Under Lights Besides Releasing Its Winter Ale Known As "Celebration Ale," Starting in January a New Richter Questions Eswban Disagreed
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.-.fJ .... ~. LLJ.I.~. , . ( ,a, r c \)1. V e sl LU'i'2~.G Cb UJb U!1l ON. 37:9 C'mon, just one more _---tr-----.J Party-phobia CJ c t. 2 ::1 . 1 9 9 6 6 H 8 C e i V e d on: 1 0·· 2 L~ .• 9 . Take a closer look at The dilemma of not M I::: H 1 A M L 1 E11·\ A rn·· _. C Fj LJ • CHICO con1mon addictions fitting in at parties Dimensions 13. Opinion 10 Volume 37, Issue 9 Wedn~sday, October 23, 1996 California State University, Chico --------------- Lawmakers say it's all beer in .California Wildcats.Ax Humboldt Esteban ·put TRAcr MOON Managing Editor Chico's Sierra Nevada Brewery expects another celebration this winter. under lights Besides releasing its winter ale known as "Celebration Ale," starting in January a new Richter questions Eswban disagreed. "I fthat were state law will allow the com happening, I would agree with you pany to label all hiring policies but that is not being clone. We their brews have a population of students that "beer," - even in CAPITAL CAMPUS NEWS is cliverse and we are sensitive to cases where the SACRAMENTO-The As that. They l the candidates hired] alcohol content sembly Budget Subcommittee on arc the best and they also happen is at levels Education Finance grilled Chico to be women or minorities." formerly called State University President Manuel On the issue of the CSU For "malt liquor." Esteban for most of Thursday givable Loan program, Esteban The bill, by morning on affirmative action hir told the committee the program is Senator Mike ing practices and doctoral forgiv designed to offer opportunities to Thompson says able loans for women and minori underrepresented minority groups though, that if ties at Chico State. the brew con Chaired by Assemblyman See Hearing, Page 3 tains more than 5.7 percent Bernie Richter (R-Chico), the sub alcohol, the alcohol content committee asked' many of the must be stated on the label of same questions posed Wednesday A.S. supports the container. to the president of Northridge State The law permits businesses University, Dr. Blenda Wilson, Esteban's views that currently have a Type 40 and the newly installed chancellor "beer only" license to sell ofCalifomiacommunitycolleges, MATT NOTLEY micro brews and other beers Thomas Nussbaum. Nows Editor regardless of alcohol content as The hearing was the second of The Associated Students long as they meet the labeling three conducted by the committee Government Affairs Commit- requirement. to examine the extent of govern . tee will be proposing a reso Current law prohibits brews ment-sponsored consideration of lution at its Friday meeting containing more than 5 percent race, gender, or ethnicity in cur supporting Pn;sidcnt Manuel alcohol from being sold at many ricular programs, financial aid, Esteban's appearance at last pizza parlors, billiard halls, and hiring and appointments. Thursday's hearing. cafes that have "beer only" Esteban said efforts to diver While the GAC and the uni liquor licenses. sify the faculty at Chico State do versity administration might not Sierra Nevada Brewery's "Pale not preclude a search for the best see eye to eye on some i~;sucs, Bock" won best of show at the qualified candidates, but Richter there are "certain times we have California State Fair's beer disagreed. to step up and support our lIni contest, but current state law "I have to have this drawn Ol,lt versity,"saidScottSpencer,A.S. prohibits it from being sold as foJ' me," Richter said. "I don't sec executive vice pr.::.sidenl. "beer" due to its 6.7 percent how you can pursue the best and Estdxm defended the US\! 'it' af· I alcohol content For this reason it simultaneously pursue increasing IiITIlative action hiring. :\ ViC\ij". had to be labeled a "malt liquor." the number of a gender or racial the GAC SllPPOIts as well. So if you're one to check the ethnic group. They're in conflict. The decision to propose the label before consuming your No one can explain to me how you favorite brew to determine if do that, and I am all ears if someone See Associated, Page 3 it's beer or malt liquor, don't can get me past th~t contradiction." bother. California lawmakers have decided for you - a beer's a beer. Science dean says chemistry Just another customer A Chico motorcycle shop got department 'not a disaster' a surprising visitor last week. Joe Montana flew into the Chico airport with a friend' KRISTIN CARMICHAEL chemistry department needs a pro Friday morning just to pick up a Above: Members of the'Chico State foot Assistant News Editor fessor to teach inorganic chemis 1l1e chemistry department's need