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Beaton, Rhodora E., Department of Theology, St. Catherine University, 2004 Randolph Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104. (651) 690-6027 (w); rebeaton@stkate. edu. Ph.D. 2009, University of Notre Dame. Diss.: The Sacramentality of the Word: Contributions of Karl Rahner and Louis-Marie Chauvet to Roman Catholic Theology of the Word. Sacramental Theology. Bullivant, Stephen, School of Theology, Philosophy & History, St. Mary’s University College, Waldegrave Road, Strawberry Hill, Twickenham TW1 4SX, United Kingdom. (+44) 20 48204185 (W); [email protected]. D.Phil. Theology, University of Oxford. Diss.: The Salvation of Atheists: A Critical Exploration of a Theme in Catholic Dogmatic Theology. Atheism/ Unbelief, Salvation, Catholic Social Teaching, Sociology. Dault, , Dept. of Religion & Philosophy, Christian Brothers University, 650 East Parkway South, Memphis, TN 38104. (901) 321-3341 (w); (615) 346- 5566 (h); [email protected]. Ph.D. 2009, Vanderbilt University. Diss.: The Covert Magisterium: Theology, Textuality, and the Question of Scripture. Systematic Theology, Theological Hermeneutics, History of Printed Bibles, Cultural-Material Analysis of Scripture, Scriptural Reasoning. Kryst, Thomas, Ave Maria University-Latin American Campus, NICABOX 2762, 7801 NW 37th St., San Marcos-Carazo, Nicaragua. 011-505-535-2312 (w); (240) 755-4877 (h); [email protected]. Ph.D. 2009, Catholic University of America. Diss.: Interpreting the Death of Jesus: A Comparison of the Theologies of and Raymund Schwager. Systematic Theology. Reimer-Barry, Emily, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of San Diego, 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110. (619) 260- 6844 (w); (619) 260-2260 (fax); [email protected]. Ph.D. 2008, Loyola University, Chicago. Diss.: In Sickness and In Health: Towards a Renewed Roman Catholic Theology of Marriage in Light of the Experiences of Married Women Living with HIV/AIDS. Christian Ethics, HIV/AIDS, Feminist Ethics, Ethnography and Ethical Methodology, Catholic Social Teachings. 202 CTSA Proceedings 65 / 2010

Scheid, Daniel, Duquesne University, Department of Theology, 600 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15217. (412) 396-6524 (w); [email protected]. Ph.D. 2008, Boston College. Diss.: “Let All Creatures Praise the Lord”: God, Creation, and Promoting the Cosmic Common Good. Ecological Ethics, Comparative Ethics, Thomistic Ethics. Vasko, Elisabeth T., Department of Theology, Duquesne University, 600 Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15282. (412) 396-2078 (w); (412) 396-4904 (fax); (412) 482-8188 (h); [email protected]. Ph.D. 2009, Loyola University Chicago. Diss.: Suffering and Search for Wholeness: Beauty and the Cross in Hans Urs von Balthasar and Contemporary Feminist Theologies. Feminist Liberation Theologies; Theology of the Cross; Theological Aesthetics.


Boeve, Lieven, Catholic University of Leuven, Sint-Michielsstraat 4, BE 3000, Leuven, Belgium. +32 16 32 38 17 (w); +32 1632 32 58 (fax); lieven.boeve@ theo.kuleuven.be. S.T.D. 1995, Catholic University of Leuven. Diss.: Naming God in Open Narratives: Theology Challenged by Postmodern Thinking. Fundamental Theology, Philosophy and Theology, Theology and Culture. Capizzi, , School of Theology and Religious Studies, Catholic University of America, 620 Michigan Avenue, N.E., Washington, DC 20064. (202) 319- 6511 (w); [email protected], Ph.D. 1998 , University of Notre Dame. Diss.: A Development of Doctrine: Slavery and the United States Bishops. Moral Theology, Just War, Catholic Social Thought, Law and Theology, Bioethics. Colberg, Kristin, Department of Theology, 130 Malloy Hall, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556. (574) 631-2963 (w); (574) 233-1518 (h); col- [email protected]. Ph.D. 2009, University of Notre Dame. Diss.: Vatican I and Vatican II as Coherent Christian Discourse: A Relationship of Complementarity, Continuity and Difference. 19th and 20 th century Catholic thought, Vatican II, Ecclesiology, Christology. Colberg, Shawn M., Department of Theology, 130 Malloy Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556. (574) 631-7321 (w); (574) 631-4291 (fax); (574) 233-1518 (h); col- [email protected]. Ph.D. 2008, University of Notre Dame. Diss.: “Be Glad and Rejoice for Your Reward is Very Great in Heaven,” “Reward” in the Theology of Aquinas and . Medieval and Reformation Theology, espe- cially grace, justifi cation, anthropology, sacraments, ecclesiology, and exegesis. Coolman, Holly Taylor, Theology Department, Providence College, 1 Cunningham Sq., Providence, RI 02918. (401) 865-1767 (w); (401) 865-2772 (fax); htc@ providence.edu. Diss.: The Law in the Economy of Salvation: A Christian Theology of God’s Work in Israel. Systematic Theology, Christianity/ Judaism, Christology, New Testament. Galarneau, Joy, Offi ce of Graduate Student Life, Boston College, 292 Hammond Street, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467. (617) 552-1851 (w); (617) 552-1839 (fax); Addenda to The CTSA Directory 203

