(No. 1051. Confidential) 53. Ibrahim Abdul Hadi . Sir, , 30th September, 1946 54. Maitre Abdel Hamid Abdel Hakk. With reference to Mr. Farquhar's despatch 55. Nabil Abbas Halim. No. 1205 of-29th August, 1945, I have the honour 56. Maitre Ahmed Hamza. to transmit a revised list of personalities in Egypt. 57. Abdel Malek Hamza . I have, &c. 58. El Lewa Mohammed Saleh Harb Pasha. JAMES BOWKEE. 59. Mahmoud Hassan Pasha. 60. Mohammed Abdel Khalek Hassouna Pasha. 61. Dr. Hussein Heikal Pasha. Enclosure 62. Sadek Henein Pasha. INDEX 63. Mahmoud Tewfik el-Hifnawi Pasha. 64. Neguib el-Hilaly Pasha. I.—Egyptian Personalitits 65. Ahmed Hussein Effendi. 1. Fuad Abaza Pasha. 66. Dr. Tahra Hussein. 2. Ibrahim Dessuki Abaza Pasha. 67. Dr. Ali Ibrahim Pasha, C.B.E. 3. Maitre Mohammed Fikri Abaza. 68. Kamel Ibrahim Bey. 4. Mohammed Ahmed Abboud Pasha. 69. Mohammed Hilmy Issa Pasha. 5. Dr. Hafez Afifi Pasha. 70. Aziz Izzet Pasha, G.C.V.O. 6. Abdel Kawi Ahmed Pasha. 71. Ahmed Kamel Pasha. 7. Ibrahim Sid Ahmed Bey. 72. ,'Lewa Ahmed Kamel Pasha. 8. Murad Sid Ahmed Pasha. 73. Ibrahim Fahmy Kerim Pasha. 9. Ahmed All Pasha, K.C.V.O. 74. Mahmoud Bey Khalil. 10. Prince Mohammed All, G.C.B., G.C.M.G. 75. Ahmed Mohammed Khashaba Pasha. 11. Tarraf Ali Pasha. 76. Abdul Eazzak Abdul Kheir Pasha, K.B.E 12. Sabri Abu Alam Pasha. 77. Ali Maher Pasha. 13. Mohammed Ali Allouba Pasha. 78. Kashwan Mahfouz Pasha. 14. Abdel Fattah Amr Pasha. 79v- Dr. Hamed Mahmoud. 15. Amin Anis Pasha, K.C.V.O. 80. Hifni Mahmoud Pasha. 16. Mohamed Hassan El Ashmawi Pasha. 81. Aziz Ali Al Masri Pasha. 17. El Ferik Ibrahim Atallah Pasha. 82. Ali el-Menzalawy. 18. Lewa Ahmed Attiya Pasha. 83. Abdel Aziz Mohammed Pasha. 19. Ahmed Hafez Awad Bey. 84. Mahmoud Shaker Mohammed Pasha, K.B.E. 20. El Lewa Mahmud Azmi Pasha. 85. Osman Moharram Pasha. 21. Dr. Soliman Azmi Pasha. 86. Murad Mohsen Pasha. 22. Mahmoud Asrny Bey. 87. Mohamed Kamel Moursi Pasha. 23. AbdttFflahman Azzam Pasha. 88. Mohammed Mustafa Pasha. 24. Abdel Mequid Badr Pasha. 89. Mustapha el-Nahas Pasha, G.C.M.G. 25. Sheikh Hassan el-Banna. 90. Haim Nahoum. 26. Bahi-ed-Din Barakat Pasha. 91. Hassan Nashat Pasha. 27. Abdul Hamid Bedawi Pasha. 92. Dr. Faris Nimr Pasha. 28. Abdel Bahman al Biali Bey. 93. Mahmoud Fahmy el-Nokrashi Pasha. 29. Mohammed Kamel el-Bindari Pasha. 94. Maitre Moustafa Nosrat. 30. Mohammed Charara Pasha. 95. Abdel Meguid Omar Pasha. 31. Tewfik Doss Pasha. 96. Ali Zaki el-Orabi Pasha. 32. George Dumani ,Bey. 97. Kamel Abdel Eahim Bey. 33. William Makram Ebeid Pasha. 98. Mohammed Hafez Eamadan Pasha. 34. Hussein Enan Pasha, C.B.E 99. Sheikh Mustapha Abdel Eazek Pasha. 35. El Ferik Ali Fahmi Pasha. 100. Mohammed Bey Eiad. 36. Abdel Aziz Fahmy Pasha. 101. Mamdouh Eiaz Bey. 37. Gallini Fahmy Pasha. 102. Hassan Fahmy Eifaat Pasha, K.B.E. 38. Dr. Mansour Fahmy Pasha. 103. El Lewa Hussein Eifki Pasha. 39. Mahmoud Fakhri Pasha, C.B.E. 104. Cherif Sabry Pasha. 40. Mohammed Ahmed Farghaly Pasha. 105. Hussein Sabry Pasha, C.B.E. 41. Mustapha Fahmy Pasha. 106. Hassan Sadek Pasha, K.B.E. 42. Mahmoud Abul Fath. 107. Mustafa el-Sadek Pasha. 43. Mustafa Fathi Pasha. 108. Mohammed Safwat Pasha. 44. Ali Gemal-ed-Din Pasha, C.B.E. 109. Mohammed Salah ed-Din Bey. 45. Antoun Al Gemayel Pasha. 110. Abdel Maguid Ibrahim Saleh Pasha. 46. Ahmed Abdel Ghaffar Pasha. 111. Mohammed Abdel Galil Samra Pasha. 47. Mahmoud Ghaleb Pasha. 112. Salib Samy Pasha. 48. Wasif Ghali Pasha. 113. Dr. Abdel Eazzak Ahmed El Sanhouri Pasha. 49. Maitre Mahmoud Suliman Ghannam. 114. Ahmed Loutfi el-Sayed Pasha, K.B.E. 50. Mohammed Neguib el-Gharably Pasha. 115. Taha Mohamed Abdel Wahhab El Sebai 51. Abdel Salam Fahmi Gomaa Pasha. Pasha. 52. Maitre Saba Habashy Pasha. 116. Ahmed Seddik Pasha.

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117. Ahmed Hamdi Seif-el-Nasr. 137. Hussein Sirry Pasha. -, 118. Achille Sekaly Bey. 138. Mohammed Taher Pasha. 119. Sheikh Abdel Meguid Selim. 139. Abdel Latif Talaat Pasha. 120. Maitre El Sayed Selim Pasha. 140. Abdul Wahab Talaat Pasha. 121. Mohammed Shafik Pasha. 141. Abdel Fattah el-Tawil Pasha. 122. Mohammed el-Sayed Shahin Pasha. 142. Mourad Wahba Pasha. 128. All Shamsi Pasha. 143. Sadek Wahba Pasha. i 124. Hamed el-Shawarby Pasha. 144. Hussein Wassif Pasha, C.B.E. 125. Abdel Salaam el-Shazly Pasha. 145. Fahmy Hanna Wissa Bey. 126. Mohammed Mohammed el-Shinnawi Bey. 146. Abdel Fattah Yehia Pasha. 127. Mahmoud Mustafa el-Shorbaghi Bey. 147. El Lewa Mohammed Sadik Yehia Pasha. 128. Mahmoud Shukri Pasha. 148. Mahmoud Sadek Younes Pasha. 129. Mohammed Shukri Pasha. . 149. Amba Youssab. 130. Lewa Mahmoud Shukri Pasha. 150. Mohammed Amin Abu Yusuf Bey. 131. Ismail Sidky Pasha. 151. Prince Yusuf Kemal. 132. Kamel Sidky Pasha. 152. Mohammed Yusuf Bey. 133. Mohammed Sidky Pasha. 153. Seifullah Yusry Pasha. 134. Marcus Simaika Pasha, C.B.E. 154. Selim Zaki Pasha. 135. Wassif Simaika Pasha. 155. Yousef Zulficar Pasha. 136. Ahmed Fuad Sirag-ed-Din Pasha. II.—Foreign Personalities

156. Allemann, Georges. 176. Lascaris, Marius. 157. Almasy, Count. 177. Lucas, Louis. 158. Segue1, Emile. 178 Mennessier, Pierre. 159. Benachi, Alexandre L. 179. Minost, Emile. 160. Baron Louis de Benoist d'Erquennes. 180. Morin, Jean. 161. Brinton, Jasper Yeates. 181. Polnauer, Ladislas Pathy. 162. Carter, Joseph C. 182. Quay, Dr. James King, D.D. 163. Casulli, Michel. 183. Qvale, Erling. 164. Coulaut, Pierre. 184. Eichter, Baron Leonard von. 165. Cozzika, Theodore. 185. Eoussos, Georges. 166. Dallaporta, Byron G. 186. Salvage, Michel C. 167. Abb6 Drioton. 187. Savon, Georges L. 168. Fort, Marcel. 188. Sonsky, Bedrich. 169. Fumaroli, Jacques. 189. Theodorakis, Demetre A. 170. Ghyselin, Jacques. 190. Trembley, Ernest. 171. Grego, Cav. Oscar. 191. Vatimbella, Nicolas. 172. Hemmerle, Charles E. 192. Vincenot, Marcel. 173. Heyligers, Adriaan Theodor Louis Allard. 193. Vlachos, Stavros Ange. 174. Jouguet, Emile. 194. Vogt, Stener. 175. Klat Bey, Jules. 19?. Wiet, Gaston.

1. Fuad Abaza Pasha. 2. Ibrahim Dessuki Abaza Pasha. Born about 1890. Brother of Fikri Abaza and Graduated from the Cairo School of Law. Was Ibrahim Dessuki Abaza (q.v.). Studied agriculture for some time Director of the Political Bureau of in Egypt and succeeded his disreputable cousin, Mohammed Mahmoud Pasha when he was Prime Abdel Hamid Abaza, as Director of the Eoyal Minister. Deputy for Burdain, Sharkia Province, a Agricultural Society. Made himself prominent in constituency which is much under the influence of various other activities connected with the promotion the Abaza family. Has been Vice-President of the of agricultural improvements and was also associated Chamber of Deputies and is secretary-general of the with the Arab Horse Society. He ingratiated him- Constitutional-Liberal party. In June 1941 he self with the late Prince Omar Toussoun, who was became Minister of Social Affairs in Hussein Sirry's for many years president of the Eoyal Agricultural reconstituted Cabinet and retained that portfolio Society. Like his patron, Fuad Abaza rode the until Hussein Sirry resigned in February 1942. Was hobbyhorse for. all he was worth, both in not re-elected Deputy in the general election of speeches and in publications. The Prince was largely March 1942 but successfully contested the Burdain instrumental in getting the title of " Pasha" constituency against the official Wafdist candidate conferred on Fuad Abaza in recognition of his in a by-election in March 1943. Minister of Com- assiduously advertised services to Egyptian agricul- munications in Ahmed Maher's Cabinet, 1944, and ture. Fuad Abaza is said to have made a substantial in Nokrashi's Cabinet, 1945. Created Pasha, May amount of money out of the activities of the Eoyal 1945. Agricultural Society, especially in connexion with Eelinquished office on fall of Nokrashi's Cabinet, the development of a model village which the society February 1946. Was appointed Minister of Wakfs sponsored. in Sidky Cabinet, February 1946. Decorations.—Grand Cordon of the Order of the Is the founder and president of the Arab Union (1946). Club, an unofficial body mostly consisting of local Syrians and Lebanese of no special political 3. Mohammed Fikri Abaza Bey. importance. Born about 1895. A member of the influential and Fuad Abaza resigned his membership of the Anglo- numerous Abaza family of Sharkia Province, which Egyptian "Union in protest against the incidents of is of Turkish descent. Graduated at the Faculty of the 4th February, 1942. Law, Cairo "University. Exceedingly vain, pompous and a wholly untrust- Watanist Deputy for Minia el Qamh (Sharkia) and worthy busybody. Would probably espouse any lawyer by profession, he espoused politics and cause in which he saw an opportunity to indulge his journalism at an early stage of his career. A propensity for bombastic self-advertisement. vigorous and at times vitriolic speaker in debate, he cms ins Kef.:

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r m the Chamber, despite his sharp tongue. Marseilles in May 1935. The Khedivial Mail is now He was at one time the journalists' champion in the Egyptian registered and virtually under Abboud Chamber. He is editor of the Musawwar (Hilal Pasha's complete control. Its finances were in low Press), a popular political and social weekly with a water in 1939, but have since more than revived. Its wide circulation in Egypt and other -speaking installations at and Suez have done good countries, and his nationalist and xenophobic articles work during the war for the Royal Navy, who have on foreign affairs provide a readily digestible analysis sent Abboud Pasha a personal letter of thanks. of current events for the general reader and usually Abboud Pasha is also managing director of the have the merit of cogency. Tilbury Contracting and Dredging Company Although conserving the characteristically anti- (Foreign) Limited. He has wide and influential British outlook of the extreme Nationalist, he is not business connexions in the City, and he represents in unfriendly to Englishmen socially. He is generally Egypt important British firms, notably exporters of respected by other Egyptian journalists, but Wafdist coal and railway equipment. The local companies opposition was a bar to his election to the presidency with which he is connected include the Egyptian of the Syndicate of Journalists so long as the Wafd General Omnibus Company (Chairman)—associated was in power. The election of Abdel Kader Hamza with Messrs Thornycroft. He operates in his own to the presidency of the Syndicate in 1943, as the name one of the leading contracting concerns in result of Wafdist pressure, decided Fikri Abaza to Egypt. He owns about 5,000 feddans of good sugar- sever his connexion with the Syndicate. Elected cane land at Armant. president of the Syndicate in January 1945. While, during the past ten years, the fortunes of Accompanied the Egyptian delegation to San Abboud Pasha have been subject to many Francisco as official journalist. vicissitudes, he has continued to excend his business activities and influence. In particular, he has 4. Mohammed Ahmed Abboud Pasha. acquired by purchase a large shareholding control of Engineer and contractor. Born in the 1880's. Of the Soci^te General des Sucreries et de la Raffinerie lower middle-class origin. Studied engineering d'Egypte, and is now managing director. In 1943 (1904) at Glasgow University, receiving financial he signed in this capacity an agreement with His assistance from the Turkish Government, through Majesty's Ministry of Food, subsequently accepted Sheikh Abdul Aziz Shawish, on condition that he by the Egyptian Government, whereby His entered Turkish service when qualified. In 1913 he Majesty's Government acquire on a loan basis all was on the staff of Sir W. Willcocks and Messrs. John Egyptian sugar surplus to local needs in 1943 and Jackson (Limited) on the Euphrates dam. On the 1944. Owing ta difficulties of price, release of outbreak of the war he was employed by the Turkish Egyptian sugar to His Majesty's Government could military authorities in Bagdad. He worked during not Be arranged on any other basis. Over 50,000 the war there and in Damascus, and after the war in tons of sugar was actually delivered in 1943. Palestine as an army contractor. His partner in one He has also become the leading shareholder in the Palestine Eailways contract was condemned to prison Banque Misr and is planning to oust Hafez Afifi for fraud. Pasha from control of the Misr group. He affirms He returned with some capital to Egypt in 1920; that his main object is to obtain control of the professed strong Zaghlulist principles and prospered. industrial companies in the group which are at In 1926 he was returned as Wafdist M.P. for Atfih. present tied to the Banque Misr. In December 1926 he obtained a permit to publish Abboud Pasha is extremely shrewd and ambitious; Al Kashaf, a daily paper, which appeared under and, with the considerable wealth which he has now Wafdist colours, but which later reflected pro- amassed (he applied in his own name in respect of Sarwat sympathies and finally faded away. Abboud the recent Egyptian National Loan to the tune of broke with the Wafd after Mahmoud's coup d'Etat £E. 1 million), he has made himself perhaps the most of 1928, and was formally expelled from the Wafdist powerful figure in Egyptian business and finance. party in Octobe'r 1928, after propagandist activities in It is his policy to belong to no political party. He Mahmoud's interest in . declares that his aim is development of Egypt's He was similarly active on Sidky's behalf in economy in co-operation with Great Britain smd he London in 1930, and attacked Wafdist maladmini- is making concrete proposals to this end (notably in stration in a Times polemic with Makram Ebeid. regard to the Aswan dam hydro-electric project). He He was made a pasha in February 1931, ostensibly has proved himself a dangerous and unscrupulous for his work in the construction of the Fuadia Canal. enemy in the past; and it is evidently advisable in his He was equal partner with Messrs. Topham, Jones present strong position to use rather than to and Railton in the contract for the raising of the antagonise him. Assouan dam. He was elected a Senator (Independent) in 1944. He was active in London during the summer and Has recently, in view of the set-back to his own autumn of 1934 as a propagandist on behalf of the scheme for Aswan, formed a company to manu- coup d'Btat regime of 1930-34, working in the facture synthetic fertiliser near Suez. closest touch with Ibrashi Pashaj and was frequently His wife is a Scottish woman of considerable caricatured in the Egyptian press as '' the unofficial intelligence and strength of character. Egyptian Minister at the Court of St. James." His notorious exaggeration of his claims to influence in British political circles were the subject of 5. Dr. Hafez Afifi Pasha. Residency representations to King Fuad in Septem- Born in Cairo 1886; received his education in the ber, but his activities only ceased with the collapse Cairo schools, and obtained his medical diploma in of the regime with which his name had for long been 1907. For a year he was house surgeon in the Kasr- unsavourily associated. el-Aini hospital, and subsequently left for Ireland, Since 1932 he has been a prominent and successful where he practised for six months at the Rotunda racehorse owner. Hospital, afterwards going to , where he spent Towards the end of 1932 he became associated a year practising in the " Enfants Malades " with the Khedivial Mail Line and joined the board hospital, before returning to Cairo. of directors. He is believed to own all the ordinary In 1912, during the Turco-Italian war in Tripoli, shares. He has now become managing director, and he was chosen head of the Red Crescent Mission, is said to have sunk a good deal of money in the pur- and spent about a year in Cyrenaica, where he came chase and refitting of the line's two ocean steamers, into contact with Enver Pasha, Mustafa Kemal Mohammed Aly-el-Kebir and Khedive Ismail, which Pasha (who was then under Enver's command), and inaugurated an express service between Egypt and other leaders. He was delegated to accompany 82-197 B 2 cms PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE ins I

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Chairman of the Anglo-Egyptian Union, 19^ ._ Sheikh Ahmed-el-Senoussi head of the Senoussieh He evinced a desire to sever his connexion with the Brotherhood, from Kufra to J«$j»ub, Dr. Afifi subse Banque Misr in 1943, mainly owing to continuous quently returned to his work at the Infants Hospital difficulties with the Wafd Government. He was also in Cairo, of which he was the director. In 1919 he disconcerted by attempts made by Abboud Pasha, oined the Wafd under Zaghlul Pasha, and was one as the largest shareholder, to assert a dominating She Wafd leaders who left for Pans and took part interest in the Bank and its associated companies in propaganda and negotiations in London Nominated Egyptian representative on the In 1921 Dr. Hafez Afifi resigned from the Wafd Security Council of the United Nations Organisa- and helped to organise the Constitutional Liberal tion in succession to Bedawi Pasha, March 1946 Jarty He started the Biana, the party's mouth- Presided over the Security Council's session in April. piece which was at one time one of the leading Member of the Egyptian delegation for treaty nego- ESptian dailies. He was elected vice-president of tiations, 1946. • - , , the party, in which his influence was considerable Decorations.—Grand Cordon of the Order of In the summer of 1925 he was delegated by the Egyptian Government to represent Egypt in the Ismail (1936). Infant's Health Conference at Geneva. Member of Parliament May 1926. . garwat 6 Abdel Kawi Ahmed Pasha. On Adly Pasha's resignation in April 1927 Sarwat After graduating at the Faculty of Engineering, he Pasha wished to include him in his Cabinet aa made a rapid career in the Irrigation Department where he proved himself an unusually competent and conscientious official. He was appointed, after in Mohammed --«- the Anglo-Egyptian Treaty of 1936, Inspector- 1928-October 1929. He managed , General of Egyptian Irrigation in the Sudan where relations with King Fuad while remaining he showed himself a worthy representative of Lgypt Mohammed Mahmoud. In internal politics he and got on well with the Sudan Government officials. exercTed a rather unfortunate influence in Appointed Minister of Public Works in the Ah Accentuating the Liberal Constitutional character of Maher Ministry, August 1939. Vacated post on the the Satorial regime. In foreign relations he was 27th June, 1940, on fall of Ali Maher s Ministry. Sctful and friendly while sticking up for Egypt an Minister of Public Works in Hussein Sirry s interests. Made two tours in Europe', including Ministry, the 15th November, 1940, in which capacity he was placed in charge of all A.E.P. questions. eise for Foreign _ Affairs in Sidky Minister of Public Works in Hussein Sirry s Cabinet, Pasha's Cabinet June 1930, but resigned in mid-July June 1941 and Minister of Civil Defence in Sirry s of that year to become Egyptian Minister in London. reconstructed Cabinet, July 1941. Managing director His adherence to the new regime did. not blind him »f the Misr Flax Company, 1943. to Palace shortcomings. a;,qVv Created a Pasha, December 1940. Eelinquished King Fuad's refusal to accept him, on Sidky Cabinet rank on the fall of the Sirry Cabinet in Pasha's recommendation, as Minister of Finance in February 1942. Was formerly identified with the September 1933 precipitated Sidky's resignation. Liberal-Constitutional party, a fact which brought Eesigned the 1st May, 1934, as a result of Abboud him into trouble at one time when a Wafd Ministry was in power. At present independent in politics, nm of an Egyptian Mission of but said to be closely associated with Allouba Pasha. Economic Enquiry which visited the United King- Minister of Public Works in Sidky Pasha s Cabi- dom in April 1935 to study the co mmercia 1 relati on- net February 1946. Nominated Senator, May 1946. ships of the two countries. As a result of the Speaks good English. He is capable, ambitious mission's report, Egypt denounced her existing and shows signs of developing a bent for demagogy. commercial treaty with Japan as a Preliminary to He remains a follower of Ali Maher Pasha. the negotiation of a new treaty intended to check Japanese competition in cotton- piece-goods Joined the ° United Front" of all the political leaders 7. Ibrahim Sid Ahmed Bey. formed in November 1935, and demanded the return A wealthy and benevolent merchant, and staunch of the 1923 Constitution and the resumption of treaty Wafdist; president of the Wafdist Central Committee negotiations with Great Britain, and subsequently in Alexandria. (Not to be confused with Sidky became a member of the Egyptian Treaty delega- Pasha's homonymous cousin.) Founded, and was for tion. Proceeded to London with the delegation for twenty-one years president of, the Moslem Charitable the signature of the treaty, and returned to Egypt Society ('' Al Moassat''). One of the founders of the in September 1936. Appointed Egyptian Ambas- " Orwa-el-Woska " Benevolent Society. Wafdist sador to London on the 23rd December, 1936. Senator 1928-30 and re-elected 1930 Appointed a Whilst on leave in January 1938, he intimated his member of the Wafd the 2nd December, 1932. wish to resign the post of ambassador in London Now deputy to the Director-General of Customs m order, it is alleged, to forestall his threatened with the status of Director-General. dismissal, on account of his supposed lukewarm sup- port of the Palace. Designation was accepted the S. Murad Sid Ahmed Pasha. 4th April, 1938. , Educated in Egypt and at Geneva, where he took Negotiated Hungarian nitrates scheme with the a degree in law. He worked for some time as a Government. Vice-chairman of Egyptian Section of barrister before being appointed a judge in the native Anglo-Egyptian Trade Committee. courts; he later became an inspector in the native Appointed chairman and managing director of courts and a judge in the Mixed Courts at Mansourah Banque Misr in October 1939, after the retirement and Alexandria. He was then appointed Eoyal of Talaat Harb Pasha. The bank's affairs had been counsellor successively in the Ministry for Foreign reduced to chaos by incompetence and corruption Affairs, Ministry of Public Works and Ministry of and Afifi Pasha was appointed by the Government Communications. , , • , to take over the ungrateful task of bringing them to Minister of Education in Sidky Pasha s Cabinet, some state of order. The subsequent remarkable the 12th July, 1930, to the 10th June, 1931. recovery of the bank and its associated group from Murad Pasha, before his appointment as Minister, the shadow of bankruptcy is, however, mainly was not known to belong to any political party. Me attributable to the war loan. He has been on several had been for some time a prominent figure in the occasions mentioned as a possible neutral Prime Contentieux, and, after Bedawi Pasha the most out- Minister, but he has shown no particular wish to standing Egyptian member of that body. He there- plav that role. Chairman of Cotton Purchasing Corn- fore made a considerable sacrifice for so young a man fission appointed by Ministry of Finance, 1942. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE ins T

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in* ling office, a sacrifice of which he was not The two Chambers of Parliament assembled in unconscious and rather proud. Congress on the 8th May. 1936, elected Prince Made a pasha in the Accession Day Honours Mohammed All to be Prince Begent and senior •(October). Joined the Executive Committee of the member of the Begency Council for the period of ;Shaabist party in December 1930. King Farouk's minority. These duties put a severe He was not a success as Cabinet Minister. His strain on his formerly avowed sympathies with the handling of Egyptian officials was not tactful, and Wafd. He complained that he was treated as a administratively he was rather ineffective. Though cypher by the Wafdist Government, which was inclined to favour Latin interests, his relations with determined to encroach on the powers and preroga- British officials in the Ministry were affable. tives of the Begency Council and ultimately of the Appointed Egyptian Minister at Brussels, the throne. 10th June, 1931. Belations between His Boyal Highness and Nahas Transferred from Brussels to Borne in May 1935. were, however, somewhat improved at the end of Appointed by to be president of 1936. This improvement did not, however, last long. A commission to revise the Civil and Commercial His Boyal Highness soon reverted to his distrust of 'Codes, and returned to Egypt to assume his new the Wafd and openly accused them of incompetence duties in 1936. After the advent of the Wafd to and demagogy and designs on the King's preroga- power the commission was reconstituted, and Murad tives. Sid Ahmed reverted to the Ministry for Foreign His Boyal Highness had a sudden attack of angina Affairs. Towards the end of 1936 he was placed on pectoris on the 26th March, 1936, and was unable pension. to carry out his intention to head the Egyptian Appointed Egyptian Minister to Berlin the Delegation to the Coronation of King George VI in 19th May, 1938. London. He left for Europe on the 25th June, He was appointed Minister at Borne after playing returning to Egypt on the 2nd October, 1936. a somewhat undignified role in the departure of the After his return he used all his influence to stiffen Egyptian Mission from Germany after the breaking the Palace in its attitude towards the Wafd. On the off of relations in September 1939. When relations 8th December he was appointed President of the were broken off with Italy, he fled precipitately to " Conseil de la Cour," a judicial body empowered and refused to return to Egypt from to deal with affairs of the Boyal family and usually iear of hostilities there. He was then retired on presided over by a Prince. For some years pension. previously, owing to King Fuad's lack of faith in Decoration*.—Grand Cordon of the Order of the the Princes, the presidency had devolved on the Nile. President of the Senate. This appointment was assumed to indicate King Farouk's confidence in Prince Mohammed AM as well as His Majesty's desire to prevent interference by the Government in «. Ahmed All Pasha, K.C.V.O. Boyal Family affairs. For some time mudir in the provinces (Girga, In the last few years Prince Mohammed Ali has Gharbieh and Dakahlieh). Under-Secretary of State, expressed strong disapproval of the allegedly exces- Interior, in 1920. As Mudir of Girga, he handled a sive exuberance of King Farouk's private life and dangerous situation firmly and intelligently in 1919, of His Majesty's immature and misguided essays in and was highly praised by General Huddleston and the art of governing a la King Fuad. His present awarded the O.B.E. relations with King Farouk are on a purely formal Minister of Waqfs in the Tewfik Nessim Cabinet basis. (December 1922-February 1923) and Minister of Prince Mohammed Ali has never wavered in his Waqfs, later Agriculture, in Yehia Ibrahim's Cabinet wholehearted devotion to the British cause during (February 1923-June 1923). Minister of Waqfs in this war, nor in his faith in Allied victory. Adly's transition Cabinet 1929, and in Sidky's first Is president of the Anglo-Egyptian Union. Visited Cabinet, June 1931. Became Minister of Justice in London privately in August 1945, much to King Sidky's second Cabinet, January 1933, and held the Farouk's annoyance. same portfolio in Abdel Fattah Yehia's Cabinet, Decorations.—G.C.B., G.C.M.G. September 1933. Besigned the 14th November, 1934. Appointed Minister of Justice and of Waqfs in Aly 11. Tarraf AU Pasha. Maher Pasha's Cabinet, January-May 1936. A native of Minia. Educated in as an Nominated Senator in May 1936. Benominated engineer, and on completion of his studies joined the Senator, 1944. Public Works Department. Bapidly made his name He looks moribund, but is a man of some as a competent official, and became a protege of character. He has a considerable reputation for Mohammed Mahmoud Pasha, whom he always sup- piety. ported politically. Decorations.—Title of Al Imtiaz (1930); Grand Appointed Director-General of Municipalities in Cordon of Order of the Nile and Grand Cordon of the Ministry of Interior, where he did good work for Order of Ismail (1936). several years with a pro-continental bias. When Mohammed Mahmoud formed his Ministry on the 30th December, 1937, Tarraf Ali was appointed Under-Secretary of State for Communications, an 10. Prince Mohammed AU, G.C.B. appointment which caused some jealousy. G.C.M.G. Appointed Director-General of Bailways, Tele- Son of the Khedive Tewfik and thus a younger phones and Telegraphs in 1940 where he showed a brother of the ex-Khedive. He suffers from epileptic spirit of co-operation in the handling of difficult fits and is unmarried. He is Heir Presumptive to the transport problems created by, the necessities of the throne. " war. Created a Pasha on the ilth February, 1941. He was at feud with King Fuad and frequently Is a pleasant individual, but of moderate capacity expressed his sympathies with the Wafd. He paints and inclined sometimes to be obstructive. Talks flowers in water-colour; talks many languages with English and French. excessive fluency, and used periodically to make long Besigned 1942 as a result of a quarrel with his journeys to South Africa, India, South America or Minister, who appointed a Wafdist Secretary-General Java, which are recorded in '' Editions de luxe.'' He to the Bailways without consulting Tarraf Ali. entertains freely, and having his own conception of Nominated Senator May 1.946.', the manners and behaviour due from oriental royalty, lives gracefully up to it. He was for many years a 12. Sabri Abu A Ham Pasha. power in Egyptian freemasonry, but he has now Graduated in the Law School in Cairo in 1916 and abandoned this side of his activities. practised as a lawyer for a number of years before 1 2 cms PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE ins I 1| I 2 Rel SSSI3> tf 70C& I Pies se note that this copy is supplied subject to the Public Record Office's terms and conditions and that your use of it may be subject to copyright restrictions. Further information is given in the enclosed Terms and Conditions of supply of Public Records' leaflet

Egyptian Legation (later Embassy) on legal mt^ entering Parliament in 1924 « .» WaMutDjpi^ Gained international reputation as a squash rackets- Member of the committee appointed by Ah Maher player in which sport he held the world champion- Pasha in 1936 for the revision of the Penal bode. Was subsequently Parliamentary Under-Secretary ae returned to Cairo in 1944 and was created of State fo?Justice. Appointed Minister of Justice Pasha for his services to Egypt in the world of sport. in Nahas Pasha'a fourth Cabinet on the 3rd August He became closely associated with Hassanem Pasha 1937 Was one of the steadier Ministers of this and following the latter's severe illness at the end ot- Cabinet, and a considerably better lawyer than many 1944 In November 1944 he was appointed Minister Ministers of Justice in the past. He showed, how- (first class) at the embassy in London but remained ever an exaggerated nationalism by ordaining that in Cairo for some four months making himself very the Drafting Committee should conduct its proceed- useful as an unofficial liaison between the Palace ngs in Arable, thus cutting out entirely the European and His Majesty's Embassy while Hassanem Pash* members. This may have been partly done with the was incapacitated by illness. object of undermining the ascendancy of Bedawi In August 1945 he was promoted to be ambassador Pasha, who in French is complete master of the in London. His selection for this responsible post is criticised by some , notably by the W aid, iter of Justice in Nahas Pasha's fifth Ministry, on the ground that his inexperience and long absence February 1942. Awarded title of Pasha, May 1942 from the home country make him ill-qualified to Became Secretary-General ojE the, WaM on dismissal represent Egypt at a moment when a thorough of Makram Ebeid from the Wafd, July 1942 readjustment of Egypt's relations with Great Britain Was the prime mover in promoting the law is desirable. It is presumed that in nominating him establishing the independence of the Judicature and as ambassador, King Farouk may have been getting it through Parliament in 1948 After the fall influenced by a Wafdist press campaign a short time; of theWafd Government in October he became the previously denouncing Amr Pasha as unsuitable for leader of the opposition in the Senate. the post of Minister in London. Decorations.—Grand Cordon of the Order of the 13 Mohammed Ali Allouba Pasha Nile (February 1946). Born 1877. An intelligent and able lawyer of W st 15. AminAnisPasha, K.C.V.O. ^ respected integrity. Began as * ^ For^ Treasurer of the Wafd, but seceded in 1921 For long Born 1893. Had a legal education. In 1922 was a leading Constitutional Liberal and secretary of the Director of Statistics in the Ministry of Justice in party. He resigned in January 1934 having returned 1923 became Secretary-General to the Council ot to Watanist extremism. ~ , , Ministers. Later transferred to the Contentieux He was Minister of Waqfs m Zrwer Pasha, s Succeeded Nashat Pasha at the palace as sous-chef Cabinet, March-September 1925, and resigned with de cabinet" in December 1925. : , his Liberal colleagues in protest against Abdel Aziz Appointed Royal Counsellor in the Ministry of Fahmy Pasha's dismissal. In 1928 he campaigned Public Works August 1930, and president of the Cairo for the abolition of all private Waqfs^ In 1929, after Court of Appeal November 1933. defending the cause of Islam before the Wading Wall Appointed Mimster of Justice in Tewfik Nessmi Commission in Jerusalem, he developed an interest Pasha's Cabinet, the 15th November, 1934. in Moslem affairs outside Egypt and was a member Resigned the 22nd January, 1936. He was honest of the Standing Executive Committee of the Islamic and fair as an administrator, if somewhat lacking in Congress, on whose behalf he toured India in the energy and initiative. During his tenure of office summer of 1933. , , he was uniformly helpful in matters m which the His son is an in the British merchant legitimate interests of His Majesty's Government were concerned. . .,, ,, Minister of Education in Aly Maher In September 1943 was appointed by the Watd Cabinet January-May 1936. Nominated a member Government to the presidency of the Court ot of the Senate in May 1936. Was prominent as an Cassation; this appointment of an outsider provoked opponent of the Anglo-Egyptian Treaty m the the resignation of three Counsellors as a protest autumn of 1936. In close touch with the Watanist against the infringement of the newly-framed law party, the Young Egypt Society and other extremist establishing the independence of the Judicature. There was no doubt, however, about Amm Ams * 6 Efetooik an active part in the Arab Parliamentary suitability for the post from the point of view of Congress on Palestine held in Cairo, October 1938, integrity and professional qualifications. Appointed and headed a deputation to London to present the president of the State Legal Department July 1944, resolutions of the Congress to His Majesty s Govern- but was placed on pension by Ahmed Maher s Government later in the year. In 1943 his interest in Arab nationalist politics was Universally regarded as a quiet, intelligent and again stimulated by current developments for the industrious person, unpolitical, " paperassier, promotion of Arab Unity in anticipation of the post- obedient; rather what people mean when they speak war settlement. He was a leading member of a of "a typical civil servant." His appearance is small and relatively unimportant group calling itselt against him because, owing to the fact that he once the Arab Unity Society, a rival of Fuad Abaza s tried to blow his brains out when suffering from Arab Union Club. The activities of both these overwork, he has a squint and a crooked mouth. unofficial bodies were, however, thoroughly eclipsed Decorations.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile by Nahas.Pasha's official talks on Arab Unity with (1936), K.C.V.O. (1927). representatives of other Arab States. Was reported in 1943 to have the intention of 16. Mohamed Hassan El Ashmawi Pasha forming a new political party. Began his career as a lawyer, becoming a civil Decorations.—Grand Cordon of Order of the JNiie judge in the Court of First Instance, after which he (1936). served for five years in the Sudanese courts at Omdurman under the late Sir Wasey Sterry. On return to Egypt he was appointed lecturer in the 14. A bdel Fattah A mr Pasha. School of Law. Subsequently became Secretary- Bom 1906. Son of a middle-class Cairo merchant. General of the Ministry of Education and later Educated at the Khedivial Secondary School and Under-Secretary of State in that Department. _ Was subsequently, thanks to the generous personal later appointed Boyal Counsellor in the Ministries interest of a former British financial adviser, in of National Defence, Agriculture, Social Affairs and England. Studied law and practised for some years Public Works successively. Appointed Minister ot as a solicitor in London. Was consulted by the Please note that this copy is supplied subject to the Public Record Office's terms and conditions and that your use of it may be subject to copyright restrictions. Further information is given in the enclosed Terms and Conditions of supply of Public Records' leaflet

elections of 1923, but defeated Dr. Heykal in a Cairo >n in Sidky Pasha's Cabinet, February constituency in 1926 and was again elected in May holding office as an Independent. He was for 1QQ A JefrsTnlidered as pro-Wafdist, but for^ome time He started the Kawkab-esh-Sharq in 1924 He,» past has avoided all partisanship. Has had a repu- well-informed and unscrupulous, and has the reputa- tation of being by nature rather ^^"f^^ tion of a heavy drinker. He never severed hi , phobic, but has not given concrete evidenceiof sucn connexion with the ex-Khedive. He speaks fluent propensities. Nominated Senator, May 1946. ^During the treaty conversations of 1936 his paper 17 El Ferik Ibrahim Atallah Pasha constantly advocated the advantages of an alliance BoTn 1888. Joined Military School in 1904, served on the basis of the withdrawal of British troops from in the Camel Corps in the Sudan and eventually Cairo and the suppression of Capitulations. He SmmandeTa SudLese Battalion. Was a member accompanied the treaty delegation to London and ,of Sultan Hussein Kamel's Bodyguard and in 1934 wrote several articles on the benefits which might became Commandant of the Boyal Bodyguard. In be derived from a close social and cultural relation- 1936™e was appointed Chief Aide-de-Camp to King ship between English and Egyptians. _ ' Farouk A good type of old officer, His son Kamel-el-Dine became the foreign editor nooverburdened with brains but has a reputation of his paper. His educational background is more of being honest and straightforward Appointed French than English. Chief of the General Staff of the Egyptian army in The Kawkab-esh-Sharq has ceased publication, 19 and neither Hafez Awad Bey nor his son are, for the U°nder the Wafdist Administration, his relations moment, actively engaged in journalism. with the Minister of National Defence became very Sained in the summer of 1942. The Minister 20 El Lewa Mahmud Azmi Pasha 'compTaTned that Atallah, being a Palace man, served For some time Director of the Recruiting Depart, the Palace rather than his Minister. The quarrel ment. Went to England with Adly s Mission in was subdued for the time being by a compromise, 1921. Minister of War in Tewfik Nessim s Cabinet, by which a Military Under-Secretary of btate lor December 1922-February 1923 and m Yehia Deflnce was appointed to strengthen the Minister s Ibrahim's Cabinet, March 1923-January 1924. In hand, but in 1943 a controversy about army promo- 1923 we had to complain of his obstructive attitude tions and transfers revived the dispute and Atallah towards proposals put up by the Sirdar for the continued to be at loggerheads with his Minister seconding of British officers to the Egyptian army. His record as Chief of the General Staff is marred Joked the Ittehadist party in 1925 and became by his weakness and inability to check the serious secretary of it. In with the Palace. growth among army officers of ^P*1™*™ An agreeable person and, they say, moderately indiscipline, for which, however, the Waidist honest (or used to be). Exceedingly ignorant and Mmser, Hamdi Seif el Nasr Pasha, was largely stupid, but, on the whole, not ill-intentioned. responsible. He was also on bad terms with Maltre Sayed Selim, the Minister of Defence in the coalition Governments of Ahmed Maher and Nokrashi 21. Dr. Soliman Azmi Pasha Decorations.-C.^. (Military Division) 1943, Graduated from the medical school of Cairo Uni- Order of Ismail, Second Class (1946). versity and began his career in private practice, specialising in chest diseases. Lectured m the faculty of medicine and later became dean of that 18 Lewa Ahmed Attiya Pasha faculty in succession to Dr. Ali Ibrahim Pasha Me Served in the Egyptian army in the Sudan and resigned from this position in 1945 owing to ill- also as a District Maamour under the Sudan health. Is well liked by British doctors in Egypt. tvernment Left the Sudan with the Egyptian Is a professor of medicine at . Has army in consequence of the 1924 revolt. After the made a good deal of money from his private practice. entry mto force of the Anglo-Egyptian Treaty of Appointed Minister of Health under Sidky Pasha, 1936 he was placed in command of Egyptian troops February 1946. Nominated Senator, May 1946. in the Sudan. Returned to Egypt on PromotionJo It is feared that his state of health will not permit -the rank of Lewa, was appointed Adjutant-General of his holding this appointment for long or dis-. Placed on pension when the Wafd Government playing much drive; the senior Under-Secretary assumed office in 1942. Joined the Constitutional (Shousha Pasha) is therefore likely to take a good Sbeml Party and became a Senator, in which deal of the Minister's work on his shoulders, as capacity he strongly advocated the reorganisation usual. Has no direct party connexion, but his and strengthening of the Egyptian army on modern lines. Speaks English moderately well. Appomtea sentiments are anti-Wafdist. Minister of National Defence by Sidky 1 asna, 22. Mahmoud Azmy Bey February 1946. Born about 1890. He was for some time on the staff of the biassa, 19 Ahmed Hafez A wad Bey but left the Constitutional-Liberals after the coup Born about 1882. Of bumble origin Educated d'Etat of June 1928, and, in collaboration with in Egypt On leaving school he joined the staff! ot Tewfik Diab, a fellow-dissident, edited various Al Moayad, where his pen was at the service of the iournals for the Wafd. These were successfully ex-Khedive. He acted as cicerone to Mr. J._M repressed by Mohammed Mahmoud Pasha, and Robertson, M.P., during the latter s visit to Egypt Azmy, unable to make a living in Egypt, went to in 1906 and his letters to Mr. Robertson were France. He made his peace with Mohammed published anonymously, at the ex-Khedive's expense, Marmoud in London, but still wrote for a Wafdist paper, El Yom. . . nee Moayad and started AlMinbar; He wears a hat, supports women s rights in public Became press agent to the ex-Khedive and accom- debate, and detested the late King Fuad, who treated panied him, acting as Times correspondent, on his him badly in a Use-majeste case in 1927. He is pTlarimage to Mecca; and in 1910 he shared with intelligent and speaks excellent French. AhS Shawky Bey the responsibility and promts He married in 1912 a very intelligent Russian of the Palace Secret Service. In 1911 he became woman, who lives more in Paris than here. editor of Al Moayad. He toured the provinces with He was at one time known as a theoretic Socialist. the ex-Khedive in 1914. During the war he professed It has sometimes been suspected that he might be in anglophil sentiments, but went Wafdist in 1919 and contact with the Soviets, but there has never been founded and edited at various times Al Mahroussa the slightest proof of such a connexion. He has and Al Nizam. He stood unsuccessfully in the PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE ins V "O Please note that this copy is supplied subject to the Public Record Office's terms and conditions and that your use of it may be subject to copyright restrictions. Further information is given in the enclosed Terms and Conditions of supply of Public Records' leaflet

always been personally very friendly and consistently He was one of the Egyptian delegates i .he- declared himself in favour of an Anglo-Egyptian Parliamentary Congress at Rio de Janeiro in 1927, Treaty. when he spent most of his time speech-making to- He has been to London on the occasion of each the Syrian colonies of Brazil, also a delegate to the of the successive treaty negotiations from Milner Parliamentary Economic Congress at Brussels in onwards. He acted for some time in 1931-32 as 1929. He has made a study of agrarian condition* European press agent to the ex-Khedive. in Eoumania. Eeturned to Egypt in the early summer of 1934 Appointed Egyptian Minister to Iraq and Iran in and joined the staff of the Jehad, for which he wrote March 1936 and, in addition, to Saudi Arabia in. some powerful articles against the 1930 regime. August 1936. He made a good impression in When that regime was abolished he sought to detach Bagdad. himself from connexions which threatened uncon- Was appointed Egyptian Minister to Afghanistan genial partisanship, and invoked Eesidency assistance on the 1st March, 1937, in addition to his other to find more independent employment. duties as minister in Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia. In 1936 he invoked embassy assistance for Following the engagement of Princess Fawzia to the employment and declared his intention of quitting Crown Prince of Iran a separate minister was journalism for a post in the Company appointed to Iran and Afghanistan. Azzam was. or any other important business concern. Mean- accordingly promoted to First-Class Minister in Iraq. while, he had sporadic jobs on the staffs of the Proceeded to London as a member of the Egyptian Balagh and other papers. In March 1936 he started Delegation to the Palestine Conference in 1939. a weekly political literary review—Shabab—which Appointed minister to Turkey in August 1939. was reputed to be subsidised by the Italians. The Appointed -to be Minister of Waqfs and Com- feature of this journal was a constant criticism of mandant of the Territorial Forces, in Ali Maher's the terms of the treaty and a series of articles by Cabinet, the 18th August, 1939. Trensferred from Abdel Kader-el-Mazini in support of the pan-Arab Waqfs to Social Affairs on the 20th December, 1939. movement, and criticising the iniquities of British Eetired with the Ministry on the 27th June, 1940, policy in Palestine. This paper died a natural death but retained Territorials until they were placed in November 1936, when the treaty was ratified. under the Minister of Defence. In February 1937 he left Egypt for a press tour Came out with meritoriously pro-British state- of Palestine, and Iraq, and while in Bagdad ments in our worst moments, i.e., on our retreat was offered and accepted the post of Professor of to Alamein. Economics in the Law School at Bagdad. During Minister for Arab Affairs in the Ministry for the summer a student of the Bagdad Law School Foreign Affairs, a post specially created in connexion fired at his professor, who was out walking with with the Arab unity discussions then proceeding. Azmy Bey, and the latter received a bullet in the Nominated secretary-general of the Arab League shoulder. He returned to Egypt by air and has not Council, 1945, on the insistence of Nbkrashi Pasha. since returned to Bagdad. Appointed to the New Has shown lack of balance and extremist tendencies, Taxes Administration of the Egyptian Ministry of in this post. Finance late in 1938. He used to be described as "an attractive young Appointed Controller of Press Section, Censorship fanatic.'' He was certainly an extremist, but moved Department, under etat de siege 1939. Eetired in to the Eight wing of the Wafd and thence to the 1940. Eeturned to Direct Taxes. Appointed dissident Wafdist group from conviction of treaty Coneeiller Royal Adjoint in July 1943 with rank of advantages. His possession of all the Bedouin Director-General. qualities—courage (moral no less than physical), In 1943 he lobbied, without success, for appoint- indifference to discomfort, an acute sense of honour ment as Egypt's first Minister in Moscow. —together with a sense of humour and a high Visited England as a journalist early in 1946 and measure of sportsmanship and idealism, makes him after his return to Egypt his press articles on the popular with all Englishmen, for whom, indeed, • subject of Anglo-Egyptian treaty negotiations were though not for their politics, he professes a genuine as intransigent as those of the extreme nationalist affection and regard. He is, in the best sense of the elements. Was designated by Sidky as Controller word, an adventurer, and his personality stands out in the Ministry of the Interior in 1946, to deal with in a land of fellaheen. press affairs, but was not confirmed in the appoint- He is married to a daughter of Khaled-el-Kharqani, ment owing to King Farouk's suspicions of his pro- his comrade-in-arms in Tripoli, who was one of Ibn Soviet activities. Now writes for Wafdist and other Saud's unsuccessful delegation to the Imam Yehia newspapers. in 1933, and is one of Ibn Saud's political and commercial advisers. 23. A bdul Rahman A zzam Pasha 24. Abdel Meguid Badr Pasha Born about 1893. Served for some years as an engineer in the Son of the late Azzam Bey, who was the Giza Government service before retiring to go into Province representative in the Legislative Council. business. He identified himself with the national The family are of Arab stock. Though settled in movement in his youth and is a fairly recent Egypt for some generations, they cling tenanciously adherent to the Saadist party. He enjoys a reputa- to Arab traditions and ideals of life. tion for eloquence which he was apparently able to After education in the Government schools, he use with some effect among his fellow-students at studied medicine in Cairo and continued his studies the university during the 1919 troubles. from 1912 to 1914 at a London hospital. He did not, Appointed Minister of Social Affairs by Ahmed however, qualify. He was at this time in the Maher after the general elections of January 1945, Watanist camp and a friend of Mohammed Bey an appointment which he is said to owe to his Farid. friendship with Nokrashi. Eetained that portfolio On the outbreak of war in 1914 he joined the Arab in Nokrashi's Cabinet, February 1945. Has a good tribes in the Western Desert and won a considerable reputation generally. Speaks English. reputation fighting and working in the cause of the Left office on the fall of Nokrashi's Cabinet, Senussi. He was under sentence of death by the February 1946. Given title of Pasha in the Birth- Italians. day Honours, 1946. He returned to Egypt after the war and for some time avoided Egyptian politics. He then played a 25. Sheikh Hassan El-Banna fairly prominent part as Deputy for the Ayyat Born about 1897. Native of Sharkia Province. constituency of Giza, and was regarded in the Employed as a schoolteacher in 1919 at Suez andl Chamber as an authority on matters military. later at Ismailia. In the course of his teaching. C01S PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE TnsT

