Matador kicker Ethan Beck. We approve of the RU-486 approval. Osborne is worth the wail. ,~"""" See page 16 See page 7 See page JO 1.. . . ii . - BAIL~UNDIAL Volume 4l • Number 22 Since 1957 Thur sd.1y. Opendent student newspaper h!tp ' 'und1.1I """ t•du

KCSN-FM Students flot hosts first graduating in live lunch timely fashion Administrators find interview ways to up grad rates Station discusses By KARMEL MELAMED CSU with Koester SUNOIAt STAFF n response to President Jolene By MANAL EL-KHOURY Kocstcr's recent calls IO improve SUNDIAL STAFF I gradualion rates, campus acade- mic administrators said they arc KCSN's first hvc interview looking into mcrcasmg the ' number lilied 'tit's Do Lunch." President of Sludcnts graduating on time from olene Koester discusscd ·the CSUN. ECalif~ia ~ University system John Chandler. CSUN and how she became campus Ptcr said allor Engel asked how "I 4id go to the UniVCBity of do." she said. "I became very inYOlvcd began wortdna in inlil1lMflnal edu- cl.a), aid. clus scheduling or meeting she p(pcriencc) about what lhe WOisabi.lity Resoun:es 'Thefe ... --.S..roget what the chief has aboul JM l10CC- language • Sept. 1 I. Koester ~alcd one o( her tape locturo while taldni ~ "'M""1 notd1lkclli ealber WW1l to get f~ ma1or goals for CSUN was 10 'V they .- NCOD $lllrldards. I mvolvcd wilh lhe deaf community or develop ways to help students ¥rad· uate oo Ume sou -- wilh them Uldiv1'klally "' ... run.. and C-Printen (5Hnilark> ~)_....,.to .. We &ag bctund comparable msh· lP"" them - 00 their,._ and ., ohare the NCOD nou1a1<:ona guido- gettbeitfod,...lbeSbldentk>findl~ " fuc - ,....., saod her ~ ""'1- deou do ooc. paduate in 1 umcly way." --..-...... ny """" .. I - haJ been the wide IUbjel:U. which she 11,MML find ll>oCher Sbldent lft their°"" clti& ranae ot has ...,,...... ' ..,..., leamed oo-..imt. Robena, a_, studlH major, la a - l<>r Iha NCOO. See GRAD RATE, page 4 wilhnl"' tolre .... fuctbem. - Jennlw 2 •The Dally Sundlii • CSUN • Thor>day. 0<.- S, 2000 Wire

Schools receive ·millions in state rewards SACRAMENTO (AP) - The department will further More than ·two-thirds of check their eligibili1y between progr~m califomia public schools. incl!Jd.. now and January. when checks~ Reward at a glance ing some of la.~ year's lowest· ex peeled to go out. scoring rural sc!'Kx>Js. improved 'The Academic Performance Ht"' ... ,_ and IJauroe Awan:ls: $350 million for all improved lhcir scores and 800. 100sc already over 11.aff at 1ehool1 char meet the ume criteria. Tuachen and oc.her ~ c~ lo claim rewards as 800 had to increase at )casi will &epanrnent of Education estimates the amounl 'lt S800 per qualifications and the issues Tuesday who made the incen1ives pan of growth wgets will share in $577 school woiter. nigh1 in 1he first of lhr'te debates that his school-improvement crusade. million in reward\. The schools • Cenificated Stiff Perfonnancie lneenti\fe Act: $100 ~Ilion for cou ld prove crucial 10 what voters decide .. I rrankly did noc expect 70 will get mott than $150 per St u ~ tcachm and principals in. K!hools that scomi in the bottom hair of the The presidential candidates argued percent of schools 10 rise ~ meet den! to be used as the school sile state In 1999 and improve their APla lbe mew in lOJO. about Medicare and prescription drug the challenge. bu! that's what hap- committee detennines; all statf at AP1• must arow 11 i-10 JIC"""t and...,.. formllla The department million for rhe individuil bonuses. $5,00> to $25,00> f(Jf -each. better debater. schools are eligible for the reward system crcaled by Davis and the about 12,250 teachers and princi- The neat 3.7~ teacher$ .,ill goi SI0.000 eoch and~ next 7.,00 ln a CBS NCws poll, 56 percent said - will ... $5.000 eocb. The local district and teachef Wlions wiU he'd done bencr; 42 pcrccni said Bush. A \ Legislature to boost test scores pals in schools in the bottom half lhal: lagged behind the nation in of the state whose APls went up dlllribtllelbe-. , CN~SA Today-Oallup su rvey made it nearly all grades and subjects. most. Gore, 48-41. An ABC poll rated them the about even. The polls had error margins of 4 percentage points. but they arc not considereJJ a measure of settled public Taiwanese president picks new premier opinion. 'Oley mcasu~ of instant. efno- tional reaction that don '1 always hokt up over Chang Chun-hsiung replaces former underwent lung surgery in April. still angry about the defcal - has time. said he quit because of declining not cooperated with Chen 's military chief Tang Fei after resignation health. However. many believed young party. his differences with lhc president Many thought the presidcm TAIPEI. Taiwan CAP) - A He also said the adm1mstra· over a nuclear projwl influenced could smooth relations wnh veteran politician and one1ime uon will 1ry harder to unify his decision. Tana favored finish· lawmakers by appoinling Tang dissiden1s' anomey took over as Taiwan's fractious politics_ As ing the planl, while the pcesidenl 10 be premier. Tang, a form~r Taiwan's premier on Wednesday. premier, Chang will be responsi· wanted to scrap it fighter pi lot and defense mirlis ~ delcndirlg~thc replacing an ailing former mili· "ble for govern, The new :raiwane5C prcs1&. ·~r ..-:.t!\.~;\'l•IJ'lll~,i·~~"~lli '·'"" tary chief who failed lo calm the mcnt 's policies in 1he who took office m ~y. ut is h1sto Inc. and funds. ' Suffolk County could ban the company's strugghng con 1he seven Baby Bells CfC been beslcged by """"""""and other playgrounds o( when a Sulfotk family of four. nabon's No. I loog-Oi5tanctcwTicr lroUbb in recetll monlhs at:russ the WChocle ol a dnVCf S10Cc it was fi™ propostd by dally its shrinking long· Oil till leaking from tanker phone>. 131kina on a cell phone. managcmen1 dunna an distance business and H grounded near Singapore Thoughathttcilie$havt: 1'htte arc too many ..._ held m late N~tilriiaal cable TV bl.he I money talking '!f"l'=- Street Journal reported fuw~ oo ai the be;sl way leakin& Wednesday horn a Panama- the linit oounry in the ,..;1y." Dr. Shawn Wa:tnesday. aung people famtltar to deliver lC'lephone and h1gh- rcgistcred lanker 1ha1 ran a1roun·d nadoQ'k)cl>so. Camon o( Easl Hampon. wtth the maru•» speed lnwnel Soer· At leaat 2 million gallons of crude Tho """"""' mirrors local onJo. Brooklyn. Ohm, «•act«! the tance business. mcluding Venzon 1shly" to combulC its Bus.iness oil spined into the ~sy shipping lanu """"' in New Jmq. Ottio and country's lint ~ law last Man:h. Communtcauons Inc .. the kluma.I ~ umt wtlh thal of Bnllsh after the Nahma Sea ran aground a1 Povl' publtshod in the reponcd. nle1:ommurncations PLC and dawn Tuuday. Widl Coutty fJloculiW> Ruben New En~land Joomal ol Medicm< A 5jllno(!' of AT&T's ioqg-01s- AT& f Wl°'*" Corp, m dolna the The tanket is rn lndonena:n wat.ns Galfnoy's ~ the law ...,Id found dial udki1c 00 1l ptione while tanct opet'.lbons. WhtCh pn.)vldt swne as it e'plorcs the ?-"'l&S'blhfy about· five m1 le10 1oou ttlc1ua of """' d!a1 in January. Tho r-iJty dn•"1& ~ the n.i.c bl an service ro some 60 million con- of .a rnc::tp with, Va.· Sinaapore. b hoidlng a cell phone while at the accident anJ Wll.S aimoQ as danp- su1nen and aenerates ruuKhly $8 ~ Nextel Cummunlcations whe

