1922 1926 1923 90 - 1930 1926 - 1925 - 1924 98 - 1938 - 1934 - 1933 - 1931 1928 97 - 1937 - 1936 1929 99 - 1939 - 1935 - 1932 9 - 19W . R. v . d. R. W oolley oolley W R. d. . v Redman R. . 0. R. . H Haffner H H. . **?*? ------'28 41 AO 37 32 33 31 25 24 38 36 34 30 23 39 35 29 27 26 . . Long W. A. Halm eid R E. W. K. . J . . oberts R W. A. Innes A. T. R. . . Ford B. E. Jackson . J Jones Spencer H. Wood E. H. . . sier ite ss o R A. R. MacKenzie Paraskevopoulos T. S. . J Houghton E. H. cIntyre M G. D. Cameron-Swan. D. Jones Spencer H. . . Hough S. S. K E Halm E. K. . J Alden L. H. August 1922 November ly u J 1922 1931 1930 ctober O 1923 1923 1935. 1934 HONORARY SECRETrJlIES P Dr. J . S c h ilt ilt h c S . J Dr. HONORARY MEMBERS r H L Alden L. H. Dr. Knox-Shaw H. Bos Dr. den van H. W. Dr. ast H. .

T. A. H. H. H. C. S. presidents . Schonegevel W. MacKenzie . Schonegeve1 W. Dutton rien 'B O L. Menzies Skewes Houghton . E Horrocks 36 1942 1949 1947 1946 1945 1944 1941 1957 1952 1950 1948 1943 1956 1955 1954 1951 1959 1953 1958 44 - 52 - 49 - 7 4 - - 43 - 42 - 45 - 54 - 50 - 48 - 59 - 55 - 51 - - 58 - 57 - 53 - 56 - 46 60 r D G McIntyre’ M G. D. Mr. Oort H. . J Dr. Dr. H. Shapley Shapley H. Dr. . . irst H P. W. Cousins . J Bos W. den A. Forbes van H. . I W. . F A. . . nsen in F leksley B S. W. H. E. A. Knox-Shaw H. . . Thackeray D. A. Jackson . J . . a dn Bos den van H. W. irchhoff K P. . . Krumm E. H. Stoy H. R. . Smits P. Evans S. tley en B David C. . J . affner H H. east F W. enter M. V C. S. MEMBERS

ACKERMAN, Dr. T. P.O. Box 293» Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia. ADDISON, W. E. 10, F irst Avenue, Lamhton, Germiston, Tvl. ALEXANDER, J . B. ' Herstmonoeux Castle, Hailsham, Surrey, England. ALEKSANDER, Mrs. B • P.O. Box 975k, Houghton, , Tvl. ALLEN, R. C. 29, Frara Drive, Pinelands, Pinetown, Natal, ANDERSON, G. B. P.O. Box 22, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. ARCHER, C. B. P.O. Box 562, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia. ARCHER, S. F .H . J Physics Department, Rhodes University, Grahams town. ATKINS, G. R. "Low G ill1’, Malines Avenue, Newlands, Cape. BARKER, J . G* 27, High Street, Overport, IXirban. BARRETO, P ro f. L. M. Observatorio Nacional, Pua Gen. Bruce 586, Sao Cristavao, Rio Ds Janeiro, Brazil. BAHROSO, Jim ., Dr. Jair, Rua Gen. Bruce 1586, (o Nacional), San. Cristavao, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. BEAUMONT, Miss C. P.O. Box 198, Germiston, Tvl. BEHRENS, H. E. A. P.O. Box 11, Kroordal, Tvl. BEKB1K, G. ' P.O, Box 144, Pretoria North. 'BELL, W. 133, Sixteenth Street, Parkhurst, Johannesburg. BENNETT, J . C. 90, Malan Street, Riviera, Pretoria. BENTLEY, J . Irene Hotel, Jacob Mare Street, Pretoria, BENTLEY, J . C. •* c/o Fordyce Road, Walmer, Port Elizabeth. BENTLEY, W. C. 109, Camp Ground Road, , Cape. BENTLEY, W. W. Campsie Glen, Umhiali, Natal. BENYON, H. G. c/o Malcomess (P’cy) Ltd., P.O. Box 3787, Johannesburg. BESTER, M. J . The Boyden Station, P.O. Box 334, Bloemfontein. BICKNELL, R. H. "Mukora", P.O. Shamva, Southern Rhodesia. BLACK, R. H. 8, Nottingham Road, H illside, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia. BLIGNAUT, J . H. 1294, Park Street, Hatfield, Pretoria. BOHLMANN, M. • 137, Wilcocks Road, Eloemfontein, O.F.S. BONDIETTI, J . S. Electricity House, Installation Dept., , Cape Tow. BRAUN, J .' 5, Buckingham Court, Smith Street, Durban, BROUGHTON, M. c /o Cape Argus, . BRIEFER, J « A* Union Observatory, Johannesburg, Tvl. BRYANT, W. A. Waldorf School, 26, Park Poad, Rondebosch, Cape. BDRDECKI, D r. F . Vincent Court, 588, Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, Tvl. BURNS, M. I . 57, Delew Court, 110, Scanger Street, Durban. BYRDE, Rev. L. S. Nqamakwe, T ran sk e i, CABLE, W. H. P.O. Box 1132, Johannesburg.

