Peace Mala: Accreditation Self Evaluation Form

Creative Education that Empowers and Embraces All Uniting the World in Peace

School Accreditation Bronze Award Terrace Road Primary School, is committed to placing the vision and message of Peace Mala at the heart-centre of its values system.


Becoming a Peace Mala School is part of our whole School Development Plan approved by staff and the Governing Body. Peace Mala was presented to Governors. We also had a Peace Mala School Assembly with parents invited.

Peace Mala activities are explained in Parents Evenings. The school has a prominent designated notice board and web pages or newsletter which details Peace Mala activities. These activities are reported in assemblies and at Governors’ Meetings as well as being regularly communicated to parents and the wider community.

Peace Mala has been developed as a whole a school approach at Terrace Road. Our ten Peace Pals were appointed in February 2018. All staff have attended training in Peace Mala, led by Ruth Castle, and all staff wear Peace Mala’s and remind children of the . Peace Mala is embedded into our School Development Plan and our Peace Mala lead has presented to Governors and parents about the development of Peace Mala at our school. Peace Mala was explained to our parents at parents evening and a leaflet about Peace Mala was made and distributed too. We have a Peace Mala notice board at school, which is regularly updated with news about what the Peace Pals have been doing and giving information about Peace Mala. Regular letters go out to patents to update them on any Peace Mala news. We also use Twitter to give updates about Peace Mala and use the hashtag ♯TRPpm. To ensure that all of the children in the school are aware of Peace Mala, regular assemblies and competitions are held to generate discussion around Peace Mala. Attached are copies of posters and information created by children, which are displayed around our school. Our school has made links with Penllergaer Primary School and Hafod Primary School.

We are always looking for ways to promote Peace Mala at Terrace Road. Our Peace Pals had a fantastic time selecting the winners of our poster competition. We had over 50 entries. The winners were given Peace Mala bracelets. All of the posters have been displayed around our school.

It was a hard choice to select only 10 Peace Pals from all of the wonderful applicants. We have two Peace Pals from each year group from Year 2 to Year 6. We have regular meetings about how to promote the message of peace through our school.

Our beautiful Peace Mala notice board keeps everyone up to date of any Peace Mala news and explains what our busy Peace Pals have been up to.

We have regular special Peace Mala assemblies at Terrace Road Primary School. Peace Mala: Accreditation Self Evaluation Form


By engaging with Peace Mala the school is committed to education for global citizenship through the promotion of understanding, respect, friendship, tolerance and peace between all communities, cultures and enlightened, compassionate faiths. Peace Mala promotes and encourages community cohesion. Actions Lessons and activities on Peace Mala are part of the school curriculum. School assemblies focusing on the Golden Rule.

Peace Mala is taught as part of the curriculum in Key Stage 2. Peace Mala curriculum created and taught to the following year groups; 2017-2018 – Year 3 and 4 and 2018-2019 – Year 3. Children have made and wear the Peace Mala bracelets and follow the golden rule as part of our restorative approach at Terrace Road. Our staff also wear Peace Mala’s and regular Peace Mala assemblies are held to teach of the golden rule and to read from the Peace Mala Prayer book. Our Head teacher has held assemblies based on the stories The Lion and the Mouse and The Good Samaritan, linking them to the Golden Rule. Terrace Road School hold weekly meetings which parents are invited to talk about anything they may need support with or to find out more about what the school have been doing. We hold termly open days for parents where the work we carry out at Terrace Road is shared.

The Peace Mala curriculum has been developed for the children in Year 3 and Year 4.

The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about Peace Mala. In the summer term, the children completed a Peace Mala questionnaire to talk about their learning. Terrace Road is part of the Family and Schools Together programme. FAST programs build relationships among parents, schools, and the community. Multiple families gather once a week for 8 weeks to share a meal and participate in a variety of structured social activities, including music, drawing, family games, children’s sports, and opportunities for parents to interact in activities that apply theory and research. At Terrace Road, FAST has allowed parents and families from different religions and cultures to find out about each other. Each week, a different family provides a meal from their culture for the rest of the groups. Photos can be found on our schools Twitter page -

At Terrace Road, we are passionate about maintaining community links. The children regularly visit April Court Nursing Home and talk to the people there about what we have been doing in our school.