Library ·gets state funds for archives proposal was submitted In June, Valley history to be Curron said. recorded on Internet The Library Service and Technical Assistance Act alloca1ed By JARED ELLIS funds for state-supported libraries ... SUNDlAL ST...iff to begin updating onlinc! records. she >1id. ti he 0"4alt Library received a Curzoo said the arctuYe IS acc:csscd gram Sunday from the state at hup:// Tof California 10 produce an Library archivist Robert Internet archive on the hislOry of Marshall said the project will run 1hc San Fernando Valley. on lls own server due to the '1'his is one of few grants avail - amount of data being stored. able to libraries alone." said Susan Marshall described this digital Curzon, library dean. "We arc archive - the first of its kind - as delighted and honored 10 rtccive a way for people to view the San this money." Fernando Valley in the context of The library was notified of social movemCnt..'i that occurred ~llO at.. .US llMll' ~ receiving the grant, which totals SI 53,000, in fnid-Scpcembcr. The See GRANT, page 8 BBA provides career support Unity brings black for st\Klents who are ready to enter ..'The benefits of this club (arc) At three of the four mccungs speakers have helped her prepare the wOrkforce. They also concen· that you are pan of something, and they hold each month, a guest for the future and she 1s confidenl students together trating on issues that affcc1 black being able to affect ocher people's speaker from a corporation visits: on her preparation for the wort.1 ng communities and others. lives," said Micliacl, 21. She said the BSA 10 provide suppon and world. By CLAUDIA LINH Kisalyn Michael, external vice that the lack of black SIUdent social advice on how 10 succeed in the " h gives me a sense of belong- SUt-IDIAL STAf'f president for the BSA, said the involve~nt on campus moc.ivates corpoiate World. Topics include ing," Francis said. main goal of the assodadon is to them to bring everyone together. how to improve social skills. how to BBA also sponsors vanous aca · he Black Business support black srudd no1 report the lRCtdcllt io l bm Tmdall, ooliucs plann•na director.

Sunda Monda -Solo Cirdo , ...... - .. ,.._.. __,,,.,,_ la.a-lp.ia. l p.a. Gr.-, USU S!Mo!~Cllk ...... MICUA--_,.,.._ --...... QW..... oldwNu~lndimlUtmldrftiodw"" U.S • 11 111) • Slli.tfloar CSl/liC.- -• o..- .....,._._... \ ...... He-- "f,_•ilcftlMMl.,....._lw1Ufrpi no ll'IOh' hm. ·l:!Op.&. USU ,.._ ...._. t.lw•dlc ytlf.thc U.S. p-.Wot.1klnd trai&y wtd! 1lle SCodyA-...... -""1.... w-a.nhe1c ,_ .._... _..., Gnnhnyc.M- Nahftla.~lllc"°"'1111ottils~ • Walill'll1 \\Uqi 11....__uso lwUS- LA.ArtsO,..- -.-USlJ -"°""""'""' __ ...... HllT)'!. T~hr.ildltieflnl ...... l irlca:st ~ICOJ~ t.JOp.11., S-Clorill.USU IOa_a - lp.a, PAC -0..1- ...... ,...,., '"' l~aAJJ>A CSUNS,...... 1C_,, AS,Ulli ...y ....., l ~ l ...... USlJ ...... a,...,PAC F-Owj- ... -n..... ,.....,...... ~\C-picr.-._._..... u.s. ,... ,...H.,tnh.-.usu •• AS,.lllli l'llJ .... :w... r.. _ r...i i. i.un,...... ,,_..... c.i...... ,...... , C)oortllc-t , Ip.a.-- -°"'•S,....l'!tJ.... _ ... > ,..._.,...... _... ___ 1JA,__-SllOJ lp.a."'1: ~ ,,.~ ... .--tll o-.-~·- ...... tll __ ...... _____ ...... ,...... - ...... -us. ..r ...... -..,., ...... ;.,,.,,.i....., ...... - __._...... ,_...... ,...... ,....Wtm_,.._ _...... ,.. --...... - ...... -c..·-c-- u.s.••• administrators are working together 10 make changes and expand the AccQrding 10 a report compiled number of students graduating on lasl mon1h by the California State University chanceUor's office, 55 time. said Philip Handler. vice percen1 of first-time freshmen and provost for academic affairs. 59 percent of transfer students grad- ·'Our firsl priority is to coocen- uate from CSUN in a timely man- trate on helping studenu who have ner. accumulated a k>t of units but have In the ·rcpon. six years for first- not gradual

C•mpu1 •dmlnl1tr1tora ire looking for w1y1 to lncreaM grad rates. schools in Los Angeles County than obstacle is thac. is keeping lhc:m frorii fromCSUN. graduating," Handler said. California State University, Los He said CSUN plans tO noc1fy Ange~ had 71 percent of first -lime and provide advisement for students freshman and 63 percent of transfer who were in good academic stand- students graduating on lime, the ing but dropped 001 because of per- report indicated. California State sonal or economic issues. University, Domina:uez Hills had a ''This (review of graduation rates) S2 percent gradua1ion ra1e for firM - 1s one of lhe highest priorities for lhe time freshman and 70 percent for pn:sidelll and lhe Jln>"°-'t'S office," DAV1D 9ULJ"Ni:ll ' °""'-"' ~ lnmsfer siudents. Handkr saJd 'This flOI a criticism Ir 1 pntporld llllomont doll Sept. 11 , Prelklent Jolono Kouter olltod CSUN'o grlduetlon rot1 l1 lagglng Koester and CSUN 's academic (of !ilUdentsl. bul IO help !hem."