37 - CAITHNESS, C. R. 100, Seventh Street, Linden, Johannesburg. CANAVESIO, Mrs. K. 17, Cavendish Road, Bellevue East, Johannesburg, CHRISTIE-TAYLOR, C. 14, Elm Street, , Johannesburg. CHURMS, J . Royal Observatory, Observatory, Cape. CILLIE, Prof. G. G. Department of Mathematics, The University, Stellenbosch, Cape. CLOETE, J . H. * P.0. Box 50, Marquard, O.F.S. COHEN, H. W. 13, Surrey Court, Broad Street, Gemiston, Tvl, CONRADIE, D. J . J . 48, Herbert Baker Street, Groenkloof, Pretoria, CONRADIE, G. c/o Dept, of Engineering, Technical , Cape. COUSINS, Dr. A. T. J . Royal Observatory, Observatory, Cape. COWEN, G. 3, Brabant Street, East London.

DAVIS, G. C. 3, Cowie Road., F o re st Town, Johannesburg. DAVISON, Mrs. C. S. P.0. Box 146, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. DAWSON, Rev. L. L. 75, Fifth Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesburg. DE BEER, J . P. 568, Tenth Avenue,,Gezina, Pretoria. DE FREITAS MOURAO, R. R. Posta Restante, Correio de Botafago, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. DE KOCK, R. P. Royal Observatory, Observatory, Cape. DEKENAH, D. J . R. Receiver of Revenue, P.0. Box 401, Krugersdorp, Tvl. •BE PALO, W. L. V. 80, Sormany Road, Brighton Beach, Durban. DE VILLIERS, P. "Schoongezicht", Paarl, Cape. DE WAAL, S. Twentsche Overseas Trade C o., Mombasa, Kenya. DITTBERNER, E. A. P.0. Box 290,| Kroonstad, O.F.S. DOW, E. Neale, 29, Gordon Road, East London. DRAPER, J . R. 107, Quintondale Court, Orchard Road, Cheltondale, Johannesburg. DUNKHASE, W. R. D. "Emblo", Alphen H ill, Wyriberg, Cape. .DU PREEZ, M. H. C. P.0. Box £00, Mossel Bay.

EDMEADES, M. K. 40, Ivienin Road, D ellville, Germiston. ENTRESS, J . C. 1, Ascona C ourt, Gray Road, Plum stead, Cape. EVANS, Dr. D. S. Royal Observatory, Observatory, Cape.

FAURIE, P* A. C. P .0 . Box 67, , Cape. FEAST, Dr. M. W. Radcliffe Observatory, P.0. Box 373, Pretoria, FHRNIE, Dr. J . D. c/o Physics Dept. U.C.T. Private Bag, Rondebosch, Cape. FINNIS, A. H. c/o Midland Bank L td ., 92, M oorgate, London, E.C. 2, England. FBISEN, Dr. W. S. The Union Observatory, Observatory, Johannesburg. FITZ, E. H. P.0. Box 82, East London. FOSTER, A. A. c/o S.A. Mercantile Co., Broad Street, Port E liz a b e th . FLAX, Dr. A. E. 27, Durban Road, Mowbray, Cape.

- 38 - .uJEDiftN, Dr. J. 27, Montrose Avenue, Highlands North Ext., J ohanne sburg. RUHR, Dr. K. G r« 34, Rhodes Avenue, Parkhill Gardens, Germiston. FULTON, S. c/o J. P. King Ltd., P.O. Box 873, IXirban.

