Congressman Neumann Blasted Over Homophobic Remarks

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Congressman Neumann Blasted Over Homophobic Remarks VOLUME TEN, NO. 12—June 5, 1997—June 18, 1997-Issue 232 Give the People Light and they will find their own way. V The Wisconsin Light Coming In Next Criticism Comes from Left and Right Wing Issue: Interviews with Divine and Congressman Neumann Blasted John Waters By Terry Boughner Fine Line Pictures has re-released Over Homophobic Remarks Pink Flamingos, directed by John Wa- ters and starring the incomparable Di- vine who died in 1988. Divine was at the height of her power By Bill Meunier when she came to Milwaukee in 1988 to Wisconsin Congressman Mark Neu- perform at Club 219. Jerry and I went to ".• mann has found himself in the middle of a her hotel to interview her. )NCIt'sWlS hail of criticism following a report of his That night, she performed and then statements to a group of Christian Coali- quickly left. She was to begin taping a tion members in La Crosse that he would- new TV show called "Married With Chil- n't hire anyone who was openly Gay or dren" in which she was to play an Lesbian. openly Gay man. The Congressman, who is preparing a In the next issue of Wisconsin Light bid against Senator Russ Femgold re- we will be running a new and expanded ceived scathing criticism from both the version of that interview. I SCONSia WISC O left and right. We will also be running an exclusive According to published reports, the interview that I did with John Waters, Congressman, who just last April had Divine's good friend and director in Pink signed a pledge not to discriminate against Flamingos as well as many of her other Gays and Lesbians in his office hiring films. practices, told the group: "If somebody Pink Flamingos will open at Milwau- walks in to me and says I'm a Gay person 2e0the'sk Oriental Theater on Friday, June and I want a job in our office,' I would say they wouldn't be hired because that means they are promoting their agenda." Neumann added, "The Gay and Lesbian lifestyle (is) unacceptable, lest there be State HIV Test any question about that." While saying that he doesn't ask job ap- Disclosure Up for plicants about their sexual orientation, ARCOW Says thanks! Their motto is "The Quiet Company," but the employees at Northwest Mutual made Neumann said "I don't ask a whole bunch Public Hearing a lot of noise at last year's AIDS Walk Wisconsin. The Northwest Mutual team won the first place team of questions. A sin is a sin in God's eyes." award for raising $15,581. Shown above at the award presentation (L-R) are Doug Nelson from ARCOW, The remarks by the Southeast Wiscon- Madison— A bill that would allow a and Michael Youngman and Scott Wallace from Northwest Mutual. Nelson said that the Milwaukee based sin Congressman brought him an unwel- physician to disclose test results of some- company. which is one of the largest life insurance companies in the world has shown "great leadership" in come public spotlight They also brought one exposed to the AIDS virus is sched- the fight against AIDS. to the forefront a little known article fea- uled for a legislative hearing. turing Neumann in the New York Times In a modification of rules that protect a MAP Rent Assistance Provides $250,000 To Magazine. patient's confidentiality, the legislation The article printed on November 3rd of would allow a doctor to provide the in- Homelessness last year quotes Neumann as saying "If I formation to someone with whom the pa- Prevent was elected God for a day. homosexuality tient has had a sexual relation. Milwaukee -- As the needs of people living "The Rent Assistance Program is critical wouldn't be permitted." It also would let a doctor provide the in- Outraged officials contacted by The formation to people who share intravenous with HIV and AIDS continue to increase, to persons with HIV and AIDS," said Neil many services offered by the Milwaukee Albrecht, ARCW's deputy director of pro- Wisconsin Light were uniformly critical drug use with the patient. of Neumann's remarks. Assembly Bill 280 would alter state law AIDS Project (MAP), such as housing, food grams. "In many instances, rent assistance is which currently allows a doctor to dis- and transportation, are being accessed by a needed by individuals who are no longer able Please See Neumann Page 10 close such information only after the per- record number of consumers. One such to work and earn income, but are in a six son who tested for the AIDS-causing HIV service, the Rent Assistance Program, oper- month waiting period to begin receiving So- Extremist Religious virus has died. ated by MAP's Housing Department, pro- cial Security benefits." The bill is scheduled for a public hear- vided over 350 consumers with $250,000 in "We also work extensively with families Right Tries