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•'\.c,UlJt •\" HILL',• t818> J40-174ti I The 0.111 Sundial • CSUN • Thundap. Ocu>bel" S, 2000 • S Voluniee~ SPICE up cultural discussions

Foreign studen1s talk .....,,..,., riglllS. gy Of eYCn about global -if<.hhelp!;IObringa"'°"' isSues human pmpecti't'C mi. is mas5Cld in By JORGE LEAL booborvidom" Each paneL which u.suatly iasu SUNOIALSTAFF aboullWlhour,is ~oflhroc IQ. hCS foreign SllJder<; IO shore their CJl1Vl1U1ity orpiilJllions. politkslO food Th< _.,n. Sluder< .,....,~ for an Senior cltizcm wart k> know aboul ln1cmat1onal Cumculum and how lhe elders arc~ m Olher coun- EWcalion. - founded inl998. said tries.. whtle high SIUdan arc very 1'*=:r· Roope Ra..p. •lldCCfS. In ruum. they >es major and SPICE ...,..._, satd lhe reccsve kum cl ra.::ommerdmon. as program helped her beromc more well~ a SJOru1oon waiYCr for each pre- ...,..,,.,. ... seruoon. '1 lil- lnlcmauonal students v1s11 cla11.i-- plc from ochef cultum; now more than n:iom.~ and present lhcir perspo:."tlvcs on before." YO

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Did you know about AIDS Walk LA, California'• largest AIDS fundraiaing event? More than 28,000 -pie, a• diver•• aa the city itself, participated in the 1999 walk. Approximately 80% of the funds raised for AIDS Walk i.o. Angeles go directly to help people with AIDS, making this event one of the most cost-efficient fundrai11en ever.

There is still no cure or vaccine for AIDS. HIV ~ontinues to spread at an alarming rate; more than 40,000 new infection• per year in the United States alone. Recent adv nee• in ucombi!'ation drug therapy-- 'j-ve made it possible for some people with AIDS to live longer and healthier lives. However, we now know the drugs do Rot work for everyone. AIDS Walk Los Angeles benefits AIDS Profed Los An9eles and other AIDS service organizations throughout Los Angeles County. APL.A is one of the oldest and largest organizations and provides service to more than 8,000 men, women, and children.

Northridge has been very dedicated in their efforts for the CSUN team. If you are interested, you still have time to register. Every walker gets a free T·shirt. The CSUN team will meet at 7 am in. parking lot C tho morning of the walk. Bus transportation is being provided by local member of City Council (alf donors names are on the iJack of the T·shirt). We even will have breakfast provided. Please com9 out and support Northridge, by becoming part of the tradition and demonstratin9 the power one pe(son hcts in the fight to end AIDS.

Stand• with registration forms have been placed all over campus, including in our very oKtce of A.sociotecl Students. H you have any c~cems or questions please contact the chair of the AIDS W~lk steering committ-, Amy Reichboch at (818) 677·3683. ' Atso, prizes will be awarded to the top 20 fundraisers from Team CSUN ~ Already, prizes like mountain bikee from Target, free partc:ing for a semester, gik certificates to the Bookstore, restaurant gik certificates and o-ra are being gathered for CSUN Walkers. In addition, plaques will be awarded to clubs and organizations with the most wqlkers a~ the most fundraising. Call to sign up your group todayl


Benefiting Benefiting AIDS Proiect 11AIDS AIDS Proiect 11AIDS Los Angeles PllHCT los Angeles PJllJICT and other AIDS service and other AtDS service organiiations across organization.s across Los Angeles County Los Angeles County T1 Siii Ur Call l818J &D-3683 A S!t(H..1 ATE D sTODU.Jt::.;, JNC I The Daily Sundial • CSUN • Thursday, Octobe.- 5, 2000 • 1 Op Ed O pinion, Editorials and Lcucr.; A small prescription. for the future as1 week, the Food and Drug Admi nistration fina l- ....•<. Lly approved RU-486, the abonion pil l. Pro-choice activists cri ticized EAR.TH : 2050 AD : 1he FDA for dragging iis feet dur- ing the approval proccsS. POPULATION 50 BILLION The drug fim became avail- WHO NE£05 RU"t9b able in several European counlries ( more than a decade ago. Despite the controversy over abonion. the avai lability of RU- 486 to the American people is a positive step. Choosing to have an abortion Editor In Ch~ is an emotional and difficult ..- ;..:- STACEY KLEIN decision fo r most women and, ~EdltOt" KATHRYN S. HARTIN until now, has been complicated by a traumatic and invasive Ck)' Editor JOCELYN"· FOX medical procedUre . · After choosing to procecdr Op-Ed Edit.or HIKE FONTANA wi th an abortion. a woman fre- {i t~ Wi,..Editor quently is forced to have n LORI JUDO procedure at a clinic thronged ~ AAE Editor by .pro-life protesters. making N SIMONE SCHM11M demeaning accusations about D Sporu Editor her mora ls. ... BltYANfOWLEfl This situation is intolerable. L' C»endar Editor The suPrcme Court decided in . 'A.RONHNDER Roe vs. Wade that states had oo ::z. Pho«> Edito< right to prevent women from g BOa SANDOVAL seeking abortions. Whether or 0 ""< not people agree with the deci- IEN SHALOM sion, heckli ng emotionally dis· skyrocket. Allhoogh the logic Those who oppose a woman 's llustm:ions Edit.of" traught women and bombing behind this argument seems right lO •hose have every right to JOHN RUIZ .,bonion clinics is not the RU-486 requires sound, it is not born out by facts. make their opinions known to Copy EditoSHIAN fear of prott5tCIS and ridicule that Not a significan1 amount, gruiled. get the law changed. • JENNIFER RO!"! currently hampcrt the process. for examine the the drop aven\ged. 001 to .. In the~ of RU-486, despi\C . , JARED ELLIS '!"PfOxi:,i . ~E l.-..OUR'f both the doctor and the palien~ wdnian arid, . if~ the ma1IHSHITH and patient decide IO go ahead go ahead with the ty is thoroughly beside Ilic! poinL RENEE ZUCKER. with 1he procedure. he simply procedure, he · Like u ot not. abortion is legal. UnMgned Kitorial• represent the wriies 001 a prescription. RU-486 was approved for use JlllllYPn>du0me particularly beautiful Assln~nt 'o tM P\IWilher he October 3rd "Weelcly rooms, individual study -rooms, IO study in the Library including views from the upper floolS with EVI TTE SMITH uzz" made me lhiJlk thal near bool if I areas. We have pnwidcd a variety wing on the ti rst and secona outlined the library's study spaces. of seatina because of individual stu- noors and lhe group and indi vid- c. a.non ual Sludy rooms and the lounges UniwrJily Library ELlZAa~­ETH WHIRLE DGE The library has 2.622 ..,.. .. localed dent needs. DOS companies solicit on campus." that federal law requires debt ,. iludY rooms wnh special equip- _. In fact, that bi II, SB 796 educatioo and counseling __ be __ ment on the main floor. west ------(Dunn - D. Santa Ana), wis provided to stud

