

For tbe Trade only.

r,§) ' -:L-..~~ - j ~. ' -· ·· ·-· 1'0011'\..,Ti!IP•ll'l 1111 J.ll• ••WI '' \h'-lP.o.l-UI!dtl ,,¡, ,p ,¡¡¡ 01ol\'I•WH '' l



464 lo 81110 Pages 3-16 •-so lo 2-6o226 16-20 3-2007 lo 3- 42931 .. . 2D-23 4-2009 lo 4- 42og6 .. . 2J- 2S 7- 30000 lo 7- S3002 •s 022 to o644 •S-30 01000 lo og•s• JD-42 o11soo to o84013 ... 42- SO 2-o30SOO - 2-o63001 so-s• " HIS MASTER'S VOl CE "-NUM ERICAL LI ST OF RECOR.DS

10-lllch Recordl.

The Worblers Sousa's Band · The Choristers Waltz Bohemian Orch. Cupid's Carden Intermezzo .. Iotermeno (" Cavalleria Rusticana'') l:'ryor's Orch. Moonlight Serenade Bohemian Orch. The Mocking Bird .. Stafl'ord String of Peruls Waltz Pryor's Orch. The Whistler and his Dog .. Intermeuo Rococo ... Bohemian" Orch. Rouge e[ Noir ... Overture (" Cormen ") La Scala" Symphony Orch. Intermeno Act III. ("") ... Petronella Country Dance ... Bohemia~'orcb. Luna Waltt ... Dresdine ... . .• " William Tell" Overture, Part I. La Scala" Symphony Orch. 773 Part II. 774 Part III. 775 u , l'a~t IV. 776 La Petite Tonkinoise Bohemia~' Orch. 781 March (" 'lerry Widow ")...... 782 " Maxim" March (" Merry Widow ") 783 Waltz (" Merry Widow ") ...... 784 u , • . . La Scala" Orchestra 786 Barcarolle ("Tales of Hoffmann "1 Bohemiao Orch, 798 Songe d' Automne ... Vision of Salome ... ~ Hobomoko ... Metrop.;litan Orch. lSol Hearts antl Flowers 8o2 Rouge el Noir ... 8o4 "Esquisses de Crimc!e," Air de Danse Russian Orch. 8os K•s; of Spring Waltt Bohemian Orch. 8o6 Lock Stcp Two•Step 8o9 P1 eludium Grand Orch. 1204 The Mocking Bird ... Dan Leno 1205 M y wifc's relaúons .. 1200 McG!ochell's m en ... 1207 Where are you going to, my pretty Maid? 1243 Spiritualism ...... 1249 lm1talions of a railway train on a side Geori;e Mozart drum 1305 'l'rial by Ju ry Arthur Roberts 1307 Sharp T in Tacks Will Evans IJ II Specch on Education H. G. Arch. West· minster l j l2 llomlet's Soliloquy on Death Sir H. Deerbohm Tree 13 13 Svengali mesmerises 'frilby .. . .. , 1314 Antony's Lamenl over the body of Julius Cresar ( 3 ) "Hl1 Master'& Volee "-Numerlcal Llst of Records-cm/i,uetl.

10-tnch Recorde-cc,,t;,.ud. 1315 Soliloquy on the Death of Kings .. . Sir H. Becrbohm Tree 1316 Falstaf!'s Speech on Honour .. . 1317 Scene from the u Scarlet Pimpemel '' F. Terr/~nd Julia Ncilson 1318 A Whistling Yarn ... G. H . Snazelle 1321 HowBill AdamswontheBattleofWaterloo 1322 Motoring ...... Harry T~te 1324 Triplets and Dogs in Church Lionel Brougb 1328 The Pigeon Story ... 1329 The Gramophone introducing itsclf and returning thanks 1331 An Australian story G. H. Snazelle 1332 Fishing ...... Harry Tate 1333 La Jeune Filie Mourante ... Sir J. T. Sinclair 1351 Charge of the Light Brigade Lewis Waller Canon Flem ing :~~~ The neÍÍs, 1., II., 'in. Verses 1357 , .. 1':~ Ve;rse , 1358 Echo :;ong, Pnncess ..• 1359 Speech from Henry V...... Lewis Wauer 136o Tbe Bailad of the Clampherdown 1361 Snarleyow ... 1364 Presence of Mind ... G. P. Ii~n tley First Sunday after Asco! 1365 Samrling Beer .. . ::: }Lionel Brough { Cut isself Shaving .. . 1367 Limberger Cheese .. . 1371 Rabbits G. P. Huntley 1372 The Golf Scene lluntlcy and Carro! 1382 A Gramophone on the Labmdor Coast Dr. Grenfdl, C.M.G. 1388 On Home Rule Right 1-lun. Walter Long, P.C., M.P. On the Navy . Hon. Arthur Lee, M. P. A Cura te Story .. Lioncl Brough A Christian Science Story Thoughts from the Book "For Every Doy " Coun;Leo Tolstoy (The late) No news : or, \Vhnt killed the dog? N. ~ 1. \\'ills The Tower of Dan Leno May Day Firemen ... .. A Miller's Daughter Florence de Vere Looping the Loop .. . Florrie Forde The Bull and Bush .. . All a board for Margate The Flight of Ages ... Percc\';l Allen Auld Lang Syne .. . Mdme. ~lel ba Come back to Erin .. . O Id Folks at Ilome .. . .. The Promise of Life ~I d m c. Dews Lo, here the gentle lar k ... ~Idme. Jones·Hudson Come and hear the Orchestra Florric Forde Annie Laurie Mdmc. Dews 4 • • Hi8 Master'• Volee "-Numerlcal Llst ot ~ccordS--

tO.Inch RecOrdl-cDiffj,cw6d. 3641 Caller Herrin' Mdme. Dews 3643 Genevieve 3645 Abide with me 3649 Love's Old Sweet S~~g 3654 Serenade Amy Casties" 3655 The Interferin5 Parrot ...... Denise Orme 3656 Give mr regar S to Leicester Square Victoria Monks 3657 l'm gw1ne back to Jacksonviile ... 366o Come unto Him (" ") Percev~l Allen 3661 Rejoice Greatiy 3662 How beautifui 3663 Thc Sun whose rays Mdm~:Jones-Hudson. 3664 Ain't yer gwine to say Victoria Monks 366~ Winds in the trees ... Amy Casties 366 The Sandow Girl (" The Dairym~ids ") .'.'.' Carrie Tubb 3669 Hullo 1 little Stranger (" The Dairymaids ") 3670 La Serenata ... Amlí Casties 3671 Au revoir, littie Hyacinth (" Beauty of Phy lis Dare Bath") 3672 Whereyou go will I go("Belle ofMayfair") 3679 When a merry Mairlen marries (" The Sullivan" Opera tic Gondoliers ") Party s68o Hear ye, Israel(" ") Mdme. Jones-Hudson 3681 Woe unto them Mdme. Dews 3698 'Tis done, 1 am a Bride" Mdme. Jones-Hudson 3699 Were I thy Bride 3701 When Maiden Loves Carrie T~bb 3702 Shepherda' Cradle Song Mdme. Dews 3703 When our Gallant Norman Foes .. Florence Venning 3705 Glow, ~ow, little Gl'lwworm ... Ellaline Terriss 3710 Vilja's ong (" Merry Widow ") ... Mdme.~one• · H udson. 3725 Birthday Soug Susan trong 3726 There's a Girl Inside Victoria Monks 3727 Voung Men Lodgers Alice Lloyd 3732 Who can tell Mdme. Donalda 3736 I wnnt yer, m a honey M dile. Yvette Guilherl 3737 The Keys of Hea ven 3Z40 Angels guard tbee ... Amy CastÍ~s 3741 Humpty and Dumpty Ellaline Terriss 3742 Everybody !oves me ...... 3745 Sweet Spirit, 1-Iear M y Prnyer (" Lurline ") llldme:)ones-Huc!son 3754 Kennst du das Land (" Mi~non " ) Mdme. Destino 3759 Arie ("Madama Butterfly' ) ... 3761 Der Schmied Elena Gerhardt 3765 Willst du deinen Liebsten sterben sehen 1 3770 JI! usetta's Song (" La Bohéme ") ... Mdme.'Jones-Hudson 3776 Love's Wa¡,· ...... Pauline Donatda 3777 She is far rom the land Vioiet Elliott 3779 The bird that carne in Spring Mdme. Jones-Hudson 3791 Rose in the Bud 3795 Three Fishers went.Sailing Lady M. Warrender 3796 O that we two were Maying ( S ) " Hls Ma.ster's Volee "--Numerlcal Llst of Records-

tO-lDch Recorda-cPii,,ed. 3811 Ma Du•ky Maid Margnret Cooper 3812 Robin Adair ...... Geraldire Farrar 3814 Manyalover (No. 13) ("Dnllar Princess") Dollar Princess Operalic Party 3815 A Self-made Maiden (" Dollar Princess ") 3!>16 Psyche Susan Str..ong 3817 Yip, I Addy, J ay ... Blanche Ring 3818 So Long, Ma:y Corinne Morgan and Chorus 3819 Beücve me if all Gera1dine l<~ arro.r 3820 Love is meant lo make us glad Margaret Cooper 3821 Timc's Roses Palgrave Turner 3822 Melisande in the Wood ...... 3824 Moonslruck (" Our Miss Gibbs ") .. . M arion J erome 38•5 Mary (" Our Miss Gibbs ·•¡ .. . Marion Jerome and Chorus 3826 In u " ... .. ¡831 Dir.gle Dongle Dell ...... M argaret Cooper J832 The Pipes of Pan (" Arcadians ") ... Marion Jerome J837 The Lark now lenves 3859 Should he upbraid ... Mdme. Jones-Hudson 3865 The little sil ver ring Gertrude Lon-dale 3867 You'll get heaps o' lickins ... M argaret Cooper 3868 De S un is a-smkin'...... Mdme. Jones-Hudson 3875 The prelty creature Mdme. kirkby I.ur n 4158 Dinah Doe ...... Meister Glee Singers 4166 Home, Sweet Horne Haydn Quartette 4345 In the good old summer lime 4373 You and 1 ("Cingalee") ... Isabel j~y and I.ouis Bradfield 4392 The Holy City Haydn Quartette 4394 Massa's in de cold, cold ground M instcr Singers 4395 Simple Simon Windsor Glee Sirgers 4399 Miséréré (" 11 Trovatore ") Jones-Hudson and Ernest Pike 4400 The Old Folks at borne Minstcr Singers 4401 On the banks of Allan Water vVindsor Gtee Singers 4402 The J udge's song (" Tria! by J ury ") Sullivan Operatic l'arty 4403 The Lord High Executioner (" ") 4405 All'sWell John and J. Ilarrison 4407 Three lirtle Maids (" The Mikado ") Sullivao Operatic Party 1408 Here's a how d'ye do .. 44J9 The criminal cried P. Dawson and Amy Augarde 4410 Flowers that bloom in the Spring (" The S. Kirkby a n~ ~likado") Chorus 4411 S~ please you, Sir(" The Mikado ") Sullivan Operatir Party 4412 Mi-ya, sa-ma Amy Augarde, P. Dawson and . l:'arty ( 6 .J " Hls Muter's Volee "-Numerlcal Llst of Records-

lO..Inoh Recordl-cmtli"IW" f. 4413 There is btauty in lhe btllow of the blast Amy Augarde and (" The Mikado ") P. Dnwson 4414 Were you not lo Koko plighted (" The Ernest Pike and Mikado") Mdme. Jo nes· Hudson Hl5 1 bave a son~tosing, O ("TbeYeomenof Mdme. Jones-Hudso n the Gunrd ') and Stnnley Kirkby 4416 To thy fraternal care (" The Yeomen of Su11ivan Opera tic the Guard ") Party 4417 Lift thine eyes (" Elijnh") Mdme. Iones· Hudson, f"Jorence Venning, Carric Tuhb, & Ernest Pi k e 4418 Cast thy burden (" Elijah ") Quartette 44 19 What hnve I todo wilh thee! (" Elijah ") Md me. Jom s· Hudsón and Dawson 4420 Raptnre, Rnpture (" Yeomen. of the Venning& Uawson Guard ") 4421 Hereupon we're both agreed (" Yeomen Kirkby & Dnwson of the Guard ") 4422 How sny you, maiden (" Yeomen of the Tones· Hudson, Guard") Kirkby& Dnwson 4423 Alas 1 I waver Venning, Pike and Dawson 4424 Strange adventure Sullivnn Op. Party 4425 When a wooer 4426 A mnn who would woo 41•7 A Regular Royal Queen (" ") 4428 In Friendship's N ame 4429 Where Britnin Rules the wnves ("") 4430 None but the Brave deserve .. 4431 Maxim March (" Merry Widow ") Mdme. Jones-HudsJ n and É. Pike 4434 Pour, O King, the Pirate Sherry (" Pirates SuUiva n Op. Pnrty of Penzaoce ") 4435 Wilh cat Ji k e trend (" Pirates of Penzance ") .. 4444 1 am a Courtier, Grave and Serious Sullivan Operal k (" The Gondoliers ") Party In a Contemplative Fnshion ( "Gondoliers ") .. The Kcys of Henven Mdme. Jones·H udson and Emest Pike 4453 Larboard Watch John Harrison and Ro!Jert Radford 4456 Walu Duet from " A Wallz Dream " Ernest Pike ancl Alan Turner 4457 Refrain, auda.cious ta.r {"H. ~.S. · Mdmo. Jones- Hudson Pinaforeu) and Ernest Pike 4462 In Enterprise of Martial Kind ('' T he Su11ivan Operatic Gondohers") Party ( 7 ) "Hla Master'• Volee "-Numerlc:al Llat of ~ecord._c>nJi,.IU

