

AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR AESTHETICS Fogg Art Museum, 3:50 P.M. September 3, 1948

1. The meeting was called to order by Katharine Gilbert, president. Mrs. Gilbert reported on the Society's application for membership in the ACLS. (See Board meeting)

2. The Secretary-Treasurer read the minutes of the 1947 Annual Meeting of members and presented the financial report of the Society and JOURNAL. Both were accepted by the members. 3. Mrs. Gilbert announced to the members the grant of $500 each year for three years made to the Society by the Bollingen Foundation. Grant was secured by Huntington Cairns. Dr. Munro made a motion that Mrs. Gilbert express the appreciation of the Society to Mr. Cairns. Motion carried. 4. Isabel Hungerland moved that the Sec-Treas write a letter of thanks to the President of Harvard University for the hospitality shown to the Society during its current meetings. Mrs. Hungerland read a resolution to that effect. Motion was made and carried. (See Sec-Treas book for copy)

5. At the Annual Banquet, Dr. Munro explained the activities of the Arts and Letters section of UNESCO and made a motion that the Society go on record as approving this work and stating to the Director General of UNESCO that the !SA stands ready to back this activity. A letter, drafted by Dr. Munro, was read and approved by the Society members present. On September 9, 1948, Mrs. Gilbert sent this letter to the Director General.

6. Mrs. Gilbert opened the meeting for a discussion of the current meeting's program and asked for expressions of opinions from the members. In general, the discussion centered around, (1) longer papers and fewer, (2) possibility of having panel-discussions rather than prepared papers, (3) the arrangements of Sessions from papers of specific fields to general fields of interest, (4) preparing abstracts of each p



7. Dr. wolfgang Stechow invited the Society to meet at Oberlin College on October 22, 23, 24, 1949 for its Annual Meeting. The invitation was accepted. The meeting date has been changed from September to October, since no September date has met with the unanimous approval of the membership.

8. The Secretary outlined the objectives far the following year which con­ sisted mainly of continuing the method of securing new members (see Board Meeting notes), and a renewed effort to secure more Contributing Institutional memberships.

9. w~s. Gilbert announced the results of the nominating committee's suggestions for president, Vice-President and four new Board members and asked for further nominations. There were no further nominations and Mrs. Gilbert instructed the Secretary to mail ballots to all members as provided in the Constitution.

10. Meeting was adjourned.




Fogg Art ll'useum -- Harvard Uni versi ty

Ylednesday, Thursday, Friday, September 1, 2, 3, 1948

I. l~embers of the American Society for Aesthetics met at the Fogg Art Museum, Harvard Uni versi ty in Cambridge, 1!assachusetts, for their annual meeting. Dr . Henry D. Aiken of Harvard's Department of Philosophy 1Vas host. Five sessions of papers, a party and the Annual Bannuec were hel d. (See attached program)


A. The Board of Trustees met in the office of Harvard's Philosophy Department at 9 A. M. on .lednesday, September 1, 1948 . Lembers present were: Katharine Gilbert, president; Lynn D. Poole, secretary­ treasurer; Thomas ~unro , editor of the JOURNAL; C.J. Ducasse, Helmut Hungerland, Lester Longman, Carroll Pratt, Wolfgang Stechow.

B. Katharine G~lbert and C. J. Ducasse presented a report on the status of the Society's application for membership in the .~erican Council of Learned Societies . Correspondence on this matter is in the files of the Sec- Treas . Present status is that a committee of the ACLS is studying the application and its acceptance seems probable. J.:r . Poole and Dr . Boas were instructed to coordinate with ltrs . Gilbert in followir~ the matter to completion.

C. Dr . !..'unro presented a report on the progress of the JOURNAL. The Board studied t.he problen of a new cover and discussed sugvested covers submitted by ~U!!las ':'cAgy . There 1Vas a general feeling that the JOURNAL should have a new cover. Lester Longman was asked to submit designs for a new cover.

D. Mr . Poole presented the firuL~cial report of the Society and the JOURNAL. Report was accepted. Announcement was made that Federal Tax- Exemption has been secured and that with this Dr. Huntington Cairns had ir~orned the Society that the Bollingen Foundation would on January 1, 1949 contribute ~50o each year for three years to the operation of ~~e Society. (See attached financial report)

E. L~ . Poole gave the membership report of the Society. (See attached)


SEORETARY F. Mr . Pool e gave a report on the subscriptions to the JOURNAL . A study of advertising in the JOURl'L'IL was presented. It was decided not to attempt to secure advertising nor exchange advertising, as there is no profit in such.