to Launch ing Tuesday at 1 p.m. before the Assem- rent assistance during 1996. who are homeless," continued Albrecht. bly Health Committee in room 417 North Of the 350 individuals who accessed the "First, we locate housing that is long-term, Anti-Gay Campaign of the State Capitol. service, approximately 80 percent were single safe and affordable, then we can offer the and the other 20 percent were families. family a security deposit, three months of rent Washington, DC--Several major pro- assistance and utility assistance." family groups launched an ad campaign The Rent Assistance Program, which is Wednesday, May 28th, by placing an Milwaukee Presbytery Becomes First To funded through state and private sources, was open letter to American Airlines Chief started in 1992 to help people with AIDS Executive Officer Robert Crandall in the Oppose Church Ban on Gay Ministers avoid homelessness when they were unable to Washington Times, the Allen Ameri- continue working, had excessive medical bills can, the Plano Star-Courier, the Louis- Milwaukee--The Milwaukee Presbytery fice in Louisville, Kentucky, said the or were on unpaid medical leaves from their ville Leader and several other papers. was the first regional body of the Pres- Milwaukee Presbytery is the first regional employment. In the program's first year, USA Today, as well as the Dallas byterian Church (U.S.A.) to oppose the group of congregations to inform the de- MAP provided $75,000 in rent assistance. Morning News and the Fort Worth Star national group's recent ban on ordaining nomination it had adopted such a dissent- The $250,000 provided in 1996 reflects an Telegram refused to carry the ad. Gays, but one official said what the move ing covenant. increase of more than 300 percent over a four The ad outlines American's support of means is anybody's guess. The change to the Presbyterian Book of year period. homosexuality through discount fares for The Presbyterian Church voted in March Order, adopted in March, said, in part: "In 1996," said Albrecht "we were able to homosexual partners, sponsorship of to make its ban on the ordination of ho- "Persons refusing to repent of any self- offer six months of assistance. However, this "Gay pride" events and all-night "circuit mosexuals part of church law. acknowledged practice which the confes- year we are seeing a reduction in the govern- parties," designation as official carrier of The ban got the majority it needed with sions call sin shall not be ordained and/or ment's Housing Opportunities for People with a Gay schoolteachers group, and dona- approvals from regional bodies in Miami installed as deacons, elders or ministers of AIDS (HOPWA) funding at a time when the tions to partisan homosexual activist and Charlotte, N.C. The Book of Order, the Word and Sacrament." groups such as the Human Rights Cam- need has never been greater. Subsequently, paign the church's constitution, will be changed The Rev. John Gregg, a retired minister we have had to reduce the amount of assis- and Parents, Friends and Family of to require chastity of single ministers. who is a member of the Milwaukee Pres- tance we provide from six months to three Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), both of "It says to the country that Presbyteri- bytery's Advocacy Committee, was which have labeled pro-family organiza- months." tions as ans are committed to reaffirming their among those opposing the change. Despite the reduction in the number of "extremist" and "bigoted." biblical center for faith and practice," the "We think that the amendment itself is The letter is signed by Gary L. Bauer of time. He months a consumer may receive assistance, the Family Rev. Jack Haberer said at the out or order," he said. the demand on the service is already exceed- Research Council, D. James moderator of The Presbyterian Kennedy of was a "There are so many things in the his- ing projections for 1997. Coral Ridge Ministries, Coalition, a group favoring the amend- torical confessions that are described as James Dobson of Focus on the Family, ment. "The number of people needing this type Donald Wildmon sinful, including having a picture of Jesus of assistance, both MAP consumers and per- of the American Family But the Milwaukee Presbytery, a re- in your home, that the amendment opens Association, Beverly LaHaye of Con- gional group of 51 congregations with sons receiving services from other commu- cerned Women for any number of doors to challenge ordina- nity-based organizations, is staggering. In America, and Richard more than 15,000 members, approved a Land of the Christian tion." March alone, we provided nearly $24,000 in Life Commission of " covenant of dissent" by a 2-1 margin on But Jenkins said the national church the Southern Baptist Convention.

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