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Hhoouullttoonnhhiigghhsscchh A Publication for Houlton High School Alumni & Friends Houlton High School Spring/SummerA l2007um n i N eVolumews 10, Issue 2 A YEAR TO CELEBRATE The year 2007 is defi- the Science Lab, nitely a year to cele- Auditorium curtain, Gym brate. It is hard to Floor and Soccer Lights believe, but this year to a new Fitness Room, marks the 10th year lockers, Library chairs since the Houlton High and professional devel- School Alumni opment. The Board has Association was created. budgeted $10,000 this As we have told in the year toward a special past, the Alumni project(s) at the school. Association was an idea Yes, the Alumni born on a lawn mower. Association has come a Lauren Peabody long way in ten years. Fitzpatrick had the idea We hope to continue to and she took it and ran grow in the coming with it. She was the cat- years and thank all of alyst for creating an you for your support in organization that has getting us where we are done so much in a short today and taking us time. where we are going. That first year, we The Alumni were so excited to attend Association’s 10th Last Chapel and present anniversary is not, how- $1,000 in scholarships – ever, the only celebra- 2 $500 scholarships. An tion going on this year. amount we matched for The Town of Houlton is the first four or five years of our existence. In comparison, this year celebrating it’s Bicentennial. Two hundred years ago this town was over $37,000 has been budgeted for scholarship presentations. settled by Joseph Houlton. Many activities are being planned for this A few years ago, the Alumni Association developed an Endowment summer to commemorate this milestone. Events have been going Fund with a goal of building to $1 million by 2010. The Endowment on throughout the year, but the major focus is on a celebration week- Fund is currently over half way to the goal and includes funds for two end scheduled for August 17th and 18th. Check out the schedule of named scholarships. events in this issue to see what is planned. And, if you are in the The Alumni Association has also funded or assisted with the fund- area, join in on the fun. ing of numerous projects at the high school. The projects range from — IN THIS ISSUE — • A Year to Celebrate.. page 1 • Spotlight on Alumni... pages 2 & 3 • • Houlton Community Arts Center Contributors, Alumni Board Members, A Card of Thanks... page 3 • • Avenues for Giving... page 4 • Contributors... pages 5 - 10 • Annual Fund, Alumni Social & Golf Scramble... page 11 • • New Fitness Room, A Card of Thanks... page 12 • Bicentennial Activities, Gifts ‘N Memories, Obituaries... page 13 • • Class News... pages 14 - 29 • Advertisers... pages 29 & 30 • Membership Registration Form... page 31 • • Membership Information... page 32 • HHS ALUMNI NEWS — 1 — SPRING/SUMMER 2007 SPOTLIGHT ON ALUMNI Pete Webb, Class of 1956 By Gloria Brown Austin, ‘82 Editor’s note: Pete Webb was inducted into the National High School Hall of Fame last year. The following story appeared in the Houlton Pioneer Times and is offered here with their permission as our Spotlight on Alumni article. HPT Editor's note: Many pending. But he was pleasantly surprised cials. He has received distinguished service people can probably recall by both nominations. awards from IAABO, the National Peter Webb's playing days "My first thought was 'I must be getting Interscholastic Athletic Administrators at Houlton High School to old,' he laughed. "But, if I deserve any cred- Association and the NFHS Officials his role as educator in it for the inductions it is for paying attention, Association. He served as the assistant northern Maine. Others know him as an offi- listening and working hard. You just don't do commissioner of the Maine Basketball cial and commissioner of basketball offi- things by yourself. You have to have a foun- Commission for 13 years and as the com- cials. He has an extensive resume and has dation and it starts at home." missioner for 16 years. He oversees more helped to further Maine basketball and its Webb graduated from Houlton High than 600 officials. officials. Webb's roots are firmly in his School in 1956 and from Ricker College in "Obviously I enjoy it," he said of his offici- hometown of Houlton and he has many 1960. He received his master's degree from ating work over the years. memories as he recalls growing up in the the University of Maine in Orono in 1976. "I'm a teacher by trade and this is kind of Shiretown. This story highlights only a few He taught school for four years and then right up my alley. I have enjoyed everything of Webb's accomplishments, which are became a principal for the next 22 years. about it since I was a youngster." numerous, emphasizing