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planned the formation of a religious group Minister of Education and for some time Acting to preach adherence to Koranic precepts and his Minister for Foreign Affairs in the Nahas Cabinet, ability as a speaker gained gradual success for this January-June 1930. Associated with his father in movement in Ismailia, Suez and Port Said. His the break-away of the " dissident Wafdists " in followers styled themselves " El Ikhwan-el-Mus- November 1932. limin. ' ' Having been transferred to Cairo about 1934 Elected a Deputy in May 1936. Spoke against t-hn he was able to extend the scope of his religious Anglo-Egyptian Treaty in the debate in the Chamber activities and his association. of Deputies in November 1936. Hassan-el-Banna is still employed as a school- Appointed Minister of Education in Mohammed teacher and is strongly suspected of using his Mahmoud Pasha's Cabinet the 30th December, 1937. religious revivalism as a cloak for eventual subversive Was created a pasha in February 1938. Elected activities against the British. President of Chamber after the April 1938 elections. For a time the Ikhwan-el-Muslimin were supported Was not re-elected President of ; Chamber the by the Palace at Ali Maher's instigation. On the 18th November, 1939. From the outbreak of war in Wafd's return to power in 1942, they played a 1939 he showed a singular capacity for sitting on the dubious game, affecting to be friendly to both the fence and avoidance of compromising himself in any Wafdist Government and ourselves, an attitude way with the British cause. His attitude was evidently dictated by the desire to avoid inter- consistently timorous and disappointing. ference while strengthening their position. The Defeated by the rival Wafdist candidate in the Governments of Ahmed Maher and Nokrashi, which elections of Afarch 1942. succeed the Wafdist Government, have adopted a Nominated Senator in January 1945. Succeeded repressive attitude towards the Ikhwan-el-Muslimin, Kamel Sidki as president of the State Audit, April who have tended as a consequence to become pro- 1945. Wafd. He is an elegant person with a lisp; intelligent and g Early in 1943 the Wafd Government placed a ban respected on his own merits. Politically, he owes on the Ikhwan's meetings except at their Cairo much, however, to the fact that he is his father's son. headquarters, where they were allowed to be held Decorations.—Grand Cordon of the Order of with the prior permission of the Director- General of Ismail (1946). Public Security. This ban was shortly afterwards lifted and the Wafd Government, having removed it, 27. Abdul Hamid Bedawi Pasha showed an outward inclination to keep on friendly Born about 1892. terms, while maintaining a careful watch on the Educated at the School of Law in France, where society's activities. he did brilliantly. His early career was in the Hassan-el-Banna displayed an active interest in parquet. In 1914 he was " chef de cabinet " an

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themselves with embarrassing persistence in every VTXbfruS^ i^tfore he left office on the faU of the Srashi Government, it was announced Egyptian Minister in Moscow, April lad been elected a judge of the totomabon 1946. 30. Mohammed Charara Pasha Mohamed Charara Pasha was a P^essor n the (iSe^Grand'c^don of the Order of the Nile. Title of Imtiaz (1946). 28. A bdel Rahman al BiaU Bey i4he was appointed Egyptian Consul at

coveted, former but he is pleasant to meet,

15th February, 1937. 31 Tt>wKk Doss Pasha . Cont Born about 1875. Son of Doss Zigenn, a b=-La.irK--Ms „ .-, J- A oai/MIT, S-S-SSSs-s

Cabinet, June 1946.

tTapprSiate an/poii of vie, ^bu =h .own. ^

to foreign, press ~n».p«J±jf cms PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE S'H I SSSI3. Please note that this copy is supplied subject to the Public Record Office's terms and conditions and that your use of it may be subject to copyright restrictions. Further information is given in the enclosed Terms and Conditions of supply of Public Records' leaflet


/settlements in 1-932. Strong suspicions of In 1918 he joined the Ministry of Justice as secre- corruption made him an embarrassing colleague in tary to the Official Bulletin. From 1915 to 1918 h« the Cabinet, but his omission from Sidky Pasha's was private secretary to successive Judicial Advisers, second Cabinet in January 1933, for which the late and addressed to Sir Maurice Amos, after the King was responsible, appeared not to have affected Government officials' strike in 1919, a note proposing his close personal(irela'tions with the Prime Minister an '' alliance '' between England and Egypt which He was, suggested, for. the. Washington legation, was considered interesting at the time. ^ where he could hardly have been persona grata, hut In 1919 he was appointed to be a professor at 11:0 " preferred to serve his country as a Deputy in the Eoyal Law School, but was dismissed in August Chamber." •'...,. 1921, with other Government officials, after a Council After Sidky Pasha's eclipse he played a somewhat of Discipline, for having assisted in offering a banquet equivocal role, le,avdn,g the main parliamentary attack to Zaghlul Pasha. He then joined the Wafd and was delegated to on his former crony" to his brother Wahib. A third r brother, Habib, supported the Government in the London fo propaganda purposes during the Adly Senate. He is no longer persona grata in the palace, negotiations. On his return he was given an but would no doubt like to be so again. enthusiastic reception, and Zaghlul himself met him He is on the boards of several Banque Misr at the station. Three days later he was deported with industrial enterprises and the Union Fonciere Zaghlul to the Seychelles. d'Egypte. Chairman of Hotels He returned to Eg3'pt in June 1923 and was (Limited). returned unopposed as M.P. for Kena. Was offered brief in litigation between Sheikh of He married Aida, daughter of Morcos Hanna Koweit and Iraq Government, and after arrange- Pasha, in November 1923. ments had been made for him to proceed to Iraq he In September 1924 he accompanied Zaghlul to demanded a fee which the Treasury considered too London for the MacDonald conversations. On the 27th November, 1924, after the murder of the Sirdar, high, and in the end Doss recommended Ahmed 1 Eushdi, a junior lawyer, who actually proceeded. he was arrested on the charge of inflammatory Took a prominent part in the Parliamentary Arab language, but was subsequentlv released. Congress iield in Cairo in October 1938. In the 1925 elections he was unsuccessful. Had pro-German leanings and was suspected of In May 1926 he was returned as M.P. for two taking money from the Eeich before the war. constituencies. Elected Senator, April 1946. ' . , . In October 1927 he was elected secretary to the Decorations.—'Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile. Wafd in place of Nahas Pasha. Became Minister of Communications in the 32. George Dwmani Bey Cabinet of Nahas Pasha in March 1938. Was A Lebanese born in Egypt. His father was administratively more moderate and friendly than wealthy and owned a ginning factory in Tantah, but might have been expected. Politically, he was a bad this failed under the son's, management. He became adviser to Nahas. During the dictatorial regime he a clerk and general tout, but took to journalism in carried on much and not unsuccessful propaganda 1906. In 1908 he was condemned to six months' in England. On his return in September 1929 he imprisonment with suspension of sentence for received a great ovation. libelling the Director-General of the Alexandria He was Minister of Finance in the Nahas Cabinet Municipality. He spent the next five years in Paris. of the 1st January, 1930, and appears to have In 1919 he became a zealous Wafdist and neglected departmental work in favour of political accompanied Zaghlul to Europe as European secre- manipulations. He was one of the delegates for the tary. In 1924 he was appointed Director of the treaty negotiations in London, March-May 1930, and Translation Bureau of the Chamber of Deputies, and did much to wreck the projected treaty. He was in 1926, by a special dispensation from Zaghlul, he again in London from July to September of that became editor of the. Espoir (Government officials year making propaganda against the Sidky Cabinet. are normally debarred from journalism). His election in December 1933, as Bdtonnier of Mohammed Mahmoud dismissed him in the the Native Bar inspired the Government to various summer of 1929 from his Government post, but he emergency measures of preventive legislation, which returned to it under Adly's transition Cabinet, and caused widespread resentment among lawyers in again under Sidky's regime. He atone time Egypt. These were rescinded by Nessim Pasha's wrote most of the Wafdist weekly Goha. Government in December, and Makram Ebeid's He returned to daily journalism with the revival, re-election was thereby ensured. in November 1934, of La. Patrie. Makram joined the political " United Front " in When the treaty negotiations began in 1936 November 1935 as a representative of the Wafd. Dumani Was attached to the Secretariat of the Became Minister of Finance in the Nahas Cabinet in Egyptian official delegation and subsequently May 1936, and was granted the title of Pasha. accompanied the delegation to London. Appointed He remained Nahas's constant companion and director of the newly created European Political adviser, and as such held a position of outstanding Bureau attached to the Presidency of the Council of influence, both in the Cabinet and in the Wafd. His Ministers. position, however, was challenged by Nokrashi, who Betired on pension when the Wafd Government was supported by Ahmed Maher. The growing fell in December 1937, and confined himself for a tension between Makram and Nokrashi did much to time to literary work. Eeappointed Director of the produce the split in the Wafd in 1937. European Political Bureau when the Wafd returned Eetained the portfolio of Finance when Nahas to power in February 1942. Writes most of Nahas's reshuffled his Cabinet on the 3rd August, 1937. French speeches and correspondence. The presence and influence of Makram in the He is a secretive, bold and dangerous man, and Cabinet were contributing factors in the early down- could wield the bitterest pen in Egypt. fall of Nahas. Within the Cabinet itself Makram's domination over Nahas was the cause of growing 33. William Makram Ebeid Pasha resentment, and the enemies of the Wafd did not Copt. Born in 1889. scruple to invoke religious prejudice in their Obtained Primary Education Certificate at early campaign against a Cabinet which they pilloried as age of 11. Subsequently educated at the American dangerously subservient to Coptic influence. College, Assiout, and (1905-08) at New College, Makram fell with Nahas, when the latter was dis- Oxford, where he took honours in Law. By 1912 he missed by King Farouk on the 30th December, 1937. had also his French doctorate of Law and returned Again appointed Minister of Finance in Nahas's fifth to Egypt. to practise. . Cabinet, February 1942. 82-197 c 2 1 2 cms PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE ins I 1 I 2 *<*"• fO fVH I S?SI3> i?70C& Piea:se note that this copy is supplied subject to the Public Record Office's terms and conditions and that your JSe of it may be subject to copyright restrictions. Further information is given in the enclosed Terms and Conditions of supply of Public Records' leaflet


Differences with Nahas, arising partly from resent- net, February 1946. Nominated Senator, Ma ?46. , ired on ret ment at Mme. Nahas's growing influence over her Awarded the C.B.E. 1946. He speaks exiferfent Strenuous but .husband and partly from the bestowal of irregular English, and his wife, who has an attractive opponents of th favours on her relatives, came to a head in May and personality, also speaks fair English. the leadership oi brought about a reconstruction of the Cabinet, in the autumn c Makram being dropped. Makram's open hostility to The Palace \ Nahas after he had been omitted from the Cabinet 35. El Ferik A li Fahmi Pasha November 1937 resulted in his dismissal from the party in July 1942, Born about 1866. Entered the army from the Maher's appoint together with a number of junior satellites. His military school on the 1st November, 1884. Served Nahas strenuous suosequent overtures to the Saadists for a united in the artillery. During his long service in the army ^to Fahmy Pas! bloc met with a cool response, since Nokrashi he received excellent reports from many British squabble over th: cordially dislikes Makram and Ahmed Maher was far officers. In 1890 the late General Sir Leslie Bundle the crisis betwee: from being impressed by Makram's hysterical reported on him as " one oi the best officers in the to the latter's die opposition tactics. However, he worked in close artillery "—was specially promoted for service in Appointed Mir co-operation with the anti-Wafd Opposition the Nile Expedition 1889.'' He w also described as Mahmoud's Cabi Was the outstanding candidate for election as being most loyal and very reliable. General Sir John Elected presid Bdtonmer of the Native Bar Syndicate in December Asser reported in 1906, " a very good officer, much party in 1941. 1942. The Government, however, interrupted the respected by British and Egyptian officers.'' Eesigned his s electoral proceedings and after a postponement In 1910 he was promoted Miralai and appointed announcement o: secured the election of the Wafdist candidate, Director of Eecruiting. In 1912 promoted Lewa and health, from p Bassiouni Bey, by the narrow margin of six votes. placed on pension. presidency of th In March 1943, Makram submitted a detailed Made Minister of War and Marine in Nahas the summer of 1 indictment of the Wafd Government to the Palace Pasha's Cabinet on the 10th May, 1936. sevens in their ei and surreptitiously had the whole text printed and Elected Senator in May 1936. As a member > published as the notorious " Black Book." This was Was not able to cope with the work arising out of founded by King widely distributed in Egypt and the series of allega- the reorganisation of the Egyptian army and was 1944, a plan for • tions about corruption, favouritism, &c., were the sub- dropped by Nahas on the Cabinet reshuffle on the to the Arabic lang ject of much public comment and of a long series of 3rd August, 1937. others strongly d questions in Parliament. This led to Makram's He has been associated with the Wafd for many Decorations.—( expulsion from the Chamber in July 1943, by a three- years, but has always held moderate views. He is of Title of Al Imtiaz quarter majority vote; his constituency then went moderate intelligence and capacity. of Ismail (1938). to an unopposed Wafdist candidate. Decorations.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile. Mohamed Aly (1! Makram again put up for election to the presidency of the Native Bar Syndicate in December 1943, but 36. A Mel A ziz Fdhmy Pasha was defeated by the Waidist candidate, this time a 37. Galtini Fa, Born about 1874. Educated at Cairo Law School. Born about 184! Copt. Was a member of the Legislative Assembly, in Early in 1944 Makrarn published an unimpressive to have changed h which he was consistently in opposition, and for two measures sequel to the "Black Book." At the same time, President of the Native Bar Council. Accompanied in common with other Opposition spokesmen, he Was employed i Zaghlul Pasha to the Besidency on the 13th Novem- to be Controller o became very violent in his denunciation of alleged ber, 1918, to claim Egyptian independence. In British support of the Wafd Government. in Minia Provinc March 1919 he was warned to desist from agitation. and vice-presiden Interned by order of Nahas Pasha in June 1944 Active Nationalist propagandist in Egypt and later for having published virulent anti-Wafd pamphlets Professes strong p in Italy. He broke with Zaghlul Pasha on the plea kept up this attit considered subversive of public order. Was released of Zaghlul's arbitrariness and dishonesty, and was by Ahmed Maher in October 1944 and appointed disturbances. Joini one of the founders of the Constitutional Liberal party in the begin Minister of Finance. Retained that portfolio in party, of which he became president after Adly Nokrashi's Cabinet, February 1945. Pursued a existence and soon Pasha's retirement. He became Minister of Justice share in entertaini vindictive campaign against Nahas and certain of in Ziwer Pasha's Cabinet 1925. the latter's former Cabinet colleagues, insisting on Very rigid and prickly, he was an element of 1927. an enquiry by a Ministerial committee into the Senator (1931), dissidence in the 1925 coalition. Dismissed in ministerial office. integrity of the Nahas Cabinet, and publishing September 1925 over the Ali Abdel Eazek affair, He used to be a s extracts from this committee's report in his news- which made him very bitter against the late King. useful information paper Al Kotla while the report was still under He remained quite unreconciled to Zaghlul Pasha, examination by an ad hoc committee of the but is now rather ; despite a friendly public reference by Zaghlul on age to lead an act Chamber. Was on bad terms with his Saadist the 13th November, 1926. He was the first to colleagues and was generally supposed to be sup- arraign Nashat Pasha in a public speech in November ported by the Palace. 1925. 38. Dr. Mansoi His headstrong efforts to pose as champion of the In 1928 he was appointed president of the Native Born 1886. Edu Egyptian Nationalist cause inspired him to demand Court of Appeal, in succession to the notorious subsequently stud: immediate negotiations with Great Britain for treaty Ahmed Talaat Pasha. He resigned in February 1930 degree in natural revision in December 1945. In this Makram out- in a mood of irritation, submitting his resignation philosophy. On n manoeuvred his Prime Minister and precipitated a directly to King Fuad, who refused to accept it. lecturer at the Univ Cabinet crisis in December 1945 which the Cabinet, Summoned to explain his conduct by the Minister College. He was however, survived. Belinquished office on the fall of of Justice, he had no alternative to confirming his of the National Lil the Nokrashi Cabinet, February 1946. Member of resignation, thus giving the Wafd a chance to remove Alexandria Univers the Egyptian treaty delegation 1946, in which he a prominent adversary. He was reappointed, how- andria University i played a discordant and intransigent role. ever, by Sidky Pasha's Cabinet, and in May 1931 1944. Is a membei Decorations.—>t*rand Cordon of the Order of was appointed president of the new Court of Academy. Was foi Ismail (1942). Cassation on its creation. His comments in that the Egyptian Bed Title of Imtiaz 1946. capacity on the Badari case provoked the ministerial versatile scholar. crisis of December 1932 and the reconstruction of Belinquished the 34. Hussein Enan Pasha, C.B.E. the Sidky Cabinet. He made a notable attack on the versity when he w; Has a long record of efficient service with the Mixed Courts, while paying generous tribute to 1946. Ministry of Agriculture, in which he is said to have British co-operation in the administration of Egyptian served under forty-five Ministers over a period of justice on the 31st December, 1933. 39. Mahmoud F< thirty years. He studied in England and has shown He is a convinced and unusually disinterested Born about 1885. himself very favourably disposed towards British Nationalist; he shuns European society, and only the Circassian origin, bi interests, especially as Under-Secretary of State for ceremonial obligations of office brought him to the Son of an ex-Pri Agriculture. He is a keen farmer on his own estate. Eesidency. His political attitude to us was changed tendencies; brother < Has no politics. Accepted the portfolio of Agri- by (a) his quarrel with Zaghlul, and (6) the 1922 the basest character. culture, as an Independent, in Sidky Pasha's Cabi- Declaration. cms PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE •• fO g>?-l I Please note that this copy is supplied subject to the Public Record Office's terms and conditions and that your use of it may be subject to copyright restrictions. Further information is given in the enclosed Terms and Conditions of supply of Public Records' leaflet


^Jjed on reaching the age limit in January 1936. He was Sub-Governor of Cairo, Chamberlain to Strenuous but unsuccessful efforts were made by King Fuad and Governor of Cairo before becoming opponents of the Wafd to persuade him to assume Minister of Finance in Tewfik Nessim's Cabinet the leadership of an anti-treaty opposition movement (May 1920 to March 1921) and, later, Minister for in the autumn of 1936. Foreign Affairs in Nessim's second Cabinet (Decem- The Palace wished to appoint him Senator in ber 1922 to February 1923). He is married to a November 1937 to fill the vacancy caused by Aly daughter of King Fuad (by Princess Chevikiar), Maher's appointment as "chef du cabinet royal. Princess Fawkiyya, after being previously married Nahas strenuously opposed the appointment owing to a daughter of Sultan Hussein, who died. A,o Fahmy Pasha's hostility to the Wafd. The Appointed Egyptian Minister in Paris in 1923, squabble over this appointment helped to precipitate where he remained until the rupture of relations the crisis between King Farouk and Nahas which led with Vichy in February 1942. Was then appointed to the latter's dismissal. minister in Madrid and later in Lisbon, holding the Appointed Minister without portfolio in Mohamed two posts together. Eeturned to Paris as minister Mahmoud's Cabinet the 30th December, 1937. May 1945. Elected president of the Liberal Constitutional He is educated, agreeable, presentable, wealthy and exclusively polite. He believes himself to be a Eesigned his seat in the Senate April 1942. The master of the art of conciliation, which he practises announcement of his retirement, on grounds of ill- by means of good manners and tediousness. health, from political activity and from the Unintelligent, and probably unreliable. presidency of the Constitutional Liberal party, in Eetired from the post of minister in Paris on the summer of 1942, left the Liberals at sixes and reaching the age limit in December 1945 and was sevens in their efforts to find a new president. given the personal rank of ambassador on retire- As a member of the Arabic Language Academy, ment. He was then appointed a director of the founded by King Fuad, he published, in February Suez Canal Company and has continued to reside 1944, a plan for the adaptation of Latin characters in Paris. to the Arabic language. Prince Mohammed Aly and Decorations.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile; others strongly denounced the idea. Title of Al Imtiaz (1922); Grand Cordon of Order of Decorations.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile; Ismail (1927); C.B.E. Title of Al Imtiaz (1936); Grand Cordon of the Order of Ismail (1938); Grand Cordon of the Order of 40. Mohammed A hmed Farghaly Pasha Mohamed Aly (1946). President of the Alexandria Cotton Exporters Association, operating in his own name one of the 37. GalUni Fahmy Pasha leading cotton export concerns. Holds a number of Born about 1842. Copt, of serf origin. He is said important directorships, including the National Bank to have changed hands as a child at Nazlet Fellahm of Egypt. Member of the Alexandria Municipal Commission. Is mainly self-made, but an " Old for two measures of barley. Was employed in the Ministry of Finance and rose Victorian " and a great friend of Amin Osman Pasha, to be Controller of Indirect Taxes. Owns property on whom he exercises considerable influence. Anglo- in Minia Province. Was a nominated member phil, but mainly interested in making money for and vice-president of the Legislative Assembly. himself. He also has political ambitions. As regards Professes strong pro-British sentiments and at least war-time cotton operations, he has proved difficult kept up this attitude during the restless period of in that he is of an independent turn of mind, inclined disturbances. Joint founder of the so-called Moderate to strike out on his own and in his own personal party in the beginning of 1920; this had no serious interests. A large and judicious subscriber to war existence and soon died. He incurred odium for his and other charities. Eather unexpectedly made a share in entertaining Lord Lloyd at Mima in April pasha in February 1941 and nominated Senator in 1927 March 1942. Senator (1931), and a perpetual candidate for ministerial office. . 41. Mustapha Fahmy Pasha He used to be a source of pungent and occasionally Born 1886. Educated at the " Ecole Speciale useful information about Coptic Patriarchate affairs, Supe"rieure des Travaux Publiques " in Paris. but is now rather gaga and unable by reason of his A civil engineer by profession, he was Director- age to lead an active life. General of the State Buildings Department prior to 1939. At the beginning of the war he was trans- 38. Dr. Mansour Fahmy Pasha ferred to the Tanzim Department of the Ministry Born 1886 Educated at the College Francais and of Public Works as Director-General and in this subsequently studied law in Paris. Obtained a capacity had charge of the administration of public degree in riatural sciences and a doctorate ot utilities in Cairo. Appointed Director-General of philosophy. On returning to Cairo be became a Alexandria Municipality in October 1945. He is lecturer at the University and at the Higher Training friendly, honest and well-intentioned, but perhaps College. He was subsequently appointed director a little too " baladi " for cosmopolitan Alexandria. of the National Library before joining the staff of Although not very dynamic, he has rather sur- . Appointed Sector of Alex- prisingly made a stand against the Ministry of the andria University and created pasha in December Interior in defence of the independence of the 1944 Is a member of the Eoyal Arabic Language Alexandria Municipality in connexion with the Academy. Was for a number of years secretary of municipal budget, for which he is primarily the Egyptian Bed Crescent Society. An able and responsible. versatile scholar. . Awarded the title of pasha, February 1946. Eelinquished the rectorship of Alexandria Uni- versity when he was placed on pension in March 42. Mahmoud AMI Fath 1946. Born about 1885. The son of Sheikh Ahmed Abul Fath, a professor of Mahomedan law. Admitted to 39. Mahmoud Fakhri Pasha, C.B.E. the School of Law in 1906. Lived beyond his means Born about 1885. Speaks excellent French. Of and was sentenced to six months' imprisonment for Circassian origin, but alleged to be partly Jewish forging a cheque. Acted as a " factotum to a Son of an ex-Prime Minister of anti-English wealthy and dissolute young Egyptian, Aly Fahmy Bey Kamel, who was subsequently shot dead by his tendencies; brother of Gaafar Fakhry Bey, a man of French wife in a London hotel. Entered journalism the basest character. cms PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE ins T

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14 but Adly Pasha returned him to the Interior I ^Itfe- and eventually joined the staff of the Ahram, which 1 sent him on several important assignments abroad, the 1929 elections. •d for, which he displayed undoubted talent. When Appointed Minister of War in Sidky PashaV Cabinet, June 1933, and retained that portfolio •until' F Sidky Pasha was in office he introduced his a Excellency to his future mistress, Countess Alice Sidky Pasha's Government resigned in September 1933. Saab, but did not hesitate to denounce this liaison o when Sidky Pasha fell from power. Joined the Wafd As Under- Secretary he was agreeable and obliging. An experienced and capable administrator, n in 1906, and in association with Karim Sabet and !> Mohamed Tabei started in the same year a daily but not a man of great work. As Minister he was colourless-. His private life is disreputable. a morning newspaper the Misri, financed by the Wafd ii as their official organ. The paper has attained, for Decorations.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile. Egypt, a considerable circulation. The partnership C.B.E. was dissolved in 1938 when the Misri was purchased 45. Antoun al Gemayel Pasha t' outright by the Wafd, and he and his editors became •c salaried co-editors. His brother having married a Born about 1882. Lebanese Christian with a h wealthy American, Abul Fath in 1939 was able partly French education and outlook. Was for some years 1 to repurchase the Misri and thus became its sole an Egyptian Government official and held the post propriet6r. Was one of the few Wafdist candidates of secretary of the Government Finance Committee. who were successful in the general elections of 1938, Later joined the editorial staff of Al Ahram and became chief editor under the late Gabriel Takla and in 1939 was a member of the Wafdist delegation ii to the Indian National Congress. Pasha. After the death of Takla Pasha in 1943 Gemayel Bey became solely responsible for the news- b President of the Syndicate of Journalists in 1942 C and 1943, a position which enabled him to gratify paper, which is his sole interest in life. Combining t: his self-advertising propensities. He was said to a fastidious taste for literature with marked business, t: have used his influence as a Senator and as president ability, he reads every word that goes into the paper of that syndicate to amass a large fortune in the and at night his office on the Ahram building becomes newsprint " black market," and it was apparent a sort of club where politicians, Government officials and gossips discuss current affairs. He is one of the that, in association with his brother, he allowed the c pursuit of commercial activities to occupy more of best-informed men in Egypt but is seldom seen out of his office as he usually refuses invitations to dinner his time than his newspapers. C Wh&a Nahas Pasha reconstructed his Cabinet in parties. Occasionally he writes a rather tortuous editorial, particularly on finance matters. His^ June 1943 Abul Fath tried hard to secure an appoint- 3 ment as Minister of Social Affairs,, -though without of writing has earned for him the nickname of " The success. Later, he became apprehensive of the Spiral Staircase." He is very cautious and non-: committal in any conversation or discussion of a possible consequences of too close an association with d the increasingly unpopular internal politics of the political kind. In 1943 he showed signs of becoming one of the Palace propagandists. He is reported to o Wafd Government. Visited the United States late t- in 1944 and remained there for several months, have written the telegrams sent by King Farouk to the President of the Lebanese Bepublic during the n doubtless laying a foundation for post-war com- ; d mercial activities. Lebanese constitutional crisis of November 1943. Abul Fath is an unprincipled filibuster, but is not A Senator, he was for many years rapporteur of lacking in charm or intelligence. Speaking excellent the Finance Committee of the Senate, but relin- English and French, he usually creates a favourable quished this duty in 1944. impression particularly on foreigners. So long as it In private life he has the reputation of being, suits his purpose he will co-operate loyally with any miserly, living in an unpretentious style with his two individual or party irrespective of nationality or party elderly sisters. Eesigned his senatorship in May 1946 on grounds n colour. He has at times been suspected of taking I money from the Italians. of overwork and was made a pasha in June 1946. The Misri has been tending to drift from its Wafd ii connexion since January 1946 and is believed to 46. Ahmed Abdel Ghaffar Pasha d aspire to rival the Ahram as an independent Arabic Educated at Oxford. A leading Liberal Constitu- P daily, seeking to exploit the advantage of Moslem- tionalist Deputy and a keen private agriculturist. Ii Egyptian ownership as opposed to the Lebanese- Became Minister of Agriculture in Hassan Sabry Christian ownership of the latter. But it still Pasha's Ministry on the 28th June, 1940, and con- retains a pro-Wafd bias. tinued in same office in that of Hussein Sirry Pasha. Abul Fath visited Britain both in 1945 and 1946, Was dropped from the Cabinet when Sirry Pasha; n remaining there during the treaty negotiations in reconstructed his Cabinet in July 1941. Minister of 1 Egypt. Agriculture in the Coalition Cabinet of Ahmed Maher and Nokrashi, 1944-5. 43. Mustafa Fathi Pasha Was a rival of Hussein Heikal Pasha for the Ex-judge and Procureur ge"ne"ral. A friend of presidency of the Liberal party after Abdel Aziz Fahmy Pasha's resignation in 1942, After Heikal Sarwat Pasha, in whose 1922 Cabinet he was G Minister of Justice. Fairly intelligent, but not a Pasha's election to the presidency, Ghaffar Pasha was one of the principal elements of discord within o: very serious person. A regular habitue of the S( Mohammed Ali Club, where he plays backgammon the party. . P and. talks political scandal, but he is not an active Very outspoken and headstrong. Fearless in the expression of his pro-British views and criticisms of A politician. 1 his political opponents. Somewhat unbalanced. r< A pleasant and courteous fellow; of no great value. F Decorations.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile. Eelinquished office as Minister of Agriculture on fall of Nokrashi Cabinet, February 1946. Elected J Senator, April 1946. 44. Ali Gemal-ed-Din Pasha, C.B.E. Decorations.—Grand Cordon of the Order of the Graduated in law. He was very helpful when Nile. Mudir of Gharbia in 1920. Appointed Under-Secretary of State, Interior, m 47. Mahmond Ghaleb Pasha IV 1922. When Zaghlul came into office in 1924 he was, tl Born 1881. Was appointed substitut-adjoint in for purely political reasons, put en pension, but was fc brought back when Zaghlul fell in November 1924. the native parquet on the 20th February, 1904. He During the Mohammed Mahmoud regime he was became substitut on the 19th March, 1906, and on moved to the Ministry of Agriculture, to make room the 9th November, 1908, he was appointed judge iff w for a more definitely partisan Constitutional Liberal, the Native Courts. w cms PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE iris T

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,_, the 6th November, 1913, he became substitut, his temporary retirement from politics "until the- 1st class, and on the 23rd July, 1921, he was " ehef situation clears." Lived more in France than in *le parquet." In 1924 he was promoted vice- Egypt until formation of United Front in 1936. president of a first instance Native Court, then a year Appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs in Nahas's .after, president. . Cabinet in May 1936 and was a member of the i In April 1925 he was transferred to the Ministry Egyptian Treaty delegation. Eetained portfolio of of Justice as director of the Native Courts Depart- Foreign Affairs when Nahas Pasha reformed his ment, and in October 1925 he became judge at the Cabinet in August 1937. Dismissed the 30th Native Court of Appeal. In May 1935 he was December, 1937, with Nahas Pasha's Cabinet. appointed vice-president of the Court of Appeal and He spent a considerable part of the year in France, in May 1936 Minister of Justice in Nahas Pasha's and his impending resignation was continually being 'Cabinet. rumoured. Mahmoud Ghaleb's record in the courts left much He remained in France after the outbreak of war to be desired. He appeared to have been unable to in 1939 and later proceeded to Switzerland. .control his pro-Wafd propensities when exercising Invited by Prime Minister Nokrashi to join the his functions as a judge. In the Sidky bombs case in Egyptian delegation to the San Francisco Conference 1932, and in another case in the previous year, in to soothe the popular feeling that the delegation which two Wafdists were accused of stealing docu- should be as representative as possible. The Wafd, ments belonging to Sidky Pasha's party, Mahmoud however, disclaimed him and he declined the invita- Ghaleb was reported to have shown prejudice openly tion on health grounds. in favour of the accused. In the latter case his He was formerly a valuable element in Egyptian behaviour was severely criticised by the Court of life, and is an extremely intelligent man. His Cassation. He appears to have been influenced by many cultural interests moderate his zeal for the belief that he would gain credit in the eyes of politics. He has a French wife, whose influence is the Wafd by his attitude. _ , strongly anti-British, and his Drench sympathies are He was alleged to have led the movement of the correspondingly strong. judges at the end of Nessim's Ministry when they Eeturned to Egypt in December 1945 and was made a protest against British interference in the nominated Senator in April 1946. Headed an Egyptian delegation to Paris whose object was to constitutional issue. ) Appointed Minister of Justice in Nahas Pasha s secure Egyptian participation in the Peace Con- Cabinet on the 10th May, 1936. ference, August 1946, and presided over that dele- Dropped by Nahas on Cabinet reshuffle on the gation when it was admitted to state Egypt's case. 3rd August, 1937, and immediately accused the Decorations.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile; Government, in the press, of dismissing him and Grand Cordon of Order of Ismail (1936); Title of Al Nokrashi owing to their opposition to the Assouan Imtiaz (1936). dam project. Makram took up the eudgels on behalf of the Government and for the next few weeks the 49. Maitre Mahmoud Suliman Ghannam two ex-colleagues exchanged, in the press, a series of Born 1898. A Moslem lawyer, he graduated in the mutually recriminating letters on the subject. Was English School of Law and speaks English, French dismissed from the Wafd as a result of his quarrel and Arabic. with Makram. When Saad Zaghlul was deported, Ghannam and Appointed Minister of Communications when his school friends started student agitations and Mohammed Mahmoud Pasha broadened the basis of publication of anti-British leaflets. In 1926 he his Cabinet the 24th June, 1938. became Parliamentary Secretary of Zaghlul, who Continued as Minister of Communications in Ali was President of the Chamber of Deputies. After Maher's Cabinet the 18th August, 1939. Continued Zaghlul Pasha's death he was chosen by Ahmed in Hassan Sabry's Ministry the 27th June, 1940. Mohammed Khashaba Pasha as Secretary of the Eesigned the 21st September, 1940. Higher Council of Communications in Mohammed Nominated Senator in 1938. Took a leading part Mahmoud's Cabinet. He was later transferred to in the deliberations of the Opposition elements the Postal Administration as Inspector of Investiga- during 1943 and frequently criticised the Wafd's tions. policy in Senate debates. He speaks French and a He was for a long time a supporter of Makram little English. Ebeid Pasha, and their friendship is said to date Minister of Public Works in the Coalition Cabinet from 1919, when Ghannam was a young firebrand. of Ahmed Maher, 1944, and in that of Nokrashi, 1945. Became Minister of Commerce and Industry in Kelinquished office on the fall of Nokrashi Cabi- Nahas Pasha's Cabinet of May 1942. His efforts to net, February 1946. Eenominated Senator, May control prices under war-time conditions had little 1946 effect on hoarding and profiteering. Headed the Decorations.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile. Egyptian Economic Delegation to Palestine in February 1944, for negotiations regarding commercial 48. Wasif Ghali Pasha exchanges. Took the opportunity to boost Nahas Copt. Son of the murdered . Pasha. Pasha's Arab Unity programme in his public declara- Good French scholar and an Arabic poet and writer tions in Palestine. Has been a troublesome element of distinction. In 1919 he became unofficial repre- in the Wafd Cabinet, always stirring up nationalist sentative of Egyptian political and other interests m issues, particularly that of the Sudan. Left office on Paris, where he later joined the Zaghlul deputation. the fall of the Wafd Government in October 1944. Applied to be one of the London deputation, but was Admitted to the Wafd group, January 1946. refused, and returned to Cairo 1920. Minister for Foreign Affairs in Zaghlul Pasha's first Cabinet, January-November 1924, and in the Nahas Cabinet 50. Mohammed Negmb El-GharaUy Pasha Born about 1885. A poet and unsuccessful lawyer of March 1928. On the publication in 1920 of the proposals for an from Tanta. A keen supporter of Zaghlul Pasha in Anglo-Egyptian treaty he made a personal pro- the early days of the independence movement. In nouncement favourable to the treaty, and, while J.uly 1922, after the internment of the second line Minister for Foreign Affairs in the Nahas Cabinet of Wafd at Almaza, he became a member of the third the 1st January, 1930, he was one of the delegates line Wafd. Arrested with his colleagues in the for the treaty negotiations in London (March- following month; Eemained for two months in May 1930). military detention. Suspected of complicity in the On the split in the Wafd of November 1932, he murder campaign in the spring of 1923 and was credited with an inclination to associate himself imprisoned for a month. Nothing was proved against with the " dissidents," but he preferred to announce him. Defeated Sidky Pasha in the 1923 elections. Cms PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE ins