G. 'll1e problem of neVi members and neVl Contributing Institutional member­ ships was discussed. The Sec- Treas was instructed to continue the l!lethod of securin!' new members and to accelerate the work of securing new Contributina J:embers . \; ays and means were discussed. At present there are 12 contributing institutions paying a total amount of .3500 to the Society each year. New members and contributing members are the major source of income for the growth of the Society and JOURNAL .

H. Problem of date and place of next Annual Iteeting was discussed. Possibility of holding the meeting in California in response to an i nvitation from J . Donald Young at Occidental College in Los Angeles was discussed. Board felt that such a meeting shoul d be held, but not this coming year. It was decided to hold the meeting at Oberlin Collep'e, Oberlin, Ohio, in response to an invitation from iiolfgang Stechow. Meetinv will be held late in October, 1949. l<-lH} I. On December 31, 1948, the terms of three members of the Board of Trustees expire, as well as those of the President and Vice- President. A list of candidates was presented and discussed. Dr. George Boas was nominated for President, Dr. Carroll Pratt was nominated for Vice­ President. TIlis action left a fourth vacancy on the Board (Carr oll Pratt was a trustee) . Craig LaDriere, Henry D. Aiken, Ernest Hassold and Palll Zucker were nominated to vacancies on the Board of Trustees . 'll1e Sec~etary was instructed to mail ballots to all members, according to the rules of the Constitution.

J . Mrs . Gilbert asked for a motion from the Board to give formal thanks to Dr. kunro for his continued services as editor of the JOURNAL . Hotion was made and unanimousl y carried. lZrs . Gilbert asked for a motion that the Board send formal thanks to Huntington Cairns for securing the 1500 gr~~t from Bollingen Foundation.

K. 3lcretary was instructed to secure list of members of al lied organizations and select names from these lists to circul ate invitations to join the Society. Secretary was asked to secure list from Dr . Farnsworth of the menbers of the American Psychological Association belongin~ to the Aesthetics Division.

L. Meeting was adjourned at 12 :15 P. !l.



• m D. POOLE

;HH, Ernest Hassold declined nomination. Rudolph Arnheim selected to replace him.



C. J. Ducasse K. Price F. C. Flint M. E. Wilson R. F. Piper M. McLendon H. G. McCudy K. Meyer-Baer J. R. Tuttle J. Portnoy A. L. Tuttle P. Ginetti N. Cayden H. B. Lee A. Torres-Rioseco H. M. Austin K. Row H. D. Aiken S. Riklin R. Traherne J. Collinson P. R. Farnsworth VI. Abel J. Smith P. M. LaPorte H. Bugbee R. Arnheim L. Garvin E. M. Blake P. Pinson. R. Poggioli D. Morgan M. Bill sky S. Albert G. Culler H. A. Hatzfield E. Munsterberg R. Holkstra M. Schoen A. Szathmary V. LOlVefeld I- I. Cain C. E. Gauss H. Clarke A. Isenberg T. N'nmro C. C. Pratt \Y . Stechow L. D. Longman L. D. Poole J. Bier H. Hungerland I- C. Hungerland K. Gilbert J. Alford







September 1, 2, 3, 1948


9:00 - 12:00 Board of Trustees Meeting, Emerson Hall, Philosophy Office 9:30 - 12:00 Registration of Members; Emerson Hall, First Floor, Emerson B 2:00 - 4:30 FIRST SESSION - Fogg Art MLlseum, Large Lecture Room PROBLEMS OF MEANING AND REPRES:ENrATION IN THE ARTS Chairman: Renato Poggioti, Department of Philosophy, Harvard University 1. "Meaning of Poetry", Isabel Hungerland 2. "The Ambiguity of Representation", Douglas Morgan 3. "Analysis of Aesthetic Form", Joseph Cobitz 4. "Vico and Aesthetic Historicism", Erich Auerbach 5. "Conceptual Problems in History of Architecture", P.M. LaPorte 5:00 ------Cocktail Palty for Members - Commander Hotel 8:15 ------Concert for Members and Guests -- Program to be announced. Gregory Tucker, pianist.


