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ESTABLISHED 1863. TOPEKA, KANSAS, SEPTEMBER 4, 1878. VOL.·XVI. NO. 36. ' r,.. '1 ... T8B BBn HAN. BADDLEBAG NOTEB. ...heat. The .m.U oreek bottom. in the roallh 118 man; .nd if he .hoald. 'he t�Dln II ...lll The maD The Kansas Farmer. hUl, coantle. il net' in richne.. to tke K.... which he recel'fed In the common ichooJ belt for pablio otBce 1. Dot al .. .tead- .... the molt albe" • NO. XXXVIII. bottoml. be .ltogether 10it. anI he keepllt up ,. popnlar man. cert.ln The .moullt of 1.lId il in dariOIl all the Intervening year•• lor' �oth- dejfr8CI of popularlt, i. pr.c\lcall, ...tlal II one of the louthern l.rgelt good il, • Montgomery county 8110110. ... EWING. ..Uon Proprle,on, Sumner The In tbe louth inll' i. 10it quicter th.n the .bUlt, to cum.it to bi. e l8O"on, II,. &D, exchange. FUn.. county. .pl.nd. H.aD.a. tier of coantiel bordellnll OD the Indi.n Ter' 'Topeka. ODe for.n .nd .outh.we.tern tbe It.te are richer if iu practice i. neglected, Here, tben. t. omce. b,edUcaUOD, b, experienoe,abU rltory. It hll • popul.tloD of 16.468 or 27 ia. �t o� than la the Dorth The boUom 1.Dd. in of tbe folIi. of our ".tem. and 'oar teaober. ·U,. tlo\ .nd pflctlclllfOOd .•enH, along ...ith babltanu to t. aqu.re mlle. The lurflce of piLit. ADVANCE. to TBRM8: VAaB Oil the .outh·...eetern are not 10 rich II and could be induced uDfilDching iDtegrity .nd .teldluta.. to There were O'fer they laperintendenu - 200 the countyilllently rolllug, p� �lieJ�:rtha. .: • 1110 are in the DortherD ii.lf. The pooreet COUD tbro ... out aritbmetlc .bout u lOOn •• -they rlgbt prinCiple, may -brlDIf with h oemin ·.;::�IJ: Ig� ID corn whe.t thil . alld �:8ggf three months, ro 10,000.crel year One Copy, weekr,.L�or �UO tiel la tbe Itlte are thOle wbere the., h.ve could be induced to dllpenle ...it h thi. 1001- peno..l characterlltlce th.t preclude the Mgh nne Copl'31 WeelUY, for one yelr Wheat will .bout 13 bu.hllil . 800 average oaly I'I"e ror one year ..t of "'foriUim the m... '01 . 1500 the mo.t or IIh-colored loll. and Ilhnell. degree wl$h the COPI88�eeIlIJ, one nar. light 11.te , Ten 00,181, .. eellly, for per sere. Corn II iDjured to • cDnllder.ble the mOlt buff.lo wallow and where the h.rd Bat our Ichool latboritlel lIem to to 'foten. Indeed. me:a po.eaeed· of the .'belt extent to the continued:dry wllath •• r�� RATB8 011' ADVRRTI81NG. owing long .... p.D il "up to' the lecond rallin the fence." thele embeU.hmeDtI, .Dd to get farther ,y qaall1l.caUou .ie quite likely to fall of the er, There were.how8Yer,nearly 250,000 bush from tbe tbe tI me. There:WII exhibition of tboee element. IDHrtIOD. 11ne, 10 centa. The che.p..t Ilndl .re in the ealtern part prlctic.l.ll prominent th.t ODe per • ell of old corn on hand on tbe lit of March .... (DODEmel) 15" per Ineertioll ODe mDnth u we iDtO tbe Ire mOlt Ittrlc&l'fe to tbe �t .. ,. of the and allo the mOlt timber. The leceDtly, believe, IDtrodQced puboo multitude. u 1i"" it th.t a of Itate. Popu Three mODUli, .. and il quite prop.b1e large part u" , • 10"" OneYear belt w.ter II in th. cDuntie•. llc Ichooll of BOlton. the Itudy of embrold:ery. llrit" tberefore, I. Dot tbe cbief orlterion for hum thiB will be over. rough, hllly care Ie used to prevent swlnd11Dg kept The greatelt It ...ould h.ve been better to h....e iD' .election of tbe man In thele advert1alng cofumns. The elllerD b.lf r.ltel the mOlt fruit. The vlltl, the belt ••nd: the qae... _ bugs lecnrlnlt apace I notice the UlellOll' returnl that there .- blttere.. and by AdvertiHmente of lotteries. whisky quack trodaced. or. Ilat lroD .nd IroD- tlon whetber • m.D ClD be advertisemeDts weltern hllf hll the mOlt I.nd under calti. doagh-tra, eleoted II DOt the doctors are not received. We accept are 437 acrea of nuneryln the county. In In tako In trade for Clsb, cannot give space &l1d pay va&lon in &0 the Ire. of iand in IDg board. Tbe girll woald in the fu'ure firl" inquiry with voterl. Tbe only and acrel over the retarDI for proportion intelligent Tblele Ind It Ie a jupt creue of 211 1876. ?f anyklDd. bueilless! bave blelled the autborhiellf had done election 01 unfit men il adhered to In tne pub11catlon of TnB thele counties. The mOlt mDnBY mlde on a tbey bonorable Deither to equitable rDle I wiah to lay to the