Character Map In 59 BCE, attempting to bring together and Crassus, the two duelling consuls of Rome, Julius Caesar won both their support in becoming consul himself, and the three began to rule as the . Further solidifying their alliance was the marriage of Caesar’s daughter from his rst marriage, Julia to Pompey (his fourth marriage). Julia, however, died in childbirth in 54 BCE, and when Crassus was killed in a military defeat in 53 BCE, the Triumvirate was over. Caesar attempted to keep a family bond with Pompey by oering his grandniece as another wife, but Pompey declined, instead marrying the widow of Crassus’ son, who had died in battle. Pompey was elected solo consul in 52 BCE, while Caesar was conquering Gaul for Rome. When Caesar returned in 49 BCE, he was told to leave his army at the Rubicon River. Refusing to do so, the Roman Civil War between Pompey and Caesar began. Caesar drove Pompey from Rome and to Egypt, where he was murdered in 48 BCE. Pompey’s followers and Caesar’s enemies continued the civil war for another three years, after which Caesar had defeated the remainder of Pompey’s followers (and family), had captured and pardoned most of his enemies, and had journeyed to Egypt and began an aair with . In September 45 BCE, a 56 year-old Caesar returned to Rome in triumph...

Julius Caesar Calpurnia, the daughter of Piso, a supporter of Pompey, wedded Caesar in 59 BCE, as a political marriage. 2 Calpurnia Though claiming to be neutral, Piso supported Pompey in the civil war. At the start of the play, she is 31. was the son of Caesar’s cousin Julia. He served under Caesar both in Gaul and 3 Marc Antony ruled Italy as his deputy when Caesar was in Egypt. At the start of the play, he is 39. the allegiances of Octavian was the grand-nephew and adopted son of Caesar. Octavian was 19 when 4 Octavius Caesar Caesar was killed. Named heir in Caesar’s will. Lepidus was a military leader under Caesar, ruling Rome was Caesar was ghting

 5 Lepidus Pompey in Greece. At the start of the play, he is 44. 6 Decius Decius was a distant cousin of Caesar’s and fought for him in both the Gallic and civil wars. ROME Brutus had been a general under Pompey during the civil war, but after the defeat at the , Brutus joined Caesar’s forces, was pardoned and forgiven, and became a part of Caesar’s inner circle. Brutus’ mother had been one of Caesar’s mistresses, and there had been rumors R  7 Brutus what he was Caesar’s illegitimate son. At the start of the play, he is 41. Cassius was a commander under Pompey during the civil war. Fleeing after the defeat at the Battle of Pharsalus, Cassius was captured, 8 Cassius then pardoned. Cassius then fought for Caesar. Cassius was married to Brutus’ half-sister Junia. At the start of the play, he is 41. 9 Casca Casca was from a family loyal to Caesar, and was a tribune.  During the civil war, Cinna married Pompey’s daughter Pompeia. Cinna’s sister had been 10 Cinna Caesar’s rst wife, whose daughter Julia had married Pompey as a political alliance. Cimber was a supporter of Caesar, who had named him governor of and . 11  Metellus Cimber 18 16 S 12 Trebonius   19 14 Ligarius had been a supporter of Pompey, even standing trial for treason. 15  13 Ligarius He was pardoned due to his legal defense by .  P 13 14 Popililius 9 17 12 10

 15 Cicero Cicero had been a supporter of Pompey in the civil war, but had been pardoned by Caesar. 7 11 16 Publius 8 6 17 Portia Portia was the daughter of a mojor supporter of Pompey, Cato. At the start of the play, she is 26. 2 18 Flavius T 19 Marellus 3 4 5  C  JULIUS CAESAR  20 Soothsayer    21 Cinna the Poet

 22 Artemidorus 20 21 22

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