
CHRIST CHILD ^ CHRISTMAS PARTY My son Kyle (age 9) told me he hoped these next 24 All members and spouses. days until Christmas went really fast! The anticipation was Sunday, December 14. 5-7:00pm. killing him. I smiled remembering feeling much the same when Jan Huelskamp's, 228 Whispering Wind Dr., I was his age. Though 1do remember a time when I loved the Georgetown. Bring a snack to share. anticipation, the excitement and the beauty of the Christmas RSVP to Jan 512-864-9729 or season. I loved the Christmas carols, actually looked forward [email protected] to Christmas shopping and reveled in all the small stuff that held so much meaning to me. That was somewhere after I was 9 years old and iDefore now. It seems there is this persistent » 2004 EVENTS - ticking of a dock in my head reminding me of the presents still > JANUARY MEETING; Saturday, to be bought, cards to be sent, fudge to be made, Christmas January 17, 9;30am (spiritual) at the parties and programs to attend and, somewhere in there, the home of Mary Gontarek, 2703 Double tree has to be bought and the house decorated. Tree, R Rock. PleaseKSVP 244- 7515 or [email protected]. The homily I heard this Sunday and again on Monday reminded me of the importance of slowing down during this ❖ SEWING CIRCLE: Wednesday, advent season and trying to love it all again. I vowed to try and January 21, 2004, 9am-2pm, PAC attend mass during the week, listen to the message in the Dining Room, St. William Church. traditional Christmas carols and to be generous with my time, i Please RSVP Virginia Pargmann 512- remind myself to find quiet time in every day to pray, and then 863-3785 or robparQ@aol com. take the time to listen to the word of Jesus our Savior. What a glorious time of year! It has always been, I've just let things I > FEBRUARY MEETING (tentative): placed importance on overshadow what was truly most Saturday, February 21, 9:30am (work) important. > MARCH MEETING (tentative): My prayer for all of you this Christmas season is that Saturday, March 20 (social), Spring you experience great anticipation, joy and longing for the birth Break Fundraiser @ Fazoli's of the Christ Child. I hope that you slow down, smell the ❖ NAT'L COS CONVENTION, WASH poinsettias and sing along with your favorite Christmas carols. I wish you ail peace in your homes and in your hearts. Your INGTON, DC AREA: April 16-29TH. families are precious, savor every minute and be generous wth > APRIL MEETING (tentative): your time. Saturday, April 17, 9:30am (work/layette assembly) I'm excited about gathering again with you all next year and continuing our mission to serve the Christ Child. ❖ GENERAL MEETING: Induding Founders Day Mass and potluck is Merry Christmas! scheduled for April 28, 7:00pm. Mickey Meeting .to follow at 7:30 in the Parish Hall. CCS OF TEXAS, CAPITAL AREA. INC. PAGE 2 DECEMBER 2003

The Layette Just because Published Quarterly By you sit in church The Christ Child Society of Texas, doesn't make you Capital Area, Inc. Julie Evans-244-1230 a Christian. You can a member chapter of [email protected] National Christ Child Society, Inc. sit in a garage, but that 6900 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 604 doesn't make you Bethesda, Maryland 20815 a car. 800-814-2149 FAX 301-718-8822 www.nationalchristchildsoc.orQ

We had a very busy year beginning with our first official fundraising event, Heartv Deiiohts cookbook sales, and ending with our Thanksgiving donation letters. Many thanks to all members who contributed their time, talent and treasures. Your gifts in the name of the precious Christ Child have brought the miracle of love and joy into the lives of mothers and infants in our "Nothing community. I look forward to the many exciting events that await us in the is ever too much to do coming year. for a child," * Heartv Deiiahts cookbooks raised over $1000 In profits with 100 books remaining. Mary Virginia Merrick, * Swaddle the Baby with Pennies from Heaven can collected $49 Founder since September. * Red Wagon Sweet Shop - St. Williams Fall Festival raised $234 for the Parish and sold 5 Heartv Deiiohts cookbooks. Local Chapter Information * November Thanksgiving Layette Donation Letters - about 300 President letters were sent out and over $600 received to date. Mickey Rowland Heartv Deiiohts cookbooks are available in the Knights of Columbus P.O. Box 5953 GiftShop for $10. Great gifts for teachers, family and friends. You may also Round Rock, Texas 78683 contact me for additional copies. 512-244-0872 [email protected] For additional information on fundraising events, or interest in joining the CCS fundraising committee, please contact me 244-1230 or Spiritual Advisor ievansi [email protected]. Rev. McNeil St. William Round Rock, Texas "...Behold, / bring you good tidings ofgreatjoy..."i^ke 2:10 VP in Charge ofService Lorrie Saldivar ^S^QiS^ulie Evans Parfiamentariar} Fundraising Chair Mary Urbanowski

