'1 ... T8B BBn HAN. BADDLEBAG NOTEB. ...heat. The .m.U oreek bottom. in the roallh 118 man; .nd if he .hoald. 'he �Dln II ...lll The maD The Kansas Farmer. hUl, coantle. il net' in richne.. to tke K.... which he recel'fed In the common ichooJ belt for pablio otBce 1. Dot al­ .. .tead- .... the molt albe" • NO. XXXVIII. bottoml. be .ltogether 10it. anI he keepllt up ,. popnlar man. cert.ln The .moullt of 1.lId il in dariOIl all the Intervening year•• lor' �oth- dejfr8CI of popularlt, i. pr.c\lcall, ...tlal II one of the louthern l.rgelt good il, • Montgomery county 8110110. ... EWING. ..Uon Proprle,on, Sumner The In tbe louth inll' i. 10it quicter th.n the .bUlt, to to bi. e l8O"on, II,. &D, exchange. FUn.. . county. .pl.nd. H.aD.a. tier of coantiel bordellnll OD the Indi.n Ter' 'Topeka. ODe for.n .nd .outh.we.tern tbe It.te are richer if iu practice i. neglected, Here, tben. t. omce. b,edUcaUOD, b, experienoe,abU­ rltory. It hll • popul.tloD of 16.468 or 27 ia. �t o� than la the Dorth The boUom 1.Dd. in of tbe folIi. of our ".tem. and 'oar teaober. ·U,. tlo\ .nd pflctlclllfOOd .•enH, along ...ith babltanu to t. mlle. The lurflce of piLit. ADVANCE. to TBRM8: VAaB Oil the .outh·...eetern are not 10 rich II and could be induced uDfilDching iDtegrity .nd .teldluta.. to There were O'fer they laperintendenu - 200 the countyilllently rolllug, p� �lieJ�:rtha. .: • 1110 are in the DortherD ii.lf. The pooreet COUD­ tbro ... out aritbmetlc .bout u lOOn •• -they rlgbt prinCiple, may -brlDIf with h oemin ·.;::�IJ: Ig� ID corn whe.t thil . . alld �:8ggf three months, ro 10,000.crel year One Copy, weekr,.L�or �UO tiel la tbe Itlte are thOle wbere the., could be induced to dllpenle h thi. 1001- peno..l characterlltlce th.t preclude the Mgh­ nne Copl'31 WeelUY, for one yelr Wheat will .bout 13 bu.hllil . 800 average oaly I'I"e ror one year ..t of "'foriUim the m... '01 . 1500 the mo.t or IIh-colored loll. and Ilhnell. degree wl$h the COPI88�eeIlIJ, one nar. light 11.te , Ten 00,181, .. eellly, for per sere. Corn II iDjured to • cDnllder.ble the mOlt buff.lo wallow and where the h.rd Bat our Ichool latboritlel lIem to to 'foten. Indeed. me:a po.eaeed· of the .'belt extent to the continued:dry wllath­ •• r�� RATB8 011' ADVRRTI81NG. owing long .... p.D il "up to' the lecond rallin the fence." thele embeU.hmeDtI, .Dd to get farther ,y qaall1l.caUou .ie quite likely to fall of the er, There were.how8Yer,nearly 250,000 bush­ from tbe tbe tI me. There:WII exhibition of tboee element. IDHrtIOD. 11ne, 10 centa. The che.p..t Ilndl .re in the ealtern part prlctic.l.ll prominent th.t ODe per • ell of old corn on hand on tbe lit of March .... (DODEmel) 15" per Ineertioll ODe mDnth u we iDtO tbe Ire mOlt Ittrlc&l'fe to tbe �t .. ,. of the and allo the mOlt timber. The leceDtly, believe, IDtrodQced puboo multitude. u 1i"" it th.t a of Itate. Popu­ Three mODUli, .. and il quite prop.b1e large part u" , • 10"" OneYear belt w.ter II in th. cDuntie•. llc Ichooll of BOlton. the Itudy of embrold:ery. llrit" tberefore, I. Dot tbe cbief orlterion for hum­ thiB will be over. rough, hllly care Ie used to prevent swlnd11Dg kept The greatelt It ...ould been better to h....e iD' .election of tbe man In thele advert1alng cofumns. The elllerD b.lf r.ltel the mOlt fruit. The vlltl, the belt ••nd: the qae... _ bugs lecnrlnlt apace I notice the UlellOll' returnl that there .- blttere.. and by AdvertiHmente of lotteries. whisky quack trodaced. or. Ilat lroD .nd IroD- tlon whetber • m.D ClD be advertisemeDts weltern hllf hll the mOlt I.nd under calti. doagh-tra, eleoted II DOt the doctors are not received. We accept are 437 acrea of nuneryln the county. In In­ tako In trade for Clsb, cannot give space &l1d pay va&lon in &0 the Ire. of iand in IDg board. Tbe girll woald in the fu'ure firl" inquiry with voterl. Tbe only and acrel over the retarDI for proportion intelligent Tblele Ind It Ie a jupt creue of 211 1876. ?f anyklDd. bueilless! bave blelled the autborhiellf had done election 01 unfit men il adhered to In tne pub11catlon of TnB thele counties. The mOlt mDnBY mlde on a tbey bonorable Deither to equitable rDle I wiah to lay to the nUllerymen of the ealt PAlUIBn. . farm i. in caUle. The leaat il thlt. Bat it could Dot be expected that a the oandldlte hl..lelf, Dor to the people wbo TO 8UB8CRmBRS. who are to thilltlte fDr locatlona for railing money advance IDokiDg will be lent you one week In made in whelt. achool would do 10 lenllble a vote for him. To both It i. a .hame A netltlcatlon need lome railiDII maDagement par&lel explree, stating tbe fact. their ballnell, th.t thele figurel of tbe tlmo your snbscrlptlon and • the IIBme forward­ The levolelt Bamue r. the .1 oould be tortured Into dllgrace. Tbe men .t WIIh. and you to continue by countyil roagb­ thing�q. burning requeetiDv No la explanation. renewal SlIbSCTlption. slIblcription it wlll be leen th.t we Deed a reform in whOle unfitnell for Ing your la ellt cotJntyll Chautauqu., bDth on SD iDltoD. tbelr 'pOIltion hll than It 18 for. Thla mle gen­ The intention of thele returDI il tD get the bDrderlng paid - continued longer caab In to all our subacrlbere. The the .IJIdian rail­ oar eduCltional ly.tem;aDd ...e Deed it a iIf8I. recently beea 10 'forclbly lllu.trated. to· the eral and applied number of acrel In commercial Durleriel in • Territory. McPhellD� cDunty Ie the only bUIIlneaa baals upon advance principle more do other. IGr IOrrow of the !teell. Our readera will ed the mOllt wheat lilt yelr. dell �haa we an., reforlil. people••dd no their which a paper can sustain In calellt II digDit,:�to II dllcoDtinned Iliven cDunty. m.ny clearlyev­ underetand wben tbelrpaper tbe educatiDn tbe de-· own .ad .ffDrd no honor to coa­ pleaeeto whlcb A UmestDne ridge eaterl the Dorth part of upon prDper of: people Dame., their IslD obedience to agenera1 buslnese rule, Ident that the Ulealora mUlt have iDcluded DO wl8e A Jour, the ltate near the of In ref orml. eUtilentl. Uluetrate their own tbllt,ltIs strictly adhered to and In personal. Marysvllle,Marlh.U couDty.and pendl permlnency They.impl, Ita readers, must be In thllir returDII the amount of grDuud occu­ Dal to be ontspoken and usefnl to rule8 are snch ran. IDuth 'unleemllneu in the C.,ltol. lite r.u in and the above on farml through Manh.ttaD.CDuncll Grove, dirty pecuniarily Independent, been capled maDY by youug leedliDg tbe best have a aa experience among publlehere Cottonwood Fin. aDd 10 out of the It.te in Iplendid parlor. Nor d08l the country feel treel. 'Thele are IDmetlmel calle. PLOWING ORCHARDS. found e88entlal to llermanent euceeea. peach by a "hit like the on. more th.n tbe CDwley cDunty. Thi.' ridge il 40 to 50 mllel t honoriDg tho} farmen. "Nuneriee:'" in Worceater A CD.. M.... - correlpDudent ' C' wide, To the .welt ot thil OD. the north Iide other th e oDgrellmeD or the voterl th•t ATION (IF FOREST TREES. J .m Informed Mont ClILTIV credltlbly by cltlzenl;of wllhel an opinion concerniDg tbe cultlntion ri'fer il a lImeltone -p,ut them there. 0Ii both handI, the mortifi- there are not aDd ofithe Smoky mlgpeli.n BLACK WALNUTS. gomery county·th.t DOW. of orcb.rdll-wbether.oa tbe il better ridge. Thil ridae extendl Jewell cation of thiakinII men.t the hu 11'ating wiehea iDform.. never have been 100 acrea in comme1'cial nur­ througb One of your correapoDd'ente to plow the ground or let it remain in Ilraa. tlie Nl!br�a louth to tbe • eta 1e i t Inf 1 S D th imla treee from leriel in the Will lome of the .ub. couatyon line. about ralltng black' w.lDut country. Hid been made t...o or tion the,lnqulry threeyeai.. • ut or e I maD or an 0 et·,. �Iver. JQnction il litu.ted in " P'bo Of ,lhmOibe pta uf·' emB,ceo if the be.t Bcrlberl in thll ue the flcu iD Smoky CUy lClltlDhll the nutl. AnDther willhe. to know county give 'IlO. we I-li-ould hue h.d DO h_t.tton 10 the limiu of thll magDOII.n limeltone ad-.", and chief iDqUIry be for fitn...not cupid" treea il to them to thil m.ttel? I belllive Montlromery regloD. the tre.. aid .. to ralle bird-wood plant reglrd "'Ilag plowlDg .monll , but � �. w,y Thl••tonell c t ...ith • '1'11' or . for a ..; Dot &adulty; �1t.oJIa- corn would be a for a re�lIy knife. pI aapaclt,. fDur feet .part each way aud �1Inty good locllity llrlle ceDt obllrv.alloa-Alld ulid, ot abe'" �Otli cultlvat.e �I .. - 011 &he ....·of \he IImilltoBe firat mea­ ,-,. DOt lab18rvlen01; bralD Dot brawD; ndge- •• pri- if "bune,.,.. UI I0 ive e. voca.t :.;... To the l.tter qUeetloD. yel. yoa ·doa.� Inc11nee g th d o.f· 8'- '1-'"0 \loned i•• nortlt .nd vate virtue. not public 01&8nta110n; plain good lime time. Four miles ealt of il the ridge �nDiDIl .outh. the for other oropll at the Illdependence orch.rdI the cr....-.lIit o·f maklng out a very grouDd of red IIndl&One. I8DII.nd d DOt uDbouaded 08n· fruit firm of lUr. J obn Overfield. Herf) I .aw compoled I will DOW relate lome of my experience ItroDg clle In their .rgumeDtl .g.IDlt plow.. �mpetencY.'D Theee were mOlt reefl of the celt .nd aipiration. Qalte litely th.t may be tree@. I a of rldg81 likely wberein I lIucceeded iD raillDg great variety fruit. Pearl. applel. peach­ i Mr. Thomal Meehan. 0f Ph IIadepa1 hi ng. nor .. ocean .t'differeDt iD the .. neitber 'fery pecl.lI,. popu. and all klndl of Im.n fruit Ire periodl world'. hi prominent Ihall DOt uDdertake to recount my f.i1urel, el. plums. hll been very eucc...fu 1 for maDy yearl pllt' but take him if melD to have the tory. ID l.nd I.r. .,ou which would require a month to do. here In abundance. I aoticed • fine grO'fe of in I1:rowlng pe.r. entirely overgrown The belt w.tered iu tbe Itat� il belt mln,-Ex.. I a .bout 300 treel each of and county with .nd Mr. T. S. of tblll Gold, Secret.ry ------Two YAlrs lifO fall, gathered quanl c.t.lpi mlple grll'�; ....------Butler cDunty. The prettielt town il walnutl. I placed tbem ID a that bid made an growth. A cot­ Beloit. the Connecticut St.te BDard of Agricahure. tity of black extrlordin.ry From Mitchell CDUDty. Winfield, CowIe., "',wlck Coua,y. on the covered tonwood that I melfured here il 13 IDchel in coa�ty bll found that hll very belt fruit com. from ID a dry IPOt IlrDund. •• pile comel next. AU!r. 27.-A notber bUI., 'Iauon il at aDd three or four IDchel of dilmeter aDd feet tall. grown from lied .n orch.rd that i. plltured mOlt of the l8alOD tbem with straw, 35, hand I ...lll write. letter of oar The worst that Kan... il the dolnlll; mOlt Iud lown pelt hal not herd of cow.. tr881 cera e.rth on the straw, tD exclade wet pre- 8 yelrl ago. by. dlir, Young It II the f.rme,. ar8 through witb h.y-m.kIDIl aDd I Near Willon CD il' flDck of 350 graeehopper, mortga6e. More than do much beUer when cahlva­ veDt luddeD freniDg and thawing. plowed BuffalD. .• t.ln�y c.refull, of the deeded laud mOlt of the fall plou'ghing il doue. S.,me ae one.7UJlj lu the Itate i, un­ at or .crel of In the fall, .s deeply. extra large fall bloed merlnD Bheep oWDed by ted among. in nuneriel yOUDg orchardl, three grouDd to '0'11' der lome alreld, beginning whe.t. I mDrtgage. In couutlel it il fiv81 • old to I could In the followlDIl Geo. BrowD. The weight of the but .fter tree il enoallh cllmpletely put plow. \he lO...n the lixthl of the deeded 1.lId in thOle couDtle•. elilliteen IOl8l,:between twentieth I mlrked it out abDut four feet eacb fleecel lealon wa. poundl. .!Selr fill the ...hDle lOll with it. roou there ie COD­ aprlDIl 9� t... of tlrll I take thil to retaru Iln­ aDd eDty-four,h mouth. It m.y be other with I here I noticed flock of 300 opportunity my Iiderable doubt.. to ...hether the tree I. way with a plDw. the aDpther sheep. Jm. way-oue udicioul for me to lOW at .nch an cere thauka to the county omcen of the coan. IDj early d.te. cDrn-marker, and cDvered the rDWB with a cul- Theae were arade merlnol and owned by Mr. pro"ed by having thele rootl conlt.ntly \orD tiel but .U leem to be two through whlcb I have PUled for valu.­ mutll.ted. CDn.tant cultivation ;other cropl weeki tlvator. As 100U al the plaDts commeDced Y.nDatta. aDd keep. ble Information .lwaYI furni.hed cheerfull.,. earlier thlD ordiD.r., ,elr'e, 10 I hope 1m., I went tD work amoDgBt them with There il a large Imount of uncaltlvated the feediDg root. below the lurf.ce where the cDmlng up mi. the m.rk 10 .1 to I am often alked ""hich il the be.t p.rt of the heat not bldly meet the iI tWD-horle culLlvatDr; gave them Beveral laDd in Wilson coaDty that CID be bcught IOllil cDld .Dd unlffected by of'the f.te of tile bird" 10 well kno"D to the It.te. taken al a whole." I .m totall., .U the rootl "elrly all. dreBIIDgBlalt BeaeDU and this. I propole ullng for $250 to $5.00 pel acre.jaBt as good laDd II nD. PlowlDg••1&.,. del'roYI uDable to aDI"er thil at thll time. .Dd brother .re golDg iutD the lor­ trees Dext milel weet form In the of M,.elf a double-ehov61 amDDg the 150 farther that ie slllIDg for which: upper l.yer earth. �nd plDw . \and W. W. ghum bUlln...; have got. No. G Cook'i acre. CONE. it II that theae rootl cau' be Bealon, aDd theD "lay them by." $10.00 per h.rdly likely Kansas. .nd new Victor caDe mill. I h .ve DUt8 Topeka, without the or evaporator Lut le.Bon about tbree-fourtbl of the Tbe lame may be ..Id of WDodBOD cOUDty. Iplred IDj arlDg J(rowth pro­ .crel of Dice ClDe on I tAn my place. I made all the bal- WllBDn on the Dorth. ductive of the tree. T·he idea of allDw­ came ap. aDd t.b18 eummer Dearly ,l.hich jDiDe People REFORM IN-EDI1CATIOl\". pDwer 1,200 gallon. lilt ,e.r with No.3. Btarted laet Bea8DD Beem to be to thil treel to ID II evaporatdr; aDce grew. Th08e which crlzy, paes by gDod chelp . Under tbi. head the lVeatern Rural mlkel Ing grow grail very unpopular. be.utUal Iyrap. and worked under gre.t dil­ feet and the balaDce for land outDn the border. To amau we believe, because treol 10 grown are three tD five bigh, I.nd who aDme very pertluent commentl, flom ...hlch chiefly. I will cnnllder it ...orth three are about Ilmoit allowed to It.rve for advaut.gel; which Itarted the present eeaBOD. lutenda eDgaginll in the stock buslnell, (and we tlke the followlDg extract: .re luvarl.bly Umel the ot the FARMBR if it williu. the I.fest the w.ut of mlnure other fertillzell. price Doe foot above grouDd. thiB 18 about bUBlueBB) I could rec- The trouble appelr8 to be that we have C?r form me of .oale which I Treel In If nelr. procea b, cld.r. 1>£AI'LEB. ommend WDDd8Du or WilBon counties. come tD regard our IYlltem of educatlDn la ItandlDg grll•• hog peD. .nd other barrell be clean.ed or or rich ofteD and vlneglr may Lalit sprinll I gathored Bome maple Beed al Having DOW traveled tbrDugh fifty-three perfect. when It I, limply Ihlmefully imper- barnYlrd other Ipot. grow purified. m.king them fit for i••1, were them trom couDtlel Nov. let I will bear fruit in to tboee soon a8 they ripe. by picking sluce .• 1877. try aDd fect, and a dillgrace to our age IDd clviliza­ equal. ever, telpect. mOlt to mollillel b.rrell a' mixed lome of .who have received the belt cu1&lvatlon impo..lble get the trees, piled tbe 8eed on the grouDd. give in a l{eDeral way my ImDresslODB tIOD. It iB DDt good for au,thing at either very tbll leaIOn of the but cider and mol8t which I which f.ct would IDdlcate that treel yelr. vineg.r In 80me dirt, kept them by wateriDg of the couDtry through hav� palled eDd-the comDlon IcbDol or the callege. The certainly bt.rrell are .nd then them ThllllBt not wblch fali to be.r well in plenty cheap. uDtll they were sprouted, plaDted duriDg this time. doel include common 10hoDl, which II the primary,academ­ grill. fall, ohlefly, I returned from a into the with a four feet nor the becluse �re Itarved. ID factI jalt trip in hille which I formed hoe, the extreme southeaBtern, extreme ic and cDlleglate COUllee 01 thoulandl of they observiflg weltern pDrtlou of Batler CD. I '11'11 cultivated ae corD. To western couDtieB. The limit thil we mly have been too larprilld each way and belug omith iD our YOUDg men and women. il all impracticil concerning lIubject. apart to lee 10 llttle done in tbe of 1 Beverd seed have drawn CDDclullons too '11", farming; make lure of a good Itaud. put the north weBt, and EdwardB la tbe sDuth" aDd ailly. beyoDd tbe CDmmOD branches. al careleR.. "nd thoul.ndl of acrel of fertile loll in wait I shall thiD out to west. Ind without or l,ing in the htll. Next Iprlng aDythlDg thlt can be imagined. The boy readily fully undentaDdiDg for lome enterpri,IDg penonI to roll under the of a all the It is cOltaln ODe In a All the couDtlet welt IiDe from Mar" wbole life Is to be on the farm or in comprehendlDg be.rIDgI. place. 'peDt of IDd bear much better ricb, luxurl.nt grDwth grasl with whicb It My object In sprDutlDg the seed of the ml.- shall neBr the north liDe Df the etate to the worklhop II tlught reading. wrltlag. thlt treel do grow nDW .nd in ItI I. cultivated and il carpeted, pllce Ite.d the is to bave them come up quickly after Chautauqua at the sDuth line, are herd,law aDd arithmetic. S., fir �D good. wheD the grDuDd mlnured. pIe, grammar cereall. I did BOt leara the of stand In but It II allO 1l01den price DtiJerwlse the grouDd is liable to be- counties. In thle dlBtrlct the inhabitanlll are Thil turDishel him with the fouDdltion of a thaD when they grall, plautiug, railroad laDd.. Homelteld..l1 have houl" to as the their certalu that treel ID ver., IIldom re­ COlDe too dry to cause them vegetate, DOt obliged to feDce larml. Ealt of tbil prlctlcal educatiDD, It doel not CDmprlle In grallJ upon them, and hecille .rouud the entire 8b,,1l0w. Tbe the ceive atteDtlDn whatever further thau to Heed bave to be planted very liDe about oDe"half of oountles have pal'" education by any meaDI. Whh. flmili.rity any tarm. but with very little other improvement, a mow the IDd what fruit grows. YOUDg plants, at tbis writing, staDd eighteen ed thia law. In few yeare (ton at the most) wiLh theBe branehel, he il prepared to go for� grl.1 pick IDma are trained wUh neltD811 .nd· trees which ItaDd lu • hedllel incbes high, presenting a he�ltby aDd there will not be:mDre than t9n countle. lu wlrd. aDd lDalter tilese studlel which te.ach To give 'he grill clre. Ou the farm of Mr. Cale. to vigor", to IhDW what cln jd e (brother O(lS appNrance. I the elate but that will have thi8 law iu oper- him of mattArl which he will enCDuDter in fair chance they .... the lnventDr of the Cale II we Ihould were threlhinlr machine,) llQX-EJ.DER ASH. I can lee many .dvantages In oe1·tain eVArydaylile. But what II the CDuraA jlur- IhDuld mlDure at heavily AN,D . on weat branch Df I e.w uuder oultlvatiDn. We living Whitewater. Last fall and winter I gatuered a large mlik- localities in bll.viDg this law. sued? GeDerally I portlDn of time is taken the Ilround recently lome loti of cDnllderable fenced tation. the a hOIl Ilze. to UDa"r clln Dearly full of box-elder 8eed, put tbem In In tbe countle8 where it Is iu force. there II in trying to telch him tD be In orator. cDmmenced tDp.drell ground up and ...Ith hedge. In 'he them therA until all of oar fruit treeI II an plrtitloned kept a dry place, and kept generaily but little timber. stoDe, or water; I He Is compelled to IpeDd conslderlble Ume ID pDrUou experiment, neatelt poeelble order. Ne.r Towand. on from froat in the I [ thul far have .Dd borne danger to tender plantl I eay thll comparatively. In Muntie! wilera commlttlDg to memory tee thoughtl of othera Ind the, growD quite the farm of Mr, MDller I '1'11' lome very fine II the of thDle UDder cultl­ wal past. I then sprouted them they have not Ildopted thts law tbere Is com" and Ihem In public. Without any I. well average sprlDg spoaklng PolaDd-China ouelOw that wm Of CDurle tbe maDure WII ho,(l, weigh the can with rain .water (occasionally paratlvely a lllrge amDunt of stone, wODd Iud equivocation whatever, we prDnOUDce the VIUOD. .p,pll­ filling over when .110 • treea 800 pDand. fat. 'fery large aDd iD drilli.byt water. tilA case nev­ ed thlt both aDd grill ahanlflDg the water). planted I everlasting In latter where time thullpent uuerly thrown .way. It liberally, Pol.nd-chln. bo.r. After It did my heart obtaiD their full We Ihould .U, Tb_.t reiult il abont 100,000 thrifty plants ready a Imall proportion of the land caD be er did the oue parUcle of gODd iD .DY might ,upply. only bDY to back tD old Gr.nt .nd our the good get town.hlp out. I treat tbew, alter cultiva- lor Co or advlle cDrrelpondent '0 try for lettlDg cultivated, instaDce Cbaut,uaua .• it sbape mlnuer. certllnly I I.e thll bro.d fieldl of black 1011.U to a (If hil re.dy ae I do tbe walnuts and bDx·elder. would be a foolish move to tbat tbat An orator accultomed tD commit hie ora- elfdct of heavily top·dreulnl{ pDrtlon tloD, very 88y receIve the leed. for • f.ll crop, aad 'he of tbe FARMKH so orcbard before it.' He will find that l bave given the rellden county sltaU be devoted to 01·ain.miaillg, fDr tlonl will dD It ID • wODderfully ehDrt time. plowiDg beautUal Arov.. th.i do' 'be countr, in ClIl .now hll tree. to branch out lower. .U directioul. There II DO like home much of my experieDce In tree-cniture, will it I!WODDtl to thil. But the oratlou which he dellve,. perfe.:tly hI! plaCe I' H. H. R. me in the modua It .lIler to the trult. I lowe of them en lighteD 0/)· �CoDlld"'r the abDve CDUDt,. Ind "V.bIUD- to day. he will be very Imperfect In to.mor­ thul making gather wUl be I e?'andi of 088lle orange leed from the PoU""ltomle to be the belt Itock unle•• he review. It iu the me.Dtlme. while, at the lame time. hll fruh gAttlnlf .ee,II.Dd row. Wheat is slow sale at 65 cents per bushel ,reee I have one acre of o•• OrUIl!! treel, in tbe Ita:e. Tbe 1'iclieat land II lu But what dDSI I farmer or mech.nlc need blown off much 1858 by wlndl. Prunlag hall? ge clDntiel -Chanuu n'mes. under tbem one rod apart each *'Y. Iud they Ire the Kaw river bo"om. Here i8 .110 the with thlll accompli,hmeut If it cau be called latllclently to allow of cultivatlDg !,laDted .• has tD bear. ollen to their he.lth Considerable wheat been seriously JUlt beglnDiDg b el� coru land. In the north part of the Itlte one? He wl1l Dot Ipend much time ID com- II IIrloully d.maglDg SIll'I'1{ C. C. GL.�DDEN. in the . Farlner. • th.. I, Iud it he il • •nd 10Dllevlty.-Net" � Igland damaged stack.-K,'nsley Graplti&. Co., Kansll8. IIrjle proportiDn Df wheat apriDIl mlttlng delivering Ipeeohea. '.

