 1, 2016 PAGE 3 POST-GAZETTE Pamela Donnaruma, Publisher and Editor Rev. Richard Passeri, OFM 5 Prince Street, P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113 617-227-8929 617-227-8928 FAX 617-227-5307 Rev. Richard Passeri, career serving in our Cen- OFM of Boston’s North tral American Missions e-mail: [email protected] End on March 21, 2016. spending most of that time Website: www.BostonPostGazette.com Richard was the oldest in Honduras and in Gua- Subscriptions in the $35.00 yearly friar in the Immaculate temala. He also served Published weekly by Conception Province at in parochial ministry at Post-Gazette, 5 Prince St., P.O. Box 130135, the time of his death. He St. Anthony Church, NY, Boston, MA 02113 would have been 97 in St. Sebastian Church, NY, USPS 1538 – Second-Class Postage paid at Boston, MA POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the May. Our Lady of Mount Carmel POST-GAZETTE - P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113 Born Alfred Passeri Church in Watervliet, NY, James V. Donnaruma Caesar L. Donnaruma Phyllis F. Donnaruma on May 6, 1919, in East St. Anthony Church, 1896 to 1953 1953 to 1971 1971 to 1990 Boston, the son of the Troy, NY and St. Leon- Vol. 120 - No. 14 Friday, April 1, 2016 late Angelo and Giuditta ard Church, Boston’s (Caponi) Passeri. Besides North End. He was OUR POLICY: To help preserve the ideals and sacred traditions his parents, Fr. Richard is predeceased also stationed at St. Joseph Friary in of this our adopted country the United States of America: To revere its laws and inspire others to respect and obey by his siblings Andrew, Joseph, Angie Onset, MA, and Immaculate Conception them: To strive unceasingly to quicken the public’s sense of Nardone, Louise Palladino and Mary Seminary in Troy, NY. In recent years, civic duty: In all ways to aid in making this country greater Cervizzi. He is survived by many loving Fr. Richard was living at St. Christopher and better than we found it. nieces and nephews. Friary in the North End. Fr. Richard will He was received into the novitiate be remembered for his fraternal spirit, Bay State Chapter on August 28, 1939, taking the religious quick smile, good humor, and easy con- of Freedoms Foundation to Honor name Richard. He made his First Pro- versation. A Mass of Christian Burial was fession of Vows on August 29, 1940, held on Wednesday, March 23, 2016, at Judge Joseph V. Ferrino and his Solemn Profession of Vows St. Leonard Church in the North End. with “Spirit of ‘76” Award on August 29, 1943. Fr. Richard was Donations may be made to Marian ordained to the Priesthood of Jesus Manor Nursing Home, Carmelite Sisters Dr. Marchi of East Boston and Winthrop Christ on January 26, 1947. Fr. Richard of the Aged and Infi rmed, 130 Dorchester “ Matters” Founder also to be Honored spent the early years of his ministerial Street, , MA 02127. The Bay State Chapter of Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge will present the prestigious “Spirit of ‘76” Award JACKSON LUMBER & MILLWORK for meritorious service and th patriotism to Judge Joseph V. Celebrates 70 Anniversary Ferrino Sr. of Winthrop, who is the founder and driving force Headquartered in Lawrence, behind the local organization. The Massachusetts, Jackson Lum- Chapter will also present national ber & Millwork serves contrac- George Washington Honor Medals tors, remodelers, and home- to Dr. Regina Marchi of East owners throughout eastern Boston and “Music Matters” Massachusetts and southern Freedoms Foundation founder Kelly Russo of Winthrop. New Hampshire. Owned and National President The awards will be presented operated by the Torrisi family Michael Di Yeso at the Bay State Chapter’s 36st since 1946, the company re- Annual Awards Luncheon this cently celebrated the 70-year Saturday, April 2, 2016, at 12:30 pm, in Spinelli’s Banquet milestone. Facility, Day Square, in East Boston. Tickets are $50, Founded by Joe Torrisi, the and can be purchased from Marisa Di Pietro at (617) 650- company started at a small site 3442 or [email protected] or from Dottie D’Onofrio at on Jackson Street in Lawrence, [email protected]. Massachusetts in 1946. Joe National President of Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, recognized the building materi- Michael Di Yeso, will travel from Pennsylvania to present the als supply opportunity created “Spirit of ‘76” award to Judge Ferrino during the ceremony. by the post-World War II build- The Judge is the founder of the Bay State Chapter and its ing boom. Named Jackson Lum- current Executive Director and Treasurer. He is involved in ber for the street where it was Headquartered in Lawrence, MA for 70 years, Jackson Lumber numerous civic and cultural organizations, including the located, the company quickly & Millwork recently updated the exterior of the building with East Boston Kiwanis Club, the Dante Alighieri Society and outgrew the initial location and a new façade completed in March 2016. the Italian-American History Month organization. and a state-of-the-art kitchen Dr. Marchi is being honored with the George Washington design showroom in North Honor Medal for her numerous contributions while serving Andover, Massachusetts. After the community as a mentor, teacher, journalist and speaker. 30 years at the company helm, She has done extensive research on the history of East Al Torrisi passed control of Boston, which resulted in the 2015 publication of her book Jackson Lumber & Millwork to Legendary Locals of East Boston. The book traces the history the third generation of family of East Boston back to the 1600s. leadership in 2012. Kelly Russo of Winthrop is being honored with the George Current Jackson President, Washington Honor Medal for her instrumental work restoring Mark Torrisi, is committed to music to the Winthrop Public School curriculum after it was continuing the company mis- eliminated during budget cuts. She started the effort as a sion to “provide customers with 10th-grader, and the program has blossomed into the very quality products, services and successful “Music Matters” program. solutions on-time and in-full, Tickets to the Bay State Chapter awards luncheon will every day.” The Torrisi family include a sit-down, full-menu offering at Spinelli’s. management team is known Freedoms Foundation honors Americans who go above and for incorporating innovative beyond in their efforts to educate their communities about business practices in order to the values of good citizenship. The foundation has recognized Jay Torrisi, CEO/Treasurer; Al Torrisi, Chairman of the produce better outcomes for several thousand dedicated individuals and organizations in Board; Mark Torrisi, President; and Joe Torrisi, Executive their customers. its 65-year existence. Freedoms Foundation is a non-profi t Vice President, celebrate Jackson Lumber & Millwork’s Known as one of the premier organization dedicated to teaching all citizens the principles 70th anniversary at an event for employees and retirees on building materials and supply upon which our nation was founded. The organization March 12, 2016. fi rms in New England, - seeks to convey the close link between the rights and the son Lumber was recognized in responsibilities of citizens in a free society. moved to Market Street, where and local economy, Jackson 2014 as the National ProSales they could spread out over an Lumber & Millwork enjoyed Dealer of the Year. After 70 The opinions expressed by our columnists and contributors entire city block. Innovative for steady growth under the Torrisi years in business, Jackson are not necessarily the same as those of The Post-Gazette, its that time, the property included family leadership. Today, the Lumber & Millwork and the publisher or editor. Photo submissions are accepted by the Post- a drive-through lumber yard company has a millwork manu- Torrisi family continue the com- Gazette provided they are clear, original photos. There is a $5 and a rail spur to facilitate lum- facturing facility in Raymond, mitment to give back to their charge for each photo submitted. Photos can be submitted via ber delivery by rail. New Hampshire, lumber yards communities and to actively e-mail: [email protected]. If you want your photos returned, Throughout the ups and and retail stores in Amesbury, participate in lumber industry include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. downs of the national, regional, and Lawrence, Massachusetts, associations. PAGE 4 POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 1, 2016 L’Anno Bello: A Year in Italian Folklore Amazing April by Ally Di Censo Symynkywicz THINKING World War II. On April 25, 1945, OUT LOUD the cities of Turin and Milan by Sal Giarratani were the fi rst to be freed from the occupation, and their libera- tion prompted a chain of events I Love Playing which culminated in Italy’s free- Good Guys, Bad Guys and Fake Cops dom. Italy celebrates Liberation Day, or Festa della Liberazione, About 10 years ago, I signed with processions, speeches and up for the movies as an extra. I countrywide events. My ances- had a bit part in Stiffs starring tors, including my grandpar- Danny Aiello playing a low-level ents, still lived in Italy during hood. More recently, I was an the Second World War and had FBI agent in Black Mass and a to deal with all the horrors that wealthy businessman in Joy. accompany an armed confl ict, A few weeks back, I showed from bombings to mob violence up in for an open April Fools’ Day is upon us, weather in order to determine to food shortages. As such, I casting call at Boston Casting and that is no joke! In Italy, this important and vital times like always feel compelled to remind for a part in Patriots Day, about quaint folk holiday is known as when to plant and what crop people of this springtime feast, the bomb- pesce d’Aprile, or “April fi sh,” yields to expect. As such, most a holiday commemorating the ings. This past week, I received and people there join in the fun of the Italian proverbs related ordinary Italians who fought so a call to show up for a fi tting by trying to pin paper fi sh on to April (which I gathered from hard to free their beautiful land for the movie as a Boston police each other’s backs. The mis- the wonderful website italyre- from the terror of fascism. offi cer. chievous fi rst day of April pass- visited.org) concern themselves May Day Eve (April 30th): I I spent 27 and a half years as es quickly, but afterwards there with the weather of the month. love this holiday! Since ancient a real cop for the Department of is still a whole month of spring One proverb declares: “L’Aprile times, European folklore has Mental Health and I felt it might and sunshine to enjoy. April piovoso, fa il Maggio grazioso.” attributed the fi rst day of May be fun to play a reel cop. After smells like fresh fl owers and Translating to “a rainy April with magical properties. People all, unless like actor Vic Mor- the pungent scent of trees after makes a grateful May,” this is believed that elves, fairies, and row from Combat, you end up a delicate rainfall, like balmy the Italian version of the “April witches were especially active dead during the fi lming of the breezes and juicy strawberries. showers bring May flowers” on this day. In Italy, May Day Twilight Zone movie, it should As I sit to write this article, a dictum. Another proverb says is known as Calendimaggio, and be pretty painless. hope this movie is presented in soft rain drizzles down outside “Marzo tinge, Aprile dipinge” … celebrations begin the night be- Back in the day, extras were such a way as not to hurt people the window, making the grass meaning that what March dirt- fore, on the last evening of April. called extras because that’s all again. It is an important story seem lush and greener than a ies, April cleans up, just as April Cities hold festivals and events they were considered. Nowadays, about not only senseless vio- mint sprig, and the pavement rains and vegetation takes over with a spooky twist, replete with we are now called “Background lence, but also of the way people shiny and smooth like obsidian. the muddy or snowy changeable witch decorations and magi- Actors.” Sounds more profes- came together “Boston Strong” I am reminded of the old rhyme weather of March. However, cal themes. Honor this day by sional, but still pays the same. for one another. Those who were I cheerfully intoned as a young another proverb admonishes taking a walk during dusk and As I read last week’s Wey- there and those who viewed girl: “April showers bring May “Aprile, non ti scoprire.” It warns contemplating the wonder and mouth News about this movie it on TV will never forget that fl owers!” Indeed, April is the against discarding your coat mystery still left in the world. company recreating Boylston awful day. time of the year when spring during April, as there are still Sagre: In conclusion, I would Street at the Southfi eld runway I do hope that Mark Wahlberg fi nally feels in full-bloom, when cool days left! like to point out that towns and in Weymouth, I wondered how gives all of us a good movie flowers, rain, and abundant Rome’s Birthday (April 21st) cities all over Italy hold sagre, it will all look in person, and on to refl ect over as we press on sunshine melt together to form and St. Mark’s Day (April or food festivals, throughout the the big screen, too. in our lives knowing that evil an energetic, playful month. 25th): Italy is fi lled with many year. They focus on seasonal, As a police offi cer, I was still seems to be lurking all around The origin of April’s name also city-specifi c holidays, and two local ingredients and the vari- on the job when the bombings us. We cannot give into fear, but refl ects its qualities of rejuvena- of the most intriguing fall dur- ous ways to highlight them in happened on April 15, 2013. I remain strong and hopeful that tion and rebirth. April derives ing April. Rome’s birthday delicious dishes. Most Italian retired on April 30, 2013. I do we will keep on keeping on. from the Latin word aperire, honors the founding of the sagre focus on the country’s which means “to open.” Truly, city, all the way back in 753 premiere spring vegetable, the all of nature is opening and B.C. Romans celebrate with artichoke, or carciofo. I abso- awakening at this point, from festivals, parades, concerts, and lutely love artichokes and look the purple tulips peeking out fi rework displays throughout forward to them every spring. of the dirt to the buds on tree la cittá eterna (the eternal city). Enjoy artichokes the way Ital- branches, and the baby ani- Four days later, the charming ians do … stuffed in pastas like mals walking on wobbly legs. maritime city of Venice displays ravioli or tortellini, or simply As the Latin origin of the name similar gaiety for St. Mark’s marinated. Yum! suggests, April is a signifi cant Day, or Festa di San Marco, So there you go … wonderful month in Italy. Not only is it the feast day of Venice’s pa- ways to celebrate Italian heri- a full month of spring and the tron saint. Carnivals, markets tage throughout April. When frequent home of Easter, but and parties center around the spring is in the air, everyone is April brims with its own folk tra- enormous St. Mark’s Square, in the mood for festivity, and ditions, holidays, and customs the beating-heart of the city. Italy is no different! Which- particular to Italy. The following Celebrate both holidays by en- ever holidays and customs you is a sampling of these quirky joying food from each region. choose to honor, make sure and culturally rich practices: How about a plate of spaghetti you feast with joy in your heart April Proverbs: Italian folk- alla carbonara (spaghetti with and optimism for the bounty lore abounds with multiple egg sauce) on Rome’s birthday of spring. NORTH END proverbs related to months and and some risi e bisi, or risotto times of the year. These hearken with peas, on St. Mark’s Day? Ally Di Censo Symynkywicz is back to the days when Italian Liberation Day (April 25th): a Graduate Student in History at the University of Massachu- PRINTING society was primarily based on This patriotic holiday honors agriculture. Farmers needed the liberation of Italy from Nazi setts Boston. She appreciates 5 PRINCE STREET • NORTH END • BOSTON, MA 02113 to pay special heed to the and fascist occupation during any comments and suggestions about Italian holidays and folk- Owned and operated by Pamela Donnaruma, Publisher, Post-Gazette lore at [email protected]. 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St. Stephen’s Church Children’s Choir