’ GARLOCK, Rev. J. P.O. Box. 215, Brakpan, T v l. GEARY, T. E. 74, Eighth Street, Parkhiirst, Johannesburg. GILMAN, D. ¥ . Mazoe Citrus Estate, P.O. Mazoe, Southern R hodesia. GOODWIN, R. H. P.O. Box 537, Springs, Tvl. ’core, m. 2, Port Street, Illovo Ext., Johannesburg. GRaVETT, W. H. High Spinney, Hbut Bay, Gape. GHEEjE, Dr. M. J. 2, Pairfield Road, Observatory, Cape. GREENFIELD, T. K. "Mpumalanga", P.O. Box 8160, Causeway, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. GREENWOOD, J . ] 4, Umzinto Road, Glen Harmony, O.F.S. GROGER, L. E. P.O. Box 1559, Pretoria.

HAASBROEK, A. ( P.O. Box 1132, Johannesburg. HANSFORD, T. S 5, Crown C rescen t, , Cape. HARKER, b . c . 6, Americu Court, 12 Scott Street, Germiston. HtvRPUR, D. R. 88, Cherwell Road, Kings Rest, Bluff, Durban. HAUPT, P. P.O. Box 1, Colesberg, Cape. HATJARDEN, T. ( 2, Hodson Road, Pietermaritzburg. HERS, J « 48, Central Road, Linden Ext., Randberg, Tvl. HILL, R. H. K. Gwebi Agricultural College, P.O. Box 376 Bf Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. EILSON, M. 906, S.A. , Harrison Street, Johannesburg. HIRSCHBERG, R. R. B 3, Glen Haw, 93, Kloofnek Road, , . • Cape' Town. HIRST, W. P. "Waters Edge", Greenbanks Road, Rondebosch. Cape. HOBBY, A. Namwianga Mission, P.O. Kalomo, Northern R hodesia. SCOPES, N. . Salt Lake Station, Northern Cape Province. HORAK, Rev. M. H. P.O. Box 61, Nylstroom, Tvl. HUSLÏ, R. P . 8, Columbus Road, Newlands, Cape.

JACKSON, G. 13, Outer Crescent, Oranjemund, S.W.A. JACOBS, C. R. "Broadacres", P.O. Bryanston, Tvl. JEFFERY, H. T, 8, Konig Avenue, Hbrison, , Tvl. JENNINGS, G. P. Private Bag 26, Pretoria. JEPPE, Dr. C. B 5, Chester Road, Parkwood, Johannesburg. JOHNSTONE, R. J The White Cottage, Upper Liesbeek Road, Rosebank, Cape. JONES, A. F. A. L. 40, Trafalgar Street, Timaru, New Zealand. JONES, Dr. H. E. Williams, 15, John Bailie Road, Bunkers Hill, East, London.

- 39 - JOOSTE, J . L. 495, Prinsloo Street, Pretoria.

KALMNOWITSCH, Á. 186, Innes Road, Durban. KAROUZ, C. J . 14 Van Dort Street, Malvern East Ext., Primrose H ill, Germiston. KÁTZ, H. I.. 177, Victoria Road, Woodstock, Cape. KEET, J . B. Z. 7, Union Avenue, Pinelands,' Cape. KEMPEN, B. J . P.O.Box 24, Victoria Vest, Cape. KINDER, Miss S. 83, Kloof Road, Sea Point. KKimN, Dr. T. D. Lick Observatory, Mount Hamilton, California. KIRCHHOEF, Dr. P. 24, Tenth Avenue, North, Johannesburg, KNIPE, G. P. G> c/o Union Observatory, Observatory, Johannesburg. KNOX-SHAV, Dr. H. P.0. Elgin, Cape. KORSMAN, N. B. C. 424A, Proes Street, Pretoria. KRUMM, H. E. 3, Leeuwendal Crescent, Cape Town. KUPER, J . 100, Clark Road, Durban.