by CSUN's online historical GRANT archive, he said. Conffnued from page I A committee comprised or Manhall. special collec- through history. tions archivist Tony Gardner '"This wi II be a brush- and mulliple members or Slroke 1hat will show us our local historical societies place in history," Ma11hall ran&ing from Chatsworth to said. "We hope the site will Tujunga will select images be used as a teaching tool for the project. Marshall for students, facuhy, and the said. community." " We wi II be able 10 He added. "Reaching all include approximately the way back 10 the 1700s 2.400 images ... he said. and the first mission and "There are over ·200.000 then documcn11ng the available. Due to time and changes up to the 1930s will money rcs1ric1ions, we be inicrcstmg to see." won't be able to include Marshall said the them all right away" Valley's history has not been Curzon said in-dcp1h fully documented in this data collcct10H has not manner to date. Walrluts, begun because staff is Slill chicken farms. 1hc bemg hired. Mulhollands and the '1'wo people, a project Lankcrshims will all be arch1v1s1 and a ICG:hnician, included. w1J1 be hired." Curzon sa1~ "Questions like 'How did ''The team will be given one water come tot~ Valley?' will year to dcve lop an orgam zed be ansY..ercd," M~ll said. d1g1tal hbrary that is easy to Resources from the access by everyone." Oviall and other libranes m Marshall said. '"The tame the Valley will be included, clement is goiilg to be diffi- he said. cult This is a lot of infonna- The Ov1att's special col· tion 10 sort t hroug~. and Ofl( Ject1ons and archives depart- year is limiting. That's how ment is heading this project. grants work thou&h.." Marshall said, and will pro- He added. " We'll do our vide as many documents. bc>I ." photographs. maps and 3-0 Curwn said the project objects as possible. was deterred in past years j4A•0 ~ 10...r~ Marshall said images due to damage the library A committee of local htatorl•n• wlll t.-1ect document• for the S.n Fem•ndo Valley Internet hlatorlc11 1rchlv1. \ . . will be scanned or digitally suffered during the 1994 pho1ographed, and narra- Nonhridge earthquake. lives will follow. Links 10 "With lhc completion of other hlSloncal societies' the construction. this scmes· sites will accompany most ter was lhc perfect ume 10 of the information provided begin lh1s project," she said


lllllWAHT".._....,...n-"'9**** .. _, SUIUMI.' • I The Dally Soodial • CSUN •Thursday, o.:.- 5, 2000 • f

KCSN ,...;,y jlfSition. interview was ex


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E115Uring thl lutun 1.800.842.2776 for those whe shape it· ~;U&tantUnlon ww\\' .,'l'IUlticlon and I or to RSVP, ·--"*".woo""""""Of'l""'.:\ll-.PIOIM:a. ...<41llOO ..J11lJ - ~~ ttltf!IM'M ~ -...... ~ ..-.. ... ~ •twli.Clllf ...... '*"""'~- ...... l (.. MlllflMillilll -~,.,.."' at (818) 677-6024 STUDENT ' IB I t ! • I 0 •The Dally Sundial • <:SUN • Tl-••ndor. October 5, 2000 Arts and Entertainment Os)>orne sings 'Righteo Soulful Rock singer performs-a diverse variety of music By SIMONE SCHRAMM LOve .. is a good eumple of spir- ituality, starting out with 1 pounding electric guitar riff that he new CD .. Righceous merely compliments her forceful Love,'' by Joan vocal delivery of this sligh1l y T Osborne, _>'IS a long aospclesquc tune. Although it's a time in the making. five years lo modern. up-to-date spiritual be eucl. And the wait is well ditty, the words r~vert back to worth ii! 1hc old gospel s1andard From the beginning " Grace." · track,"Running Out of Time" to She belts out words like " I the Bob Dylan cover "Make you was a lroubled soul , I had a wor- Feel My Love," she belts out an ried mind, drifting from place to eclectic mi:luure of tunes with place, I was the restless kind" wicked abandon. This CD con- and "Ir I sprouted wings, I would tains a variety of siyles from no1 be amazed 'cause faith is a gospel and blues to exotic mystery that r6cks me for days and days and days." This sonJ can be l""°o things: an ode to the man of her dreams and a spiritu- al claim to her faith in God or If I sprouted spiri1uality in acneral. wings, I would ·Osborne's cover of " Love is Alive" by Gary Wright takes some not be amazed getting used to fOF those of us who know the '70s original. Al first lis- 'cause faith is a ten. J\lan's occasional vocal mystery that scratchineSs sounds as if it might not do justice to this song. since 1he rocks me for ooginal is a straight -forward rock days and days ballad. However, give it a few, and I mean a few listens, and you' II be and days. blown away by her robust execution Qf each note. During the chorus as she sings - Joan Osborne, " My heart is on fire , my soul's ~inger like a wheel that's turning. my love is alive, my love is alive," she sounds as if she 's having an orgasm. Again. she could be Eastern stylea. Songs such as " If singing this to a. man, God, or l was Your Man'' and "Running even both for that matter. Out of Time" have a definite Other soulful. rhythm and Eastern innuence with their clec- blues-driven songs include the .kNln 09bome delYea Into new aplrttual hlgha on her curTent lnteracope Reconla CD " Rlghtoua Love-" ""'l tric silars and burbling beau. first single "Safety in Numbers" The lauer tune also features and "Angel Face." In the street· time. "Angel Face" has a basic She visited several Eastern coun- musicians there. She even had echoes of Joan's previous album wise and soulful "Safety in gospel feel to it and just up lodes tries after her enormous succes1 the privilege of performing for " Relis.h," an equally fantauic, Numbers," the listener can defi- with Joan's gritty vocal style. with ~" Relish" in t 995. There, the DaJal Lama and sang with collection of bluesy songs about nitely picture Joan walk.ins down The mood of thi s CD ia the ahe immersed herself in lndtan. Luciano Pavorotti and Bob spiri1u1lily. a New York city street amongst result of a journey she took 1ha1 classical and qawwali mu sic as Dylan. Talk about a .variety of The 111le track .. Ri&hteous people, yet alone ~t the same was bOlh physical and. spiritual. she played with several popular musical s1ylcs!