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16 Minister of Justice, later Waqfs, in Zaghlul's Appointed a member of the Supreme 1924 Cabinet. Defeated in the 1925 elections. Council in June 1943. Successful in 1926. Minister of Waqfs in the Minister of Commerce and Industry and of Coalition Cabinet of June 1926. Became a Senator Supplies in Sidky Pasha's Cabinet, February 1946. in 1928, largely as an assurance against the vicissi- Created Pasha and nominated Senator in May 1946. tudes of a Deputy's life. Minister of Justice in the Again co-operated whole-heartedly with British Nahas Cabinet of January 1930. authorities in supply and commercial matters. A difference of opinion with Makram Ebeid, while Decorations.—K.B.E. (1941). both were defending persons accused in the bomb case of 1932, was inflamed by the intransigence of 53. Ibrahim A bdul Hadi Pasha Nahas Pasha, and led to the breakaway of Gharably Born about 1900 in Dakahlia Province. In his Pasha and other dissidents from Nahas in November early years he was a fanatical student leader, and in 1932. Gharably's subsequent acceptance of office, 1920 was sentenced to penal servitude in the case as Minister of Waqfs in Abdel Fattah Yehia's of Abdul Eahman Bey Fahmy. He was released in Cabinet in September 1933, was a serious embarrass- 1924 with other political prisoners by the Zaghlu,! ment to his fellow dissidents and, in the public mind, Ministry. Practised- at the Bar, where he distin- a complete justification of Nahas. He was made a guished himself as a successful advocate. A Senator in October 1933. Besigned the 14th prominent member of the Saadist party and a November, 1934. forcible speaker in the Chamber of Deputies. Eeported to be in financial straits at the end of Appointed Minister of State for Parliamentary 1936 and to have contemplated suicide, but was Affairs in the Ali Maher Cabinet of August 1939. dissuaded by his wife. Minister of Commerce and Industry in Hassan He is weak and unintelligent, but agreeable. Sabri Pasha's Ministry, the 27th June, 1940. Eesigned the 21st September, 1940. Minister of 51. Abdel Salam, Fahmi Gomaa Pasha Health in Ahmed Maher's Cabinet, October 1944, Born about 1885 in a village in Menoufia. and in that of Nokrashi, February 1945. Member of Studied at Tanta, then in Cairo. Graduated in the Egyptian delegation to the San Francisco 1906, and has always practised as a lawyer in Tanta. Conference, April 1945. Created pasha, May 1945. Is reputed to be above the average in his work, Left office on the fall of the Nokrashi Cabinet, though not brilliant. Was for many years member February 1946. of the Municipal Council of Tanta. In 1930, in the Member of the Egyptian delegation for treaty negotiations 1946. last Wafdist Parliament he was elected Vice- Decorations.—Grand Cordon of the Order of the President of the Chamber of Deputies. Nile (1946), He is an extreme Wafdist, but once headed a bloc—about the year 1927—against Saad Zaghlul in 54. Maitre A bdel Hamid A bdel Hakk Parliament. A Moslem lawyer, born in 1895, who graduated at Appointed Minister of Commerce and Industry in the Egyptian School of Law. He is a native of Nahas Pasha's Cabinet on the 10th May, 1936. Upper Egypt. Speaks English, French and Arabic. When Nahas Pasha reshuffled his Cabinet on the He is married. 3rd August, 1937, he was appointed Minister of Practised as a lawyer at Abu Korkas in Minia Education in addition to his portfolio of Commerce Province in 1926, when he came to Cairo and and Industry. He was dismissed with Nahas practised with Sabry Abu Alam and the late Youssef- Pasha's Cabinet on the 30th December, 1937. el-Guindi. Whenever Makram Ebeid Pasha was a Minister of Agriculture in Nahas's fifth Cabinet, member of the Government Abdel Hakk used to look February 1942. Elected President of the Chamber after his cases in the courts. He was in consequence of Deputies, May 1942. Ee-elected President of the a strong supporter of Makram Pasha. Chamber in 1943. Eelinquished this office after the During the Sirri re'gime Abdel Hakk was thfr general elections of January 1945, which were leader of the Opposition in the Chamber, and made boycotted by the Wafd. violent attacks on the Government. He was elected He is stated to be of good moral character, serious bdtonnier of the Civil Bar in 1942 and Vice-President and hard-working, but not a man of business or of the Chamber. capable of formulating a constructive policy. His Became Minister of Social Affairs in Nahas friends say he is broad-minded and pliable, except in Pasha's Cabinet of May 1942. politics. Is Well off, possessing three estates; one in In this capacity he introduced and secured the Gharbia and two in Menufia. passage of various demagogic measures, notably a Decorations.—Grand Gordon of Order of the Nile. labour syndicate law and a law compelling foreign enterprises in Egypt to use Arabic in accountancy 52. Maitre Saba Habashy Pasha, K.B.E. and correspondence with the Government. His Copt. Born about 1898. Lawyer by profession, thrusting methods and long intimacy with Makram having taken a Doctorate of Law with honours in threatened to cast doubts upOn his loyalty to the Paris. Was at one time a judge and-one of the most Cabinet, but an open breach was averted after promising younger members of the Saadist party. Makram's dismissal from the Wafd. He has always taken a leading part in Coptic Ch,urch In the Cabinet reshuffle, which took place in June affairs and belongs to a small and influential group 1943, Abdel Hakk was withdrawn from Social Affairs of educated reformists who seek to raise the standard and given the Ministry of Waqfs. This transfer was of the Coptic priesthood. Although a layman, in interpreted partly as a concession to foreign business 1932 he was actually nominated as Patriarch, but elements who were alarmed by Abdel Hakk's Pasha. He served formerly in the Ministry of xenophobic tendencies in the Ministry of Social subsequently withdrew. Is a cousin of Wasif Ghali Affairs, and partly as a sign that Nahas Pasha had Commerce and Industry but was dismissed for become jealous of the personal popularity with the protesting against the notorious elections of Sidky working-classes which Abdel Hakk had gained as a Pasha. result of his well-publicised projects for labour Appointed Minister of Commerce and Industry reform. As Minister of Waqfs, his reforming zeal the 24th June, 1938. was turned to good account in cleaning up the Eeappointed Minister of Commerce and Industry corrupt and antiquated administration of that in Ali Maher's Ministry the 16th August, IP39. His department and in introducing revolutionary but work in handling supply questions in the early days prima facie desirable, changes whereby the less of the war was outstanding and he co-operated well productive Waqf properties were offered for sals by with the British authorities. Eetired on change of public auction and the proceeds invested in stocks Ministry on the 27th June, 1940. and shares. 1 2 cms PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE ins I 1 I 2 Ref.s *" S55, 3> 1?70C& Please note that this copy is supplied subject to the Public Record Office's terms and conditions and that your use of it may be subject to copyright restrictions. Further information is given in the enclosed Terms and Conditions of supply of Public Records' leaflet


oit office on the dismissal of the Wafd Govern- German air force, which his war-time squadron ment, October 1944. In January 1945 he announced leader (now Marshal Goring) gave him facilities to, his retirement from the Wafd in order to work inspect. untrammelled by party ties for Egypt's complete Owing to obvious manifestations of his pro- independence. In June 1945 he formed a non-party German sympathies and to his underground activities roup consisting of a few dissident Liberals and directed against the Allied war effort, the Govern- f aadists and a small number of well-meaning ment decided to intern him at El Saru in July 1942. theorists to assist this effort, which was supposed to Eeleased from internment by Ahmed Maher, October have Palace encouragement but made negligible 1944 since when he has shown renewed interest in popular appeal. labour matters though without gathering much sup- Appointed to the board of directors of the Banque port among the syndicates, the only exception being Misr, May 1945. Nominated Senator, June 1945. that of the Cairo tramway employees. Renominated Senator, May J946. He is rather a buffoon and is not taken seriously except, unfortunately, by some working-class 55. Nabil Abbas Halim elements, impressed by being courted by a member Born about 1897. Son of Prince Ibrahim Halim, of the Eoyal Family. Socially he is friendly to the whose father, Prince Mohammed Adbel Halim, was British, in spite of his sympathies for Germany. a son of Mohammed Aly. Served with the Third Abbas Halim has persevered with his labour Guard Uhlans in the early months of the war; was activities and has succeeded in gathering round wounded, and transferred to the German air force, himself a small and unimportant group of workers in which he served for two years on the Western which he has styled the " Egyptian Labour Party " Front. He later accompanied Mackensen as staff and which meets from time to time at his private officer on the drive into Eoumania. An extremely house. But he is not taken seriously. good boxer, swimmer and tennis player, he has done more than anyone else in recent years to patronise 56. Maitre A hmed Hamza and promote sport in Egypt. He was, until his Born 1897. A Moslem, who was educated at degradation in October 1930, president of the Boyal Birmingham University, where he graduated as an Automobile Club of Egypt and of the newly-formed engineer. Egyptian Aero Club. He comes from a family well known in Kalubia His first wife, an Englishwoman, died in tragic Province and is the son of a rich landowner. He circumstances. He is now married to the daughter finished his education shortly before the last war and of Midhat Yeghen Pasha. Her wealth makes him has since worked in trade. He possesses 400 feddans independent of the allowance formerly paid to him in Kalubia Province, owns in partnership a large by King Fuad. ice factory in Cairo and is a principal shareholder of In October 1930 he published two manifestos, the Wafd al Mian newspaper. Kppealing to King Fuad to restore the Wafd to office, He joined the in 1919 and contributed with a veiled threat that refusal would plump Egypt to its funds. He stood for Parliament first in 1930, into the horrors of civil war. The King promptly and in 1936 he was a whip in the Chamber of deprived him of his rank and privileges as a nabil, Deputies. Was a member of the Provincial Council and Abbas Halim " Effendi " thereafter wore his of Kalubia, where he has a large and well-managed own uniform with Wafdist trimmings. His estate. Visited India as a member of the Wafd popularity with his fellow-countrymen was consider- delegation to the Indian National Congress in March able, and this made him a thorn in the late King's 1939. side. Appointed Minister of Supplies in Nahas Pasha's After an affray between workmen and the police Cabinet of May 1942, and retained that portfolio cordon round his house in June 1934, he was arrested, when the Cabinet was reconstructed in June 1943. with no formulation of a charge against him, and He showed himself co-operative with the British detained in prison (where he hunger-struck for five supply organisation, but was apt to be over-cautious days) for over three weeks. His release was as in estimating the surpluses of Egyptian products unexplained as his imprisonment. He resumed his required by His Majesty's Government. Went out syndicalist activities after the fall of Abdel Fattah of office with the Wafd Government in October 1944. Yehia Pasha's Government with some success. He is of rather a timid disposition and inclined to He had his title restored by Eoyal decree on the shun social activities. His principal interest in life 4th June, 1936. He then professed to have severed is his jasmin farm and scent business, with its his connexion with labour, although he informed the predominating French connexions. Prince Eegent in September 1936 that labour repre- Admitted to the Wafd group, January 1946. . sentatives had approached him again and urged him to resume his interest in their cause owing to the 57. A bdel Malek Hamza Bey failure of the Wafd to improve their lot. Born 1889. A leading lawyer and a clever and Announced his intention to resume his interest in active man. He is a striking case of conversion the labour movement in the summer of 1937 and from extreme nationalism (he was with the German went to England to study labour problems with the intelligence during the war of 1914 to 1918) to alleged ultimate object of forming a political Labour reasonable views, as a result very largely of contact party in Egypt. Eeturned to Egypt in October and with English people. was accorded a welcome by the members of the He has travelled much in Europe, and is one of various syndicates. • the few Egyptians who occupy themselves with The Wafd, fearful of any rival influence over things of the spirit. He is by way of being a labour, opposed Abbas Halim from 1936 onwards, Theosophist. and his organisation therefore became anti-Wafd. When with Adly Pasha in London in 1921 he was His activities were not unwelcome to the Palace, as to a great extent responsible for the formation of the a possible means of attaching labour to the Throne. "Friends of Egypt " Society (Milner, Eodd, Max- In conjunction with Hassan Anis Pasha he started well, Gleichen, &o.), which never did much. His a society for the promotion of civil aviation in Egypt ambition is to form an Anglo-Egyptian Society, with early in 1938. branches in London and Cairo, to work for the con- His son and two daughters were granted the solidation of friendly relations. His political dignity of Nabil and Nabilas by Eoyal rescript, in sympathies were at one time with the Constitutional April 1938. Visited Germany in, the summer of 1938 Liberals. Mohammed Mahmoud Pasha appointed and attended the Nuremberg Nazi Party Congress. him counsellor of the Egyptian Legation in London. On his return to Egypt spoke in glowing terms of the Nahas Pasha placed him on the retired list in 82-197 cms PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE ins I

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18 vice-pr< During the Mohammed Mahmoud regime h. party he bee: 1930 ; Sidky Pasha appointed him Egyptian the retiremei ^^B/at Angora m July 1880 His tarboush pro- ultimately s voked a diplomatic incident m !«««• Anointed NahaTpasha's resumption of office were not presidency oi Recalled from Angora in 1935. APP°'nte* He showed energy and ability as preside owing to th( Assistant Boyal Councillor m the State Legal Corniche Boad Commission in 1934 and, --- • he was unat Department on the 27th February, 1936. the commission appointed to examine pen^com- the party as A former M P. for Port Said (Independent). mutation scandals, but his vanity and hisi hatredfor Minister < He resigned his position as Assistant Boyal sidk y Ahmed Man Councillor in 1938 and entered business as ™a^gmg President o director of the Sharq Insurance Company. Did not t °st hmnKe P±8 o ^SAsrsztiif Interior in Nessim Pasha' S&ffis CabmeSt reconstituted seek Selection as a Deputy in the elections held He was a Wafdist, but not a Nahasist. Now a January 194. tinder the Wafd Government's auspices m 1942, but He is rega s±quently associated himself with the Saadrt Arabic langu party and was a discreet though severe critic ol the including nc wlfdist Administration. Re-elected Independent said to be a: Deputy for Port Said in the general elections, B generally all- January 1945. Joined the non-party group formed £td1942. Appointer^r^ff=(f^rtd president of tte State gLegasl Member c by Abdel Ha mid Abdel Hakk (j.r.) in June 1945. Department, by Ahmed Maher, 1944 tiations for Decoratiot 58. El Lewa Mohammed Saleh Harb Pasha (1941). Born 1889—Assuan Province. Graduated at the Military Academy, Cairo, and during the last few years. 62. Sadek commissioned in the Egyptian army. At, the.out- A Copt. : break of the Great War he was stationed at Sollum 60. Mohammed Abdel Khalek Hassouna remarkable on the Western frontier in the coastguard service, Oil oU-D vv CQUCJ.J-I j-j-v f rni_- „ *4- «-? l^io -\xrfla Zagazig, he Pasha , , .,, t shoes of I Born 1898 Son of a much-respected sheikh of JjOril -1OOU. K-/V/JJ ^ ^^^ ? n^n««rt n-r\f\ IftTiPT promotion, high post in conceived tl ndir,g »t Mersa Matruh at th e tone, his studies at Cambridge University . for self to the After a successful career in the Ministry for prominent i Foteisn Affairs, in which he rose to be head of the officials. F< PbBal Department while still in his Arties he "member the Chamber of service by t was appointed Governor of Alexandria in Apnl 1942, to be an ac probably at the instigation of the Palace. Seychelles An honest, conscientious official with a quiet and movements rather sdemn manner, he is, for an Egyptian, above In 1922 1 the averag^ in respect of efficiency and common to put his utbreak o, hcities sense His tactful handling of the many difficult understand! war-time problems in Alexandria has been entirely there. He 1923 he all a daughter of the late Dr. Shahin Pasha his politica (a former Minister of Health), is thoroughly service. E westernised and socially attractive. ^ Zaghlul tool Hassouna Bey speaks excellent English anrt Secretary o Under-Secr FrThehserious anti-British riots at Alexandria on Epe», Young Men', Modern officials. tion, August 1940 and need bis portion there to 4th March, 1946, when some British troops were He was i foster anti-British agitation. the victims of mob violence, revealed Hassouna February Pashlas lacking the capacity to handle severe crises Was confined to Assuan, his native town under 8 Administra surveillance in June 1942, owing to his anti-British calling for quick judgment and exceptional admims- to a differe administral ncehs release from confinement to Assuan has ^A^rdefSe title of Pasha, February 1946. to make ro been again active in his capacity as P^ident of the Sadek Her Young Men's Moslem Association m which his 61 Dr Hussein Heikal Pasha too much i influence has resumed its markedly anti-British Born in 1888. Educated in Paris, where he was placed trend. in tSe faculty of law Was for many , years Pasha app' the Bourse 59 Mahmoud Hassan Pasha Member He began his career as a teacher m the police United Kii ^^^ Upper Eg; he was an Inspector of Public Secwjty proprietor and editor-in-chief of the weekly magazine General Sadek I appointed Minister without Portfolio in and an ur d mt strationln 1924, and he worked Mohammed Mahmoud's second Cabmet on the He is arr th^e appointment of Zaghluhst sheikhs ?0th December, 1937, and Master of Education m political si Mohammed Mahmoud's third Ministry of the • vigour and 27th April 1938. Created a Pasha in iyd». 27 with consii RetaSed portfolio of Education wh.n Mohammed He has a wnwaasa took office, after the Sirdar's Mahmoud reformed his Cabmet on the 24th June, married to murder, one of his first acts was to remove Mahmoud the Shell 19Was not retained in AH Maher's Cabinet after 1926 Zaghlul Pasha brought him resignation of Mohammed Mahmoud in August 19d^ 63. Mah Returned to journalism and parted a.weekly Gradual spent the ; on agriculi to Cambri' Sned sportfolio of Education in Hussein Sirry s 82-197 Con Cabinet, he had less for the two succeeding Ministries 1941. exercise of his organising talents. cms PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE ins I

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^/vice-president of the Liberal- Constitutionalist Is the author of several important works on agricul- ng the Mohammed Mahmoud regime, Ik -v party he became the de facto leader of the party on ture. In 1936 he was appointed Dean of the Faculty id from the Interior to the Contentieux. the retirement of, Abdel Aziz^Fahmy Pasha. Was of Agriculture. Appointed Minister of Agriculture irs that he would return to the Interior after ultimately successful in securing election to the in the All Maher Cabinet, August 1939. Vacated Pasha's resumption of office were not realised, presidency of the Liberal party in, January 1943, but, office on fall of Ali Maher Pasha's Ministry, the showed energy and ability as president of the owing to the jealousy of his rivals for that office, 27th June, 1940. Appointed Technical Adviser in ae Eoad Commission in 1934 and, later, of he was unable to impose an effective discipline on the Ministry of Agriculture by Ahmed • Maher's emission appointed to examine pension-com- the party as a whole. Government, December 1944, a post for which he on scandals, but his vanity and his hatred for Minister of Education and of Social Affairs in has outstanding technical qualifications. He has Pasha led him to communicate both reports Ahmed Maher's Cabinet, -October 1944. Appointed been accused of being anti-British but this charge press. Nahas Pasha vetoed his appointment President of the Senate when Ahmed Maher has been contested by Englishmen who have worked dster of Interior in Nessim Pasha's Cabinet. reconstituted his Cabinet after the; general elections, with him. Is, anyhow, a friend of Ali Maher. is a Wafdist, but not a Nahasist. Now a January 1945. Awarded the title of pasha 1946. t. He is regarded as one of the leading writers of the made a Pasha in February 1941. Acting Arabic language; is the author of a number of books, 64. Neguib el-Hilaly Pasha mt of the State Legal Department on Bedawi including novels of modern Egyptian life. He is Born about 1891. Comes of a good family of s appointment as Minister of Finance in 1941. said to be an agnostic, but affects Islamic zeal. Is Assiout. 1 on pension by the Wafdist Government in generally alleged to be addicted to alcohol and drugs. Educated at the Law School. Held appointments Appointed president of the State Legal Member of the Egyptian delegation in the nego- in the Parquet and as professor of law in the ment, by Ahmed Maher, 1944. tiations for treaty revision 1946. Egyptian University before being appointed, in 1924, s a shrewd, intelligent man, and was formerly Decorations.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile Secretary-General in the Ministry of Education, and the ablest of the Wafd instruments. He (1941). later Conseiller Eoyal to that Ministry in the State however, to have put a little water in his wine Legal Department. the last few years. In 1934 he became Conseiller Eoyal to the Ministry 62. Sadek Henein Pasha of Interior, and was appointed in May as president lohammed Abdel Khalek Hassouna A Copt. Born about 1885. He first made himself of the Commission of Enquiry formed to investigate remarkable when, as a junior finance official at Alexandria Municipality affairs. A British colleague Pasha Zagazig, he crept into a railway-carriage, kissed the on this commission wrote of him as follows: — i 1898. Son of a much-respected sheikh of shoes of Lord Edward Cecil, and begged for lar. Educated at Victoria College and later promotion. In 1919, having by then reached a fairly "A man of energy, discretion and judgment; ited at the Faculty of Law, Cairo. Continued high post in the Ministry of Agriculture, he quickly upright and fair-minded; weighs his facts carefully idies at Cambridge University. conceived the possible advantage of attaching him- before coming to a decision and is not easy to r a successful career in the Ministry for self to the fortunes of Zaghlul Pasha, and was a persuade. Strong in action, but I am not sure that n Affairs, in which he rose to be head of the prominent fomenter of strikes among Government he would withstand a first-class crisis. Agreeable al Department while still in his thirties, he officials. For this reason he was dismissed from the in personality. Speaks and writes good English >pointed Governor of Alexandria in April 1942, service by the Adly Cabinet in 1921. He continued and French, and is said to be one of the best ily at the instigation of the Palace. to be an active politician, but escaped exile to the classical Arabic writers in the country." honest, conscientious official with a quiet and Seychelles by undertaking to accommodate his Minister of Education in Tewfik Nassim's Cabinet, solemn manner, he is, for an Egyptian, above movements to the desires of the military authorities. the 15th November, 1934. ?erage in respect of efficiency and common In 1922 he obtained permission to go to England Eesigned the 22nd January, 1936. Made president His tactful handling of the many difficult to put his daughter to school, on an honourable of the reformed Commission for the Eevision of the ne problems in Alexandria has been entirely understanding that he would do no active politics Civil Commercial and Procedure Codes, July 1936. ible. there. He failed to observe this understanding. In Appointed Minister of Education the 17th November, wife, a daughter of the late Dr. Shahin Pasha 1923 he allowed it to be known that he would sink 1937. Dismissed with Nahas Pasha's Cabinet the •mer Minister of Health), is thoroughly his political opinions if reinstated in Government 30th December, 1937. uised and socially attractive, service. He was not, however, reinstated until Again Minister of Education on Wafd's return to souna Bey speaks excellent English and Zaghlul took office in 1924, when he was made Under- power in February 1942 and retained that portfolio i. secretary of State for Finance. He was a very good on the reconstruction of the Wafdist Cabinet in May serious anti-British riots at Alexandria on Under-Secretary, but showed favouritism to Coptic 1942. Created Pasha 1942. arch, 1946, when some British troops were officials. As the mouthpiece of an ill-judged attack on ctims of mob violence, revealed Hassouna He was appointed Egyptian Minister to Madrid m Hassanein Pasha in Parliament in June 1943, he as lacking the capacity to handle severe crises February 1925, partly in order to purge the incurred the severe displeasure of King Farouk and for quick judgment and exceptional adniinis- Administration of a prominent Wafdist, partly owing was boycotted by His Majesty. Nahas Pasha ability. to a difference with the King in a matter of finance successfully resisted the Palace's repeated demands i-ded the title of Pasha, February 1946. administration. He was later transferred to Eome for Hilaly Pasha's removal from the Cabinet. to make room in Madrid for Hassan Nashat Pasha. Eelinquished office on the dismissal of the Wafd >r. Hussein Heikal Pasha Sadek Henein's parsimony in entertainment were Government, October 1944. i in 1888. Educated in Paris, where he too much for him in his diplomatic career; and he ,ted in the faculty of law. Was for many years was placed en disponibilite in October 1929. Sidky 65. Ahmed Hussein Effendi of the Siassa, the daily mouthpiece of the Pasha appointed him Government Commissioner at President of the Young Egypt party. Born about 1 Constitutional party. Was for a long time the Bourse des Valeurs in 1931. 1905. Graduated at the School of Law, 1933. After ht-hand man of Mohammed Mahmoud Pasna Member of the Egyptian Economic Mission to the leaving the university he issued a newspaper El le brains of the Liberal party. Was also , April 1935. On the board of the Sarkha, and in October 1933 published the pro- stor and editor-in-chief of the weekly magazine Upper Egypt Hotels Company. gramme of his society which consists mainly of General Manager Caird Water Company. extreme Egyptian nationalism, the regeneration of appointed Minister without Portfolio in Sadek Henein Pasha has a reserved disposition Egypt through youth organisations, and a general amed Mahmoud's second Cabinet on the and an unattractive, but not undignified manner. boycotting of things foreign. His followers adopted lec'ember, 1937, and Minister of Education in He is ambitious, for administrative rather than a distinctive green shirt as uniform. amed Mahmoud's third Ministry of the political success, and possesses marked intellectual He also instituted the piastre scheme for the pril, 1938. Created a Pasha in 1938. • vigour and ability, especially in matters economic, support of Egyptian industries, which for a time- did lined portfolio of Education when Mohammed with considerable powers of application and decision. well, but owing to obstruction by the Wafd, it failed oud reformed his Cabinet on the 24th June, He has a Franco-Italian wife. His daughter is for lack of support. married to Mr. Charvet, former general manager of In 1935 Ahmed Hussein and his lieutenant, Fathi not retained in AH Maher's Cabinet after the Shell Company of Egypt. Eadwan. visited England on a propaganda tour ition of Mohammed Mahmoud in August 1939. where they were received by various societies. led to journalism and restarted a weekly 63. Mahmoud Tewfih-el-Hifnawi Pasha The movement was always very suspect to the which did not survive very long. Was Graduated at the Faculty of Agriculture and has Public Security Department which kept a close ted Minister of Education in Hassan Safari's spent the greater part of his life in scientific research control on it. It came into great prominence owing ry, the 27th June, 1940, and continued in on agricultural questions. He was sent on a mission to the attempt made by one of its members on the n Sirry's Ministry, the 15th November, 1940. to Cambridge, where he obtained the highest degrees. life of Nahas Pasha in 1937. ed portfolio of Education in Hussein Sirry's cceeding Ministries 1941. 82-197 D 2 1 2 cms PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE ins 1 1 i 2 1 f 2^s\i*\. « I Ret»- T^D 3>91 1 S5?J;?> 1?i '•> I Piease note that this copy is supplied subject to the Public Record Office's terms and conditions and that your jse of it may be subject to copyright restrictions. Further information is given in the enclosed Terms and Conditions of supply of Public Records' leaflet


At one time Ahmed Hussein was believed to be in An unorthodox Moslem, his liberal outle,. ,/in Italian pay and the party was also supported from religious matters brought him into conflict "with time to time by the Palace. Azhar at an early stage in his career. One of his "Visited England in the summer of 1938, where best-known publications, " The Future of Culture in through the British Council, he was offered facilities Egypt," has become a standard work on this subject. to see the Lancashire cotton and Liverpool ship- Although not unfriendly to us, his French bias is building industries. He did not avail himself of these inconvenient, as he is always disposed to promote opportunities, but on his return to Cairo he expressed French intrusions into cultural spheres which we himself as very much impressed with all he saw in regard as more properly reserved for British or England. On his return journey to Cairo he spent Egyptians. Under the Wafd Government 1942-44 some time in Borne, where the Italian authorities he was so powerful in the Ministry of Education that put all facilities at his disposal. Towards the end his views exercise a decisive influence on the of 1938 Ahmed Hussein visited the Sudan, with Minister. He is a difficult man to handle, being very negative results. He was arrested in connexion with susceptible and authoritative. He is a stickler for subversive agitation of " Young Egypt," but the Egyptian right to manage its cultural affairs with- released on bail. out foreign privilege or interference. His activities during the war 1939-41 became so During the war he helped considerably in Allied blatant and dangerous that eventually an order for propaganda. He is strongly democratic and anti- his arrest and internment was made. Nazi. In 1945 his articles on world affairs in the After eluding arrest for some time he was interned pro-Wafd " Balagh" betrayed a cynical and in July 1941. A year later he escaped from the pessimistic outlook with regard to the prospects of Demerdash Hospital, where he had undergone an post-war international understanding. operation, and for some months succeeded in eluding Beceived the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa of recapture. Gave himself up to the authorities in Montpellier University, May 1946. November 1942, doubtless as a result of the Eighth Army's successful drive, and was interned. Eeleased 67. Dr. Ali Ibrahim Pasha, K.B.E. by Nahas Pasha in 1944, when the Wafd Govern- Born in Alexandria 1880. Belongs to a notable ment evidently decided that it would be expedient family originating from Fua, Gharbia Province. Was to have the Young Egypt party well-disposed. educated at the Khedivial School, Cairo. Took his To meet, Ahmed Hussein is not an unpleasant degree in medicine in 1901 and entered Kasr-el-Aini person, he talks fair English, in which he pours forth hospital the same year. Served in various parts of a strain of political ideas mostly fantastic but some Egypt from 1903 to 1910 in different public institu- of surprising soundness. He has the wild eyes of a tions. Beturned to Kasr-el-Aini hospital in 1910 as fanatic, but it is doubtful whether he has sufficient surgeon. Chief of Medical (War) Mission to the personality to become a big political figure. Balkans, 1911. Appointed Professor of the Faculty Arrested together with other members of the of Medicine, Cairo, 1924, and Dean of the Faculty in Young Egypt Party on suspicion of complicity in a 1929. Elected vice-president of the university in serious hand-grenade attack on a British Services 1929. Noted for his activities in all branches of Club at Alexandria in July 1946. Later released on medical development in Egypt and in educational bail. advancement in general. Is the G.O.M. of the Egyptian medical profession and a surgeon of con- siderable repute. Chairman of the Egyptian Medical 66. Dr. Society; member of the Councils of the Bed Crescent Born 1889, of humble origin. Although blind from Society, the Moslem Benevolent Society and the Al early childhood, he studied at Al Azhar, then at the Moassat Society; president of the Students' Union; Egyptian University, and finally at the Sorbonne, member of the Egyptian Academy. Was vice- where he graduated. president of the International Medical Congress in On returning to Egypt he was appointed a lecturer 1935. in in the Faculty of Letters of the Was appointed Minister of Public Health in Egyptian University, and eventually became a Hassan Sabry's Ministry, the 28th June, 1940. professor and Dean of that Faculty. His university Continued with Hussein Sirry, the 15th November, career was temporarily interrupted during Sidky 1940. Was dropped when Hussein Sirry recon- Pasha's premiership, for political reasons. Was structed his Cabinet in July 1941. Appointed Bector later appointed technical adviser in the Ministry of of Cairo University in May 1941. Honorary Fellow Education, and has recently been nominated ad of the Boyal Society of Medicine, 1944. interim to the rectorship of King Farouk I. Holds the following British medical decrees • University at Alexandria, founded in 1942, while F.B.C.S., M.D., M.Ch. Hobbies: Oriental carpets, continuing to hold the post of Technical Adviser to pottery, pictures and music. the Ministry. Appointed a member of the Alexandria He is now in very poor health and unable to take Municipal Commission, May 1944. Belinquished the any part in public life. interim Bectorship of Alexandria University and his Decorations.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile post as Technical Adviser in the Ministry of Educa- Grand Cordon of Order -of Ismail (1941). K.B.E. tion after the Wafd Government fell in October 1944. A strong adherent to -the French academic tradi- 68. Kamel Ibrahim Bey tion, which he has assiduously propagated in his Copt. Born 1873. books and press articles. As an essayist and critic After taking his law degree, he entered Govern- he holds an outstanding position in the Arabic ment service as " substitut-adjoint " in the Native literary world. Parquet in 1895 and rose to be Chef du Parquet IH politics he was formerly a member of the Ge'ne'ral (Native Court of Appeal) in 1921. Appointed Constitutional Liberal party, and at times an out- judge at the Native Court of Appeal (1922), vice- spoken opponent of the Wafd. But after his president of the Assiout Court of Appeal (1928), dismissal from the university, during the Sidky and vice-president of the Cairo Court of Appeal re'gime, he went on to the Wafd and became one of (1929). He was put on pension in 1933. the principal leader-writers of the Wafd press until Appointed Minister of Agriculture and Minister for the fall of the Sidky re'gime, shortly after which he Foreign Affairs in Tewfik Nessim Pasha's Cabinet returned to the university. His temporary appoint- the 15th November, 1934. Besigned the 22nd ment as Bector of Alexandria University may be January, 3936. taken as a sign of the Wafd's confidence in his His general reputation as a judge and a respectable loyalty, as well as a tribute to his attainments as a member of society was good. He has never belonged scholar. to any political party, but is essentially Wafdist in ins cms

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An unorthodox Moslem, his liberal syfuwothies. He sat (with Judge Kershaw) as a Was at one time A.D.C. to the Khedive Tewfik igious matters brought him into conflict with member of the court which acquitted Ahmed Maher and afterwards Under-Secretary of State for Foreign bar at an early stage in his career. One of his .and Nokrashi of political murder in 1926, and of that Affairs, but he held no public office between 1908 st-known publications, " The Future of Culture in which acquitted Nahas, Wissa Wassef and Saafar and 1923, and between 1914 and 1922 he lived ypt,'' has become a standard work on this subject. Fakhry in the Seif-ed-Din case in 1928. entirely in Europe. His proclivities have been Although not unfriendly to us, his French bias is Turkish rather than Egyptian, but in recent years he onvenient, as he is always disposed to promote has been credited with Watanist sympathies. mch intrusions into cultural spheres which we 69. Mohammed Hilmy Issa Pasha Egyptian Minister in London from 1923 to 1928. ard as more properly reserved for British or Having been previously a judge in the Native Appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs in Nessim's rptians. Under the Wafd Government 1942-44 Court of Appeal, he first became noticeable when Cabinet on the 18th February, 1935. Elected a svas so powerful in the Ministry of Education that Sarwat Pasha in 1922 made him Mudir of Gharbia, member of the Regency Council on the 8th May, views exercise a decisive influence on the a post which he filled very successfully. He was 1936. lister. He is a difficult man to handle, being very dismissed by Zaghlul, for whom he had a bitter His functions as a member of the Regency Council 3eptible and authoritative. He is a stickler for rn in Alexandria 1880. Belongs to a notable 14th November, 1934, with Abdel Fattah Yehia's ly originating from Fua, Gharbia Province. Was Cabinet. ited at the Khedivial School, Cairo. Took his He gave many proofs of pro-British sentiment, 71. Ahmed Kamel Pasha e in medicine in 1901 and entered Kasr-el-Airii for which he has always had a name, during his Appointed Director-General of Public Security the tal the same year. Served in various parts of period of office, and was especially helpful, by his 5th March, 1931, in succession to Hassan Fahmy t from 1903 to 1910 in different public institu- appointments to university and other posts and by Rifaat Bey (q.v,), who replaced him as Governor of Returned to Kasr-el-Aini hospital in 1910 as his encouragement of a British theatrical season, to the Canal. on. Chief of Medical (War) Mission to the the cause of British culture in Egypt. He acted efficiently as Director-General of Public ms, 1911. Appointed Professor of the Faculty Became president of the Ittehadist party on the Security on more than one occasion before his sub- dicine, Cairo, 1924, and Dean of the Faculty in death of Yehia Ibrahim Pasha in March 1936. stantive appointment. He worked harmoniously Elected vice-president of the university in Joined the political " United Front " in November with the Director-General, European Department, Noted for his activities in all branches of 1935 and became a member of the Egyptian Treaty with British officials and with foreigners. al development in Egypt and in educational delegation. Appointed a member of the Foreign He is a nephew of Sidky Pasha, and for that cement in general. Is the G.O.M. of the Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies and reason was removed from his pivotal post on his ian medical profession and a surgeon of con- drafted the committee's report which recommended uncle's eclipse in September 1933. ale repute. Chairman of the Egyptian Medical that the treaty should be approved by the Chamber. Was for a time the editor of the newspaper Shaab. 7; member of the Councils of the Bed Crescent Appointed Minister of Waqfs in Mohammed Appointed Senator in May 1936. y, the Moslem Benevolent Society and the Al Mahmoud Pasha's Cabinet the 30th December, 1937. Appointed Minister of Commerce and Industry in it Society; president of the Students' Union; When Mohammed Mahmoud reconstituted his Mohammed Mahmoud Pasha's Cabinet the 30th >r of the Egyptian Academy. Was vice- Cabinet on the 27th April, 1938, following elections, December, 1937. nt of the International Medical Congress in Hilmy Issa was appointed Minister of Communica- Made a pasha on the 17th February, 1938. Was tions. Dropped by Mahmoud the 24th June, 1938, appointed Minister of Health when Mohammed appointed Minister of Public Health in when he broadened the basis of his Ministry by Mahmoud reconstituted his Cabinet the 27th April, . Sabry's Ministry, the 28th June, 1940. appointment of Saadists. Became official head of 1938, following elections. Dropped by Mahmoud the led with Hussein Sirry, the 15th November, the Opposition on the amalgamation of the Ittehad 24th June, 1938, when basis of Cabinet was Was dropped when Hussein Sirry recon- and Shaabist parties under his presidency. broadened by appointment of Saadists. 1 his Cabinet in July 1941. Appointed Rector Minister of Justice in Hassan Sabry's Ministry, Appointed Director-General, Alexandria Muni- > University in May 1941. Honorary Fellow the 25th June, 1940. Continued in Hussein Sirri cipality, by Ali Maher in August 1939. Was Royal Society of Medicine, 1944. Cabinet, the 15th November, 1940. suspected of holding pro-Axis sentiments and ; the following British medical degrees: Dropped when Hussein Sirri strengthened his reported as being indiscreet in his talk. ., M.D., M.Ch. Hobbies: Oriental carpets, Ministry in July 1941. He retained his post after the Wafd's return to pictures and music. Nominated a Senator, 1942. office in February 1942. In 1943 foreign circles were now in very poor health and unable to take The remnant of the Ittehad-Shaab party was startled by a sudden decision to reconstitute the t in public life. reported to have been liquidated in October 1943. Alexandria Municipal Commission with only one ations.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile. Hilmy Issa Pasha is now a prominent member of non-Egyptian member and since then Ahmed Kamel !ordon of Order of Ismail (1941). .K.B.E. the Societe de Legislation, de Statistique et has frequently boasted of this nationalistic stroke. d'Economic politique, and retains a benevolent Suspended from the directorship-general of the met Ibrahim Bey interest in educational matters. Alexandria Municipality in 1944 for drawing cheques Born 1873. He is wanting in tact and rather rash in judgment. which were dishonoured. After appearing before a taking his law degree, he entered Govern- Autocratic, fairly courageous, but subservient to his council of discipline he was placed on pension. •vice as " substitut-adjoint " in the Native superiors, to whom he says what he thinks they want in 1895 and rose to be Chef du Parquet to hear. 'Native Court of Appeal) in 1921. Appointed He is a decent fellow, friendly and anxious to please, but so garrulous as to be tiresome. 72. Lewa Ahmed Kamel Pasha the Native Court of Appeal (1922), vice- Served with the cavalry of the army and the body- of the Assiout Court of Appeal (1928), Elected Senator, April 1946. -president of the Cairo Court of Appeal Decorations. Title of Al Imtiaz; Grand Cordon of guard from 1897 until 1929; mentioned three times Order of the Nile. in Sirdar's despatches during that period. Promoted Ee was put on pension in 1933. Lewa in the Recruiting Department, 1929, and ted Minister of Agriculture and Minister for appointed Director-General of the Coastguards Affairs in Tewfik Nessim Pasha's Cabinet Administration, August 1930. November, 1934. Eesigned the 22nd 70. Aziz Izzet Pasha, G.C.V.O. 1936. Albanian. Born about 1867 Appointed Under-Secretary of State in the Educated at Cambridge and Woolwich, and has a Ministry of War, the 3rd November, 1932. A quiet eral reputation as a judge and a respectable number of old friends in England. Married to a and unpretentious person of no particular strength of f society was good. He has never belonged character, but he has good sense and a good manner. litical party, but is essentially Wafdist in granddaughter of the Khedive Ismail, whose mother married Mansour Yeghen Pasha. Now living in retirement. 73. Ibrahim Fahmy Kerim, Pasha 75. Ahmed Mohammed Khashaba P<. ,/•» Was Inspector of Irrigation, Lower Egypt, before Lawyer from Assiout, where his family has con- becoming Under-Secretary of State for Public Works siderable influence. Wafdist during the post-war in January 1927. Minister of Public Works under years. Vice-President of the Chamber of Deputies Nahas (March-June 1928) and Mohammed Mahmoud in 1924. Minister of Education for five days after (June 1928-Oetober 1929). Talks excellent English. the Sirdar's murder. Minister of War in the Married1 to the daughter of the : late Senator Coalition Cabinet June 192<3-April 1927 and Minister Mahmoud Sidky Pasha by ah English mother. of Communications, later Justice, April 1927-March Until 1931 or thereabouts he had the reputation of 1928-June 1928. He then seceded from the Wafd being straightforward, friendly and capable. He and'became Minister of Justice in the Mohammed always appeared to make a point of keeping away Mahmoud Cabinet, June 1928-October 1929, joining from politics, and not even membership of the Constitutional Liberal party in October 1929. Mohammed Mahmoud's Cabinet made a politician As Minister of War he fell under extremist influ- of him. He was on good terms with the British ence and directed his efforts towards the diminution officials in his Ministry, and will be remembered for of British control in the army, especially with the part he played in the Nile Waters Agreement. reference to the powers of the inspector-general. Minister of Public Works in the Sidky Cabinet, As Minister of Justice he did much to compromise as reconstituted after Hafez Ann Pasha's appoint- Mohammed Mahmoud's regime by putting a number ment to London. Uses the family name of Kerim of Appeal Court judges on the retired list, and by to distinguish him from other Ibrahim Fahmys. ordering the prosecution of Nahas Pasha in the Seif- Made a pasha in the Accession Day Honours, ed-Din documents case. October 1930. Joined the Executive Committee of Was one of the seven Senators who voted against the Shaabist party the 8th December, 1930. Trans- the Anglo-Egyptian Treaty in November 1936. ferred to the Ministry of Communications in Sidky's Appointed Minister of Justice in Mohammed second Cabinet, January 1933. His differences of Mahmoud Pasha's Cabinet the 30th December, 1937. opinion with the Prime Minister and Tewfik Doss Reappointed Minister of Justice the 27th April, Pasha during 1932 had been so notorious that his 1938, on reconstitution of Cabinet after 1938 inclusion in this Cabinet caused surprise, but he was elections. Eetained portfolio of Justice when already a henchman of Ibrashi Pasha, who imposed Mohammed Mahmoud Pasha re-formed his Cabinet him oh Sidky. the 24th June, 1938. He deteriorated in the following three years, and Was reported to have fallen under the influence became a tool of the Palace, and in close relations of All Maher Pasha, for which reason his relations with Ahmed Abboud Pasha. with Mohammed Mahmoud Pasha became somewhat He was on bad terms with Abdel Pattah Yehia strained. Pasha, who inherited him from Sidky Pasha. Was not retained in Ali Maher's Cabinet, the His reputation for corruption and his close associa- 18th August, 1939, after resignation of Mohammed tion with Ibrashi -Pasha and Abboud involved him Mahmoud. in a libel action against the Siassa newspaper in He is weak and emotional and generally February 1934 and led the Acting High Commis- ineffective, but he will be honest with you if he likes sioner to advise his removal from the Cabinet in you. His moral reputation is tarnished. October. Abdel Pattah Yehia Pasha took no steps Nominated Senator, May 1946. to remove him, but an ill-advised attempt to secure Decorations.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile. hearing of the case against him by a notoriously sympathetic judge in November created a scandal 76. Abdul Razzak Abdul Kheir Pasha, which led to his resignation and this, in turn, to the K.B.E. resignation of the Cabinet. He instituted proceedings against The Times for libel at about the same time. Joined the Customs Administration as a junior Resigned the 14th November, 1934. official and held various posts in that service until eventually, appointed Director-General. Was the T)/ 1?700\ I Please note that this copy is supplied subject to the Public Record Office's terms and conditions and that your use of it may be subject to copyright restrictions. Further information is given in the enclosed Terms and Conditions of supply of Public Records' leaflet