I~IIIGII 111101'41-<.,.ll•wd. I am the very ¡».ttem (" Piratea o( Pen· Sullivan Operalic unce") · Parly True .. the S tara ••• ...... Minater Singen Ooly to aee her face again .. . Oh, dem Golden Slippers .. . Kias, Kiss, Kias Sybll Gray and Herbert l'ayne 4469 H aill Men·o'·war'a men 1" H. M.S. Amy Au¡arde anct Pinafore") Chorua 4470 The Captain'a Son¡(" H. M.S. Pioafore " ) Thorpe Batea and Chorus 4471 Sorry her lot 1" H. M.S. Pinafore ") Mdme. J ones· H udaon 4472 Over the bright blue sea ,. Sullivan Operatic Porty 4473 Now give three ~heera AlanTurnerand Cborus 4474 A British tar is a aoaring aoul ., Sullivan Operatic Party 4475 Fair Moon, to thee J ain¡¡ Thorpe Bates 4476 Things are aeldom what 'ihey aeem Amy Auprde and (" H .M.S. Pinafore") Thorpe Batea 4477 Never mind the whr and wherefore Mdme. Jones·Hudaon, (" H . M.S. Pinafore" Thorpe Bates and Atan Turner 4478 Kind Captain (''H. M.S. Pinafore ") Peter Dawaon and Thorpe Bates 4479 In utterlng a reprobation , Atan Tumer and Chorus 448o Farewell, my own Amy Augarde and Chorus 4481 Oh, joy 1 Oh, rapture 4483 Tbe Gendarmea' Duet .. John H;rriaon and Oh 1 tbnt we two were Maying Mdme. Tones·liudaon and ~rnest Pike Roses bring dreams of you .. . Haydn Quartette Ma.irlgal ...... Sullivan Opcralic Party If you want lo know 1" The Mikado ") See how the fatea (" The Mikado ") Here's a man of J ollity (" Yeomen of lhe Guard") .4610 Like a Ghost 1" Yeomen of the Guard ") 4614 Chorus of M en (" The Gondoliers ") 4615 Dance i Cachucha , 4621 Opening Chorus (No. 1) iii Doli~~ Dallar Princess Princess ") Operatic Party ·4622 The Dallar l>rincesses (No. 14) ("Dallar Princess ") 4Ó2J Chewska (No. 11) 1" Do llar Princeu " ) ... 4Ó24 Di!OCordant Voices ... Lift up your heads (" The Mes!iah ") Choir :~ He, watching over lsra•l (" Elijah ") 4869 Cal! hlm louder (" Elijah ") ... P.' Da waon and Cholr 4871 Blessed are the M en(" El?ah ") .. . Choir 4872 Tben did Elíjah (" Elijah' ) .. . ( 8 l " Hls Master's Volee "-Numerlc:al Llsl of Rec:ords-continued.

JO.lncb Becorda-c.nUilrwt'4'. 4873 Vtni Domine West.Cath.(R.C.)Choir 4874 v ..pers and Compline 4875 O Id French Caro! ... 4876 Aril¡c, Shine-Anthem .. 4877 J esus Christ is Risen St. Andrew's Church Choir 4878 Moming Prayer, Part 3A ... 4879 Moming Prayer, Part 6 488o Besan9on Caro! Westmin;;er Cathedu.l (R.C.) Choir 4881 O Paradise .. Mixed Church Choir 4882 O Jesus, 1 have promised .. . 4883 All hailthe power ... 4884 Come to the Manger Weslmin;;., Cathedral (R. C.) Choir 4885 O Come, all ye faithful Mixed Church Choir 4886 Bcthlehem ... St. Andn:w's Church Choir 4887 Conquering Kings ... 4888 Hark, hark my soul Mixed Ch~rch Choir 4889 O God, our help St. Andrew's Church Choir 489o For ever with the Lord Miaed Church Choir 4891 Holy, Holy, Holy ...... 4892 Onward, Christian Soldiers 4893 N ow the labourer's task is o'er 4894 Doys and moments quickly flying {:sus Christ is risen to-day :~ earer, tu y God, to Thee ... 4897 There is a Creen H.ill ... 489~ Crown Him with many Crowns 4899 Lead, kindly Light City Temple Choir 490<> Christian, dust thou see tlt, m? Mixed Church Cnoir 4901 Come un lo me¿e weary ...... 4903 Holy, Lord od of S•baoth (Sanctus) (" Twelflh Mass ") su 1 A!ice, where art thou? Jules Le:y 5122 Within a mile of Edinboro' Town 5123 In the Gloaming 5126 The Whirlwind Polka Eug."~e Joly 5129 Popular Airs .. 5561 Fugue ... Miss Janotha l564 G~votte Imperiale ... 356 Under the Double .Eagle Olly O~ kley 6371 Harvest B.·un Dance 6374 Whistling Rufus ... 6454 Gondolier, Two-Step 6455 Anona, Two-Step ... 646o Cocoanut Dance 6461 Queen of the Burlesque 6462 Fusilier Patrol ... 6463 The Dandy Fifth ... ( 9) "Hla Muter'e Volce"-Numerkal Ll•t of Recnrdl-

IO.IDoll ll..rda-<""'in•d. J olly Boys Marcb .. . Olly Oakley Menuet ...... Bolero Oaklei'h Quickatep Jessamme ...... :An Ethiopian Camival The Matador, T"·o·Step Sweep'• Intermeuo Uncle Tohnson .. . Drowsy Demps~ .. . Vus'L Ossman Fun in a Barber s Shop , Dan&e Arlequín ...... Olly Oakley March Past of Cameron and Gordon Pipers and Drummcrs Highlandera of Scots Guarda March Past of Royal Scots and High· landers " Happy Gipsles ... A. Miller The Waterfall Polka W. H. Reil% Hlgbland Fllng Bagpipea Sword Dance ... Melody in F (Rubinltein) ... w.'H. Squire Cantilena ... Gavotte No. 2 ...... (a) Papillon; (b) Serenade Simple Aveu ('Cello) ... Seronade, by Drdla .. . .. , Kubelik Sextette (" ") , Le Cygne Marie Hall Triiumerei ... Vecsey Habanera ., .. . Kubelik Last Movement ("Carmen") ., Humoreske ... Marie Hall Perpetuum Mobile ...... Excerpt from Finale Mendelssohn's Concerto Menuett, 1756 .. Medley of Irisb Jiga Charles d'Almaine \fadrigale .. . Max Mosael Silver Birda .. . Eli Hudson Danae des Satyrs The Wren Polka Birda of tbe Field Hompipe Medley ...... Variations on the Keel Row " The Electric Polka ... Scbeuo Imitations on the Concertina Dutcb'Da!y Woodland Flowors ... Ale:r. Prince La :O.fattchiche Pas de Quatre Skirt Dance Brookryn Cake Walk ... High Jinks ...... •.. Love me, and tbe world is mine ( 10 ) "Hl• M.. ter'• Volce"-Numerlcal Ust of R.ec:ords-

lO.IDob a-m-...li~w d. 9147 La Czarina... •. . Alex. Prince 9194 The Bees' Wedding . . Fransella Flute Quartette 9197 Walta Suite de Zimorceaux A. Fransella 9369 Alice, Where Art Tbou ? .•• Wilfred Alderton 9370 Walkiog Home witb Angeline Thomas Trent 9371 Twiligbt Sbadows ... Cbris. Cbapman 9374 Little Nell Two Step 9375 The Coming of tbe year •.. Cburch" Bells, with Organ 9381 11 Bacio ..• . .. Cbas. Capper 9382 l'iccolo, Piccolo, Tsio, Tsio, Tsio (·' A Waltz Dream ") 9383 Soutbero Girl Gavotte Chris. Chapman Happy Birds Waltz J. Belmont :~ Peal o( Cburcb Bells Borland 9387 Nympbs aod Shepberds ... Charles Capper 9421 O come, all ye fattbful .Borland 9422 .Bid me discourse ...... Charles Capper 9423 Westmio&ter Cbimes and Big Ben 9424 Carmena ...... • •. . Charles Capper 9432 Cherry Ripe ...... , 9439 Bird record made by a Captive Nightingrue - 9440 " Merry Widow" Waltz ...... M osé Tapiero 11563 From His place ...... Cantor Si rota 11564 Thou hast established the Sabbalh IIS6S Avert Satan ...... 11567 The Thirteen Attributes of God... 11568 A preclous child to me is Ephraim 11570 Becauae o( our Sina 11571' From Thy place ••. 11572 May our prayers be sweet to Th"" 11573 Avert Satan 11574 Magnilicat .•. 11577 Ac:cording to Thy N ame ... 11582 From Thy place ...... IIS83 Let our prayer ascend 11584 Be Thou fOWid by us usas Accept our prayen 11586 I thank Thee ..• 11sSS Thou hast chosen us lljllg He who peñormed miracles ... 1 23442 The Nightingale's Trill ...... Mdlle. Michailowa 23t48 (" Lucia di Lammermoor ") 23459 L'Eclat de Rire ... 23476 Angel• Guard Thee 23477 Ave Maria ...... 2)4<;7 Agalha's Pruyer (" Der Freiscbutz ") 24376 It is evening ("Pique Dame") ... Mdlles.' Michail.,wa and K. Tugarinown 30640 l..,; Vers Luisanll ... Tzigane Orcb., Paris 30641 Mon Etoile ... .. ( 11 ) "Hla Muter's Volee "-Numerlcal u.t of ~ec:orda-c....n... ud.

Tesoro Mio Tzigane Orch., Paria Le Sphinx ••• · ..• Le Mendiant d'amour French J)ialogut, No. 1 Pro(. !Üppmann .. 2 3 4 ~ 7 8 9 10 11 ... 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 .... 2:Í 23 24

=~27 28 29 30 JI Vilanelle ...... Frl. Sel;;,a Kurz · Pr~ des .remparta de Séville ("Carmen") Mdme. SigridAmnldson Habanera(" Carmen") .. . Jewel Song (" ") .. . Mdme. D~nalda Si mes vera avaient des ailes A vos jeux mes amia (" " ) MclUe. Verlet Au beau paya (" ") Il Bacio, Valoe ...... • .. . Mdlle. ..Korsofl Pourquoi danales granda bois (" Lakme ") 1\fdlle. Verlet Alleluia: Couplets del'Infante ("" ) Ave Maria ...... Hollman.. Ada¡:ietto de 1'A.rl&ienne .. . Zi¡eunerweisen, ut put .. . 1\fo~s. Saruate (TIIe late) 37931 Prelude 37933 Tarentelle ... 37915 Zigeunerwelaen, 2nd part...... 43730 Ella'• Gerang an die LUfte (" Lohengriu.") Frl. DesÍinn . ( 12) •• Hl• Muter'a Volee "-Numerlc:al U.t of ~ec:ordll-ullli,wd.

ICI-Iaeh ._,..__,li,.wJ. Styrienne (" ") ... Frl. Kun Plljlen·Arie (" MAikenball") Ane Konigio der Nacht (" Zauberftiite ") Drauuenam Wall Seguidilla(" Carmen") Fri.'Deation Eli&abetb's Ptayer (" Tannhiiuser ") ... Jocbanaan, Icb bin verliebt in delneo Leib ("Salomé") Deio Haar lst Griisslicb ("Salomé") Der Vogel im Walde Frl. Kun Tode-bnsucbt Susan Strong Etude a la Tarantelle •. . GrUnfeld Walt& from "U. Serenade" Causerle, Op. so ... Poika de Coneert •• • ...... 111 Movement Coneerto, Op. 73··· Cari'Esberger Equestrienne Galop ... Miller Woodpeeker Polka Mazurka Camival o( Flora Polka GrUnf.. eld ~ (" M·~;.y Wldow uj" ... Gialdini Vilja'• Song (" Merry Widow ") Boulanger Marcb . . . •. . . .. Miller.. Tout puse Valse ... G. Gialdioi Intermezzo ("Carmen"?,··· La Scala Sym. Orch. lntermezzo (" Pagllacci ') "Carmen," Prelude to ActiV. ••• ••• Ride of the Valkyrles (" Tbe Valkyrie ") Mareh (" Caue Nolsette ") ...... Anitra's lJanee (" Peer Gynt") •. . . .. Hall of tbe Moun~n King (" Peer Gynt ") Prelude 3rd Act (" Lohenglin ") Mattinata •. • . . . •. . . . . Caruso Una furtivalo¡¡rlma (" L'Eiisir d'Amore" ) Ah 1 Si ben Mio(" 11 Trovatore ") •.. Giorgio.. Malesci Brlndisi (" Ca\-alleria Rusticana") Caruso 11 sogno (" Manoo ") Celeste Aida(" Alda ") ... •. . . .. La SicilianA(" Cavalleria Rusticana") ... Koman&a del fiore ("Carmen") ..• De ..Lucia Vestí la giubba (" Pagliacci ") ... Caruso Nonl"amo piu La M la eanzone ...... Cigno gentil(" Lobengrin") De ..Lucia Esultate (" Otello ") ... Tamav,no Marte d'Otello (" Otello ") Ora e per sempre (" Otello ") Improviso (" Andrea Chenier ") ... lnno (" 11 Profeta") Di quclla pira (" 11 Trovatore ") .. Sopra Bertal'amor mio (" 11 Profeta") .. . ( 13 ) "H.. Muter's Volc:e ''-Numerlc:al U.t of Rec:ords-«>nlí,..,ed.

l~laoh --....u.,,...... 526111 Fi¡¡li miei v'arrestate (" andl, Tamagno Delilah ") 5:z682 O muto uil (" Willlam Tell '1 ... 5:z683 Coniam Coniamo (" William Tell ") •.. 5:z684 Quand noa jours s'etiendront comme une chastellamme (" Herodiade ") 53346 Walt& (" Traviata ") •. , ... ••• Si¡¡nora Borona! 53354 Last Rose of Summer (" Martha ") ... 53375 D'Amor sull' ali rosee(" Il Trofttore ") Mdlle. &ninsegna 53410 Taeea la Notte ("11 Trqfttore ") Lucia Crestani 53411 D'Amor sull' ali rosee (" 11 Trovatore " ) .. 53414 Le Parlate d'Amor ... Zaccaria 53417 Ernsni involami·(" Ernanl") ... Mdlle. Boninsegna 53420 Stride la Vampa ("11 Trovatore ") Mdme. Lina Mileri 53424 EiM'Ama...... Piccoletti. .. 53431 Gilda-arie (" ") ... Frl. Kurz 5J4111 Ah bello a me ritoma 1" ") Mdlle. Boninl<~tna 53492 Te Solo (" Romanu ") ...... 53494 Ah non ¡¡iunge ("La Sonnsmbula ") Fri. Kurz 53501 Avanera (''Carmen") ...... Atice Cucini and La Scala Chorus 53516 Seguidillá ("Carmen " ) ... Maria Gay 53520 Vedrai carinn ... Mdme. Donalda SJS2Ó V ariuioni di Proch Mdme. Galvany 53527 Can&one sr.~ola (Carcelleras) ... 53537 Ballatella •• :f.liacci ") ...... Mdme. "Donalda 53572 Cantabile di Sa om~ (" Salomé") Signora Ardoni 54063 Mira d'acerhe lagrime (" 11 Trovatore ") Bemacchi and Caronna Al Nootri Monti Ritomeremo Eoposito & Colaua ~? Di Geloso Amor Spreaato Bemacchi, Coluza, and Caronna 54263 Mal R~ndo All' Aspro Aaalto , Esposito & Colu.za 54264 Mira d'acerhe la¡¡rime MdUe. Bonin· ~ep~ and Ci¡¡ada Vivm Contende U Giubilo De An¡¡elis and Cigada Vivra Contende i1 GlubUo Mdlle. Bonin· ~ segna and Ci¡ada 54:187 Cbe Fate qui Si¡¡nor? Martines· Patti, Pi¡nataro & l'reve 54298 O Del Ciel An¡¡eli lmmortali Mdme. Huguet, Lara, and De Luna 54315 V eglia o donna (" Rlgoletto ") ... RuRo and Mdme. Galvany 54316 Si ~endetta (" Ri¡!:oletto ") Rufl'o and Mdme. Galvany 54320 Permettereste a Me Brambilla, Codotini, Acerbi, Sillich and Chorus 54334 Fior gia¡¡giolo (" Cavalleria Rusticana ") Joanna, Salvador and De Tura ( J4 ) " Hls Master'.s Volee "-Numerlcalll.st of Records-eo,limud.