...... kialldlO ff TliE RECORd I Tho Daily Sundial • CSUN • ~. Oc.- S, 2000 • 11 Arts and Entertainment

Rapping away. ..

CSUN A&E Calendar

IS.A9tW~'flUMOIAL Prtotity-. llrtl•t - 10pet1onned 11 .. at the Unlve,.lty Student U~lon Wodneodey. Hie ·co lo called "The Poper Route." Comedy .Central techs us with 'Battlebots' viewing people !hat arc compet- uuve Debbie L1ebhng She said New show is a meohanical ing in a robot 1ournamcn1." that it 's ran: when all of that can "Battlebots" was created by come together in one program. Edward (Trey) Rosk1 HJ and D'Ernco has a simpler expla- Sp.m,-y 'Ceiebrity Death Match' Greg Munson. two friends who nation: ··1estos1erone" PMonniogAIU Ccrur $19.30. Scnkn SIS. Studenls $10 that 111!,Sll three minutes or unt1 I have been since If you need a changCj of pace By ANDREA CANTER Hear Bradlian boss.a oovd a.s 11 was one -of the robots 1s knocked out 1hey wer.e youngsters. Now. 1hey after watclun& i.hows about CONTR IR U11NG WRrrF,R mconl ID be or incapacitated. This competl· are bringin& their ·passion for 1nlrospec11ve teenagers or poht1 - tion takes place in the mechanical mayhem 10 a mass c1ans, turn on Com~dy 'Central to rom Dr. Smith's compan- CSUN Symphony ion on "Lost in Space" to "Battlebox," an arena featuring audience. sec s"p1ffy -louking robots Tekno the P\IJ)p)', robots various obstacles for the contes- ·•saulebots" appeals 10 people reduced 10 scrap met:tl One 1rore F tants, including 'slcdgchammen. becalUC It offer$ reaJ ·"citemcf\t. lf\ing; ~~•":JI ancmp any baup have long been a fasdna1ion for humans. A new television show traps. and spikes that rise from serious i.:om~tifion anA natural bke this Oil home. Yoor vacUum ctc4i' actually combines our interest in the floor. comedy. said Comedy Central exec- or VCR may never forgn-e you mechanical creatures with Announcer Bill Dwyer, a blcachcd- blondc Dennis Miller t::ompctitions. lypc, promises that Come visit Spain ... Fuente Ovejuna Indeed. the "Battlebots.. 1s "comm11 - baulc of the tcd 1u restoring your Oct(>.8, 11 · 15 . faith m uncensored acls 8 p.m. Thurs-Sal.. 7 p.m. Wed .. 5 p.m. Sun. nor women, nor big- Further commentary 1s Sn.dio Theam: wheelers, but robots, specifically provided by play-by-play A classic play abool 1476 Spolllsh " Battleboti." announcer Scan Salisbury. TV ''Battlebots" u a half-hour scientist Bill Nye. 1wins Randy weekly series on Comedy an(t_ Jason Sklar from MTV's LA. County Arts Open Central ll fceturei.; homemade "Apartment 2f," and " Haywatch" -House';\t CSUN robots engaged in violent compe- star Donna D'Ernco tition. D'Errico. a former Playboy Saiunlay AU 0.y (call fnsm girl and a Naci<:NI AIU & Humani..,. member Qf the metal band Monlh. R1mms1ein. They p11 their cre- "Battlebots" ations aa1ins1 each other to Billy Childs A His become the "Battlebots" champi- appeals to Chamber Jazz Sextet on. The show airs Wednesdays at people because it 10:30 p.m. Sp.m.S&uday Prior lo the battle, the robots. offers real excite- P..tmnins 1.Jls c..- whose n1mcs include Overkill. - Grammy nornislec <001bines jiu. Vlad the Impaler. and Disposable ment, serious - and pop inl\Jenca F"" (fur-call 6Tl- Hero, arc d1v1ded into four cate- competition and 3943) gories from lightweight to super heavywe1ah1 natural comedy. Two remole -controlled robot~ face off m 11 demolmon round Call (818) 677-2<488 - Debbie Liebllng Comedy Central Execotive FOR THE RECORD to show off her comedic skills tlle ~ for Ibo DcluJie Duong one posl-baulc 1n1crv1ew, ~--1CDU1tlio she cornphmentcd the robot ' s ol .. lllllJ ...... __ builder on having " aood shafl ~ 0-W J. lllOO - control.'" O' Errico says she ., doc1tt·11ake her.self too seriously F.-i, 0vertuna beglno - llt CSUH'o Studio~ . because. after all. 'Tm inter- 11 •Tho Dally Sundial • CSUN • Thundo)'. ~ S, :ZOOO ·Wire