TH A� KANSAS FARMER September .t.

and in Icream Ii packed barrels and covered wit ClVRL IN PIIIACH LilA time. Their'.hrlll very diligreea- PRB·,•. VBS.. I or IPIRll' OF AGRICVLTVR.'a:. to lome but it hae often H'I8d the oats, broom-seed, any substanc A ofteD prodliON curl Ill' ble perloDl, cheap read be­ parllltic fUDIUI I' HOD. C. T. Hurlbun, iD a paper '. flock from hawkl aDd other eDemlN. They that will protect them. Another good way peach leave.. The belt remedy II to promote fore the St. LawreDce COUDty (New York) back tbe or diY, 011 the to ham is to cut it up and it and a '11�rou. arowth. A judlclou. OUUIDg alwaYI give alarm, Dlght keep fry cited the CaDada for AIIoc:llatloD, CO-OPBRATIVB DAIRYING IN PRA.ClIl. arouDd of a aDd are valuable in stone the fat ex­ dalrymeD'. with aD I!IpplloAtioo of UDleaohed alh.. approaoh ItraDger, pack jars, pouring favorite lOwed crop "OD low field u hi. lime about tbl. reUOD. WheD hatched they are too tracted in over it and sweet pea ID \he of Iura aDd Doubl far­ the orowlI of the root, �Dd .lacked jUlt frying adding or OD .ballow loil departmeDt. or OD •• but wheD Iud high laDd, good beDeBolal. Pot- teDder to .tlild dampDe , fully .lard to cover it. There mer. uDhe their mllk ID commOD to produce the remalDder, i. cOlllldered enough completely or fre.h-brokeD turf, aDd ill or .tubble laDd, Dear­ of the featber6d caD endure almolt any hard.hlp. is a chHie. Th•• ulOOla&loD., DumberlDIr uh I. of importaDce to the Ilrowth usually large profit in curing meat, and IOWD or late." ID a wet or dr1 lIaIOU, early curl ID tbe leaf. Their fillh II of a mOlt ucelleDt flavor, ha'l­ farmer are kDOWD U /ruituru. The plu tree ud aullt. ID pre'leDUDIr the who employs married men on i' dOlI DOt do i\l belt, but he Iy 2,000, hot, dr1 lealOD around the tree Itameyand taete. The pearl hu ex'eDded to tbe aelghborlDg 10wlaDd., a. A bUlhel of coal uhOl piled iDg. rloh, juicy his farm will find it profitable to cure a sup­ out tbe a'lenlre hu fouad y.,.r iD aDd year II far the moet commOD, of 'hem e:ll.t la FraDche-Coullle, oheaH hu beeD kllOWD to the curl aDd pre- gulDea by although of meat to sell to them. Hams and aDd lIalOD. to be 1,700 cor�ect ply ID avenge IOU. white I. more ID demaDd OD accouDt produot of thlle dl_rlct.. A 'l8Dt the of fruit without .,ther rem.. tbe pure If for formlDIr the oblef wealth dropplDg shoulders from mature hogs will shrink in from '0 thirty bUlhel.. aDd haDdlomer to an The back Ilot be done af- of compantl'le .OIrclt1 ap­ with towalalld clubl togetLer, tacitly brilla' edy. CUttlDIr ought weight in curing about seven pounds in one ..OD ,hi. fiDd. blmlelf aD, r Irelltlemu It Dot beeD pearaDce. It. mUk to be mallufactured IDto che.e, aDd ter the Dew le&'lll are out. If ha. hundred.- in Ohio he dOlI Dot dellre to Waldo, Farmer, a patch of laad that A before the bud. are out ------�.------wheat 'he latter I. divided p1'O rata. prllidellt accomplilhed pruDIDg 'Itook dowlI or to hoe or to leed with a committee are elected; a ella­ II belt omitted. The .urplul of CaliforDla wheat available or he hu falled la aad allDually or barl", or if It I. late ID u elevated coa.llt­ JtOtk. for e:lportatioD 1. Htlmated for thil at wa. turaed let 1.l8lected pGlltloD; �atm year or If the .ward lINd or Hedlag, HARDY ClATAL"A TRII••. of a a milk room aDd eel­ 050,000 to 7110,000 toD'. The e:lportable .ur­ '0 hi. pea-bill for IDIr larlre kltoheD, late," he la'larlably gOll There i. but ODe .. of tbat w• lar. Here tbe milk of 40 or 200 cow. I. maD- .peel Catalpa phil of OregoD i. about 100,000 tOD" The eed.-NetD York World. • kDowof. Some ha�e believed ba'le a ofactuted. I. brought every mora­ they EuropeaD demaDd for thl. gnlD will be gGOd, P,oll&8 I. FI,.lal.-MaDY1"" of uperl- 'fhe.mllk that bloom. a 'llnle earlier than the and meuured or weighed, aDd' variety farmer should be with aDd a beDeflclal activity will rllult ill the bUII- oblenatloll have coa'liaced u. that IDg eveDID�:' Every provided eDce aad It II allo .ald that ODe If the milk ha. beeD adnl­ other, aDd tlii. maY'be; for 11111 of vlllell betweell t:iall to farm- a receipt gl'leD. the necessary conveniences hog-killing; laillnll' plylDg '1'0 ,hIDIr.are neccell&l'1 profitable · tbe other. We or It I. ,.fued. ...rlIt7 grow.lhalll'hter·thua aDd .....1. have 'lIuled aDd lentea, ilflmmett, turned, such as gambrels, hook, scalding tub, Europe. SalllDg 'lIl", ud ,h... 'are,ilm, a polloy, hog· mUk I tralDed aDd mixed OlD oDly Dy tbere are trHl! in PeDDl11vaDla, had tot) little to do all the world over of ra. culture aDd fertlli- Th. morDIDg'. •.• knives, scrapers for the 'IIOODd, more thorough eDdured good removing four aDd fi'l. feet frouDd, that ·ha'le ceDt aDd the of be hUD­ with the "ream of thl pre'liou. 8'1e811l1l" mUk, common to yeUl, employmeDt zaUOD. What I. meaD' e&tled polic1 I., bristles, etc. The practice is byu wlDten wheD the th�rmometer hu IDdlcated ,hell III 'he copper; reDlle' added­ drN MiIiD' vlllel. III carrylDg thl. ylU'. 'hat 'he "armer IhOllld ucertaill wha' crope �d placed scald in a barrel, but the farmer who uses 200 below zero, aDd are u .tnllrbt u gUDI 3 of a of the laUer '0 400 California wbeat to market, will vary thll hillGil aDa olima'e are bel, adaptltCl '0, aad quar" preparatioll a vat or box enough so as to scald the barrell. We do Ilot kDOW ID what re.peat the large of milk-aDd E'Ier1 800 quar" dullll_ agreeably. what hll market delDalldl, aDd ha'liD, de- : COl,ulatlld. whole at once, will not be in find­ hog long ------aDd ".tralght" Catalpa'll hardier or ...... of milk a oheaH, aDd eacb member, "hard", to Itlok to it throuarh low prlON yield out the cl4ed 'hll, thaD aDd .hould be to ing superiority. aDd li'l8- of what Dumber of COWl he pOI­ Itralghter the.e, glad The e:lpo'" of .laugbtered beef aDd orop', which will occuloDally come. : IrrHpecth'e The vat should be seven feet two Ught kDOW. long, ltock to cODtlllue ud are dll­ recel'lOl a cheell for every 300 quar" Eoglalld large, DOll" be allured IDtO 101110 Ipeclai bruoh "'''', feet and inches wide in the bot­ of: There II ODe worth ID .ome deep, thirty to 1I0W that .. of milk to hi. hi. iDltial. are madelD polDt 1I0tiDg. tiDed illcreue, e:lperlmellt h becaUII .ome ODe elll hu made It credit; fumiDg ID commOD with the tom. On one side a should be I DO mem­ •ltuatioDI the Capalpa, platform ellded ID .ueee.. Our ID to the curd; e:lcept for hll prlvato UII, competltloll Eng­ profitable. It requirN 10Dir e:lperleDce with vat or PawlowDla, ChlltDUt aDd other tree., die. built on a level the top of the laDd bu r..uhed ID the 81tablllh. ber caD retire hll from tho commOD HIe•. .tOpplDg IrfOW ud market ,uoOlllfully &IIy .peclal back thl fint alld ofteD the .ecoDd; or it box, on which the may be cleaned, meDt at ODe of the 'l'he more the curd hal beell heated, the Ie. year, hogs Rockbampton, prillcipal .uch u broom-corll or tobacco, aDd It II orop, DOt 10181 1&1 termlDal bud, It will be found a in the ill for aDd •• heated. After plae.­ dylDg right dowD, great help handling plaOll AUltralla, .laulthterlng ,re­ ben!!r to IDcreue your experlellce l' I ubllquellUy belDg lreDerally aDd thll makel the Item a little clooked. If to attach two to the the tiDlled mea" lold ID Great ed iD the It 1. turDed .five or Ilx time. hogs strong ropes plat­ ler'liDIl wl'� the thaD to galll is with lIew pro- mould, old, we were for 'Imber we scald­ BrltalD. The cattle dealen the fint 24 houri; the ulothl belDg growlDg Catllpa form and let them extend across the require f340 per duo". But It 1. iD the .llDe of better cuhllre durlDg let It arow u It will for two or three on can hundred for the raw but the u ofteD OD a dry Ihelf, the II!hould box, and these ropes the hogs pouDdl material, aDd that the great..t improve- ohaaged ; placed ing muurlDg aDd then cut them cleaD to the grouDd. of the worke will cheeee II Hhed ID the morDIDg, dried wUh a yean, be lowered into or lifted out of the water maDagerl oDly pay 12.90, meDt au be made. The mOlt: effectual way a clear teD, filteeD, or e'leD aDd there are if ltock-owDere 'will­ cloth ID the afternooD; the laltlDg require. Itralgbt Iprout, without the hands in the scalding few, aDY, to reduce the oOlt of gra1D, II to iDcreue the getting tweDty feet high, il the relult; aDd It goes OD iDg to lell tbelr herdl at this rate. two mODtbll ID lummer aDd three .ID wlDter, water. Butchering should be done in mod­ aore.-Ohio Farmer. ------yield per without back after. We bave leeD and wbeD it hu Imbibed 2 to 4 per ceDt., It d,iDg cold and the Pullz Wbea&.-A writer ID (JolemaD'1 Rural erately weather, hogs opened Flour, lard, tea, cotton cloth, oil, bead'., much that made a Iprout fllteeD feet high, II cured. Cbeele made from curd too Catalpa so to an "No better fiour OlD be thall that as soon as dressed, as give them wheel.barrowl, H1': Ir0t ODe wbeD cut BewlDg maohlnes. agricultural wheD the aDd teD IDchel roulld, ID lea.on, heated II loft and craoked; teIDpe­ to as the meat sheuld al­ made out of good Fultz wheat. ADd It out- opportunity cool, ImplemeDtl, paper, a:le., clocks, filb, druge, WheD back ID thll way.-Ga1·dller's Monthly. rature II too low more lah II required. it is yleldl aaytblDg that I kDOW of. The leooDd ways be th.oroughly cooled before orgaDl, planol, and pork, are amonll the artl.. attacked by mltel the oheele II carefully year I ral.ed it. I had ODe acre through the salted; it should not, however, be allowed clel Ihlpped to Brazil trom thll city. Four� tbell walhed with a pickle, aDd middle of a fleld fifty rodl 10Dg, aDd OD IDe cleaDld, to freeze, as thick sides will often freeze ex­ teell thouADd barrell of fiour ID a Ilna'le whell dried rubbed over with oil. It II aD er­ Ilde, Dear by Zimmermu, aDd OD tbe other �tJultry. ternally while there is still animal heat in cargo, belldee all the articlel we have Ilamed, cheele caD be I White The ror to believe good prepared of .Ide of the Fultz had May. the center, and the result will be that the aDd a hOlt othen, Buggelt the possible without One of cheele II made 1-2 bUlhel1 to the good mUk. pound FBBDING FOWLS PROPERLY. trade awaits AmerlcaD Zimmerman 23 acre; meat will sour, which enterprillng made from 8 to C)f milk. Thecheele aDd White 27-al1 lown 10quarti MOBt perlODI tlke for IlraDted that they, at merchaDtB. Filltz, 33; May, In the olden time New two every En�lander thul kDOWD al grugere, il feet feed and al.. - with the lame lame time aDd prepared, leaat, "know Low to chicken.... preparatloD, down his barrel of For aud four Incbes put pickled pork. New York continues to be the in diameter, thick, welllhing most fI'Ier1body has a different way of dolDg great dairy place." corn-fed from half a the best the should be .late. It haa factorlea lor cheese or but­ 50 to 60 lb•. , aDd varies In price who eats pork hogs 1,139 Fertllltv cereal yield of It. My father u.ed to lay "a boy of8oll.�he Eug. hundred and franc to 1 fr. The II gl'leD and dress about two fifty ter aDd chee.e. The average number of COWl Improved cultivation, ha. beeD per pouDd. wbey well will work well," and fowl. muat be taught aud, thro0lrh from to aDd allo to cowl.-T'te American The sides should be free milk last year waa 308',352. advaDced within thel< fortyyearltwo hun. plgl to eat well-not to be over-fed, bowever, or pounds. cODtrlbuting Farmer. bones and cut in about five inches owned by 23,005 patroDl, aDd dred fold. ID the Eaet, through improved crammed, but provided with a variety of food strips produclug bottom of an for wide. Put an inch of salt on the 83,116,006 poundl of cbeese, 2.214,125 poundl 'Ylteml of cultlvatloD, careful rotation and to sucb aD e:s;tent al to create appetite A beD la a the barrel and then :1 of the of butter, and 7.880.743 pounde of skim the application of mature, a great advance eomethin� cODtlnually. laying pack layer aud whilo her ulefulneaB 'Ialtl, the edgewise, and cbeese. Orange COUDty ,o:d 13,530,700 gal. hae been made ID the average yield of crop•. �tJdi�ulturt. pertect mill, pork, setting stripes I do not Then cover lona of milk; Westcheater,5,244,007; Dutch­ Thl s"me may be laid of the louth w.thlD the Ihould alwaYI be kept grlndlna'i packing as closely as possible. to a box of food before her and and el., 5,101,610; Putnam, 2,428,602. la.t five yeara. So allo ID the west, maD1 mean by that keep the layer with salt pack another, REPL"NTING ORCH"RD8. . - for would care full or meat farmere may be found who have kept the oonllnually, wbat, boy very so on until your barrel is your tree. after LBTTER FROM PENNSYLVANI4.. Apple will grow apple tree., if a wae fertility of. their tarme intactl from decade much for pumpkin pie huge ple- all packed. Thp.n cover with a circuiar .mount of a communlcatioB from provided they bave the requisite The to be Seeing Montgomery o decade. Yet, ae a rule. the lande ot lhe kept at his Bide continually? point board, put a heavy stone on, and put on with and care. Co.,KaDlas,ln the tenth edition of theFARMER plaut fooj applied' judgment to tbe fowl and welt are cODltantly In their aver­ gained I. keep eating, keep brine to come from four to six like should bave enough tram Mat. I would like if not to Young treel, young turkeys, ber hence ihe of vari­ Vanduyne. age 1leld. Thlill natural all new :"ungry, too; neceaslty inches above the meat. The brine should . much trouble to us the FARMEu enough of the rlgbt kind of food, and no wheat give througb countrie.. The are crude and 'the just Let corn, oats. crlleked corn, procelles ety. be as as it can be made, and boil�d more. strong the bealth of bla county. underatand there melll seaked crack.. :1 mODey crops few. his, howllv:r, a ;ile .creenings, pudding, rye, and but allowed to cool before it fall I Bet out skimmed, II a deal of sand-8tonll soil, describe itl Three yeare ago laet thirty follow each other In SUCl' good policy, as soou as pOlllble, '0 so dl'lerelf1 the era, buckwheat, &c., will is Pork up in this way for etc. 'l'hla has been a fruit­ younll apple treel. Some w"re put where ap­ applied. put quality crope, a rotatioD be secured. and lor side dlehea and deseert, sup­ cropl that proper may ceaslon, if is taken to it tree. and Bome were for years pains keep ful season In old Chester Co. The bay crop . bad stood before, butch, keep with of aud 1I'1e-8tock to ple ply chopped boue. (If directly from the Thll, plenty grals allow no bits of meat not. Some were eo tbat bad to be under the brine and wal immense. good, oata heavy etraw­ lar�e they on so much the W�eat eat will not tbe of er, with some meat them, It, only keep up fertility to take out on of rouDd and drawn out with a team. Thoee to float in the barrel. It is best ed but IIgbt grained account raet; the the but make it better and better dug better). aDd, if cODfined, plenty of green toad; loll, year by If treea that were Bet In of other trees a whole at once, which will generally corn promisee good. Mr. Vauduyne would place II near the sh!!lI-filh (abella strip year, rather tban woree'-P"airie F<.trme1·. water, pounded. aa well al the and six or and it in UB bia POBt office addr'!!ss I would like to have grown juat othera, and and crabe chopped fine. By so doing, weigh eight pounds, keep glTe The Labor AloVf!llienl.-In the flrlt he all) place 10 as it is communicate with bim. F. McKIRACHAN. have all done well that I feel quite same brine in a stone quite they yonr fow)1 are DOt required to eat tbe strong jar, to buUd a Co Pa. (Kearne1) propose. up political of them. In ,he I bave them and Oxford, Cftestcr .• proud Ipring more than twice each week. aDd the troublesome to lift the heavy weight, of thOle who thing The addrels for wblcb uk Ie M. M. party compoled entlrel1 per­ aDd ID and is you mulched. Au�ult September they reBUlt Is, tbey alwaya have good appetltt'l!, when this is done every day the meat form maDual labor, aud 10 far a. be has Co.' yet a do.e of muck. Other Vanduyne, Independence, Montgomery u.ually get Iwamp tbri'le and the reault ie at once often left to float on the brine. Good, to hll iD that well, grand a-lveD expreliiou planl direction, and Kanua. ine&lurel are lupplied AI they may need, of and healthy fowls! is excellent for cooking achle'led-pleDty egll' sweet, pork ----- of tbole who are mechanlce and or tOWD pickled -.---- city the with il Dot omit­ wa.hlng Itrong loapludll -J. JI'. F. in Gentlemal�. with to season and Country them, . laborerl. We bave DO doubt that thle is hi. vegetables, From Bourbon County ted. About tweDtyyeall ago I lIet out lome •• when freshened by soaking over night in 20tb.-The weather Ie limited Idea of tbe working 1I1allel. Like a GBESE AND GU.NE.t. FOWLS. Auguet extremely Rambo. and Wagenerl. The RlIolqbol grew .TVRKEYS. milk and rolled in flour and fried crisp and hot. Frlm present indications llIote corD aDd :lood man1 other men, and meD, too, who are mUlt have of con­ up tall, with a lort of lecond Itory; leaned Turkeys plenty room; it is to ham. There are two ell wI)) be ThOle who are so much more IntelllgeDt thaD Kearney, he 100e. to On a or brown, equal potato Injured. over, and became .unlcalded. The Wagenerl finement is fatal profit. IlraSI hams and aile unfortunate all to be loc.ted OD of the '1&1t army of the mOlt IntelligeDt methods of curing shoulders; high grouDd, light bore them.el'le. to death, or Dearly 10. I had �raln farm they can, wbe::! properlv cared for, a and in tbia there maDuallaboren ia the country-tbe farmer•• is dry salting and the other by making ba'le to baul water, vicinity the Rambol and WageDerll taken out tbi. be made to pay. 'l'hey are very hardy, the by succeeded are a 10 situated. aDd propOlel to igDore them entirely. Leav­ when In full I have in getting my great many IprlDg, aDd other treeB DO" Itand where they broDze breed In particular, dren, pickle. out mO'lemeDt I. a wblch hall been to be tbe the fumer of the labor or hams to suit the plan: Wheat. predicted Ing once IteCld. I have no lears about their prot­ but while Itill "downy." just epro'tltlng exactly by following the state hal ever OD tbreab­ .rood deal like pla11Dg Haml.,t with Hamlet Cover the hams with molasses, all that you largest yield had, perlty, provided I them protected from th!!lr feathere, they are very tender. requlrin� keep not turn out to 1\1 al left out. aDd It only goel to .how that the to and rub them Ing doel bl� thought the mlce.-8. in Gentleman. extreme care In keepln� from dampnell; eveD can make adhere them, �e HU8tis, Count,·u increa.ed maD hae DO morf' of the labor to l!;e, altbough taklug the acreille uDderetandlDg the dew being almost alwaYI f... tal at thla thoroughly with salt. At the end of the makes a qUlltion than an IDfant lleeping In h. cradle. OLD ORCHARDS REVIVED. over prevlouB years, It good abowing. .talle of growth. When fulHeatbered they week rub them thoroughly again, using R'ural. an old who have threahed .tate' their 11eld at Wf8tern I broullht back orcbard, apparently leem Thqae caD run out ID raID..torm8. and never to some fresh salt alld molasses, and what has Dine and ten bUlhf'l. Done RI.....' Home PlonICII.-The luccellful to frultfulDe.. by tbe generou. ule of about per acre; gath­ dylnll, Buffer at al)' The llrat hatching Ibould al­ from them. Handle the meat over dripped thll of f.he harveat the mOlt "ood uhll. I a liberal amouDt hlgber. Thll cereal hal advanced in erlllg .lgDaUze. joy. Iprlnkled be dODe UDder a hen••0 .. to iD­ waYI large once a week, and it your hams are small OUI lealOD of the farmer'l It i. the around eacb tree to tbe clrcumfereDce of the market from 65c to 75@80c. The flouriDg­ year. a lIeoond clutch of duce the turkey to la1 egg., leave them in the salt four weeks; if large, frultloD nf hi. • ."nd the reward for hil extent of ItI flrlt the 11011 mille caDDot to lupply the demand, aDd hope branche., Itlrrlng sbe .hould be left to batch her.elt. begiD which six. If wish to make a pickle for yOll1 laborl. In other countrlel the ollcaeloD well.-L. D. Ohio. you cOD.equeDtly are rUDnlng on Ihort time. AD many S. Wa8hington·Co., belt food for is bread The youn� turkeye I would recommend the il celebrated ID varlou. and hams, following: immeDle quaDtity of flour il .hlpped from thll IDtereltlng ap­ In milk, Icalded meallD wblch finely. .M"LL PRUITS. Bopped To each of water use one and a·half way.. "ThaDklgl'lln� nay" III gallon polDt to Teul. propriate chopped OUIOD tops have been mixed, "cot, The loll for currantl, raepberrle. and one of molasses, one- wal be- America of tbil ch... ."lId ie el­ pounds of salt, pint The corD crop, which geDeraily partlkel aoter, chee.e," Iweet milk to drink, bread gooleberrlel Ihould be a tage about half as eDdeared to the New �ood .trong deep half ounce of saltpetre, and Hend to be light OD accollnt of the lateDel. pecially EoglaDd heart, with a little wbeat but DO meaD. crumba, etc., together loam, well drained, by droutb,. as Boil and skim and and Is out but we Deed lomethlng Dearer harve.t time­ much soda saltpetre. of plantiDg poor ItaDd, turDlng IcreeDlnge, when they become olOer aDd land. Malt klod. of Itraw\lerrle. al.o do belt into the aad corn will lell here a feltlval which caD be held out of doorl. when cold. Before putting finely, many predict Itronger. Buy breeding Itock early In tbe apply OD thl. klDd of laDd; wblle blackberrlel and corn Dot made 0 wbne the fieldl aDd WOodl ItIII are fre.h and sweet or molasses and salt. hams for 150, but late il yet•• there secure the belt. The bronze pickle, .trawberrle. fall If you would lOme klDd of will :do very well how much we now hne. greeD. In Ihort, country Deed a Har­ and shoulders should be with fine II DO telling people leeml to the mOlt unl'leraal satlltacllon. sprinkled upon a landyloam of good quality. give II All the Vllt Home PIcnic. Dot at the and allowed to lie a or two, that The peach: crop. very poor. neceanrlly hen. mated to a well grown, salt day Mo.t of tbe Iman fruit. llberal ma­ Two-year-old home of the la,t load of require were 10 wormy tbat tbey could .rawiog rlpeDed .. salt extract the blood. Brown early peach!>8 batched, one_year old gobbler, produce the may aurlnlt and a Itood deal of atteDtion aad care. early The late are lome bet, gnlD from the field., or of fruit from the be used instead of molasses if Dot be uled. ;peachel relult•. can ' .uch tbe mo.t latllfactory sugar The labor I. mOltl, light aa weeding, but like al .. lalt vlne1ard or orchard. but IOmetlme ill Augult The of the sweet ter, nothlna' good year. Geelle u.ually pay very well, the exceptlonl preferred. advantage is, Inlectl, and aD AI.. or to celebrate the of hoeing, prunlDg. kllliog plcklDg Ft. Scott il the happy pOI.ellor of September, Itatberlng ie or wbere the lean meat from and I. being wbere tbe place Imall, that it prevents taking fruit, etc., generall, done by .. wbich hu been tbe harv..t, and e:lpre.. our tbaDkfulDe.. for marketlDg deD patent drYlng bouse, Imall frultl are railed. GeeBe are great. for. too much salt so as to become hard and womeD or ladl, aDd a. il well known, tbll The farmerl knew the gracioul Itlftl we have received. ADd erected tbla year. Dothlng of room, and they tasteless. The of meat should not lort of labor needl a good deal or OIre from agerl aDd"require pleDty smoking and tberefore did not WhAD whh plealure-tlklDg II comblDed lome about Its erection, pre' wlll makt' �ralB tbelr food as the the OWDer to Ilet the work well dODe.-Ma8B­ principal during be too hurried, preservative principle other tbe occalloD be oae of themlel'lel to take:' ad"antalte of it. good object, may On or pare' the lummer month.. grau IlralD smoke is creosote, and the smoke must benefit.-Amcl·';can acltuBett8 Ploughman. of 'I'hou.aDdl of bUlhel1 of .weet corll could vl.ibly laltlDg Agricultur" there I. no for them farml, where opportuDlt, have time to The smoke should been of to the if it had ist penetrate. ba'l!' dl'pOlld dryer a VBRY GOOD ADVICB FRO,\I THE III"WA­ to dlltroy Itrawberrlel, grape., gooleberrlel corn cobs or sound wood- been ralaed. Next year larger acreage ,will UDlted Statel be made from Honey.-The pay. annually . TH" DISPATCH. aDd the a flock of geeBe caD be be like, large is considered best-and should be plaDted. to other couDtrlel floo,OOO,Ooo for .agar and hickory Bourbon county II rapidly tilling up t.yem- farmer .. well a. farmer'. wife each to tbe evident advantage of Enry liver,)' r�leed 1ear, for ten Hams farml ID tbe mollllel. If tbe true value of hODey I'll kept up continuously days. IgratloD. Some of the larger on exhlhltlon at their their market value and Ihould have 10metblDg tbe oWDer-oouatlDg be the bave changed haadl. The pro.pec" glDerally underltood, much of thll eDormOUI and shoulders may kept through county fair. Farmere, carr1 aloDg your Itock and the feathers they furDllh. ID thll and the countlel .outh of' u. are r@ally at summer if the flies are lum could be kept bome. greatly augmeDt� perfectly good kept few more thil ODe merl" wllh Ladlel Guinea fowll leem to be on the down­ eucouragln�. A yearlllke compare 10ur nelghborl. which this IDg the wealth of the couotry, u well al gly_ from them, and any means by wm .et thing. humminll Igaln. work for the fioral grade-probably becaUBe tbey have Ilradually brlDg aloDg 10ar hlDdy successful. The cauldron b.. commeDced boll� g heahh aDd happlae.. to thoulaDd. who can be will be political wbAt out" and Dever beeD replaced. Some accomplished ball, and ehow your 1!lterl ,our Iklll '''rull iDIl. The �reenbackere are very much elated w laff"r with di...... of the chelt aDd be encased in canvas bags and aDd InleDulty have wrought. Everyone II farmera object to' them a. often qaarrellOme. They may tbe reportl from Memphl., but politi. Dati. and add'Dg yearl to the'Ii'l1l of the coated with lime wash, or they moveray old Bourbon III aDd will iDterllted III a and Thll be true where the poultry II COD­ strong cally republican. eak aDd .ufferlDIt e'lerywhere.-American grAnd 411.pla1, e'ler10De may * * be in several thicknesses of paper probably remaiD 10. * Jou1·nal. wlll be lure to wltne.. It. fiDed ID clole quarterl elpeclally at feeding wrapped <,

