The Courier

Volume 6 Issue 26 Article 1


The Courier, Volume 6, Issue 26, May 3, 1973

The Courier, College of DuPage

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By Richard Schneider a.m. and from 2 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.,” An analysis of food services he said. shows that 75 per cent of its daily One problem, Gibson said, is a gross income is brought in between lack of storage space. “I can’t buy 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. hamburger in the volume I would This fact, said Ernest Gibson, like to, because there is no place to head of food services, is a primary put it.” reason why it has been going over Food is unloaded from trucks its monthly budget. and put into the ovens. “On any The Board of Trustees asked for one day there is never more than an analysis of food services $4,000 worth of foodstuffs on because of its monthly budget hand,” he said. deficit. The board will receive a Gibson commented that when report at its next meeting May 9. food service is established in the John Paris, vice-president, Mrs. Engelbrecht new building there will be more operations, estimated that food storage space. He also said that service has been running over its the college will then have one of Funeral services were held at monthly budget by $3,000 to 4,000 the best food services in the 1:30 p.m. Wednesday for Mrs. throughout the year. country. Dorothy Engelbrecht, Aurora, Food service had a budget Another major cost for food college business employee. deficit of $10,089 for March. service, Gibson said, is keeping the Mrs. Engelbrecht gave birth to In a discussion with The Courier, Campus Center clean. It costs twin boys Saturday, April 28, and Gibson said, “I consider food $65,000 a year to keep it clean. died shortly thereafter. One of the service to be an important part of “There is a lot going on in the boys was born dead. The other is the college.” Food service has Campus Center besides eating and still in an incubator. stressed service to the college we have to pay for cleaning it all Mrs. Engelbrecht worked in the family and the community, he up.” If food service had a cafeteria business office for four years. She said. by itself, it would cost much less to was in charge of Student Activities The Campus Center is open at keep it clean, he said. Accounts and was the first 6:30 a.m. as a service, not because In comparison to other junior registration cashier. Smoke billowing, Captain Schlossberg hovers between heaven and it is making money at that hour. colleges, C / D charges less for its Mrs. Engelbrecht is survived by “Food service loses money by food and gives bigger portions of earth. Schlossberg, to give a concert here Friday night, might not her husband, Paul Engelbrecht, being open from 6:30 a.m. to 10 food. Gibson said there will most make it as his balloon has suffered a blowout. If the balloon can not be and one son. likely be an increase of 3 per cent repaired in time, the concert will be delayed. For details contact the student activities office. to 5 per cent in the price of food by Truck on over May 30 September. to All-College Picnic

If you haven’t cut a class yet this and will last until the food runs out. I spring, May 30 (11 a.m. to 2 p.m.) Gerald Morris, Delta counselor, | looks tike the time to do it. says special entertainment has “An All-Cluster picnic, spon- been lined up. COURIER I sored by the Cluster Activities Council, will be held on the hill Morris also urges any students Vol. 6, No. 26 May 3, 1973 I behind the Art Barn,” says Lucile who play guitars or like to sing to Friedli, director of student ac- bring their instruments and en¬ | tivities, “and everyone’s invited.” tertain on stage during in¬ The picnic, explains Miss termission. Friedli, will feature free Kentucky “If it rains,” Morris says, “we’ll Campaigning to start Fried Chicken and hotdogs, the move inside the Convocation “Moon walk,” and a rock group — Center like we did last fall.” Petitions for candidates seeking fall, winter and spring quarters The week of May 21 has been set a position on the C/D Student next year. aside for compaigning and elec¬ Government Executive Board for The petitions are available in the tions will be held Tuesday and the 73-74 school year will be Student Government office, N-4, Wednesday, May 29 and 30. available beginning Monday, May and require 350 signatures. Only students registered this Aid to continue for Vets 7, according to Rick Tabisz, ASB Students will have two weeks to fill quarter are eligible to sign president. the petitions. They must be turned petitions and vote. Any eligible Herbert Rinehart, associate funds will be allocated for To be eligible to run for one of in to the Student Government student may sign up to three dean, student services, Tuesday education of Vietnam war era the three offices, president, vice- office no later than Friday, May petitions for the same office. |told the Student Life Activities veterans and for aiding school president or comptroller, a student 18. Text of the code is on page 9. Board that C/ D veterans’ aid will districts with large numbers of must be registered this quarter jbe continued next year. federal employees. and be a full time student during The Basic Educational Op¬ The bill sharply cut White House portunity Grant Program will proposals for a new system of pontinue, Rinehart pointed out, college aid grants to $122.1 million. Courier, Worlds Nhen President Nixon signed Remaining funds cover national [legislation providing $872 million defense student loans, college for college student assistance in work-study programs and existing applications open fde next academic year. Thus, grants. for editorships

Last chance for gowns The Board of Publications an¬ nounced Tuesday that students A cap and gown fitting day will Ron Nilsson, student activities interested in next year’s editorship be held May 8 in the Student Ac¬ intern, said this will be the last of The Courier, student tivities Office, K138, from 9 a.m. to chance for students to get newspaper, and Worlds, student ^ P.m. measured. literary magazine, can now apply The office has scheduled another “No one will be allowed to in the Office of Student Activities, Pay for measurements because of participate in the commencement K138. • l,e poor student turnout April 25. exercises, June 6, without a cap The key posts require extra time Only 172 students out of the 600 and gown,” he said. and responsibility, said Lucile ivho stated they would participate The cost is $5.25 to purchase a Friedli, director of student ac¬ the commencement exercises cap and gown and $8.50 to rent tivities. Any full-time student may P'ore measured. them. apply. Experience is helpful but not necessary. The Courier, which experienced Consider renting canoes a sharp increase in advertising, plans to pay its staff. The editor will receive tuition expenses and a Paul w. Harrington, dean of “Fees collected would help in the modest stipend. ®‘Pdent services, Tuesday told the upkeep of the equipment and Deadline for applying is May 18. student Activities Board that the would put them on a priority The Board of Publications will Use °f canoes at C / D has become basis,” Harrington said. then interview candidates. New Problem. A higher fee would be charged editors will be announced before You don’t know what you’ll find in the LRC these days. Take this % D is considering the for class usage. The minimal fee June graduation. surrealistic fish, for example, an art piece by Frank Cesna, Downers possibility of a minimal rental fee would apply to those at C/D Editors chosen presumably will Grove engineer. It’s one of several works he has on display through l°r use of the canoes. wanting the canoes for recreation pick their assistants from other May 18. More pictures and story on Page 10. — Photo by Mike Vendl. purposes. applicants. THE COURIER, Page 2 May 3, 1973 TYPING CONTEST High school seniors with typing and shorthand skills will compete Vote on collective bargaining in the second annual Secretarial Science Marathon to be held by By Cele Bona Marvin Segal, business law “Our work is too personal to regulations that exist and adds a College of DuPage Thursday, May instructor, placed the motion have students on the committee. It touch of humanity. It is not a policy 10. The Faculty Senate unanimously before the Senate and said: is often highly confidential. setting body. The first place winner will passed Tuesday a resolution to “I would prefer that this be Classified personnel are called in He said, “We very seldom get receive a scholarship worth ap¬ place on the agenda of the May 21 discussed at an open meeting and as resource.” into anything general. It’s always proximately $150 for fall quarter Faculty Association meeting a placed on a ballot. I want the Lambert described the com¬ a specific case. A student with a here. discussion and vote on collective faculty-at-large to vote on whether mittee as being misnamed. It problem. If a kid can swim bargaining. they want collective bargaining.” simply interprets the academic through, we never see him.”

Segal said that only after Special tickets collective bargaining is agreed upon by the faculty and the board Kowal says - - of trustees should discussion turn for “One Flew to who will be the bargaining unit. The Senate also discussed the Tickets are available at Student operation of the academic Stop-and-frisk Activities for the May 23 evening regulations committee. Jack GET THE performance of Ken Kesey’s “One Harkins, counselor, suggested that Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” at appointment to the committee can be illegal JUMP ON YOUR the 11th St. Theatre off the include non-teaching faculty, Eisenhower Expressway. students and classified personnel. By Mary Chennell about to be committed. The FALL PROGRAM THIS The special student rate of $3 is Dr. Carl Lambert, academic If you feel that you’ve been questioning must be done offered. Interested persons are regulations chairman, who ap¬ stopped by police for an illegal reasonably for a moderate amount asked to contact Allan Carter for peared by Senate request, search-and-seizure or stop-and- of time. further information. The deadline responded: frisk, you can do something about If a man was standing near a for tickets is May 15. it. broken window with a brick in his summer at According to Ed Kowal, chief of hand, there would be a probable the civil division of the state’s cause for a search, Kowal said. attorney of DuPage county, you A police officer has the right to can report the offending officer to stop a car for a traffic violation but the County, States attorney. has no legal right to search the car Roosevelt Kowal, sptsaking to business without a warrant. If the car is classes on Law Day here Tuesday, searched and contraband is found, You may earn up to 8 hours said laws are not to be taken as a that evidence will not stand up in Undergraduate credit, or 6 right but as an obligation to the court because the search was not hours of Graduate credit rights of other people. legal, Kowal said. in each summer session at A frisk-or-search can only occur An emergency situation might Roosevelt. Or, simply take without a warrant if there is be, for example, a search for a courses you couldn’t work into probable cause, or an emergency bomb hidden in a locker. The your regular schedule. situation, he said. locker can be searched without a Roosevelt has a variety of A person can be lawfully stopped warrant for the protection of other interesting classes for you to if there is reason to believe that a people. choose from. crime has been, is being, or is You may live on-campus at

right in the heart of downtown College presidents Chicago's cultural and recrea¬ tional advantages. The new Herman Crown Center with student housing, lounge, dining-room and snack to meet here May 17 bar is fully air-conditioned. Picture of a man