The newly-formed children’s choir dis- derful support from their families and the played their singing talents during the St. Stephen’s community! Congrats to Anna 11:00 am Easter Sunday service. Af- Schulz, Gina DiNunzio, Amelia Wolfson, ter several days of practice, these third Brian Sheknel and Hale McGivern. St. Stephen’s and fourth grade students from the looks forward to hearing your sweet voices on Elliot and St. John Schools, received won- the fi rst and third Sunday of each month! Spring Country Fair Once again the Annual Spring Country Fair appliances, bedding, home decorations, gourmet Free Ballet Performances will be held at St. Francis of Assisi, 325 Cam- gift baskets, homemade baked goods, cooking Inspired by bridge Street, Cambridge. (Enter the Church Hall supplies, and gift cards to local stores. In addi- around the corner on Sciarappa Street.) The Fair tion, there will be a cash raffl e for $500, $500, Lawren Harris Paintings at MFA Boston will be held on April 10, 2016, from 3:00 pm to $300 and $200. As part of the exhibition The 7:00 pm. Raffl e tables will include a TV, home Luncheon will be available for purchase as well. Idea of North: The Paintings of Lawren Harris, the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (MFA), American Heart Association’s is hosting free daily perfor- mances of a seven-minute th solo piece choreographed by 3rd Annual Heart Challenge Set for June 25 Robert Binet, Choreographic Associate at The National Join the American Heart Association for an followed by an on-site Summer Celebration which Ballet of Canada. Performed adventurous 5K obstacle trail run with family, will include a short speaking program, live music by the company’s Corps de friends, co-workers and survivors at this year’s and Hands-Only CPR Trainings! The course is Ballet member Spencer Hack, Heart Challenge on Saturday, June 25th, at designed to be completed by anyone that can run Binet’s dance, Lake Maligne, Prowse Farm in Canton, MA. The event will kick- a 5K. To register or for more information, visit draws inspiration from ele- ments such as light, mood off at 8:00 am with heats running through noon, www.heartchallenge.org or call 781-373-4517. Previous performance of Robert and composition in Harris’ Binet’s Lake Maligne. paintings. For one week, the (Image courtesy of performance unfolds in a gal- Tony Nandi) rd lery space among the works The 23 Annual Taste of the North End that inspired it. The dance brings intimacy to Harris’ distanced, majestic landscapes, paying homage to the environments they Off ers Guests a Taste of Italy conjure while activating them in the fl esh. rd Lake Maligne will be presented from April 6–10, 2016, Wednes- The 23 annual Taste of the North End, one of La Summa; Lilly Pasta; Lucca; Mamma Maria; day through Friday at 2:00 pm, 6:00 pm, and 8:00 pm, and on Boston’s most popular festivals of food, charity, Massimino; Mike’s Pastry; Modern Pastry; Nep- Saturday and Sunday at 11:00 am and 2:00 pm. and neighborhood, will be taking place FRIDAY, tune Oyster; Paul W. Marks; Piantedosi Baking; For more information on these performances, visit mfa.org. TH APRIL 29 from 7:00-10:00 PM at DCR’S Prezza; Rocco’s Cucina & Bar; Sail Loft; Strega; Lake Maligne is the latest installment of live art at the MFA, one STERITI MEMORIAL RINK, 561 Commercial Taranta; The Living Room; Tresca; Union Oyster of the fi rst encyclopedic museums in the U.S. to fully integrate Street, North End, Boston. Bringing together the House; Vito’s; Carmelina’s; Ward 8; Fabrizia performance art into its collections, exhibitions and programs. North End’s best Italian restaurants, The Taste Limoncello; Wines; Voga Italia Wines; Performance Art at the MFA is supported by Lorraine Bressler. of the North End raises money to support local Champy; and Harpoon Brewery. organizations providing healthcare and social Tickets are on sale now at a discounted price of services to its community in need. $79. Tickets will be $99 after April 15th. They can Guests are invited to sample a wide array of ap- be purchased on www.brownpapertickets.com petizers, cheeses, entrees and desserts from over by searching, “Taste of the North End 2016” or 35 of the North End’s most popular eateries, while through the organization website www.totne.org. LUCIA sipping on libations from area wine and beer About Taste of the North End distributors. The event, emceed by Billy Costa of Bringing together over 35 of the North End’s R I S T O R A N T E & B A R KISS 108 and NESN’s Dining Playbook, will also best Italian restaurants, The Taste of the North Traditional Italian Cuisine feature a high-end silent auction, a live band, End is an annual fundraiser that supports local and an award ceremony honoring Lt. Governor organizations providing healthcare and social 415 Hanover Street, Boston Karyn Polito and John McGee of Mamma Maria. services to its community in need. Since its fi rst Co-chaired by event founder Donato Frattaroli, event in 1993, The Taste of the North End has 617.367.2353 owner of Lucia Ristorante, and James Luisi, raised over $600,000 for local organizations CEO of North End Waterfront Health, the event including: North End Waterfront Health; The will donate 100% of the profi ts to area non- Eliot School; St. John School; North End Against 11 Mount Vernon Street, Winchester profi t organizations. Last year’s event raised over Drugs; North End Athletic Association; North End $100,000 for non-profi t organizations including: Music and Performing Arts Center; and more. 781.729.0515 North End Waterfront Health; The Eliot School; Founded by Donato and Nancy Frattaroli, along St. John School; North End Against Drugs; North with the support of the North End restaurant End Athletic Association; North End Music and community, the fi rst Taste of the North End took Private Function Rooms for any Occasion Performing Arts Center; and more. place in the basement of St. John School. What Christening • Bridal Shower • Baby Shower This year’s participants will include: Accardi & began as a modest gathering of 15 area restau- Son; Albert A. Russo Imports, Inc.; Antico Forno; rants that fi rst year, quickly gained popularity Birthday • Bereavement, Etc. Terramia; Aragosta; Aria Trattoria; Artu; Bricco; and outgrew its St. John location — moving to the Mare; Il Panino; Cafe Paradiso; Captain Jack- Coast Guard Base, the , Donato Frattaroli son’s Historic Chocolate Shop; Espresso Plus; and fi nally to its current location, the DCR’s [email protected] www.luciaristorante.com Filippo; Gennaro; Il Molo; Lucia; J. Pace & Son; Steriti Rink on Commercial Street. PAGE 6 POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 1, 2016 Plant a Pollinator Garden Saint Gaspar Bertoni and Enjoy the Many Benefi ts by Bennett Molinari and Richard Molinari Gaspar Bertoni was born his mother, and was trans- by Melinda Myers in Verona, in the Republic of ferred from St. Paul’s Parish to Whether planting a garden, enjoy- Venice, on October 9, 1777. He St. Firmus Major. Here, the ing the beauty of your landscape, was the son of Francis Bertoni a bishop entrusted him with the or sitting down to a delicious meal, wealthy lawyer and notary, and spiritual direction of the dioc- you have bees, butterfl ies and other Brunora Ravelli of Sirmione. esan seminary. pollinators to thank. These essential His sister died when Gaspar On November 4, 1816, with members of our ecosystem are re- was quite young. He was edu- two companions, he moved into sponsible for much of the food and cated at home, then by Jesuits a small house, adjacent to a beauty we enjoy each day. and the Marian Congregation suppressed Church that bore Unfortunately, pesticides and at Saint Sebastian’s School in the title of “the Sacred Stigmata habitat loss are threatening their Verona, Italy. of St. Francis” from which the existence. There is something you At his First Communion, name of his community was can do to help. Turn your garden, Gaspar received a vision and eventually adapted. The Stig- backyard, or balcony into a pollina- message that he was to be- matines had an apostolate tor’s habitat. come a priest, and he entered centered on the instruction of Plant a variety of fl owering plants the seminary in 1796. During Saint Magdalen Canossa youth, the preaching of retreats that provide nectar and pollen his first year of theology, he convent, spiritual director of and popular missions and the throughout the season. Planting witnessed the invasion of the nuns and an entire seminary. assistance in Clergy formation. Monarch on Tithonia masses of natives, herbs and other French armies. This was the He was also one of the lead- The Community grew steadily pollinator favorites like sedum, zin- beginning of a 20-year period ers to offer prayers and sup- arriving in the United States nias, alyssum, cosmos, and columbine will attract these beauties of great upheaval for his native port for Pope Pius VIl when he in 1905. to your landscape. Include a variety of day and night blooming city. Gaspar dedicated himself was imprisoned by Napoleon For nearly two centuries, the fl owers in a variety of colors and shapes to support the widest to the assistance of the sick Bonaparte. His pastoral work Stigmatines worked in China, range of pollinators. But don’t let a lack of space dissuade you; and wounded as a member of a was marked by the establish- Thailand, the Philippines and even a window box of fl owers can help. Gospel Fraternity for the Hos- ment of Marian Oratories, de- various countries in Africa and Keep your plants healthy and blooming with proper care. Match pitals that had just then been votion to the Five Wounds of Latin America. the plants to the growing conditions, provide needed water, and instituted by Fr. Peter Leonardi. Christ, and establishment of Gaspar Bertoni died 19 years fertilize with an organic nitrogen fertilizer like Milorganite (milor- Gaspar was ordained a priest on schools for the poor. later, in 1835, after years of ganite.com) when needed. You’ll promote slow, steady plant growth September 20, 1800. By September of 1810, Gas- fighting an infection in his that is less susceptible to drought and pests. Plus the slow release In 1808, Gaspar became par had moved from his fam- right leg. He was canonized by of low nitrogen won’t interfere with fl owering, which is essential chaplain to the sisters of ily home after the death of Pope John Paul II in 1989. to the health and well being of our pollinators. Supplement pollinators’ diets with a bit of rotten fruit. And be sure to provide trees, shrubs, parsley, dill and other plants that North End Friends of St. Francis House caterpillars, grubs and the immature stage of other pollinators prefer to feed upon. Put away the pesticides and tolerate a few holes in the leaves of their favorite plants. With a diversity of plants, Annual Flea Market & Bake Sale you can easily overlook the temporary leaf damage. Plus, this is North End Friends of St. Francis House will change and donating it on Friday, April 8th or a small price to pay for all the benefi ts they bring to the garden. be having our Annual Flea Market and Bake Saturday, April 9th. Or bring it to the event on Provide pollinators with shelter from predators and the weather. Sale to support the St. Francis House Homeless either day. Include a variety of trees, shrubs and perennials. Leave patches Shelter. The event will be on Friday, April 8th from We will have Mama Romano’s homemade egg- of open soil for ground nesting bees and some leaf litter to shel- 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, and Saturday, April 9th from plant, meatballs and sausages, as well as baked ter some butterfl ies, bumblebees and other pollinating insects. 9:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Nazzaro Center. goods from various bakeries and pastry shops Supplement natural shelter with commercial or homemade nesting So clean out your closets, storage units and homemade goodies. boxes. You’ll fi nd do-it-yourself plans on the internet from various and cellars and donate your clean unwanted If you want to bake for us, you can drop off educational sources. household items, tools, records, CDs, books, baked goods on Thursday, April 7th from 5:00 Puddles, fountains, birdbaths, and even a damp sponge can small appliances, collectibles, toys, games, sports to 7:00 pm, or on Friday morning starting at provide needed water. Include water features with sloping sides equipment, jewelry and similar items that are 7:00 am. or add a few stones to create easier access. Or sink a shallow clean and items in good condition for us to sell Hope you will stop by and HELP US HELP THE container of sand in the ground. Keep it damp and add a pinch at our Flea Market. All items can be dropped off HOMELESS!! of sea salt for the butterfl ies and bees. at the Nazzaro Center starting on Saturday, April If you cannot attend and would like to mail in a Maximize your efforts by teaming up with your neighbors. To- 2nd and Monday, April 4th through Thursday, donation, checks can be made out to St. Francis gether you can create a larger, more diverse habitat that provides April 7th. House and mailed to: Olivia Scimeca, 21 Cleve- pollinators with the resources they need to thrive. PLEASE NO CLOTHES, COMPUTERS, CAR land Place, Boston, Mass. 02113. Your efforts will be rewarded with greater harvests, beautiful SEATS, or UNCLEANED ITEMS! For more information or questions, please fl owers, and colorful birds and butterfl ies visiting your garden. Also, you can help us by collecting your spare contact John Romano at [email protected]. Gardening expert, TV/radio host, author & columnist Melinda Myers has more than 30 years of horticulture experience and has written over 20 gardening books, including Small Space Garden- GUYS, DOLLS & THE POST-GAZETTE ing and the Midwest Gardener’s Handbook. She hosts The Great by Sal Giarratani Courses “How to Grow Anything: Food Gardening For Everyone” DVD set and the nationally syndicated Melinda’s Garden Moment TV & radio segments. Myers is also a columnist and contributing editor for Birds & Blooms magazine and spokesperson for Milor- ganite. Myers’ web site is www.melindamyers.com.

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Boston Symphony Orchestra Partners with Boston Youth Symphony Orchestras to Present a Newly-Conceived Family Version of Rossini’s Opera Freeway Says ...

