SEPTEMBER 25, 2000


I. Call to order 2. Brownlee Fryett in attendance re: roles and responsibilities ofOffice 3. Oaths ofOffice 4. Minutes, Regular Council Meeting September II, 2000 5. Dick and Marilyn Jewell in attendance re: Offsite Levies on Lots 2 & 3; Block D; Plan 1365AB 6. Friends of in attendance re: parking management program 7. Sylvan Lake Rotary Club in attendance re: Light up the Park for Christmas 8. Hewlett Park: CADC request to rezone the R-2 sites on Herder and Hinshaw to R-5 along Herder and R-3 on Hinshaw; and re-designate the R-I lots east of Hinshaw to R-5 9. Colette Schell: correspondence regarding Town Office Drop OffBox 10. Lambourne Environmental: Marina Bay dredging 11. Perry Drive: request from Tom Harrison (et all for change from School Zone to Playground Zone 12. Environment: West Side Sylvan Lake Water Management Plan - AWMEC Funding 13. Edmonton Regional Search and Rescue Association: request for assistance 14. Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Appointment 15. AUMA Conference September 27-30,2000 A. Registration B. MLA Grande Prairie - reception September 27, 2000 C. Alberta Environment- reception September 28 & 29, 2000 D. EXH Engineering Services Ltd. - reception September 28,2000 16. FCM: Municipal Leaders' Statement on Climate Change 17. City ofEdmonton: invitation to IAAF World Championships in Athletics August 3-12, 2001 18. Red Deer College: invitation to Board ofGovernors Dinner October 18, 2000 19. CAEP: invitation to General Meeting December 5, 2000 20. Travel Alberta: invitation to Marketing Workshop (in Red Deer September 27, 2000) 21. Communities in Bloom: invitation to National Symposium/Awards Ceremonies Sept 27-30, 2000 22. [nfonnation Items 23. REPORTS A. Public Works - written submission B. Development Officer i. 5 Forest Drive (Lot 54; Block 2; Plan 782-0802) ii. Council Retreat iii. Sylvan Bay Resort C. MPC a. Sylvan Lake Holding Society b. Bear Development Corporation c. Land Use ByLaw review D. By Law - written submission E. Other Reports 24. Monthly Statement: A. ending June 30, 2000 B. ending July 31, 2000 25. Town Accounts: (Cheque Numbers 33283-33428) 26. Other Accounts: Knutson's Ambulance $22,610.58 ($15,000.00 extra staffsubsidy) Sylvan Lake Value Drug Mart $106.15 27. Adjourn COUNCIL ORIENTATION SEMINAR

Town ofSylvan Lake September 25, 2000

Presented by: Jeneane Grundberg


A. The Role ofCouncil and Councillors Under the Municipal Government Act.

1. Purpose and Powers ofMunicipalities 3

2. Duties and Powers ofCouncil and Adrninistration 4

3. Municipal Actions, Decision Making, Voting and Meetings 6

4. General Structure ofa Municipality 11

B. Conflict oflnterest and Disqualification 12

C. Personal Liability ofCouncillors 21


1. Purpose and Powers ofMunicipalities

Pursuant to the MGA, the purposes ofa municipality are:

(a) to provide good govemment;

(b) to provide services or facilities that in the opinion ofcouncil are necessary or desirable;

(c) to develop and maintain safe and viable communities (MGA s. 3).

To effect its municipal purposes, the council may pass bylaws respecting a number of matters including matters relating to:

• safety and health ofpeople;

• transportation and transport issues;

• business and business activities;

• public utilities matters (MGA s. 7).

In addition, in exercising its bylaw making powers, a municipality may regulate or prohibit and may deal with development, activity, industry or business in different ways by dividing each ofthem into classes and dealing with each class in a different way (MGA s. 8).

Page 3 _fryettl BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS 2. Duties and Powers ofCouncil and Administration

Duties and Responsibilities ofCouncil

The MGA also provides council is responsible for the following:

I. the development and evaluation of policies and programs of the municipality;

2. ensuring that the powers, duties and functions of the municipality are properly carried out;

3. carrying out the powers and duties of the municipality that are provided for in the MGA and any other Acts.

It is also very important for the council to recognize that it must not exercise or perform a duty that is, pursuant to the MGA or another Act or bylaw, specifically given to the Chief Administrative Officer of the municipality or a designated officer of the municipality. A council is a policymaker and the implementation ofpolicy should be left to the municipal administration.

A recent amendment to the MGA requires council to provide the chief administrative officer with an annual written performance evaluation with respect to the chief administrative officer's fulfilment ofhis or her responsibilities (MGA s. 205.1).

Councillor Duties and Responsibilities

Each councillor has the specific duties set out in the MGA, namely:

I. To consider and promote the welfare and interest of the municipality as a whole.

2. To participate generally in developing and evaluating policies and programs ofthe municipality.

3. To participate in council meetings and council committees or on other bodies that a councillor is appointed to.

Page 4 _fryettl BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS 4. To obtain information about operation or administration of the municipality from the ChiefAdministrative Officer.

5. To keep in confidence matters that are discussed in private at a councilor council committee meeting until those matters are discussed at a meeting held in public.

6. To perform any other duties or functions that are imposed upon councillors by the MGA or any other Act (MGA s. 153).

ChiefAdministrative Officer

A municipal council must establish the position of ChiefAdministrative Officer. A council can appoint one or more persons to carry out the functions, powers and duties of the Chief Administrative Officer. The Chief Administrative Officer is responsible for administration ofthe municipality. The ChiefAdministrative Officer position:

I. is the administrative head ofthe municipality.

2. is required to ensure that policies and programs of the municipality are implemented.

3. must advise and inform council on the operation and affairs of the municipality.

4. must perform the duties and exercise the powers and functions assigned to the position ofChiefAdministrative Officer (MGA s. 208).

PageS IIIIIIIZIIfryettl BARRiSTERS AND SOL.ICITORS Responsibilities ofChiefElected Official

In addition to performing the obligations and duties ofa councillor the chiefelected official must:

I. Preside when in attendance at a council meeting unless a bylaw provides otherwise;

2. Perform any other duty imposed on a chief elected official by the MGA or any other act or bylaw;

The chiefelected official is automatically a member ofall council committees and all bodies to which the council has the right to appoint members under the MGA unless the council provides otherwise. However, the chief elected official is not a member of a board, commission, subdivision authority or development authority established under the planning provisions ofthe MGA, unless he or she is appointed to such a body in his or her personal name (MGA s. 154).

Deputy and Acting ChiefElected Officials

A council must also appoint one or more of its councillors as a deputy Chief Elected Official. A Deputy Chief Elected Official must act as the chief elected official when the chief elected official is unable to perform those duties or when the office of chief elected official is vacant (MGA s. 152).

3. Municipal Actions, Decision Making, Voting and Meetings

Valid Action

A council may only act by resolution or bylaw. Where a council is only authorized to do something by bylaw, it must be done by bylaw.

Generally, a bylaw should be used where the council purports to regulate the activities ofthe general population, or a portion thereof; resolutions should be used for the business or administrative activities ofthe council.

Page 6 IIIIIIIZIIfryettl BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS A bylaw or resolution is not valid unless it is passed at a Council meeting that is held in public at which a quorum ofcouncil is present.

Municipal Powers

Where a municipality can do something and the legislation is not specific as to who may act on behalf of the municipality, or where a municipality specifically exercises its natural person powers, then the act that is done or the powers that are exercised may be exercised by the councilor by the municipality's Chief Administrative Officer unless the council says otherwise. However, it is only the municipal council that can pass bylaws.


A municipal council has the authority to delegate powers to a council committee or to the ChiefAdministrative Officer, or a designated officer unless the MGA or a municipal bylaw says otherwise.

However, councils cannot delegate the following:

I. The power to pass bylaws;

2. The power to make, suspend or revoke the appointment of a person to the ChiefAdministrative Officer position.

3. The power to adopt budgets.

4. The power with respect to taxes.

5. The duty to decide appeals imposed on it unless the delegation is to a council committee and authorized by bylaw.

A council may also authorize the further subdelegation by.its ChiefAdministrative Officer or a designated officer or a council committee to other persons.


Each councillor, including the Chief Elected Official, has one vote when a vote is held at a council meeting. All councillors must vote on a matter put to a vote at a meeting that they are in attendance at. The obligation ofthe councillor to vote is mandatory unless:

I. The councillor is required to abstain, or

2. The councillor is permitted to abstain (MGA s. 183).

Where a councillor abstains from voting,the reasons and the abstention itself must be recorded in the meeting minutes. Where a councillor abstains from voting, the council must ensure the proper recording of the abstention and reasons in the meeting minutes.

Recording the Vote

A councillor may request that the vote be recorded before it is taken. Where such a request is made, the minutes must show the councillors who were present and how each of those councillors voted on the matter (MGA s. 185).

Public Hearings

Councillors should also recognize that they cannot vote on a bylaw or resolution if they were absent for all of the public hearing relating to the proposed bylaw or resolution. A councillor, however, does have the discretion to vote on a bylaw or resolution if he or she was absent for only a part ofthe public hearing on a bylaw or resolution (MGA s. 184).

Information on Bylaws

At the meeting where first reading of a bylaw is made, councillors must be given or have had the opportunity to review the full text of the proposed bylaw before first reading is received.

Similarly, at the third reading stage, councillors are again to have had or to be given the opportunity to review the full text ofthe proposed bylaw.

Page 8 _fryettl BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS Meetings

• Council has the obligation to hold an organizational meeting annually not later than two weeks after the third Monday in October (MGA s. 192).

Regular Meetings

Council may decide to hold regular meetings on a particular date at a particular place. When this is done no notice ofregularly scheduled meetings need be given (MGA s. 192).


If the date for a council meeting is changed from the regularly scheduled meeting date, the following must be undertaken:

I. 24 hours notice ofthe change must be provided;

2. Notice must be given to councillors who were not at the meeting where the change in meeting date was made;

3. Notice must be given to the public (MGA s. 193).

Special Meetings

A special meeting can be called by the chiefelected official (the mayor or reeve) whenever the chief elected official thinks it appropriate, under certain circumstances, when requested by a majority ofthe councillors.

At a special meeting, no matter other than that detailed in the notice relating to the special meeting can be dealt with by council unless the whole council at the special meeting agrees " to deal with an additional or other matter (MGA s. 194).

Council Committee Meeting

A council committee meeting may be held iftwenty-four hours notice ofthe meeting to be given to:

Page 9 _fryettl BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS 1. Members ofthe council committee;

2. The public.

Public Meetings

The council must conduct its meetings in public unless:

Allor part ofthe meeting is closed to the public because the matter to be discussed is for example:

1. dealing with sensitive commercial information;

2. dealing with confidential information that could prejudice negotiations or could violate legal professional privilege;

3. dealing with detailed personal information including personnel information;

4. dealing with information which disclosure could prejudice security (MGA ss. 197,217 and FOIPP Division 2 ofPart 1).

Ifcouncil decides to close a meeting to the public it cannot pass a resolution or bylaw at that time, other than a resolution to revert to a meeting held in public (MGA s. 197). That the public have the right to be present at councilor council committee meetings unless they are expelled for improper conduct.

Council meeting include a gathering of councillors where all councillors are invited to attend, wherein matters are dealt with in such a way "as to move them materially along in the overall spectrum ofcouncil's decision".

However, where a municipal planning commission, subdivision authority, development authority or subdivision and development appeal board are deliberating and making their decisions they may do so in meetings closed to the public (MGA s. 197).


A cOWlcil meeting or a COWlcil committee meeting can be conducted by electronic means or through other communication facilities WIder certain circumstances (MGA s. 199).

4. General Structure ofa Municipality

The MGA provides that you may structure the organization of your municipality in the manner that you consider appropriate. A cOWlcil can determine the number ofcOWlcillors it requires based on its individual needs (MGA s. 143).

ChiefElected Official

A cOWlcil may decide on whether they want a chiefelected official (previously the mayor or reeve) to be appointed from the COWlcil members or alternatively to be elected at large.

Council Committees

COWlcil may establish and set out the functions of cOWlcil committees by bylaw. A cOWlcil committee may consist of cOWlcillors, a combination of cOWlcillors or entirely of persons not cOWlcillors except that the Chief Elected Official is automatically a member of the committee (except for commissions, authorities or boards established WIder the planning provisions, in which case personal appointment is required for the chiefelected official to be a member ofsuch a tribunal).


1. Introduction

It is uncertain as to whether the MGA provides a complete codification ofthe common law with respect to disqualification ofcouncillors.

What is a Conflict oflnterest?

As one might expect who has had experience with legal matters, "conflict of interest" is not necessarily the term that courts use when referring to something that would seem to be a conflict situation.

What we can term "conflicts ofinterest" are really situations where there is a "pecwriary" or financial interest. A pecwriary interest can be said to be a monetary interest that will affect the councillor or various close relatives.

Alberta courts, following long established traditions, have found that once it is determined that a pecwriary interest exists, a presumption ofbias is mandatory. In other words, there is a presumption of bias regardless of what in councillor is thinking or how the councillor votes. Ifone is biased, one cannot vote on a matter.

Extent ofInterest

The Alberta Courts have not been inclined to inquire into the extent ofthe pecwriary interest giving rise to the conflict Generally, the Court will not weigh its extent ofthe interest nor amount in determining the issue.

The MGA requires the monetary matter to affect "the person directly". Further, a councillor will not have a pecwriary interest by reason ofan interest "that is so remote or so insignificant that it cannot reasonably be regarded as likely to influence the councillor". Further, there is not defence for inadvertence or bona fide (good faith) error in judgment. Rather, an insignificant interest does not constitute a pecwriary interest (MGA s. 170 and following).

Page 12 _fryettl BARRISTERS AND SOL.ICITORS Other forms of bias may invalidate a decision. In brief, a decision may be struck where there is a "reasonable apprehension of bias". 1bis relates primarily to a situation where someone is not given a fair hearing because there is a reasonable possibility that a member of the tribunal has already made up his or her mind. It is not a ground for disqualification from office as is a pecuniary interest in the subject manner under discussion.

Community ofInterest

The defence of "community of interest" is found in Section 170(3)(i) of the MGA. This section provides that a member ofcouncil does not have a pecuniary interest "by reason of having an interest that is an interest in common with the majority of electors of the municipality or, if the matter affects only part of the municipality, with the majority of electors in that part".


When a councillor is disqualified from remaining a member ofthe council he or she shall resign immediately. Ifthe person in question does not resign, then applications can be made to the Court ofQueen's Bench by the councilor by an elector (MGA s. 175 and following).

2. Selected Issues Under the Municipal GovernmentAct

Determining a Conflict - "Pecuniary Interest"

The provisions contained in the MGA relating to "pecuniary interest" of councillors are found in sections 169 to 173. Section 170 states that a councillor has a pecuniary interest in a matter if

(a) the matter could monetarily affect the councillor or an employer of the councillor, or

(b) the councillor knows or should know that t!;le matter could monetarily affect the councillor's family. Section 170(2) further provides that a person is "monetarily affected by a matter", if the matter monetarily affects:

(a) the person directly

Page I3 _fryettl BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS (b) a corporation, other than a distributing corporation, in which the person is a shareholder, director or officer,

(c) a distributing corporation in which the person beneficially owns voting shares carrying at least 10"10 ofthe voting rights attached to the voting shares ofthe corporation or ofwhich the person is a director or officer, or

(d) a partnership or firm ofwhich the person is a member.


Section 170(l)(b) ofthe MGA states:

"170(I)Subject to subsection (3) a councillor has a pecuniary interest in a matter if

(b) the councillor knows or should know that the matter could monetarily affect the councillor's family.

Thus, a councillor's "pecuniary interest" includes those interests that could monetarily affect him or his respective "family". "Councillor's family" is defined as meaning the councillor's spouse, the councillor's children, the parents of the councillor and the parents of the councillor's spouse.

Further "spouse" includes common law relationships:

"(c) "spouse"

(i) includes a party to a relationship between a man and a woman who are living together on a bona fide domestic basis, and (ii) does not include a spouse who is liying apart from the other spouse if the spouses have separated pursuant to a written separation agreement or if their support obligations and family property have been dealt with by a court order."

Page 14 _fryettl BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS The definition of "spouse" does not include spouses who have separated pursuant to a written separation agreement or if their support obligations and family property have been dealt with by a court order. It is likely that this separation definition refers to both common law domestic relationships as well as formally recognized domestic relationships.

There is no exemption for adult children ofthe councillor. An adult child could potentially give rise to a conflict ofinterest forcing the councillor to face disqualification.

Employer and Employee Matters

Section 170(3)(f) provides:

"(3) A councillor does not have a pecuniary interest by reason only ofany interest...

(f) that a member ofthe councillor's family may have by having an employer, other than the municipality, that is monetarily affected by a decision of the municipality,"

Based on this section, a councillor no longer has a pecuniary interest by reason ofan interest that a family member may have by having an employer (other than the municipality) that is monetarily affected by a municipal decision. This will provide a municipal councillor with more flexibility with respect to pecuniary interest involving employers offamily members.

Member or Director in non-profit organization or service club

Another relevant provision pertaining to the pecuniary interest rules is contained in Section l70(3)(g) which states:

"(3) A councillor does not have a pecuniary interest by reason only ofany interest....

(g) that the councillor or a member of the councillor's family may have by being a member or director of a non-profit organization as defined in section 241(f) or a service club,"

Page 15 _fryettl BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS Based upon this section, a councillor does not have a pecuniary interest by reason only ofan interest that the councillor or a member of the councillor's family may have by being a member or director ofa non-profit organization as defmed under section 241(f) or a service club.

This may cause some difficulty where an issue arises before council where the interests of the municipality are not necessarily parallel with the interest of a credit union, cooperative association, non-profit organization or service club (see Section D, below). However, a councillor will be able to vote on such a matter without fear of disqualification, so long as the councillor is not an employee ofthe organization or service club (section 170(4)).

Section 172 Disclosure Rules

The pecuniary interest ofa councillor must be declared each and every time it arises. It will no longer be enough for the councillor to simply raise his or her pecuniary interest in a matter the first time that it comes up.

Where a councillor has a pecuniary interest in a matter before the council, a council committee or any other body to which the councillor is appointed as a representative ofthe council, ifpresent the councillor must:

I. disclose the nature ofthe pecuniary interest before discussion ofthe matter;

2. abstain from voting on any question relating to the matter;

3. abstain from any discussion ofthe matter save for his right as a taxpayer, owner or elector to be heard by council;

4. subject to 172(2) and 172(3) leave the room in which the meeting is held until discussion and voting are concluded.

Councillors should also recognize the pecuniary interest rules now apply to their role as members ofplanning tribunals where they have been appointed to such tribunals.

Page 16 _fryettl BARRISTERS AND SOL.ICITORS Disqualification ofCouncillors

The MGA in section 174(1 )(a) provides:

"174(1)A councillor is disqualified from council if:

(a) when the councillor was nominated, the councillor was not eligible for nomination as a candidate under the Local Authorities Election Act,"

A councillor is also disqualified ifhe or she:

(i) ceases to be eligible for nomination as a candidate under the Local Authorities Election Act (for example, moves out of the ward the councillor represents);

(ii) becomes a Judge, Senator, MP, or MLA; or

(iii) without authorization, is absent from too many regular council meetings.

Further, a councillor who does not vote on a rnatter at a council meeting at which the councillor is present is disqualified unless the councillor is required or is permitted to abstain from voting under this or any other enactment. Thus, unless you are in a conflict ofinterest situation where you must abstain from voting after declaring your pecuniary interest, ifyou are present you must vote on all matters that come before council.

A municipal councillor is disqualified upon becoming an employee ofthe municipality.

A councillor is disqualified ifthe councillor is liable to the municipality under section 249 of the MGA. A municipal councillor is liable to the municipality if he or she makes an expenditure that is not authorized in an approved budget or procedure, for an emergency or legally required to be paid. In addition, ifthe councillor vqtes to spend money that has been obtained under a borrowing on something that is not within the purposes for which the money is borrowed, again the councillor is violating section 249 and can be disqualified.

Alternatively, if a councillor votes to spend money that has been obtained under a grant or something that is not within the purpose for which the grant was given, the councillor rnay

Page 17 _fryettl BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS again be liable to the municipality for the expenditure and subject to disqualification.

However, money obtained by a municipality under a borrowing for the purpose offinancing a capital project may be used for an operating purpose ifthe amount spent is available when it is needed for the capital property.

A municipal councillor is also disqualified if convicted of an offence punishable by imprisonment for five years or more.

Defences to Disqualification

The defences ofgenuine error ofjudgment and inadvertence (MGA s. 177) no longer apply .to those situations where a councillor votes on a matter where he or she has a pecuniary interest or where he or she is ineligible. These defences only apply to:

illegal agreements failing to vote use of information obtained through being on council to gain pecuniary benefit.