---I, THE KANSAS FARMER. September ". 11i'f1i

uninr. know what "cl&18 di.. of w4ahh. The object of the age.. It begin. with laying down the Breeders' .. I We would Ilks to acqullition Directory. �r .t :a. If!!rI!- without .�tUi9'jIIIl.on. American other movement'wu to the farmer lal and uniform iaw of Indultry, ".or � 'tinctione" laparate the people, grange improve �.op.t_ of and him intelleotu- which DO man il entitled to 'he bread he eaLa. & SA.YRB Oleeola,Olark Co" lo"a, br_ than thoee of virtue and vice, a limilarUy 10clally, therebYil.llprove Poland for l1li1. ======EllERY. Recorded BerkeMrllll4II ChiD", coiJllderatlonl were of miDor And on thll broad and bull it Olrcular, I 'altel and Iympathiel, ally. Peounlary limple. pro­ "BeauUu Sure," Palrb not akin. free, TRAMPS AND CRIMINALS. a the oeed. to erect a of doctrine in Nixon hll found a new for the importance, but �llowed .. seqnenee, lupentructure of D. Mr. Bon Mr. panacea W. IRWIN] 08ceola Iowa, Breeder pure, In illue of Augult 14th, «i ItralDI 01 Poland your ., There formation of the and if the of which nothing related to communilm need D • M. W. W:Bisworth nuisance. It il "free labor." oider, inteerity . for tramp wr te findl fault with the FARMER en; (.IlItoa hogs;Maglel for clreular. _ Homme belt the had not been to find Ihlliter. are thouland. of philanthropiltl, the agenciel hope the view. of the Bcientific American elt�bl1lhed, dorllng a the 'memberl of the order The Inculcatel jUltlee II the BA.DDBRS, Leavenworth, Kan., Breeae'Black men and wOlBen in thil .eeki�g doubted, and had, prl­ crime. In country, • Cachlh' & Brown Leghornl. Stock Dot IUr on the new method of p1'eventing O and call them al do in New York, ma'ry rule ot deallng between man and man. In America. Send lor circular anG remedy for the evil, who w111 rile up patronized hete, they puled dUlIrtpttve . on hi. letter claim that remarkI you where It aima to it pricel"t.. vour Mr. Nixon if be wlll explain what Wiaconlin, Iowa, and othelltatea, progegate by expelling the prac­ of and II fillhtlnll bleesed, O�io "He haa mllde a man Itraw, and their ticel of which belet all deaIlnll1 W. H. H. "free labor" it il that a conltitutlonal, profel­ the order ia daily, granlrel dilhonel'y OUNDIFF, PleaeantHUI'Oa18Co think he il and you are mis- increasi,�g DR.Mo. breeder of thorooghbred lihort-Horn Cattll; It." I right we shculd have been with the of arid ea­ lional tramD wlll take to. That il the phil- count by the thousand, great fraternHy farmen, of fuhlonable stratnl, Tile bull at head. of herd I am far from thinking that taken , welghl 8000 pounds. ChoIce Dulle and heUera for Rle , ahhoullh of. on the lame tabllihing thOle of truthfulnll8l and h·onor. oaopher I Itone the world il now in learch high fJoting, J:IolJclted. would wilh thil plan to be Co�respondence you, perlonally, New with her thoulandl of It hll leen an organized of plunderen Let them know, by all meanl, what "free "Look at body unfortunate called trampl. �ort J. R. DUNLAP & CO.; lOLA Breederof tried on the clals, and week. Look at on the eommunhy of fa,mer! for a IU.B., labor" il that a Simon.pure tramp will Ilranllell, increaling every preying Poland-China Hogs and J!. and on and adminiltered Cachln8, Llgbt If lawl were founded El. eouree of the laUer tare 8, B. R. Bantam the world-wide influence wielded by the long yearl, maDlfeiting Game, 1'0WIl ' cherish. ass. rite I belleve there would be no need Stockarlr;JIlr:l�mac1I:\t- andWB. for prices. in justice, mira Farmerl' Club, compoled of members ot but 11Ieht ablUty to protect hlelf and at but 4' mealurel to represa crime, to use extreme the Order Look at the crl,wdl Jilt it haa throw. around it ths barri;rlt of an BELL &; SON. Brighton. lItacoopln County,I1I­ AG"IN. principally. In Amer- CHESS a ..reedera and. Dealers In lipanIsh Kerlno II a well-known fact that to-day, J Inoll, it that fiock to thelr"haU every Saturday, re- eff"otual' protectlo. which are to lave it here­ mUee from St. Loois on the Alton in- Sbeep. Thlrty-ftve controla everything, religion EDS. FARMER: I have been helitating for aud Louls1la1lroad. Stock relIAble; prlcel rea· ica, money of the heat of summer, the cold of after from many aad heavy lonel. With the tit, the Iludleaa IOnable, ReCerence f�rnlehed. la favo: of the rich and against some time (III the weather has been 10 intense­ eluded, winter, muddy roade, or anything else; every aid of ,hele burien it keeps out comm1l1lism You claim that thia new, unchristian Iy hot, ranging from 1)50 to 100Q in the CHAN!!:, I'n!!J�!!l P�r.!t, !.!�rlon C()., E:W1e:ll poor. buslneal ia made conform to those weell:1y &fj well &8 liwindl",s, and repilal. every delign Breeder oC Pure Short-Hurn Cattle oC filIh.lonablU crimi- t'jl ALP!l:R'l' ia not for tramps but for ahade for whether brother Cone could Young ,tocklor,ale cheap. Send Cor clgalQaue'. daya,) dilcuuiona. on the and of the ' punilhment meetlngl, and the relults of the integrity prolPerity great cHam1ltea:crd of 200 head, Aleo Berkshlres. in the lapt laaue of your paper you stand the second of cheat, I saw him 0. nals, but pm in that club-room hale been the expolure of Interelt of agriculture. I presume) an article from' few Iince in Burlingame; aald he wal QOOK. lOla, Allen Co., Kansal, Breeder of copy (approvinllly, daYB and laved to farmeri of New York It il no meana a general or indeiruite and fraud, �he by R• Poland Cbtoa Hoge, Short-Horn Cattle the idea of to that I luppole he ia LI PBranrehm& Chickens. All SlOCk WlUT1UIted ftnt. an Indiana paper endorlJlng going Topeka night, thoulandl of which would otherwlle kind of protection, eit.her, that the gUDge gh� CIailS and crime in the of the home for awhile. I wm dolla�. ShIpped C. O. D. , tramping a eye. to try reBt at to f.rmen. It wielda an active and making going have gone into the hands of Iwindlen. ollere also. and to them of the franchlae him lome factI about cheat to work on COCHRANE. Kan. Breeder of law, deprive give "The dilcullion' of every question con- agllrellive po·"er. It conlmutel i&leIf. Ileep­ H, lImporla, Short-Horn Cattle. Stock for I8le. an at home. In the let­ W• Correspond­ In the lame iasue, Auguat 2ht, you copy while rusticating early Ie.. to for the of nected with farming operationa, all the Inte.1 detective, watch approach ence IOllclted. Planet, 171MB at head of herd. article from the American Groce1', de- tlement of Jackson county, Iud., Col. J. B. able eltlof the farmer are made the lubject of dis- danger from Icheming and eaUleeking indi­ IIl..breederl aild' men W. CARBY ahlp­ of who a of . l.ClUlto� the operatlonB of a clasl Dnrham cleared tho timber off piece roland-uhlna stoCk talllnil cuallon, ,and the which aroel out from "iduall. It ferreta out aUlpicioUI petaon. JOHNpers 01 pure bred hose. Th.. mUlions where don't White river and sow­ 1I,ght took: the 11,000 premium at Canton, m 1871 over 116 rob the country of trampi ground in the bottom, to with li;nilter on the It that is lending itl brllliant raYI delignl fraternity' competltel'l!. a clasl of men, allo, who, in ed to thil wal the firet in that rob it of dollara; whllat; piece of the civUlzed world." "spotl" charlatanl ,and pretenderl, and branl every part M. & W. P. Breeclers of their crimes are criminals It looked fine of course on loch rich SISBON, Galesburg, Ill. (for they region. characterl that are lit forth the • spite bogul. dragl H anc18hlppers of ]:foland-ChIna orMagIe Hoge . law 10, or occupy good a beaet threw the fence down and Btock lor sale.. whether the laYI not,) groood; TAE PATRON8 aWA.Y DOWN EASTl moueing plottel'll to the !tght, where he may Young best in wal in in what is called the societv went for the wheat in earneat. Thil an of what the positions To give our readel'll idea be recognized and known in the future. It ChOice MerIno Rainund Ewel. AllOlmported men who Canada at are the class 01 of or before the wheat �"'OR Couwolde Moderate PrIces . A ddres8 America, and they the latter part May, Patronl are in the far-away ealt, we sllowe the whl' ia , doing up pretender prowllng A. B. MATTHEW!>, Kansu CIty, Mo. than time I do not have done more to make tramps any was headed out; (the preoile clip the following paragraph. from the Diriqo a,ound in the hopei of makiDg reputation to M, ANDImSON.Sallna, Kansas. PeklD Duokl class in the country. recollect) but the result is what I want give at Maine: other other than honelt in­ •• RU'ral, pUblithed Bangor, and money in waYI by J• Cochln and Partridge, fowll, White Gulnft-. that our I don't seem Cone. The horle ate off piece Wntetome. You lay costly prison Bro. qolte" THE PROSPECTS OF THE ORDER. daatry. In a time llke thia, of all othel'll, it wonder when ev-' to do Is it any where it firlt In, then started quartering The most come to us from any good. got cheering reporta is immenlely lervic�able in clearing out the DUMBA.ULD, Hartford. Lyon County, Kan- LEVI of knowa that if a man Is put in priaon acrose the field. When harvest came the all qnartere concening the order. Some Thoroughbred Short-Horn Cattle erybody leurf and that wlll col­ an Iweepingl inevitably d Bsas\Jlreedererluhlre litoek .- that have been low are Pigs. Yonng for sale Correa that he will be treated wheat which the horae did not disturb was granges very again IlOndence aollclted. for etealing $20,000, lect about au indostryl!ke agricultnre, taklnll hold anew-are putting their handa to doing is In for stealinll where it ate the wheat " bett6r than the man who put clE'ar of cheat what have not the time or '!ond the plow with tbe full purpole of looking for it ita devoteelt "BRO'S, Ann Arbor, MIch., mike a with human na- streak acroes the field and HALL the choicest strains of $201 It is in accordance there wl\a a cheat backward no more. Patronl, of courae, are IncUnation to do Inelally for themlelves. It PolanI:r.eclalty-Chtoa, S1lJlj0,I�f�reedtogssex and Berkshire Present leave the it the lummer al it the plge. pricea}( tore for the lesser orimlnal to priaon quite a of cheat where firat got 'in in quarters, were, through Iess than last card rates. piece is in thil rellard, thlot it il a foe to quackery BatisClLctton guaranteed . A. are more or lea. dis' 10.. .elllon, and feweplendld pigs, jUts and boars now law Now did not lee this ' but the busy they ready. with a heart hardened against field, I mYlell no matter how an.d tracted by the noise of political conttlatB going and impolition inerenioualy cietv. were to me at leaat 50 • facts yeara H, GRIMSHAW, Paola, Kansas, Breeder of " reported on about but if we may trust the jodll­ that it del8rvel the confidence and is. them, dilgu!eed, • E�sex Berkehlres and . for the nUisance, as it H Folanel China hogs . The tramp , . or a man '11'hole remedy Blnce byo.C 1 J B D ham, ment of prominent patronl who have had the Btack for lale. of all. II) the focul of its , . gratitude piercing them not to a called, ia in giving f1'ee labor, word ould b reIied I th Ed means of correctly informing themselves, raYI the pretender II not oniy expoeed but of them. But I am afraid the kBowledge of tbe enct principles of this make convicts waa d 0 account or c eat. eHia iidtorea dCispose et onf, hsee a Nurserymen's Direotory. farmers' Institution has been conetantly gain­ burned to cinder fO'l an ezample. will never be abolished while tramp system was that the cheat Heed was in the ground, ing ground and is being crystalized Into The grange coms. in at the right time and allowed to the cla8s distinctions are separate was and that when value. ADd that It tenacious of life, shapel tbat reveal their true in the to- do the work which hal & DOBBIN, Wholesale and Retail 100 rlgh� place 2 liS are leemB believe that WATSON000 yr. old apple treel for fall also 100 boo i American people they doinll to-day. the wheat failed the cheat waa so accommoda- there to be good reason to for stood in need of done yr. uld. all of the best and &11 winter wlll be yearl beinll by growth varlettel fenced JOSEI'H NIXON, the next fall and campaign In also acres 811 to come and make a' full crop. The Rabelt tlll:bt; 50 of Hedge Plantl In sea­ ting active and than ever before. Until thia organization there Osage City, Kansa�. more vigoroul lomebody. to Nurserymen and Dealers. Address notion that cheat would lie in the BROnl.prlCeSlowO.u-T. Lae's ground, Hitherto the work of the order .tias been WATSON, Summit, Jackson Co.. Mo: REPLY.-We publiah the above as a very very WIWI no common authority which agriculture near the surface, and not vegetate until there largely the of organization, but thia ac" which of the reasoning newapa­ �ork could reapect, and DO common voice it Apple Btocke, 1,000,000 Plants 50 000 fair IIpecimen vapid It remains for the natrona of Osage waa a poor atand of wheat and then apring complisbed, only Now it 500•000 Trees, 25,000 8mall Fruit Plauts. &c: Apple are to take notice of. could be ex;pected t6 obey. operatel per publishers expected huebandrv to push on to the coveted goal that nooll'fUltt GraCu put up to order by experlenccc1 hands and is one more as forward occupy the ground with lesl inB.uence over the wide B end for Price LIlts .K. Ii'. CADW MIami We no punishment for trampe lies j Ult before them. fcarcely A.LLA.DB:R, 8Ilggested cheat. County Nursery, LOl1leburg, Kansas. the trick than I had charged against of farmerl than over thOle who are Men have a rillht to tramp high­ we 'he fraternity trampa. In connection with thia, publish f J. B, DURHAlIl. WHITCOMB, Lawr�nce, Florist Cata- where Therecaa ready to beliege that fraternity with their KanlU, way and travel they pleaae. of the state master, H. ThlDg, A • logue of Greeuhou8e and free. . Burlingame, Kansss. compllmente p. beddIng planu, until are convicted of aelOab and deltructive delignl. The grange be no punishment they to the patrons of tbat Itate. Hil advice and Thele miraculous "cheat" storle& we notice the laws c.f the land. ahute the door in the face of them. all, and some offense against auggeations are worthy to pe adopted and Dentists. are aU founded on circumstantial or hearlay crlminala, and the grade leavel the farmer at peace with their cholen '1'hey then become followed by farmera in every part of our land. evidence; very 8imilar to ghost and fairy talea, And"it ail In of crime il well defined by st!ll_u�e, and �he cloaer of the rural iiaInng. "warnl 'off maraud'er. That drawing together H. D. and about all reasonable. It would be as THOMPSON, D. S., Operative aDd Bur­ which' shall be visited' just The fell of the com­ pnnishment uamed population which Mr. D. H. ThinllolounBell, is avery disguile. IpiNt A Denti8t, No. 189 Kansu Avenue, Topeka to that white clover, or any Kanfaaeon the condemned criminal. It is not nec- logical Ilharge mune II exorcised by ItI potency. Nothing upon the one thing needed in the country pop­ other kind of or weeds that are found mo!t criminal !!hall be a grase that even a taint of or , essary that the tramp. ulation. Let it be .yetematlzed, and throuQ:h poaleBlel agr.arlani.m, .JAMES G. YOIJNG in wheat fielda, were the of are in accordance Ilrowing offdpring free Is tolerated in 'itl Illlht. These punishments graded that door the farmer may enter in and posaell plunder, aa to claim that chela il. class of crimea are intended degenerate wheat, In a time when 10 many and IlICh contra� AttornB¥-at-Law. with the they himlelf of all power and influence in the and weed seed are to be Rooms 10 aUd 1:l. Hart'e Olllce Wo:et in Other gr881 luppoaed aehemee and theoriee are broached Bolldlng to meet. Thfy consist, principally, hlinll- land: tradlctory Fourth Street, betwe�n MaIn and Delaware kansas sown whh the wheat. How do those sometimes with not there II need of lome IU0h City, :alo. Practices In MIslOurl, Kaneas and U. B. in imprisonment, coupled leaaon lpeclal Itron� ing, Worthv Brothers and Siatera: The Courts. Real Estate &; Law a the It il a well ee­ Corporallon epeclalty. and finea. plaJits get amonll Ilrain? aa to hard labor for a stipulatlld time, of excurllonl, pic nica and camp_meetinga il breakwater thil prc.tect agriculture tabhBhlld fBCt that many kindl of seed lie at hand. Almost but farm­ The law doee not condemn all to be hung, again everybody allainBt the inroad of Infiuencel whosll effect it HENTIC a. SPERRY, dormant In the soil till favorable clrcumatanl erB are enjoying thems!!lves outside the bUIY neither would It emasculate all were that pen- It la impoaelble to forelee. It il high time, round of careB. cel their which fact wlll every-day at ita sentence8. The de- develop growth, above all to teach the world that the AttornB17B Law,' alty numbered among Suppose for once we break away from old thlnlls, be received with wonder TOP&KA, KANSAS. Praellce In Federal' Stlte with it the of doub.tlell open-eyed out of the old aalde for of farmera wal not a Courts gree of crime carries grade pen- customs, Ilet rutl-lay Ilreat community 1>003' some of our correapondents who have been a or two the load of carel from 10 be inflicted. by day heavy fit merely to be pluoked, but deaerved to ex­ alty have our­ cheated into the belie! that the grass, Bromu8 whicb we are so seldom free, and to Berkshire at Auction Prices. has been ercile an active and vital power of Ita own, Pigs No remedy yet tried, save dea�b, selvea a farmera' camphmeetinll. called il a llrand 815. ,seoalinu8, popularly chesl, epeclel And in the and anlwer of Bingle PIli: '�'per pair .35 jler trio Theee career of some crim- You will see the list of the adjuatment many of checking the by premium plMa are sired by the Imported 'Boar capab!e of wheat or oats. Thill belief us­ Prlze-Wlnolng degenerate Btate Bociety that Ipecial preml� of theeelatter-dav problema, al Wade Hampton,and Ollt oC SOW4 picked from the best inale. We believe that Bcience has revealed agricultural affecting they ablest herds In U. S. and warranted to be as good as the ed to be universal, but the botanistl, uml are offered to granges to the amount of do the welfare and of the social and in Itablllty Itate, best. No uouble to answer correspondence. Ad­ a milder, more humane, every way to into the treasuriea of aftt'r careful have pronounced $76-:-the money go dress, F. B. HARNESS. New Palestine. Mo, Inveatigation, thia prelent organized agricultural inflnence more preferable and eff�ctiye remedy, by the successful granges. it erroneous. Aa between the work of cuual will to be & and force the commandment., "Thou shalt not Thele premiums are offdrod for the reaeon prove loothing healing ;Which and ex­ observers and thorough investigation that the state desire. to our wlll be made in violated society in Boclety recognize to which application never kill," may no longer he by Shannon Hill Stock Farm gf scientific men, we incline to order aa one of the cbief of agriculture periments pillara vain, of the feverl of modern experi.. its eff.>rts to protect itself. Many judicial the conclusions ot the latter. In the Dirigo atate. These premiuma do not, ATCHISON, KANSAS, adopt [Eos ] are sure to be allayed by contact Our entire argument was directed to show of Cllurae, debar any patron from competinll mentlnll Thorougbbred Short-Horn Durham Cattle of