Ar,fat demands inquiry, protection for his people PARIS (AP) - n.e focus of lhings," Justice Min1sler Yossi overnight. In nonhem Israel, a l1rge on an "irresponsible provocation·· Officials said the Paris talks Middle Eas1 peacemaking efforts Beilin told Israel radio Wedy war against Arafat's forces negotiations and not just Che end of Pnmc Minister Ehud Barak: a that have lefl at least 58 people Europe has pointed the finger of in Lebanon in 1982, said he bore no violence here." Israeli Aeling guarantee of protection for his peo- dead in Israel, Gau and the West blame at Sharon, who visited a responsibility. Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami pie and an inquiry mlo the causes Bank, and salvage lhe already- shrine, known to Jews as lhe After the Pans talks. Egyptian t0ld Israel radio. of violence that have swept lhe stalled Middle East peace process. Temple Mount and to Muslims as President Ho\ ni Mubarak. a key A diplomatic drive, ·Jed by West Bank and the Gaza Stnp. She met with both Barak and Al Haram As-Sharif, or Noble player in the Middle Eas1 peace Clinton, to forge an '1tsraeli - Arafoc told reporters after meel· Arafat Wednesday stparately. At Sanctuary. The dispute over who proceSs, is planning a leadership Palestinian peace agreement had mg with French PresidcnJ. Jacq.ues about the same time, Chirac met will control the si1e is the main summit on Thursday. Barak and lost momentum even before the Chirac tha1 a three-way meeting with Barak, who was accompanied obstacle 10 a peace agreement Ararat have both agreed to come, recent v1olcncc. stall~ af\cr a July 1hat had been planned w11h he. by his most senior military adviser. Chirac has blamed the violence Mubarak said Tuesday. summit in Camp David. Secretary of Slate Madeleine Danny Yatom. Atbnghl and Barak, was not a sure Fighting broke out last week .. thing. after an Israeli hardlinc leader, .. The meeting (wi th Barak} will Anel Sharon, vi ited one of Teen admits contaminating three Whoppers depend on the one I will have with Jerusalem's l)'lOSl hotly contested Albright," said Arafat. holy sites, a spot revered by bolh ROCHESTER, N.Y. (APj - contaminated food over eight resiroom, then returned 'nd said A former Burger King employee months ending in late April at the she had urinated On it Asked what his conditions were, Jews and Muslims. 1 he said, "Pro1cction and an interna- State Department spokesman admitted using oven cleaner and New York State Thruway restau- All three employees were ti onal inquiry commi ssion." Philip Recker, speaking in spit to contaminate Whopper rant 12 miles southwest of fired in May after another work- A scmor Palestinian official has Washington, said CIA director sandwiches thal sickened a sher- Rochester. er repo11cd the tampering to a manager and the deputy suffered said an m1cmat1onal inquiry in10 George Tenet planned to join iff's deputy. In court, Musson admilled Israel's actions would be a condi - Albright in Paris. Recker said Tenet Daniel Musson, 18. also said spraying oven cleaner on two diarrhea and nausea. tion of reviving the peace talks. But will take pan in discussions on Tuesday that an 18-ycar--old co- Whoppers before Scott B. Savino Musson is expected to testify Barak's offi«e has said he " security issues. worker told him she urinated on a broiled them. When he asked agains1 LaDuca and SaVino. rejected the call for an intemtition- As diplomatic efforts gamed Whopper. Savino, 20, 1f the sandwiches had Monroe County prosecutor al investigation." momcn~m. there were no signs of Musson pleaded guihy to a been served. Savino laughed. James Wolford said. In " I think thar. if there arc ques- the violence abating. 1Wo felony charge of firs1-dcgrce Musson said. exchange. he faces a sentence or tions and if there arc quenes, we Palestinians were shot dead early tampering with a consumer prod- Mu.sson also said he spit on a six months to three years behind can answer lhem ourselves. We Wednesday m the West Bank, and uct Sentencing is Nov. 29. cooked Whopper. He said Janet M. bars. He could have gonen up to don '1 nCed a committee biased three Israeli military outposts in the Police said he and two others LaDuca 1ook a Whopper in to a four years. agains1 ~rael to investigate Gaza Strip came under attack

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he Fall semester 1s m full swin&. and freshmen. T sophomores. p.m1ors and seniors arc asking 1hc question what's ncxt7 First what is a. freshman? What's a soph.omorc" A Junior? and the senior'? Freshmen ; No dcfin111on required. First year at a maJOr institution of higher lcarnittg. Sophomore: Accordi~ to Webster's Thud New lnlemabon.11 Diclionary (Unabridged) 1966, p. 2174, the dcfimt1on reads as follows: "cxh1b1tmg a firm and oflcn aggressive convh::uon of knowledge and wisdom and unaware of lnnitations and· lad of matunty. mchncd wovcrsamphfy." Junior Denning his or her focus. hopefully dccl~mng a • major Senuw "Hope mom or dad will lel me live rent free. umll .. ·· Remember four years can creep upon one subtly. your major 1s your life, declared or not dec lared .

Photos & Text by Bob Sando\'al 14 •The Daily SundYI • CSUN • Thursdoy. Oct.O... S, 2000

