PARRAMATTA FEMALE FACTORY FRIENDS PETITION TO THE PARLIAMENT OF AUSTRALIA FOR WORLD HERITAGE OF THE PARRAMATTA FEMALE FACTORY We therefore ask the House to do all in its power to enable the site: 1. To be declared a site of World Heritage significance by nominating it as a World Heritage Site to the World Heritage Committee Secretariat of UNESCO; 2. To become a living museum and national resource centre ; 3. To be managed by a joint Federal and State government trust with the expertise to conserve and interpret the site in accordance with the guidelines of the Burra Charter. NAME: = 1, 000 women An estimated 1 in 5 to ADDRESS: approx. 9, 000 women went Australians are SIGNATURE: through the factory system 1 in 7 related to these women. Parramatta NAME: 5,000 went through the ADDRESS: Parramatta Female Factory Female Factory SIGNATURE: Parramatta Female Factory Friends Post to: PO Box 1358 Parramatta 2124 Email:
[email protected] MEMBERSHIP Mail: PO Box 1358 Parramatta 2124 FOR INDIVIDUALS ($10 MEMBERSHIP FEE) Group Information: NAME: History: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: Petition: MOBILE: EMAIL: SIGNED: FOR GROUPS ($25 AFFILIATED MEMBERSHIP FEE) SIGNED BY OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVE: (Affiliated does not include voting rights. This is for individuals only.) Parramatta Female PFFF Facebook Petition Factory Friends PAYMENT: EFTPOS — BSB: 633 000 ACC: 151 276 763 Design by: (Tick box) (Please add your name to EFT transaction) Images: Side 1 — Anne Dunne, courtesy of Maureen Upton; Matrons Quarters, PFFAG collection For all CHEQUE — PAYABLE TO: Side 2 — Plans, courtesy of State Library of New South Wales and UK Archives; Parramatta Female Factory, c1860s, Parramatta Female Factory Friends Inc Ralph Hawkins Collection; Female penitentiary or factory, Parramata [i.e.