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--V V -' - ' . r ' : t e r ^TiS-Jr U :'- t . ‘ V>-i^»5' / V 1 /' -X /'•" :#•■? . >-'C;'^-yi^ ....... Cireulation• % Statement ■ JThe. Westili# Aterage dally drculatlon of THB uy cloudy tonight Mid Thara^ [EVENING HERALD Imontli of APRIL 3 ,2 2 7 -4* >v Established as a Weekly 1881. Try THE HERALD’S WANT COL V O L. NO. Established as a Semi-WeeHly 188a. MANCHESTER, CONIi, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1919 UMNS. Cost onO c ^ t per word for PRICE TWO 0 ^ m v m 192 Established as a Daily 1914. first insertion, half cent thereafter. Russians to Ship SNfRIM DISPATCH SAYS II. S. CRDISER FIRED N. 04 STARTS FOR TREPASSEY; Food to Teutons SHOTS AT FFALIAN WARSHIP FOR D^HETDIO Paris, May I'i.—^The Bolshevik government at Morfcow has sent a iE NAVY Dll wird^ss dispatch to Berlin stating ORDERS! OEnCERS REFUSE T D R IS C K REPORT that the Russians are willing to con tribute food to Germany, but' will H f not “be duped’’ nor will they cease “EGG RIOTS” LATEST Athens, May 14.— (Passed by Refuse to Dl^nss Report. hostilities, according to> information N^C-1 and N. C-3 May Start GERMAN DISTURBANCE French censqr.)—A dspatch from Paris, May 14.—No official report received here today. Amsterdam, May 14.-r- 4lgg Smyrna says that an American cruis had been received today at the of Today Also Across Atlan- / Germans Also Offer Substitutes for Certain Chnses and De riots” are the latest in Ger er fired two shots at an italiaif war fice of Admiral Benson, U. S. N., re many. Advices from Heils- BORDEN CALLED HOME. l>erg said th a t 42 women had Paris, May 14.—Sir Robert Bor ship on the morning of May 12 for garding the unofficial report from mand Freedom of Intercourse With Austria—Affies WiB tic _ N . C 4 Win Not Stop Athens that an American cruiser had l)een arrested, martial law de- den, the Canadian Premier, is re disobeying allied naval orders. The claretl, and. many women turning to Canada, according to fired two warning shots at an Italian wounded, after a moh of fe shots were fired across the bow and Reject Offers—Austrian Envoys Expected Today—To Be - 1*5 at Halifax Unless She Runs Reuter’s Ltd., be cause the political warship off Smyrna. males had attacked food shops stern of the Italian wareraft, the shouting “We want eggs.” situation there is said to require American naval officials refused h to Storm — “Blimp” his presence. dispatch said. to discuss the report. Handed Thmr Treaty on Wednesday. Starts from Long Island. Paris, May 14.—Three lengthy SPEECH OF GERMAN German notes were handed to the ‘ ARRIV^ES AT HALIFAX. LODGE, IfADER OF & 0. P. SENATORS; ENGLISH CIVILIANS W AIR STAGE ^ig Four this morning and they be ‘ Halifax, N. S., May 14.— Tlie sea gan immediate consideration qf plane N. C-4 arrived here at 2.10 p. PREMIER STIRS UP them. i m., local time, (1.10 New' York t o ALL PARTS OF HNITED KINGDOM The first dealt with the Gorinan CIM NS, IOWA, PRESIDENT PRO 1EM request for oraU discussions of the time) this afternoon, having com pleted a flight from Chatham, Mass., ANTJ-U. S. peace treaty. in four hours juid five minutes, on The second 'related to a substitute JUGO-SLAVS SACKED BOLSHEVIK ARTILLERY average speed of more than 80 miles plan for the disposition of Saar "Val Curtis, of Kans^, Republi TOWNS IN RETREAT. SILENCED BY ALLIES S^en Great Air Routes Es- aq hour. ley based upon a division of the coal Milan, May 14.—The re American Quartets at Berlin London, May 14.—Bolshevik fields. The N. C-1 and N. C-3 averaged treating Jugo-Slav tro|ops that artillery on the Archangel tabfished — 120 Aero only slightly more than 00 nautical can Whip— ^Brandegee to invaded Austria sacked and front that was violently shell The third demanded freedom^ of miles an hour in their flight from destroyed the town of Wind- Guarded by Extra Force ing allied positions has been intercourse with Austria. silenced, said an official dis Rockaway Beach to Halifax. ^ Name Committees — Pro ish-Graetz, not even sparing dromes and Landing Sta It is expected that all three will persons of their own national patch today to the W ar Office eventually be rejected. ity, according to advices re of PoGce. from General Ironside, the Chatham, Mass., May 14.—Uniteo gressives Name Jones and ceived here today. British commander in north tions Now Being Used. States trans-Atlantic seaplane N. C- ern Russia . The Dvina river is now open AUSTRIANS EXPECTED TODAY. 4, “slid off” Cape Cod at 9 05 a. m., Kenyon. for allied transportation. London, May 14.—The commer Paris, May 14.