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Ol1l (818) n11k: from CSUN needl 11-ISH•> 368-8222. ( 10.ll){ko) AMWMf 5)().100l(12·11 ){si) J*1 11mc SIOttloffice ~ · Must be HI, DELIA. Gl.ldS whit t-dly IS BACK TO Khoo! loci! OOfl'IJ*'IY DRIVER· FWRIST ckhvenes =~~~8)=~7=ai) Will 20.34 hrs a week. Cle.n OM V Oct. 51 Yup 11S your 8-dly Uappy ha 50 new op:rnna po11tJON to be rceo«I CllJ 763-9 121 C.\I. 171 21st 0-dly Hope all your 8-day +JMQMMit'* DUNDEAL.NET Sl.5/hr. we '"' Wllhes come UUc ( I O..S )(M) ~:~~ I~ !:":rva!: curm.tly 1eelnn1 coflc9c 111.!dents (10. ll )(pl) OFFICE JOB. lnturan« office RESEARCH POSITION fot' 0 Ol(nl I career OJJPOf1Un1ty, no Cllpen· 10 wori p1ri-11me rrom U'lcir home ~f\h~ .i:.. ~~;ro:·,!!~ :~':!~ ence nccdcd T,.inina aY1Uable ror FOH RENT S ERVIC~ S get1c 11udcnts Full 111nc &: pan all q\llhfied llppl.an11. ln9emships I ~;=ri;!~~b:;'\:. :i~.,!~ ~e:"=~~~~n=~ ~ 1 eace needed, Plcatc v111t our ~ & ielcphone en1111c:crin1 1vcs 1n busnleSI fOr 21 yt*1 Co. ti- ll.IJe ~8TI, ~~~r1 ~rf.'r1;~1!;rson :=r::~r:1:m&!~tut-:: site for .ian up - dundeal ltC1 NORTHRU>CE 1 BR Apt wuh NEW SMILE Oto.t: Dtnt11I Plan ava11abkb.ervice.•lc&.CUllOfner S"rt today1(10..S)(he) conll"ICts wnh AT.tT, Sprint. pq., bllcony. ale, clole to camp.tS. ECG DONORS Ass1s1 •n 1nfer- ,,.'Oft Apply ln otrice. 91'l&llbt.uldlftl.Sl7S, ~~~C:l~6~-lii.s Northridfe GRE4T POSITION Aulo body :u:~':.:~~ ule coupk AJet 18·29 .. 0rug. work In kical area. To lp9iy, OIUSC ;:1z:; (8 18)623 ...... (10-5) (kl) or www studcntdcnt1\ com or shop in Raeda Blvd., looll:1 4 clc 10 "*91'Ch public reDOfds ll Cit)' •k:ohot 1oblicco frft All cut in all now! Call'Moa.·Fn~ 10 a.m. - l -.~tatcom (12-llJ Of •nc~ RfSEDA 2 BR. Hot. b m'll close Nonhrtd1e area Simple proce- p.m (818) 998-(i646,www.\lo1Wk. a:cep11onli1 au1stant; and county FOJ more info. (lo) computer ii. office wori. Bihn call (811) 891J..2352 or fax raume dure $2 •.soo+ mcd!Ctl u:penses rOl' 02·11) (vtl SECRETARIAL SERVICES. (8111)776-8700 (12-ll)(tl) p~f. C.11 (818) 342-0070. (I 9) IO (818) 898-9186. Aun: Marty :..~cr..:t!.:n.7a)~ AR[ YOU pet'IONlble. 1rtteula~ (kl>) .. (l().16)(p<) "t'4· (1().$)(ki) Typtn1, cdi11na. rcscarch1ns. fax - MOVIE EXTRA. Wort EZ, beats ii. informed? Hdp 1.11 t1.i1e funda 1na. professional lecte.ra., Internet. PR&.sCHOOL + loddla aeacb- CLERICAL POSITION: Pan. NORTHRIDCE PVT. RM. fOf all )bbt No crazy fttS.. great p11y * for rt0n·proflt orpn1utions. fonna. ii. much more. {811)262· Start nght aw1y 24 hrs. (123) ~ PT ii. fT. min. 2 ECE U11it1 lime, I S-20 hours week flexibk I· rent 111 House. cloee IO campus 9'441 or 982-.5736. ( 12- 1 l)(sm) * Fkuble bwrs, perfec:t RM" stu· •fknt:fill. Woodland Hilts. (818) &.so..«11 112.11><) upencrw:c required, ftj;ood lclc- Grttt leamina opportunities fOJ M1.11t own ear A be wtlin1 IO ~st televi110n devclopmenllproduc1n1 ~~~ ~~~~~~~~i~ A PERFECT Job! Fidel 11la. ')(ki) ~~~~~~ll~~ec:,,:ry R~: tyf:r fkJUblc hourt + commiJlion + child w/ homt:wor\, l'eldina. 4 procen. PleaJe ru resume to Zia otheJ acltvitia. M·f 2 : ~ p.m. advancement Hours 11 am . 1 bonus! Fu (Ill) 221-3247, e- Gauhuer @ (llOJ 369-7378. (10. NORTHRIOC£ ROOM in sep S7 A U9 Day (118) 716-IJ.4&. !)(IO) • wina or • home, s min. from 11\1111 1UppM@tOne•bll tom ( 12· Eve'Wknd (818)l4S.1427. (10..S) t..7i~y M~:~~rica~~:~~~'~j ll)(fol EARN SH PROMOTING art15ll CSUN, sludent o.i , $399. (O>) (818) 623-4444 ;~s;~: :,f.1~>·1;:.·j@ PART TIME homework helper I like Nuie Inch Nails. FK>M Apple., cs1s1 NEEDED: PART time day ca~ Bu.h. Sutic X. and The Cryst.11 (l().!)(k;) child care ror 1st I 2nd ar.dcr. ·· 11.M.HQ;MH.i@lf 10 okl '*by. Mon..·Th. 12-6 Method. No up. nee . Visit Encino a~ . Must have Car. Hrs mos. RESEDA (I + I) Ouest House, p.m P~fer 1tuden1 w/ child to fill ~~~r ~.~~~r f::~~;.~ C~\t 3 JO· 7 30. C.11 J.-:lue (110)826- ~ w;:c:a:s. pct o.k .. pool ICCdS. dvlpnuu. uptrimct:. s.lary iwao- out an apphcation. Then call TERM PAPER Ilka?~ 202-4.52-.5942 (12-ll)(pr) 2466 (10. 19\(ki) &hi• pta.. SS.SO. allofl.A com wnqandR!9iellldl~pro­ u.bk;. TI4-05SI. (10.S) (kc) T111vis SIOrch at (800) 996-1816. (818) 62:1-<4<4. (Ul·>l (k>) . 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BRIG HT, ENTHU· or(JIO)l97-0999 ( 10·5)(pe) CSUN studmL Compt:ti11ve P9Y &: ROOM 4 rent $410.00 per month Rescda Blvd oo campu1 I c·ll'llltl SIASTll' people 10 leech SAT bonuses M1.111 he ou11omg .t ulll incl 1 yr conu1e1 I No resume IO da"e@l80041NUre com M~'TERV SHOPPERS prep It ALLAcackm1c Sub1ec1s Tom 11 (818) deposit I Move IA now (Ill) 998· ( 12-ll)(ml) FulV,.. nme. Flell. In. Dc!Jcnpooft. t:ncr1c11c Call Classified Ad Call Transport111on required We will or Fu rctume .t 2620 (1-0-IO)(ch} ~~RMOClrlrt:Y1I 621-0007 1re1n F'tu1ble hours Send or fu E THUSIASTIC, FRIENDLY coVer lcltcr 10 (818) 623-9630 5Ua. dnVlfll nmnl: pnnw co.,.er leuer I rHUme, 1nclud1ng phone ptrtonJ.hly 10 let apt)CI 1n a.n (10-18) {ki) (818) sn-2998 IHI Kores (SAT, GRE. e_l() 10 skllb nocdrd eon.ct S&t:&rl {8 18) k>c:al office. Ll&ht office work, 556-.5499.(10.ll)(do) ACE Educat1onel Serv1cn, Alln: morning sh11\ avad S8 00/ht C.11 C Northam, 9911 W Pico Blvd, Joy 11 830.()'789 or rax resume RECEmONIST WANTED Mon- Sic 102S. LA900H.{fu)(ll0) (818)891-4970 (10-.S)(kr) dly llvu Fndly I p.m 10 .S pm. 282-6464 Pos111ons 1va1lable Chau;worth .,. Greet aa answer DATA ENTRY/ Ra.::rp11on15\, Pin throuahout the Valley & sur· phones. compull!r woR (818) 772. tune Mon -Thuri 5.9 JO pm roundmg neas l 12·1 \.) (sc.) 7671 (10.5)(ff) rlu1blc sh1f'l hrs Sl/tv C•ll PH\'MCAL THERArv Aide, Resort PromotlOnli m Canoaa Park PROGRAM l.j:AO£RS needed !"lrt urne, Burbank or Camarilkl t818J 992.0IM (10..S)(pa) fOf allt:r tchool clubs 11 middle Musi be PRE Prof Phys1ol schools 1n Paco1ma. Shire your BARTENDERS MAKE SIOO (I().. Th.:rapy Program student Pleast' passt0n for sports. drama, 1n, S250 00 per n11ht! No cxpenencc no calls or walk -ms Fa11 resum.: computers, dance. etc S8~9 / hr nceded 1 Cell now!I l-800-981 - (t!O~)Q87 - 804( 112 · 11)1ch) plus S2.l62 00 !1Cholush1p 11\er 9 81b8e.\I 9() (l().Jl)fst) mo I 30-6 00. M·F (818) 8%- 6310 {IO-.S)(v1) RUBY'S is seeking bright, energetic, fun people looking for a chalfenge. Applications are now being accepted for SECY I PERSONAL U51. Fn WaltersM'aitresses & Cashiers. al\a. homt: ore w/cau. N Hills, 5 Experienced servers only! m1n w CSUN Yoo ha.,c car. 1ypc:, f.lSC computer, rt:habk Emrwil., Busiest Omer in Town, located 11 n<1><1 to AMC 16 [heaters f:~s, i'!;Z.1~ o:J;",te1' !Mir TELEMARKETING. t:VENINC ~ I ~ houn 1n 1m11\ kiul The Promenade Mall at Woodland HW1 •amcy Cell (818) }0-U16 (10.9) 6100Topwlla c.nyon .INvd., Sutte 219 (kl) (111) 340-7129 TELE MARKETING. S7 per hr Busy ins brokera1e firm !lours u;;J open Call (818} 920-1771, E"e or Dt:bb1c (10.101 (cpl Party Line Operators DAILY SUNDIAL Worlr From Our Woodland H/1111 Office! 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The Dally Sundial • CSUN • Thunct.,, Octobe< 5, 1000 • IS Matadors look to tame Wildcats By BRYAN FOWLER The Wi- are lod on the field by senior After extenuating circum- -'------quartaback Cole Cooper who has - eigl't """"'5 held Bnidy 10 poor sws Sl'Oll'TS EDmlll toudldowns and six ffurteptioro while~ inthefirsitwopmcsoftheoca- shon W«k for the llll.6 yards per game- son. he has looked bk< the Brady Malador football team could Pcrtiaps the besr. news for the Matadors is of old . Amcr.;on 's ><>Kl has claw thcm'iClvcs back uWJ the Portland St. at N. Arizona· ...... -. they WCI< crushed by '-1 filled by fi


