Must Report to Nazi Army for U

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Must Report to Nazi Army for U AVERAGE Oa I l Y dBCCIJiTION for the Month ^ Angnat, 1988 THE WEATHER Fonbnst of O. 8. Wonther 6.02^; Bwtford StaBlMr of tko Ao«M Cloody, probably ahowset M o to- Barean of Obeulatleeo night and Bnaday; sUghtty ira r ^ i •mdgWi___ ___ MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE ( HARM ^AN€HBSTBi^'CONN;,^SATlWDAT,rSEPTEMBSlf I7» 8VDOE GAN*r TARE WORLD ON SHOtfLDEBS. DM HEWS Candidates Confer On Campaign Plans Cblaup, Sept. 17.— (A P )''— Philip. Baraach made a “toueli^ ing" plea after hit conviction on ANDOWraS a charge of obtaining (39 under fabe pretttnsea. / Jud^ Joseph a . Hermes said FIGHrSIlIlD as would free Baraach if the Ut- teirmade restitution. ^ “Judge." countered Baraach, *Tvs got (8 how. Could you iiT AcdoD Of Insar* lot me have 881 until the first of the monthT" •T Just Judgejyie world," said I* jmekmen Threatens the Juiisi'after rcNmverlng. 1 don't take it on my shoulders." To Crq AflNewYork’s poo 8ETS EXAMPLE Mot or ATTENDING SCHOOL FRANK TALKS Poficy Of British Tc IDANAHER FIRES AUenfown, Pa.. Sept, 17.— BDLLErtNt (A P )—A little dog,, appdrentiy Czech-GeniBr New York, 8^ l7^(AP)— homeless. Is setting an expiUple OPHINGSHOT In attendance at the Hunslcker A ’ fast-spreading " w i l d o n 4** atrlke of Insurgent trUckmea. elempntary school. Janitors have ^xpeetd To Be We chaa^d him away repeatedly, but In revolt against baelr-thrwork ordm by officials of the AFL- IN VOTE DRIVE STAND STIFF he always retuma. Teachers aav he becomes surly, when'refused Out; Nb sffolkitM IntematHmal Totm- stors union, today threatened admission to classes ./ New York city’s mlllloiiB with a jDabdier Is Impressed By -ft Made Of Attitude fttod Shortage. Abe BJein. cbalrman of the strikers* rank and file eommlt- Finnoess With Which Her- First Session Brohe^ tee. tersely annoimoed that only Talk$ By Repoblidui Seo^ fhoda destined for- hoepIMs, er- p l ^ asylums or persons on re- riot Aod Jeanneney Insist BULLBTnir lief would be permitted to move atonal And Gnbamatori- through the picket lines. FOR U.S., IDEA Londea, Sept. 17- All trucks arriving from New ai Nominees Last Night. On Respecting Alliances. Freneb Premier Fflin^i Jersey y|a the Holland tnhnel dier and FerelgB . ^rgea Bonnet Ihwb I m re halted by a 78-man picket line this morning. Paris, Sept. 17—(A P )^ A sUffen- ATTHE CAPITAL .^vlted to London to i New Haven. Sept 17.— (A P ) iug of the French government’s tko Britisfe^enMnot OohnecDeiit Republicans opened Czeekoelovafc-Germna New York, Sept. 17.— (A P I— support of Czechoslovakia was re- Union officials and employers ato^ their (M paign today to recapture was leaned anthorttnttniy ported today In informed political Cabinet Confers On Neutral- Aay. side by side today In attempts to state-and national offices now held circles. halt a apreadlag "outlaw" atrike. of exclusively by Democrats as noml- The resolution to aid the central ity Law/ Finattce And Lohdon-, a ^ t IT-—(AP). insurgent truckmen that threatened oeea went before the voters with a European ally In case of invasion British cabinet convened is to cripple all New York's motor slogan of "recovery.” by GeriMny was said by observers In the Chamber of Deputies to be Trade DeAls Effect In The ond session at 3 p. m. today to shipping'. ' 'John A. Danaber of Hartford, out toa British governmant’s nominee for United SUtes seitator, strengthened by frank talks of Pre- B*_latlyely f<mr shipping trucks-en- mter Edouard Daladler, former Pre- toward the C^edhoalovak: ' tsred or left the city, and owners es- who was choaan yesterday in a state Event Of^ A ConfficL convention session that unseated mlerMouard Herriot, president of (juarral hanging as a dark timated 80 to 88 per cent of the toe Chamber of Deputies, and Jules vans bad been stopped by the ^ r m h e G. Willard as a member of war over Ehirope.: the State Central committee, fired ■'““ '••oey* president of the Senat ■trike. Delivery of all go o ^ hut Washington. SepL 17.— (A P ) — The' session waa tbs fourth perishable foods waa affected. Coin- the opening gun in the drive for 'Ihe premier was eald to have week and cloaely foUowod heM impressed by toe flrmnesp -with P r w ^ n t Roosevelt’s Mrie* of con" 'T niisslbner of Markets William Fel- wotegla^ night hoar morning meeting at u which the headi of the'two parllaw ferehces oft the troubled intsrna- . lowes Morgan. Jr., said he bad re- "n jo working people of Connec- ping their campaign plana.