You can hold a about to make a mistake The Illinois Council of Public professional leadership in the full-time or part-time job He’s shopping around for a diamond “bargain," but Community College Presidents development of community when you study at shopping for “price” alone isn’t the wise way to find (ICPCCP) will meet at College of colleges and focuses on ad¬ one. It takes a skilled professional and scientific instru¬ DuPage Thursday, May 17, from ministrative problems such as 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. accreditation, apportionment, Classes are scheduled to take ments to judge the more important price determining The ICPCCP is comprised of construction, curricula, your schedule into considera¬ factors—Cutting, Color and Clarity. As an AGS jewel¬ chief administrators of Illinois enrollment faculty loads, tion. We're close to downtown er, you can rely on our gemological training and ethics public community colleges. legislation, college liaison, tax stores and offices. Ask about to properly advise you on your next important diamond Formed in 1968 with Dr. Rodney matters, tenure, funding, and our Cooperative Business Pro¬ purchase. Stop in soon and see our fine selection of Berg, College of DuPage other issues which are common to gram, in which jobs earn both r , . MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY gems she will be proud to wear. president, as its first chairman, Illinois community colleges. salary and credits. the ICPCCP meets on alternate The ICPCCP also provides You choose from months to serve as an advisory community college presidents with 3 Summer Sessions at council to the Executive Secretary an organization where they can of the Illinois Junior College present their individual views and Registered Jeweler •American Gem Society Board. work for a common consensus on First day term: June 18-July27 Under its constitution the ICPC¬ various issues and long-term Evening term: CP is pledged to provide matters involving the community June 18-August 16 Wheaton Downers Grove Naperville college system. Instead of reacting Second day term: to issues, the ICPCCP develops July 30-September 7 plans and programs which Registration starts preclude numerous problems June 13-16 which might otherwise plague community colleges.

66 Current ICPCCP officers are: ROOSEVELT UNIVERSITY FREE Pitcher of Chairman, President Joseph C. Office of Educational Information Deaton, Southeastern Illinois 430 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60605 College, Harrisburg; Vice- Phone:341-3655 (9 A.M.-5 P.M.) cola with our Chairman, President Robert E. Send me information on (check Turner, Moraine Valley Com¬ below) coeducational undergrad¬ munity College, Palos Hills; and uate or graduate programs: large-size pizza Secretary, President Robert L. ARTS AND SCIENCES □ Poorman, Lincoln Land Com¬ English Philosophy On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night. Chicago- History Psychology munity Collegel Springfield. Languages Sciences style pan pizza. The best because it's bigger, over five Mathematics Sociology and more pounds. You get your fill for about a dollar a person. □ WALTER E. HELLER COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Take this coupon to the Jolly Six-Pence Pub on Schmale ADMINISTRATION Road just south of North Avenue. Order a large-size MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Accounting Marketing Economics Management pizza and get a free pitcher of ice-cold cola (one to a $7,000-$10,000 Finance and more table) and all the good company you could ask for. (We Super Progressive Retail □ CHICAGO MUSICAL COLLEGE Music Education, Theory, also have hearty soup/stewsand the best burgers around.) firm expanding its operation Composition, Applied Music in this area. Seeks bright (Performance), Ensembles, History people capable of assuming -Relax and laugh in the 17th Century- □ BACHELOR OF GENERAL management role quickly STUDIES Mon. thru Thurs. . . .11:30 a.m.-Midnight for rapid career growth, h Degree program for people over Friday.11:30 a.m.—2 a.m. 25, whose college education you're a hustler and want a Saturday.4 p.m.-2 a.m. was interrupted. Sunday.4 p.m.—Midnight management trainee

□ COLLEGE OF Free Parking position, call now. EDUCATION I Phone 665-5500 for pizza carryout Tom Miller, 665-4455. S-H-S International, (Coupon expires September 30,1973) Address- 1616 E. Roosevelt Road, 1 Wheaton. City— Licensed Agency. _ -Zip- THE COURIER, Page 3 May 3, 1973

COLLEGE OF DoP Up 175% since 1965 State enrollment over 200,000

Illinois community colleges are education in the same way the high services, nursing, radiologic presently serving 30,000 more school extended the range of technology, child care and Illinois residents than all the four- education in early years of this development, instructional aide year institutions combined. century.” and recreational leadership. A report by the Illinois Junior Part of the growing popularity of It is evident that these programs College Board, also states that the community college arises from have been on target, because the Illinois community colleges will the fact that in addition to U. S. work force produces service, serve more than 200,000 Illinois providing a diverse, quality meaning that the United States is residents during the 1973-74 education at moderate cost, it has the first society in history to have a academic year. a mercurial quality which reflects service-dominated economy. Background data from the fluctuating community and career By 1980 experts predict that University of Illinois Bureau of needs. more than two-thirds of the work Institutional Research included in As an example of how a com¬ force will be in service-oriented v, t, a-v.; the report showed that enrollment munity college reflects community jobs. The U.S. Office of Education in Illinois public junior colleges needs, DuPage has for the past has also stated that by 1975 over a had risen by 175 per cent between several years been concentrating million new jobs requiring two- 1965 and 1972. In contrast, on developing programs which are year occupational technical enrollment in public four-year service-oriented such as police training will be available in the U. institutions had risen only by 56 science, fire science, human S. Bur T«ls U. the g-Ym. per cent during the same time period. Dr. Rodney Berg, president of Woman of varied talents - - College of DuPage, says the total impact of the community college system has not yet been felt. “Ultimately,” he says, “the Novelist becomes community college will be the agent of universal higher

college student Omega offers

By Georgene Arthur She said she has judged shows in art workshop E. Georgean Raulston is a Italy, Switzerland, Germany, novelist, author of dog books, dog Holland, Canada, and the United show judge, and breeder and States. Omega College is offering an art workshop at Four Lakes in Lisle. trainer of dogs; she is also aC/D According to Mrs. Raulston, she The work shop is located at 5823 student this quarter. learned to love both dogs and Oakwood Drive, Apartment B. Mrs. Raulston, who is carrying writing while living with her Four Lakes has donated the use 25 hours (two biology courses, grandfather as a child. He bred of the apartment to students at chemistry, anthropology, and and trained field dogs “in the C / D and to the community. Carol American history) plans to plains of Texas” and wrote for Mockler and Bill Smith, art in¬ t* FRVfl n n n n n n r=a ACTS _ A. become a chiropracter and hopes Field and Stream magazine. “He structors, are coordinating the to transfer to the National College was the greatest influence in my RUSH-W classes, which are held every of Chiropractic in Lombard in the life,” she said. Rock on Roosevelt Monday and Wednesday from 8 to fall. Although she loves writing and presents 10 p.m. According to Mrs. Raulston, in judging dog shows, she said she One nite only Friday nite The cost of the classes is $10.00 order to become a dog show judge does not find time for either since for any five classes or $20.00 for she had to become knowledgable in becoming a student at C/D. All Kracker any 10 classes. Instruction and 1 Wed., Thurs., Sat., Sun. canine anatomy, physiology, she does is study and she has to help will be given in rug-making, ; endocrinology, and genetics. She spend the weekends getting caught PEZZ BAND needlepoint, macrame, head- : decided that she would like to put up with all the other things she Sunday is College I.D. night weaving, leatherwork, drawing, j ■his knowledge to use in the human hasn’t had time to do during the Drink % price with college I.D. painting, stitchery, jewelry and ; lealth care field. Not wanting to week. photography. Coming Next Week: become a nurse, nor spend the Mrs. Raulston said she writes The informal atmosphere and • necessary years to become a under a pseudonym which she Zipper Foot individual instruction at the j physician, chiropracty seemed would not divulge, and that she had workshop will give answers to ; like a logical choice, but was not, a novel published under that name everything you always wanted to i Every Thurs nite all ladies drinks 10c She said, a compromise. two years ago. She has also had know about art, but were afraid to j Mrs. Raulston, whose latest much of her poetry published, Every night 8 - 9 p.m. Beer 15c ask, according to the instructors Dook, “The New and Complete St. although not in book form, “only Bernard” will be out next month, an occasional piece here and aised, bred and trained St. there.” Bernards for more than 15 years. She writes under a pseudonym, She got her first St. Bernard when she said, because she sometimes he was first married. “It was my writes things with which her N I T I (JS husband’s idea, but I think he has husband may not agree. Husband, lived to regret it,” she said. David, is dean of students at Triton After she began showing her College, and she would not like to logs, she became interested in have the school administration udging dog shows. She ap- think that some of the things she 'renticed in Europe and then says in her writing are views pplied for and got a license to shared by her husband. COUNSELLING^ odge shows in the United States. PROFESSIONS) Before you buy Auto Insurance

Call WfT^LT H 495-0648 £ Physical ★ 20% savings for faculty Education , ★ Good student discount

