
View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk ARTICLE IN PRESS brought to you by CORE provided by Elsevier - Publisher Connector Respiratory (2006) 100, 1688–1705

REVIEW Autonomic nervous control of the cardiovascular and respiratory in asthma

M.J. Lewisa,Ã, A.L. Shorta, K.E. Lewisb

aDepartment of Sports Science, University of Wales Swansea, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP, UK bSwansea School of Medicine, University of Wales Swansea, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP, UK

Received 9 August 2005; accepted 25 January 2006

KEYWORDS Summary Patients with asthma have exaggerated bronchoconstriction of their Asthma; airways in response to certain indirect (e.g. cold air, allergens, dust, exercise) or Autonomic nervous direct (e.g. inhaled methacholine) stimuli. This ‘hyper-reactivity’ usually co-exists system; with airway inflammation, although the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying Cardiovascular; these changes are not fully understood. It is likely that this hyper-reactivity is ; associated with abnormal (ANS) control. In particular, the Anticholinergic; parasympathetic (vagal) component of the ANS appears to be implicated in the Sympathomimetic pathogenesis of asthma. In addition, several studies have suggested the existence of differential alteration in ANS function following exercise in asthmatics compared with non-asthmatic individuals. Several early studies suggested that the altered autonomic control of airway calibre in asthma might be reflected by a parallel change in rate. Cardiac vagal reactivity does indeed appear to be increased in asthma, as demonstrated by the cardiac response to various autonomic functions tests. However, other studies have reported a lack of association between bronchial and cardiac vagal tone, and this is in accord with the concept of system-independent ANS control. This review provides a discussion of cardiovascular–autonomic changes associated with either the pathophysiology of asthma per se or with asthma pharmacotherapy treatment. Previous investigations are summarised suggesting an apparent associa- tion between altered autonomic–cardiovascular control and bronchial asthma. The full extent of autonomic dysfunction, and its clinical implications, has yet to be fully determined and should be the subject of future investigation. & 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Introduction ...... 1689 Mechanisms of control in the respiratory and cardiac systems ...... 1689

ÃCorresponding author. Tel.: 01792 513043; fax: 01792 513171. E-mail address: [email protected] (M.J. Lewis).

0954-6111/$ - see front matter & 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.rmed.2006.01.019 ARTICLE IN PRESS

Influences on the cardiovascular system in asthma 1689

Mechanisms of airway control...... 1689 Mechanisms of cardiac control ...... 1690 Relative influence of NO in the bronchial and cardiac systems ...... 1691 Review of the literature ...... 1691 Methodology...... 1691 Results ...... 1691 The role of the autonomic nervous system in asthma ...... 1691 Interaction between the cardiac and respiratory systems in asthma ...... 1696 Impact of pharmacological agents on the cardiovascular system in asthma ...... 1696 Cardiovascular influence of b-adrenoceptor agonists in asthmatic patients ...... 1697 Influence of anticholinergic ...... 1699 Discussion ...... 1700 References...... 1701

Introduction function following exercise in asthmatics compared with normal controls.7–10 The term ‘asthma’ encompasses several distinct Cardiac vagal activity also appears to be in- disease phenotypes leading to differences in creased in asthma, as demonstrated by the ex- diagnostic classification. The most widely accepted aggerated cardiac response (bradycardia) to definition is ‘a chronic inflammatory disorder of the anticholinergic drugs, methacholine and antigen airways y usually associated with widespread but challenge seen in asthmatic subjects.11,12 It has variable airflow obstruction and an increase in therefore been suggested that there might be an airway response to a variety of stimuli’.1 About 5.2 intrinsic relationship between cardiac and bron- million people in the UK have asthma, causing chial autonomic control, and that this relationship about 69,000 hospital admissions and 1400 deaths might be altered in asthmatic individuals.13 How- in 2003/2004 with an estimated direct cost to the ever, vagal regulation of resting bronchomotor tone National Health Service of £889 million.2 Asthma depends on reflexes initiated in irritant airway also causes a lot of morbidity with over 70% of receptors,14,15 whilst vagal activity to the heart sufferers experiencing regular restrictions in their occurs in response to arterial baroreceptors.16,17 activity.2 This apparent independence of vagal control Patients with asthma undergo episodes of ex- suggests that bronchial and cardiac vagal activities aggerated bronchoconstriction in response to a would be unrelated. In accordance with this wide variety of exogenous and endogenous stimuli concept of system-independent ANS control, some (for example cold air, organic/inorganic allergens authors have reported a lack of association be- including dust or exercise). Recent guidelines have tween changes in ANS control in the cardiac and emphasised the roles of certain allergens and their respiratory systems. For example, Horva´th et al.18 avoidance in managing asthma.3 This ‘hyper-reac- found no correlation between bronchial and cardiac tivity’ is generally co-existent with ( proven) vagal tone (assessed using airway resistance and airway inflammation and is associated with altered heart beat period) in non-atopic healthy adults. sensory neuronal activity. The pathophysiological However, there is also a considerable body of mechanism underlying these changes is not fully evidence suggesting that numerous cardiovascular understood but it is often triggered by allergens parameters are altered as a result of either and is typified by the presence of eosinophils and pathophysiological changes or the administration TH2-type immune processes. It is likely that this of therapeutic in asthma. mechanism is associated with the abnormal auto- nomic nervous system (ANS) control observed in asthmatic subjects.4 In particular, the parasympa- thetic component of the ANS appears to be Mechanisms of control in the respiratory implicated in the pathogenesis of asthma. The and cardiac systems parasympathetic nervous system is involved in the bronchoconstriction that occurs during physical Mechanisms of airway control exercise in both asthmatic and non-asthmatic subjects,5 the bronchoconstriction response to Pre-ganglionic parasympathetic fibres pro- altered airway temperature and/or airway surface ject to the airways via the vagus . osmolarity.6 In addition, several studies have They form cholinergic with post-gang- suggested the existence of differential autonomic lionic via airway parasympathetic ganglia. ARTICLE IN PRESS

1690 M.J. Lewis et al.

Airway parasympathetic ganglia are mainly asso- and transmission at smooth muscle synapses appears ciated with the larger airways but the subsequent to involve both nitric oxide (NO) and vasoactive post-ganglionic fibres innervate structures through- intestinal polypeptide (VIP). Figure 1 illustrates the out the airway tree.19 Post-ganglionic parasympa- anatomical and functional organisation of the ANS thetic cholinergic and non-adrenergic non-cholinergic and NANC system in the heart and airways; the (NANC) fibres innervate (i) airway smooth muscle, influence of asthma on the function of these systems providing the dominant control of smooth muscle is also shown. tone and thus airway calibre, and (ii) airway glands and microvasculature in the . There is no sympathetic innervation of airway smooth Mechanisms of cardiac control muscle, although the airway vasculature does receive sympathetic innervation. Instead, relaxant innerva- Neural regulation of heart rate (HR) takes place as tion of the airways is provided by the NANC a result of the interplay between sympathetic component of the parasympathetic nervous system, and parasympathetic modulation of the electrical