(617) 312-0840 (h); [email protected]. Ph.D. 2010, Fordham University. Diss.: A Feminist Interpretation of Pinchas Lapide’s Jewish Theology of Christianity as a Model for Christian Self-Understanding. Contemporary Systematic Theology, Theology of Christianity, Christology, Feminist Theology, Dialogical Theology, Theology of Religions, Jewish-Christian Relations, Theological Method. Harkins, Franklin T., Department of Theology, Fordham University Rose Hill Campus, 441 East Fordham Rd., Bronx, NY 10458. (718) 817-0522 (w); [email protected]. Ph.D. 2005, University of Notre Dame. Diss.: History, Reading, and Restoration in Hugh of St. Victor. Jewish-Christian Relations; 12th Century Theology; Exegesis and History of Interpretation; Victorine Studies; Peter Lombard. Imperatori-Lee, Natalia M., Department of Religious Studies, Manhattan College, Manhattan College Parkway, Riverdale, NY 10471. (718) 862-7419 (w); (718) 862-8044 (fax); [email protected]. Ph.D. 2007, University of Notre Dame. Diss.: The Use of Marian Imagery in Catholic Ecclesiology Since Vatican II. Ecclesiology, Theological Anthropology, Feminist Theology, U.S. Latino/a Theology. Jans, Jan M., Department of Religious Studies & Theology, Tilburg University, P. O. Box 90153, NL-5000 TILBURG, NETHERLANDS. +31 13 466 2595 (w); +31 13 466 2892 (fax); +32 24 438679 (h); [email protected]. Ph.D. 1990, Catholic University of Leuven. Diss.: Donum Vitae in het licht van de funda- mentele moraltheologie . Moral Theology, Intercultural Ethics, Medical Ethics. Jewell, Marti R., University of Dallas, School of Ministry, 1845 E. Northgate Dr., Irving, TX 75062. (972) 265-5810 (w); [email protected]. D.Min. 2009 , Catholic University of America. Diss.: Preparing Lay Parish Leaders for the 21 st Century. Pastoral Ministry, Lay Ministry, Ecclesiology, Spirituality. Johnson, Carolyn, Department of Religion and Religious Education, Fordham University, Bronx, NY 10458. (718) 817-4808 (w); cjohnson20@fordham. edu. Ed.D. 2009, Columbia University. Diss.: Navigating the Impasse: Catholic Women Lead the Way in Their Church. Religious Education, Practical Theology, Curriculum Theory. Johnston, Laurie, Department of Religious Studies, Emmanuel College, 400 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115. (617) 264-7723 (w); [email protected]. Ph.D. 2008, Boston College. Diss.: Signposts for an Ethic of Peacemaking: Reading Gaudium et Spes in Light of Yves Congar and the Community of Sant’Egidio. Social Ethics, Congar, Health Care Ethics, Peace and War. Johnston, William H., Department of Religious Studies, University of Dayton, 300 , Dayton, OH 454569-1530. (937) 229-4085 (w); (937) 229-4330 (fax); [email protected]. Ph.D. 1980, University of Notre Dame. Diss.: A Historical and Theological Study of Daily Prayer Times in the Ante-Nicene Church. Pastoral Ministry, Liturgy and Sacraments, Summum Pontifi cum and related topics. 204 CTSA Proceedings 65 / 2010

