Pittsburgh SD District Level Plan 07/01/2015 - 06/30/2018 To provide feedback, email it to
[email protected] or mail it to the following address: Pittsburgh Public Schools Office of Strategic Priorities 341 S. Bellefield Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 2 District Profile Demographics 341 S Bellefield Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (412) 622-3500 Superintendent: Linda Lane Director of Special Education: Donna Westbrooks Martin Planning Process Throughout 2012, the senior leadership team of the Pittsburgh Public Schools reviewed the PDE planning requirements and the overall state of the district. From those discussions, it became clear that the district needed to embark on an extensive process to develop a strategic plan for the next several years. This need was driven by two major challenges. First, our academic progress had faltered well below acceptable levels and we still had significant racial achievement disparities. Second, our financial projections forecast a large chronic budget deficit facing the district in a few years, significantly driven by an escalation in pension costs. Addressing these problems simultaneously required a robust plan development process. Accordingly, the Superintendent, Dr. Linda Lane, with the support of the Board of Directors, began our "Envisioning" process. The plan development process was led internally by the Executive Director of Strategic Priorities with extensive leadership input and guidance from senior cabinet members, including the Deputy Superintendent, Chief Academic Officer, Chief of Human Resources, and Chief Operations Officer, among others. The process was also supported with external expertise provided by FSG and Bellwether Education Partners. The resulting plan, Whole Child, Whole Community: Building a Bridge to the Pittsburgh Promise was released to the community in December of 2013.