T1 M Heart β T5 1

Trachea β 2 M Bronchi NANC Spinal cord Sympathetic chain

Adrenergic (beta-2) Effects are Cholinergic receptors: (muscarinic) receptors: Responsiveness ↓ in enhanced in Responsiveness ↑ in asthma Asthma asthma

Stimulate receptor Block receptor (e.g. salbutamol) to 1. Bronchial airway constriction (e.g. atropine) to decrease effect 2. broncho constriction decrease effect 3. Mucussecretion Stimulate receptor to Stimulate receptor to enhance effect decrease effect Excitatory NANC Inhibitory NANC receptors: receptors: Responsiveness ↑ in Responsiveness ↓ in asthma asthma


Figure 1 Anatomical and functional organisation of the autonomic nervous system and NANC system in the heart and airways. The influence of asthma on the function of these systems is also shown. (CN X—tenth ; CG—cervical ganglia; T1, T5—first, tenth thoracic vertebrae; b1—beta-1 adrenoceptor; b2—beta-2 adrenoceptor; M—muscarinic receptor; NANC—non-adrenergic and non-cholinergic system. Note: There is no sympathetic innervation of airway smooth muscle but airway vasculature does receive sympathetic innervation.) ARTICLE IN PRESS

Influences on the cardiovascular system in asthma 1691 activity of the sinoatrial (SA) node. The temporal Review of the literature investigation of HR regulation is commonly referred to as HR variability (HRV) analysis, and this can be Methodology achieved using a variety of data processing techni- ques in both the time and frequency domains. The Studies that investigated cardiovascular physiolo- sympathetic and parasympathetic components of gical changes resulting from the pathophysiology of the ANS influence the HRV signal in a frequency- asthma or the pharmacological effects of asthma dependant way: the high-frequency (HF) compo- medication were sought from the published litera- nent of the HRV signal (in the range 0.15–0.4 Hz) ture. Studies included in the review fulfilled the are mediated via the parasympathetic system; (ii) following criteria: either (i) they described a the low-frequency (LF) component (in the range qualitative or quantitative investigation of cardio- 0.04–0.15 Hz) are mediated via both sympathetic vascular physiological parameters in asthmatic 20–22 and parasympathetic systems. Of particular and/or atopic individuals, or (ii) they described interest in the present context, the HF component the effects of pharmaceutical agents used in the is associated with HR modulation caused by management of asthma, in individuals with or 23 respiratory influence. These respiratory effects without asthma or atopy. Studies that involved are often described as ‘respiratory sinus arrhyth- either adults or children were included. Articles mia’ (RSA), the phenomenon of HR modulation that that only described respiratory or other systemic occurs at the frequency of respiration. RSA is the changes in asthma or asthma therapy, but did not pattern of rhythmic variation of HR that occurs at otherwise satisfy the admission criteria, were the frequency of respiration, and which is mediated excluded from the review. 24 by the vagus nerve. The HF component of HRV is A systematic search of the literature was also influenced by respiratory tidal volume, and this performed using a selection of electronic literature effect may be separately distinguished as ‘breath (PubMed, BIDS, CINAHL). The keywords 23 amplitude sinus arrhythmia’ (BASA). shown in Table 1 were used to filter relevant publications, using keyword combinations con- structed as ‘Levels 1 and 2’. Citation tracking was Relative influence of NO in the bronchial and performed from the articles obtained via the cardiac systems databases, yielding a second source of references. A total of 23 studies satisfied the eligibility criteria Excitatory NANC mechanisms (e.g. the neuropep- for the review. Table 2 provides a synopsis of the tides neurokinin A, calcitonin gene-related , main characteristics of each of the relevant substance P,bradykinin, tachykinin, neuropeptide Y) studies. cause bronchoconstriction, microvascular leakage and mucous hyper-secretion.25–27 Inhibitory NANC mechanisms (NO and VIP) constitute the only known Results neural bronchodilator pathway in human airways. Both NO and VIP inhibit the release of The role of the autonomic nervous system in and relax human isolated bronchial tissue.25,28 In asthma Asthma is associated with abnormal ANS function contrast, NO enhances both the activity of central 4 vagal motorneurons29 and the cardiac response to (dysautonomia) in adults. This is exhibited as: (i) a vagal stimulation.30,31 Several authors have also marked bronchial hyper-sensitivity to cholinergic and NANC constrictors, and (ii) a decreased suggested that NO is a sympatholytic agent in 36,37 , i.e. it reduces the activity of sympathoex- sensitivity to adrenergic and NANC dilators. citatory stem nuclei and central sympathetic Cholinergic responsiveness. The bronchi are toni- outflow32–34 and it attenuates the cardiac response cally constricted at rest38 owing to inspiratory to sympathetic stimulation.31 Chowdhary et al.35 reflex cholinergic activity.14,39 There is evidence provided the first evidence of a substantive effect of that tonic parasympathetic (vagal) activity is NO on human cardiac autonomic control. In that largely responsible for the maintenance of this study systemic inhibition of NO synthase using NG- resting airway calibre.10,40,41 The parasympathetic monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA) was associated nervous system also has a role in reflex broncho- with an increase in HR and a reduction in HRV. The constriction42 and it is generally accepted that this opposite effect was noted following infusion of the effect is exaggerated in asthmatics, causing a NO donor sodium nitroprusside. These authors hyper-responsiveness to cold air, rapid breathing, concluded that NO has a tonic excitatory influence sulphur dioxide, citric acid and histamine. Asth- on baroreflex-mediated cardiac vagal activity. matic airways are hyper-reactive and respond to ARTICLE IN PRESS