Treasurer Jan Huelskamp Melissa Galban IHistorian (left) and Mickey Diana Pier Rowland proudly Secretary showcase tlie Red Rebecca Mara Wagon Sweef Shop Newsletter Editor at the St. William Sue Greene Church Family The Layette is available ttirough annual membership in the CCS. festival held Yearly dues are: October 11-12, Active $25.00; Contributing $35.00. 2003. Please see The CCS of Texas, Capital Area, Inc. is a 501(c)(3} non-profit organization. page 5 for flie Contact the local chapter stoiy oftiie Red for more information. Wagon. I CCS OF TEXAS, CAPITAL AREA. INcT PAGES DECEMBER 2003

Lome Saldivar Virginia Pargmann 341-9821 512-863-3785 ^iCi [email protected] [email protected]

The Truth About..V\^at You Do To Others I was hungry The Bereavement Committee has been busy and you formed a humanities club organizing and gathering information. We contacted and discussed my hunger. Shawn Winkleman at Children's Hospital concerning I was imprisoned gown sizes, bonnet sizes and blankets. They need and you crept off quietly to your chapel in the suburb more of the smaller sizes. The bonnets should be and prayed for my release. about the size of an orange. Twenty sets, which Include gown, bonnet, bib and blanket, would be I was naked sufTident per month. We currently have six sets and in your mind you debated the morality completed and twenty gowns and bibs sewm. We ofmy appearance. plan to have more bonnets and blankets completed I was sick by December 1. The hospital has supply for about andyou knelt and thanked God for two more weeks. your health. I would like to thank everyone for the many hours spent making these wonderful and appreciated I was homeless little items. A special thanks to Lorraine for and you preached to me embroidering bibs, LaVerne for sewing the little of the shelter ofthe love of God. bonnets, Jan's friend for sewing the gowns and I was lonely Marsha for sewing and helping me to organize the and you left me alone project. to pray for me. A "Sewing Circle" is planned at St. William's Church, PAC Dining Room (1/4 mile west of church) You seem so holy; so close to God; for Wednesday, January 21, 2004, from 9;00am- But I'm still very hungry, and lonely, 2:00pm. Come and join us for a fun day. Lunch will and cold. l:>e served!

We all have the responsibility to be the hands, feet, For unto us a child is bom.,. and voice of Christ. Let Us 9:6 To serve Him by serving others, day by day. in whatever state oflife we are in. Pray We are loved by Him, -Anonymous formed by His hand, created in His For image, and carried in His heart. May As we celebrate tlie coming of our Lord, may the Lord of Life bless each of you we share with others the love He came to bring. Peace this Chnstmas. Have a blessed Chnstmas. On -Virginia Pargmann -Lorrie Saldivar, I®' VP inCharge ofService Earth Bereavement Committee Chair

...I do not concern myselfwith great matters... The secret things belong to the Lord our God. ...Now I know in part. Ps. 131;1 NIV Deu. 29:29 1 Cor. 13:12 When things aren't making sense, don't try to figure everything out. Don't try to understand something that you have no understanding for. Stay within your understanding and trust God. God really does know what He is doing. He really Is In control. We can relax and know that even if we do not know vyhat we are going to do, we do know the One Who does know. ""For1 know the plans I haveforyou " declares the Lord, "plans to prosperyou andnot to harm you, plans to give you a hope anda future. "—Jer 29:11 CCS OF TEXAS, CAPITAL AREA. INC. PAGE 4 DECEMBER 2003

Meiissa Galban -255-5897 Mtte [email protected]

Our October 18th "Come Swaddle The Baby" Layette Assembly was another great success. Seventy- eight layettes were assembled in record time! We had many of our CCS members as well as help from some of the St. William Church confirmation students and their confirmation teachers. Anne Biershank with Project took 41 layettes back with her that moming and Layette Assembly helpers, I-r; Guy Rowland, Theresa with Lifeline picked up 37 layettes. There are 15 incomplete layettes needing assorted items. Ramiro Moreno, John Garcia and Mike Ring Between September and October 2003, we have received donations of items for our layettes totaling $885.00, our sincere thanks to all of you who have contributed. Special thanks to the Ladies Guild of St. In Rockdale for the donations of beautiful handmade baby quilts. I would also like to thank confirmation students John, Ramiro, Mike and Marcos. We also had help from two Stony Point cheerleaders, Katie Rowland and Heather Ben^. They were all very heipful with the setup, shrink wrapping and then dean up afterwards. All of these young people served their community service hours required by the organizations they are a part of. We were glad to have them and look forward to being able to offer this opportunity to other students in our community. A special thank you to John and Diana Pier for their shrink-wrap machine. You saved the day and we so greatly appreciate your time. As always, donations can be dropped off at St. William's Church Office. Please label them "Christ Child St. William Church confirmation students and tJieir Society" or "CCS". Don't forget to leave your name and teachers, 1-r: Joan Bowdeii, John Garcia, Mike Ring, address. Ramiro Moreno, Marcos Duran and Guy Rowland 'For unto us a Child is bom, unto us a Son is given..." -^Isaiah 9:5 Pictures submitted by Lorrie Saldlvar.

