National Aeronautics and Space Administration The Amazing Adventures of AstrobioBot

The Amazing Adventures of AstrobioBot were produced in 2011 for the Magazine ( with funding from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Copyright 2011, NASA Astrobiology Magazine

Concept & Story Aaron Gronstal and Leslie Mullen Artwork Aaron L. Gronstal Layout Jenny Mottar Karyn Traphagen

From the Authors

The Amazing Adventures of AstrobioBot was a weekly series published in 2012 on the Astrobiology Magazine ( We created this series as a light-hearted way to tell the tales of planetary science and the develop- ment of a space mission. The story follows a little robotic instrument and his journey to become a full-fledged Astrobiology adventurer. While AstrobioBot himself is obviously fictitious, many of the supporting characters featured in the comic strip are real- astrobiologists and mission specialists working in planetary science. Many of the experiments and expeditions that AstrobioBot takes part in are based on actual projects being undertaken by NASA, Univer- sities and space agencies around the world. To learn more about the real-life science behind the story of AstrobioBot, visit the Astrobiology Magazine at In the year 2011... There is a shelf of robotic But one, unbeknownst gadgets. Cameras for ... to the scientists...

Batteries designed for Titan landers...

Solar cells for Saturn orbits...... is a little robot determined to follow his programming Some are spare parts. Deep in the Intelligent Robotics and search the Others are instruments Laboratories at NASA Ames... for signs of life! from canceled missions.

I can’t complete But unfortunately, AstrobioBot dreams Right now, I my mission here AstrobioBot was built of having wheels like just need to on this shelf as a pair of cameras. his idols, the MER MOVE! rovers on Mars. Huh?!

What was that noise? ‘entomopters’...


His legs were never But there are many options actually finished. for planetary explorers...... and ‘cliffBots.’

You’re not supposed to be I just need turned on! And how to MOVE! did your batteries get charged? Wait a minute. Are... are you actually WHOA! looking at me? Is this some kind of joke...? I mean, seriously, who’s controlling you?

Well, if you want to move, you’re going Let’s try this to need some wheels Human, My name is What is that speaker as well. you must Meghan... banging at the take me 00110110001 door? OH to Mars! 00010101000 NO!!! 0110100... I am destined to be with Mars!

These ‘off-the-shelf’ Oops, we need wheels won’t get you to switch that to to Mars, but they’ll English work for now. It’s the Quick, I’ll What about YOU Meghan?! Budget Cuts distract them with this RUN! old microscope!

Those wheels you lack a budget for, get some funds if you want more! Hurry, it’s not worth enough to hold them I’m on a 5-year off for long! grant. I’ll be fine. now GO!

Escape’s not even AstrobioBot raced MARS! Oh, worth a try...... where he AstrobioBot around the Ames my beautiful slipped through quickly forgot Research Center Mars... searching for an open the ordeal somewhere to hide... office door. when he spotted an AHHHH!!! interesting poster on Your craters, the wall. your color... your seductive ...but the Budget Cuts were curves... always one step behind him. He ducked into Building 245 and raced through the halls... Um...excuse me. What are you doing in my Luckily, the Budget office? ...for you can run, Cuts passed him by. but you can’t hide!

Dr. Chris McKay!!! I have a small amount According to my database, I AM ready. Just look Where exactly did of discretionary funding... you are a MARS at my fancy new wheels! WHOAH! you come from? I might be able to help. scientist! I’m a concept study from the Advanced You must send me Robotics Laboratory. to Mars NOW. My design protocol is to search for life...

Well, I am an But the road to investigator on many ‘Concept’ project Mars is long and Mars missions... but huh? Probably tied difficult. Are you you’re not ready for a I need to get to Mars to Constellation... no Please help me sure you’re up to trip to Mars. before the Budget Cuts wonder the Budget Chris McKay. You’re the task little take them back. Cuts are after you. my only hope. ‘AstrobioBot’?

YES Dr. McKay! I will Little robot with no funds... Not so fast! do whatever it takes to reach my beautiful Mars.

Here they come!