Ma. .oud Pasha on the coup d'fiiat oi June 1928 as Eoyal " to King Farouk as a protest against the limed Mohammed Khashaba Minister of Finance. Worked for the King against intrigues of Bindari Pasha. The King was thus faced Mohammed Mahmoud. Was friendly to us and with the choice between Ali Maher and Bindari yer from Assiout, where his family has con- negotiated the settlement of the question of the ile influence. Wafdist during the post-war Pashas and, apparently unwilling to dispense Ottoman Loan of 1855. Stood as an Ittehadist tor a altogether with the services of Maher Pasha, His Vice-President of the Chamber of Deputies. Cairo constituency in the elections of December 1929, Majesty granted Bindari Pasha a month's leave and L Minister of Education for five days after but was badly beaten. Given the lucrative Nazirship .rdar's murder. Minister of War in the Ali Maher withdrew his resignation. His influence of the Seif-ed-Dln and Prince Mohammed Ali at the Palace was, nevertheless, much diminished. :>n Cabinet June 1926-April 1927 and Minister Ibrahim estates, in succession to the notorious Amin He then tried to get on good terms with both imunications, later Justice, April 1927-March Bey Ali Mansour. Also became a director of the une 1928. He then seceded from the Wafd Mohammed Mahmoud Pasha and the embassy. National Bank of Egypt. Minister of Education, .Became Prime Minister on the 18th August, 1939, ;came Minister of Justice in the Mohammed and, later, of Justice in Sidky's Cabinet. His on resignation of Mohammed Mahmoud Pasha and Dud Cabinet, June 1928-October 1929, joining appointments in the Ministry of Justice were nstitutional Liberal party in October 1929. formed a Ministry of Saadists and independents. frequently criticised. He had some sort of stroke in At the outbreak of war he adopted a policy of keeping Minister of War he fell under extremist infiu- September 1930, but made an unexpectedly rapid strictly within the letter of the Anglo-Egyptian ad directed his efforts towards the diminution recovery. Treaty and of maintaining Egypt's neutrality. After itish control in the army, especially with He was moved in December 1932 by the so-oalled the collapse of France and the entry of Italy into the ce to the powers of the inspector-general, Badari case to adopt the role, rather inconsistent with linister of Justice he did much to compromise war his attitude became more equivocal, and it his previous attitude while in Sidky's Cabinet, of became necessary for His Majesty's Government to timed Mahmoud's regime by putting a number protector of justice against administrative abuses. inform King Farouk that it was no longer possible )eal Court judges on the retired list, and by Sidky Pasha's disagreement with him on this issue to co-operate with him. King Farouk, with bad ig the prosecution of Nahas Pasha in the Seif- documents case. led to the reconstruction of the Ministry and Ali grace, accepted the inevitable, and Ali Maher Pasha Maher's exclusion. His behaviour was popularly resigned on the 13th June, 1940. He then put about one of the seven Senators who voted against held to reflect opportunist, and not solely altruistic, ..glo-Egyptian Treaty in November 1936. a considerable propaganda to th'e effect that his inspiration. It, anyhow, brought him into ill odour resignation had been -due to his resistance to exces- minted Minister of Justice in Mohammed with the King. He was a candidate for office in sive British demands. His lack of personal oud Pasha's Cabinet the 30th December, 1937. Abdel Fattah Yehia's Cabinet (September 1933), but popularity and the smallness of his political following Dpointed Minister of Justice the 27th April, preferred to wait for something better. prevented this propaganda from taking any serious on reconstitution of Cabinet after 1938 He was successively offered the London Legation, hold in the country. as. Eetained portfolio of Justice when the post of " Chef du Cabinet Royal," and his choice He tried to re-establish himself as the chief amed Mahmoud Pasha re-formed his Cabinet th June, 1938. of portfolios during the summer and autumn of 1934, influence at the Palace, but this was duly prevented, but he refused to join the crew of a sinking ship reported to have fallen under the influence and he then busied himself with instigating ultra- or to enter the Palace unless Ibrashi Pasha left it. nationalistic and Islamic societies in anti-British Maher Pasha, for which reason his relations His name was frequently mentioned as Abdel Fattah activities. Eventually it was necessary for King Cohammed Mahmoud Pasha became somewhat :d. Yehia Pasha's successor during the crisis of October- Farouk to instruct him to retire to his estates and November, but Ziwar, Ibrashi and Nessim Pashas cease his activities. not retained in Ali Maher's Cabinet, the were all unfavourable to him, and he remained out mgust, 1939, after resignation of Mohammed On the Wafd's return to power, early in 1942, Ali oud. of office. Maher's anti-British intrigues assumed such a Appointed head of King Fuad's Cabinet on the dangerous aspect that the Prime Minister ordered his is weak and emotional and generally •tive, but he will be honest with you if he likes 1st July, 1935. His capacity for intrigue was per- internment at El Saru in July 1942. Eeleased by haps mainly the reason for his appointment at a time His moral reputation is tarnished, Ahmed Maher, October 1944. Appointed to the linated Senator, May 1946. when King Fuad wished to get rid of Nessim. board of directors of Banque Misr, May 1945. His ^rations.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile. Became Prime Minister on the 30th January, 1936. political statements and reported intrigues since his Kesigned the 9th May, 1936. release from internment clearly forebode an attempt During these few months Ali Maher introduced a to rehabilitate himself politically when he sees the :bdul Razzak Abdul, Kheir Pasha surprisingly large number of administrative reforms, way open. K.B.E. most of which were, however, inevitably cancelled Nominated Senator, May 1946. Member of the ed the Customs Administration as a junior or allowed to lapse by his Wafdist successors. His Egyptian Treaty delegation 1946. Is widely and held various posts in that service until activity would seem to have been actuated by the assumed to be the most likely candidate for appoint- ally, appointed Director-General. Was the hope that events would enable him to continue in ment as Chief of the Eoyal Cabinet in succession to Egyptian to hold this office. Appointed office a much longer period, or by the desire to the late Hassanein Pasha. sal Under-Secretary of State for Finance in establish a reputation for zeal and energy. Decorations.-^-Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile; i succession to Fuad Kemal Pasha who died of Although out of office for the greater part of 1937 Grand Cordon of Order of Mohammed Ali; Title of >rk. Was weak and in fear of his Minister, Ali Maher was frequently consulted unofficially by Al Imtiaz; Collier Fuad I (1938). ne of the senior officials arbitrarilv placed on King Farouk, whose confidence he had early gained. n in August 1939, by Ali Maher Pasha, on his Working thus, " dans les coulisses," he continued to 78. Rashwan Mahfouz Pasha ing Minister, exercise considerable influence over the policy of the Member of a wealthy and influential Constitu- j Anglophile and has five children, three Palace, and his eventual reappointment as " chef du tional-Liberal family of Assiout. ters and two sons, all of which he sent to Cabinet Eoyal'' was generally considered to be only Served with distinction in the Interior Administra- ia College for boys or the Jubilee School for a question of time. The opposition to his appoint- tion. In 1921, when Mudir of Menoufia, he exposed b Alexandria. ment came, of course, from the Wafdist Government, a scandal in which Elwi-el-Gazzar, Sabri Abu Alam orations.—K.B.E (1937). and it was not until the 20th October that King and other leading Wafdists of the province were Farouk issued a rescript appointing him to the post, implicated, and therefore, when Zaghlul came to thereby straining relations between the Palace and office in 1924, he was put on pension. On Zaghlul's [li Maher Pasha the Government almost to the breaking point. fall, after the Sirdar's murder, he was appointed ther of Ahmed and Mahmoud. Maher. Once in the saddle, Ali Maher lost no time in Under-Secretary of State for Agriculture. nerly director of the school of law, where he giving rein to his exceptional capacity for political Mohammed Mahmoud, in 1928, made him Under- le reputation of being capable. An early sup- manoeuvre and intrigue, and played a leading part secretary of State for the Interior, in order to give of the Wafd, but on the Eight wing, and helped in hastening the downfall of Nahas's Government at the Administration the desired Constitutional- ig Adly and Zaghlul into contact in 1920, and the end of 1937. Liberal colour, and appointments and dismissals'of 3 facilitate negotiations with Lord Milner. He His position of adviser to His Majesty was later Omdahs, &o., thenceforward proceeded intensively t this time, the object of the King's peculiar challenged by Sheikh el-Maraghi, who had gained in the party's interest. Adley 's first official act, when . Later lie joined the Constitutional Liberals. considerable influence over the young King. The charged to ensure impartial elections after Moham- 125, under Nashat's influence, joined the Sheikh's close friendship with Mohammed Mahmoud med Mahmoud's fall, was to put Eashwan back in dist party. also rendered Ali Maher's relations with the Prime the Agriculture and restore Ali Gemal-ed-Din, with Minister of Education in Ziwer Pasha's Minister more difficult. whom he had exchanged, to the Interior. 3t (March 1925-May 1926) he showed himself Went to London as a member of the Egyptian With the return of a Wafdist Cabinet in January a good disciplinarian, and was very fertile in delegation to the Palestine Conference in 1938. 1930 he was promptly put on pension. Sidky Pasha es of educational reform, which he executed During his absence his position at the Palace was so resisted Liberal pressure to reappoint him as Under- excessive haste and which led to much undermined by Bindari Pasha that, on his return, he secretary of State, Interior, but was understood to ion. Joined the Cabinet of Mohammed presented his resignation as " chef du Cabinet be looking for other employment for him when the cms ins I 1 2| PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE 1| 2 ^O 2&\ I SS5J3* •*70C& I Piease note that this copy is supplied subject to the Public Record Office's terms and conditions and that your jse of it may be subject to copyright restrictions. Further information is given in the enclosed Terms and Conditions of supply of Public Records' leaflet

24 promulgation of the 1930 Constitution came to throw Oxford. Has played with politics since abou- - the Liberals into opposition. as a Liberal and formerly contributed articles to the Was too; keenly partisan to be a perfect Under- Liberal newspaper Siassa. Although he is intelligent, secretary of State, but no worse an administrator his role has usually been that of buffoon and he has than most: • only maintained his prominent position in the Was at one time President of the Permanent Com- Liberal party because of his close kinship to its mittee for Economic Eelations between Egypt and former leader. He is notorious as an intriguer but the Sudan. is more or less in the Anglophile tradition of his late Appointed Minister of Agriculture in Mohammed brother. Mahmoud's Cabinet the 27th April, 1938, in reshuffle Appointed Minister of Commerce and Industry by following elections. There was considerable opposi- Ahmed Maher in January 1945, a post in which the tion to his appointment from King Farouk, but in late Prime Minister considered that he would be- the end Mohammed Mahmoud's wish prevailed. less troublesome than if he were left outside his Eetained portfolio of Agriculture when Mohammed reconstructed Cabinet. His elevation to ministerial Mabmoud re-formed his Cabinet the 24th June, 1938. rank, however, disgruntled certain other prominent Resigned the 13th December, 1938, on account of a Liberals who were hoping for inclusion in the- scandal in connexion with the lease of a Government Cabinet. Hifni Mahmoud retained that portfolio in farm. Nokrashi's Cabinet, February 1945. Appointed Minister of Commerce and Industry by Resigned with the Nokrashi Cabinet in February the Hussein Sirry Cabinet the 26th June, 1941. 1946 and was given the portfolio of Communications Not reappointed when Hussein Sirry strengthened in the succeeding Cabinet formed by Sidky Pasha. his Cabinet in July 1941. Awarded the title of Pasha, February 1946. A bluff, puffy, genial man. 81. Aziz AH al-Masri Pasha 79. Dr. Earned Mahmoud A Circassian with some Arab blood, born in Egypt M.D. (Edinburgh). Born about 1890. about 1877. He is a sympathetic person but of First interested himself in politics when Moham- slightly unsound mind. He enlisted in the Ottoman med Farid Bey visited England in 1908. army and played a prominent part in organising the Joined a British Bed Cross voluntary detachment Tripolitanian resistance to the Italians in 1911-13, in 1914, and did good work in France during the war He subsequently fell foul of Enver Pasha, who,, of 1914-18. A friend and the doctor of Zaghlul from according to Aziz al-Masri, was jealous of him. He 1921. Frequently sent on Wafdist missions to was arrested on a vague charge of pro-Arab London, where he posed as having considerable machinations and only escaped hanging owing to the influence. His erroneous diagnosis of Zaghlul's intervention of the British Embassy acting at the erysipelas as an ordinary eczematic eruption and instance of Lord Kitchener. On the outbreak of the consequent failure to give the right treatment, Arab revolt he was in close collaboration with Sherif probably hastened Zaghlul's death. His friends Hussein and for a time assisted him against the were the extremists in the Wafd. Turks. He left the Service of Hussein after a time In January 1930 was appointed by the Nahas partly because of personal differences and partly Cabinet counsellor of the Egyptian Legation in because he disliked the idea of fighting against his London, where he acted as charge" d'affaires until former brothers in arms. he resigned on the formation of the Sidky Cabinet. Aziz al-Masri retired to hoping to start life Appointed a member of the Wafd after the there afresh. He maintained contact with the Barakatist desertions, December 1932. Appointed British Embassy at Madrid and developed to the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Public ambassador his belief that the best future arrange- Health in June 1936. Eesigned on the 31st July ment in the would be a federation of and was not reappointed when Nahas formed his autonomous Ottoman States, divided according to fourth Ministry a few days later. race, under the Sultan-Caliph at Constantinople. In Subsequently associated himself with the Nokrashi- 1918 he asked the embassy at Madrid to arrange for Ahmed Maher faction of the Wafd and left the Wafd him to be employed on the Western Front. The with them in 1937. request was refused because of his insufficient Dr. Hamed Mahmoud did not hide from his friends knowledge of English and doubtful political integrity. his feelings of disillusionment at the failure of the He remained in Europe until 1923, when he was Wafd, as led by Nahas Pasha, to fulfil the ideals for allowed to return to Egypt after some hesitation on which the party struggled so hard in the past. the part of Sarwat Pasha. In 1927 Spinks Pasha Appointed Minister of Public Health in Ali refused the request of the Egyptian authorities to Maher's Cabinet the 24th June, 1938, when he appoint him to the Egyptian army. He was later re-formed his Cabinet on a broader basis. appointed director of the Police School. Betained in the,Ministry of Public Health in Ali He married an American girl in 1925. Maher's Cabinet the 18th August, 1939. Resigned In 1936 he was appointed tutor to the present from Ministry the 27th June, 1940. King, when Prince Farouk, and accompanied him to During 1943 he regularly attended the gatherings London, where he quarrelled with Hassanein whom of the Saadist party members at their club. Both he charged with being a " servile courtier " and with he and his wife, an Englishwoman whom he met in failure to exercise discipline over the Prince. On the France in the war of 1914r-18, were bitter critics of death of King Fuad in 1936 Aziz al-Masri was left Nahas Pasha and his Government. Elected Saadist without employment. He expressed disgust with Deputy in general elections of January 1945. His Egyptians generally and told the Oriental Secretary disappointment at not being offered Cabinet rank in at this time that he would like " to offer his sword to Ahmed Maher's coalition Government or in that the British army." of-Nokrashi inclined him towards dissidence which He was appointed Inspector-General of the became more acute under Nokrashi's presidency of Egyptian army in 1938, but owing to army opposition the party. he was never able *to function. He is very English in manner. He was appointed Chief of Staff by Ali Maher on Finally resigned from the Saadist Party, Decem- the 20th August, 1939, and was retired on pension by ber 1945, and was reported to have gathered around Hassan Sabri in July 1940, on representations of him a small group of dissident Saadists who have the embassy, in view of the fact that he had proved styled themselves " Liberal Saadists." himself incapable of co-operation with the British Military Mission and other British military 80. Hifni Mahmoud Pasha authorities. Brother of the late Constitutional-Liberal Prime In May 1941, with two young Egyptian officers, Minister, Mohamed Mahmoud Pasha. Educated at he endeavoured to escape from Egypt to Iraq during "' use

•the*Ketashia d All revolt. Owing to the failure of the inspector and inspector-general in the same depart- aeroplane they were forced to descend in Egyptian ment, and Under-Secretary of State in the Ministry territory, and after being in hiding for some weeks of Communications. He held this post for some ten they were apprehended. He was subsequently years until he was appointed general manager of released, in the spring of 1942, but again reinterned the Egyptian State Railways in 1933. in the late summer of the same year for dubious Made a Pasha in 1936 and K.B.E. in 1937 in contacts: with German -spies. recognition of his helpful attitude during tha Was released from internment in consequence of Abyssinian crisis in 1935-36 and of his general the abrogation of martial law in 1945. disposition to keep the equipment of the E.S.R. as British as possible. 82. A li El-Menzalawy Bey He resigned on the 25th December, 1939, in view Born about 1890. A landowner of Samanoud of the discovery amongst papers seized at the out- (Gharbia), Nahas Pasha's native village. For long break of War of indications that he had been receiving a fervent, if somewhat independent, Constitutional commissions from German firms. This discovery was Liberal, he opposed the party's coalition with used by Ali Maher Pasha as an excuse to replace him .Zaghlul Pasha in December 1925 and unsuccess- by Tarraf Ali Bey, an official more likely to suit his fully opposed Nahas Pasha, who held the coalition general policy. ticket, in the elections of May 1926. Reappointed general manager of the E.S.E. in He joined the Shaab party on its formation in 1942 on the return to power of the Wafd. He has December 1930, and was elected vice-president of co-operated well with the British Forces in this post. the Chamber in successive sessions until 1933. He Has displayed a friendly attitude over purchase of worked hard as president of the Parliamentary new equipment for the Egyptian State Railways. Finance Commission, responsible for the presenta- In Autumn 1945 was appointed chairman of the tion of the budget to the Chamber, and his inter- Egyptian committee dealing with disposal of British ventions in debate, on behalf of fallaheen interests, army surpluses. Has been consistently sensible and were generally sensible. He was one of the dele- friendly in this post. gates selected to represent Egypt at the World Decoration.—K.B.E. (1937). Economic Conference, 1933. In March 1933 Sidky appointed him Minister of 85. Osman Moharram Pasha Waqfs, desiring to use his experience to strengthen Born about 1885. the Cabinet's parliamentary position. He came Though there is a strong family strain of lunacy immediately under the influence of Ibrashi Pasha he was, as a young man, a promising engineer and and was ripe for dismissal when Sidky resigned in official. Was made Under-Secretary of State for September 1933. Menzalawy and Ibrahim Fahmy Public Works by Zaghlul in 1924 and became Kerim, though Shaabists, accepted office in Abdel Minister for a few days on Zaghlul's fall. Spoilt by Fattah Yehia's Cabinet without Sidky's approval too rapid advancement. and as Minister of Agriculture Menzalawy was active He was elected Deputy for Dessouk (Gharbia) in in fighting pro-Sidky elements. the elections of May 1926, and became Minister of The report that Menzalawy had been in heavy Public Works in the Coalition Cabinet of June of that arrears with his land tax during the period of the year. He was persistently hostile to British officials Shaabist-Ittehadist regime has never been cate- in his Ministry and distinguished himself by gorically denied. suspending the Gebel Aulia Dam scheme for the In 1934 he was associated with Ibrahim Fahmy heightening of the Assouan Dam. This scheme has Kerim in the popular mind as still under the since been made effective and was vindicated by an influence of Ibrashi and was considered corrupt. international commission in 1928. His administration of the important Menshawi Waqf Made a Pasha in March 1927. Excluded from the was said to be heinous. The Siassa libel suit and its Nahas Cabinet of 1928, but reappointed Minister of consequences affected him as closely as his colleague, Public Works in the Wafdist Cabinet of the 1st June, Ibrahim Fahmy Kerim. He brought an unsuccessful 1930, when he was an obstructive as ever. One of action against The Times for libel in December 1934. the Egyptian delegates at the treaty negotiations, He resigned on the 14th November, 1934, since March to May 1930. when he has been less active politically, though he Appointed Minister of Public Works in the Nahas continues to play a part in the opposition to the Cabinet of May 1936, and retained his portfolio when Wafd. He was a Deputy in the Chamber 'which the Cabinet was reshuffled on the 3rd August, 1937. issued from the "made" elections of Mohammed Dismissed with Nahas Pasha's Cabinet on the Mahmoud Pasha in 1938: 30th December, 1937. There were a lot of unsavoury rumours regarding his acceptance of bribes in con- 83. A bdel A ziz Mohammed Pasha nexion with dam contracts during his tenure of office Born 1866. on this occasion. He took a law degree and entered the Parquet as Again Minister of Public Works in Nahas's fifth a temporary clerk in 1892. He served subsequently Cabinet 1942. Attacked, with other Wafdist in the Parquet as judge and as vice-president of Ministers, in Makram's "Black Book." Fell from Native Courts until he was put on pension in 1928. office with the Nahas Government in October 1944. Minister of Waqfs in Tewfik Nessim Pasha's He is generally regarded as very corrupt, but like Cabinet, 15th November, 1934. His appointment other Wafdists has been friendlier to us since the treaty. His attitudes are now largely dictated by his disappointed many, for he is a good fellow but not personal financial interests. brilliant. He was a life-long crony of Nessim Pasha. Eesigned on the 22nd January, 1936, and was Decorations.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile; created a Pasha in the Treaty Honours List of the Grand Cordon of Order of Ismail (1942). 15th February, 1937. 86. Murad Mohsen Pasha Born about 1883. Educated at the School of Law, 84. Mahmovd Shaker Mohammed Pasha, Practised for some time in the office of Helbawy K.B.E. Bey. Served in the Parquet and Magistrature. He Bom in 1887, he is a likeable, Anglophile, forceful was Director of Administration in the Ministry of and efficient civil servant. He studied at the Interior during the Nashat regime of 1925, and Egyptian University and the University of Leeds worked for the Ittehadist party against the Wafd. (1912). He began as an engineer in the Irrigation When the latter returned to office he was shelved. Department of Public Works and became in turn He was appointed Governor of Port Said in 1930,

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.the successful and succeeded Amin Anis Pasha as Sous-Chef de Zaghlul's most important political lieutenants, negotiations in Augus' Cabinet to King Fuad in August of that year. He particularly in so far as concerned the organisation delegation to London was made a Pasha in October 1930. In 1934 as of the students for political purposes. He was thence to Karlsbad. acting "Chef de Cabinet" at the Palace he was deported with Zaghlul in 1921 to the Seychelles, Ms opponents in Egy] entirely under Ibrashi's thumb. whence he returned in June 1923. eventual success, ; Appointed Director-General of the Eoyal KhasSa in M.P. for Samanoud, and Minister of Communica- campaign. Their act May 1936. tions in Zaghlul's Cabinet (January-November 1924), at the time, but N. Title of Imtiaz (1946). Elected M.P. for Abu Seir Banna (Gharbia) in reception on his returj Decorations.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile; elections of May 1926. The Wafd desired his entry ratified by a large mt Grand Cordon of Order of Ismail (1937). into the Coalition Ministry of June 1926, but his ment in November 1£ appointment was abandoned in view of objections It was not long b raised by the High Commissioner. He was elected seriously undermineo 87. Mo'hamed Kamel Moursi Pasha Vice-President of the Chamber of Deputies instead. nepotism of his Gov Studied law and rose from being lecturer in the Became president of the Wafd in September 1927, routine work and devi School of Law to become Dean of the Faculty of after the death of Zaghlul, the choice being betvyeen fying the demands of Law in Cairo University. After holding this him and Fathallah Barakat. Nahas owed his The outstanding mi academic post for some years he was appointed selection largely to the fact that he was credited with Montreux Conference judge in the Court of Appeal. Later became a honesty. Was very tactless in the handling of the fame and fortunes ifo: counsellor in the Court of Cassation, from which rejection of the Sarwat Treaty proposals. Egypt in June 1937 h post he resigned in September 1943 on the appoint- Became Prime Minister in March 1928, on the On King Farouk's a. ment of Amin Anis Pasha (q.v.) as president of that resignation of Sarwat. Was very unskilful in the Nahas tendered Ms court. Moursi and two other senior members of the handling of the difference with His Majesty's requested to form a court resented this appointment of an outsider, Government over the Public Meetings Bill, which he opportunity to sreshui particularly so soon after the promulgation of the refused to withdraw. Finally, under the pressure of of ais Ministers, incl law for the independence of the judicature. After an ultimatum, he agreed to postpone the further latter's increasing o the fall of the Wafd Government he was reinstated consideration of the Bill until the following session. projects and to Makrt as counsellor in the Court of Cassation. Appointed Was accused of trafic d'influence in the famous Spif- Nokrashi's expuls Minister of Justice by Sidky Pasha in February ed-Din case, but was eventually acquitted by the threatened split in tl 1946. Nominated Senator, May 1946. Council of Discipline of the Native Bar. Was dis- elements now rallied He is a noted author of legal works. His politics missed by the King in June 1928. During intensely .hostile to 4 are anti-Wafd, but he is not a party man and joined Mohammed Mahmoud's dictatorial regime he personal antipathy be Sidky's Cabinet as an independent. managed to retain the .allegiance of the Wafd. precluded any ipossil: Upon the resignation of Adly Yeghen Pasha's political crisis ensued 88. Mohammed Mustafa Pasha transitional Cabinet he became Prime Minister and dismissal of Nahas Entered the Government service in 1889 as a clerk Minister of the Interior on the 1st January, 1930. 30th December. at the Cairo Parquet. He served in the Parquet Was head of the Egyptian delegation to the treaty Recalled to the pre (native) until 1896, when he was appointed judge in negotiations in London, March-May. His bad quarrel with Makrarr the native courts. There he remained for sixteen leadership of the Wafd, in provoking the crisis by gtruction of his Cabii years, until 1912, when he was appointed Director which his Government fell and in the subsequent exacerbation of their of the Meglis Hasby Department at the Ministry, opposition campaign, provoked a general desire secure Makram's disi where he appears to have maintained the friendliest among Wafdists for his supersession as leader of 1942. Nahas's bread touch with the judicial adviser. In 1914 he was the Wafd. This, however, was difficult of attain- was now complete. appointed judge in the Mixed Courts, and sat as such ment, as his person has been so prominently Nahas's cool coura at Mansourah, and afterwards in Cairo. In 1920 he advertised by the Wafd as the worthy successor of critical days of July was nominated president of the First Instance Saad, that a certain amount of popular appeal would advanced to El Alan Native Court of Cairo, and the following year have been lost by his removal. policy of recalling th Conseiller of the Cairo Court of Appeal. In 1928 he He married on the 12th June, 1934, two days to be rattled or dishes was appointed president of the Assiout Court of before his 55th birthday, the 23-year-old daughter of nation and uphold its Appeal but two months later, having attained the a leading Wafdist of Behera. much influenced by hi her family's interest nge limit, he was placed on the pension list. The fall of Abdel Fattah Yehja Pasha and collapse After three years' inactivity, in 1931 he was of the 1930 regime in 1934 sent Wafdist stock soaring husband's position. brought back and made President of the Cairo Court again. Nahas Pasha vetoed at least two of Nessim In March 1943, Ma Pasha's candidates for office, and his somewhat arraigned Nahas, his of Appeal. In the interval of unemployment he had charges of corruption, done valuable work as president of the Committee embarrassing support of the new Ministry reflected for Keform of the Civil and Commercial Codes of a hardly-concealed expectation that it served as a protracted crisis shoot bridge for his own return to power. Parliament ultimatel; Procedure. On appointment as Minister of Waqfs, in Sidky's Wafdist revival was marked by a successful con- Prime Minister -and It second Cabinet in January 1933, he joined the gress held in January 1935, at rwhich Nahas made a from the Chamber. A Shaabist party. After two months he was summarily speech demanding the restoration of the 1923 followed; this was dropped; a rather ridiculous climax to a respectable Constitution and treaty negotiations with Great greater effi'ciemey and Britain. Throughout 1935 Nahas pressed Nessim to the foreign communi career. Resigned from the Shaabist party in 'December declare himself publicly in favour of an early return measures. to parliamentary life, but fearing the advent to Na-bas set himself i 1934. He is an erudite lawyer and magistrate and he power of a reactionary and anti-Wafd Government if a champion otf Arab u Nessim resigned, refrained from forcing his hand. Cairo with official repr enjoyed a reputation for integrity and honest work, By November, however, the anti-Nessim campaign which survived all the changes of administration States. His vigorou which he had seen. He is, incidentally, rich, through had grown so strong that Nahas felt his influence in Lebanese independen the country threatened unless he reasserted himself of November 1943, d his wife. as champion of the country's cause. He therefore interest, which had h publicly withdrew his support of Nessim, and by the Ara'b unity ideal. Th 89. Mustapha El-Nahas Pasha, G.C.M.G. end of the year had become president of a " United to refurbish Nahas's Born 1879 at Samanoud (Gharbia). For some Front" of all political parties. Subsequently, somewhat dimmed b time a judge in the Native Court of the First Nahas became president oi the Egyptian Treaty missed from 'office ii Instance at Tanta. While so employed, at the time delegation. period oif bickerings be of the Turkish attack upon Egypt, he concerned him- Meanwhile, the restoration of the 1923 Constitu- Palace. Th« Wafd b self with spreading reports that the Turks had tion had made inevitable the return to power of the held under Ahmed crossed the Suez Canal, and he was conducted Wafd. In the elections whi«h followed in May 1936 January 1945. In J through the Canal defences in order to be convinced the Wafd obtained 179 seats and the non-Wafdists Wafd, Nahas address of the contrary. fifty-three seats in the Chamber. Aly Ma-her, who Ambassador uring 'the He has throughout been identified with the had succeeded Nessim as head of a stop-gap Ministry political campaign inaugurated by Zaghlul Pasha in pending the elections, resigned, and Nahas formed 82-197 1919, and in 1920 came to be considered as one of his third Ministry on the 10th May, 1936. 2 cms PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE ins 1 1 1 2 1 ^____ ^^^^^^^ Ref.s " .... I SS5J3* *70C& Please note that this copy is supplied subject to the Public Record Office's terms and conditions and that your use of it may be subject to copyright restrictions. 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, H ment of relations between Great Britain and Egypt, \^6gf the successful conclusions of, the. treaty with particular reference to evacuation of troops and negotiations ia August 1936^ Nakas led the Egyptian 3 most important political lieutenants, the Sudan question. iily in so far as concerned the organisation delegation to .Lonidan to sign the treaty, proceeding Flaitly rejected Sidky Pasha's offer to have students for political purposes. He was thence to Karlsbad. Durirag,his absence in Europe Wafdist representation .in the Egyptian delegation with Zaghlul in 1921 to the Seychelles, MB opponent® in Egypt endeavour-edi without much for treaty negotiations in 1946. The Wafd main- ae returned in June 1923. eventual success, .to , - organise an anti-treaty tained, no doubt rightly, that Sidky's offer was :or Samanoud, and Minister of Cornmunica- campaign. Their activities caused some misgiving accompanied by conditions which Sidky knew the iaghlul's Cabinet (January-November 1924>. at the time, but Nahas was given a triumphal WaJd could never .accept. As a result of the non- M.P. for Abu Seir Banna (Gharbia) in reception on his Teturn to Egypt, and the treaty was participation of the Wafd in the treaty negotiations, of May 1926. The Wafd desired his entry ratified by a large majority in the Egyptian Parlia- the Wafd were able to adopt a critical and extremist Coalition Ministry of June 1926, but his ment ia November 1986.. attitude towards the conduct of the negotiations. lent was abandoned in view of objections It was not long before Nahas's popularity was DraitioM8.—.Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile; f the High Commissioner. He was elected seriously undermined' by the incompetence and Grand Cordon of Mohammed Ali; 'Collier Fuad !<"' sident of the Chamber of Deputies instead, nepotism* of his Government, which neglected its (19S6J); G.C.M.G. le president of the Wafd in September 1927, routine w©rk and devoted much of its time to satis- death of Zaghlul, the choice being between fying the demands of its supporters. i Fathallah Barakat. Nahas owed his The outstanding staccess of the Egyptians at the 90. HaiWi, Nahoum. largely to the fact that he was credited with Montreusx Conference, however, revived Nahas's Grand Rabbi of Egypt. Formerly Grand Rabbi of Was very tactless in the handling of the fame and fortunes ifor a time, and on his return to Turkey. of the Sarwat Treaty proposals, Egypt in June 1937 he was given a public ovation. When Grand Rabbi of Turkey he was intimately le Prime Minister in March 1928, on the 'On Ki»g Farouk's accession on the 29th July, 1937, associated with the C.U.P. leaders. He vacated .his on of Sarwat. Was very unskilful in the Nahas tendered Ms formal resignation and was office some time after the armistice, in violent con- of the difference with His Majesty's requested to form a new Ministry. He took the flict with the Zionist element in Constantinople, and lent over the Public Meetings Bill, which he opportunity to ireshuffle his Cabinet, dropping four was then .generally regarded' as a strong anti-Zionist ;o withdraw. Finally, under the pressure of of bis Ministers, including Nokrashi, owing to the with French leanings. He temporarily abandoned latum, he agreed to postpone the further latter's ihereasmg 'opposition to Nahas Pasha's the Rabbinical career and engaged in financial and ition of the Bill until the following session. projects and to Makram's dominating influence. commercial activities in Turkey. Served as a tendril used of trafic d'influence in the famous Self- Nokrashi's expulsion precipitated the long to the Turkish delegation during the first phase of tase, but was eventually acquitted by the threatened split in the Wafd. All the Opposition the Lausanne Conference. Accepted Grand of Discipline of the Native Bar. Was dis- elements now rallied to the Palace, which was Rabbinate of Egypt in December 1923. Assum-ed by the King in June 1928. During intensely hostile to the Government. The strong office on the 18th March, 19.25. The European Jews tied Mahmoud's dictatorial regime he personal antipathy between King Farouk and Nahas of Cairo opposed his appointment; the Oriental Jews 1 to retain the .allegiance of the Wafd. precluded any .possibility ot reconciliation, and a supported it. the resignation of Adly Yeghen Pasha's political crisis ensued which resulted finally in the Described as a man of great ability and astuteness, nal Cabinet he became Prime Minister and dismissal of Nahas and his Government on the very adaptable, with an .eye to the main chance. of the Interior on the 1st January, 1930. 30th December. 'Still comparatively young. Has numerous con- id of the Egyptian delegation to the treaty Recalled to the premiership, February 1942. His nexions in France and the United States. On behalf ons in London, March-May. His bad quarrel with Makram Ebeld necessitated a recon- of the Jewish community in Egypt, he expressed full ip of the Wafd, in provoking the crisis by struction of his "Cabinet in May 1942; the further reprobation of the murder of Lord Moyne by Jewish is Government fell and in the subsequent exacerbation of their differences prompted Nahas to terrorists, November 1944. He has become almost >n campaign, provoked a general desire secure Makram's dismissal from the Wafd in July blind. Wafdists for his supersession as leader of 1942. Nahas's breach with his principal counsellor !d. This, however, was difficult of attain- was now complete. 91. Hassan Nashat Pasha. ,s his person has been so prominently Nahas's cool courage and leadership during the Bom about 1895. He claims to be of purely ;d by the Wafd as the worthy successor of critical days of July 1942, when the Axis forces Egyptian (origin, bat has a Semitic-Negroid at a certain amount of popular appeal would advanced to El Alamein, strikingly vindicated the ipaysiognomy. From his father, a military officer of n lost by his removal. policy of recalling the Wafd to power; his refusal no great distinction, except, it is said, for drunken- arried on the 12th June, 1934, two days to be rattled or disheartened did much to steady the MSBS and wit, he professes to have learnt hatred for nation and .uphold its morale. He has latterly "been .8 55th birthday, the 23-year-old daughter of ; Turks. ; Wafdist of Behera. much influenced 'by his wife, who has been promoting After distinguishing himse'li in legal studies, he 11 of Abdel Fattah Yehia Pasha and collapse her family's interests to the .detriment of her became .a lecturer at the law school, and subse- 30 regime in 1934 sent Wafdist stock soaring husband's position. quently director of the secretariat of the Minister of Slahas Pasha vetoed at least two of Nessim In March 1943, Ma"kram Ebeid's " Black Book " Justice, who in 1921 recommended him to Sultan candidates for office, and his somewhat arraigned Nahas, his wife and the Government on Fuad 'as a 'suitable secretary to the Council of the ssing support of the new Ministry reflected charges of corruption, favouritism and nepotism. A Throne. In 1922 the Sultan became King, and -concealed expectation that it served as a protracted crisis shook the Government severely, but Hassan Naskat his " sous-chef de cabinet." «• his own return to power. Parliament ultimately expressed confidence in the He lost .no time in displaying his loyalty, and st revival was marked by a successful con- Prime Minister >and later, vxited Makram's dismissal founding his own fortunes, by working upon King Id in January 1935, at which Nahas made a from the 'Chamber, A reconstruction of the Cabinet Fuad's fears of the ex-Khedive, which he exploited demanding the restoration of the 1923 followed; this was .partly designed .to introduce first in order to discredit the Sarwat Ministry of 1922. tion and treaty negotiations with Great greater effiteieBey 'and partly to allay fears among At the same time he encouraged the King's desire Throughout 1935 Nahas pressed Nessim to the foreign communities of xenophobic legislative to dally with the Zaghlulists and to attempt to ride limself publicly in favour of an early return measures. to autocracy upon party 'dissensions. amentary life, but fearing the advent to Niafeas set himself up in the ilatter half of 1948 as By the spring of 1923 his influence 'bad become so a reactionary and anti-Wafd Government if a champion df Arab uniity and held separate talks in pernicious that Lord Allenby thought well to oblige resigned, refrained from forcing his hand, Cairo with official representatives 'of tte various Arab the King to send him -on three months' leave to amber, however, the anti-Nessim campaign States. His vigorous advocacy 'of She cause of Europe, and to find another post for him on his Lebanese independence iduring the Lebanese crisis vn so strong that Nahas felt his influence in return. itry threatened unless he reasserted himself of November 1943, did much to arouse Egyptian He was accordingly transferred to the Conteritieux pion of the country's cause. He therefore interest, which had hitbert© been lukewarm, in the de 1'Eitat, but was soon afterwards appointed Under- withdrew bis support of Nessim, and by the Airafc unity ideal. Trhis policy was deafly intended secretary in the Ministry of Waqfs, a Ministry which he year had become president of a " United to refurbish Nahas's prestige, wMch bad become has somewhat close 'relations with the Sovereign. of all political parties. Subsequently, sdmewhsat dimmed -by internal events. Was dis- In this capacity, the Prime Minister at that time Decame president of the Egyptian Treaty missed irom office on October 1944 after a long •being :a feeble old gentleman, 'Hassan Nashat >n. period df 'bickerings between his 'Government and the acquired more than his previous influence, and was vhile, the restoration of the 1923 Constitu- Palace. The Wafd boycotted the general elections the vehicle through which the King imposed his will made inevitable the return to power of the •held under Afomed Maher's "Government in .upon the Cabinet and his 'nominees upon the public [n the elections which followed in May 1936 January 1945. In July 1945, as President of the services. He developed for His late "Majesty a d obtained 179 seats and the non-Wafdists Wafd, Nabars addressed a letter to His Majesty's remarkable system of espionage and delation in je seats in the Chamber. Aly Maher, who Ambassador wring 'the need for an .immediate 'set'tle- :eeded Nessim as head of a stop-gap Ministry the elections, resigned, and Nahas formed 82-197 I Ministry on the 10th May, 1936. Please note that this copy ^Supplied subject to th?PublicRecord Office's terms and conditions and that your use^ofVmay beI sublet to copyright restrictions. Further information is given in the enclosed Terms and Conditions of supply of Public Records' leaflet


Egypt and abroad, ostensibly directed against the Egyptian law, Nashat Pasha was oblige Co 192 »he offices of Al 1 ex-Khedive, but largely used as a means of relinquish his diplomatic post in December, ^44, weekly, were sacked and poisoning the King's mind against Egyptians whom owing to his marriage with a non-Egyptian. On his riff-raff, and the offices of . Nashat, or the King himself, wished to persecute. return to Egypt he was greatly disgruntled by King organ, looted. Nokrashi it He also set about the organisation of local free- Farouk's refusal to receive him, an obvious slight commandant of the Cairo masonry as a political machine for the Palace, and attributed partly to His Majesty's disapproval of the not to allow the police to in used it in particular for binding to the King (but not marriage but probably due to influence of Hassanein After the Sirdar's murde to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, or to their own against whom he had been intriguing. Nashat is possible moment with the c ministers in foreign capitals) the loyalty of junior now occupied with business interests. that the British officials co members of the newly-formed diplomatic and con- Nashat Pasha is a man of marked vigour and responsibility for any futun sular services. ability, ambitious, unscrupulous, and a master of arrested on the 27th Noven When Zaghlul Pasha returned to Egypt in the intrigue. He is courageous and has a taste for with the Sirdar's murder, 1 autumn of 1923 Hassan Nashat was employed by living dangerously. He is, in Egypt at any rate, evidence in January 1925. ] the King to make him " moderate "; they thought attractive to women, and is extremely addicted to May 1925 on a charge of c they had succeeded, but, from the moment of their use. He has passed in a few years, by various murder campaign, and acqu winning the elections in the spring of 1924, Zaghlul methods of dishonesty, from poverty to wealth. His influence within the began to consolidate his position as against the Though he looks like a villain, he has a ,not known to be '' capable Palace. unengaging address, and his quickness and com- increased after Zaghlul's < The King, under the advice of Nashat, who was petence make him, up to a point, agreeable to do Barakat as Treasurer, and bei still Under-Secretary, Ministry of Waqfs, sought an business with. His political judgment is apt to be for student and other or, ally in the Azhar University, endeavouring to use " faulty. He never, so far as is known, showed any Makram Ebeid a grudge, foj the religious students as a counterforce to the other disloyalty to King Fuad. By most Egyptians he secretary to the Wafd in £ students, who were adherents of Zaghlul; he was is intensely hated and feared. largely due to the fear that credibly reported to have encouraged the agitation It must be said in his favour that he has, on the Nahas owed his election to Z( which made the Sudan a burning question before whole, always shown pro-British tendencies, which He was returned unoppose Zaghlul went to London to negotiate in the summer are worth fostering, as he may play an important December 1929 elections. of 1924. part in Egyptian politics again hi the future. Minister of Communication On his return to Egypt in the autumn, Zaghlul, He has shown great energy in a number of of the 1st January, 1930- who was well aware that the King was manoeuvring schemes which he has initiated for industrial Administratively he was good against him and that Nashat's spies had been watching developments and appears at present to be almost intransigent as ever. him in Europe, and who was anxious todivert political entirely engaged in commercial activities. Appointed Minister of Comi interest from the question of Anglo-Egyptian rela- Decorations.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile; Cabinet, the 10th May, 193f tions, accused the Palace of "intrigues," but theKing Grand Cordon of the Order of Ismail (1938). the Egyptian Treaty delegati snatched Nashat from the burning by appointing him He was soon at variance wi acting " chef de cabinet," and Zaghlul had not yet of whose leadership he had k retaliated when the murder of Sir Lee Stack led to 92. Dr. Paris Nimr Pasha. Lebanese Protestant. Joint founder and proprietoi feud with Makram made i his own resignation. of the daily newspaper Al Moqattam. recalcitrance led to his dis Nashat then created a new political party (the A personal friend of the late Lord Cromer, reshuffled his Cabinet on tl Ittehadist party) to back the King against the Dr. Nimr was a supporter of the British occupation of Nahas, however, fearful of Zaghlulists, and, using as his agent in particular a Egypt. Owing to this attitude his property suffered Opposition offered him a pos young man who was alleged to be concerned in severely in the riots of 1919 and he himself received Board. Nokrashi declined the political murders, and possibly in that of the Sirdar, threatening letters. The Moqattam subsequently went into Opposition. He w he was successful in detaching a number of adherents became opportunist and continued to resist any Wafd in September. His defec from the Zaghlulist side. undue tendency towards discrimination against to Nahas. The methods used in constructing this party and foreign interests. During the Lebanese constitu- In collaboration with his t the ascendancy which the King gained over the new tional crisis of November 1943 the Moqattam took Nokrashi now launched a camp coalition Cabinet of 1925 led to increasing friction an anti-French line and published pro-Lebanese and within the Wafd of a new partj between Nashat and the Minister of the Interior, Francophobe articles from its editor, Kerim Tabet. Nahas and Makram and to worl Ismail Sidky Pasha, who was associated with the Dr. Nimr is the oldest working journalist in Egypt Wafd to the true principles • Liberal-Constitutional side of the coalition, and in and, despite his great age, visits his office daily. He Zaghlul. August the break-up of the coalition was accelerated is highly educated, very intelligent, a keen political Appointed Minister of Interio: by the King, who over-estimated the strength of his critic with a profound knowledge of Egypt and when Mohamed Mahmoud re-fc own party. Egyptians, and an excellent character in every way. a broader basis. Nashat thus found both the Zaghlulists and the Greatly respected by all classes of Egyptians. Appointed Minister of Educs Liberal Constitutionalists, now in Opposition, his Ex-Senator (nominated). Ministry the 18th August, 19? declared enemies, and from both sides a violent Interior in Hassan Sabry's Min campaign was waged against him, in which allega- 1940. Resigned 21st Septembe: tions of his complicity in the murder of the Sirdar 93. Mahmoud Fahmy-el-Nokrashi Pasha. In the latter part of 1943 hi were freely made. These allegations are still widely Born about 1890. Said to inherit Druse and repressive administration of the believed in Egypt. Circassian blood. He comes of a lower middle-class led him to revive his anti-Britis In view of Nashat's abusive interference in the family of Alexandria. Taught for some time in the view of the unscrupulousness wb administration, and the odium which was, through School of Commerce, where he became intimate with the earlier stages of his career, him, falling upon the King, the High Commissioner Ahmed Maher, whose name is linked with his in the contrast with his milder outlook felt it necessary to demand his dismissal from the records of political crime. The active part he took in years, during which he had I Palace. King Fuad reluctantly acceded, and the Government officials' strike of 1919 marked the member of society. appointed him to the post of Egyptian Minister at beginning of his authority within the Waf d. Minister for Foreign Affairs Madrid. He was later appointed to Tehran, and in He was the principal instigator of the student Cabinets of October 1944 and Jai 1928 to Berlin. strikes of 1922. He was suspect of murder from the assassination of Ahmed Maher, While he was on leave in March 1938 the Minister first. He was interrogated on a murder charge in requested him to form a Cabinet. for Foreign Affairs suggested him as a possible 1922 and arrested in May 1923, but released a month Premiership, Nokrashi took the p successor to Hafez Afifi Pasha as Ambassador in later from lack of evidence. In June 1924 Zaghlul and Foreign Affairs, but handed London. He was so appointed on the 14th April, appointed him sub-Governor of Cairo, when he was Bedawi Pasha in April. He succe 1938. Came to Egypt on leave in January 1944, most obstructive to the police. After Zaghlul's as president of the Saadist party, and lost no time in intriguing against both Hassanein return from the unsuccessful MacDonald conversa- inability to free himself from his Pasha and the Prime Minister, evidently in the hope tions of October 1924, one of the first proofs of his outlook has denied to a mediocr that he could replace the former as a step towards "more aggressive" policy was the appointment of inspiration of impressive leaders! ousting the latter. Nokrashi as Under-Secretary of State for the needs and has exasperated the se Shortly after his return to London in April 1944, Interior. Nokrashi turned that Ministry into a hot- Interior. Nashat Pasha announced his betrothal to a bed of intrigue, issued outrageous orders to mudirs He is intelligent, capable in a 23-year-old Englishwoman, Miss Priest, who was and high officials, and made useful co-operation by and honest. reported to have adopted Islam. Under the relevant British officials impossible. On the 16th November, 1 2 cms PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE ins I 1 1 2 iff R«f.i " ^O JV-H I SS?J3i Please note that this copy is supplied subject to the Public Record Office's terms and condition*1s and that your use of it may be subject to copyright restrictions. Further information is given in the enclosed Terms and Conditions of supply of Public Records' leaflet