-Melissa Galban, Layette Committee Chair

When I read Donations Needed *She wrapped Him in swaddling clothes/ I longed to do the same, and He Himself taught me that 1 Hooded Towels Travel Wipes might still do so in the person of the poor, and a great desire was bom within me to go out and fmd Burp Cloths Onesies Receiving Blankets Baby Bath the poor that I might find Him.^ Autobiography Wash Cloths Handmade Crib Mary Virginia Merrick Books Blankets or Quilts • I 1866-1955 CCS OF TEXAS, CAPITAL AREA. INC. PAGES DECEMBER 2003

Sue Greene 990-2658 [email protected] ii

Season's Greetings from a now seasoned newsletter editor. This is my sixth publication of the CCS of Texas, Capital Area Chapter's newsletter. Surprisingly I have received a bit of effusive praise for Mary Virginia Merrick founded the Christ Child my efforts. Such praise has made my head swell to Society in 1887 in Washington, DC as an association where I've became top-heavy and fallen out of my dedicated to expressing the love of God through chair. But, then, I quickly realize that I must give credit personal service to needy children. where credit is due. This editor is dependent on quality contribu The Red Wagon has played an important role in tors: Mickey Rowland, Lorrie Saldivar, Melissa Galban, the tradition of the Christ Child Society. The Merrick Julie Evans, Mary Gontarek, Mary Urbanowski, Jan family laundress had a son named, Paul, whom Mr Huelskamp, Virginia Pargmann, to name a few. My Merrick engaged to help his invalid daughter, Mary, by thanks go out to them for writing their columns and for running errands and helping deliver gifts for her Just allowing me to do the fun-est part of the . Of course, I can thank Mary Virginia Merrick for being the before Christmas of 1884, Mary asked him what he would have for Christmas. The boy promptly replied, 7 best contributor of all. won't have nothing; my father's out of work." As I attempt to produce an attractive news letter, my desire (where space allows) is to sprinkle Mary's own happy Christmases supplied the inspiration and encouragement within its pages. If answer to that. She suggested that Paul write a letter to these things are accomplished, 1am grateful to the he Christ Child, 'Who's He?" was the question that Lord and thank Him for using me In this way. revealed poverty in his life more tragic than the jobless "...I came that you may have life father Mary's answer had classic simplicity. 'He is the and have it more abundantly[to the full Giver of all good gifts. This is His birthday and He gives until it overflows].1." John 10:11:10AMP gifts instead ofreceiving them." Jesus came to fulfill God's promise. Let's The little boy flew from the room and quickly celebrate the miracle of His boundless love for us! returned with six little letters. His own request was for a "red wagon for myself to carry home Mother's wash." -Sue Greene, Newsletter Editor That was not all. With complete confidence in Miss Mary's recommendation, he soon was back with many more letters from "children who live near us and who are just as poor as we are."

Mary distributed the letters among her family and friends and Paul's eyes were big with wonder on Christmas Eve at the wealth of the Christ Child! Each package was lovingly wrapped and each bore the message, "From the Christ Child"- nothing more. LOOK BACK . and praise Him Mary was an invalid for 62 of her 88 years, LOOK AHEAD. .. sewing layettes from a prone position. Paul distributed and trust Him these layettes to the underprivileged in his red wagon. LOOK AROUND... Mary could not know then that someday, more than and serve Him 10,000 women in 38 cities would be helping her do the LOOK UP ... work of the Christ Child and acquainting little ones with and expect Him His goodness.

In Loving Memory

Mark Gontarek April 26, 1959 - November 18, 2003 "Today in the town ofDavid a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ t/te Lord," -Luke 2:11

The reason we can laugh and enjoy life in spite of our current situation or circumstances is because Jesus is our joy.

Wishingyou a seasonfilled with merry sights and little delights as through the eyes ofa child!

FROM: Christ ChildSociety of Texas, CapitalArea, Inc. '-A PM P. 0. Box 5953 P HhC 9 Round Rock, TX 78683 r M03 f J


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