Skin Lesions Due to Drugs 28
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Chapter 28 28 Skin Lesions Due to Drugs Due to a constantly increasing number and use of • Hypercoagulability (Sect. 8.4) drugs, reactions provoked by drugs or their metabo- • Warfarin skin necrosis (Sect. 8.5) lites are very common and may affect internal organs • Contact dermatitis (Sect. 4.5) as well as the skin. However, it is important to realize • Erythroderma (Sect. 22.5) that food additives, such as preservatives, colorings • Lichenoid lesions (Sect. 24.1.4) and quinine (used in tonic water), and chemicals, in- • Erythema multiforme (Sect. 26.1.3) haled or absorbed through the skin, may also cause • Eosinophilic cellulitis (Sect. 26.2.3) adverse skin reactions. • Lymphomatoid drug reactions (Sect. 26.3.5) Adverse reactions to drugs are usually not serious if Skin eruptions caused by drugs can be divided roughly they are recognized and the drug withdrawn, but oc- into two groups: those due to an immunologic (aller- casionally become critical, and even fatal. Skin erup- gic) reaction and those that are nonallergic. Allergic tions are probably the most prevalent and include skin reactions may be categorized as belonging to one a wide spectrum of clinical and histopathologic pat- of the hypersensitivity reactions types I–IV. Best elu- terns. A particular drug, or a metabolite of it, may give cidated are the mechanisms of those related to type I rise to several kinds of eruptions, but usually one kind (urticaria, angioedema), type II (such as drug-induced prevails. Stubb et al. (1994) reported on 1997 consecu- thrombocytopenia), and type III (leukocytoclastic tive patients with drug-related eruptions seen during a vasculitis) (described in Sect. 4.3), and the mecha- period of 35 years at the Department of Dermatology nism of delayed hypersensitivity reaction type IV in of the University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland. contact dermatitis (described in Sect. 4.5). However, Most of the patients were hospitalized and in nearly all the pathways of drug reactions thought to belong to cases the causative drug was verified by oral provoca- delayed hypersensitivity reaction type IV are much tion. Maculopapular exanthemata, urticaria, and fixed more complicated and variable. Naisbitt et al. (2001) eruptions were the most common kinds of lesions. and Pichler et al. (2002) have summarized the possible Antibiotics, antipyretic/antiinflammatory analgesics, occurrences. and drugs acting on the central nervous system were Most drugs are proteins with a low molecular the most common causative drugs. In another large weight (haptens) and are not antigenic until they have study, Hunziker et al. (1997) analyzed the records bound covalently (strongly) to a larger protein, a car- of 1317 hospitalized patients with definite or prob- rier molecule (Sect. 4.1). To be able to bind covalently able drug-induced skin reactions, observed during to the carrier protein, the drug or metabolite must a 20-year period in the divisions of general internal become chemically reactive. It is believed that most medicine in Berne and St. Gallen in Switzerland. The adverse drug reactions that give rise to delayed-type incidence was 2.7%. The reactions comprised maculo- immune-mediated reaction are caused by chemically papular exanthema (91.2%), urticaria (5.9%), and vas- reactive metabolites, generated by the normal process culitis (1.4%). Only six cases (0.5%) of fixed eruption of drug metabolism. This is called drug bioactivation were observed and none of toxic epidermal necrolysis. and usually takes place in hepatocytes, but may also In the previous chapters a number of skin lesions take place in other kinds of cells such as professional that may be provoked by drugs are exemplified and/or antigen presenting cells (i.e., macrophages, dendritic discussed: cells, B cells), and even in epidermal keratinocytes. • Neutrophilic venular vasculitis (Sect. 7.1) T cells recognize small peptide fragments of the • Lymphocytic venular vasculitis (Sect. 7.2) original antigen, presented on a MHC molecule by • Livedo reticularis (Sect. 7.5.4) antigen-presenting cells. The process of presenting • Thrombocytopenia (Sect. 8.3) antigen peptides can take place inside or outside the • Thrombotic-thrombocytopenic purpura (Sect. 8.3) antigen-presenting cell. Endogenous antigens are 28.1 Acute Allergic Urticaria/Angioedema 215 presented on MHC class I molecules to CD8+ cells, responsible for the conspicuous eosinophilia often whereas exogenous antigens are presented on MHC seen in vesicular and bullous lesions (Pichler 2002). class II molecules to CD4+ cells. It has also been proved that some types of T cells The following are examples of these processes: may attract a large number of neutrophils and even • Reactive drug metabolites generated in the liver that drugs may give rise to drug-specific T cell lines and bound to some intracellular protein are pro- and clones (Britschgi and Pichler 2002). cessed to peptides inside the liver