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2-6-1967 Kabul Times (February 6, 1967, vol. 5, no. 261) Bakhtar News Agency

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Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (February 6, 1967, vol. 5, no. 261)" (1967). Kabul Times. 1427.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. PAGE 4 GOId~,g Asserts US Seeks Suharto B~cks ~d 'fo Vio'ence In M. East Anti· Sukarno UNITED NATIONS New York, February 5, (nPA)­ Their Majestle~ State- visit to By C&lIdldus Student Move tlie Kabul University convo U$ chIef ~elepte to the United Nations Artlur J OOl4befr doss tearlns each othef apart cation the an;ival of the new • Fdday iIlcht reiterated that the United States supportli the DialD· JAKARTA Feb 5 (Reuter)­ Ame The Assocla!loo has'much more ~rmy rican ambassador and the opemng Important work to do and a better tenlUJCe of pe;lce In the Middle East and contbi1iel to ieek an ella IndoneSIan strongman Ge ceremony of tile British Councll neral Suharto !yesterday backed cause to uphold thaD promotins un to V10lenec across existing frontiers from any dIreCtion Library 11\ Kabul are some of the This pomt was emphasised by Both headl o~ Illite voiCed the a speCIal meet10g of the supreme bndled crue1ty to ammals pohcy mak10g People s ConsiJlia events which highlighted develop The Brlhsh CQuncil culllfral cen Goldberg alter he liad met In hi. hope that the serlel of Arab sum ment at home Jffice with a 15 man delegation from mit meetingl can be continuell be- live Congress whlcb alms at re­ trc 10 Kabul l!Slablisbcd under the Af81Jsmstan 's amons tlte nelions 1345 S H) Price Af 3 /I'heir Majesties trIP to bulla a ~sreemeot the nction commlttee on Amer can cause the meetings offered an Op- mOVIng PreSIdent Sukarno from terms of a cultural coo wblch SIgned last week the treaty 00 power nelghbourmg and friendly country cluded by Afsbamslan aDd the Arab relaUons porWnlty tor the fruitful eXciianee bound t"6 Mghanlstan by strong lies preventlns ilie use of outer space-Ior Goldberg saId he told the group of views on basic Arab problems in AddresslOg anll-SukaJ;llo stu Umttd KlOgdom a few years back mJlltsrS; purposes and weapons 6f dents at Jakarta Umvers.ty the of blstory and culture WIU surely opened the doors to It. hbtary on T~}da~ the Umted States respects the "SO an atmosphere ot sincerity and mass destruction The treafY. ~ IS a NY GIVES UP 4 POINT army leader declared the contribute. towards r!he further Wednesday evemt1l! We bave saId Soviet Premier Their Majesties See The Toj Mohol Ii; ~that vereignty and terrltor..lal mtelrity clarIty strengthening o~ these bonds and weiCOIl1

I t .... t'l~ US::MissiIes ~~o lnm~cept M'iS$ile's, "".... '"; JI;;;:: 1._" ~, \1 The' U/l1t~d Stater started try ..,\i:-;;. ;.; ,~and Ifii:llie the lriteffl!ptor mls llig~iliI 1957lo to dev~ a w.1ly o~ ~~ By Roily AtitamSOR '", "'~I\~gon'thelF, waY to an encoiln- Food For rrhOitfiltt sliooltng down warheads of Ihte,," ~'I_ te~ .1'3y r sWltelung its beam at coutinental mIssiles as they stl- designed to fly above the atm- and carries a of targets at greater ranges many stomachs rather than what we The most difficult problem Is nuclear warhead. be added put on our skms that decides the "'"'""'"""""""""""' ) I II to lHstlngUlsh between a real ato- Under attack by hostlllL conditlol1 of the s!tm inIC~ bomb and a varlety of de- Sprint ll11sslle-r-smaller and fas ICBM s the radar woulil detect Legend'has It that Cleopatra Peace Signals From Hanoi, Washington coys WhICh might accompany It ter than Nlke Zeus-Is deSigned to th- ncomlng warheads While batheel m mIlk to !lIve herself a to hel.\' get through such an anti Intercept nn mcommg warhead contll1ulng to wtatch for !Il0re beautiful compleXIOn She would missile system The army argues With second. nfter lt IS launched talgets It wou d start to sort have heen qetter adVlsed if she [n recent days there have been signals a peace conference The Indlan government Is thnt 11 solved th,s problem with It cames a nuclenr warhend and NIt deCal s or penetration aids had drunk the mIlk nart cIJlnrly though as yet faint that a breakthrough to end the addition of a speedy miSSile ItS high ncceleratlon bullels up from nose 90nes earryllg nuclear If she had taken a bIg helptng understood to have passed this message on to knoWn as Spnnt to the Nlke X forces more than 100 times that bombs the Vietnam erlsl' may be achieved Reporta Washington, but the United states has not yet Towers Of Hair of green vegetables every day system of gralllty Launched Slmultane At this pOlnt the system s as well from varIOUs quarters support the hope of an responded to the plea ously WI th a 30" cal ber machme computers mIght launch the long anxious world that at last a way to peace In It IS deSigned to mtercept war gun