Freshman English Final Project Spring 2011 I. Title of the book: II. Link: III. Overview: It is a tale about a cat who uses trickery and deceit to gain power, wealth, and the hand of a princess in marriage for his penniless and low-born master. IV. Story background: The French literary tale was written at the close of the seventeenth century by (1628–1703), a retired civil servant and member of the Académie française. The tale appeared in a handwritten and illustrated manuscript two years before its 1697 publication by Barbin in a collection of eight fairy tales by Perrault called Histoires ou contes du temps passé. The book was an instant success and remains popular today.

The tale's immorality has provoked some concern about its influence on young minds, but apparently Perrault composed "Le Maistre Chat" and the other tales of Histoires to reinforce standards of civilized conduct in the upper-class French society of the seventeenth century rather than to provide amusement and instruction for the young. Indeed, Puss has been described by one commentator as "the epitome of the educated bourgeois secretary who serves his master with complete devotion and diligence."


Author: Charles Perrault (12 January 1628 – 16 May 1703) was a French author who laid foundations for a new literary genre, the , and whose best known tales, derived from pre-existing folk tales, include Le Petit Chaperon rouge (), La Belle au bois dormant (), Le Maître chat ou le Chat botté (Puss in Boots), Cendrillon ou la petite pantoufle de verre (), La Barbe bleue (), Le Petit Poucet (Hop o' My Thumb), Les Fées (Diamonds and Toads), La Marquise de Salusses ou la Patience de Griselidis (Patient Griselda), Les Souhaits ridicules (The Ridiculous Wishes), Peau d'Âne () and Riquet à la houppe (Ricky of the Tuft).[1] Perrault's stories continue to be printed and have been adapted to opera, ballet (for example, Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Beauty), theatre, and film. ( V. Prediction: 1. What do you think the Puss’s personality? 2. Have you read this tale before? VI. Question for discussion: 1. What does the author want to imply about the cat wear in boots? 2. Do you want to have a cat like Puss? 3. What do you think if you were the Puss? 4. What do you think if you were the master of the Puss? 5. What do you think after reading this tale? VII. Movie Script: 1. Narrator: A long time ago, there was a mill worker .He had three sons, a mill, a donkey and a cat. In normal times, the three sons would help grind the flour, and then transport it by donkey. Then, the cat will only catch the mouse. Narrator: One day, the mill worker died. his sons started to properties. 1st Son: I should have the mill. 2nd son: I should have the donkey. 3rd son: I have nothing,but a cat . 3rd son: poor me. 3rd son: I am really unlucky, big brother have the mill to grind flour, brother have a donkey to carry things, and I just got a cat. 3rd son: It seems that I can only sell the cat to the market. The cat: No, no! Please listen to me. You do not sell me. Just help me get a pair of boots, that I can wear to walk the line , I would surely repay you. Narrator: 3rd son was shocked that the cat could speak. 3rd son: Why can you speak? The cat: Because this is a Fairy tale. Narrator: By the time there was a Shoemaker passing by, then the 3rd son asked the Shoemaker to make a pair of boots for cat to wear. As the boots were finished, the cat packed in a bag of wheat and went out. 2. Narrator: At the same time , the king arrived at town . The king : I want to eat quail . Somebody catches that bird and cook it for me. ” Narrator : All the solider couldn’t catch the bird. When the cat heard the news , he prepared a bag on the way to catch the quail. It puts the wheat in the bag