AstrobioBot is coming with me to the Mojave! Then we need to get moving. I can fund you for a field expedition to the Mojave. You can learn Now you’re cornered some new skills there. and we have won! With a narrow escape from the Okay AstrobioBot, when you get to Concentrate AstrobioBot. Budget Cuts, AstrobioBot joined Mars, it will look a little bit like this. Use the magnifying force the kids of Spaceward Bound in the of your imager! Mojave Desert to learn about the But there is no life search for signs of life on Mars. anywhere! Does this mean that Mars is barren and empty?

HOLY KREBS CYCLE McKay! We don’t know about Mars... but the Mojave is What do definitely not barren of you see? life. Look CLOSER.

Then I must It’s like a What you see are Microbes might live on microorganisms. They’re practice looking for whole other Mars, or maybe did in these microbes! world!!! the smallest type of life the past. Although... that we know of. Wait for us! It’s too dangerous in the desert on your own!

...if they do exist on Mars, they could look much different than the ones you see here in the Mojave.

AstrobioBot raced through the Cyanobacteria! But AstrobioBot’s So... Mojave identifying signs of life. battery life began to sleepy... run dangerously low.

Wow! ...hungry... Diverse assemblages!

Nitrogen fixers! Could it be the end for our brave adventurer?

System... Mars, my Have I really shutdown... beautiful made it to Am I dreaming? Mars! Mars? Are you... are you a GHOST?

McKay... Microbes... Mars...

And my wonderful Mars microbe friends. Mars! ...where ...Wait... AM I?!

Wait a minute... I am the Spirit rover, here to guide It is a frozen Meteorites may For years I you in your quest. desert today, but have brought mol- wandered the ancient Mars may ecules used by life to desert... searching have been more like the early Earth for evidence that My mission is and Mars. finished, but you Earth, with oceans Mars was once and warmer ‘habitable.’ must continue where You’ve learned about temperatures. I left off. existing life, but you must search for fossils and evidence of past life.

But I’ve learned What happened to how to find life on Is this ancient Mars? you, Spirit guide? Mars. Is that why there’s so many meteorites?

...bouncing into Gusev crater in a giant airbag. I found balls of hematite embedded But trouble in the rocks, similar to was brewing. I arrived on Mars those spotted by my in January 2004... twin, Opportunity, on the other side of the planet. I quickly set to work ...which meant and found carbonates... that water may have once flowed at my landing site. I was running out of power due to dust that These ‘blueberries’ coated my solar also were clues of a panels. The end wet past on Mars. looked near...

Suddenly, I I was free to roam! I struggled on to a rock was struck by a I continued my called ‘Home Plate,’ hoping it gust of wind! discoveries, years would be a safe place to spend beyond my expected the martian winter... lifetime.

Then age finally took its toll. One of my wheels failed.

...but I was stuck in the sand. I An unexpected dust But dragging my wheel revealed struggled and struggled to get my devil passed by and silica deposits beneath the surface. solar panels in a good position. Could blasted the dust from More clues about past water.... I survived to re-awaken in Spring? my solar panels.

They quickly prepared Meanwhile... I can’t the balloon for flight... see AstrobioBot anywhere! We’re going to have to launch Oh no! the balloon.

With the balloon’s camera we can search from above. The tethers snapped and ...but the desert the balloon drifted off. winds blew strong! Well, it’s not Get the much use now. DREAMS* What are we project ready! going to do?!

*Doing Research at Extreme Altitudes by Motivated Students (DREAMS), As the coders ...and a Back with Lab space was limited and we ran their Miller-Urey AstrobioBot were forced to share with algorithms... test on the Computational Astrobiology origin of and the Origin of Life teams. life began... And what is your story little AstrobioBot?

...and my last circuit was soldered...

It all began in the Intelligent There was barely ...the generator Robotics Lab... enough room! overloaded!!!

The scientists did all they I also hoped could to revive me, but my But I wasn’t The backup generators quickly for rebirth, but it system was overloaded. dead. When my kicked in... and then it happened! never came. batteries re-booted, I was reborn as AstrobioBot Alas, I did not survive the winter. Now YOU must carry on the search for life on Mars.