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Table 1 Combinations of terms used to search increased constrictive tone and the airway hyper- the electronic literature databases (MeSH indicates reactivity in asthmatic individuals,36,51,52 thereby that the term is a medical subject heading). confirming the cholinergic of the hyper- Level 1 Level 2 sensitivity. Ipratopium bromide has been used in the management of acute asthma.3 Asthma (MeSH) or 1. Autonomic or autonomic Adrenergic responsiveness. In addition to exag- asthmatic nervous system (MeSH) or Hypersensitivity ANS gerated cholinergic reactivity, changes in adrener- (MeSH) or atopy or 2. Sympathetic nervous gic activity have also been documented in 4 atopic system (MeSH) asthmatic subjects. Kaliner et al. compared the 3. Parasympathetic nervous response of allergic asthmatic, allergic rhinitic, system (MeSH) allergen-sensitive and normal control subjects to 4. Heart (MeSH) or cardiac or alpha (a) adrenergic, beta (b) adrenergic and cardiovascular system cholinergic stimuli. These authors observed that (MeSH) asthmatic subjects had hyper-reactive a-adrenergic 5. (MeSH) responsiveness and hypo-reactive b-adrenergic re- 6. Pressoreceptors (MeSH) or sponsiveness. Furthermore, there are four types of baroreceptor or BRS b receptor53; of these both b and b adrenoceptors 7. Heart rate (MeSH) or heart 1 2 rate variability or HRV are found in the but b2 is the most important 8. Autonomic pathways and most widely expressed, as demonstrated by 54 (MeSH) or nerves or autoradiographic imaging. Indeed one of the nervous system (MeSH) cornerstones of contemporary asthma therapy is 9. (Cholinergic or muscarinic the b2-adrenoceptor agonist (e.g. salbutamol), the or adrenergic) and (agents function of which is to stimulate b2-adrenergic or agonists or antagonists) receptors in the lung and thus produce bronchodi- (MeSH) lation. b1 receptors in the lung are confined to 10. Sympathomimetics (MeSH) glands and alveoli and therefore b1-adrenoceptor or sympathomimetic or agonists do not relax airway smooth muscle. anticholinergic 11. Adrenal cortex NANC responsiveness. Although the evidence for (MeSH) or or clinically significant NANC dysfunction in asthma is glucocorticosteroid not yet conclusive, there is reason to believe that inhibitory NANC mechanisms might be reduced and excitatory NANC mechanisms might be increased in asthma.25,55 Several possible mechanisms have been proposed in support of an altered NANC doses of inhaled methacholine or carbachol (choli- responsiveness in asthma, and this dysfunction nergic agonists) that do not affect normal sub- might be expected to exaggerate bronchoconstric- jects.4 Specific antigen challenge also causes tion in asthmatic individuals. immediate bronchoconstriction followed by hyper- NO (one of the inhibitory NANC mediators) is reactivity.43–45 experiments have abolished widely distributed in the body, functioning as a both bronchoconstriction and hyper-reactivity by messenger in a variety of biological processes. NO is vagotomy or vagal blockade.46 Cholinergic (para- broken down by oxygen free radicals associated sympathetic) hyper-sensitivity can occur in differ- with inflammatory cells,56 thereby degrading its ent body systems, being exhibited as exaggerations bronchodilatory effect. There is evidence that in smooth muscle tone, pulmonary blood flow, exhaled NO levels correlate with markers of asthma endothelial permeability, airway secretions47 or disease control such as eosinophil concentration sweating (eccrine gland response).48 Enhanced determined from bronchial biopsy and bronchial cholinergic airway responsiveness has even been lavage.57 Notably, the distinction between atopic, suggested as a contributing factor to the develop- asthmatic and atopic-asthmatic individuals seems ment of bronchial asthma.13,49 The abnormally to be important in this regard. It is also possible increased airway tone and hyper-reactivity in that dysregulation of NO production alters the asthma49,50 might be caused by either (i) an control of blood flow in the and airways, and increased release of acetylcholine from nerves, or thus contributes to the pathogenesis of asthma.58 (ii) increased sensitivity of the post-junctional Similarly, the enzymatic degradation of VIP might muscarinic receptors. Anticholinergic drugs such be enhanced in severe asthma, for example as a as atropine and ipratropium diminish both the result of the release of tryptase from mast cells.25 ARTICLE IN PRESS

Influences on the cardiovascular system in asthma 1693 1 , FVC, PEFR, HR. 1 , FVC, ECG (HR), HRV, 1 (automatic cuff), ECG andplasma QTc, potassium amplitude), HR, BP (automated oscillometric device, Nippon Colin). Blood samples: plasma potassium, plasma sodium, cAMP, endogenous adrenaline, noradrenaline Mydriasis (pupillary dilation), cutaneous blood flow (radioactive xenon), BP (IV catheter),(radioimmunoassay), cAMP FEV plasma glucose, serum insulin Spirometry, FEV respiratory impedance (plethysmography) Sympathetic tests: postural BP response; sustained handgrip test. Parasympathetic tests: respiratory sinus arrhythmia (deep breathing); Valsalva HR response; carotid massage response; atropine test; postural HR response PEFR and HR at 4 am and 4 pm 20% for 4 skin test to allergen) Sample characteristics Variables measured affecting ANS or HRtwo for weeks. preceding No cardiac,CNS, pulmonary PNS or ANS disease allergen) Diurnal variation in PEF negative skin test to allergen) preceding two weeks 38 (29) Non-asthmatic healthy subjects Electromechanical systole, BP 26 Non-asthmatic healthy subjects ECG (QRS duration, T wave 35 Non-asthmatic healthy subjects Ventilation, HR, plasma potassium, 46 (29.7) Asthmatic FEV 54 Asthma, 6 subjects also atopic. – – – – – 19 Age range (mean) (years) (33) (asthma) Bronchial asthma. No medication 2: (26.9) 2:4: Allergic (23.0) (no asthma) 4: Normal controls (no asthma, (32) (control) healthy, 9 asymptomatic asthmatics, 10 asthmatics) 4 (M), 8 (F) 20 (M/F) 6 (M) 22 (M), 17 (F), 9 atopic, 41 non-atopic 7 (M) 25 3:2 (M), 6 (F) 3: (20.3)4:20 (M), 37 (F) 3: Pre-allergic (positive skin test to 2: 12 (M), 12 (F) Controls: 13(M), 7(F) )10 26 1 gkg m for one hour) 1 g doses m g), more than 1 m g min 200 m NoneHexoprenaline and Salbutamol (inhaled, 5 29 (10 administered at 15 min intervals) Salbutamol (IV 10 Fenoterol, salbutamol (inhaled). Three doses for each (1200, 1800 and 2400 week apart. Allergen (skin test) 1: 9 (M), 13 (F) 1: (32.0) 1: Mild allergic asthma (positive Atropine (IV 30 Atropine (IV) Asthmatic: 33 a adrenergic and -agonist -agonist b 2 2 b b -agonist -agonist 2 2 cholinergic stimuli and Cardiovascular and biochemical response to b Cardiovascular, respiratory and biochemical response to Cardiovascular and biochemical response to b Cardiovascular and respiratory response to anticholinergic drug Cardiovascular response to anticholinergic drug Cardiovascular response to Cardiovascular response to 100 69 79 62 4 111 Studies fulfilling the inclusion criteria for the review. 61 Table 2 Author Investigation Study drug Sample size Morrison et al. Kaliner et al. Leitch et al. Bremner et al. Scheinin et al. Garrard et al. Shah et al. ARTICLE IN PRESS