★ Financial responsibility XX I _i^ /^SOCIAL U/0RK\ : 5\\v includtnoincludi na \ ★ Motor cycles all CC's M-5.W. progmm Bradley & Bradley W" Contact our Admissions Office now. GEORGE WILLIAMS COLLEGE . i 555 31$t St., Downers Grove, III. 60515 Insurance Agency, Inc. > 312-964-3100 THE COURIER, Page 4 May 3, 1973__ Bitch Box I have sent two bitch tickets on two different matters and never heard anything. The COURIER most important concerned I.C.C. Kappa having an event the Monday after Monte Carlo. Our students worked very hard to publicize the event. Our signs and stands were used by the people working on M.C. and then thrown away! The stands were never returned. The students are very upset. How can people go around using The Courier is a weekly publication by the students of College of DuPage with someone else’s property? administrative offices at Lambert Road and 22nd Street, Glen Ellyn, Illinois. Kappa Student Editorial offices are on the second floor of the building referred to as the Farm¬ house, east of the bookstore. Telephone 858-2800, ext 229. Dear Kappa Student, Editor: Gene Van Son Sports Editor: Don Doxsie First: The people working on Monte Carlo Night used 3 or 4 of your small signs. This Photo Editor: Mike Vendl Distribution Manager: Mark Iickteig was done because I asked them to. Personally, seeing that the use of your 3 or 4 small Advertising Managers: Marilyn Lento signs appears to be the cause of your folly, I find it hard to believe that you had the Mark Iickteig adequate amount of advertising up for your event, and that the students of Kappa Cartoonist: Dave Holle Faculty Adviser: Gordon Richmond worked as hard as you claim. Copy Readers: Melissa Nelson and Sue Imhof Second: As far as the stands, talk to maintenance about it They did all the cleaning (Opinions expressed in signed editorials are not necessarily those of the after Monte Carlo Night. NickHulick student body or of College of DuPage.) I.C.C. Chairman The other night a friend and I rolled into the games room. It was about 6:25 and we figured we had about a half hour of exciting pin ball action in store but, the guy that runs the place said that the games room was closed. If the games room closes at 6:30 | Reader Feedback why doesn’t it say that on the hours sheet that’s posted? The Wizard Since the school year is rapidly coming to a close. The Courier staff would I ' like to find out, while there is still time, what you, the students, faculty and * Dear Wizard staff of C / D think of The Courier this year. If you would take the time to The policy of the games room is to stay open until 7:00 p.m. if we have customers, answer the following questions and drop the questionnaire off in the Student but if it is empty at 6:15 the night attendant has orders to close early. Activities office, in the Campus Center, K-138, this year's staff (and maybe We are really sorry that you didn’t get a chance to spend your quarter. Stop by in next year's staff) will appreciate it. the morning. Circle the response which best expresses your opinion. Ron Leoni 1. Overall, the paper thisyear was Excellent Good Fair Poor Games Room Manager 2. Overall, news content was Excellent Good Fair Poor Hey you, 3. Overall, feature stories were Excellent Good Fair Poor Recently reading a bitch in the April 26 Courier, I read about the bookstore being a 4. Editorial treatment of issues was Excellent Good Fair Poor ripoff. It is. They won’t buy books back from you saying they are being reprinted or a 5. Should the crossword puzzle be kept? Yes No Indifferent new edition is coming out. They give you a buck or two and then sell it again 2 quarters 6. What story (news or feature) impressed you most throughout the year? later. Another Taken Sucker Dear taken sucker, 7. Do you think more cartoons should be used (editorially or otherwise)? You are barking up the wrong tree. Many books are coming out in new editions and Yes No others are being replaced by instructors. If you have any questions you can stop in the 8. Do you think more art (photography) should be used? Yes No bookstore and ask. 9. Sports treatment was Excellent Good Fair Poor Vem Hendricks 10. More sports coverage should be given to Basketball Football Baseball Asst. Manager CD Bookstore Track Hockey Golf Soccer Gymnastics Wrestling Swimming Tennis It is about time some explanation is given as to the performance of C D Security. I Cross Country Intramurals do not know whether or not the handicapped parking is their responsibility or not but 11. What ad, if any, do you remember most? — ■ — whosever it is, they are not doing a thorough job of ticketing violators. Last week, four 12. Have you ever thought of placing a want ad in The Courier? Yes No If out of five times, all the spaces were full of predominately unmarked vehicles. What no, why not? - . .. —- can be done? 13. Did you like the use of color in the ads? Yes No Didn't Notice Handicapped 14. Should Bitch Box be continued? Yes No Indifferent Dear Handicapped, 15. Should Talking Transfer be continued? Yes No Indifferent Security would like to know which lot this was in and at what time. They did say that 16. If you think the paper this year, overall, was just fair or poor, what the lots K, M, and the gravel lot are all checked regularly. If you have problems in the suggestions do you have for its improvement? future, please call security and they will send someone out to ticket the cars. John Walton ASB Vice President =Letters to the Editor

To the Editor: To the Editor: I’m fed up with the way you people I would like to know why nothing has constantly refuse to pay the Forensics been done this year about the hike for Talking Transfer (Speech for more ignorant folks) Team hunger on May 6. It seems that such a the proper respect. We’re just as much a worthy cause (pardon the expression) By Don Dam* part of C/D as any athletic organization would be of great interest to the majority and take just as many trophies (if not of students. This week let’s take a look at some of the four year school to discover their feelings more!) than any other team. I won’t even Thank you. factors that may be involved in the concerning the department. -C.S. waste time letting you know how long we selection of a senior institution or transfer A stroll to the student union and rapping work for all we do. But, it really ticks me C.S., institution. with students can help you gain student off when a team places 6th in the National Don't apologize for your use of the CAUTION - Try to avoid selecting a perceptions of the transfer school. If you Tournament (with several individuals term 'worthy cause'. Although I don't school sight unseen. Maybe the school you desire to live in a residence hall on placing first in their events) and can’t agree with the way it's being done, the have in mind is many miles away, but try campus, I would suggest your taking a even get a photographer to take one lousy reason behind the hunger hike is a to visit that school at least once. Too many tour of two or three residence halls. Are picture!! good one. students transfer to schools without ever the halls coed? How’s the chow? Are there I hope you at least have the decency to The reason The Courier has not setting foot on the campus, register for quiet spots to study in the hall? Do the accept our article on the event this time — done anything on the hike though, is classes, see the school for the first time in rules and regulations of the hall fit your without butchering it beyond recognition. the same for our not investigating the fall and are dissatisfied. By then, the life style? If you want to live off campus, —Brenda Hindman DuPage County politics. We don't student is usually “locked-in” to the school you should find out if there are a variety of have the staff for in-depth research for a semester and sometimes a year. good off-campus locations which are also and, hopefully, the professional Keep in mind that professionals are close to campus. Brenda, media can handle the job better hired by universities to produce beautiful These are only a few of the factors in¬ I'm sure the Forensics team does volved in selecting a senior institution. anyway. brochures and pamphlets which are at¬ work very hard and it does have my Good Luck in your choice! respect. Respect, however great I would wager that 99 per cent of the tractive and meant to lure you to that school. I talked with a student last year though, does not get a paper put out. people here at C / D know about the SPECIAL MERIT SCHOLARSHIP hike by now and anyone that is In¬ who entered a school in Florida sight The Courier staff works pretty hard Bradley University annually awards an too. However, we face a pretty tricky terested in helping already knows unseen. The brochures showed beautiful unlimited number of Junior College beaches and beautiful buildings as part of problem: How does one keep a II of the how to do so. Special Merit Scholarships to qualified —Gene Van Son the campus. Upon arriving at the school he people happy all of the time? The transfer students. The scholarship is in the found out the nearest beach was eleven answer is simple: One can't. But, we amount of $500 per academic year and is miles away and the classroom building still try. When I was a freshmen here at COD, I applicable toward the annual tuition. It is How many letters have you seen picked up my first free copy of The was a condemned hotel. Be sure to visit all renewable each year as long as the studen printed congratulating us for our Courier. Upon reviewing it, I decided that the schools on your list of possible transfer maintains the required grade point handling of a story? Zero. But, we still C / D could save time and money by not schools!! average. This award is based strictly on having a paper. The articles are like Other suggestions: Write or call the the academic record and financial need is 11 y ■ We have two photographers this lullabies helping you fall asleep. It’s not Admissions Office of the senior institution not a factor in the awarding of these and arrange an appointment with an year. They can't be everywhere. But, because of the writers, but because of the scholarships. admissions counselor to discuss general we still try. material. Photography is poor. All you The requirements for the scholarship Just as a matter of curiosity ever see is the “Rah-rah Joe All-Pro information about the school, evaluation are: (a.) a minimum of 24 transferable Brenda, how much journalism have Athletes”. How’s about some nice-looking of your credits, etc. That same day you semester hours of credit, (36 quarter could also have an appointment with you taken that you can so suredly girls! hours of credit), (b.) a minimum 3. someone from the department of your term our editing of Ms. Crowe's Courier, get it together! cumulative grade average based on a 4 major. You might want to discuss with releases 'Butchery'? -Gary Priest grading scale. I'd like to criticize one of your him the curriculum of your major, courses For additional information contact t" Gary, left to complete and the types of jobs the speeches sometime. But, I won't. I I can only reiterate my answer to Financial Aid Office or Mr. Charles graduates of the major are receiving upon don't know anything about Oral In¬ Ms. Hindman. Know what you're Wharton, Assistant Dean of Admissions' graduation. You may also want to chat terpretation. Bradley University, Peoria, Ill. 61606. talking about. with students with similar majors at the —Gene Van Son —Gene Van Son Cap and Gown Fittings on May 8 th in the Campus Center 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

If you plan to participate in the commencement exercises bring your $5.25 to Student Activities that day. (K138)

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You will be given a measurement card to present to the Cap and Gown company. THE COURIER, Page 6 May 3, 1973 ‘We’re all dancers,’ he sings; folk musicians go all out