Cinderella Due to his increasing popularity and several suggestions from readers (and after much negotiating The Boston Symphony on our part with his huge salary demands), our friend Freeway has consented to try to answer read- Orchestra will collaborate with ers’ questions concerning him or any of our little four-legged friends. You can email your questions to the Boston Youth Symphony [email protected] to the attention of Freeway. Don’t forget folks, Freeway is not a vet, so please Orchestras (BYSO) for two keep the questions light-hearted! Thanks. special semi-staged perfor- Is Your Pet Bunny Too Plump? mances of a newly-conceived family version of Rossini’s op- Hay, vegetables, pellets, and percent fi ber and between 14 era La Cenerentola (Cinderella) fruit, rabbits love to eat all four. and 16 percent protein. And conducted by BYSO Music But do you know how much don’t buy more than six weeks’ Director Federico Cortese on your pet should be getting of worth at a time, because they Sunday, April 10th (noon and each? Here’s how to prevent will go bad. 3:00 pm), at Symphony Hall. your bunny from gaining too Fruit (and carrots, too): Think The performances will fea- much weight. They love to eat of fruit as your pet bunny’s ture an orchestra made up of and adore sweets and, in turn, version of sweets. A bunny musicians of the Boston Youth Symphony performing alongside pet rabbits have a tendency to will likely eat all the fruit you musicians of the Boston Symphony Orchestra with a cast of pro- become overweight bunnies. In provide, but will gain weight fessional singers including Julia Dawson, Randall Bills, José Adán fact, obesity is the second most mainly of food pellets. However, as a result. Limit fruit to no Pérez, Thomas Hammons, Amanda Opuszynski, Sarah Larsen, common health issue faced by a diet of just pellets is a sure more than two ounces for ev- and Louis Otey. pet bunnies, after tooth prob- way to an overweight bunny. ery six pounds of body weight. This newly-conceived production of Rossini’s La Cenerentola, lems. What’s more, they spend In fact, pellets should be used Because carrots are so high in with stage direction by Edward Berkeley, has been specially a lot of time inactive in cages, sparingly, as they were origi- sugar, you should treat them designed as an engaging introduction to the experience of classi- so they don’t tend to burn off nally designed for the growth of as a fruit, and serve them just cal music for children and young families. It will be presented in the food they are eating. This meat rabbits. as sparingly. English and enhanced by lighting effects, costumes, visual projec- can lead to a number of health The healthiest diet for a pet How to Help your Rabbit tions, and a narrator; the set will be designed to evoke the feel of problems, including digestive rabbit is apportioned this way: Lose Weight a 1950s TV family sitcom, providing a colorful suburban setting issues, urinary tract problems, Hay: At least 85 percent of An overweight bunny must for a modern telling of the timeless fairy tale. a weak heart, and dirty fur. a pet rabbit’s diet should be lose weight the same way an Performances will run for one hour and 15 minutes without an An overweight bunny also can a grass hay like timothy, oat, overweight person does — by intermission, and are suitable for children six years of age and face problems performing an or barley. Hay is essential to a eating right and exercising. older. Tickets for Rossini’s Cinderella may be purchased now by essential part of their diet. Rab- rabbit’s digestive process, and Exercise: Wild rabbits usually calling Symphony Charge at 888-266-1200. bits produce a type of night it also helps their teeth. You cover a home range of about feces called cecotrophs, which can give your rabbit unlimited two-acres every day in their BSO/BYSO PARTNERSHIP are rich in protein, vitamins, amounts of hay. Alfalfa hay is hunt for food. Keeping your pet The BSO and BYSO began their collaboration during the 2009- and minerals, and they need also acceptable, but keep in bunny cooped up all day is a 10 season as part of the BSO’s celebration of the 50th anniversary to eat some of these feces to be mind that it must be doled out surefi re route to rabbit obesity. of its Youth Concert Series, and the 2012-13 season brought healthy. Overweight rabbits can- because it has more protein and You need to get him out of signifi cant development to this program in a commitment called not reach their rump to eat the calories than grassy hays. the cage an hour or two every “BYSO/BSO: Partnering for the Future.” The partnership offers cecotrophs, and they may be- Vegetables: The second most day and encourage him to run joint performance opportunities for young musicians, audiences, come malnourished as a result. important rabbit food is fresh around and play. You also can and the wider community, while exploring innovative ways to About 2.2 million U.S. house- leafy greens such as kale, col- provide some toys in his crate continue to foster the future of classical music. holds have a pet rabbit, which lard greens, romaine lettuce, for him to chew and enjoy. As part of this unique collaboration, the management of the is the most popular type of mustard greens, beet tops, car- Diet: If your rabbit is obese, Boston Symphony, together with BYSO, works closely with BSO small animal kept as a pet. rot tops, parsley, endive and ra- you should cut out the pellets musicians, guest artists, conductors, and assistant conductors to The Dutch rabbit is one of the dicchio. You should serve your and fruit completely. You also offer BYSO musicians special coaching, master classes, and other most common rabbit breeds in adult pet bunny about two to can limit the veggies if your opportunities for joint music-making. The BSO and BYSO also the United States, featuring fur four cups of leafy greens daily bunny doesn’t start losing develop a mentor/“godparent” program involving the musicians that is often white mixed with for every fi ve pounds of body weight. A pet rabbit can live on of both organizations. brown or black. Some people weight. You also can provide an all-hay diet for a month or Since 2009, BYSO has collaborated with the BSO on the three- prefer the smaller dwarf rabbits smaller amounts of other veg- two, if necessary. part Family Concert Series at Symphony Hall, reaching more than or lop rabbits, which have ears etables like Brussels sprouts, Rabbits can become over- 45,000 audience members, including 25,000 children. In 2014, that hang down rather than broccoli, green peppers, and weight very quickly through a the series expanded to include a family opera, a shortened version standing up. Other pet owners pea pods. poor diet and sedentary life- of Mozart’s The Magic Flute. This innovative production sold out like angora rabbits, which have Pellets: You can supplement style. Feed your pet rabbit back-to-back performances at Symphony Hall and attracted nearly long hair that is always in need your pet rabbit’s diet with a pel- right and you’ll gave a happy 5,000 audience members representing Boston’s diverse commu- of grooming. let rabbit food, but you should companion who will be around nities, from opera enthusiasts to families who had never seen a How Can You Keep Your do so sparingly. An adult bunny for years. classical music performance. Half of the attendees were children. Pet Rabbit in Shape? only needs one-quarter cup of That’s all for now! FEDERICO CORTESE, BYSO MUSIC DIRECTOR Choose the healthiest rabbit pellet feed daily for every fi ve I hope Joan from the Post- Federico Cortese assumed the post of Music Director of the food for your pet. Pet bunnies pounds of body weight. Be sure Gazette enjoys this article since Boston Youth Symphony Orchestras in 1999. He has conducted are vegetarians, so rabbit food to buy pellets with 18 to 20 she has a rabbit! throughout the United States, Australia, China, and Europe. He should mostly consist of fi ber is also the Music Director of the Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra at and carbohydrates. When peo- LEGAL NOTICE . From 1998–2002, he served as Assistant ple think about a pet rabbit’s Conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra under Seiji Ozawa. diet, they are likely to think Commonwealth of Massachusetts LEGAL NOTICE In addition to his annual scheduled concerts, Mr. Cortese has The Trial Court led the Boston Symphony several times in Symphony Hall and Probate and Family Court Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex Division The Trial Court at Tanglewood, most notably performing Beethoven’s Symphony DIAMONDS 208 Cambridge Street Probate and Family Court No. 9 and Puccini’s Madama Butterfl y. Mr. Cortese has conducted ROLEX East Cambridge, MA 02141 Middlesex Division (617) 768-5800 several prominent symphony orchestras, including Atlanta, Dal- ESTATE JEWELRY 208 Cambridge Street Docket No. MI16P1443EA East Cambridge, MA 02141 las, Houston, BBC Scottish Symphony, Sydney Symphony, and Bought & Sold (617) 768-5800 Oslo Philharmonic. Opera engagements have included Maggio Estate of Jewelers Exch. Bldg. FRITZ E. SOMMER Docket No. MI16P1439EA Musicale in Florence, the Spoleto Festival in Italy and the United Jim (617) 263-7766 Also Known As Estate of States, the Boston Lyric Opera, Opera Theatre of St. Louis, the FRITZ EDWIN SOMMER JOHN KENNEDY FITZGERALD, JR. Finnish National Opera, Opera Australia, and the Washington Date of Death April 23, 2007 Date of Death July 3, 2013 National Opera. Mr. Cortese has been Music Coordinator and INFORMAL PROBATE INFORMAL PROBATE Associate Conductor of the Spoleto Festival in Italy. He has also LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION NOTICE PUBLICATION NOTICE served as Assistant Conductor to Robert Spano and to Daniele To all persons interested in the above To all persons interested in the above NOTICE OF SALE captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner Gatti. Mr. Cortese, who was born in Rome, studied composition captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner Notice is hereby given by TODISCO Sandra J. Sommer of Munger, MI. Marie Vita of Elon College, NC. and conducting at the Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia in Rome and TOWING OF 94 CONDOR STREET, Sandra J. Sommer of Munger, MI has been Marie Vita of Elon College, NC has been subsequently studied at the Hochschule für Musik in Vienna. He EAST BOSTON, MA pursuant to informally appointed as the Personal Repre- informally appointed as the Personal Repre- sentative of the estate to serve without surety also studied literature and humanities and holds a law degree. the provisions of Mass G.L. c 255, sentative of the estate to serve without surety Section 39A that they will sell the on the bond. on the bond. Tickets may be purchased by calling Symphony Charge at following vehicles. The estate is being administered under The estate is being administered under 888-266-1200. Vehicles are being sold to satisfy informal procedure by the Personal Repre- informal procedure by the Personal Repre- their garage keeper’s lien for towing, sentative under the Massachusetts Uniform sentative under the Massachusetts Uniform ADDITIONAL YOUTH AND EDUCATION PROGRAMS storage and notices of sale: Probate Code without supervision by the Court. Probate Code without supervision by the Court. SPRING 2016 Inventory and accounts are not required to be Inventory and accounts are not required to be 2011 HONDA FIT fi led with the Court, but interested parties are fi led with the Court, but interested parties are The Boston Symphony Orchestra’s Education and Community VIN #JHMGE8H50BC019338 entitled to notice regarding the administra- entitled to notice regarding the administra- Engagement programs offer individuals of all ages and back- tion from the Personal Representative and 1989 FORD F-150 tion from the Personal Representative and grounds a rich variety of opportunities to experience orchestral can petition the Court in any matter relating can petition the Court in any matter relating VIN #1FDKF37L0HKA73115 to the estate, including distribution of assets to the estate, including distribution of assets music and the BSO, including programs designed to support and expenses of administration. Interested and expenses of administration. Interested the department’s mission of building broader relationships The above vehicles will be sold parties are entitled to petition the Court to parties are entitled to petition the Court to throughout the community and beyond; details at auction online only at institute formal proceedings and to obtain institute formal proceedings and to obtain TOWLOT.COM orders terminating or restricting the powers orders terminating or restricting the powers on the BSO’s Education and Community Engagement programs of Personal Representatives appointed under of Personal Representatives appointed under are available at http://www.bso.org/brands/bso/education- MONDAY, APRIL 18, 2016 informal procedure. A copy of the Petition and informal procedure. A copy of the Petition and community.aspx. at 9:00AM at towlot.com Will, if any, can be obtained from the Petitioner. Will, if any, can be obtained from the Petitioner. Run dates: 4/1, 4/8, 4/15, 2016 Run date 4/1/16 Run date 4/1/16 PAGE 8 POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 1, 2016 A Life of Sacrifi ce Sausage Night for the Family at the Italian American Cultural Organization (IACO) by Prof./Cav. Philip J. DiNovo The following interview took place around the year 2006. Here is Angela Moscatiello’s courageous story as recorded at that time. (Sadly, she passed away months afterward.) I once heard a psychologist MA. The Andera Doria sank give an estimate that approxi- and 46 people lost their lives. mately 50% of Americans are Angela, in shock, was initially narcissists. How did we get separated from her children and from the person I am going did not know whether they were to tell you about to the many alive or dead. She later found people who feel entitled, opting them in New York City, safely for an easy life and demand- gathered with other survivors. ing happiness for themselves? She settled in Troy, NY, where During the last decade, I inter- her aunt resided and found Richard and Joe making the sausages by hand and tying with string. viewed a woman named Angela work as a seamstress with sev- Moscatiello whose remarkable eral Troy fi rms. Then tragedy The Italian American Cultural Organization nated by Richardi’s. Raffl e prizes were some of the life exemplifi ed sacrifi ce. One struck again, when in 1958 her (IACO) held a Sausage Night on March 7, 2016, homemade sausages. A good time was had by all. of 13 children, she was born in son Michael began to drown at The Grove Manor in Braintree, MA. President IACO meetings are held the fi rst Monday of 1909 in Cerinarox, Provincia in Snyder’s Lake. His brother Richard Leccese and Vice President Joe Mos- each month at Grove Manor on Grove Street, Avellino, , where life Luigi jumped into the water to caritolo gave a demonstration on the method of Braintree, MA. was diffi cult. Angela married save him; but that brave boy making homemade Italian sausages. For further information on becoming a member at the age of 19 and had fi ve never emerged after hoisting Treasurer Domenic Candelieri and members or upcoming events, please contact President children. It was extremely hard the drowning child to safety. served pizza, salad, and sausages in sauce do- Richard Leccese at 781-843-5095. for her husband to put food on Mothers never expect to bury the table from their 10-acre their children. It was a terrible chestnut farm, so he joined the heartache for the whole family Italian Army in 1940 with the and has been very diffi cult for hope that he could support his the surviving brother, I would family and stay in Italy at the imagine, even today. same time. Instead, he was sent Angela’s three remaining sons to North Africa in 1941 to fi ght have done very well, and her World War II and was subse- daughter is still in Italy with quently killed in Tripoli, Libya. her own family. When I asked It was many months before An- her how she was able to make gela received the news that her so much of her life, she would husband had died. She now had often say that it was with God’s to be the sole provider for her help and through hard work fi ve children in addition to tak- that she fed her family and kept Richard and Vice President Joe Moscaritolo Another happy winner of the sausages, ing care of her mother-in-law. them together. Right up to age presenting the winner of the raffl e with the presented by Richard and Vice President Joe Life during the war was very 88, she walked 14 blocks to sausages. Moscaritolo. diffi cult because both money work at her daughter-in-law’s and food were scarce. Angela shop. This amazing woman, chopped wood to sell and did who by this time had a pace North End Library Upcoming Events this strenuous work, especially maker and was a breast cancer diffi cult for a woman, as a way survivor, sure didn’t look her 25 Parmenter Street, 617-227-8135 to make money to buy food. Her age in spite of dealing with se- From Waterfront Park to (FOCCP) and the Friends of the country’s delegation at the G8 children were much too young rious health problems. Angela Christopher Columbus Park North End Library. Summit in Reykjavik, Iceland. to be of help. Her son Michael had one sister 94, another 92, 1973-2016 Although he’d resigned himself NORTH END FILMS recalls one time when all they and her baby brother was 89. A Slide Presentation to a life of lonely bachelorhood, had to eat for a long while was She still lived in the fi rst home Wednesday, April 6, 2016 Spellbound Lawrence fi nds himself drawn a bag of onions that his mother the family bought in Troy, and 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Wednesday, April 13th to Gina (Kelly MacDonald,) an had purchased, coupled with a her sister lived on the first with Refreshments 6:00 pm - 2002, 1hr. 37 min odd, outspoken young women scant amount of bread. fl oor. It was once a very Italian whom he has met in a café. On a Angela’s father immigrated to neighborhood, much like liv- whim, the shy Lawrence invites America in 1900 and became an ing in Italy, and to this day is the decidedly un-shy Gina to American citizen. However, he considered Troy’s “Little Italy.” accompany him to Reykjavik. returned to Italy a short time When I interviewed Angela, I later because he found staying thought of my own grandpar- The Chicago 8 in America too unbearable, in ents and of their heroic sacri- Wednesday, April 27th spite of the fact that a large fi ces for their children. Most 6:00 pm - 2011, 95 min. number of people from his old parents give up many things for Come hear the interesting hometown also lived in Troy, their children. Life was extreme- behind-the-scene stories of how NY. In 1954, Angela found life ly diffi cult for the immigrants, the park evolved. Guest Speaker in Italy more than she could requiring many more conces- Ann Gilardi Johnson, ASLA, will handle, so she sent her two sions of them than of other discuss the Waterfront Urban oldest sons to New York to live people. That is why I worked Renewal process that created with her aunt in Troy. Life was so hard to open our American Waterfront Park in 1973, the very hard after World War II and Italian Heritage Museum & design of the Rose Kennedy it was during this time that a Cultural Center (fi nally accom- Garden, the Beirut Memorial large number of Italians came plished with a ribbon-cutting and the redesign to our pres- to America, as Angela fi nally ceremony in 2014) where the ent day beloved Christopher Spellbound follows eight teen- did in the fateful year of 1956. past generation’s stories can be Columbus Park. Join Ann at agers on their quest to win the She booked passage on the S.S. told, chronicled, honored — and Christopher Columbus Park 1999 National Spelling Bee. Andrea Doria for herself and rightly so. They say ignorance is for a walking tour (meet in the her two youngest sons (her only bliss. Not many people in this Rose Kennedy Rose Garden) The Girl in the Café daughter married and remained country have gone hungry on from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm fol- Wednesday, April 20th The Chicago 8 is the true story in Italy). As is well known, the a regular basis, or were made lowed by a slide presentation at 6:00 pm - 2005, 95 min. of the notorious 1968 trial that passenger ship collided with to work more than 12 hours a the North End Library 6:30 pm resulted when seven leaders of the Swedish liner Stockholm - 7:30 pm with refreshments. an anti-war movement, and a in the water near Nantucket, (Continued on Page 14) Ann Johnson, a member of the member of the Black Panthers, Boston Society of Landscape were charged with conspiracy Architects, is known for her de- to incite devastating riots in sign of urban spaces including Chicago. The Chicago 8 features Mattéo Gallo parks, playgrounds, memorials a star-studded soundtrack and streetscapes in Boston and with artists such as Bob Dylan Worcester. She is recognized in and Jefferson Airplane. The o Appraisals Boston for the design of James cast includes Gary Cole (The Hayes Park and Childe Has- Brady Bunch), Danny Master- Sales & Rentals sam Park, both award-winning son (That 70’s Show), Mayim designs in the South End. Ann Bialik (The Big Bang Theory), • began her career at the Bos- Philip Baker Hall (Argo), Steven Real Estate ton Redevelopment Authority Culp (The West Wing), Thomas and witnessed the design and Ian Nicholas (The American Pie construction of additions to series), Darren Criss (Glee), and 376 North Street • Boston, MA 02113 The Girl in the Café stars Christopher Columbus Park. Bill Nighy as Lawrence, a mild Orland Jones (How to Live with (617) 523-2100 • Fax (617) 523-3530 Co-sponsored by Friends of and unprepossessing British your Parents for the Rest of your Christopher Columbus Park civil servant assigned to his Life). POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 1, 2016 PAGE 9

Jimmy Bono Geany Meets

by Jeanette Cataldo Let’s Talk Leather Furniture … My clients often ask me when selecting Semi-aniline leathers or aniline plus furniture, how is leather? pigments (AP) are dyed in vats with aniline I have heard people say its looks cold and dyes that penetrate throughout the hide so it’s sticky in the hot months. that the color goes all the way through the Well, if the leather seems cold, it may be hide. A clear protective coating is applied because it needs a little help getting to that to make the leather stain-repellant and warm, cozy place. I have accessorized leather sun-resistant. The sheen of this protective sofas with pillows and throws, and believe coating can be varied to give a matte fi nish me it’s not cold. I have all I can do not to sit or a high-gloss fi nish. and settle in! Pigmented leather has a clear coat on As far as sticky in the hot months … top and is dyed, adding durability. Leather well let’s think about this, without air outlasts synthetic materials four-to-one. conditioning isn’t everything sticky in the Bonded leather is basically leather bits hot months? mixed with vinyl and printed with a leather- When purchasing leather furniture, always like pattern. It might not show scratches, but remember to look for good leather. The old it’s really not leather. cliché “you get what you pay for” rings true In my opinion, leather outlasts most in this situation. fabric coverings. It’s a practical material, The most durable leathers are pigmented ideal for busy lifestyles. No special solvents leather and protected aniline leather. or cleaners, and no lengthy or expensive The top grain of the hide is best suited procedures are necessary for its care. You to upholstery, because it is the strongest can purchase leather wipes that clean and and most durable part of the hide, yet it condition at your local grocery store. is soft and supple. In fact, top grain be- It’s also hard to damage. Try tearing a comes suppler over the years and obtains leather belt. Jimmy Bono Geany with legendary fi lm star Sophia a soft patina. If properly cared for, top The more real leather wears, the nicer it Loren. grain leather upholstery should last looks. So, the time you’re looking for Local Italian singer Jimmy Bono Geany recently had the indefi nitely. leather furniture, take these tips along. honor of meeting legendary Italian fi lm star Sophia Loren back stage at Foxwoods Casino in Connecticut. Jimmy stated, “It was such a thrill to meet Ms. Loren in person. She is such an elegant and beautiful woman. My favorite movie of hers is It Started in (1960) in which she co-starred with and fi lmed on the beautiful Island of Capri.” Ms. Loren, winner of nine Academy Awards, is currently touring the United States with her live show An Evening with Sophia Loren in which she discusses her fabulous fi lm career spanning fi ve decades, both in America and in Italy. The show featured many fi lm clips of her movies along with a question and answer period with her audience. Truly a beautiful evening! Aniline leather sofa. Pigmented leather.

FESTA Leather sofas need help getting warm Saturday, June 4th Bonded leather sofa — no comparison. and cozy (Rain date: Sunday, June 5th) 11:00 am – 7:00 pm Waltham Common WANTED: VENDORS (food & non) CRAFTERS SPONSORS

Proceeds support Scholarships and local charities.