Electricity coursed through my wires! Data flooded my hard They thought my circuits Seek out Steve drives! Beakers burst, showering were fried.. and they Squyres... he can the lab with primordial ooze! shelved me for spare parts. guide you...

His batteries As Spirit faded away, hope But would they be in are almost dead. CLEAR! came from over the horizon. time to save him? We need to charge We’ve spotted them!. him! Send the coordinates to the rescue team!

Let’s hope this works! Luckily, the DREAMS team had a second balloon. With a camera in the air, they spotted AstrobioBot

It’s me, Chris Sorry, Spirit? Did we Hey, what are McKay. gotta go! fry your you doing!? circuits? Don’t go running off into the desert again, we may never find you!

We had to quickly re-charge your batteries before they died completely!

Mars? But Spirit rover told me that I must find Steve Squyres! Steve Squyres? But right now we Little did Chris Your Mojave Desert need to get moving. McKay know how work is done. Now we With your funded field right he was! have you, you can’t trip finished, the Budget run! Cuts won’t hesitate to Let’s go! hunt us down! Oh yes Drive we can! McKay DRIVE!

If anyone can help you become a Mars rover, he can. First we need to find out where he is.

They raced across the Mojave. Hang on AstrobioBot!

Faster, they’re gaining on us!

I have an idea for where you can hide while I track down Steve Squyres...

Chris McKay and That was a narrow escape. AstrobioBot rushed to Good thing I had But without funding, the board an airplane. Luther* call ahead Budget Cuts will catch up to to the airport you no mater where we go.


Now we should be able to escape the Where ARE we Budget Cuts! going Chris?

Hi AstrobioBot, my name’s Astrobiologists are studying McKay and AstrobioBot Darlene Lim. We’re using our amazing structures in Kelly , made their escape to a DeepWorker submarine to study which may teach us about ancient Swan remote lake in Canada. the incredible ‘microbialite’ life on Earth and how to search Chris, you structures underwater... dive! for signs of life elsewhere! made it!

I want to see!

Kelly Lake, British Colombia.

Wow! Wait, you’ll sink!

*Luther Richardson, head of the DREAMS project Weee!!! This is I must check my Oh NO! AMAZING! data base to see if there’s any info about water worlds...

I wonder if How did the Mars’ ancient Budget Cuts find oceans were as me so fast?! cool as this!

But wait, I need to get to it’s not the the surface and Budget Cuts ask Darlene... after all!

It’s an amazing microbialite!

I see so many microbes hard at work... could they Uh oh... I be building these can’t swim! structures? How am I going to get back?

Darlene re-programmed the PLRP* I can’t see Meanwhile, at mapping software, originally developed him. He could With the upgraded the shore... to search for microbialites... have drifted software, Darlene anywhere! was ready...

I have an idea. Hmm... I think Follow me to the his wheels are a control center! little bigger...... but now it would map ...but rain clouds were the lakebed for little building on the horizon! robotic explorers!

Meanwhile... There are many And then there’s I’ll have to places in the Solar Saturn’s moon Jupiter’s moon, find a way to System that might has water ! drive to have oceans jets erupting from shore... beneath its icy surface.

I can pass the time by searching my database for And Titan had ‘Ocean Worlds.’ giant seas made Ooooo! There’s of liquid methane LOTS of data. instead of Oh my! water! *Pavilion Lake Research Project If we found Europa is coated Europa’s ocean ‘microbialite’ in ice, but if a robot wouldn’t get structures in these were to drill beneath any sunlight. oceans... could they the surface... an amazing be a sign of life? ocean!

I need to bring one back for Darlene!

Some scientists Life on Europa would need think we would energy from other sources, like hydrothermal vents! discover... Uh oh!

I’ve found an ...I’ve Darlene HELP! amazing microbialite! got you! Lim! You can study it for signs of microbial They rushed back Don’t life! worry... to the surface...

...but the storm was already raging!

Whoa! Hurry!

That’s wonderful! But we need to hurry. There’s a storm We need to brewing on the get to safety! surface!

At the command And we can Where are At the mobile center... This is Hello? figure out we going next command center, incredible... Chris!? I can get this what to do sample under the next. microscope!

I’m not sure yet, AstrobioBot, but we need to Chris McKay! think of something I hear you’ve quickly... been looking for me...