bullet SPrint would pass thc bul miSSIles whIch would explode He wouli:1 smlle hi. faint cryptic The siun IS a Vital organ car wartorn Vietnam may be found These reporta come just as SOVlet Prime heads at relatIvely low altitudes let 1D three seconds The speed theIr nuelear warheads In an effort smile and continue humming pre only second~ before they would causes the entIre vehICle to glow to destroy or dISrupt the O,ght of all lendmg not to have heard the ques ry ng out a remarkable variety MlOlster Alexei Kosygin arrives In London of a~tlVltles on wlllch depend It was reported from Paris that Senator hit their target ThIS penmts the ilke a hght bulh and temperlj thc mcomlng obJccts hons The tact IS Garnik a win Durmg hls one week visit the Prlnle Minister atmosphere to act as a fIlter eli ner in Paris and A,merica at gold Iour comfort as well as our safe Robert Ker-r. dy the brother of the late Pres! If wlIl have 20 hours of talks with British Pnme Imnatlng decoys, and sunplifymg tures on ItS surface exceed those the warhead contmues to medals and certificates for excel ty If It IS to do Its work properly dent of the United States has received a letter Minister Wilson and Foreign MinIster George th killer rllIsslle s task of fmdlng m the exhaust of Its rocket en ward Its target the short range lence in hairdressing has become It must be prcperly cnred for from a North Vietnamese delegation In Paris Brown Vietnam will top the agenda which will the bomb glnes Spnnt would be launched to so used to bUlldmg great artistic t~ and given the- best pOSSible con suggesting peace talks The report which was also Include trade dIsarmament and China Here are tlte components of the MultJ function Array Radar- make the mtercept wlthin the dltlOns of work 1unc~ we s of haIr on ladies heads every carned by the AmerIcan magazIne Newsweek Nlke X system and thelr these gIgantic radar systems-- atmosphere at a distance of per day of two thirds of his life that he says that Kennedy who was currently on a tour IOn d"tect mcomlng ICBM s help haps 10 mIles Instead of creams and powders Perhaps Kosygln s vlslt to London Is the Nlke Zeus miSSIle-thIS IS a sort out real warheads from their may weB feel empty without the apphed externally a dIet which of the conf:inent has conveyed It to the United bcst opportunity to work out detalls to set the tOl ch of fein mne ha r between his Tile unoffiCIal part ~f Her Majesty s from all over the world mcludmg \fgha three stage soltd fuel mterceptor accompanying cloud of decoys (LOS ANGELES TIMES) cantams plenty of vItaminS and draWI~ States government stage for working out a permanent solutIOn in fingers mmerals salts taken Internally V-SIt to indIa IS to a close BeSIdes mstan Vietnam c The hullaballoo about the menace Will do much good accompanytng HIS Ma sty to state recep In Mysore she visited a matermty home Although the contents of the note have not of cars 10 any speed is now slowly Th s does not mt>an however t OilS and other occaslO the Queen follow and sIlk factorv She also went to the Qutb been disclosed-and Kennedy hlmsell has not Behind these political manoeuvres there IS vamng It IS glvmg way to a gres that the .km should not have cd a separate program e of her own In Mmar the tower of vIctory the Buddha confirmed receIving It-this report and the state the firm uncontested opinion on the part of Anglo-French AFVG Aircraft Project Humnung Buffer ter commot on involvlOg car gas everv care Regular cleans ng by Dclhl and other elbes Jay.nt, park alld the Cottage Industries ment of the WhIte House political adviser on the warring parties that no milltary solution rurnes and Its effect on human lungs a shower or a bath WIll help to One JanualY 30 s e VIsited the Nel,ru EmporIUm Saturday Lead one to beheve th,at earnest efforts is possible In the foreseeable future. American Key queshons remam to be Sunday Time. which were sold abroad althougb HIS hummlDg monotone not only -and maybe even human brams keep the skill healthy A clean house doll museum which contains dolls She IS seen here beSIde the Qutb lVLinar resl~t -:...... :.~------'----- are now bemg made at least to prepare the mlIltary strength In VIetnam Is now 407000 answered or! the future of the the tYPe was regarded as an ex scrvea as a saiety valve Ioc a nund He e and abroad this IS the pitch sk n s better able to at tac1 by germs than a d rty one ground for the parltes to come together at the but It Is stili considered madeqoate to meet Anglo French vanable geometry ry as 60 oer cent of the total port success-and tn the hIgh at work It also served as a puller o( the hue and cry when It Veers Pless On Women conference table rather than on the battleOeld the needs The Viet Cong s strength IS dllDcult (AFVG) aIrcraft Healey s 10 cost II workmg alone that IS an pnce of AFVG even at £1 500000 be ween tllm and tne COOBtant chat ofT such subjects as smuggJmg and OlC for Bntam s plane-makers overall InCI ease of 20 per cent Phantom at only £1 million has ler 01 women-b ess UlelT hearLs­ Vietnam If It IS not poSSible to have a lu determine but they are not so strong that whIch WaS brought back from These extras could laJse de falied 10 be expnrted except to bath or .hower every day a Walter W Rostow US PreSIdent Johnson s wnose beaas 11D6 ecs and toenails AI that remoms to be done now Ihey can hope for VIctory Pans last week UntIl they are velopment costs 01 the AFVG Br tam And If she deCided to shot t dally exposure to the air Short Tempers, Short Skirts Unpopular pohltcal adVISer said that negotiations for peace were being groomea Garnik bas al under these c rcumstances is tor resolved the medICmal effect of to almost £300 mlilon the U S eoulel develop her own waY6 oeen a qUle co npJacent soct folio, ed bv u br S< Iub down ve sens t ve an t QU ck most rnpor ant fieldc: n "h ch yo talks are underway Rostow did not elaborate some hustling car manufacturer to w th towel w II lone up the scans derect a pr v lege of If both sides are uncertain about achlevmg th s SWIng wmg formula must Next the un t cost of produc m n FIll by 1974-ahead of the or nlan not given to nervous eesU c n morove your personal appcar produce and 1Osta11 Ergnman s gas whole bodv as well as the skin nlS due to the sensltlvltv of the situatIOn vIctory as they obVlously are-then why not Ien1aID In doubt tlon IS calculaled offiCially at nbout Anglo French glane cuiauons w tb the sCissors but fa e sex Fr day s A began ance Expcns vc dre s ng does no ~o C mes pur fier tn cars for passenger end w 1l keep t supple and ae ampa gn aga nst th s Cond tons eecssarlly me n elcg nee One has seck a peaceful method to solve the problem? How real st c are the cost es £1 500000 per a rc aft ThIS th s S r George Edwards somet mes the vOices around him and pedestnan safety and beat t1v to cho)sc hc s yle and e 10 s w lh :'llews In the same hopeful pattern came from W c hop.. that the truce declared for Tet the t mates for developmg and pro depends on the so called learn repl es We mliPt not lose our go to be too much and the hum n ou ountry are such that women Ralph Nader to the draw must d splay the same courage and g. e:Jt (' re dnd tl OI1S Ita on w h New Deihl where the North Vietnamese govern Vietnamese New Year later thIS week will due ng the plane? What are ItS Ing curve a desce d ng slope crve We must nol be frightened flUng lthed him above all this to pltlencc n unforeseen clrcumstan tJ se who are accep eLI as well ment has mformed the Indian government mls herald the coming of a lastlOg peace for the true export prospects? Why the whIch shows that the more you .l[ w nn ng We seem to get sca be sole compan on to his thoughts bUIld the cneapel they are cd vhen we fmd ourselves out ces as IS expected of men d ('~"ecJ slon m HanOI that If the Umted States govern delay n start ng to bUIld a proto l' or GarlllK thought very much I! Vietnamese pcople and end a savage war which n en wa k ng A 0 cal deal lc ment stops Its aIr raids on North VlCtnam un tl pe And what about the all On our own w th a technIcally To expla 0 Its po ot the edito- nn one really seems eager to fight According to S r Genrge Ed he talkea very litt e 1-t seems that r n en oned floods ThiS It pcn Is on how yo arry yourselr conditionally negotIations could be started for Fumch sWmg winger the Nt ra; wards the Br tlsh and French advanced product The old VIS for the vast.. five years he had been :1 t sa d Hasty movement of I b" ge 3G whICh slgmflcantly IS orders for the AFVG plane to count very nearly got cancelled tI natural phenomenon which thinitlng much about y nd smoke f and or I ngu d walk ng tl e b h st 11 gOing ahead? talhng about 300 are large for Just that reason If we can unbr died w 11 nfllcl untold catas The off c a1 est mated cost of keep our nerve on the lIlrcraft ana gas 1f he happened to think of 0phe The floods can also be con exlr"mcs wt ch 510uki be ;:,.vo led enough for unit costs to be Com human w ndbags ne never menuo trulled tamed and made to serve There s a h~ppy mpd urn between GLANCE develop ng the AFVG IS about petltlve throughout the world vc nrc dcvelop ng now then we HOME PRESS AT A £200 mIllion compared WIth about have got It made ed It But after five years he did useful purposes such as operating a Ihese two ext emes which add to deal w th mater al that eventually RIchard Worcester the aVllltlOn menuon shy y that he had been vour grace and posture the paper ng the Bert n wall w th the East £234 mIllion for the Ame1"lCBn turb ne Thus e1ectnc ty s produc w II consUtute the fabnc of society consultant dIsagrees Estlmat thinking a bit about gas fumes from ed vh ch makes thiS world a better adv