By Chuck Maney This weave of vitality is Orphan’s on North Lincoln; the It was raining Sunday, May 29, especially evident in the Rose Hips Bulls, Lincoln at Wells. but there was music in the Convo String Band. Leslie Gould plays a Center. The Friends Company, a healthy violin and sings. Connie Dykema’s purpose in bringing loosely handled name for a fine Koralik and Barry Charlton play the Friends Company here was to cross-section of Chicago folk guitar, autoharps, a dulcimer and present the “finest night of folk musicians, sang and played for an bass, and they sing like you’ve music C / D ever had.” His success Thank goodness some things elite crowd of C / D folk buffs. always wished you could sing. hinges on the Company’s desire to never change. The small crowd came out and Their music has motion and goes make music. Good things, like expressing stayed to hear Johnny Long’s together like a poem, with full All thg performers have been your love with a diamond. earthy traditional blues; David awareness of sound, meaning, working this area for at least two And good things, like the 62 year old Gross’ strong blend of vocals and measure and rhythm. years and are known and Hollands Jewelers policy of returning your Iowa City poetry; the tightly Which brings us to David Gross. money if you're not satisfied. balanced Rose Hips String Band, David is a poet who can really sing respected musicians. But it’s a funny business. Before a Bonnie Lots of things have changed, too. For and Ron Crick with his band of a poem. I have waited so long for the better. Like the newest cuts in diamonds, free-wheeling country jammers. an evening I can afford where Koloc or Steve Goodman can especially our exciting new heart shapes. In all, the evening was a major performers have good voices and surface and acquire the promotion And the large selection of beautiful work of balancing musical input, know the integrity of their in¬ money it takes to attain a “name,” new settings that you’ll find at struments. “We are all dancers,” there has to exist a hard working Hollands Jewelers today. thanks to Steve Dykema, ASB programing director. he sings, and I’ll be dancing up foundation of perfectionists Folk music is strong in Chicago North Lincoln to Ratsos on June making their money in small clubs (indeed, Ron Crick calls Chicago a Wednesdays to hear more of David and college one-nighters. To work Mecca for folk); yet Midwest and Rose Hips. for people they play their best all audiences are not known for their My blues background is the time and give the extra effort % sophistication. “They don’t always inadequate to do Johnny Long to be alive on stage and off. know what live music is. They justice. “It’s hard to sell a Hollands Jewelers don’t realize that we’re people single (solo performer) unless Unlike television, performers Since 1910 need care and feeding and respond Downtown Evergreen Plaza Lakehurst Woodfield too,” is Rose Hips’ Connie you’re really energetic,” he told Koralik’s description. me. Energetic he is, and you can with their own unique and growing It is a meshing of personal look for his direct delivery blues at talent. I had a good time. *********************** ******* abilities and responses that make the No Exit coffeehouse in Rodgers folk music work. This need for Park or Minstrels on Sheridan * Try our want ads * feedback exists inside a band and road. ^ ^ ^ ^ a# ^ ^ between the people and the Ron Crick is an adequate ^p ^p ^p ^p ^p ^p ^p ^p ^p ^p ^p ^p ^p ^p ^p ^p ^p ^p ^p ^p ^p ^p ^p ^p ^p ^p ^p ^p players. country singer / songwriter with Start insurance assembly of experienced musicians working up a country seminar May 12 A Northwestern University Bachelors storm. Bob Hogan is the most visible (and versatile) member of the band. On stage and backstage I Degree: How your junior college credits How well are you insured? heard him play imaginative College of DuPage is offering a guitar, banjo, pedal steel guitar, workshop on life and health in¬ can help you get it. piano, trumpet and violin (or surance to help persons find out should we say fiddle). His big plus whether they have too much or too is that he plays with both ears Say you’re about to finish two years Confused? We can help. little insurance, and if they are open. of Junior College. You’d like to keep getting the most for their money. If you need help transferring This is more important than you The workshop will be held on working toward a degree, but for your credits. Or you’re not sure what area think because the band is new, still three consecutive Saturdays looking for the “sound” that is own good reasons you can’t enroll in you should be in. Or you just have beginning May 12. It will be held difficult to describe but the heart a full time day program. some questions about a course or two. from 10 a.m. to 12:00 noon in J147. and soul of such an enterprise. We have a solution. Northwestern The workshop will cover other We can help. Look for them to get better at the types of insurance and estate University Evening Divisions. Monday thru Friday from 9 a.m. Saddle Club and Ratsos on June planning in addition to insurance weekends. You can transfer as many as 60 to 7 p.m., we have full-time pro¬ in life and health fields, according If you’re looking for quality credit hours toward our degree in Arts fessional counselors ready to sit down to the workshop coordinator music on a tight budget, I have a and Sciences. Then, you keep working and talk things over. Robert Gibson. list compiled with a little help from Registration will be accepted up on your degree by taking courses as the Friends Company: More than instructors. through the first class meeting. your time allows—from one course to Digbys, on North Broadway; The $15.00 registration fee includes Many of the people teaching in Amazing Grace at Northwestern in a full-time program. a brochure covering the different our Evening Divisions are active Evanston; About Zero, at Grace And no matter how many courses types of insurance available. professionals. The things they teach Lutheran Church on Belden; you decide to take, the tuition is a at night are the things they actually modest $36 per semester hour. No do during the day. So you get the private university in the Chicago area practical side as well as the theory. has a lower rate. What is it you want? We don’t just teach you, It’s Motorcycle Time Again! We offer courses in the following we can help place you, too. areas. And a degree in Arts and Sciences: We have a free job placement Low low cycle rates office for our Evening Divisions Business Tech. Instit. students. And you don’t have to be Computer Science 0 over 1,000 ce’s Accounting graduating to use it—just take one Advertising Business Law Arts and course. Business Writing Science Auto Insurance Finance Anthropology Financial aid available. Administration Art History If you need and want the educa¬ Marketing Art Theory tion, but you’re short on dollars, call Young Drivers insured 16 to 80 Personnel and Practice us anyway. There’s a variety of loans, Biological Mgmt. grants, and scholarships available to Real Estate Science Lowest Rates Available Classics our Evening Divisions students. G.I. Journalism English benefits are available, too. Advertising French Call 649-8403 Editorial Geography CALL 629-0807 Creative Writing German We’ll answer your questions, send History you a class schedule, even set up an Mathematics for quick quote Music Philosophy appointment for you with one of our General Music Political Science counselors. Psychology Official registration for the sum¬ Speech Religion mer session is Thursday, June 14. Communications Sociology Classes start June 18 and end August 9- Acting Spanish Fall registration is September 12 & 13- Swan Insurance Agency 614 S. Main St. Lombard, IL Northwestern University Evening Divisions THE COURIER, Page 7 May 3, 1973 Forensics are go-getters Because experience is what counts in the end!

By Cele Bona Asked what has participation in forensics coach, said, “It’s an Jaguri is the originator of the part of forensics. It’s helped me a Why go through the terror and forensics meant to them, team intellectual competition. You can’t group’s Fart Knuckles Fastwater lot when I have to decide how to trauma of standing before hun¬ members replied: stand to admit that someone is Award which they give to one of put forth a character. Sometimes dreds of people and giving an Becky Bland — “It’s been a better than you are. I was in an their own C/D stars at each in a reading there are a number of extemporaneous speech for seven really good experience. I can extemporaneous event. I think I’m tournament. It usually goes to a different characters that you have minutes on a topic you’ve just been speak better in front of people, the best in the nation. I didn’t comic. to put forth and differentiate them given? Why set yourself up for individually and to a group. I met a make it. It was the first time I was Mark Materna says he has with only your voice.” judgment? lot of nice people I would never shut out of the tournament.” learned a lot of self discipline. He McCumber emphasized the Because experience is what have met any other way. I’ve “I met a lot of girls, caught said, “You have to meet the team work and shared experiences counts in the end. Doing it is learned to think on my feet... You colds, almost died of pneumonia,” deadlines in a tournament. I find I of the group. Also they have good learning to do it better, say get so much experience. Even in said T’Challa Jaguri with a grin. follow the news a lot more now. parties, he reflected happily. members of C/D’s highly suc¬ my advanced speech class I only Then he cocked his beret topped You have to have a lot of in¬ It’s rare to find so much friend¬ cessful forensics team. got to do two improvisations.” head and said seriously, “The formation; you have to keep with ship and goodwill among a group After placing sixth in the Becky apparently will never have tournaments taught me to ap¬ events.” of people involved in so highly National Phi Rho Pi Junior College an ulcer. She added gleefully, preciate winning. I always ex¬ Materna added, “I hated poetry competitive an endeavor. It ap¬ Forensics Tournament, the team “The biggest thing I enjoyed was pected to win. Then I bombed. till I got into forensics. Now I read pears that the spirit among tbe is on a joyful hard won ego trip that the tension . . . that was fun!” When I got to the nationals I was a poetry and my library of plays that coaches has flowed over to the shines all over their faces. Steve Collie, son of Jim Collie,. very humble person.” And he won I have read has doubled.” team. Jim Collie, Jodie Briggs, — first place in Oral In¬ Theatre major Don McCumber Sally Hadley and B. F. Johnston Mrs. Colona named terpretation. stated, “Voice training is a big are a team leading a team. to exchange project