!O.IDOb Rooordo-..~li~••d. S433S Turridu mi tolsi l'onore (" Cavnlleria J oanna & Minolfi Rusticana ,) 54336 Ad essi non perdona ('' Cavalleria Rustí· cano") 54337 Finale (" Cavalleria Rusticana") La Scala Chorus 54338 Arlecchin 1 Colombina l (" Pagliacci ") , .. Mdme. Hu~uet, Cigada & Pmi·Corsi S4339 Versa JI filtro nella taua. sua Paoli, Mdme. Iluguet, Cigada & Pini·Corsi 54352 Io Voglio il Piacere , .. Pini·Corsi and Sillich 54353 LassU, lasslt ( '' Carmen") Salvador and lschierdo 543'54 Se tu m'ami , ... Salvador and Ci¡¡ada 54355 !Io nome Escamillo (''Carmen'') Cigada and Isch1erdo 54356 Canzone del Toreador Cigada, Huguet, Salvador and La Scala Chorus 54359 Di geloso (" !1 Trovatore ") Titta Rulfo, E. lschierdo and Titta Fosca 5436o Suoni la Tromba (" I Puritani ") Titta Rulfo and Perillo de Seguro la 54361 Tenettu (u Carmen") Butti, Alexina and Passeri 1 1 1 54362 E nostro affar { Carmen ' ) Butti, Pas.eri and La Scala Chorus 54553 La Zingarella · .. . La Scala ChoiUs 54664 Coro Dei Solda ti ... 54673 Opening Chorus (" Pagliacci ") 54675 Valtzer ... 54676 Chi ne vuole ( 11 Carmen u) ... 54677 Sucma la campana(" Carmen'') ... 54679 Coro delle Sigaraie 5468o Ascolta, Ascolta ., ... 5468¡ Coro di Ragazú ,...... 54682 Sulla piazza s~ schiamazza (" Carmen u) 54767 Ave Verum c.h Mozart ...... Gregotia¿' Chants 54773 Crucifixus della Messa Solenne di Rossini 54774 Pie Jesus ... 54775 Hostias et Preces ... ~ 4776 Preghiera·Romanza di Paolo Tosti 547i7 Ave Maria 54778 Esulate Justi .. . 54779 G h>ria in Excelsis .. . 5478o Laudomus Te 5478! lmproperia .. 54752 Puer Na tus in Bethlem ... 54783 Sequenzn della Messa di Pentecoste 54784 Introito della Messa Dell'assunzione 54785 Tractus et Antiphona della Messa pro Defunctis 54786 Olfertorio e Communione della Messa di S. Gregorio " ( 15 ) . tO-Iaoll a...u-....n...... 54787 Alleluja della Meua Deii'UIUliZ!one ... Gregorian Cban~ 54788 La Cruda Mia Nemica ...... WB9 Hace di es, Col Veraetto Confiteminl di P~ua smo Allelu¡a " Pucba Noatrum ., 5~791 Carratere Fondamente del Canto Rev. Fatber PCithier Llturgico 54792 Trombe 1)'Argento Gregorian Chants 54793 In no Pontifico . ... 59261 Carnival ofVenice Sig. Tapiero.. 6oso5 The Call to Arms Spanish Gipoy Orchestra 81110 Laugh;ne: Song ... Henry Klausor a-so Gondolier Cake Walk Coldstream Grla. 2-1o8 Departure of a Troopship Gramt,phone Band a-11o The Storm (" William Tell") .. . Coldstream Gds. 2-114 Overture ("Zampa") ...... 2-125 Shepherd's Dance (" Henry VIII") a-126 Pile:rims' Chorus (" Tannhli.111er ") Cluke';Concert Band a-131 Coon Band Contest Coldstream Gds. a-132 Turkisb Patrol .. . a-134 Semper Fidelia .. . 2-140 Ride of the Valkyries 2-141 Morris Dance and Torch Dance (" Henry VIII") 2-144 Troopin¡¡ the Col011r1 2-166 W ee M aq:regor Patrol Sousa'a.. Bancl a-171 Christchurch Bells Coldstream Gda. 2-173 La Mattchicbe 2-176 Popples Clarke's.. Concett Band a-1z8 In a Clockmaker's Sbop .. . Coldstream Gds. 2-189 Hiawatba ... a-191 Spring Son¡; 2-193 Overture to Stradella 2-194 Belle of tbe Ball Walt& ... Clarkc'~· Concert Band a-ao1 Selection I. (" Mikado ") Coldstream Gds. a-aoa H. u 111. u ... • .. !=:l Selection " Pirates of Pen&ance " a-ao8 Regimenta! Man:bes of tbe Brigade ol Guarda a-ato Wellington Marcb ... a-" a God Save the King and God Bleu the Prince of Wales a-216 Selection I. (" Geisba") .. . a-a17 .. u...... 2-219 Pan I., Ballet Muaic (" Coppelia ") a-aao \t 11. u a-aa1 Llberty Bell March a-aa2 St~~ra and Stripes ( 16 ) " tfls .Master's Volee "- Numerlcal Llst of ~ecords-

10-Jnch Record1-ronti1uud. 2-230 Cntch of the Regiment .. . Coldstream Gds. ·-2~1 War March of l'riests ...... 2-232 1'he Distant Shore (with Comet Solo) .. . a--235 Lost Chord (with Cornet Solo) ... 2-236 La Ketmesse (" Faust ") 2-240 La Marseillaise 2-241 Take a Pair 'of Sparkling Eyes (with Cornet Solo) 2-245 Coronation Bells .. . 2-246 Mono.stery Bells ...... Pryor's" .Band 2-250 Carillonneur Coldstteam Gds. 2-252 Soldiers' Life March Black Diamonds 2-253 Guards' March Out 2-254 Moonlight on the Rhine .. . 2-255 Motor Match ...... 2-257 Les Patineurs Coldst1~am Gds. 2-259 Army :md Marine March Black Diamonds 2--26o Polonaise ... Royal Artillery 2-261 Rosary (witb Comet Solo) Coldstream Gds. 2-262 Leonora-Ovenure No. 3, Part l. 2-263 " IL 2-264 "III. 2-265 u n , IV. 2-266 The Butterfly .. . 2-267 Death of Ase (" Peer Gr,lt ") .. . 2-268 Morning (" her Gynt') ...... 2-270 Softly awakes my heart (" Samson and Delilah ") (with Cornet Solo) 2-271 "Poet and Peasant u Ove.rture ... 2-272 Minuet No. 1 2-273 1rish Melodies Selection Black Diomonds 2-276 Niala Wall% .. . 2-277 Gipsy Life ... ·- .. . 2-27Í> A Wall% Dream-Enttance March ~-279 A Wah.r. Dretim-Selection 2-284 Strnuss March ...... Coldstr~~m Guards 2-285 Chanson de mon Cceur ... 2-291 La Cttrine 2-293 u Senara" \Va.lt..r: ...... Bl01ck Diamonds 2-294 Selection of National rurs 2-297 The Marseillaise and God Save the Coldstr~am Guards King 2-422 Soko Two-step ... Black Diamonds 2-425 Lights out Pryor's Band 2-427 Q,·erture (" Ruy Bias") ... Colclstream Guards 2-428 Hung:uian Dance 2-435 New Colorual ~Iarch .. 2-.¡J6 L, Dansc des Apaches Black Diamond• 2-437 J<'aire>t of the :Frur March 2-438 11 Bacio Valse 2-439 Pot Pourri of P::mtomime Son~ ( 17 ) A l "Hla Muter's Voice "-Numerlc:al Lllt of ~ec:ord1-

IO.IDob Booor4,._¡j-. 2-440 M11rch P11St of the LanC11Shire Bri· Coldstream Gwuds gade 2-441 Mondnine Valse Black Diamonds 2-442 Y ankee ShafBe... • , • Pryor's Band 2--443 Baden Powell's Boy Scoullo' lllarch ... Black Diau.onds 2-446 Mr. Blackman Cake Walk .. . Pryor's Band 2--450 Ginger Two-step ,...... Coldstream Guards 2-455 TrafaJgar March •. • ...... u 2-458 H . 1. M. Tbe Sultan of Turkey .March Black Diamonds 2--459 Forward March 2--46o M ussinan Mareh Coldst;;llm Guards :11-461 Japanese 'National Anthem ... Black Diaanonds 2-462 " Dollar Piincess 11 Two-a~tep 2-470 lrísh King March ...... 2-471 Gaiety Two-step-Yip, 1-addy, 1-ay, and Bertie the Bounder 2-472 Under the Double Eagle March Sousa'• lland 2--473 Bunch of Rooes March 2-474 Siamese Patrol.., 2-475 Fairest of the Fail March ., 2-476 The Whistlen-Intermeuo 2-477 Liberty Bell March . , . 2""t478 Narcíssus Intermeuo ... 2-479 "El Ca pitan " March 2-481 New Year's Eve lllllck 'Diamonds :md Chorus 2-482 Spirit of Pageantry March Black Diamonds 2-2515 The Huntaman Dan Leno 2""<2516 The Grau Widower ... 2-2517 Oever Mr. Green 2-2518 Who does the house belong to 2-2530 Popples .. . 2-2531 Mn. Kelly ...... 2-2663 Serenade of Mefi•tofele (" Fau•t") ... P la;1·~ .1 2-2673 The Prehlstoric Man ... George Robey 2-2721 Not that I wish to say anythin¡¡ 2--2763 Hil Old Familiar Tune Willoo.. Hallett 2-276.4 I'm Tlred ... 2--:al!o3 Laughing Song Burt Sh~pard 2-2Bo8 Going to the Races Dan Leno 2-2830 The Shopwlllker •-21162 Simon the Cellarer Sir a-2863 The Vicar of Bray a-a86.4 ToAnthea ••• :z--2897 The Novelette ... WiiiE~ 2-4CXX> Haíll Smíling Moro .•...... Whitoey Quartette 2-4002 Hip, hip, hurrah 1 (No. 7) (" Dollar Dollar l'rioceu Princesa") Operatic Party Riding Leuon (" Dollal Princess ") Come unto ·Hirn Mixed Church.. Choir In Springtime .. , Perceval Allen and Robert Radford ( 18 ) "Hla Muter's Volce"-Numerlcal Llat of l{ecotda--

tG-lDch Becorcl.l-eMii"wd, Josephus Orange Blossom Minster Singers Come over the Ferry .. Minster Singen O, who will o'er the downs so free .. . Perceval Allen, Edna Thornton, J obn Harrison and Robert Radford Barca rolle, Lovely Nigbt ("Tales of Perceval Allen and' Hofl'mann") Edna Tbornton That would be lovely (" The Chocolate Miss J erome and R. Soldier") Pembroke 2-4015 Sympathy (" The Chocolate Soldier ") ~-4016 Click, Clack ...... Minster si~gers 2-4017 The Belle of tbe Barber's Hall Two Tingles 2-4019 De ole Banjo Minster Singers 2-4.020 Dat's berry queer .. 2-44014 Jodlerpartien ... .. Herrn and Frau Gerber 2-52412 Abbietta Zingari (" Il Trovatore "l ... Torres de Luna and Scala Chon:s 2-5<1429 Sall 'Orlo dei Tetti (" 11 Trovatore ") 2-52431 Per Me ora Fatale (" Il Trovatore ") Caronna :.'nd Scaln Chorus 11 Balen del suo Sorriso (" 11 Trov.o- Francesco Cigada tore") 2-52476 Di quella pira (" 11 Trovatore ") Valls and Scala Cborus 2-52489 Di quella pira(" 11 Trovatore ") Caruso 2-52522 La Vaga Pupilln ...... Lantirotti and Cborus 2-52528 Il balen (" Trovatore ") .. . Ruffo 2-52529 Di provenza (" Tmviata n) .. . 2-52555 Miei Signore (" Rigole