se I German leader Walter Ulbncht on FIll At fIrst SIght thiS appears 109 a cost per plane of £3 300 00-0 But BrItain s French colleagues Yesterday s Heywad earned an -(he students vehicle exhaust pIpes. and tiow he pbce to I ve In There vas a short art cle on m n ed tor al expressmg optimIsm over one s dc and the Federal German teasonable because the Allglo -more than tWIce the offICial on the AFVG are shll gOing It IS they who take the trouble of ahead WIth sWing wIDg plane of naa 1D vented a gadget to render 1 he same IS true of IDcldcnts and k rls ~hof( sk r1s are becom ng In Chancellor Klesmger on tbe other French plane IS lighter than the estimate and £800 more than the latest developments VIetnam standmg for bours m front of black ado fa lures that are inevitable m human In With open arms A caption under FlIT and cost Is proportIOnal to t n r own-the MIrage 3G flgh sucn fumes harmless qUlte popular some counlr es But Recent reports It sa d give fiSC to board inhaling chalk dust 10 order the cellmg pnce quoted for the the cartoon sa d Ulbncht and Kle aircraft weIght ler ThIS shonld fly thIS year To the IOcreduJous whq mIght I fe An mc dent which IS the pro Ihe rI de sa d Ihey contr bute the hope that after all peace may be Lo lmpr ot new thoughts and Ideas Amencan FIlls fQr the RAF­ have had their doubts sboul him duct of one s own mistakes can not! nl! to a graceful appearance establ shed n that war torn coun s nger want to have fnendJy rela lie claIms that 300 planes are and could well attract export on the m nds of our children There­ But the FIIl took advantage of orders away from the AFVG If he Showed for mspection a Rube I Fe:ad to further IDCldents hke a cham and arc unlrkeJy to bp' popuJar 10 try Senator Robert Kennedy told tions fore they deserve to be treated well too few to brIng the cost down Yesterday s lslah 10 Its edltonal a proven englne eXIsting elee France were to fmd herself In GOldberlliah looking contraption To react on Jf( there IS a lack ot self th s country Oxford Un vers ty students that WIth Formerly due to vandus financial welcomed a government decI~non to tron cs and other systems ana If the producbon run were to fm ther budget d,ffIculhes whIch add amazement to incredulity an control I can also serve as a use­ n the next few weeks the Vletna and ~dmlntstraltve restr cuons tea facil tate the smooth and llmely the results of flight tests by ear amoUl1t to 1000 planes Worces project would be likely to suffer empty glass Jam Jar topped the r:...d lesson to prevent the recurrence Fashions Feature Afghan Pants mese problem w II enter a deCiSIve chers In most cases did not get their promot on of teachers The her swmg wmg research aIrcraft er admIts then the unit cost -the cheaper aU French plane contraption And to cap aU this, he 01 s mllar inC dents In thiS connec­ stage promollon on lime The govern would approach £1 500000 ThIS t on the paper ment oned the exam ed tonal d scussed In detal1 the 1m The 4FVG has none of these he or the more expenSIVP collabora lett a mop of teased 9= wwtlng tb Paris Monday UPI-Afghan favoured a WI dblo I/n s houeUe The ed tonal referred to the ex ment s decls on to rechfy thiS situa leads to the next key q uesbon pIc of a chess player who by losmg portance of teachers 10 the makmg nef ts except that some electro­ tlve AFVG? As the Commons lift the contraption for better IDS pants slIm enough to rate as Blight coloured ch ffnn scarves pi cIt w sh of the Vietnamese gov ton s surely a step In the Tight W th home orders m Bntam and the first oawn gets all worked up loose stockmgs opelled the ernment for the unconditional balung of sOCIety Teachers are n effect nICS Knuw how gamed on the noted last Wednesday appropr pection and got hJs fingers all sa led ahflg at tl e neckl nes of dIrection It saId France totalling 300 IS It reaits and s QU ckly defeated versus the French spnng summer h gh fash of the US bombIng of North VIet the architects of society For they TSR2 wlil he used late break clauses are avaIlable smeared Wlth wet paint It seemed h s daytIme clothes tic to expert exports orders for a cnse of a p1ayer who keeps hiS head Ion shows today Este eJ sho\\ ed a burnt or nam as a precond tlon to peace Also sharing the work het that Garmk had Just fimshed pamt further 700 as Healey has sugges At thiS stage It IS ImpOSSible tbrough the gnme and makes usc of 1 he first deSigner to show ange I ght wool coat "Ih a lalks Fortunately (he White ween two countries InvarIably ted? mg the contraption he had been tn know who IS nght Fmal spe the slIghtest advantage often achlcv these on the openmg day of the g 11 ( r elled pleat d 'n the House loa has made It known that Increases the overall cost Sir working on for five long years Yes, Those In favour pomt to West clltcations w,li not be agreed Ing the final