1694 M.J. Lewis et al. , FVC), ECG, HRV 1 (Ohmeda), HRV, BPV, BRS, flow- volume spirometry spirometry Airway resistance, lung volume, thoracic gas volume (wholeplethysmography). body HR and BP (automated sphygmomanometer) Spirometry (flow volume curves, FEV ECG, HR, HRV, BRS, continuous(Finapres), BP respiratory rate healthy subjects cardiovascular or neurological disease and no psychoactive medication No cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine or neurological disease. No medication affecting the cardiovascular system Sample characteristics Variables measured 12.1 (10.5) Stable asthma HR, HRV, PEFR 52 (27) Non-asthmatic and non-atopic 40 Asthmatic. No other respiratory, – – – 11 Asthmatic and non-asthmatic ECG (RR), continuous BP – 9 Age range (mean) (years) Asthmatic: 7 (M), 3 (F) Asthmatic (no medication): 4(M), 5(F) Non- asthmatic: 4(M), 6(F) (M/F) 7(M), 4(F) 8.8 5(M), 3(F) (10.5) Asthmatic and non-asthmatic HRV, beat-to-beat BPV, BRS, flow 13 (M), 18 (F) 18 14 Not specified Non-asthmatic healthy subjects. ) 1 )or 1 gkg m g m gkg g twice- m m g dose) m Salbutamol, Terbutaline, Salmeterol Terbutaline 6 (M) (24) Non-asthmatic healthy subjects HRV, BRS daily), Salbutamol (single 600 Salmeterol (50 Salbutamol (600 inhaled) Ipratropium bromide (inhaled), Saline (placebo) Atropine 7(M), 5(F) 18 IV atropine (20 Glycopyrrolate (8 -agonist 2 b -agonist -agonist (LABA) -agonist 2 2 2 b b b -agonist 2 administered over four weeks and to (SABA) Cardiovascular and respiratory response to anticholinergic drug Cardiovascular and respiratory response to complete pharmacological cholinergic blockade. Relationship between bronchial and cardiac vagal tone Cardiovascular response to Cardiovascular and respiratory response to b Cardiovascular response to anticholinergic drug Cardiovascular response to Cardiovascular response to ) 18 116 118 99 75 78 97 continued ´thetal. Jartti et al. Table 2 ( Author Investigation Study drug Sample size Parlow et al. Jartti et al. Jartti et al. Lehrer et al. Jartti et al. Horva ARTICLE IN PRESS

Influences on the cardiovascular system in asthma 1695 stem; cAMP, adenosine , oscillometric mean arterial , HR, BP (intermittent cuff), 2 2 1 pO aO FEV BP (automated sphygmomanometer), venous plasma potassium and glucose concentrations, pulse oximetry Ambulatory ECG, BP, HRV. Cycle ergometry, spirometry, PEFR, chest radiograph, venous occlusion plethysmography). ECG, QTc, S flow sphygmomanometer), flow spirometry. PK-PD modelling of plasma drug concentrations BP, serum potassium S , heart rate-corrected QT interval (period of ventricular c significant medical conditions disease and asthma, takingvariety a of medication 56 Non-asthmatic healthy subjects ECG, HR, QTc, systolic and diastolic 47 (37) Asthmatic HR, HRV 73 (62) Patients with coronary 26 Mild asthma Forearm blood flow (computerised 29 Non-asthmatic healthy subjects ECG, HR, HRV, respiratory rate 26 Non-asthmatic healthy subjects ECG, HRV, BP (periodic automated – – – – – – 15 (11) Asthmatic group free from other – obtained using pulse oximetry. 6 2 aO S (M), 4 (F) 17 (M) (30) Non-asthmatic healthy subjects Ambulatory ECG, HR, HRV 11 (M), 5 (F) 19 9 (M), 11 (F) 28 8 (M) 21 8(M) 21 Controls: 5 (M), 2 (F) ), 1 g) m , an estimate of 2 gkg g pO m m S pharmacodynamic; PNS, peripheral nervous system; QT – ), 1 ), 1 g inhaled) g) gkg m m g) and Salmeterol gkg m m m inhaled) and Terbutaline (500 Salbutamol (inhaled) 19 (M), 5 (F) 47 Salbutamol (200 Inhaled Salbutamol (800 Terbutaline 6 (M) (24) Non-asthmatic healthy subjects ECG, continuous BP (Ohmeda), air IV Atropine Sulphate (10 None Asthmatic: 11 Glycopyrrolate (IV) 8 (M) 19 Salbutamol (8 mg), ICI 118,551 (25 mg), salbutamol (8 mg) plus ICI 118,551 (25 mg) (MDI, 100, 200 or 400 Formoterol (MDI, 24, 48 or 96 hydrobromide (5 Glycopyrronium bromide (5 physiological saline (placebo). Glucose infusions - 2 b PD, pharmoacokinetic – , arterial oxygen saturation; 2 , forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FVC, force vital capacity; HR, heart rate; HRV, heart rate variability; IV, intravenous; MDI, metered dose inhaler; 1 aO S -agonist in co- -agonist and -agonist -agonist during -agonist 2 2 2 2 2 b b b b b -agonist 2 existing coronary artery disease and asthma hypoxia Cardiovascular response to Cardiovascular response to Cardiovascular response to anticholinergic drugs Investigated autonomic regulation of the heart following exercise Cardiovascular and respiratory response to b Cardiovascular response to Cardiovascular response to Cardiovascular response to anticholinergic drug Cardiovascular response to antagonist 109 87 98 105 129 130 103 : ANS, autonomic nervous system; BP, blood pressure; BPV, blood pressure variability; BRS, baroreceptor reflex sensitivity; CNS, central nervous sy 102 10 Eryonucu et al. Rossinen et al. Hanratty et al. 3c,5c-cyclic monophosphate; FEV Abbreviations PEFR, peak expiratory flow rate; PK Scheinin et al. Fujii et al. Burggraaf et al. Kuusela et al. Guhan et al. depolarisation-repolarisation); Penttila et al. ARTICLE IN PRESS