. with Ita life presence,and of the 8tralgbt Herd Book Pedlgr�e. bred and for sale; Also tbe employed were for other prlzea. givinll many tbat present penaltiel! Berkshire pigs bred from Imported and premium .,'rolll "ernon Countv, 'VI., I am alao authorized by the president Hon. Bocial maladies will he healed its liven neither prevent.ive nor curative, and witbal hy stofk, Cor .ale Alngly, or 10 pairs not akin Persons B. l!�. to announce that th� tent to vl.!!lt this on B.-The winter wheat is an extra Hamilton, and desiring Carm. by calling Mr G W tbat science, Aug. yield patient treatment.-Plougltman. In the A were very expensive; phyaiology Ilround will be furnished free to @uch ae de­ Glick, city oC tt.hlson, will be convayect to wheat is the main in this and from the Carm free oC . Addre8s GLICK out more eff�ctive and but spring crop aire to on tbe of Charge , and experience point camp ground-all penona, & CARMICHABL. The nntil the hot weather entrance fees-ao that we humane mod�s of treatment for crimlDals, country. prospect,' course, to pay gate 'DVERTISEMENTS. our and thus not save ex. . set was never better, but with the exces­ can carry grub only which a very strong probability of in, auglleet but be near each other loud a and dried out without J:enle, enjoy reg� and a va@t curtail­ sl vt';wet weatber heat,it both cure snd prevent! Vll, ular camp-meeting, picnic and social inter­ Park theBe As aa I am informed it will be ment of In place of meeting filling. far) vlt'w, and at tbe sawe time enjoy the privi­ Nursery erpensel. at all in the about onf-fourth of a crop. OAts are a very lelles of the sta�e fair. Then each eveninll it points, which ara the only points NURSERYMEN AND DEALHRS LAWHENCE, KAN�AS. but We bad rain iB proposed to bold a farmera' meetinll, whicb discussion. we are treated "to a lackadaisical good yield badly lodged. Your attention Is called 10 onr slock oC a sort of love whllre complete Wll will turn into fea.t, Trees � :lInd year In tbe State. V�ry large and complete. on eleven in the month of and on Fruit. Ornamental, Shade, and Evergreen '·tramps." days Junl', atock of urnamental traes vlnee &c &I bomilyon we can tell how tbe good Father bas prospered Small Frnlt•. Shrubs. Rosos. etc.' All orders tWeet grape become a flS H. N. M. RAYNER. Wholesale prices verv lind reasoDable: When tramps nuisauce, they twelve days in July. ue In our efforta to bread for our own INDUCEMENTS, LOW lo�, lerllls provide complete. CREAT Address P. Kanfas. Write for Fle­ P. PHILLIPS, Lawrence, of the older it becomes households-where we ca.n talk of wbeat and PRICES. SPECIAL CASH have in many stlltes, ::itar Nur­ - URES. Address, HARI:ilS,� tlOMM!!:U, means to beete and potatoes, beef and pork, the duty of legi�laturas to devlae corn, SUll8r senes. t" o[ most from like the Ion'" of '!'rellsurer, The set will be sent to any head Sheep, eweB, graded Merinoa'; age This doleful whine, ,., prayers Order. on doctrine which are to be heard in the indul- one to Ilve years Oil\. Our lIocks ha\'e beon In this uddre.s. pustugc paid' Cor $1.00. the Pbarieeell. i� Leard in the temple and on trial and social horizon lose their sullen sigul(­ seclion 0(' tbe country Il vo :vear�, For further partlc­ ofJ. M. BRINING, Greut Bend Kansas . We solicit from Pat;;;;';'-��tlons regardlDg ulare, enquire corners of the street. According to their of an the Instal Icance In thA organization. the Oreler. NotlccsofNcw Elections. F'e".ts, prelence or Is to the bow. wows. I.tlous and l\ of all subjects oC general il notion, everything going description like that of the grangera. . If agriculture .t to Patrons. that the laws and tile officArs spcclallntercst It 1S our opinion the cure all for complainta of tbis character, - administer mens- UIlEItDER OP who arll appointed to them, ita repreaentatlve orltanizationa, Ipeaking SHORT HORN ATTLE. standard of and ure to the virtue, it with full and up prllcisely "HIlI PlJRPOeK OF THill URANGE. f'lr authority imprelaivenere, HEREFORD CATTLE. morals of the who L. A. KNAPP,Do' reflect, exactly, tbl! reople 'W. H. H. are to be confidently appealed to for the IU(.' In diBoussing tble question, Ta}- COTSWOLD SHEEP. vcr, Shawnee 1.;0., the order and them, and amon� cellful of the The Kaupu. breeder 01 appuint In the 1',·, laYI: ! application :remedy. Jor, Minneapolia - those BERKSHIRE and DORSETSHIRE Pnro Short Horn we include Mr. Nixon and all is invelted Ind al near­ "people" "While we admire a laudable ambition, to granKe With-peculiar, Cattl". Farm 18 who over the de-' refer PIGS. mllellllOulh-wCllt 0( solemt;-rac�d moralists weep there is aa with plen.,ry, powers in improve our pecuniary condition, ly pOllible Topeka, aDd 11 of affAira and wbo would evlle al aDd for .alr, condition I al the Ilnce to the compolure of jUlt lucb PremIum<., liheep PIa' mllellOnthofRoCll· plorable I we so stronilly deprecate Idea, nothlnll ville . of aa virtue as tbOl1l eo pl_ .oll('lte•• vlove euy tbey tbe the communi.tic and all'rarian !lnCOln- '''.poadeDt'e or that dependa upon Ipirit oualyanathematize. tbllery, eVArythlng

.. �.