9:30 - 12:30 -- SECOND SESSION-- FOBg Art Museum, Small Lecture Room FUNCTIONS AND METHODS OF CP.ITICISM Chairman: HellllUt Hungerlano., California College of Arts and Crafts 1. "Limits of Aesthetic Criticism", Jeffery Smith, Stanford University 2. "Relativism in Professor Lewis' Theory of Aesthetic Value", Lucius Garvin 3. "Verification of Aesthetic Judgments", Katherine Rau 4. Holcombe Austin, Philosophical Anarchy; the repudiation of Artistic authority 12:30 - 2:00 Lunch

2:00 - 4:30 THIRD SESSION - Fogg Art Museum, Small Lecture Room Aesthetics of Music Chairman: Carroll Pratt, 1. "Pure Arts and the Law of Nature in Music", Norman Camden, 2. "A Consideration of Attempts to Score Musical Interests", Paul R. Farnsworth, Department of Psychology, Sta,"lford University 3. "Allegory of Music in Raphael t S Painting", Kathi Meyer-Baer, New Rochelle, New York 4. "Platonic Overtones in Soviet Music", Julius Portnoy, Department of Philosophy, Brooklyn College 5. "The Identity of Composer and Audience", M. Emmett Wilson, Department of Music, Ohio State University 6:30 - - - - - ANNUAL BANQUET, Commander Hall, Cambridge, Title Presidential Address, Dr. Katharine S. Gilbert - "SEVEN SENSES OF A ROOM"

---- "IDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1948 9:30 - 12:30 FOURTH SESSION - Fogg Art Nuseum, Small Lecture Room AESTHETICS Al1D VALUATION Chairman: Henry D. Aiken, Harvard University 1. "Cri tical Communication", Arnold Isenberg, Department of Philosophy, Queens College 2. "No Title as yet -- Arthur Szathmary, Department of Philosophy, Princeton University 3. "On a standard for Evaluation of Art;' D. Iv. Gotshalk, Department of Philosophy, University of Illinois 4. "Critical Standards, Critical Judgments and Objectivity in Criticism", Vincent Tomas, Brown University 12:00 - 1:30 - - Lunch 1:30 - 3:45 - - FIFTH SESSION - Fogg Art Museum, Small Lecture Room PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBlEMS OF ART: Chairman: Rudolph Arnheim, Sarah Lawrence College 1. "Freud t s 'Leonardo t and tile Cycles of Art History", Walter Abell, Michigan State College 2. "The Values of Order and Vitality in Artistic Experience ", Harry B. Lee, Chicago 3. "Social Psychology of Taste", Kate 11. Nueller and John H. Nueller, Indiana University 4. "Literature as a Resource in Personality Study: Theory and Methods", Harold G. NcCurdy, Raleigh, N. C. 5. "Psychology of Expression and the Teaching of Art and Music", Rudolph Arnheim, Sarah Lawrence College 3:45 ------BUSINESS MEETING OF SOCIETY, Katharine Gilbert, presiding


Board of Trustees Meeting American Society for Aesthetics

Time: 9:00 A. M., Wednesdsy, September 1, 1948 Place: Department of Philosophy Offices, Emerson Hall, Harvard University

1. Reading of Minutes of the 1947 Meeting 2. President's Report a. General Activity b. Negotiations with American Council of Learned Societies 3. Report -- Editor of the JOURNAL 4. Report -- Treasurer of the Society a. Financial statement of Society, Audited b. Financial Statement of the JOURNAL, Audited c. Status of Tax-Exemption 5. Report -- Business Manager of the JOURNAL a. Number of subscriptions -- broken into categories b. Report on contributing institutions c. Cost of JOURNAL d. Advertising e. New cover for JOURNAL

6. Report -- Secretary of the Society a. Number of members b. Number of new members since September 1, 1947 c. Number of members dropped since September 1, 1947 d. Publication of membership list• . ~ 7. Questions for discussion a. Securing of Life lOOrnbers -- and New Contributing Members b. Stimulation of Regional Groups c. Change in number of copies of J OURNAL sent to contributing members 8. Nominating Committee a. Nominate new President and Vice-President for term 1949-51 b. Nominate three new members of Board of Trustees for 1949-52 to replace Rosemond Tuve, Lester Longman and Douglas MacAgy whose terms expire December 31, 1948 (Secretary to send ballots to all members in October)