The children made their individual Peace Mala’s and spoke about what Peace Means to them. “Peace means treating everyone the same and always being kind to others,” Niams, Year 4

Every member of staff at Terrace Road has been involved in the Peace Mala process and been given a bracelet. The staff remind children of the golden rule and use the bracelets to explain about the importance of Peace Mala.

Each half term our school focuses on a different value – honesty, unity, thoughtfulness, care, perseverance, friendship, love, respect, happiness, responsibility and trust – these values are taught to the children and the children are encouraged to write the name and act of any person who they see showing that value onto different coloured leaves. These leaves are celebrated in assembly then added to our values tree.

Regular Peace Mala assemblies are held with a focus on the Golden Rule. The children learn about Peace Mala from the Peace Mala prayer book.

Peace Mala: Accreditation Self Evaluation Form


By using Peace Mala in the classroom, the school supports human rights and helps prevent bullying and all forms of prejudice. Actions Terrace Road is a very diverse school and we are proud that our children speak 28 different languages between them. We have children from all over the world who attend Terrace Road School and we are fully committed and support human rights and help prevent bullying and all forms of prejudice by teaching Peace Mala at our school. We love celebrating being different, further evidence included below. Our Restorative Buddies, who are on the playgrounds at break times and lunchtimes, are part of the Peace Mala Council and work in collaboration with the RP buddies to spread the Golden Rule. Our local PC, Paul, came to school on 6th November 2018 to give a talk to the Key Stage 2 children on Hate Crimes.

Every year we support Show Racism the Red Card – ‘Every Day Racism’ – please watch the video on YouTube from the link.

At Terrace Road, we have a school Anti- Bullying Policy and every year we promote Anti-bullying Day at Terrace Road Primary School. Photos can be found on the school’s Twitter page and link to word press ♯TRPpshe ♯sayno

As a school, we celebrate our differences. In the Foundation Phase we completed ‘We are all different’ work.

We celebrate International Women’s Day in the Foundation

Phase by talking about the women that we love, and why they are important to us.

In Key Stage 2, we looked at books about inspirational women.

Annually we carry out Remembrance Day activities to remember and give thanks to those who gave their lives for us.

Our Restorative Practice Buddy’s are our playtime and lunchtime buddies who help to manage and resolve conflict.

Peace Mala: Accreditation Self Evaluation Form


Peace Mala encourages the school to raise awareness of issues of global interdependence and encourages active compassion by learners that will lead to positive changes locally and globally. Actions Terrace Road, through our Peace Mala work, we encourage the school to raise awareness of issues of global interdependence and encourage active compassion by learners that will lead to positive changes locally and globally. We teach the children about the UNCRC as part of being a Rights Respecting School and we work hard to ensure that our children are compassionate and annually support a variety of charities. Our Rights Respecting School video and PowerPoint available here At Terrace Road Primary School we want all children to be the best they can be. We are proud to be a Gold rights respecting school! All the children learn about rights in school, Swansea and around the world. The Rights Respecting Schools Award (RRSA) recognises achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) at the heart of a school’s planning, policies, practice and ethos. A rights- respecting school not only teaches about children’s rights but also models rights and respect in all its relationships: between teachers/ adults and pupils, between adults and between pupils. Being such a diverse school, we also ensure that our children learn about lots of different religions and cultures. Pupil voice is something that is very important to us at Terrace Road – we even have an International Schools Pupil Voice group. Water Aid has been supported by the children at Terrace Road–further information can be found in Area 6 - RSPCA, Water Aid and Llys Nini Fundraiser.

We annually support Children in Need and carry out fundraising activities

In February 2019, the Rights Respecting Ambassadors collected shoes for Unicef as part of the Shoe Share 2019.

At Terrace Road, we support lots of different charities and carry out lots of exciting fundraising days.