10-lnch Recorde-c.:111tinwed. 2-6o226 Canigonenca ... Spanish Gipsy Orchestra 3·-2007 Come into the garden, Maud John Harriso11 3-2oo8 Liltle Dolly Daydream Eugene Stralton 3-2011 1 may be crazy ... 3-2012 Coon Drum Major 3-2052 Paddy's perplexity Andrew Black 3-2104 On the llanks of Allan Water 3-2118 :Followiug in Father's footsteps Walte;' Miller 3-2137 March ofthe Cameron M en ... Aodrew Black 3-2138 Scots wha hae 3-2158 Turn ye to me . .. 3-2199 The Church Pararle Walter'Mmer 3-2213 'Tis the Day J ohn Harrison 3-2224 Asleep in the Deep Peter Dawson 3--2245 M y Fllst ~ar Louis Bradfield 3-2246 Yeoman's edding Lane Wilson 3-2255 Do 1 like love ... }1aurice Farkoa. 3-2259 Bedouin Love Song Peter Dawson 3-:069 Every Evening I am seen Burt Shepard 3-2278 Love's Old Sweet Song Ernest P1ke 3-2279 Sin~ me to Slecp .. 3-228o Nirvana .. . ] ohn Harrison 3-2283 We all Walked into the Shop Walter Miller 3-2284 Riding on the top of a Car ... George Lashwood 3-2285 My Latch Key .. 3-2310 Blow, Blow, thou V~Jinter Winds Peter Dawson 3-2311 Gallants of England 3-2314 True till death .. . 3-2325 Honour and Arms Andr~:V Black 3-2327 The Curate's Song 3-2328 Annie Laurie 3-2331 O Ruddier than the Cherry .. 3-2334 The Gentle Maiden ... Plunket Greene J-2335 Little Red Fox .. 3-2338 Three for Jack .. . Peter D~wson 3-2342 1 wouldn't lea ve my little wdOden hut Burt Shepard for you 3-•351 ~!y lrish Molly O Walter Miller 3-2353 At the Football Match Mark Sheridan 3-2354 The Bachelor E. Shand J-236l The Whistling Coon ... Bun Shepard 3-2364 This liule girl and that (" Little Louis Bradfield Michus,) 3-2390 Mary John Harrison 3-2396 O Star of E ve .. . l'eter Dawson 3-2398 The Young Bri1ish Soldier Andrew Black 3-•399 Fuzzy \V uzzy .. 3-2405 Yankee Doodle Dandy Burl Shepard 3-2407 In Ce llar Deep Peter Dawson 3-2411 The Dear Homeland Andrew Rlack ( 20 "HlaMaster's Volce"-Numerlcal Llat of Recorda~mli•oud.

tO..l.Dch Reao~i,.wtl. 3-2415 Driok lo me only with tbine eyes Evan Williuns 3-2417 Mandalay Andrew Black 3-2423 Songs my motber taught me ... Evan Willi&ms 3-2424 Sweet, be not proud 3-2425 Jean . 3-2427 There is a flower that bloometh Joho 1i.:rrison 3-2434 ~·at uer O'Flynn .. . Andrew .l!lack 3-2443 Sincerity ...... Peter Dawsoo 3-2444 Vicarof Bray ... .., Andrew Black 3-2450 Richard of Taunton D.,..u,e Charles Tree 3-2451 Once Again John Harrison 3-2452 Sleep and l"orgct ... Ernest Pike 3-2453 In bappy moments .. Alan Turner 3-2455 Toreador Song ("Carmen") 3-2457 Come, Margherita, Come John Harrison 3-2462 Little Hoy Blue .. . E van William• 3-2466 Admiral's Broom Peter Dawson 3-2467 Anchored .. 3-2473 I wish I had someooe to !ove me Harry Lauder 3-2476 A more humane Mikado{"Tbe Mikado' ~ ) Peter Dawson and Chorus Tbeheart boweddown("BohemianGirl") Alan Turner Wait till the work comes round Thou shalt· break them (" The John Harrison Messiab ") 3-2485 Tby rebuke (" The Messiah ") 3-2486 Behold and ~oee (" Tbe Measiah ") 3-2487 But Thou did'st not leave 3-2488 F or behold darkness Charles.. Knowles 3-2489 Thus saith the Lord 3-2490 Wby do the nations , 3-2491 Our great Mikado (" The Mikado ").. Stanl~y KirkLy & l'any .~-2493 Oo a tree by the river .. . 3-27 SS 'Arf a pint of ale · .. . Gus El~'n 3-27 56 Beloved, it is moro John Harrisoo 3-2759 To·morrow will be ~·riday Robert Radford 3-2763 Acbushla Machree .. Evao Williams 3-2771 Waltz me rouod again, Willie ... Murray 3-2784 Lend me your aid Evan Williams 3-2788 Rocked in tbe Cradle of the Deep Robert Radford 3-2790 Bargains ... Alfred Thomu 3-2791 I fcar no foe Peter Dawoon 3-2796 When uncle told the tale Alfred Thomas 3-2798 D'ye k en J ohn Petl Robert Radfurd 3 -2799 Drake's Úrum ... 3-28oo Roses ... John H~rri~n 3-28o1 If with all your hearts (" Elijah ") 3-28o2 Then shallthe righteous (" Elijah") 3-28o3 For the Mountains (" Elijah ") Robert ii.adford 3-2~ Is not His word (" Elijah ") ... ~-2846 ' When a foeman (" The Pira te• uf Sulliva~'operatic Penmnce") Party ( 21 ) ·• His Master' S Volee "-Numerical Llst of Records-

10·lnch Recorda- co~tti,•url. 3-2847 Freed fr om his Fetters ... Ernest Pike 3-2848 Is Life a Boon ... 3-2849 Scent of the Lilies Tohn 'harrison 3-2852 Nooody ...... Pete Brown _ 28 { I know a !ove! y Carden 3 54 A Love Son¡; ...... ::: } John Harrison 3- 2855 Come, Margberita, Come Edward Lloyd 3-2856 Awake, Awake...... 3-2857 The Bandolero ... Peter rl~ w so n 3-2859 The Mey nell Hunt Robert Radford 3-2863 Oft in the Stilly Night .. . John ITarrison 3-2865 Atice, where art Thou 1 Edward Lloyd 3-2866 Good Company Robert Radford 3-2868 Roses in J une ... John H arrison 3-2870 Son¡; from the South ... Edward Lloyd 3-2882 Like Stars above John Jlarti~on 3-2885 Shady Side of Bond Street \Voher Miller 3-2886 And it's done l>efore you know .. Alfred Thomas 3-2887 Wrap me up in my old stable jacket Robert R•dford 3-2889 A Farewell Edwnrd Lloyd 3-2894 G lorious Devon ... Robert Radford 3-2895 If Lhe man io the moon George Elliott 3-2897 I wonder if the girl Wnlter 1\liller 3-28g8 Queen of the Earth ... Eldrcd Walker 3-2899 Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomoud Pcter Dawson 3-290~ I know of Two Bright Eyes .. . John Harri.""m 3-2903 The BailifT's Daughter ... Ernest Pike 3-2907 In Cel!ar Cool ...... Robert Radfmcl 3-2910 Take a Pair of Sparkling Eyes 3-29n John's Wife ...... 3-2912 Love's Requcst .. . John ¡'iarrison 3-2913 Mar¡:aretha ... 3-2920 The only bit of English that we've ¡:ot Arth~~ Gilbert 3-2922 The Sea hath its Pearls Edwarcl Lloyd 3-2934 Simon the Cellnrer Robert Radford 3-2938 Ronnie 111 nry of Argyle .. Edward Lloyd 3-2941 Two Eyes of Grey John llarrison 3-2945 Venetian Song ...... AJan Turner 3-2947 l:lilly Brown of Loodon Arthur Gilbert 3-2951 A Ro e Memory John llnrrison 3-2952 Four Jolly Sailormen ... Thorpe Bates 3-2953 Love me, and the world is mine William T. Evans 3-2956 Good·bye, Oiga llnrry Carlton 3-2957 M y Lady Fni r ... Tohn ll arri~~;on 3-2959 Sweet ~1 iss ~ l ary Eva.n \\.illiam:, 3-2g6o Sincerity Thorpe !!ates 3-2961 To Mory Jnh n 11 arri•on 3-2963 El dorado John Coates 3-2967 I'm afr aid to go home in the dark !Iarry Carlton 3-2968 There is a flower (" Maritana ") John Contes 3-2g81 Molly, dear John 1 Jnrrisou ( 22 ) "Hl• Master'• Volee "-Numerlc:al Ll•t of ~ecords-<6nlilf....t

l~lach R-"'--""li•u.f. 3-2!)86 The Bay of Biscay ...... Evan Williams 3-2988 Tbe Lass of Richmond Hill ... 3-2992 llombadier Henry Tucker 3-2~ Come, be my Rainbow Herbert Payne 3-2 Gipsy John Robert Radford 3-7909 Serenade Max Moasel 3-7911 ~ouvenir Milcha Elman 3-7916 Gavotte Miscba Elman 3-7917 Moto Perpetuo Kntbleen Parlow 3-7918 A ir (Bach) .. 3-7923 Minuet ... 3-3266~ Le Veau d'Or (;; Foust ") Planvon 3-3284 La vie est vaine John Cootcs 3·-32988 Molgre moi .:...... Gilibert 3-32989 C'e11t elle (" Contes d'Hoffmann ") Dolmores 3-42379 M in Vater isch e Appenzeller Poul Gerbeo 3-42550 King'ssong Journet 3-42658 Kukulied mit lodler... Poul Gerber 3-42812 Siciliano (" Cavalleria Rusticana" ) .. Herr Slezak 3-42840 Ach wie so trllgerisch (" Rigoletto ") 3-42931 Life in the Alps (German Yorlling) ... G. P :· Wntson 4-2009 Screnade ...... Evan Williams 4-2012 Two Dirty Little Hands Maurice Forkoa 4-2013 A tiny sced of Love ...... Horry Carlton 4-2016 1 like you in Velvet ("Lady Madcap") Mourice Forkoa 4-2017 Molly Brannigan Plunket Greene 4-2019 Annie Laurie ... ,Tohn Hnrrison 4-2022 1 uscd to be afraid to go'h'ome i~ ihed~;k Uiliy Murray 4-2026 L~dy Fortune (" Dollar Princess " ) ... Dollor Princes.• O~ratic Party 4-2027 O flower of all the world ~hn iarrison 4-2028 A chw of the old block obert Radford 4-202') Who' 1 marry me? ... Maurice Farkoa 4-2032 M y York•h!re Lassie (" Our ~fi S Thomas Franklin Gibbs") 4-2036 Sweet Simplicitas (" Arcadians ") Charles H ondy and Chorus 4-2040 R ule Rritannia Peter Dawoon 4-2045 1 dreamt of you John Harrison 4-2046 Henrts of Oak ... Robert Radford 4-2049 Last Night evon Williams 4-2050 The Arrow ond the Son¡¡ Thorpe Bates 4- 2051 The Corsican )1nid H erbert Paync 4-2053 1 used to sigh for the silveoy moon Walter Miller 4 • 2054 Tili 1 Wnke Stewart Gardner 4-2055 1 hid my Lo,•e John Horrison 4-2056 Abscnt ... Evon Willioms 4-2057 M y Motter (" The Arcadions " ) Horoy Carlton 4-2058 S tone Cracker J ohn Horoy Deorth 4-2059 1 Think John Horrison 4-2o6o Auld. Lan¡: Syne Evon Williams ( 23 ) "Hls Master's Volee "-Numerlcal Llst of Records-con/i11ued.

tO-lDoh Record.....-c'l'ldi,,,.¿, 4-2o62 Long ago in Alcala Thorpe Bates 4-2o63 Rolling down to Rio ... Stewart Gardner 4-2o64 The sweetest flower that blows J ohn Harrison 4-2o66 The Low-backed Car ... Thorpe Bates 4-2o67 Son o' Mine ... Stewart Gardner 4-2068 Ben the Bo'sun .. Harty Dearth 4-20Ó9 My Wife's gone to the Country Harry Cnrlton 4-2070 When tihadows Gather John McCormack 4-2n71 The Minstrel Boy John IcCormack 4-2072 Annie Laurie ... J ohn McCormack 4-2073 M y Lagan Love John McCormack 4-2074 Thc dear little Shamrock ohn McCormack 4-2076 l hcar you calling me ... John McCormack 4-2077 Beca use lohn Hnrrison 4-2078 Ho 1 Jolly Jenkin (" Ivanhoe ") Harry Denrth 4-2079 Down among the dead m en ... Robert Radford 4-2o81 " Chantecler , ...... Harry Carlton 4-2o82 l've got rings on my fingers .. . Harry Carlton 4-2o83 Tommy, Lad ...... Harry Dearth 4-2o85 And h1s day's work was done Harry Carlton 4-2o86 Take a pair of sparkling eye• John Harrison 4-2o87 lJ p she goes ...... Whit Cunlitl'e 4-2088 A Dream .. . Evan Williams 4-2o8g Four-leaf Clover Evan Williams 4-2090 O Mistress Mine Evan Wtllian•s 4-2091 Abide with me .Evan Williams 4-2092 A Farewell Evan Williams 4-2093 A Memory Evan Williams 4-0094 The " Old Superb" ...... titewart Gardner 4-2095 M y Bungalow in Bond Street Harry Carlton 4-2096 Knocking at every door Whit Cunliffe 4-2097 Every lassie !oves a laddie Harry Lauder 4-209~ Beyond ... J ohn Harrison 4-2099 No, Tohn, No ... Charles Tree 4-2100 Rip Van Winkle Peter DRw on 4-2101 Old Farmer John ...... Harry Dearth 4-2102 Fancy meeting you at the Isle of Man Mark Sheridan 4- 2103 Beautiful Carden of Roses John Harrison 4-2104 Hey Dona! ... Harry Lnuder 4-2105 Queen amon¡¡ tbe heather Harry Lauder 4-21o6 One of the B hoys ... Mark Sheridnn 4-2107 The Oddlellow's Song Peter Dawson 4-21o!S Trottio' to the Fair ... Thorpe Bates 4-2112 Just like Father used to do (" The Harry Carlton Quak

