HM-08-026 Appendix B

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HM-08-026 Appendix B Appendix B to HM-08-026 UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO LABORATORY SAFETY AND HEALTH MANUAL AND INSTITUTIONAL CHEMICAL HYGIENE PLAN Environmental Health and Radiation Safety Department Effective Date: 07/01/1995 Revised: 12/20/05 2/23/09 2/1/10 6/28/10 2/1/11 2/1/12 4/10/12 2/1/2013 2/1/2014 1/30/15 1/29/16 1/27/17 1/25/18 1/22/19 1/20/20 1/20/21 EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: Fire Pull Station / 911 Hazardous Matrerials Spills 419-530-2600 (MC) or 419-383-2600 (HSC) Environmental Health and Radiation Safety Department 419-530-3600 Radiation Safety Office 419-383-4301 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I - FORWARD .................................................................................................................................................................. 3 SECTION II - PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RISK REDUCTION PROGRAM (PERRP) OSHA ................................................................. 4 SECTION III - LAB EQUIPMENT ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 SECTION IV - GENERAL SAFETY GUIDELINES…………………………………………………………………………………………..11 A. GENERAL PROCEDURES AND PRECAUTIONS FOR WORKING WITH SUBSTANCES OF MODERATE CHRONIC OR ACUTE HIGH TOXICITY* ....................................................................................................... 10 B. GENERAL PROCEDURES AND PRECAUSTIONS FOR WORKING WITH ALLERGENS AND EMBRYOTOXINS ........................................................................................................................................... 11 C. GENERAL PROCEDURES AND PRECAUSTIONS FOR WORKING WITH CHEMICALS OF HIGH CHRONIC TOXICITY INCLUDING CARCONOGENS ................................................................................... 12 D. GENERAL PROCEDURES AND PRECAUSTIONS FOR ANIMAL WORK WITH CHEMICALS OF HIGH CHRONIC TOXICITY ...................................................................................................................................... 12 E. RECORDKEEPING ......................................................................................................................................... 12 F. LAB SURVEYS ............................................................................................................................................... 14 G. MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE ............................................................................................................................ 15 H. TRAINING ....................................................................................................................................................... 15 SECTION V - HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS ..................................................................................................................................... 16 SECTION VI - HEALTH HAZARDS ................................................................................................................................................ 18 SECTION VII - PHYSICAL HAZARDS ........................................................................................................................................... 19 A. FLAMMABLE/COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS .................................................................................................. 19 B. CORROSIVES ................................................................................................................................................ 20 C. OXIDIZERS ..................................................................................................................................................... 21 D. WATER REACTIVE MATERIALS ................................................................................................................... 22 E. PYROPHORIC MATERIALS ........................................................................................................................... 23 F. PEROXIDIZABLES ......................................................................................................................................... 24 G. SHOCK SENSITIVE/EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS ............................................................................................. 24 H. COMPRESSED GASES ................................................................................................................................. 25 I. LIGHT SENSITIVE MATERIALS .................................................................................................................... 27 J. CRYOGENS .................................................................................................................................................... 27 SECTION VIII - CARCINOGENS ................................................................................................................................................... 29 SECTION IX - RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS................................................................................................................................... 32 SECTION X - BIOHAZARDS .......................................................................................................................................................... 33 SECTION XI - ASBESTOS ............................................................................................................................................................. 34 SECTION XII - SOLVENTS ............................................................................................................................................................ 35 SECTION XIII - SAFETY DATA SHEETS AND OTHER REFERENCE ......................................................................................... 36 SECTION XIV - LABELING ............................................................................................................................................................ 37 SECTION XV - INDUSTRIAL TOXICOLOGY ................................................................................................................................. 39 A. DOSE-RESPONSE RELATIONSHIPS ........................................................................................................... 39 B. ROUTES OF ENTRY INTO THE BODY ......................................................................................................... 39 C. TYPES OF TOXICITY ..................................................................................................................................... 39 D. OTHER FACTORS AFFECTING TOXICITY................................................................................................... 40 E. PHYSICAL CLASSIFICATIONS OF TOXIC MATERIALS .............................................................................. 40 F. GENOTOXIC EFFECTS ................................................................................................................................. 41 G. TARGET ORGAN EFFECTS .......................................................................................................................... 41 H. OTHER EFFECTS .......................................................................................................................................... 42 I. EXPOSURE MODELING/MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE ................................................................................... 42 SECTION XVI - ENGINEERING CONTROLS ................................................................................................................................ 43 SECTION XVII - ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS .......................................................................................................................... 44 SECTION XVIII - PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT .......................................................................................................... 46 A. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 46 B. PROTECTION AGAINST INHALATION HAZARDS ....................................................................................... 46 SECTION XIX - CHEMICAL STORAGE ......................................................................................................................................... 48 SECTION XX - WASTE DISPOSAL ............................................................................................................................................... 52 A. CHEMICAL WASTES ..................................................................................................................................... 52 B. INFECTIOUS OR BIOLOGICAL WASTES ..................................................................................................... 52 C. RADIOACTIVE WASTES ................................................................................................................................ 52 D. BROKEN GLASS AND EMPTY CONTAINERS.............................................................................................. 53 E. PHARMACETICAL WASTE ............................................................................................................................ 53 SECTION XXI - EMERGENCY RESPONSE .................................................................................................................................. 54 A. GENERAL ....................................................................................................................................................... 54 B. SPILL INFORMATION
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