Kanis, Sharon, SSND, Department of Religious Studies, College of Notre Dame of Maryland, 4701 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21210. (410) 532-5347 (w); [email protected]. Ph.D. 2002, Union Institute & University. Diss.: My Body, My Self: A Narrative Study of the Relationship between Embodiment and Women’s Spiritual Self-Identity. Spirituality, Feminist Spirituality, Justice and Peace, Faith Development. Kato, Julius-Kei, Dept. of Philosophy & Religious Studies, King’s University College, 266 Epsworth Ave., London, Ontario, Canada N6A 2M3. (519) 433- 3491, ext 4535 (w); (519) 433-0353 (fax); [email protected]. Ph.D. 2006, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA. Diss.: Diasporic Hybridity, Hermeneutics and Christian Identity: Asian American Theological Voices on Diasporic Hybridity, Its Implications for Hermeneutics and the Question of Christian Identity. Contextual Theology (particularly Asian-North American), Christology, Postcolonial Approaches to Biblical Studies/Theology, New Testament, Hermeneutics (Biblical and Theological). Lopez, Antonio, Department of Theology, St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary, 10701 South Military Trail, Boynton Beach, FL 33436. (561) 732-4422 (w); (561) 732-4422 (h); [email protected]. Ph.D. 1991, Fordham University. Diss.: The Relationship between Divine Providence and Spiritual Freedom According to Hegel. Philosophical Theology, Theological Anthropology, Fundamental Theology, Christology and Trinitarian Theology. Longhurst, Christopher Evan, Via dei Capocci 98, 00184 Rome, Italy. (+39) 333 271 037 (h); [email protected]. Ph.D. 2009, Pontifi cia Studiorum Universitas a Sancto Thoma Aquinate in Urbe “Angelicum,” Rome. Diss.: Dire Dio nell’arte: Rifl essioni teologiche sulla pittura contemporanea (To Speak of God in Art: Theological Refl ections on the Contemporary Painting. Theological Aesthetics, Semiology, Moral Theology. McDonough, Brian T., 48 Wallace Rd., Goffstown, N.H. 03045. (603) 660-1956 (w); [email protected]. Ph.D. 1980, Duquesne University; J.D. 1981, University of Cincinnati. Diss.: The Notion of Eikon in Plato’s Sophist and Republic. Civil Litigation, Papal Teachings on Economic Justice. McInroy, Mark Johnson, Department of Theology, Harvard Divinity School, 45 Francis Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02145. (617) 943-0964 (w); mmcinroy@ hds.edu. Th.D. 2009, Harvard Divinity School. Diss.: Perceiving Splendor: The “Doctrine of the Spiritual Senses” in Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Theological Aesthetics. Systematic Theology, Fundamental Theology, Christology, Theological Anthropology, Mysticism, Philosophy of Religion. McKenna, Rebecca, 404-171 Portland St., Dartmouth NS, B2Y 4X2, Canada. (902) 463-7935 (h); [email protected]. Ph.D. 1996, University of St. ’s College. Diss.: The Mission of the Church in the Writings of Gregory Baum from 1957-1987. Ecclesiology, Contemporary Spirituality. Meyer, Rev. John R., 765 14th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94118. (415) 386-0431 (w); (415) 752-7177 (fax); (415) 386-0431 (h) [email protected]. S.T.D. Addenda to The CTSA Directory 205