4. Conclusion

In short, most conflict problems can be avoided if councillors are attuned to the provisions ofthe Act. A high degree ofvigilance is required by a councillor to ensure that there are no lurking conflicts.


1. Protection from Liability

Under the Municipal Government Act, cOl.U1cillors and employees and voll.U1teers cannot be personally sued for things done or for things that they may omit to do in the performance or intended performance oftheir functions, duties or powers. (Section 535(2». Municipalities themselves, however, could be liable for the acts ofthe persons who are performing duties I.U1der the direction of a municipality. Further, this protection from liability for cOl.U1cillors acting in the performance or intended performance oftheir functions is not a defence ifthe cause ofaction is defamation or ifthe individual involved was dishonest, grossly negligent or guilty ofwilful misconduct.

This Section will likely not provide protection for cOl.U1cillors from actions brought pursuant to provisions ofthe Act which specifically impose liability on them.

2. Liability ofCouncillors

General Comments

In general terms, a cOl.U1cillor is protected from liability where he or she acts within the scope of his or her specified duties and carries those duties out. Where a col.U1cillor steps outside the scope of his or her duties and obligations or omits to fulfil them, a col.U1cillor could be held personally liable for the resulting damage. Specific areas that could result in col.U1cillor personal liability include the following:

Page 19 _fryettl BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS Liability Where Disqualified

In the situation where an individual council member is disqualified because of infonnation used to gain a pecuniary benefit, the council member could be ordered to pay the sum of damages that ajudge detennines. (Section 176(2)).

Expenditure ofMunicipal Funds

Generally speaking, municipalities can only make those expenditures that are included in their operating budgets or capital budgets or otherwise authorized by councilor for an emergency or those that are legally required to be paid. (Section 248). A councillor who makes an expenditure that is not authorized as above noted is liable to the municipality for the monies so spent. (Section 249(1)(a)). As well, a councillor who votes to spend borrowed money that has been borrowed for a purpose other than that originally intended or votes to spend money that has been obtained under a grant for something that is not within the purpose ofthe grant, is liable to the municipality for the expenditure of the money so spent. (Section 249(l)(b) and 249(l)(c)).

Councillors can be jointly and severally liable to the municipality where more than one councillor is involved in making the illegal expenditure. (Section 249(3)). Liability and collection of these illegal expenditures from council members personally can be enforced by action undertaken by the municipality, by an elector or taxpayer of the municipality, or by a person who holds security under a borrowing made by a municipality. (Section 249(4)).

In the area of expenditure ofmunicipal monies, council should establish procedures to deal with the authorization and verification of expenditures that would not be included in the budget.

Whereas under the previous legislation, emergency expenditures could be provided for if subsequently ratified by council, under the present MGA, policies should be implemented dealing with the approval ofemergency expenditures in particular situations. Municipalities should implement policies for the approval of expenditures outside of their budgets. It is only where a councillor would act outside ofthis policy that he or she could be personally liable for the amount ofan authorized expenditure that is outside ofthe budget.

The intent ofthe MGA is to ensure that where a councillor operates within the established policy ofthe municipality, he or she will not be held personally liable.

Page 20 _fryettl BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS Borrowing and Personal Liability

Where a Municipal councillor votes in favour ofa bylaw authorizing the borrowing, loan or guarantee of monies which cause the municipality to exceed its regulated debt limits, any councillors that vote in favour ofthe borrowing can be held both jointly or personally liable for the amount ofthe borrowing. (Section 275(1». Again, the municipality's action civilly against the council member can be enforced by the municipality undertaking the action or by an elector or taxpayer or by a person who holds the security under the borrowing. As a result ofthe foregoing, councillors should be aware on an ongoing basis as to the position of the municipality with regard to its current debt load when authorizing further borrowing or guarantees by bylaw.

3. Suggested "To Do" List

• Council should ensure that it has established procedures to authorize and verifY expenditures that are not included in a budget.

• Before authorizing any borrowing or guarantee, councillors should ensure they receive up to date information on their municipality's current debt load and what its regulated debt limit is. In these situations, the administration should be required to include this information in any agenda item going to council relating to the authorization ofthe borrowing, loan or guarantee ofmonies.

• Councillors should review and familiarize themselves with the Section numbers relating to their liability.


4. Possible Limits to Protection from Liability

The statutory protection does not extend to lawsuits where the allegation against the councillor is defamation or ifthe councillor is dishonest, grossly negligent or guilty ofwilful misconduct. Ultimately, the effect ofSection 535 is to offer protection to a councillor who acts in good faith and within the scope ofhislher statutory mandate.

Document E0095042 ..DOC


Present Acting Mayor T. Parks; Clr, G. Knutson; Clr. a. Lambertson; Crr. J. Wilson-Down

Also present: Town Manager L. Wack; Assistant Town Manager R. Macinrosh; Development Officer A. Gamble; Recording Secretary J, Kurylo.

Can to order: Acting Mayor T. Parks called the meeting to order at 9:01 p.m.

Minutes: Regular COWlcil meering ofAugust 28, 2000.

MOVED by Cit. J. Wilson-Down that the minutes be approved as presented.


StaffSergeant Dave Lock: In attendance to report to Council on the tollowing issues:

I. Need to proceed with additional Secreraria1 Position in 200I. Request tor funds from Enhanced Policing remaining from tbis summer be transfelTed into reserve funds to be applied to Summer Student May-August, 100I.

2. The tinal figures from the Census have identified a need for an Additional Hwnan Resource. A request for personnt::l from K Division-Human Resource Management Branch will be submitted for an April 1,2001 start. [t was noted that there may be i:I need to balance the Enhanced Policing Budget in the future. Cost savings to the Town will be approximately $80,000.00.

3. Retirement effective as of Friday, September 15.2000. Dave Hanunond will be his replacement in the interim. A presentation was made to Council in appreciation of a great ~ix years. Council c=xpressed gratitude on a job well done. Dave Hammond assured continuation ofexisting programs and open door policy.

4. Discussion was heard as to retirement party on September 23, 2000. A TO\m presentation ofappreciation will be made at the party. The Town will purchase tickets for the Councillors and one invite IO attend.

Offsite Levies Cbes Hafso 4731 & 4739~50 Street: Indltendance to request further extension to pay applicable Qffsite Levies illlder ByLaw #1178/98. Cowtcil gran£ed original extension at its regular meeting of January 10, 2000. The property in question is located on Lots 4 and part of 5; Block I; Plan5732CL.

It was noted that the original Development Application was submitted prior to the implementalion of Offsite ByLaw It 1225/2000. The Developer stated that this is a large development and there is a need for more time to expose tbe public to a new market. The planning process is taking longer than anticipated.

Development Officer A. Gamble noted that the completed Census depicts a need to reconsider the marketing of housing in demand. There is very little need. for senior type housing. Stated that an extension would not be unreasonable but recommends imposing time restrictions forthe Development to commence.

Tov.rn Manager L. Wack advised that otfsite levies are nonnally paid upon entering into a Development Agreement. There is no Development Agreement in place. The original extension was dependent on the Building Permit being issued by September 1, ~OOO.

Discussion was heard as to setting a precedent for other Developers in the same situation. !t was noted that Laebon Developments Ltd. is in a similar situation with respect to the NW V~ 32; 38; 1; W5.

MOVED by elr, G. Knutson that the request be approved subject to the Developer entering into a Development Agreement with tbe Town by September 30, 2000 and the Page 1 of6 MONDAY SEPTEMBER 11, 2000 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 9:00P.M. TOWN OF SYLVAN LAKE COliNCIL CHAMBERS

Building Pennit being issued by June I, 2001. If these conditions are not met the Omite Levies will become payable pursuant to ByLaw # 1225/2000.


Offsite Levies Laebon Developments Ltd.~ Phase I 33 residential lots: Discllilsion was heard regarding the Offsite Levies payable on ~w y. 32; 38; I; W5. Projected start is Spring 200 I. It was noted that a draft Development Agreement has been provided to the Developer with affiite Levies to be paid under ByLaw # I (78/98.

MOVED by Clr. J. Wilson-Down that the Developer be allowed to pay Offsite Levies in accordance with ByLaw #1178/98 subject to the Developer registering the Subdivision Plan no later than Jtme i. 2001. If this condition is not met the Offsite Levies will become payable pursuant to ByLaw #1225/2000.


ByLaw #1241/2000 Monthly Tax Payment Plan: Assistant Town Manager R. MacIntosh presented Council with a proposed ByLaw to implement a monthly tax payment plan sroning January I, 2001.

MOVED by err. B. Lambertson that ByLaw #124112000 be given fIrst reading.


MOVED by Clr. J. Wnsol1~Down that ByLaw #1241/2000 be given second reading.


MOVED by Clr. B. Lambertson that ByLaw #124IJ2000 be given third and nnal reading.


SDAB Decision of April 20, 2000 Bear Developments Temporary Show Suite: Town Manager L. Wack spoke to this issue. Staff has received correspondence requesting enforcement on the SDAB decision regarding the Development Permit allowing a Temporary Show Suite/Sales Office (located on Lots 7 & 8; Block A; Plan 5569KS • 5048·50A Slret:t) for Hotel Condominiums to be constructed on Lots 7, 3 & 9; Block A; Plan 5569KS. The decision is specific in that only sales pertaining to the condominium/motel units are permitted.

Development Officer A. Gamble advised that verbal approval was given allowing the sign for the TempoTat)' Show Suite/Sales Office.

Jim Jardine spoke on behalf of Bear Developments. Stated that a variety of 38les are taking place in the Temporary Show Suite/Sales Office. This is a high traffic location and is being used to promote the Town. Stated that while the show suite is being used tor sales ofthe proposed Sylvan Bay Development the public is aware that this has not been approved and any monies received are fully refundable.

Solicitors for tbe Town have advised that the Development Officer should perform an inspection; discussions should be held with the Developer to detennine whether it has intentions to submit a Development Permit Application in the near future; and then tbe Town could consider enforcement options.

MOVED by Clr. G. Knutson that the Developer be instructed to suspend all sales from the temporary show suite except for those sales pertaining to the Hotel Condominiums to be constructed on Lots 7, 8 & 9; Block A; Plan 5569KS until such time as the


Developer applies to the MPC to broaden the base of the current Development Pennit and the appeal period ofthe application expires.


Development Officer A. Gamble will contact the Developer and instruct them to complete an Application for a Sign Pennit The sign is located in a Direct Control District and must be approved by Council.

MOVED by T. Parks that Council approves the sign subject to receiving an application for same.


Hewlett Park Phase 85 Development Agreement Special Conditions: Council received proposed Special Conditions on NE ~/~ & SE II.. 33: 38; 1;W5. Town Manager L. Wack advised that the Developer will be required to grant the Town an Easemem for an asphalt trdil to be extended into the Town's existing trail system.

MOVED by elr. J. Wi1son~Down that (he Special Conditions and Development Agreement be approved as presented.


Thevenaz Industrial Development Agreement Revised Special Condition9: Council received proposed Special Conditions on SW ~/~ 34; 38; I;WS & Pt ofN ~ 34; 38; I:WS. Revisions include: I. The Developer will install a PUL and ditch along the North section and will grant the To'i'lIl Ctility Right of Way for same. 1. The To'Nn will pay for the costs of installing an oversized sewer tnmk main and the Developer will reimburse the Town for the cost of installing a standard sewer trunk main. These costs (approximately $152,000.00) will be repaid upon the issuance of the Final Acceptance Certificate or within two years ofthe date of the Development Agreement. If not repaid at this time, interest will be charged at the rate ofCIBC prime lendingmte. .J. The Developer will provide AB Infrastructure with a new traffic study for the access ofHighway 20.

It was also noted that Ducks Unlimited requires an Easement to be registered before they can clean out Sylvan Creek.

MOVED by Clr. B. Lambertson that the revised Spetial Conditions and the Development Agreement be approved with the addition of the widening of the Utility Right ofWay to facilitate Ducks Unlimited.


Dennis Croken 4924-48 Avenue Original Sylvan and HI Cody School: Town Manager L. Wack spoke to this issue. The original SylVan/HI Cody School is presently located at Lot II; Block 1; Plan 7143KS (4924-48 Avenue). Offer to purchase for historical significance.

MOVED by CIT. T. Parks (hat this be referred TO the Sylvan Lake & District Archives Society.



Railway Crossings 46 th & 39d1 Street: Assistant Town Manager spoke to this issue. Council was advised of the results from meeting between CN Rail, the Town, Transport Canada and EXH Engineering held on August 12, :WOO.

461~ Street: Estimated cost of installing gates and lights is $300,000.00. Grants are available to cover me majority of the cost of construction; the approximate cost to the Town would be $40,000.00. Construction could proceed mid 200 1.

MOVED by Crr. G. Knutson that Staff apply for the appropriate grants and that construction ofthe railway crossing be included in next years budget


39111. Street: CN Rail and Transport Canada must complete a safety evaluation. Council received this as information.

AUMA; taxes and Education funding: Council received a request for support to reduce the reliance on propeny taxes to fund education.

MOVED by Cii. T. Parks that staff forward a letter ofsuppan.


Staff Sergeant Dave Lock Retirement: Council received an invitation {a Staff Sergeant Dave Lock's retirement pany on September 13, 1000. An RSVP is required by the 15th ofSeptember. COlUlcil received this as infonnation.

Illfonnation Items: Acting Mayor T. Parks asked ifthere were infonnation items that need discussion.

1. Knutson's Ambulance \ofonthly Report for August 2000 Sylvan Lake Fire Department: new Fire ChiefCliffBrausen and new Deputy Fire Chief Marty Skog 3. FCM: JODI Federal Budget 4. AUMA: Notes to Council from Board of Directors Meeting ofAugust 25, 2000 5. Communities in Bloom: Evaluation and plaque 6. Building Pennit Statistics August 2000 7. Albena Economic Development: Invitation to Infunnation Session on Business Ethics on September 28. 2000

MOVED by err. 1. Wilson-Down to accept the infonnation items as presented.


REPORTS: CLK J WI! SON-DOWN: (. received requests from parems to have yellow no parking lines painted at Steffie Woima; Development Officer A. Gamble advised that the area is well signed

CLR. G. KNUTSON: t. Continuing Care is proceeding; ch~ges will be implemented by next year

Ambulance repon is tonhcoming regarding ttle additional personnel used this 'ummer

CLR. B. LAMBERTSON: 1. letter regarding the boat laWlch at 32nd Street: needs to be fIXed up: locks need to be welded shut

ACTING MAYOR T PARKS' I. inquired into possibility ofroad closure and the construction at Highway 781 4 Page 5 of6 MONDAY SEPTEMBER 11,2000 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 9,00 P.M. TOWN OF SYLVAN LAKE COUNCIL CHAMBERS

DEVELOPMENT OFFICER A. GAMBLE I. Council retreat; team building workshop should be stressed; possibly bringing in a facilitator; discussion was heard as to time and location; inquiries will be made for the beginning ofNovember with one night away.

TOWN MANAGER LYLE WACK: 1, New Public Works Superintendent is Jim McAlister; will be smrting October 3D, 1000

1. provided Council with compiled Census dara; noted that ahnost 55% ofpopulation is under 35 years ofage

3, correspondence has been received from eN Rail requesting installation offence across the street from the Town Office pursuant to the Development Agreement

MOVED by Acting Mayor T. Parks that the Town notify eN Rail that the fence will be installed in The year lOOt and that costs for same be included in the 1001 budget.


4. Public Works is requesting pennission to replace a small rruck:; repairing is not feasible; approximate cost is S22,OOO.OO.

MOVED by Clr. B. Lambertson to allow Mobile Equipment Funds 10 be allotted for the pw'Citase ofa mid size truck.


5. Dave Lock: requesting letter ofreference; Smffwill proceed

6. correspondence has been received from Howard Bradley with respect to the trees plowed down on August 3, 2000 by Harry Boomer in Fox Run; ;\11'. Boomer will replace trees with 15 ft high poplar in a random pattem; Staffwill provide Howard Bradley with a letter outlining this commitment from Mr. Bickerton and Mr. Boomer.

ASSISTANT TOWN MANAGER R. MACINTOSR I. Staf'fis requesting that the following tax accounts be written off:

Roll # 08021600 $472.60 08021950 $556.72 08022100 $338.40 08022300 $557.81

TOTAL $1,925.53

MOVED by Acting Mayor T. Parks that the laX accounts be written offas requested.


2. AB rnfrastrueture; Kinder Care is requesting purchase of their portable units; fown holds Sublease Agreement; requesting comments from CouncH~ it was nared that this is a non profit society and the Town has not had any problems with Kinder Care; there were no objections from Council

3. Library tinancing; ByLaw 1220/2000; intention was to borrow $420,000.00 to constrUCt the new Library; consnuction is near completion and borrowing is not possible lMWlicipai Government Act s. 254); request for money to come from reserves allotted for recreation complex and borrow additional funds tor the recreation complex.

MOVED by Clr. B. Lambertson to authorize reserve money to be used for the Library and oorrow additional funds for the Recreation Complex.


PUBLIC WORKS FOREMAN), WATSON: COWlcil received a \Vritten report stating that: l. the annual toxic round up was held September 9, 2000; and 2. Border Paving will commence work on the Town Office parking lot in late September at a cost of$35,645.00 -l- G.S.T.

Town ACCOWltS: Council was presented with a list ofTown AccoWlts payable and cheques to be issued (#33183-33282),

MOVED by Clr. J. Wilson-Down that the Town Accounts be approved for payment as presented.


Adjourn: MOVED by Clr. G. Knutson that tbe meeting be adjourned.

TIME: 11:16p.m. CARRIED

Acting Mayor Ted Parks

Town Manager Lyle Wack

I System: 00109/07 :1:57:37 I~ Town :Jf Sylvan Lake Page: I User Jate: 00109/07 :/SNOOR CHEQUE REGISTER REFORT User W: CHERYL .Jayab1es Management

Ranges: :rom: To. From; TO: Cheque Number 33184 33182 C~eque Date First Last I ndor 10 First ~:s~ C:1equebaok ID First Last oor Name First

Sar:ed By: Cheque Number

1; Voidea Cheques

Che'JlJe itJrr.ber 'Jenaer 1D Vendor Cheque Name Cheque Jolte Chequebook:O .Audit Trail Code Amount ---33183 ------voided------33184 0057 AL8ERTA HEALTH CARE 00108/30 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHQOD000360 11.904.00 33185 2412 ALBERTA HEALTH CARE 00i08/30 PARKLAND GEN. PMC~QDO000360 16B.,JO 33lB6 2969 AUMA ,'EMBER SERVICES 00108/30 PARKLAND GEN. FMC,Q00000360 17,005.04 33187 1506 CLARICA ,IFE INSURANCE CCMPANY 00/08/30 PARKL'lND GEN. PMC,Q00000360 11,410. DO 33188 0880 LOCAL AUTrOUIES PENSION 'lAN JO/08/30 PARKL'i'lO GE'. PMC,Q00000360 19,94415 33189 2504 NiSKU iNN 00108130 PARKL.'i'lO GEN. PMC,Q00000360 199.68 23190 0806 P\RKLANO SAViNGS & ClEDiT UN. 00/08/30 ?ARKL'i'lO GEN. PMC,Q00000360 1148.25 33191 0U8 1E,ElVER GENE1AL f'OR CANAOA 00/08/20 'ARKL'i'lO DEN. PMCH000000360 1/7 .079.52 33192 3055 SHAW CA8LE 00/08/30 PARKLANO GEN. PMCHQ00000360 1l18.15 33193 1742 STEIN8ACH, PHYLliS 00/08130'ARKlAND GEN. PMCHQ00000360 160.99 33194 \748 iEL'JS103iLFY INC. 00/08130 PIRKLAND GEN. PMCHQ00000360 157.54 33195 'Ji21 rmm Of SYLVAN LAKE - PAVROLL 00/08/30 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHQ00000360 164.324.91 33196 0184 cC',N Jf SYL'iAN LAKE SOCIAL sec 00/08/30 PARKLANO GEN. PMCHQ00000360 113/.50 33197 0046 TRilNSAD uTlLITIES 00108/30 PIRKLANO GEN. 'MCH000000360 116L72 33198 '021 AATSON.;OhN 00/08/30 PARKLANO GEl!. PMCHQ00000360 184.50 33199 2995ATOO GAS 00109/07 PARKLANO GEN. PMCH000000361 147U3 23200 0160 SWABEY. AliCE 00/09/07 PARKLANO GEII. PMCH000000361 mo.oo 33201 2546 THE CANAOIAN PAYROLL ASSOe. 00109/07 PARKLANO GEII. .'MCHOOOOD0361 ll87.15 33202 1060 AC

, Voided Cheques

:heq,e Number Vendor :0 IJenaer Cheque Name Cheque Date Chequebook ID Audit Trai 1 Code .'lniount ------.--. ------. ------_...._. ------_. ------_. - _. ------33249 0091 NORiH ',·Itsi ,'I()TORS (REO OEER) L 00/09/12 PARKLAND GEN. :J,'lCHODDOO0362 lll9.20 33250 1969 P.~Lit iHA.WN 00/09112 PARKLAND GEN. 'MCHOOOOD0362 125.65 33251 1736 PAiCf!MASiE, ROAD HAIR INC. 00/09112 PARKlAND GEM. PMCHOOOOO0362 12.407.50 33252 0780 PETE'S AT iME BEACH INC. 00/09/12 PARKLANO GEM. PMCHOOOOO0362 195.50 33253 Il03 P!CKER'NG. OARREN 00/09112 PARKLANO GEM. i'MCHQOOOO0362 1132.50 33254 1-~_/a~" RAY'S BACKHOE, TRUCKING 00/09112 PARKLANO GEN. PMCHOOOOO0362 1786.45 33255 0352 "ECEIVER GENERAL fOR CANAOA 00/09/12 PARKLANO GEN. PMCHOOOOO0362 188.092.84 33256 RECREATION fACI ,ECREATION FACIllfl PERSONNEL 00/09112 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHOOOOO0362 1255. 00 33257 0098 REO OEER 80ffiI.1G 00/09/12 'ARKlANO GEN. PMCHOOOOO0362 1222.37 33258 0474 REO JEER COLl,S, 00/09/12 PARKLANO GEN. PMCHOOOOO0362 $422.40 33259 1398 ROGERS :

-- ---. -~ .. ota 1 ·:heques: 99 Total ,'~mount of Cheques: $514,464.42 ,I

...... \." ~' ,,_ ''> I 1~ .. '11j,... ? f'V\)l'I("1 =~-':=-"_~_k'.. :,~:.• ~..:"'_~~~~

August 30, 2000

Mayor and Town Council Town of Sylvan Lake 4926 - 50 Avenue Sylvan Lake, Alberta T4S IAI

Dear Sirs:

Re: OtT site Levies· Separation of Titles: Lots 2 & 3, Block D, Plan 136SAB

As long term residents of Sylvan lake, we are writing you to request a review of off site levies charged in connection with the "subdivision" of the property described above.