Hosted by: Regina Margherita di Savoia Mixed Lodge #1094 (Waltham) of the Order Sons of Italy

For more information, contact: Carol @ 508-855-0124 or [email protected] www.rmlmixed.org/Festa With a little help, it just makes you want to stop and sit. What Happens When You Need assistance putting it all together? Call for a design consultation or stop by Don’t Advertise? CATALDO INTERIORS HOME Nothing! 42 Prince Street, Boston, MA 02113 For information on advertising in the 857-317-6115 Post-Gazette, call 617-227-8929. PAGE 10 POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 1, 2016

The time has come, the walrus said, TO TALK OF MANY THINGS of shoes and ships and sealing wax of cabbages and kings by Sal Giarratani

BOOKNOTES: HUSTLE, LOYALTY, AND RESPECT: THE WORLD OF JOHN CENA DK Publishing Fans worldwide can climb into the world of wrestling superstar John Cena, thanks to DK Publishing’s release of Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect: The World of John Cena, presented in one ultimate compendium. For more than a decade, John Cena has been one of the cornerstones of WWE. Revered by millions of “Cenation” fans worldwide, Cena is known for his tireless work ethic and count- less accolades both in and out of the WWE ring. Get the detailed breakdown of all things Cena — his quintessential matches, epic rivalries, fascinating character evolutions, signature moves and much more. Cena’s legacy is packed into more than 200 full-color for his passionate fans to enjoy forever. Coverage includes in-depth breakdowns of key matches in Cena’s Diana Hwang joins up with the “Sistah Act,” career, with profi les of the events and rivalries leading up to each Louise Marino, Carol Nicoletti and Rosalie clash; the defi nitive guide to Cena’s history and character — from Dan Rizzo and Nick Verrocchi Mario. his ring gear, to his catch phrases, moves, over-the-top entrances; THINGS YOU PROBABLY Revere name to represent a holding events in various parts a detailed career timeline, stats and breakdowns of his incompa- DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT composite of all the riders, pre- of the district. Recently, Dan rable achievements at WrestleMania, SummerSlam, Monday Night sumably because it worked bet- Rizzo held a corned beef and Raw, SmackDown; and so much more.. Learn about the values and OR HIS FAMED HOUSE ter in the poem. The next most cabbage St. Patrick’s Day cel- infl uences that have shaped The Champ’s career — his intense Paul Revere was neither born famous rider, Billy Dawes, ar- ebration over at a packed Casa training regimens, passion for entertaining, and his unwavering nor died at the Paul Revere rived in Lexington only a short Lucia in Revere. The place was commitment to his fans, his job and his code of “Hustle, Loyalty and House in North Square. He time after Revere, having been saturated in green, but most of Respect.” Hear from Cena himself as well as other WWE Superstars bought the place when he was instructed to take a different, the folks looked pretty Italian. about the key events that have shaped his legacy. 35 years old. He was married and longer, route to increase Then again, everyone is Irish on WWE Chairman & CEO Vince McMahon provided insight into twice, and had eight kids from the chances that someone made this holiday, right? John Cena — the man — with a host of praising comments. One each of his wives (Sarah Orne it to Lexington. The two then Two days before the Rizzo of the many highlights mentioned by McMahon states: “In his and Rachel Walker). His oldest decided on their own to ride on time, another candidate for commitment to excellence and the WWE brand over the past 13 child was 30 years older than to Concord to spread the alarm. state senate, Diana Hwang years, John’s managed to touch so many lives and also empower his youngest child. I actually remember that on of East Boston, had her own them with his simple yet encouraging mantras of “Hustle, Loy- The last person born at the Patriots Day when I was a kid corned beef and cabbage gath- alty, Respect” and “Never Give Up!” Contained in each book is a was Albert a Paul Revere rider would leave ering in Winthrop at the Cottage limited edition John Cena wristband with embroidered logo that Mostone in 1903. Among other the North End, while another Park Yacht Club. A pal of mine, fans can only get with this book!” Copies can be ordered at www. things, he was the sexton at the rider playing Dawes would leave Dave Natola of Sound Decision, johncenabook.com. for 37 years from the statue of Dr. Joseph played some great sounding GAME OF THRONES: THE COMPLETE FIFTH SEASON (DVD) before retiring at age 90. Warren on Warren Street near music keeping everyone in good HBO Home Entertainment About that renowned ride Dudley Station. spirits. There are many reasons why Game of Thrones is the most- made famous by Henry Wad- CORNED BEEF, CABBAGE GRAPES ARE DOWN, watched series in HBO history; this complete fi fth season is one sworth Longfellow, Revere was AND POLITICS BUT GAS IS UP of them. The series remains a runaway hit, and the fi fth season’s only one of several riders sent Well, the race for state senate Have you noticed in recent 12 Emmy Awards are the most of any TV series in a single year. out by Dr. Joseph Warren that is winding down. Along the way, The season begins with a power vacuum that protagonists across night. Longfellow used the all the candidates have been (Continued on Page 15) Westeros and Essos look to fi ll. At Castle Black, Jon Snow struggles to balance the demands of the Night’s Watch with those of newly arrived Stannis Baratheon, who styles himself the rightful king Name the Sport of Westeros. Meanwhile, Cersei scrambles to hold on to power in ACROSS King’s Landing amidst the Tyrells and the rise of a religious group 1. Something proclaimed true without led by the enigmatic High Sparrow, while Jaime embarks on a proof secret mission. Across the Narrow Sea, Arya seeks an old friend 6. Trigonometry abbr. while a fugitive Tyrion fi nds a new cause. And as danger mounts 9. *____surfi ng with no board 13. Shrek and Fiona, e.g. in Meereen, Daenerys Targaryen fi nds that her tenuous hold on 14. “____ the Games Begin!” the city requires some hard sacrifi ces. This fi fth season features 15. Core of personnel some of the most explosive scenes yet, as the promise that “winter 16. picture 17. Baseball stat is coming” becomes more ominous than ever before! 18. Spock or Mork COMMUNITY: THE COMPLETE FINAL SEASON (DVD) 19. *Mask and epee Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 21. *Pistes and moguls 23. Santa ___ winds Hacked emails, virtual reality, schlocky sci-fi fi lmmaking, grifting, 24. Attention grabber forbidden paintball, a giant hand, a wedding and a stage adaptation 25. *____-wrestling, like in of The Karate Kid … Welcome back, for one crazy year at Greendale “Over the Top” Community College! Though the Study Group-turned-“Committee 28. Openmouthed astonishment 30. Hollywood’s lighting person to Save Greendale” has succeeded in their mission (well, almost), 35. 1970s carpet Dean Pelton has hired a by-the-books administrative consultant to 37. “Cheers” regular help improve the school’s day-to-day operations. This, of course, 39. a.k.a. Pleasant Island 40. Queen of Carthage doesn’t exactly sit well with everyone in the group and, as a result, 41. *____ racing, on a single-mast they’ll see changes good and bad at their beloved school. vessel : THE MAN IN THE MACHINE (Blu-ray) 43. Slang for safecracker Magnolia Home Entertainment 44. Altogether 46. 1952 Olympics host Academy Award-winning director Alex Gibney pulls no punches 47. No neatnik in his portrait of Apple founder Steve Jobs and his legacy. This 48. Candy containing fruit or nut probing and unfl inching look at the life and aftermath of the 50. Spanish earthen pot 52. Porky’s home bold, brilliant and at times ruthless entrepreneur explores what 53. Log splitter accounted for the grief of so many when he died. Gibney follows 55. A in IPA the life and aftermath of Jobs’ rise from a Silicon Valley garage to 57. *Scored with love 60. *Most popular sport in India his outing as Apple CEO, and subsequent return, along with high- 64. Battle royal profi le controversies, including stock backdating, poor working 65. Color quality and living conditions for factory workers and the use of overseas 67. Fill with happy spirit tax shelters. 68. “... for _____ waves of grain ...” 69. Sixth sense THE HUNGER GAMES COMPLETE 4-FILM COLLECTION 70. ____ Academy in Annapolis (6-Blu-ray) Lionsgate Home Entertainment 71. Popular newspaper page Prepare to experience the epic adventure of The Hunger Games 72. Hi ____ monitor series — from start to fi nish — in this action-packed collector’s 73. Market booth set. Follow Katniss Everdeen’s (Jennifer Lawrence) transformation DOWN from Tribute to “The Girl on Fire” to the symbolic leader of the 1. Remove, as a hat rebellion, The Mockingjay, in this thrilling collection that movie 2. Eye rakishly 3. Sheepish expression 24. Kind of can 49. It often precedes “chi” lovers will treasure. Featuring all four fi lms, The Hunger Games 4. Hajj destination 25. Echo sounder 51. Plural of #18 Across Collection contains over fourteen hours of bonus features that take 5. Inquiring 26. Prized for its horns 54. Theater guide you behind the scenes of the movie phenomenon. This six-disc 6. Horsefl y 27. Address to a woman 56. “Bravo! Bravo!”, e.g. 7. Old-fashioned “over” 29. *Played on horseback 57. Short-term employee set includes: Disc 1) The Hunger Games – Feature Film, Disc 2) 8. Squirrel away 31. Fairies 58. Major European river The Hunger Games Bonus Features, Disc 3) The Hunger Games: 9. Island east of Java 32. Diesel and natural gas, e.g. 59. Sometimes you get what you ____ Catching Fire Feature Film + Bonus Features, Disc 4) The Hunger 10. Norse deity 33. Cereal killer 60. Porcinos 11. Residue 34. *____ union or _____ league 61. Pacifi c Islands’ ceremonial drink Games: Mockingjay – Part 1 Feature Film + Bonus Features, Disc 12. Japanese monetary unit 36. *Played by Rory 62. And others 5) The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 Feature Film + Bonus 15. Alligator’s cousin 38. John Dillinger’s girlfriend, e.g. 63. Rossini’s William ____ Features, and Disc 6) The Hunger Games Complete 4-Film Collec- 20. Indian bread, pl. 42. “____ Express” movie 64. Communist Zedong tion Bonus Features. Also included are two all-new featurettes: 22. Liquor store pony 45. Portrait painter 66. Put to work (Solution on Page 13) “Picturing Panem” and “Capitol Cuisine.” POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 1, 2016 Page 11