1991, University of Navarre. Diss.: The Soteriology of St. . Patristics, Trinity, Bioethics. Mongrain, Kevin, Department of Liberal Studies, 215 O’Shaughnessy Hall,,Notre Dame, IN 46556. (574) 631-2794 (w); (574) 255-3056 (h); kmongrain@nd. edu. Ph.D. 1999, Yale University. Diss.: Doxological Discourse: Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Retrieval of . Systematic Theology, The Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar, Louis-Marie Chauvet, John Henry Newman. Moreland, Michael P., Villanova University School of Law, 299 N. Spring Mill Road, Villanova, PA 19085. (610) 519-3297 (w); [email protected]. edu. Ph.D. 2009, Boston College. Diss.: Subsidiarity and the Safeguards of Federalism. Ethics, Religion and Law, Catholic Social Ethics. Mosely, La-Reine Marie, Department of Theology, Loyola University Chicago, 1032 W. Sheridan Ave., Chicago, IL 60660. (773) 508-8372 (w); (773) 856- 0934 (h); [email protected]. Diss.: Salvation Despite the Death of Jesus? The Cross in the Later Soteriology of Edward Schillebeeckx. Christology/ Soteriology, Womanist Theology, Black Theology, Race and Racism, Theologies of Mary, Theology of Edward Schillebeeckx. Murphy, Kevin G., Department of Theology & Ethics, St. Joseph Health System, 500 S. Main St., Suite 600, Orange, CA 92968. (714) 347-7925 (w); (714) 347-7511 (fax); [email protected]. Ph.D. 2001, St. Paul University, Ottawa. Diss.: Sedation Practices, Tragic Dying and Palliative Care: An Ethical Inquiry. Christian Ethics. Nwanonenyi, Benjamin, Associate Pastor, Our Lady of Calvary, 11024 Knights Road, Philadelphia, PA 19154. (215) 687-7515 (w); (215) 687-7517 (fax); (215) 687-7515 (h); [email protected]. Ph.D. 2008, Faculty of Theology, Lugano, Switzerland. Diss.: The Church. A Holy Assembly: The Fruit of Divine Initiative. Systematic Theology. O’Brien, S.J., William P., Department. of Theological Studies, St. Louis University, 3800 Lindell Blvd., Louis, MO 63108-3393. (314) 977-5069 (w); (314) 977-2947 (fax); (314) 531-5400 (h); [email protected]. Ph.D. 2008, Paris IV-Sorbonne. Diss.: Claude de la Colombière: Rhétorique et Spiritualité. Early Modern French, American Philosophy, Lonergan. Piccione, Joseph J., OSF Health Care System, 800 NE Glen Oak Avenue, Peoria, IL 61603. (309) 655-2858 (w);(309) 655-6869 (fax); (309) 241-6030 (home); [email protected]. S.T.D. 1987, St. Mary’s Seminary & University. Diss.: Death and Consummation in Christ: A Theology of the Care of the Sick and Dying in Light of the Thought of Karl Rahner, S.J. Health Care Ethics, Practical Theology, Fundamental Theology. Rissetto, Harry A., Gonzaga College High School,19 Eye Street NW, Washington, DC 20001. (202) 336-7100 (w); (202) 336-2287 (h); [email protected]. Ph.D. 2008, Catholic University of America. Diss.: In Service of the : Mary Virginia Merrick and the Development of the National Christ Child Society. Religion and Culture, in America, Catholic Social Teaching. 206 CTSA Proceedings 65 / 2010

Robinette, Brian, Dept. of Theological Studies, Saint Louis University, 3800 Lindell Blvd., Humanities Building, Saint Louis, Missouri 63108. (314) 968- 2887 (w); (314) 968-9011 (h); [email protected]. Ph.D. 2003, University of Notre Dame. Diss.: Speaking of the Resurrection: Karl Rahner, Edward Schillebeeckx, and the Theology of Jesus’ Resurrection. Systematic Theology, Christology, Anthropology, Phenomenology, Ascetical Theology. Rossier, François, University of Dayton, Marian Library, 300 College Park, Dayton, OH 45469-1390. (937) 229 4291 (w); (937) 229-4258 (fax); [email protected]. Ph.D. /S.T.D. 1995, University of , Switzerland. Diss.: L’Intercession Entre les Hommes Dans la Bible Hebraique. Biblical Theology, Mariology. Sabin, Marie Noonan, 540 Fogler Rd., Bristol, ME 04539. (207) 563-3166 (h); [email protected]. Ph.D. English 1964, Yale University. Diss.: Chaucer’s Styles. M.A. Theology 1991, Union Theological, New York. MA Thesis: Reading Mark as Midrash. Jewish-Christian Relations. Shenosky, Joseph T., Religious Studies Division, St. Charles Borremeo Seminary, 100 E. Wynnewood Road, Wynnewood, PA 19096. (215) 637-1800 (w); (215) 527-8633 (h); [email protected]. S.T.D. 2008, Gregorian, Rome. Diss.: The Development of Late Twentieth Century Ecumenical theology in the U.S.A.: A Comparison of the Contributions of Gustave Weigel, SJ, Carl Peter, John Hotchkin, and Avery Dulles, SJ. Ecclesiology, Ecumenism. Slatter, Mark, St. Paul University, 223 Main Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 1C4, Canada. (613) 236-1393 (w); (613) 782-3014 (fax); [email protected]. S.T.D. 2007, Gregorian University, Rome. Diss.: Insights While Suffering: With A View to the Cross and Resurrection. Fundamental Moral Theology; Relationship between Psychology, Spirituality and Ethics; Virtue Ethics and Character; The Common Good; Suffering, Theodicy and Ethics; Ethics and the Homeless. van Erp, Stephen, Radboud University Nijmegen, P.O. Box 9103, 6500 HD Hijmegan, The Netherlands. +31243611503 (w); +31343611802 (fax); [email protected]. Ph.D. 2004, University of Tilburg, the Netherlands. Diss.: The Art of Theology: Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Theological Aesthetics and the Foundations of Faith. Fundamental Theology, Philosophical Theology, Theology of Revelation, The Theology of Edward Schillebeeckx, Theological Aesthetics, 19th and 20 th Century Catholic Theology. Vidaurrazaga, Jaime, Department of Religious Studies, Emmanuel College, 400 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115. (617) 264-7716 (w); vidauja@emmanuel. edu. Ph.D. 2007, Boston College. Diss.: Lifelong Neophytes: Towards a Baptismal Understanding of Christian Ethics. Ethics and Liturgy, Liberation Theology, New Testament Ethics.