.' . for the (lovaro-' con­ Q.-Wonld It be feaalble II tre.ted In Inch.. maDner U Ih.n beet .ad So·; In· be went.•e- landlln the weetY A.­ and oleaa, "I "m come In leO."· thul ment to colonize the raw where the lOCI II d" with duce to 1\1 health aDd comfort, keepln. opla Pl'alrle aDd fouDd the g.rdeDer, gun It would be. hazardoul for the feed fodder .nd the cordlagly, mtreat their I think thlDg whleh ia\the beet way to th.t h.d dlleue .t bay. M.ny people Farmer. In ready to Ihoot. bl&C!kblrd Gonrament. h II • m.tter lor cbarltable The Kansas the food more wbere they haDd, and m.D1 beca1ll8 caUle IN1D to eDj01 Itrawberri•. dog. through Ignorance, ba,,­ dropped In allJlong It II much the lime 18 the IlIu­ aDd. of room. By jut \�e neither kaow nor care, and think �ny en\erp.ll8...... ,. .. Pr.,"".'" • cleaa aod pllDty don't they H1JD1O. .. SWINY, ..Id the g.rdener, "you He, to·the luff"rellin to the Itock II "There," for a dog. Inll ofch.rlty Memphll. T.,.lIla, K•••••• lall the corD cut up the danger kind of tre.tment good enough what he II dolq;" aDd the .ctlon II iDcurred tUlllm. tbem In- you, I�ltlng the to keep a avoided,wblch by te hll Iheulder to Among thlag. really nece...r1 Prom DOUIII•• Count.,. to the word, railed hll gua where the corn hal been al­ thll wrl\er mentlonl:- 10 • Italk field tee If In heelth, ..Id "let UI dog Bro. Cone that I would report where It Ihoot. "Stop," m1 frleJ"a, IUOl­ I promleed Foote 8;, 811e. to ltand and .nd dry Flrel. Food of Ilood aDd In 8TD'PIKO 8'1'OK" '1'0 81NOIKO, by lowed ripen the bird rOle qu.lity, II U when our cropl thll f.ll, 10 here gOel. Our gardenl' .... Publllhln& the bl.del b... It you IIY;" preHntly are :rubllllbed by G. W. JlartlD, Kan The ltalkl, hUlkl .nd clent qu.ntlt1. The more:regul.rly dogl grew. in Itl mouth and flew over .re the beet we h."e had for yeare; ThllUttle TOlume cl8lml for their and • up with lomethlng eight gr'" Boult!, TopeU. co�e ver� dry In the I.ter condition. fed the better, while the food Ihould be clean­ I teacher, with little the "Now," "he.t .bov. an D. G. Kennedy, method, the melDI by which thla dry the w.nlnto adjoining ii-ound.. Avoid fine; .veralle. to •• qattle are 10lt by eatlDg and made every d.y. gi,,­ can teach the IClence great ny .nd lee what he ly frelhly nearett hu and h.d or DO mUilcal 1UI0wled1l8. to laid friend. "let UI go my nelgbhor, threlhed, In which are very liable my flne bread, or It appeall to the child lodder &0 exceae, they InA' a dog bonel, butter, greate, auy . the bird .cre beglnnerl hu went, .n4 found twenty' five bUlbel1 of Clawlon wheat per Interet/ted eft·orl. Ad­ got." They of IUch. "I,. .1 to enllit hie do. or th.t relldue .bomln.tlon, greavel. Ihell. I.. id my lug.r on one of Ilx .crel. HII otiler of Kanul. bre.klng a In.Il'1 "'rhere," piece piece dren J. 8. tllle, Topeka, We know that It II quite an undert.king, Sman may be fed fro� the carefully that e.t your doge acrea wu all f.ll and winter Pub­ aee It II the Ilxteen putured 81110IB'. CLAle BooK. W. O. Perklnl. expenIe, to friend, "you Tn by .1 well al.n .ppar.ntly heavy lelected acrapa from the table; t01 dogl Tremont Itreet, .nd not the birdl;" .1. more with two four calvel, and head of lIehed G. D. RueBell & Co., l� acrel of Itra"berrles, COltl, forty by fleld-.50 to more on, a mixture of boiled' rice WID t not cut • large 100)r or ladlea' peta BoetoD. Thle book Ie dealgned to meet a carelul examln.tlon lubaequently proved., yet wIth all thll .bule he had lour­ amount of the very me.t 10 It. church mUllc-book. The corn, hut the l.rge aDd with a tiny IOr.p of Iupplled by the common he.vy killed no more that c.bbage, huudred bUlhel1 of con­ Neld I lay he thru,h_oa :and twenty fine, plump' rudimental lecured 10 the mOlt a food .t firet thlrt,.-eeyen pagel are devoted to belt cattle food thul For the larger breedI embracing .ccount. The fact wal, the ,uaimer being craW-BoD I think the Cl.wllon the aud to eBB,. IIleee to the the recommend. �Whlte. IDd eaav exercleet!, eighty pagel "enlen' condition for laedlng Itock, le8lt twenty per cent. of me.t Is re­ Inalla harbored the tbrulbee of wbeat there 1I811 heen railed of altractlve character. The tile im� dry, the there, belt variety aDd pBrt-lolI&e In or Ihucklng, and ed. the meat diet occasionally with boil­ of hUlking them al food for V.ry maluder of the book eOlltslnl a pleaelng variety IIvln, cattle lound them, and were t.kinA' lier81for three yean. The May whe.t, .Iw.ya Inlured 1011 turning .nd 11 not laIt aud 811l1day·school plecet, an- monlty .galnlt by Live­ ed greenB pot liquor, I< hymu-tunu, goepel their onel.-Leo� Lee, il� London lure, hal .bout IIlxteeo bUlhel1 per field we think, young of :ylelded chaute. Prlce,?1S unle. Into .n uncut dry wlll, Ihould be &voided, except In the cue old :t1IemBlDd O&tl .re Corn fine the fill t Stock Journal. .'Cr8thll year. good. B. arch· than counterbal.nce dUlt be mixed with the HOUI••PLANS FOB :EvIBYBODY, b,. 8. Reed, much more dogl, when • m.y are the that the I.te, on I.nd, h.1 beer: Judd � Company, corn. The Iwallow, I"lft .nd IIIlghtb.wk except cl.y ltect. Publllhed by Ol'lnge heavy work of cutting up the food. themoet check hurt the lut two weeki of­ York. Thll "ork Itrikee ueaeone,of of the atmolphere. They by hot, dry New gu.rdlanl Second. W.ter, a c')ntlnual lupply of con­ IiPBCULATf9N. Pe.chel • practical IDd compr..henelv8 worlls llullUlhed. the Increase of Inlectl that otherwlle would er. plenty. Gr.pel good crop. _ can a dll which IIhould be where the dog and eeUmatee .for dwelling. from examln.tlon Into the wide Ipread pl.ced bid fair. Red beetl taInIng plane An overload It. Woodpeckerl, creeperll and chlc­ Applellcarce. Cabb.gee manllon costlug ts,OOO . reach it without or acr.tchlng dirt In cotlage coeting t260 to.a the th.t Ipeculatlon spilling be.t. ALFRED DEPPE. tre. of country proves are the .01 the trunk!! of can't be adeel guardlallll should n.t b. Price of book, tl.50. of .11 of it. It, and the w.ter only changed haa beeo at the bottom ne.rly and the author treel. Warblera flyca�chere protect 8HAWNEB COUNTY PAIR. TALKI ON MAN.I1IlJ:S, by Joseph Barrie, to but Ibe dllh ought to be well rinled. Bankllnvelted In real estate, hoping tbrUBh<31 .nd dally, of "Walk3 and Talks ou the .ll'arm," Blackblrdl, crOWl, of Shawnee and re­ foliage. Tblrd. EJ:erclle 18 mOlt ellentl.1 to the The people lurroundlng whl ch are Merch.nta their lurplul In the Amelican Agrlcultu,-ut, and all a rile; placed larke protect the lurface of the loll. Snipe falr of To witnell the he countiel will not forget that the joint What­ of dividendi well-being of. dog. way familiar to farmere throughout the country. In etocklln thl! hope large loll under the sur­ celpta and woodcock protect the Sh.wnee and will command Far­ a would tell ny one thil. the County AgrlcuUural Society ever Mr. Barrie writel ou agriculture c8lh for their gooda. e'DjoYB good Icamper in place of paylnll f.ce; Eauh tribe hae Its dutlea to conulblUou to the re8pecUve anl­ the P.rk AIIocl.tloD, beglnl uulver..1 attention se a valuable Interelt and In­ Without fxerclee the wheell of the poor Topeka Driving mer. borrowed money at high an "Ta Iks ou in the of nature, and It II contlnnel Inteteet, and the volume. perform economy are ex­ on September 10th, and agrlcullur,,1 under oir­ m.1'1 life leem to clog, bad humolll not Tuelday, In the handa·of In luxuriel which ordinary were.ll off ),lanure," by Hr. Burla, Ihoflld be dulged undoubted fact tb.t if blrdli awept lilt of II of comell OD, he morOle, fIve daYI. The I.rgelt premiuml e would not have creted, dyapepsi. getl farmer. Pllbllehed by Orang cuml�ncel they tbought man not live every progree!lve the I.ce of the earth could upon KanRII a eVGn irritable and offered ever prelented In by county New York. farmll and moved dull and lometlmel unhap, Judd 8;, Compauy, rented their wither and in8ecta doing. M.ay vellet.tloD would die, The will no doubt their It, followed liver troublell, jaundice and alsocl.tlon. people recog� to"n to where p" by into �ry merch.ndillng, would become 110 DumerOUI that no II\-Ing be' ATTEND THR FAIRliIl at leaat nlze thll The lIupport of a I.rge P.t.RHBR8, The farm de­ even death. A dog ought to have liberality. family could "enjoy society." could withltand their atta�ke. The Ing In the air. central dilltrict f.l" In h..nsu, Ihould be a "And now the le.lon of agricultural fain the care of • tenant; al it al­ two hour8 daily romping open teriorated under ",boleeale deltru�tion occalloned graaebop­ by hll kGnnel or matter of pride and Interest to the people of and exhibition. of Btock and f.rm implementll Fourth. The anlmal'8 body, waYB doee. which have devastated the Wlost, Is to a pera to be Kannl. Let every farmer lay aelde hlB work we that f&rmer and lones Inetead and hie dilbel, ought hu come, and hope every and lelling broui�t the sleeping�place Buying great extent, perhaps, cauied by tblnnlng three hil and been forward with clean and Iweet, while hie for two or d.YII, bring family, hill Ilmlly have looking of the railed by the mortgage kept ecrupulouely gaine, money the lIuch as '. out of birds, groaae, pralrie-hene, lIee the fair and the along .nd ar­ were be bru8hed .nd the action people, bringing plealant Intlclpatlonl, making every and distrillS came. "TlmeB coat. ehould dally, dllappeared, which leed them. Tbe great an'd to etc., upon a hla hili fruit and vegetablee to attend one or more of theae ex­ drove with a of the skin promoted by the free use of good hllllltock, grain, rangement brllk" and the whole country the Ineetlmable eervlce done to farmer, gar­ make the exhlbltloD. 'I'he rest and the hlbltlonl In their neighborhood. Every far­ and comb. help loose rein. Galnl were spent carelenly known sad dener and florist Is only being by racreatlon wlll the fair be­ to .howahould owed should never be left out at pay. Remllmber, mer who haa a good thing debts'contracted. Nearly every body H.ouling. Dogs Spare the blrda and save the and contlnuea wbetber It be experience. where ahould gine 'l'uesday, September 10th, It upon exhibition,, and wben a break was made, apl night, &nd the placel they sleep place lomebody, trult; the little corn and fru�t taken by tbem or and the without to five daya. Irult, vegetableB, Itock poultry; went down by be well ventilated, beil!g expoeed p-eople --- p.rently prolperou8 them Is more than compensated by the •._--- evince a laudable by DOt be too wite and daughtere ehould The mllllon wbich bad been invested draught8. The bed Ihould loft, dozenl. quantitlee of noxious insecta they destroy. THB KAN8A8 CITY EXP08ITI01V. to mlnla be and comfortable. ambition to exhibit aomethlng appertaining In railroad bonda, in sliver but It must dry and of the ,un6nlahed The lang'.persecuted crow baa been fOUDd, by The enterprise, capital pluck houeehold Where all who ae it in to the department. and coal oil stocke were JOlt, Wire, citizens of Kansas have suc- actu&l experience, to do more good by the CUA8E OF DEPRESSION leadinll City, to swell the the exhibition was left can, help exhibit, the of an eye. Nothing in In eetablleh­ twinkling quantltlee of grubs aud Insect8 he devours, the purpose of aecertalnlng the ceeded, :the past eigbt years, attractive "nd inltructive. extrava­ Congress,for Is large, nried, but the bad hablt8 that luxllry and puccessful baeis than the barm be does In all the graine 01 tlmee" a committee Ing upon a permaneBt and which flow cause of :'hard appointed The are incaloulable to down adv.ntag611 had created, and lay which, a of the West. Tbe gence corn be a He, after all, 18 rather at ltlllaet lelSlon. This com- THE great fair large pre­ are not pull up. of Investijlatlon from luch a laudable emul.tion, and of and return to a more primillve way living, miums offered tbe friend than an enemy to the farmer.-St. mlttee Is now In lIell810n and among thoee who bring togetber largest in dollars and cents. The contribu­ to be computed has one of the sorelt crOl8es, the bast exhlbi- proved John Telegrap7t. have been called before It to their vlewe herds and flocks of fine etock, Is one of (N. B.) give life of the farm neceaaarlly .. to what Ie known a8 hard In Jarge part INSRCTS DO. tlon of tbe ehow ting WHAT THE on the situation we find the name of Horace Improved machinery, largest ae with town or vII·· lain of leclulion compared times. hi their dietress people cClmp aad It Is there the cltizene of Kansae One day this spring, Mr. Edward Gleason, White, former editor of the Cblcago T1'ibune, 01 fruits, and to young people anli the Indoor to lage life, their government for not doing 80met7tiltg field look- will continue to to see from all over of Saxonville, while in his pot&to under whose m&nsgement the paper acquired go people the 18 too to be regarded cblldren of portion of family apt relieve their dlatress. Like the faet hOllies and all elee that at the ravageII of a newly�arrlved pest, world wide Tbe folio wing the west, the· loneeome and lolltar, fea­ Ing Its reputation. Thle acouae their rulen aDd cry out to aillrklome. lerael they act of to make a fair. Tbe great railroad discovered an4.nsect In the destroying are his answers to tbe committee on the co- up great of farm life Ibould be broken up &8 lIoon can ture be led back to where they enjoy centll" at all Egypt the of the Colorado Thie What the cause of .ystem wbich Kansae City, upon embraced egge potato-bug. nwnd'l'um of the timee. Is and every opportunity land wae not. to ai pOlllble, their leekl. :gut the promised ebln� aI whIch roads low ratt'll are was the "lady-bUll," eo called; an oval, tbe In trade." special alwaya which the farmera and their famlliel but much "Depression brlnge be foun� returning, tbrough with iven d the8e aid much In by mahogany-colored .li�Ll� feil.ow Hewitt-Have atteD�loD to � urlng falre, brlna- there il nODe wblch lng, Mr. you given together. And mlnglel tribulatioD In the direction. And .. oppolite &n Insect resemb. IDil together the immeDse cr.wds whichgpeelaD' black 8pOts; considerably cauees of the under wblch tbe recreation and 10 on and the depression delightful profi� tboroughly with our muat go It II people. They a turtle. ThlB little nuaI to thil lair. 'I'hlll year, among the ling miniature spotted Is A.-I have given Iy go when properly ;man� over the community auffdring? I 18 the .grlcultural fair, not back quick­ I conquer dlfficultiel, creature III a of the commonly great attractions, wlll be an unullual number destroyer aphle, lome to the but can't 8ay that A contemporary remarkl: of atudy ql2eBtlon aged. landl and \hroullbtbe miralle speculation. the of which are called plant-louse or green-fly, altbough mastered the It can' great trottere, amonll "Rarue," .ad I bave yet fully IUbject. We are all eminently social beings, " and latter II a 1.8 the malee only are e Edwln Forellt," "Lulu," "t:!muglller." not THE FAR1\IER'S FRIEND8. mIsnomer, be viewed aRd historically. Th were inteDded for loclety. All IOUtude III theoretically out.aoor oulture the others of national The manage­ or It a HD!. winged. Wherever In one 01 a serle. of similar reputation. Ilood for UI, mind body. engendere WHAT THE BIRDS DO FOR present crl81e Ie only no 10 make it the of a morbidity of temper, are there, In contact with them, of ment Is sparing expense Ilugglshne�1 Iplrlt, On lut, while at ,,"ork near a aphidell found, crleee that have occurred In the hletory of Intellect. It ThursdAY .nd a elowneee and ID.Ctlvity wlll aleo be found ante; not deltroylng or even KloSt luccessful meeting of the a88ociatlon. wbeat attention wae called to the commercial nations during the put 250 yearll. not for man to be too much alone. field, my Ie good but a sweet 8ub· The lair 16th, and had been dllturbinll tile lice, aucklnll a dozen euch Instancea be- begins Monday, September . lact that aome of the wheat picked Tbere h&ve been .nd hll obt&ln new vlewa Further The farmer family Itance from their bodleR. The aphla In cloles Saturday, September 21st. from the hea'.lsln certain parte of the fillld. exuding lore, whlcb have been ae lar-reachlng. 01 the vaatneel of the bUII­ I of !lfe, a Illlmpse bal been termed "the milch cow of the. partlculara wlll be found In our advertiling seemed to think that the aptly caee the crlBls hal been proceded by a, of their AI my neighbor every nen he II In. The monotony the 01 Mr. coI umne. eng.ged a ant." It 8eeme, from discovery In different chief was done ." yellow blrda, I procured period of extravallant epeculatlon lecluded life II and comparatively interrupted that the .hal a double claim .nd killed one of the luppoled offllnderl. Gleason, lady-bug forme. Durlnll the year 1873, In thil country broken le&rn much gun WHAT.8 "'HE l\UTTER \WTII TH".. ,."PPL".. In • n:.ealure up; They inll-I on our are. -r protection. Unfortunately tbey d Ahhough.interrupted while taking hll break- It took the form 0I a gIgantlc ralIwayan that II new .nd the tboughtl which ran for of their TREBl three olten delltroyed by those Ignorant Prior to 1869 the fast, we found in hll atomach only land Ipecul.tlon. average monthl .. • Itream In itl quiet I in my orcbard a small .pple tree. Iluggilh count vlllue.-&ientifjc Farmer. the United gralJl.I of wheat, and by .ctual three amount of raU"ay building In ch.nnel, receive. Dew Impull8 and renewed It, with leveral othere, etande in what la UIU­ hundred and filty weevil •. -Ruml Home. Wherever the crtu r.n worm II Ioun,d there State. was lesl than 2.090 mllel a year, when New Ideu .re .cqulred .nd a new ,Uy wet Ilround in r.lny weather. It bore a vilror. II the in learcb of him, and a rOle to In 1870 It went two a brought me a wup, bUlY It euddenly 5.000 mllee; train of thought olten Itarted by what III wit­ Some yeall ago, perlon lew applel thll year, but long belore rlpenln&' brood makel but a portion I)f a to 1871 to 7,000 mllel; In 1872 dove to preeerve. "Why did you Ihoot newly-blotched up 6,000 mllel; nelled on the f.!r grouDd. New Icqualnt­ turtle time It ebo"ed slll'ni of dylnjf, and loat the"' meal" for our friend with the 10Dg, It w.a betweell .nd 7,000 mUel, and In I alked. "Becaule it, along with otherl, ··.quare 6,000 &neel .re lormed which often prove luting I\?" firlt let of leavell. L&tely, however, It hu put It III Interest- mUel. Tile In • frelh-.own wal IleDdcr, Imoked pearl wlpg.. 3.000 and 4,000 was found e.. pea.," 1873�between while was on •nd The reuonl for urging far­ tlnlliome forth new Ie.vel, .nd tbe Irult .greeable. DerVOUI halte '11'18 to lee if Inch to lIee the eager, leemlugl, 8rease In raU"ay Ipeculatlonll .ccompa­ lore anlwer. 1 ita crop Ing I. mell to .ttend their .grlcultural falrl tbe opened It began to bloom and in blollom at the which the Irom leaf to the :. but Inltead of I lound In It with waepl flO leaf, nled by enormoullpeculutlon In:l.nd,-in numberlell .nd of vlt.l Importaace. Ming­ WII the cue, pea. prelllnt writing. lavorlte food. Thll 101· the uncultivated and leed. of what I am told are seedl hunting their walp, weet, among prairie. freely with each other .nd the world over 1.000 Some time Iince a Lawrence nuraeryman ling of the lame Is not the Iteel� suburb.n real ellt&\e. Thll era of dock. I took them to a though Ihape, ,In city and contrlbutel to elev.te them In their o"n, and of weedl, principally came .round .lId told me to Icour tile tree tbe pro- wal the caule of the retailer of teedl bere, but could find blue "mud-dlluber," which, by way, IIpeculatlon approximate in the elteem of othell. Their thoughtl are large and put 10.p In the lork!! 10 tbe rain would live lor ItI but h.1 a Similar crilll have beeD to which corresponded. vldel Ipldell lanOl, crill.. .lwaYI pro­ quickened, their habltl, ment.l and phyllcal, none In bll Ihop they w.lh It down and cleanle the tree. I did 10. and . the ule- brownllh body with yello"llIh legl, auced 11mliar C&Ulel I could lay much In conformation of by wblch do re all to be by Ireely mlng. Now, you luppole h.llteemlngly • likely Improved Inlect • relerve Ihould not be confounded with tbe are good thlnga In count, of our "lid blrdl, bnt I will Q-RallwaYI .nd or the Ilng together .nd viewing the productlol the fulnell revived the tree, the loap .courlng which pluml, etc., that line are not? A.-Certaluly, every raUroad morll rem.rke on the lubject for .nother Injurel r.lpberrle., they h.1 dried the different nelghborhoodl and partl of the any preseDt dry .nd hot Ipell which 10 far .1 ob- can ex- Live-Stock ·Jou·rnal. of bUllnel1 being perfo�ed, my I i. 01 great vallie It It pay oper.ting To attend and contribute to make· tlme.:-London grouns? Pleale an.wer. JOlIN DAWER. 'country. lervatlon a Tbe Incurred In the extendl, yello"-Itrlped bornet, penlel. obllg.tion! pur- Jefl'enon Kauele. the luceell Ihould be conlldered a duty One d.y lut lealOn, all the barley In my t.! Newmau, Co., mllcalled ch••e of the valt amount of re.l eatate at f.rmer. the bl.ckblrdl to "alp.-lbld. Doubtleal both contributed to this re­ u well II a pleasure by eYery fieldl wu ripening, begau larlle pricel could not be met. V.lue, be- .bout It, aDd my farmer bei.n to an- lult. Ground of the above descrlhed char.c� jl&ther 0008 IN HEALTH. You mUlt measure "our ac- �1' UP THB CORN. HOW TO KBBP came fictltlolll. .- .them.tize them as thienll .nd robbell, leed- ter .hould be underdr.laed before fruit treel larmer who ral_ corn .nd hal cat. cumul.tlon of we.lth In lomethlng of value- Every did not 10". the f.ct .th.t there upon what they "Why, Not"lthatandlng are pl.nted In It.-[EDS ] cut Ing thll la feed la Winter Ihould up .nd place In the aad dollarll In country, poundl Iterllng ... tIe tc.> come," 1.ld he. "in cloudI from Nau- thou_ndl of ulelell dogl country, they to before tbe " Thele fictitioul valuell had be the fodder In Ihockl, If pOillble, I that. amlnat 01 Ie occaafoned Engl.nd. MAM&IO'rH PSACHE8. l)lon, and all about u•. :Sotwltblt�ndlng, by eall are dead or into eltlmate4 at·a bl.del.•bout the which Ihould not be relolved gold. Property We a bUlhel of thll topl.nd told blm I wal latllfied th.t they did more many worthfels curl, purchaled peachel with the fro.t. After the hUlk h.1 could not be converted Into Ita touched th., were welcome tolerated In community, It II needlel' to high figure week of Mr•. Jamel Barke, and belnllltruck gGOO &haD harm, .nd t�e, .ny when thtl il out of the v.lue In All loon 1.1 the people found tUllle" bro"n, grain as there are valu.ble th.t gold. the enormoul Ilze of the we to their Tbe b.rvelt beg.n, .nd the deny th.t m.ny· dogll, with fruit, the bladu .nd It.lka above that could not IfIord to doll.,. wh.n and while to our .fford UI amu�e- they pay Beven of the which milk, mowere re.ched the middle of the field they contribute pleuures, weighed I.rgelt, weighed eall remain green, the corn Ihould be the crilll was the n.tural the and even If they had _greGd to, twelve ounces. were found the Italb of the grain very much ment, guard our property defend, three poundI .nd They .nd Ihocked In the field. Fodder when cut our llvel A relult. and but a test of their Itrlpped aad cut up by the army-"orm. ooly by their pretence, by night. not only I.rge perfect, cut'before the bladel han become dry,and cur. -H.d the n&ture of the .ny­ cared for hie mh- Q currency the Irult to In ev� When the barley wu down, they commenced well-bred dog, properly by eatlDg qualltlel proved be, the bee, and mOl' whole- to do with It? I think. ed In Ihock,(mak61 thtl think A.-Very little, al IUICloul .nd line fl."ored .11 m.rch out of the field In • comp.ct Itream ter, need be no nullance In neighborhood; ery resDect, be for cattle In to lome leed thlt can provided Q.-Can thellovernmeat Intervene and be­ the Into the next one, and but .trlngllnt lawl .hould be duly enforced In the best we h&ve ever ea'en on the penlnlul. fodder II one of the through bar"ay wiater. Well cured cora come the employer of labor? A.-If lucb a what the blackbird. "ere calle of luch m.llcioul .nlmal. al are a of and which hal the dll­ here "e I.W cle.rly the Maryland. to the belt clo- ever would be belt of milk feed., being equal Icheme were begun it Impolll- the upon them .nd devoured terror .Dd. detrlmeat to the community In tinction of being the beet peach region In e.t It with after. They pounced "er C.ttle, old .nd young, ble to tell where to ..nd where to hay. to roam. beltin ItOp. We were them by thou_ndl, very materially lellenlng which they allowed United St.tee. .ilreeably lurprlled, In we.ther, or wben -Would It be pOlllble to back to • much avidity dry, frolty Q get we have found their ·numbera. The worml were 10 numer- AI • true lover .nd .rdent admirer of dogl, for thele are tbe tiret peach811 fed In dry It.bles In wet weather, but do bot period of prOlperlty by Intlatlon? A.-It that could not deltroy them all, but Gordon Stablel of Engl&ild h.1 recently wrlt- In Kanlas th.t .ppro.ched the Del•••re fruit weather If fed out OUI they rellih It In damp "Illvlng" would be. gre.t Injury to the country .nd a leueneG them .nd their power ten. little book on the relation of d01l1 to the In flavor and excellence. Mr. Barke'l f.rm II lcattered on • clean they m.terl.lly In the open field, but dry herculean task. The wllelt men in Congrell mllchlef. All honor, tben, to tbe In which he admlta that he feell dally eituated Ilx mllel wellt 01 Toptllr... Peach­ of public, . cle.r w•• "m leave .ny IOd In ther,they would be puzzled. budl from the treel other, blrdl" which .re ulually COUDted mllchlevoul, more and more convinced th.t It II high time "ro"er. Ihould procure feed for corn a ,ut of coarle good fodder., . kind vermln.- Q,-Could Congr811 fruit. aad .re by farmerl like the received better leg.l protection which produced tbll corn to cattle deltroyed public F.rmell who feed their crop .mount of public worb to employ the Idle la­ I BOlton Adverti861·. from the ch.nce of by Itray aDd other would fiod tbll mode 01 harveltlnll the crop bor .nd lor payment? 1_ rllk Irom gbe It.mved paver JIBBTIIWO OF CAPITAL GRANOE. I A frlead of mine, .n animal preeerver, lived dogl, and, conaequently, al the gre.ter part of the would create N.tion.l mOlt ad'V&ntag60uI all kno"n m.l.dlu....:. A.-That bankruptcy, that mOlt terrible of : • the at Southwell, when a g.rdener uled to bring by EDS. FARMER. At the last meeting of could be dllpenled with, .nd Yell.l or Indlvldu.l Peu­ bUlking ho"ever to luch and unl b.nkruptcy. number of thrulbee. lalt In addition, a the held on Ikidl to him In, d.lly, a 4t hydrophobl.. we had very ereditable corn Ihockl hanled from for fixed val. Capital Grange enactmentl II local authorltlel m.y pIe obliged to excb.nge money where the earl could he _Id to him, "Wby do you lr.eep brlnglnll legal of cut flowers. Mrs. Hndson had the cattle loti or corr.lI, be ruined. A f ,rced dlvilion of display IIld the deem dellrable In the premllel, Mr.· u. would broken for the me In'lo m.ny thrulhel?" "Why," offered at the a of 1>8 from the It alb, Communl.tlc b.111 previous meeting copy Itrlpped thlnkl It of o"ner of a property on a lomewhat are .11 my the duty every dog aDd the ltalkl .nd bladee fed In ·the gardener, "they e.ting the KANSAS FAR�IER for a year, for the best �Ule .nlmal under be one of the relul\l. "1 don't believe It," laid myItr.wber-Ifriend; to He th.t the hiliprotection might .fMcsla, rackl .nd box. or ICBttered on the riel."