The children in the Foundation Phase decided they wanted to raise money for charity. They We annually support Children in researched lots of different charities and decided need and Comic Relief. This upon ‘Matthew’s House’ Swansea Homeless year for Comic Relief, the Charity. The children opened ‘The Pink Pig Shop’ children sold cakes, played where they made and sold items to the other guess the teacher, pin the nose children and parents. on the teacher, made quizzes and completed face paint and nail painting.

Our Rights Respecting Ambassadors worked with Mellon Educate to raise money to buy supplies and build schools in Africa. Our Rights Respecting mascot ‘Riley’ went to Africa to see the work that has been carried out.

In July 2018, £162.48 was raised by the Foundation Phase classes who raised money for NSPCC. There were items that the children had made for sale, fruit lollies and even a human joke machine!

In December 2018 the Peace Pals collected donations from parents and the community for Caer Las homeless shoebox appeal. We made up shoe boxes full of toiletries, essentials and even luxury items. We were overwhelmed with the fantastic response! At Terrace Road School we annually support Sports Relief, where we have an active fun day! This year we had a bouncy castle, we played dodge ball children against teachers and carried out various sponsored activities. We made over £250.

Peace Mala: Accreditation Self Evaluation Form


Peace Mala encourages the celebration of cultural, racial and religious diversity through art, music, drama and dance. Actions

At Terrace Road School, we regularly hold special assemblies to celebrate a variety of cultural and religious festivals. We feel passionately that the children should be taught about different cultures and festivals and how they are celebrated. Our school has made links with Swansea Mosque and are planning a school visit before the summer term. The children have visited Swansea Centre and the Buddhism Centre plan to come to Terrace Road to lead a session in meditation.

The children at Terrace Road have been learning the anthem ‘One Light’ which Miss White has been playing on the piano. A video of the children singing the anthem at our Peace Garden opening can be found at

To celebrate ‘One World Week’ 2018 – Year 5 visited LifePoint Church to learn about , Year 5/6 went to Terrace Road Presbyterian Church of and Year 4 visited Swansea Buddhism Centre.

Terrace Road is very proud to be a multicultural school where 28 different languages are spoken. We regularly celebrate different cultures and festivals as part of our curriculum in the Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2.

At Terrace Road, we have held ‘Diversity Day’ which is something that the children decided they wanted to do. Each child is invited to come to school wearing clothes from their nationality and cultures. The children made flags, told stories, carried out dances and shared traditions of their culture and why it is important to them.

Annually we have day’s, which are dedicated to different religious festivals such as;

-Yom Kippur, -St David’s Day, -Chinese New Year, -Diwali As well as Christmas, Easter, Ramadan and Eid.

The children enjoyed our assembly about Yom Kippur.

Every year we hold a St David’s day concert.

We all dressed up to celebrate Diwali

T h e


The Chinese in Wales Association came and gave us a special assembly to help us to celebrate Chinese New Year. We listened to Chinese stories, watched a Chinese dance and different musicians even played Chinese music. We even had a turn of the instruments!

During these days we listen to stories and music from the culture, eat different foods, learn about how the cultures are celebrated and often make something from that culture too. Photographic evidence.

We have a link with a school in Jhag, India where the children of Terrace Road have made bracelets and wrote letters explaining to them what Peace Mala is and what it means to our school. Further literature about Peace Mala was also sent.

Peace Mala: Accreditation Self Evaluation Form


With Peace Mala the school actively promotes environmental sustainability, healthy eating, and respect for all animals and wildlife. Actions

At Terrace Road school we actively promote environmental sustainability through being a Green Flag Eco school. We promote healthy eating by being a Healthy School, our healthy eating team give out rewards for children who have a healthy lunch. These children are celebrated in our weekly assembly on a Friday. In the Foundation Phase, children have a healthy fruit snack each day and brush their teeth daily. In Key Stage 2 the children have a stall where fruit is sold as a snack each day. We carry out weekly PE sessions where we learn about our bodies and how best to keep them healthy. Through our weekly forest school activities we show and learn about respect for all animals and wildlife. We have been fortunate enough to have chick eggs at school which each year group took a role in looking after and we also learned how to care for them once they had hatched.