victory style prevlcws for mternatlOnal 1alk to p 0\ de a loss f fJ lie In peace efforts In VIetnam had reach WORLD PRESS George Edwards managing dIr­ long years aod days of waiting to Germany s need to replace her until March and construction of 1he same ssue of (he paper car b Jvers and press was Esterel lemon ye!l c at the pleat. ed a sensItive stage add ng that tbe ector of BrItIsh Aircraft Corpo several hundred Starllghters fiOlSh With the beehive haudos and red some famous quotatlODS on a prolotype WJIi not begm befnre HIS pants th," tubes of PI nt C' c On the !; de a d th neck nalure of th s development cannot The London Sunday newspaper The executIve secretary of the ratIon the UK partner With the constant chatter so he could run to and to active mterest In the Ne the end of th~ year On paper women Some of them were God cd s lk somet mes 'appeared n e vas draped n) ella II and be revealed for II may have adverse The People reported that a young Nahonal Space CounCil Dr Edward French In both the Jaguar and herlands BelgIUm and Canada hrs cher shed Invention created tears for women to shcd C Welsh saId Lovell s aU nation the multi purpose AFVG looks the collect on undel tu cs But lavy silk effects on further developments lead Br t sh bUSlOessman S to go to the AFVG aircraft, last week es Those agamst POint to the record them A won an s a book but II f c;tel~l also showed short ng to peace approach to the lunar research prog good but ItS success Will depend Rumania and other East European tlmated the costs to each count of the Canberra-cnosed baby nouncement shows that a fresh sources does the Soviet VOlOO pos Bntam and greater than m France Full employment for the popu tailored Bermuda shorts ensembles reported that the Lavan Petroleum because everyth ng does not go as sess? ouUet for what comes from the the theme In the new collectIOn for spring and summer ml da shorlS aod long blazers shlrlS doll shoes '\ource of revenue has been found Sweden and the Umted States Janon was ach eved n the Soviet TO Illr for nal nudels n I e ant.: Company composed of four Amer we would like to have it Ito On the ev~ of the Snpreme SOVlet exhaust and goes through the Her dress m the synthetic fibre Trevua crepe IS made Ul) or tumcs turned up everywhere In Chr st a 1 D or prod safar 10 strengthen the country s economy The yearbook says that 2 6 per UOIon by the bcglnn ng of the 1930 orJ!.anuy can 0 I firms and the National Arnold W Frutkin of the National which endorsed tillS plan a stattsb cylmders Above the first and Jarger shirt style WIth an attractive peep thrOugh at th\, back the shows s ts w 'h I ng belted la kets and ~ The ed tonal however had these cent of aU SOVIet cItizens received SlOee then unemploymenr as a so­ The I no b as cut 1,1 s re I an an all Company (NIOC) have Aeronautics and Space AdmiDlstra cal yearbook The Nahooal eco­ cylinder which 15 nearer to the ex The sale of outer wear was small enough durIng the past Yves Saln' Laurent accompa d v ded sk rlS and Ihe Jeanac Lan observat ons to make F rstly It a hIgher educahon In 1965 the Cial phenomenon has vamsbed from N na R cc s " 10 sc ul ~a t on sa d the necessary ngredlent nomy of the USSR m J965 ap haust pipe IS the curious lookinG v d eamels are constantly decreas found finest quality otl off the USSR had 664000 researchers the the lIfe of people In 1937 the So few months In West Germany to overfill store rooms and ned h s trouser su ts n navy blue n eollee' oa wh ch was cons der 1 he prett eSt models r r la c d ng n number and so t s not pos­ shore of the PerSIan Gulf nest the s Soviet cooperat on he added peared 10 the bookshops of Moscow glass Jor But this IS not really an to force the texttle Industry to lower pnces up to 4n% or grey chalk strIped flannel w th ed one of the h ls of Ihc show ng' "ear were made fron'! s Ik crepe v th We have nol had an affirmative Th s 9QO.,page RlIbJicahon-provldes largest total In the world Leamng vet Un on hsd 267m Ihnn factory issue for the moment as later on the s ble to make rap d progress 10 fur Iran an coast pn such hIghly qualified experts the and office workers whereas In 1966 Dresss costumes and coats for export are also to a lI"reat h gh buttoned waIStcoats tanored featured trousers worn as underp n short trouser legs flar ng out helow Iher ncreasmg the export of bJan response from them on that yet an answer to the questIOns put 10 iiaSS wlll gIve way to steel or slu ;h sh rts and fedora hats n ngs to replace peH coats under he loose wa Sled supple hem 'ie It sa d two of the company s SOy ~t UOlon naturally can tackle the total rose to 76 9 million A extent made up abroad Out of 81000 exported synt etlc Andre Courregous coll~chon full sw rI og skirts kets made of camel ha r The edl In a TV nterVlew In Washington the opening paragraph of this com mmum or