1696 M.J. Lewis et al.

More recently there has been discussion of the asthmatic subgroups, but vagal tone was signifi- link between exercise-induced bronchoconstriction cantly greater in the atopic group. and NO in patients with asthma. Kanazawa et al.59 Circadian patterns of autonomic control. The found that episodes of bronchoconstriction in nocturnal worsening of asthma manifests as a susceptible patients were associated with in- reduction in lung function, an increase in bronchial creased sputum concentrations of NO derivatives, hyper-reactivity and increased wheezing. These and excess NO production was associated with changes have been related to diurnal changes in prolonged airway narrowing. Moreover, inhibition both concentration and ANS control.65 of NO synthesis reduces airway constriction follow- Several authors have also documented a circadian ing exercise.60 These results suggest that NO has an pattern in the components of HRV, the LF component important role in the pathogenesis of exercise- having minimal power and the HF component having induced asthma. maximal power during the nocturnal period.66–68 Morrison et al.69 investigated the effects of vagal Interaction between the cardiac and respiratory blockade with atropine on both nocturnal peak systems in asthma expiratory flow rate (PEFR) and HR in asthmatic Heart rate and its variability. Kallenbach et al.13 subjects. Atropine administration during the day and suggested that altered autonomic control of airway night (at 4 am and 4 pm) caused significant calibre in asthma might be reflected by a parallel bronchodilatation (PEFR increased from 260 to change in HR. Several authors later reported 390 l min1 at 4 am and from 400 to 440 l min1 at tendencies towards higher resting HRs in asthmatic 4 pm). There was a significant concomitant increase subjects compared with non-asthmatic con- in HR from 60 to 121 beats min1 at 4 am and from trols.61,62 Garrard et al.62 found that resting 76 to 122 beats min1 at 4 pm. The authors noted HR was significantly higher in acute asthmatics that nocturnal asthma effects were almost totally compared with both non-asthmatics and asympto- reversed by atropine, implying that vagal mechan- matic asthmatics. The observed increase in HR isms are fundamental in its pathophysiology. Morri- suggested an increased sympathetic tone and son and Pearson70 subsequently demonstrated a higher levels of circulating catecholamines in the circadian variation in vagal activity on bronchomotor asthmatic individuals.63 Shah et al.61 tested sym- tone and HR, with higher vagal activity during the pathetic response by observing the systemic (HR night (4 pm) compared with during the day (4 am). and blood pressure (BP)) responses to a sustained It has since been confirmed that cardiac vagal tone hand grip test and to a change of posture. These is enhanced at a time corresponding to the authors found that there was a tendency for usual period, with an acrophase between 4 asthmatic subjects to display an exaggerated am and 5 am.71 This corresponds closely with the fall in systolic BP on standing and an exaggerated documented period of maximal bronchoconstriction rise in diastolic BP in response to a sustained hand in nocturnal asthma, suggesting that there might be grip test. a common vagal influence in the bronchial and Tokuyama et al.64 observed that both asthma and cardiac systems. are associated with increased parasympa- thetic activity and that asthma causes increased Impact of pharmacological agents on the total HRV. Later, Shah et al.61 assessed basal cardiovascular system in asthma parasympathetic tone via the rise in HR induced The aims of pharmacological management are the by postural change and atropine administration control of symptoms, prevention of exacerbations tests. These authors observed a tendency towards a and the achievement of best possible pulmonary greater HR response to atropine in asthmatic function with minimal side effects.3 Short-acting subjects compared with non-asthmatic controls. beta-agonists (SABAs) are prescribed at all levels Although basal parasympathetic (vagal) tone was of severity of asthma as well as in high dose not found to differ significantly between these two inhaled, nebulised and intravenous routes during groups, cardiac vagal reactivity was significantly acute attacks. In chronic management, about 30% greater in asthma. In fact the authors associated of asthmatics are prescribed SABAs alone, as the severity of asthma with the magnitude of vagal required (Step 1, BTS Guidelines); about 12% of reactivity. This was demonstrated by the signifi- asthmatics are prescribed a long-acting beta- cantly greater cardiac responses to deep breathing agonist (LABA) as add on therapy when moderate (RSA), Valsalva manoeuvre and carotid massage doses of inhaled (200–800 mcg in asthmatic subjects compared with controls. beclomethasone equivalent) do not control their Vagal reactivity results were similar when subjects disease (Step 3). A further 6% of asthmatics are were analysed in atopic asthmatic and non-atopic prescribed LABAs in conjunction with regular ARTICLE IN PRESS

Influences on the cardiovascular system in asthma 1697 aminophylline/leukotriene antagonists (Step 4) or obstructive airway disease, concluding that their in addition to regular oral steroids (Step 5).3 use increases the risk for adverse cardiovascular Influence of b-adrenoceptor agonists and antago- events. There is also some evidence that the nists in healthy individuals. b-adrenergic stimula- systemic effects of inhaled b2 agonists might be tion of the human respiratory tract produces greater in healthy individuals compared with several responses of benefit to the asthmatic asthmatic patients.92 patient: bronchodilation,72 increased water and It is instructive here to also briefly consider the chloride flux (which might reduce the viscosity cardiovascular effects of b-adrenoceptor antago- of tracheobronchial secretions),73 and impairment nists, and specifically their possible effects in of the immunological release of the mediators of asthmatic individuals. The majority of studies allergy.74 However, several relatively mild adverse into the effects on cardiac autonomic control of effects of b2-adrenoceptor agonists have also been b-adrenoceptor antagonism in cardiovascular dis- reported, including , palpitations and head- ease states have involved b1 receptor antagonists. ache after taking salbutamol.75 The main adverse The results of these studies suggest a shift in effects of oral and inhaled b2 agonists relate to autonomic balance towards enhanced parasympa- their systemic activity following drug absorption thetic and reduced sympathetic activity, generally into the blood, with subsequent cardiovascular, acknowledged to be a ‘cardioprotective’ ef- metabolic and neuronal changes.76 fect.93,94 However, it has been shown that the Specific potential adverse cardiovascular effects administration of b-adrenergic receptor antago- 95 of b2-adrenoceptor agonists include: circulatory nists in asthmatics can induce asthmatic attacks disturbances via (i) hypokalemia (including electro- and increases the bronchoconstrictive response to cardiographic anomalies such as a reduction in histamine and methacholine96 and clinical guide- amplitude of the T-wave); (ii) prolongation of the lines specify that b-adrenergic receptor antagonists cardiac depolarisation–repolarisation (QT) interval are contraindicated in asthma, even in the form of and sinus tachycardia77; (iii) interference with topical -drops.3 cardiovascular and respiratory autonomic con- trol.78 The cardiovascular actions of b adrenergic agonists result from (i) direct chronotropic and Cardiovascular influence of b-adrenoceptor inotropic myocardial influences, and (ii) indirect agonists in asthmatic patients rate effects resulting from baroreceptor reflex 62 responses to b2-mediated dilation of peripheral Garrard et al. noted that HR was significantly arterioles.79–81 The chronotropic and inotropic higher for acute asthmatics than for either non- effects are mediated via both b1 and b2 receptors asthmatic controls or asymptomatic asthmatics. of the heart.82–84 However, it is more likely Several authors have since investigated the influ- that contractile changes are b1 effects, whilst ence of b2-adrenoceptor agonists on HR and HRV HR changes can be either b2 or both b1- and parameters in both the time and frequency 85 b2-mediated. These potential side effects are domains. Each of the main studies has reported clinically relevant with many patients unable to an increase in HR in medicated asthmatic subjects tolerate SABAs and especially LABAs because of compared with non-asthmatic and non-medicated palpitations (KEL–pers. comm.). asthmatic controls following administration of Most investigations using HRV analysis suggest a these drugs. Mean HR in non-asthmatics is signifi- shift of the ANS’s sympathovagal balance towards cantly increased following both salbutamol and sympathetic dominance following administration of terbutaline.87,97,98 Interestingly, the relative in- 78,86,87 b2 agonist medication. Relative sympathetic crease in HR following salbutamol in asthmatic hyper-activity in the cardiovascular system is in children is greater in the supine compared with the itself associated with increased mortality and standing posture.75 Furthermore, Hanratty et al.98 morbidity and with an increased risk of sudden found that the time-domain parameters SDANN (an coronary death.88,89 Consequently it is possible that LF analogue), RMSSD and PNN50 (HF analogues) and these drugs might be implicated in the - SDNN (an index of Total HRV) were all significantly esis of a number of cardiovascular risk factors, reduced in healthy adults following the adminis- including insulin resistance, hyper-tension and tration of salbutamol compared with placebo. cardiovascular hyper-trophy,90 and in the evolution Garrard et al.62 evaluated HR and frequency- of conditions such as coronary artery disease (CAD) domain HRV parameters (LF, HF, LF/HF powers) in and sudden coronary death. Salpeter et al.91 have asthmatic adults and normal controls. Subjects were performed a meta analysis of studies evaluating the classified as either asymptomatic asthmatic or treated cardiovascular safety of b2 agonists in patients with asthmatic, the latter receiving a b2-adrenoceptor ARTICLE IN PRESS

