1913-12-06, [P
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B THE EVENING JOURNAL. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1913 ro I r i Basketball JOURNAL’S DAILY PAGE OF SPORTS Baseball I p m Cenr'l Sports ALL THE NEWS OF THE LOCAL SPORT WORLD, Odds and Ends Jk: T" ■ ; LAUGHING AT Willard, Who Defeated Morris, Phillies Lead the Nationals Sidelights on Local HECKERT BOOM m . Will Fight In Australia In Club Fielding This Year Sporting Talent PHILLIES FirST IN CLUB FIELDING; CHAMPION GIANTS ARE ONLY FOUURTH. York Manager Stands Little y I’D. A. E. r.r. P.B. »» o. Pet. By “Bill McGowan Philadelphia .-. 1.30 4339 20*1 21 ! 00.34 .90S 13 "j^-t. Louis'. r Chance of Getting Tri- 153 4034 20,33 219 (K)2*i . .905 15 i Pittsburgh .1.3.3 4106 IS.il 220 021.) .904 14 New 1 urk .., 4233 193K •34 State President V Big urn 0443 .901 14 The North Kart Academy basketball , It Is said that the Vandever team, 'Cincinnati ... 1.30 4110 2033 1 0422 .901 14 team will clash tonight with the Ores- | 0f the All-Wilmington League, Brnok'yn ......... ; 13; 410,3 IS!»:) 43 0241 .901 13 has m é t'hirngri .............. 4110 2004 .939 1.3 MEETING SOON TO cent fire on the floor of the former. | i!:m signed Pitcher Luts, of the St. Aloy L K Bout ou ................ 4110 2003 3 ‘ 0380 .957 11 Manager Frank Heaton, of the North sius team, for next season. “Lutz won 1 im * TALK OVER AFFAIRS m i!:ß East hoy«; i? confident his quintette will the city championship for his team ? According to the official holding aver- . you'll find him—like any cripple come out a winner. His team will be at / 1 Wilmington fins are not inclined to last season. age* <;t fclte National League for 1913, Hans only made 24 errors out of 501 tired in new uniforms, which were re f. .................... there is not a regular player on either*j chances. aka too seriously the Heckert boom His average is .962. John 5 ceived fron; N. Fnellenburg A Co. this “Lew” Denhy. the Wiltnlngton hoy -f.- vWalBf -, th. New V-;k or Hro.klyn clubs v.bo or the presidency of the Tri-State Hummel of the Dodgers, with a tab afternoon. The colors of the team will who Is making a big hit with Vogel's lr* -lands at the t >p of the i-uhimi) in his 0f .653 is third >ague. The York manager hae been Fletcher of the be orange and bitte. > i", , %* • ; i4- ............UU ,h. r,5b,„: boomed so many times that wimtat V baseball would not be winter baseball The cage fcosser* from Brandywine (jwillayB- be home for the Christmas holl- I t WP * ------- 1 T-'YTyst I'Mcaptain, position, conics nrtirestas among to firsthe thebaseman king I R. T.,ba Fisher, ^adu?» who8 played*î1** JP°1318b 'gameson- J8 If some such proposition from York have been practicing hard this week for __ l v- j ■ „ 1 he ranks second. \> it’.i «'percentage of Eleventh. Schafer of tie Gants, who would not come ont yearly in Decem tonight'» battle. Among the Mt. St. Mary’s College * v • Wß7 MW- Kd. Konet.-hy. the Cardinal, who ?”Tf/ed °rt ,n 16 Kam**- 18 ab80' ber to be discussed by the fireside un — football star« to receive their ”M" \ v _ ß" i* reported Uv bo slated id plav first for *u _ til the annual league meeting. By the "Bobby” Wallace, who was to have letters was "Jack" Kelly, son of - the Giants next -«.im.ii, »auks best. He aTanJ,‘f> ,lln midget Bostoi * way, it is said that President Carpenter fought at the Fnirmmint Club next John D. Kelly. Jack played a Stirling W^fT--------- ■ -, - JO has a mark <u .99.3. 1-ic.l Mcrklo, of the -*Jd r’. J"’{de mo.r" as?.,sts ,l}an,.’'n.v Tuesday night, will not box until a games this season for the Maryland fÆSSv ,ifth- "ith . , , ToUw . »sh 1 . v f n - »rill hrtd a meeting o-f the league rep later dste. He received word from Mar- boys. TW Although sixth in the li-t. I-red I.u Toramy Leach, the ex-PIrate. who resentatives next month. eus Williams that the Fairthount Club It may be said that his younger ■' ':-'M dents, of the rhillie», iias too .-redit of gal’’es ,n ,th* ®«Uleld for That is better news than the Heck- will give an all-star show the following brother. "Dan." who last vear stared J, ’• T5"'.