10.111011 IIMorda-e""li~wd. 4-2119 Pleading ... •.• Walter Hyde 4-2121 Young Tomo' Devon Charles 'free 4~ Holde Aloa\" A Ida") ...... Herr Slezak 7-JOOOO The Soldier,· Chorus (" Fnust ") La Carde Republicaine 7-JOOOI Choral des Ep~es (" Faust "). .. La Garde Republicaine 7-32000 Pour un Baiser Caruoo 7-32001 Le venu d'or (" Faust ") urnet 7-32002 lnvocation (" Faust ") urnet 7-33000 Printempa Nouveau ...... ~dile. Verlet 7-34000 Barcarolle (" Contes d'Hoffman" ) Geraldine Farrar and Sig. Scotti 7-42000 Als die alte Mutter Riccardo Martin 7-52002 E lucevnn le Stelle ("Tosca") ... Ca ruso 7-52003 Magiche note(" La Regina di Saba,") Caruao 7-52004 Recondita Armonía(" Tosca") ... Caruoo 7-52005 La Rivedra ("Un Bailo in Zerola Muchera") 7-5:1006 Addio (" Otello ") ...... Zerola 7-52007 DI quell& I.'Íra (" Trovatore'") Zerola 7-52008 Di' tu 11 fidele ("Un Bailo in Zerola Muchera ") 7-52009 E lucevo.n le atelle ("Tosca") Riccnrdo Martin 7-5:1013 Studenti udite ("Germanía") Ca ruso 7-52014 Non chiuder (" Germanía") .. ; Caruso 7-5:1015 O oole mio , ... E. de Go¡:orza 7-SJOOO Serenade a Laura Mdlle. Verle! f-53002 Entrance of Butterfly ("Madama Geraldioe Farrar Butterfly ")

12-lach Becordl. 022 Overture to 11 Tannhiuser" Coldotream Guarda 024 Selection (" Miltado ") ... oas Grand lllarch (" Tanbhauaer ") Overture" 181::" ... ~~ Fantasia. (" Walkllre ") Pryor's" Band OSI P!>mp and Circumstance .. . Sousa'a Band 057 Symphony l'athetique .. . Coldstrenm Guardo Melodiea of Robert Bums ... Pryor'a Band ~ The Storm (" Ri¡:oletto") Coldstream Guarda o68 Lyaistrata Walu .. . Jlerr l\leny's White Viennese Band La Sikette Polka .. . Over the Waveo Waltz ... "Veronique" Lancers, Fi¡:s. l. & U. .. . Ftg•. lii. & IV.. .. Fi¡:. V. ( 25 ) A S "Hls Master's Volee "-Numerlcal Llst of R.ecords--<.,,linued.

12-.lnah Recordl-continued. Laughin¡: Water Two-Step Herr Meny's White Viennese Band 0'!9 Eton Boating Song _.. . o81 Mandalay Waltz ... 083 Sir Ro¡¡er de Coverley o84 Merry Manxland Polka o86 La Mattcbiche o87 Last Dance Waltz and Post Horn Galop o88 Post' Horn Galop 089. Verschmahte Liebo Waltz ... ego · Honeymoon Polka ... 092 Luna Waltz · "93 Amoureuse Waltz ... "94 Ramona Two-Step 0100 Coronation March {"Le Prophete ") ... Coldstream" Guards 0101 ' 1 Iolnnthe , Selt!ction 0104 Selection {"Carmen") Pryor's "Band 0105 Ovtrlure {" Raymond ") Coldstream Guarda 0107 Bencdiction des Poignards {" Faust ") Sousa's Band 01o8 Sextelte {"Lucia de Lammermoor ") Coldstream Guard• 0109 Overture {"Rienzi ") 0110 Incidental music to '' Monsieur Beaucaire u Pryor•& 'Band 0111 " Miss Hook of Holland" Selection Coldatream Guarda 0116 Wedding Marcb 0117 Fire Music ... 0 0118 Rosamunde Overture Pryor's Band 0119 The Lion Chase 0 0120 Liebestriiume Waltz Black Diamonds 0122 " Merry Widow " Selection Royal Artillery 0123 Blue Danube Waltz...... 0125 L\ght Cavalry Overlure .. : ... Coldstr~'am Guards 0126 "The Girls of Gottenburg "-Se!. J. 0127 "Tom Jones" Selection ...... 0128 Anitrn's Dance and In the Hall of the Mountain Kin?, {" P

18-lnch Becorda-cm~tilfw"d. 0176 Selection (" "} Coldstream Guards 0177 Overture "1812" 0178 Overture ("Zampa"} ... 1 0179 Selection (" '} ••• o·'lo Grand March ("Le Prophete "} 0181 Gold and Silver Waltz Black Diarnonds" 0183 Selection (" Haddon Hall"} Coldstream Guards 0184 "Veomnn of the Guard "-Se!. I. 0185 Finale, 4th Symphony ...... o18ó Egyptian, Babylonian and Gallic Dances, No. I. 0187 Evening Hymn and Last Post 0188 Selection (" Faust "} 0189 Black Diamonds 0190 Selection ('' King of Cadonia "} 0193 La Paloma ...... Sousa's" Band 0195 Amina Egyptian Dance ...... Coldstream Guards 0191! Nell Gwyn Dances, Nos. U and III 0199 "Our Miss Gibbs," Sel. 1 ... 0200 " , II (a} Rustic Dance ... 0201 { (b} Graceful Dance } 0202 Festival Overture ...... 0203 " The Arcadians,'' Se!. U .. . 0204 Stately Dance, No. 1 0205 Ballet Egyptien, Nos. 1 and 2 0207 Country Uance, No. 4 ... 02o8 Ballet Egyptien, N o. 4 ... 0209 "The Arcadians," Se!. 1 0210 "Semira.mide," Overture 0211 Ballet Egyptien, No: 3 0212 Hunting Scene ... Black Diamonds" 0213 The Coon's Patrol ... Coldslream Guards 0214 The March of the Giants 0215 Overture (" Barber of Seville "} 0216 Marinoelle Overture 0217 "Falka," Se!. I...... 0218 "\'comen of the Guard," Sel. 11 . 0219 Sludents' Songs, No. I. 0220 M usica Proibita ... 0221 Druid's Prayer Waltz 0222 Dead March in '' Saul ~, 0223 Funeral March (Chopin} 0224 Students' Song•, No. II. {(a} Chanson Triste ... 0225 (b} Chanson Humoreske } 0226 Lubly Lulu ... 0227 (a} Reed Pipe Dance, (b} Chinese Dance (" Cnsse Noiselte '') 0228 Dance of •he Sugar Plum Fairy (" Casse Noiselte "} ( 27 } "Hla Master'• Volee "-Numerlc:al llit ot RKOrda--c..u;,...,.,

IS.IDoh B-rü-cMii•tud. 0229 (a) March, (6) Russian Dance (Trepak) Coldstream Guarda (" Cuse N01sette ") 02JO Arabian Dance (" Casse Noisette ") OZJI Flower Waltz (" Ca.•se Noisetle ") .. . " 0232 Miniature Overture (" Casse Noisette ") .. . . 0233 Marcb Russe ("Ballet Russe '') ...... 0234 Zanetta Overture ...... 0235 Students' Songa, No. III. .. . 0236 Valse Triste... .: ...... 0237 "Golden Legend," Choral Epil"'íue ... 0238 "Grand Duchesa of Gerolstein, Sel. J. 0239 H , , II. 0240 E¡mont Overture ... 0241 In Memorism Overture 0242 u Genevieve de Brabant, '! Selection 02.f3 "Falka," Selection li...... 0250 Capricho Espailol (" Moriarna ") ... 0257 (a) Serenata~ (6) Pastorale (" Philemon et Baucis ) 0258 Lorely Paraphrase ... 0259 Fifinette Interme&Zo 0264 Corneliua March .•. 0266 "Tbe Messiah," Selection I. 0267 u u II. ·" 0268 La Sirene Overture...... 0270 "Golden Legcnd" Evening Hymn 0278 " Oberon '' Overture 0279 Ballet Music and Rustlc Dance (" Colomba ") 0281 Preciosa Overture ...... 0283 "Merry Wives of Windsor" Overture ... 0284 Sweet Briar Entr'acte ...... 0285 " La Poupée, Selection I...... 0286 ,, H 11. , 00 "' ,., 0z87 Fanfare and March of thc.Silver Trompeta 0288 Morning, Noon <>nd Night Overture 0292 Marche H ongroise ...... 0293 Pique Dame Overture ••. OJOI Crown Diamonds Overture. 0302 Folie Bergere OJOJ Dreeze of the Night Waltz Souaa's &nd 0304 Free Lance March ... ' OJOS Amoureuse Valse Lente 0300 Oueen of Sheba March 0307 Yulc·Tide Fantasía Black 'Diamond1 and Chorus OJoS "La 1\fnscotte" Selection . Coldstream Guards 0309 " The Sorccrcr " Selection .. OSJO u Midsummer Night'& Dream" Pryor's Orch. OSJS Ovcrt u re (" 111 ignon "), Part I. La Sc.•ln Sym. Orch OSJ6 Symphony (" Don Pasquale ") ( 28 "Hls Master's Volce"-Numerlc:al Lllt of l{ecords-uimud.

tt-lnah Reeordl-c"CJIIIfi,.~d . 0538 Overture (" M essiah ") ...... Orchestra 0539 Pastoral Symphony (" Messiah ") 0540 Funeral March of a Marioneue ... La S~ala Sym. Orch. 0542 Overture (" Oer Freischutz ") 0546 Salut d' Amour 0547 Overture ('' Yeomen of the Guard ") Bohemi~n Orch. 0548 Selection (" Csrmen ") La Scala Sym. Orch. 0553 Prelude (" Cavalleria Rusticana") .. 0556 "The Merry Widow" Waltz Iff's Orchestra 0557 Kissing is no Sin Waltz ... 0558 Foursome Reel ...... 0559 Bustlin' .Billy ...... 0563 "The Merry Widow, " Figs. J. and II .... 0564 Figs. liT. and IV. 0565 H 11 Fíg. V...... 0569 Verschtnlihte Liebe Waltz ...... 0570 Nigger's Blrthday Two-step ...... 0571 A Waltz Dream Lancen, Figs. l. & Il. 0572 ,. IIJ. &IV. Fig. V. ~m Eire~tanz w~ Itz 057 5 Eightsome Reel 0576 Foursome Reel, II. 0581 Donauwellen Waltz ... 0582 "Miss Hook of Holland" Lancers, Figs. I. and II. 0583 "Miss Hook of Holland" Lancers, Figs. III. and IV. 0584 ''Miss H ook of H olland" Lancers, Fig. V. 0586 Fluffy Ruffies Two-step 0587 Highland Schottische 0588 Les Sirenes Waltz ... <>590 Les Patineurs Waltz ...... , Anita's Dance, an

11-IIIGII ....,b-,:.,.1/~..d. "Dallar Princesa" Lnn=s, Figs. J. & U. Iff'• Orchestra ~ " H , 11 111. & IV. o6og Fig. V. o61o Val~' Septe,;;bre ... o611 Reconcihation Waltz o612 Malmaison Waltz ... o613 " Dallar Prince.. " Waltz ...... o61S Danse du Paraguay, Two-Step ...... o616 I'm afraid to go borne in tbe dark, Two-Step o617 Vip, I Addy, 1 ay, Two-Step ...... o618 "La Source'' Ba11et,, Sel•. III. and IV. Mayfair" Orchest1a o619 u , , I. o.nd 11 . ... o62o Way down Colon Town Two-Step Iff's Or~hestra o62J "The Girl in the Train" Waltz ... o622 La Petite Bonne Femme Two-Step o623 " Cbanson Bohemienne" Waltz o6a.¡ Topeka Two-Step Phtynne Waltz ...... ~~ Dreamlight Waltz .. . o627 Overture (''Die l'1edermaus '') Beecha;;, Symphuny Orcht tra o628 Pecheur Napoli•ain et Napolitainc Russian Orchestra o631 Chocolate Soldier Waltz ...... llohemian Orch

12·lnoh Re cor da-co~rtilmed. 01024 On the Navy Hon. Arthur Lee, M.P. 01025 Speech on the Budget Rt. Hon. , M. P. 01026 Rt. Hon. H. H. Asquith, M.P. 01027 Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd­ George, M.P. 01028 The Dash for the South Pole Sir E. Shackleton, M. V.O. 01029 Scrooge-Before the Dream Bransby Williams 01030 ,, -TQe Dream 01031 ., - The A wakening

01032 H ow 1 reached the Po le 00. Dr. Fr e d~;ick A. Cook 01035 The Discovery of the Nortb Pole Commn.nd er R, E. Peary 01036 Unemployed, and Why ... Leo Stormont 01037 England for the English 01038 Wait awhile, and think 02001 Gomg to the Races Dan kno 02005 The H untsman 00 0 00. 02057 Sound an Alarm ("Judas Maccabreus ") ] ohn "llarr ison 02002 Lend me your aid (" Irene") ...... iod ward Lloyd 02o63 The .Prize Song (" Mei'itersinger ")

02o69 Dceper and Deeper Still (" J er,htha ") 00. Jo hn B, ;rrison 02070 Waft her, Angels (" Jepbtha') .oo oo · 02073 A Wandering Minstrel I oo· 02074 Every Valley (" Mcssiah ") 02075 Comfort ye (" Messiah ").oo oo· 02076 The Trumpetshall sound (" Messiah ") oo . Charles'knowles 02077 But who may ahide (" Messiah " ) .. . 02078 The Peoplcthat wa! ked (" Messiah " ) 02079 Sound an Alarm ("Judas Mnccah.. "C us ,} Evan ,{:illiams. 02o83 Lord Cod of Abrabam (" E!ijah ") ·oo Robert Radford 02084 1t is enough (" Elijah ") 02085 The Village Blacksmith o2o86 Ovcnurc (" Elijah u) Orchestra" and Peter Dawson 02087 Fleeting Y cars ...... Edward Lloyd 02o88 Come into the Garden, Maud 020~9 Stop your tickling, Jock Harry" Laudcr 02090 Sing me to Sleep oo• Edward Lloyd

02091 Good Q'ueen Bess 00 . • oo George Robey 02093 Rob Roy facintosh oo • ll arry Lauder 02094 The Mayor of Mudcomdyke Ceorge Robey 02095 1'11 Sing th ee Songs of Araby Edward Lloyd 02"96 Goodbye, Sweelheart, Goodbye . John 1l n.rrison