'29 Resigned the Premiership on 15th February, 1946, a law, Nashat Pasha was oblig his marriage with a non-Egyptian. On his riff-raff, and the offices of Al Akhbar, the Watanist excessive delay in examining His Majesty's Govern- o Egypt he was greatly disgruntled by King organ, looted. Nokrashi telephoned to the British commandant of the Cairo City Police instructions ment's reply to .the Egyptian request for treaty 3 refusal to receive him, an obvious slight revision. These accusations were largely instigated id partly to His Majesty's disapproval of the not to allow the police to interfere. by the Makramites, and constituted the coup de 3bui probably due to influence of Hassanein After the Sirdar's murder he interfered at every grace to a Government which was clearly at the end whom he had been intriguing. Nashat is possible moment with the course of the enquiry, so that the British officials concerned had to disclaim of its tether. Member of the Egyptian delegation iupied with business interests. for treaty negotiations 1946. it Pasha is a man of marked vigour and responsibility for any future development. He was Decorations.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile; ambitious, unscrupulous, and a master of arrested on the 27th November, 1924, in connexion Grand Cordon of Order of Mohamed Aly (1946). He is courageous and has a taste for with the Sirdar's murder, but released for lack of angerously. He is, in Egypt at any rate, evidence in January 1925. He was arrested again in 76 to women, and is extremely addicted to May 1925 on a charge of complicity in the whole 94. Maitre Moustafa Nosrat. e. He has passed in a few years, by various murder campaign, and acquitted in May 1926. A Moslem, born in 1893 in Dakhalia Province. 5 of dishonesty, from poverty to wealth, His influence within the Wafd, where he was Graduated in engineering at Glasgow University in he looks like a villain, he has a -not known to be "capable de tout," enormously 1914 and speaks English, Turkish and Arabic. ;ing address, and his quickness and corn- increased after Zaghlul's death. He succeeded Was appointed an Irrigation Engineer in the make him, up to a point, agreeable to do Barakat as Treasurer, and became largely responsible Turkish Government and went to Iraq to improve > with. His political judgment is apt to be for student and other organisations. He bore Mesopotamian irrigation. He never, so far as is known, showed any Makram Ebeid a grudge, for he wanted to become He returned to Egypt in 1920 and joined the secretary to the Wafd in September 1927. It is nationalist movement. He became a contractor in a ty to King Fuad. By most Egyptians he large way and undertook contracts for the Ministry sely hated and feared. largely due to the fear that his name inspired that ist be said in his favour that he has, on the Nahas owed his election to Zaghlul's succession. of Public Works. He also supervised the administra- ilways shown pro-British tendencies, which He was returned unopposed to Parliament in the tion of the estates of the late Sultana Malek. December 1929 elections. Became Minister of Civil Defence in Nahas th fostering, as he may play an important Minister of Communications in the Nahas Cabinet Pasha's Cabinet of May 1942. Transferred to Egyptian politics again in the future. Agriculture when Nahas Pasha reconstructed his las shown great energy in a number of of the 1st January, 1930-the 19th June, 1930. 3 which he has initiated for industrial Administratively he was good. Politically he was as Cabinet in June 1943. Fell from office in October ments and appears at present to be almost intransigent as ever. > 1944 on the dismissal of the Wafd Government. engaged in commercial activities. Appointed Minister of Communications m Nahas s His wife, who has a substantial income of her own, Cabinet, the 10th May, 1936. Was a member of mixes in European society. He himself owns a sub- Cations.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile; stantial estate and is the proprietor of the Saadist Dordon of the Order of Ismail (1938). the Egyptian Treaty delegation. He was soon at variance with his Prime Minister, (Wafd) Club. of whose leadership he had long been critical. His Admitted to Wafd group, January 1946. '. Paris Nimr Pasha. feud with Makram made matters worse. His aese Protestant. Joint founder and proprietoi recalcitrance led to his dismissal when Nahas 95. A bdel Meguid Omar Pasha. laily newspaper Al Moqattam. reshuffled his Cabinet on the 3rd August, 1937. Engineer. Born about 1885. jrsonal friend of the late Lord Cromer, Nahas, however, fearful of Nokrashi's power in As principal of the School of Engineering he ir was a supporter of the British occupation of Opposition offered him a post on the Suez Canal incurred the disfavour of the Zaghlulist Administra- Owing to this attitude his property suffered Board. Nokrashi declined the offer and thenceforth tion by his opposition to the system of supplementary • in the riots of 1919 and he himself received went into Opposition. He was expelled from the examinations, which lowered the school standards. ling letters. The Moqattam subsequently Wafd in September. His defection was a heavy loss He was transferred to the Physical Department, opportunist and continued to resist any to Nahas. , •».- t Ministry of Public Works. Attached to the Nile tendency towards discrimination against In collaboration with his friend Ahmed Maher, Waters Commission. Director of Reservoirs before interests. During the Lebanese constitu- Nokrashi now launched a campaign for the formation his appointment, on the 15th November, 1934, as risis of November 1943 the Moqattam took within the Wafd of a new party pledged to repudiate Minister of Communications and Minister of Public French line and published pro-Lebanese and Nahas and Makram and to work for the return of the Works in Nessim Pasha's Ministry. ihobe articles from its editor, Kerim Tabet. Wafd to the true principles of its founder, Saad He was made a Pasha in January 1935 in con- imr is the oldest working journalist in Egypt J nexion with the raising of the Assouan Dam; this spite his great age, visits his office daily. He Appointed Minister of Interior the 24th June, 1938. was widely assumed to mean that the Palace had y educated, very intelligent, a keen political when Mohamed Mahmoud re-formed his Cabinet on nobbled him. dth a profound knowledge of Egypt and a broader basis. _ , Resigned the 22nd January, 1936. Elected to ns, and an excellent character in every way. Appointed Minister of Education in Ah Maher s Parliament as an Independent Deputy the 2nd May, ly respected by all classes of Egyptians, Ministry the 18th August, 1939. Minister of the 1936. jnator (nominated). Interior in Hassan Sabry's Ministry the 27th June, A friendly little man. He has in recent years 1940. Resigned 21st September, 1940. shown an aversion to political activity. In the latter part of 1943 his impatience at the ihmoud Fahmy-el-Nokrashi Pasha. repressive administration of the Wafd Government about 1890. Said to inherit Druse and led him to revive his anti-British attitude which, in 96. Ali Zakiel-OraU Pasha. an blood. He comes of a lower middle-class view of the unscrupulousness which he had shown in Born on the 6th October, 1881. Educated at the >f Alexandria. Taught for some time in the the earlier stages of his career, made a disquieting Law School in Cairo. Obtained his licencie en droit >f Commerce, where he became intimate with contrast with his milder outlook of the previous few in 1903. Was appointed " substitut titulaire " in Maher, whose name is linked with his in the the native parquet in February 1909. In the same of political crime. The active part he took in years, during which he had become a reformed member of society. . , year he was transferred to the police school as pro- ^eminent officials' strike of 1919 marked the Minister for Foreign Affairs in Ahmed Maher s fessor of law, and in 1920 he was professor at the ig of his authority within the. Wafd. Cabinets of October 1944 and January 1945. On the School of Law. In 1924 he became " chef de 'as the principal instigator of the student assassination of Ahmed Maher, a Royal Rescript parquet " and two years later he was appointed vice- >f 1922. He was suspect of murder from the requested him to form a Cabinet. In addition to the president of a first instance native court. le was interrogated on a murder charge in Premiership, Nokrashi took the portfolios of Interior In 1927 he became president of a first instance i arrested in May 1923, but released a month and Foreign Affairs, but handed the latter over to court and in 1929 he was promoted judge at the Court >m lack of evidence. In June 1924 Zaghlul Bedawi Pasha in April. He succeeded Ahmed Maher of Appeal. 3d him sub-Governor of Cairo, when he was as president of the Saadist party, March 1945. His Appointed Minister of Education in Nahas Pasha's ostructive to the police. After Zaghlul's inability to free himself from his narrow pedagogic Cabinet on the 10th May, 1936, where he proved him- rom the unsuccessful MacDonald conversa- outlook has denied to a mediocre Government the self quite ineffective. October 1924, one of the first proofs of his inspiration of impressive leadership which it badly Relinquished portfolio of Education and appointed aggressive '' policy was the appointment of needs and has exasperated the senior officials in the Minister of Communications when Nahas Pasha ii as Under-Secretary of State for the Interior. . reshuffled his Cabinet on the 3rd August, 1937. Nokrashi turned that Ministry into a hot- He is intelligent, capable m a pettifogging way, Dismissed with Nahas Pasha's Cabinet the 30th ntrigue, issued outrageous orders to mudirs December, 1937. h officials, and made useful co-operation by and honest. officials impossible. On the 16th November, Minister of Communications in Nahas's fifth Despite his motto '•" No negotiations befoi,^ Juab.- Cabinet, February 1942. Nominated President 6! plete evacuation,'' he was a signatory of a joint, mote, judge. In 1913 he joii tile Senate May 1942. Be-elected President of presented by the Opposition leaders in November Legal Commission un< the Senate in November 1948. Held this office 1948, to Messrs. Churchill, Boosevelt, Stalin and was appointed to be C until Parliament was prorogued shortly before the 'General 'Chiang Kai-shek, specifying 'certain, of Public. Works. A general elections of January 1945. demands to complete Egypt's independence after tte6 Works in Mohammed Be has some reputation as a savant and haB war. 18th January, 1939, ar written one or two books—which are, however, no% He has no particular political convictions; fee interim. Eesigned wi of exceptional merit. He was a reputable judge, bat cari-ies the -extremist motto: "No negotiations A pleasant hardworl is not a very attractive personality. before complete evacuation '' about with Mm, a»d who got on well with ' Speaks English and French. picks up what support he can with it, having used Nominated Senator, March 1946. it chiefly as anti-Zaghlul propaganda. He knows 101. Mamdouh Ric This nomination was generally regarded as a con- quite well that it is an impossible motto, and it is Mamdouh Eiaz Bey ciliatory gesture by the Palace to the Wafd for the unlikely that he really wants disturbed conditions ia Eiaz Pasha. He spea. sake of (national unity in anticipation of the 'nego- Egypt. and English very well. tiations for treaty revision which were then immi- He is a presentable, agreeable and civilised person, In 1926 he was elec nent, Qtabi P'asha being considered -as a moderate but very untrustworthy and insincere. Egyptian* Alexandria, but he res Wafdist who might be useful in bridging the gap no longer take him seriously. He is said to fee Nokrashi Effendi, who c between Palace elements and the Wafd Party. addicted to drugs. the general election of • Decoration.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile. Besigned from the Ministry of Justice, December He was elected as or 1945, owing to his party's reluctance for him to Deputies in the genera] remain in a Cabinet which could not get moving He financed Goha, a \ 97. K&md Abdel Rahim towards treaty revision. His simultaneous resigna- time. In the early part of his career he was private tion from the presidency of the Watanist Party was Appointed Parliame secretary to the late Mohamed Mahmoud Pasha, not accepted toy the party, which signified its State for Foreign Affair whose daughter he married. He then joined the approval of his withdrawal from the Cabinet by Associated himself w Ministry for Foreign Affairs and subsequently served electing him life president of the party. quarrel with Nahas Pas for a 'time in the Ministry of Commerce and Indus- secretaryship on Nokrasl try. Later reverted to the Ministry for Foreign 99. Sheikh Mtistapha Abdel RuzeTc Wafd. Was himself dii Affairs, wh'ere he became head 'of the section dealing decision of the Executi-* He is a Constitutional-Liberal and a member of a on the 24th September, With economic a'ffairs. On promotion he served as prominent famity in Uf>per Egypt, which was always Egyptian Minister in Angora. In 1943, when dipte- on bad terms with King Fuad. He is a brother ©f Alexandria in general eh miatSc relations 'between Egypt and Soviet Eussia the late Mahmoud Abdel Bazek Pasha, and of appointed chairman of were established for the first time, he was appointed Sheikh Ali Abdel Eazek Pasha, whose unorthodox mittee of the Chamber, Egyptian Minister in Moscow, where he could find book '' Islam and the Principles of Government '' delegation, to the San I little to do. Eeturned to Cairo and was appointed was j>ut on the Islamic Index in 1925 and was the expert. Was much d: Under-Secretary of State im the Minis'tty for Foreign cause of a great political crisis in Egypt. included in the Coalition Affairs at the beginning of .1946. Graduated from the Azhar in 1908 and was and Nokrashi after the fa Both he and his wife are very presentable, and appointed teacher in the School of Mahomedan Law. in October 1944. he is one of the best types of Egyptian officials. He 10 Ii909 he proceeded to France, where be -studied ait His seems to be the doc has a quiet, friendly manner and is generally recap* Lyons and, subsequently, in Paris, obtaining his which Latin education st tive. Speaks English. degree in philosophy and literature :at the .Sorhonae. He has not yet made a m Decoration.—Order of the Nile, Second Class On his return to Egypt he became a member of the but he is still young ; (1946). deliberations of the Saac teaching staff of the Egyptian University. Later he very friendly and he and served .for a few jears as secretary to the Higher fond of entertaining in th< Council of the Azhar, before again returning to the a flourishing legal practice 98. Mohammed Hafez ftamadan Pasha Egyptian University as Professor -of Moslem • Was appointed chairm Born about 1881. Philosophy. mittee of the Chamber of A popular lawyer. Ex b&tonnier. .Bepresented Appointed Minister of Waqfs on the 27th April, the Khra-Mfa district of Cairo Hi Parliament, bat -did 1-938. Was the first .sfaeikh to hold Cabinet rank. not stand "in the 1929 elections. He was at -one time Did not retain Waqfs on Mohammed Mahmoud's 102. Hassan Fahmy 1 an active Khedivist, doubtless subsidised. He lifted retirement, 12th August, 1939. Returned to Waqfs Born about 1890. Toot to foe •kee'ftly aa'ti^ZaghW a'nd on terms -of personal in Hassan Sabry's Ministry 27th J-une, 1940, and was sent with Ahmed S; friendship with mrfst of tfee Liberal leadens. H* continued in: Hussein Sirry's two succeeding Europe to study police accepted the Sidky regime to the extent of sitting in Cabinets, 1941. Designed with the Cabinet in investigation. The others Parliament, where he led the Opposition, He was February 1942. Minister t>f Waxjfs in Ahmed went to England, France heavily subsidised by SidJty and Abdel Fattah Yehia, Maher's Cabinete (1944-45) and in iNokrashi's Eifaat went to Eussia an and is believed in his turn to have subsidised the Cabinet (1045), years. Since 1913 he has xenophobe and fascist " Ywing Egypt " movement. Appointed Bector ©f Al Azhar, 27th December, the Interior. Joined the United Front of all political parties 1945, and resigned from the Ministry of Waqis. He organised the railwf termed at the end of 1935. His party., the This appointment, on which the Nokrashi Coalition useful to the Director-Gej '' W'atanists,'' obtained four seats in Parliament in Government had set its mind isome time previously, during the war of 1914-18. the election of May l'936. As a W'a'tanist he was, ©f had to await the passage of a law to ipermit the follow his merits, and he wa course, opposed to 'the Anglo-lljgyptian treaty appointment of a rector from outside the body of of the Identification Bureai Appointed Minister without portfolio in ^To-hammed the Grand Ulema. This measure naturally aroused within the space of about si Mahmoud's 'Cabinet on the 30th December, 1937. considerable resentment and opposition lamong the of Giza, Mudir of Girga : Created a Pasha, February 1938. Dropped by conservative, Ulema, and was exploited by the Wafd. Public Security. Mo'hammed Mahmoud the. 27th April, 1938, when he In order to disarm possible criticism with -regard to After October 1930 his cri reconstituted his Cabinet 'following elections. political -partisanship, "Sheikh .Abdel Sazek resigned administrative methods be< Appointed Minister of Social AUa-bs in Hassan from the Constitutional Liberal Party on appoint- indiscreet that he was transi Sa'bry's Ministry 28th June, 1940. Eetired on ment to Al Azhar. He also relinquished, with King 1931, to Port Said as Gove change of Ministry, 15th -November, 1940. Farouk's permission,, the title of Pasha, which he In the general elections of M Nominated -Senator in 1942. considered was not im keeping with his new religious of the electorate polled at P< Minister of Justice in the Cabinets of Ahmed Maher dignity. to whatever causes it maj ,(1944-45) and Nokrashd (1945). He opposed the Decoration.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile further indisposed Sidky agai The Eesidency's interest proposal that Egyrpt should declare war in Febru- (1946). ary 1945 and tendered his resignation but was occasionally and appropriate persuaded to withdraw it. Headed Egyptian dele^ 100.. Mohammed Bey Riad saved him from persecution. ga'tion to Washington to elaborate organisation of am Born about 1892. After graduating at ilaw -schooi He was Nessim Pasha's ca international court of justice, April 1945. of Interior in 1934, but K became a substitute of parquet and eventually a Delegated to act as Unde Interior, under Nessim Pashf 1 2 cms PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE ins I 1 1 2

I Kef.: * SS5J?> tfl W& 1 Piease note that this copy is supplied subject to the Public Record Office's terms and conditions and that your jse of it may be subject to copyright restrictions. Further information is given in the enclosed Terms and Conditions of supply of Public Records' leaflet

f' -' judge. In 1913 he joined the Public Works Advisory Appointed Undersecretary of State for th« Despite his motto "No negotiations befoi»n Jm- Legal Commission under. Sir W. Brunyate, and later Interior on the 31st January, 1935. jte evacuation,'' he was a signatory of a joint notd, was appointed to be Oonseiller Boyal of the Mimiatry Created a pasha February 1938. sseated by the Opposition leaders in November of Public Works. Appointed Minister of Public His co-operation during the war in matters of 48, to Messrs. Churchill, Boosevelt, Stalin and Works in Mohammed Mahmoud's Ministry on the public security has been invaluable. ifceral Chiang Kai-shek, specifying 'Certain, 18th January, 1939, and Minister of Agriculture, par He is mpst intellige,nt, aad, is credited with mands to complete Egypt's independence after th-6 ;r. interim. Besigned with the Cabinet, August 198&. integrity of character. A sound and, by instinct if A pleasant hardworking official of mo party colour, not by circumstance, impartial official. He has no particular political convictions; fee who got on well with his British colleagues. Decorations.~—K.B.E. (1930); Order of Ismail, •ries the extremist motto: "No negotiation* gecood Class (1946). 'ore complete evacuation '' about with Mm, atwl ks up what support he can with it, having Used 101. Mamdouh Riaz Bey. chiefly as anti-Zaghlul propaganda. He knows Mamdouh Biaz Bey is the grandson of the great 108. El Lewa Hussein Rifki Pasha,. ibe well that it is an impossible motto, and it is Riaz Pasha. He speaks French like a Frenchman Born 1876. Was chief aide-de-camp to the King. likely that he really wants disturbed conditions ift. and English very well. Appointed Minister of War in Mohammed ypt- In 1926 he was elected as a Wafdist Deputy for Mahmoud's Cabinet December 1937. Dropped by 10 is a presentable, agreeable and civilised person, Alexandria, but he resigned his seat in favour of Mohammed Mahmoud the 27th April, 1938, when he : very untrustworthy and insincere. Egyptian**- 'Nokrashi Effendi, who came out of prison too late for re-formed bis Cabinet following elections. longer take him seriously. He is said to fee the general election of that year. Was reported to be a good average infantry officer lieted to drugs. He was elected as one of the Alexandria Wafdist before he went to the Palace, but is now entirely out Designed from the Ministry of Justice, December Deputies in the general election of December 1929. of date in military matters. 5, owing to his party's reluctance for him to He financed Goha, a Wafdist weekly review, for a He is of a pleasant and affable disposition, but tain in a Cabinet which could not get moving time. ' singularly ineffective. In political sympathies he is ards treaty revision. His simultaneous resigna- Appointed Parliamentary Under-Secretary of entirely a Palace man. Speaks no English and very i from the presidency of the Watanist Party was State for Foreign Affairs in June 1986. indifferent French. accepted by the party, which signified its Associated himself with Nokrashi Pasha in his Decoration.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile. >roval of his withdrawal from the Cabinet by •quarrel with Nahas Pasha and resigned his under- ting Mm life president 'of the party. secretaryship on Nokrashi Pasha's dismissal from the Wafd. Was himself dismissed from the Wafd by 104. Cherif Sabry Pasha. decision of the Executive Committee at a meeting Born about 1894. Son of the late Abdul Bahim Sheikh Mustapha Abdel Raze'k on the 24th September, 1937. Elected Deputy for Sabry Pasha and so brother of Hussein Sabry Pasha, '.e is a Constitutional-Liberal and a member of a Alexandria in general elections of January 1945 and ex-Governor of Alexandria, and of Her Majesty the ninent family in Upper Egypt, which was always appointed chairman of the Foreign Affairs Com- Queen Mother, Queen Nazli. )ad terms with King Fuad. He is a brother of mittee of the Chamber. Accompanied the Egyptian Educated in Egypt. On leaving the school of law late Mahmoud Abdel Bazek Pasha, and of delegation, to the San Francisco Conference as an he became private secretary to Adly Yeghan Pasha ikh All Abdel Bazek Pasha, whose unorthodox expert. Was much disappointed at not being and was '' chef de cabinet'' to the Minister of ; " Islam and the Principles of Government " included in the Coalition Cabinets of Ahmed Maher Interior and head of the Municipalities Section of put on the Islamic Index in 1925 and was the and Nokrashi after the fall of the Wafd Government that Ministry before joining the Ministry for Foreign e of a great political crisis in Egypt, in October 1944. Affairs. He succeeded Sadek Wahba Pasha as raduated from the Azhar in 1908 and wa& His seerns to be the doctrinaire type of intelligence Director-General of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, >inted teacher in the School of Mahomedan Law. which Latin education so often produces in Egypt. and on the death of Ibrahim Waguih Pasha in 909 he proceeded to France, where be studied at He 'has not yet made a mark as a practical politician September 1932 was appointed Under-Secretary of as and, subsequently, in Paris, obtaining his but he is still young and is prominent in the State. se in philosophy and literature at the Sorbonne. deliberations of the Saadist party. Socially he is He married the daughter and only child of Adly i his return to Egypt he became a member of the very friendly and he and his Boumanian wife are Yeghen Pasha and has children. His wife died a ling staff of the Egyptian University, Later he fond of entertaining in the European style. He has fortnight after her father in November 1933. xl for a few years as secretary to the Higher a flourishing legal practice in Cairo. Was appointed one of the Begents on the death icil of the Azhar, before again returning to the '.' Was appointed chairman of the Finance Com- of King Fuad in May 1936. jtian University as Professor of Moslem mittee of the Chamber of Deputies in July 1946. Appointed Egyptian member of Anglo-Egyptian >sophy. War Graves Committee November 1988. Nominated >pointed Minister of Waqfs on the 27th April, 102. Hassan Fahmy Rifaat Pasha, K.B.E. Senator in 1941 and again in 1945. . Was the first .sheikh to hold Cabinet rank. Born about 1890. Took a law degree (1910) and He is an elegant, rather charming person; d not retain Waqfs on Mohammed Mahmoud's was sent with Ahmed Saddik and two others to physically frail and highly strung; he speaks jrnent, 12th August, 1939. Beturned to Waqfs Europe to study police methods and criminal excellent English and has many English friends. He ^assa-ra Sabry's Ministry 27th June, 1940, and investigation. The others, having more influence, was not, at one time, particularly friendly to Great nued in Hussein Sirry's two succeeding went to England, France and Germany; Hassan Britain. During Lord Lloyd's regime his family aets, 194.1. Besigned with the Cabinet in Bifaat went to Bussia and stayed there for three (with the exception of Hussein) had a positive feud uary 1942. Minister of Waqfs in Ahmed years. Since 1913 he has served in the Ministry of with Lord Lloyd arising out of a minor social 3r's Cabinets (1944-45) and in Nokrashi's the Interior. incident, but his relations with us are now friendly. let (1045). He organised the railway police force, and wa$ He is rich. Egyptians on the whole like him. pointed Bector of Al Azhar, 27th December, useful' to the Director-General of Public Security Member of the Egyptian delegation for treaty and resigned from the Ministry of Waqfs. during the war of 1914-18. His promotion did not negotiations 1946. appointment, on which the Nokrashi Coalition follow his merits, and he was for some years Director Decoration.—Collier Fuad I (1936). rnment had -set its mind :some time previously, of the Identification Bureau before being appointed, to await the passage of a law to .permit the within the space of about six months in 1928, Mudir 105. Hussein Sabri Pasha, C.B.E. ntment of a rector from outside the body of of Giza, Mudir of Girga and Director-General of Son of the late Abdul Bahim Sabri Pasha and rrand Ulema. This measure naturally aroused Public Security. brother of Queen Nazli. 3era-ble resentment and opposition samong the After October 1930 his criticisms of Sidky Pasha's Chamberlain to Sultan Hussein and to King Fuad rvative Ulema, and was exploited b.y the Wafd. administrative methods became so outspoken and 1914-20. Sub-Governor, Port Said, Alexandria and ier to disarm possible criticism with regard to indiscreet that he was transferred, on the 5th March, Cairo 1920-24. Mudir of Giza March 1924, and jal partisanship, Sheikh Abdel Bazek resigned 1931, to Port Said as Governor of the Canal Zone. Governor of Alexandria March 1925, the Constitutional Liberal Party on appoini- In the general elections of May 1931 only 5 per cent, As Governor of Alexandria, he was well-disposed to Al Azhar. He also relinquished, with King of the electorate polled at Port Said, and this result, to British interests, and on ceremonious and ik's permission, the title of Pasha, which he to whatever causes it may have been due, still convivial occasions, e.g., visits of His Majesty's sMps, lered was not im keeping with his new religious further indisposed Sidky against him. y. he never failed to be both correct and cordial. The Besidency's interest in his fate, which was Besigned from the governorship at the end of •.oration.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile I. occasionally and appropriately manifested, probably December 1936. Was said to have had quite con- saved him from persecution. siderable and not beneficial influence over King H«~ was Nessim Pasha's candidate for the Ministry Farouk at the beginning of his reign. Mohammed Bey Riad of Interior in 1934, but King Fuad vetoed him. When Governor of Alexandria, his liaison with a n about 1892. After graduating at tlaw•-school Delegated to act as Under-Secretary of State, notorious local Jewess left him deeply ip debt and le a substitute of parquet and eventually a Interior, under Nessim Pasha, November 1934. discredited. After resigning the governorship he 1 2 ems PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE i T r- 2 Kef.: *" .... SSM?> 1?700^ Pleaise note that this copy is supplied subject to the Public Record Office's terms and conditions and that your use of it may be subject to copyright restrictions. Further information is given in the enclosed Terms and Conditions of supply of Public Records' leaflet


remained in obscurity, occupied with commercial Alexandria Municipality., As Direetor-Genei.tU pf interests in Alexandria. the Alexandria Municipality his administration was Decorations.—C.B.E.; Grand Cordon of Order of unsatisfactory. Dr. Granville described him in the Nile (1937). December 1923 as " most untrustworthy and an active intriguer," . ' 106. Hassan Sadek Pasha, K.B.E. From this last post he was removed by the Ziwer Born in 1891. Cabinet in May 1925. •Educated in Egypt and at London University; In 1926 he became a Senator. B.Sc., Ph.D. A Fellow of the Geological Society. He was a failure as an Inspector of Public President of 1'Institut d'Egypte and vice-president Security, as an acting Mudir and as Assistant of the Royal Geographical Society of Egypt. Director-General of Public Security. In the last Was Controller of the Mines Department and later capacity he used regularly to divulge the business of Under-Secretary of State in the Ministry of Finance. the Public Security Department to the House of A competent official with high technical qualifica- the Nation, and was, therefore, under the first tions. Sarwat Ministry, required for a period of several Was appointed Minister of Finance in Hussein months to abstain from attending his office. He Sirri Pasha's Ministry the 15th November, 1940. was, however, when no one else had a good word to Minister of War the 5th December, 1940. Resigned say for him, highly in favour with King Fuad. with Sirri's Cabinet in February 1942. Subsequently Minister of Agriculture in the Nahas Cabinet of employed by the Shell Company of Egypt and a 1928. member of the board of the National Bank of Egypt. Minister of Agriculture in the second Nahas Speaks excellent English and has throughout his Cabinet, January-June 1930. career worked well with English officials. Minister of Waqfs, May 1936, in Nahas's third Is a firm believer in Anglo-Egyptian co-operation, Cabinet. Was acting Prime Minister during Nahas's and was chairman of the Anglo-Egyptian Union absence in Europe in August and September 1936. 1940-41, Dropped by Nahas Pasha on the reconstitution of Independent in politics. the Cabinet on the 3rd August, 1937, Again elected chairman of the Anglo-Egyptian Temporarily appointed head of Air Raid Precau- Union 1946. tions during the illness of Shazli Pasha, the titular Is managing director of Misr Airlines and in that head, in the spring of 1939. capacity concerned with the formation of Egyptian Decorations.—Grand Cordon of the Order of the Airways. Nile. Decoration.—K.B.E. (1943). 109. Mohammed Salah Ed-Din Bey. Born 1902. Studied at the Faculty of Law, Cairo 107. Mustafa-el-Sadek Pasha University, and is said to have been twice expelled Born about 1893. from the Faculty for participating in nationalist Educated at the School of Law. Is a doctor of law manifestations. Was sent to France on a scholastic of Montpellier University. mission and on his return he set up a practice as a After some years in the Parquet Administration, lawyer. he was appointed judge of the Native Courts. Was Was private secretary to Nahas Pasha in the 1930 one of the first batch of Egyptian consular officers, treaty negotiations in London. Was a member of serving as consul in London and Lyons. the secretariat of the Egyptian delegation during the In December 1926 he was promoted to be first negotiations for the Anglo-Egyptian Treaty in 1936. secretary at Prague. In December 1927 Fathallah After a period as Controller of the Department of Barakat Pasha, then Minister of Agriculture, brought Industry in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, him from Prague to replace the Secretary-General of he gained promotion to Director-General's rank on the Ministry, whom he had deferred to a Council of the Wafd's return to power in February 1942, and Discipline. The appointment was premature, how- was immediately delegated as Acting Secretary- ever, for the council whitewashed the offending General of the presidency of the Council of Ministers. official; and a home was found for Mustafa-el-Sadek He was definitely appointed to this post in November in the secretariat of the Council of Ministers. 1942 and given, exceptionally, the rank of Under^ He was appointed to succeed Cherif Sabry as Secretary. On the retirement of Sharara Pasha from Director-General of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in September 1943, in 1930, but Nahas Pasha was unwilling to spare Salah-ed-Din Bey was appointed to succeed him as him. Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. It He became Director-General of the Department of was inferred that Nahas Pasha wished to have an Commerce and Industry in 1930. Under-Secretary in that department on whose loyalty Appointed Egyptian Minister at Rome in March to himself he could count implicitly in view of the 1936. importance he attached to the talks on Arab Unity Returned to Egypt in 1939 and appointed Under- which were then proceeding. Salah-ed-Din was secretary of State for Cotton in the Ministry of reported to be studying a scheme to enlarge the scope Finance. In this post he showed .himself friendly and improve the efficiency of the Egyptian foreign to British interests and displayed considerable ability service in anticipation of post-war developments in his quiet way. which were expected to enhance the importance of Appointed Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Egypt's international relations. Left the Ministry Affairs, February 1945. for Foreign Affairs to become sub-manager of the Given the title of Pasha and promoted to the rank Cairo Water Company, January 1945. of ambassador 1945. Retired from the Ministry for His strong pro-Wafd sympathies undoubtedly Foreign Affairs early in 1946 and took up various helped him to secure rapid advancement under business interests. Wafdist auspices, but his official career suffered occasional interruptions under non-Wafdist Govern- 108. Mohammed Safwat Pasha. ments. Educated as a lawyer and held posts in the He speaks French, but little English. Has an parquet and courts. Was appointed to the Inspec- agreeable appearance and a quiet manner which torate of Courts by Saad Zaghlul Pasha when the rather belies his ardent nationalism. latter was Minister of Justice. Was subsequently inspector in the Public Security 110. Abdel Maguid Ibrahim Saleh Pasha. Department, Sub-Governor of Alexandria, acting Took a law degree in France. A prominent Con- Mudir, director of the Municipalities Section in the stitutional-Liberal, he was a cousin of the late Ministry of the Interior, and Director-General of the Mohammed Mahmoud Pasha, whose " Chef de PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE ins

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he was in 1938-39, when he refused to Minister of Commerce and Industry in Hussein accept any emoluments. He was later a member of Sirri's Cabinet, 15th November, 1940, and became the State Economic Council. Minister for Foreign Affairs in June 1941. King He was appointed ^Minister of State in Hassan Farouk unjustifiably attempted to make Salib Samy Sabry Pasha's Cabinet, 28th June, 1940, and in Pasha the scapegoat for Hussein Sirri's failure to September of that year became Minister of Supplies inform the Palace beforehand of his decision to when the Cabinet was reshuffled. In November suspend diplomatic relations with Vichy, the issue 1940, he was appointed Minister of Communications which precipitated the Cabinet crisis of February and also of Supplies under Hussein Sirri Pasha, 1942. Nominated Senator in 1942. but was dropped from'the Cabinet in July 1941, when On the whole he is well spoken of, but he seems to it was reconstructed. be politically rather unstable. After having been a In 1942 he was elected Senator for El Badari directing element of the Liberal party, and although (Assiout), for which constituency he had formerly sat he owed his official career to Mohammed Mahmoud's in the Chamber of Deputies. favouritism, he rallied to the Sidky regime, and, on A prominent member of Fuad Abaza's Arab Union appointment to Cabinet rank, joined the Ittehadist Society. Regarded as one of the dissident elements party. in the Constitutional-Liberal party owing to his His wife is, socially, very pleasant and was always exclusion from ministerial office in the Coalition popular with foreign elements in the role of Cabinet Governments formed by Ahmed Maher and Nokrashi lady. in 1944-45 and also owing to his intolerance of Nominated Senator, May 1946. Hussein Heikal's presidency of the party. He is well disposed towards us. 113. Dr. A bdel Razzak A hmed El Sanhouri Resigned from the Constitutional-Liberal Party in Pasha March 1946, ostensibly owing to his election as Born 1895 at Alexandria. After graduating at the president of the Arab Union Society. His antipathy School of Law in 1917, he completed his studies at towards Heikal was, however, no doubt the main the Faculty of Law at Lyons. Obtained a doctorate factor in this resignation. in law there in 1924 and another at the Ecole des Sciences Politiques in 1925. Also holds the Diploma 111. Mohammed A bdel Galil Samra Pasha. in International Law of the University of Paris. Graduated at the Faculty of Law and became an After working for a time at the Egyptian Bar, he advocate. Later entered politics and became Deputy joined the staff of the Faculty of Law in Cairo for Kafr Bedawi-el-Gadin, Dakhalia Province, in University and became Dean of the Faculty, a post which: he is a landed proprietor. A very active which he held for eleven years. After a period as member of the Constitutional-Liberal party, he Dean of the Faculty of Law in Bagdad he returned strove for many years to obtain ministerial office. to Egypt to become a judge in the Mixed Courts Was appointed Minister of Social Affairs in and a Royal Counsellor. He then became Under- Hussein Sirri Pasha's Cabinet, 15th November, 1940, secretary of State in the Ministry of Education, and was transferred to Supplies when the Cabinet from which post he was dismissed by Hilali Pasha, was reconstructed in June 1941. Dropped from the Minister of Education in the Wafd Cabinet, in 1942. Cabinet the 31st July, 1941. He then proceeded again to Iraq to assist in elabora- Defeated in elections of March 1942 by a Wafdist. ting a new civil code. Nahas Pasha's insistence Under Heikal's presidency of the Constitutional- on his returning to Egypt before the completion of Liberal party, he became a dissident element in the his labours caused a severe strain in the relations party and associated himself with the group formed between the Egyptian and Iraqi Governments. by Abdel Hamid Abdel Hakk (q.v.) in June 1945. He was a strong supporter of the Wafd until the His exclusion from ministerial office in the Coalition secession of Ahmed Maher and Nokrashi, with whom Governments of Ahmed Maher and Nokrashi was he left its ranks in 1938. Appointed Minister of doubtless another factor which influenced him in this Education when Ahmed Maher reconstructed his connexion. Cabinet after the general elections of January 1945, Minister of Social Affairs in Sidky Pasha's Cabi- Continued in that office under Nokrashi, February net, February 1946. Elected Senator, April 1946. 1945. He has travelled extensively in Europe and the Middle East. Is married and has one daughter. 112. Salib Samy Pasha. Relinquished office on the fall of the Nokrashi Copt. Born about 1890. Cabinet, February 1946. Was for some time a member of the Constitutional Accepted a temporary appointment with the Liberal party's Executive Committee. In 1929 Syrian Government in April 1946 to advise on edu- Mohammed Mahmoud Pasha introduced him into cation and the elaboration of a new civil code. Government service by appointing him Assistant Made a Pasha February 1946. Eoyal Counsellor in the State Legal Department. This appointment was then regarded as in the nature 114. Ahmed Loutfi-el-Sayed Pasha, K.B.E. of jobbery. He subsequently became a Royal Born in 1871. Son of respectable landowner, Counsellor. He has a good reputation as a jurist. Sa'id Bey Abou 'Ali. Began with a legal and He was a member of the Egyptian mission to journalistic career, having been " substitut du Abyssinia on the occasion of Ras Taffari's coronation. parquet " in several towns, and " chef du parquet " Appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs in Sidky in Fayoum and Minia Provinces. Later he estab- Pasha's second Cabinet, June 1933, in succession lished himself as an advocate in Cairo and became to Nakhla-el-Motei Pasha, who had had a stroke. editor and manager of the Garida, the defunct organ When Sidky resigned (September 1933), Salib Samy of the " Party of the People." survived into Abdel Fattah Yehia's Cabinet as He was a leading member of the "Party of the Minister of War and Marine and resigned with the People " (see Cromer's Modern Egypt) and, though Cabinet in 1934. As the only Minister apparently in to a certain extent in opposition to the English the confidence of Abdel Fattah Yehia Pasha during rdgime, he won as a politician the respect of those the critical days of October-November 1934, he must with whom he differed. An enemy of autocracy and bear some of the responsibility for his Prime the Turks, he opposed the latter during the Tripoli Minister's refusal to face facts. War. When in charge of the Garida he was openly Appointed a member of the Committee for the hostile to the ex-Khedive and the Nationalists, Revision of the Civil and Commercial Codes, though at times he was inclined to oppose the November 1936. measures adopted to check ultra-Nationalists. 82-197 Pafcu.^ s Cabinet on.the 30th I Joined Saad Zaghlul after November 1913, and Eesigned on the fall of the Nokrashi C. ..jet; was a capable and energetic 1\ was chosen as a member of the delegation for Paris. February 1946. Awarded the title of Pasha a few collaborated whole-heartedly He was credited with exercismg considerable days before relinquishing office. During his period Military Mission in its task influence with Zaghlul Pasha, whom he encouraged of office as Minister for Supplies he was friendly and Egyptian army. to go to extremes. He was one of the four delegates not personally unreasonable. He did not, however, Minister of National Defence who cattie to Egypt ia September 1920 to explain prove a strong enough character to clean the Augean Nahas Cabinets, 1942. Has pr the draft project drawn up by the Milner Commission stable of supplies. job. Has been clumsy in two at1 with Saad Zaghlul in London. He broke with of the army for the Wafd and h Zaghlul and joined the Constitutional Liberals, but 116. Ahmed Seddik Pasha able opposition against himself ; Zaghlul Pasha singled him out for special reference for his alleged manipulation of aj as a patriot in his speech on the 13th November, A well-educated man of good family, he studied police methods in London for some two and a half tions, &e. 1926. years before 1914. He did well in the administrative The conviction that he and Eector of Egyptian University 1925. service of the Ministry of the Interior and was Mudir officer, are financially corrupt ai He became Minister of Education in Mohammed of Girga before being appointed Director-General of disloyal language in the presenc Mahmoud's Cabinet, June 1928-October 1929, and is the Alexandria Municipality in 1926. He had an officers led King Farouk to bo; generally believed to have placed his brains and almost impossible task in the Municipality, but Black Book scandal in 1943 a: erudition at the service of Mahmoud 's oratory. This refused to break his heart over it. His alleged dismissal from the Ministry of D made him a particular bSte noire of the Wafd. Office associations with Sidky Pasha in the so-called Nahas Pasha successfully resiste exaggerated his Liberal Constitutional tendencies Corniche Eoad Scandal in 1984 united powerful raent fell in October 1944. without adding to his reputation, for he never seemed forces against him. He was put on pension, with His marriage to a Eateb gi to do any work. He was, however, uniformly friendly no reflection on his personal integrity, after the Bateb family. to the Beeidency. completion of the Corniche Eoad Commission's He was formerly a hot-headed He was reappointed Eector of the Egyptian enquiry in 1934 and remained unemployed until reputation as a strict Moslem. University (the post had remained vacant since his appointed director of the newly-established Egyptian Decoration.—Grand Cordon oJ inclusion in the Mohammed Mahmoud Cabinet) by Sidky Pasha in July 1930, but resigned in March State Tourist Bureau in the following year. 1932 in protest against the Government's dismissal Appointed in 1940 to Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 118. A chille Sekaly Bey. with rank of Minister Plenipotentiary, but with Bom about 1887. A Constant! of Professor Tafaa Hussein. special mandate to act as general liaison officer with His return to the Eectorship of the Egyptian Eaji Effendi Sekaly, who was fr embassy. Appointed Minister to Tokyo in 1941, but Sultan Murad. Educated at the University was mooted by Nessim Pasha in did not take up his appointment. Appointed December 1934. King Fuad's resistance was violent. Constantinople. Sequestrator of German property, July 1941. He began life in Egypt as clerl Eeappointed Eeotor of the Egyptian University He speaks perfect English, French and German. at the end of April 1936. at Nag Hamadi, but soon took He is agreeable, sensible and intelligent, but 1904 he was editor of the Pyra Eesigned the Eectorship in the face of threatened inclined to be weak. He is married, en secondes dismissal during the constitutional crisis in October edition of the Ahram. He was ap; noces, to an intelligent Jewess with a past. in the Press Bureau and becai 1937. Appointed Minister without portfolio in Awarded the title of Pasha, June 1946. Mohammed Mahmoud's Cabinet the 30fh December, bureau in 1922, but his intrigues 1937. were such that the European Dej Was reappointed Minister without Portfolio on 117. Ahmed Hamdi Seif-el-Nasr Pasha. his removal. He was appointe reconstitution of Cabinet the 27th April, 1938, Born about 1880. Of Arab stock. European Bureau of the Council following new elections. Appointed Minister of After a course at the Military School, he took a accompanied King Fuad as Eoy Interior the 18th May, 1938. Dropped by Mahmoud commission in the cavalry in 1894. Served in the Europe in 1926. Decorated witl the 24th June, 1938, when latter broadened basis of Khedivial Bodyguard 1897-99, but left after a harem in London that year. his Ministry by appointment of Saadists. Ee- scandal. He served with distinction in the Sudan He was caught out in ernbezzh appointed Eector of Egyptian University the and was appointed Mamour of Omdurman in 1901. Palace favour, so he became a Wf 10th July, 1938. Eesigned the Eectorship in May In 1908 he was made an Inspector of Finance and the Espoir and Patrie with inforrr 1941 and was nominated Senator. became successively commandant of police in Assiout Mohammed Mahmoud dismissed Is an able Arabic scholar and writer (he has and Gharbia, and assistant commandant, Cairo City summer of 1929, but in Novembei translated Aristotle) and knows French well. Well Police. He was attached as aide-de-camp to the Director of the European Bureau read, intelligent and, for this country, an unselfish King of Siam and the Sultan of Morocco during their a Class II salary. politician; rather conceited. His advanced Western visits to Egypt in 1908 and 1913. Sidky Pasha threw him out aj ideas have given him a taint of heresy to good In 1915 he was Mudir of the Fayoum and rendered and he became editor of the Alexaj Moslem noses. He is, indeed, by way of being a free valuable service to the military authorities. In 1919 put some water in his wine. thinker. he was Mudir of Giza, with an Anglophil reputation, He held the post of " chef du Appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs in the but he lent his name and official weight to the Prime Minister during Nessim Sidky Cabinet, February 1946, and in this capacity publication of documents- and photographs, produced November 1934-January 1936. was vice-president of the Egyptian delegation for at a meeting of the Provincial Council over which Appointed head of the Europe; treaty negotiations 1946. he presided, representing as '' atrocities '' the enlarged Press Bureau in 1936, Decorations.—K.B.E. (1940); Grand Cordon of military repression of disorders at Aziziya and else- resigned in February 1943, to dev< Order of the Nile (1941). where. He was asked for an explanation, resigned, sively to literary pursuits. offered to return if given a first-class mudiria and, He is an exceptionally intelligen 115. Taha Mohamed Abdel Wahhdb El when this was refused, sought salvation with the well-read man and an able leadei Sebai Pasha Wafd. His military experience and knowledge of Decoration.—C.V.O. Formerly a civil servant with long experience in the country were most useful to them, and he was the Ministry of Finance. He rose to be Under- their expert in matters concerning army officers and 119. Sheikh Abdel Meguid & secretary of State in that department and during the Sudan. He was the moving spirit in the Grand Mufti of Egypt. Sirry Pasha's Government in 1941 he supervised the formation of the Saadist (Wafd) Clufe. Born about 1885. Was formerly preparation of the budget. His entry into politics As vice-president of the Agricultural Syndicate he and later president of the Cair resulted from his appointment in October 1944 as attended the Cotton Congress in Liverpool in 1921. Appointed Grand Mufti in May 1 Minister of Supply in Ahmed Maker's Cabinet, a He was appointed a member of the Wa/fd in A quiet, respected and relatively post for which a reputation for integrity and December 1082 after the Naha«^Barakat split. Credit for his rapid promotion n efficiency was the leading qualification in view of When the Wafd decided in 1935 to take over King Fuad, whose desire to adv the allegations of favouritism and corruption in control of labour and formed Its Higher Council of Imam happened to coincide with tl supply matters which had so largely contributed to Federation of Workers, Hamdi Seif-el-Nasr was Eeactions to a report that he mi the downfall of the Wafd Government and which appointed President of the Council. Eector of Al Azhar in place of Sh were a matter of public concern. He was a member of the Egyptian Treaty delega- in December 1934, revealed a wi< To enable him to retain this important portfolio, tion and became Minister of Agriculture in Nahas's conviction that he would, as rector Taha E-l Sebai Bey was elected Deputy for Heliopolis Cabinet in May 1936. Created Pasha in May 1936. Palace. in the general elections of January 1945. He Eelinquished portfolio of Agriculture and appointed remained Minister of Supply in the Government Minister of War and Marine on Cabinet reshuffle on 82-197 formed by Nokrashi in February 1945. the 3rd August, 1937. Dismissed with Nahas PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE ins I