and uses the glass , branches covers on the bag. Quickly , the quail were attracted by the wheat . At the moment , the cat pulls the rope and he drags the bag which was filled with quail. The cat : “ha! ha! I must have so much money to repay my master.” Narrator : He drags the bag to the castle The solider : ” Wait! Where are you going?” The cat : “I want to see the king.” The another solider : “A cat ! How dare you! ” “ Well, let him see the king . Maybe he can cure the king’s depression.” Narrator : The cat sees the king and takes the bag to the king. The cat : “My master let me give king a present .” Narrator : The king opens the bag and sees the quails in the bag which he wants to eat the most. The king is happy and says The king : ”You take these coins back to your owner then say I appreciate him.” 3. Narrator: As for the youngest poor, he was sitting at home and sighed thinking that he spent all the money to make boots for the cat .He didn’t know when the cat in boots would come back home The cat: I am came back!! Narrator: the cat in boots put down the back of the bag, pour all the coins outside The cat:"Thanks to this pair of boots I can help you get so much gold, I also give you the King’s message that he is very grateful to you. " Narrator: The 3rd son couldn’t understand what to say to the cat in boots and didn’t know where he got so much money. The 3rd son became a millionaire .But…… The cat (一邊脫靴一邊說): "Although I get a lot of money today, I think this isn’t enough. The cat: Tomorrow I will wear teh boots to go out and try to help you get more money because I told the king that you were a count. Narrator:The next day, the cat in boots went out hunting, and then he brought back a lot of reward. When the king lived a long time with the cat, he liked the cat more and more. So, he allowed him it to move around in the castle. Narrator: Once, the cat was staying at the castle’s kitchen stove, a servant complainedabout the work. Servant: "What the hell! I planned to stay in a hotel, but now I have to spend time walking around the lake with them! " 4. Narrator:The cat after hearing this, Secretly ran home to tell his master. The cat: if you want be able to become an earl and have lot of money, follow me to swim in the lake Narrator: master followed the cat to swim in the lake ,the cat hid his master`s clothes After a while, the king's Carriage passing the lake, cat is disguise nerver and say The cat: oh~ when the master swam in the lake someone steal his clothes The water is so cold now, if my master My master does not get up ,he would be sick. Narrator: King is listening to the cat. The king: Someone takes some clothes for this earl. Narrator: The 3rd son wears on the king`s clothes and becomes more handsome than before. The King: This earl often gives me quails , so I would like to invites him to ride a carriage together. Narrator: The princess sits in the carriage and sees the handsome earl, then falls in love at first sight. 5. Narrator: The cat in boots running faster than the king's carriage. The cat in boots sees the broad field and hundreds of workers trimming grass. The cat: Excuse me, who is this field’s owner? The worker: It belongs to Milord. The cat: Listen! The king's carriage will go through this field. When the king asks that who is the owner of this field? You must say it belong to count, or you will be executed. Narrator: And then, the cat in boots kept walking. The cat in boots passes the beautiful catcher. The catcher is large. Hundreds of workers are trimming grass. The cat: Excuse me, who is this catcher’s owner? The worker: It belongs to Milord. The cat: Listen! The king's carriage will go through this catcher. When the king asks who is the owner of this catcher? You must answer it belongs to count, or