Mrs. Betty Colona, former is working in that specific field. assistant in the LRC film depart¬ professional working with a ment, has been appointed to student can relate to the problems coordinate a Human Resources and solutions in their mutual field Exchange project. of interest,” she said. The project is developing a Mrs. Colona cited examples of program which will have files on the Resource project. “At present people who are willing to share we have on video cassette an in¬ their knowledge (in anything from terview with Sanford Gates, a wood-carving to cooking) and Naperville woodcarver. This way hobbies. the interview itself can benefit Mrs. Colona says students prefer students in the future as well as the having someone as a resource who present,” said Mrs. Colona. The community has been generous in its response to the Human Resources Exchange project which was developed by Doris Voelz. Mrs. Colona sends out questionaires to individuals or businesses interested in par¬ Here’s the champion forensics ticipating. team, from left: Jim Belushi, Don She is willing to find an answer Students like bill on tap McCumber (face hidden), Sandy to everyone’s needs. Jovanovich, Rob Hearn, Steve “Everybody I know who’s 19 is “If we haven’t got the in¬ A recent survey of 57 College of Collie, Sally Crowe, Jim Collie, drinking anyway.” formation in the area of your DuPage students revealed that director of forensics, T’Challa Greg Reynolds, 18, a freshman special need or request, it will be a students favor giving 19-year-olds Jaguri, Sue Ralston, Mark from Hinsdale, said, “They can be Materna, Becky Bland, Jodie challenge to our Human Resources the right to drink beer and wine by a 2 to 1 majority. drafted and they can vote so what Exchange project to find a sour¬ Briggs, assistant coach, Bob ce,” she said. Most students believed that 18- sense is there in voting sober.” Jackson, Tom LaPorte, Sally year-olds should have the right to Ernie Spanglor, 22, a sophomore Hadley, assistant coach, and B.F. Students are also participating drink as well. Only 11 out of 57 felt from Wheaton and Rich Boyd, 18, a Johnston, assistant coach. as Human Resources. Anyone that 19 is too young. freshman from Lombard, both felt interested in becoming a part of (Such a bill granting the right to that 19 is still too young. the program or anyone with a drink as well as purchase beer and Tom Whalen, 20, a freshman request ( no matter how strange or wine is currently in the Illinois from Itasca, said, “I’m going to Other reasons given by students unusual) may contact Mrs. Colona Senate. It is in its third reading drink legally or illegally so why not were: “It’s better to drink than to at 858-2800 ext. 339 or write to Mrs. Colona which means that it could come up make it legal.” Phil Larson, 19, a use drugs.” “If you can fight and Human Resources Exchange. for a vote in the next several sophomore from Lombard, said, die, you should be able to drink,” and, “Entertainment facilities are weeks.) “I feel that 19-year-olds should greatly limited to those too young Vernon Choyce, 19, a sophomore have the right to drink because the to drink.” Mary Jo Kobrow says r- from Western Springs, explained, state considers them adults.” Police Science teachers get ‘real’ feedback

Department in Wheaton, and the By Lillian Petronlo “But,” said Mrs. Kobrow, “I am Illinois still only require a high Villa Park, West Chicago and the in my third year now and the word school diploma for a police officer DuPage County Sheriff’s Glenbard West High School. has gotten out.” They know that applicant. Other states require the Department. The committee Mrs. Kobrow has served as There was a time when students she is for real and that she knows two-year degree. In Illinois each meets once each quarter to advise coordinator of the program since would cast quizzical glances in the whereof she speaks. municipality has its own the coordinator in terms of March 1972. Currently she is direction of attractive Mary Jo teaching Police Operations and Her students have no qualms requirements and qualifications direction, focus and curriculum Kobrow, their instructor in the Procedures 110, Police about sharing a little of their ex- for hiring. offerings. Police Science program. Organization 250 and Ad¬ - pertise whenever they feel it would “Certainly when they are The police chiefs have been ministration, and Issues in Police benefit the program. While there is looking over applications, after the generous in their praise of the Science 260. no formal student advisory group, physical requirements have been program and have requested It all started back while she was Mrs. Kobrow said, “I do have met, the odds are better for the special courses for their men. At majoring in sociology in Grinnell plenty of feedback from students. individual with the two-year the suggestion of the advisory College where she had a professor, The police officers submit most degree,” Mrs. Kobrow said. committee, Mrs. Kobrow per¬ who also happened to be the valid suggestions. They do not In June 1972 there were 28 sonally designed and developed a Justice of the Peace in Grinnell, hesitate to let me know what they graduates in the program, 17 of new course called Homicide In¬ whom transferred to four-year vestigation. Iowa (1960 pop. 7,367). He offered are thinking.” The recent State Evaluation her a job working in what Mrs. Of the 380 students currently colleges. Mrs. Kobrow explained that many of the students have Report made no specific allusion to Kobrow called “The town’s tiny involved in the program, Mrs. gone on into related disciplines the program with the exception of police station”. She accepted and Kobrow said, “The overwhelming such as political science, sociology where “Police Science started working as a court clerk. majority have serious intentions of or psychology because there are no Technology” at the “Hinsdale Later on she majored in Police going into the field, or they are colleges in the nearby DuPage Police Station” is cited as an Administration at Michigan State already in it.” County area offering four-year example of “community in¬ University. Mrs. Kobrow said, “For many of programs in Law Enforcement volvement in serving as a satellite For three years she worked with the students, the two-year degree and Criminal Justice. center.” the Cook County Sheriff’s Police from C / D has meant increases in While the majority of courses Department as the Chief’s Ad¬ salaries and better promotional The program, which was first are taught at C/ D, some courses ministrative Assistant. For the opportunities.” approved in November, 1968, has are taught not only at the Hinsdale following three years she worked an advisory committee made up of Police Station,, but also at the as a supervisor in the planning and According to Mrs. Kobrow, the chiefs of police in Bensenville, DuPage County Sheriff’s Research Division of the Chicago Mrs. Kobrow majority of police departments in Burr Ridge, Elmhurst, Glen Ellyn, Police Department THE COURIER, Page 8 May 3, 1973 Reporters first impression You’ll be impressed by size of building

By Kay Lockman Two large lounges are on the Tremendously big! These are plaza level also. One is located at the first words that come to mind the extreme east end of the floor after a trip to the new campus and one at the west end. On the building. Don DeBiase, campus south side of the plaza level are building coordinator, gave this nine smaller lounges with study reporter a tour Tuesday of Phase I. rooms. There are four entrances on the The feeling of light both inside north side and four on the south and out permeates the whole side of the building. We walked building. completely around the building on From the plaza level, we went the plaza level. Here is where the down to the concourse level. We huge classrooms are located. are completely underground now. Some have one wall of window, Four projection rooms and the some have only windows at the top. graphic art rooms are located Blackboard walls and lighting are here. already installed. These Down we went again to the lower classrooms are spacious. concourse level. Here are vision While we were still on the plaza strips which will allow students to level, we looked in on the provost watch what is happening in the suite which has offices and con¬ welding shop and manufacturing ference rooms adjoining it. This process shop. These strips are on will be completely carpeted. the south side of the building only. In the center of the whole Large corridors and lockers building is an open court. Windows lining the walls of one side of the look out on it and with a little building on the plaza level, con¬ imagination, a beautiful vista of veniently close to the entrances, trees and green grass can be en¬ are but a few of the things that visioned. impressed this visitor.

Welding shop in lower concourse area.

What a difference a few months makes. Picture above was taken in January. The finished hallway is shown at right. IGC plans barbeque May 19

will be providing entertainment. office. The barbeque will start at Plans for the May 19 barbeque ‘Death Workshop’ begins May 7 Chicken and beverages will be 5:30 p.m. Maps for the location of were announced at the April 26 served on an all-you-can-eat basis. this afiair will be attached to the Death and Life” being sponsored meeting of the Inter-Club Council Does a person’s attitude toward Steve Elliot told those present tickets. by College of DuPage on con¬ (ICC). Tickets are $1.00 and can be death affect the way he lives? Is that tickets can be obtained in the The ICC will also hold a Flea secutive Mondays, May 7 through purchased by any campus club death a taboo topic in the average student activities office or in his Market on Sunday, May 6 in the American home? How should a June 4, from 7 to 9 p.m. It will be member. A folk and rock group faculty parking lot, from 10 a.m. conducted by psychology in¬ person treat a dying friend or until 6:00 p.m. relative? How should you treat the structor Mrs. Jeanne Jerousek. Elliot, College Republicans (C. According to Mrs. Jerousek, cost bereaved? How do you feel about A mechanic's view R.) president said that no bills for your own death? of the workshop will be $25.00 per damage have come from the Oak- These and other questions about person. In order to allow brook Hyatt House, where the maximum personal participation, Illinois College Republican State death and its relationship to life By Jeff Tendrick will be discussed in a five-session enrollment will be limited to the Convention was held in February. workshop on “Attitudes Toward first 20 persons applying. This indicates, he said, that the If you still want more power, Q. What can I do to my CR’s behavior at the convention then next you buy an extractor volkswagon to add some more was not troublesome or reckless. muffler. You can have 18Wegree 6 students listed in ISU finals power? I don’t want a “super¬ Any possible probationary ac¬ or a 90-degree tuned extractor Illinois State University (ISU) Jasper, 5N060 Central Ave., machine,” just something with tion or issues related to it will be and a dealer would be happy to announced that six College of Bensenville; Miss Donna about 20 per cent more power. tabled until after the Young explain the difference in power DuPage students were finalists in Mikulecky, 262 Robin Lane, Wood A. The possibilities are Republicans Convention in May and cost. If after this you want to the recent Illinois State University Dale; Miss Sue Marie Mueller, 719 numerous and can get expensive. Elliot told the Council meeting that add little items on to the engine, Alumni Distinguished Scholarship Parkside, Elmhurst; Miss Nancy The cheapest route would be this: he had returned the Weapons of then you can buy a light-weight, (ADS) competition for transfer Pearson, 1015 Santa Rose, firs, you buy a Bosch “screamer” Peace tickets. The Club will now distributor and coil. Put these on scaled pulley or some light-weight students. Wheaton; and Miss Lynn West- receive the $42.00 payment from rocker arms, but these are op¬ The finalists from College of phal, 1026 Community Drive, La for the first stage. If the engine working the Monte Carlo. DuPage were: James Hudson, 5236 Grange Park. seems to run better, you may stop tional. Oak View Drive, Lisle; Thomas W. here. THE COURIER, Page 9 May 3, 1973 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 10 i4 r Registration to begin May 21 ,5 ■* 17 1 19