try. However, he also said the BMW motorcycle engine from ball team hoist the ceremonial ax in Ozzie's BMW Motorcycles, to hire a professorofinorganic chem chemistry department is equally located on Cohasset Avenue. He victory after defeating conference rivals istry contin ues be placed on tJle back important as the rest of the depart then returned to the airport and burner while De,m of Natural Sci ments, not more important. Humboldt State 39-14 at Saturday's ''They'renota!one,''Lcderersaid .. flew away. ences Roger Lederer proceeds with Owner Ozzie Auer knew the Homecoming game. Left: Darik Lobotzke his plans to expand the environmen About 25 percent of the natura! tal science dep,utment. science's budget has been Cllt ov<.:r engine was for Montana, but sports a red and white "cat-in-the-hat" in didn't expect him to show up "It's not a good thing (for the the last six years, Lederer said. himself to pick it up. support of the Wildcats. Others who chemistry department), but it's not Therefore, he said he needs to bud a disaster," Lederer said. get the money in the most bClleli Even more surprised was painted their faces with Chico State spirit . Gregg French, the sales manager Many departments at Chico cial way for everyone. Right now at Ozzie' s and a big 4ger fan. cheer on in the background. State University are understaffed he thinks it is most needed for "I'm always here," he said. "But and need more funds and Lederer said there was no doubt that the See Chemistry, Page 2 the day Joe Montana walks in I'm not." Poker on campus? Today around noon you may see some people walking around Inside The Orion campus with poker faces. Warner Street project has a bug . Recreational Sports is spon soring a Poker Walk. The event is a one mile walk DON COLLINS commonly called, was placed on the through campus. There are five Senior Writer endangered species list in 1980. stations along the designated Road construction crews have But Stacey Jolliffe, senior plan trail with different activities. smoothed out wrinkles along ner for the city of Chico, said the After completing the activity Warner Street with a paved sur city's original environmental re the participants receive a face but have encountered some view for the Wamer Street project, playing card. When all five Today's Weather bugs at the Big Chico Creek completed nearly three years ago, cards are collected, the walker Mostly Cloudy Bridge. Literally. did not identify the VELBs. proceeds to the finish line in the High 70 Low 45 The Valley Elderberry Long It wasn't until this April when Free Speech Area and the best homed Beetle and its host, the the city of Chico up'dated the poker hand wins a weekend in Index Elderberry bush, have temporarily project's environmental impact Lake Tahoe. put construction of the new bridge report that they discovered the Forget what the name implies Weather 2 over Big Chico Creek on hold. evidence of the beetle in the Elder ..,. there's absolutely no gambling TQm Alexander, senior civil berry bushes, Jolliffe said . allowed on campus. This is just Sports 7 .engineerforthecity of Chico, said "The city is now preparing a for fun. But we all know what's the bridge project will be delayed habitat conservation plan for the legal in Tahoe. Opinion 10 until the city obtains the permit to VELB," Jolliffe said. "So that we relocate the Elderberry bush, from' can get this approved by the Fish Dimensions 13 the Fish and Wildlife Service. and Wildlife Service. Reach Traci Moon through e-mail The Elderberry bush (left) is home to the Valley ElderbelT)' Long-· [email protected], by It could be until summer, he said. "We're trying to minimize the at homed Beetle, an insect on the endangered species list. The Warner phone 898-4033 or fax Entertainment 19 The Valley Elderberry Long at at. See Beetle, Page 5 SL project will be delayed until summer until the bush is relocated. 898-4839. homed Beetle, or the VELB as it i.s \ ','i, . ~''i , .' .~ ., ;.t .•. ', " I' '. j .~ ....... - .." ~ ~ ..... -..- ........ ,. -- -... '--' '-" .... -.-. '- . • •. '- ' ... - _, _, . '._ • "- ••.. - ••_ .......... ,.~ .. -: ~ t_ I •• '_', •..•••.- ..- ... _.- .. ,I ••••'.--.,~, ..- . • , • • -- ~ • .' 'I. '... , 2 The Orion October 23, 1996 '. I '-I German Day today MIKE MCCARTHY eport Special to the Orion Chico State students may look a little younger today, but don't be fooled. Over 300 students ofGelman from Chico Forecast high schools throughout northern California are on campus to participate in the third armual German D~y. Gennan Day is an opportunity for Chico State stu dents to acquaint high school students with the Gennan language and culture, the university's German lan guage program, and different overseas study and job opportunities.