Mars rover? They quickly jumped on It was the It’s Squryres! I’m not sure a flight across Canada to Spirit rover! My MER you have what it a site where many Mars Spirit? rovers are tested. takes for Mars, little bot. Welcome to Haughton Steve, this is Crater If Spirit AstrobioBot. sent you, may- be I can give you a chance. But you’ll have to pass rover BOOT But you must CAMP. teach me. I had a Steve Squyres! vision that guided me to you! You must teach me Bring it on to be a Mars rover! Squyres! AstrobioBot had to prove And one, and Now the himself against a motley two, and three!!! final test! crew of concept rovers. MOVE IT MOVE IT!

What are you waiting for? Faster! Scale the crater wall!

You’re gonna download lighting, and upload thunder! Oh dear...

The race was on to The wall was steep indeed, ...and made it to the top the crater wall! and soon the rovers came top of the crater wall... It’s so steep... tumbling back down!

And AstrobioBot saw an opportunity.

But AstrobioBot was not going to give up

...VICTORIOUS! For Mars! He scrambled up the pile of rovers like stairs...

But you need You did it Squyres took AstrobioBot AstrobioBot! science instruments to be NASA’s next to NASA research centers, The look is top Mars rover. Universities and International all wrong... institutions around the world. Let’s make it work!

At each location instruments were being developed for a new mission to Mars! Luckily, I know where to go. Off Engineers and designers sized to the ASTID* him up for the latest in accessory wall! astrobiology instrumentation.

Squyers led ...where his trans- But your whole You’re in luck Fabulous! AstrobioBot formation began! body also needs a AstrobioBot! to the NASA makeover! Jet Propulsion The Mars Hand Lens Laboratories... Imager will let you take close-up pictures of rocks and soil...

...and the Alpha NASA has a new Mars Particle X-Ray mission almost ready to go. Spectrometer We just need to get your new will measure the instruments installed... chemicals.

*Astrobiology Science and Technology Instrument Development Relax, and use SAM to You will also test Now test out the new Unfortunately, These aren’t And study study the carbon molecules radiation levels CheMin instrument by more of your suitable for UV and weather Mars! in the calming incense... with RAD.* analyzing this soothing old equipment Not my with REMS.** mud bath... needs to go! wheels!

Don’t worry, Gracias und Ooo, what we have all new Ahh... Danke!! marvelous instruments C H CHO Translated from 6 5 mineralogy! for you! *German and **Spanish.

Your cameras But without his wheels, he was at ...and cameras I can’t see! won’t cut it the mercy of the mission planners. that can analyze McKay?... for Mars! We need color the finest details images and video! of a grain of sand.


We need you to be our eyes on Mars, We want and these just aren’t You took my panoramic views up to the task! wheels but you’re of the valleys and not getting my ANYONE?!?! mountains...! NOOO! eyes!

Behold the power And the I see things in a Your mission, of ChemCam... final piece. Wheels! whole new light! should you choose to accept it... And now that you can see...

...and MastCam!’s time to show you where you’re going.

The sky Gale crater! In its Your mission: to find crane system that center lies a mountain out how the mountain came will send you to the that’s higher than Mount to be, and the role water martian surface has Rainier near Seattle. had in shaping it. never been tried before...

And study the potential for life in ancient Mars habitats! Could those channel-like features be signs That looks Too much that water once dangerous... paperwork, I flowed here? think I’m spent! The struggle of I understand When you make it to If any these the Phobos-Grunt the risks... Mars, small rockets will guide steps fail, you mission show how your entry and descent into could die... dangerous launching the atmosphere. to Mars can be.

...but I AM ready to meet my destiny.

You need to be well ...smashing into a prepared to make your pile of rubble on the mission a success. surface of Mars...

You’re going to With AstrobioBot But all your new make it to Mars! The Budget We have you now, you prepared, he was instruments are Cuts! funded! cannot flee. This launch whisked away to Mars can never be! to the !

Your trip begins on an Atlas V rocket... Meghan! McKay! Everyone! You came to my launch!