I The Uruversuy and Associated S1uden1s have comm•S$lOncd a Sludy to look at '- CSUN students and faculty/staff rccrc.11onal needs and prefer~

Focus groups for interested students are forming n~w'


focu1 Croup datn a•d dmn:

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DAILY SUNDIAL OR Since 1957 FILL OUT A SURVE V AT Tll E FOl,.LOWING WEB-SITE: http //www.J,1hUQrnlst1.!Ynlcsu!1l 16 •The Daily Sundiol • CSUN •Thursday, Octobo< S, 2000 Sports On the ·team.for kicks Beck fi nds success in unexpected role By ANGELA MAHANEY CONTRJ8l!TtNO WRITER

or Malalb' senicw pwur and Foolball at WebeK St. place kicker Ethan llc- ball provides a sense of fnlemi- 7:35p.m. F ty he lackod growing up. · T'J. Fox Sporta w.t Footboll has gi""'1 Beck a brotherly ~·s Soocer atW~ St• elcmen( in his life. '1 neV.r had any brothers and this 1:30pm 1-nakes up for iL." he said Women's \/olleybaP al Always looking for that elusive Sacramento St. brother, in elementary school. he rook it upon himself to befriend a 7pm new student and show him around. That student, Randy Abernath y, became Beck's best friend . FRIDAY B<£k stiU shows new people ttlc ropes. lliese day~ thcy arc rookies oo ~6 thc Millador fOOlboll team '11le new guys need to know about an." Men's Soocer at New Mexico' ll<£ksaid. 7pm Beck is ccrtain)y a veteran. the senior entets the season as one of lhe

Beck is a big part wanens: Soocer at Idaho St: of any team 1 pm success. Volleybell at Weber ~t • 7po:n

.SOftDflY besl pwurs in Maladof hiSllJI)' and was name a pn:K81iOf1 AU~Amcrican . ~· Beck however, came to CSUN Men's Soocer at Sacramento St expoctiJ1g IO play wide receiver. "Being kicker isn't as exciting 7pm as wide receiver," he said. ··1 love scoring." In iJa'l y-. Beck has played at the wide roceiver spot. but during presca- son practk:c in August. Beck suffered a oompoond dislocarion of his pinkie lin- ger. making it difficull fur tum to catch pa;scs. Despite being disappc>ntal. he knows he has an important rote on the team. tifillador head 00ach Jeff Kann Senior punter and place kicker Ethan Beck la 1n Integral part of thla season's Matador football team. belibios Beck to be • key compooen< or his squad. only one pass. one lCJUchdown "Randy backs me up all the way," "Beck 1s a big pa.rt of any team sue· Late in the 1998 season. Matador Football is not the first lime Beck Beck said. ~." Kearin said. Manny Marquez went down has expcnenccd success as an ath· Squeezing time into his crazy ochfd. ll<£k said he has acc told lum Usually. Bec.k 's unly rr.. rught " " I JUs.I wanted 10 be bu1 there," Thursday. He likes to kick 1l with Beck said 1999 41 1781 43.4 82 2 10 fncnds by golfing a1 The Gmens 1n His eaiemou ., and na1- Valmaa. °"'""""" 2000 24 1027 42.8 61 ura1 - lltility .- him '"" • 2 5 6 0 "It is the cklsesl 1h1ng 10 1olf.'' COVClcd - He i=vcd ..,... Beck said ·CooAnnoe~ Total 65 2808 43.2 82 3 16 2 Liloe llUil - playc,.. he """' fromHecboiielhcMaladononthcldviceof - """'' IOOoboll""""""' HOW! $llllM9 In bold hi• tillhcr, who tokJ him 10 ag:qll the The following __ _ Tuc:oi and erduladas am lhc way to ~home "'""' foo#>al lll1d Ml offer he receivcd. dally pncoca and wQ&IM lnllllUlj. • '""' "" head, he "'"1 (1lllll'l(IS p/lryfld at llte Noflh He came Kl CSUN ..pch dlar1 a and kid«OOd m lhc Bis Sky m mates. lncludit11 Abernathy, with camnukric. flftltl~ but did ""' calCh • -- pullling at .43 44 yWtl JI'" pa He"'° whom he haa-n:uni..t ollet - '1 can'I lt1lilfPnc: my IJfe wiUlcd Beck'•"""""""' - he""""" eight~ "" 14 yWtl lrdAling "\-hi&h- 5jlOIUorfOOliloll.'' he"'"1