whatever metal the fu I French '1omen who f !low the wells I ear Lavan Island a new the most IOtrlCate problems advanc companson of these figures shows • twas d sclosed that US govern mentary ture manufacturers may think best textIle fibre SUIts 63% were produced abroad on behalf shown Fnday meluded low WlllSted Pufiy bloomers came back In tor al suggested the establ shment of name g ven to preVIOusly unamed ed by SCience and technology ckarly that the rate of growth oC trend to trousers w lJ ron ally oope-ratlves to ncrease hvestock ment undercover agents disguised as ThlS yearbook _o~f:....:G:.e~rma=:::.:u:....:ll~r.::m_s .....,.....;.. .;._J;..u_m_p=--_su_l_ts=--_w_,t_h__m_ld_h...:lg:.h-+e_n..:g:..th__G_u..:y_L_a_r_o_C_h_e_s_c-,o...:lle_c_t.•o_n...:..-:d::lppmg break a It)rh cnlury law "h l.ih for slands near Bandar Abass hit D POlDts out that The SOVIet UOlOn lS a country of occupat on of the populahoD Is con od safeguard hvestock rrom diS- sludents orc trying to holt the sole on December 31 Jam Jar Gist b cis then to e r tro '\ r n p bl gusher Thursday and 011 IS gusbJng 1965 the popula large clt1e~ 192 of them have a sIderably outstnpptng the rate of ~ases of the hallucinogenic drug LSD and t on of the USSR totaUed populatIon of over 100 000 while growth of ls number In other If nless the} ar push ng or r d og some 100 m high goof ball pills on college cam you re stili followmg us and Secondly II said exchange earn 231 900 000 anOlher 30 have a populatIon of (Contd on page 4) have come this far you will ftr.t,d a b yelc CommentUlg on a British newS"" puses WOMEN VOTERS MAY BE KEY IN INDIAN ELECTION ngs obtamed from the sale of these that the Jam Jar is the gist of the By Russel Brines Me Illwh Ie n Yemen reports paper art de by S r Bernard Lovell James Goddard commissioner of blnnkets are offset by the mport of matter for from this will drop mto Mrs Indira GandhI Indta s Prime consecunve ttme greeted her demandmg a totJI ban Noel H ds n he.: v Iy clled Ar h foreign mnde blankets A large d rector of Br tam s JodreU Bank the food and drug admlnJstraUon lar slate Demands for a ban are \lomen vc r g nodern sla ks and the first cylinder 10 small quanh MInister and the world s only feml The next Prime MI01ster Will be on Ihe slaughter of cattle var ety of foreign made blankets are rad Otelescope statIOn a "key man 10 said We re not interesled in mak based on rei g ous cons deratlons I v heeled shoes are ak ng so II ties lhe chemical formula that DIne head of state IS making a chosen by parliamentary members of TI e t:ow slaughter ssue IS pn Mrs Gandh as Prime M Olster n w a va lable 10 the Afghan market Ihe US space programme said the ng criminals out of our college stu history a neW t xt Ie m II on the Erganian Jnvented sp riled fight for her political life the dommant party presumably the marv n Mrs Gandb s race for the The cd tOrlal called on the authon US would I ke to share ItS cost 10 dents But we re trying to get at the SOLAR WAVE SHOCKS SPACECRAFT and head of the Congress bears u k rb r San ) a JO nt venture With the Soviet As the chenucal comes mto con The 48 year old daughter of the Congress Mrs Gandhi IS still the nae Barel seat The ssue mvoJves much of the Cr ticIsm levelled by t es to Impose heaVIer restncttons megal sources of supply trying to The lunar probe Explorer 33 made Bv TOlD 0 Toole bance unl ke the first one and hke leadmg oandldate to suc;ceed her:selt They <1 en pi } d n se era! de Un on b t they doubted thiS would tact with the exhaust smoke a late J.awoharlal Nehru has remlOded anc ent H ndu beliefs that all cattle H ndu fanat cs Cow slaughter n and tantfs on. the Import of any take...J!1e proftt out of the sole at the firsl detailed observations of an In thiS orbit the spacecraft was the shock a plane mlghl cause as any lnd an observers of her fa are~acred n r n l:nf I he n II bllh by the happen mter.planelary shock wave not unhke strong reacbon will take place The but her ab lily to w n the approval because many persons reality IS a symbol of a regress on commodity which can be manufac these items c~t'J;'ied as tar away from earth as as It breaks the sound barfler lQ mous falher by the sp rlt and deter of all the necessary party leaders Ch nesc f) ld they rc he first Ye Lovell had sald space exploratIOn the boom caused by an aIrplane chemical will cause a hny tornado assume that form In theIr vanous to India s past WhICh Some conser tured at home He did not reveal the names Or 270000 mIles and It was while fly the atmnsphere rnlOatiOD she already has shown as w II depend conSIderably upon her neon e 0 k other than n was so complex and expensive Jt breaklDg the sonnd barrier inSide the cylinder and beat the e ncnrnaho s toward qeaven To vattve part es are foster og The e The same Issue of the paper car number of college campuses