Public Address - Voice Alarm

Audio Distribution over IP

Commercial Audio

Intelligent Acoustic Solutions

Loudspeakers Company Pro le ATEÏS a wholly owned subsidiary of PAX ProAV Group (Penton, Ateis, Xavtel)established in 1980, is recognized as a world leader in the design and manufacture of digital Public Address and Voice Alarm systems. Based in Switzerland, ATEIS has established a world-wide network of highly trained dealers as well as dedicated oces in Nether- lands, Switzerland, France, Singapore, New Zealand, Germany, USA, UAE, , China. Across the globe, there are thousands of our installations providing clear essential communications, saving lives by broadcasting e ective Mass Notication in an emergency.

We are on top of today’s and tomorrow’s technology, no matter how fast it moves, to ensure our customers always have the best tools available. To improve our products and services, we will constantly communicate with our customers and learn from them.

Our strategy is to be economical, ecient, durable, exible and allow our representatives to respond rapidly to both market and customer demands.

Our Market(s) Certi cate of Conformity You can nd our products in stations, airports, shopping malls, bars, ATEÏS design and software engineers, programmers and technical sta restaurants, tness places, ships, oil rigs and oces … just to name few. produce state of the art equipment and the company's research and development is at the leading edge of communication technology in the Today we are one of the leading companies in the Audio and Voice-Alarm PAVA market. industry. By creating solutions with, and for, our customers we have become one of the most innovative solution providers in our industry. ATEÏS works closely with its clients, ensuring exceptional levels of service in custom design and specication to satisfy the demands of growing facilities, schools, airports, train stations and high care secure facilities. Our Solution Our Passion for Challenges Every PAVA System we install is designed to suit the Our product philosophy of a ordable excellence has seen ATEIS grow from individual requirements of the facility, focusing on a small regional manufacturer in 1980 to a top international manufacturer maximizing integration eciency. IDA8 is an advanced today. We are proud that our success can be expressed in only two words - digital and highly integrated PAVA System for large QUALITY AND INNOVATION. facilities. The Digital Signal Processing which The latest technology advances are an essential part of life, especially in the integrates compressor-limiter, equalizer, automatic area of Mass Notication and management. By emphasizing the benets of gain control, feedback limiters generators and the software content in our designs, ATEÏS engineers' provide operational automatic microphone mixers are entirely in the solutions with unparalleled capabilities. digital domain into a single unit makes the system superior to other currently available Public Address Keeping pace with technology and manufacturing quality products at and Voice Alarm systems. This minimizes the cost of a ordable prices is the goal that the ATEIS team strives for. installation and commissioning, as well as making Our satisfaction comes from providing not just the right solution, but with ongoing maintenance more cost e ective - reducing the right result for you. the total cost of ownership of the system. IDA8 system is a highly versatile system which gives the user a high degree of exibility to design the zones either by amp sharing or one-amp-one-zone or both the conguration on a single architecture. IDA8 system units o ers non-propitiatory open source ber optic interfaces which allows greater distance to be covered without loss of latency and audio quality. One year later we could add another customer with high system demands to our reference list. This is just one example of how a customer’s requirement can lead to a standardized product that ts perfectly in Certi cate of Conformity today’s market demands. Our IDA8 systems are certied to EN 54-16, EN 50121-1, EN 50121-4, BS 5839/8, UL 60065 ISO 9001 and ISO 7240-16. Our Standards Our goal is to certify with more than just minimum quality and safety Professional audio is essential in today’s complex building projects. requirements and to remain at the forefront of this eld.