02iOI Thc M instrel Boy 00. ... Edward Lloyd 02102 I'm a RoJtner ...... Robert Radford 02103 Flower Song ("Carmen") ... Evan Willin.ms 02!04 What are you !ooking at me for 1 George Robey 02105 Maid of Atheos 1oh n Harrison 021o6 Annie Laurie Evan Williams ( 31 "Hls Master' S Volee "-Numerlcal Llst of Records-c..Ui~nUd.

lJ..laoh Record~t;,..,.¿. 02107 Death of Nelson ...... F.van Williams 02109 's Narration (" Lohengrin ") john Coates (in English) 02110 God, my Father, from "Les Sept Pnroles Gogorzn du Christ '' 02111 Come into the Garden, Maud John Coates 02112 Green Isle of Erin Robert Radford 02114 Mrs. B. George Robey 02116 I !ove a Lassie Hnrry Lauder 02117 Naznreth ...... Robert Radford {(a) Songs m y mother taught me .. . 0211 8 (b) Tune thy striogs, O Gipsy .. . ::: } Edward Lloyd 02120 The Anchor'a Weighed ...... Evans Williams 02122 Thora ...... J ohn Harrison 02123 Sound an Alarm ("Judas Maccabreus ") Edward Lloyd 02124 My Queen ... John Harrison 02125 There is a green hill 02128 I rage, I melt, I hum . Robe';t Radford 02131 Where'eryou walk("Semele").. ... Sig. E. di Gogorza. 02132 Wedding of Sandy MacNab ... .. Harry Lauder 02134 Vulcan's Song (" Philemon el Baucis ") ... Robert Radford 02135 When I get back again to Bonnie Scotland Harry Lauder 02136 Only Once More ...... John Harri.lon 02138 The Wedding o' Lauchie MeGraw Harry Lauder 02139 The Star of Bethlehem ... Edward Lloyd 02141 So fare thee well (" Doris ") .. }ohn Harrison 02142 That's the reason noo' I wenr a kilt ... Harry Lauder 02144 Celeste A!da (Heavenly A!da) (" Ald& ") John Coates 02146 Tobermory Harry Lauder 02147 M y Dreams John Harrison 02149 Shakespeare .. . George Robey 02150 Arise, ye subterranean winds Robert Radford 02152 Kathleen Mavoumeen .. J ohn Harrison 02153 Bang wcnt the chance of a lifetime George Robey 02155 A Trip to Inverary Harry Lauder 02156 Adela1de ...... Evan Williams 02157 The Holy City ...... Edward Lloyd 02158 The Bedouin Love Song .. . Thorpe Bates 02159 Hnrnmer Song (" ") Herr Comelius 02161 He was very, very kind to me Harry Lauder 02162 How many hired servants .. . Ev:m Willian.s 02163 I think I shall sleep wdl to-night .. . George Robey 02164 Walther's Prize Song (" !11eistersinger ") Evan William• 02165 The Lass of Killicrankie ...... Harry Laudcr 02167 The Widow of Colonel de Tracey George Robey oz16g Sword Song (" Siegfried " ) ... H err Cornelius 02170 !11r. John lllackay ...... Harry Lauder 02174 Off to Philadelphia .. . Plunket Greene OJJ76 Haill Blessed Mary (" Stradella ") Evan Williams 02179 O Vision Entrancing ...... John Harrison 02183 Your tiny hand is frozen ("La Bobeme "J Evan Williams 02185 Time was (" Angelus ") Roben Radford&chorus ( J2 ) "J;tis Master'S Volee "- Numerlcal Llst of Records-contim.ed.

12--lnoh Recorda-conliHued. 02186 Bonnic Lezzie Lindsay Harry Lauder 02188 Where'er you walk Jobn Harrison 02189 l've loved her ever since she was a baby Harry L~uder 02190 Jean ~ l cNeil ... 02191 Love, could I only tell thee Evan Williams 02192 The Death of Nelson J ohn Harrison 02193 Both lau¡;h ... George Rouey 02194 All through 1he night .. . Kenncrley Rumford 02196 Thou'rt pas.c;ing hence 02197 King Charles 02198 Three for Jack 02199 The Dcvout Lover 02200 Four jolly Sailormen (a) ~ l yna ~ 02201 { (b) Bordcr Bailad J 02202 Aye waken, O ! Harry Louder 02203 When Shadows gather ... Evan Williams 02204 J ohn Bull's Budget Song ... Arthur Gilbert 02207 Only for you John Harrison 022o8 I hear you calling me Evan Wil liams 02209 Hoc.our and Arms .. . Rohert Radford 02210 T he Refcree .. . Harry Laudcr 02111 Onaway, awake, beloved .. Evan Williams 02112 The Bounding Bounder ...... Harry Lauder 02213 The Ribbon, the Ring, anrl the Rose John Harrison 02214 Star of Bcthlehem ... 02216 The Diver ... Robert"Radford 02217 Ticklie Geordie Harry Lauder 02218 Maid of Malabar .. . John Harrison 02219 Yip-l-addy-1-ay ...... l.ieorge (;rossmith, jnr. 02220 Kashmioi Song (Pale Hands l loved) Stewart Gnrdncr (a) The Temple Bells .}.. o2221 { (b) Less than the Oust 02223 A Song of Sleep .. . .. John Horrison 02224 Wc parted on the ~ horc Jlarry Lauder 02225 The Sailor's Grave ... Juhn liarrison 02227 Saftest o' the Family Horry Louder 02228 The Midshipmite ... Thorne Bates 02230 A Sergeant of the Line 1-l orry Dcarth 02131 Arm, Arm, ye brave ("Judas ~l!l.ccatxcus") Robert Rndford 0223 z Thc l'ilgrim of Love John llarrison 02233 Loml of the ,\]mond lllossom Kennerley l{umford 02238 O Parodise (" L'Africaine '') Evan \Villiams 02240 Spirit, so fnir ('' Favorita") 02243 S1ar of the Desert ... John H~rri son 02244 Come back to E rin j ohn ~J cCormack 02245 Drink tome only with thine eyc; 02246 Killarney ...... 02247 Thc Snowy Breasted Pearl ... 0~248 H.ejoi ;e greatly ( 0 M<·sshth " ) ...... 1J uLert 'r_ G. Langley 02249 (a) Thc Nigln has a thousnnt.l oyes ; (b) john J Jarrison .t\~ros':i thc hluc sea ( 33 ) •• Hls Master's Volee "-Numerfcal Llst ot Records-

11-lnch Bcoorcll-"o"li,.wd. 02250 Onaway, awake 1 ... Harry Dearth 02253 Angelina ... George Grossmith, jun. 02254 Ailsa Mine .. Jobn Harrison 02255 Bertie thc Bounder George Grossmilh, jun. 02256 Legend of K!einsack (" Tales of Walter Hyde & Chorus Hoffmann ") 02257 When Love is but tender and sweet (" Tales of Hotrmann ") 02258 1 seek for thee in every ftower John Harrison 0226o The Lowland Sea ... Harry Denrth <>2261 Y our eyes haye told me so Evan Williams 02262 Kashmiri Song 02263 Ingemi.sco, " Requiem " ... 02265 Good-night, Beloved 02266 In Native worth ... 02267 Lead, kindly Light 02268 1'11 sing thee Songs of Araby 022Ó9 All through the night 02272 Echo Son~ · ·· 02273 Love abidmg ... 02274 Cujus Anima m(" Stabat Mater ") 02275 The Message - 02276 Murmuring Zephyrs .. 02277 The Arab's Farewell to bis Steed 02278 Crossing the Bar ... 0228o Love, could I only tell thee Robert 'kadford 02282 BreakfllSt in Bed .. . Harry Lauder 02283 Stars of Normandie J ohn Harrison 01285 Ou, la, la ... George Grossmith, jun. 02286 Molly Bawn J hn McCormack 02290 Nobody's satisfied ... Alfred Thomas 02291 M y old Shaku ... Harry Dearth 02192 Eleanore ... . Walter Hyde 02293 ' Star of my soul (" Geisba ") Robert lllichaelis 02294 She alone charmeth ("La Reine de Saba ") Robert Radford 02298 Come to the Ball (" The Quaker Girl") G. Carvey 02299 O 1 Na Byddai'n Haf O Hyd ...... Evan Williams 02300 The Message Boy ... Harry Lauder 02301 Walts me round again, Willie George Grossmith, jun. . 02J02 A Soldier's Toast ...... H arry Dearth 02303 It'o just like being at hame Harry Lauder OJOJJ Ave Maria ••• Mdme. Melba and Mons. Kubelik OJOJS ·valse Aria ("Romeo and Juliette ") Mdme. Melba OJOJ6 Chant Hindu ... OJ047 Lo, here the Gentle Lark OJ049 Home, Sweet Home . 03051 Voi che Sapete (" Noue di Fígaro") Mdme."Patti 03052 Pur Dicesll...... 03053 Home, Sweet Home OJ054 Old Folks al Home OJOS S Batti, Batti ("Don Giovanni ") ... (S.) " Hle Muter'• Volc:e "-Numerlc:el U.t of ~ec:orde-<....n..w.t

11-laoh ._....._...... Jewel Song (" Faust") ... Mdme. Patti ~obin Adair ...... Si vous n'ayez rien o. me dire Comin' thro' the Rye Lut Rose oC Summer On Partilljl .. , .. , Witbin a mile oC Edinboro' Town .. Tbe Lost Chord Mdme. Dewo Ave Maria ... Mdme. Eames and Hollman 03o68 To the Angels Amy Cutles 03o69 Ave Maria ...... Mdme. Melba& Squire 03071 Mi chiamano Mimi (" Bob~me ") Mdme. Melba 03072 Aubade (" Le Roi D'ys ") .. • .. . 03074 1 know that my Redeemer (" Messiab ") Percev~i Allon 03075 O thou tbat teUest (" Mesaiab ") .. . Mdme. Dewo 03076 He ohaU Ceed His Flock (" Mesaiab " ) .. . 03077 He was Despised (" Mesaiab ") ... 03079 La Serenata .. • .. . Mdme. "Paui o3Q82 Casta Diva ("Norma") ...... o3o83 ConnaiJ tu le Payo (" Mignon ") ... o3o84 Ah 1 non credea mirarti ...... 03o86 O rest In tbe Lord(" Eüjah ") Mdme. Dews 03o87 Hear ye, brael Mdme. Jones·Hudaon 03o89 Sweet Bird .. . ){dme. Melba OjQ92 O Id Folks at Home ...... Mdme. Calv~ OJ093 Inflammatus (" Stabo:t Mater ") ... Mdme. Gadski 03099 Mary Gray oC Allandale ... Susan Strong OJ100 An¡:els ever bright and fair Mdme. Joneo·Hudaon 03100 Ring on, Sweet Angelus ... 03110 Arie ("Madama Butter6y ") Mdme. Üeotinn 03115 La Serenata ...... Mdme. Jones·Hudson 03119 Ave Maria(" Cavalleria Rusticaua ") ... .. 03120 Fair Sp~ lo returning (" Samson and Edna Tboniton Delilab ') 03122 My heart iJ wcary 03125 Serenado ... Mdme.'jones-Hudson 03127 Home, Sweet Home ...... {(a) Cradle Song ...... 03128 (6) Expectancy ...... ::: } Mdme. ·~usan Strong 03135 Closing Scene (" Gotterdllmmerung ") Mrs. M. Saltzmann· Stevens 03138 Scenes that are brightest (" Maritana ") Perceval AUen 03140 At the mid bour oC nigbt ...... Allnes Nicholls 03142 Tbree Fisbers .. . :t.fdme. Kirkby Lunn 03143 A Bride Song .. . Agnes N icholfs 03144 The Children's Home .. . l'algrave Turner 03146 When all was young (" Faust ") .. . :\ldme Kirkby Lunn . 03150 The Leaves and tbe Wind Mdme. Clara Butt 03151 The Lost Cbórd .. . 03152 Husheen ...... 03153 Land of Hope and Glory ( 35 ) "Hls Master•s Volee "-Numerlcal Llst of Recorda-cCHtiHut.ri.