9. Annual Meeting -- 1949. Decision of Board 10. Other business. ADJOURN -- 12:00, Noon STATISTICS ON NUMBER OF ~~ERS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS


The American Society for Aesthetics-1948 As of September 1, 1948


Number of new members (joined since September 1947) ••••••••• 103 Number of resignations (since September 1947)...... 25 Total number of members...... 475 SUBSCRIPTIONS:

United States

Paid - Iz:di viduals '" .. '" ...... ,. '" . ,. . '" '" . '" '" . '" '" ..... '" . '" '" '" ..... '" . . 80 Paid - Libraries .••....•.••• • ...•..••...... •••....•..••.. 177 Paid - Colleges and Organizations...... 41 Exctlange •.. '" '" '" '" • '" •• '" • '" • '" • '" '" '" ..... '" '" •.• '" .. '" '" '" '" '" .. '" '" .... '" .. '" '" .... '" .. 14 Free - Colleges and Organizations •••••••••••••••••••••••• --4 Total number of subscriptions for United States ••••••• 316


Paid - Individuals .. '" '" '" ...... '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" .. '" .. '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" .. '" '" '" '" '" '" .. '" '" '" .. 13 Paid - Libraries...... 21 Paid - Colleges and Organizations...... 16 Exchange," '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" .. '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" .. '" '" '" .. '" '" '" .. '" '" '" .. '" .. '" '" .... '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" 11 Free - Individuals. '" '" '" '" '" ...... '" ...... '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '"" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" 19 Free - Libraries .... '" '" '" '" '" '" '" .. '" '" .. '" '" '" '" '" .. '" '" '" '" .. '" '" '" '" .. '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" .. '" '" 5 Free - Colleges and Organi zations...... 12 Total number of foreign subscriptions...... 97




Contributors Amount

Cleveland Museum of Art Library $100 (Dr. Thomas Munro, University Center Station, Cleveland 6, OhiO)

Harvard College Library 75 (Dr. Henry Aiken, Emerson Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Califo nia School of ine Arts, Anne Breme\ Library 25 (Mr. Do las McAgy, 80 Chestnut St., San ~cisco 11, Cali rnia)

Bryn Mawr College Library (Professor Milton C. Nahm, , Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania)

University of Cincinnati 25 (Dr. Edwin h. Zey1el, Chairman, Taft Memorial Fund, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio

Duke University Library-Woman's College Library 25 (Mrs. Katharine E. Gilbert, College Station, Durham, North Caro::'ina)

Rees, Dept. of Education, Massachusetts

Western Reserve University 25 (Dr. Putnam Aldrich, Division of Music, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OhiO)

Library. The Johns Hopkins University 25 Brown University (Professor C. J. Ducasse, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island)

Oberlin College 25 (Dr. Wolfgang Stechow, Oberlin, OhiO)


SECRETARY National Gallery of Art $100 (Mr. Huntington Cairns, National Gallery of Art, 4th & Constitution Aves., N.W., Washington 25, D.C.)

Library, University of Michigan 25 (Mr. Douglas M. Morgan, Philosophy Department, UniverSity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan)

Names of New Contributors Since May 1947 National Gallery of Art University of Michigan

Names of Contributors Who Did Not Renew Since May 1947

UniverSity of Illinois Carnegie Institute of Technology College of ~am and Mary :;J~ ~ ~ 01~j C k-0 "6 F~ qJvL.,.


SEORETARY , I ' I \ u""!