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O/y* Pakk/s Cabinet on the 30th December, 1937. He During the Azhar crisis of January 1944, his name gned on the fall of the Nokrashi G. .aet, was a capable and energetic Minister of War and was mentioned for the rectorship as a nominee of the ,ty 1946. Awarded the title of Pasha a few collaborated whole-heartedly with the British Wafd Government, which was anxious to secure efore relinquishing office. During his period Military Mission in its task of reorganising the Sheikh Al Maraghi's removal. e as Minister for Supplies he was friendly and Egyptian army. Placed on pension by the Nokrashi Government •sonally unreasonable. He did not, however, Minister of National Defence in the 5th and 6th 1945. ' t strong enough character to clean the Augean Nahaa Cabinets, 1942. Has proved .too old for the He was one of those who at first opposed the of supplies. job. Has been clumsy in two attempts to get control Nokrashi :Government's move to appoint Sheikh of the army for the Wafd and has created consider- Mustapha Abdel Eazek (q.v.) as Eector of Al Azhar. 4 hmed Seddik Pasha able opposition against himself among army officers for his alleged manipulation of appointments, promo- ell-educated man of good family, he studied 120. El Sayed Selim Pasha methods in London for some two and a lialf tions, &C. The conviction that he and his son, an army Born 1908. Formerly a Wafdist Deputy, he left iefore 1914. He did well in the administrative the Wafd at the time of the " Black Book " scandal of the Ministry of the Interior and was Mudir officer, are financially corrupt and that he has used disloyal language in the presence of Egyptian army and became one of the leading lights of the ;a before being appointed Director-General of Makramlte bloc, of which he was Secretary-General. exandria Municipality in 1926. He had an officers led King Farouk to boycott him after the Black Book scandal in 1943 and to press for his He had been employed in Makram Ebeid's office impossible task in the Municipality, but when the latter was engaged in legal practice. Was 1 to break his heart over it. His alleged dismissal from the Ministry of Defence, a step which Nahas Pasha successfully resisted until his Govern- appointed Minister of Defence by Ahmed Maher in tions with Sidky Pasha in the so-called October 1944 at an unusually early age, doubtless as IB Eoad Scandal in 1934 united powerful ment fell in October 1944. His marriage to a Eateb greatly annoyed the a sop to Makram. Eetained that portfolio on the against him. He was put on pension, with reconstitution of Ahmed Maher's Cabinet in January ection on his personal integrity, after the Eateb family. He was formerly a hot-headed Wafdist and had a 1945 and also under Nokrashi. tion of the Corniche Eoad Commission's His inexperience, combined with the conceit and y in 1934 and remained unemployed until reputation as a strict Moslem. Decoration.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile. obstinacy which often emerge to offset that handicap, Ded director of the newly-established Egyptian has rendered his tenure of office difficult, if not Tourist Bureau in,the following year. insecure. His relations with the Chief of Staff are tinted in 1940 to Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 118. .4 chille Sekaly Bey. .unsatisfactory and he has so far not evinced a ready ank of Minister Plenipotentiary, but with Born about 1887. A Constantinople Syrian, son of idispositipn to co-operate fully with the British staff mandate to act as general liaison officer with Baji Effendi Sekaly, who was tutor to the sons of in his Ministry. There are allegations of corruption iy. Appointed Minister to Tokyo in 1941, but Sultan Murad. Educated at the College des Freres, and favouritism against him which have brought >t take up his appointment. Appointed Constantinople. upon him the displeasure of King Farouk. trator of German property, July 1941. He began life in Egypt as clerk in a sugar factory Eesigned from the Ministry of Defence on the fall ipeaks perfect English, French and German, at Nag Hamadi, but soon took to journalism. In of the Nokrashi Government in February 1946. agreeable, sensible and intelligent, but 1904 he was editor of the Pyramided, the French Made a Pasha, February 1946. i to be weak. He is married, en secondes edition of the Ahram. He was appointed a translator to an intelligent Jewess with a past, in the Press Bureau and became director of the rded the title of Pasha, June 1946. bureau in 1922, but his intrigues with Nashat Pasha 121. Mohamed Shafik Pasha. were such that the European Department asked for Educated in Egypt as an engineer. Minister of his removal. He was appointed Director of the Agriculture, later Public Works also, in Yusuf Wahba ihmed Hamdi Seif-el-Nasr Pasha. European Bureau of the Council of Ministers, and Pasha's Cabinet (November 1919-May 1920). A ; about 1880. Of Arab stock. accompanied King Fuad as Eoyal Press Agent to bomb was thrown at him in February 1920. • a course at the Military School, he took a Europe in 1926. Decorated with the C.V.O. when Minister of Public Works and War in Tewfik Nessim ssion in the cavalry in 1894. Served in the in London that year. Pasha's Cabinet (May 1920-March 1921} and in ial Bodyguard 1897-99, but left after a harem He was caught out in embezzlement and lost the Adly Yeghen Pasha's first Cabinet (May-Decem- . He served with distinction in the Sudan Palace favour, so he became a Wafdist and supplied ber 1921). He showed himself to be honest, straight- s appointed Mamour of Omdurman in 1901. the Espoir and Patrie with information and articles. forward and industrious, but over-particular and i he was made an Inspector of Finance and Mohammed Mahmoud dismissed him during the rather obstinate. As Senator in 1926 he was an successively commandant of police in Assiout summer of 1929, but in November he was appointed influential critic of the Gebel Aulia scheme,. He held arbia, and assistant commandant, Cairo City Director of the European Bureau of the Senate on directorships on the board of Siemens-Orient, Banco He was attached as aide-de-camp to the a Class II salary. Italo-Egiziano and other companies. In January Siam and the Sultan of Morocco during their Sidky Pasha threw him out again in July 1930, 1932 he was appointed to be general manager of the 3 Egypt in 1908 and 1913. and he became editor of the Alexandria Reforme and Egyptian State Eailways in succession to Abdul 15 he was Mudir of the Fayoum and rendered put some water in his wine. Hamid Suleiman Pasha. His technical and 3 service to the military authorities. In 1919 He held the post of " chef du cabinet " to the administrative ability (though the latter is prejudiced Mudir of Giza, with an Anglophil reputation, Prime Minister during Nessim Pasha's Ministry, by extreme rigidity of view) and his integrity made lent his name and official weight to the November. 1934-January 1936. him the best qualified candidate for this important iion of documents and photographs, produced Appointed head of the European Section of the post. He- did not obtrude the sympathies dating aeting of the Provincial Council over which enlarged Press Bureau in 1936, from which he from his earlier business connexion with foreign sided, representing as " atrocities " the r resigned in February 1943, .to devote himself exclu- firms and established the friendliest relations with repression of disorders at Aziziya and else- sively to literary nursuits. British officials in the railway administration. He was asked for an explanation, resigned, He is an exceptionally intelligent, industrious and Appointed Minister of Public Works in Sidky to return if given a first-class mudiria and, well-read man and an able leader-writer. Pasha's second Cabinet (the 4th January, 1933) and, bis was refused, sought salvation with the Decoration.—C.V.O. after Sidky Pasha's stroke, Minister of Finance. His military experience and knowledge of During the summer of 1933 he acted as Prime ntry were most useful to them, and he was Minister and fought a losing battle against Ibrashi pert in matters concerning army officers and 119. Sheikh Abdel Meguid Selim. Pasha's constant interventions in the administra- dan. He was the moving spirit in the Grand Mufti of Egypt. tion. His exclusion from Abdel Yehia Pasha's m of the Saadist (Wafd) Club. Born about 1885. Was formerly the King's Imam, Cabinet in September 1933 was significant. 3e-president of the Agricultural Syndicate he and later president of the Cairo Sharia Court. He has the faults of his virtues, but his rigidity i the Cotton Congress in Liverpool in 1921. Appointed Grand Mufti in May 1928: and over-conscientious obstinacy are outweighed by fas appointed a member of the Wafd in A quiet, respected and relatively enlightened man. a pleasant simplicity of manner and complete «r 1932 after the Nahas-Barakat split. Credit for his rapid promotion must be given to integrity. i the Wafd decided in 1935 to take over King Fuad, whose desire to advance his' former Decoration.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile. of labour and formed its Higher Council of Imam happened to coincide with the public interest. ion of Workers, Hamdi Seif-el-Nasr was Beactions to a report that he might be appointed 3d President of the Council. Eector of Al Azhar in place of Sheikh Al Zawahiri 122. Mohammed-el-sayed Shahin Pasha. as a member of the Egyptian Treaty delega- in December 1934, revealed a widespread popular Born about 1895. Belongs to a respected Cairo l became Minister of Agriculture in Nahas's conviction that he would, as rector, be a tool of the family and has no special political affinities. in May 1936. Created Pasha in May 1-936. Palace. Graduated at the Faculty of Law, Cairo University. juished portfolio of Agriculture and appointed r of War and Marine on Cabinet reshuffle on 82-197 F 2 I August, 1937. Dismissed with Nahas PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE ins

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After having been Governor of the Canal Zone Government before his grandfather's death,' vvhen 12&. Mahmoud Shukri Pat and Mudir of Menoufieh, he was appointed Governor he came into a considerable fortune. Was at one Ex-Director of the Eoyal Kl of Cairo in 1941, a post which carries with it a sub- time secretary to the Minister of Justice, served in 1920-22 he had a great influen stantial income from the Nazirship of certain Waqfs. the Parquet and became a judge for a short period. for whom he made a lot of moni Created a Pasha in 1941. His comfortable and not Appointed Director-General of Alexandria Nashat's rise to power in 1922-2 too exacting post appears to suit his limited ambition Municipality on the 2nd July, 1936, in the place of nuisance as Minister of Commi very well, while his ability to mix well with the Sadek Younes; Pasha, an unsatisfactory appoint- Ibrahim Pasha's Cabinet, Septe foreign elements makes him a popular incumbent. ment. 1924. Very pro-British, he is a conscientious member of the Placed on pension in 1939. In 1926 he was the King's Anglo-Egyptian Union, whose social gatherings he He has a knowledge of French and speaks a little directorship-general of the Alext makes a point of attending regularly. English. Has little administrative ability. He In August 1931 he was appointed Speaks good English. acquired his present wealth largely through his the Government's Agricultural C administration of the estates of his nephew during Nominated a Senator the 18th 123. A li Shamsi Pasha. the latter's minority. His appointment as general Born about 1887. Son of the late Amin Shamsi. Agricultural Credit Bank was m Leading Nationalist and adherent of Mohamed Ferid On the boards of the Banque bel Bey, but later joined the ex-Khedive's party. 125. A bdul Salaam-el-Shazly Pasha. en Egypte, and of " Al Chark " I Attended Congress of Nationalists at Lausanne in A narrow, but very indust Appointed Governor of Cairo January 1938. administrator. To be regarded 1916. Published several Nationalist articles. In Shazly Pasha is one of the best old type administra- 1920 acted as liaison between Egyptian Nationalists, tive officials in Egypt, and has served in every His influence at the Palace was Young Turks and Pan-Islamists, and later left for capacity from the most junior to the .most senior. be unfriendly to us. Naples, where he engaged in contraband of arms for He has been mudir of Dakhalia, Behera and Assiout. Civil, but dull to talk to. Egypt. Eeturned Geneva in June 1920 and engaged In 1930 he was one of the eight mudirs dismissed in Nationalist propaganda. by the Wafd Government on assuming office. In Minister of Finance (the 15th-24th November, 129. Mohammed Shukri Pa 1936 he was appointed Inspector-General of Mudirias Began life as a lawyer. Was 1924). His only official act as Minister was to pay in Upper Egypt. He was later appointed Com- the £E. 500,000 indemnity for Sir Lee Stack's judge and then Mudir of Menufieb mandant of the Police School, which post he held was a competent official and wa murder. Elected Deputy for Kenayet (Sharqia) in until he was appointed Governor of Cairo. His elections of May 1926. Minister of Education in the ex-Khedive. provincial administration was characterised by lavish He was for some time procurei Coalition Cabinet (June 1926-June 1928). He was expenditure of municipal funds, so much so that in personally friendly, and acquired a sense of responsi- Minister of Agriculture in Sarw 1935 he was tried before a court of discipline, but March-November 1922. bility which has engendered moderation, in form at was eventually acquitted. His reputation as a Don any rate. He showed himself very independent, and An agreeable old gentleman ai Juan has also in the past landed him into many scandal-monger. Lives m Alexan impatient of any interference by the Eesidency. complications. He was essentially a Palace man Was made a pasha on the occasion of the King's from public life, but he is not and a strong supporter of Mohammed Mahmoud found in Cairo at the Mohammed birthday in March 1927. He became at this time Pasha. very friendly with Sarwat Pasha. He was on very friendly terms with former British Though much tempted to join Mohammed officials of the Egyptian Government, who liked and 130. Lewa Mahmoud Shuk; Mahmoud Pasha in the coup d'Etat of 1928, he admired him. finally decided to stick to the Wafd, though not on Born 1881. Shukri Pasha had In addition to his duties as Governor of Cairo he of an Egyptian Army officer, incl good terms with the extremist clique. His exclusion was appointed Director-General, Air Baids Precau- from Nahas Pasha's Cabinet in January 1930 sur- service in the Sudan. He was B tions Department, the 20th September, 1938. at Alexandria during the time of ir prised everybody, including himself, but he refused Appointed Minister of Social Affairs in Ali Maher's to translate a sense of grievance into action. He in 1935 and proved himself fri( Cabinet the 18th August, 1939. Transferred to Was appointed Chief of Staff of t remained in—though hardly of—the Wafd, well on Ministry of Waqfs when Cabinet was re-formed on the right wing, and was believed to stand well with in 1936 and in that capacity sei the 20th December, 1939. Eesigned with the of the Higher Defence Council, the Palace. Cabinet 28th June, 1940. Made a director of the National Bank of Egypt by intrigue he worked well with th Believed to aspire to the leadership of the Opposi- Placed on pension by Ali Maher I and of the water company. tion against the Wafdist Government, 1942, though He joined the group of dissident Wafdists who 1939. sitting as an Independent. Socially he was pleasant and broke away from Nahas in November 1932, and was Elected Senator, April 1946. their most influential member. fessionally he was stupid and nol Joined the political " United Front " formed in his high post. But his honest December 1935. Member of the Egyptian Treaty coupled with a soldierly appeara delegation. Appointed Egyptian delegate to the 126. Mohammed Mohammed-el-Shinnawi adequate figurehead. League of Nations, the 9th August, 1937. Bey. Decoration.—Grand Cordon of President of the Board of the National Bank of Landowner and industrialist of Mansourah Egypt. In the post-war treaty period he evinced (Dakhalia). Educated by the Jesuits. He and his an obviously genuine friendliness towards us. brothers own ginning factories, spinning factories, 131. Ismail Sidky Pasha. As the first Egyptian president of the National ice factories and other enterprises in Dakhalia which Born at Alexandria 1875. Begs Bank of Egypt, appointed on the retirement of Sir the Sidky Government found fertile excuses for Parquet Administration. Secrets Edward Cook, he conformed in his public declara- shutting down. He has supported the Wafd morally Alexandria Municipality. Appoint tions to principles which coincided with those and financially for many years; was Wafdist M.P. Said Pasha to be Secretary-Genei accepted in British financial circles generally, but from 1923 to 1929, and a Wafdist nominated Senator of Interior. Later Under-Sec has shown weakness in giving effect to them. in 1930. He has a reputation for integrity. Interior, in Boutros Ghali's Politically, however, he has not come up to his Appointed a member of the Wafd the 2nd Decem- Minister of Agriculture, later "V earlier promise. Was strongly opposed to the Wafd ber, 1932. Pasha's Cabinet of April 1914. Government which came into office in February displayed great talent, energy an> 1942. He fell from office in May 19! Declined, for health reasons, an invitation to be scandal, in which Yehia Ibrahirj a member of the Egyptian delegation to the San 127. Mahmoud Mustafa-el-Shorbaghi Bey. compromised and killed herself. Francisco Conference. A graduate of the School of Law, and practised for He was an active organiser of di He talks excellent French. He married a Swiss many years as a lawyer in Tanta. Was a member days after the war of 1914-18 and girl who died in 1943. of the Administrative Council of the Watanist party Zaghlul, Hamed-el-Bassil and Moh Member of the Egyptian delegation for treaty and was elected a Deputy in 1931. Was appointed to Malta in March 1919. He latei negotiations 1946. Counsellor to the Court of Appeal in 1933. He is Wafd to Paris, where his more reported to be a competent lawyer and has pleasant described as scandalous. He disag personality. Speaks French but no English. An and returned to Egypt to join the 124. Hamed-el-Shawarby Pasha. Ali Maher man and very anti-British politically. Sarwat group of " intermediaries." Is of good family and very rich. The Wafd have Appointed Minister of Justice in the Ali Maher with the break-up of this combinal been much beholden to him for financial support. Cabinet, August 1939. Vacated office on fall of Ali Adly went alone to Paris. He had a short and undistinguished career in the Maher Pasha's Ministry the 27th June, 1940. PUHLIC; KECORD OFFICE ins Ref.: "O Please note that this copy is supplied subject to the Public Record Office's terms and conditions and that your use of it may be subject to copyright restrictions. 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37 Minister of Finance under Adly (March-Decem- ment before his grandfather's death,,^^Wie" n 12s, 'Mahmoud Shukri Pasha. ber 1921.) and Sarwat (March-November 1922). He ie into a considerable fortune. Was at one Ex-Director of the Eoyal Khabsa. From about showed extreme competence. Closely associated jcretary to the Minister of Justice, served in 1920-22 he had a great influence over King Fuad, with Sarwat in the negotiations preceding the rquet and became a judge for a short period. for whom he made a lot of money.' He waned with declaration of the 28th February, 1922, and in >inted Director-General of Alexandria Nashat's rise to power in 1922-23. He was rather a running the 1922 Cabinet. ipality on the 2nd July, 1936, in the place of nuisance as Minister of Communications in Yehia As Minister of Interior under Ziwer, December Younes; Pasha, an unsatisfactory appoint- Ibrahim Pasha's Cabinet, September 1923-January 1924, after the Sirdar's murder, he conducted with 1924. few scruples and remarkable success an insidious ed on pension in 1939. In 1926 he was the King's candidate for the campaign against Zaghlul. His growing power las a knowledge of French and speaks a little directorship-general of the Alexandria municipality. alarmed the King and Nashat, and when he cabled h. Has little administrative ability. He In August 1931 he was appointed general manager of a conditional resignation in September 1925, it was ;d his present wealth largely through his the Government's Agricultural Credit Bank. eagerly snapped up. He had left Egypt because ol .stration of the estates of his nephew during Nominated a Senator the 18th January, 1932. the embarrassment of serving under Ibrahim Yehia ter's minority. His appointment as general manager of the Pasha, then Acting Prime Minister, Agricultural Credit Bank was not renewed in 1936. Consumed with desire to get his own back on the On the boards of the Banque beige et internationale King, he played a prominent part in the formation en Egypte, and of " Al Chark '' Insurance Company. of the Wafdist-Liberal-Watanist coalition of Novem- ibdul Salaam-el-Shazly Pasha. A narrow, but very industrious and careful ber 1925 against the Palace re'gime and in favour of >inted Governor of Cairo January 1938. administrator. To be regarded as a Palace man. the re-establishment of constitutional life. He Pasha is one of the best old type administra- His influence at the Palace was always supposed to descended to nauseous adulation of Zaghlul, but fficials in Egypt, and has served in every be unfriendly to us. failed to win him over, and he was left out of the ;y from the most junior to the .most senior. Civil, but dull to talk to. Coalition Cabinet of June 1926. Having fallen ! been mudir of Dakhalia, Behera and Assiout. between two stools, he was for some time side- 0 he was one of the eight mudirs dismissed tracked politically. It was at this time that he Wafd Government on assuming office. In 129. Mohammed Shukri Pasha. Began life as a lawyer. Was a Court of Appeal became a director of the Deutsche Orient Bank. 3 was appointed Inspector-General of Mudirias He was a candidate against Mohammed Mahmoud per Egypt. He was later appointed Com- judge and then Mudir of Menufieh and Dakhalia. He was a competent official and was badly treated by Pasha for the premiership at the coup d'Etat of June nt of the Police School, which post he held 1928. To console him and keep him quiet, ie was appointed Governor of Cairo. His the ex-Khedive. Mahmoud, with the King's consent, offered him the ;ial administration was characterised by lavish He was for some time procureur ge'ne'ral. Minister of Agriculture in Sarwat Pasha's Cabinet post of Auditor-General, the creation of which had, iture of municipal funds, so much so that in recently been approved by Parliament. The King, e was tried before a court of discipline, but March-November 1922. An agreeable old gentleman and a well-informed however, subsequently opposed and prevented his entually acquitted. His reputation as a Don appointment and the post remained unfilled. Sidky ias also in the past landed him into many scandal-monger. Lives Tn Alexandria, having retired from public life, but he is not infrequently to be was embittered and angry, but found consolation in nations. He was essentially a Palace man extending his business activities. He became found in Cairo at the Mohammed Ali Club. strong supporter of Mohammed Mahmoud administrateur-de'ldgue' of the important Kom Ombo Company, which has close relations with the ^as on very friendly terms with former British 130. Lewa Mahmoud Shukri Pasha. Sucreries. It was understood that he was awaiting ( of the Egyptian Government, who liked and an opportunity to become the deus ex machina in d him. Born 1881. Shukri Pasha had the normal career of an Egyptian Army officer, including considerable some political crisis. Idition to his duties as Governor of Cairo he His opportunity came in June 1930, when he pointed Director-General, Air Eaids Precau- service in the Sudan. He was Brigade Commander at Alexandria during the time of international tension became Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and tepartment, the 20th September, 1938. Minister of Interior, and showed great astuteness linted Minister of Social Affairs in Ali Maher's in 1935 and proved himself friendly and helpful. Was appointed Chief of Staff of the Egyptian Army and ability in handling both the administrative and b the 18th August, 1939. Transferred to political problems, peculiarly difficult, which faced y of Waqfs when Cabinet was re-formed on in 1936 and in that capacity served as a member of the Higher Defence Council. When unhampered him from the stormy beginning of his semi- ith December, 1939. Kesigned with the dictatorial re'gime. He gave the King a Constitution b 28th June, 1940. by intrigue he worked well with the Military Mission. Placed on pension by Ali Maher Pasha 18th August, which rallied all democratic elements in Egypt •,ved to aspire to the leadership of the Opposi- against him, created the Shaabist party, made ainst the Wafdist Government, 1942, though 1939. Socially he was pleasant and forthcoming; pro- elections, and produced a facade of parliamentary as an Independent. institutions which served his purposes with complete ;ed Senator, April 1946. fessionally he was stupid and not well qualified for his high post. But his honesty and simplicity, docility. He held the Wafd effectively in check, coupled with a soldierly appearance, made him an imposed himself on every branch of the Administra- tion, and was careful to cover the King in all the adequate figurehead. lohammed Mohammed-el-Shinnawi Decoration.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile. latter's criticisable acts. Bey. Internal dissensions in his Cabinet came to a head lowner and industrialist of Mansourah in late December 1932, when Aly Maher Pasha dia). Educated by the Jesuits. He and his 131. Ismail Sidky Pasha. provocatively opposed the claims of justice to those s own ginning factories, spinning factories, Born at Alexandria 1875. Began his career in the of administrative authority on which Sidky's re'gime lories and other enterprises in Dakhalia which Parquet Administration. Secretary-General of the was solely based. He resigned in January 1933 and resumed office with a reconstituted Cabinet. The dky Government found fertile excuses for Alexandria Municipality. Appointed by Mohammed g down. He has supported the Wafd morally Said Pasha to be Secretary-General in the Ministry incident had a bad press in England and did Sidky lancially for many years; was Wafdist M.P. of Interior. Later Under-Secretary of State, no good in Egypt. 323 to 1929, and a Wafdist nominated Senator Interior, in Boutros Ghali's Administration. In late January 1933 he had a stroke. The King refused to appoint another Premier, and during . He has a reputation for integrity. Minister of Agriculture, later Waqfs, in Eushdy >inted a member of the Wafd the 2nd Decem- Sidky's absence in Europe during the summer in Pasha's Cabinet of April 1914. In these posts he search of health Palace influence, exercised mainly 32. displayed great talent, energy and keenness. He fell from office in May 1915 after a private through Ibrashi Pasha, was paramount throughout the Administration. On his return in September scandal, in which Yehia Ibrahim's daughter was 1933 Sidky offered his resignation, hoping to make lahmoud Mustafa-el-Shorbaghi Bey. compromised and killed herself. He was an active organiser of disorder in the early his own terms. The King out-manoeuvred him, and iduate of the School of Law, and practised for he remained, on his partisans' interested advice, for days after the war of 1914-18 and was deported, with /ears as a lawyer in Tanta. Was a member a discredited fortnight and then resigned on the Administrative Council of the Watanist party Zaghlul, Hamed-el-Bassil and Mohammed Mahmoud refusal of the King to admit Hafez Afifi to the .s elected a Deputy in 1931. Was appointed to Malta in March 1919. He later accompanied the Cabinet. He manoeuvred and struggled for some llor to the Court of Appeal in 1933. He is Wafd to Paris, where his moral behaviour was time to swing his party, which held the parlia- d to be a competent lawyer and has pleasant described as scandalous. He disagreed with Zaghlul mentary majority, against his successor's Govern- dity. Speaks French but no English. An and returned to Egypt to join the Eushdy, Adly and ment, claiming the right to control Abdel Fattah iher man and very anti-British politically, Sarwat group of " intermediaries." He was credited Yehia's policy, but the Palace brought up every gun, ted Minister of Justice in the Ali Maher with the break-up of this combination in 1920, when launched violent attacks on him by revealing a series b, August 1939. Vacated office on fall of Ali Adly went alone to Paris. Pasha's Ministry the 27th June, 1940. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE ins O 5VH I S3SJ3, Please note that this copy is supplied subject to the Public Record Office's terms and conditions and that your use of it may be subject to copyright restrictions. Further information is given in the enclosed Terms and Conditions of supply of Public Records' leaflet

38 • _^uential and resp On the resignation of the Nokrashi Often rendered good of administrative and financial "scandals, and by February 1946 , Sidky was called upon by King between the Coptic administra'tive pressure successfully detached from Farouk to form a Cabinet, which he did with the sympathies lay, and him the majority of the Shaabists whose careers he co-operation of Constitutional-Liberals and Inde- After a brief disappe had made. By the time Parliament met m mid- pendents. Most of the latter were technical experts. Independence movei DecemberSidky's partisans in the Chamber The Saadiste refused participation in the Cabinet. form a Moderate par numbered barely a dozen. He resigned tea Sidky himself took the portfolios of Interior and Zaghlul. He has be presidency of the Shaab party and his seat in the Finance, but relinquished the latter in June. In the Eesidency. Chamber, but withdrew his resignation of the latter April 1946 Sidky was elected Senator and thereupon He was appointed before it could be accepted. He sat with the Opposi- resigned his seat in the Chamber of Deputies. ;> Society of Antiquari tion in the Parliament he created. President of the Egyptian delegation for treaty He ratted from ' He was re-elected president of the Shaab party in negotiations 1946. In forming the delegation Sidky December 1927 and May 1935 and, encouraged by King Fuad, played a could not avoid the gesture of seeking Wafdist in the matter of th. part in organising reactionary elements against participation, but he made conditions which he Throne—probably \ Nessim. Became a member of the political United obviously knew the Wafd would not accept, and m museum in view. - Front " when it was formed at the end of 1935, and the end hastily formed the delegation without any . When the Coptic on the whole worked to preserve harmony m its Wafdists. . ' State in January 1- ill-assorted ranks. In the parliamentary elections ot Both as Prime Minister and as Minister ot maintained as its 1 May 1936 his party obtained ten seats. Was a Interior his equivocal attitude towards incidents justice was, howeve member of the Egyptian Treaty delegation involving casualties of British services personnel Decoration.—C.B Appointed Minister of Finance m Mohammed sharply contrasted with his strong measures against; Mahmoud's Cabinet the 30th December, 1937. Egyptian and foreign elements suspected of Com- Was reappointed Minister of Finance on re-forma- 135. Wassif Sin tion of Cabinet by Mohammed Mahmoud the munist activity. Copt. Ex-judge Decorations.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile; Minister of Com 27th April, 1938. Eesigned the 14th May to take up Grand Cordon of Order of Mohammed Ah. directorship of Suez Canal Company. Cabinet (March-N< Was at great pains towards the end of 19d8 to friend of Sarwat P foster the idea of Egyptian neutrality in the event 132. Kamel Sidky Pasha. Minister of Agric oi a war in which Egypt had no direct concern. In Copt Adopted legal profession and was nine Cabinet (October-. December 1938 he made a speech in the Chamber times vice-president of the Native Bar. Was a traveller, with a ta of Deputies advocating the amendment of article 7 member of the Maglis Milli (Coptic Community the countries he v of the Treaty of Alliance. The speech drew opposi- Council) for some 20 years but resigned on being sociable and not UE tion from almost every quarter and an inspired appointed Minister in 1942. He is an ex-Senator Decoration.—Gr article in The Times of the 31st December, 1989 and represented Egypt at the International Parlia- commenting on bis speech, did much to discredit mentary Congresses of 1928 and 1930. 136. Ahmed Fi Sidky Pasha as an " Elder statesman. Appointed a member of the Wafd the 2nd Decent Born 1906. Soi Chairman of Egyptian Section of Anglo-Egyptian ed-Din, from whoi Trade Committee. Vice-President of the Chamber of Deputies in 1934 Dakhalia Provin& Defeated by Wafdist in elections of March 1942 and bdtonnier of the Native Bar, in which post lie University and p During 1943 his restless enmity to the Wald succeeded Makram Ebeid in December 1936. movement as a st Government induced him to resume an unobtrusive Appointed a member of the Committee for the at Cairo, after g political activity in vain attempts to weld the Eevision of the Civil Commercial and Procedure supervise his est Opposition elements into harmonious fusion. Codes, July 1936. . , Bedrawi Pasha Elected independent Deputy for a Gharbia con- Minister of Commerce and Industry m IMahas s Mme. Sirag-ed-D: stituency in the general elections of January 1945. fifth Cabinet, February 1942. Given portfolio of •Sirag-ed-Din is re His speeches in the Chamber have since then been Finance on Makram's dismissal in May 1942. to the Wafd's p notable mainly for his defence of the interests of Awarded title of Pasha, May 1942, Although Minister of Agric industrialist and land-owning elements against the burdened by old age and the preoccupations of Cabinet in May demagogic policy of Makram Ebeid. Has latterly his own Ministry, his obstinate refusal to delegate Transferred fr been very insistent on immediate negotiations for responsibility makes him largely responsible for Nahas Pasha res Treaty revision and critical of Nokrashi's Coalition serious delays in the handling of supply questions. following the Bl Government. . Dropped when Nahas re-formed his Cabinet in June portfolio of Socj Sidky Pasha is a man of very quick intelligence, 1943, and was appointed President of the State capacity, but has great ingenuity and administrative ability, mdustry Audit, to the relief of all except his subordinates m department his and courage. He loves intrigue and has no scruples the latter office. After complaints in Parliament cultivate the gc of any sort. Women have always played a very great during Ahmed Maher's period of office that his promises of labo part in his life. His chief failing, apart from moral presidency of the State Audit was incompatible the object of ti colour-blindness and a certain inability to inspire with his political activity as a Wafdist, Kamel Sidky publicity gaine. confidence, is that he is occasionally apt (under the was placed on pension early in 1945. His report for Maitre Abdel B influence of ambition, resentment or concupiscence) the year 1942-4'S, published in 1945, created serious of cultivating th< to teep his nose too close to the scent of his object, consternation owing to its revelations _of grave to enjoy Nahas that he fails to notice what is going on around him. defects in governmental accountancy and in various extent and is SE He is not a truthful person and seeks to mislead by branches of the admioMratioia. Even his opponents Wafd leadershi] what he says, and not (as Sarwat did) by what he had to admit that it was a most able document. of Sabry Abu A leaves unsaid; but he makes a practice of keeping his are well served .promises He has a remarkable clarity and activity 133. Mohammed Sidky Pasha. work. Fell frc of mind and is the only Egyptian whose conversation Selected by Nashat Pasha for the post of Minister Wafd Governm is a real intellectual excitement. During the years of Waqfs in Ziwer Pasha's first Cabinet (November to the provinci of his premiership his prodigious industry (he often 1924-March 1'925), allegedly because, when in the that he had worked eighteen hours a day), unfailing^ ingenuity Chamber of Deputies, he had proved an expert at demonstrations and imperturbable composure marked him out as annoying Zaghlul. He made himself a nuisance in and remained probably the most able living Egyptian politician. the Ca'binet by irrelevant questions and comments, Nokrashi Gove Since his stroke he is physically and intellectually, and was dropped, despite pressure from Nashat, in restrictions. I as well as politically, diminished. A denial of certain March 1925. Described as a buffoon, devoid of paper Balagh. indulgences and a long abstention from political political principles. A progress] excitement might restore something of his former Senator. experimenting stature but he is temperamentally incapable ot such appliances on renunciations. At present his health is at the mercy 134. Marcus Simaika Pasha, C.B.E. Admitted to of hostile provocation, and the ready desertion of his • Born about 1870. Copt. Brother of Wassif Senator, April partisans is evidence of the scepticism with which Simaika Pasha. Egyptians regard his efforts to be again the man he Founder of the Coptic Museum. was. h-UbLIU RECORD OFFICE ins

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1 signation of the Nokrashi CabiffiM? ia ^—iuential and respected in the Coptic community. 137. Hussein Sirry Pasha. 46 Sidky was called upon by King Often rendered good services in the past as arbiter Son of Ismail Sirry Pasha. Studied at Cooper's rm a Cabinet, which he did with the between the Coptic reformers, with whom his Hill. Well educated; a competent engineer; a hard of Constitutional-Liberals and Inde- sympathies lay, and the reactionary patriarchate. .worker. He had rapid advancement in his first ost of the latter were technical experts. After a brief disappearance under the waves of the fourteen years of Government service. When refused participation in the Cabinet^ Independence movement, he emerged to try and Assistant Under-Secretary of Public Works in 1925 if took the portfolios of Interior and form a Moderate party, to oppose the chauvinism of he was inclined to be unconciliatory towards British relinquished the latter in June. Iti 'Zaghlul. He has been helpful at various times to officials in the Ministry, but he later improved in this iky was elected Senator and thereupon "tbe Residency. respect. seat in the Chamber of Deputies. :, He was appointed to be an Honorary Fellow of th« He was an object of the Wafd revenge in 1926 :>f the Egyptian delegation for treaty Society of Antiquaries in February 1927. for Ms own and his father's close identification with I946. In forming the delegation, Sidkyi He ratted from the Coptic reforming party in the 1925 regime, but they were unable to do more raid the gesture of seeking Wafdist December 1927 and favoured the reactionary cause than shelve him by transferring him to the Director- but he made conditions which ihe in the matter of the succession to the Patriarchal ship-General, Survey Department. He ran the ;w the Wafd would not accept, and ia Throne—probably with the good of his beloved Department well, and was brought back to the ily formed the delegation without any- museum in view. His was a notable defection. Ministry as Under-Secretary of State by Mohammed When the Coptic Museum was annexed to the Mahmoud to replace Mahmoud Fahmy Bey, who Prime Minister and as Minister of S^ate in January 1931, he was with some difficulty in his own turn went to the Survey. equivocal attitude towards incidents maintained as its first director. This elementary The King's desire to make the Ministry of Finance lualties of British services personnel justice was, however, secured for him in May 1931- an Ittehadist stronghold led to the suggestion in the asted with his strong measures against Decoration.—C.B.E. summer of 1928 that Hussein Sirry should be [ foreign elements suspected of Corn- appointed as Second Under-Secretary of State for ty- 135. Wassif Simaika Pasha. Finance. This was successfully resisted by *.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile; Copt. Ex-judge of the Mixed Courts. Mohammed Mahmoud. n of Order of Mohammed Ali. Minister of Communications in Sarwat Pasha's Made a pasha in the birthday honours, March Cabinet (March-November 1922). He was a close 1936. Appointed Minister of Public Works in friend of Sarwat Pasha. Mohammed Mahmoud's Cabinet the 30th December, • Sidky Pasha. 1937. >pted legal profession and was nine Minister of Agriculture in Adly Pasha's transition Cabinet (October-December 1929). He is a keen Was reappointed Minister of Public Works on esident of the Native Bar. Was a reconstitution of Mohammed Mahmoud's Cabinet he Maglis Milli (Coptic Community traveller, with a taste for learning the languages of the countries he visits. A weak Minister. Polite, the 27th April, 1938, following new elections. some 20 years but resigned on being Retained same portfolio when Cabinet reshuffle took mster in 1942. He is an ex-Senator sociable and not uncultivated. Not a notable person. Decoration.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile. place on the 24th June, 1938. Chairman of Anglo- ed Egypt at the International Parlia- Egyptian Union for 1938. jresses of 1928 and 1930. was appointed Minister of War the 18th January, i member of the Wafd the 2nd Decem- 136. ATimed Fuad Sirag-ed-Din Pasha. 1939, on the resignation of Hassan Sabry Pasha over Born 1906. Son of the late Shahin Pasha Sirag- the question of the application of the new Govern- snt of the Chamber of Deputies in 1934 ed-Din, from whom he inherited extensive estates in ment cadre to the army. His co-operation with the of the Native Bar, in which post he Dakhalia Province. Studied law at the Egyptian British authorities in defence matters was not so •krarn Ebeid in December 1936. University and participated in the Wafdist youth whole-hearted as it might have been. He developed a member of the Committee for the movement as a student. Employed in the Parquet, a Napoleonic complex and was very troublesome to he Civil Commercial and Procedure at Cairo, after graduating, and later resigned to the Military Mission and General Officer Com- )36. supervise his estates. Married to a daughter of mandiag-in-chief, especially as regards engagement Commerce and Industry in Nahas's Bedrawi Pasha Ashour, a wealthy landowner. and retention of British officers required by the February 1942. Given portfolio of Mme. Sirag-ed-Din is a close friend of Mme. Nahas. mission. He got a move on, however, in many Makram's dismissal in May 1942. Sirag-ed-Din is reported to be a generous subscriber branches of military organisation. ! of Pasha, May 1942. Although to the Wafd's political fund. He was appointed Became Minister of Finance in Ali Maher's old age and the preoccupations of Minister of Agriculture when Nahas reshuffled his Cabinet the 18th August, 1939. Retired on change itry, his obstinate refusal to delegate Cabinet in May 1942. of Ministry the 27th June, 1940. Appointed Minister makes him largely responsible for Transferred from Agriculture to Interior when of Public Works in Hassan Sabry's Ministry the in the handling of supply questions. Nahas Pasha reshuffled his Cabinet in June 1943, 28th June, 1940. Became Prime Minister, Minister Nahas re-formed his Cabinet in June following the Black Book crisis. Also took on the for Foreign Affairs and Minister of the Interior the s appointed President of the State portfolio of Social Affairs, ostensibly in an acting 15th November, 1940. •elief of all except his subordinates in capacity, but has continued to hold it. In the latter Decided to broaden the basis of his Ministry in 3e. After complaints in Parliament department his main preoccupation has been to June 1941, when the presence of Axis forces on I Maher's period of office that his cultivate the goodwill of the working classes by Egyptian soil constituted an immediate threat to the State Audit was incompatible promises of labour reform and other attentions with Egypt, but failed to secure the co-operation of the :al activity as a Wafdist, Kamel Sidky the object of transferring to himself some of the Wafd. Reconstructed his Cabinet again in the pension early in 1945. His report for publicity gained by his demagogic predecessor, following month, with Independent Constitutional- 4'3, published in 1945, created serious Maitre Abdel Hakk. Although at times suspected Liberal and Saadist elements in equal parts. Mainly owing to its revelations of grave of cultivating the goodwill of the Palace, he continues as the result of the chaotic state of supplies and of srnmental accountancy and in various to enjoy Nahas Pasha's confidence to a remarkable its allegedly excessive subservience to British 3 administration. Even his opponents extent and is said to covet the eventual heritage of interests, his Government had, by the end of 1941, ;hat it was a most able document. Wafd leadership. In this respect he is a keen rival forfeited the confidence fcoth of the Palace and of of Sabry Abu Alam Pasha. His political ambitions Parliament and Sirry Pasha's decision to suspend med Sidky Pasha. are well served by his energy and capacity for hard relations with the Vichy Government in February Nashat Pasha for the post of Minister work. Fell from office with the dismissal of the 1942 produced a conflict with the Palace which .wer Pasha's first Cabinet (November Wafd Government in October 1945. Was relegated precipitated the Government's resignation. 925), allegedly because, when in the to the provinces by Ahmed Maher on the ground Sirry Pasha was nominated a Senator in 1942 and, eputies, he had proved an expert at that he had actively fomented the students' after a period of inactivity, he became associated in ;lul. He made himself a nuisance in demonstrations and disturbances in December 1944 1943 with the anti-Wafd discussions of the Opposi- j 'irrelevant questions and comments, and remained in seclusion until shortly before the tion elements, although not associating with any >ed, despite pressure from Nashat, in Nokrashi Government partially relaxed martial law single party. Described as a buffoon, devoid of restrictions. Largely controls the pro-Wafd news- In the summer of 1945 he declined a tentative pies. paper Balagh. proposal by King Farouk that he should form a A progressive landowner, he is continually neutral Government to replace the increasingly experimenting with new agricultural methods and ineffective Nokrashi Ministry* while retaining the • Simaika Pasha, C.B.E. appliances on his estates. Parliament supporting that Ministry. 1870. Copt. Brother of Wassif Admitted to Wafd group, January 1946. Elected Meniber of Egyptian delegation for treaty nego- Senator, April 1946. tiations 1946. ;he Coptic Museum. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE ins