The integrated Voice Evacuation and Public Address System is not a new Many applications such as Shopping Malls, Hotel and Restaurants require technology in this market Requirements were dated from before 1990. these fast and high-delity integrated systems - resulting in simplicity, Since April 2011 a new standard is dominating and is dictating manufacturers increased security and durability. how to engineer their technology under EN 54-16, EN 50121-1, EN 50121-4, BS The ATEÏS Digital Signal Processing technology with up to 48 audio 5839/8, UL 60065 ISO 9001 and ISO 7240-16. channels over a redundant network is securing all demanding As a leading company in the Voice-Alarm market, ATEÏS did prepare requirements for high-end Voice Evacuation and commercial pro-sound. the transition for their electronics and loudspeakers well to secure Delivering breath-taking Professional Audio capabilities which comply our market position and take it into the next decade. with current international safety standards. Our Mission ATEÏS développe les technologies et fabrique les produits qui permettent à ses clients ATEÏS sviluppa e produce tecnologie, prodotti e sistemi che permettono ai nostri Clienti de di user des messages sonores avec des solutions innovantes et évolutives, en di inviare messaggi sonori e visivi a audience mirate in luoghi pubblici. Continueremo a particulier notre gamme de produits sur IP. ATEÏS est à la pointe de la technologie an de rimanere al top della tecnologia odierna e futura, non importa quanto velocemente garantir en permanence à ses partenaires, les meilleurs outils pour la réalisation de leurs evolva, per assicurare ai nostri Clienti I migliori strumenti disponibili sul mercato. projets. Attentifs aux besoins du marché, notre volonté est de proposer à nos Continueremo a comunicare con i nostri Clienti e impareremo da loro, per migliorare I partenaires des solutions en cohérence avec la réalité des exigences techniques et nostri prodotti e servizi. économiques. Nous vous proposons des produits innovants permettant de mettre en La nostra strategia è quella di essere competitivi, ecienti, adabili, essibili e di œuvre de multiples applications adaptées à vos contraintes, tout en garantissant un permettere ai nostri partner di rispondere rapidamente sia alle esigenze del mercato niveau optimal de performance. Ces produits trouvent aujourd’hui toute leur place dans che dei clienti. des architectures modernes de plus en plus demandées. Nos nouvelles solutions en matière de Sonorisation sur IP, équipant déjà un grand nombre de sites dans le monde ATEÏS utvecklar och tillverkar teknologi, produkter och system som gör det möjligt för en sont le reet. våra kunder att nå ut med akustiska och visuella budskap till rätt målgrupp på o entliga platser. ATEÏS ontwikkelt en fabriceert technologieën, producten en systemen die onze Vi ligger på topp när det gäller såväl dagens som morgondagens teknik, oavsett hur afnemers oplossingen bieden om akoestische en visuele informatie te verstrekken in snabb utvecklingen är, för att garantera att våra kunder alltid har de bästa verktygen. industriële en publiek toegankelijke ruimtes. Vi lyssnar till våra kunder för en ständig dialog att fortlöpande kunna förbättra våra Wij zijn altijd gefocust op bestaande en nieuwe technieken, hoe snel deze ontwikkelin- tjänster och produkter. Vår strategi är att vara prisvärda, e ektiva, hållbara och exibla. gen ook gaan, om onze klanten altijd de beste oplossingen te garanderen. Därför kan vi alltid vara följsamma till både marknadens och kundernas behov. Wij zullen aandachtig luisteren en leren van onze klanten om zo onze producten en services te verbeteren. ATEÏS致力發展有關音頻處理器產品及系統的製造科技,可讓客戶在公共場所裡, Wij streven naar maximale economische haalbaarheid, eciëntie, duurzaamheid en 向群眾傳達清晰的聲音及影像的訊息。 exibiliteit met als doel om onze afnemers snel te kunnen laten reageren op markt en 無論科技發展的速度多麼迅速,我們永遠與今日最頂尖和未來的科技同步化,以 klant specieke behoeften. 確保客戶擁有最好、最先進的設備。並為了增進產品及服務,我們持續不斷地與 顧客溝通,向顧客學習。我們的經營策略是經濟、效率、耐久、彈性,並快速回 ATEÏS razvija i proizvodi tehnologije, proizvode i sustave koji će omogućiti našim 應市場與客戶的需求。 klijentima da prenesu zvučne i vizualne informacije ciljanoj publici na javnim mjestima. Idemo u korak sa sadašnjim i budućim tehnologijama, bez obzira na brzinu razvoja, ATEÏS entwickelt und produziert Technologien, Produkte und Systeme zur Verteilung kako bismo osigurali da naši klijenti u svim situacijama imaju najbolje moguće von akustischen und visuellen Informationen. Zielmärkte sind der ö entliche Bereich, proizvode. gewerbliche Anwendungen und die Industrie. S klijentima kontinuirano komuniciramo i od njih ućimo kako bismo poboljšali svoje Durch den Einsatz zukunftsorientierter Technologien garantieren wir unseren Kunden proizvode i usluge. stets aktuelle und moderne Lösungen. Naša strategija je ekonomičnost, učinkovitost, pouzdanost i eksibilnost, te brza reakcija Wir haben den Anspruch dabei ökonomisch, ezient, zuverlässig und exibel zu naših predstavnika zahtjevima tržišta i klijenta. handeln, um schnell auf Marktentwicklungen und Kundenbedürfnisse reagieren zu können. ATEÏS udvikler og producerer teknologiske produkter og systemer for udsendelse af مادختسا ماركلا انئالمعل حيتت يتلا ةمظنألا و تاجتنملا و ايجولونكتلا عينصت و ريوطتب سيتأ موقت entlige steder. Vort mål akustiske og visuelle budskaber til udvalgte målgrupper på o . ةماعلا نكامألا يف روهمجلا ىلا ةهجوملا ةيرصبلا ةيعمسلا لئاسرلا er, at være førende i teknologi både i dag og I fremtiden uanset hvor hurtigt denne ةعرس تناك ًايأ هتمق يف نوكيل يجولونكتلا زيمتلا ىوتسم ىلع ظافحلا ىلع ًادغ و مويلا قحب لمعنس معن .måtte ændre sig, dette sikre at vore kunder altid har det bedste værktøj til rådighed ىلع رارمتساب لمعنس امك ، مهل اهرفون يتلا تاجتنملا لضفأ ىلع لوصحلا ًامود ماركلا انئالمعل نمضي امم روطتلا Vi vil konstant kommunikerer med vore kunder for at lære og forstå deres behov for nye . انتامدخ و انتاجتنم ريوطت نم كلذ اننكمي ثيح مهتاظحالم نم ةدافتسالا و مهعم لصاوتلا løsninger, så vi hele tiden kan forbedre vore produkter og service. Vor er strategi at være و تاجتنملا ةموميد و ةءافكلا و يداصتقالا ىوتسملا ىلع زيمتلا يف اهعبتن يتلا ةيجيتارتسالا لثمتت eksible for at sikre vore samarbejdspartnere så de kan ektive, stabile, økonomiske, e . ماركلا انئالمع و قوسلا تاجايتحا نم لك عم ةعرسب لماعتلا نم انيبودنم نيكمت نع ًالضف ةنورملا .reagerer hurtigt i markedet og følge kundernes behov

Spoločnosť ATEÏS vyvíja a vyrába technológie, produkty a systémy, ktoré umožňujú ATEÏS utvikler og produserer teknologier, produkter og systemer som gjør det mulig for našim zákazníkom cielene nasmerovať akustické a vizuálne oznamy určenej skupine våre kunder å formidle akustiske og visuelle meldinger til ønsket målgruppe på osôb na verejných priestranstvách. o entlige steder. Bez ohľadu na to, ako rýchlo napreduje vývoj technológií v tejto oblasti, spoločnosť Vi vil alltid være ledende på dagens og morgendagens teknologi, for å sikre at våre ATEÏS neustále prináša svojim zákazníkom tie najlepšie nástroje pre ich prácu. kunder alltid har de beste verktøyene tilgjengelig for dem. Naša spoločnosť ustavične komunikuje so svojimi zákazníkmi a učí sa od nich, aby Vi vil ha kontinuerlig dialog med våre kunder, slik at vi til enhver tid har den informas- mohla zdokonaľovať svoje produkty a služby. jonen vi trenger for å forbedre, tilpasse og optimalisere våre produkter og tjenester. Našou stratégiou je byť úspornými, výkonnými, stálymi a exibilnými a umožniť tak Vår strategi er å være økonomiske, e ektive, solide og eksible slik at våre representan- našim obchodným zástupcom rýchlo reagovať na potreby trhu a jednotlivých ter kan reagere raskt til både markedets og kundenes behov og ønsker. zákazníkov. ATEÏS desarrolla y fabrica los sistemas, los productos y la tecnología que permiten a “Η ATEÏS αναπτύσσει την τεχνολογία και κατασκευάζει προϊόντα που επιτρέπει στους nuestros clientes dirigir mensajes acústicos y visuales a la audiencia de destino en πελάτες της για να μεταδώσουν οπτικοακουστικά μηνύματα σε στοχευμένο κοινό σε lugares públicos. Nos mantendremos en la cima de la tecnología del presente y del δημόσιους χώρους. futuro, no importa cuán rápido evolucione, para asegurar que nuestros clientes siempre Θα είμαστε πάντα στην κορυφή της τεχνολογίας του σήμερα και του αύριο, ανεξάρτητα tienen las mejores herramientas a su disposición. του πόσο γρήγορα κινείται, ώστε να εξασφαλίσουμε ότι οι πελάτες μας θα έχουν πάντα Nos comunicaremos continuamente con nuestros clientes, y aprenderemos de ellos, a τα καλύτερα εργαλεία στη διάθεσή τους. n de seguir mejorando nuestros productos y servicios. Θα επικοινωνούμε συνεχώς με τους πελάτες μας και θα μαθαίνουμε από αυτούς, Nuestra estrategia es ser económicos, ecientes, duraderos y exibles, y permitir que προκειμένου να βελτιώσουμε τα προϊόντα και τις υπηρεσίες μας. nuestros distribuidores puedan responder ágilmente a las necesidades del mercado y Η στρατηγική μας είναι να είμαστε ανταγωνιστικοί στις τιμές, αποτελεσματικοί, del cliente. ανθεκτικοί, ευέλικτοι και να επιτρέπουμε στους αντιπροσώπους μας να ανταποκρίνονται γρήγορα στις ανάγκες τόσο της αγοράς και των πελατών τους.” Our References

BELGIUM MIDDLE EAST SWITZERLAND  North Galaxy, Brussels  The Burj Al Arab Hotel, Dubai  Railway Station, Zürich  European Parliament, Brussels  Jumeirah Beach Hotel, Dubai  Palexpo, Geneva  Capital Plaza, Dubai  Zürich Airport BRAZIL   Business Bay, Dubai Prosegur  Ski Dubai, Dubai THAILAND BRUNEI   Suvarnabhumi Airport, Bangkok  Mata Mata Mall  Marsa Plaza, Dubai  JIS  Festival City Mall, Dubai  Abu Dhabi Church TAIWAN CHINA  Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport  High Speed Railway Station, Hangzhou  ()  MYANMAR High Speed Railway Station, Ningbo   Metro ()  Residence 68 Fire Department Training-Base, Shanghai  Kaohsiung MRT (Red Line)  Education Bureau of Guang'an City NETHERLANDS  City Council, Chiayi  Guangzhou University  Central Railway Station, Amsterdam  National Taiwan Museum  Haikou Police Station  The Hague Central Station  Taichung City Library  Jiangsu History Culture Center  Randstad Railway   Yixing Wanda Le Meridien Hotel Intercontinental Baseball Stadium, Taichung  Jaarbeurs Exhibition Center  Element Suzhou Science and Technology Town, Suzhou  Kaohsiung Exhibition Center  Randstad Railway, Central-Western Netherlands  China Merchants Bank Head Oce, Shanghai  National Disasters Prevention Division, Taipei  O shore Oil & Gas Platforms  Guangzhou Municipal People's Council  Taichung Central Park FRANCE NORWAY UK  Rolland Garros stadium, Paris  Bjørnholt VG Skole, Oslo  Royal Festival Hall  Air france Roissy Headquarter, Paris  HIBU (Highschool), Drammen   Stade de France, Paris  Gjøvik Olympic Arena, Fjellhallen, Gjøvik Liverpool Cathedral   St Exupery Airport, Lyon Kings Cross Station  Department Hall, Marseille PHILIPPINES  St Pancras Railway Station  Pharo Cultural Center, Marseille  Novotel Manila  Reading Southern Railway Station  Communal Headquarter, Marseille  Discovery Primea  Heathrow Airport  Borely Hippodrome, Marseille  Well Fargo Icon Residences  Eden Project  Congress Hall, Dijon  Abreeza Mall - Davao  City Airport, London  Beaubourg Museum, Paris  Pioneer Woodlands Tower 1  Brighton and Hove Albion Football club  Nice Cote Sud Airport, Nice  Kroma Tower  ExCel Exhibition Centre  Bir Hakeim Station Subway, Paris  Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital  Lee Valley VeloPark (2012 Olympic Velodrome)  Gennevilliers Station Subway, Paris  Diamond Hotel  Falmer Stadium, Brighton   Lyon Part Dieu Railway Station, Lyon Saint Pedro Poveda College  Brit Oval Stadium  Paris Nord Railway Station, Paris  Opéra Bastille, Paris SINGAPORE USA  Futuroscope, Poitiers  Mediacorp  U.S. Government and Military  Merignac Airport, Bordeaux  Downtown Line MRT System   TUAS West Extension MRT U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC GERMANY  P&G Oce @ Metropolis T2  U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC  U-Bahn Nürnberg Railway  Marina One - Integrated Development  U.S. Department of Labor, GA  Frankfurt Airport  North South Line Extension  U.S. Army Fort Hood, TX  Signal Iduna Park Stadium  Bugis+ Shopping Mall  U.S. Army Airborne School, Fort Benning, GA  Dortmund Stadium  Sengkang Hospital  Vandenberg Air Force Base, Lompoc, CA HONG KONG  Marina One Swiss Bank Oce  Otis Air National Guard Base, MA  Hong Kong Airport  Khoo Teck Puat Hospital  Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care System,  Kowloon Canton Railway  Parkway Hospital New Orleans, LA INDIA  Astra Zeneca, DE SPAIN  Ashok Tower, Mubai  Bay Area (BART), Northern CA  Sagrada Familia, Barcelona  Congnjzant Technology Solutions, Mubai  LUK Manufacturing, Wooster, OH  Chennai Railway  Meijer Distribution, Lansing, MI SOUTH KOREA  NOLA VA Hospital, New Orleans, LA MALAYSIA  Paradise City Hotel, Incheon  KL Tower, Menara Kuala Lumpur  K-Land Water Park  Cyberjaya Hostel  Namdaemoon Hotel VIETNAM  One Segamat Shopping Mall  Accor-Mercure Hotel  Nam Con Son Pipeline Co.  One Segamat Hotel  Jong-Ro Hotel  Sunshine Palace in Hanoi City  Standard Chartered, KL Branch  Yong-San Hotel  Summit Hotel @ Batu Pahat  SPH Shopping Mall  The Arc @ Cyberjaya  Inchon New Port  Yakin Invest Building  Kiara Height Condo & Shopping Mall @ Semenyih SRI LANKA  MIDF Bank  Durdans Hospital  Seylan Bank Towers Who are we? With over 10 branch oces and more than 40 representatives around the globe, ATEÏS may call itself a multinational in development and manufacturing of electronic solutions for the Voice-Alarm, Commercial Audio, Communication and Conferencing markets.

With over 30 years of experience in development and manufacturing, ATEÏS has factories in Europe and Asia where we lead a team of over 40 dedicated highly qualied engineers who are working solely on state of the art technology.

For us, the test is to be seen as the best in our business by all; our customers, employees and suppliers. That’s why we are constantly on the outlook for ways to strengthen our organization, expand our portfolio and our geographical presence - all to provide better service and support!

Contact your local ATEÏS dealer today to discuss the best system to suit your needs.

ATEÏS Europe B.V. Penton Audio USA Europe & Africa USA, Canada & Latin America Celsiusstraat 1 - 2652 XN Lansingerland 21 Sabin Street Pawtucket, RI 02860, USA (Rotterdam Region), Netherlands Tel: +1 401-727-1600 Tel: +31 (0)10 2088690 Fax: +1 401-727-0003 [email protected] [email protected]

ATEÏS France ATEÏS China 8, rue de l'Europe - ZA de Font Ratel, Room 610, No.255 Wubao Road, Minxing 38640 Claix, France district, Shanghai, China Tel: +33 (0)4 76992630 Tel: +021-54495191/92 [email protected] Fax: +021-54495193 [email protected]

Penton UK Ltd. Xavtel Communications RUS Ltd. UK & Ireland Russian Federation, 115280, Moscow Unit 2, Teville Industrials, Dominion Way, Worthing Leninskaya Sloboda str., 26 bld. 28, West Sussex, BN14 8NW, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1903 215315 Business Center ‘’ Slobodskoy’’, oce#122 Fax: +44 (0)1903 215415 Tel/Fax: +7 495 803 3655 [email protected] [email protected]

ATEÏS Far East Corp. ATEÏS Suisse SA Far-East Asia Avenue des Baumettes 9, 1020 Renens VD, 2F No.60, Xinghua 2nd Rd. Tanzi, Switzerland Taichung, Taiwan Phone: +41 (0)218812510 Tel: +886 4 25333840 Fax: +41 (0)218812509 Fax: +886 4 25333830 [email protected] [email protected]

ATEÏS Middle East FZCO. ATEÏS SE PTE. LTD. Middle East & India South-East Asia LIU No. 11, Dubai Silicon Oasis, Blk 5002 Ang Mo Kio Ave 5, #03-01B TECHplace 293640 Dubai, United Arab Emirates II. Singapore 569871 Tel: +971 (4) 3262730 Phone: +65 6481 1968 Fax: +971 (4) 3262731 Fax: +65 6481 1960 [email protected] [email protected] A member of PAX ProAV Group