—The Austrian \today, circled high above the naval NEWSPAPERS BACK cial air stage has been officially ush peace envoys are expected to arrive air station for a short time and then PENROSE SUTED TO HEAD ered in by Great Britain. Civilians today and it is now likely that the started on an 800 mile jump to Tre- Washington, May 14.—The Sen SCHEIDEIHANIfS WORDS » are traveling on seven great air ways treaty will be handed them by next ate Republican conference today se GERMANS DO NOT WANT passey, N. F. SEN. FINANCE COMMIHEE radiating from London to all parts Wednesday. To Go Alone. , The Austrian credentials will be' lected Senator Cummins of Iowa, for However ^His Wor^s are Not O. K’d of the United Kingdom and to points ' Failing to catch up with her sister TO GIVE UP EX-KAISER examined by a commission composed- President pro tern of the Senate on by Government and Ministers Are outside. One hundred and twenty planes, the N. C-1 and N. C-3, Com / Warren, Chairman of Appropriations of M. Gambon, of France, and Henry nomination by the Progressives. Sen Awaiting Word Prom Versailles. aerodromes and landing stations mander A. C. Read, said he would — Johnson Declines Office o, That Clause in Treaty Unacceptable have been placed at the disposal of White, of the United States delega make Aie long flight from Newfound ator Lodge was re-elected chairman President P ro Tern. Ponce Delegates Declare—Leaders commercial air traffic, 34 main aero tion. land to the Azores alone. of the Republican conference, which Berlin, May 14.—The speech o\ Pi-otost Against It. dromes being, opened at once. Plea for Cooperation. However, if weather conditions carries with it the position of ma Washington, May 14.—The selec Premier Philip Scheidemann in the The Air Routes. The Germans at "Versailles haye along the Nova Scotia coast are ad jority leader of the Senate. Sena tion of Senator Penrose, of Penn national assembly in which he de Paris, May 14.—The German peace The seven air ways are only pro sent a com m unication to "Vienna by verse, the N. C-4 will put into Hali tor Curtis of Kansas was re-elected sylvania, as chairman of the Finance clared that the*peace terms are un- delegation finds the clause of the visional and may be modified to suit way of Berlin, appealing tq the AuS'> fax tonight and will go on to Tre- Republican whip and Senator Wads Committee, of Senator Warren, of acceptablo- to Germany has been ap treaty providing for the surrender later needs of development. They trians to co-operate with the Ger passey tomorrow. worth of New Yprk was re-elScted Wyoming, as chairman of the appro proved almost unanimously by the of the ex-Ka,iser and other German lead from London to Edinburg and man's in securing unit^ during ^0 Commander Read and his men Secretary of the conference. ^ priations committee, was assured at German press. ^ officials for trial unacceptable to Glasgow, via Manchester and New discussions. ^ ................. were undaunted by the hard luck Sanderson Secretary. The Germanr have. ihe organization meeting of Senate FeoHiig" Against U.> 8. them and it is understood that thi^ castle. they experienced. Forced by motor The conference named George A. fifth note to the alliee , sUgig^tM[|^'■ Republicans today. As a result of the bitter language protest is contained in one Of the Prance, from Lympne, near Dov trouble to put In here last week Sanderson, of Iowa, as Secretary of further changes in the terms in the' The progressive republicans will used by the Premier feeling is grow notes forwarded to the Allies today. er. Holland, from Hadlelgh, near wTiIle on the first leg of the trans-» the Senate and David S. Barry, of interests of Germany. not carry their fight agalifst Pen ing strongef against the Americans Advices from Berlin^ stated that Harwich. Plymouth, via Southamp oceanic flight—Rockaway Beach, L. Providence, R. I., as sergeant at A touch of humor has been added rose and Warren to the floor of the and precautionary measures have the leaders of the various political ton. Bristol, ftom New Holland, op I„ to Halifax, N. C., the N. C-4 has arms. Carl A. Loeffler of the district to the situation by the Mayor of St. Senate, and >any opposition that may been taken by the police about the parties had protested against this posite Hull, on the east coast, Wna- remained storm bound. of Columbia, was selected assistant Germain issuing an appeal to the develop will be fought out in the Adlon Hotel, where the American part of the terms and especially the chines can jump off for Scandinavian Gales from the northeast which doorkeeper.