We understand that off site levies are usually charged in connection with a subdivision because the creation of a large number of lots by a developer can result in a need for upgraded utilities, etc. to be provided by the Town.

We would suggest that the "subdivision" that we effected in August 1999 is not the type of subdivision that off site levies really anticipate.

We had one title for two lots and we wanted two titles. We did not take one lot and divide it into two lots.

So, the two lots existed. Somewhere in the past, the Town planned on there being two lots and would have planned its facilities based on the two lots. The records of the Town should be reviewed to determine if off site levies or a similar charge was collected in the past. Because if it was, it should not be collected again.

We do acknowledge that this letter is a long time coming, but we have been very busy.

But, the collection of the $1,946.50 by the Town in connection with our separation of title, which was not really a "subdivision" in the usual sense of the word, has always bothered us.

What really prompted this letter is our understanding that the bylaw approving the off site levy bylaw has been repealed and that we were the only persons to payoff site levies.

This does not seem fair to us.

We are appealing to Town Council to exercise its discretion to relax the imposition of off site levies, which discretion is set out in the bylaw and refund to us the money that we paid.

'J 5 i, - 2 -

We would like an opportunity to appear and speak to this matter when it is considered by Town Council. Please let us know when to attend.

Yours truly,

Dick and Marilyn Jewellf I -i

I r...... ·.. ~. !~~. l lL,) Friends of Sylvan Lake Provincial Park

September14,2000 4:00pm

Present: B. Dyrland, J. Wilson-Down, L. Crone, S. Barnes, Angelo Santucci (Park Smart), and J. Dallaire

Called to Order: B. Dyrland called the meeting to order at 4:05pm

Minutes: J. Wilson/L. Crone moved to accept June 22, 2000 minutes as circulated

Old Business Parking Management Program - Angelo Santucci took the committee through a generic process which will provide maximum benefits to the community and will enable success of the program • The committee engaged in a lengthy discussion about the process and where we want to go - Key factors for success of the Parking Management System include: committee members sticking with the committee through all the phases and the Town committing to the retainer fee Counci I September 25, 2000 • The committee would like to get a commitment from Counci I to proceed with Phase One of the four step process - Phase one could potentially cost between $10,000-$20,000 dollars Friends September 14, 2000 Page 2 - For the meeting we need to have checked references and hopefully we will be able to receive reference letters - We need Alberta Transportation to be on board, need to receive a letter of support - Need a commitment from Alberta Environment, the strongest form would be in writing Discussed potential issues that would have to be resolved for the parking management program to be successful. Some issues were: parking overflowing into private lots and cabin area; prime parking spaces along a provincial highway; education of the public; getting support from the local businesses; boat and R.V parking New Business Farmers Market - J. Wilson-Down/L. Crone moved to have the Farmers Market discuss their proposal to the Friends - Their presentation will be on the agenda first at the next meeting Other Issues Next Meeting - All other issues and the summer update will be at next meeting

Next Meeting: Next meeting is October 3, 2000 at 7:00pm

Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 8:25pm

k, !~j "-_ .... , &0:'- Think AII:x!na W&Drive IN'AASTAUCTURE

0Il1l:e of the Op...ltcns ManallOr #404, 4ll2O . 51 S1reet TelephorMI 40~4904 IIId Deo', AJb

Wednesday. 20 September 2000 2600-llA Ms. Julie Dallaire Recreation Depanment Town of Sylvan Lake Sylvan Lake, AB, Fax to: 403/887-2258

Dear Ms. Dallaire:

Re: PARKINGSTIJDY FOR THE TOWN OF SYLVAN LAKE Thank you for your phone call of Tuesday, September 19.2000, regarding a proposed parking study in Sylvan Lake, including Highway IlA. I advise that the Department will co-operate with the study and the development of a long parking term plan. for the area. Parking is a municipal responsibility and close co-operation between the jurisdictions is essential for a successful outcome on Hig;hway IIA. I look forward to participating, in the study.

YOUIS truly. flLJIIj Alan R. Griffith. P.Eng. OPERATIONS MANAGER

c.c. Brim Reid Heath Wollms Lee Bowman


6 j ...... PARK SMART A Coinamatic Company F:riendsofSyJvan:~ ··LaReProvincialPatk ······CQrnmiftee.. ··l~ September 14,2000

...... ········Agenda ...... ·~:~6bjectlves·· .:.Benefits ...... ····<·Responsibilities ...... !;o..Workplan ...... :. Tenns .:.. NexlSteps


b.__ 6 Proposed Partnership: Objectives .:. To design, develop, implement, operate and manage an integrated parking management system for the Town of Sylvan Lake - Pay & Display systems, electronic meters - Solar powered, coin, credit card and Smart Card operated - Revenue management and credit card processing on audited basis - Enforcement and ticket processing 3

Proposed Partnership - Benefits .:. Comprehensive Parking Management System - developed, implemented, operated by professionals - advanced technologies - Fully integrated parking system .:. Will Result in: - reduced congestion - improved parking turnover - better access to facilities, goods & services 4

, 1i l ''''''-, Proposed Partnership - Benefits Ii .:. Designed to fit the needs ofSylvan Lake - accessibility - convemence - safety


Proposed Partnership - Benefits

.:. Minimal up-front costs for the Town of Sylvan Lake - system financed by ParkSmart - retainer fee (refundable when project moves forward) - on-going operations funded through parking revenues

6 I 3 6 Proposed Partnership - Benefits

.:. Municipality avoids financial risk, infrastructure costs and responsibilities, receive a portion ofrevenues .:. Residents, visitors, business's benefit from a well managed parking system .:. Parking services become a non-tax \, supported (i.e.. self-sufficient) service


ParkSmart Responsibilities Would Include .:. Development ofparking system strategy - technology - rates - approach to compliance ~t· Implementation plan - roles and responsibilities - timing - communications strategy


4 ParkSmart Responsibilities Would Also Include .:. All capital for infrastructure and upgrades - technology - signage, etc. •:. Installation .:. Operations and management .:. All maintenance and service .:. Installation & removal ofequipment on a seasonal basis 9

ParkSmart Responsibilities I Would Also Include .:. Revenue management - coin collection and counting - credit card payment processing - banking and audit .:. Management ofparking activities, training - customer service - field operations - enforcement iO

5 ~"6 1 ParkSmart Responsibilities Would Also Include...

•:. Comprehensive ticket processing services - hand-held computers for ticket issuance - ticket processing - fine payment, IVR .:. Stakeholder Relations Program - Business community - Residents, Community Groups, etc.


Proposed Partnership ­ Municipality's Role .:. Plan for existing employees .:. Amend policies as required - parking policy (rates, hours ofoperation) - by-laws .:. Prosecutor at trials .:. Cash receipt posting ofpayments received on-site .:. Ground maintenance 12

6 "'-.. 6 Workplan

.:. Four Phases

I) Detailed system development

2) Implementation preparation

3) Implementation of systems

4) Program start-up


Phase 1 - System Development

.:. Site visit - assess layout ofparking area, terrain - signage, wayfinding - plan data collection .:. Data collection and analysis: - review existing infonnation, stall inventory - review demographic info, tourist, visitor statistics - applicable industry data on parking demand, occupancy, turnover, etc.


7 ( k~ ,~ 6 I Phase 1 - System Development

.:. Prepare operational model - projects demand, by time ofday, season - projects visitor behaviors, parking demand - projects occupancy, turnover and compliance levels - identifies manpower requirements - identifies equipment requirements - maintenance, service requirements


Phase 1 - System Development .•:. Assess technical options available - parking operations, security - enforcement - payment options: i.e. coin, credit card, smart card _ .:. Develop preliminary findings - review internally - review with Town staff


8 6 Phase 1 - System Development

.:. Prepare financial model - project revenues from parking management system - capital costs - variable and operating costs - net revenues


Phase 1 - System Development

.:. Stakeholders assessment and communications: - Identify key stakeholder groups - meet with these groups to identify concerns, gauge levels of support - public open houses - revise plan as necessary


~ .. Phase 1 - System Development

.:. Review internally for approval to proceed .:. Prepare partnership proposallbusiness model for presentation to municipality .:. Timing to complete - four to six weeks .:. Approval to proceed by Town Council­ initiate contact


Phase 2 - Implementation Preparation .:. Order equipment .:. Siting equipment locations, obtaining approvals and preparation ofthe sites .. •:. Preparation ofsignage .:. Development/configuration ofsoftware systems


6 Phase 2 - Implementation Preparation I .:. Hiring, training of staff .:. Public communications .:. Six to ten weeks to completion, based on delivery ofthe equipment


Phase 3 - Installation ofSystems

.:. On-street equipment and signage .:. Software and hardware: ticket issuance and processing - monitoring of equipment - management reporting .:. Stafftraining .:. Public communications .:. Three weeks to complete 22

11 6 Phase 4 - Program Start-Up

1) Public Communications 2) Parking Management System: • monitoring • customer service 3) Enforcement Services courtesy notices vs tickets compliance-based approach - level


Proposed Terms

.:. Minimal up-front cost to the municipality until Phase I has been completed (retainer) .:. ParkSmart responsible for all capital"; expenditures, operating costs .:. ParkSmart to receive management fee plus portion ofrevenues

24 Proposed Tenns

.:. Municipality to receive guaranteed net amount ofrevenues .:. Five to eight year term, renewable '11! -longer term equals higher net revenue to the City

mayca - Cal


13 6 Next Steps .:. Present to Council .:. IfCouncil decides to move fOlWard with ParkSmart: - both parties sign letter of intent .:. System development starts immediately - demand analysis - operations model, financial model (open book) - stakeholder communications - prepare a detailed proposal 27

Thank you...

PARK SMART A Coinamatic Company


14 500250 St Sylvan Lake, Ab T4S IM5


Dear Sir or Madam:

Could we be put on the upcoming agenda for conncil. We as a club would like to spearhead a light up the park for the Christmas season . Funds rnised will be used by the Rainbow Society .


~~~:':-; " ' , , TOW!I!OF ·:JYJ.VJ~lil UIG: "

.. . " . .. • • • .. . . RED DEER OFFICE: !Engineering 7897- 48 Avenue Red Deer. Alberta T4P 2H6 Servjces Telephone: 14031 342-7650 Fax: 14031342-7691 EXH ltd. E-mail: [email protected]

604200 September 21. 2000

Town of Sylvan Lake 4926 - 50th Avenue Sylvan Lake, Alberta T4S lAl

ATTENTION: Mr. Al Gamble - Development Officer

Re: Hewlett Park - Development Amendment Municipal Development Plan, Outline Plan, Land Use Bylaw, and Rezoning

Our client, Development Corp., is proposing amendments to the Hewlett Park Subdivision in the Town of Sylvan Lake. EXH Engineering Services Ltd has been retained to carry out engineering services for this proposed development. This letter is our application, on behalf of Central Alberta Development Corp., for amendment of the Municipal Development Plan, Outline Plan, Land Use Bylaw, and zoning to accommodate this development. Enclosed you will find a revised Outline Plan showing the proposed development amendment and a cheque to cover the application fees from Central Alberta Development Corp. The changes include re-designating the area north of the sanitary sewer easement to a Manufactured Home Park, relocating the Multi-Family Site to the area south of Herder Drive on Hinshaw Drive, re-designating the R2 sites on Herder and Hinshaw to R5 along Herder and R3 on Hinshaw, and re-designating the Rllots east of Hinshaw to R5.

I hope you will find this information satisfactory. Ifyou have any questions or require any additional information, please call.

YoursTr~- .~ ------~----- .,' ------./,-- ~T. Suchy, P. tn"'g...... ----­ EXH Engineering Services Ltd. cc: 316329 Alberta Ltd. CADC

------+L~8 Edson Grande Prairie Lac La Blche Red Deer Lethbridge Edmonton Fort McMurray Rocky Mountain House Grimshaw Medicine Hat Slave Lake Valleyview lEXH


































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.. To Mayor Council

I am writing this letter in regards to my property tax (tax roll number 00264800) Perry/Colette Schell 22 Palmer Close (887-7222). On April th 18 , 2000, a money order for $1,000.00 was made payable to the Town of Sylvan Lake for a property taxes for the above address. On June 16th two checks were made payable to the Town ofSylvan Lake one for a water bill and the other cheque (#450) dated for June 28 th 2000 in the sum of$887.97 for the property taxes.

I received a phone call from a lady saying that she found an envelope outside with a cheque and bill for the Town of Sylvan Lake inside. She informed me that she took it to the Town Office. I was so surprised with this call due to this envelope was dropped off, by myselfin the Town Office drop box. I followed up with a call to the Town Office to make sure that my bill was paid. I was assured that my water bill was paid.

My family and I left on holidays knowing that my bills were all taken care of When we arrived home I had received this notice in the mail saying that our property taxes are in arrears. I made a few calls to Lori (Town Office) and to my bank to find out how this error could happen. At a later date I remembered about this lady phone about fmding my envelope and turning it in. At this time a stop payment on cheque #450 issued. Lori advised me to make this payment with the 7% penalty; a check for the amount of$950.13 was issued on September 01, 2000, with another penalty applying in December.

My question to you is how can an envelope be lost from the Town Office Drop OffBox? I do understand that a lock and key is on this box. Does this mail that's being dropped offgoing directly into the Town Office? And why did my envelope end up on the streets for someone to find. Enclosed is a copy ofmy duplicate check.

I would appreciate it very much ifyou can make the time to check in to this matter.

Thank you

Colette Schell

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)ate DQCllmentf'lumber Transaction Description TransactlonAml Balanca rrx Sourte Batch Number Lew Document ED . J1/18J1999-L.EVY 24589 UtllllyLevt $115.00 $115.71 ... j2l19if99'gTCR'REC "341'1 '4 .. " 'ij'a'sh R'ec'eirif ."$11"5.71 ... $0.00' j'3i16/1999-;' LEVY 27306 lJllli"tYL.'i3:,.y' $129.80: '$129:80 J4J21/1999:PNLTY 92Panaitieii $12'5" .. '"' $13'3:05' j5iffl1'"9'99"i'C'RR'E'C'''' .... ji"9'3g'"' .'c'ash Receipt ·$13j.05 $0.00 JSi11ii'99i:j':U:w 30089 U1J111y LeVy' $120.08' '$120.08- J6Qiii99ifipNlTY 104 fienai"ti'es"'" .. "$'3':0'JJ; '$Tijjjs iiff6Jf99'!fLEVY'" )'2924" UtilitY Levv $130.88 $253.98' Ji!2TH999Tc~RREC~ ~._- ~- "4'i4fj" Casil"Ree'sIpf "" . ·$1"2308 $130.80 j'77i1ii1199Tp'NLty --".'--Tfo -- PenaHfes~ '

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91 '1840 ;\. 49tb ;\,enue 1I0llli9, IckvlUe, Alberta, CI.lda TOM DXO

September 18, 2000-

Town ofSylvan Lake 4926· SO th Ave

Sylvan Lake, AS "r, /.01" T4S lAI . "~ ,.. ,"

' .... itt ,,' "~ ;,1-\ Attention: Mr. Lyle WIWk;;:f,ni.Vn Manager ;'.\l.l~jl"'I:l . ,.. , .. "",,, RE: MARINA ~~iIDEPENDENT HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION PROPOSED MARlNA~mm.OOING "'_"""'&<"Ul'l"""'! .. _.. ~., .... ",,~ .. , ·:...... ,:11·/," ····, Dear Sir, .••.....,,..... " ,~., "I:.,';1' _,.l~"', "I: .~ ".,,,,,1' ',01_ ,...." Lamboume ~_ has been retained by the above association to deepen by dredging the entrance to the;!tiJ!M'ooenhancll water q~ty~!'Pnthe development. :1Il·1'·I·oIi ,... • ••••• \••••••. ,., .,,", We are presentfiij.ii~i;iiJ,?~.neces,~~:~~· from the provincial and federal authorities. We will be remoyi\ii'!.~~~~lal;~~::lt:n~~ii:4fedge and,loading the t'eSul~g slurry in!O semi­ tankers for tra.ns~eil~~::jP,~~;SIt#::J:vUbuld apprecUlte the opportunity to meet With you to disclIlls the ptqjettn::jJdb.dilaj;~;~,*:;'fOWl1permission to load trucks on Highway 11 A directly adjacent to ~~.:l:l~J":F$_,·This will require closure ofat least one lane or ~"ybe both " ;.. ':.' ..._ l ." ••. , ...•• ".~,".,.,;,.'''''•. ,. ,.."'",,. _,., •. ,1-'" '.': .,,,,.,,' -. ···J·'·f"-' •.•, .. , •. , .... Ifyou would call me to arraii'gemappointment it would be appreciated.

Yours Sincerely, ~ I Operations Manager -

cc: Mr. Jim Campbell

1 0 j Memorandmn

To: Town Council cc:

From: Dave Kyllo - By-Law Enforcement

Date: 9121100

Re: Letter from Tom Harrison - Perry Drive Speed Limit

By-law will bring this letter to the next Protective Service Meeting in November.


I 1 Tom Harrison 81 Perry Drive, Sylvan Lake, AB, T4S 1K3 August 31, 2000

Town Of Sylvan Lake; 1. Administration 2. Bylaw Committee 3. Green Space Committee 4. Council Members

Dear Town Of Sylvan Lake:

We, the residents along a portion of Perry Drive have observed a high number of vehicles travelling along Perry Drive at an unreasonably fast speed. This deeply concerns us as we live in the vicinity of Steffie Woima School and we see the numbers of children that cross this street to visit the playground. The "School Zone Speed Limits" are only in effect for a small portion of each scheduled school day and they appear to help this situation during these times, however as this is the "Allocated Green Space" for our subdivision it is apparent that children of all ages will be accessing this school ground to enjoy our Park I Playground during all daylight hours. It is with "Safety, for Our Children" in mind when we ask that you review this situation and propose to change this area along Perry Drive from a School Zone to a Playground Zone in an attempt to slow the traffic down to a reasonable speed while they pass through an area that our children must walk through while accessing their allocated space. Respectfully yours, for the..Le,/dents along Perry Drive, (~t/.~~...... ------Tom Harrison Ps. Please pass this on to any Committee that I may have overlooked. AII:cna ENVIRONMENT

Telephone• (403) 340-5142 Natural Resources Service Suite 404, 4911 51 Street • Red Deer Area Red Deer AS T4N 6V4 Fax (403) 340-5575


September 18, 2000

Town of Sylvan Lake 4926 - 50 Avenue Sylvan Lake, AB T4S lAl

Attention: Lyle Wack, Town Manager

Dear Mr. Wack:

RE: West Side Sylvan Lake Water Management Plan - AWlVIEC funding

We are please to inform you that funding, under the Alberta Water Management and Erosion Control (AWNlEC) Program, for the West Side Sylvan Lake stormwater management system has been approved in the 2000/01 fiscal)'ear. A grant ofup to a maximum of$147,550 has been made available, subject to the guidelines ofthe AWMEC program. The funding is also contingent upon the Town obtaining all necessary approvals.

As we discussed today, a site meeting is tentatively scheduled for October 12, 2000, at 1:30pm. I have asked your consultant, Wes Williams, P. Eng., ofTagish Engineering, to confirm his availability at that time.

Ifyou have any comments or questions, please contact me in Red Deer, at (403) 340-7737. Sincerely,


\ ',r .- .~! I ,I Peter G. Steve'...... , Eng." Water Administration Engineer

c: Wes Williams, P. Eng, Tagish Engineering Ltd.

12 Edmonton Regional Search and Rescue Association Box 79069 Sherwood Centre P.O. Sherwood Park, Alberta T8A 5S3 (780) 440-1710

Aug. 28/00

Dear Mayor Bowey:

The Edmonton Regional Search and Rescue Association is a group of 34, trained volunteers, that assist local police forces in the search for lost and missing persons. Even though we are an Edmonton based group, we will respond to a call from any location in Alberta. We have been called to assist in searches as far north as Fort McMurray and Fairview, and have been down to assist in the Pine Lake tornado search and rescue operation. In the year 2000, so far we have been called on 28 times to assist the police.

There seems to be one problem associated with almost every search that we are called to, and that is the map situation. We have very rarely had a good map for the areas we are searching. This is where you can help us. We are asking for 3 copies at least , of a map of your town. We require 3 because of the different vehicles that will altend searches, a First Response vehicle, our Mobile Command Post, and our Team Transportation Vehicle. The maps can be up to the size of an unfolded roadmap.

We are trying to set up a map library, as such a copy of this lelter is going to every Mayor of all towns and cities in the province, as well as every Reeve from all the Counties and M.D. 's in the province. We hope that once we establish this library we will never again be trying to figure out; what happens to this road, or where that turnoff will take our search team.

We would like to thank you in advance for your taking the time to assist us in this manner. If you have any questions about anything please call me at our office (780) 440-1710, I will respond as soon as I can


Bob Davies Special Projects Coordinator Edmonton Regional Search and Rescue Assoc.

1 ~ Memorandwn

To: Town Council

From: Lyle Wack

Date: 9/21/00

Re: Board Vacancy

The Subdivision and Development Appeal Board requires a member ofCouncil to sit on its Board. The next Appeal is scheduled for October 3, 2000 at 7:00 p.m.


14 AUMA2000 Deiegate Registration r!orm September 27 • 30, 2000 Talus Convention Centre

, Please complete all sections and print clearly or type to ensure eccuracy. . ~. , Cheque or money order payable to: AUMA 2000 Convention a visionT6r-=:action 'Mail payment & white (top) copy to: AUMA, 8712 -105 Street, Edmonton, AB T6E 5V9 Keep the yellow copy for your records. Phone: 780' 433 ' 4431 Ql: l'800' 661 • 2862 • You may aiso register via our web site: Q! fax to: 780' 429 '1591 • Confirmation will be sent upon receipt of your completed registration form and payment.

1. OELEGATE REGISTRATION INFORMATION: 3. PARKING INFORMATION: Surname: • Parking near the Telus Convention Centre is available at the Tower Centre Parkade, located at 125-9 Avenue SE. First Name: The fee is $11.00 per day, and $3.00 after 6 p.m. (as ~ should appear on your name tag) Also, the AUMA 2000 Convention Shuttle Service will be Title: available. A schedule will be provided in your registration package which you pick up on site. Municipality I Company: 4. FRIDAY BANQUET TICKETS: Address: • Friday Banquet Tickets for your guest MJ.!SI be ordered CitylTown: below if they plan to attend. One Banquet Ticket a Province: Postal Code: Included with your delegate registration fee. Bus, Phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) 5. PRE CONVENTION WORKSHOP: -- • Please indicate (X) if you would like to attend: Please check the one(s) o AUMA Member that apply to you: o Non AUMA Member Gold of the Desert Kings ® o Life Member o Other _ 6. REGISTRATION FEES (Include get): Special requests: Please indicate the appropriate feels) FEE OWING AUMA MEMBERS $ 225.00 2. EDUCATION SESSIONS: NON MEMBERS $ 275.00 fwo education sessions are part of your convention negistration fee. ONE DAY SESSION· $ 175.00· ~Iease indicate your 1st and 2nd choices by marking 1and 2 next to EXTRA Banquet TICKETS $ 50.00 lour choices. Your indication of preferences now will heip us with our (nota: one ticket I. Included 'oom allocation. At the convention, sessions are first-come, with your delegate regletretlon tee) 'irst-served. PRE CONVENTION WORKSHOP $ 100,00 I 1. Open For Business 2. Customer Focussed Service Delivery in an Electronic Environment TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED ...... $ ==== 3. Municipai Franchise Agreements NOTE: One day session • does nat include meal functions 4. Small Communities· Big Savings Please indicate which day you will be attending: 5, Regionalization - Municipamies & Services GST # R106694623 6. What Municipalities Need To Know About I 11 5 A Telecommunication, Wireless & Cable Technoiogy and Services REFUNDS AND CANCELLATIONS All canceUations must be 7, New Environmental Regulations received In writing and sent to: AUMA. 8712 • 105 Street Edmonton, Alberta T6E SV9. Requests received betore September 2• 00 will receive a fuU refund lese a B. Industry Placement $60 administrative fee. AU refunda will be ~ed after 1he AUMA'oo Convention. Cancellations received after Saptamber 2• 00 wil nat be eligible for any refund. 9. Affordabie Housing ALBERTA MINISTER OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS

MLA, Grande Prairie - Smoky

September 12, 2000

Dear Chief Elected Official:

From July 6 to August 4, 2000, I toured the province and held meetings in Airdrie, Fort Macleod, Medicine Hat, Peace River, Grande Prairie, Edson, Red Deer, Camrose, Lamont and Vermilion. am pleased to report that attendance and participation levels were high.

Issues that were frequently raised throughout the tour were:

• Growth The need for provincial funding to offset the pressures of growth. water and sewer systems, technological infrastructure and seniors housing. • Taxation The issue of reducing education property taxes. • Regional Partnerships The need for provincial advice and support throughout this process. • Municipal 2000 Sponsorship Program The continued long-term need for this program.

At upcoming municipal conferences, there will be exciting opportunities to hear how municipalities, guided by their councils, can develop effective and efficient regional partnerships that attract and retain investment and offer quality, affordable living standards. As we are discovering, other areas in North America are ahead in forming regional partnerships that sustain prosperity, reduce the costs of service delivery and provide comprehensive information about the region.

In response to questions about regional partnership opportunities, we have arranged the first of a series of educational sessions involving a site selector. These sessions will take place at the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association conference in Calgary, at the Telus Convention Centre on Thursday, September 28, from 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. and Friday, September 29, from 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. Arrangements are being made to hold the next series of educational sessions at the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties convention, on Tuesday, November 14, at 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., at the Delta Edmonton South and Coast Terrace inn, Edmonton.

Once again, I would like to express my appreciation to all municipalities for their input and participation in the tour. I believe we will continue to prosper in Aiberta by working toward building strong municipalities and sharing opinions and ideas. Thank you for making this tour a success. Sincerely, ,,~~m\o7~~' SE? ! 5 2000

Walter Paszkowski , TOWN OF JYI.VA."l UK~ Minister

424 Legislature Building, Edmonton, Alberta. Canada T5K 2B6 Telephone 780/427-3744, Fax 780/422-9550 Northern Alberta Railway Station. Box 329 ,Sexsmith, Alberta, Canada TOH 3CO Telephone 780/568-2560, Fax 780/568-3099 15B SEP. -19' 00 (TUE) 19: 10 LOCAL GOVT DEV, TEL:780 420 1016 P, 00 I



MLA em"d. Pmiri. - SmDky

September 19, 2000

Dear Mayor and Council:

You are cordially invJted for coffee and dessert at a reception 111 I am hosting during the 94 Annual Convention of the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association, September 27 - 30, 2000. The receptlon will be held In the Macleod Foyer, Talus Convention Centre, September 27, betlNeen 9:00 - 10:00 !!l.m., immediately following the association's opening ceremonies.

The reception will provide opportunities for us to renew acquaintances and friendships, and celebrate the fall convention.

I look forward to seeing you there and wish you a successful and productive 94111 Annual Convention.


Walter Paszkowski Minister

~4 Leglslaturo Building, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada TSI< 2B

3rd floor - Provincial TdOphcne(403}340-7714• lluilding f"" (403) 340-5\13 -1920,1 9tmt Red Deer, Alberta T4N6K8

September 11, 2000

Dear Administrator:

Re: Nodell to Munl!!ipllJjtill8 ReilltdlDI Alberta Enyironment's PartielJaMn at tbe 2000 AUm Conve.tipa

Albel1~ EnviroJUuent once again is pleased to pal1icipate in tl1e lIIUlual AUMA Convention in Calgary. YO\lf 2000 Convention theme of "A Vision for Action" is an appropriate slogan in l\ time when Alberta is facing the challenge ofgrowth.

On behalf ofmy fellow regional directors and staif, I invite your delegates to meet with us at the Telus Room #107 in the newly expanded convention lllCa. anytime between 8:30 l\.m. and 5:00 p.m. on September 28 &: 29, to diSCWlS any issues related to A1bertll Environment programs. You may phone Beverly Anderson al (403) 340-4849 to schedule a meeting, or you may dt'op by during the two days to l\lTange a meetlng time. Also, I invite you to visit our booth at the Municipal MlIl'ketplAce on Thursday, September 28.

Alberta Environment 5liUf look forward to a lively and productive convention.

Ch·.....-~ Regional Baard of Directors Parkltmd Region

ce: Frank Cardinal Patrick GuiderA 8everly Anderson

15C RED DEER OFFiCE: Engineering 7897 - 48 Avenue Red Deer, Alberta T4P 2H6 Services Telephone: [403) 342-7650 Fax: (403) 342-7691 EXH ltd, E-mail: [email protected]

September 14, 2000

Attention: Her Worship Mayor Sheryll Bowey

With the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association's Annual Convention & Trade Show fast approaching, I extend an invitation to you, members of Council and your senior administrators to drop by and meet some of the staff of EXH Engineering Services Ltd. Our location will be: EXH Engineering Services Ltd. Hyatt Regency Calgary 700 Centre Street South

(Signs in the Lobby will direct you to our client hospitality evening) Thursday, September 28, 2000 - 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

EXH Engineering Services Ltd. is a 100% employee owned Alberta company. We provide government and private sector clients with consulting engineering services III municipal, transportation, bridges, materials testing and surveying.

With offices in fourteen municipalities across Alberta, we are currently expanding our mlmicipal engineering division. Already well established and recognized in the transportation, bridges, materials testing and surveying fields, this move will provide a higher level ofservice to our existing and new municipal clients throughout the province.

You will find that we are members of your local community and that our staff takes ownership in your projects and have a high level ofcommitment to your municipality.

We hope that you have time to drop by, that your convention is rewarding and that you have a safe journey to and from Calgary.

Yours truly,

Graeme E. Langford, P. Eng. EXH Engineering Services Ltd.