1698 M.J. Lewis et al. agonist for acute asthma attacks. Control subjects reductions in BRS following terbutaline administra- had significantly greater values of normalised LF tion in healthy adults. The clinical importance of power than both asthmatic groups, the latter showing these specific changes is unknown. All variability no relative difference in this parameter. The control and BRS changes started to occur only after a group also displayed significantly higher values for the threshold terbutaline dose had been reached. LF/HF ratio than asymptomatic asthmatics, with no Jartti et al.78 investigated the influence on significant differences between the other groups. In cardiovascular autonomic regulation of a single contrast, Jartti et al. found that the LF/HF ratio was (acute) dose of a short-acting b2 agonist (salbuta- significantly greater for both medicated asthmatic mol) in asthmatic children who had taken a long- 99 97 children and adults compared with controls and acting b2 agonist (salmeterol) twice-daily for the non-medicated asthmatics. In addition, Jartti et al.97 previous 4-week period. In agreement with their observed an increase in the LF component of adult previous work, these authors observed a shift to asthmatics following medication. A later study by sympathetic dominance in HRV and BPV following Eryonucu et al.87 investigated the specific effects of regular salmeterol administration. Autonomic func- salbutamol and terbutaline on HRV in adult asthmatic tion tests performed pre- and 20 min post-admin- patients. Changes in frequency-domain HRV para- istration of the acute salbutamol dose showed that meters were similar following administration of the 4 weeks of salmeterol therapy diminished the acute two drugs and confirmed the data of Jartti et al.99 in post-salbutamol changes in HR and HRV (shift to demonstrating a shift to sympathetic dominance: LF sympathetic dominance) but did not affect the and LF/HF ratio were significantly increased after bronchial dilation (PEFR) response. This indicated taking each drug. Jartti et al.75 also reported a that subjects had developed a slight tolerance to significant post-drug increase in the LF/HF ratio in the cardiovascular effects of salmeterol, whilst its children, but observed a reduction in the LF therapeutic effect was maintained. component in the standing posture. Only Jartti Jartti et al.97 also examined the dose–response et al. found any significant changes (reductions) in effects of terbutaline on the complexity (approx- the HF component of HRV after taking b2 agonist imate entropy (ApEn) and fractal dimension (FD)) of medication in adults97 and children in the supine HR (RR interval) and systolic arterial BP (SAP) posture.75 Garrard et al.,62 Jartti et al.75,97 and signals in healthy adults. Dose-dependant reduc- Eryonucu et al.87 all observed significantly diminished tions were observed in ApEn (RR), ApEn (SAP) and total HRV in asthmatics after taking these drugs. FD (RR); reductions in FD (SAP) were not dose Bremner et al.100 observed a tendency for both dependant. Subsequently, Kuusela et al.103 used a hexoprenaline and salbutamol to increase systolic variety of non-linear data analysis techniques to BP and to reduce diastolic BP. However, Scheinin assess the effects of terbutaline on SAP and RR et al.101 found no change in BP following salbuta- signals in healthy adults. High doses of terbutaline mol and fenoterol, whilst Guhan et al.102 noted a drastically reduced cardiac parasympathetic mod- reduction in diastolic BP only following formoterol ulation and dampened arterial baroreceptor func- and salmeterol. In addition to their work on HRV, tion. The mutual interaction of the BP and RR Jartti et al.99 also studied BP variability and BRS in systems was also weakened following terbutaline asthmatic and non-asthmatic children. Subjects administration, so that BP did not modulate HR were assessed in both supine and standing postures (i.e. there was no baroreceptor control) in this and during fixed and spontaneous breathing pat- condition. In fact it was determined that the terns. It was found that HF (BP) was significantly complexity (ApEn) of the RR signal was maintained greater for non-medicated asthmatics compared post-terbutaline but the BP signal became less with non-asthmatics during all posture and breath- complex. Reduced cross-entropy showed that the ing conditions. The authors noted that this probably pattern architecture of the BP and RR signals indicated a mechanical respiratory (rather than a became more similar after terbutaline, the sug- vagal control) effect since there was no difference gested explanation for which was that, in this in either HF (RR) or BRS between these groups. LF state, respiration (an ‘external’ factor) modulates (BP) during supine spontaneous breathing was both RR and BP signals. significantly greater in the medicated asthmatics It has been suggested that the positive chrono- than in the other groups. The same researchers75 tropic, positive inotropic and systolic hyper-tensive later found a tendency for a dose-dependant post- effects of b2-agonists to increased myocardial drug reduction in BRS for children the standing oxygen consumption,104 and this might provoke posture. In a subsequent study, Jartti et al.97 silent myocardial ischaemia or infarction. However, observed dose-dependant increases in LF (BP) no resultant myocardial ischaemia was observed by power, LF/HF (BP) ratio, and dose-dependant Rossinen et al.105 in their study of the effects of ARTICLE IN PRESS

