Chiapas: the Apogee of Contradictions
10 Voices of Mexico Molí • June, 1995 Chiapas: the apogee of contradictions Carlos Monsiváis * n February 9, facing the TV cameras, President campus and is said to have been a member of the Forces of Ernesto Zedillo declared war, albeit in other National Liberation. According to the president, the EZLN words, on the Zapatista Army of National was preparing to provoke the destabilization of Mexico, a Liberation (EZLN) and its leader, charge demonstrated by displaying the not very powerful Subcotnandante Marcos, whose identity he "unmasked." arsenals located in three safe houses —one of which held The fingen is pointed at Rafael Guillén Vicente, a B.A. in two revolvers. philosophy who had for a period of time worked as a The Ministry of Interior (Gobernación) also professor at the Metropolitan University's Xochimilco reported more than 110 denunciations made by the civilian population from January to September 1994, * Joumalist and writer. including the takeover of towns, murders, the looting of Cru A. Marro The han!-liners are smiling, convinced that the most important Ming is to liquídate society. 1 1 Voices of Mexico /April • fune, 1995 businesses, kidnappings, highway robbery, cattle the need for a single national territory, but why is it that rustling, the forcible (sic) recruitment of Indians and for thirteen months no one noticed the anomalies of the peasants, the parchase of arms with resources from the situation, which President Zedillo called an "abdication government's Solidarity and farmer aid programs, of sovereignty," a punishable act which the previous robbery, assault and rapes of the civilian population...
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