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Has accepted a very large number of directorships marriage of Princess Fawzia to the Persian v ...-Ann in new companies, thus accumulating a very sub- Prince, when he became director of the Arabic stantial income, and incidentally making himself administration in the Eoyal Household. Appointed something of a laughing stock by taking on more to succeed Youssef Zulficar Pasha as ambassador than he can handle. in Tehran in 1942. Appointed Grand Chamberlain in Decorations.—-Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile October 1944. (1938); Grand Cordon of Order of Mohammed Ali Abdel Latif Talaat Pasha conies of a distinguished (1941). family. He has been a consistently good influence in the Palace and is of a friendly disposition towards 138. Mohammed Taker Pasha. us. Born about 1895. Son of a former Turkish Decoration.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile Minister at Stockholm, Mustafa Shebib Pasha, and (1946). of the late Princess Emina Ismail, sister of the late King Fuad. His father is still living in Constan- 140. A bdul Wahab Talaat Pasha. tinople. Born in 1889. Graduate of the School of Law in German educated. He was technically a deserter Cairo. After graduating joined the Government from the Turkish army during the war of 1914-18, in service and served in various minor posts in the Switzerland, and became an Egyptian subject partly Ministry of Justice and Ministry of the Interior. to regularise his military position. Subsequently seconded to the Palace and eventually He was useful to, and much used by, King Fuad, became Director of the Arabic Bureau. Appointed who secured him the presidency of the Eoyal Auto- Assistant Director of the Eoyal Cabinet (a new post) mobile and Eoyal Aero Clubs. When Adly Yeghen on the recommendation of Aly Maher when the latter Pasha died in 1933, the King imposed Taher Pasha, was Chief of the Eoyal Cabinet, 1937. Was made a who was not even a member of the committee, upon Pasha in August 1937 on the occasion of King the Mohammed Ali Club as president, threatening to Farouk's assumption of constitutional powers. A withdraw his patronage of the club and to deprive Palace creature of no marked ability, except for Midhat Yeghen Pasha, the indicated candidate, of intrigue. his directorships, if his wishes were disregarded. He is believed to have been used by Aly Maher He was very much above himself as a result of as a liaison with organisations such as the Young these marks of Eoyal favour (it was even suggested Men's Moslem Association, the National Islamic that King Fuad had thoughts of making him a party and the Moslem Brethren. During his tenure Prince), which he solicitously repaid as His of this post he exerted a consistently anti-British Majesty's agent and reporter in society. He was, influence in Palace circles. After an undertaking not unnaturally, unpopular. His close contact with that he would be removed from the Palace had been the German Legation, as well as with the Palace, obtained, a Eoyal Eescript was issued placing him on made him a rather dangerous person, the more so pension as from the 6th December, 1942. as he ingratiated himself with Europeans under cover Decoration.—Grand Cordon of Order of Ismail of his connexions with sport. (1940). In foreign and Egyptian circles he made no secret of his dislikes for all things English. He endeavoured, about 1934, to bring in German aero- 141. A bdel Fattah-el-Tawil Pasha. planes for Misr Airwork, of which he was a director. Wafdist. Trained as a lawyer and was batonnier Appointed president of the Egyptian National of the Alexandria Native Bar, before his appointment' Sports Committee in 1934. as Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Palace Was heavily engaged in promoting German air Affairs in 1936. penetration into Egypt, particularly through forma- Minister of Public Health in Nahas's fourth tion of Horus Company of Aviation, nominally Ministry, August to December 1937. Egyptian, but backed by Germany. Appointed Minister of Health in the fifth Nahaa He later showed signs of being more friendly to Cabinet and transferred to Communications when us. Nahas reconstructed his Cabinet in May 1942. Eaised and commanded the Cairo Special Con- Awarded title of Pasha, May 1942. Eelinquished stabulary, a body which was regarded with some office on tiie fall of the Nahas Cabinet, October 1944. suspicion as a potential source of danger. This body was not encouraged by Hussein Sirry Pasha and in 142. Mourad Wahba Pasha. 1941 showed signs of disintegration. Since outbreak Mourad Wahba Pasha was formerly a judge of the of war he was generally regarded as a leading pro- Court of Cassation. He is quiet and unassuming, German element in Cairo. but popular in a very wide circle, both Egyptian and The danger to security of his " Special Police " foreign. His Coptic wife was educated many years activities decided the Government to intern him at in England at Cheltenham College, and his children El Saru, July 1942. Eeleased from internment by were brought up by an excellent English governess, Ahmed Maher in 1944 after resigning the presidency whom they treated extremely well and who had the of the National Sports Committee on our insistence. highest opinion of them. He was one of the best Succeeded the late Prince Omar Toussoun as types of Egyptian official. president of the Eoyal Agricultural Society, 1944. Ministry of Agriculture, the 30th December, 1937, Taher Pasha is a dapper little man with a monocle in Mohammed Mahmoud's Cabinet. Transferred to and speaks French, German and English almost like Ministry of Commerce and Industry on reconstitu- a native. tion of Mahmoud's Cabinet, the 27th April, 1938, Nominated Senator, May .1946. following new elections. Dropped by Mahmoud when Decoration.—'Grand Cordon of Order of Ismail he broadened the basis of his Ministry by appoint- (1936). ment of Saadists. Appointed to the board of directors of Banque Misr, May 1945. 139. A bdel Latif Talaat Pasha. Decoration.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile Educated at the Jesuit College, Cairo, and at (1938). Cairo University, where he graduated in law. Began his career in the magistracy and later became a 143. Sadek Wahba Pasha. Palace Chamberlain. Eeturned to the magistracy Born about 1885. and reached the grade of judge, first-class. Served A Copt, son of Yusuf Wahba Pasha, the ex-Prime in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs for a time before Minister. He served in the Mixed Parquet at taking up appointments as charge' d'affaires at the Alexandria, in the Palace as Chamberlain, and as Hague and Madrid. Appointed Minister in Tehran Director-General in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in 1938 where he remained until shortly after the He was appointed Minister at Brussels in February HUBLIC RECORD OFFICE ins

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<-< 1925, and returned there, after a brief stay at Athens, Minister of Justice in 1921. He was for long a close in 1928. He succeeded Sadek Henein Pasha in friend of Prince Mohammed Ali and very hostile to Kome in June 1930. King Fuad; his relations with the Palace only began Minister of Agriculture in Aly Maher's Cabinet, to improve in 1928. January to May, 1936, The associations of Sidky Pasha's first Cabinet Headed a mission of to Abyssinia to discuss were too much for his sense of honour, but the Church affairs with the Emperor, 1942. resignation he contemplated was too long delayed He holds a number of directorships and is in and, instead of Abdel Fattah dropping Sidky, Sidky particular vice-chairman of Beida Dyers, the local dropped him. In January 1933 he resigned his vice- Bradford Dyers' Association Company. presidency of the Shaabist party, which he had He is a man of moderate ability, polite, vain, and joined on its formation in December 1930, but the of friendly disposition. He is very talkative and party delayed accepting his resignation and he was inquisitive, and a most tedious companion. He is a able on becoming Prime Minister in September 1933 hard-worker, but a formalist and a waster of time. to claim Shaabist loyalties. He became president of He talks both French and English well and likes to the Shaabist party in December 1933. associate with Europeans. His Cabinet was selected for him by the Palace Nominated Senator, May 1946. while he was returning to Egypt from Paris to Decoration.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile. assume the premiership. This circumstance left him with no personal allegiances on which to count, and 144. Hussein Wassif Pasha, C.B.E. he had among his colleagues no single friend. Minister of Public Works in Sarwat Pasha's His attitudes during 1984 were alternately fatuous Cabinet of March 1922 and in Adly's transition and dangerous, for, while his vanity led him to futile Cabinet of October 1929. obstinacies, the essential weakness of his position Trained as an engineer. He is half-brother to inspired him to ill-advised nationalistic poses. King Mustafa Kamel Pasha, founder of the Watanist Fuad's illness in the autumn revealed a complete party, but has always kept aloof from nationalistic absence of any sense of realities in the Prime politics. He is a frail, respectable old gentleman, Minister. He failed to respond to the situation and whom everyone seems surprised to find still alive. became a puppet in Ibrashi Pasha's manoeuvres. As these were cumulatively damaging, he resigned on the 14th November, 1934. His reputation for personal integrity was lost in the ridicule with which 145. Fahmy Hanna Wissa Bey. he covered himself during his tenure of the premier- Copt. Born at Assiout about 1883 and educated ship. in Egypt, at Beirut University and Oxford, where he Joined the political " United Front " in December failed to graduate in history. Has a large estate in 1935, and later became a member .of the Egyptian Upper Egypt, part of which is said to be mortgaged. Treaty delegation. Appointed Minister for Foreign A Wafdist from the beginning, he is a Senator of Affairs in Mohammed Mahmoud's Cabinet the long standing but has hitherto neither sought nor 30th December, 1937, attained prominence. His energetic and politically- Eeappointed Minister for Foreign Affairs on the minded wife, Mme. Esther Fahmy Wissa, ^enjoys 27th April, 1938, on reconstruction of Mohammed considerable fame owing to the outstanding r61e she Mahmoud's Ministry, following new elections. Re- has played for many years in the Wafdist Ladies' tained same portfolio when Mahmoud re-formed his Committee. She is a sister of the garrulous Senator, Cabinet the 24th June, 1938. Went on a well- Louis Fanous, and made herself well known in advertised but politically unimportant tour of the London and the United States before 1936 by her Balkan capitals in the summer of 1939. Resigned nationalist and pro-Treaty propaganda. with the rest of the Cabinet on the 18th August, Fahmy Bey Wissa's interests appear to be centred 1939. on the management of his estate and on the He is a gentlemanly fellow, rich and respectable, encouragement of young men's sporting associations but neither competent nor industrious, with a keen in Alexandria, of which he is a generous benefactor. sense of his own dignity. Both he and his wife have always shown strong Member of Egyptian delegation for treaty nego- pro-British sympathies and have educated their six tiations 1946. children on English lines. Decorations.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile ; In Nahas Pasha's Cabinet reshuffle of June 1943, Title of Al Imtiaz (1930); Grand Cordon of Order of Fahmy Bey Wissa was appointed Minister of Civil Mohammed Ali (1938). Defence in succession to Maitre Mustapha Nosrat, who became Minister of Agriculture. The real purpose of this appointment, however, was to fill the 147. El Lewa Mohammed Sadik Yehia vacancy in Coptic representation in the Cabinet Pasha. resulting from the dropping of Kamel Sidky Pasha. Liaison officer at Jedda during the war and after- Fahmy Bey Wissa's age, growing infirmity and easy- wards at Medina. going nature render it unlikely that he will make Emir-el-Hagg 1923. much of a murk in the Cabinet. Relinquished office Chief aide-de-camp to the King 1925-30. on the fall of the Nahas Cabinet, October 1944. A nice, honest and rather simple soldier. Friendly, Elected Senator, April 1946. tactful and not given to intrigue. A weakish character; but when duly stimulated, he dealt quite well with the withdrawal of the Egyptian army from 146. A bdel Fattah Yehia Pasha. the Sudan, as Minister of War in Ziwer Pasha's first Born about 1885. Son of Ahmed Yehia Pasha, a Cabinet, November 1924-March 1925. He was self-made man of Alexandria, and a brother of Amin placed on the retired list in May 1930, and made no Yehia Pasha. secret of his satisfaction at leaving Abdin intrigues He had a legal training and was for some time on behind him. the Contentieux of the Ministry of Interior. Decoration.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile. Minister of Justice in Adly Yeghen Pasha's first Cabinet, March-December 1921. Minister of Justice, 148. Mahmoud Sadek Younes Pasha. later Foreign Affairs, in Sidky Pasha's first Cabinet, For many years Mudir of Gharbia, the senior June 1930-January 1933. Prime Minister and Egyptian province. As Mudir, he always cultivated Minister for Foreign Affairs September 1933. the European colonies of his district; and was popular Until 1930 he belonged to no party, but his friends with them. His inclusion among the mudirs dis- were Sarwat and Sarwat's friends. He did well as missed by Nahas Pasha on the latter's resumption 82-197 PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE ins

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political service; we ne of office in January 1930 surprised many besides Pasha to create a Ministry of Commerce and he betrayed our confid himself. Appointed Under-Secretary -of State, Industry with a British technical expert, and claimed Under-Secretary of Stj Ministry of Interior, the 12th July, 1931. Although also to have been promised the post of Under-Secre- He then became Mi he owed his reinstatement to Sidky Pasha, hie tary of State. His sneaking to the Residency was he was much liked, ai affinities were rather with the Palace than with any useful, but resulted in his having no real friends and resigned from this po political party, many enemies. The late Abdul Wahab Pasha, who piqued by King Fuad's Appointed Director-General, Alexandria Munir disliked him intensely, cancelled his delegation to an for an audience when c cipality, on the 31st January, 1935. Retired on outside department and brought him back to His daughter Loutfi pension on reaching the age-limit in July 1936. ministerial headquarters, where his humiliation was but has since been div< He is a bluff and pleasant person and was an easy, at the end of December 1934, and Amin Yusuf married to Nabil Ainr 1 accomplished trimmer. Inclined to be vain and lazy. faced 1935 in a mood of suicide. Decoration.—Grand ( Nessim Pashft appointed him Egyptian Minister 149, Amba Youssab. ;it Washington im the summer of 1935. 154. Selim Zaki P, Born about 1878. Entered the Coptic Monastery Relieved of his duties at Washington whilst on Began his service \v of Deir Antonius in 1895 and was ordained in 1896. iaave in October 1937, on account of reports which completing the course . Became a canon (" kommos ") in 1901. Was then had reached the King of improper conduct in the a period at Port Said sent by his monastery to study comparative religion United States. Appointed Egyptian economic expert and has remained the in a theological college in Athens and there acquired to the Sudan Government in 1941. Placed on capacities. In 1924 v/i a good knowledge of Greek. Appointed supervisor of pension in 1943, his hope of securing a post with the Bureau of Cairo City P the Coptic Monastery at Jaffa in 1905, where he Misr group or, better still, a return to the Washing- the right-hand man of t remained for four years, after which he was ton legation was disappointed, largely owing to Nahas August 1946 he was pri appointed general administrator of the Coptic Pasha's alleged antipathy to him for having sued and succeeded Russell monasteries in Palestine. He returned to Egypt and the Government for dismissal from the board of the mandant, May 1946. was consecrated Bishop of Girga in 1920. In 1929 Agricultural Bank. Amin Yusuf was Independent Selim Zaki has been he accompanied the late Patriarch, Amba Yoannes, candidate for a vacant (nominated) senatorship in devotions to his Britii on his visit to the Abyssinian Church, and later April 1944, and Nahas Pasha opposed his candida- British officials formerl represented the Patriarch at the coronation of Haile ture in an unusually formal manner. Nominated of the Interior was unw Selassie. Was acting Patriach in 1935 during the Senator, April 1945. the British elements ir absence of Amba Yoannes in Europe. Amin Yusuf is insufferably voluble and quite very apprehensive aboui On the death of Amba Yoannes in 1942 Amba impervious to snubs. His present attachment to tians have generally re Youssab was selected to be locum ienens pending the British interests, commercial and other, is, whatever role of a British agent, election of a new incumbent. He was himself a its inspiration, genuine and, on the whole, advan- have ingratiated himse candidate for the patriarchate and enjoyed the sup- tageous. He is a shrewd, active, irrepressible person; insurance against arbitr port of the educated upper-class elements in the and the oases of good sense in the desert of his of any Government wl Coptic community. The election was delayed largely verbiage are worth waiting for. British connexions agai as a result of dissensions between the Coptic Com- While there is no o munity Council and the reactionary clerical elements, 151. Prince Yusuf Kemal. better qualifications for and did not take place until February 1944. Shortly Born in 1887. Son of Prince Ahrried Kemal and Cairo City Police, it is t< before the election the pro-reform elements of the great grandson of Ibrahim Pasha. Very wealthy. Maglis Milli, fearing that Amba Youssab might be Interested in Arab art and architecture. An too weak to further their schemes for reforming the ' enthusiastic big game hunter. He has been on Coptic monasteries, switched their support to Amba shooting expeditions in India, South Africa, &c. He Makarius, Bishop of Assiout, who was elected by a is compiling a monumental cartographical work. He substantial majority. is said to contemplate making all his properties into Fore, After being locum tenens since the death of Amba a Waqf, which, on his death, will be devoted to pur- Makarius in 1945, Amba Youssab was elected Coptic poses of public benevolence. In January 1937 Patriarch 10th May, 1946. This election was married Karima, daughter of Prince Mohammed notable for the fact that an Ethiopian delegation Abhas Halim, but divorced her after a few months. participated for the first time. 156. Allemann, Geoi Swiss. 152. Mohammed Yusuf Bey. Resident in Alexandria 150. Mohammed A min A bu Yusuf Bey. Graduated from Al Azhar. Worked as a lawyer Company director, dir< Born about 1897. Son of a Sharia lawyer of with Saad Zaghlul Pasha until the latter ceased to of Egypt. Honorary 1 Damietta. Married to a niece of Mme. Zaghlul. To practise. An active supporter of the national move- partner in Messrs. Planta this relationship he owed his appointment in 1924 as ment from the first. His pleadings in political business man who was us Assistant Secretary-General of the Senate. He was murder eases have won him a local reputation. the 1940 and 1941 Cotto) later Inspector-General in the Department of Com- Four times elected Member of Parliament in the Ceased to be honorary merce and Industry, delegated to the Egyptian State Wafdist interest. career officer arrived in Bailways, where his industry and imagination bore Appointed a member of the Wafd, the 2nd Decem- good fruit. ber, 1932. On the strength of his interest in the co-operative 157. Almasy, Count movement in Damietta in 1919 and 1920, he has 153. Seifullah Yusry Pasha. Hungarian. managed to represent himself in England, France He was in the Hungari Of Albanian origin. Born about 1877. Son of 1914-18. Was once A.D. and Germany as an influence in Egypt, and he Ismail Yusry Pasha, who held important posts in endeavoured, less successfully, to exploit his of Austria, and a manage the Egyptian Government and raised troops in pany. Is interested in gli< European contacts in the interests of his vanity in Albania to put down the Arabi rebellion. Married— Egypt. (Nothing annoys one Egyptian more than of the Royal Aero Club ( another Egyptian's success, and no Egyptian takes (1) To Princess Chevakiar, the divorced wife of desert traveller and has A min Yusuf seriously..) King Fuad, whom he also divorced. the Libyan Desert, Is m( For some years he was useful as a go-between and (2) To Princess Zeinab, the daughter of Prince head of the Desert Inst interpreter of the Wafd to the Residency, but after Ibrahim Hilmy, Fuad's elder brother. built but which has never with Taher Pasha, who is Zaghlul's death he cut no ice in Wafdist circles and His matrimonial ventures rather prejudiced his grappled himself firmly on to the Eesidency, whose relations with the late King Fuad. school. support he was incessantly invoking. We have saved Left Egypt before th< Educated privately in England. Formerly a keen present whereabouts in 1 his official life four or five times by direct personal golfer and polo player. Dissolute in his youth and appeal to a Prime Minister. The comic papers used lias been reported to have always very extravagant. A friend of the British in the Western Desert as to refer to him as the "Fifth Reserved Point." Agency before the'war of 1914-18. Spent the war He visited England during the summer of 1934 tions. period in Constantmople, where he probably played Is reported to have con and preached Anglo-Egyptian trade co-operation in for both sides. Was allowed to return to Egypt, at London and Lancashire, returning to Egypt with the British instance, im 1921. Jalo Oasis in November 1! -eonvictiion that his welfare was a British For the next two and a half years he was intimate 82-197 interest. He claimed to have persuaded Nessim with the Residency, and rendered considerable KUbLIC RECORD OFFICE ins I o Please note that this copy is supplied subject to the Public Record Office's terms and conditions and that your use of it may be subject to copyright restrictions. Further information is given in the enclosed Terms and Conditions of supply of Public Records' leaflet

political service; we never had reason to suppose that lacks the, degree of moral courage which is indis- :reate a Ministry of Commerce and he betrayed our confidence. He was for some time pensable to an entirely successful tenure of his h a British 'technical expert, and claimed Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. responsible post. His heavy drinking also impairs been promised the post of Under- Secre- He then became Minister at Washington, where his efficiency. . e. His sneaking to the Eesidency was he was much liked, and afterwards at Berlin. He esulted in his having no real friends and resigned from this post in the summer of 1928, 155. Yoiusef Zulficar Pasha . , , es. The late Abdul Wahab Pasha, who piqued by King Fuad's tardy response to his request Father-in-law of His Majesty King Farouk I. intensely, cancelled his delegation to an for an audience when on leave. Born the 6th June, 1886. He belongs to one of artment and brought him back to His daughter Loutfia married Hassanein Pasha, those Turkish families whose ancestors, came to teadquarters, where his humiliation was but has since been divorced. His other daughter is Egypt with Mohammed Ali the Great, and which, end of December 1934, and Amin Yusuf married to Nabil Amr Ibrahim. since then, have constituted the nearest approach to i a mood of suicide. Decoration.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile. an aristocracy in this country. Obtained a law asha appointed him Egyptian Minister degree from the Khedivial School, Cairo, and entered on in the summer of 1935. 154. Selim Zaki Pasha the judiciary. Became vice-president of the }f his duties at Washington whilst on Began his service with the police in 1918 after Alexandria Mixed Court of Appeal. ober 1937, on account of reports which completing the course at the Police College. After His wife, Mme. Zeinab Zulficar, was for some years the King of improper conduct in the a period at Port Said he was transferred to Cairo lady-in-waiting to Queen Nazli. >s. Appointed Egyptian economic expert and has remained their continuously in various He has three children. A daughter Farida, who an Government in 1941. Placed on capacities. In 1924 was appointed to the Political by her marriage to King Farouk on the 20th Febru- )43, his hope of securing a post with the Bureau of Cairo City Police and eventually became ary, 1938, became Queen of Egypt, and two sons, >r, better still, a return to the Washing' the right-hand man of the British Commandant. In Mohammad Said Zulficar and Cherif Zulficar. svas disappointed, largely owing to Nafaas August 1945 he was promoted to the rank of Lewa Appointed first Egyptian Ambassador to Persia on ged antipathy to him for having sued and succeeded Eussell Pasha in the post of com- the 13th March, 1939. lent for dismissal from the board of the mandant, May 1946. Eeturned to Egypt and nominated Senator, July Bank. Amin Yusuf was Independent Selim Zaki has been strongly pro-British and his 1942. r a vacant (nominated) senatorship an devotions to his British superior officers and to Eenominated Senator, May 1946. md Nahas Pasha opposed his eandida- British officials formerly employed in the Ministry Decoration.—Grand Cordon of Order of the Nile. anusually formal manner. Nominated of the Interior was unwavering. The liquidation of il 1945. the British elements in the police has made him Obituary mf is insufferably voluble and quite very apprehensive about his future career, as Egyp- Hassan Anis Pasha. 0 snubs. His present attachment to tians have .generally regarded him as playing the Youssef Gallad Pasha. 3sts, commercial and other, is, whatever role of a British agent. It is possible that he may Eagheb Hanna Pasha. n, genuine and, on the whole, advan- have ingratiated himself with the Palace as an Ahmed Mohammed Hassanein Pasha. K.C.V.O.. is a shrewd, active, irrepressible person; insurance against arbitrary treatment at the hands M.B.E. BS of good sense in the desert of his of any Government which might hold his earlier Mahmoud Fahmy el Kaissy Pasha, O.B.E. worth waiting for. British connexions against, him. Amba Makarius. While there is no other Egyptian officer with Sheikh Mohammed Mustafa el Maragbi. e Yusuf Kemal. better qualifications for the post of Commandant of Amin Osman Pasha, K.B.E. 187. Son of Prince Ahmed Kemal and Cairo City Police, it is to be feared that Selim Zaki Baron Empain. JD. of Ibrahim Pasha. Very wealfeby. Q Arab art and architecture. An big game hunter. He has been on iditions in India, South Africa, &e. He 1 monumental cartographical work. He template making all his properties into Foreign Personalities: Non-British and Non-Egyptian h, on his death, will be devoted to pur- blic benevolence. In January 1937 ima, daughter of Prince Mohammed Eevised List, 1944 , but divorced her after a few months. 156. Allemann, Georges 158. Begue, Emile French. nmed Yusuf Bey. Swiss. Eesident in Alexandria. Eesident in Alexandria. Born May 1877 at from Al Aznor. Worked as a lawyer Bordeaux. tghlul Pasha until the latter ceased to Company director, director of the National Bank of Egypt. Honorary Polish Consul. Managing Married. Children. active supporter of the national move- partner in Messrs. Planta, cotton exporters. An able Engineer of the Polytechnique School of Paris. ;he first. His pleadings in political business man who was useful to us in connexion with Is general manager of the tramways of Alexandria 3 have won him a local reputation, the 1940 and 1941 Cotton Commissions. and of the Alexandria and Eamleh Eailways. sleeted Member -of Parliament in the Competent at his job, but disliked by his work- est. Ceased to be honorary Polish Consul when the career officer arrived in May 1946. people. Of Vichy sympathies, he was interned in' a member of the Wafd, the 2nd July 1941 and released in January 1942 on condition 157. Almasy, Count that he resided in Cairo. In 1942 he was allowed to return to Alexandria in order to manage the local lah Yusry Pasha. Hungarian. He was in the Hungarian aviation during the war tramways company which, without him, was n origin. Born about 1877. Son of deteriorating, but was warned that he was on proba- Pasha, who held important posts in 1914-18. Was once A.D.C. to the Emperor Charles of Austria, and a manager of the Steyr Motor Com- tion and liable to removal if he indulged in hostile i Government and raised troops in political activity. This he has so far not done. t down the Arabi rebellion. Married— pany. Is interested in gliding, and is chief instructor of the Eoyal Aero Club Gliding School. Is a great No longer manages the tramways of Alexandria icess Chevakiar, the divorced wife of as the municipality now controls them. p desert traveller and has made many journeys into uad, whom lie also divorced. the Libyan Desert. Is most anxious to be appointed icess Zeinab, the daughter of Prince head of the Desert Institution which King Fuad n Hilmy, Fuad's elder brother. built but which has never been constituted. He lives 159. Benachi, Alexandre L. Greek. »nial ventures rather prejudiced his with Taher Pasha, who is the president of the gliding school. Eesident in Alexandria. the late King Fuad. A leading cotton exporter. rivately in England. Formerly a keen Left Egypt before the outbreak of war. His lo player. Dissolute in his youth and present whereabouts in 1941 are unknown, but he has been reported to have been with the Axis forces extravagant. A friend of the British 160. Baron Louis de Benoist d'Erquennes e the-war of 1914-18. Spent the war in the Western Desert as an expert on desert condi- tions. French. staniinople, where he probably played Eesident in Cairo. Born about 1887. Has the . Was allowed to return to Egypt, at Is reported to have commanded Axis garrison at ice, in 1921. Jalo Oasis in November 1942. Grand Cordon of the Nile. :t two and a half years he was intimate o ti jsidency, and rendered considerable 82-197 PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE ins I "0 2,?-! 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Agent superieur of the Suez Canal Company since Has taken no part in French - affairs, thought merciale belgo-e"gyptiei 1928. He is the senior official of the Suez Canal have had pro-Vichy convictions, if any. British in sentiment, Company in Egypt, and acts as the company's Wife and daughter living at Ismailia, two sons in always restricted his bi representative via-a-vis the Egyptian Government. France. He is married, but hi A very pleasant and alert personality who is under- stood to conduct his business affairs efficiently and 165. Cozzika, Theodore to exercise considerable influence in this country. Greek. 171. Grego, Cav. ( He is always very ready to assist the embassy and Resident in Alexandria. Italian. to put the resources of the Canal Company at its President, Greek community of Cairo. An Italian Jew f disposal. He is one of the leading figures in the A wealthy and active business man (alcohol Alexandria. Former a local French community. He is married and has manufacturer). Gives largely and judiciously to insurance companies as one surviving daughter. charities. Is connected with Nashaat Pasha's panies and honorary At the time of the French armistice in 1940 Baron industrial projects. Chamber of Commerce de Benoist immediately accepted the presidency of strong Fascist and was the Comit^ national franc, ais d'Egypte in support 166. Dallaporta, Byron G. was soon released, how of General de Gaulle. This was an act of consider- Greek. He was considered able courage, as his wife and daughter were in Resident in Alexandria. February 1941 when it occupied France. They subsequently rejoined him Chairman, Alexandria Commercial Company (in mixed up in some ver in Egypt. In July 1941 Baron de Benoist was succession to the late Oswald J. Finney). A clever transactions. However appointed representative of General de Gaulle in business man, self-made as a prote'ge' of Mr. Finney. ever his commercial mo Egypt on the departure of General Catroux to Syria. Rather difficult in dealings, but was helpful in con- now changed entirely. From the beginning of the war Baron de Benoist nexion with the 1940 and 1941 Cotton Commissions. has shown himself extremely co-operative and help- A member of the Board of the Soci6te Orientate de 172. Hemmerle, Ch ful in all matters both concerning the Canal Com- Publicite. pany and the difficult French colony here, which his French. tact and personality have done much to steady. Resident in Alexand He is shortly returning to France on retirement. 167. A bbe Drioton Insurance company 6 French. President, French Born about 1885. Succeeded a former French Alexandria. 161. Brinton, Jasper Yeates Director-General of Antiquities in 1936; he American. previously held an important position at the Louvre Born the 17th October, 1878. and enjoyed a high international reputation as an 173. Heyligers, Ac Twice married, Americans: one son and one archaeologist, particularly in connexion with the A Hard daughter by first wife. His son was appointed Graco-Roman period. He is personally friendly Born 15th March, assistant military attache* at the United States and has a quick and lively wit. He has shown him- daughters. Legation in Cairo in 1943. Residence, Alexandria. self supple, though sometimes weak, in dealing with Judge of the Mixed Formerly legal adviser of the United States Ship- Egyptian stupidity and obstructionism in his Alexandria where he i ping Board, and later Assistant Procurator-General department. The King has taken a considerable Chamber. in the States (Pennsylvania). liking to him. Very Dutch. A very Was made counsellor of the Mixed Court of Since the fall of France he has appeared in a less judge. One of the best Appeal on the 31st October, 1921. Is the author of favourable light as the most eminent of the French a fairly well-written book, '' The Mixed Courts of intellectuals who refused all connexion with the 174. Jouguet, Emil Egypt (1930)." French National Committee, and argued ably in French. Is an erratic but most likeable individual with favour of France accepting defeat. He has noft Born in 1869. He is < literary tastes. adopted an anti-British line. It has been found wise brated Hellenists be: A fair jurist. He is now in the Court of Appeal to support him in various difficulties which he has Egyptologist, director o: and president of the Commercial Chamber. encountered in his work not only because of the Archaeology and a pi Is pro-British and essentially broad-minded, harmful effects on Egyptology as a whole if his University. Of Gaullist although sometimes unexpectedly stubborn. Egyptian enemies had had their way, but also he nevertheless complel Elected President of Mixed Court of Appeal, June because even the Fighting French regard him as a the French Institute, 1943. guarantee that we do not intend to damage those beneficial influence on i realms of higher culture which are looked upon as When in July 1941 Baro: 162. Carter, Joseph C. peculiarly French preserves. General de Gaulle's repr American. the presidency of the h Resident in Cairo. 168. Fort, Marcel mittee. His last book, . Engineer. In charge of the local anti-malarial and French. is a study of the abor Bilharzia research activities of the Rockfeller Resident in Alexandria. reactionaries to abolisl Foundation. Was formerly engaged in the same Director of Lyce'e Francais. His political attitude Spartan occupation, an work in Palestine. Is understood to be exceedingly is understood to be friendly. moral which applies to i capable and painstaking. He is a Carolinian of In May 1944, the F] pleasing personality. 169. Fumaroli, Jacques appointed him cultural £ French. 163. Casulli, Michel Resident in Alexandria. 175. Klat Bey Jules Greek. Engineer. Vice-president, French Chamber of Syrian. Resident in Alexandria. Commerce. He was formerly of Vichy sympathies, Resident in Alexani Married. but was useful to us as an intermediary in negotia- Marchandises Bourse O Head of the firm of M. S. Casulli and Co., cotton tions regarding the French Fleet at Alexandria. more than one outstan exporters. His daughter married M. Negre of the Fighting French in upbringing, 1 Vice-president of the Greek community. French delegation in Cairo in 1944. and politically reliable, Very wealthy. educated at Victoria Coll Much respected. School. His commercial 170. Ghyselin, Jacques the highest. Belgian. 164. Coulaut, Pierre Resident in Alexandria. French. Is one of the really important fertiliser merchants, 176. Lascar is, Marit Resident at Ismailia. Chilean nitrate of soda, and is a coal merchant and Greek. Head of the Administrative Department of the agent in a large way of business. He is the agent Resident in Alexandrif Suez Canal Company. of Messrs. David Colville and Co. (Limited) (steel Greek of Smyrna, Aged 58 years, thirty-two years' service. manufacturers), as well as of a number of important Wealthy. Clever but retiring personality, avoiding responsi- Belgian engineering firms. He is the proprietor of Vice-president and gen bility, " rond-de-cuir." the well-known local company " Socie'te' com- the Bank of Athens. Please note that this copy (supplied subject to th/PubllcRecord Office's terms and conditions and that your Please note that copy ^ upp^ ^^ Further information is given in the enclosed Terms and Conditions of supply of Public Records' leaflet

:en no part in French affairs, thought ,erciale belgo-e'gyptienne." He is particularly pro- President of the Hellenic Chamber of Commerce; pro-Vichy convictions, if any. British in sentiment, and as a coal merchant has of the Gabbary Land Company; and of the d daughter living at Ismailia, two sons in always restricted his business to British pits. Nettoyage and Pressage Cotton Company. He is married, but has no children, and is wealthy. Member of the board of the Credit foncier ^gyptien; of the Cre'dit agricole d'Egypte; of the zika, Theodore Credit hypothe'caire d'Egypte; of the Alexandria 171. Grego, Cav. Oscar Water Company; of the Alexandria and Eamleh \ in Alexandria. Italian. Railways Company; of the Tramways d'Alexandrie; t, Greek community of Cairo. An Italian Jew from Trieste. Resident in of the Ge'rance immobiliere; and of the Egyptian •by and active business man (alcohol Alexandria. Former agent of Italian shipping and Insurance Company "Al Chark," and of the State rer). Gives largely and judiciously to insurance companies as well as various British com- Economic Council. Is connected with Nashaat Pasha's panies and honorary secretary of the Italian He used to be consulted by the on >rojects. Chamber of Commerce. Although a Jew, he was a financial questions. strong Fascist and was interned in June 1940. He Grand Officer of the Nile. aporta, Byron G. was soon released, however, on grounds of ill-health. Quiet living and much respected. He was considered for reinternment again in A sound banker and helpful when necessary. in Alexandria. February 1941 when it was discovered that he was i, Alexandria Commercial Company (in mixed up in some very doubtful foreign exchange 10 the late Oswald J. Finney). A clever transactions. However, enquiry showed that what- 177. Lucas, Louis 01, self-made as a protege of Mr. Finney. ever his commercial morality his political views have French. jult in dealings, but was helpful in con- now changed entirely. Resident at Ismailia. the 1940 and 1941 Cotton Commissions. Deputy head of Transit Department of the Suez >f the Board of the Societe Orientate de Canal Company. 172. Hemmerle, Charles E. Aged 55 years, twenty-four years' service. French. Ex-Naval officer, now holding rank of capitaine Besident in Alexandria. de vaisseau. Drioton Insurance company director. A follower of General de Gaulle from the start. President, French National Committee at De'le'gue' de la Marine Nationale du Levant. it 1885. Succeeded a former French Alexandria. His political activities appear to have been eral of Antiquities in 1936; he dictated by his views of the duty of a patriotic sld an important position at the Louvre 173. Heyligers, Adriaan Theodor Louis Frenchman. a high international reputation as an Quiet personality, retiring nature, but political particularly in connexion with the A Hard duties and social ambitions of his wife (daughter of n period. He is personally friendly Born 15th March, 1882. Married. Two daughters. British officer formerly stationed in Canal Area) ick and lively wit. He has shown him- draw him out. lough sometimes weak, in dealing with Judge of the Mixed Courts of First Instance at Is generally liked and enjoys esteem of the com- upidity and obstructionism in his Alexandria where he is president of the Second Chamber. pany's personnel. The King has taken a considerable Has been a good friend to us, and highly thought Very Dutch. A very good lawyer and excellent of by the British naval authorities in the Canal all of France he has appeared in a less judge. One of the best in the Administration. Area. ht as the most eminent of the French who refused all connexion with the 174. Jouguet, Emile inal Committee, and argued ably in French. 178. Mennessier, Pierre ince accepting defeat. He has notx Born in 1869. He is one of the world's most cele- French. ti-British line. It has been found wise brated Hellenists besides being an eminent Resident at Ismailia. a in various difficulties which he has Egyptologist, director of Cairo Institute of French Acting chief engineer of the Suez Canal Company. a his work not only because of the Archaeology and a professor at the Egyptian (This is the second highest post of the company in ;s on Egyptology as a whole if his University. Of Gaullist sympathies from the start, Egypt and it is not considered likely that mies had had their way, but also he nevertheless completed his term as director of M. Mennessier will continue to hold it in normal the Fighting French regard him as a the French Institute. His prestige has had a conditions.) i we do not intend to damage those beneficial influence on intellectual French opinion. Reported able and clever but to lack grip on work er culture which are looked upon as When in July 1941 Baron de Benoist was nominated and personnel. ich preserves. General de Gaulle's representative here, he assumed Followed Fighting French movement but doubts the presidency of the local French National Com- have been expressed about his real convictions, and Parcel mittee. His last book, Revolution dans la Defaite, he is thought to be an opportunist. is a study of the abortive attempts of Athenian Married to a niece of Baron de Benoist. Alexandria, reactionaries to abolish democracy during the ycee Francais. His political attitude Spartan occupation, and leaves no doubt of the 179. Minost, Emile > be friendly. moral which applies to modern France. French. In May 1944, the French National Committee Resident in Cairo. Born about 1892. li, Jacques appointed him cultural adviser in the Middle East. Director-general of the Cre'dit foncier e'gyptien. On board of Cre'dit agricole d'Egypte, To all intents .lexandria. 175. Klat Bey Jules and purposes he acts as general manager of the rice-president, French Chamber of Syrian. Cre'dit foncier since the promotion of the former ! was formerly of Vichy sympathies, Eesident in Alexandria. President of the general manager to be chairman of the board. He to us as an intermediary in negotia- Marchandises Bourse Commission. Prominent in has trained in an important mortgage bank in Paris, fche French Fleet at Alexandria, more than one outstanding commercial concern. and is considered in local banking circles to be in the married M. Negre of the Fighting French in upbringing, he is pro-British, pro-Ally forefront of banking personalities. He is stated to >n in Cairo in 1944. and politically reliable. His two children are being be extremely clever, very straightforward, and is educated at Victoria College and the English Girls' a man of considerable influence both in European School. His commercial morality is not considered and Egyptian quarters. '', Jacques the highest. - Is Grand Officer of the Nile; is a member of the State Economic Council; secretary-general of the exandria. Royal Society of Political Economy, Statistics and sally important fertiliser merchants, 176. Lascaris, Marius Legislation; and Treasurer of the Egyptian >f soda, and is a coal merchant and Greek. Institute. way of business. He is the agent Resident in Alexandria. Born about 1882. After the French armistice in the summer of 1940, 1 Colville and Co. (Limited) (steel Greek of Smyrna, Asia Minor. Married. he became a member of the Comite' national is well as of a number of important Wealthy. francaise d'Egypte in support of General de Gaulle. ing firms. He is the proprietor of Vice-president and general manager in Egypt of He has shown himself a loyal friend of Great local company " Socidte' com- the Bank of Athens. Britain. 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47 question of his repatriation to Germany f ider consideration. A Czechoslovak Jew who arrived in Egypt maintained this equivocal attitude since, and Yugoslavia in 1938. Honorary delegate of the to try and explain at length its reasonableness to Czechoslovak Bed Cross Association in Egypt. The members of the embassy staff. , Georges firm of Etex, which he floated in 1939 in partnership k. with Prince Abbas Halim, has prospered during the lent in. Alexandria. . : war, and Sonsliy is a man of considerable wealtn. 193. Vlachos, Stavros Ange 1868 at Leros. Studied law at Athens and His attractive wife, born in Hamburg; wag at one Greek, ice, and practised in Athens. Appointed by time near internment for her alleged pro-German Born December 1393. Married Greek lady. Two nizelos minister at Washington, 1917. For propagandist activities. More recently, however, daughters. aonths in 1920 he was Greek High Commis- she has taken to professing anti-Nazi sentiments. Is an able and efficient judge and a dignified at Constantinople. In 1923 he was elected individual. thens representative for the Constitutent Judge of Court of Appeal in Mixed Court; is )ly, and for three periods between January 189. Theodorakis, Detnetre A, quick-witted and quick-minded, but possibly at id January 1925 he was Minister for Foreign Greek. times a little superficial. Once was a lawyer (under Venizelos, Sophoulis and Michalako- Besident in Alexandria. Bom about ,1$BO. practising before the Mixed Courts. Generally Married. speaking, is a good and capable judge. }25 he retired from political life and came to Formerly Greek naval officer. dria, where he practised successfully as a Vice-president of the Greek community. becoming president of the Greek Club and Ex-president of the Greek Chamber of Commerce. 194. Vogt, Stener ssident of the Greek community at Big agricultural land owner. Norwegian. • dria. He was elected president of the He is of considerable importance and influence Besident in Cairo. il Committee of Greeks in Egypt, which was. for the good, though inclined to be stubborn. He Norwegian Charge1 d'Affaires (non carriere), at the outbreak of the ItaloGreek war in was formerly a Venizelist M.P. general manager of the Imperial Chemical Indus-' nd was generally considered to be the leading tries' interests in Egypt, and representative in Egypt among the Greeks in Egypt. 190. TremUey, Ernest of the Deutsphflis KaJj.-Syn4ikat. • The son of the late • playing a considerable part in local Greek Swiss.. Norwegian Minister in Lonxjoa, he aame to Egypt in tl machinations, M. Eoussos became Vice- Managing director of the Tourah Cement Works about 1921 as representative «f the Socie^ nor- nt of the Council when M. Tsouderos'a and of the Comptoir des Ciments. ve"gienne de 1'Azote, but when his principals t was re-formed in Egypt in March 1943. He merged with the German Stiickstoff iSyndik$t he ,nd a sick man and his mind is tortuous, and refused to work 1*134^ the new group, but liquidated ral it may be said that M. Boussos would be • 191. Vatimbella Nicolas the Norwegian business. He subsequently obtained atisfactory element in any Government. Greek. his present post. He is genuinely Angio.phjje a.nd # oussos's resignation long pending, was finally Besident in Alexandria. good business man, though shy of social .distinction. d (rather to M, Boussos 's regret) in the first Married. A most likeable personality. He has a charming n January 1944 after a more than usually Eminent advocate of the Mixed Court of Appeal. Scandinavian second wife. . lious exchange of correspondence with the Has been employed in many outstanding lawsuits,. Throughout the war he worked whole-heartedly Minister. Although bent on creating trouble, for the Allied cause. issos (who likes unbosoming his secrets to the 192. Vincenot, Marcel an Services) has so far been relatively French. 195. Wiet, Gaston isive in retirement. Besident in Cairo. Born about 1880. foregoing is extracted from Mr. keeper's French. Managing director of the Cre'dit foneje.r d'Bgyp.te. Director of Arab Museum, (Cairo. A warm sup- on Greek personalities at present outside One of the greatest local banking authorities wh.pse 1944). porter of General de Gaulle, and an original member opinion is held to be of particular 'value by other of the French National Committee in Egypt. He bankers. He has written text books on Egyptian has a good knowledge of both classical and colloquial \alvago, Michel C. economics and is well viewed by -the Palace and toy Arabic and is a distinct success as director f 3tfce k. the Egyptian Government. He is on itfae boaxd of Arab Museum. He gets on well with Egyptians, lent in Alexandria and member of well- the National Insurance Company of Egypt, which of whom'fee knows large nwoabers. He is under- Greek family. Head of the firm which bears is mostly controlled by the Nationale de PWis, and stood to enjoy a considerable European reputation. ne, bankers and merchants, cotton dealers is credited with having been largely instrumental in M. Wiet frequently expresses eagerness to collator' tnd-owners. President of various other producing the Egyptian Government's draft ate with British experts and is .agreeable to .deal ial and banking concerns. He is a speculator insurance legislation, which is believed in British with, though inclined to be rather pleased with him- s lost and regained his fortune several times. insurance circles to favour French interests. self. Still quite a young man, he is married ,tp a a quick brain but is at times overbearing. Married to a pleasant wife. Is one pf the leading local Jewess. •mer president of the Greek community, he is lights in the French community. Always very In more specifically cultural matters he i.g less 3 Alexandria's leading Greek. His attitude friendly. Has the Grand Cordon of the Nile and is friendly to the British, being an heir to the tradition atnentally pro-British, but his relations with a member of the 'State Economic Council. of Anglo-French cultural riya'lry. He has a flair ious Greek factions are obscure and tortuous After the French armistice, in the summer of for intrigue and is the nigger in many a cultural •gely dictated by self-interest. Has of late 1940, he professed warm admiration for Marshal woodpile. 'His activities are viewed with some .mis- ed rather anti-British sentiments, notably in Pe'tain, but continued to state that he was pro- giving by the Ambassador's Advisory Committee ig a critical and obstructive attitude towards British and hoped for a British victory. 'He has on British culture. story Thanksgiving Appeal. lias now considerably slowed down his brains , Georges L. ch. Appendix lent in Alexandria. Born about 1891. ied a French Canadian. Two children. Ministries since 1914 esentetive for Egypt of Fighting French i.nt Marine, in which difficult post he ha,s April 5, .1914. himself co-operative. Head of the firm of December 19, 1914. Hussein Bushdi Pasha {Prime Minister and Hussein Bushdi Pasha .(Prime Minister and et Cie., which imports coal and other com- Interior). Interior). iS. Ismail Skri (Public Works and War). lavon is bi-lingual( English and French, aadt Ismail Sirry Pasha (Public Works and War). Ahmed Hibai .(Education) Ahmed Hilmi Pasha .(Agriculture). pro-British. Yusseif Wsafeiha (Finance). of the best types of Frenchman. Yussuf Wahba Pasha (Finance). Mohame.d Moheb (W-aqfs). Adly Yeghen Pasha (Education). Adly Yegfcn (Foreign Affairs). Abdel Khalek Sarwat 'Pasha (Justice). •lonsky, Bedrich Abdel Khalek Sarwat (Justice). Ismail Sidky Pasha (Waqfs). h'Oslovak. Ismail Sidky (Agriculture). (Foreign Affairs taken over by High Commis- lent in Alexandria. sioner on establishment of Protectorate.) PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE ms