03154 Ombra mni fu Mdme. Clara Butl 03155 Believe me, ifall ... OJISÓ The Liulc Silver Ring 03157 The Promise of Life 03158 The Perfect Way Amy Castl'cs u3164 Hulla, Tu Tu Mnrgnret Cooper 03166 The Enchanuess .. Ednn Thornton 03172 Times Garden Ethelllook 03173 Angel Song ...... Mdme. Jones-Hudson 03174 When the titars were young ... Mdme. Kirkby Lunn 03176 lle shall feed His floek (" Messiah ") Mdme. Clara Butt 03177 O rest in the Lord(" Elijah ") 03178 Kalhleen Mavourneen 03179 Abide wlth me 0318o Enueat me notto leave thee Ednn Thornto" n 03181 l dreamt that I dwelt Perceval Allen (a) Love is a dreom 03182 { (A) O That we two :: . }Mdme. Kirkby Lunn 03183 In a child's small hand Edna Thornton 03 184 Swallows Waltz .. Lucy Marsh 03185 Invocru:ione ("Bollo in Maschero ") Edn~ Thornton 03186 Bnrbara Allan 1\fdme. Clara Butt OJr88 Bid me discourse .. Md me. Melha 03189 Sleeping Car Song (" The Girl in the Phyllis Dare Train ") 03190 Bring me a Ro.'e ("The Arcndians") OJ191 The Girl wilh the Drogue (" The Arcadinns ") OJI93 The Doll's Song (''Tales of Hoffmann ") Caroline Hn tchard 03195 How lovely are Thy dwellings Perceval Allen OJI99 O for the Wings of a Dove Mdme. lllelha 03202 Light ... Perceval All en 03204 O \ove! y night 1\ldme. Melba 0320Ó Good-bye ...... 03207 Come hcro mine (Waltz Song) (" The Ed ris Coom bes Chocolate Soldier ") 032o8 The Letter Song (" The Chocolate Suldier") OJ209 Cntch me!...... M argo.ret Cooper 03210 !le ,hall fced His Oock (" ~lessinh ") ... ~ l dme. Kirkby Lunn Oj211 (•t) !Jeep in my heo.rt; (b) The bird l Perce,·al Allen le 1VC thc Uc:st OJ2l2 Ocean, lhuumighty monsLer ('' ObcrC'In ") Agnes N ieholls OJ2lJ l>eep in thc henrl of a rose .. . .. )ldme. Kirkby Lunn 03214 In Y<>rkshire (" Our Miss Cibbs ") Gerlie :\lillar OJ2l5 llloonstrutk (" Our llli" Gibbs") 03216 ¡\ Qunker Girl (" The Qunker Girl ") OJ217 A' fmcc in M ay )ldlli.;: Kirkbv Lunn 0321H )'clcr 1\largo.ret c. ..,p.,r · OJ220 Tirtu.:'s

U.IDah Booord.t-"""i•wd. 03224 Will he come? Mdme. Clara Butt 03225 God shall wipe away all teara (" Light of Mdme. K.irkby Lunn the World ") . 03226 I will extol Thee (" EU ") Agnes N icholls 04002 O come, everyone (" Elijah ") ...... Quartette 04003 O Lord, thou hut overthrown (" Elijah ") Peter Da wson, Mlss Carric Tubb & Choir 04004 What have I todo with thee (" Elijah ") M dme. J ones· Hudson & l'eter Dawson 04005 A Night in Venice Perceval Allen and Jobn Harrison 04006 Love Divine .. 04001 En trance and March of Peera Sullivan Operatic Party 04008 O Gladaome Li¡ht Perceval Allen, Mdme. Dews,John Harrison and Robert Radford 04010 Sweet and Low Perceval Allen, Mdme. Dews,Jobn Harrison and Robert Radford 04013 The Two Beggars ... Jobn Harrison and Robert Radford 04014 The moon hath raised 04017 Love and War · 04019 Be mine the delight (" Faust ") .. 04020 Onward and Onward (" Golden Legend ") Perceval Allen and J ohn Harrison 04022 Excelsior ... Harrison and Radford 04024 I waited for the I.ord (" Hymn of Perceval Allen and Praise ") Carric Tubb , 0402 S God is a Spirit Perceval Allen, Alice Lakin, John Harrison, and Robert Radford 04028 In tbis bour of aoftened aplendour 04030 Good-nigbt, beloved 04032 A mo.iden fair to aee (" H. M.S. Pinafore ") Emest Pikeand Chorus 04033 Meumates, Ahoy 1("H. M.S. Plnafore ") Sullivan Operatic Party 04034 This very night 04035 The houra creep on apace ("H. M.S. Mdme. Jones-Hudson rinafore ") 04036 When banda meet Perceval Allen, Alice La k in,) ohnHarrison and Robert Radford 04037 Y ea; thougb I walk (" Light of the Perceval Allen, Alice World") Lakin, IohnHorrison and Roóert Radford 04038 She sells Sea Shells W. Miller, H . Payne and H. Tucker 04039 Ring o' Roses (No. 12) duet (" Dollor Dollar Princess Princess") Operatic Party ( 37 ) "His Master's Volee "-Numerlcal Llst ol R.ecords-conlir~ued.

12·lllch Becordl-co,.ti~twd. o.¡040 lnspection ("Dallar l'rincess ") ... Dollnr Princess Operatic Parly 040~1 Seek not, O maiden (" Walkure ,.) Mrs. Saltzmann- S levens and Clarence Whilehill 04043 Angel of Rest (" Angelus ") Edna Thornlon and Roberl Radford 04044 Sainted 1\!other Perceval Alltn and Edno Thornton 0404 5 Snowdrops ... M

lJ.IMb ._.._li-.i. 04009 Tbe saUor sighs ... Edna Thomton and John Harrison 04c.7o It is of the Lord's great mercies Evan · WiUiams and ('1 Abraham v¡ Robert Radford 04072 Ringo' Roses (" Dollar Princeu ") · Lucy Marsh and H. Macdonough 04073 Flow gently, Deva Evan WiUiams and Robert Radford 0407 S The Crucifix Evan Williams and Robert Radford 04078 I heard a voice in the tranquil night Perceval Allen and Edna Thornton 04079 Tbe Letter Song Duet from Edith Kirkwood and •• The Chocolate Soldier" Richard Pembroke 04500 Finale ("Yeomen of the Guard ") ... ·Sullivan Op. Party 04501 Finale, Act l., And now assemble (" Dol· Dollar Princess lar Princeu ") Operatic Party 04502 Howdoyoudo?(No.ts)("DollarPrinceu") , 04503 Gems from " Tbe Dollar Princeu" ... Light Opera Co. 04504 Gems from "The llelle of Brittany" ... · 04SOS Drig, Drig, Dril¡(" Tales of Holfmann ") Beec~ Opera Cliorus 04507 Gems from " Tbe Balkan Princeu" Light Opera Co. 045o8 Gems from "The Girl in the Train " ..• 04509 Gems from " The Chocolate Soldier " ... 04511 Gems from "The Mikado," Part l. 04512 u , , 11. 04751 Worthy is'the Lamb (" Meuiah") Choir 04753 Be not afraid (" Elijah ") 04754 Thanks be to God (" Elijah ") 04755 Help, Lord 04756 Behold 1 God the Lord 04757 Yet, doth the Lord 04758 And then shall yoW' ligbt 04759 Han ye not heard Fi:;,ence Venning and Choir 0476o And !}le Glory of the Lord(" Meuiab "l Leeds Festival Choir, 1907 04761 Hallelujah Chorus (" Messiah ") 04762 Nazareth (Harmoniud) .•• .. . Westm~ter"Catbe­ dral Choir 0476 3 Christ is risen from the dead St. Andrew's Church Choir 04764 Morning Prayer, Part 1 04765 " 2 Of766 " 3 04767 " 4 04768 " S 04769 " , u 7 04770 Adeste Fideles, Part I. W estminster" Cathedra (R.C.) Choir 04771 " n. o\ " ( 39) ~· Hls Master's Volee "-Numerlcal Llst of ~ecords-ullli"wd.

tS..lDob a.oorda-etn~IÚUtltl. 04772 When tbe crimson aun has s.t S t. Andrew's Cburcb Cboir 04773 The First N owell •. . . .. 04774 Glory lo God •.. •.. 04775 Good ]{jng Wenceslas ... 04776 Hallelujab Chorus (" Messiah ") Choh' 04777 Angels we have heard Wcstminoter Catbedral (R.C.) Choir 04778 See amid the wlnter snow .. 04779 Noel ..• St. Andrew's Churcb Cboir 0478o Debold, 1 bring you good tidings 04781 Kyrie and Gloria from Mass, Aeterua W cstmi..;;., Cathcdral Christi (R. C.) Choir {(a) Gloria el Honore } 04782 (b) Regina C"'li ··• 04783 Responses and Preface with Sanctus, from Mass, Aeterna Cbristi 04784 Responses and A¡¡nus Dei from Mass, Aeterna Chrisll 04786 Glorious is Thy N ame ("Twelfth M:us ") Mixed Charch Cboir 04787 Bow down and hear me (" Twelfth Mass") 04788 Thou, Lord, arl God alone (" Twelftb Mass") 04789 Praise the Lord (" Twelfth Mass ") 04790 He is blessed ("Twelñh Mass ") 05504 Prelude Herr Backb:.u 05505 Liebestraum ... 055o6 Norwegian Wedding March 05507 La Campanella ... 055o8 Prelude and Study (Op. 10, No. 1) in e major 05509 Harmonious Blacksmith ... .. 05510 Perpetuum Mobile 05511 Fantasie lmpromptu •. . 05512 Prelude and Fugue in C sharp 05513 Two Studies ..• . .. 055'~ Three Studies ...... 05516 Paraphrase de Concert (" Rigoletto ") ... Herr d~ Pachmann 055'7 Étude ..• ...... 05518 La Fileuse, Op. 157, No. 2 05519 Rondo Capriccioso, Op. 14 05520 !lloonlight Sonata, Part ll. Mark iiambourg 05521 n 11 Part l . 05523 Concerto, Part l. •.• Herr Ba~khaus 05524 ,. Pnrt 11 •... .. 05526 Rhapsody ...... Irene Seharrer 05527 Seclmg Study in E ftat minor H err Backhaus 05S28 ¡,¡ Pastoral; (b) Capriccio ...... Mark Hambourg o;5z9 :\"ovelette, Op. 21 ; No. 7 in E ~I ajor ... Herr Hackhaus 05530 Etude in G~ ...... Mark Hambourg ( 40) " Hla Master' e Volee "-Numerlc:al Llst ot Recorcls-<..Ui"oud·

Concertino ... Charles Drap

IS.IDCII a-..11--<••li•"'"'· :>!lo u Larghetto ...... Renard Trio o!lo14 Song wlihout Words o8ol5 Spínning Song (Mendelssohn) Rena;.¡ Quartet o8or6 The Larlc ...... o8ol7 Humoreske " o8ol9 Si&ilietiA ... o8o20 En lxodinant o8o21 Serenade d'amour o8o22 Lar¡,'O Mcurs." Kutner, Renard and W esseley o8o2j Wahz N (l. 3-Andante .. . Renard Quartette o8o24 Chant saos· Paroles o8o25 Sladsche Tanze, No. 8 ... o8o26 ~ara Lande Rena•d" Trio o8o27 Lied o8o28 Adagio Cantabile .. 0<)150 Du, du liegst mir im Herzen Eli H~dson 0<)251 La Cinquantaine ... Alfred KutnJOOJS L'Invitation ala Valse ... La Garde Republicaine OJ202J I.e C.,r Plan\=OD OJ2027 Nazaretb ...... OJ20JO Salut demeure (" faust ") Caruso" OJ20JI Toreador Song ("Carmen") Go¡ona OJ20J2 Noel ...... Plan~ OJ20J6 Serenade Mefistofele (" Faust ") Joumet 032038 La Marseillaise .. . 032070 Valse Lente ...... •.. Canaso" 03ao76 Drinking Song (" Hamlet ") ...... Síg. E. di Gogona 032077 Noones qul repooez(" Robert le Diable") Pt..ngon 032078 O Joun Heareux (" Etoíle du Nord ") 032079 Toreador So~ ("Carmen") ...... v.~· Rooy OJ20<)3 Romance de 1 Etoile("Tannhiuser") ... Mona. Renaud 032118 J ongleur de N otre Dame Journet 033019 Cha0110n d' Amour ... Jlldme. Eames 033026 Si mes vers avaient des ailes Mdme. Melba 033027 Mad Scene, Part 11. (" Hamlet ") 03Jo28 Part l. OJJ029 Air des" bijoux (" Faust ") 033040 Printempa qui commence (" Samson et Maria "Gay Ddila") 033052 Air de Gilda (" Rígoletto ") ... Mdlle. Verle! 033058 Les tringles des sistres (" Carmen·,¡ Mdme. Cah•é OJJ059 Habanero ("Carmen") ... ( 42 ) "Hle Master' a Volc:e "-Numerkallllt of Rec:ords--<,.ti,.ueá.

tt-!Jich ._rtlo---n Van Rooy 043166 Cavatina, Act l. 043167 Star of E,·e ,. .. . 043168 Wotan's Grtetlng (" Rheingold") .. . 04316g Addreas of Telramund (" Lohcngrin ") o~uSg Lohengrin'a Farewell (" Lohengrin ")... Sig. Tn;,;!ni 042190 Siegmund's Liebeslled ("Die WalkUre ") ., 042191 Durch die Wiilder (" Der Freischüu.") 0421g6 Wohl wusst'ich hler sie im Gehet Cl:u~~ce Whitehill (" Rheingold ") 042197 Abendlich strnhlt (" Rbeingold ") ., 043004 Senta Bailado (" Der Fliegendt Frl. Emmy Destínn HollKnder") 043o66 Mein Herzerschlleaset (" Samson and Mdme. Schumann- Delilab ") Ueink 043008 Trínklied (" Lucre

12-lnab Recordl-co,.ti,lltd. Duet, last Act {" Siegfried ") ... Sallzmann-Stevens and Cornelius 044112 Wer bist denn du {" Elektra ") Perceval Allen and 0455o6 Schubert's Songs ... Grünfeld 047905 Hungarian Dance, D Minar, No. 2 Joachim 050501 "Mignon," Part II., Overture ... La Scala Orchcslra 050515 Preludio(" Faust ") 050519 Variations on American ~Ielodies 050524 Intermeuo (u Cavalleria Rusticana") .. . 050525 Overture (" Carmen") ... 050529 Siegfricd's Journey {" Twilight of thc Gods") 0505P Overture {" Tristran und !solde ") 050531 Death of Isolde u , , 050532 Overture {" Thc Magic Flutc ") 05053~ u l'art I (andante) (c. Rienzi ") 050536 Wedding March {" Midsummer Ni¡:ht's Dream") 050537 Miniature Overture (" Cnsse Noisette ") 050540 Overture, Part 1{adagio){"Tannhiiuser ") 050541 , ,. 11 {alltlf'O) , 050542 Brida! Procession {" Lohencrin ") 050543 Overture 050544 Morning {" Peer G ynt ") 050545 Oeath of Ase ,. 050549 u Si j'etais Roi " Overture 050550 Overture {'' Masaniello u) 050551 March from " Aida" 050500 Overture (" Meistersinger '") 052o66 Mi par di udire ancora (" Pescatore di Caruso Perle") 052o68 Morte d'Otello {" Otello ") Tamagno 052073 Un solo istante i palpita {" L'Elisir Caruso d'Amore") 052074 Celeste(" A Ida") 052075 Prologue(" Pagliacci ") ... A1;~ona 052086 Serenata (" Dnn Pasquale ") Ca ruso 052091 Eri tu(" Un Bailo in Maschera '") Sco1ti 052093 1nf elice e tuo credevi {" Ernani ") journet 052100 lmprovviso {" Andrea Chenier ") Tamagno 052101 Esultatc (" Otello ") 052102 Ora e per scmpre (" Ote!lo "¡ .. . 052103 O muto asil (" William Tcll ") .. . 052105 M'appari tutt' amor(" Marta") Gior(t'ini 052111 Addio, Mignon (" Mignon ") .. . De Lucia Serenata ('' Don G iovanni ,) .. . 052113 { Quand ero pa¡:gio (" Falstaff ") ::: }scotti 0521 17 Qui Sdecno (" Il Flauto Magico ") P lanQon 052120 Spirito gentil{" La Favorita") Caruso 052121 M'appari tutt' amor{" Marta " ) { 44 ) " Hla Muter'1 Volee "-Numerlcal Ll1t of Records-<.,.trirNia'.