-l I ~ I ~ c3: ~rE I· r ~. ~.~!O~. ~ . Z ! O}, . t:: .... ri" p ~fi ~ (J:, . ~~ m " • II III " "tt "t:f i"" ~ ~ ·i~!l!I itt •• r;r:, ,;,:, I 7' .' III ~jli'g -l I Jill fi~ r -'-'4 I i m 5 "IJ I'iafl 8 c.... &:li~ r;1~ 1 » 0 i !fh ~ fill ~ l-i cn ~ Z C Ut'!:i h; 0:;0 ;:; » z 'c.. ••1'1 ~. ¥,,,rel'g.ff I <; ;;0» Jr,; !,; Z -l r II ~I!Jlr!fl f ~ no cv> ;;o"1l_ i 2:! -l» ! t:l r ; U if It 3: nBl If 11" 0 -I ! t· ~ I. r e-i .g r nu dl " (/)--, ,.1 ~ ~ 3: I q -l m t50 r .i f!(· f~~ ~ -l .'!it .. ir .... !1"" i" n 1ft IIr g",: (/) = r:.!5£ ,:81 , i'i:li ! rf (~ii! ... i -.9 n ! i 1-! m~ ~t li~i <; ~ rt! I c 1j.· if! Z If P'" 88' "ii i 8 o ~ I'" • lit I is THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR AESTHETICS Organized in 1942 lor the advancement 01 philosophical and scientific studies 01 the arts and related fields

The Johns Hopkins Uni versit~~ 'JaltimoT"l; :..:: , r~arylat:d

SEPTEMBER sevent h 1 94 8 Dear Dr . Conant:

I have just net1::neC!. fro; t;;e meetinGs of the bmeri cc.n 80ciet~' for Aest~etics neld at ~arv&rd on Septemter ~irst , sbcond &r.d tl:ird y,here '.:e enjoyed t.ts cot:.rtesy of .r-our Ur.ive:rsit:r and of the Fo gg Art ::us eum .

At the business ",eeting of tl,e SocictJ' the ",enbers as;:ed ~.~ to "end to ;-cn.: the follo' in: Resolution:

Resolved th& t t:,e officers and meI:lbers of the !~ericLr. Societ. for A~sthetics eA~ress th~ir rratitLde to Hc.rv&rd University for the 1.os)itLli ty extended to thE. Society dw-ing tr.e 1948 AnllUhl 1Jeetir..g ~nd &.lso their a]!::-,rcci atior.. of the cenerous

and e::fectiv€ sc.rvic s

~<.J.J I ':"v.~ to this ..:JP c",.n ~JLrtiOnc..1 &:? reciLti~'n for t~c .... c£..t wnOl.X.t of ont~usi.:._st i c 'olor1::: clone b~ Professor Ai:':cn ,,;.L::'ct. D;:de tr.is m~etin[ so zucce:5~Ll .

Sincerel :' ~-ours ,

LYN 1 D. ?00LE Secret...... ry- ":l.'ess UXOI'

D:- . Jailles ErYc,..nt COl'.Lo..!'lt , Pl"'bsidf:;r..t II;:rvi..o.ra l!nivB!'si ty C':r:1br ':'c..;i.; , ~~z;3s.::...cl'o..:.;(:. tts J. DON ALD YOUNG 5 41 SOUTH G REENW O O D A VENUE P A SADENA to. CAL IFORNIA

August 5 , 1948

Dr. Lynn D. Poole The Johns Hopkins University Baltimore 18, Md.

Dear Dr. Poole: At last I have been able to make tentative arrangements for the 1949 annual meeting of the American Society for Aes­ thetics. Occidental College extends a cordial invitation to the Society to hold its mee ting on her campus during the week of ~eptember 4-10, 1949. The college has other tentative agree­ ments which make it doubtful whether it could provide dormi­ tory facilities during the we ek of Augus t 28 - Se~te mber 3. For the week of September 4-10 we can provide for rooms 1.n one or two dormitories with "hotel service". We can­ not give you the exact charge as yet, but for similar groups this year we have charged $1:75 per night per person. All meals, including the banquet, can be handled with ease by the college dining hall. From personal experience I know that meals are both reasonable and good . Rooms for meetings are supplied without charge unless special services are required. The best room available is what is known as "Alumni Chapel". This seats 400, has a speaker's platform, and can be darkened for use of a lantern. We can supply screen and lanterns for either standard or 2 x 2 slides. The small room for the meetings of the Board of Trustees presents no problem. If the Society decides to accept the invitation, the College will be happy to provide a tea party for members and their wives as its contribution towards entertainment. (With our Presbyterian baclcground - we are now non-sectarian - a cocktail party is defintely out of the picture, much as some of us would like one.) Since college will not be in cession we would have no local talent available for a musical or dance program. However, should the Society desire some evening enter­ tainment, I am sure that we can arrange ceomethihg within its budget. I certainly hope that this will be satisfactory and that you will decide to come. Sincerel y yours d~~n