TOWN OF SYLVAN lAKE ------5u Edson Grande Prairie Lac La Blchs Red Deer LethbrIdge Edmonton Fort McMurray Rocl(y Mountain House Grlmshaw MedicIne Hat Slave Lake Valleyview Town ofSylvan Lake 4926-50 Avenue Sylvan Lake, AB T4S 1A1 Phone: (403) 887-2141 Fax: (403) 887-3660 Email: [email protected]

To: Federation ofCanadian Fax: 613-244-1515 Municipalities

Attention: John V. Hachey Date: 10/10/2000

From: Jackie Pages: 2 including cover

Re: Municipal Leaders' Resolution on Climate Change

The information transmitted is intended only for the addressee and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any unauthorized review, distribution or other use of or the taking of any action in reliance upon this information is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete or destroy this message and any copies. MUNICIPAL LEADERS' RESOLUTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE

WHEREAS 1990 to 1999 was the warmest decade ofthe millennium;

WHEREAS a global reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) is necessary to slow climate change and reduce the risks to human health, the physical environment, economy and quality oflife;

WHEREAS the 1998 ice storm cost the City of Montreal $116 million; Baie Comeau more than $2.5 million, and the Regional Municipality ofOttawa-Carleton $6.32 million, while the Red River flood cost Winnipeg $32.3 million;

WHEREAS these weather-related expenses are creating an additional financial burden for municipalities at a time when responsibilities are increasing as a result of devolution;

WHEREAS reducing greenhouse gases makes good economic sense. New and improved infrastructure, energy efficiency, building retrofits, water conservation, more effective wastewater treatment and distribution, renewable energy technologies, waste reduction, better fleet management, etc., reduce municipal operating costs and help maintain community services, while having a positive impact on the environment;

WHEREAS industrialized countries, realizing initial commitments were inadequate to protect the Earth's climate system, agreed in December 1997 to the Kyoto Protocol which, if ratified, commits Canada to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions six per- cent below 1990 levels between 2008-2012;

WHEREAS in November, national governments will meet in The Hague, Netherlands to negotiate terms and conditions for ratifying the Kyoto Protocol. It is critical that Canada has the support it needs to conclude negotiations; and

WHEREAS Mayors and Municipal Leaders responsible for the well being of communities across Canada urge federal and provincial/territorial governments to make climate protection a priority;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipality of the Town of Sylvan Lake endorses this MUNICIPAL LEADERS' RESOLUTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE.

September 25, 2000

DOU·Mayor, Town ofSylvan Lake Federation of Councillor JOUIne Monaghan Can..u.u. Municipalities KitiITlAf. Briti3h Columbia PrcoiJeru Folderation con..ucnnc Presidentc de. municipalites September 14, 2000 Councillor Jack Layton Toronto, Onwiu l'il'it Vice. Pre;idcnr Premier vice pri!:llidcm

MUNICIPAL LEADERS' STATEMENT ON CLIMATE CHANGE Aldmnill1 John Schmal Calg:uoy. Alkm 'second VIC(' Preside!JU Dear Mayor or Local Elected Official, Deuxiem.e vu;c praident

Climate change is a threat to the quality of life in our communities. Maire YTa: Dudaarmll Hull (Qu/becl Extreme events like the Saguenay Disaster (1996), the Red River Flood Third Vice President Troisicmc vit;c presidcfU (1997), and the Great Ice Storm (1998) disrupt local economies, dislocate families and cause physical and emotional stress. Climate scientlsls predict extreme Mayur Sam Synard evenls will become more frequent as a result of climate change induced by Marystown, Ncwwllndland emissions of greenhouse gases. ami Labrador l"ast IJrt:$idenr Pr6idem sorum While some climate change is inevitable, much can be done to reduce the impact Communities can limit the pollution causing climate change while saving Jam..w. Knight on energy cosls. And we can make our infrastructure more resilient to extreme Exer;;utive Direaor evenls. Dirct;reur gc!/Iel":ll

Many municipal govemmenls are taking action now through investments in anergy-efficient building retrofits, in better processes for distributing, treating water 24 rue CWl!nce Ser«f OmJWI1. Onf:}do KiN SP3 and managing waste and in community energy systems and renewable energy. 1r (6131241-5221 These investments save on energy bills and improve local air quality. Most active ~ (613) 241-7440 communities have also joined our Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) Program. fcdcmti,m@&:m.Q If your municipality is not participating, I urge you to join. All it takes is a resolution Web site/tift! wdJ : www.fcm.,

of council; a sample is available on our Web site: Policy and. Public Affir,in Polldques et affiaires puWi~uc:s The key to ensuring communities get the help they need to make these ~ (613)144-2250 investmenls is ratification of the Kyolo Protocol, the agreement signed by 150 [email protected].:a govemments in 1997 that sels reduction Iargels fOr developed nations. Canada is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions 6 per cent below 1990 levels by GJrpol',J.(jl Devdopmlolll[ Dcveloppemem ctlf!"Ur".llif 2012. Next November, national govemments will meet in The Hague, Netherlands ~ (613)l4I·2126 to negotiate terms and conditions for ratification. It is critical that Canada has the [email protected] support it needs to conclude negotiations. tncem:nionnJ OUice Your council's ,endorsement of the attached Municipal Lsaders' Resolution BUfllau imcrnanunal on Climate Change will send the right message to federal negotia1Drs. Please fax 18 (613)2-11-7117 [email protected]. back the attached Model Resolution before November 3,2000 to (613) 244-1515.

~.L/"";) ~n \f:"'H&CheMl<;....-­ Honorary Chair PCP Program M~OQ Stucment &on" de miaion TIl' ~ Qj'~n MNnKip4JUia iztiM naNd ~of u FItImUD" CI"",IJw,mt an ".,.inp4JiIir nllA "."iK 1IIJliMuII4 mun.tpwntmnUl, dbJiozuJ tlJ impTWilrSUM ql44lity 6{rift dR pwWT7H1llnltl 1fIIUJ~ S." nItiIlUIIll tittU rrntll'ilnur 4 ~ «tlW~ in ali rDmntMlUIi6 D, pNmstin{ IJrmIg; aU J',.,;Jw""." til ,. ~" II~ _ ",fUei In cwrr1InI".tiJ tttil /l"'1Ikipsd .r-mmnu. p...... ,;,..fI"'-' ",..;,;p.J1''' tffian" mpoMltbk 16 Model Resolution I


WHEREAS 1990 to 1999 was the warmest decade of the millennium;

WHEREAS a global reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) is necessary to slow climate change and reduce the risks to human health, the physical environment, economy and quality of life;

WHEREAS the 1998 ice storm cost the City of Montreal $116 million; Baie Comeau more than $2.5 million, and the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton $6.32 million, while the Red River flood cost Winnipeg $32.3 million.

WHEREAS these weather·related expenses are creating an additional financial burden far municipalities at a time when responsibilities are increasing as a result of devolution. WHEREAS reducing greenhouse gases makes good economic sense. New and improved infrastructure, energy efficiency, building retrofits, water conservation, more effective wastewater treatment and distribution, renewable energy technologies, waste reduction, better fleet management, etc., reduce municipal operating costs and help maintain community services, while haVing a positive impact on the environment; WHEREAS industrialized countries, realizing initial commitments were inadequate to protect the Earth's climate system, agreed in December 1997 to the Kyoto Protocol which, if ratified, commits Canada to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions six per cent below 1990 levels between 2008 • 2012;

WHEREAS in November, national governments will meet in The Hague, Netherlands to negotiate terms and conditions for ratifying the Kyoto Protocol. It is critical that Canada has the support it needs to conclude negotiations.

WHEREAS mayors and municipal leaders responsible far the well being of communities across Canada urge federal and provinciallterritorial governments to make climate protection a priority;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the municipality of endorse this MUNICIPAL LEADERS' RESOLUT='~O-N""O:-N-C~L"'I--M-A--T""E""C-HA-'-N""G--E---



Please Fax Back to (613) 244-1515 . t,. , . jl;~1)\f<:'~g :;3iILL ;S~\i~rnF:j 2nd FLOOR, CITY liALL ;1 ~ . :'l:: i::r:,iViCjj\jTCf'.j 1 SIR WIJ,ISTOf\J CHURCHILL SQUARE { " ED~IONTOi\l, _ ALBERTA T5J 2R7 . , , PHONE (780) 496·8-100 F;lX (780) 496-8292 EMAIL [email protected][

July 20, 2000

Her Worship Mayor Sheryll Bowey Town of Sylvan Lake 4926 - 50 Avenue Sylvan Lake AB T4S lAI

Dear Mayor Bowey:

Excitement is mounting in Edmonton as we prepare to host the 8th IAAF World Championships in Athletics, August 3 - 12, 200 I.

It is a great honour to have been chosen as the first North American city to host this third largest sporting event in the world. I guarantee that the people of Edmonton are doing everything possible to make these Championships the best ever - for the athletes, officials, spectators, visitors, and over four billion television viewers worldwide. It is a tremendous opportunity for our country, province and city.

I want to personally invite you to join us for what will be an unforgettable experience. I have made arrangements to set aside some of the best seats for you and your guests in the Mayor's Section at Commonwealth Stadium. The competition schedule is enclosed for your review. In order to confirm seating access in the Mayor's Section, it is important that you complete and return the enclosed order form, along with your payment, by September 15, 2000. Your request should be sent directly to my office.

As you make your plans, please know that we will be pleased to assist you with your accommodation needs. Please call Lorraine Wadel at (780) 496-8100 with any questions.

I look forward to seeing you here in 2001!

Yours truly,

Bill Smith Mayor Enclosure /"}C5't C:iy 2U01 .7/1 r,t4F iNorrd Championships in Athletics 20C,1'J iT'!) "ii-iaihio(/ H/orlc:J Championship 17 8th IAAF World Championships in Athletics MAYOR'S SECTION AT COMMONWEALTH STADIUM EDMONTON 2001 TICKET REQUEST FORM





City: Province: _

Postal CDde:

Day Phone: Evening Phone: _

email: Fax: _

See Attached Map for Seating location

10 Day Super Pack' The pageantry of the Opening Ceremony, the celebration of the Closing Ceremony and every exciting moment in between is yours with the 10 Day Super Pack. As part of your package, YOU'll receive aticket for the prestigious and extremely popUlar men's 100m final- at no extra cost, piUS guaranteed seating! Price: $ 590.00 x # of Packages: _ ~ Total: $ _

S Day launch Pack' A stunning pageant of sight and sound opens The World's with jaw-dropping excitement to follow. This package includes afternoon and evening sessions on Days 1, 2, 4, S, 6 and 7, piUS morning sessions on Days 2 and 4. You also have the chance to purchase aticket for the sought after men's 100m final (the afternoon of Day 3). Price: $ 360.00 x # of Packages: _ ~ Total: $ _

3 Day Finale Pack Three days of action and a grand finale you'lI remember for years to come. This weekend package spans Days e, 9 and 10 of the competition. And, for every Flnaie Pack you purchase, you'll also receive the opportunity to bUy one ticket for the men's "must-see" 100m final (the afternoon of Day 3). Price: $ 230.00 x # of Packages: _ ~ Total: $ _ I '" Hear This... Free Mini-radiosl Purchase a 10 Day Super Pack or 6 Day launch Pack and receive a free mini-radio that will broadcast play-by-play coverage of all on·field action in English am French.

Men's 100m final - Day 3 available with the purchase of a 3 or 6 Day Pa'kage (in


II Total Amount Due: Total: $ _

Method of Payment: (please check one)

__ Money Order __ Cheque __ Visa MC Amex Diners Club En Route

Credit Card #: _ Expiry: _

Name of Credit Card Holder: _

Signature of Card Holder: _

Please make cheques and money orders payable to Edmonton 2001 World Championships in Athletics,

All Sales Final - No Refunds or Exchanges' All prices quoted in Canadian Dollars· Indudes all applicable fees & taxes

Commonwealth Stadium g.'" IPtII1]


..... - ....z Please return your completed Ticket Request Form, along with full payment to:

Edmonton 2001 • 8th lAAF World Championships in Athletics Mayor's Office Z'" Floor City Hall #1 Sir Winston Churchill Square Edmonton, Alberta T5J ZR7

fax: (780) 496·8292

For more information, pl88le visit the web site at TICKET REQUESTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY OUR OFFICE NO LATER THAN FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 15"', 2000

Moy,,', So,"" - '''','''''''" 2001 TWt"",'"f ... • pai2 o~ ''1 ;, rlt1 Timetable 8th IAAF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS IN ATHLETICS

Day 2 00y4 Saturday. August 4 MlXlday. August 6 ;j(;j; ~il(j, !'p, "".,..,'&RShot "" Qua1ifying A 81 8 r.;lIfV"iA. ;,",,;~ )U;"p'."" [JualifyingA", B 4l;iillh ~j",f(iliol. 151HII.JIId 'lWlflliUlw;.:,; HeptaUllon ~W"; lr.r: rllUOO OiKUi Qualifying A Pol._ 4ln:n 1st lllUOO HigtJ.lwnp 100m lJlI;athlon QualifyingAl IJ c QualifyingA&B c Hammer Qualt)"arg" .2 110rn lIurdles 1st rounli 1Ukn Hu"IlJes DetllUIlon 100.1, lstnll.Jnd ·a liilt'" illr<:jl 1\epLllt'*'n m !! umg Jump Oetatl1G11 ZOOm htrUlZlll '" -ii""h'; HIlplaliJIonGrwpA lDlkn 15t rourw:l '"c sOOOrn 1st ,WOO DiSW5 DII'dt~o" Group A E 1lJOOOrn 1.51. round llJ(N;;m lstroond 0 r0 lHiwIi Qualifying B 40Dm H&nleIi 1st rourJll E l;J.t:;,;, E Hammel Qualifying 8 Heplalhlon Greup a Shllll'ul Detall1llJ(J UiSWS Decathloo Group B 1:1.5 SwilJn enos ''''' ~onerv:1s 12;30 SwiOR ends 'J2:45 SessWn eros

$iitil h., ileplaitllDn Z:30 1,(myJim1i' High .unp Olll2tlllon 600 .lawelin OecIlhlonGroupB aoo liipleJliiTIli 'JJII lO,-!,iWilii; Hr",J JJJII Javeiin Qualifying A 50Jun Walk Finai 2:30 Iligh JIlIl,,! Illlal QJaJifyingA &8 Qualifying A.& B " "'" k.;:uiiu rw~fylngA "'" l'j~~\I;;ull L,j;~ tm;,l Pole Viult hnai .(iFS~U!< n:~ll Hllol ;;';;""1' Hi!tl'.ii':'\ip filldl Jawelin i;~il' 2ndrwv;l ZOOm lstrllUOll QUalifying A III II BOOm 1st roul1ll ihmw,~f Q.laJilying B l1DmH..dMl:5 Zoorwoo W(j~1; lI"rlil,,~ 1st round QuaJlfyirg8 )..;.-"J'o 400m Hurdleli hllal "i ~ 40illll )«:1<1:/ Semi·Finals :~W:II r:inal DiSW5 Imal ~ , 4Wm l

~ ,~ Board ofGovernors Box 5005, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada T4N 5H5 Phone: 403.342.3259 Fax: 403.341.4899

September 14, 2000

Mayor Sheryll Bowey Town of Sylvan Lake 4926 - 50 Avenue SYLVAN LAKE, AB T4S 1A1

Dear Mayor Bowey:

Red Deer College· Board of Governors Dinner

Further to my letter to you of June 6, 2000, on behalf of the Red Deer College Board of Governors I would like to invite you to an informal dinner with the Board on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at the College.

We had originally planned this dinner for June 12, 2000, but this date proved inconvenient for a large majority of Central Alberta Mayors and Reeves and so the event was postponed.

We would be pleased if you could join us for dinner to discuss ideas regarding community and college needs and initiatives, training/learning needs and what our future might look like. This is an opportunity to touch base with our stakeholders and we would love to hear about any ways in which you think Red Deer College could better meet the needs of our community.

We would also like to again extend to you the invitation to tour our campus. You will be met at the front door of the College at 5:30 p.m. and dinner will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the College Cafeteria.

Please contact Elaine Vandale, Secretary to the Board, at 342-3259 to confirm attendance. We would appreciate confirmation by October 11 ,2000. We look forward to meeting you.


Peter Lacey, Chairman Red Deer College Board of Governors

Look what you can do! 18 SEP, -20' 00 (WED) 09: 19 ECONOMIC DEV RD TEL:403 340 5231 P, 001 Alb?lra ECONOMIC DEVELOPMeNT

.~ .,...... - ,...... " . FACS':I'M'll.E'

FROM: Gerry Gibbons, Senior Manager, DATE: September 20,2000 CAEP TO: CAEP MunioiJ)al and Business FAX: R.mrescntatives RE: CARP General Meeting PAGES: I

o Ursen< o ForR.view o Pl.... Cornment 0 Ple..e Reply 0 PI....Recycle

Please mark your calendars:

CAEP's General Meeting Tuesday, December 5, 2000.

The agenda will be distributed prior to the meeting. Election ofthe new management board will occur at this meeting.

Please RSVP to the office as soon as possible.


Gerry Gibbons Manager, CAEP


Mayor Sheryll Bowey Town ofSylvan Lake 4926 - 50 Avenue Sylvan Lake, AB T4S lAl

Fax: (403)887-3660

Dear Ms. Bowey:

Travel Alberta is pleased to specially invite you to our upcoming Tourism Industry Marketing Workshops that will be held across the province Sept. 18-28 (see schedule attached). Although the workshop lasts all morning, there is an overview presentation from 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. that may be ofmost interest to you.

The workshops are an excellent opportunity for us to share with industry the direction of Alberta's tourism marketing efforts, the results ofour first year ofoperation and our marketing plans over the next 18 months.

The workshops are half-day business sessions targeted to the tourism industry and are an important part ofour ongoing communications and planning process. We held a similar series ofworkshops in April and the tourism industry indicated their strong support for this type ofpersonal communication.

Ifyou are able to attend the workshop, would you kindly confirm your attendance by calling Erma Stanonik at (403) 297-2952. Ifyou would like any additional information about the workshop, please feel free to call me.

I look forward to seeing you at our workshop ifyou are able to fit it into your very busy schedule.

Sincerely, tnvSPJW~jc Erma Stanonik Marketing Coordinator ~@[tmwq.

SEP! a 2000 Alberta . TOWN (JF .:;YW~"j\j LAKE 500, 999 - 8 Street SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2R 1J5 Tel 403.297.2700 Fax 403.297.5068 ~ l 20 1 lliert~ ANADA .+. Fall 2000 Industry Marketing Workshops September 18 - 28, 2000 Schedule

DATE LOCATION RSVP Monday, Sept. 18 Fort McMurray Alberta North TDR MacDonald Island Park Banquet Room 800-756-4351 E-mail: Tuesday, Sept. 19 Athabasca Alberta Heartland TDR Athabasca University 888-414-4139 Governing Council Chambers E-mail: [email protected]

Tuesday, Sept. 19 Canmore Alberta Rockies TDR Four Point Sheraton Fax: 403-762-8545 E-mail: VVednesday, Sept. 20 Grande PrairIe Alberta North TDR Sandman Ion 800-756-4351 E-mail: VVednesday,Sept.20 Hinton Alberta Rockies TDR Crestwood Hotel Fax: 403-762-8545 E-mail: Thursday, Sept. 21 Edmonton Edmonton & Area TDR Chateau Edmonton, 7230 Argyll Road 780-426-4715 Niagara & AthabascaIDella rooms E-mail: [email protected]

Monday, Sept. 25 Drumheller Alberta South TDR Fred & Barneys 800-661-1222 E-mail: Monday, Sept. 25 Vermilion Alberta Heartland TDR Super 8 Motel 888-414-4139 E-mail: Tuesday, Sept. 26 Medicine Hat Alberta South TDR Callaghan's Ion 800-661-1222 E-mail: ccbev[ai, Tuesday, Sept. 26 Wetaskiwin Alberta Heartland TDR VVayside Inn 888-414-4139 E-mail: VVednesday,Sept.27 Lethbridge Alberta South TDR Ramada Hotel 800-661-1222 E-mail: VVednesday, Sept. 27 Red Deer Alberta Heartland TDR Red Deer Lodge 888-414-4139 E-mail: Thursday, Sept. 28 Calgary Calgary & Area TDR Roundup Centre, Palomino Room DIE E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 403-262-3809 Phone: 403-750-2357 From: Ravmond carriere To: Frank Peck (Business Fax) Date: 15/09/00 nme: 12: 29: 54 AM f'3ge 1 ufJ

Communities in Bloom-Collectivites en Fleurs Tel: 514-694-8871 Fax: 514-694-3725 E-Mail: [email protected] Communities In Bloom .,.,._"- ..-,,... .~. -"'. "... F.AC:SIM:F~E CaVER PAGE

To: Frank Peck (Business Fax) From: Raymond Carriere Fax #: 1-403-887-3660 Fax #: 514-694-3725 Company: Town of Sylvan Lake Tel #: 514-694-8871 Subject: Symposium and Awards Sent: 14/09/00 at 11:13:38 PM Pages: 3 (including cover)



You find enclosed the program of the Symposium on Parks and Ground and of the National Awards Ceremonies.

Both events are most worthwhile: the Symposium is an excellent educational value on matters pertaining to parks and open spaces while that the National Awards Ceremonies are an great opportunity to exchange information with collegues from all over Canada.

Take advantage that these prestigious events are taking place in Alberta.

Please contact us for any further information.

Raymond carriere, National Chairman

~ 21 I From: RaVmond Carriere To: Frank Peck (Business Fax) I)ate: 15/09/00 nme: 12:29:54 AM ;':lage:2 of3

NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PARKS & GROUNDS & NATIONAL AWARDS CEREMONIES Edmonton (AB) September 2'jh to 3rt'1000 Hosted by the Edmonton Area Communities Combined Registration Form Registration/or Symposium and/or National Awards Ceremonies

SCHEDULE OFEVENTS e Wednesday, September 27th 2000 Registration & Welcome Reception at City Hall e ThUl'llday, September 28th 2000 National Symposium on Parks & Grounds, Shm1' Conference Centre Industry Trade Show, Shaw Conference Centre Companion Tours in & around Edmonton (details & registration will/ollow at a later date or e Friday, September 29th 2000 National Symposium on Parks & Grounds, Shaw Conference Centre Industry Trade Show, Shaw Conference Centre Companion Tours in & around Edmonton (details & registration willfollow at a late,. date or visit 'W" edmonton.ab. calJourS) Community Exhibits Set-Up, Shaw Conference Centre (Late afternoon; timelines will/allow at a later date) * Evening Community Celebration at the Citadel Theatre e Saturday, September 30th 2000 Community Exhibits Trade Show, Shaw Conference Centre - Open to the Public Visits ofthe hosting Edmonton Area Communities (details & registration will/allow at a later date orvisit * Banquet & Awards Ceremonies, Hosted by the Edmonton Area Communities


CROWNE PLAZA CHATEAU LACOMBE 10111 Bellamy Hill, Edmonton, Alberta T5J IN? Tel.: (780) 428-6611 or toll-free at 1-800-661-8801 Fax: (780) 425-6564 A special rate of 115$ + tax / night is available to conference delegates; please mention the Symposium or Communities in Bloom when making your reservation. Reserve promptly as space is limited. , Accommodation & flights may be arranged through Goliger Travel, Communities in Bloom's official Travel Agency: 1-800-667-2282. Please mention Communities in Bloom when making your reservation. Flight arrangements can also be made through Air Canada's convention desk at 1-800-361-7585. It is important to mention CV004002 when making yourflight arrangements. From: Raymond Caniem To: Frank Peck. (Business Fax) Date: 15/09/00 TIme: 12:29:54 AM Page30r3

Register now by mail or fax (514) 271-2103 - payment may tallow at a later date. We will forward an invoice (to include 7% GST)


Symposium Registration Fees Full Prol!l"3J\1 One Da:vQnly Rate perperson (Add 7% GST) 1 delelVlte 2 llrmore 1 dele211te 2 or more , Reg. prior to or on Aug. 31 51 2000 $295 $270 $155 $140 Reg. after August 31 st 2000 $315 $290 $175 $160 INCLUDING: Conferences & texts, lunches & refreshment breaks, and ammsston to Industry Trade Show. Fees for partial program include activities scheduled/or selected day. Registration Fees are non-refundable within 7 days of (,,'onference.

AwARDS CEREMONIES Your hosts, the Ednwnton Area Communities, have prepared an exciting program for all to the 2000 events: pre-tours, companion tours, community visits, Trade Show, Community Celebration & Awards Ceremonies. :[I Each National Finalist may send up to four (4) delegates per community to the Saturday Evening Functions, as part of their registration package. Each additional delegate from a National Finalist Community will be welcome, at $50 (GST incl.) per additional delegate. :[I Provincial Particlpants are also welcome to attend the Saturday Evening Functions for a maximum of four (4) delegates per participating provincial community, at 50$ (GST incl.) per delegate.

Community I Organization: National Finalist 0 Provincial Participant 0 Other 0 Address: Pr,: _ Postal Code: Tel () Fax () _ DELEGATES - please check in appropriate colnmnjor selectedregistraJion(s): Symposium Awards

1 2 3 4

Ifyou wish to register additional delegates, please use separate sheet. 99 PLEA8E REGISTER ALL COMPANIONS ATTENDING THE ABOVE-MENTIONED FUNCTIONS Please check to reserve tabletop display - Saturday Community exhibits: (tlrst come/first served): o Ifyou are not a participattng community In the 1000 Communitles in Bloom Competltlon but would like to attend the Saturday Evening Functions, you may gladly do so (subject to space availability), at a eost of50$ per person.

Conununities In Bloom. CollectivJtes en Oeurs 112 Terry Fox Street KIRKLAND QC H9H 4M3 Tel: 1-888-532-5666. (514) 694-8871.274-77611 Fsx: (514) 694-3725.271-2103 E-mail: [email protected] TOWN OF


September 20, 2000

To: Town Council From: John Watson, Public Works Fureman

RE: Public Works Update Report

-Salt/sand mixture is ready for sanding operations.

-Public Works will ouce again run a uight sanding/snow plowing shift from December I" throughout the winter. An EOI will staff this shift and page additional operators in as road conditions warrant.

-TIle annual toxic round-up held at the recycle center was once again a success with 57 customers dropping 011150 kilograms ofsolids and 800 litres of liquids.

-The 50 street rail crossing is scheduled for rubberized crossing installation (similar to 46 st. crossing) on September 28" and Westview Drive is scheduled for October 3"'.

TELEPHONE: (403) 887 -2141 FACSIMILE: (403) 887-3660 4926 - 50 AVENUE, SYLVAN LAKE, ALBERTA T4S lAl ___-_ ~c;...:> C:C, E-mail: [email protected] ~,.. ":::======-.:..:.=.:..~==--~_/ DEVELOPMENT OFFICER REPORT TO COUNCIL

TOPIC: Request by owner of 5 Forest Drive (Lot 54; Block 2; Plan 782­ 0802) for the Town to participate with maintenance of the fence adjacent to the public access to the school

BACKGROUND: When Hallman Diversified developed Cottonwood Subdivision one of the requirements of the Developer was to install fences on the walkways into the school yard. The fences in this area need painting and the Owner of 45 Forest Drive is inquiring into whether the Town has an objection to the fence color being changed to grey and further, if the Town would share in the cost of the paint for the fence.

RECOMMENDAnON: The Decision Council makes with regards to this matter will effect other areas where there are fences separating public and private property (ie. Westwood Lanes and Pierview Estates). The cost of paint is minimal but the cost of replacement of the fence could be substantial. These issues should be considered when making a decision.


Topic: Council Retreat

Background: Council has for the past six years had a weekend planning session with staff to discuss long, medium and short term goals. As a new Public Works Superintendent will be in place on November 1, 2000, staff was directed to bring options to this Council Meeting on a retreat for November. The following represents the venue options:

1. 'Canmore Regency Suites (Brochure Attached) $30.00 per night per person (a condominium hotel)

Each person would have their own bedroom but there could be up to 3 people per SUite - each suite contains a fully furnished kitchen and living roomi

Meetings and two meals per day to be held at the Canmore Golf Course Club House (cost to be reported at meeting);

2. Nakocla lodge (Brochure Attached) All inclusive $153.00 single per night or $125.00 double per night • Guest Lodge/Conference Centre on Stoney Reserve Beautiful setting

3. Greenwood Inn (Raddlsson) $79.00 double per night Includes meeting room and everything else is extra Available November 4 &5, as well as November 25 &26

4. Sylvan Balhai Centre (Brochure Attached) $24.00 per night shared occupancy and $45.00 per night single occupancy Meeting Hall $40.00 per day Meals $20.00 per day per person

facilitator Qptigns

Linda Wilson (attached) Vic Moisan (attached) Linda Proctor (attached) Mr. & Mrs. Bopps

Marlene and AI will mal

2 3 BLi.'

'trAdilionalwimersports Eath has a hilly(·qlllp!,edkilrh('11withfridg", • ..,)

mmtlYskiing >In'availahle stove,dl~hwa~her.",kmwave and ample lahle •~ 'r" lor apres-ski ahoumL settings, EnjoyI'um Ilotky Mouotainnlllminga) withI'our own freshlyhrewed ('fIl11plimentary:;r-:J collpf·.NfUl-Sru(lkingnumlS avaiJahl('.

Canmon' He~enc\'Suitl'shH"eCtI!.)' livin~moms withH[lullolltsofa het!, wiom cahle television.

shopping, dlniug I 10 l III hathroollls, kio~-siZl'hl~lsin each ullit.

and nightlife MallYof 0111' "\ hedrnom SUitl~San' t'lluil'llI'd with

complete the ~asfireplat:es,nil: IlI'rfel'lalmosphere for Iluit-l

Canmore relaxinRami elltertainin~fnemls. P*fMoRE REGENCYSUITES Tm!I ;(//lInol'e ReKer/ret'SI/ites is ,)'0111' "MOflllfllfn (,'ef Aw{/)'" wilb all the IDEAL co//l/i.,.II'o(holl/e, SFTTING

(;[N If1 i\I I 0 Ci\ TION Whenhnsine"s Is on tIll' lop 01vour agenda.

Canmureprovidesthe perfect sellin~for vour 'l'h,' I','neet huh In take adv;lI1tagf'of all the company'sretrrab, meeling,s,training >lnd artivitif's Ihis mlluntaiu rflTnmlluilyluts 10 offer. hr

1\11YOllrfavuurilepast IllIleslife ('nh'lI1"e(1when

1'011 plan your vl/rarionin our modem alpint' style rflnflnminhulls.


Our lastefullydemr

~j I:- ,--:c , ~ THFe;, r.11110 RE RFGE c, :.;U! I ':; I c, " cJR" I J lJ-"; i>! IJ r ET 1\ I'V , ',! I r I' 1\ L l THE L 0 MFOR T '-,Or I" J 1 09/15/00 FRI 11:55 FAX 403 991 3901 NAKODA LODGE Ii!l 002/004 N~!C~~~on~~2~E

GOODSTONEY BAND· STONey TRIBE Post om"" Box 149 - Morley, Albert.1 TOL 1NO • T~Jt'pl1tl"t· 381-39-1-9 III HHl 88J.·.19OJ


BASEDON SINGLE OCCUPANCY @ $153.00 per person/per day Includes: Single room for one person Three meals (3) per day (breakfast. Lunch· dinner) Main meeting room use - two coffee services per day On site AV. equipment use

BASED ON DOUBLE OCCUPANCY @ S12S.00 per person/per day Includes: • Double room for two people Three meals (3) per day (breakfast - Lunch- dinner) each Main meeting room use - two coffee services per day On site A.V. equipment use

Allprices quotedare suhject to: Goods and services tax (GST) 7% Alberta hotel Tm: (AlIT) J% Gratuitiy (ORAT) 15%

"'"1' . ,i,:' :1, I •. ·;1,11 'I .\. • 09/15/00 FRI 11,56 FAX 403 881 3901 NAKODA LODGE N~~~~~on~5?2~E

QOODSTONEY BAND· STONEY Post TRIBE Office &" 149 • Morley, Alberts T.'.phQII~ TOL JNO 881-;949 .. F"x 8~I·J9M





$ 15.00 PBR. HOUR + 7% G.S.T $ 45.00 PER DAY +7% a.S.T


GOODSTONEY BAND· STONEY Post Offlce TRIBE Box 149· Morley. Alberta TOL INO T,Jrpflont 111-3949 • n~ UI-JPOI fW!!RU gyESTLODGEAMEN~

80 ROOM HOTEL FEATURING 1 JACUZZI SUITE WIth a wood burning nrep/ace, " qulllln .Ize bed, and a large JacuzzI tUb. 2 hIde a bede

2 ExecutlYe suite. WIth a wood burning Dreplace, 2 dOUble .'ZlI .ofa bed. 11 !looms with 2 queen Ilze bed.,i slng'e bed,1 lof. bed end. windoW seat. 15 Room. WIth 2 queen II..:e beds and a • drawer drellu.

Audlo-yl.ual equIpment t1lellUch as T.VN.C.R, al'de proJectOR, oyerl1ead tupcharte, pointers, martlen, microphone. •• Buslne.s and other mlaceUaneous needl. Center:wlth photocopIer and two computert.for Conferences and SeminlU" B...ECB.Ml12.N AC'I]!lT!ES 1m, ARIiai WINTER: Skallng, Ilro .. country IkRng and .Ielgh ride•. SUMMER: Camp-outs, bertJeque., nshlng, canoeing, hiking and Cultural toure.


Downhllllkllng at Nalellka, Forlres.Mountaln. Olympic Sunshine, Lake Loul'll, Canada Park and shoppIng In Banff and Calgary.

FOOD JEf!V!CES: correll, toa and julGlI available Menu selection. aVailable. upon request Mumnl, doughnuts and fancy pastrills available Fruit and v'Det~ble tl1lY a110 IlVallabl. by .plclal reque$t only. I I

l'~L;"lkd jll ill': I_U.ljLj~HJ;;i/!\(:lHLll .iI/wlld, lH':...~Ii..:,l III JiiJL ;Ul>! n;jJi!;~lilt ,i It..d! LtdlL' \ri I

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Sylvuu I.ullt', Albl'lIo \ llyhlU!ll.t.illl! lI.-JaiI'l tnltu' SUI' il, 11m! tUt 1. :-.yhlWILuke, At! '>I;»lll.b rhoUI::4Ul'!SlfI 'ft.!!!. flmuU: li!b(HlldulIllb.llld.1iCI WCbldlc: wwwJ'L!.i#uI1dhl Sylvan Lal




Main Hall S17S/day (accommodates [00 i Dorm Hall ) 1DO/day (accornmodate$ 45) West Wing $)40!rJay (lccommedates 20)

Number ,.lccommodat"d depends on $I,aling and j~bte arrangements.


We supply coffee, tea, fruit juice, pnp, cookies, fruit ( fresh and dried) for $2/persont"coffee br,:;d<.". Morning and Jfternoon breaks: $.I/person rAorning. afternoon, anel evening breaKS: :):),,'pt~'r~()n


Breakfast j;4 Luneh $6 Supper );3 \Ve i)ffer j variety of JllCnus. inc[udillg ·iC"g"~[Jfian.


Pri'!are Room: $24/e:lcl1 •.;!Jared I)ccupancy. $45 :;ingldnight

Dl)rmilery: $IS/night

Cabin: $1 O/night RV: 12/nigl1t

Please note that all accemrnodatiol15 ha,"e only mattresses. Yeu must supply YOllr own bedding, I pillows, towels, toiletri"s, etc. Enquiries: Abo"Ve prices are for adults in :,;roups. rates ehange for dlildl·cn/}'outh.

Phone: 403d87·5728 I Email: 'ilbc(dlteluspl::meLuet Mail: Sile 8. Bex 2, RR 1. I Sylvan Lake, AB, T-IS lX6

2 ~j, B;; FROM Outreack Rdventures PHONE NO. 403 887 5056 SEP. 21 2000 01:04PM Pi


FAX transmission form Difficulties receilting oil tlu: page. or 01/"" transmis:lii:m problem. plea.. coil (403) 887-.3616

Number ofPages 2 (including this page) Date Sent: Seprember 21,2000 Time Sent:

From: Linda Wilson

To: Town of Sylvan Lake

Attention: Al Gamble

Fax Number: 887-3660

Hi AI:

As we discussed, please find attached the program objectives and outlines for your two day staff & council retreat for November, 2000.

Once you let me know your desired dates, I'll send you a Sales Order outlining the costs costs; at that time, we will require a50% deposit to confirm your retreat.


Unda Wilson

OUT REA C HAD VEN T U RES Box 9164. Sylvan Lake. AS 145 I 58 J-

w Town of SylVan Lake , Staff & Council Retreat Potential program ObjectiVes: i • In~redSing d\l\iareness of personal workstytes • ,Understanding of co-workers workstyle tendencies •' Enhancing communication skills • Integrating new staff members in the group • Building relationships'in a fun and aaive environmeJ'lt z Proposed Program Outline: Two Day Retreat: ,TBA Nov, 2000 w Date: TBA - Friday Evening, Mixer Date: TBA - S 8:45 am ' Workshop: DiSC (This Personal Proftle SYstem isa selMirected learning tool .designed to help people beITer undersr.and their own behavior paITerns and the behavior stytes of others,) The wOrkShOp provides the foundation for the c program. 12:00 noon Lunch' I '00 pm Experiential activities - low initiative" - 4:00 pm DebFiefing Session 5:00 pm Conclude 6:00 pm Supper ,Date: TB.'\ - SlJnday. Day Z 8:30 am _ Planning Process . -12: 00 noon Lunc:h Break I 1:00 pm Planning ProCess Corn , 2:30 pm Review Progress u . 3:00 pm ' Depart Cost: s1200.00Iday- FacilitatOr's Fee S30.00/persOf1lWorkshop. Materials (ie. based on maximum participants of 20. the cost would be: S3000.00) · . , , ' Cost inCludes: . • inforrnatiotl gathering session •, all propS/equipment for experiential aaiyities • folloW-up session with group Additional Expenses:' .' Location for workshop & Nv' equipment (nip cJlart, oll<'rhea" prqjeetor. screen) f Trayel Expenses: meals. accommodations and mileage (33 centS/kmJ

o Box 9104. Sylvan lake, A1t:elU, C~nQKJ.a HS 1sa l-aoo-2~~75 • i<03) 887-,616 • 14031 eS7-50561fOllj


september 21, 2000

Topic: Sylvan Bay Resort

Background: Attached is correspondence (2) from Parkland Community Planning services, Bill Shaw, on the status of Sylvan Bay Resort. The Development Officer will be at the meeting and available to respond to questions from Council.

... 1/1 09/20/00 14:24 FAX 403 346 1570 PCPS -lo Sylvan 1aI004

PARKLAND COMMUNITY Suite 404, 4808 Ross Street Red Deer, Alberta T4N 1X5 PLANNING Phone: (403) 343-3394 FAX; (403) 346-1570 SERVICES e-mail: [email protected]


To: Ted Iverson Lyle Wack AI Gamble

From: Bill Shaw

Date: June 1, 2000

Re: Sylvan Bay Resort - Chateau SUites

The following are my thoughts and advice on significant aspects related to the Sylvan Bay Resort development proposal, with the first phase being the Chateau Suites condo hotel on the east portion of the site, The second phase includes a hotel and conference centre, while the overall concept also envisions a boat launch, marina, island (breakwater) and bridgeltrail system as the third pbase,

From the outset is important to state the obvious - this is the iast developable site along the southern shoreline, The Town, town residents, the provincial agencies and the developers equally recognize this, Because it is the last developable site there is a distinct need to do it right. In this regard, Council's resolve to require that the total development concept be evaluated prior to considering approval of phase one is strongly supported.

As you are aware, to date there have been two pUblic meetings - one held by the Town, and a Technical Advisory Committee meeting. As stated at the lalter, "the challenges and hurdles are many." There is some vocal public support for the development, but often with a number of qualifications Most vocal feedback strongly questions the development and its impact on the lakeshore, Lakeshore Drive and the community. It has been often noted that insufficient information is available to make a full evaluation of the project.

Key Issues

While there are numerous 'issues' constituting many levels of detail, I believe the key issues are as follows:

a. the overall development mix - this is not a density issue but the mix of uses in relation to the functionality and compatibility of components b. the location of the phases (i.e. should phase 1 be on the west side?) c. boat launch, marina, island breakwater (including Federal approval requirements) d. Crown land - Provincial Park interface (shoreland fill area, operation of marina, etc) e. the need for parallel approvals, including Federal f. traffic impact and access g. parking needs h. timelines - it takes time for studies, review, referral, consultation and approvals i. statutory plan and land use bylaw review and amendment.

... lit 09/20/00 14: 24 FAX 4.03 346J.;;70 PCPS ~ Sylvan I4J 005

Phase 1 to Proceed

The developers have done considerable work to date in putting forward an overali concept for the site, including modifications to the 'bay' and a detailed development proposal for phase one. In doing so they have had consultations with the Town and provincial agencies. It seems that. these consultations were more general than specific, and therefore now that the total concept IS before the Town, provinciai agencies and the public numerous, many unresolved issues are apparent. Some of these concerns cen be dealt with as a part of statutory plan amendments and conditions of approval. Others are so significant that they require more information and/or resolution before approval in principle to the entire concept is considered by Town Council and affected provincial and federal agencies.

If the developer wishes to proceed with phase 1, and thus the review process for phase 1, the Town needs to advise the developer of the following needs:

1. site plan, that clearly indicates the property boundary, the 1978 shoreline, the present shoreline, the proposed shoreline, the boundary of Sylvan Lake Provincial Park, and the proposed building footprint 2. traffic and perking study (all phases) 3. environmental study (all phases) 4. contact Alberta Environment (Parks) and Alberta Transportation to determine their information and application requirements for approvals for phase one and subsequently for additional phases 5. contact the Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans to determine their information and application requirements for approvals for phase one and subsequently for additional phases.

While the following needs to be discussed in relation to your evaluation of information needs and timelines, it seems to me that the reality of approval timelines is this: unless phase 1 is moved to the west portion of the site and the proposal for a boat launch, marina, breakwater island are abandoned, development approval this year is likely out of the question. However, the bigger picture needs to be considered.

The Broader Picture -A Team Approach

It is my view that before additional time and finances are expended on phase 1 information, inciuding the undertaking of the required stUdies, surveys and contacts, the Town, Alberta Environment (Parks) and the developer meet to review the entire development concept to discuss the key issues listed above and determine a preferred action plan.

Would it not be belter to step back and re-vision the site and bay in relation to potential for adjacent properties? Particular objectives/questions to be pursued at the meeting would be:

1. is the location of the first phase Chateau Suites the best? (issues: setbacks, encroachments/shoreland creation, views, mixed land use, preclUde 2nd phase? etc.) 2. how crucial is the boat launch, marina, island (breakwater) to not only the site development but also lake tourism as a Whole? While it introduces another level of involvement and approval (Federal), the definite shortage of boat launches and marinas at this very major provincial lake resource, urges that options need to be examined, including the involvement of other parties.

,23 Biii 09/20/00 14:25 FAX 403 346 1570 PCPS --t Sylvan Illi 006

