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Xavier University Newswire Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1954-02-26 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1954). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 1942. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/1942 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Xavier University News . ..4. Weekly Newspaper. By Students From The E"anston, D~ntown ..4.nd Milford Campuses. VOLUME XXXVllI CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY-26, 1954 NO. H Student Royalty To Reign At Pavillon Youthful Queen Will Hold Sceptre Tonight; Trio To Provide Program Of Continuous Music A trio of charming young ladies from the Xavier Evening College will be reigning supreme tonight at the Junior Prom. MASOUED SLEUTHS READY SPRING The court will be assembled at the Pavillon Caprice of the Netherland Plaza Hotel at 9 p. m. Miss Marty Bowyer, a 19 year old blond, will hold the sceptre of the queen. She was PRODUCTION, 'DETECTIVE STORY' elected on Wednesday, Feb. 10, by the Xavier student body, hav­ Fund Drive Dresen, Feiertag, Sweeney To Head. Cast Of 34; ing been sponsored in the election by the Rifle Club. Kingsley's Show To Open May 7 In South Hall MS. Post Won Ending Today By John Gri1111mer, Ne1v11 A1111ociate Editor Her attendents are Misses Lois As the Feb. 27 Mardi Gras cele­ Hughes, a 20 year old brunette, bration draws near the Student Rehearsals were · underway this week for the Masque By Lindemann and Jenna Lee Glenn, 18 year old Fund Drive is expected to accel­ Socie~y's ambitious spring production, Sidney Kingsley's red head who was sponsored by by John Yan Flantlern erate considerably. Returns over "Detective Story." Cast in lead roles are Masque veteran Jim In establishing the com­ The News. the past week have been increas­ · Dresen, newcomer Jean Feiertag, and colorful Bill Sweeney. For the dancing pleasure of the ing at a fegular rate, announced mand staff of the "X Regi­ royalty and the guests, Billy Sni- Student Chairman, Dick Plage­ Director Maupin has followed standard procedure in placing ment," at the beginning of the man, and the probability of a last most key roles in the hands of experienced players, backed by a McDonald and his crew are doing second semester, Col. George minute rush has encouraged the balanced proportion of new mem- just that. L. Holsinger, Professor of Student Committee to prepare Military Science and Tactics, an­ extra return centers on campus. hers. A new departure for Mr. Mau- The cast, which called for an pin in this production was the nounced the appointment of Rog­ The Bulletin Boards will carry er Lindemann as the Cadet Col­ notice of temporary return points, unprecedented thirty four char- appointment of two assistant stu­ onel. if they are needed. acters, made a re­ c r u i t in g drive A four year veteran of ROTC Students are reminded that to· and Pershing Rifles, Roger won day ls the last opportunity to necessary. There will, therefore, be:.:::::=:=::::::;.;::.:==.=:=>< his first major award as a fresh­ make returns. q a great number of !:}:;~:=:::!:I'!::'='·::::=:.:;::: man when he received the Mili­ The following students have new faces to be ?=.:=::::==:;':·:/:f=:: tary Order of World Wars Gold made their individual quotas in seen on the South Medal for outstanding scholarship the drive: Ted Athanasakes, and leadership. He. received the Frank Bachman, Bill Board, Jim Hall stage when the show opens on Silver Medal for similar achieve­ Comerford, Fred Drugan, Jim ment from the Cincinnati Chap­ Dusablon, John Galownia, Bob May 7. Detective Story ter of the Reserve Officers Asso­ Glaser, Bob Glasscock, Paul ciation of the U. S. in the second ··Dan Lavely, Leo Naber, is a modern "slice of/ life" tragedy year. Fred O'Brien, Larry Plageman, He became a Cadet Officer Ed Sajewski,. Joe Smithmeyer, laid in the detec­ Queen Marty Bowyer tive's room, 21st in the middle of last year and Florian Sokolowski, Jim Stein­ rose to Cadet Lt. Col. and thence bach, Don Thomas and John p re c i n c t , New der's Orchestra. will be on the York City. Into to the top position. He is also a stand. The Vito .Rossi trio will Wintz. These names will be in­ member· of the XOMM and a this scene is also be present to provide con­ cluded on an Honor Roll set up graduate of Purcell High School tinuous music during intermis­ in South Hall. · poured almost here in Cincinnati. · Student activity extended to every imaginable sion. Jim Powers was named execu­ Her highness, the queen, who is the individual classrooms this type of