(also sung by the likes of Michael Bublé, Director Jack O’Brien. The Sound of Mu- SHUBERT THEATRE Harry Connick, Jr. and Tony Bennett) sic features music by Richard Rodgers, 265 Tremont Street, Boston, MA who score Johnny Mathis tickets are lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II, book 866-348-9738 always in for a “Wonderful! Wonder- by Howard Lindsay and Russel Crouse, www.CitiCenter.org ful!” time. suggested by “The Trapp Family Singers” THE NAKED MAGIC SHOW — May NOW IN THE MOOD, a 1940s Musical by Maria Augusta Trapp. The Sound of 19-21, 2016. Following sold out shows Review — April 29, 2016. In the Mood Music enjoyed extraordinary success as and rave reviews in Australia, New PLAYING celebrates America’s Greatest Gen- the fi rst live television production of a Zealand, Asia and the USA, the world’s eration through the music of Glenn musical in over 50 years when it aired boldest and cheekiest magic show Miller, Tommy Dorsey, Artie Shaw, live on NBC in December, 2013. “The Naked Magic Show” is coming UPTOWN & DOWNTOWN Benny Goodman, Harry James, Erskine back to Boston! The show features Hawkins, The Andrews Sisters, Frank MULTICULTURAL ARTS CENTER magic, mirth and more than a touch Sinatra and other idols of the 1940s. 41 Second Street, E. Cambridge, MA of mayhem as these two hot and In the Mood takes a look at America’s 617-577-1400 hilarious magicians say abracadabra and Swing Era, the last time when everyone www.MulticulturalArtsCenter.org take magic to a whole new level. Left listened and danced to the same style THE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL — without sleeves or pockets, their saucy of music. It recreates defi ning moments April 13-May 8, 2016. Actors’ Shake- magic is baffling and entertaining, from the 1930s, the happy-go-lucky era speare Project closes its record-breaking bringing a new meaning to “now you before WWII, to the start of the war and season with Richard Brinsley Sheridan’s see it.” the 1940s, when thousands of our youth clever comedy of manners The School were going abroad to defend our free- for Scandal, directed by Resident Act- doms — and longing for the end of the ing Company member Paula Plum with COMEDY war when loved ones would be reunited. adaptation by RAC member Steven The famous Life Magazine picture “The Barkhimer. Sheridan’s delicious tap- Kiss” by Alfred Eisenstaedt epitomized estry of deceit unfolds around Sir Peter WILBUR THEATRE such a moment. The music arrange- Teazle and his much younger wife from 246 Tremont St., Boston, MA ments of these American songs evoke the country. Lady Teazle brings a free 617-248-9700 powerful emotions even in people who spirit and extravagance to her position www.TheWilburTheatre.com were born decades after WWII. that has scandalmongers already talk- WAYNE BRADY — May 6, 2016. ing. As rumors that Lady Teazle might Wayne has been entertaining audiences ORPHEUM THEATRE be engaged in an indiscretion with with his singing, acting and unmatched 1 Hamilton Place, Boston, MA the handsome but duplicitous Joseph improvisational skills for well over a 617-482-0106 Surface (Michael Underhill) emerge, the decade. This diversity has led to a career Actors’ Shakespeare Project’s The School for Scandal, takes www.OrpheumTheatreBoston.com real scheming begins. A multitude of that goes beyond the term “triple threat.” th THE SMASHING PUMPKINS - IN other scandals snare Joseph’s brother Brady began his career in Orlando the stage beginning April 13 at the Multicultural Arts Center working at theme parks as well as in Cambrige. See THEATER SECTION for more details. PLAINSONG — April 9, 2016. The Charles (Omar Robinson) and others, Smashing Pumpkins have created one enveloping the aristocratic drawing performing in several local theatre shows. of the most acclaimed bodies of work in rooms of London, and leaving few se- In 1998, his career took off with Whose reached the Top 10 on the Billboard 200, musical history having sold more than cure in their propriety. Skewering the Line is it Anyway? for which he won and a record-setting ten have topped 30 million albums, and won multiple pretentiousness and hypocrisy of high a 2003 Emmy Award for Outstanding MUSIC the classical crossover albums charts in Grammy Awards in the process. The society in the 1770s, Sheridan delights Individual Performance in a Variety, the United States. With fi ve million units pivotal group’s many hits defi ned the in deploying witty dialogue through a Musical or Comedy Series. Wayne went TD GARDEN sold worldwide, Sacred Arias became alternative music era and continue to clever parade of wealthy uncles, pre- on to host his own syndicated talk 100 Legends Way, Boston, MA the biggest-selling classical crossover resonate on modern rock radio, infl u- tenders, rogues and money-lenders. An show The Wayne Brady Show for two 617-624-1050 album by a solo artist of all time, encing a whole new generation. In June array of assumed identities, intrigues, seasons. He was honored with two www.TDGarden.com and with over twenty million copies 2012, the band released the critically and alliances call out lovers, marriages, Emmys for Outstanding Talk Show JUSTIN BIEBER — May 10, 2016. sold worldwide, his 1997 pop album acclaimed album Oceaniavia Martha’s and other family relations, revealing Host and the show also won Outstanding Global superstar Justin Bieber has an- Romanza became the best-selling album Music/EMI Label Services/Caroline hidden intentions of greed and lust, and Talk Show. Being an award-winning nounced his 50+ city PURPOSE WORLD by an Italian artist of any genre in his- Distribution. It entered the Billboard purer affections, in an aristocratically host, it is no wonder why he has been TOUR beginning March 9, 2016, in Se- tory, as well as the best-selling album Top 200 Albums Chart at #4; earned comical fashion. tapped to host several high-profile attle, WA. The tour, promoted by AEG by a foreign artist in Canada and a the #1 spot on the Independent Albums shows, guest hosting The Late Late Live, will travel through arenas across number of countries in Europe and Chart; and Rolling Stone hailed it as one NORTH SHORE MUSIC THEATRE Show for a week earlier this year. North America; fans will be able to see Latin America. The album’s fi rst single, of the best albums of the year. Formed 62 Dunham Road, Beverly, MA His hosting role on the iconic Let’s Bieber’s dynamic live show in U.S. cities “Time to Say Goodbye” was a duet with in Chicago in 1988, they released Gish, 978-232-7200 Make a Deal has been garnered including Denver, Las Vegas, Dallas, At- Sarah Brightman that topped charts their infl uential and platinum debut in www.NSMT.org with several Emmy nominations. lanta, Minneapolis, Chicago, Boston and across Europe, including Germany, 1991, which was followed by albums FUNNY GIRL — June 7-19, 2016. Wayne will return to the hit BET series Miami as well as all throughout Eastern where it stayed at the top of the charts including the nine-time platinum Mel- Bill Hanney’s award-winning North The Real Husbands of Hollywood which and Western Canada. The hype around for 14 consecutive weeks, breaking the lon Collie and the Infi nite Sadness and Shore Music Theatre (NSMT) is proud airs a new season beginning this Bieber’s new music continues with the all-time sales record, with over three the four-time platinum Siamese Dream, to announce that recording artist and summer. smash successes of “Sorry” and “What million copies sold in the country. The as well as the platinum certifi ed 1998 Broadway veteran Shoshana Bean has Do You Mean?” which was crowned single went on to sell over twelve million album Adore which saw a 107-track been cast as Fanny Brice in an all new Justin’s fi rst #1 on Billboard’s all-format copies worldwide, making it one of the re-issue in 2014. production of Funny Girl. Funny Girl MUSEUMS /sales/streaming-based Hot best-selling singles of all time. Bocelli is the hit Broadway musical that tells 100 the week of its release, selling over was made a Grand Offi cer of the Order MAXWELL AUDITORIUM the story of Fanny Brice’s rise from 335,000 units digitally in the U.S. that of Merit of the Italian Republic in 2006 33 Marrett Road, Lexington, MA the stages of Vaudeville to becoming a MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS, BOSTON week. “What Do You Mean?” also went and, on March 2, 2010, was honored TheClassics2016.Eventbrite.com world-renowned Ziegfeld star. But while 465 Huntington Avenue, Boston to #1 in Justin’s native Canada, and with a star on the Hollywood Walk of THE CLASSICS — April 10, 2016, she was cheered onstage as a great 617-267-9300 became his fi rst #1 UK national chart Fame for his contribution to live theater. at 2:00 pm. The Grand Lodge of Mas- comedian, she had a more troubled www.MFA.org hit. The song, which hit #1 at iTunes sachusetts and the Consulate General private life. The musical’s beloved score KENNETH PAUL BLOCK ILLUSTRA- within fi ve minutes of its release, and LYNN AUDITORIUM of Italy in Boston are proud to present includes the songs: “People,” “Don’t Rain TIONS — Through August 14, 2016. reached #1 at iTunes in more than 90 3 City Hall Square, Lynn, MA THE CLASSICS from ABRUZZO, ITALY, on My Parade,” and “I’m the Greatest Kenneth Paul Block (1925–2009) is countries, went on to easily break the 781-599-SHOW performing opera arias and popular Nea- Star.” arguably the most important fashion Weekly Global Spotify streaming record www.LynnAuditorium.com politan Italian songs. Lite refreshments illustrator of the second half of the 20th with over 41 million streams, reaching JOHNNY MATHIS — April 8, 2016. will be served. All proceeds to benefi t the century. His versatility and ability to 100 million Global streams in less than With his ever-youthful voice, it’s hard Italian AP Exam. For further informa- ART create a graceful gesture, or evoke the one month out. to believe that legendary singer Johnny tion and tickets, contact Lino Rullo at high-energy of the post–WWII generation ANDREA BOCELLI — December 17, Mathis has been wowing audiences for 617-447-0598 or Rullol@hotmail. make his work stand out among illustra- 2016. Bocelli has recorded fourteen solo over half a century — and he’s still going com; Rudy Viscomi 617-645-3688 or INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY tors of his time. Throughout his career, studio albums of both pop and classi- strong. That unmistakable voice — both [email protected]. ART/BOSTON mainly with Women’s Wear Daily and cal music, three greatest hits albums, fragile and powerful — singing timeless 100 Northern Avenue, Boston, MA W Magazine, he chronicled fashionable and nine complete operas, selling over classics like “Chances Are,” “Misty,” BLUE HILLS BANK PAVILION 617-478-3100 designs and the lifestyles of the people 80 million records worldwide. He has “Brazil,” “It’s Not For Me to Say” “A Cer- 290 Northern Ave., Boston, MA www.ICABoston.org who wore them. Blending illustration had success as a crossover performer, tain Smile” “My Funny Valentine” and www.LiveNation.com DANA SCHUTZ — July 26 through and portraiture, his drawings of fi gures bringing classical music to the top of in- “Twelfth of Never” never ceases to mes- YANNI — July 26, 2016. This is Yanni November 26, 2017. “Dana Schutz” is like Jacqueline Kennedy, Babe Paley ternational pop charts. In 1998, he was merize listeners into a wistful trance. as you know him best, performing his a concise exhibition of the artist’s re- and Gloria Guinness capture the so- named one of People’s 50 Most Beautiful Anyone who has been lucky enough to instrumental hits from shows that have cent work. One of the most prominent phistication of the era’s socialites and People. In 1999, he was nominated for get tickets to witness Johnny Mathis become famous around the world. Fans painters of her generation, the New celebrities. Best New Artist at the Grammy Awards. perform LIVE knows that he was born to will witness Yanni and his world-class York–based Schutz (b. 1976, Livonia, “The Prayer,” his duet with Celine Dion be on stage with a microphone in hand, musicians as they take the stage to Michigan) is known for her distinctive vi- MUSEUM OF SCIENCE for the animated fi lm Quest for Camelot, an orchestra at his back, and a rapt perform his greatest instrumental hits, sual style characterized by vibrant color 1 Science Park, Boston, MA won the Golden Globe for Best Original crowd before him. Be it a love ballad, made famous in his shows from The and tactile brushwork. Her large-scale 617-723-2500 Song and was nominated for an Acad- swing tune, or a Latin-fl avored number, Acropolis in Greece, The Taj Mahal in paintings capture imaginary stories, www.MOS.org emy Award in the same category. With Johnny executes each phrase with that India, The Forbidden City in China and hypothetical situations, and impos- ICE AGE: DAWN OF THE the release of his classical album, Sacred characteristic panache possessed by The Royal Albert Hall in England. For the sible physical feats, such as swimming DINOSAURS — THE 4-D EXPERIENCE Arias, Bocelli captured a listing in the crooners of a by-gone era when sing- fi rst time ever, the live show will also in- while smoking and crying. Equal parts Now through April 15, 2016. Our Guinness Book of World Records, as ers didn’t have (or need!) the help of troduce music from Yanni’s new album darkly humorous and surreal, Schutz’s favorite sub-zero heroes, Manny, Ellie, he simultaneously held the top three viral YouTube videos to capture the Truth of Touch, which is the composer’s paintings combine abstraction and and Diego venture into a mysterious positions on the U.S. Classical Albums hearts of fans worldwide. Needless to fi rst album of original studio music in fi guration with expressive imagination, underground world after Sid the Sloth charts. Seven of his albums have since say, serious fans of nostalgic music almost a decade. Come hear the music truncated and re-constructed bodies, stumbles across three abandoned eggs that touches the world. banal objects, and quotidian scenes to and decides to care for them as his own. create oddly compelling and intriguing Once the eggs hatch, the adventure ITALIAN RADIO PROGRAMS pictures. begins in the lost world of the dinosaurs! Featured in eye-popping 3-D with “The Sicilian Corner” — every Friday 10:00 am to Noon with hosts Tom THEATER an all-star voice cast, including Ray Zappala and Mike Lomazzo and “The Best in Italian Music” with Nunzio SPECIAL Romano, John Leguizamo, Denis Leary DiMarca every Sunday from 9:00 am to Noon. Go to www.1110wccmam.com. and Queen Latifah. Ice Age: Dawn of BOSTON OPERA HOUSE the Dinosaurs — The 4-D Experience “Italia Oggi” — Sundays 11:00 am to Noon with host Andrea Urdi 539 Washington St., Boston, MA EVENTS 1460 AM. delivers more thrills, more chills, and 617-259-3400 more mammoth-sized laughs for “Dolce Vita Radio” — Sundays DJ Rocco Mesiti 11:00 am-1:00 pm; www.BostonOperaHouse.com BOSTON CITY HALL PLAZA audiences of all shapes and sizes! 90.7 FM or online www.djrocco.com. THE SOUND OF MUSIC — Now 1 City Hall Plaza, Boston, MA through April 10, 2016. The hills are BIG APPLE CIRCUS — Now through “The Nick Franciosa Show” — Sundays from Noon to 3:00 pm on WLYN alive! A brand new production of The May 8, 2016. The Grand Tour is a cir- 1360 AM. Sound of Music, directed by Jack cus extravaganza set in the 1920s and DANCE “Guido Oliva Italian Hour” — Sundays 8:00 am-9:00 am on WSRO O’Brien, is coming to you. The spirited, featuring acts from the four corners of 650 AM and online at www.wsro.com. romantic and beloved musical story of the globe. Ships, trains, automobiles, EXTREME DANCEPORT Maria and the Von Trapp Family will and airplanes will serve as the back- 26 New Street, Cambridge, MA “Tony’s Place” on MusicAmerica WPLM FM 99.1 — Sundays once again thrill audiences with its drop for breathtaking acts of wonder, 617-492-2122 7:00 pm–2:00 am on MusicAmerica. Host Ron Della Chiesa presents Tony’s Tony, Grammy and Academy Award- accompanied by the seven-piece Big www.BostonSwingCentral.com Place. Visit www.MusicNotNoise.com. winning Best Score, including “My Apple Circus Band playing live at each SWING DANCE EVERY FRI- “L’Italia Chiamo Italian Radio Show” hosted by Stefano Marchese and Favorite Things,” “Do-Re-Mi,” “Climb of more than 100 performances. Acts will DAY NIGHT — Come and check out Elisa Meazzini — Thursdays 3:00 pm-4:15 pm. Visit litaliachiamo.com; email: Ev’ry Mountain,” “Edelweiss” and the include , jugglers, acrobats, and Boston’s most exciting swing dance. [email protected]. Tel. 857-334-0868. title song. “We plan to look more closely aerialists, from Africa, Asia, Australia, A killer line-up of DJ’s and live bands. at this remarkable work — to tear off the Europe, and North and South America, Beginner lessons are included in the “Intervallo Musicale” — Sundays 10:00-10:30 am; Host Carmine Guarino varnish of the past and reveal one of the as well as domestic and rescue animals, price of admission prior to social danc- on WUNR 1600 AM and online at www.wunr.com. great, fresh glories of musical theater,” all creating performances that will leave ing. No partner or prior experience is says three-time Tony Award-winning audiences smiling and cheering. required. All are welcome. PAGE 12 POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 1, 2016

Parla Come Mangi! (Speak as You Eat!)

by Alessandra Sambiase Effective immediately! If you’re a reader of my said. column, you are entitled to receive a check for Another $10,000! Calm down! Today is April Fool’s Day! temperature Benvenuti! The sweet side of Abruzzo lies in the valley of the So Aprils Fools! record has ancient city of Sulmona which is the birthplace of the 1st century Born on this day! Debbie Reynolds, 1932, Ali been broken — Roman poet Ovid and the region’s confectionary capital. It is also McGraw, 1938 and Jane Powell, 1928. and by a huge known for the production of sugar-coated almonds called confetti Carlo Scostumato says, Donald Trump is a amount. February 2016 was the hottest February that are beautifully transformed by master artisans and wrapped trumpeter! He’s always blowing his horn! on record, averaging 1.35 degrees Celsius more in colorful paper, plastic, fabric, and wire to form fl ower-like cre- So what’s new? Well, when Brady Kahle’s pal than the historical average. November, Decem- ations that are traditionally given as favors at weddings, baptisms, Landen Palatino was diagnosed with brain cancer, ber, and January all also broke the historical and anniversaries. Confetti come in a variety of colors to go with the 9-year-old from Springfi eld, MA, decided to temperature records. the occasion being celebrated — white for weddings, silver for the sell his beloved baseball card collection to help Yisrael Kristal, a 112-year-old Israeli man who 25th wedding anniversary, golden for the 50th wedding anniversary, pay for Landen’s treatments. Brady, who’s been survived the Holocaust, is offi cially the world’s yellow for second marriages, red for graduations, pink or baby blue collecting baseball memorabilia since he was 3, oldest man. Kristal, a native of Poland, was sent for a baptisms. Another famous confectionary staple of the region is has earned more than $7,000 from selling 500 to the Auschwitz concentration camp in 1943. the torrone (nougat) produced in the provinces of l’Aquila and Chieti. cards and other collectibles. He would even part He was the only member of his family to survive, One of the most beloved and popular homemade sweets of the with a prized ball signed by Baltimore Orioles and weighed just about 80 pounds when liberated region is undoubtedly the pizzelle or ferratelle, a type of waffl e legend Cal Ripkin, Jr. to help his friend. “It’s by Allied troops. “All that is left for us to do is to cookie that can be thin and crunchy or thick and soft depending on really incredible,” said Landen’s mom, Tina. “Most keep on working as hard as we can and rebuild family custom or the area of origin within the region. Known also adults wouldn’t even do that.” what is lost,” Kristal said. as neole, nevole or cancellate, they are fl avored with lemon zest, Unusual news from Canada! A group of Toronto My dear readers, during World War II, we did get anise extract, or cinnamon. These easy to make, delicious sweet dentists offer free dental care for survivors of to Dachua concentration camp and did see indi- treats are traditionally made by cooking the batter in a special cast domestic violence. Founded fi ve years ago by viduals who looked like skeletons. Enough said. iron mold held over a fi re. This special tool, called “lu ferre” (iron) Dr. Tina Melsami, Project Restoring Smiles has How can we forget the days we went from Nor- in the local spoken dialect, comes in different shapes and casts a provided more than $200,000 worth of treatment, mandy and drove through liberated French towns. variety of patterns like snowfl akes, diamonds, and many others. mostly to women living in shelters. “As a surgeon, All we heard was people shouting at us, Merci Traditions say that pizzelle cook within the time to recite an Ave I wanted to fi x their oral and facial pain,” Meisami beaucoup! Merci beaucoup! Merci beaucoup! Yes, Maria (Hail Mary) on one side and a Padre Nostro (Our Father) on said. “As a woman, I felt as though I needed to in English it means Thank you very much! Thank the other side. The earliest pizzelle irons date back to the late 1700s stand up for their rights.” One of her patients, you very much! Thank you very much! and were made in preparation for weddings. These sweet treats who asked to be identifi ed as Sam, broke down in Oh mio Dio! Anthony Mancinelli has been cut- were made from a custom mold stamping the initials of the bride- tears after Meisami repaired her damaged teeth. ting hair since he was 12, and 93 years later he to-be with her family crest and were given to the guests as favors. “She has changed my life, saved my life, and I am has no plans to retire. He was recognized by Guin- The name ferratelle is directly related to ferro, the iron mold used to forever grateful for this.” ness World Records as the planet’s oldest barber. cook them. Interestingly, the origin of the name cancellate from the Reminder! Male members of the dental profes- Mancinelli celebrated his 105th birthday last week Italian word cancello (gate) seems to be related to a cloistered order sion are the only men on earth who can tell a in New Windsor, New York. A beloved fi xture at of nuns. Neole or nevole come from the area of Ortona and their woman to open or close her mouth, and get away the town’s Fantastic Cuts Salon, the centenar- name, nuvole (clouds), comes from their soft consistency that makes with it! ian still drives, cuts his own hair, and works fi ve them easy to stack like a sandwich and fi ll with “scrucchiata,” a The unoffi cial mayor of Medford, Tom Analetto, days a week. “Hours don’t matter with me,” said local grape jelly. Other common fi llings are chocolate spread or says, “When a dentist makes an extraction, you Mancinelli. “I don’t get tired.” His 79-year-old son, honey. Enjoy eating pizzelle at the end of a meal with a glass of hope he pulls the tooth, the whole tooth, and Robert, says his father is a force of nature, admit- Centerba, a green, very strong and spicy liquor made from digestive nothing but the tooth.” ting, “He’s in better shape than I am.” and aromatic herbs found in the Majella mountains located in the Huh! Two diners at a Joe’s Crab Shack in Min- Jennifer Lawrence was this year’s highest paid central Appennine region of Abruzzo. nesota were shocked when they realized the deco- Oscar nominee, earning $52 million between June rative photo on their table depicted the lynching 2014 and June 2015 — almost twice as much Pizzelle Abbruzzesi of a black man. The picture of the 1895 hanging as the second highest-paid nominee, Leonardo carried the supposedly amusing caption “All I DiCaprio. Though not nominated, Robert Downey 3 eggs 1 tsp anise extract (substitute said was I didn’t like the gumbo!” The manager Jr. was Hollywood’s highest-paid performer, earn- 2 cups fl our with cinnamon powder or with apologized, but the customer, Chauntyll Allen, ing $80 million for his Iron Man role in Avengers: 6 tbsp sugar the grated zest of half lemon) said the photo was “the last thing I expected to Age of Ultron and other Marvel properties. 6 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 tsp (leveled) of baking see at a family-friendly restaurant.” Now hear this. In 1970, President Richard Nixon ½ cup of whole milk powder Former GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson was heard on one of the Watergate tapes saying Non-stick cooking spray revealed that in return for his endorsement of “The Italians. We mustn’t forget the Italians. Must Preparation: In an electric mixer or in a bowl, beat together Donald Trump, he expects to play some role in do something for them, they’re not like us. Dif- eggs, sugar and oil until frothy. Add the milk and incorporate the Trump’s administration. “Even if Donald Trump ference is … They smell different, look different, fl our and the baking powder. Stir in the anise extract (or the cin- turns out not to be such a great president,” act different. After all, you can’t blame them. Oh namon or the lemon zest) and incorporate well. Let the batter rest Carson said, “we’re only looking at four years.” no … can’t do that. They’ve never had the things for a few minutes. In the meantime, heat up the pizzelle iron on For adults only! Health advice, after a Swedish we’ve had.” Ehrlichman: “That’s right.” President medium heat and, when ready, spray with a bit of cooking spray offi cial defended a couple’s right to have noisy sex Nixon responded, “Of course, the trouble is … the and place a spoonful of batter in the center. Close the iron and late at night despite complaints from a disgruntled trouble is you can’t fi nd one that’s honest.” cook for about one minute on each side. Arrange on a platter and neighbor. “Getting down to business,” said Health Some interesting bits from the distinguished continue with the rest of the batter. An alternative to the pizzelle Minister Gabriel Wikstrom, is “good for their well- musicologist Al Natale. It was Walter Winchell iron is an electric waffl e iron. Buon appetito! being and thus public health.” who broke the story of “Justifi ed Nepotism” when Wow! A Baltimore woman is suing city offi cials disclosing that singer Marjorie Hughes was indeed Pizzelle Abbruzzesi and contractors after the toilet she was sitting the daughter of her boss Frankie Carle. Majorie 3 uova 1 cucchiaino di estratto d’anice on exploded, sending her fl ying across her bath- and Dad had a big hit with “Oh! What it Seemed to 250 g di farina (oppure di cannella in polvere room. Angela Wright blames the explosion on city Be” in 1946. The Rodgers and Hart song “There’s 6 cucchiai di zucchero o la buccia grattugiata di workers using high-powered hoses to clear a a Small Hotel” originated in the Broadway show 6 cucchiai di olio mezzo limone) blocked sewer in her neighborhood. The ensuing On Your Toes and was sung by Frank Sinatra in ½ bicchiere di latte 1 cucchiaino raso di lievito per blast, Wright says, left her with PTSD. “I was liter- the musical fi lm Pal Joey. Remember! In 1976, dolci ally covered in feces,” she said. “Who wants that?” Perry Como received his 15th Gold Record. He Burro q.b. She is seeking $250,000 in damages “for the recorded for RCA for more than 40 years! Louis enormous blow to her psyche and physical self.” Prima and Keeley Smith made but one movie Preparazione: In una planetaria oppure in una terrina monta Two strangers from opposite sides of the world together: Hey Boy, Hey Girl. It didn’t do well, but bene lo zucchero con le uova e l’olio. Aggiungi il latte, quindi who look exactly like each other met for the fi rst the duo was seen a lot on television guesting with incorpora la farina ed il lievito. Aggiungi l’estratto d’anice (la can- time, and even their boyfriends struggled to tell everyone from Ed Sullivan to Steve Allen to Dinah nella o la buccia del limone grattugiata) e mescola bene il tutto. them apart. Maddy Renslow, from Washington Shore. And what actress turned down the part Fai riposare per qualche minuto. Nel frattempo riscalda a fuoco state, and Amber Eckart, from Perth, Australia, of Scarlett O’Hara in Gone with the Wind? Yes! it medio il ferro per le pizzelle. Non appena pronto ungilo con del found each other on TwinStrangers.com which was Bette Davis. She didn’t want to play opposite burro e versaci nel centro un cucchiaio di pastella. Chiudi il ferro matches look-alikes, and came face-to-face in Errol Flynn, who had supposedly been slated for e cuoci per circa un minuto su entrambi i lati. Disponi le pizzelle California last month. The pair of “doppelgangers” the part of Rhett Butler. The role of Scarlett, as su un piatto da portata e servi. In alternativa al ferro per pizzelle discovered that they share more than looks. They we all know, subsequently went to Vivien Leigh. puoi usare il waffl e iron electrico. Buon appetito! went to beauty school, graduated the same year, Health Scare! Sugary energy drinks packed with If you would like to cook with me and have similar mannerisms. “It really kind of felt stimulants like caffeine and gaurana might give go to www.speakasyoueat.com. natural, like meeting a long-lost friend,” Renslow, you an edge at the gym, but they can take a toll 22, said of Amber, 23. “We instantly connected.” on the heart, increasing blood pressure and the Alessandra Sambiase is an elementary and middle school Italian A Chicago man who got sick of hearing loud- risk for arrhythmia. So researcher Sachin Shah language teacher in the Catholic school system. She is also a cooking mouths blabbing on their cell phones on a com- tells MedicallDaily.com. instructor and founder of “Parla come mangi!” (speak as you eat!) muter train was arrested for using a signal jam- Permanent Address: Emily Dickinson (1830- cooking classes, where the passion for the Italian language meets mer to silence the calls. After commuters started May 15, 1886), West Cemetery, Amherst, MA. the love for the Italian food. noticing their calls being dropped, one traveler Reclusive poet, published little during her life- spotted Dennis Nicholl, 63, holding a device with time; her tombstone bears the prophetic words The Federal Trade Commission multiple antennas. Police arrested and charged “Called Back,” which she wrote in her last note the fi nancial analyst with unlawful interference to a cousin. And poet E.E. Cummings (1894- works for the consumer to prevent fraud and deception. with a public utility. But his lawyer, Charles September 2, 1962) is at Forest Hills Cemetery Call 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357) Lauer, says Nicholl didn’t mean any harm. “He’s in Boston. or log on to www.ftc.gov. disturbed by people talking around him,” Lauer AMERICA IS A BEAUTIFUL ITALIAN NAME POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 1, 2016 PAGE 13 Cars are the Stars at the 42nd Town Fair Tire World of Wheels Friday, April 1st through Sunday, April 3rd