.. .. -.------_ ------'------_. - .. _�------�::.---'�--


.nd He- York.... and Bal. . .. PrMaee M.rll••. Brown County Agrlcultural, Horticultural HOU8-8uonlf8l' light $8 ooaa BOI T.pell 10 NURSERY 0ffiered 18th to' $48.40; Boetona ..� M; packlnjr. '" flowers. The Grange Hlaw.tha, 8eptember tlmorea, conect14 J. A. of cut chanlcal Aaeoclatlon, . retail lilt, weeki1 b, L� display •• M; butefiere to .elect,.430e4 7111 receIpts, 1800. Grocen ,rice of A�fERI- illt. recelpti, 480. Conntry produce quoted at buying prlcell I a the '.' . tiHBBP-SteaC:y.nd unchanged; as a second premium copy r Stock .. .nd Msoclar bUBhel. -...... lIOO.711 Cb�keeCount,..AIr1cultural S&. Loull Woo" iII.rke,. FOLKS. We are in t�e habit apPLI�8-.PerIlAN8-P bu-WhlteN.yy 1.2l1' YOUNG -. S TOe k·. CAN tlon, Columbul, September medium 2.0., . almost ev WOOL-Wequol.e: Tab-'cb6tee85p}{c. b t of flowers at RIver V.lley (Cherokee county) Agrlcultu· unwUhed-mlxed �nm...... Or of havmg ouque s. -I Sprfug lIO(I!I2c, dlnlf)' and low J(echanleelllnd Stock Alloclatlon. medium II.�sr;.tl!CIow.ud coarse. 160 CUtDr�:::::::::.:::::::::::::::::: �:� but the offenng of the above ral, Hortlcultur.l, comblull'. I8Mc. ery meeting 18o,II(rllt lIue 18@llc. heavy do. 16317Hc. Burry, � THJHtA�:"l-Nf:aft�).lilil i I -. 8prlng., . and all varle- a little among the Septe.mber bl.clt.&c. 3 to 10c , Ib lees. AllO, St.ndard Applllll, Grap.I. ROIell created rivalry Baxter and Meehanlcal AllOcl· premiums Cloud county Agricultural � tiel of 8tock of th.llneat quality at priaM them Il.alal CI, 1.1 '&oell".rk'• . Dr. GermaD Worm Cato It.nd UI'I Nu""r,. and induced to! ., .,e-, J.quel rhat will I tan for every .Nureerymen .nd- ladies of the grange -. objeet ' i tlon, to .. " "arm medlclol. a trial' The run oreettle and np preaent rivaled Gi'5'e blm • to With u. or cll11 before purobu- . nice Girard, 8ep· during lJealer correepond thi b 0f'as I County Agt!cultural Soclely, Teue steere. out some irty ouquets Cray.rford writing Is 27 cars, principal grll88 by 811 .' bring Sold � druggll'.. Ing. tember 10th to 12th. Tbe marketepens quiet, aw tlng ealtem advlces. as we have ever had the pleasure • flowers Agrlcultnral 80cl- a sh e easier on Colorado Kan..1 Contral (D.vll county) Pro.peets fair, poe.lbly 8U�y, POWELL woath- J: erYl aD one LlDlmt'nt "MITHS &. � our fairs. Those noticed .nd Texu. to tllelClOntlnnou. dry UncIS'e am. N' d·--B· II. of even at City, Octot-er 9th to 11 tho graBS owing seeing, ., J,unctlon and feeders II . ety, the demand lor nlltlve Iteerl onll form.nand beut aDd I. a balm for 8YRA.C(J8E. N. V. artistic Abilene, er; anactlve every" and with taste, County Agrlcultnral Society. Sbouldwehaveralnlthire would be .. as extra good, put up Dlcklr!s'on "ound. Sold by all druggllta. demand. . October Oth to.11th. " Mrs. Campdoras, ...... were presented by Choice native Ihlppe", 1400 to 1Il00, 14 iO@t60 I County Fair AelOClation. Troy, 8eptom- 20 and Miss Doniphan Good to choice shlppere, 'llll1O to 1400. 3 600t " the road to "ealth" centl Mrs. Miss Fannie Cole I Economy II fif\1 Reeder, ber lUth to 27tb. Oorn-fed Tex.. Coloradoalld IJItlve butcher.' . to PILES. 2 26 "orth of Unele S.m'. H.rnell 011 applied Misses L'lItle, She11 county) FaIr ASIOclatlon, steera, 1000 to lfll1() Popenoe. .KlIoDl!8s Valley (Douglal 330 Lucy stockere and to 1200 2 M old b.rn8ll,·"m make tbe leather look� Brown's Herbal Ointment Supposltorlea are to 7th. Native feedel1l909 'your Dr. were the award- Lawrence, September2d 2 36 2 70 tb.t CIIU be found and Hattie Drake GraIIS winteredTeuuteere 0013 lIke ne" and keep It 10rt aDd p11able. guarant.eed to cure any esee 01 PIlOl barger . Klneley, 1 00 a-I ABsoclatlon, steers M@2 ' A box of tbele deliberation I Edwards County A�cultural Bnlll, etage and leelawag In tho United 8tates. eample 8nppOl- committee. After due 2 00- on re- ing Cbolco fat butehen' COWl and belters 4003 ltories will be eeut free by mall to any suft'erer --. heifere 2 OO@S M W.rd off BUlou. fever and I\nd that Popenoe was! ElIlworth, Fair to good batcbers' cows alld Ague, m.ny celpt ot twenty c�nte, to prppay pot!tage packing, decided Lucy Agricultural 8oclety, . 60 I ElIsworthCollDty belfers and cowe 2 26@2 - all Ad- they . Grlls WIntered Texas \.kin'" a fe" dOI- of Eilert',', To be had of dru,glste. - other • Regularprlce't. . ml, . ole by and Fannie C· Recelpta,tl36;.hlpmenta.iI7. PHELPS 21 Graud !:It .• JerBCIY entltIed to the nrst, to: undL'Olded. D 1 ht Llver Pill.. Have you DO reet mlDd drell, Da. 0. BnoWN, Ottawa,Sep· at 70@410, Rocelpts, 2n; ehlp- a11g were COllnty Agrlcnltural80clety; HOGS-Steady ,8 City, N. J. The awards Franklin leldom free from ------.----- the second premium. ments,217. III at ealle, body patnY'thele to 141b. 8NlDIIR. i temberlltb £'gloBS. & co.ted ....m bring relief and make T. Anbnrn. Shawnee Co., K.Dus, with as the displays Eu- Mercbauts. lugar pllli FROWB, determined difficulty, I Greenwood County Agricultural ABIoclatlon, LIVQ.Stock Commls810n Merluo Sbeep. Has 30 buch , "e11 atn. • Breederef Spanleh 10U ag E reuonable. t but the fine d' I to 20th. for eell .nd Bee tbem or write; prlcea were a11 'ficen, ISP ay reka, September 18th - BIlle; .magm 00- P,oduce Marke'. County Agricultural Society. Newlon, Kaala. CU, ••..,ed of Geramums by Lucy Popenoe prebably Harvev. TboulUld. of doUan are no" belDjf RIVERSIDE HERD. No.1. is there tober2d to'th. . WHEAT-Active; No.2, 77"c; No. 3. 74074�'C; year progreHlve tarmen, 1000" her the for where I Meenanlcal AlSO' every by ("tahUlhed 1868.) premium, and gained Jackson Couuty Agrlcu1.tural No. 4, 70�'@71}(ci.._reJected. fiIIC. dl.cover the Ilreat value of freely uIIDg Uno, love I I 2. rejected, 24Mc, No.2 a that d,Qes not geraniums! 8eptember 11th to 13th. CORN-Qlllet; !'to. 29M' feed of girl dation, Holton, 26c. cle Sam'. ConditloD Po"der iD the and MecbllnlcalAssQ- white mlll:ed, 27}{c; l't'jtcted'do.· remarks of the Jeft'el'1!on County Agricultural No 35c. their Itock; It reltorel the lick, Increal8l tbe know from the committee! RYE-Dull; 2, : 17th to 20th. ! 1 clatlon, Oskaloosa, September OAT8-Nomlnal. beauty and ulefulDell, and promotel tbe' that them gorgeous. Kanus Fair BARLEY-Nominal. they thought I Falls (Jefferson county) Sold aU Valley D1�trlct Ilro"th. by druglrllta. , �arnished with a 3d to {jth. The flower tables were g Association, Valley Halle, September �. Pro,huie Market. and Indultrlal Society, .... I. often a 10urCI of' display of peaches by Bro. IN. P. Popenoe, Jewell County Agricultural "'1'lme II mODe1" ealth about September 15tb. FLOUR-Qnl�t and unchan'ad. health 11 COD­ itself Jewell Center. No. 1 red conlumlog care,but bapplneu: and on invitation the grange resolved Asso· WHEAT-1.I'alr demand at lower rates; and Mechanical No.1 tbat Inlldlou. foe revel. iD Johnson County Agricultural No.2 red, 94c cash aud Heptember; lumptlon nelllect_ soon demolished the winter. 95c; a and - into committee, clatlon, Olathe, .... .prln!:, OO}{c;No. 2 do. 88}{@89ccashand8eptember;edcoldelbe"illea.Ddforyour cold, Gouah,'.. . Sep· No.'S Blc. them only Labette.County Agricultural Society, Oswego, BOMc bid Octoller; spring, catarrh or aDY broncblal complaint llIe Ellen'. peaches, pronouncmg exc�llent, and 36�'c bid casb; 36J'c 8ep- 1 am now for 811le a choice lot of No.1 CORN-Quiet weak; of Tar and Wild and be cllrl!d; oll'erlng or fewer tember 12th to 14tb. bid October. Extract Cherry there were more peaches Cen- tember; 37y.c China and Berkshire wishing Agricultural Society, Lincoln caeh; 20J(�20;,(c Sold all Poland Pigs. it all Lincoln County �O%o by druggletl. members on the committee. Taking se����-;f;��I,,��c��:r�r; (recorded reaeonable IIgllres. PartIes wllhlng All war- Octo· RYE-Steady and uncbang�. to parchase",11etock/atcall on or addrese me. plge IJad a time; At the Society, LaCygne, cash and It II better to laugh tban to be crying' in all we very enjoyable t��I�county Agricultural BARLEY-Strong and blgher; $110 Sep. FIRST-CLASS. antI ehlpped (). O. D. mothers often tall to oy \he deligbtl of � county, Kaneae. there will be a melon and fruit ber 2d to 5tb. epj Jranted. V. RANDOLPH, Emporia, Lyon next meeting at lower ratee and un-' and Mecbanlcal Aesocla- te;-8:ir_Falr demand but laughing babe, bec.ule \hTough tbelr Ltin County Agrlcullural 25 September; 19 37M� ba�p., show. All members are invited to attend Bettled; ,9 2� catll; to 2j}lS@!J refuse to re- Clty,-. prejudice or IkeptlolllD they t1on"Mouud U 49 October.. !. the of the mel- Lyon county, 92Js1 cash leave ita Btomach of ulIOIl Dr . WIDI and help test good qualities Lyon COUll!y Agricultural SocIety, LARD-Dull, weak and lower; 16 OoaO acidity by THE KANSAS OITY lind September' 17 05�7 07M October. Che11'I T "hich curell_ there as Bro. Free- 1st to 4th. eethlog Syrup quickly ons and fruits displayed, Octo�er BULK MEAT8-Baeler at 5tI}(c. dar� Society, Peabody, Oc- ' the colic p.lnl and glveB tbe relit to the melons Marion County Agricultural WHltlKY-Actlve at ,1 07. man thinks he can show good Dr. Wlnchell'e pro- 8th to 10tb. t ling. TeethlDg Syrup tober, child "Ill EXPOSITION and Master Marysville, . I\larket. ducel naturlll and Lhe enough for anybody, Harvey Marsball County Agrlcultaral Society, Chicago Ileep Lhe'FltOtk awake I'lear and refreBbed,alllo it tbe, on and Bth to 10tb. rEgulatel thinks he can beat us all grapes ap- 8eptember as fol. So· Tbe Drovers' Joul'llal this afternoon reports and dlarrbCllI "hether OF 1878 WILL BE and Mechanical - bowels, curel dYBentery him McPberson County Agricultural thinks if can beat lows: or other Sold" ple�. Popenoe they 25th to 27th. arlllDg from teething caus�e. elety, McPherson, 8eplember Phlladel- and g • West. to their HOGS-Receipts. quiet weak; all g'" ct-. a bo.tle. Fair ofthe will have Mecbanlcal Associ· 10,000; dru"'lliet-.2"... Great on peaches, they pick Agricultural and and by The Miami County phlas, 14 6O@l4 75; Bostone, $4 3O@4 40J.j'; mixed I' btU NCLE WILL. 25th to 2Bth. e4 25. es • atlou. PRoia. September rougb. 14@4 20; light. 2O@4 and no native ules here, CONSl'1\IPTION CURED. IT WILL BE HELD ON Northwestern (Mltcbell county) Agricultural CATTLS-Recelpta, 4.700; 14 butchers sbade lower; IIORTI- 21th to shipping steer. 00@450; retired from I\IEETING OF 8H.\ WNEE COUNTY Mechanical Associatiou, Beloit, September western cattle An old physIcian. practice, cowe. $2 6O@4; bulle, $2@3 �O; IIrm, ,2 15. had io bls h"ndl by an East 20 & CULTURAL SOCIETY: 26tll. 4O@)4 10; Texane steady. ,200.!b3 havlog placed 16, 17, 18, 19, 21. Pilrkervllle, some European demand; tbe formula of a Sept. MorriS County Agricultural Society; HHEEP-Recelpta, 600; India miBsionary. simple veg· This society held an interesting meeting $3 15®5 25. table remedy, of the epet'dy and permanene: IN Agricultural Sogfety, Inde· cure for cooeumption, broochltie, catarrh,' PREMIUMS at the Court House in Topeka on Saturday, J\lontgomery County ChIcago Wool lIIarket. 520,000 and all throat and lung affdctlons. Man­ of pendence, October 2d to 4th. asthma,· Are offcred for Agrlcnltlll'ni Implemcuts, ult. at which a fine display ap- ll40rVOUB IIn<1 the 31st Leota, tlcece·wasbed . 2B@31 alBo a and radical cure for Mechanics. Mnchlnery, .Agricultural Norton County Agrlcultaral Socletv. New positive ufactures. .. inc Textile Fnbrlcs, was made. The commun to choice 30@88 and all nervoul after bav, Hortlcuitul'nl Products. b' Arts. pears and peaches Union Agrlcnllural Society (Osage Tob·washed, debility complaints, nn(l al­ pies, Flneunwasbed . 19@�3 Cattle. Sheep. Swine and Poultry. . Horses. . e 2;;tb to 2;111.. tested its wonderful curative powers in havc bcen I . .xhibltol·s association that th e W·me S ap app Burlingame, September FIDe unwashed 15@IB Ing ready more appllcatlolls from reports county), hellvy to make Osborne, Sep. Colorado medlom and fine . �3@26 thousands of cases, bas felt it his duty recelvcd than at any prevlolls Fair, nsslII'lng without Osborne COllnty A!:rlcultural SOCiety. a fAilure this . is to prove year, Colora80 coar'e 15@IS it known to his fellowe. Actuated in the likely 25th to 2ith. Buffdring The Grandest Exhibition Ever Witnessed West. tember relieve cause. A few orchards MechanIcal InsU- this motive. nnd a desire to human any assignable pear Ottawa Al(rlcultural and ""chtlon Produce Market. by of tbo Industrial and . . County all making It a wortby expollent I will send, free of cbarge, to nnd Kl\usns. m h eaIth cond'Itton WIth 1st to 4th. 8ufferlDIl, Interests ofMissouri were d· y tute, Octobel WHEAT-No.2. fall No.3. do., Agricultural reporte wheat, 77c; deeire the with full dlrectionll tho attractions olfere<1 will be Society, Larned. _. No.3 6Sc' who it. recipe, Cblef nDlong mnny of fruit. A report on pear cul-· Pawnee County Agricultural 74Mc; No. 4 do. 70c; No. 2 �prlng, He; do., heavy crops Mechanical ASBO· for prepafiog and nsing, iD German, French, the Phillips County Agricultnralllnd ltYE-No.2,35c. the at its next'I OATS-No.2. mixed 17c; No.2 white. 17c. or Seot n:ail with ture is society - English. by by addressiog RUNNING RAOES promised clatlon. Plllllipsburg. -.-. TROTTING &; CORN-No.2 ear, 25Mc; No. 2 shelled, �5y'c. this \V. W. Sherar, 140 de'CI ddte 0 te Society, stamp, naming paper, meetina ';fhe societY compe Jolnt.Stock Agricultural m'II'e thnn ONE HUNDltED of tbe FAST­ b' Reno County FLAXSEEU-!lO@l00c. N. Y. In which • Rochester. • Powers' I Block, HORSES IN THE WORLD ARE ENTERED., the HlIlchinson, October 2d t04th. • I EST for the frUlt premIUms offered by Leavenworth Prod lice I\larket. the fastest Manhaltan, •• Ou TuesdllY. Sept. 17. "LULA," trotting Thlley County Agricultural Society. II to held at 1 mal'll on tbe·turf. Rccord2:15, willlrot mceagalnst nee Co. Society, be Agricultural ShaW-j 21th to 27th. WIIEAT-No. 3, Extra, 7Uc: No.4, 73c; rejected "IONE\': I\IONEY:! 05 ()(l(l. September time lor" purse ,1 next week. Mechnnlcal Asso· 70c. . tbe King of· the city of Tepeka Russell Connty Agl'lcultural and If you W1Shto borrow upon Real On Tbursday, Sept '11l, "RARU8," I CORN-2811l30c. mon�y Record 2 will trot for a Special Purse. ____• the 'l'urf, :13)(. CllI \IO'll.--. POTATUES-Slowat2Oc;Swee"tPotatoes60aillbu. and your money WIthout sending . '''--' get old. E..s.tate, TilE WRItAT COl\IBINi\TION FAIR. Mechanical and - OATS-Wbolesale·16c_,'and-iOe-t'er to "SMUCCLER" tho - I SedgwiCK County _<\.grJCultufl1l'r East, and at reasonable rates, go otJ!'�';�I'<1I1Y. Scpt. 21, '. paper �. 2Uh to·imh. RYE-Nemlnal. Stnlllon, Record 2:15-">, w'JIlglve' Soci- Wlcblta, SeP1Cn{bc� AND TRUST ChamlJlolI Trotting The Shawnee Agricultural Stock Association, the KANSAS LOAN CO. Topeka a County an cxlJlbltion of his marvelous speed (or Spech" Society, Topeka. Scpo Leavenworth Wooll\larllet. Park Association Shawnee County Agricultural Kansas. Purse of$1 000. ety and Topeka Driving tbe fol­ tember 10th 1.0 14tb. 15 @16c Besides thesc acknowlcdged ebl\mploas on the HEAVY FINE. per pound hold their annual exhibition Park Assocla- horses are entercrlln the regular puriCa: will r (Shawnee county) Driving ponnd 16 @17Mc lowing . . Topeka recortI2:15' Groot 2:1"��; Lu­ next Hopeful. Eastern. d s of the aSSOCiation, at T k S t b 10th t 13tb r.1GHT'r/.er 8 and 9 Woo<1- groun Topeka, tl :: ::: clUe. �:19M; Little Fred. 2:20; C"llllllr. 2:23",; Aeso· ��3AYNG ��Eonil:hiNi;i, perl;oii�d·.:��M���� Bone­ the loth :nd :M�chanical ' and Dine per cent. interest on farm 1'01'<1 Mambl·lno. 2:21; Scott's 1·hom"s. 2:21; commenciug on Tuesday, �nn�lt��::�tvei��c��tural TUB, per pODnd 24 @2Bc Eight week, IBth nnd lUth. 2:24; Dnme TI-ot. 2:2'l; Edwin };'orest, 2:14�; clatlon. Smith Center, tleptomber TUB, STRICTLY BRIGHT. per ponnd .. 33c loans In Shawnee county. setter, on the Adelaide. 2:19J'; Dnl'by, 2:24; inst., and closing Saturday, 14th• Alma, !;ep· COLORADO CLIPtI, per pound H @17c ,�Ibermarle, 2:19� WabaunseeCounty Agricultural Society, Ten per cent OD city property. 2 Ind 2 Thorndale. and Cotted Fleece 2CQl4c off. tlcotland, :22,,; Innnpolis.' :21; are to BURRY BLACK 2:24. and No effort or expense being spared tcmberlBlh and 19th. All good bonds bought at ai"bt. 2:22}{; Lady Turpin. 2:23; Dick Tllylor, . . .. nntI fl1Slest assemblage Society, Washing. Leavenworth lilock I\lllrket. For and low intereBt, cali on 75 othcrs, making the largest rnake th·IS exhibitIOn first-class m every par- Washington County Agrlcultnral ready mODey to­ & CO. of RlIIlIllng and Trotting Horscs ever gathered 21d to 25tb. A. PRESCOT'!' River. )[ustc will bo the of both associa- ton, September Beef Steer�: at 8@3Mc; cows, 2;'(C3c. wost of the MlslsslPl'l ticular, by managers Neodesha, lIetber nand of Wll�on County Agricultural Association, VEAL-2@4c. by the Kulgbt ·J.·emplll!, Emporia, finest stock in the tions, and some of the 17th to 20th. [email protected](c. Kanlae. The ���!�I��d September BUSINESS COLLEGE, 'ropeka, attractions. Music. Enter­ As. HOG9-2M@8c. Tbese are not the only h'b't'I I and we have A"rlcultorai and Mechanical .Dd contln­ country WI'11 be on ex Ion, Woodlon County fall term beglnB September 16tb, tnlnmcnte of all kinds, l'Icnlc5 and Military Displays -. tbe week. Abundant and horti- soclation. Yates Cent�r, uel 14 "eekl. Tuition $20. Branchel taullb,; will be ou tno grounds during assurances that the agricultural BUlcher·. Retail Markel. fol' all who come. as bave reported 1'opeka nccomo<1atlons aro roody may above are �nch organlz�tlons Book-keeplni, Arltbme\lc, be full and (1�be PeDmaDBhip, The Rallronda olJer ReducetI Rates from all points. cultural will very tile date IIxed by departments elnce the second April. Commercial and PoUUcal Economy entire exhibition tbe admission charge Is Tuesday.of BEEF-Sirloin Steak per Ib . 12M Law, an<1 to tbe attractive. law for tbe annnal election of otllCefs.) •• Round" u ••••••••••••••••••• 10 LetterWritlng, Spelling and B.nklng. Facll� ONLY FU'TY CEN1.'S. ------U •• u ------•• to mlsR the Kansas Exposl- .. Meeting Roasts. .•..••••..••••••• 10 couree .nd afford Cliy "Tbe great. National ,Tempemnce Camp tiel offered. 1. A thorough ohtudy Fore Ib ...... 6 tI�o:��:wa�t NlnV WEST neBr Quarter Dressed, per Inl,rucUon of a tllach' THE Ilt Bismarck grove, Lawrence, during •• .. u 2. The Premium Lists. address will be beld Hind" 7 practice. priva\e };'ol'1'ulllnform"tlon or u u u········ Dave same week. " CarC8!1!I 7 er of eleveD yean'experleoce. 3. Ample appa-' Is an eight-page paper published by he By the D. L. Boe'y, Ib :::::::: 12}1S Studentll c.n HA.LL. MUTTON-Chops per rlltus for teaehlnll, 4. . complete at Great Bend, Barton county, Roast ••••...... • 12M Kansas City, Mol N. Heizer, thl couree In one term.