Influences on the cardiovascular system in asthma 1699 salbutamol in patients with clinically stable asthma administration in healthy subjects, but observed no co-existent with CAD. It should be noted that, in change in QRS duration despite an increase in HR disagreement with most other studies, these after taking these drugs. Bremner et al.100 found authors also reported a lack of arrhythmias or that HR-corrected QT interval (QTc) tended to changes in HRV parameters for the same group of increase following salbutamol. However, Burggraaf subjects. Gaspardone et al.106 noted that intrave- et al.109 and Crane et al.77 found that salbutamol nous administration of salbutamol to patients with had only a minor effect on QTc (o7% prolongation) CAD who were taking b-blocker medication dimin- and serum potassium level (o5% decrease) during ished the time to onset of ischaemia and reduced both normoxia and hypoxia. It is therefore possible maximum exercise duration. Inhaled b2 agonist that inhaled b2 agonist overdose might have (salbutamol) treatment has also been associated adverse clinical consequences in asthmatic patients 107 with myocardial infarction and the b2 agonist has with pre-existing hypokalaemia. The risk of hypo- occasionally caused myocardial injury when admi- kalaemia is higher when asthmatics take other nistered by infusion during late to drugs e.g. steroids, thiazide or loop (for prevent preterm labour.108 hyper-tension) or if there are high circulating levels Burggraaf et al.109 showed that patients with of endogenous catecholamines (as might be caused asthma who were hypoxic and inhaled salbutamol by the of a serious asthma attack). Patients at a relatively low dose experienced significant and with concomitant heart disease or those using drugs potentially detrimental cardiovascular effects. In such as digitalis (which can sensitise the heart that study salbutamol was administered 30 min into to hypokalaemia) might also be at risk. Clinical a 1-h period of mask breathing of ambient air or a guidelines recommend monitoring serum potas- 3 N2/O2 (hypoxic) mixture. Inhalation of salbutamol sium, especially during emergency treatment. during hypoxia resulted in a significant increase in Formoterol is a full LABA and has an onset of action HR and peripheral blood flow (inversely propor- within 6 min with sustained action over 12–24 h; it tional to peripheral vascular resistance) at the end has now been licensed for top-up or as-required of the assessment period, compared with salbuta- inhalations, as part of a flexible dosing regime is mol inhalation during normoxia. The reported asthma. Any cardiovascular side effects may be positive chronotropic effect was in agreement with more problematical with repeated doses and a long previous reports of the effects of salbutamol during drug half-. hypoxaemia110 and during combined hypoxia and hyper-capnia.111 In three of the 26 subjects observed by Burggraaf et al.109 a rapid decline in Influence of anticholinergic drugs SpO2 (arterial oxyhemoglobin saturation measured non-invasively by pulse oximetry) occurred follow- Cholinergic receptors in the airways and sinus node ing salbutamol inhalation in the hypoxic state. This are of the muscarinic type and can be blocked by was interpreted as an indication of pulmonary the anticholinergic drugs atropine115 and glycopyr- shunting, the induction of which had previously rolate.116 Ipratropium bromide is an antimuscarinic 112 been associated with b2 agonists. Burggraaf that can be used to provide short-term relief et al.109 thereby provided a possible explanation (bronchodilation) in chronic asthma (although for the association between b2 agonist use and short-acting b2 agonists work more quickly). When sudden death in asthma: in the hypoxic state, taken in aerosol form, ipratropium bromide is reduced peripheral resistance might decrease generally considered to act locally on the airways venous return (especially when standing), eliciting of the lung without systemic effect117 and with no the Bezold–Jarisch reflex (hypoxic ) with significant effect on either cardiac vagal tone or possible subsequent cardiac arrest.113 HR.118 Each of these cholinergic and muscarinic Salbutamol has been associated with hypokalae- receptor antagonists can substantially inhibit or mia (an abnormally low concentration of potassium abolish the hyper-reactive response to inhaled ions in the blood) following intravenous, oral and in asthmatics.19 Administration of atro- inhaled administration.79,111,114 Similar changes pine or glycopyrrolate is the method of choice for have been observed after taking fenoterol,79 the assessment of tonic vagal activity.119,120 Aksel- formoterol101 and salmeterol.101 Furthermore, rod et al.121 first demonstrated pharmacological Jartti et al.97 suggested that the hypokalaemia parasympathetic blockade using power spectral observed following terbutaline administration is analysis of HR data following a single dose of related to both arrhythmia and decreased HRV. glycopyrrolate in dogs. This dose almost totally Scheinin et al.79 reported a reduction in the ECG T- abolished the HF peak of HRV, and the effect was wave amplitude following salbutamol and fenoterol later confirmed in adults.122 Low doses of atropine ARTICLE IN PRESS

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can paradoxically have parasympathomimetic ef- system. The authors found that Raw (used as a fects on the heart, causing a decrease in HR18,123 marker of bronchial vagal activity) and RR interval and an increase in beat-to-beat HRV.124 Higher (used as a marker of cardiac vagal activity) doses of atropine cause an increase in HR and a decreased after full doses of atropine. However, decrease in HRV.18,125 The HR reduction at low there was no correlation between the magnitude of doses of atropine is believed to be associated with Raw and RR interval, suggesting a lack of association blockade of peripheral muscarinic M1 receptors at between cardiac and bronchial vagal activity 70 sympathetic ganglia or inhibitory M1 receptors that (different central control). Morrison and Pearson modulate acetylcholine release.126–128 The in- found a strong correlation between the initial creased HR at higher doses is likely to be caused responses of airway calibre and HR to vagal by the blocking of pre-synaptic M2 muscarinic blockade, although the bronchodilation effect receptors.25 Parlow et al.116 have since detailed persisted longer than the cardioacceleration. The the time course of parasympathetic blockade authors suggested that this might be the result of following the administration of clinical doses of differing sensitivities of pulmonary and cardiac common anticholinergic drugs, whilst Scheinin muscarinic receptors to anticholinergic antagonists. et al.129 have developed a pharmacokinetic phar- The newer, long-acting anticholinergic—tiotropium macodynamic (PK–PD) model for atropine and bromide is currently not licensed for use in asthma. glycopyrrolate using radioreceptor array (RRA) and HRV methods. Scheinin et al.129 examined the parasympatholy- tic effects of atropine and glycopyrrolate with Discussion regard to HRV in healthy non-asthmatics subjects. These authors observed the following changes There is an apparent association between altered (average values) in comparison with placebo autonomic cardiovascular control and asthma. This (physiological saline): 22% and 18% increases in relationship is twofold: a consequence of both the HR, respectively; 99% and 94% reductions in HF pathophysiology of asthma per se and the effects of power, respectively; decreased total and LF power asthma pharmacotherapy. The full extent of these of HRV; 11- and 7-fold increases in the LF/HF ratio changes, and their implications, have yet to be of HRV; 87% and 73% reductions in the Hayano fully quantified and their clinical significance may index. Parlow et al.116 also compared the effects of have been overlooked. This autonomic and resul- atropine and glycopyrrolate on HRV and BP in non- tant cardiac dysfunction may even contribute t asthmatic individuals. Mean cardiac (RR) interval some sudden and often unexpected deaths in decreased significantly after both atropine and patients with asthma. glycopyrrolate, but systolic BP increased after Altered autonomic balance in the heart is clearly glycopyrrolate only. Atropine and glycopyrrolate associated with unfavourable prognosis in estab- caused similar reductions in baroreceptor sensitiv- lished cardiovascular disease.131 Drugs that oppose ity (BRS), HF power and the HF/total power ratio. cardiac sympathetic stimulation (b-adrenoceptor The authors noted that atropine caused a signifi- antagonists or ‘b-blockers’) improve patient survi- 132 cantly greater duration of impaired cardiac para- val following myocardial infarction. b1 receptor sympathetic control (of several hours duration, blockade in cardiovascular disease has been asso- measured using BRS and HRV) compared with ciated with enhanced parasympathetic activity and glycopyrrolate. Penttila et al.130 later demon- reduced sympathetic activity (assessed via HRV), strated that HF power and its time-domain analo- and this is generally accepted to confer a ‘cardi- gues (pNN50 and RMSSD) were almost completely oprotective effect’.133 For example, the increased abolished in non-asthmatics following intravenous LF/HF ratio in HRV that accompanies passive glycopyrrolate infusion. orthostatic tilt is diminished after b-receptor Horva´th et al.18 investigated the relationship blockade.134 Conversely, several authors have between bronchial and cardiac vagal tone in non- described a shift of HRV control towards sympa- atopic healthy adults. They examined the correla- thetic dominance and reduced total HRV following tion between changes in airway resistance and b2 agonist medication in asthma. A shift towards changes in heart period in response to complete sympathetic dominance in HRV has been associated pharmacologically induced cholinergic blockade with mortality and morbidity, and specifically using atropine. The study assumed that the effects with hyper-tension135 and an elevated risk of 136,137 of atropine on airway resistance (Raw) and RR sudden coronary death. It is therefore possi- interval was entirely due to vagal blockade, there- ble that bronchodilator therapy might be asso- by allowing an assessment of vagal tone in each ciated with a detrimental change in the balance of ARTICLE IN PRESS