The holidays are fi nally over on Good Friday and no assign- , because I was going to at the Seaport World Trade Center and the warm weather is just ments would be due when we call collect and ask for myself. ahead of us. April school va- returned on the following Mon- The voice on the other end cation is only a few weeks day. Mr. Ray, the manager at would say that I wasn’t there away, and when I was a young the Seville told me I could have and would I like to leave a mes- man, this meant heading to the weekend off, and I hired a sage. The folks would know I someplace exotic. My favorite substitute bass player to take was OK and there would be no spot was always Puerto Rico, my place at the night club I charge. (Don’t tell the phone probably because I had many was working at. Babbononno, company! They might come friends there, but there were knowing how the people dressed looking for me.) Following my other spots I remember from in Havana on holidays, picked deceptive phone call, we headed my youth. out my best summer clothes to downtown Havana and the I read in the papers that Presi- for me to take. I had two suits hotel. En route, the driver and dent Obama ventured to Cuba that were strictly for summer Uncle Nick pointed out many of to try to normalize things a bit. wear. He pulled them from my the historic sites. I was there once, the Easter closet, matched them with dress Once at the hotel, I headed to weekend of 1959, just months shirts, ties and pocket handker- my part of Uncle Nick’s suite, before the revolution. As a child, chiefs, shoes and socks. emptied out my suitcase and, I traveled with Mom and Dad. I assured my grandfather after donning a new bathing Quite often, Nanna and Bab- that, with the exception of Eas- suit and matching top, followed (Photo by Rosario Scabin, Ross Photography) bononno were with us, but as ter Mass and Easter dinner, I my uncle to the pool. When I got they got older, it was just my would spend the weekend in there, I greeted Aunt Dorothy If it is cool and has wheels, it can be found at the Town Fair Tire parents and me. My godfather, a bathing suit either hanging who was working on a beautiful World of Wheels, this weekend at the Seaport World Trade Center. Uncle Nick, and his wife, Aunt out at the beach or the hotel’s tan, and immediately jumped See some of New England’s fi nest show cars, as well as a number Dorothy, never had any kids. pool. Nanna made sure I had a into the pool to cool off. Later of exhibits and feature celebrities. There will be hundreds of cus- As a result, they were more St. Christopher’s medal in my that day, there was a procession tom cars, classics, hot rods, trucks, motorcycles and race cars on independent than many other suitcase for protection, just in in the center of the old part of display. This will be a fantastic showing of true automotive art. families. When holidays came case, and I was ready to head to Havana with an actor portray- BOSTON 2016 SHOW INFORMATION along and Uncle Nick could take Miami on the morning of Good ing Jesus carrying his cross to Friday, April 1st, 3:00 pm-10:00 pm th off, I was always invited, being Friday, March the 27 . Easter Mt. Calvary. We ate at a local Saturday, April 2nd, 10:00 am-10:00 pm his godson. Most of the time, I was early that year, coincidently restaurant before heading back Sunday, April 3rd, 10:00 am-6:00 pm didn’t take his offers. the same date as this year. I to the hotel. Some of the dishes FEATURES/SPECIAL SECTIONS By the time Easter of 1959 boarded a Pan American Air- were foreign to me back then, America’s Finest Hot Rods, Customs, Trucks & Motorcycles rolled around, I needed a break. lines prop plane and we headed and my uncle had to explain Gene Winfi eld’s “Chop Shop” demonstrations presented by I was in my junior year in col- south. About fi ve or six hours what I was eating. Summit Racing Equipment lege, working at the Seville later, we landed in Miami, and The next day was Holy Sat- Competition for the Pilgrim Award Theater, playing music at a I headed to the Havana shuttle urday and after spending time Master Builder Award — Presented by Steele Rubber Products nightclub on weekend nights, service. I don’t remember the on a beach that was part of the CASI Cup — Presented by Chevrolet Performance and trying to play a bit of base- name of the local airline, but hotel, I asked Uncle Nick if any World of Wheels OL SKOOL RODZ Display featuring Traditional ball with the American Legion they used war surplus DC-3s, of the churches had Confession Rods, Customs & Bobbers and the CYO Leagues. As I said, old army cargo planes bought services in English. The next Ol Skool Rodz Pin-Up Girl Contest - Saturday 7:00 pm I needed a break. As usual, from the military. Flying in one day was Easter and I wanted GUEST APPEARANCES Uncle Nick and Aunt Dorothy of those was a bit dramatic; no to go to Mass and receive Com- Guest appearances are a feature of the show. Admission does were heading on a vacation to pressurization, which means munion. (I think they used to not guarantee an autograph. somewhere exotic. For Easter, that they flew at low levels. call it Easter Duty.) We asked Daddy Dave from TV’s Street Outlaws, Friday, 5:00-9:00 pm they wanted to head to Havana, There was no air conditioning at the hotel desk and were told Olivia Holt, “Lindy Watson” from Disney’s I Didn’t Do It, Sat- Cuba. Uncle Nick had been in planes back then, and the where to go. That night, after urday 1:00-3:00 pm & 4:00-6:00 pm there a few times, both as a heat and humidity took its toll dinner, I watched my uncle and Danny “The Count” Koker and The Count’s 77 Band, Sunday tourist and a couple of times on the passengers who were aunt try to win money at the 1:00-4:00 pm when he served with the Navy in well-dressed. All were wilted by hotel’s casino. Gambling was Meet the New England Patriot Cheerleaders at the Town Fair WWII. He was one of the lucky the time we landed in Havana a big attraction for American Tire Display, Saturday 12:00 pm-2:00 pm ones; he was in uniform, but an hour after takeoff. The tem- tourists back then, and much of See legendary builder Gene Winfi eld do major body modifi ca- didn’t fi ght. He was with the perature was warm when we left the gambling was controlled by tions to a car in the show all weekend long. Andre Kostelanetz Orchestra Miami and the humidity was up the American underworld. But See fantastic paint schemes and eye piercing chrome all under which was based in Newport, there. By the time we landed in that’s a story for another day. one roof at the Town Fair Tire World of Wheels. Rhode Island. The band had Havana where the temperature Neither my aunt nor my uncle Discount coupon available at townfairtire.com. toured our bases in the Carib- was in the 90s and the humid- made any money. I was too The Seaport World Trade Center (formerly Commonwealth Pier) bean a few times, hence my ity was around 100, all of us young to gamble and was saved. is located at 200 Seaport Boulevard,Boston, MA 02210. uncle’s familiarity with Cuba. passengers looked like we were The next day we attended For pricing, times and any further information, please visit www. I don’t remember how they got wilted and sweaty. Mass at the Cathedral in Ha- worldofwheels.com. there. There used to be winter Just as I descended the steps vana and then headed for a cruises from Boston and New that allowed me to exit the restaurant for Easter dinner. York heading to Miami back DC-3, I saw Uncle Nick waving At sundown, we sat on the roof then. They may have headed from behind a gate. I waved garden watching the locals south that way in ’59, or they back and headed in his direc- strolling and showing off their might have fl own to Miami and tion. He had a car and driver Easter outfi ts. From our loca- then taken a shuttle to the waiting outside the terminal tion I could see fl ickers of light Rancho-Boyeros Airport in Ha- and said that Aunt Dorothy way to the east. Uncle Nick told vana. When it became an inter- was at the pool, and the hotel me that they were probably national airport, they renamed supplied both the car and driver rebel camp fi res, and that if the it Jose Marti International, after to pick me up. The hotel was Cuban government wasn’t care- the George Washington of Cuba, the Havana Hilton, and was ful, those rebels were going to and Cesar Romero’s grandfa- like most Hilton Hotels, four to take over the island nation. He ther. Anyway, that spring I said, fi ve stars back then. Before we was right and it happened that “Yes” to Uncle Nick and made headed for the hotel, I told my New Year’s Eve, seven months the arrangements to fl y out on uncle that I promised I’d call later. Good Friday. home to let them know I had GOD BLESS AMERICA Boston State College (now U. arrived. I thought it would be Mass Boston) was not in session better to call home from the

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• News Briefs (Continued from Page 1) of in school, eight lashes with happen.” LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE a whip; swearing in school, El Chapo Had a “Fast” Gun Commonwealth of Massachusetts Commonwealth of Massachusetts Commonwealth of Massachusetts eight lashes; wearing long fi n- One of the many weapons The Trial Court The Trial Court The Trial Court gernails, two lashes; playing Mexican offi cials say was found Probate and Family Court Probate and Family Court Probate and Family Court Middlesex Division Middlesex Division Middlesex Division cards in school, ten lashes; at El Chapo’s hideout was as- 208 Cambridge Street 208 Cambridge Street 208 Cambridge Street boys hanging out with girls, sociated with Fast and Furious, East Cambridge, MA 02141 East Cambridge, MA 02141 East Cambridge, MA 02141 three lashes;and fi nally, boys a failed U.S. gun-walking opera- (617) 768-5800 (617) 768-5800 (617) 768-5800 and girls playing together, four tion by the U.S. Department of Docket No. MI15P1549EA Docket No. MI16P1438EA Docket No. MI16P0773EA lashes. OUCH! OUCH! OUCH! Justice under former U.S. Attor- Estate of Estate of Estate of We’ve come a long way in 300 ney Eric Holder. This blotched ANDREW LEE ROSING GUSTAV RICHARD OLSON KEVIN JOSEPH O’CONNOR Date of Death November 19, 2014 Also Known As Also Known As years, haven’t we? federal operation run by the Bu- G. RICHARD OLSON KEVIN J. O’CONNOR st INFORMAL PROBATE After 1 Ballot, reau of Alcohol, Firearms and Date of Death April 9, 2009 Date of Death January 16, 2016 Go with RINO Ryan? Tobacco allowed gunrunners PUBLICATION NOTICE To all persons interested in the above cap- INFORMAL PROBATE INFORMAL PROBATE Thank God John Boehner to buy weapons in the hopes of tioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner Stephen PUBLICATION NOTICE PUBLICATION NOTICE isn’t Speaker anymore. It now tracking and disrupting gun- J. Tapscott of Cambridge, MA. To all persons interested in the above To all persons interested in the above appears many in the GOP es- smugglers. Bad idea from start Stephen J. Tapscott of Cambridge, MA captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner has been informally appointed as the Personal Carl F. Olson of Marietta, GA. Jessica A. Crusco of Waltham, MA. tablishment are peddling an to finish. The weapon found Representative of the estate to serve with Carl F. Olson of Marietta, GA has been in- Jessica A. Crusco of Waltham, MA has idea that is quite stupid to me. It was one of 19 fi rearms that the surety on the bond. formally appointed as the Personal Represen- been informally appointed as the Personal goes like this: If Trump doesn’t Mexican police recovered at the The estate is being administered under tative of the estate to serve without surety on Representative of the estate to serve without informal procedure by the Personal Represen- the bond. surety on the bond. win the nomination on the fi rst hideout. tative under the Massachusetts Uniform Pro- The estate is being administered under The estate is being administered under ballot, the party should go with Quote to Note bate Code without supervision by the Court. informal procedure by the Personal Represen- informal procedure by the Personal Represen- Speaker Paul Ryan. “Zero in on your target and Inventory and accounts are not required to be tative under the Massachusetts Uniform Pro- tative under the Massachusetts Uniform Pro- fi led with the Court, but interested parties are bate Code without supervision by the Court. bate Code without supervision by the Court. By the way, Boehner is back- go for it.” entitled to notice regarding the administration Inventory and accounts are not required to be Inventory and accounts are not required to be ing Gov. John Kasich, a fellow — Dalai Lama from the Personal Representative and can fi led with the Court, but interested parties are fi led with the Court, but interested parties are Ohioan. Bubba Bashes Obama for petition the Court in any matter relating to the entitled to notice regarding the administration entitled to notice regarding the administration estate, including distribution of assets and from the Personal Representative and can from the Personal Representative and can Quote to Note “Awful” Last Eight Years expenses of administration. Interested parties petition the Court in any matter relating to the petition the Court in any matter relating to the “I think we’ve had enough de- Bill Clinton recently ripped are entitled to petition the Court to institute estate, including distribution of assets and estate, including distribution of assets and formal proceedings and to obtain orders ter- expenses of administration. Interested parties expenses of administration. Interested parties bates. How many times can the President Obama while cam- minating or restricting the powers of Personal are entitled to petition the Court to institute are entitled to petition the Court to institute same people ask you the same paigning for Hillary. “If you Representatives appointed under informal pro- formal proceedings and to obtain orders ter- formal proceedings and to obtain orders ter- questions”? believe we’ve ... come to the cedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, minating or restricting the powers of Personal minating or restricting the powers of Personal can be obtained from the Petitioner. Representatives appointed under informal pro- Representatives appointed under informal pro- — Donald Trump point where we can put the aw- Run date: 4/1/16 cedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, cedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, on Fox & Friends ful legacy of the last eight years can be obtained from the Petitioner. can be obtained from the Petitioner. Pup Saved from behind us, and the seven years Run date: 4/1/16 Run date: 4/1/16 Killer Toy Bear before that when we were prac- A veterinarian saved the life ticing trickle-down economics, LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE of an ailing puppy after discov- then you should vote for Hill- REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS ering the source of the pup’s ary,” he stated at a Spokane Commonwealth of Massachusetts The MASSACHUSETTS PORT AUTHORITY is soliciting Statements of Qualifi cations for MPA pain. It was a six-inch stuffed campaign last week. The Trial Court CONTRACT NO. LP1702-C1, FY 17-19 BAGGAGE HANDLING SYSTEM OPERATIONS AND polar bear. The little gal named Whose Bad Policies? Probate and Family Court MAINTENANCE, LOGAN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, EAST BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex Division AND WORCESTER REGIONAL AIRPORT, WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS. The Authority is “Honey” had been sick for over Recent Headline: “Justice De- 208 Cambridge Street seeking Qualifi cation Statements from contractors to provide management and operations personnel a week and was on death’s bed partment Calls for End to Poli- East Cambridge, MA 02141 to operate, maintain, and repair the existing baggage handling system (BHS) throughout Logan until the vet found the killer cies Hurting the Poor.” OMG, (617) 768-5800 International Airport and Worcester Regional Airport. Such contractors must have a demonstrated bear lurking inside her. The pup there goes much of Big Govern- Docket No. MI16P1461EA experience in the operation and maintenance of similar systems in terms of scale and complexity. The contractor shall be able to maintain the BHS in accordance with requirements of the original is fi ne and banned from playing ment and all its entitlements Estate of LOIS MARY BARTEE equipment manufactures and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for such systems. with toy bears. that destroy working people and The contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of all BHS software and hardware, with Date of Death January 27, 2016 Trump Says the poor. The more you give out exception of the L3 Examiner 6700 screening devices. The contractor shall also be responsible for INFORMAL PROBATE Riots in Cleveland if the as freebies, the more you trap any necessary repairs to the system. PUBLICATION NOTICE The scope of work shall include BHS at Terminals B, C, and E with the option of adding Terminal A at GOP Steals Nod from Him families from ever rising up. To all persons interested in the above Logan Airport and BHS at Worcester Airport. At Terminals B and C, the scope of work is for the zone Donald Trump is warning captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner of outbound in-line baggage screening only. At Terminal A and E, the scope of work is for all inbound there will be riots if the Repub- End Quote Christopher J. Bartee of Cambridge, MA a and outbound baggage systems, including in-line baggage screening systems. At Worcester Airport, Will has been admitted to informal probate. the scope of work is for all inbound and outbound baggage systems, including in-line baggage lican establishment steals the “Asking a working writer what Christopher J. Bartee of Cambridge, MA screening systems. The contract is anticipated to be for a period of three years with options to nomination from him at the he thinks about critics is like has been informally appointed as the Personal extend the contract for two additional years and is estimated at approximately $5,800,000 per year. Representative of the estate to serve without convention. Said Trump, “If you asking a lamppost how it feels Due to the fact that the plans and specifi cations for this project contain sensitive security information, surety on the bond. hereinafter referred to as SSI, the Authority is planning to implement this project in accordance disenfranchise [his supporters] about dogs.” The estate is being administered under ... I think bad things would — Christopher Hampton informal procedure by the Personal Represen- with the Massport’s approved SSI procedures. A Request for Qualifi cations (RFQ) will be utilized tative under the Massachusetts Uniform Pro- to prequalify and shortlist contractors capable and experienced in the previously described scope bate Code without supervision by the Court. of work. The Authority shall utilize a two-step process including the prequalifi cation and shortlisting Inventory and accounts are not required to be of contractors based on an evaluation of the Statement of Qualifi cations received in response to • Stirpe Nostra (Continued from Page 2) fi led with the Court, but interested parties are this solicitation, followed by an Invitation to Bidders which will only be issued to the shortlisted entitled to notice regarding the administration contractors. In order to be shortlisted, a contractor must have a demonstrated expertise in the scope baldacchino (canopy) over the that from the end of the 16th from the Personal Representative and can of work herein described, and a demonstrated ability to manage and protect SSI. The Authority expects to shortlist a minimum of three (3) contractors but may choose to shortlist a different number altar is entirely of bronze and century, no important church petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including distribution of assets and if it is deemed in the best interests of the project. weighs over 700 tons. This can- was built without the central expenses of administration. Interested parties Qualifi cation Statements shall be evaluated in accordance with the following criteria; (1) qualifi cations, opy is supported by four twisted dome, which also became a are entitled to petition the Court to institute credentials and recent relevant experience on similar projects; (2) experience, geographic location black marble columns that “must” for every monumental formal proceedings and to obtain orders ter- and availability of the proposed Project Manager and other key staff; (3) corporate ownership, minating or restricting the powers of Personal history, fi nancial stability and long-term viability of the Contractor and its sub-contractors, if any; (4) were copied from Solomon’s U.S. building, including our Representatives appointed under informal pro- quality of references on similar work performed in the past three years; (5) M/W/DBE participation Temple. national and state capitols. cedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, and affi rmative action efforts; (6) commitment and capacity to implement the contract over the The effects of Michelangelo’s NEXT WEEK: can be obtained from the Petitioner. full term of the work; (7) depth and breadth of relevant airport experience and understanding of Run date: 4/1/16 the challenges in working in an operational airport; (8) past performance on Massport projects; if dome became so far-reaching Michelangelo applicable, (9) ability to provide appropriate staff to execute the contract; and (10) demonstrated ability to manage a sensitive security project and protect SSI. A Supplemental Information Package that discusses the Evaluation Criteria and the requirements • A Life of Sacrifi ce (Continued from Page 8) for the Qualifi cation Statements in more detail will be available to interested parties beginning LEGAL NOTICE Wednesday, April 6, 2016, by contacting Colleen LaGrasso at [email protected]. day without benefi ts. In the old made throughout her life for A Project Briefi ng will be held on Wednesday, April 13, 2016, at 1:00 PM in the Authority’s Capital days, people died young be- the benefi t of others. She never Commonwealth of Massachusetts Programs Department, Logan Offi ce Center, One Harborside Drive, Suite 209S, East Boston, MA. cause they were forced to work asked for anything except the The Trial Court Attendance at the briefi ng is not mandatory, however, it is strongly encouraged in order to best Probate and Family Court familiarize your fi rm with the project details and the selection process. until becoming gravely ill, even- opportunity to make a better Middlesex Division tually succumbing to death. I life for her family. 208 Cambridge Street Seven (7) copies of a bound document each limited to 10 sheets (20 pages), exclusive of covers and dividers and resumes which shall be limited to one page, shall be printed on both sides of the sheet was not able to get Angela’s full Angela, along with most immi- East Cambridge, MA 02141 (617) 768-5800 (8 ½” x 11”) and shall be addressed to Mr. Houssam H. Sleiman, P.E., C.C.M, Director of Capital story in the scant hour we spent grants, showed by her actions Programs and Environmental Affairs, and received no later than 12 Noon on Thursday, April 21, together. Nor is this article suf- how blessed we are to live in Docket No. MI16P1261EA 2016, at the Massachusetts Port Authority, Logan Offi ce Center, One Harborside Drive, Suite 209S, Logan International Airport, East Boston, MA 02128-2909. Any submittal that exceeds the page limit fi cient to explore all the details the United States of America. Estate of NANCY A. GIOIA set here or that is not received in the Capital Programs Department by the above deadline shall be of the many sacrifi ces she had Each and every one are exam- rejected as non-responsive. Date of Death May 15, 2015 to make in order to survive. I ples of what made this nation Questions regarding this RFQ should be directed to [email protected] with the Project INFORMAL PROBATE Title and Number included in the subject line of the e-mail. know that the Italian family has great. To live a full, blessed life, PUBLICATION NOTICE MASSACHUSETTS PORT AUTHORITY always been strong, a truly fi ne Jesus was the model. He came To all persons interested in the above cap- THOMAS P. GLYNN example for present-day Ameri- to serve. We surely need more tioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner Virginia CEO AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR can society. The family demon- people to serve the greater good, Marie Gioia of Arlington, MA, a Will has been Run date: 4/1/2016 admitted to informal probate. strated that in giving we receive, starting with being exemplary Virginia Marie Gioia of Arlington, MA has and older members were loved, parents. Life has never been been informally appointed as the Personal LETTERS POLICY but she wanted to be indepen- easy, and we need to pre- Representative of the estate to serve without surety on the bond. The Post-Gazette invites its readers to submit Letters to the Editor. dent and live in her own home. pare the younger generation The estate is being administered under • Letters should be typed, double-spaced and must include the writer’s Her children were there to help for this reality. Money is not informal procedure by the Personal Represen- tative under the Massachusetts Uniform Pro- name, address and telephone number. Anonymous letters are not her whenever necessary; the everything! I would say that bate Code without supervision by the Court. accepted for publication. love and respect they had for Angela Moscatiello was a very Inventory and accounts are not required to be • Due to space considerations, we request that letters not exceed two her is worth more than gold. In rich woman by having her pri- fi led with the Court, but interested parties are double-spaced, type-written pages. entitled to notice regarding the administration turn, she gave each of her chil- orities straight. Her hard work from the Personal Representative and can • This newspaper reserves the right to edit letters for style, grammar dren a sum of money that they certainly paid off with a long petition the Court in any matter relating to the and taste and to limit the number of letters published from any one neither wanted nor needed. She life, a loving family, and a bright estate, including distribution of assets and person or organization. expenses of administration. Interested parties lived simply, receiving much joy future for her grandchildren. are entitled to petition the Court to institute Deadline for submission is 12:00 noon on the Monday prior to the Friday from being able to give to her She definitely set a positive formal proceedings and to obtain orders ter- on which the writer wishes to have the material published. Submission children and grandchildren. I example for them, and this na- minating or restricting the powers of Personal by the deadline does not guarantee publication. Representatives appointed under informal pro- wish I had all the right words tion has been soundly blessed cedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, Send letter to: Pamela Donnaruma, Editor, to demonstrate the breadth and by Angela and her fellow Italian can be obtained from the Petitioner. Post-Gazette, P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113 depth of the sacrifi ces Angela immigrants. Run date: 4/1/16 POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 1, 2016 PAGE 15

• Talk of Many Things (Continued from Page 10) weeks how gasoline prices are John Wayne. I told him my dog EXTRA Innings slowly creeping upward? I was was named Dot. The guy asked getting gas at the lowest price of if Dot was named after someone by Sal Giarratani $1.59 a gallon, but those days or something. I just said she now appear to be gone. Rumors looked like a Dot. No Kidding, and No LaRoche Last season, he converted 24 He was a great baseball that gasoline prices would drop Then he told me he once Chicago White Sox fi rst base- of 26 save chances and is 349 broadcaster and was on the to 99 cents per gallon obviously named his dog Dot, too. When I man Adam LaRoche said he of 395 in his career going back Today show, too, in a nearly won’t be coming true anytime asked him if his Dot was named planned to retire and walk away to his Red Sox days. 30-year association with NBC. soon. for someone, he told me it was from $13 million after being Joe Garagiola, R.I.P. A-Rod to Retire Meanwhile, I purchased for his wife. When I asked him told by the team president to After 2017 Season grapes at the supermarket how his wife took to having a keep his 14-year-old son out of the other day for only $1.68 a dog named after her, he said the clubhouse. Team President pound. Too bad we can’t fuel not good. He told me he is now Kenny Williams confi rmed he our vehicles with grapes, huh? divorced from her. twice asked LaRoche to “dial A DOG NAMED DOT WARNING TO ALL GUYS it back,” referring to his son’s Recently I was walking a dog Never, ever name a pet after visits to spring training. Gen- named Dot, and passed by a your wife or girlfriend; you eral Manager Rick Hahn said guy walking his dog. He told me might never need Viagra again, that LaRoche was asked to re- his dog was named Duke after if you know what I mean. consider his decision to retire. LEGAL NOTICE Kudos to LaRoche for standing LEGAL NOTICE his ground. He put his father- NY Yankees Alex Rodriguez Commonwealth of Massachusetts hood ahead of his baseball has announced plans to retire Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court career, and gave his son a great after the 2017 season. Rodri- The Trial Court Probate and Family Court lesson about what family means. guez, 40, is fourth on the career Middlesex Probate and Family Court Middlesex Division 208 Cambridge Street 208 Cambridge Street Washington Down with Pap Joe Garagiola, who turned home run list with 687. He said, Cambridge, MA 02141 East Cambridge, MA 02141 After a late season dugout a modest major league career “I won’t play after next season. (617) 768-5800 (617) 768-5800 altercation with his teammate into a 57-year run as a popular I’ve enjoyed my time. For me, Docket No. MI16P1576EA Docket No. MI16P1524EA Bryce Harper, no one knew if broadcaster in the sports world it is a time to go home and be Estate of Estate of Jonathan Papelbon would be and beyond, has died; he was 90 Dad.” ANGELINA RE VICTORIA M. BENEDICT coming back this season. Pap years old. Garagiola hit .257 in 9 A-Rod is 75 homers shy of Date of Death September 10, 1993 Date of Death February 27, 2016 did apologize to one and all for years in baseball with 46 hom- catching up to Barry Bonds who CITATION ON PETITION FOR INFORMAL PROBATE that misdeed. The Philadelphia ers and 255 RBIs. As a 20-year- sits at the top of the list. He will FORMAL ADJUDICATION PUBLICATION NOTICE Phillies checked around with all old rookie, he got a four-hit game be 42 at the end of 2017. He To all interested persons: To all persons interested in the above cap- A Petition for Formal Adjudication of In- tioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner Christine of the closer’s former teams and in the 1946 World Series for the probably needs to play through testacy and Appointment of Personal Rep- M. Bulman of Cambridge, MA, a Will has been no one had a bad thing to say Cardinals against Ted Williams 2018 to catch Bonds, but ap- resentative has been fi led by Paul Re of Win- admitted to informal probate. about him. and the Red Sox. He played for parently he isn’t thinking about chester, MA requesting that the Court enter a Christine M. Bulman of Cambridge, MA formal Decree and Order and for such other has been informally appointed as the Personal the Cardinals, Cubs and the NY anything baseball after 2017. relief as requested in the Petition. Representative of the estate to serve without Giants in his somewhat forget- The Petitioner requests that Paul Re of surety on the bond. LEGAL NOTICE Winchester, MA be appointed as Personal The estate is being administered under table playing career. LEGAL NOTICE Representative(s) of said estate to serve With- informal procedure by the Personal Represen- out Surety on the bond in an unsupervised tative under the Massachusetts Uniform Pro- Commonwealth of Massachusetts Commonwealth of Massachusetts administration. bate Code without supervision by the Court. The Trial Court LEGAL NOTICE The Trial Court IMPORTANT NOTICE Inventory and accounts are not required to be Probate and Family Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court You have the right to obtain a copy of the fi led with the Court, but interested parties are Middlesex Division NOTICE OF SALE 208 Cambridge Street Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. entitled to notice regarding the administration 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 You have a right to object to this proceeding. East Cambridge, MA 02141 Notice is hereby given by TODISCO (617) 768-5800 from the Personal Representative and can TOWING OF 94 CONDOR STREET, To do so, you or your attorney must fi le a petition the Court in any matter relating to the (617) 768-5800 Docket No. MI16D0432DR written appearance and objection at this EAST BOSTON, MA pursuant to estate, including distribution of assets and Docket No. MI16P1436PO the provisions of Mass G.L. c 255, DIVORCE SUMMONS BY Court before 10:00 a.m. on the return day of expenses of administration. Interested parties April 21, 2016. TRUST CITATION Section 39A that they will sell the PUBLICATION AND MAILING are entitled to petition the Court to institute following vehicles. This is NOT a hearing date, but a DAABOUL, DOLLI L. formal proceedings and to obtain orders ter- In the Matter of Vehicles are being sold to satisfy deadline by which you must fi le a written minating or restricting the powers of Personal CLAUDE W. BRENNER LIVING TRUST VS. appearance and objection if you object to their garage keeper’s lien for towing, Representatives appointed under informal pro- To all interested persons: A Petition has been DAABOUL, NASR N. this proceeding. If you fail to fi le a timely storage and notices of sale: cedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, fi led by Anne O. Lowell of Cambridge, MA To the Defendant: written appearance and objection followed 2015 BMW X6 can be obtained from the Petitioner. requesting to Modify the language of the third The Plaintiff has fi led a Complaint for Divorce by an affi davit of objections within thirty Run date: 4/1/16 amendment to the trust by striking the name Paul VIN #5UXKU6C5XF0R33533 requesting that the Court grant a divorce for (30) days of the return day, action may be T. Brenner as successor trustee and allowing the Irretrievable Breakdown of the Marriage 1B. taken without further notice to you. 2005 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER designation of David Lang as successor trustee. The Complaint is on fi le at the Court. UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION VIN #1GNDT13S452300378 LEGAL NOTICE You have the right to obtain a copy of the An Automatic Restraining Order has been UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. entered in this matter preventing you from PROBATE CODE (MUPC) Commonwealth of Massachusetts 2008 HONDA CIVIC You have a right to object to this proceed- taking any action which would negatively im- A Personal Representative appointed The Trial Court VIN #2HGFA16548H319183 ing. To do so, you or your attorney must fi le pact the current fi nancial status of either party. under the MUPC in an unsupervised admin- Middlesex Probate and Family Court a written appearance and objection at this 2003 HONDA PILOT SEE Supplemental Probate Court Rule 411. istration is not required to fi le an inventory 208 Cambridge Street Court before 10:00 a.m. on April 13, 2016. You are hereby summoned and required to or annual accounts with the Court. Persons Cambridge, MA 02141 VIN #2HKYF18483H557258 This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline serve upon: Barry R. Lewis, Esq., Law Offi ces interested in the estate are entitled to notice (617) 768-5800 by which you must fi le a written appearance 2011 HONDA FIT of Barry R. Lewis, 16 Lanewood Avenue, regarding the administration directly from Docket No. MI16P1523EA and objection if you object to this proceed- VIN #JHMGE8H50BC019338 Framingham, MA 01701 your answer, if any, the Personal Representative and may peti- ing. If you fail to fi le a timely written appear- on or before April 5, 2016. If you fail to do so, tion the Court in any matter relating to the Estate of 2004 MERCURY MOUNTAINER ance and objection followed by an Affi davit the court will proceed to the hearing and adju- estate, including the distribution of assets THERESA JOSEPHINE VIEIRA of Objections within thirty (30) days of the VIN #4M2ZU86K04UJ10641 dication of this action. You are also required to and expenses of administration. Also Known As THERESA J. VIEIRA return date, action may be taken without The above vehicles will be sold fi le a copy of your answer, if any, in the offi ce of Witness, HON. EDWARD F. DONNELLY, JR., further notice to you. at auction online only at the Register of this Court. Date of Death December 13, 2015 First Justice of this Court. Witness, HON. EDWARD F. DONNELLY, JR., TOWLOT.COM Witness, HON. EDWARD F. DONNELLY, JR., Date: March 24, 2016 CITATION ON PETITION FOR First Justice of this Court. MONDAY, APRIL 4, 2016 First Justice of this Court. FORMAL ADJUDICATION Date: March 16, 2016 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate at 10:00AM at towlot.com Date: February 23, 2016 Run date: 4/1/16 To all interested persons: Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate A Petition for Formal Probate of Will Run date: 4/1/16 Run dates: 3/18, 3/25 4/1, 2016 Run date: 4/1/16 with Appointment of Personal Represen- LEGAL NOTICE tative has been fi led by Michael J. Vieira of Streamwood, IL requesting that the Court Commonwealth of Massachusetts enter a formal Decree and Order and for such LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE The Trial Court other relief as requested in the Petition. Middlesex Probate and Family Court The Petitioner requests that Michael J. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Commonwealth of Massachusetts Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court The Trial Court 208 Cambridge Street Vieira of Streamwood, IL be appointed as The Trial Court Cambridge, MA 02141-0005 Personal Representative(s) of said estate to Probate and Family Court Probate and Family Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court Middlesex Division Middlesex Division (617) 768-5800 serve Without Surety on the bond in an unsu- 208 Cambridge Street pervised administration. 208 Cambridge Street 208 Cambridge Street Docket No. MI115P2503PM Cambridge, MA 02141 East Cambridge, MA 02141 East Cambridge, MA 02141 IMPORTANT NOTICE 617-768-5800 CITATION ON PETITION You have the right to obtain a copy of the (617) 768-5800 (617) 768-5800 FOR ORDER OF Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. Docket No. MI208631 Docket No. MI16P1440EA Docket No. MI16P1445EA COMPLETE SETTLEMENT You have a right to object to this proceeding. CITATION ON PETITION FOR Estate of Estate of Conservatorship of To do so, you or your attorney must fi le a ALLOWANCE OF ACCOUNT THOMAS WARD written appearance and objection at this TERESA M. GRANDE JARVIS WILLIE BURRELL In the Matter of To all interested person: Court before 10:00 a.m. on the return day of Date of Death January 24, 2012 Date of Death January 13, 2009 TRUST u/w/o JERE A. DOWNS A Petition has been fi led by Jonathan J. April 19, 2016. INFORMAL PROBATE INFORMAL PROBATE This is NOT a hearing date, but a Date of Death December 30, 1935 Davey requesting that an Order of Complete PUBLICATION NOTICE PUBLICATION NOTICE Settlement of the estate issue deadline by which you must fi le a written To all interested persons: approve an accounting - determine testacy appearance and objection if you object to A Petition has been fi led by BNY Mellon N.A. To all persons interested in the above To all persons interested in the above determine heirs - compel or approve a this proceeding. If you fail to fi le a timely of, requesting allowance of the 61st through captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner distribution - adjudicate a fi nal settlement written appearance and objection followed 69th account(s) as Trustee and any other relief Robert Grande of Buffalo, NY. Rosella Burrell of Harvey, LA. and other such relief as may be requested by an affi davit of objections within thirty as requested in the Petition. Robert Grande of Buffalo, NY has been in- Rosella Burrell of Harvey, LA has been in- in the Petition. (30) days of the return day, action may be You have the right to obtain a copy of formally appointed as the Personal Represen- formally appointed as the Personal Represen- You have the right to obtain a copy of the taken without further notice to you. the Petition from the Petitioner or at the tative of the estate to serve without surety tative of the estate to serve without surety Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION Court. You have a right to object to this on the bond. on the bond. You have a right to object to this proceeding. UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM proceeding. To do so, you or your attorney The estate is being administered under The estate is being administered under To do so, you or your attorney must fi le PROBATE CODE (MUPC) must fi le a written appearance and objec- informal procedure by the Personal Repre- informal procedure by the Personal Repre- a written appearance and objection at this A Personal Representative appointed tion at this Court before 10:00 a.m. on sentative under the Massachusetts Uniform sentative under the Massachusetts Uniform Court before 10:00 a.m. on April 11, 2016. under the MUPC in an unsupervised admin- April 25, 2016. Probate Code without supervision by the Court. Probate Code without supervision by the Court. This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline istration is not required to fi le an inventory This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline Inventory and accounts are not required to be Inventory and accounts are not required to be by which you must fi le a written appearance or annual accounts with the Court. Persons by which you must fi le a written appearance fi led with the Court, but interested parties are fi led with the Court, but interested parties are and objection if you object to this proceed- interested in the estate are entitled to notice and objection if you object to this proceed- entitled to notice regarding the administra- entitled to notice regarding the administra- ing. If you fail to fi le a timely written appear- regarding the administration directly from ing. If you fail to fi le a timely written appear- tion from the Personal Representative and tion from the Personal Representative and ance and objection followed by an Affi davit the Personal Representative and may peti- ance and objection followed by an Affi davit can petition the Court in any matter relating can petition the Court in any matter relating of Objections within thirty (30) days of the tion the Court in any matter relating to the of Objections within thirty (30) days of the to the estate, including distribution of assets to the estate, including distribution of assets return date, action may be taken without estate, including the distribution of assets return date, action may be taken without and expenses of administration. Interested and expenses of administration. Interested further notice to you. and expenses of administration. further notice to you. parties are entitled to petition the Court to parties are entitled to petition the Court to institute formal proceedings and to obtain institute formal proceedings and to obtain WITNESS, Hon. Edward F. Donnelly, Jr., Witness, HON. EDWARD F. DONNELLY, JR., Witness, HON. EDWARD F. DONNELLY, JR., orders terminating or restricting the powers orders terminating or restricting the powers First Justice of this Court. First Justice of this Court. First Justice of this Court. of Personal Representatives appointed under of Personal Representatives appointed under Date: March 8, 2016 Date: March 23, 2016 Date: March 15, 2016 informal procedure. A copy of the Petition and informal procedure. A copy of the Petition and Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Will, if any, can be obtained from the Petitioner. Will, if any, can be obtained from the Petitioner. Run date: 4/1/16 Run date: 4/1/16 Run date: 4/1/16 Run date 4/1/16 Run date 4/1/16 PAGE 16 BOSTON POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 1, 2016

Boxing Ringside HOOPS and HOCKEY in the HUB by Richard Preiss WITH BOBBY FRANKLIN When it comes to the men’s then scoring a 4-1 victory over Long Before Marvin, NCAA Division 1 college hockey UMass-Lowell to join the trek Boston Had another Southpaw Middleweight Champion capstone event — the Frozen to Tampa. Quinnipiac comes Four — there is a singular in as the number one seed after JOHNNY WILSON certainty this year: only one winning both the ECAC regular up a huge glass of beef blood Hockey East team will be play- season and tournament cham- and drank it down. When he ing in the premier event in pionships as well as the East fi nished, he gave me a big smile. Tampa. Regional. Lowell had eliminated I know he weighed at least 175 That’s because only Bos- Yale in the fi rst round. by the time he got into the ring ton College made it to the Meanwhile, Denver (25-9-6) with me. I still beat him.” showcase weekend of college eliminated BU in the West At this point, I could see hockey’s version of the Big Regional and then topped Ferris Johnny Wilson was fighting Dance. The Eagles will face off State to earn the right to play Greb all over again in his mind. against Quinnipiac in the fi rst North Dakota. The Fighting th I wanted to ask him more about semifi nal game on April 7 in Hawks will come in with the the fi ght, but I was afraid he the Sunshine State, while col- most victories at 33-6-4, but might take a shot at me. lege hockey powerhouse North Denver will arrive as the hot- That was the only time I ever Dakota will square off against test team, having won 18 of saw him get angry. He was al- Denver in the other matchup. its last 22 games and 13 of its ways a pleasure to be around. The two winners will meet in the last 15. th I once purchased a collection title game on April 9 . Denver is coached by Jim of old newspapers containing Indeed, the only holdover Montgomery, a familiar name boxing articles. One of them from the 2015 event at the to New England fans since he was the Boston paper from the Garden is North Dakota, which was on the historic 1992-1993 night Johnny won the title. I roared into the Hub last year University of Maine team that took a trip down to a bookshop with a team that had 14 NHL won the national title. he owned on Mass. Ave. and draft picks on its roster. The Northeastern, which came gave it to him. His face lit up opponent was Boston Uni- into the tournament after its and he thanked me over and versity and the Terriers came regular season string of wins over again. It sure made me armed as well. They had college and its victory in the Hockey feel good. hockey’s top player — freshman East Championship, couldn’t When we are young, we think Jack Eichel of Chelmsford — get it done against North Dakota people we know are always who two months later would be in the opening round of the going to be around. Johnny drafted by Buffalo and is now Midwest Regional in Cincin- lived in a retirement home in playing for the Sabres. nati, getting overrun by UND, After the game had ended 7-2. The Fighting Hawks then Wilson squaring off against Bryan Downey. my neighborhood of Brighton. I would see him around quite with BU emerging as the victor, beat Michigan 5-2 to claim a Marvelous Marvin Hagler, often and have brief conver- the North Dakota players looked berth in the Frozen Four for originally from New Jersey sations with him. He drove a devastated — absolutely devas- the third straight year and the and fi ghting most of his career gigantic car and always wore tated — as they went through 22nd time overall. UND has won out of Brockton, MA, still falls a sport coat. Looking back, I the motions of a post-game seven national championships, into the group of legendary now regret not having spent press conference. but none recently, the last one Boston boxing heroes. The more time talking to him. Of But just 48 hours later, it was coming in 2000. “Marvelous One” was also one course, I knew less about box- the Terriers’ turn to have a pain- It was an abrupt ending for of the few middleweight cham- ing then, but if only. Here was ful experience on the podium coach Jim Madigan’s North- pions who fought from a south- a man who fought Harry Greb as the Friars put on a show eastern team, which wound up paw stance. The Boston area three times. (Of course, I had of their own en route to van- experiencing its best season produced three middleweight brought that subject up once quishing the storied team from since 1988. Harvard, a member champions during the 20th and am not sure it would have Commonwealth Avenue with of the ECAC, also had a fi ne Century. Hagler, Paul Pender, been safe to pursue it any fur- PC capturing its fi rst national season and seems to be back and Johnny Wilson. Two out ther.) He also took on world championship in ice hockey. on track after a number of lack- of the three were southpaws. champions Tommy Loughran, All this from a school whose luster campaigns. As far as I know, there have Maxie Rosenbloom, and fellow rich basketball history has far The big question right now only been three middleweight southpaw Tiger Flowers. deeper roots in New England is whether Boston College and champions who fought left- As a kid, he had been friends than most institutions. North Dakota can win their handed: Wilson, Hagler, and with the gangster Frank Costel- This year, eight New England respective semifinal contests Tiger Flowers. It is interesting Johnny lo, and I have heard he later schools made the Sweet 16, and advance to the Champion- that two of them fought out of episodes. Johnny looked up worked for Al Capone. I can just the starting point on the road ship Game, a matchup that the Boston area. from his meal and slammed imagine the stories he would to Tampa. That’s eight New would pit two of college hockey’s Johnny Wilson was born his fi st on the table. He said, have told me if I had only asked. England schools in a tourna- most powerful programs against Giovanni Francesco Panica on “That S.O.B. didn’t beat me I will always have nice memo- ment featuring the best 16 in one another. March 23, 1893, in Harlem, that night. At the weigh-in, he ries of Johnny. He would always the nation. Quite impressive, Boston College would have New York. He eventually moved got on the scale and just made call me kid. It made me feel wouldn’t you say? the edge in coaching with to Boston where he lived for the 160 pounds. He then picked good. It took double overtime, but York, who has won over 1,000 rest of his life. Later in his life, the Friars bowed out of the games in his collegiate coaching Johnny was often seen at ring- tournament early, losing to career. Normally, the Fighting side for the local boxing cards. Minnesota-Duluth in the North- Hawks also would match up He hung out at the famous Dug- east Regional at Worcester. pretty well in that department. out Lounge on Commonwealth In that same regional, Boston But veteran coach Dave Avenue near Boston University College sent Harvard back to Hakstol left for the NHL at the where he would hold court and Cambridge by winning 4-1 over end of last season. Alas, he’s conduct business. the Crimson. The Eagles then now the head coach of the Johnny had a career consist- downed UMD 3-2 to send head Philadelphia Flyers who may or th ing of approximately 72 bouts coach Jerry York to his 12 may not make it into the Stanley (the records of his early bouts Frozen Four since he’s been in Cup playoffs. They are currently are a bit sketchy.) There is some charge up at The Heights. It will in the hunt for one of the two th confusion over when Wilson be the 25 time the Eagles have wild card berths in the Eastern actually won the undisputed appeared in the Frozen Four. Conference. middleweight title, but it ap- If it sounds as if it’s getting As good as he was (Hakstol pears he had a serious claim to repetitive, it is. They’ve made it led UND to the Frozen Four in it after defeating Mike O’Dowd to college hockey’s fi nal week- seven of his 11 seasons), the on May 6, 1920, at the Mechan- end 11 of the last 16 years. The school never won a national ics Hall in Boston. He would last time they won was 2012. title during his tenure. Now it’s hold the title until 1923 when Like North Dakota last year, Rick Berry’s turn as the Fight- he stepped into the ring with the Eagles feature a host of NHL ing Hawks return to the Frozen the great Harry Greb. Johnny draft picks. There’s 12 on the Four for the third straight year. dropped a 15-round decision to team this season. He was a long-time assistant at Greb. Years later, I was sitting The Eagles will come into the North Dakota who was elevated with Johnny Wilson in a restau- semifinal against Quinnipiac to the top spot when Hakstol rant. He was in his eighties at sporting a 29-7-5 record while left. this point and a very even-tem- the Bobcats will arrive with a It should be a great time in pered gentleman. Well, at least 31-3-7 mark after downing RIT Tampa as “March Madness” for the most part. I mentioned 4-0 in the fi rst round of the crosses over into April to crown Harry Greb to him. You would of East Regional at Albany and college hockey’s newest king. thought I had said Niagara Falls in one of those old Three Stooges Harry Greb and Johnny squaring off. WWW.BOSTONPOSTGAZETTE.COM