The National Livestock Weekly November 30, 2009 • Vol. 89, No. 08 “The Industry’s Largest Weekly Circulation” Web site: • E-mail:
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[email protected] A Crow Publication INSIDE WLJ Lawsuit threatens planned horse gather TTCFACFA CONFERENCE—TheCONFERENCE Texas Cattle Feeders Association (TCFA) A lawsuit filed last week in the Associated Press last week much in conformance” with the populations in the wild, but also annual meeting last week focused Washington, D.C., Federal District that the lawsuit is “not unexpect- act, which he said requires BLM maintaining federal facilities on the challenges facing the sector. Court may block the planned gath- ed” given the “climate of the whole to manage the herds to appropri- meant to hold horses across the Monte Cluck, TCFA chairman, er of 2,700 wild horses north of wild horse world right now.” ate population levels. “We need to West. The program has been in praised cattle feeders for their per- Reno, NV, next month. The suit, “It is a pretty big management remove some excess animals here. crisis as costs continue to rise, with severance in the face of adversity and reminded the group that they filed by California-based In De- action we need to take in this ar- It just happens to be a lot of excess few viable long-term options avail- have faced tough times in the past fense of Animals (IDA), claims that ea,” he said of the agency’s plans animals,” Shepherd said. able to the agency. BLM has been and survived.