Bader, Diana, 16619 Larch Way, G 304, Lynnwood, WA 98037. (425) 741-6617 (h); [email protected]. Ph.D. 1961, St. Mary’s School of Theology, Notre Addenda to The CTSA Directory 207

Dame, IN. Diss.: On Prayer: Progress and Development in the Life of Religious Women. Moral Theology, Health Care Ethics, Spirituality


Aihiokhai, SimonMary A., 513 Beatty Road, Monroeville, PA 15146. (562) 453- 8842; [email protected]. Anechiarico, Megan, 3639 Lyndale Dr., Endwell, NY 13760. (585) 313-6304; [email protected]. Cho, Min-Ah, 1081 Walker Dr., Decatur, GA 30030. (678) 231-7419; minah- [email protected]. Claassen-Luttner, J. Cayenne, 429 W. Howard Ave., #1, Decatur, GA 30030. [email protected]. Collins, Christopher, S.J., St. Mary’s Hall, 140 Commonwealth Ave., Chestnut Hill, MA 02467. (617) 710-0506; [email protected]. Cruz, Manuel A., 205 Acklen Park Dr., Apt. 4, Nashville, TN 37203. (615) 804- 7267; [email protected] Cruz, Maria Angela Socorro S., 35 Chiswick Rd., Apt. 5, Brighton, MA 02135. (617) 320-0914; [email protected]. Curnow, Rohan, 13 Parker St., Rockdale, NSW, Australia 2216. +61422976603; [email protected]. DeAnda, Naomi, 4931 Regal Ct., Racine, WI 53406. (262) 880-7224; ndeanda@ gmail.com. Dickinson, Colby, Blijde-Inkomststraat 142/4, 3000 Leuven, Belgium. (314) 255- 2204; [email protected]. Enriquez, Karen, 30 Kinross Road, #10, Brighton, MA 02135. (617) 800-3876; [email protected]. Friday, John Rogers, Wieringstraat 16/0201, 3000 Leuven, Belgium. 32.04.85. 37.36.74 (h); [email protected]. Harmon, Katherine E., 410 Ostemo Place, South Bend, IN 46617. (574) 288- 0166; [email protected]. Harris, Corey, 959 Kennebec St., 2nd Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15217. (412) 953-6727; [email protected]. Lee, Elisabeth, 2838 Grant Street, Berkeley, CA 94703. (770) 363-8077; [email protected]. Lojan, Radoslav, 281 Nepean Street, K1R 562 Ontario, Ottawa, Canada. (613) 697-6158; [email protected]. McInerney, Joseph, 7413 Shady Palm Drive, Springfi eld, VA 22153. (703) 314- 7541; [email protected]. Okey Stephen, 74 Elmira St. #2, Brighton, MA 02135. (765) 481-0885; okey@ bc.edu. Oliva, Regina, 961 Lawrence Avenue, Girard, OH 44420. (330) 545-4278; [email protected]. 208 CTSA Proceedings 65 / 2010

Padilla, Elaine, P.O. Box 223, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756. (201) 602-3065; epa- [email protected]. Ranstrom, Erik, 30 Kinross Road, Apt. 10, Brighton, MA 02135. (413) 265-1839; [email protected]. Reisinger, Joan H., 5816 SW 89 Way, Cooper City, FL 33328. (954) 434-7676; [email protected]. Rober, Daniel A., 117 Voorhis Ave., Rockville Center, NY 11570. (516) 318- 6765; [email protected]. Sherman, Matthew, 27 Monroe St., Shrewsbuty, MA 01545. (508) 864-4921; [email protected] Schmidt, Z., 610 Cottage Grove Ave., South Bend, IN 46616. (574) 968- 3982; [email protected]. Viau, Jeannine, 1916 W. Birchwood Ave., Apt. 1, Chicago, IL 60626. (312) 813- 0478; [email protected]. Walatka, Todd, University of Notre Dame, Department of Theology, 130 Malloy Hall,Notre Dame, IN 46556. (513) 602-7876; [email protected]. Walsh, Maureen, 2745 29th Street, NW #308, Washington, DC 20008. (816) 868- 6753; [email protected].