Not so fast Whoa! You did it little bot, Your ride to They must be AstrobioBot Mars this ship is not! drawn to my original programming!

To create the conditions for AstrobioBot...WE Call in the ...and balance your birth, it was the Budget are your father! administrators... this budget once Cuts that made it work and for all!

Computations and chemistry, in one lab that set you free!’s time to No! Noooo! That’s shuffle some With this trip to Mars not true...that’s funding... With help from the admin- you must not bother... impossible! istrators, could they tackle the Budget Cuts in time?

The battle raged on! Proposals AstrobioBot With a final projects raced to the wave goodbye, instruments Atlas V... AstrobioBot strapped himself in...... and took the hydraulic lift to the top

...and the countdown began!

Too much Run AstrobioBot! The launch window paperwork, I ...where he quickly climbed is closing think I’m into the heatsheild spent! Safely beyond the atmosphere The of Earth, AstrobioBot was thrusters ready for a well deserved rest roared! as he prepared to enter his AstrobioBot hibernation mode. braced against the And when I force of I... I MADE IT! wake up... the launch!

...I’ll be with you my beautiful, Bon Voyage beautiful Mars... AstrobioBot Then quiet came as the MSL Farewell spacecraft detached! my friends...

For weeks AstrobioBot drifted silently through space, traveling between the Earth and Mars...

...and resting up for new adventures. Until...

January 22, 2012 The powerful blast sweeps past Earth... There is a disturbance brewing at the center of Deep in space, DANGER our solar system. somewhere between the Earth and Mars... Our powerful sun boils and bubbles...

ALERT up the Until it bursts! night skies. Our hero awakens!

AstrobioBot Don’t worry The MSL spacecraft could ...but inside, are you there?! A dangerous S3 I’m on it! provide some protection AstrobioBot was flare has erupted from the flare... rocked by the from the Sun! solar radiation!

I hope this doesn’t fry my I just circuits It’s headed need to power right for you! up my Radiation Assessment Detector... I made it! And just look This is amazing at all the data I AstrobioBot! recorded!

All of this data is going to help us Good work! But now determine how much that you’re awake... it’s time to radiation human explorers prepare for the most dangerous will face on future challenge you’re ever going missions! to face!

At JPL Mission That’s it. He’s Safe from the It’s so hot! Control... entered the atmosphere. solar flare, So. Hard. Seven minutes until we AstrobioBot To Steer! know if he’s safe... began his true I don’t know if ...or if he’s test... I can make it lost forever.

He plowed through the atmosphere... But I see Gale Crater Don’t fear AstrobioBot. Let your Curiosity guide you! ...7 minutes With only his of terror to heatshield to reach Mars! protect him! All we can do is wait! Spirit?!

AstrobioBot Deploying the ...and AstrobioBot put strained to parachute on his jetpack! keep the MSL AHHHH! craft on target! It’s time to jump for it AstrobioBot!

Almost there!

This landing is different than my own... Let’s hope but I will do my this works, best to guide For a few quiet moments, the craft Spirit! you! drifted toward Gale Crater...

With the powered At first, He hovered into But would he make it descending stage firing, it was like place above the to the surface before AstrobioBot sank fireworks landing site. the tethers detached toward the surface! in the sky! and the hover-craft blasted away? Just a few more AHHHH! inches... But soon, AstrobioBot And the was in control. tethers began to let him This is down! AMAZING! And could he touch down in Gale Crater? AstrobioBot’s I made it! Seven minutes later, back on Earth, Now be careful, wheels came down the message was received! AstrobioBot! You’re Prepare for with a delicate... not safe yet... download!

Now that you’re on the ground, you need new navigation software. Whoa, new programming filling Data suddenly flooded my brain! What skills over the communica- AstrobioBot, as the Curiosity rover, are you teaching tions relay... made headlines world wide. me now?!

Now I can snap And use my This new software is some photos robotic arm! ...and new views of AMAZING! Now I’m the Mars surface ready to explore Mount Sharp... here I come!

Data suddenly came flooding to Earth.

And zap things with my laser!

There were the first spectra from his laser...

Stay tuned for further adventures from our intrepid hero as he prepares to explore the treacherous slopes of Mount Sharp in: