And Joan Lamont
rs RETURN DATE: JUNE 9, 2020 SUPERIOR COURT JOAN LAMONT, ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER, J.D. OF WINDHAM TOWN OF WINDHAM, and the TOWN OF WINDHAM AT PUTNAM V. : ONE (1) CHIHUAHUA DOG, EDMOND BOUCHARD, AND ROB DICKINSON : MAY 19, 2020 VERIFIED PETITION PER COS § 22-329a FOR TEIVIPGRARY AND PERMANENT CUSTODY OF ONE (11 CHIHUAHUA DOG) 1. The Plaintiffs/Petitioners are the Town of Windham, CT ("Town") and Joan Lamont, who since July 26, 2009 has been a municipal Animal Control Officer employed by the Town and who has authority to act as a municipal Animal Control Officer within the Town and the City of Willimantic, CT ("Lamont"). 2. The defendants are Rob Dickinson and Edmond Bouchard, each of Apt. 2F in an apartment building located at 854 Main Street, Willimantic, CT. 3. Upon information and belief, Dickinson is the owner of a small brown Chihuahua dog approximately two years old whose name is believed to be Buddy and who for some time has resided in Apt. 2F with the defendants and another occupant of that apartment. 4. On May 15, 2020 Lamont applied for a search and seizure warrant for Apt. 2F, which was granted by the court and executed on May 15. A redacted copy of the warrant and application marked Exhibit A is attached. 1 Wool, Brennan, Gray & Greenberc, PC. the courtnev building, suite 200, 2 union plaza, post otftce box i-j^i NEW LONDON, CONNECTICUT 06320 TEL. IHbOl .142-JJ 16 lURIS NO o2 I I 1 5. Pursuant to the warrant and Conn. Gen.
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