LAGERVEIJ, H. C. 77, Seventh Avenue, Highlands North, Johannesburg. L/iKE, R» Royal Observatory, Observatory, Cape. LANDERS, V. J . P.O. Box 1594, Cape Town. LANGTON, A. C. P.0. Box 1, Florida, Tvl. Lawrence, r . v . 12, Melbaai Street, Strand, Cape. Lawton, h . d . "Lezayre", Princess Vlei Road, Plumstead, Cape. LEITICH, P . R. 37a, Sturdee Avenue, Roseback, Johannesburg. LEPPAN, A. Survey Dept., Natal University, Howard, College, Durban. LE ROUX, J . - H. N at. Chem. R esearch L ab ., P.O. Box 395, P re to ria . LE ROUX, P ro f. J . M. Dept, of'Applied Mathematics, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, Cape. LE ROUX, Dr. P . A. J . 20, Moorlands, Moore Road, Durban, LIGHTER, A. c/o The Star, P.O. Box 1014, Johannesburg. LINCOLN, N. Bloemfontein Club, P.O. Box 83, Bloemfontein, LINDSAY, Dr. E. M. Armagh Observatory, Armagh, Northern Ireland. LINTON, J . F . R. 6 , Longacre F la ts , Sans Souci Road, Newlands, Cape. LIPP, R. J . S. P.O. Box 285, Stellenbosch, Cape. LIPSHITZ, M. .. 10, Carnarvon Place, Durban North, Natal, LITTLE. Mrs. M. c/o Cadmic Ltd., 209, Commissioner House, 50, Commissioner Street, Johannesburg, LOON, J . C. c/o Dept, of land Surveying, , P .0 . Box 594, Cape Town. LUNN, V. 41, Moffat Street, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. LUNNON, Mrs. G. H. 1, Devenport Road, Tamboerskloof, Cape Town.

- 40 - Mackenzie, m. s . Florence Mission Station, Private Bag 15» via Piet Retief, Tvl. malan , l . b . A8, Fairfield Road, The H ill, Johannesburg. MALAN, N. Dana Court, %, Dunbar Street, Bellevue, Johannesburg. MARAIS, J n r ,, C. L. c /o Union P aper C o., P.O. Box 1216, Cape Town. MaRCHAND, b . E lectricity Supply Commission, P.O. Box 223, Witbank, Tvl. MARGO, F. 44, Donegal Avenue, Parkview, Johannesburg. MARX, E. P.O. Box 2603, Cape Town. MASKED, W. H. c/o Public Debt Commission, The Treasury, Union Buildings, Pretoria. MASSIE, P. W. 163, Anderson Avenue, N orthcliff, Johannesburg. MURICK, B. J . C. 8, Eider Road, Florida Lake, Johannesburg. MAXES, L. R. 26, Glenmore Crescent, Durban North, Durban, MCINTYRE, D. G. c/o Syfrets ’Trust Co., 24, Wale Street, Cape Town. MCKAY, A« F • J . 205» G rosvenor Square, C ollege Road, Rondebosch, Cape. CLUCKIE, D, 8, Seventh Avenue, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. MEADOWS, P. L. Dept., of Land Surveying, U.C.T. P.O. Box 594, Cape Town. MEIER, S, P.O. Box 1561, Johannesburg. MENZIES, A. Royal Observatory, Observatory, Cape. MENZIES, P ro f. G. H. Smuts Hall, University of Cape Town, Private Bag, Rondebosch, Cape. MERCIER, Mrs. R. Pyne, 25, Kingston Avenue, Selection Park, Springs. MILLER,, A. P.O. Box 2468, Durban. MILLS, A • P.O. Box 652, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia. MOLLINK, C. . P.O. Box 1206, Pretoria. MOLTENO, A. Rowan House, Rowan Avenue, Kenilworth, Cape, MORRISBY, A. G. F. c/o Surveyor-General’s Office Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. MOSTERT, M rs. G. C. 744, Hertzog Street, Rietfontein, Pretoria. MOUTON, A. J . P.O. Box 1673, Bloemfontein. murphy, a . l . 404 Rusdon Park, College Road, Rondebosch, Cape.

KELL, G. S • "Westmore", Cornwall Road, Simonstown, Cape, NESER, G. 0. 17, Septimus Street, Paarl, Cape. NEWLANDS, J . 132, Jan Hugo Street, Rietondale, Pretoria.

03EREM,. W. F . Lake Hotel, Florida, Tvl. O'BRIEN, Dr. P. A.' Physics Dept. University of Natal, Durban. OOSpUIZEN, .P. J . 19, Smuts Avenue, Cinderella, Boksburg, Tvl. OHEEN, G. 1, Buccleuch, Ascot Road, Kenilworth, Cape. OTTENS, H. 14, Labistour Place, Uoodlands, Durban.' OVEEBEEK, M. D. 91, Eugenia Road, Primrose H ill, Germiston, T v l. OZINSKY, J . "Palemo", Exner Avenue, , Cape Town.