20 121 22 Registration for College of - Students who will have ac¬ - New students may register DuPage summer quarter classes cumulated 50 through 74 quarter Friday, May 25, or anytime 23 ■24 begins Monday, May 21. Current hours of credit by the end of the thereafter. They will be sent by 25 26 27 ■28 C/D students may register for spring may register Tuesday, May mail a specific appointment time, 29 30 31 j summer classes according to the 22, or anytime thereafter. anytime after which they may J2 133 34 following schedule: - Students who will have ac¬ register. Orientation and program ■ - Students who will have ac¬ cumulated 25 through 49 quarter planning for new students begins 35 ■ 37 cumulated 75 or more quarter hours may register Wednesday, 90 minutes before the appointment ' hours of credit by the end of the May 23, or anytime thereafter. time. j)6 ■40 39 spring quarter may register - Students with 1 through 24 Hours for registration will be 4i ■ Monday, May 21, or anytime quarter hours may register 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday w thereafter. _ Thursday, May 24, or anytime through Friday, in the ■ thereafter. Registration Office, N-l; and 5 to 8:30 p.m., Monday through 4? ■49 50 52 Thursday, in the Admissions Of¬ fice, K106. 53 54 Ornamental Horticulture 55 Students are not to register 56 57 58 earlier than their appropriate offers teaching jobs appointment date, based on ac¬ 59 6o 61 cumulated credit hours. 1 If you want to verify the number 1 of credit hours you will have ac¬ By EDWARD JULIUS James E. Love, coordinator of the whole sequence is taken, cumulated by the end of the spring biology and ornamental hor¬ quarter, check the total of ac¬ ACROSS Biology 101,102 and 103, Love says DOWN cumulated credit hours on your 1. Movie Bridge Builder 1. Egyptian Month ticulture, Sigma College, has this will equal one complete year 5» Dark Yellow 2. Snoopy’s First Owner recently attended several of biology. winter quarter grade report and 10. Pain 3» British College add to it the number of credit hours 14. Core agricultural meetings at Joliet Love advises those interested in 4. Nixon Dog you expect to earn in the spring 15. French Relative 5. Hurt Feelings of Junior College. He came back with the above class offering, not to 16. Dutch-African 6. Die one important fact. Love wants take on any outside work because quarter. 17* Bitter Drug 7. Pronoun 18. "Hamlet" Character 8. Urge 1 Scot. DuPage students to know that a it involves four hours a day from 8 20. Digestive Gland 9. Saskatchewan Lake definite shortage of teachers exists a.m. to 12:30 p.m. plus study time. 22. Tease 10. Monasteries in the field of Vocational Human Anatomy and 23. Curl 11. Wood Measure 24. Vocalist Anita 12. Cure Agriculture and Ornamental Physiology 111 and 112 are being LRC BOOK SALE 25. Add To 13* Irish-Gaelic Horticulture. held for Physical Education The LRC will hold a book sale in 28. Dislike 19. Approaches The coordinator announced the 32. Melvin _ 21. Outer Layer majors and for those people in¬ the Lambert farmyard Wed¬ 33« Brake Parts 24. Egg-shaped summer schedule of classes. There terested in nursing and nesday, May 16 beginning at 10 34. Playtex Product 25. Khayyam Essential (2 wds.) will be a course called Ornamental Radiological Technology. These a.m. Each book will be priced at 50 35• Hardwoods 26. Runner _ Nurmi 36. Church Singers 27. Cheapskate Horticulture, Applied Taxonomy, courses are five week quarters. cents and all subject areas will be 37• Goddess of Fertility 28. Nautical Greetings held one night a week. In this Other five week courses being represented with emphasis on 38» _ Maria 29. Norwegian Dramatist course, numerous flowering given are Biology 102-103. Biology philosophy, religion, psychology, 39. 1969 PGA Champ 30. Bay Window 40. Accost 31. Snide plants will be classified and 101, Micro-Biology 101, Biology 201 education, and literature. In case 41. Computer Language (pi.) 33* Gleamed identified. There will also be field and Ecology are day classes which of rain, the sale will be held on the 43. Graceful 36. Mr. Darrow trips. Time will be announced 44. Rabbit 37. Britannic Waterway will run for 10 weeks. following day, Thursday, May 17. 45. Contemporary Author 39. Bowling Term later. 46. _ Street 40. Horse's Pace One whole quarter of biology will 49. Excess 42, Roof Material 53* Feigning 43. Botanist Mendel be condensed into about three 55* Navigate 45. Arm Bones weeks of classes this summer. If 56. Of Ammonia 46. Box 57. Chocolate Seed 47. Woman's Name 58. Caesar Quote 48. Spanish Digit 59. Hasty 49. Ancient Britisher A WANT AD in the COURIER 60. Penetrate 50. Pledge will reach 5,000 students AND 61. Throat Noise 51. Ceremony their families! 52. Canker Remedy 54, Biblical Character Text of new election code

Following is the election code require the signatures of at least more. Posters are allowed, but approved by Student Government 350 members of the Associated must conform to college policies on and the Executive Board: Student Body. posters. Petitions: Each petition for Petitions may be secured at the All compaign materials must be candidacy for A.S.B. office shall Student Government office after 9 removed from all campus a.m. Monday, May 7, 1973, and facilities no later than 12:00 p.m. must be returned to the same the day following the elections. office no later than 4 p.m. Friday, Failure to abide by this rule will now do/ wefo fapedeb... Art instructor May 18, 1973, with the required subject candidate or party to amount of signatures. No member disqualification. Campaign an $)/!anyt dmanrn//any" of the A.S.B. may sign more than stickers, buttons and other three (3) petitions for the same paraphernalia may be worn on an illustrates book Reminisce office. All signatures on the individual’s attire at anytime, so By Orange Blossom petitions must be accompanied by long as the individual does not Mrs. Carol Mockler, art in¬ the signer’s social security loiter within 25 feet of the ballot structor, Omega, has more than The pattern of this ring dates to number. box. All campaigning shall remain illustrations published in a new the Middle Ages where it was known 100 The validity of all petitions shall within the realm of good taste. Any book, “Image, Reflections on as "the ceremonial ring." be checked by the Election reports of violation of these rules Language,” authored by Clark Committee. Upon return of the should be brought to the attention The symbols used then are as appropriate McKowen. The designer is Glenn signed petitions, all candidates of the Elections Committee, today as they were in the year 1320. Brougher. must submit a signed statement to located in Student Government, N4 Joined Hearts: “Image” is an English text book the Election Committee, stating building. two mortal souls in love. for composition. It was released by that the candidate has become Balloting: Balloting will take Clasped Hands: MacMillan Publishers in April, familiar with the A.S.B. Con¬ place on May 29 and 30,1973 in the togetherness fora lifetime. 1973, and has national distribution. stitution and the Election Code. Campus Center, between the hours Mrs. Mockler did her own layout

Noted Chicago ceramic expert, Following the ceramics artist, and art gallery owner Nick demonstration, a ceramic pottery on display Nero will give a free ceramics sale featuring work by College of demonstration at College of DuPage students priced from $.05 The highly imaginative work ot DuPage on Friday, May 4. The to $50 will be held from 3:00 to 6:00 sculptor Frank Cesna is on public demonstration will be held from p.m. Both Nero’s demonstration display through May 18 in the 10:00 a.m. to 12 Noon and from 1:00 and the pottery sale will be held in LRC. p.m. to 3:00 p.m. The presentation K129. Cesna, a resident of Downers will be informal and spectators Grove: and an industrial engineer may come and go at any time. with Rexnord Inc., has created According to College of DuPage Car seminars over 40 art objects, based art instructor John Wantz, Nero’s primarily on his own imagination. demonstration will cover all In addition to his large surrealistic aspects of ceramic work, including in May and June fishes, he has done statues and “how to do” techniques and tne animals. The materials he uses for philosophy of ceramic art. In sculpting vary as much as his addition to Nero’s presentation, A free seminar on automobile subjects. He has successfully used persons interested in pottery may emission control will be offered in wood, wire, fiberglass, and cast try their hand at Raku, a spon¬ May and June by College of stone, and is experimenting with taneous glazing process for DuPage in conjunction with the other mediums. ceramic work. Illinois State Board of Vocational His works have previously been Education and the U. S. Office of on display at the Shedd Aquarium, Education, Division of Manpower Chicago Public Library, In¬ More creations by Frank Cesna Donft change Development and Training. ternational Flower Show, and The seminar, according to various art festivals in the area. your summer coordinator W. R. Johnson, is Cesna has agreed to help the designed to provide service station college through the college’s in¬ and garage owners, managers and novative Human Resource Ex¬ plans mechanics, with the knowledge change program. This program has been established as a com¬ If you’re going to spend a necessary to maintain and service auto emission control standards. munity service by the college to lot of this coming summer The six-hour seminar will be provide community groups with around the water—sailing offered at two different times One persons from the area who are and swimming—you’ll want will be held May 21 and 22 froi 7 to willing to share their special the protection of Tampax 10 p.m. The second session will knowledge or talent. tampons. meet on June 2 from 8:30 a.m. to aaaa aaaaa aaaai Girls have frequently 2:30 p.m. Both sessions will meet aaaa aaaaa aaaa wondered about swimming in Room 3 of N-5. aaaa aaaaaaaaaa during those difficult days. There is no registration fee for A S MN E |E |D |L |E | the seminar. Registration is hcMoip rjrpBBi Old-fashioned napkins ■aIv £ R |S II 10 IN I make swimming limited and will be accepted on a aaaaa aaaaa man impossible, but with first-come basis. 0 A K S BC H 0 I R ■! S I lb Tampax tampons the ana aaaaa aaaaa F 0 |RJT R A N gBG A I NjLjU message has always been: 'i 11.iMii hi i i Mu hi i Is | “Go ahead and swim.” aaaaaa aaaaaaaa You’re dependably P R E T E N D I N G BS A I L protected internally. And aaaa aaaaa aaaa you never have to y weeks=I year |R [a IS |H I aaaaa aaaa worry about anything showing under _ swimsuits because internal protection is invisible Join the Fun protection. in DePaul So don't change your summer plans just Open House because your period might University’s interfere. Tampax tampons During Festival of let you sail, swim, water- ski, sunbathe—just like any other day of the month. Summer At Elmhurst College's Program Fools Weekend Who What What Move ahead in your college is invited? is happening? do you need to do? career by earning a year’s college credit (12 quarter hours 1rtslh™lde%S Alcaic Send In the re,urn Posy card. or 8 semester hours) Parents a ^ r„nrort Register in the College in FreshmanSpanishorGerman rarea IS An outdoor Concert * Counselors a con sj, in on Union between Sophomore French Freshman or Sophomore Chemistry Friends 1 10:30 and 1 1:00 High School seniors Fun-tun-tun Visitors may park in any Physics or Calculus Computer Science Guest Stars area which is convenient. Elementary Hebrew (June 18-Aug.30) Day classes, except Chemistry June 25-August 24 Elmhurst College OpenhlouseJ^ay5j3 Write or Phone Office of Admissions f^r'TnformatTon call GfeF&ul UNIVERSITY DePaul University 25 East Jackson Boulevard = 279-4100 ext Chicago. Illinois 60604 WE 9-3525

