Transmit Entertainment Limited 傳遞娛樂有限公司
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement. Transmit Entertainment Limited 傳 遞 娛 樂 有 限 公 司 (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (Stock code: 1326) VOLUNTARY ANNOUNCEMENT BUSINESS UPDATE This announcement is a voluntary announcement made by Transmit Entertainment Limited (the ‘‘Company’’, together with its subsidiaries, the ‘‘Group’’) to inform its shareholders the business updates of the Group. The board of directors (the ‘‘Board’’) of the Company is pleased to announce that the Group has entered into formal contracts with various artiste agencies and managers, pursuant to which top artistes, including Yang Yang (楊洋), Song Qian (宋茜), Wu Chun (吳尊), Meng Ziyi (孟子義), Liu Yichang (劉奕暢), Li Yitong (李一桐), Zhao Lusi (趙露思), Li Zefeng (李澤鋒) and Ling Meishi (淩美 仕), and their agency teams have joined the Group. Meanwhile, agencies of Kan Qingzi (闞清子), Zhao Da (趙達), Shi Shi (施詩), Zhang Xiaoqian (張曉謙), Wang Yi (王藝), Oscar Jiang (江銘亮), Re Yina (熱依娜), Wu Yue (吳月), Chen Jiaxin (陳嘉歆), Ma Mengjia (馬夢嘉), Liang Siyu (梁思雨), Xu Kexin (許可昕), You Lixi (優麗絲), Dai Yu Dan (代雨丹) and Wang Jingyi (王晶怡) will enter into contracts with the Group as well. Gathering the strengths from these newcomers, the Group will demonstrate its belief in nurturing young talents to develop a team of all-round artiste and strengthen the competitiveness of the Group.
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