character, each of which tive of the regiment, and the "looking forward with great ex­ week as volunteer spokesmen five Battalions are commanded pectation and excitement" to the made a final plea to the student watches i m p as • sively ·as the pow­ respectively by Dick Spelz, Adam affair, is a graduate of Regina body to back the fund drive. Meyer, Lodge Weber, Bill Fitz­ erful central plot High School and takes a course in patrick and Howard Fishburn. public speaking at the Evening c h urns toward Mr. John G. Maupin directs his Masquers from College. She is · employed as a Fine Arts Lectures one of the most a favorite vantage point. Photo b11 Bodnar secretary at RCA and numbers dramatic climaxes Deferment . Exam among her outside interests, jazz Begin Wednesday in the modern theatre. dent directors. Tom Mehmert is records, dancing, and bowling. The Fine Arts Committee, · The show requires but one per­ in charge of details of produc­ -Slated For April Attendent Jenna Lee is an headed by Mr. Frank M. Insemi, manent set, great news for tech­ tion,· while John Grissmer will Chairman, Dept. of Modern Lan­ nical director Bob McDonald handle dramatic coaching. All eligible students who in­ alumna of La Salette Academy tend to take the Selective Service in Covington, Ky., and studies guages, announced a change in who said in a recent meeting, Others in the cast of thirty­ the weekly classical record pro­ "The basis of this show is real­ four include veteran Masquers College Qualification Test in 1954 Practical English at the EC. She should file applications at once is also employed in the Evening grams. ism. That means we can't just Bob Morris, Elaine Stadtmuller, Beginning on March 3, a series for the April 22 administration of College office. build a set. We have to build an Vito Decarlo, Joe Smithmeyer, of lectures by members of the exact replica of a police station." Bill Favret, and Jack Carroll. the test. Lois Hughes, the other lady in An application and a bulletin waiting, matrieulated to the EC faculty of the Xavier College of Liberal Arts will alternate week­ of information may be obtained from Seton· High School. She at­ at any Selective Service local tends a theology class at the ly with the recorded sessions 'of ·Fr. McCourt, Veteran Teacher, music. board. Following instructions in downtown school. Lois is a secre­ the bulletin, the students should tary for a doctor during the day. J;)r. Charles F. Wheeler, Chair­ man, Dept. of English, will give Dies After Extended Illness fill out his application immedi­ the first lecture on "Literature Rev. Thomas A. McCourt, land, he next studied Scripture ately and mail it in the special Workshop-Council and the Fine Arts Program." On and Biblical archaeology at Bei­ envelope provided. Applications March 10 the usual record con­ S.J., professor of Spanish .~t rut, Syria. In 1914, he studied at must be postmarked no later than Beckons To NFCCS cert will be heard and on March Xavier University since 1936, the Pontifical Biblical Institute midnight, March 8, 1954. Early The Workshop and Council 17, another lecture will be pre­ -died Monday, February 22, at of Rome. filing will be greatly to the stu­ meeting of the Ohio-Kentucky sented. the Milford Novitiate after an Upon his return to the United dent's advantage. region of the NFCCS will be held Both activities will be held in illness of several months. He was States, he joined the faculty of Results will be reported to the student's Selective Service local at Nazareth College in Louisville the Dorothy Albers Fine Arts 76 years of age. St. Louis University and served on March 6 and 7. John Moorman, Room in Albers Hall. Programs there until 1928 in the language board of jurisdiction for use in senior delegate, and John Gru­ for the lectures and the concerts Father Mccourt had a varied department. He then filled as­ considering his deferment as a - penhoff, chairman of the Foren­ will appear on the bulletin boards and widely traveled career in the signments as chairman of the student. sic Commission, will be running and in The News. Society of Jesus which he joined modern languages department of for the offices of regional presi- in 1897. After teaching at St. Regis College, Denver, Colo., and dent and first vice-president, re- Econs Go To Ford Plant Mary's College, Kansas, from 1904 as professor of Spanish at St. Sodality Sponsors Pilgrimage spectively, at the Council meet- The Economics Club is planning until 1907, he joined the faculty John's College, Toledo, Ohio. He A Xavier pilgrimage to Europe ing.
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