cells. The pro- The final activation of the cellular immune response cess is endogenic and the antigen is consequently is thought to occur via two signals between the anti- presented to cytotoxic CD8+ T cells by MHC class I gen-presenting cell and the lymphocyte. The binding molecules. (receptor–ligand interaction) between the MHC-re- • A drug protein bound to a carrier molecule may es- stricted antigen and the TCR is the first signal. The cape endogenous processing to antigenic peptides second signal occurs through further receptor–ligand in the liver and enter the peripheral circulation. interactions, called costimulatory interactions. How- This exogenous antigen may instead be processed ever, there is probably a third signal, the danger signal, in professional antigen-presenting cells and pre- represented by the cytokine IL-1 in the case of CD4+ sented to CD4+ T cells on MHC class II molecules. cells and of IL-12 in the case of CD8+ cells. Cells that However, it is not known whether drug metabolites are under oxidative stress (see Glossary), cells infected formed in the liver are stable enough to circulate in with virus, necrotic cells, and cells undergoing apop- the periphery. tosis release the third signal. • A circulating drug (stable or reactive hepatic me- From the above and previous discussion it is evi- tabolite) may accumulate inside a specific type of dent that the scenarios of drug eruptions are legion. A cell, e.g. macrophages. Processing may occur in the few are discussed in detail here. cell giving rise to endogenous antigen presented on MHC class I molecules to CD8+ T cells or outside the cell as a cell-surface reaction with antigen pre- 28.1 sentation on MHC class II molecules to CD4+ cells. Acute Allergic Urticaria/Angioedema • Some chemically nonreactive drugs (metabolites) Acute allergic urticaria with or without angioedema may also bind directly and noncovalently to MHC is the second most common skin reaction caused by molecules and may be able to provoke adverse im- drugs. The condition appears at any age, but is most munologic reactions without going through bioac- common in young adults. tivation. The binding is MHC-restricted, but less stable. The diversity of the pathways of T-cell recognition of 28.1.1 drug antigens explains why drugs may activate both Clinical Appearance CD8+ and CD4+ T cells. Also the kind of stimulated T Acute allergic urticaria is characterized by a sudden cell is of importance: and more or less widespread eruption of swellings • CD4+-1 cells secrete IFN-γ, which gives rise to the (wheals) with a white center surrounded by an ery- CD8+ response, and IL-2 secrefion. thematous area and usually associated with severe itch. • CD4+-2 cells secrete IL-4 and IL-5. These attract eo- The size and form vary from small papules to large sinophils. lesions, which may be rounded, irregular, annular, or • CD4+-3 cells secrete transforming growth factor β serpiginous. The rash is transient and individual ef- (TGF-β) and IL-10. florescences usually disappear within 24 hours. When TGF-β and IL-10 counteract cytokines secreted by angioedema occurs, the face is the most common lo- CD4+-1 and CD4+-2 cells and the cellular immune re- cation. sponse does not appear. This is referred to as the silent immune response and may explain why most individu- als do not develop adverse reactions. 28.1.2 Furthermore, investigations have revealed that, as Histopathologic Appearance compared to maculopapular lesions, vesicular and A typical urticaria wheal below an essentially normal bullous lesions contain a higher number of infiltrating epidermis shows subepidermal edema and small cell CD8+ cells and a higher level of IL-5 secretion. The lat- infiltrates consisting mainly of lymphocytes with an ter, together with the chemokine eotaxin (present in T admixture of both neutrophils and eosinophils. Thin- cells, endothelial cells, and keratinocytes), is probably walled vessels (lymphatics and venules) are dilated 216 28 Skin Lesions Due to Drugs and some venules are filled with erythrocytes. There Histologic investigation showed marked subepi- is no vasculitis. In angioedema the edema includes the dermal edema and in the upper half of the dermis deep dermis and subcutaneous tissue. sparse to moderate dense perivascular and interstitial cell infiltrates composed of lymphocytes, neutrophils, nuclear fragment, and eosinophils. Vasculitis was not 28.1.3 observed (Fig. 28.1a). Pathogenesis Allergic urticaria is due to a hypersensitivity type I re- Case 2. Urticaria Caused by Methimazole action, in which CD4+-2 T cells are activated. These A 40-year-old woman was given methimazole for cells secrete IL-4 and IL-5, which is followed by pro- hyperthyroidism. Three days later severe itching oc- duction of IgE antibodies, release of histamine from curred all over the body and she presented with ery- mast cells, and activation of eosinophils. The reaction thematous papules in the axilla. A biopsy specimen may be provoked by, for example, drugs, food and was taken from a papule.