nUllerymen of the ealt PAlUIBn. farm i. in caUle. The leaat il thlt. Bat it could Dot be expected that a the oandldlte hl..lelf, Dor to the people wbo TO 8UB8CRmBRS. who are to thilltlte fDr locatlona for railing money advance IDokiDg will be lent you one week In made in whelt. achool would do 10 lenllble a vote for him. To both It i. a .hame A netltlcatlon need lome railiDII maDagement par&lel explree, stating tbe fact. their ballnell, th.t thele figurel of tbe tlmo your snbscrlptlon and • the IIBme forward The levolelt Bamue r. the .1 oould be tortured Into dllgrace. Tbe men .t WIIh. and you to continue by countyil roagb thing prlctic.bl�q. burning requeetiDv No la explanation. renewal SlIbSCTlption. slIblcription it wlll be leen th.t we Deed a reform in whOle unfitnell for Ing your la ellt cotJntyll Chautauqu., bDth on SD iDltoD. tbelr 'pOIltion hll than It 18 for. Thla mle gen The intention of thele returDI il tD get the bDrderlng paid - continued longer caab In to all our subacrlbere. The the .IJIdian rail oar eduCltional ly.tem;aDd ...e Deed it a iIf8I. recently beea 10 'forclbly lllu.trated. to· the eral and applied number of acrel In commercial Durleriel in • Territory. McPhellD� cDunty Ie the only bUIIlneaa baals upon advance principle more do other. IGr IOrrow of the !teell. Our readera will ed the mOllt wheat lilt yelr. dell �haa we an., reforlil. people••dd no their which a paper can sustain In calellt II digDit,:�to II dllcoDtinned Iliven cDunty. m.ny clearlyev underetand wben tbelrpaper tbe educatiDn tbe de-· own .ad .ffDrd no honor to coa pleaeeto whlcb A UmestDne ridge eaterl the Dorth part of upon prDper of: people Dame., their IslD obedience to agenera1 buslnese rule, Ident that the Ulealora mUlt have iDcluded DO wl8e A Jour, the ltate near the of In ref orml. eUtilentl. Uluetrate their own tbllt,ltIs strictly adhered to and In personal. Marysvllle,Marlh.U couDty.and pendl permlnency They.impl, Ita readers, must be In thllir returDII the amount of grDuud occu Dal to be ontspoken and usefnl to rule8 are snch ran. IDuth 'unleemllneu in the C.,ltol. lite r.u in and the above on farml through Manh.ttaD.CDuncll Grove, dirty pecuniarily Independent, been capled maDY by youug leedliDg tbe best have a aa experience among publlehere Cottonwood Fin. aDd 10 out of the It.te in Iplendid parlor. Nor d08l the country feel treel. 'Thele are IDmetlmel calle. PLOWING ORCHARDS. found e88entlal to llermanent euceeea. peach by a "hit like the on. more th.n tbe CDwley cDunty. Thi.' ridge il 40 to 50 mllel t honoriDg tho} farmen. "Nuneriee:'" in Worceater A CD.. M.... - correlpDudent ' C' wide, To the .welt ot thil OD. the north Iide other th e oDgrellmeD or the voterl th•t ATION (IF FOREST TREES. J .m Informed Mont ClILTIV credltlbly by cltlzenl;of wllhel an opinion concerniDg tbe cultlntion ri'fer il a lImeltone -p,ut them there. 0Ii both handI, the mortifi- there are not aDd ofithe Smoky mlgpeli.n BLACK WALNUTS. gomery county·th.t DOW. of orcb.rdll-wbether.oa tbe whole.it il better ridge. Thil ridae extendl Jewell cation of thiakinII men.t the hu 11'ating wiehea iDform.. never have been 100 acrea in comme1'cial nur througb One of your correapoDd'ente to plow the ground or let it remain in Ilraa. tlie Nl!br�a louth to tbe • eta 1e i t Inf 1 S D th imla treee from leriel in the Will lome of the .ub. couatyon line. about ralltng black' w.lDut country. Hid been made t...o or tion the,lnqulry threeyeai.. • ut or e I maD or an 0 et·,. �Iver. JQnction il litu.ted in " P'bo Of ,lhmOibe pta uf·' emB,ceo if the be.t Bcrlberl in thll ue the flcu iD Smoky CUy lClltlDhll the nutl. AnDther willhe. to know county give 'IlO. we I-li-ould hue h.d DO h_t.tton 10 the limiu of thll magDOII.n limeltone ad-.", and chief iDqUIry be for fitn...not cupid" treea il to them to thil m.ttel? I belllive Montlromery regloD. the tre.. aid .. to ralle bird-wood plant reglrd "'Ilag plowlDg .monll , but � �. w,y Thl••tonell c t ...ith • '1'11' or hy. for a ..; Dot &adulty; �1t.oJIa- corn would be a for a re�lIy knife. pI aapaclt,. fDur feet .part each way aud �1Inty good locllity llrlle ceDt obllrv.alloa-Alld ulid, ot abe'" �Otli cultlvat.e �I .. - 011 &he ....·of \he IImilltoBe firat mea ,-,. DOt lab18rvlen01; bralD Dot brawD; ndge- •• pri- if "bune,.,.. UI I0 ive e.