s~e's strategic location and 3. does the overall concept maximize potential based on the provincial interests in adjacent land uses? (e.g. desire of adjacent marina to expand, 'maximization' from a tourismlrecreation/provincial park and their role in assisting site recreation use/conservation perspective).

After this meeting, the developer would basically have three options:

1. pursue phase 1 as per prior section sessions if required 2. be involved at the broader picture meeting, and subsequent 3. abandon the project.

Recommendation issues to proceed Without The current concept and phase 1 proposal has too many significant that uses a team approach examining the bigger picture. The Town should favour the approach and lake, including both to examine an integrated concept for this portion of the lakeshore should encourage the private and Crown (Provincial) interests. In this regard. the Town 1 on hold until an developers to maintain their interest in development but place phase integrated strategy/plan is completed.

Bill Shaw, ACP, MCIP

~}0 I~ .TI»D i,',' 09/20/00 14:23 FAX 403 346 1570 PCPS --t Sylvan 1i!l002


1. Broader Picture Session a. Parks, Town, PCPS b. Recognize how significant the site is c. Does this development meet long term aspirations d. Why a hotel and condominium; can they be integrated? e. How likely are the boat launch, marina and island/breakwater; are these the best use allocations for this area? f. If the development of phase 1 proceeds (with or without Phose 2) what would Parks/Environment allow re: boardwalk, 'beach construction' g. Would Phase 1 'owners/tenants/residents' create political pressure to preclude anything from occurring in the bay in the future h. Should phase 1 be located on west side and leave options open for east side i. Setbacks (re: public expectations, plan commitments)

2. Meet with Developer /Technical Committee a. discussion depends on outcome of #1 above

3. Development Application o. development application - status? b. phase 1 detailed site plan c. overall site plan, including phase 2 concept, waterslide, etc. d. building plans e. landscaping plans f. traffic study g. letter of support/recommendations from Alta Infrastructure h. site engineering i. letter of support/recommendations from Town Engineer; Alta Environment j. envi ronmental study k. letter of support/recommendations from Parks, Environment, Federal I. correspondence with AIberta Parks, etc. re: boundaries of ; construction impact on park; any necessary approvals

4. Key Aspects of Development Application Review a. Use(s) - MDP, ARP policy considerations b. Setbacks (front, side, lake") - MDP, ARP, LUB requirements c. Density (phase 1 re: phase 1 site; overall development concept) d. Height and appearance e. Access and parking f. Pedestrian circulation, esp. lakeside g. Tenancy h. Tie to second phase 09/20/00 14:23 FAX 403 346 1570 PCPS ~ Sylvan I1!J003


1. all phases approved in principle? 2. Evaluate first phase re: site development on own? 3. how guarantee second phase? 4. nature of tenancy in first phase 5. how guarantee 'time share' 6. provincial park boundary claim vs title description/survey 7, building footprint re: setbacks from road and water edge 8. transportation iSSues - entrances, stop-by, parking. etc 9. environmental issues - latter phases esp. 10. Provincial Park license of occupation commitments? 11, Building height/ appearance 12. Public access/.walkways - streetside and lakeside 13. ARP policies - evaluate proposal: identify differences 14. MDP policies - evaluate proposal: identify differences 15. LUB requirements 16. Building elevations - wave and ice action

SBR key matters Aug 23 REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM M.P.C.

september 21, 2000

Topics: (a) Jim Clark - Sylvan Lake Holding Society ­ landscape plan available at meeting

(b) Bear Development Corp.

(c) Land Use By-Law Review

Background: Attached for your information are copies of the minutes of the last Municipal Planning Commission Meeting (draft only). You will note that Jim Clark for Sylvan Lake Holding Society has been recommended to Council and also the Land Use By-Law Review. The Development Officer or the Chairman of M.P.C., Clr. Parks will speak on the Bear Development Corp. motion.

Attached for your information is all backup documentation pertaining to each application.

2 3 C: M.P.C. Meeting Wednesday, September 20, 2000 7:00P.M. Town of Sylvan Lake Council Chambers

Present: Chairman T. Parks, J. Wilson-Down, G. Knutson. C. Watt & B. Lambenson (alternate)

Absent A. Silvaniuk

Also Present: A. Gamble. Development Officer, K. Trombley. Recording Secretary

Call to Order: Chainnan T. Parks called the meeting 10 order at 7:00 p.m.

Minutes: M.P.C. minutes of September 6, 2000.

MOVED by 1. Wwilson-DoMl that the minutes be adopted as presented.


Additional Agenda Items: MOVED by C. Watt that M.P.C. accept additional age.w:tBitems ofFas Gas Oil Ltd., Jim Clark, Bear Development Land Use By~Law Rpid~ Mi~ Choice Homes.


666/666 Alberta Ltd.: Application for additional use ofoff salcsonLQtl4, 15 &: 'Hi,B1Q(;k.7, Pla.n 2643AS (5033 46 Street). " '_.

MOVED by G. Knutson that tl1e''f4pplicatitm, . be a.pproved. CARRIED

Jim Clark - Sylvan Lake Holding Society: Request for support"fitl; the planting oftrce$:lltKl shrubs in accordance witb landscape plan submitt¢:·oh.,iSOA A~~,~cross fron?j 108. 3104 and 3102 50A Avenue.

Mr. Clark was in a~~Jnd s~itted a landscape plan and schedule oftypes of tree.$. tCL?e planted. Mt.;tlark explBinted that they would like to plant to separate pods of~·species of~es.

;!;MOVEI:?!iy C. Watt th!liM.p.c. recommend \0 Council liS per previous Council ~JiQ.lphe~~:iipproYed in accordance with the hmdscape plan submitted and bellqlifcct to the following conditions:

the'~ planting ofthe trees must allow for dminage offthe road; the ~osed planting be restricted to Town owned property only; The Development Officer to approve setbacks from roads; Ifthe applicant chooses he may pUT!lue assistance through the Town through the adopt a park policy.


Fas Gas Oil Ltd.: Request to amend the Development Permit issued tor Fas Gas Oil Ltd. on August 30, 2000 to allow a different setback on the southwest corner ofthe property on Lots 1-4, Block B. Plan 3582AC (4405 50 Street).

MOVED by B. Lambertson that the request be tabled until further information be provided to M.P.C. In particular:

technical infonnarion to suppon the relaxalion request; consideration that angling ofthe pumps was misinterpreted; comments from the applicant on whether the tanks are or are not being replaced.


Bear Developments Corp: Application for a sates office tor all Bear Development projects in Town on Lots 7 & 8, Block A. Plan 5569KS (5027 Lakeshore Drive).

MOVED by C. Watt that the application for a sales office for all Bear Developmenl projects be approved as a discretionary use for the following reasons:, ,.~ 2i:SC Page I of3 M.P.C. September 20, 2000 the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board has approved the temporary show suite for the site. Therefore the addition of a sales office for other projects is a similar use ("any use that is similar, in the opinion ofthe Municipal Planning Commission, to the pennitted or discretionary uses described abO\'e"); thin the approval to expire at the same time ofthe permit for the temporary show suite (July 1, 2001).


J. Wilson-Down and B. lambertson- opposed.

Delta Land Co. Inc. Information only copy ofc01Te3pondcnce received from Parkland Community Planning Services on proposed 8ubdivi!lion application to create Z industrial lots on N.W. ~.{ 34;38-1-5, Lars 29·) I. Block 2. Plan 002-0535.

Delta Land Co. Inc. Alberta Infrastrucrure: Information only copy ofcorrespondence received from Alberta Infrastructure on Delta Land Co. Inc. on N.W. 34-38-l-5, Highway IIA.

A & W Renovations: Infonnation only copy ofproposed (non structural) renovation 10 front elevation ofA & W Restaurant.

Land Use By-law Review: A memorandum was received from Parkland COIIUQmnlY P~ing Services on a possible land Use By-Law Review- Tenns of~nce. ."".""'"..-. MOVED by J. Wilson-Down that M.P.C. ~endIJ':'~puncii approval of the Land Use By-Law Process and expenditureau4,!hRt::~JPlcilshOill'4:~ aw,we that this review ball been a priority ofCouncils for th,C;:!'st'~f' years but hIlS nDl'~ completed because ofbudget constraints. A~,weIl, M.P:C. recognizes tlultit6c cost savings by partk:apting with Rocky MounupiiHousc:,fF.. this process is hetl~ficialto the Community. '"


Choice Homes Ltd.! ./!" 528506 Alberta Ltd.: InConnation ,qply,tigpr ord'~WII: providixi'by Parkland Community Planning Services on subdivision appilllation tQ,j;ji~A:8,ri:lIidentiallots on Par ofthe N.E. ~ 33;38-1·5 and Port oftb. S.E. il,33~,ii.s. . ..

Adjourned: ?\tJ,,~BI~ J. Wi1so~tW1l, ,that the meeting be adjowned. i" • CARRIED Tiffi~~. J':';~':o"'~.~'."· ., I



Development OffIcer's Report

me following applications were approved by the Development Officer on or before September 13, 2000:

I. Application by Darren G. Bais for a residential detached garage on Lots 34 & 35, Block X, Plan 7833Ar (4514 44 Street).

2. Application by Shane & Deanna Matthews for a residential detached garage with rear yard relaxation on Lot 9, Block 2, Plan 902-2972 (II Pickering Close).

J. Application by Don & Velma Edgecombe for a single fiunily dwelling with attached garage on Lot 5. Blo'ck 2. Plan 8037AO (5020 34 Street). Page 2 of3 M.P.C. September 20. 2000

4. Application by Lakeland Builders for a single family dwelling with attached garnge on Lot 25, Block 7, Plan 002~2272 (62 Falcon Crescentl.

5. Application by Lakeland Builders for a single family dwelling with attached garnge on Lot 26, Block7, Plan 002-2272 (64 Falcon Crescent).

6. Application by Robert S. McLeod for a single family dwelling on Lot 31, Block 7. Plan 8037AO (5011 40 Street).

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2 3G ((I) I' -/ -

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----.. _- l;UGHW.AL.llA - _ " • " 2 ERICKSON - l---1h' 2

, " 2


Present: Acting Mayor T. Iverson, Clr. G. KnulSan, Clr. B. Lambertson, Clr. T. Parks, Clr. J. Wilson-Down

Also present: Assistant Town Manager, R, MacIntosh.. Recording Secretaries. P. Johnson and J. Kurylo.

Absent: Mayor S. Bowey

Call to order: Acting Mayor T. Iverson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m,

Minutes: Regular Council meeting ofJune 26, 2000.

MOVED by Clr T. Parks that the minutes ofthe Regular Council meeting of june 26, 2000 be approved as amended with re~ to the huck bans to include the words: "Westview Drive (also known as 54 Street)",


By-Law 123912000: Hewlett Park Phase 8b, Gord Davis - Centra) Alberta Development Corporation requesting rezoning of East \11: of Section 33, 38-1-W5 (Block 11; Lots 1 & 2) from presently zoned R3 to R5 and refigured into three lots. It is noted that block 6; Lots 28 & 29 will stay zoned as R1. Original application was made to rezone from RI to R5 and received three relldings and approval as R3 (Bylaw #1201/99).

MOVED by Clr. T. Parks that By-Law No. 1239/2000 be tabled to determine the proper process with respect Bylaw #1201/99, CARRIED

MOVED by Clr. G. Knutson that first reading be given to rezone from R3 to R5 and a Public Hearing set for August 14,2000.


Sylvan Lake Holding Society: jim Clark in attendance. Request permission to plant two rows oftrees \ (approximately 300 feet in length) on 50A Avenue across from 3108, 3104, and 3102 50A Avenue (mostly on the road allowance). It was determined that it is within the jurisdiction ofthe Town. A further request was made tor support in the tbnn oftrees available and/or use ofbackhoe. Clr. G. Knutson advised that Phil Crowe has mature trees available.

MOVED by Clr. B. Lambertson that Council support the applicati(lo subject to the following:

the Town receiving Alberta Environment written approval ofthe restoration With respect to adequacy ofdesign and species ofplmting; the Town receiving a proposed landscaping plan the Town receiving written approval fr(lm M.P.C. \

\._-:-:-_~__---- C~ARRI=ED=----/ 46111 Street Railway Crossing: Bob Bunnings in anendance. Brought to the attention of Council that a hazard exists when driving North on 46t11 Street and crossing the railway tracks. The loading and W1loading ofthe grain cars creates a visual issue because the cars are only being pushed as far as the end ofthe road and block the viewofan oncoming train. (t was also noted that the Library currendy under construction also blocks the view for oncoming traffio (rom the Police Station. Proposed that lights be installed

MOVED by Acting Mayor T. Iverson that this matter be tabled pending funher investigation and that tne matter be referred to protective services,

CARRIED ;' i '..( \~, '2 U , - roWNOFnLYANL«E, ~NA _ 49:16 !(J~+JYl-LiIbI,..41ftrtII+ T48 LU PM..r: (4tiJ 117-U41'


I1ImIby malID lI(lIIiloalims 11IIdcr1lul],lltl.uiDDI aflful LuuiUn1Iy-La..:1bnlJav%pmlmtPmmilin 3llClIIIIIIIIIowilhtblIpIaa mdiiiijipii1lq 1,,8 " mlmriUJw/ l....wid..JUi wbiob. _ part ottbililllP'!cadcn Tha p I . Civic Locatim1 ofProposed Dewlopmaot: 5">,.J 7 ,/;~ ,d)/L .. ~ ,"-,

LeplDelIcription: .Plan 5':;-(p 9IfoS Block_...I.fJ~ __~_Lot----'7:..--,;~f' _

R.egistl:Rd Ownar: ilLv I t),c?L«:

FmmYard: ---,. Side Yards: RearYani: _

Floor Area: Parcel Cawrage: _

Height ofMain Btrilding: NIIIIlblll' ofOffStr=tPaIkinlI StaIIa: _

~sedAcC!!lllnryUse: ------_------_

Estimated Cost oftlulProject or CODtnII:t PriclIl: _

Estims*ed DIItes ofCrnnmmc""..",t ~ Compl«im· _

SiJ!l'1IInnl ofApplicaJlt •m, '-/J)c~

PlClllllePrintNsma: ;fi'141i'1I..VN' lYle. ;Jife..esc ill DllteofAppljc:arion" ~/,;l,:1 a b '" NOT1CE

I. A ,caIod 3itD p1lIII abowin1l1lul_ af1md""lp"i ..-.ifloquilcd, tba IcpI de:dptiaa. tba ftoat, ~_ aida yIIIiI, ifllllJl my prevision for odlotnIoIl: 1aIdlDg IIIIIi vebIoIo puldq, 0IId _ a1.-JI'*lII1D dIe"-;

&allld l10ur pial, ciavlIdmII, 0IId JwD1dInI __ J'1lllTlIIJlIlQ'fUI....TIDN llUY ALSO _ ....,lIiRlD BYlIU'.c..~. Cb) 09/01/00 5~. 15: FAX 403 346 1570 PCPS -7 Sylvan IilJ 001

PARKLAND Su~e 404, 4808 Ross Street COMMUNITY Red Deer, Alberta, T4N 1X5 Phone: (403) 343-3394 PLANNING FAX: (403) 346-1570 SERVICES a-mall: [email protected],ca MEMORANDUM

TO: Lyle Wack, CAO, Town of Sylvan Lake FROM: Orlando Toews, ACP MCIP, Planner RE: Possible Land Use Bylaw Review - Terms of Reference DATE: September 1,2000 FAX: 887-3660 No. PAGES: 4

As a follow up to your recent discussion with Bill, I have attached a draflterms of reference for a review of the Town's Land Use Bylaw. The intent of the outlined process is to provide a through assessment of how well the current land Use Bylaw Is serving the Town and develop improvements to the bylaw where necessary. The proposed process is also intended to provide the general public and property owners of Sylvan Lake with meaningful opportunities to participate in the review,

The anticipated process outlined on the attached pages involves approximately 234 hours of planner's time and 60 hours of planning technician resulting in an estimated cost of $20,200, This cost excludes any advertisement and meeting room rental costs,

A contingency of $2000, which would not be drawn upon without the Town's prior consent, is recommended. This is intended to reflect the fact that the number of issues that may be Identified as part of Phase 1 of the project is not known.

Services provided by PCPS are GST exempt. Should less time than is anticipated be required to complete the project, the Town will be billed for lime used rather than the full budget amount. Please call me to discuss this further once the Town has had the opportunity to review this proposal. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

antIOToews, ACP, MCIP Planner

o2 8 C (el 09/01/00 15:53 FAX 493 346 1570 PCPS -.:,. S:ylvan Ii!I002

Terms ofReference

Review of Sylvan Lake Land Use Bylaw

The following tasks will be undertaken as part ofthe overall review ofthe Land Use Bylaw:

Phase 1: Start-up and Issue Identifieation

1. Draft communication plan to keep public and interested parties informed of process.

2. Meet with Town Administration and Steering Committee to explain process and roles and establish timeframe. Review communication plan.

3. Interview Town staffon application ofLand Use Bylaw provisions and administrative provisions.

4. Interview members ofthe Municipal Planning Commission and Subdivision and Development Appeal Board.

5. Interview local developers and real estate industry representatives to obtain their perspectives on working with existing text and requirements (optional).

6. Conduct focus group oflocal residents (optional).

7. Review the issues that have been put before the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board/Municipal Government Board over the past five years.

8. Review certiiicate of compliance decisions over the past five years.

9. Review development permit decisions relative to the number and nature of variances requested and approved over the past five years.

10. Review applications to amend the Land Use Bylaw over the past five years.

II. Review text of existing Land Use Bylaw for gaps and areas ofpossible improvement.

12. Assess relationship ofLand Use Bylawto approved statutory plans (IDP, MDP, ASP, ARP).

13. Conduct field survey ofexisting developments and developed areas.

' .. ~.i' ;f J LJ'V ( ('l 09/01/00 15:54 FAX 403 346 1570 PCPS -+ Sylvan

14. Draft Issues Paper docwnenting information from all sources and providing a concise description ofthe issues requiring attention.

15. Review Issues Paper with Town Administration and Steering Committee. Make changes to overall review process ifneeded.

Products: Communication Plan and Issues Paper

Phase 2: Development, and Evaluation of Alternatives 1. Review approaches taken by other municipalities and planning literature for suggestions on ways ofaddressing land use regulation.

2. Develop ways of addressing each issue identified in previous phase. Provide an assessment ofthe advantages and disadvantages associated with each possible approach.

3. Draft Workbook to assist with review of alternatives and preliminary evaluation with Town Administration and Steering Committee.

4. Draft discussion paper on issues and possible approaches for use in public review process.

5. Distribute discussion paper to interested members ofthe public, community organizations, referral agencies and neighbouring municipality.

6. Conduct focus groups with local residents.

7. Prepare summary offeedback for review with Town Administration and Steering Committee.

Product: Workbook tor Administrative Review and Discussion Paper for Public Review 09/01/00 15:54 FAX 403 346 1570 PCPS -4 Sylvan 141004

Phase 3: Draft Land Use Bylaw

1. Write new sections ofLand Use Bylaw and revise existing text where required.

2. Review with Town Administration and Steering Committee and revise as needed.

Product: Draft Land Use Bylaw Document

Phase 4: Public and Agency Review ofDraft

1. Distribute draft Land Use Bylaw document to interested parties, members ofthe public, neighbouring municipality, referral agencies.

2. Conduct public open house and meeting.

3. Draft 5Ull3nlary report ofinput from referral process. Prepare possible changes or ways ofresponding to points raised.

4. Review with Town Administration and Steering Committee and revise draft as needed.

Product: Summary Report

Phase 5: Adoption

1. Give first reading to Bylaw

2. Distribute copy ofproposed Land Use Bylaw to referral agencies and advertise availability for general public and other interested parties.

3. Hold public hearing.

4. Give second and third readings to bylaw

Final Product: Land Use Bylaw

lC\ Report to Council from By-Law Enforcement

By-Law Enforcement September 25, 2000

With the continuous development and population growth the Town ofSylvan Lake is expanding at a very rapid pace. All departments are feeling the strain ofexpansion and the By-Law Department is ofno exception. The following is a report outlining the present situation ofBy-Law Enforcement.


Al Gamble - Development Inspection Officer/By-Law Enforcement Officer Dave Kyllo - Special Constable/By-Law Enforcement Officer Rae-Anne Omella- Part time By-Law Secretary


By- Law provides services to many departments including but not limited to Public Works, Development and Administration. As well, By-Law often assists the RCMP and other municipalities.

At present By-Law handles the following areas:

Traffic School Zone safety patrol, parking offences, heavy vehicle inspections, etc.

Animals dogs and dog licensing, cats and skunks