devoted to Barton ----....-----, principally Topeka Lumb,,!r 1\larke&. etc. Golden House is a county, its business, lands, towns, �tatktt�. The Eagle Clothing with salu· Corrccted by Chlcagb Lumber Co. institution and offers great ENTIRELY NEW t Barton county is a fine county 22.50 !lew ofT�peka, Joist and Scantllng , to all m search of mducements Clothing" PATENTED. brious climate and lertile soil, and is fast Rongll board8...... 22.50 Jusr .. 00 seems to be. IB78.) " ...... Emanuel for (September 4, No.2...... 20.00 The suit $2 an and 22.50 cloth­ filling up with intelligent thrifty New York I\lon." Market. about the lowest that a suit of FURST & BRADLEY Fe�.d1ng ·j.ili: 2:::::: :::::: :::::::: point THE From the initial number of all at 100M. has struck. population. GOLD-Sold day Common boards, eurface .....\...... �.gg ing yet Iron Frallle Sulky Plow, cent. ------;101 pe: "D...... 25.00 .. the New West information of much value Stock �g�:��E�T�Fl���, C... 3'�.25 FARMERs:-The Emanuel' lU.ILROAD BONDS-Generally firm. ATTENTION to settlement in the persons contemplating .. for STA'l'E SECURITIES-8teady. .. !:::::::::::�::::::::: ��.gg Combination Suit, price only $2.00, can be market which WII heavy and lower of the Arkansas, gained, STOCKS-The Flnlsblnl!! Lumber 85.00 to 65:00 Comfort and Durability; the valley beoame .teady In the anerDoen, with Economy, In tbe momln!:. Floorlnl!! - 211.00 to 36.00 and of r.ent. Toward tbe best ever offered! Look at it. Golden. about soil, improvements population advances In price 01' J.;®U� per Shlngles...... 3.00 to •. 00 reaction of cent. sent close there wae M@M per Latb...... 4.00 House, Kansas Ave. the ceunty. Sample copy o( the paper Eagle Clothing 190 Nt'w York Produce I\larket. address a card to free to dropping . any by FLOUR-Unchanged. Moderate euqulry. 'I'opek. Relall Grala M.rkel. Dave N. Heizer, Great Bend, Kansas. WHEAT-Declined }{@lc tbrough large bu�luees active. No. 1 Milwaukee store. '1 20 I NEW ADVERTISEMENTI. reported less corrected No.2 No.2 Whole.ale casb prices by dealere. weckly red 1170$114; red. $1100112; . IN THE I!OUTIlWE8T. ungradpd W. :Edson. FARMER AGENT do. ,112X@1 18: eteamer; No.2 do. nOlle uUllraded by No.2 amber, .t 69Mlil No .... 10).(; ...... Our HI•• In .0 commend our Mr. amber,.1 OS@113}{; WHEAT-Per bu. sprlng...... 60 .... en, Hlpl,la, enlaemea.i, We energetic agent, unllraded wblte, $106l1Ul; No.2 1 do. '112}1S; la 'he P.rm.,r ..III .0 UI • f...or I' 'be., ..1II .hI&I Chas. W. Greene, to the people of the south­ ,110@119X; ex· ::Il·!�t.:.: :.:.:.:.::.:.:.:.:.::!.:.:.:.:: :.:.:.:.:.:.':.:.::.: .:U la 'heir leUe,••o •••erllaen 'h.' tIIev .... 'bb west. Mr. Greene's headquarters for Sep� ....erlleemla. la tbe K.ala. Parmer. �.t����!�+\j!::r�'�:M�.whlte, CORN-Per bu ,...... 20 BARLEY-Nominal. ::::. 20 tember will be Wichita. active: un· CORN-Sbade IIrmer .nd moderately :: yWeblllotew.O.ld W .'------Il'raded, 45®50M per cent; No.3, 49cI eteamer,49Mo. OAT8-Per bn old :::: 20 No.2. 40,.050c, KaJlsaI, MMc. Mr. J. V. Randolph, whose advertisement mixed R��:e�'jiu:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. �� Berkshire and Poland-China w�t.�::-��c�;�w�f���: 2J���C�ctlve; BARLBY-Per bn...... 25G36 of pigs ap­ and COFFEE-Qul�t Steady. 100 lbs... . 1.50 will take a SUGA.R-Flrm. FL No. �t OrnnlDcntlll CATTLE AND COTSWOLD No. \VIIOIC•.I1". HEREFORD BUTTER-Heavy; State.l002llc; western, 6@22c. .50 phlln.IGcI8. No.a, Ur.cnhou·c; 41 J WlTH �ORARNN.!' .atldrcf6- CHBESE-Qnlet; wutern, 6C8}{c. untllio. 3, Cata:osuc of 1I0SC8. Free. SHEEP.-Our readers will see Mr. Mor· SHORT-.... 60 by WHISKY-NomlnalllteI12M. or Breal.:tr AU.dle., HUTTER-Perlb-Cholce...... 12M N;Y. I'tubble Pluw advertisement that he has stock 11'. Loull Prooluce Markel. .4 Rochester, young I Medium.. ELLWANGER & BARRY, be de.lred. It embodies gan's . .7 •• may ..ed CHEIil8:&-Perlb...... for sale. Mr. Margan will attend the Kan­ HBMP Unchan 100426'' I ,.. 1�}{ FLOUi"-Basler;"XX, f8 6004; XXX. 84 • exhibition and �QG8-PerdO_Freshpannd.... with name, Several NEW FEATURES, sas Fair with stock for famll . ,4302)440. CHROMO CARDR.(perfeet beautlu) City cuh' B9."c bRAPE8-yerOKINY Per bbl...... 5. .50 wIl'EAT-Blilher; No.2 red 88�:I1lB9Uc Oc; Outllt, 10c. Turner Card Co" Aehland M.... (lOfltal'ud ,,, ·.... 20 (or sale. Soptember' No. 49al,a,91; No. Il ao. bti@85}{C caSh. 2,X...� '. ... cash aud ���MA��p,;i·liil·I· ...... ------.------CORN-Active; 3�%@3-IJGc tleptember; November doz..... 2·0002,:15 A.LTER M. MORGA.N. 39"@36"c October' 87c Lin, per lV NO OTHER SULKY MADE, cash; �iJ(@21MC ·Ocl.Ober. POULJb�X-Ch�ens,ens, 07 OF PERFECT DISTRICT .\ND f)OUNTY AGIlI­ JATtI�Lowcr; 20M@2Oc pef.1b...... BRJlEDER and which are for tbe LIST OF • r�ed, O!l necessary RYB-Basler' 4U"C. Ta keya, ,,'...... wlllh to .. HEREFORDCATTLE. wurklug of a Sulky Plow. It you llULTVR"L SOCIBTIE8. WHISKY-8teady; ,107 SURE, be­ dairy, 12019c; fresh country, 10@) oNlo�'i:er bu :':::.:':::. .!3 cousult your BEiT Intereets,·be aud ){echanlcal Aseocla· Agrlcultural dozen "'" .�.85 to I"nd for our sixty-four page AllonCounty nB�TTJIIR-Flrm;. COTSWOLD SHEEP. fore bUYIllj!, ens...... AND 2Otb. C01I�t·,.candled c 1.500.200 .. ftlll de&erip- 17111 to • �A1fBAQCB-hlng- Pker nt 1I0n,'10Ia. 8eptember 11GG8-Flrmer' 8@9clor shlppere pr ,ollclted. pampblt

.. _,_------'------

' THE KA�:rS�S FARMER. September". '11'1:1

down the road? They I I do not know what Harry said, but I more than "half 'I and doee gentlemen coming narrow at worth day labor, to a jagged, edge Now I do wish do know that the set out for their a�d Ibarpened She could a are in our gate! party of rowlI of not hurt the paint either. put coming and tha top, giving the appearance and be- I' recreation. �ome�tit. in her dllh-water and lee howe", that Nel. would stop her whistling I day's �iterar!J the curlout landttone few drops mammoth fint, while twelve chimed out the a few have." Ten, eleven, clock, ilolated Illy the dl8he. could be cleaned; dropi I". are in detached and groupe, pi all the windowl in is Will! brother Will! Oh, mamma, I and then Nellie went to her room and came IWll'&D BY MR8, M, W, BUD80N. on a would clean "It their connectiont having been worn away by sponge his down like a wi th her the, making them shine like it is! and the handsome stranger is looking fairy white the elemente and leveled by time. i would the Itainl off the tea­ so much about," muslin her ornaments a knot of of which can crYltal. It taka room-mate he has written dress, only I ,,'ll0ll "TO FLUSH,IIIV DOG." canon, the entrance I i Queen'. a rose in and a in the mOp"pall in a breath. ribbon at her throat and II shall he Glen com­ spooue, tealpoo�ful cried both girls ; cherry But of tlue It aald, only be effdcted �hrough Eyrie, '1'hls watched beside s bed would do more in the kitchen and Mrs. her hair. at the she dog 10 near it up A loud ring at the bell, Bough- Sitting piano singing, DILY and night unweary ..... pletel thil talry IPOt by bringing of elbow behind her until a Watched wltnln a curtained room, that can fioor than ten pounds grease applied ton descended to the hall to welcome her did not hear steps pair the the romantic and rUllied acenery Whero nn suub-am brake gloom A houlle_wife hlB all leam to the mop-handle. jUllt when did of arms were thrown around her, Round tho sick aud dreary, be found in the gulches which son and guest. "Why, Will, you strong only .. much to make her work easy and expe so could not see, monutaiul, From the en­ right come?" she, receiving his warm holding her head that she Roses gathered for a vaae, and aeparate great inquired ditloull aa her hueband hal. II ahe does not In tbat chamber died apace. I bowl-a Lallin in the solid embrace. "Guess who 1 am," said Harry. trance to tile • Beam and breese realgutug', punch, do it, the fault il her own in great mealure. said Nellie. 'rhls dcg only, wutted on. rock into which the mount&ln .tream empttea "Let me introduce to you my schoolmate "Brother Will," that when IIl(ht Is gone Knowing or ten I. about three­ discovered her mistake, Love remains for shining, from a fall 'of eight feet, GRI\8S BOUQUETS. and chum, Mr. Harry Langdon. Harry, Nellie, looking, and th&t i. &I far alone can and fourths of a mile, the time to be gra.eel, this is mother, Mrs. Boughton; Harry cried, In dew Now i. gathering my Other dogs thymy the tr,e harea and followed tbrougb the canon unlees he Iwlmll punch­ the summer with us, 1 were at Beech. Tracked go up oatl, wheat, rye and any thing, and every has come to spend "Harry, thought you Sunny moor or meadow, of elhnb­ for there it no poulble way Gather a few wood with the This dog only. crept and crept bOwl, thing, for a graslI bouquet. mother." party." wallII of the Next 1\ check tbat slept, around it nor over it, the heads down- "So not care to as a IlIn,l!uld ing ones every day,lltlDg them welcomed Mrs. 1 'was, but 1 did stay, Sh9.rlD� In the shauow. Harry was cordially by canou uu uoth .,iJ"" .. 1'6 concave and smooth, pretty. ward In a dl\l'k closet. Put but one little girl 1 knew was not there. So you Boughton, W�I) t'l:1�" �hf)\vp.S he wanted to stir­ for her sisters!" but just and branches about two f8et her to it a secret, enough Address BTINSON &Co man of twigs keep $5 to $20 .. Pol'tlnnd Mnlne accom� are all anxions to learn the best method of he that a win the love and fortune of the apparently perchell on a flit. over-hang­ prise his parents, and wrote, also, high, weel not have to question nor molest the dwellers pickles covered; put plate Are prepareu to (lO'er "pecial in­ were invi- ' not as her mother and sisters do, but as few of their choicest friends �t ducemonts fnr Ille lall 01 1878. 011 in that exquisite home. them down, cover securely, and they will kl!ep I Apples. Crall Applc�, TOlofsky, was to of time. warm hearted, unselfish little Nellie, whose ted. Harry accompany Gereldine, 0 Cbcr­ The most prominent rocks &re a bright red any length I �� Haas, Pewaukee, PencheB. Currants and Onol!cberrlcs, innocent forth so re­ of course, and a few before �_'" rlcs, many only days - sandstone, varying in height from 50 to 150 STEA�[J!:D PUDDING.-Two cups of eour milk, gayety brought Raspberries. HllLel,berrles, and a words from her who l\Irs. asked if he bad propos· �cDcral Nun;cry St.ock_ feet. 'l'heir formation can be slightly sug� twolegga, half cup shortening', one teaspoonful proachful mother, Boughton no I We pollclt corrc.pondel1ce, a told she rcspeCI Illy flour to a could not see Nellie would not be cd. no, replied gested by tueir names-Melrose Abbey, Or­ each of salt and SOdB, ennugh make why Being The Helke's Nurseries Co., Dayton. O. But there are a doubt he would the of the for I gan Rock, the Sisters, Major Dome, etc. The Itift· batter; add any kind of fruit you ::hoose lady like the other girls. day picnic, so of had built a latter is a huge, perpendicular pillar, aver­ -sliced peaches, apples or ralslns-Btlr them great many little Nellie's in this world, cou!'se they great many K.ENTUCKY to the whole In a castles him. aging, perhaps, ten feet acr0811 from top ie the batter, put basin, plaee we will not tell all their grievances. concerning and 127 feet somewhat broken in a eteamer and steam till the truit Is done. saunters the walk with a bou­ Pic nic arrived at last, and they bottom, high, Nellie up day FALL SALES OF SHORT-HORNS • --- were: , but no or !::lerve with cream and A. L. H. to when Will asked and irregular showing sharp points sugar. ,quet of flowers in her hand, and a wreath all ready start, Harry ., lIE 1I0d,·rslgo,.


AN ACT or tbeLeglslatnre, approved Feb. !17, By1866, section I, wben tbe appraleed valne of a tbe Clerk stray or strays exceeds ten dollan, Connty III required, witbin ten da,s alter receiving a certl· lied description and appraisement, to "fOf'Ward b" 8aU$ maU, notkll oontalntng a compUte de8crlptton of action tMil' or front whICh were taken ap.. , �tra"8, the da" at they uPJ loeb; warranted ;lral8ed value and the nar7k! and ruWenu

IS78. !Jnay. For \Veek Enlling Augu.t 2S, BURNHAM'S

ADdenon CouDty-G. \V GoUra, Clerk. Arthur 10 Roder Tp, MAUE-Tallen U\'sbY W. Austlo, ���:,�:I�e�ftii�Sriec���I�� 1�:�:'aJ� I�:ft��f�'.:�:� WARRAllnD:U;"� . At �' 10 tbe face, sopposed to be 5 yeoro old, Valued ,15. In Mon. )I ACHI.ERY. HORSE-Taken up by R. T. Btokeo, Tp.. Joly Also, MILLINI' three white one sorret norse, .1", lefr' PBICES mUCED Al'I.IO, "18. 15th�8'IlI, Jeo,,\ FA. be:�lfr:���'?o;�:�eb,[:;".:'n :gth o�o':,������ra�out l'ampblet.'_'_ OJT1c3, You. 1i.!'.1 lit 15X lIandslllJfh beavy b:Jm. Valued too. hohA I ron HORBE COL'i'-Aloo, one two·year·old colt, Valued at eso· gray,,, little dappled on tbe hips· BroWD Couuty-Henry. 1..,ly, Clerk. or Robinson HORBE-Taken up by ,John Banbtron, dark sorret horse Tp, (l'oblnoon 1:'. 0.) J uly �7th, ISi8, one star In forehead, amp on nose, .upposed three white feet, 'INSTITUTE. to be 8 yeara 010. Valued "t ,35. for the CoI'6 P. Clerk, E..tahlhlbed In 11m BuUer ConDty-V. BrowD, 111_.... of c••_r. Tn_o.... Murdock DI.eBsl'tI, HORSBS-Taken up by F. X. MUlty, 'lp 8e1'OlI'aa.. and Skin .ald horsuare gelding., iI or blood aDd IItU" Augost 2nd,ISiS/two norsee, me use or knife of 10811 color marks or brands. wuuous and hlgb, IIreY,no Info_..uon, MrcnlAn! 1>1\ln. For Kanereret;euce1I"L'co., �":.���I�i �4� �:�g� ••'. L POX'" Aurora, Lumber Dr Kansas &ddreBB Company�-- CouDt,,-�I, G. Troup, Clerk, the root of lII!\'eJithmeet, near the A. T. '" 8, and .blpped Cowley We bave-eetabllihed a Inmber JVd at P.Depot, ,tack of lumber ever broubt to Topeka, We bave lI8\'era! lllULE-Tllken up by G. W.Tbarll, of BRrvey Tp, July In dnrin.,tbe recent RaUr<*l War. ,tbe It.rpat about 13 hands nlgb,7 a in tbe :Butem .arket a or tbe time, 15�b,l1l78, one dun mole. female, on tbe A.. T. '" 8, JI'. keelJ buyer great portion Valned at Branch Yardl BOad,L�� old, with B branded on left snculder. been ID tbe JLAl'!8A.8 LUllBBB TRADB. we are able to Klve to our cnltomenJ :re.r. . Bavlna: ror'tbe lut S yean Our Yardl belui: Iltua� on the Railroad tracIf, our cost of , ,,20. tbe beDellt or lOW priCOll at all tlmee. baDclllng to the We a Ill8CIalty or Bnlldlng paller. Cra"rord ConDty-A. 8. JohnloD, Clerk. Is JltUe. We eave expenli?e ballling yard. m� ](ouldlnge. very conneoted with houle material. 'V-e mUe rarmenJ and 8alh and DOO1'II, &lid everything bnDdlng Palnta, to uamlne onr ltock, You can eave mODey and have a better Ie- trade a specialty. It will Jll'Y you 'fs�����l�:.:e:or�!l�:��a.:'b�St COUDtry W. C. BOWARD8, General Xanager. (Fr..!:\��!1eJ.r�:{y leotlon. call aIId pt Belluaillted. 15Xhan

of A. T. lJ;;, S. F. R. R., In close proximity to the Cap· Ital or the State. Very desirable and cheap. STOCK CATTLE GRAPE YI'NES. Long time. Sole Local Agents Sheep Farmers )fa. thollsand. and I, only $12.00 per Semplc's Celebrated 8beep Dlpplog Dressing eradicates NEAR seedlings. Apple Root Gralts. Very cbeep. Composition, eti'ectually cleans stock, scab, FOR SALE ELLIS, KANSAS, Apple and .WO·MAN. deetroys tick�, and all par8llites Infesting sbeep, tbat commands tbe line of tbeK. P. Railroad. Yonng Texas Parmal08 & produces clips of uustalned wool B;Vlln immense practice, extending through a and on the SILAS WILSON, Haywood. Circulars free. Manufactured wiUlin thm time tl'eltte<1 TbeBe have market price. period of yenrs, having cows and steers, tbree to five years old. and Desirable hl,;hest Lonls­ We have also Improved Farms City THOMAS ()77 Port,land Avenue, many thousand cases of those dloellses pecullur by SEMt'LE, over one In Kan@as. Also a@mall or ennblc,l to a all been beld year Box Atlantic. Iowa, Propcrty to suit the Homeless Speculators. ville, Ky. 10 woman, I havc been perlect 115. Jobn G. medicine tlmt meets breed two years old and cows Agents, wbo sell at MaDufactnrlnl!' prices: IIIOst potent and llgrcenble lot or balf yearlings, Y. that Clnss <.lIs. Pink Fonts, Wichita, Kan.; Ihe iudlcations l,rescllte.1 by 01 Also a email lot or.tbor· Office 89 Sixth Ave., Willis. Omaba. Neb.; thnt were r,\lsed In Kansas. Waco, Texas. ell"es with positive certaillty and cxactne"s. C. A. Rogers, Kentncky raised. one and two year-old '1'0 designate this natural 6peciac compound, Topeka, Kansas. near I 1""·0 namcu it bulls. Enquire o(W. P. Pblllps, Ellis, I{aneas; C. B, Green, near Brookville, Kan�as, or address, -. � Dr. Pierce's favorite ' - Prescription. lough-bred W. B. .. _Land! Land! LandI CITY I GRIMES,'- + BALDWIN The term, howc,"er, is bllt n fceblo expression of my high apprcciatlOn 01 i�'l "alllc, loasc,l u)Oon PEOPLE. close 0\) .. 1I0MES FOil. THE JIlV own observation. As n 1221, Locust Street, Ka.nsas City, Mo. I I \lCrsOnalwhile 11:s re­ .11 ,I "ci'vcr, Ill,·e, Willle,sing positive ! ACRES NURSERY. SIIIt3 in the IeI\' special,lisense3 illcllient to the 360,000 Ecparutc orgnnislll of woman. sing-Iotl it out as IN the seRF,on a tlao climax or cro"'lllug gcm of IllY I 11th year. We sre ofi'erlng coming rnodlcal careol'. Oil ilH lIIerlt3, as a 'Pus;· BAPTISTS IN KANSAS Bourbon, Orawford and Cherokee OO'St assortmc1lt or nursery stock. Apple, peW', allli cll'cctual :iOI' this cia;. SWEET .\�c SON� general livc, sale, remedy -ANDTHE- flower­ of amI olle that at all tillle3 HlHI 8£51 KA.NSAS. peacb, cberry. plum, _all fruits, shrubbery, diseases, will, undcr nil circllmstnnces. act kindlv IIntl in liar· etc. ODe million 1 year hed�e, , Tob�cco! bnlb., the female Chewin[, C(,lItCIlIWtl lor OJ'PXBIID paR SALII n. TH. Ing plants, 1II0ny with tho I:lws Which Go,'e,:n Awnrded lit EXP(\F-IIIOIl STILL ')WNBD AND vines, SOU T H W'EST, l.iyl!(llt 1Jn.:� 20,0001 aud 2 year grape I am to stake l'e)llltatioll :IS a 100,000 2 year hedge; systcm, willing my become with nm I and all others who desire to acquainted L::'/'��b,�·��': tree8. rotes to phYSician, Nay, ovell 1II01'e, so cOIIUdent t��:/�jIC���ct���7:,�i�II�1I11(J��;��!��Cf!Tl;�l and 3 year apple Spec!al Lin:' hade�tunt'k ilf River, Fort Scott and Gulf 50,000 1,2 that it will not tho most a tlrst-clal!s:famlly newspaper, ever mnde. As fllll" sirip clo�dy �issouri sangllino Rt-st is on see thnt on', Nursery College imilnt('d on inf('finr .Joe/,; clubs. !:lcnd for catalogue. cxpeclntlons of 11. dISal')lointsing e illvnll,l latly who used it A.TT.ENTION ! ,I:OOdiol, Co" I Railroad Park. WM. PLASKET, Baldwin City. Dougl8-s fOI' anyof the ailments lor which rccommellfllt, ��('����YJ.t �� oJ .1�oJ���Y\t 16��I\�n;�" El�!�'!��b���': J-�:: Company thnt loITer an.1 Hell it ulI(ler A. POSI'.I'.lVE at eeven througb ten years, pcr Kan88@. GU.'-RA.NTEE. If 11. bcneficlal Cll'cct I. not On credit, rnnning ------��---- Beautiful Concert Grand annual Interest. the time two·thil'us at the COil· Herald cent. rc,ullng nnd IlI1\ctleing eX)lel'lence

