Quapaw Tribe for the Period 1871 to 1946
• ," • REPORT OF MEETING OF QUAPAW dENERAL COUNCIL HELD AT NORTF! EI\5TERN OKLAHOMA Aid,! COLLEGE, MIAMI, ~KLAHOMA, JULY 21, 1962. The meeting was called to Orrh'.T by Chairman .Robert Whitebird at Z: 15 p. ill • • Approxirnately 150 pC!"tJon,·? were in attendance. Minutes of this meeting will be sent to all thoce whC';Je nalnes and addresses appear on the attendance roster. Not aU in attendance ;:;ignc-o this roster. Mrs. Horner Gillnore l(~d the Invocation, which was the Lords Prayer in unlson. Chairman WhitehirrJ read the following agenda: Claim No. l, Dock,,! 14, which was lost. Election of Business Committee members Funds of Q:lapa\V l'ninors 1\1enlbcr.3hip or6ina.nc~ Chairman Whltebird explained that in addition to the agenda, other business hrought before the Coun.cil "\viLl also illclude a report on the possibility of reopening the Claim No. I, under Docket 14, Chairman Whitebird stated tha t Louis Ballard had mailed out 2-pproximately SOD letters to Quapav...'.s concerning this Ina-tter and that 1\1r. Ballard will give a report later on in the nlccting about this nl<ltter. Chairman Whitebird introduced Mr. Graham Holmes, Area Director of the Muskogee Area Office 1 and 1\11". Loyd Roberts, Quapa"\v Clainls Attorney, of • Joplin, lv1i33011ri. Alfred Sky" spoke: "Good af~crnoon. It is nice to be here this afternoon even though we did pave to tarn off th(~ air conditioners. Last year I gave you a financi.J.l report as of JU:le 30, 1961. I will now give you the annnal financial report for UF:: pa.st yC-.Ctr cndlIlg June 3D, 1962.
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