Businesses business licensing & maintenance enforcement (i.e. snow and ice removal)

Nuisance residential appearance (i.e. weeds, overgrown grass, garbage etc.)

Noise this is often handled by the RCMP but there are times when By-Law is required to assist.

By-Law Enforcement when required reviews and makes recommendations for amendments to these by-laws. At present the Heavy Vehicle By-Law and the Business By-Law are being reviewed for changes. As well By-Law Enforcement has been asked to investigate what the total costs and involvement would be to have a Cat By-Law.

23D - 2


By-Law Enforcement has implemented many new procedures and projects to operate more effectively. The following are some ofthe changes that have been implemented.

•A secured filing system to ensure FOIP for all involved has been established.

~ Utilization ofa new computer software "Police File Management Information System" to record and report all pertinent information has been implemented.

• School Safety Program -A rotating surveillance ofthe CP Blakely, Steffie Woima, Fox Run and Mother Teresa school zones between 8:30 am - 9:00 am and 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm Monday thru Friday has been implemented.

Ist offense a Warning Ticket along with a letter is issued. 2nd offense a Fine is issued.

Since the project began in November 1999 By-Law Enforcement has issued 266 Warning Tickets and only 33 Fines. In addition, By-Law Enforcement has also issued 30 letters ofcommendation to drivers that have set example ofgood driving and parking procedures in the School Zone. A very positive response has been received from school principals and parents.

• Unlicensed Animals -A project was implemented to enforce licensing ofdogs in Sylvan Lake.

Notification was sent to all registered dog owners in December 1999 for renewal ofthe dog tag for January 1,2000. Between December 1999 and March 2000 6 notifications were placed in the Sylvan Lake News. In January/February 2000 a notification to all dog owners regarding licensing was inserted in all utility bills. Ifa dog was not license by March 31, 2000 the dogs' owner was tined $40.00. A total of 85 fines were issued.

At present there are 897 registered dogs in town. The response overall has been between 85 - 90% with only 2 people upset. It can be noted that By-Law has doubled the revenue for Dog Licenses from 1998.

• An excellent working relationship between By-Law Enforcement and the RCMP has been established. This has been very beneficial to both in various areas.

• Recently Dave Kyllo completed training through Alberta Infrastructure for CVSA Inspections. In October 2000 he will attend training for Dangerous Goods. When this is completed he will be fully certified to stop heavy vehicles and perform inspections for weight and safety. 3


• School Zones - at present we are only able to rotate surveillance ofthe primary, elementary and middle schools and that is for parking offences only. Additional enforcement is required in ALL schools and daycare zones. • Heavy Vehicles - it has been noted by the Town that heavy vehicles have caused extensive damage to the roads in town. This has been and will continue to be a big project to enforce heavy vehicle restrictions in town. • Parking - during the tourism peak parking on Lakeshore Drive is especially challenging. This summer alone 312 fines were issued in the Lakeshore Drive area. These fines were issued mostly on the weekends from the May 19, 2000 through September 4, 2000. • Quads - these vehicles are not allowed to travel in town but we are seeing more and more ofthem. They are traveling at unsafe speeds and not obeying regulations such as stop signs, helmets, etc. • Skateboarders - regulations need to be strongly enforced for everyone safety especially when they are operating on public roads. 50th Street is one ofthe roads that we have concern with. Dave Kyllo recently witnessed 3 skateboarders traveling abreast down 50th Street at a very dangerous speed. • Skidoos - these vehicles are becoming more ofa problem each year. There are continuous complaints ofproperty damage, dangerous driving, noise, etc. 09/20/2000 8:16 ~M


Tor the ~Qnth Ending J!lne 30. 2000

Gene-rol f-ubllc '~cer'l,mf P";lyroll R'\'!'.'1ft,...... , TQfa' .J ~ :J • ~let Balance :It .:'nd af Previous Month (32.291.82) 183.74 77.214.48 45.106.40 ReceiDts (less loans) for the Month 947,672.41 107,238.96 317,32 J,055,228.69 Sub TClfal ::n5,380.59 107,422.70 77,531.80 1,100,335.09 Less: O.Cf) Disbursements for the Month 1,514.Sd 7.93 106,590.10 0.00 1,621,438.03 Me1 8alafif;1! !It ':ll'ft 'Jr Month (599/~67.34) 832.60 77,531.80 (52J,102.94)

Banf( Balance at End of Month (516.891.94) 45,767.88 77,531.80 (393,592.26) Term Deposi ts 0.00 0.00 Wint-er Game3 TI'ust Account 13,291.92 13,291.32 Cash an Hand at End of Month 3,971.55 0.00 3,971.35 ;111b Total (499,628.•17) 4-5,767.88 77.531.80 (376,328.79) Less Cheques 99,838.87 44.935.28 144,774.15 Ne( Ralam:e ~t t:lld af M,fJnth (599,467.34) 832.60 77,.,31.80 (521,102.94)

Tarm Oeposlt: aolance ,~. of.June .JO•.'.OOO 700,000.00

See attached outstanding cheque list

Thig. 3ia1ement :iubmitted to Couneil !his day of ~ "~ooo.


Town Manager

24A Systell : WIOIIOOO a:n:slI AM Town H Syl~an Lake Pa! User Date: D9/20/20DO OUTSTANDING TIUNSACTUNS REPORT USE Bank Rectlnciliation

Chequebook n:PAR~UNJ GEN- Description: GENERAL P.l.Rt:lAN} SAVINGS NE~ Sorted ay: fype

Type NUlIlber ~at!!: Paid io/Rc'Jd frOIl Tn Amount •••______••••___••••••••M M. ______• ____ • __ ••••____ • ___ • ______._ • __ • __ DEP 00000000000000 Dbl3011000 U,9b9.35 CHI ml9 06/15/1999 SVlVIN LAKE KINSMEN -'50· DO CHI 19m Ob11911999 CENTIL llBERTI DASEBAlL LEAGUE ·'70· aD CHI 29745 0712011199 Ml{]ONALD, BRO(~ & ANGELA ·t4.59 CHI 29!Ob 0711711999 IjEUTRAL HILLS HARDIiI.I.IlE Ut. -_t!5.00 CHI 29m 011/10/1999 CONNELLY, ROD , KAlEN ·'5·b9 CHO 30070 OM2V1999 mIlE, JAm ·~1I2· 94 CHI 31037 1IIl

Type Number Date PaiD To/Rcvd frail ------CHi ]2543 Obl2712000 LEN'S CONTRACTING -H,m·90 CHQ ]2m Ob/21/2000 LEUISCRAFT -~247.i:m CH' 325~5 Db/2712DDD l!BOrROi, nARC -.179· aD CHi ]2m Db/2712DOO M.HTAIJHH PROfESSIOMAL SERlJICE ·;5,444.1~ CHi 32547 Obl21/2000 mIClNE lIVER UIUUfE CENTRE -$50. 00 CHi 32554 Obl17/1000 mKUNI LINEN -125·01 CHi 32m Ob/2712000 mTtRSON, DARLENE -'5bH3 CHi 325sa Ob/2712000 PHILIP, JIM -m.23 CHO 32559 abl1711000 POLISCHUKl CINDY -llO.OO CHO 325bl (J6/~7/20Do PRECISBN CYCLE WORKS LTJ). -1IIlA·25 CHO 325~2 O~/27/200D PROf'Rn CONCRETE mVlCES INC. -m.!! CHI 32564 06/27/2000 mTE! J -Oj21·40 CHI ]25bb Ob/27/2UOO REJ nEER BOTTLING ".m·a3 CHi ]25b 7 Ob/27110ao R£J nEER COLLEGE -H,59'l.lJO CHi ]25b9 abl17l2Oao mHAmON, DOUGUS i !DELE -'bl.17 ma ]257l ob/27/10ao !lTr I.I.A· DRUGS "'5,]3 CHi 31m obl2712ooo ROOKEl ~EN -"4b·]5 CHi ]2m obl,7/2oao mH, lORAN CHi 12m ab/2712aaa 5·G·5·I·5· -'40·00 CH' 32577 ob/17/2aoo SMART APPLE MElIA -.9].52 CH' 32m obJ27I2aaa mUJ[c cnN5ULTlNG m· -'1,79].64 CHi ]1510 obl2712aaa mVAN mRY -'lOT. db CH' 32sal Ob/27/2000 SYLVAN LUE ICE CO. -'34·50 CH' 32.5a~ Obl211200D mVAN LAKE VALUE DRUG nART -$161.lJ3 CH' 12515 obl/1I2000 mVAN !;,. , TRUCK illH -;134. ~5 CH' 32.Sdll ob/27120DO TERRY'! LEm 'lINTEN.NCE lTD. -$11303.80 CHi 32519 06/27/2000 THYE~, DEBBY 1 BRIAN -$\C·DD CHi ]2591 Db/2112oo0 TREES DROPPEI QR !OPPEl -.~2a.lJO CHi ]2597 Dbl2711000 iJlSHL ab3 <1992.) LT]· -m·)5 CHO moa Dbl27/1Doo HAUK cumM SHEET METAL ~B,a35·10 CHO 32bOl 06/27/2lJOO HILMAM, GARY -$500·00 CHo 12b05 a~/27120lJO PITNEY Bown -mO-b2 CHI 31bab abl2712000 SHA~P ELECTRONICS Of CANADA LT ·U,737~~2 CHO 32blJ7 O~/2712000 SHA~ CAiLE -Ul~·20 CHI ma9 O~/2'V2lJlJO ALBERTA HEALrIl CARE -'bl-oa CH' 12bl1 Obl29120DO CURIO LIfE INSURANCE COnPANY -'1,2IO·DO CH, ]2b13 Ob/29/200o LA(ROIX, JOLENE -$14·79 CHO 32~14 ab129/2000 LAms mILIARY 212 -t90.00 (H~ ]2bl! Ob/29/2DOo LAMBERTSON, BRYAN -m·2b CHQ 11blb Obl/9/2DOo LOCAL .umRITIES 'EH5ION PL.N -.9,~92·~~ CH' 12bl7 Obll912aoD RECEIVER GEHERAL FOR CAHAll -'35,Hb.97 DAJ 19b 71 Db/12/2000 CROKEN, DENH 07112/1999 -m5·00 DAJ 2972b 06/12/2000 BUIN, SHAblN il7/2011999 -'14·55 DAJ 3119] Db/1212DDO CANADIAN 'UHLIC WORKS HSGC -I13D·oO DAJ 31273 Db/2S/2000 HEiDlY momWN oll15/mo -t50. 00

102 Trt!nsaction(SI

iotal.s : ~uJlber of Paynnts 101 haunt of Pay. ants '99.137·'7 NUJlber ~f Depllsi ts I haunt :If Dl!posits $3,~~~.~5

24A 09/21/2000 12:43 PM


for the Month Ending July 31. 2000

Gsnflflll Public

.4ccount PoyroU RSS8TVfJ Totlfl

I $ I $ Net Balance at End of Previous Month 1599,467.341 832.60 77,531.80 1521.102.941 Receipts (less loanst fer the Month 5,822.637.13 112.082.77 329.24 5.735.049.14 Sub Total 5.023,169.79 112.915.37 77,861.04 5.213,946.20 Less: 0.00 Disbursements for the Month 2,275,487.11 112,738.84 0.00 2,368,225.95 Net 8alance at End of Month 2,747,662.66 176.53 77,661.04 2,825.720.25

Bank Balance at End of Month 2,767,595.27 46,664.84 77,961.04 2,892.121.15 Term Deposits 0.00 0.00 Winter Games Trust Account 13,329.06 13.329.06 Cash on Hand at End of Month 64,127.50 0.00 64,127.50 Sub Tatlll 2,845,051.83 46,864.94 77,861.04 2,968,577.71 Less Outstanding Cheques 97,369.15 46,488.31 143,857.48 Net Balance at End of Month 2.747,682.66 176.53 77,881.04 2,825.720.25

Tarm Deposit: Balence JlS of Ju131.2000 1.600.000.00

Sse attached outstanding cheque list

This Statement Submitted to Council this day of 2000.


Tawn Manager

24B Systu: 09/21/2000 1i!:4i!:Sb PM Town l}f Sylvan Lake Pa! User Date: a91i!1/2DDD OUTSTANDING TlUNSHTI~NS ~EPORT Us< 8ank Reconciliation n=PAUUNJ GEN. ililscription: GENEiIL PARKLAND SAVINGS m Sort.d ay: Typa

Type NUlber Oate Daid Ta/Rc'Jd Fralll Trll 410unt -~ .. _...... ~._~--~~~---~--~--~~------_.~~ ..-..... ~._-----_ .._.. _._------.-----~-~--.~-_. __ ._--~-_. --- iE? 00000000000000 OJ/ll/20DO 1l6,9'Ml DE? 00000000000000 OJIll/2000 1.00, b. DE? ilOOODDOOODOOOO OJ/Il12000 071,02 OE? 00000000000000 07111/2000 H9,41i!·71 IE? OOOOOOOODOoDDD a7/31/200D H],404.43 DEP 00000000000000 OJ/ll/20UD 1I2,"1,;~ m OOODODODODOODD 07ll11200D t32· ]9 m DODODOODDODODD 07ll11200D $1,024·30 CHI 29m 00115/1999 mm LAKE nNSMEN -t50-DO CHI 29m 00/29/1999 mm ALBERTA BASEBALL lEAGUE -110· DO CHI 29745 OJ/20/1999 MHJOMAU, BROCK 1 .l.N6ELA -"·59 CHI mo. OJ/21/1999 HEUTRAL HILLS HARDiARE Ln· -'2S·DO [HI 29192 01/10/1999 CONNELLY, ROI I KAREN -IS .•9 CHI 30070 01/WI999 SCRUE, JASON -112·9~ CHO lIDIJ 12JHJl999 DEV!DO, m , m, CARYN -$5·11 CHO 1II06 12/22/1999 SYLVAN LHE ~OCCER AHOCHTION -ISDO.OO CHO 32222 OSIWIODO mI, KElEN -lID, UO CHO J22.2 a5/2~J200n POSTnA, ANDIl:E~ J -$],49'·00 CHO 12~ID ,b/21/2DOO UAMS, LOUY ·'83·91 CHO 12.15 Obl2JI2DOO ALBERTA SPORTS HALL Of FIME -$20· DO CHI 12'19 Ob/2JI1DD0 BAlCH, OETTY INN -m·57 CHO 12509 Ob/271200D CURRIE, JAm -'22,90 CHO 32547 Ob/2JI200D ~m(JNE RIVER mlLIFE CENTRE ~.50, DO CH' 32572 0612112000 RGGK(, KEN -m·3S CHO 12SJb Ob/27/2000 S·G_~·I_S· -.40·ao (HI 32b49 0111112000 CRAfTS CANADA -.m·'l CHO lm~ 071ll/20DO H.J_ CODY AT~LETIn -OJaD'DD CHo 32b!D a7111I2DDO ~aElLAR, HEME -110.00 CHI 32bll OUU12000 ~CNEE, rOM ·$95.0U CHO 32618 07ll1/lDOO SCOTT, nun & KAREN -'bOD.OD CHO 12m 07/2S/2DOO 81lb1lILBEIrA LTD, -'bOD· UO CHQ 12Jbl OJ/2S12DOO COOL ,PRING lAm ·$32·50 CHO 12J62 DJI25/2DOO CRAFTS I ~ THINGS -.31. '17 CHO 12M 07l2S12DOO DIlMoND SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS INC -12b,10 CHI 121bb DJ/211200D HVERSIFIED TECNNlOL SERVICES -$21:17·5D (HO 12171 DJ/2S120DD FINN HOLDINGS (1965) Ln. -1175,11 CHI 32773 0712112000 GATEUAV SAfETY NET PUBLIUTBN -'201·10 CHO 12J7~ 01/2l120DD GRINT MICEIIN COLLEGE ·;21· 4(J CHI 12J7b (J7I23/2000 HAFSO HOME! LTD. .$1:.1I1i. ao CHO lml 0712512000 HYCHNU INDUS-IUIL SUPPl Y INC ~'27,~45·50 CHI mil 07/25/2000 PlRKLAND HUMANE S.P.{.A. -$500.00 CHI 327a9 OJ/25/2DDD RADZILLlh JOHN ~.40D·DD CHI 32J91 0712512000 SYLVIN LAKE mUE IRUG ~ART -mb· 3J CHO 12199 OJ/25/20DO TERRY'S LElSE MAINTENINCE LTD· ~.4D1-25 CHO 32607 O7J25/20DO YOiK, CARMEN -162· ;5 CHI 12122 07125/2000 pm-HUN -m·~7 (HO 12123 07/25/2000 SPEEDY AUTO il MIND 011 GLASS ·'233·1.5 [HI 32631 17I2

Type NUlber »ate Paid To/Rcvd frol

CHQ 32111 Dl/21/2DDD BEUH'ER, CASSIE -021· DO CHQ 32112 Ul/21/2000 CANUllN 'UBlIc U,BKS l!!oe. -il00.nO CHQ 32113 al/21/2000 cLAm A LIFE mURINCE CD!'IHY -1I,4IU.00 CHQ 32114 07/2aJ200D DlLTGN, SHIUN · CH' mls 01/21/2000 ~EBRUYN, KAHrE ·$21·00 CH' 3m? U7I21/200U rlIll, LAUII -IIS·UU CHQ 32111 U7I2II200U m'UEt!, smHAHIE -11\.00 CHQ 32m Ul/21/2000 ~YllO, DAVE -1lI'.bS CHQ 32190 U7I21/2UUO Lom lUTH'!ITIE! msm PLAN -t''l.580·41 CHQ 32191 01/21/2UUO .tHAULEY, SHELLY CHQ 32192 01/21/2UOO !!TTm,

74 Transaction(sl

Totals: Number af PaY.llnts .. haunt af PaYl8nts ~97,3l.a.25 NUlbe:r af Deposits I haunt af Deposits '''4,125,2ft

.• System: 00/09/21 La7:31 'M ~0Wl1 Of Sylvan LaKe P,ge: 1 User Oat;:: 00/09/21 VENDOR CHEQUE REGISTER REPCRT User 10: cheryl P,yab Ies ~,n,gement

Ranges: From: To: From: To: Cheque ~umber 33283 33428 Cheque Date Fi rst Last Ilendor ~D First Last Chequebook ro First Liist dor Narr.e First Last

Sorted 3y: Cheque Number

, Va ided Cheques

Cheque ;'llJillber Vendor 10 Vendor Creque flame Cr,eque Date Chequebook IO Audit Trall Code Amount ------.. - -- 33283 OOOg 8UE CROSS 00/09/14 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHQOOOO0363 11.410.56 33284 0298 JOHNSON .'HYLLIS 00/09114 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHQOOOO0363 li97.28 22285 0138 L'.CROIX. JOLENE 00/09114 DARK LAND GEN. PMCHQOOOO0363 196.86 33286 0657 LAMBERTSON. BRVAN 00/09/14 PARKLAND GEN. FMCHQOOOO0363 134.00 33287 2113 PAHRSON, DARLENE 00/09114 :'.'RKLANO GEN. 'MCHOOOOO0363 193.90 331B8 0118 ,ECElIfER SENERAL FOR CilNADA 00/09/14 P,RKLAND GEII. PMCHQOOOO0363 1l0.47390 331B9 0055 SYLVAN LAKE RCMP SOCIAL FUND 00/09/14 P,RKLAND GE~. PMCHqOOOO0363 168 00 33190 1734 TElUS CCMMLNICATIOflS INC. 00/09/14 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHqOOOO0363 1136.43 33291 1748 IELUS MCBIlIfi LIIC. 00/09/14 PARKLAND GEN, PMCHqOOOO0363 11.160.37 33192 Ol2l mWN Of ,YLVAN LAKE· PAYROLL 00/09114 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHqOOOO0363 140.118.34 33193 0054 TOWN OF SYLVAN _AKE ·'EFY :A 00/09/14 PARKLANO GEN. f'MCHqOOOO0363 162.60 33194 0051 UTIL I CORP NETlIORKS CANADA 00/09/14 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHQOOOO0363 511.201.99 33295 0161 WACK, ~ YLE 00/09/!4 PARKLAND GEN. PHCHQOOOO0363 134.00 33296 :022 ijATSON. JOHN 00/09/'4 PARKLAND GEN. PHCHQOOOO0363 110.00 33297 2748 OIPERT, JOB 00/09115 ;ARKLANO GEN. PMCHQOOOO0364 1163.26 33198 0055 SYLVAN LAKE RCMP SOCiAL FUND 00/09/16 'ARKLAND GEN. PMCHQOOOO0364 151. DO 33199 xmxxmxxxxxx 00/09/20 0l.!G>1MENT W.OO 33300 0806 !ARKLANO SAVINGS & CREDIT UN. 00/09120 PARKLAND GEN. FMCHOOOOOO365 186.01 33301 2790 SYLVAN LAKt P,IE'IDSHiP CLUB 00/09/20 'ARKLAND GEII. PMCHQOOOOO365 110.00 33301 0055 SYLVAN LAKE RCMP SOC:AL fUNO 00109/20 JARKLAND GEN. 'MCHqOOOOO365 117. DO 33303 1734 TELUS CCIIMUNICATICNS INC. 00/09/20 PARKl.AND GEN. PMCIIQOOOO0365 1l.03210 33304 1748 TElUS flOBILiIY WC. 00/09/20 PARKLAND GEeI. 'MCHQOOOO0365 1224.32 33305 0191 JNIVERSn OF AL3ERTA 00/09/10 PARKl.'ND GEN. 'MCHQOOOO0365 n.021.56 33306 G783 US, iNOUSTRIAL SUPPliES LIM 00/09/11 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHQOOOO0366 112.37 0307 0750 .'BLEn. SEAN! O,LLA GO/09/11 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHQOOOO0366 151. 53 30B 0062 ADVANCED LANDSCAPING 00/09/21 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHQODOO0366 1567.10 03309 0468 AGAT LABORATORIES 00/09/21 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHqOOOO0366 1869.BO 33310 G687 ALBERT. BETTY 00/09i1l P.ARKlAND GEN. PMCHQOOOO0366 1150.00 333I! 1751 ALBERT. TRACI 00/09111 PARKL.4ND GEN. PMCHQODOOO366 f250.00 33311 0111 ALBERTA mORNEY GENEJAL 00/09121 P\RKl.ilND GEN. PMCHQODOO0366 12B.00 33313 0460 ALBERTA JNE -CALL CORPDRATION 00/09121 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHQOOOOO366 1214.70 33314 ,767 ALLIED D1STRIBUTCRS 00/09121 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHQOOOO0366 ll60.46 33315 Jl89 ARLEY'S/ROCKY TRANSPORT 00/09111 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHOOOOO0366 1241.46 33316 0480 AVX ENTERPR ISES 'J0/09/21 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHQOOOO0366 1600.00 33317 '1761 BECKLEY. OOUG 00109/11 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHQOOOO0366 543.05 33318 J060 BEEDS. LARRY & YVONNE 00/09121 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHQOOOO0366 164.10 33319 J459 BL,IR IIDLDII,GS _TD. 00/09/11 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHQDOOO0366 11.714.14 33310 0067 BORDER PAVING LTD. 00/09/11 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHQDOOD0366 11.439.07 33311 0751 BORSHEIM. AMA.NDA & GO/09/21 PARKLAND GEN PMCHQDOOO0366 537.84 33322 i763 BRANCO :ONCiETE 00/09/11 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHQDOOO0366 12.075.10 33323 2915 BURNT L.«E GAS CO-OP LCD. 00/09/11 PARKLMD GEN. PMCHQOOOO0366 548. gO 33314 0129 CANADIAN LINEN & UNIFORH SeRVo 00/09/11 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHQOOOO0366 1252.08 33315 006B CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY CO. 00/09121 PARKLANO GEN. PMCHQOOOO0366 120B.12 33316 1971 CANADIAN '"ASTE SERVIC,S :NC. 10/09/21 PARKlANO GEN. PMCHQOOOO0366 142815 33327 0313 CANSEL 00/09111 PARKLANO GEN. PMCHQOOOO0366 i17820 3331B 1396 CAPITAL ,NVIRONMENTAL AB INC, 00/09/21 PARKLilNO GEN. PMCHQOOOO0366 19.937 59 33329 1900 :AT TAIL "U8USHING 00/09/21 PARKLAND GEN, PMCIID00000366 1331.70 33330 0014 CENTRAL CUTTIIIG & CORING 00/09/21 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHQDOOO0366 !l60 50 33331 ~265 CHATEAU PAI,NTI'IG & DECORATING 00/09121 PARKL.\ND GEN. PMCIID00000366 16.366.78 33332 3159 CHUBAL'. BRIAN & LOUANN 00/09/21 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHQOOOO0366 IB4.73 33333 0073 COBB S LIMITED 00/09/21 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHQOOOO0366 15B6.66 33334 2317 COBIJAR CONSTRUCT'ON LTD. 00/09/11 PARKL.ilND GEN. PMCHQOOOO0366 1412.65 33335 0660 CORCON HOMES LTD. 00/09/21 PARKLilND GEN. PMCHQOOOO0366 1600.00 33336 0808 COVER 'fOJR 'mloows 00/09/21 PARKl.ilNO GEN. PMCHQOOOO0366 12.29194 33337 !158 ceRn, MARLENE 00/09/11 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHQOOOO0366 1162 DO 33338 1814 Q &, C01TRACTlNG 00/09/21 PARKLIND GEN. PMCHQOOOO0366 l7D0 85 33339 01B6 DB ENGllEERED ,YDRAULICS LTD. 00/09/21 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHQOOOO0366 179.65 340 ,650 DEIBERT. SIItiN & NENDY 00/09/21 PARKLAND GEN. PMCIIQ00000366 11312 341 0636 DENESCHUK HOMES LTD. 00/09/21 PARKLANO GEN. PMCHQOOOO0366 13. ODD 00 33341 0753 DERKSEN. OUSTIN 00/09/11 PARKLAND GEN. PHCHQOOOO0366 179.10 33343 llB9 DERKSEN. ELLERY & LORAINE 00/09/11 PARKLilND GEN. PMCIIQ00000366 1143.89 33344 '1741 JEnRASE. ,LANNA 00/09/11 'ARK LAND GEN. PMCHQOOOO0366 1150.00 33345 ,974 DIAMOND ,err-ARE SOLUTi ONS : NC 00/09/21 PARKlANO GEN. PMCIIQOOOO0366 $136.43 33346 0130 JRAIN OOCTOR INC. 00/09/21 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHQOOOO0366 1660.73 33347 0465 GRANSFIELD INSPECTION SERVICES '10/09/11 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHQDOOO0366 15.001.25 2 5 System: 00/09/21 i: 07:31 PM Town Of Sylvan Lake Page: 2 User Oate: 10/09/21 VENOOR CHEOUE REG!SlER REPORT User 10: cherYl Payablos l13nagement

* Voiced Cheques

Cheque Number Vendor ID I/endar Cheoue [~ame Cheque Oate Chequebook !D Audit Trail Code .",""unt ------.------______0" ______••• ______• ______•• ______• ______------___ - ______-- •••• __ ••• ____ J334l1 0754 OUOHAN. GLEN & EllEEN 00i09/21 PARKLAND GEN. I\'ICHQDOOO0366 154.37 33349 1511 ECKVILLE 3UILDING SUPPLIES LID 00/09/21 PARKLANO GEN. PMCfI)OOOO0366 16.079.78 33350 1286 EDMDN70N JOURNAL 00/09/21 ?ARKLANO GEN. PMCHQOOOO0366 l1OUO 33351 0942 ELM<\( AU70 ELECTRIC LTD. 00/09/21 PARKLANO SEN. 'MCHQOOOO0366 S203.55 33352 1756 EnviroSORT iNC 00/09/21 PARKLANO SEN. PMCHOOOOO0366 11,177. 00 33353 2953 FINK. JUDY 00/09/21 PARKL"I

'it Voiaed Clleques

rheque :~umber 'Iendor ID Vendor Cheque Name Cheque Date Chequeoock ID Auait Trai i Code Amount

33420 0531 TAYLOR, SANORA " 00/09/21 PARKLANO SEN. JMCHOOOOO0366 1200. 00 33421 2237 T11E BOLT SUPPLY HOUSE Lill 00/09/21 PARKLANO GEN. PIICHQOOOO0366 lI785 33422 2546 THE CANAGIAN PAYROLL ASSOC, 00/09/21 PARKL.ilNO 3E'1 PMCHQOOOO0366 1l,05930 33423 0300 THE ",NAOIAN SALT COMPANY LTD 00/09/21 PARKLAND GEN JMCHQOOOO0366 $5,516 52 33424 0071 THE CITY OF RED DEER 00/09/21 PARKLAND GEN. PMCHODDOO0366 $63.71 33425 0266 THE PAINT STOP 00/09/21 PARKLAND GEN PMCHOOOOO0366 n74.~3 33426 0048 UNIiEJ FARMERS CF ALaERTA 00/09/21 PARKLANO GEN, PMCHOOOOO0366 14.757.61 33427 1455 VANSTONE, NICOLE 00/09/21 PARKLANO GEN. PIICHOOOOO0366 163.79 33428 0938 WESTIlARO PARTS SERVICE cTD. 00/09/21 PARKLANO GEN. 'MCHQOOOO0366 SUB

Total Cheques: 146 Total ,\mount of Cheques. 1247,6B1.92