, medicine DATE OF PURCHASE. in the be,t D,c,helli the bottle, two·thirds of the bavll1g Wblch claims to be the Newsiest, Raciest, Planosl.£!'Aet New • KNOW tuined Publlsbed. �nt Planea, cost t"W, only 1155. IItyle Per to aud the case Uprlgbt Ilformation address, cver Is"ucd, clltilk,l Iocell taken according Awake Two·Dollar Baptist New@paper 12 or rurtbcrc, book of sub· Uprlgbt Planoe. $112.50. Organs *85. Organa, 2R Ileillg olle for which I recommen.llil'eetionsl It, prompllv Will he mailed to any andress. from receipt CENTS! $72.50, Cbnrcb Orgaus, 16 stops, cost t3OO. , relllllu tho for it.. Uad I not Ille FOR FIFTY stops. ohn A• Clar,k &ntby.",,,1 money pnl'l scription to January 1st, lSj�, our J Priceollly$l. I couhlnot only $1111. Tremendous s8Crldce to close pre.eent or It most 1,erfcctconlldence in its virtlles, LAND (JOMMI8SIONER. FSELF-PRESERVATIONon receipt prlca. stock. Immense New Steam soon to�be erect· Fort 8cott. Kan. THYSEL .(lITer It as I <10 ulldcr tl'ese conditions; but hn\'. Factory Prenmture Decline, about coat ofExbausted Vitality, cures ed. .. with mucb Information treats .. its truly miraclllous in thou. Newep per the ondle ingwitnessc(1 Please acSdre8s Nervous and Pbyslcal Debility, a�d sanils at I fool warranted aud Heraltl Pianos aud Organs SENT FREE. • 1 result cases, (Jilristian ills and 'Untold miseries tb�t The F. N. J. or HOME, wltb concomit:mt I'orfoc'l,. aafe in rl.klng both my DANIEL BEATTY, Wuhlnglon, FARM more than 500riglllal pre· _ therefrom and contaius on UII contains, weekly, 36 columns and plenty In your worth the of ropntallon and my money (ru1) slze28x44lncbe.,) Independence anyone of ',wbieh Is prlcc selected for Fathers I scription'; ex· merU.. of original and carefully reading vouwantaold Thin book was written b)' the m��t .ll'rlends aud ,IF age, tbc book. In and Brotbers aDd Sislers. thoso dlscascs :&lotbere, tbe most .kilful practitioner The following are nmong contains tensive and prohably has aud everybolly. Eacb nnmber AYER & SON'S ��e:: a which my l:'aV01'lto Preacrlptlon Nelgbbor., "The Ben III tile 'VC8t." America, towbom�vns awarde.d gold a�dj,c\�, correspon· A complete guldeto advertJ&e..... N.." Rae"" .To.mal.­ ThinI;' in worked as ant! with a CCr· varied Rnd able edltorlale, comprebenslve the National Medical AseoctnUolI. cures, if hy magic, aDd A nocessitytou.ll whoadvenise. I...o",i",ill. ComQlU'c;cd. riled medal hy me,liclIlc: bome and rorela:n, the very fincst t:.inty never hefore attnined hy IIIlV dence, mlsslon"ry IntelllgencA, ' -Tbe most and fellable work of tbo 1liDd. -a TIlE- iIlustrlrted with "Baptist complete A Pamphlet, I'ailllul as "Walks About Zion," Nuws, - to all who adVflrtiBe. Excessll'e Flowing, special: • Ca.::f!tte. Sellt free mar. J.eucorrhron, 'Hard linots," Pitt.htlry Steel EngraviDga-B 1\Ionthly l'el'lods, when 1"001 lin· "Temperance.''''Our Boys and Girls," BUILDIl'fG, \'61 of nrt and beauty- 'Market • • AYJnt.tSON Adverti.,!IC TIMESPHILADELPHIA. HEAL natul'lll cnuscs, II'reg'uSU)lllreSSiOn":1I'ltics, \Vcak Bnck. 1'1'0. "Dally Rccord." and' Reporta," N W GE1t.,,\,S, to all. Send & Santa Fe R. R. IWIO. 'oIu�rle'·.'lozc" botb PAtll'" and CALlII' Terms 8ubscrlptlon :I���ts cel)lt !bowlng beautiful color. or AV.BILL CIU.IeAL PAIl!'P MEDICINE CO •• OAK. Cornlabed free by tne CHICACO. Promlnm!!-Send for IIl1t. S· H. DOWNS. BOTANIC Valuable and Elegant Agt, To Street. Chicago, III. PI·nllr:("o,·�, n"Cirlo, .Y. Co .. 171 Randolpb for Kansap, for .Ka.nsas. D. S. COVERT. General Aj:(entll Ga. '\ Topeka., llARRISON '" CO" Athmta, Yale Time Locks. Addrcs!. JAB, p, . J. GREENHOOD. Sargents lJ;;,

----_._--_._----_. .. ------;__------...... �::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::__:___=_:::::::�I"=am! --======------

------_- 1i'Ie� ------THE KANSAS lfARMER September.a••a"s

at least Cottonwood Falls-Moi\day, September and some east, with care in first toughen- during any series often years, '� Who Ie It that with furne",l thread bring home and to bed, whilst the Come. olowly goes the hoofs the animals would do good $40, and the butter $45 to $50, 30th• 10 uneald Y ing rst. Reward. And ntterd what beet Burlington-Tuesday, October not reach . $5 surer footed than an steer will work and be by of In one e eun, infinitely growth ordinary Strayed from the eubecrlber, March. 1878, who', fished eInee roee th _ October zd, 'Tie he ' Neosho The best cows Falla-Wednesday, fair IIZed, well built, two-year-old eorrel 1I11y, wblte on a bun. the mode of Neverthe- more than half these sums. SlIb,leting ordinary shoeing. In white feet on Iide. Tbe above ' . and . ... face. ali's t one. October 3d. spot rlgbt And alter augIinglilenary i 0 about doub­ Defiance-Thursday, we do not tinSh' k h IS InJunous t as also the best steers, will reward will be given for Information leading to her Y. Forest and oerng just , N. Si,'eam'lless Greenwood county-Thurs- recovery. Addree8. J. Q. COWBB, Grand Haven, men is a Charleston, the foot where it is properly done by le these figures, but there generally Oell,lle County, Kanol. in circle the day, October 4th. It was a th� family w�o,: who understand the conditions balance in favor of the cow over "six-':ear-old". thoroughly la.rge Oc­ when all sat around guessing Howard Elk county-Saturday, nddl�s, propou�dl!�g I the ret.urn for steers only City, who after all had tried vainly to solve necessary. steer; besides his and tober and state to four 5th. wa� asked for the answer replied:, "Nextw�ek,"It'l In this connection it may be well to comes once in two and one-half that means and IS no Elk October "Next week I Why nothing an Boston, county-Monday, of horses d soft 1 d , advocate the of made a "No I that the upon years. I propriety keeping answer; you must have I u�e mist�e," hoo�s are must be 7th. haven't." said the youngster stoutly,. for the. where there IS always moisture present, the best steers, for the profit and only umdrum in 'Youth's .' Sedan, Chautauqua county-Tuesday, wa� my Com���lOn cO':-j soft, \Vhen driven on hard roads, small on the classes of stock, next weck. -Boston always very poorer under It 'Answer �sald , rig11t om-I ., October 8th. Bulletin, Without horses will go for but our comparison mercial shoeing, kept any purpose; Winfield, Cowley county-Wednesday, . _. I s,uch such as Ilttle In the dead lame sometimes before travel­ is drawn between the averages of A HEAVY LOAD OF CARE.-A girl I October I 9th. been one of a band of at Va. , has The church Ashland, ing a mile. The reason is obvious. are generally kept. Sumner, Sumner county-Thursday, Oc- church . workers to raise money to complete the saturation a amount of own work a con- horn of the hoof from constant produces large building. She had earned by her Grain-raising tober loth. a heard her the combi­ siderable sum for a child, when frien� becomes soft, and is not only easily abraded straw, which, by a little study of El Paso-Friday, October t rth. It was· . a desire to own a canary bird. .. express great hard road will enable the farmer to October one In contact With nation of foods, Lawrence-Monday, 14th. ",lIcox'. Combtned 8teel Tooth, Flexible suggested to he. that she could easily purchase upon commg �' "I can't sensi­ the winter. A little October from her own purse. "Oh I" she redlied, but such hoofs also become peculiarly carry his cows through Ottawa-Tuesday, 15th. HARROW and CULTIVATOR. J have that church on thing for reason straw will a proper October 16th. Do you want a IIgbt harrow for your prairie eoll geta _ texture. For this mixed with �yselfwhile tive in their entire . give Garnett-Wednesday, -Chaslestown News, I grain or lli from 90 to la.� eoJld my shoulders. farm covering 10, 13M ft.J.. having . farmers who have more or less team- balance of constituents. The grain October 17th. Bessemer steel teeth? uo you want a eod Harrow It many Humboldt-Thursday, London . HENOPHONEs.-The Farmer says, . . that OVeB you one-half of yonr time fitting yonr the and fall months have of land near the barn in October 18th. must draw the line somewhere. It has so frequent- mg to do dunng spring may plenty Chanute-Friday, pralrle aod for wheat f Do you want • �Iantlng tooth "facts" from America out annual summer 21St. barrow for corn, ttax .nd timothy seed, or one tbat Iy received a team or teams for the condition to raise those Parsons-Monday, October w�ich. tur!l�d keep especially cleans IIscl( in corn-stalks' Do you want a heavy "fancies," that it does not accept WIth implicit cre-. . are to milch cows. October 22d. barrow for your etltl' clay soil or a flexible harrow of its the road, while those teams green crops adapted feeding Osage Mission-Tuesday, dulity the statemen!s c�?tempora.ries o.n that. tbat wlll run over ImaH stumps, roots or boulders, It beheves In the soil­ October other side of "hcrnng pond. worked on· the farm go Without shoeing. These are winter rye for early spring Oswego-Wednesday, 23d. never requires mUng? Do yon want a cultivator from but not in the"henophone." An exchange 8 to 15 rt wide, second to none In the market to lIt telephone eliieve that duri the or makes pastur­ October As a ru1 e, we b ing pasturing-rye good Columbus-Thursday, 24th. your fall plowing for com? Do you want a harrow states that an intelligent farmer has invented � h.en_ unng. se�son Cor In any kInd of lOll? We have all you A is on the between and October, With a little oats and peas; vetches and oats; October 25th. any purpose ophone. henophone mode.led principle June ing-oats, Girard-Friday, want In thle one Implement. Special Agents wanted, One hen, occupying of the old, and Indian corn. 26th. Liberal dIscount to farmers wltb the eash . tellcphon�. reh�ble care farm teams be without shoes grass, millet Fort Scott-Saturday, October ordering sits on all the nests may kept hungarian a central office to the hennery, . . J. F. WILCOX & CO,. 86 Illinois St., Cilicago, Ill. incident to hard of oats to two of October 28th. about the establishment. leaving other fowl free to and do the travel naturally The oat and pea crop (one Mound City-Monday, and cackle. As soon a new most desirable com­ lay�eggs, scracth, .as. roads not only without shoes but to the real peas)makes one of the Paola-Tuesday, October 29th. nest contains the full complement of eggs, It IS con- . KANSAS teams as well. \Vhat IS binations of food for the of October nected with the central office by a copper wire, and comfort of the production Olathe-Wednesday, 30th. business is settled. The trouble with the inform be cut when the is in the only. wanted among farmers is that they milk, It should pea Topeka-Thursday, October 31st. machine is, that it sits so hard It hatches out the w at t e 00f 0f th e horse on a and November ad. so that one them selves h h h blossom. Hungarian grass light Emporia-Saturday, porcelain nest-eggs with the others, upon Farmor Honso. excel­ 1878. chick in nest is born with glass eyes, and the of For instance; fine soil a growth of Wyandotte, Jllly 2Otb, Printin� every is capable enduring. produces large to and train a to lead it around. . farmer has buy dog I'f in- or even for The street 11SOlSff hi Shoes, lent food for feeding gre en, This. it is said, makes it expensive. Hereafter gamin pu th,� and also London Farmer will draw the line at "henophone. deed he has them, as soon as the days are pasturing, if not fed too close, ADVERTISEMENTS. -_. I For the first week his excellent if cut and cured be­ warm in the spring. makes hay I

. HOW TO TAlliE A WOMAN. if al­ .0 A'yerU.emen' fonn' 10 the.e feet are tender and more or less sensitive. fore blossom. It becomes too woody In "n."erlng be said of column., you will confer • r.yor by .'aUnl Prees.] I day, however, they become tough- lowed to ripen. The same may lDetroltFr-;;;; Day by you ••w U In 'he KANSA8 FARMBR. a whose every look prov- . or Yesterday morning ene d until at last the soles are as horn millet. But for profitable stock feeding ed how hungry and penniless he was halted before , to let his can lacerate. The hoof Of much ;eliance should be placed an eating-stand at the Central Market which nothing dairying, mouth water for a while. The woman knew his this. Continu- and winter the horse is something like upon clover, both for pasture worth and called out: . soaked the moisture 0 f'"It IS Clover fed with straw in winter­ "Come, be jogging along. You won't get any ally by spnng feeding. unless have the cash." and the each-makes a well-bal­ food here you sensitive As the season progresses an equal weight of dear he as . "My woman," confidentially began, h and have clo­ Iandb'ecomes d It becomes toug anced food. Grain land should he drew nearer, "I am not hungry; I just lelt the ry, ever of rotation. The breakfast-tnble, after the heartiest meal I ate. hard, The hoof that in the early part ver every third year 'in the I was not looking at your the rour bea�t�ful n;eats, season ld not stand a hard road at clover and brings up and but at th e penetrates deeply lovely cakes, or your rich JUICY pies, wou. . � Without disa- subsoil. The roots yourself." length, with care Will stand dormant fertility of the "What ate at 7". such a you.loo�ing !I1e fo� I bility almost anything that comes, ramify so extensively and furnish "I was wondering, he said. "If you were any another here worth matter to decay in the relation to Lady Clare, of England. You have the There is phase just body of vegetable same beautiful hair-same sweet same b:�wn eyes, mentioning. The horse which goes gener- soil as to furnish an important manuring. accent. r' all unshod has hoofs, as th e sav- raised and fed to cows "J never knew her," replied the woman; as her tough Just Clover, being freely to clear has to straw and face began up. age who goes poorly shod hard soles in connection with surplus grain "Didn't eh?" Well, I never saw two faces nearer but 0 ar as shoei IS concerned , milk ' hiIS feet. S f oemg will not profitably, alike in their sweet expression. I wish I had your only produce on really wish I had." the actual sole of the hoofs of the horse, will the soil for grain-raising.­ portrait painted ivory-I compensate PaInphlets. She handed him half a and a peice of meat, pie the mule and the ox are in a measure some­ Moore's Rural, Cl:l'cul(u's, and as he sauntered off she began hunting around Letter .E-Ieads. foot. If used to be- for a piece of broken mirror. what as in the human Carc1.s. OUR AgENT'S TRACK8. ing protected by outer covering they will be BI·lei·s. W. W. Cone, correepondent for the Kanlas Blanks of all Kinds, Not many years ago a youth. I can scarcely call sensitive and tender. Properly hardened, two lilt week. And all classes oC FINE COMMERCIAL PRINTING, him a man, he was just in the twilight age which FARMBR, WII in town a dlr or and natural means that will Promptly and well done lit Reasonable Prlcee. the dawn of manhood, just by easily sug- immediately precedes Mr. Cone i. repreeentlnlJ a paper that Ihould Estimates on book and pampblet work furnlsbed "off the teens and on the twenties," who in aU the themselves to every farmer and every without Orders by mall will receive prompt gest of farmer In Kanla8.­ charge. of broad-cloth pantaloons, spike-tailed coat, be In the houle every attention. Address glories who has the care of horses, they and blue silk with the self, person Jo'urnal. 1 stand-up collar. necktie, 00., cost of Ohautauqua l:N HUDSON & confidence which so accompanies a full become so that much shoeing EWING, generally tough for the Kln­ men uncertain W. W, Cone, trnellng aaent dress when worn by young of that be saved and at the same time the an- may on i age, called for an evening's visit upon the demoiselle lal FARlIIBR, publilhed at -Topeka,:cllled imals themselves are made more comforta- whom he had selected as the proper one to be the the UI Mr. Cone hae been canvalling the door-bell and to.dIY. i star of his FUll destiny; ringing inquir­ ble than they would otherwise be. Else af �laDr� weatern countlel for the put eight weeki. ing for the young lady, he gracefully deposited his B�D1D1Il7 do we off our boots for the and was shown into the pull easy FAR1>IER CHEAP hat upon the hat rack, par­ why and hae met with IUCCe8l. The BOOKS' Kood a time lor where he was welcomed by her. For Why does the go In the T:E-IF- "'\VESTERN :E'ARl\:[E� slipper? II one of the belt agricultural naperl "the winged moments flew apace," freighted with farme� barefoot, U Y 11111 AND �TOC:I�-GnOW.ER-By on The difficulty With brute P'-'ftFE"TMil Milton 0:1' Io",va. to but somewhat dull for her, Courie1'. "P'-'ft'TID,I, BI'lggs pleasure him, .s�ft l�nd? the. Itate.-Independence show that his understand their lan- Tbls Is a bound volume of 2.�0 pages. wrltltm Scarcely time enough had passed to creation IS we cannot W. W. tr6Vlllnll a!tent for the Kana I neatly Cone, 11 Farmer and Stock·Grower. It Is one of call was made with "serious intentions" when the b) practical we not to. If we western farmers. or, rather, do try III called on the Democ1'at this tho )jest· books yet produced for arose and into the guage, FAR�{BR, young lady going diningr-oom Tbe retail of Ihls book Is $1.50. It will be sent do much to make those In the price returned with 0. piece of bread nicely spread with should, we might week. Mr. Cone travels continually 11 arm BIk' from thIs ollice to any addrc8s for $1.00 11�k � U 'f po.tIIgo paid coated over with which she I n.NO"'\V ABOU'..[' !Jutter and sugar pre­ are our far more and Iinee lsst No­ 11g, 'VaAT which under FARMBR. subjection Interelt of the � HOI'nce Grce­ sented to him. Imagine his feelinlts, dashed at one comfortable than now are.-Praz'rie vember has viii ted countlel. In blow from his proud eminence as the young maR they forty-eight "" ", fe��MING-BY calling upon his equal, down to the position 01 a Farmer. hlB opinion Sumner county Is one of the U.. U t II it .. II it'aD ��e���� ��fiT�i"��da��bl��sg�u�t and reward­ Calli' '8utt��t�sdat���rlr:r for It is In fact �hild endured, generously nlshed a point In its title many Jokes, indulgentcy eountiel In thll or any other state. ed for his childish visit to a It grandest ftJ' an Inlerest,\! g and u8eful book. Tbe re�lIlar retail grown young lady. tI"JI";a"I. _Il10 DC the e,ga'eftOAD CL' being would Mr. C.-Sumner Democmt. !lid III undlSIll!Btl 1n tb Is 11.50. It will be sent from tbls ol\lce, postage 'Was a blow to his self,respect, from which it DAIRYING AND GRAI�,RAI8ING. Call again Co., price to any address fol' $1.00. to recover. In the of an AND prepaid, take him years language FINES'l' FINISHED BE(]OLLECTIONS OF A BUSY LIFE.- < cloquent orator, "it was cruelty unspeakable,outrage The temptation during the first fifty NATIONALS. By Horace toreeley. infinite." •••. Tbere has been no more and oseflll book our states K.ns•• 8tale C.nv belpful \Vhat would have years of the settlement of all has of What could he do? you dOlle, IAID!�MB!T ���EIIG !T�VB written for young men than this autoblogmpby Mr. I cannot what I would have The have been It. his early and bls later suc­ my hearers? say done, been to raise constant crops of grain, and, following appointments THE PRICE. Greeley. gives strul!gles EVER MADE FOR all ono of Ule 8Olf· but I will tell what he did. He quietly and placid­ who will be cesses, and silow" through grandest no use of the straw for it made for Gov. D. P. Mitchell. meM of modern times. The b:lOk I. one of tbe the and hand­ making feeding, made ly ate the butter and sugar off piece OTHER of their nominees in DON'T BUY ANY very best f,'r pllrents to place In the hands some m:ore but­ assisted the ing it back to her said: "Please put has been burned to get it out of the way. by congressional Examined children. It is a volome of over fi60 pages. well UnUl JOu han CaretollJ the. ter and on it." But, let me say here, he nev­ various districts and other able hound in clotb. The publisher's retllil price Is $3.00. s1lgar If the straw were evenly distributed over the speak­ er called on her Do not such cruelties as I It will be 8ent., fIOstage paid, from this oftlce to any again. to on ers. The local committees are requested address for have instanced call loudly for the interposition of the field which it grew and burned, it GRAND OHARTER OAK $2,00. of a for AMERICAN another Mr. Bergh and the organization socieiy a make all the DIARY OF TIcIE would return large proportion of the min­ necessary arrangements SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY for the prevention of Woman's inhumanity to man? REVOLUTION. erai constituents removed in the meetings, without further notice, by pro­ grain crop Excelsior Manufacturing Company, From 1775 to 17R1. Frank lloore. Author of" Wo and By but this is never done except when the curing 'halls, circulating posters, pre­ 612 to 618 Main St., St. Louis, Mo. mQn of the War." "RebelllooRecord," etc. complied frolDs, Journals. Private Record •• Corrc@pondenee- 1f0RSES 8HOO OR UNI!HOO. for a The AN::D header is used. It is necessary that some paring grand rally. fommittee Etc., of that Period. A beautifully bOllnd volume 01 over 1000 with 1I11e steel of the prln- We notice that in have so the as to pages engravings England the question should be for this arranged meetings bring 8S compensation provided A.W. KNOWLES & CO., Tapti",. Ksmn�. clpsl movers In the revolution, and oor great cities We w1l1 of horses shod or the at the in time for after­ _j..______were in those Retuil price $5,00. using unshod is being draft the ot the soil. speakers place _ thcy days great upon 'fertility fllrnlsh it for ilI'I.OU_ in WANTED to aell Dr, CHASE'S 2000 I p08tagcpaid Marl: noon if and also the discussed. The Lane Express gives The t() the meeting, desired, You only permanent compensation AGENTS RECIPE BOOK .. Yew Price Lisl. Address, KANSAS FARMER, the of a Mr. in Gov. Mitchell can one double YOUI' moneY. A