Black & White Illustrated Budget
) BL'ACK^WHITE Vol. IV.—No. 55.] [Oct. 27, if,oo Regd. at the G.P.O. as a Newspaper. [I'kice 2d. Post free, 2%d. COLONEL WILLIAM HENRY MACKINNON the Colonel commanding the City of London Imperial Volunteers, better known as the C.LV., whom we welcome in our midst, has every reason to be proud of his regiment. The gallant Colonel has done very much for the regiment and the regiment has done much for him. Colonel Mackinncn entered the Army in 1870, became Colonel in 1889, and last year was Assistant Adjutant-General of the Home District. ( Thoto by Elliott and Fry. — BLACK AND Unmoved by the bad Q. C. , he was born in luck of the last race for Lincolnshire nearly fifty- the America Cup, Sir eight years ago. At uni- Thomas Lipton, like a versity he was a famous true sportsman, has athlete, winning the mile issued a challenge championship in 1865. It through Mr. Hugh C. was in 1878 that he be- Kelly, the secretary of came Queen's Counsel, the Royal Ulster Yacht and he is the only man Club. The challenge has for a considerable period been accepted by the New who has secured that York Yacht Club, and honour at the early age doubtless the famous of thirty-six. American yacht builders, ¥ ** the Herreshol'fs, will be asked to build an- Never having been in other boat to meet that Parliament, Justice A. L. of the challenger. Yachts- Smith, the new Master of men in America do not the Rolls, is less known feel that the English to the public, but his pro- boats are now handi- motion will, nevertheless, capped, and they think be acclaimed in legal that challengers have a circles, where "A.
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