his nomination into He served school districts in Lincoln, Webb credits his success to Houlton the National High School Hall of Fame. Ashland, Caribou and the Carmel, Etna, town baseball teams and basketball teams Dixmont area. later on to college players coming to his Started in 1982, the National High School After retiring from education, Webb oper- town, as well as his high school heroes. Sports Hall of Fame honors high school ath- ated a small business for 10 years before "As a young boy, I started listening and letes, coaches, officials, administrators and starting his extensive work in officiating. learning," he said. "I have just had the others for their extraordinary achievements Webb has umpired more than 1,500 base- opportunity to continue in it. It's been good in high school sports. ball games, officiated more than 2,000 bas- for me, fun for me and I guess I'll be done A Houlton native, Peter Webb, is Maine's ketball games, 500 collegiate games for when people aren't asking me to come. I first inductee into the National High School Division I, II and III and other small col- started as a young boy at age nine in Hall of Fame on June 29 in Orlando, Fla., leges, preseason CBA exhibition games, Houlton getting instruction and fortunately the site of the 87th annual National and has conducted more than 400 referee- I've been able to stay with it. Until I look in Federation of State High School ing clinics in 24 states and Canada. Since the mirror, I still think I'm a boy, doing boy Association's summer meeting. his retirement in 1985, he has dedicated his things." "It certainly humbles a person," said time to training athletic officials in Maine, as Though Webb excelled in basketball as a Webb. "The first thing that crossed my mind well as nationwide, internationally and player — four years on Houlton High is after becoming aware of the award is worldwide. School team and played in two state tour- how could this happen? The answer comes Certified 45 years ago as an official with naments; All County Basketball First Team rather easily. There are a lot of people who the International Association of Approved for two years; Eastern Maine Tournament play a part in anyone receiving awards." Basketball Officials (IAABO), Webb has Basketball All-Tourney Second Team and Webb said it starts with family, and also served as the IAABO-certified rules inter- Bangor Daily News All-Maine Basketball in his case growing up in Houlton. preter/trainer for 37 consecutive years and Honorable Mention — he has a secret. "My "It takes an extensive background with an IAABO world seminar clinician/presenter first sports love has always been baseball," people doing things for you and teaching for 21 years. He has trained over 750 new he said. "I lived on Elm Street and could you," he explained. "It may be a personal officials. throw a ball to the park." award, but it stands for everything that has For the last 13 years, he has been seat- Webb recalled watching his heroes. "You been done with and for you along the way . ed on the IAABO Executive Committee and could chase foul balls for them, touch them all the personnel involved to where I am was the IAABO's worldwide president in and watch them play," he said. "The next now." 2001-02. In addition, he has been the day, you might see them climbing a tele- No matter what Webb is doing, he is IAABO worldwide coordinator of interpreters phone pole, selling insurance or furniture. always proud to say he's from Houlton, and trainers since 2004. They were young, talented boys and they Aroostook County and Maine. Spending 32 years officiating at the colle- paid attention to you." "Everywhere I go, people know that," he giate level, Webb has remained a continual Webb played high school baseball for said. "Maine has always done a lot of things supporter of high school athletics. He four year and in three state tournaments, right, and Houlton and Aroostook County served on the NFHS Basketball Rules was All-County Baseball First Team for gave me all that anyone could have asked Committee from 1992 to 1996 and was then three years, played at Ricker College for for growing up. There's no doubt about invited to serve as the liaison between the four years, he played American Legion for that." NFHS committee and IAABO, a position he three years and in two state tournaments Webb was inducted last weekend into the has held since 1997. He is one of only two and semi-pro baseball for four years - three Maine Hall of Fame and his induction into people on the NFHS National Faculty certi- years with the Houlton Collegians and a the National High School Hall of Fame is fied to train the trainers of basketball offi- year with the Presque Isle Indians.
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