Influences on the cardiovascular system in asthma 1701 cardiovascular autonomic function. It must be Despite their apparently similar properties, it borne in , however, that the relative impor- would be useful to compare the specific auto- tance of b1 and b2 adrenoceptors in the modulation nomic-cardiovascular influences of each of the of autonomic control of the heart (HRV) is not main and combination therapies. known at present,98 and this is certainly an area Bennett et al.141 observed that the majority (of the worthy of further study. (It should be noted that the order two-thirds) of systemic effects of salmeterol administration of some b-adrenergic receptor inhaled via a metered dose inhaler were the result antagonists to asthmatics can induce asthma of drug absorption from the lung, with the remain- attacks.138) ing one-third from gastrointestinal absorption. It would be useful to determine a reliable set of Comparison of the relative autonomic-cardiovascu- baseline autonomic–cardiovascular indices for the lar influence of primary routes of absorption for asthmatic condition. The rapid systemic changes different drugs would be another interesting observed by Guhan et al.102 following inhalation of challenge. both formoterol and salmeterol suggests that a An appropriate standard methodology for the sizeable amount of drug is absorbed rapidly into the assessment of cardiovascular and respiratory auto- blood. Peak plasma levels of formoterol, for nomic function now needs to be developed. This is example, apparently occur within five minutes of likely to involve the non-invasive, synchronised dose ventilation in normal subjects.139 Jartti quantification of HR and BP variabilities, BRS and et al.75 noted that the main effects of salbutamol other beat-to-beat haemodynamic parameters. on cardiovascular regulation had almost disap- A patient assessment protocol that involves paced peared 2 h post-inhalation of the drug, although a and spontaneous breathing (when clinically significant disturbance of sympathovagal balance stable), standardised static and dynamic exercise, could still be identified at this time. Baseline or multiple postural-shift phases, will facilitate autonomic indices should therefore be defined with provocation of state changes in the autonomic, regard to specified drug administration regimes. cardiovascular and haemodynamic systems. This Moreover, a physiological model should be devel- will facilitate computational modelling of both oped that incorporates both acute and chronic normal cardiovascular–respiratory ANS activity in dynamic changes in these indices (that is, pertur- asthma and it’s treatment. The development of bations owing to the effects of chronobiology, advanced power spectral and non-linear analysis antigen challenge or physical exercise). When techniques, as described by Jartti et al.97 and addressing these issues, future studies will need Kuusela et al.103 are likely to be instrumental in this to separately assess the pathophysiological and goal. pharmacological contributions to altered physiolo- It is now timely and technologically feasible to gical function in the asthmatic individual. elucidate specific ANS changes in asthma and, The early study of Kaliner et al.4 demonstrated importantly, to determine the clinical implications that both asthmatic and allergic (atopic) indivi- of these changes. Autonomic-cardiovascular inves- duals are hypo-reactive to b-adrenergic stimuli and tigation should be a priority focus in future asthma hyper-reactive to cholinergic stimuli. In order to research. determine the origin of these altered sensitivities, Conflict of interest statement: The authors have investigations should include a comparison of no conflicts of interest with regard to the work atopic and non-atopic individuals (asthmatics and presented in this review. non-asthmatics). In particular it would be of great clinical value to quantify the autonomic-cardiovas- cular indices for each of these subject groups. b agonists are classified by adrenoceptor selec- References tivity, potency and pharmacological efficiency. All 1. International Consensus Report on the diagnosis and currently available synthetic b2 agonist bronchodi- lators are ‘good’ to ‘highly selective’ agonists at treatment of asthma. National Heart Lung and Blood Institutes. National Institutes of Health. Bethesda, MA the b2 receptor (the exception is isoproterenol 20892. Publication no. 92-3091, March 1992. Eur Respir (isoprenaline) which is approximately equally ac- J 1992; 5: 601–47. tive on b1 and b2 receptors). The majority of these 2. Asthma Audit 2003/4. Asthma UK. www.asthma.org are also ‘partial agonists’ in that they activate 3. British Thoracic Society/Scottish Intercollegiate Guideline signal transduction at the receptor less efficiently Network Guideline on the management of asthma. Thorax 2003; 58(Suppl 1) (and update November 2005). and to a lesser extent than the natural catechola- 4. Kaliner M, Shelhamer JH, Davis PB, Smith LJ, Venter JC. mine adrenaline. (For further details on b adreno- Autonomic nervous system abnormalities and allergy. Ann 140 ceptor agonist drugs see Lipworth and Grove. ) Intern Med 1982;96:349–57. ARTICLE IN PRESS

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