Please send me: □ Summer Schedule □ Application for Admission □ Bulletin

□ Financial aids information



STATE: ZIP: rvi * Bfffh <«Vt Sfjrr THE COURIER, Page 11 May 3, 1973 Women to expand Want Ads Readers Theatre Place Your Ad for only 5 cents per word. Deadline educational phases Monday before Thursday publication. Come to the shows May 3-5 Farmhouse and a friendly ad- College of DuPage’s new Con¬ opportunities available throughout taker will assist you. the area; to provide testing and tinuing Education For Women The performing arts department from regular theatre production in (CEW) program will hold “Coffee counseling for those who wish to Work this summer for Stivers explore their abilities; to plan temporary service. All office is putting on three evenings of that the audience is stimulated and Chat” sessions for area Reader s Theatre May 3, 4, and 5. through the reader. There is no programs, seminars, workshops, skills needed for our clients for women from 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. on The three readings are: Behind scenery, make-up, or costumes. both Thursday, May 10, and non-credit courses, and other vacation replacements. If you activities pertinent to the needs of can get around and have good The Beyond, directed by Jodie The reader gives the audience Wednesday, May 23, and from 7:30 Briggs, instructor; Johny Got His the text and subject and the women in general or to special skills we’ll try to keep you busy. p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Monday May Gun, directed by T’Challa Jaguri, majority of action occurs in the groups of women such as the Call 654-0310. 14. The purpose of the coffee student; and Rimers of Eldritch, imagination of the audience, widowed, the divorced, the single parties, according to Mrs. Doris Good kittens to proper home. directed by B. F. Johnston, in- After each night’s program, the Voelz, who is director of the head of family, the employed, the middle-aged or the elderly. Free. See Fred Hombach s true tor. audience is invited to stay for college’s CEW program, is to learn M103A. ext. 500. The forensics team used these improvisations to be given by which programs, workshops, “We are in the formative stage of designing a program which three plays in its regional and members of B. F. Johnston’s courses, etc., would be most Housewives, earn extra national competition. The reader’s Improvisational Theatre class, could have tremendous impact on valuable to area women of all ages money. $15 for two hours work. theatre group placed fifth in the The reading begins each night at and educational backgrounds. the lives of many women,” says Call 279-8724. Mrs. Voelz. “I hope that as many National Phi Rho Pi Junior College 8:15 p.m. and will be held in the The CEW program, reports Mrs. tournament. Convocation Center. Does anyone have a plain old Voelz, is designed to furnish a area women as possible will attend Reader’s Theatre is different place where women can obtain one of our three “Coffee and Chat” ONE speed bike to sell? Guys or information about the educational, sessions and share their needs and gals. 3554578. vocational and self-development ideas with us.” Both the May 10 and May 23 Stereo compact-HARMON morning “Coffee and Chat” KARDON COMPUTERMATIC Woman’s Club offers $480 aid sessions will be held in K163. TUNING. BSR Turntable, Faculty wives Accoustic Suspension The Office of Financial Aid graduate of either Glenbard West JUDGE ART SHOW Speakers. BRAND NEW, $299. would like to announce a $480 or Glenbard South High School. It offer scholarship Mrs. Carol Mockler and Will SMG Representative. 469-2875. scholarship being given by the is to your advantage to apply as Smith, Omega art instructors, Glen Ellyn Junior Women’s Club soon as possible. for the academic year ’73-74. Scholarships donated by the were chosen to judge the DuPage 1969 Triumph GT-6. Good For more information and ap¬ Faculty Wives Association of C / D County Art Show April 28. The shape. Best offer. Call 665-2783 To be eligible for this scholar¬ plications, contact K157. The ship, you must have been a are being offered now through show was held at the DuPage after five. deadline for applications is May June 1 to any student (male or County Art League Gallery on 25, 1973. Front Street in Wheaton. Harley Davidson 3-wheeler, female) who has completed one excellent condition, new year of schooling here and plans to engine, slicks, bucket seat, return for a second year. $600. Call 323-3742. Minimum requirements are: 1) EMPLOYER HERE Free' the student must have at least a 3.5 Iran Hammer of the Chicago Need ride to college from 170 page color discount catalog cumulative G.P.A. for a three- Tribune and Chicago Today will be southwest Wheaton (9 a.m. - 2 quarter year; 2) must have 15 in the Student Planning In¬ p.m.) Will pay. Call days, 668- Diamonds - Watches - Jewelry hours per quarter; 3) must be a formation Center on May 10 from 8 2838. Ask for “College Ride.” resident of District 502; 4) and a.m. to 3 p.m. to discuss em¬ Call ST2-8836 must submit an application form ployment opportunities. VETS OUT, KAPPA IN before June 1 to the Financial Aids Students interested in talking The Vets club intramural soft- ball team has been disbanded and Gem-Craft Jewelers Office, K157. with Hammer do not need to make 55 E. Washington St. The scholarship is based on an appointment. will be replaced on the schedule by merit. a team from Kappa. Suite 647 Chicago, III. 60602 ■A/mvo Free Presented by the Cultural Medium Cool USED BOOK If SALE Wintersoldier Monday, May 7 7:00 If Coffee House 9:30 Medium Cool Coffee House AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN Tuesday, May 8 7:00 Medium Cool Coffee House 9:30 If Coffee House Time May 2, 7-9 PM. Wednesday, May 9 6:30 If Coffee House Presale - $1 donation Place - Glen Ellyn Civic Center .9j30jyiedium Cool Coffee House May 3 8.4, 9 A.M.-9 P.M. 531 Duane, Glen Ellyn May 5, 9 A.M. - noon at 8:45 there will be panel discussion with C/D staff and Proceeds to Fellowships and local scholarships students analyzing the films and discussing why men revolt.

Thursday, May 9 Wintersoldier 7:00 Coffee House Following the film there will be an open rap session with Vietnam War Veterans and Igal Roodenko, National Executive Turn Mother's Day into Mother’s Week by sending your mom a Sweet Surprise of The War Resisters League. early. Only your FTD Florist has it. Sweet Surprise #1 is a radiant arrangement of spring Following the film there will be an open rap session with flowers in a keepsake Vietnam War Veterans and Igal Roodenko, National Executive container—a hand-painted ceramic basket from Italy. of The War Resisters League. Sweet Surprise #2 is the same lovely basket filled with green plants and an Friday, May 10 Wintersoldier 10:00 Coffee House accent of fresh flowers, usually available for In addition there will be various panel discussions on the Third less than $12.50.* Order your mom’s World. The United States role in foreign affairs, and civil Sweet Surprise disobedience. Most of these panels will be held on Tuesday. today! at 8:45 there will be a panel discussion with C/D staff and

AgS, , Sweet Surprise # 1 students analyzing the films and discussing why men revolt. ' Usually available for less than 00* In addition there will be various panel discussions Find out how easy it is to send flowers the FTD way. Drop in for your FREE Selection Guide. Wherever you on the Third World. The United States role in see the famous FTD symbol, you’ll be welcome. (Or write FTD, 900 West Lafayette, Detroit, Michigan foreign affairs, and civil disobedience. Most off 48226.) Most FTD Florists accept major credit cards. ! these panels will be held on Tuesday. j 'As an Independent businessman, each FTD Member Florist sets his own prices. © 1973 Florists' Transworld Delivery Association. -■■ ^ THE COURIER, Page 12 May 3, 1973 Chaps eliminated from tournament

