The Madill Record
Thursday, July 01 Friday, July 02 Saturday, July 03 Sunday, July 04 Monday, July 05 Tuesday, July 06 Wednesday, July 07 Early Deadline TThehe Madill Record will bbee cclosedlosed oonn JJulyuly 55,, 2021 in observobservanceance of IIndependencendependence DDay.ay. OOurur High Temp: 91 deadline will be FFriday,riday, High Temp: 85 High Temp: 87 High Temp: 87 High Temp: 87 High Temp: 87 High Temp: 87 Scattered AM AM Partly Cloudy Scattered Scattered Scattered JJulyuly 2, at 3:00 p.m. ThunderstormsTheThunderstorms MadillShowers RecordThunderstorms Thunderstorms Thunderstorms ‘In the Arms of Lake TTexoma’exoma’ Vol. 127 — Number 1 MMadill,adill, MMarshallarshall CCounty,ounty, OOKK 7734463446 — TThursday,hursday, JJuluulu 01,01, 22021021 1166 PagesPages iinn 2 SSectionsections — $$11 Citizen’s Primer on Oklahoma Criminal Procedure By Michael Haggerty This article will try to give a about a theft, neighbors stance, domestic abuse and probable cause (a reason- prosecutor will review it and rundown of Oklahoma crimi- report a domestic dispute, driving under the infl uence able belief that a person has decide what charges, if any, You’ve seen it on the news; nal procedure to help sort or police discover a crime are misdemeanors for the probably committed a crime) are to be fi led. The prosecutor a crime is reported, the police out these confusing issues. during a routine traffi c stop. fi rst offense, while they are to believe a felony has been can return the report back to have made an arrest and the It should be noted that this What happens next often felonies on the second and all committed, then he can arrest the police offi cer for further court system takes over.
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