-^(Associated Prem Photo?) fato of Csechoalovakla and ceived only one domplalnt of inter- ticut want recovery," he said in ad- mentary branches were reported to Uonsl situation, Informed offlctala mentous conversatlens ference with food deliveries. have insisted France must respect Prime Minister dressing a Constitution Day dlrmer her alliances. said today, havs elanfled toe admin- Union leaders estimated between - Haven at which Raymond iatratlon’s ideas as to top possible Chancellor Hitler were 8,000 and 8,000 men hgd Joined In E. Baldwin of Stratford, guberna- The 'opinion was exprsssed in these circles that marv cabinet effect of a European war on the The first meeting broke the unauthorized walkout. torial nominee, also was a n>eaker. United States. p. m., without any , Arthur G. McKeever, managing JEW DOCTORS members who had'been leaning to- "Within th e: framework of the Britain’s atUtude. SUDETEN DEPUTY URGES ward a "peace at any price" policy Although efllclals Insisted .no con- dlrectw of the Merchant Truck- Constitution Uu the omwrtunity clusions had been reached, thb Pres- The ministem arrived tor men’s Bureau, said losses to the or- were being converted to a firmer at- for a recovery program," Danaher titude-. ....... ident and Jilk. advtaers were report- tornpon meetliM at.No. 10 L ganlzatlon’a 200 - membera wag saw. • -MUST REPORT ed In, agreement as to what might ■treat in small gitum* after moiuitlng into tens of thousands of iN In, like Dm .ar also BE PATIENT In that light Daladier and Foreign be the effect on tot neutrality law, lunch, end opened the new - dollars. One of the city's largest ■ouri . the recovery kr.,,.ai« with Minister Georges Bonnet were ex- trpde agreemento and International promptly. , ' flrma reported It was unable to put xuff /R»mm te a program of , re- PMted to discuss, in London, the finance. Crowds around the prime a single truck In service. TO NAZI ARMY «>very. Wa have recovered our en- between Prime Minister TOese a s p ^ were diseussed at tor's (mrablnatlon home end Officials Ponder Appeal thuaiasm how tonight We can and m Prepare For M^vUle Chnmberlaln ot OrsaA Brit- twotboiir Cabtnart —••loa ytster* grew «teedil.v with, the an Alarmed by the strike’s potentiali- ain and Chancellor Adolf Hitler of ^ y . Bsrller Mr. Roosevelt had con- week-end holiday vtsitom in ties, city officials ponderM an ap- rule."restore this sUte to Republican^ |>||ysiCianS. WhciSC LlCenSeS Germany '^ursday in Berchtes- ferred with Secretaries Hull and 'Randinen Lnnchee m th peal from the Merchants Asaocia- Posable Disorders When gaden, Germany. Morgentoau and, separately, with Viscouiit' 'Rhaeiman, the tlon of-New York to Intercede ■with .. "Moat Despise Sopreme Court" lavitatloa^Not Recieived Norman H. Davis, Red Crose chair- mediator in Prague, set . a i ( L 8Minlngly leaderleaadrivcrs.wba- .JPtincdpal imeaker at the banquet Have Been O rder^ Re- man who formerly was American 0ert of the morning sessMtt' walked out spontaneously two days was Rep. James W. Wadsworth (R,, Comniiuiities Reafize Po- Late last ynight-stoe expected in- ambassador-at-Iarge in Europe. vitation to' toe Frendii; statesman to then, went to Buckingham ago In an attempt to gain a 40-hour Ni Y-), who told the gatbming that Stephen F. Early, Presidential lunch with King George, waek at the stlme pay they now get "in his heart the Presldeft^ust de- yoked, Notified To Re- fly to London for talks’ on the war secretary, who disclosed toe aubjecU for working 47 hours. litical Party Is Outlawed. THREATENSNOW -prlsla had not b^n received,. a full report to tha Cabinet spise the Supreme Court an of toe Cabinet discussion, empha* ler’a terms for keeping In a letter to Active Mayor New- Congress.’’ Some quarters close to toe gov sized that there waa no "wsr scan." port To Mifitary Units. peace, and a decision onI B r l t o l a v l bold Morris. President L. K. Com- He said that if this was not so the' efnment said Daladler waa atlU' li, He said toe dlacuaslona did not go ture course was believed atock of-the'Merchants Associatien President would not have fnade his Piveue, SepL 17.-^(APl^Bm at; Less Thao Week Aao Resi toe dark, even, as to toe cause of beyond ^ese matters. for toe afternoon aeaaton. ■said, "we have been told that the " h o ^ and buggy da3rs” remark a f t - Kundt, Sudeten deputy, appealed to- | ^ Chamberlatn’a quick return to Lon- It To Keep <}iiiet Runclman. who flew back longshoremen, checkers and receiv- Berlin,., Sept. 17.— (A P )—Many Tiii er the Invalidation of the NRA and day to (he Aerrman' minority to be don yesterday after toe talks with Prague for toe Cabinet meetli ing clerks along the water .frQHt.j.h«..WRUld.ftot.lULVa sought from-C6a- P Jewish -Physl clans,.. -whoae—licenses dents H tlef about the Sudeten Oerm.n Dortod mi -wffl h* isauearout;'' - -" ■ ^ patient-aa <h»bhoslovak' gothofTUea "^greki isanage «sf the governmental had been ^.ordered revoked, have minority's demand* to leave (Czecho- ----------------- owwywaas WSM8L t M l t which apphatoff to he dettohir Suggesting that Morris com- reorganlta^n bill.
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