•* , tF having more putnuts and as-irts than . u £cal leading out- art boom could possibly be. Th« tu- Tuesday night with bova from W’ilraing for the same team, also played In J - • any first -»acker in t- leugne. H« play . ^ ,>,a'V'!.1 . _ . T ■ t hssehsll is in the bal- ton P't,pd "R*in8t Philadelphia boy». aeveral games for the Varsity team f,‘l m , Mi «*"*•—«wy ‘,,K "" thÇ wi l P hire of Tn-State baseball ia, in the bal __ season ' PWTw/|| I schedule (the extra one luring accounted feet percentage. Leach has a mark ja« .n wh« tin, « •W-'-'L d’h, local Uds thst will probably he ' _ _____ ' IjfiLlt W.AKVjF^_ . , ___________ -t.u by the fggt lhat the ..., #fc . „ thên talk of « new president, if on art: jjarTv n«ker *‘Kidn C?hed- ” Bucklcv who for several I Phillies played 0(1 a tin -made 15-13 Zaoh \\hcat of the Dodgers rank^ is 'nnt^and*!)!« wick’ WtlUce- Braillard «nd years hfld down an outfield position R âÇR FTR Jeßs WiUard* h«vln* gained a decl- putouts, IIS hut m«dr 26 error», ^ *97^ FYed Snodgrass of cannot afford to let^ it die out and the Gardner. There is good talent in that on the DuPont team, of the All-VVil- DAjAlIDALLAI I I slon over Carl Morris, has moved an- Huggins, l4ie (aid.mil mam .’.p'°^'r *itb ,?ib8' 8 Çf8hte«>nth: sooner a rigorou» .tart 1» made toward f#r(| A„d jf such ean be arranged it mlngton League, has surprised bis other peg forward In the heavyweight l,,ads t,,<' 'f■,'on,l baaamp" 'r,tb ',’T7' „eth Stu Lk * a -aDt8 ,B tWPD' next season a goal the better, fanning A M e ft 8enjttipn " manv fr|cnds This time Bill Is fllTH II ACT!) II » 1 P 8 Ior"ara ,n lQe ncaxyweigni Htrry ttroh) the Jormur Giant, who.was tleth. with .966. 'Red' made the about the prospect» can get nowhere un- p __ married I \ I* K I I fighting game. Willard says he will traded to tliqjdedu, stands third. Johnny n108* assists of any outfielder in the til the league representatives get to- -oien" Hackctt i« rounding up a bas- __________ lli»UAND U J1JI4UIII/1/A A |g0 to Australia to fight in February. iF.ver«, manager of the .Cubs, is fifth, butines*. He threw out twenty-four g«th«r and learn from the president just ,e,trl at the Pullman esr »hop». -------- ------------------------------------------------------------- Pflirnni TP AV1T i -------------------------------------- Cutsliaw. of the . Dodgers, is men. most of them at home, which p».-a«p.~ j.v;asrtÄ^*~~••“* •“ mat do you want StHEDUltS OUI i «•»■-«• ■«“ »«»• ss wMax. Went Carpenter gener.lly has some d0"n tMms _ n nal uu uu ”01,1 ---------------- • Pennlyn Hall basketball team defeated ^ p,,y,e WM ^ injure4 lut. outs, the most of any outfielder In plane for next season and he usually One of the best sport« that lower tO KhOW AbOUl SpOfl? NEWARK, Del. Dec. Ö.-Delaware 1 'Vestmin*ter last ,u8ht 0,1 îhe v- M- H- lis thirteejKli. i the organization. r I gets those plans through to completion ndawnre can boast of i, George Pratt, * College basketball and baseball tcun, A' ,la Hf,or’ b-v 8 4” to 7 s‘’or,>' . Doyle bad a ™ark of P95' haV.* ' .S’, »K Burns of the Giants fielded when the league meetings come around. manajr,r 0f the Company G team, at -------- --—----- ------------------------------------------------- ■’ will p|uv-t large muk>ri(\ of their came- I Ybe feature ol the game was the floor ' inf? made thfrty-one errers out of 691-we or a newcomer. He stands I Believing that this winter will prove p)PVPr He has a Une hunch of stars on snorMn» Fdltor EVENING lOIIPN'AI nt Ä Ä T Wl I »irk «I Dm * . chances. |twenty-second on the list, having exception, it is expected that the ,li uintett mi i# booking games 8p°™n* Ed,'"r BVEM.NO JCH RNAL. ‘ ^ 3.1c‘ Imxc he"" Ü e, ared I he ine un- * John Lobert of the Phillies Is In I'laycd m 1W nmei He made preaidentnc will have something interest- wjth local teams. I Kindly publish nyourpaper the j N-anagcrV Mr . fl rtv nd 'Vn ellee , ‘P'i, . the front rank of the third basemen, twenty-two assists. H.s average is ing to say when he calls a meeting. _ ’number of years Christy Mathewson ^ -ui«! of «.«.-h U I \ m P*nnlyn Hal1' Westminster. Arthur Devlin, who was turned loose .963 - Meckert is full of ideas and many of -phe proposed new basketball league is : bas been pitching In the big leagues. ! ^oy ... Craig..................... forward ............... Lindsay | bv the. Braves, is second, although) A ill Killifer of the Philles is really them have been followed out in the Tri- creating considerable cc mment about FAN. ' , follow- ........................ forward ...................Wilson only taking part in slxty-ninc games, the leader of the catchers, although State.