By Don Doxsie Morton and followed up by The high-flying College of sweeping a twin bill at Illinois With the recent great success of the C / D tennis team and with the DuPage baseball team came mound who hadn’t pitched Valley 8-4 and 9-3. regional tournament coming up this weekend, I decided that this crashing down to earth Monday as previously this season. Wednesday they traveled to The hurlers will have a chance to week’s column should be devoted to writing about Coach Dave Web¬ they were eliminated from the Thornton and massacred the ster’s netmen. sectional tournament by rest some now as the schedule is Bulldogs 15-0 with the help of nine With this thought in mind I set out Monday* to interview DuPage’s Waubonsee 3-0. somewhat lighter in the coming errors, six in the first inning. Mike weeks. The next competition for two undefeated singles players Jim Love and Pat Norkett. The loss was the fourth in a row Pinns collected four hits for DuPage will be a doubleheader The idea I had was to write a serious in-depth article about the pair for DuPage after they had won 11 DuPage and he and Mike Chap¬ this Saturday at 1:00 p.m. at dealing with their private lives and to what they attributed their great straight. The victory skein had man each drove in four runs. Kennedy-King. success in tennis. I realized though, from the minute I sat down to talk been halted on Friday, April 27, by C / D chalked up their eleventh to them that there way no way I could do iL conference opponent Wright 3-2. consecutive win Thursday as they These two guys just couldn’t talk seriously about what they have Saturday non-conference foe triumphed over Wright at home 9- Baseball stats done on the courts this year because to them what they have done is no Harper swept a doubleheader from 4. Chuck Posmer batted in three (thru 16 games) big thing. To each question I asked, Love and Norkett, along with the Chaparrals 10-8 and 7-3. runs with three hits while Chap¬ BATTING (30 or more at-bats) teammate Greg Bright who sat in on the interview, just snickered and Still C / D was confident as they man stole four bases. Kalasmiki .393; Posmer .380 made up a funny answer. took the field against Waubonsee, Friday the two teams met again, Vaccarino .309; Pope .267 For example, when I asked them what they like to do in their spare since they had previously defeated this time on Wright’s home field Chapman .266. time Love answered, “We enjoy playing doubles to take our mind off the Chiefs in a double header 11-2 and DuPage found themselves on RBI'S: Chapman 17; Kalasmiki of tennis.” and 13-3. The last time, however, the short end of a 3-2 score. 17; Posmer 15; Staiton 15; Vac¬ I did finally manage to get a few serious answers from them they didn’t have to face In the doubleheader against carino 15. however. I learned that Love, whose father is C / D biology teacher Waubonsee’s ace righthander Harper on Saturday. The RUNS: Chapman 19; Kalasmiki James Love, played tennis in high school at LaGrange and that Gary Oros. Chaparrals couldn’t seem to come 15; Pope 15; Vaccarino 13. Norkett was voted the most valuable player his last two years at Lake Oros baffled the C/D hitters up with the hits when they needed HITS: Kalasmiki 24; Posmer 19; Park High School. throughout the afternoon and them as they dropped a pair. Chapman 17; Vaccarino 17; Pinns I learned that the secret to Love’s success is, to quote Norkett, his despite some control trouble in the Several factors contributed to 14. “fantastic concentration.” Norkett, on the other hand, does not have late innings, held on for the the sudden turn of fortunes for EXTRA-BASE HITS: Vaccarino any one great strength. shutout. DuPage. One was an injury 7; Pope 6; Kalasmiki 5; Chapman The two do not resemble one another at all when it comes to their It was the first time this year sustained by third-baseman Steve 4; Posmer 4. style on the court. Love likes to finish off his opponent as quickly as that C / D has been held scoreless. Kalasmiki before the first Wright STOLEN BASES: Chapman 19; possible. Norkett, a freckle-faced, Huck Finn type, would rather toy The Chaparrals, now 12-5, got a game. Kalasmiki, one of C/D’s Ferrara 10; Pope 9; Dingle 2; with his foe before defeating him He showed this in a recent meet good pitching performance out of top run producers was not at full Vaccarino 2. against Illinois Valley when he let his opponent win the first eight Craig Andrews but they failed to efficiency for any of the games STRIKEOUTS: Casino 37; games and come within a point of dealing Pat his first loss of the year. give him anything resembling during the skid. Andrews 27; Muilenberg 23. Norkett shrugs it off saying, “I guess it was just two early in the day to offensive support against the hard- Another problem was the heavy VICTORIES: Casino4; Andrews play tennis.” throwing Oros. schedule which made things rough 2; Jacobsen 2; Muilenberg 2. Both players, however, give you the distinct impression that they Before the four-game skid it had for the C/D pitching staff. The ERA (10 or more innings): can do just about anything they want on a tennis court. been a very good week for C / D. Chaparrals played eight games in Jacobsen 1.35; Andrews 1.96; In looking ahead to this weekend’s regionals at Springfield, Love They opened with a 7-1 conquest of seven days forcing Coach John Casino 2.08; Schmidt 2.76. and Norkett both said that they believe C D’s doubles team can win, no matter who the players are. At the present time the two spots are up for grabs between Bright, Rich Smeeth, Doug Carlson, Mike Fink, and Bill Sieroe. As for their own fortunes in the big meet, Love and Norkett said they N4C track championship near would like to be the two players in the singles finals. Although they didn’t come out and say it they gave the impression that their first real Another year, another con¬ Newcomer Greg Turner, just off Bement loped across the finish competition might come in, not the regionals, but the nationals June 5- ference championship. That’s the the basketball court, looks to be a line, tying for first. Joe Richardson 9. way it looks for the College of big help to the team as he won the won the 220 despite a leg problem When asked who their toughest competitors would be at Springfield, DuPage track team as they ex¬ long jump and placed second in the and John Fleckles had no trouble Love said Norkett and Norkett, predictably, said Love. This struck me tended their number of dual meet triple jump. "Dimer in the future taking the three mile by 110 yards as very funny at the time but later as I thought about it, I realized that wins to six with a 99-41 victory over will be used primarily in the over the second place finisher. they were probably right. Jim Love and Pat Norkett very likely are Joliet April 26. The triumph quarter and half miles. Tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. the the two best junior college tennis players in the Midwest. brought C / D within one meet of Both the 440 and mile relay cindermen will travel to the wrapping up their third N4C crown teams won while the in 880-yard University of Illinois to compete in in five years. run, Steve Ziolkowski and Randy the Parkland Invitational. DuPage, with just one loss against them, that to non¬ conference opponent Carthage, Netmen roll past Wright won 12 events in the meet despite another chilly, windy day. The College of DuPage tennis Mike Maenner highlighted the team extended its unbeaten string afternoon, winning the triple jump, to 11 games last Friday with an 120-yard high hurdles, and the 440- easy 5-0 win over N4C opponent yard intermediate hurdles. Rich Wright at Spring Rock Park in Walker won the javelin and Walt Western Springs. Erdmanis was in good form DuPage, now 7-0 in the con¬ winning the shot put. ference, had no real challenge in any division. Winners in singles for C / D were Jim Love, Pat Norkett, Sports Schedule and Rich Smeeth while the doubles teams of Doug Carlson and Mike The College of DuPage basketball team held their annual awards Baseball: Kennedy-King (2), Fink and Greg Bright and Bill banquet last Tuesday night. From left to right are C - D coach Dick May 5, 1:00, away, Prairie State, Sieroe were also easy victors. Walters, guest speaker Ron Ekker, head coach at West Texas State May 7, 3:30, away; Joliet, May 10, This weekend the netmen will University, and Tom Thomas, master of ceremonies. —Photo by Mike 3:30, home. travel to Springfield for the Region Vendl. Tennis: Region IV meet, May 4- IV meet which will include teams 5,10,00, away; Waubonsee, May 8, from all over the Midwest. 3:30, away; Joliet, May 10, 2:00, DuPage’s chances appear to be home. very good in the meet, which will Intramurals Track: Parkland, May 4, 2:00, decide what team and what in¬ In the other semi-final match away; Whitewater Invitational, The intramural badminton dividuals will go to the nationals. tennis coach Dave Webster was May 8, 3:00, away. tournament was narrowed down to beaten by his pupil Jim Love in Women's tennis: Joliet, May 4; two contestants last week with the championship match to be played straight sets 15-11, 15-4. The first Olivet Nazarene, May 8. Jim Love Sports Results at a later date. game was well played and the In preliminary matches Friday, winning margin of four points was U S. POSTAGE BASEBALL DuPage 8; Illinois Valley 4 April 27 John Stewack defeated the largest lead of the game. In the COLLEGE OF DuPAGE PAID DuPage 9; Illinois Valley 3 Bill Taylor two games to none and second game Love took command 22nd Street and Lambert Road Glen Ellyn, Ml. DuPage 15; Thornton 0 Jim Love beat Randy Bement by and had his opponent scurrying Gien Ellyn, Illinois 60137 Permit No. 164 DuPage 9; Wright 4 the same score. from baseline to net almost the (O Non-Profit Org. Wright 3; DuPage 2 In the semi-finals soccer coach entire game. Harper 10; DuPage 8 Bill Pehrson beat Stewack in This sets up the final match, Harper 7; DuPage 3 straight sets 15-8, 15-5 in a match which will be played in the gym at Waubonsee 3; DuPage 0 much closer than the score in¬ 12:00 on Friday, May 11. It should TENNIS dicates. Pehrson had Stewack be an interesting match with the experience of Pehrson going DuPage 5; Wright 0 down to game and match point for against the youth, energy, and TRACK some time before he was finally DuPage 99; Joliet 41 able to finish him off. quickness of Love.