A.H.S.A. NEWSLETTER Published by the Aviation Historical Society of Australia Inc. A0033653P, ARBN 092-671-773 Volume 26 Number 3, September 2010 Print Post approved 318780/00033 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: www.ahsa.org.au Editor: NEIL FOLLETT Bob Wills Memorial Plaque. At a recent committee July 2010. This was our first theme night where we meeting it was decided to award a plaque to the memory concentrated on the Vickers Viscount and the Lockheed of the late Bob Wills. It will be awarded annually to the Electra types. best written and researched article by an AHSA member and published in Aviation Heritage for that year. John Bibo introduced the first speaker Bob Bitcon who described the Viscount and Electra Aircraft operated by We have asked experienced aviation journalist, Mac Job Ansett Airlines. John then gave the reasons as to why to adjudicate and the inaugural award will be made for they preferred the DC-6B over the Viscount namely eco¬ 2009. The recipient will be announced in the December nomics of operation and the fact that the DC-6B had a Newsletter redundant structure. However they had overlooked the appeal of the turbo-props. Aviation Heritage to go digital. The AHSA has undertaken to make available all previ¬ Ken Bond, ex Supervisor of Overhaul, Ansett, gave an ously published Aviation Heritage journals and newslet¬ interesting description of the work involved in changing ters in a digital form. In the first instance we will be scan¬ the lower spar booms in the Viscount and the uplifting of ning issues going back to 1959 to ensure that these is¬ the thrust line of the Electra engines.