you will be executed. Narrator: After that, the cat in boots walks in the forest. Millions of workers are slashing wood. The cat: Who is this forest’s owner? The worker: It belongs to Milord. The cat: Listen! The king's carriage will go through this forest. When the king ask that who has this field? You must answer it belongs to count, or you will be executed. Narrator:The boots cat walked away. 6. Narrator: The 3rd son is looking at the cat In boots. The cat: If you can pretend your majesty for an hour, I will give you good preparation. Narrator: The cat went to the great castle of the milord. (The cat knocked at the door of the castle. The milord opened the door.) The cat: I can’t pass away without showing my respect to you. The milord: Hello, I’m the most polite ogre in the world. Do you want to have a rest and some tea. The cat: Sure, it’s my pleasure. (The cat gets into, and then the cat and milord sits down) The cat: I hear that you can change yourself into lion, or elephant, and the like. The milord: That is true. Do you want to see? (Milord changes into a lion.) The cat: I’m very afraid that you will be killed by the king and the soldiers. (point outside) The milord (nervous): What shall I do? The cat: Maybe you can change yourself into a very small thing so you can hide like a mouse. (A mouse appear) (The cat caught the mouse and ate it happily) The cat: Woo~good! 3rd son and the king came to the luxurious castle. 3rd son: This is my castle. King: Wow! your castle is so great, let’s get in, if you please. Princess: Father, I like him very much, can I marry him? King: Sure! My daughter, you’re so wise. Narrator: Finally, 3rd son married the princess and lived happily forever. And what’s for the cat? He became a great lord and never ran after mice anymore except for pleasure. VIII. Cast Direct All seven group

Puss 黃科傑 Mitch 楊宗軒 King 楊宗軒 servant 林奕豪 Princess 陳怡樺 Soldiers 陳星文林奕豪 林晉融 陳怡樺 The first son 林奕豪 The second son 陳怡樺 The third son 陳星文 Voice-over 黃意茹 Video editor 林奕豪 Word coordination 黃意茹 IX. Reflections: 黃意茹: It’s so pity that I can’t take part in this play because I have a competition. I think it would be very fun to make this play. I remember last time we have the play -the peach boy. It’s good and fun that members of a group cooperate to complete a same goal.^^ 陳怡樺; I felt very happy because I have these partners. Everyone worked hard to finish this project. Although we met the problem of insufficient time. Seriousily,we do not have the same period to made movie. Finally,we overcame difficulties. I learned everything is possible. Regardless it Succeed or not, I want to talk my partners we are the best. 陳星文: 這次拍片時間上有點趕,因為每周都在段考周,但是大家為了製作話劇還是擠出 時間來,小組的每一個成員用心的去拍戲,我覺得這次的影片每個人都有別出心 裁,可能是因為有了之前英文戲劇的經驗,大家都知道如何拍片能更上手並且, 由於這次的劇本還有經過老師的修改,才能讓整個話劇的語句通順,在此感謝老 師的幫助!!!還有最後就是感謝第七小組的所有成員,大家辛苦了!!! 林奕豪: 這次的英文影片由於有上次的經驗,所以在拍的過程中都很順利,也覺得過程都更 順暢,而拍英文的影片我覺得讓我學習到的就是更口語化的英文,而且想劇本,然 後再親自去演,能深入了解故事的內容,也能增加對英文聽說讀寫的能力,這次拍 片經驗又學習到了比上次更好的經驗像是影片拍攝的技巧.劇本的想法,更是比上 次學習到的更多,而且這次的影片製作的很成功,希望以後能有機會,再次創造更 好的影片。 黃科傑: 這次拍戲因為考試接連不斷,時間有點短,但大家還是很配合的將這部戲演完了, 戲裡頭能看到所有人拚命的演出,以及為戲犧牲奉獻的表演人才,從拍攝過程中能 感受到大家是在享受這部戲,能夠融入自己所擔當的角色內容中,讓整體影片的流 暢度增加許多,但因為不常開口說英文或對話太常,所以難免會有結巴或是偷喵劇 本的情況發生,就讓大家慢慢欣賞我們嘔心瀝血的巨作吧! 楊宗軒: 由於上學期的拍戲經驗,這次拍戲順利很多,能知道很多方向,拍攝速度也快很 多,這次我們的內容是鞋貓,故事內容很有趣,我們拍的我覺得還不錯,我主要 演的是國王和主教,都是崇高地位的角色,很適合我的風格,不過在詮釋這兩位 角色,我也用了很多心思,想要演得更像 這次希望拍得能成為一部好影片,畢 竟每個人都很用心在做事情, 所以這次拍戲的感覺是比上次更好的,也要再次 謝謝我們的組員們。 林晉融: 這次拍片發生的事情真的很多,因為這學期的考試真的很多,面對考試接踵而來 導致我們都快抽不出時間來拍戲了,可是組員們都還是盡全力的讓這次的片子安 全生產,所以我真的很感謝他們~ 謝謝阿星的領導能力、謝謝阿傑的演出、謝謝意茹的旁白、謝謝怡樺的努力、謝 謝亦豪的剪接。 X. Vocabulary and Phrases Learned Mitten 連指手套(n) Cunning 詭詐的; 靈巧的(a) Warren 野兔繁殖區(n) Brace 箍子;夾子(n) 抵住(v) Wardrobe 衣櫃;衣櫥(n) Fetch 售得,賣得(v) Inclination 傾向;意願(v) meadow 草地(n) XI. Additional link:!y2DMn4eRERsi1J9hwfJJNPKLcQc-/article?mid=20 13