A potpourri of joy. From chocolate and nuts to fruits and spices, this mixed bag has 12 caddies for a wide range of flavors. But that’s not all! Each of these 12 caddies come covered with a part of the jigsaw. Move the pieces to make your picture. For added fun, try and finish the jigsaw before your tea steeps.

INSIDE THE BOX: Irish Breakfast Apple Florentine Mint Chip Coco Berry Indie Spice Spice Wreath Cinnamon Pop Peach Passion Dark Chocolate Delight Red Jamaican Chocolate Marmalade

INR 2499

Net weight: 369 g / 13.01 oz


This box is a selection of 4 festive blended for the holiday season. The comfort of nuts and the warmth of spices keep you joyous through the season. The vibrant yet familiar citrusy zest makes the festivities exciting. Inside the box is a crossword for holiday mornings that stretch languidly ahead, when there’s nowhere else to be but home. Just like old times.

INSIDE THE BOX: Nutty Pumpkin Nutcracker Orange Spice Cinnamon Pop

INR 1499

Net weight: 130 g / 4.58 oz


Two tisanes and two flavored blends. Perfect for the holidays. These exotic teas come with great color and flavor. Sweet, fruity, bold, and spicy. For a little more flavor, this Christmas we are revisiting the past to bring back simple pleasures. Like games we played. In this gift is ye olde favorite, Join the Dots. So, turn the wrapper over while your tea steeps, and doodle away.

INSIDE THE BOX: Red Jamaican Chocolate Marmalade Apple Florentine Cinnamon Pop

INR 1399

Net weight: 137 g / 4.83 oz


As the seasons change and holidays approach, a festive mood rings in the air. To accompany the good feeling we’ve made this pack rich with flavors of Assam, Darjeeling, and classic blends. You’ll find some orthodox flavors in here that are sweet and robust, gentle and assertive. To add a touch of nostalgia, we’ve inlaid the box with an old-school activity of Spot the Difference.

INSIDE THE BOX: English Breakfast Burnside Classic Spring Assam Breakfast Giddapahar Special Summer Muscatel Black Cannon Earl Grey Coombergram Classic Summer Assam Black

INR 1299

Each (25 g / 0.88 oz) | Total Pack (150 g / 5.29 oz)


24 flavors. Now, that’s a lot. Needless to say, this box has it all. Blacks, greens, , and even the exotic Silver Needle white. Each Teapac is a stroke of joy. To make it all the more pleasant, we’ve added an old-school activity. Your teas come in a keepsake box with a holiday- themed picture. We’ve started coloring it in but you get to finish the rest and decorate the box.

INSIDE THE BOX: Irish Breakfast TeaPac Orange Spice Black TeaPac English Breakfast TeaPac Mountain Rose TeaPac Earl Grey TeaPac Organic Breakfast TeaPac Chamomile Ray TeaPac Darjeeling Black TeaPac Coco Berry TeaPac Chocolate Marmalade TeaPac Dark Chocolate Delight TeaPac Nutcracker TeaPac Punjabi TeaPac Assam Masala Chai TeaPac Darjeeling Masala Chai TeaPac Darjeeling White TeaPac Silver Needle White TeaPac Nilgiri White TeaPac Exotic Assam TeaPac Organic Darjeeling Oolong TeaPac Darjeeling Oolong TeaPac Green Earl Grey TeaPac Chamomile Green TeaPac Moroccon Mint Green TeaPac

INR 999

Total Pack (24 Teapacs)


This Christmas, take a gadget-break, find your calm with this green tea collection. This box encloses the smooth sweetness of summer flowers instilled with the rich-textured wintry smokiness, fluid and exciting. To top it all, you’ll find a Word Jumble inside the box to take you back in time and enjoy a few moments of simple fun.

INSIDE THE BOX: North East India Classic Summer Green Tea Burnside Classic Spring Green Tea Pascoes Woodlands Special Winter Frost Green Tea

INR 799

Net weight: 75 g / 2.64 oz

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