Summary Survey of State Charity Registration Requirements in All 50 States and the District of Columbia prepared by Lowenstein Sandler LLP, February 2018 *Disclaimer: The information below is not guaranteed to be accurate. The Summary Survey is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as either legal or tax advice. Please consult with your attorney or state regulators for up-to-date information. Comments and updates to this Summary Survey may be emailed to
[email protected] WHAT CONSTITUTES REGISTRATION REGISTRATION RENEWAL RENEWAL COVENTURER/PROFESSIONAL STATE EXEMPTIONS CONTACT INFORMATION SOLICITATION? FORM FEE FORM FEE FUNDRAISER REGISTRATION NOTE: Exempt charitable organizations must complete Alabama Registration Exemption Form. The following organizations are exempt from registration: Professional Fundraisers, Commercial (1) Any charitable organization if solicitations are not Coventurers and Professional Solicitors intended to and do not exceed $25,000 and fundraisers are Solicitation: unpaid; Professional Fundraisers, Commercial No definition provided. (2) Educational institutions and their authorized and related Coventurers and Professional Solicitors must foundations; register. (Ala. Code §§ 13A-9-71(h), (j)). In Office of the Alabama DONATE NOW (3) Religious, political, fraternal, patriotic, benevolent, addition, Commercial Coventurers and Attorney General Button/Website: social, educational, alumni, health care foundation, Professional Fundraisers must file a surety bond Consumer Protection Organization will likely historical, and civil rights organizations; of $10,000 and are subject to final account Attn: Charitable Organization have to register in (4) Civil leagues and organizations soliciting solely from obligations, and all contracts between such Registration Alabama if it has a members; parties and a charitable organization must be State Form or Online State Form or PO Box 300152, ALABAMA website.