- 41 - PAINCZYK, H. G. 2, Kinbrae Court, Gillmour Hill Road, Cape Town. PAYNE, A. L. 108, Milner Road, Claremont, Cape. PELLETIER, Dr. R. A. P.0. Box 1167, Johannesburg. POLLARD, G. 95, Penzance Road, Durban. PRATT, R. R. "Comers", Weltevreden Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape. PRICE, J • v» • Driekoppen Residence, University of Cape Town Mowbray, Cape. RABONE, B. J . Y.M.C.A., Esplanade, Durban. RATTRAY, C. P. M. "Colwyn", P.0. Box 14, Gingindhlovu, Zululand. RAÏNOR, Dr. E. W. 802, Provident assurance House, Cor. of Field and Smith Streets, Durban. REA, Dr. E. Colliery Hospital, Wankie, Southern Rhodesia, REDMAN, W. 5, Tyrone Avenue, Parkview, Johannesburg. REID, G. S. 29, Young Avenue, Houghton, Johannesburg. RICHARDS, E. B. 35, Wemmer Drive, Discovery, vie. Florida, Tvl. RING, J . L. P .0 . Box 289, Cape Town. ROBERTS, G. .■nisell May Hall, Howard College, Durban. ROBINSON, Miss J . Timour Hall Road, Plumstead, Cape. RODGER, I . Tulbagh Road, , Cape. ROSS, Dr. C. "Thackers", Westlake Avenue, Lakeside, Cape. RUSSO, T. W. Royal Observatory, Observatory, Cape,

SAMPSON, P. Si ■177, B oulder Avenue, P .0 . N o rth c liff e , Johannesburg. SAVILLE, N. 5a, Donne Street, Observatory, Cape. SCHIRaCH, W. F. T. "Enckhausen, Silwood Road, Rondebosch, Cape. SCHOUTE-VANNECK, Mrs. E. M. 17, Doble Road, King's View, Durban. SCHUMANN, Miss I . 172^ Main Road, Pinetown, Natal. SHERRY, G. C. 5, Wicklow Avenue, Parkview, Johannesburg. SHUTT, V. A. International Civil Aviation nssc., P.0. Box 2290, Damascus,-Syria. SIMEMHOPF, J . P.0. Box 112, Cape Town. SIIvIPSON, E. A. 22, Water Road, Walmer, Port Elizabeth, SKOBERLA, Dr. P. R. c/o Meteorological Station, Windhoek, S.W.Á. SLABBERT, E. 14, Bartle Centre, Umbilo, Durban. SMETHURST, C. H. 2é9, Blackburn Road, Redhill, Durban. SMITH, D. H. 8, Eugene Marais Street, Roosevelt Park, Johannesburg. SMITH, F . W. "Cheadle", H eatherton Road, Newlands, Cape. SMITH, G. H. 8. Cheswick Road, Hillside, Salisbury, E61, Southern Rhodesia. SMITH, H. N. "Moontide", The Wilderness, Cape. SMITH, M ss R. 377, Rupert Street, Pretoria. SMITH, R. F . c/o National Physical Laboratory, P.0. Box 395' P re to ria . SMETS, P. 61, Forest Drive, Pinelands, Cape. SQLBERG, Rev. S. T. 107, Main Street, Eshowe, Zululand. spargo, P. E. 65, King Edward Street, Kensington, Johannesburg. STML, J. D. W., F.R.A.S. The Johannesburg Planetarium, Yitwatersrand. STACEY, A. T. Geanne V illa, Protea Road, Newlands, Gape. STOY, Dr. R. H. Royal Observatory, Observatory, Cape. SUT3R,. E. M. P.0. Box 101, Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia. SUEMER, B. N. R. A3, Falcon Road, P.0. Hatfield, Salisbury, S.E. 55, Southern Rhodesia.

TAYLOR, I . M. c/o Dept, of Land Surveying, University of Cape Town, P .0 . Box 594, Cape Town. THACKERAY, Dr. A. D. The Radcliffe Observatory, P.0. Box 373, P r e to r ia . THOMPSON, C. D. Cepia, Hampton Avenue, Newlands, Cape. THOMSON, J . R. 20, Congo Road, , Johannesburg. TIB3ITTS, E. H. Royal Observatory, Observatory, Cape. TOYK, I . P.0. Box 586, East London. TURNER, T. J . 33, Eleventh Avenue, Pish Hoek, Cape.

USHER, P. D. Vfilliam James Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge 38, Massachusetts, U.S.A. UYS, J . A. 139, Schoeman Street, Pretoria.

