Flora and Vegetation of the Strofilia Coastal Area (NW Peloponnesos - Greece) By
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©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Phyton (Horn, Austria) Vol. 30 Fasc. 1 15-36 29. 6. 1990 Flora and Vegetation of the Strofilia Coastal Area (NW Peloponnesos - Greece) By Th. GEORGIADIS*), E. ECONOMIDOU*) and D. CHRISTODOULAKIS*) With 4 Figures Received March 20, 1989 Key words: Pteridophyta, Spermatophyta. — Coastal vegetation, floristics, local flora. - SE Europe, Greece. Summary GEORGIADIS Th., ECONOMIDOU E. & CHRISTODOULAKIS D. 1990. Flora and vegeta- tion of the Strofilia coastal area (NW Peloponnesos - Greece). - Phyton (Horn, Austria) 30 (1): 15-36, with 4 figures. - English with German summary. Flora and vegetation of the main natural ecosystems of the Strofilia area (NW Peloponnesos) are studied and their ecological situation is discussed. The main vegetation units are the following ones: The forests of Pinus pinea, P. halepensis and Quercus macrolepis, which belongs to the zone of Quercetalia ilicis. The vegetation of sandy beaches and dunes which belongs to the associations of Ammophiletum arenariae and Agropyretum mediterraneum. The vegetation of salt- and freshwater wetlands and wet meadows, of the hydrophilous natural hedges and bushes, the phrygana, and the nitrophilous vegeta- tion. 450 species of Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta are listed, including the Greek endemics Colchicum parlatoris, Centaurea niederi, Petrorhagia graminea and Limonium brevipetiolatum. Coris monspeliensis, Cotula coronopifolia and Salicornia procumbens are recorded for the first time for Peloponnesos. Zusammenfassung GEORGIADIS Th., ECONOMIDOU E. & CHRISTODOULAKIS D. 1990. Flora und Vegeta- tion des Küstengebietes Strofilia (NW-Peloponnes, Griechenland). - Phyton (Horn, Austria) 30 (1): 15-36, 4 Abbildungen. - Englisch mit deutscher Zusammenfassung. *) Dr. Th. GEORGIADIS, E. ECONOMIDOU, Dr. D. CHRISTODOULAKIS, Division of Plant Biology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Patras, Patras, Greece. ©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 16 Die Flora und die Vegetation der wichtigsten natürlichen Ökosysteme des Strofilia-Gebietes (NW-Peloponnes) werden dargestellt und deren ökologische Situa- tion diskutiert. Die hauptsächlichen Vegetationseinheiten sind folgende: Die Wälder mit Pinus pinea, P. halepensis und Quercus macrolepis, die dem Verband Quercetalia ilicis angehören. Die Vegetation der Sandküsten und Dünen, welche zum Ammophiletum arenariae und Agropyretum mediterraneum gehört. Die Vegetation der Salz- und Süßwassersümpfe und der nassen Wiesen, die feuchten Hecken und Gebüsche, die Phrygana und die nitrophile Vegetation. 450 Arten an Pteridophyta und Spermatophyta werden aufgeführt, eingeschlos- sen die griechischen Endemiten Colchicum parlatoris, Centaurea niederi, Petrorhagia graminea und Limonium brevipetiolatum. Coris monspeliensis, Cotula coronopifolia und Salicornia procumbens werden erstmals für den Peloponnes nachgewiesen. t 1. Natural environment The forest of Strofilia is located at the lowland coastal region of NW Peloponnesos, about 40 km to the SW of Patras. It occupies a coastal zone of about 15 km length, and of an average width of 1500 m. On the East it is bordering to the marshes of Lamia on the West to the sea, on the North to the lagoon of "Prokopos" and on the South to the lagoon of Kotichi (Fig. 1). The forest consists mainly of Pinus halepensis, Pinus pinea and Quer- cus ithaburensis subsp. macrolepis (subsequently spelled Q. macrolepis). The forestral ecosystem of Strofilia is of great interest, not only because of its composition, but mainly because it belongs to those litoral forests, which have been strongly degraded or even more completely eliminated by human activities all over Europe (GEHU & GEHU 1983). The nonforest ecosystems (sandy hills, fresh- and saltwater wetlands, meadows, sandy beaches and dunes etc.) are also of great interest because of their floristic composition, their variability,their function as refuge for the wild fauna of the area (eg. zone of wetlands, bushes) and their general ecological value. 1.1. Geology and Pedology Most of the area studied lies on sandy-dune formations, and only an area of about 364 ha (9.4%) is composed of hard limestone. Behind the dunes, nearly all the eastern part of the area, consisting of a strip about 15 km long and 100 to 2500 m wide, is covered by clay deposits of a few centimetres to more than 2 m. Particularly five types of soils can be distin- guished in this area showing a close correlation with the vegetation (PAPAMICHOS & ALIFRAGIS in PAPAMICHOS & al. 1986). a) Soils of seashore sandy zone: The soils of this zone consist of uncon- nected single grain sandy material. It consists of medium and fine sand with a very small amount of silt. The material is rich in calcium, and easily moved by the strong winds. b) Soils of Pinus halepensis zone: The soils of this zone appear to have sand to loamy sand texture, with 4 to 16% silt plus clay. Usually these soils ©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at VEGETATION MAP OF STROFILIA Fig. 1. Vegetation map of Strofilia. ©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 18 are structureless, except the surface layer, from 2 to 6 cm depth, which is rich in humus and has a weak granular or crumby structure. Typical characteristics of these soils are: their high pH which varies from 7.5 to 8.3 and their high content of free calcium and other carbonates (up to 40%). c) Soils of Pinus pinea — Quercus macrolepis zone: These soils are more developed than those of the Pinus halepensis zone. They usually show two horizons: the upper one between 15 and 25 cm, a loamy sand enriched with organic material (2 — 3%) and weak platy structure. The lower horizon between 25 and 35 cm is weakly impregnated and coloured by organic material (0.3 — 0.4%), without structure, pH 6.0 to 6.6, without calcium carbonate and very often contains soft iron and manganese concretions. The C-horizon between —40 to —60 cm consists of sandy parent material, con- taining more than 15% CaCO3, pH more than 8.0 and many hard unregular Ca concretions. d) Soils of fine deposits and associated saline soils: This type is found in the eastern treeless inner part and is usually flooded during winter and spring. The surface layer, 10 to 140 cm thick, consists of fine lake sediments (clay). Below this horizon sea sands with many shells are deposited, pH 7.8 to 8.6, 5-30% free CaCO3 and high salinity. e) Soils of the hard limestone zone: They are found in the NW part of the forest, and in the SW part (Kounoupeli). They have clayey to loamy texture and strong fine granular of angular structure, pH 6.7, without Ca carbonates. Their depth changes between a few centimetres up to 40 cm. Table 1 Climatic data for the station of Araxos: Period 1961 — 1980. Temperature °C Rainfall Mean Mean Absolute Absolute Maxi- Mini- Mean Mean max. min. max. min. mum mum January 10,3 13,8 6,4 22,0 -3,8 98,7 222,0 12,7 February 10,7 14,4 6,4 25,0 -4,5 85,0 180,3 22,6 March 12,2 15,9 7,4 29,0 -2,5 66,3 164,6 10,2 April 15,5 19,5 9,8 28,2 1,4 40,6 103,7 1,4 May 19,9 24,3 13,1 36,5 5,8 21,8 70,3 0,0 June 24,1 28,6 16,8 37,0 8,4 9,8 60,2 0,0 July 26,7 31,3 18,8 40,0 10,0 2,6 19,0 0,0 August 27,1 31,7 19,5 40,5 11,6 5,7 64,5 0,0 September 23,8 28,5 17,4 37,0 3,0 35,2 62,3 0,0 October 19,2 23,4 14,1 32,2 4,4 92,9 234,9 8,0 November 15,1 19,1 10,7 28,2 -1,2 118,0 376,6 13,6 December 11,9 15,4 7,9 24,6 -1,2 129,9 327,6 31,8 ©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 19 They represent soil remnants (preserved from erosion) onlying limestone bedrock. 1.2. Climate The main climatic factors reflecting to the vegetation growth e.g. temperature and rainfall, are given in Tab. 1 and Fig. 2. The bioclimate of the area is illustrated by the xerothermic index (MAVROMMATIS 1980), and the coefficient of Emberger (EMBERGER 1955, 1959). According to the xerothermic index (x) the area belongs to a weak Thermomediterranean Type (115 biologically dry days). The dry period lasts from early May to late September (Fig. 2). The long dry and warm summer combined with the strong dominant W and SW winds, often creates very favourable conditions for forest fires. According to the Emberger-coefficient the area belongs to the sub- humid bioclimatic zone with mild winters almost free of frost and snow (Fig. 3). The climatic data originate from the Araxos-station which is located about 5 km NE of Strofilia forest at an altitude of 14 m above sea level. 200 HU MID 150 y SU B H U Ml D 100 ARAXOS 50^ - S E MI-AR 1 D y. R I D _ ' -SAH A R 1 A N 1 i | i 1 1 1 | 1 i | ^ -3 3 3 7 10 m Very cold Cold Mild Warm winter winter winter winter Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 2. Climate diagram of Araxos Meteorological Station (Strofilia area). Fig. 3. Biological classification of the Strofilia area (with the meteorological station of Araxos) according to EMBERGER. - m = mean temperature of the coldest month of the year.