where mg at thIS dIStance on July 8 that Ness saId he beheves the sbock a natIonal pohtIcal figure national Image after her campaIgn kill a cow rrullions beheve might fi Ids and I h first ever work demanded global cooperatIon The findmg IS to be divulged ID the pOlson fumes out ot the exhaust patties are oppos ng the Congress n red a carloOn by Dr Naween show undercover agents were at work the Explorer rao l'oto what Ness wave occurred when the protons Mrs Gandhi IS contestmg for a an ong fore gners February ISsue of the Journal of smoke It may sound unbel1eveable Consequently the trIm attractive be to k 11 a re ncarnated ancestor a senes of loose ahgnments some­ and Van Allen descrlb." as an In thundenng down from tbe sun sud seat 10 lhe Iqwer house of Parha Pr me MlDlster bas undertaken the The n 11 vh ch s beheved to GeophYSIcal Research by Dr Nor but It wUl The Indian constitutIon takes t mes With the Commun sts des go v~lent terplanetarY shock wave denly sw~pt away the particles be­ meof from thF rural constItuency of most extenslv~ campaign tour of any have cost thc equ of 4000000 man Ness of the Goddard Space After thiS tke now weakened nollce of thIS behef It prOVides for ed to overcome the long dam nance rounds cd nf! v s bu It under ADVERTISING RATES As far as Ihey can deCide the fore It 10 space ltke a huge vacuum Rae Bareh 10 the state of UtIar candIdate She WIll travel through a general ban on cow slaughter but FlIght Center and br Jamea Van sh.ock wave caused no damage to cleaner sm.oke goes out through the con of the Congress Ch nese s perv sian and s equipped D splay Coluin" Inch AI 100 S KHALIL Edl/or 111 Ch,el radesb northeast of here out all the prinCIpal areas of thiS leaves mplementatlOn up to the Allen the Umverslty of Iowa the spacecrdft but did send the necting pipe mto the smaller cylin In fight og for her seat from rural vlth Ch nese n h nery Class IUd per hne bold type AI. 20 phYSICiSt who dIScovered the Earth Mov ng at 600 Il1lles Per second In that race she IS encountenng vast country before she IS 6nlshed stales Some slaughtenng 19 done SUSPICIOU$ Ind a Mrs Gandhi then Telephone 24047 craft s parltcle and magaettc field der where It will get another beat PPoSl!Ion that IS 'YPlcal of the CFOSS Already she bas expenenced many \Vhen f was on plered recently (m n f 1 m seven lmes per insertion) Ihe shock wave lasted several days but not pr manly for meat Many wIll b. fightmg In part for the na gIrdlIng radiation belt now bearlDg detectors mto a tailspm lng to further PUrify and beat sw~ep1Og the Ch neSe cnlled for women work ID space N~ Sljld although Bxplo cUfrents the campaIgn for of the Vclssltudes WhiCh charactense offiCIals beheve that herds mnst be SUBS<::RIP'I'ION RATES hiS name What caused the shock wave Ness aU tarnation out of the smoke sort t ooal Image of the Congress and t:rs as "ell as n en and the responst" SHAPIE RAtmL EdItor rer 33 passed through the wave 10 General ElectIOns m lind February political campalgnmg ID Ind18 pruned for economiC reasons SlDce against a rehg ous poln cal reacllOn Launched from Cape Kennedy saId In an mtervlew was a VIolent of filter It SO to speak After this \\ as surpr sing Yearly I about 'five seconds Mrs GandhI l.S expected 10 wm the In the southern city of Madras there are 200 million cattle roammg Af 1000 For other anmbers first dlai sWltchbcard laS! July I Explorer 33 was budt solar eJ$ploslOn On July 7 which washIng machine wringer dryer Her father faced the same Issue Women both marr ed and s ng Half Yearly orbl~'the Botli Vaa Allen and Ness saId ampa gn by a substpntlal marglO huge crowds turned out to greet India eatmg food sorely needed by Af 600 number 23043 24028 24l f to be the first spacecraft to sent a huge cloud of X rays gam­ treatment the smoke 1s guaranteed 10 a less developed form He over Ie applied In the h ndreds tor Quarterly Moon But five hoyrs aftor launch they saw no harm at all to man A Parliamentary seat IS a prere her and the press reported she was people came It through Immense personal Af 300 Circulalton and Ad"ell H , ma rays aad protons hurtbng (by Garmk Erganian) to come out qUlslte under the IndJlln system for treated like a queen In another Jobs for \vhlch the average wage IS FOREIGN sClenUsts trackInll {h~ craf!:-JPUD<;\ ned space ,flIght from the solar shock Agltahon for a total ban has prestige and pohllcal dextenty the equ valent of seven shIllings ExtenSIOn c.