VAN DER BORGHT, Dr. R. P . E. c/o University of Natal, Durban. VAN DER MEULEN, H. L. 72 Royal Road, Maitland, Cape. VAN DER ïïESTHUIZEN, E. 824, 27th Avenue, Rietfontein, Pretoria. VAN ELLINCKHUIJZEN, Miss C. C. Diocesan College, Rondebosch,,Cape. VAN ELLIl'JCKHUIYZEN, J . J . 58, Aliwal Street, Bloemfontein, VAN HEERDEN, Dr. P. D. R. P .0 . Box 214, B e l lv ille , Cape. ViiN LOGGERENBERG, J . C. C. 3b, Abraham Greyling Street, IVilgehof, Bloemfontein. VAN RENSBURG, Rev. G. P.0. Box 14, ’Jarmbaths, Tvl. VAN ZYL, L. L. 20, Ceres Avenue, Comet, Boksbrug, Tvl. VENTER,. S. C. P .0 . Box 1416, P r e to r ia . VERCUIL, S. J . P .0 . Box 1576, P r e to r ia . VOLLMER, J . 35, Pipe Street, Bellevue East, Johannesburg. VON WILLICH, J . S. DE V. 30, Julius Jeppe Street, Waterkloof, Pretoria.

WAGENER, G. B. c/o Electricity Supply Commission, Test Dept., National Road, Oakdale, Cape. WAHL, C. A. "Wolfkloof", P.0. Brackenfel, Cape. WALBOOM, G. J . P.0. Box 2065, 'Windhoek, S.V'.A. WALKER, G. N. 304, Buildings, Maitland Street, Bloemfontein. WALKER, Rev. J . A. P.0. Box 75, Mafeking, Cape. WARREN, P. R. 33, Ridge Road, Pietermaritzburg. t'AYMAN, Dr. P. A. Herstmonceux Castle, Hailsham, Sussex, E ngland. WEICH, S. P. N. c/o Dept, of Customs and Excise, P.O. Box 41, S te lle n b o sch , Cape. WEINBERG, I . 2, Warren Court, Warrenville Terrace, Gape Town. WESSELINK, Dr. A. J . The R a d c liffe O bservatory, P.O. Box 373, P r e to r ia . WHELAN, Dr. W. J . B. 551, Jules Street, Malvern, Johannesburg. WHITE, H. M. P.O. Box 24, Klapmuts, Gape. WILCOCKS, C. T. M. Kamer 113, A.J.O.-Gebou, V isagiestraat, P r e to r ia . WLLDMAN, D. 'A. University ten's Residence, Cottesloe, , Johannesburg. WILLIAMS, Dr. C. N. P.O. Box 3, Cleveland, Transvaal. WINTLE, R. J . P.O. Box 9é7, Cape Town. WOOD, G. N. 46, Jeffcoat Avenue, , Cape. WOODALL,' S. 33, Higher King's Avenue, Pennsylvania, Exeter, Devon, England. WYNNE, A. P.O. Box 22, Dundee, Natal.


HOER MEISIESSKOOL BLOÊMHOE, Van Ryneveldstraat, Stellenbosch, Cape, PAARL 'AMATEUR TELESCOPE MAKERS c/o Secretary, No 9, Vercuiel Street, Paarl. POTCHEPSTROOM UNIVERSITY Potchefstroom, Transvaal, RONDEBOSCH BOYS' HIGH c/o The Principal, Rondebosch, Cape. SCHOOL SOUTH AFRICAN NATIVE c/o The Principal, Fort Hare, Cape. COLLEGE THE BANCROFT ASTRONOMICAL P.O. Box 209, Bancroft, Northern Rhodesia. SOCIETY THE PRESIDENT Copperbelt astronomical Society, P.O. Box 752, Kitwe, Northern Rhodesia. THE VICE-PRESIDENT Copperbelt Astronomical Society, P.O. Box 752, Kitwe, Northern Rhodesia. THE COPPERBELT ASTRONOMICAL P.O. Box 732, Kitwe, Northern Rhodesia. SOCIETY THE J . W. JAGGER LIBRARY U n iv e rsity o f Cape Town, Rondebosch, Cape, THE SOCIETY'OP MASTER c/o Captain A. Lyle, "Lotana" Portswood Road, MARINERS Green Point, Cape. THE UNIVERSITY OP THE O .P.S. Bloemfontein, O.P.S.

- 44 -