We are a Healthy School at phase 6 of the Healthy Schools Scheme and NQA

Regular assemblies are held on the importance of healthy eating and activities are regularly carried out in class.

We annually carry out work on World Mental Health Day and Mental wellbeing fortnight.

We are proud to be a Green Flag Eco School and are currently working towards our third Green Flag. Evidence can be found at

At TRP we have Charity Champions who on a half termly basis raise money for different charities. The Charity Champions are a pupil led group from Years 3 - 6. The group meet every two weeks to discuss ways in which we can raise money for good causes. We have decided for this term we will be raising money for the National Autistic Society.

We support the RSPCA, Water Aid and Llys Nini through fundraising. We had had stalls selling fruit salads, ice lollies and jokes.

Terrace Road annually carried out activities for Fair Trade Fortnight.

At Terrace Road we are committed to living a sustainable lifestyle and protecting our environment. As part of this, Year 1 and Year 3 carry out weekly Forest School sessions. Peace Mala: Accreditation Self Evaluation Form


With Peace Mala the school encourages Peace Education by forming a School Peace Council and engaging in peace activities. Actions

At Terrace Road we have a Peace Council, which is made up of our Rights Respecting Buddies and Peace Pals. As a collective, their role is to spread the golden rule, teach others of the importance of peace and they even show our visitors around our school telling them of all of the important work that we carry out. Assemblies have been held to teach about the Peace Mala prayer book for world peace.

During our inspection in May 2018, I met with the inspectors to talk about the Peace Mala work that is carried out at our school. They were very impressed and said they could see the positive impact that it is having on our children. Unfortunately they were unable to comment on it in the final report, as it has not yet been established in our school for 2 years.

We plan to attend the Peace Mala Liturgy for World Peace in Brecon Cathedral in September 2019.

Creating our Peace Garden has been a huge undertaking for the children at Terrace Road and the finished results are beautiful. We are very proud of our children for all of their hard work.

Each year, we celebrate World Earth Day by carrying out activities in each classroom such as looking at the impact we have on the planet, making promises of how we can protect our world and thinking of more sustainable future.

As a school, we celebrated the International Day of Peace –each class shared a PowerPoint about the International Day of Peace which was shared with the children. The children talked about what it means to be peaceful and how we can spread this message of peace to the wider community. We held an assembly on random acts of kindness and the children decided on an act of kindness that they plan to carry out. Year 3 and 4 made beautiful origami peace cranes.

Since January 2017, Terrace Road has had a specialist teacher, Carol Shepard, deliver mindfulness lesson to KS2 children. Mindfulness and yoga has been taught regularly, by teachers, in the Foundation Phase. We have been fortunate enough to have had a yoga teacher come to school to teacher several sessions of yoga to the children in KS2. The children thoroughly enjoyed this outdoor experience.

The Peace Pals along with other children at Terrace Road have planned and designed our Peace Garden. The children were given a budget and had to decide the things that were most importantly needed for our Peace Garden. They then had to present decisions to be put forward to Mrs Evans.

Thanks to generous funding from the Arts Council of Wales we have been able to have local artist, Katie Kneath, has come to school to create a mural with the children about Peace Mala and what it means to them. This has been displayed in our Peace Garden. This was truly a fantastic project, which the children will remember for a long time to come.

Art work created for our Peace Garden by our children with help of local artist Katie Kneath.

Peace Garden has been created and we had our grand opening on 27th March 2019. We were fortunate enough to have many of the parents join us, as well as the Deputy Lieutenant of West Glamorgan, the High Sherriff of West Glamorgan and Lord Mayor of the City and County of Swansea.

Norma Glass MBE (Senior Trustee on the Board of Peace Mala) did a wonderful job of opening the Peace Garden for us and our children had a fantastic time talking to Norma about all of the Peace Mala work that we carry out at school. It was a very memorable day for us all at Terrace Road. A video of the opening can be found at

Our wonderful Peace Garden was officially opened on Wednesday 27th March 2019. Our Peace Mala artwork that the children created with local artist Katie Kneath was also officially unveiled. Our Year 3 children and Peace Pals sang the Peace Mala anthem ‘One Light’.