Former Miss ZOU demystifies modelling rumours For these and more stories kindly visit Editor’s Note THANK you all for taking the time to read this entertainment magazine of Zimbabwean superstars. With Celebrity magazine you will never miss a big story again. Sign up for our new Celebrity Club and get an e-mail every week with the stories you have to read and connect with the business world out there. Thank you also for your feedback. We continue to make your magazine a better one with each new publication. Many thanks to all those who participated in this magazine. It is through your hard work that we are able, on continual basis, to keep telling the true celebrity stories to their aficionados and the international community at large. We are alive to the reality that our long term objectives will not take us a few years let alone months to accomplish. We are looking to the enjoyment of our efforts by many generations that will come after us that is Celebrity magazine will continue putting endless smiles on your faces. We hope that you will be able to continue supporting us while we chase and tell the Zimbabwean celebrity story. It is the mission of Celebrity magazine to correct celebrity misconceptions around Zimbabwe and to encourage readers and all Celebrity partners to read and see things for themselves. Celebrity Magazine: keeping everyone everywhere smiling. Thanks and enjoy Ivan Zhakata Editor CONTENTS The Celebrity Team EDITOR CELEBRITY MAGAZINE - SEPTEMBER 2020 Ivan Zhakata
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