~ through spa.e at ternfic speeds wave. But Van Allen said he saw mto the streets h~rmless as a new the PrIme MIDlster and all Cabmet meetlng hecklers tr ed to prevent .. Ihat It was travelling So fast It Explorer 33 detected the explo­ been hejlvy In advance of thiS poh The masses says one shre"d storlt ~g da,ly ~ Qua.rterly S 15 a clear relallOnsblp between shock born lamb Thus pelestnans are \4lOlsters (lut election Will not her from speaking bUI she out hcal campaIgn and has become a Edltof/al Ex 2 would reach tlJe Moon s orbit before Slon s flare by meMunng Its IOniZ Indtan observer would do anyth ng Those accepted are at present be­ ~ Half Yearly waves aDd the magnetIC storms that more or less assu£ed ot satety from assure Mrs Gandhi of contlOumg shouted them and made her pomts prinCipal Issue The government S2S Ihe Moon did and so the spacecraft Nehru sa d Now wlthou.t him we Ing tramed 10 weavIng sp nDlng and ng effect on lIs own lastl1lmenlB cause occaSional radiO blackouts OD lung cancer unless they are chain as PrIme MlOlster even though her Press conferences often have beeD % Yearly, was sent mle a hIgh earth orbit ms Then Some 30 hours later the craft s heSitates to ISSue any more orders are not Sl re what they w 11 do olher act Vies and when the factory I 1"",;""ii,i",il,"S~14'iO""I"""",",I"II",I,I,I,"I,,!rrr,;-,";;- tead earth 'Smokers to whIch case Erganlan party the Congress IS expected to po nted and deltcate In many clhes On the subject because thIS mIght In seek ng to take up thiS role of """"'"'11I"'""'""""'""'""'"""""".'""""11"""'"'""'"11I""'"III lOst rumenIs detected another dlstur Wn a maJnrIty of seats for the third of the north demonstrators ban 5 n full producfton about 500 (WASHINGTON POST) has nothloi' to say Violate India s Iei'll satus as a seen (Contd on page 4) women Will be employed

I ,

PAGE 4 THE KABUL TIMES , EastBloc" Leaders P.ak Official WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF Maoists Announce Shanghai I' Plan Meeting Inspects Plane BEIRU r. Feb (Reutel) -AJ"'hICh Ihc nags of •Llberlll and People's Communesf Set tIp • I straha has decided to raiSe I Ghana were hOlslcd at Ihc L,berian MOSCOW, "'eb 6, (OPA) --The representallOn In Lebanon to paVIlion of the first Ghana mlcrna India Downed PEKING, February 6; (Hslnhua),­ lprelgy\,mlnlsters 01 the East bloc embassy level, It was announced tlonal trade fnlT Chinese Vlee·Premler Chen.)'1 said Saturday'tltat "tlte proletarian stntes:i"!1ll meet In East Berlln­ RAWALPINOf, FeD 6, (Reuter) hcrc Inst nIght ---- plobAbly as soon as next Sunday­ Up till now there has been' LUSAKA Fcb 6, (Rcotcr)- political power In Cltlop bas been greaUy eonso!ldated and, -CIVIlian markings are VISible on to hold D. conference , only an Australia Iffi1gratlOn of~ Zambia IS expected to nnnounce to strengtiiened as a result of the struggle to seize power by prole. the w'eckage of a Paklstam plane J r According to well mformed Mos r r flce and a commercLal mISSIOn day to what extent It can comply tarlan revolutionaries armed with Mao Tse·tung's thought," "Ilcged 10 have been intruding eow sources, the talks may possibly l m Betrut with the Umted Nat~ons trade em· He made thu; statement at a re~ Radio Moscow reported later, in IndIan airspace when It was. shot , open on Monday hargo against Rhodesta cepUon given by Don Benjamm the C!'lenmg that lOterviews with ddwn II~ thc [ndlon Air Force A Bonn Foreign Ministry s»okes~ CAIRO Feb 6 (OPA) -Peoplc s Zambl.l s previously stated policy Rupasmghe Gunawnrdena Ceylo passengers on the plan~ at 1 Irkutsk fhursday, accordlOg to a gov­ Vol V, No man commented that the East bloc l (DALWA 18, 1345, S fi) Republic of Chma WIll not partici has been to cut trade links With the nese Ambassador to Chma to mark d)sclosed that Red Guards pushed er.nment statemcnt here Sunday l Price Af 3 conference would not disturb West pate In nex.t week S annual meeting whltc-mmonty regime as much as the (l)th annl\Cersary of Ceylon s and beat the Soviet dependents, in- ,- !j Germany':; new foreign po]Jcy of Afro-ASian Soltdnnly Organlsa~ posSlblc But her landlockcd POSl­ independence cludmg chJldren fhc sl,llcrnent said the air adVI­ course nlmed at Imt>roYJng relations tI on III N ICOSI a lion has made some contact neces­ ThiS JS a great victory of Mao Peking Radio, reports AP, said ser to thc PoklSlal\ hIgh commIs­ • Smuggkrs Ftree with (he East European !ilates The ChlOese representattve at the SMy Tse tung s thought It is of great the Chinese government Monday sIOner m New Deihl VISited the Int'l Detente Imperative, orguOisatlOn secretanat here an and far reachmg SIgnificance to the Issued' the strongest possible pro· wrecknge of the smgle scater plane Tighter Controls The Moscow sources said :ihat nounclng thiS Saturday, saId Chma VIENNA Feb 6, (OPA)-Shah struggle to oppose and prevent re- test agalOst what it called "out- 'Mohammad Reza Pahievi or Iran Rumanian ForeIgn Minister CorneHu P,lkrstnn has c1atmed that thc By A Stall Writer Kosygin Declares In London \,"ould stay ,tway because the SovIet VISIOnISm and Oshers 10 a new era rngeotls ae ts of Violence on Chinese Will pay an offlclal ViSIt to Prague Manescu, who is still on a tour of plane wus