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A reserved and modest man. of Sterling character Tlie question of his repatriation to Germany and dutstandiug ability. now under consideration. id A Czechoslovak Jew v Yugoslavia in 1938. I 180}A. Morin,**•- ••• Jean Czechoslovak Red Cross French. 185. Roussos, Georges firm of Etex, which he flc M^daille Militaire. Greek. •with Prince Abbas Halin Resident in Alexandria. Born about 1880. Resident in Alexandria. . war, and Sonslcy is a mai Former director-general in Egypt of the Credit His attractive wife, bo: Born 1868 at Leros. Studied law at Athens and time near internment fc Lyonnais. Interned for Vichy sentiments in July in France, and practised in Athens. Appointed by 1941; later released. Personally a man of propagandist activities, M. Venigelos minister at Washington, 1917. For she has taken to professi irreproachable integrity, he has been & loyal follower some months in 1920 he was Greek High Commis- of Pe'ta'ih. He is not anti-British; but his wife, who sioner at Constantinople. In 1923 he was elected is the real difficulty, has done considerable harm by the Athens representative for the Constitutent 189. Theodorakis, D her tongue. He was released on the intervention of Assembly, and for three periods between January Greek. Baron de Benoist on condition that he resided out- 1924 and January 1925 he was Minister for Foreign Resident in Alexanc side Alexandria; later he was allowed back provided Affairs (under Venizelos, Sophoulis and Michalako- Married. that his wife did not join him. poulos). .Formerly Greek naval His wife has now returned, but both of them are Vice-president of the expected to leave Egypt before long. In 1925 he retired from political life and came to Alexandria, where he practised successfully as a Ex-president of the Gri lawyer, becoming president of the Greek Club and Big agricultural land i 181. Polnauer, Ladisl&s PatAy vice-president of the Greek community at He is of considerable Hungarian. Alexandria. He was elected president of the for the good, though inc was formerly a Venizelif Resident in Alexandria. Born about 1890. Hun- National Committee of Greeks in Egypt, which was garian Jew by race, Christian by religion; married a formed at the outbreak of the ItalO'Greek war in Hungarian woman of good family. Socially 1940, and was generally considered to be the leading 190. TremUey, Erne ambitious. Assumed name of Polnauer as being Liberal among the Greeks in Egypt. Swiss. less Jewish than Pathy. After playing a considerable part in local Greek Managing director of 1 Was consul-general for Hungary. political machinations, M. Roussos became Vice- and of the Comptoir des Was for many years a partner of J. P. Mitchell President of the Council when M. Tsouderos's and Co., the contractors, but parted with him on Cabinet was re-formed in Egypt in March 1943. He bad terms. is old and a sick man and his mind is tortuous, and 191. Vatimbella Nic. Greek. Is general manager of the Alexandria Navigation in general it may be said that M. Roussos would be Company. an unsatisfactory element in any Government. Resident in Alexandria 1 M. Roussos's resignation long pending, was finally Married. On the board of the Alexandria Insurance Goal Eminent advocate of t pany, the Soetete' deg Autdbus d'Alexandria, and accepted (rather to M. Roussos's regret) in the first the S.AjE. "Ganz." week in January 1944 after a more than usually Has been employed in : A very able business man, he is distrusted in some acrimonious exchange of correspondence with the quarters. Politically he has recently shown Allied Prime Minister. Although bent on creating trouble, 192. Vincenot, Man sympathies. M. Roussos (who likes unbosoming his secrets to the French. Has made large sums during the war owing to American Services) has so far been relatively Resident in Cairo. Be his connexions with Aly Yehya* Pasha's Shipping unobtrusive in retirement. Managing director of tl Company. He was under observation tor evasion (The foregoing is extracted from Mr, Leep&r's One of the greatest local report on Greek personalities at present outside of war controls (exchange, &c.), but no evidence of Greece, 1944). opinion is held to be of this was obtained. Is believed to have re-adopted bankers. He has writte the Jewish faith. economics and is well vie 186. Salvago, Michel C. the Egyptian Governmer Quay, Or, James King, D.D. Greek. the National Insurance ' American. Resident in Alexandria and member of well- is mostly controlled by t' Resident in Cairo. known Greek family. Head of the firm which bears is credited with having b< Born 1887. his name, bankers and merchants, cotton dealers producing the Egypti Secretary of the International Y.M.C.A. in Egypt, and land-owners. President of various other insurance legislation, wh which was started twentyone years ago, and is run industrial and banking concerns. He is a speculator insurance circles to J under American auspices and has a very large who has lost and regained his fortune several times. Married to a pleasant w: membership* including many Moslems. He has a quick brain but is at times overbearing. lights in the French c friendly. Has the Grand Dr. Quay, who is a man of considerable A former president of the Greek community, he is. personality, is also a prominent Rotarian. He is perhaps Alexandria's leading Greek. His attitude a member of the State EC well-disposed and popular among the business com- is fundamentally pro-British, but his relations with After the French anr munity in Cairo. the various Greek factions are obscure and tortuous 1940, he professed warr and largely dictated by self-interest. Has of late Pe'tain, but continued t< 18$. Qvale> Brling displayed rather anti-British sentiments, notably in British and hoped for a Norwegian. adopting a critical and obstructive attitude towards the Victory Thanksgiving Appeal. Born May i860. Married Norwegian; one son, one daughter. Resides in Alexandria. Age has now considerably slowed down his brain. Has fine, pleasing appearance. Legally he is only of moderate value. A fair 187. Savon, Georges L. average counsellor. French. Is much seen in Alexandria Society, Resident in Alexandria. Born about 1891. MinistryFormerl. y a secretary in the Norwegian Foreign Married a French Canadian. Two children. Representative for Egypt of Fighting French April 5, 1914. Joined the Mixed Court at Mansourah in 1913; Merchant Marine, in which difficult post he has Hussein Rushdi Pa/sb transferred to Alexandria in 1917. President of shown himself co-operative. Head of the firm of Interior). Alexandria First Instance Court for some years. moditiesSavon e,t Cie., which imports coal and other com- Ismail Sdzri (Public W Named counsellor in Mixed Appeal Court in 1931. Ahmed HJimd .(Educate M. Savon is bi-lingualf English and French, ani 184. Richter> Baron Leonard Vvn is very pro-British. Yussef Wjaibha (Financi German. Mohame.d Moheb :(Waq: One of the best types of Frenchman. Adly YegJaem (Foreign Director of the Egyptian branches of the Abdel Khalek Sarwat ( Dresdner Bank. President f the German Chamber 188. Sonsky, Bedrich Ismail Sidky (Agricultt of Commerce in Egypt. Interned 1939. Czechoslovak. Resident in Alexandria. PUBLIC; RECORD OFFICE ins I

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48 December 24,1921. Cabinet resigned. (Waqqfs)f . March 1 1922 Abdel Khalek'Sarwat (Prime Minister, JToreigix Affairs and Interior). (W,q«; ro Ibrahim Fathi (War). Ahmed Ziwer Pasha (December 23, Ismail Sidky (Finance). Gaafar Wali (Waqfs). Mustapha Maher (Education). April 9, 1919...... Mohammed Shukri (Agriculture). TSussein Bushdi Pasha (Prime Minister). Mustapha Fathi (Justice). Yussef Wahba (Finance). Hussein Wassef (Public Works). Adly Yeghen (Interior). Wassif Semaika (Communications). Abdel Khalek Sarwat (Justice). Ahmed Midhat Yeghen (Agriculture). Gafar Wjali (Waqfs). November 29, 1922. Hassan Hassib (Public Works and War). Cabinet resigned. December 1, 1922. April 22, 1919. Mohammed Tewfik Nessim (Prime Minister and Cabinet resigned. Interior). May 21, 1919. , _ . . . Ismail Sirri (Public Works). Shamed Said (Prime Minister and Interior). Ahmed Zulficar (Justice). Yehia Ibrahim (Education). _ Ismail Sirri (Public Works and War). Mohammed Tewfik Bifaat (Communications). Yussuf Wahba (Finance). Mahmoud Fakhri (Foreign Affairs). Ahmed Ziwer (Education). Yussuf Suleiman (Finance). Abdel Eahim Sabri (Agriculture). Ahmed Ali (Agriculture). Ahmed Zulficar (Justice). Mohammed Ibrahim (Waqfs). Mohamed Tewfik Nessim (Waqfs). Mahmoud Azmi (War). November 17, 1919. February 5, 1923. Cabinet resigned. Cabinet resigned. November 21, 1919. March 15, 1923. . Yussuf Wahba (Prime Minister). Yehia Ibrahim (Prime Minister and Interior). Ismail Sirri (Public Works and War). Ahmed Hesimat (Foreign Affairs). Ahmed Ziwer (Communications). Mohammed Moheb (Finance). Ahmed Zulficar (Justice). Ahmed Ziwer (Communications). Mohamed Tewfik Nessim (Interior). Ahmed Zulficar (Justice). t Mohamed Shafik (Agriculture). Mohammed Tewfik Bifaat (Education). Yehia Ibrahim (Education). Ahmed Ali (Waqfs). Hussein Darwiche (Waqfs). Mahmoud Azmi (War). Hafez Hassan (Public Works). February 21, 1920. Fawzi-el-Motehi (Agriculture). Sirri resigned. Shafik becomes Minister of Public Works. June 11, 1923. Ahmed Ali resigned. May 19, 1920. Hafez Hassan transferred to Waqfs. Cabinet resigned. Abdel Hamid Suleiman appointed Public Works. May 21, 1920. August 8, 1923. Mohamed Tewfik Nessim (Prime Minister and Moheb resigned. Interior). Bifaat transferred to Foreign Affairs. Ahmed Ziwer (Communications). Zaki Abu Saoud appointed Education. Ahmed Zulficar (Justice). Hesmat transferred to Finance. Mohamed Shafik (Public Works and War). Hussein Darwiche (Waqfs). September 18, 1923. . Tewfik Eefaat (Education). Mahmoud Shukri appointed Communications. Mahmud Fakhri (Finance). vice Ziwer, resigned. Yussuf Soliman (Agriculture). January 27, 1924. March 3, 1921. Cabinet resigned. Cabinet resigned. January 28, 1924. . March 16, 1921. Saad Zaghlul (Prime Minister and Interior). Adly Yeghen (Prime Minister). Mohammed Said Pasha (Education). Hussein Bushdi (Vice-President). Mohammed Tewfik Nessim Pasha (Finance)'. Abdel Khalek Sarwat (Interior). Ahmed Mazloum Pasha (Waqfs). Ismail Sidky (Finance). Hassan Hassib (War). ,, . ,, s Gaafar Wali (Education). Mohammed Fathalla Barakat (Agriculture). Ahmed Ziwer (Communications). Morcos Hanna Pasha (Public Works). Midhat Yeghen (Waqfs). Mustapha Nahas Pasha (Communications). Mohamed Shafik (Public Works and War). Wassif Boutros Ghali (Foreign Affairs). Neguib Ghali (Agriculture). Mohammed Neguib-el-Gharabli (Justice). Abdel Fattah Yehia (Justice). March 10, 1924. . May 25, 1921. ^ ,. Mohammed Tewfik Nessim (Finance) appointed Ibrahim Fathy (War), Shafik retaining Public Minister of Interior p.i. Works. HUULIC RECORD OFFICE ins

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49; 'March 31, 1924. .;.. ; November 26, 1924. • Ahmed Mazloum Pasha (Waqfs) resigned. Ahmed Mussa Pasha appointed Minister of Mohammed Neguib-el-Gharabli transferred to Justice. Waqfs. Ali Gamal-el-Din Pasha appointed Under-Secre- Mohammed Pasha Said appointed Minister of tary of State, Interior. Justice p.i. ' Ibrahim Fahmi Bey appointed Under-Secretary of State, Agriculture. June I'd, 1924. Morcos Hanna Pasha (Public Works) appointed Acting Minister of Agriculture during absence December 1, 1924. of Fathalla Barakat Pasha. (Zaghlul was Minister of Education and Public Works appointed to Agriculture on June 21.) resigned.

June 29, 1924. December 3, 1924. Zaghlul Pasha submitted his resignation. Tewfik Bifaat Pasha appointed Minister *of Education...... June 30, 1924. Mahmud Sidky Bey appointed ^Minister of Public Zaghlul Pasha withdrew his resignation. Works.

July 25, 1924. , Zaghlul left for Marseilles. Mohammed Said December 9, 1924. appointed Acting Prime Minister. Ahmed Ziwer Pasha appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs (see list of November 25 above). Ismail Sedky Pasha appointed Minister of July 24,1924. Interior. Ahmed Mazloum Pasha appointed Acting Minister of Communications without portfolio. '• Ahmed Ziwer Pasha appointed Acting Minister March 14, 1925. for Foreign Affairs without portfolio. Cabinet was reconstituted as follows: — Ahmed Ziwer Pasha (Prime Minister and October 25, 1924. - Minister for Foreign Affairs). Mohammed Fathalla Barakat Pasha (Agriculture) Yehia Ibrahim Pasha (Finance). transeferred to Ministry of Interior. Ismail Sirri Pasha (Public Works). Said Zaghlul Pasha appointed Acting Minister Ismail Sedky Pasha (Interior). for Foreign Affairs. Yussuf Cattaui Pasha (War and Marine). Ahmed Mazloum Pasha, Minister without port- Aly Maher Pasha (Education). folio, appointed Acting Minister of Agriculture. Abdel Aziz Fabmy Bey (Justice). Mohamed Ali Bey (Waqfs). November 12, 1924. Tewfik Doss Bey (Agriculture). Wassif Boutros Ghali, returned from leave and resumed his appointment of Minister for Foreign Affairs. March 24, 1925. Cabinet resigned. Eesignation refused and November 15, 1924. Parliament dissolved. Zaghlul Pasha submitted resignation of Cabinet. (This was preceded by that of Tewfik Nessim May 5,, 1925. Pasha on November 14, 1924.) Yussuf Cattaui Pasha resigned. Eeplaced by Hilmy Issa Pasha. November 17, 1924. Zaghlul Pasha withdrew resignation of Cabinet. July 10, 1925. November 19, 1924. Ziwer Pasha proceeded on leave. Aly-el-Ghamsi Effendi appointed Minister of Yehia Ibrahim Pasha, Acting Prime Minister and Finance. Minister for Foreign Affairs. November 18, 1924. Mohammed Said Pasha (Justice) appointed July 20, 1925. Acting Minister of Agriculture. During the absence on leave of Ismail Sirri Pasha (Public Works), Mohamed Aly Pasha (Waqfs) November 24, 1924. was nominated Acting Minister of Public Cabinet resigned. Works. November 25, 1924. September 5, 1925. Ahmed Ziwer Pasha (Prime Minister, Interior Abdul Aziz Fahmy Pasha (Minister of Justice) and Foreign Affairs provisionally). resigned. Ahmed Mohammed Khachaba Bey (Education Aly Maher Pasha was appointed to act as and Justice provisionally). Minister of Justice pending nomination of Osman Moharrem Bey (Public Works). another Minister. Mohammed-el-Sayed Abou Ali Pasha (Agricul- ture). Mohammed Sedky Pasha (Waqfs). September 9, 1925. Yussuf Cattaui Pasha (Finance). Tewfik Doss Pasha (Agriculture) resigned. Makhla Gorguie-el-Moutei Bey (Communica- Mohamed Aly Pasha (Waqfs) resigned. . tions). , Besignations accepted September 12. Mohammed Sadek Yehia Pasha (War and Sidky Pasha (Interior—absent in Borne) resigned Marine). September 10, 1925.

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50 September 12, 1925. March 18, 1928. ' Cabinet was reconstituted as follows:— Mustapha-el-Nahas Pasha (Prime Minister and (»)Ahmed Ziwer Pasha (Prime Minister and Interior). Minister for, Foreign Affairs). Wacyf Boutros Ghali Pasha (Foreign Afiairs). Ahmed Zulficar Pasha (Minister of Justice). Ahmed Khashaba Pasha (Justice). Yehia Ibrahim Pasha (Minister of Finance). Mohamed Safwat (Agriculture). Hilmi Issa Pasha (Minister of Interior). Mohamed Mahmoud Pasha (Finance). Moussa Fouad Pasha (Minister of War). Aly Shamsi Pasha (Education). _ . Tewfik Eifaat Pasha (Minister of Communica- Wm. Makram Ebeid (Communications). tions). Mohamed Neguib Gharably Pasha (Waqfs). Ali Maher Pasha (Minister of Education). Gaafar Wali Pasha (War and Marine). Nakhla Motei Pasha (Minister of Agriculture). Ibrahim Fahmy Pasha (Public Works). (z) Ismail Sirri Pasha (Minister of Public Works). June 17, 1928. Mohamed Mahmoud resigned. June 19, 1928. Gaafar Wali Pasha resigned. June 23, 1928. Khashaba Pasha designed. September 13, 1925. June 24, 1928. Ibrahim Fahmi resigned. Aly Maher Pasha (Education) was appointed Following upon the resignations, the Cabinet was Acting Minister of Justice pending the arrival dismissed by Eoyal rescript owing to the of Ahmed Zulficar Pasha from Borne. collapse of the coalition on which its mandate had been based, June 25, 1928. November 11, 1925. June 27, 1928. Ziwer Pasha returned from leave, and resumed Mohamed Mahmoud Pasha {Prime Minister and his appointment as Prime Minister and Interior). Minister for Foreign Affairs. Dr. Hafez Afifi (Foreign Affairs). Ahmed Khashaba Pasha (Justice)., November 30, 1925. Ali Maher Pasha (Finance). Ziwer Pasha took portfolio of Minister of Interior, Ibrahim Fahmy (Public Works). in addition to Prime Minister and Minister for Gaafar Wali Pasha (War and Marine) (Acting Foreign Affairs. Minister Waqfs). Hilmi fssm Pasha transferred from Interior and Abdul Hamid Suleiman Pasha (Communications). appointed Minister of Communications. Lutfy Bey-el-Said (Education). Tewfik Eifaat Pasha transferred from Com- Nakhla-el-Motei Pasha (Agriculture). munications and appointed Minister of Wafqs. Cabinet resigned October 2, 1929. October 4, 1929. June 7, 1926. Adly Yeghen Pasha (Prime Minister and The Cabinet resigned. Interior). Midhat Yeghen Pasha (Foreign Affairs). June 7, 1926. Abdul Eahim Sabry Pasha (Communications). Adly Yeghen Pasha (Prime Minister and Minister Mustapha Maher Pasha (Finance). of Interior). Hafea Hassan Pasha (Education). Abdel Khalek Saroit Pasha (Foreign Affairs). Hussein Wassif Pasha (Public Works). Aboul Seoud Pasha (Minister of Hussein Darwish Pasha (Justice). Justice), Ahmed Ali Pasha (Wafqs). Mohamed Fathalla Barakat Pasha (Minister of Mohamed Aflatoun Pasha (War). Agriculture). Waesif Semaika Pasha (Agriculture). Morcos Hanna Pasha (Minister of Finance), Cabinet resigned December 31, 1929. -el-Gharably Pasha (Minister of Wafqs). January 1, 1930. Aly-el-Chamsy Effendi (Minister of Education). Mustapha-el-Nahas Pasha (Prime Minister and Ahmed Mohamed Khachaba Bey (Minister of Interior). War and Marine). Wassif Ghali Pasha (Foreign Affairs). Osman Moharram Bey (Minister of Public Mahmoud Fahmy-el-Nokrasfcrf (Communications). Works). Maitre Wm. Makram Ebeid (Finance). Mohamed Mafamoud Pasha (Minister of Com- Mohamed Bahi-ed-Din Bey Barakat (Education). munications). Osman Moharram Pasha (Public Works). The Cabinet resigned April 19, 1927. Mohamed Neguib Gharabli Pasha (Justice). Eesignation accepted April 21, 1927. , Maitre Mahmoud-el-BassiounI Bey (Waqfs). Hassan Hassib Pasha (War). , 1927. Mohamed Safwat Pasha (Agriculture). Abdel Khalek Sarwat Basha (Prime Minister and Cabinet resigned June 17, 1980. Interior). Morcos Hanna Pasha (Foreign Affairs). June 20, 1930. Ahmed Zaki Aboul-Seoud Pasha (Justice). Ismail Sidky Pasha (Prime Minister, Interior and Mohamed Fathalla Barakat Pasha (Agriculture). Finance). Mohamed Mahmoud Pasha' (Finance). Tewfik Kifaat Pasha (War). Mohamed Neguib Gharably Pasha (Waqfs). Abdul Fattah Yehia Pasta (Justice). Aly Shamsi Pasha (Education). Hafez Hassan Pasha (Public Works and Agricul- Gafaar Wali Pasha (War and Marine). ture). Osman Moharram Pasha (Public Works). Aly Maher Pasha (Education). Ahmed Mohamed Khashaba Pasha (Communica- Tewfik Doss Pasha (Communications). tions). Hilmy Issa Pasha (Waqfs). Cabinet resigned March 4, 1928. Hafez Afifi Pasha (Foreign Affairs).

e of Ahmed Ziwer Pasha, Yehia Ibrahim Pasha continued to act as Acting Prime Minister and Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs.

*P (')minrth'e'absence of Ismail Sirri Pasha (Public Works) Nakhla Motei Pasha (Agriculture) was nominated Acting Minister of Public Works. Please note that this copy is supplied subject to the Public Record Office's terms and conditions and that your use of it may be subject to copyright restrictions. Further information is given in the enclosed Terms and Conditions of supply of Public Records' leaflet

12,1880. November 7, 1934. Cabinet recast, following Afifi Pasha's. appoint- Cabinet resigned. ment as Egyptian Minister in London, as follows -•:*- ' Ismail Sidky Pasha (Prime.-Minister, Interior November 14, 1934. and Finance). Cabinet's resignation, accepted. TewfikBifaat Pasha (War). Abdul Fatiah Yehia Pasha (Foreign Affairs). November 15, 1934. :. Hafez Hassan Pasha (Agriculture). Mohammed Tewfik Nessim Pasha (Prime Aly Maher Pasha (Justice). Minister and Minister of Interior). Tewfik Doss Pasha (Communications). Ahmed Abdel Wahab Pasha (Finance). Hilmy Issa Pasha (Waqfs). .,'; : Amin Anis Pasha (Justice). ; Ibrahim Fahmy Karim Pasha (Public Works). Kamel Ibrahim Bey (Foreign1 Affairs and Agricul- Murad Bey Sid Ahmed (Education). ture). - . • • ' ,.-.,., .-.:. .. Abdel Aziz Mohamed Bey (Waqfs). June 22, 1931. Ahmed Negib El-Hilali Bey (Education). Cabinet recast (following Eifaat Pasha's election Abdel Megid Omar Bey (Public Works and Com- as President of the Chamber of Deputies): — munications). Ismail Sidky Pasha (Prime Minister, Interior Mohammed Tewfik Abdalla Pasha (War and and Finance). . ',. Marine). Abdel Fattah Yehia Pasha (Foreign Affairs); Ahmed Aly Pasha (Waqfs). Hafez Hassan Pasha (Justice). January 22, 1936. Aly Maher Pasha (Justice). Cabinet resigned. Tewfik Doss Pasha (Communications). Mohamed Hilmy Issa Pasha (Education). January 30, 1936. Ibrahim Fahmy Karim Pasha (Public Works). Cabinet's resignation accepted. Aly Gamal-ed-Dine Pasha (War). January 30, 1936. January 4, 1933. Ali Maher Pasha (Prime Minister, Minister for Cabinet resigned (over Badari scandal). Foreign Affairs and Minister of Interior). Ahmed Ali Pasha (Justice and Waqfs). January 4, 1933. Hafez Hassan Pasha (Public Works). Cabinet formed as follows: — Mohammed Ali Allouba Pasha (Education). Ismail Sidky Pasha (Prime Minister, Interior Hassan Sabry Bey (Communications and Com- and Finance). merce). Mohamed Shafik Pasha (Public Works), Ahmed Abdul Wahab Pasha (Finance). Ahmed Ali Pasha (Justice; ex-Waqfs). Sadek Wahba Pasha (Agriculture). Hafez Hassan Pasha (Agriculture). Lews Ali Sidky Pasha (War and Marine). Nakhla-el-Motei Pasha (Foreigo Affairs). Mohamed Hilmy Issa Pasha (Education). Ibrahim Fahmy Kerirri Pasha (Communica- May 9, 1936. tions; ex-Public Works). Cabinet resigned. Aly Gamal-ed-Dine Pasha (War), Mohamed Mustapha Pasha (Waqfs). May 10, 1936. March 13, 1933. Mustapha-el-Nahas Pasha (Prime Minister, Becast:— '- Interior and Public Health). Ismail Sidky Pasha (Prime Minister and Wacyf Boutros Ghali Pasha (Foreign Affairs). Finance). Osman Moharram Pasha (Public Works). Mahmoud Fahmy-el-Kefssy Pasha (Interior). Mohammed Safwat Pasha (Waqfs). MohameS Shafifc Pasha (Public Works). Makram Ebeid Pasha (Finance). , Ahmed Ali Pasha (Justice). Mahmoud Fahmy-el-Nokrashi' Pasha (Com- Mohamed Allarn Pasha (Agriculture). munications). Nakhla-el-Motei Pasha (Foreign Affairs). Ahmed Hamdi Seif-el-Nasr Pasha (Agriculture). Mohamed Hilmy Issa Pasha (Education). Mahmoud Gfaaleb Pasha (Justice). Ibrahim Fahmy Karim Pasha (Communica- Aly Fafamy Pasha (War and Marine). tions). Abdel Salani Fahmy Mohammed Gomaa Pasha Aly Gamal-ed-Dine Pasha (War). (Commerce and Industry). Aly-el-Manzalaoui Bey (Waqfs). Ali Zaki El-Oraby Pasha (Education). July 10, 1933. July 31, 1937. Nakhla-el-Motei resigned on account of ill-health Cabinet resigned. and was replaced by Salit Samy Bey. September 27, 1933. August 3, 1937. Cabinet resigned. Mustapha-el-Nahas Pasha (Prime Minister and Interior). September 27, 1933. Wac,yf Boutros Ghali Pasha (Foreign Affairs). Abdel Fattah Yehia Pasha (Prime Minister and Osman Moharram Pasha (Public Works). Minister for Foreign Affairs). Makram Ebeid Pasha (Finance). Ahmed Aly Pasha (Justice). Mahmoud Bassiouni (Waqfs). Mohamed Neguib-el-Gharably Pasha (Waqfs). Ahmed Hamdi Seif-el-Nasr Pasha (War and Mohamed Hilmy Issa Pasha (Education). Marine). .Ibrahim Fahmy Karim Pasha (Communications). Abdel Salam Fahmy Mohammed Gomaa Pasha Mahmoud Fahrny-el-Keissy Pasha (Interior). (Commerce and Industry) and (Education). Aly Menzalaoui Bey (Agriculture). Ali Zaki-el:-Orabi Pasha (Communications). Salib Samy Bey (War). Mohammed Mahmoud Khalil Bey (Agricniiture). Abdel Aziin Rashid Pasha (Public Works); Mohammed Sabri Abu Allam (Justice). Hassan Sabry Bey (Financed Abdei Fattah-el-Tawil (P-ublic Health). 82-197 PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE ins UTOCfc Please note that this copy is supplied subject to the Public Record Office's terms and conditions and that your use of it may be subject to copyright restrictions. Further information is given in the enclosed Terms and Conditions of supply of Public Records' leaflet

52 September 2,1940. Mahmoud Fahmy-el-Nokrashy Pasha (Interior,. Hassan Sabry Pasha (Prin w 9 7 Hassan Sabry Pasha (War and Marine). Affairs) was appointed z ±:i.^ B .y *PP°« i«** •- Mahmoud Ghaleb Pasha (Communications). while retaining the port g Hussein Sirry Pasha (Public Works) Abdel Hamid Suleimi Al ' Pasha appointed Minister of Waqfs Mohamed Hussein Heikal Pasha (Education). appointed State Minist (vice Mahmoud Bassioum, who was appointed Eashwan Mahfouz Pasha (Agriculture). Mahmoud Fahmy-el-Nok: President of the Senate). Sheikh Moustapha Abdel Eazek Bey (Waqfs). appointed Minister of ! Dr Hamed Mahmoud (Public Health). Saba Habashy Bey (Commerce and Industry). December 30, 1937. ; September 21, 1940. Cabinet dismissed. Mahmoud Fahmy-el-Nokr December 13, 1938. • . Ghaleb Pasha, Maitre Eashwan Mahfouz Pasha (Agriculture) resigned. and Maitre Ali Ayoub, Pasha (Prime Minister Abdel Hamid Suleiman appointed Minister of I (Minister of State with port- 'January 16, 1939. . v. v .. •:•,- Hussein Sirry Pasha Hassan Sabry Pasha (War and Marine) resigned. appointed Minister of Abd^ttlhTeSi' Pasha (Minister of State with retaining the portfolio c portfolio of Foreign Affairs) January 18, 1939. . Salib Sami Bey (Suppli Ahmed Mohammed Khashaba Pasha (Justice). Hussein Sirry Pasha appointed Minister of of Commerce and Indi Abdel Aziz Fahmy Pasha (without portfolio). Maitre Abdel Megid - Mohammed Hilmy Issa Pasha (Waqfs). _ MohamedEiad Bey appointed Minister of Public Minister) appointed Mi Ahmed Loutfy-el-Sayed Pasha (without port- Works and Acting Minister of Agriculture. Mohammed Bahieddine Barakat Bey (Educa- November 15, 1940. Hussein Sirri's Cabinet v, tion). ' • j.- \ Hassan Sabry Pasha (Communications) Hussein Sirri Pasha (3 Hussein Eifky Pasha (War and Marine). Afy Maher's Cabinet was formed:;— and Foreign Affairs). Hussein Sirry Pasha (Public Works). Aly Maher Pasha (Prime Minister, Interior and : Mohamed Hilmi Issa : Mourad Wahba Pasha (Agriculture) . Foreign Affairs). ,, '" Salib Sami Bey (Comr Ahmed Kamel Bey (Commerce). Mohamed Ali Allouba Pasha (Parliamentary Mohammed Hussein Bey (without Mohammed Hafez Eamadan Mahmoud Fahmy-el-Nokrashy Pasha (Eduea- tion). portfolio). .,' , Sheikh Moustafa Abdel Mohammed Hussein HeikaT l Bey (without tion). •.„••> Abdel Kawi Ahmed B< Mahmoud Ghaleb Pasha (Communications). •• . • portfolio). , . ' \ Ahmed Abdel Ghaffar . Mohamed Kamel-el-Bindari Bey (Hygiene).TT Hussein Sirri Pasha (Finance). ' Maitre Abdel Megid Dr Hamed Mahmoud (Public Health). munieations and Su] Saba Habashy Bey (Commerce and Industry). Dr. Ali Ibrahim Pasha April 27, 1938. ; Abdel Eahman Azzam Bey (Waqfs). Hassan Sadek Bey (Fi The Cabinet resigned. Maitre Ibrahim Abdel Hadi (Parliamentary Mohammed Abdel Ga Affairs). . , Affairs). April 27, 1938. Moustafa Mahmoud-el-Shorbagui Bey (Justice). Younis Saleh Pasha (N Cabinet formed as follows: — Abdel Salam-el-Shazli Pasha (Social Affairs). Abdel Kawi Ahmed Bey (Public Works). Mohamed Mahmoud Pasha (Prime Minister Mohammed Saleh Harb Pasha (National December 5, 1940. and Interior). Defence). , .' . . Abdel Hamid Badawi I Ismail Sidky Pasha (Finance). Mahmoud Tewfik-el-Hefnawi Bey (Agriculture). Abdel Fattah Yehia Pasha (Foreign Affair*). State Legal Departm< Ahmed Mohamed Khashaba Paslw (Justice). of Finance. Mohamed Hilmy Issa Pasha (Commumca- Hassan Sadek Bey (Fini December 20, 1939. of National Defence. Ahme? Loutfy-es-Sayed Pasha (State Abdel Eahman Azzam Bey (Waqfs) appointed Minister), . . Minister of Social Affairs. . June 26, 1941. Hassan Sabry Pasha (War and Marine). Abdel Salam-el-Shazli Pasha (Social Affairs) appointed Minister of Wakfs. Salib Sami Pasha (Cc Hussein Sirry Pasha (Public Works) appointed Minister for Mourad Wahba Pasha (Commerce and Industry). Eashwan Mahfouz Pash Ahmed Kamel Pasha (Public Health). Commerce and Indust Mohamed Hussein Heikal Pasha (Education). June 28, 1940. Mohammed Abdel Gali Eashwan Mahfouz Pasha (Agriculture) Hassan Sabry's Cabinet was formed: — Affairs) appointed Min Sheikh Moustapha Abdel Bazek Bey (Waqfs). Hassan Sabry Pasha (Prime Minister and Maitre Ibrahim Dess. Foreign Affairs). . Minister of Social Affa Abdel Hamid Suleiman Pasha (Finance). May 14, 1938. Mohamed Hilmi Issa Pasha (Justice). Sidky Pasha (Finance) resigned. Mahmoud Fahmy-el-Nokrashy Pasha (Interior). July 31, 1941. Mahmoud Fahmy-el-Kaissy Pasha . (National Ahmed Mohamed Kha: Defence). Minister of Communic Pasha took over Finance Salib Sami Bey (Supplies). . Mahmoud Ghaleb Pash Mahmoud Ghaleb Pasha (Communications). Justice. AhSSutfy-el-Sayed Pasha appointed Minister Hussein Sirri Pasha (Public Works). Dr. Hamed Mahmoud of Interior. Mohammed Hafez Eamadan Pasha (Social Health. Affairs). . . , _, Maitre Ibrahim Abdel . Mohammed Hussein Heykal Pasha (Educa- of Public Works. June 24, 1938. Abdel Kawi Ahmed Pas The Cabinet resigned. Sheikh Moustafa Abdel Eazek Bey (Waqfs). Civil Defence. Maatre Ibrahim Abdel Hadi (Commerce and Mohamed Eagheb Attiys Industry). . of Agriculture. June 24, 1938. Ahmed Abdel Ghaffar Bey (Agriculture). Dr. Abdel Eahman Oma Cabinet formed as follows: — Maitre Ali Ayoub (State Minister). of Commerce and Ind Mohamed Mahmoud Pasha (Prime Minister). Maitre Abdel Megid Ibrahim Saleh (State Maitre Mohamed Ha Abdel' Fattah Yehia Pasha (Foreign Affairs). Minister). Minister of Supplies. Dr. Ahmed Maher (Finance). Ali Ibrahim Pasha (Public Health). Ahmed Mohamed Khashaba Pasha (Justice). KUBLKJ KfcCORU OFFICE ins I

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53 f February 6, 1942. ., , - ?ahmy-el-Nokrashy Pasha (Interior). September 2,1940. ..;,-•, Hassan Sabry Pasha (Prime Minister and Foreign Nahas Pasha's Cabinet was formed:—' >ry Pasha (War and Marine). Mustapha-el-Nahas Pasha (Prime Minister, Gfaaleb Pasha (Communications), Affairs) was appointed Minister of Interior while retaining the portfolio of Foreign Affairs. Interior and Foreign Affairs). cry Pasha (Public Works). Osman Moharram Pasha (Public Works). Sussein Heikal Pasha (Education), Abdel Hamid Suleiman ;PaSha , (Finance) appointed State Minister. Makram Ebeid Pasha (Finance). lahfouz Pasha (Agriculture), Ahmed Neguib-el-Hilali Pasha (Education). astapha Abdel Eazek Bey (Waqfs). Mahmoud Fahmy-el-Nokrashy Pasha (Interior) appointed Minister of Finance. Ferik Ahmed Hamdi Seif-al-Nasr Pasha Mahmoud (Public Health), (National Defence). shy Bey (Commerce and Industry). Abdel Salam Fahmy Mohamed Gomaa Pasha September 21, 1940. , (Agriculture). Mahmoud Fahmy-el-Nokrashy Pasha, Mahmoud Ali Zaki-el-Orabi Pasha (Communications). , 1938. Mohamed Sabry Abu Alain'Pasha (Justice). hfouz Pasha (Agriculture) resigned. Ghaleb Pasha, Maitre Ibrahim Abdel Hadi, and Maitre Ali Ayoub, resigned. _ Abdel Fattah-el-Tawil Pasha (Public Health). Abdel Hamid Suleiman Pasha (State. Minister) Ali Hussein Pasha (Waqfs). 1939. appointed Minister of Finance. Kamel Sidky Pasha (Commerce and Industry). y Pasha (War and Marine) resigned. Hussein Sirry . Pasha (Public Works) was appointed Minister of Communications, while retaining the portfolio of Public Works. May 14, 1942. 1939. Salib Sami Bey (Supplies) appointed. Minister Abdel Fattah-el-Tawil Pasha appointed Minister ry Pasha appointed Minister of of Commerce and Industry. of Communications. Maitre Abdel Megid Ibrahim Saleh (State Mohamed Abdel Hadi-el-Guindi Bey appointed ad Bey appointed Minister of Public Minister) appointed Minister of Supplies. Minister of Waqfs. Acting Minister of Agriculture. Maitre Abdel Hamid Abdel Hak appointed Minister of Social Affairs. November 15, 1940. Maitre Mustapha Nosrat appointed Minister of 939. Hussein Sirri's Cabinet was formed: — Civil Defence. -, , . • Cabinet was formed: — Hussein Sirri Pasha (Prime Minister,: Interior Dr. Abdel Wahed-el-Wakil Bey appointed Pasha (Prime Minister, Interior and and Foreign Affairs). Minister of Public Health. ; ! Mohamed Hilmi Issa Pasha (Justice). Affairs). Ali Allouba Pasha (Parliamentary Salib Sami Bey (Commerce and Industry). Mohammed Hussein Heykal Pasha (Educa- May 26, 1942. Fahmy-el-Nokrashy Pasha (Eduea- Kamel Sidky Pasha appointed Minister of SheTkh Moustafa Abdel Eazek Bey (Waqfs). Finance. Ghaleb Pasha (Communications). Abdel Kawi Ahmed Bey (Public Works). Mohamed Fuad Sirag-ed-Din Pasha appointed trri Pasha (Finance). Ahmed Abdel Ghaffar Bey (Agriculture). Minister of Agriculture. I Mahmoud (Public Health). Maitre Abdel Megid Ibrahim Saleh (Com- Maitre Mahmoud Soliman Ghannam appointed ishy Bey (Commerce and Industry). munications and Supplies). Minister of Commerce and Industry. man Azzam Bey (Waqfs). Dr. Ali Ibrahim Pasha (Public Health). rahim Abdel Hadi (Parliamentary Hassan Sadek Bey (Finance). _ Mohammed Abdel Galil Samra Bey (Social June 2, 1943. ,fahmoud-el-Shorbagui Bey (Justice). Affairs). Mohammed Fuad Sirag-ed-Din Pasha appointed m-el-Shazli Pasha (Social Affairs), Younis Saleh Pasha (National Defence). Minister of Interior and Acting Minister of i Ahmed Bey (Public Works), Social Affairs. i Saleh Harb Pasha (National December 5, 1940. Maitre Mustapha Nosrat appointed Minister of Abdel Hamid Badawi Pasha (President of the Agriculture. rewfik-el-Hefnawi Bey (Agriculture). State Legal Department) appointed Minister Amin Osman Pasha appointed Minister of of Finance. . Finance. Hassan Sadek Bey (Finance) appointed Minister Maitre Abdel Hamid Abdel Hakk appointed , 1939. of National Defence. Minister of Waqfs. an Azzam Bey (Waqfs) appointed Fahmy Hanna Wissa Bey appointed Minister of ' Social Affairs. Civil Defence. tt-el-Shazli Pasha (Social Affairs) June 26, 1941. Minister of Wakfs. Salib Sami Pasha (Commerce and Industry) appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs. October 8, 1944. Kashwan Mahfouz Pasha appointed Minister of Nahas Pasha's Cabinet dismissed. 0. Commerce and Industry. •y's Cabinet was formed: — Mohammed Abdel Galil Samra Pasha (Social Affairs) appointed Minister of Supplies. October 9, 1944. abry Pasha (Prime Minister and Maitre Ibrahim Dessouki Abaza appointed Affairs). Ahmed Maher Pasha's Cabinet formed:— mid Suleiman Pasha (Finance). Minister of Social Affairs. Dr. Ahmed Maher Pasha (Prime Minister and Hilmi Issa Pasha (Justice). Minister of Interior). Fahmy-el-Nokrashy Pasha (Interior). July 31, 1941. . Makram Ebeid Pasha (Finance). Fahmy-el-Kaissy Pasha (National Ahmed Mohamed Khashaba Pasha appointed Mahmoud Fahmy-el-Nokrashi Pasha (Foreign ). Minister of Communications. Affairs). i Bey (Supplies). Mahmoud Ghaleb Pasha appointed Minister of Mahmoud Ghaleb Pasha (Public Works). Hafez Eamadan Pasha (Justice). Ghaleb Pasha (Communications), Justice. -.,.., t irri Pasha (Public Works). Dr. Hamed Mahmoud appointed Minister of Mohamed Hussein Heikal Pasha (Education ;d Hafez Ramadan Pasha (Social Health. , ... and Social Affairs). Maitre Ibrahim Abdel Hadi appointed Minister Sheikh Mustapha Abdel Eazek Pasha (Waqfs) d Hussein Heykal Pasha (Educa- of Public Works. Maitre Ibrahim Abdul Hadi (Public Health). Abdel Kawi Ahmed Pasha appointed Minister of Ahmed Abdul Ghaffar Pasha (Agriculture). >ustafa Abdel Eazek Bey (Waqfs). Civil Defence. Maitre Ibrahim Dessouki Abaza (Communica- rahim Abdel Hadi (Commerce and Mohamed Eagheb Attiya Bey appointed Minister tions). '). of Agriculture. Taha Mohamed Abdel Wahhab-el-Sebai Bey )del Ghaffar Bey (Agriculture). Dr. Abdel Eahman Omar Bey appointed Minister (Supply). Ayoub (State Minister), of Commerce and Industry. Eagheb Hanna Bey (Commerce and Industry). bdel Megid Ibrahim Saleh (State Maitre Mohamed Hamid Gouda appointed Maitre el-Sayed Selim (National Defence). Minister of Supplies. n Pasha (Public Health). 54 January 15, 1945. - :' V • ; '• ° December 27, 1945. ] - ••* '=;A •'*' Ahmed Maher Pasha's Cabinet resigned following Mustapha Abdel Bazek' Pasha (Minister' o£ .' •• general elections *nd was re-formed:— WaqfS) resigned. '•'•••• :••• • .. • •; Kagheb HanHa Bey (Minister vltftho'tit Port- folio). •...;..:- February 15, 1946. Dr. Abdel Baiifeak Ahmed-el-Sanhouri Bey Nokraehi Pasha's Cabinet resigned. . ;'!; ' (Education). Heffii Mahmoud Bey {Commerce ; and ! : February 17, 194^." Industry). Ismail Sidky Pasha's Cabinet formed: — Abd«l Meguid Badr Bey (Social Affairs). Ismail Sidky Pasha (Prim* Minister^ Fiaan& and Intoeaor). ; . , • Ahmed Lutfi el-Sayed Pasha (Foreign Affairs). Pasha's Cabinet formed : — Saba Habashi Bey (Supplies and Commerce Mahmoud Fahmyei-Nofert^hi Pasha (Prim« and Industry). >:- . Mniater, latarior and Foreign Affairs). Abdel Kawi-Ahmed Pasha (Bublie Works). Other Ministers retained portfolios held under Mohamed Abdel Galil-Samra Pasha (Social Ahmed Maher Pasha. Affairs). Ibrahim Dessouki Abaza Pasha (Waqfs). March 8, 1945. ffifni Mahmoud Pasfea (Communicaiiions). Abdul Hamid Bedawi Paaha appointed Minister Lewa Ahmed Attiya Pasha (National Defence). for foreign Affaire. Mohammed Kamel Moozsi PaSfaa (Justice); Mohamffited Hassan' el Ashmawi Pasha (Edu- cation). November 27 Hussein Enan Pasha (Agriculture). Ragheb; Hanna Pasha (Minister of State) died. Dr. Soliman Azmi Pasha '{Public Health). ; n December 7, 1945. Jwne 30, 1946. Mohammed Hafez Ramadan Pasha (Minister of Abdel Eahman Al Biali Bey appointed Minister Justice) resigned. of FmBnee.