JS.IHil .-.-...u.w.t. 052122 Che ¡elida mauina (" La Bobeme ") Caruso 052132 La!jo al factotum (" 11 Barbi~re di Titta Ruft'o S1viglia ") 052133 Dio pouente (" Fauat ") ... .. 052141 O del verd' anni miei (' • Ernanl") Battietlnl 052143 11 mio Lionel ("'Marta") •.• 052144 A tauto amor (" La Favorita") .. 0521.45 O L!Jbona ("Don Sebutiano ") ... 052146 Eri tu che maccbiavi q,ueU 'anima (" Un.Ballo in Mucbera ') 052147 Su queate rose(" La DaDDu:ione di Fauat ") , 052148 Perche tremar ("Zampa") .•. .;. , 052150 Morte di Valentino ••• Mlnolñ aod Chorua 052153 Tri1te rltomo Caru10 052154 Ideale ••• •.• ... 052157 O I'aradiiO (" L'Aíricana ") ...... 052158 U ndl allu:zuro 1puio ("Andrea Chenler") 052159 Ve~ti la giub!Ja (" Pa¡liacci ") ...... 05216o Marie .. , ...... Scottl 052162 Prolo¡¡ue, Part Il. (" Pagllacci ") Ci¡¡ada 052163 u .. J. , fJ 052166 Ve~li la !llubba (" Pa¡¡llacci") ... Paoli 052167 No, Paglw:ci non 100 (" Pagllacci ") ., 052168 Un tal 'iuoco Paoli and Chorue 052177 Caro m1o ben Go¡oroa 052181 Dio PONCnte .. • ... Ci¡¡ada 052184 Ci¡¡~o gentil(" Lobengrin ") ... De Lucia & Chorue 052185 Romaosa del fiore ~· • Carmm '')' De Lucia 052188 Brindi1l (" Amleto ') ...... Titta Ruflo 052189 Monologo(" Amlcto ") .. . 052190 Per mi giuntó ("Don Carloe") 052191 Pari 1iamo (" Ri¡¡olctto ") 052192 Prologo(" Pagliacci ") ...... 052209 In torra oolo (" Dom Sébutim ") 052210 Ah si ben mio(" 11 Trovatore ") 052212 Dio pouentc (" Fau1t ") .. . Sii, E. di Go¡oru 052217 lkrccu~e (" Mignon ") ...... Mons. Plan~n 052218 Pro Pcccati1 (" Stabat Mater ") 052219 Cielo e mar .. . Jobn e:;.,.. 052124 Cele1te Alela(" Alda ") .. . Caruso 052n5 Cantabili Scarpia (" T01ca ") Scotti 052248 Come il romito fior (" Hamlet") Titta Rufl'o 052149 Toreador Song (" Carmen "J 052251 Cortigiani vil raua (" Rigoletto ") 052l6o 1l Balen (" Trovatore ")... Gogorza.. 053054 Ah 1 fon' e lui ("La Traviata ") Mdme. Sembricb 053055 Voce di primavera-Valse ., 05Jo64 Condotta Ell era In Ceppi (" Il Mdme. Mileri 11 Trovatore ) 053073 Ombra Leggen1 (" Dinotah ") ... Mdllt. Huguet 053o8o O mio Fernando ("La Favorita") Signora Cucini ( 45 ) "Hls Master's Volee "-!llumerlcal List ot ~ecorda-co11litmed.

12-LDch Racorda-cD,.,,·,.,,.d. 053o8 1 Aria Dei Gioielli ...... Mdme. Hu~uet 053o89 Madre Pietosa ("La Forema ("Carmen ") 053130 Aria degli uccelli (" Pagliacci ") Mdme. 'H:uguet 053136 Aria di Micaela ("Carmen") ... 053141 Caro Nome (" Rigoletto") ~{dme. 'Tetranini 053142 Polonaise (" Mignon ") ... 053143 Shadow Song (" ") 053144 Mad Scene ("Lucia di Lammermoor ") 053145 Voi che sapete (" Nozze di Fígaro") .. . 053146 Una voce (" 11 Borbiere di Siviglin ") .. . 053147 Ah fors' e tui (" Traviata ") 053148 Batti, Batli ("Don Giovanni ") 053149 En trata di Micaela ("Carmen") Gilda B~tt i and La Scala Chorus 0531 so Bell Song (" Lakmé ") .. Mdme. Tetrazzini 053158 Bolero (" La Gitana") ... J::rnestine Schumann · Heink 053162 Ballata d'Ofelia (" Harnlet ") Mdme. Galvany 053163 Walzer ("Romeo and Juliet ") ...... 053164 O lieto suol della Turre na(" Huguenots " ) 053165 L'Incantntrice (Walzer) .. . .. C'53170 Vocal Waltz (" The Merry Widow ") Mdme. Sembrich 053176 Un bel di Vedremo (" Madama Butterfly") Geraldine Farrar 053177 L'altra notte (" Mefistofele ") ... .. 053183 Voi lo sapete (" Cavalleria Rusticana") Mdme. Calvé 053195 Waltz Song ("Romeo and Juliet ") llldme. Tetrazzini 053 196 Ah fon' e luí, Part I. ('''Traviata ") .. . 05J197 FrUiingsstimmen (" Voices of Spring ") .. . 053200 Spargi d'amaro pianto (" Lucia di Mdme. Galvany Lnmmermoor H) 05J211 " Salce" (Willow Song), "Otello" llldme. lllelba 053212 AveMnria("Otello") ... 05321J Bole:o (" Vespri Siciliana") ... )fdme. Sembrich 053216 O luce di ~ue&t 'anima ("Linda di Chn· mounix') 053221 Dove Sono Frl. Sigue von Rappc OSJ222 Saner vorrestc, Canzone ("Un Ballo in )Jdme. Tetrozzini Maschera " ) " Hls Master's Voice " - :-lumerlcal Llst of f{ecords-

12.--lncb Recordl-ct,•liluud. 053213 Regnava nel Silen.io ("Lucia di Lam· Mdme. Tetrauini mermooru} 053224 Quando rapita in estasi (" Lucia di La.mmermoor ") 053215 Camevale di Venezia, l'art 1 053226 n 11 ., 11 ... 053227 Ah 1 non credea ("La Sonnambula ") ... 05J228 Cavatina ("Les Pecheurs de Perles"} 053229 Aprile 053230 La Serenata .. 053241 11 tuo corpo fu dorica statua (" alomé") Sig11ora Ardoni 054043 Tnrdi si fa addio (" Faust ") De Lucia & MdiJe. Boninsegna 054054 Miserere(" 11 Trovatore ") Gincomelli nnd Martinez- Patti nnd Chorus Ha Quest' Infame(" 11 Trovatore ") Giacomelli, Mileri, & Martinez-Patti Giorni Poveri Vi vea (" 11 Trovatore ") .. Mameli, ~linolfi, Preve & Chorus 054070 Solenne in quest'ora ("La Forza del Caruso and Scotti Destino") 054071 La ci darem ("Don Giovanni ") Mdme. Eamesand Gogorz.a 054074 N orina ed Malatesta ("Don Pasquale ") Mdme. Sem!Jrich and Scotti 054o87 Church Scene, Part I. (" Faust ") Il uguet, De Luna & Chorus 054o88 , Part ll. ., 054100 Piangi fanciulla (" Rigoletto ") Ruffo and" Mdme. Galvany 054101 Dite alla giovane (" Traviata ") 054102 La Minaccic ("Forza del Destino") Ruffo" & l schierdo 054103 Da que! di che l'ho vedula (" Ernani '') Dattislini and Signara Corsi 054104 La ci darem ("Don Giovanni ") 0541o6 Vieni meco sol di rose(" Ernani ") .. 054107 O Sommo Cario (" Ernani ") Battistini, Colaua, Sillich, Si¡¡nora Corsi, 0t Chorus 054113 Duetto Finale Corsi and Acerbi 054ll4 Preludio e Terzclte Finale Bram billa, Acerbi and Sillich 054117 Bella figlia dell'amore (" Rigoletto ") ... Ca.ruso, Seo u i, Miss Abott, ~ldme. 1 lomer 054126 Duet from "JI!adama ButterRy" )Jdmes. G. Farrar and L. 1l omer 054127 Ah mimi tu pi u(" Boh€me ") ... Caruso and ::,cotti 054128 Per \'Oili, per boschi ) ldme. M eliJa and Gilibert ( ~7 ) "Hla Ma~ter's Volee "-Numerlc:al Llst of ~ecord a-co111immf.

11-tnch Recordl-conlr""u'd, 054129 O soave fanciulla (" Boh@me ") Mdme. Melba & Caruoo OH134 Del tempio al limitar (" Pescatore di Caruso & Ancona Perle") . 054135 Suoni la tromba (" Puritani ") ... Ancona & Journet 054141 Addio alla madre (" Cavalleria Rustí· De Tura and cana") Rumbelli 054142 Duet 1 (" Cavalleria Rusticana") Joanna & De Tura 054143 Jt 2 ( 11 IJ ) .. 054144 Avoi tutti Salute ("CavaUeria Rusticana'') De Tura, Cigada and Chorus o 5414 5 Re¡;ina coelli Minolfi, Rumbelli and Chorus 054146 Opening Chorus (" Pagliacci ") Cigada, Mdme. Huguet, Badini, and Chorus 054148 E allor perché, di Mdme. Huguet and Badini 054149 Nulla scordai Mdme. Huguet, Cigada & Badini 054150 So ben che deforme Mdme. Huguet and Cigada· 054151 Commedia ( tst part) e Serenata Mdme. Huguet & d'Arlecchino (" Pagliacci " ) Pini·Corst 054152 Commedia (2nd part) e Scena Comica Mdme. Huguet,Cigada, (" Pagliacci) and Pini·Corsi 054156 Un Grande spettacolo (" Pagliacci ") ... Paoli, Cigada, Pini· Corsi, and Rosci 054157 Aitalo Signor (" Pagliacci ") Mdme. Huguet, Paoli, Cigada, & Pini·Corsi 054158 Finale del!' Opera(" Pagliacci ") Paoli, 1\ldme. HuJrJet, Cigada, Pini-Corsi, Badini, and Chorus 054159 Miséréré (" Trovatore " ) (with La Scala Com. Paoli, S ignora C. Chorus) Joa nna and Chorus 054162 Mia tu Sei ("Carmen") ... Huguet, Salvador, Paoli and Cigada 054172 Mia madre veggo ancor ("Carmen") ... De Lucia and Mdme. Huguet 054174 Duetto Finale ("Carmen") Passeri, A. Paoli, and La Sea la Chorus 05418o Nega si puoi la !~ce (" Amleto ") Titta Ruffo and Maria Galvany 054181 Dunque io son (" 11 Barbiere") .. 054198 Ai nostri monti (" Il Trovatore ") Caruso and Mdme. Homer 054201 O quanti acchi fisi (" MadamaButterAy") Gera.ldine Farrar and Caruso 054202 Ora a noi ! (" Madama Butterfly ") Geraldine Forrar and Scotti 054203 Mimi, io son (" La Bobeme ") .. ( 48 ) " Hls Master' a Volee "-Numerlcal Ll&t of Records-conlinuea.

12-tnch Recordl-cDnlinued. 054204 Quartette from "La Boheme" ... Caruso, Scotti, Farrar and Viafora . 054205 Sextette from " Lucia " ... Caruso, Scotti, Journet,. Sembrich, Severina and Daddi 05420Ó La ci darem (" Don Giovanni ") Gera.ldine Farrar and Sig. Scotli 054228 Lassu nel ciel (" Rigoletto ") ... Titta Ruffo and Signora Pareto 054229 La ci darem la mnno (''Don Giovanni ") 054500 Cori dei soldati (" 11 Trovatore ") La Sea!~' Chorus 054503 La Kermesse(" Faust ") 054500 Coro d'introduzione (" CavaUeria Rus- ticana") 054507 Corro delle campane (" Pagliacci ") 054509 Marcia (u Carmen") .. 054750 Filiae Jerusalem ... Gregorian Chants 054751 Kyrie Eleison 05475Z Gloria in Excelsis Deo 054753 Credo (la parte) ... 054754 Credo (2a parte) ... 054755 Gratias Agimus Tibi 054756 Domine Deus 054757 Oremus pro Pontífice 054758 Ave Maria 054759 Sicut Cervus 05476o Sanctus et Agnus Dei ...... 054761 Sequentia della Messa di S. Gregorio 054762 Introito della :t.Iessa 054763 1 Due Alleluja 054764 Introito della Messa 11 Sacerdotes Dei" 054765 1 Due Alleluja della Messa di S. Gregorio 054766 Primo Responsorio lo Notturno 054767 Offertorio e Communione della Messa ... 0$4768 lntroitus in Assunzione B. M. V. 054769 Introito di Pasqua ...... 054770 1ntroito della Messa " Sacerdotes Dei " 054771 Alleluja della Messa "Fac Nos Innocua m u , 054772 Communicazione Fatta al Congresso In· Baron Kander ternazionale Gregoriano (in prajse of Gramophone Co.) 054773 Prolusione al Corso Pratico per l'lnseg· Rev. Pro f. Don namento del Canto Gregoriano Antonio Rella 054774 Discorso d' Apertura del Congresso Rev. Father de Gregoriano San ti 054775 Carratere Fondamentale del Canto Re•. Father Liturgico Pothier 054776 Lettura al Congresso Gregoriano I{ev. Father Don An­ clrea )llocquercau o62004 La Paloma Sig. Francisco 002005 Spanish Screnade (" Lolita ") Caruso ( 49 ) " Hls Master' a Volee "-Numerlcal Llst of Records-ro11timud.

12--lnoh ltecorda-c.mti,..,ed. o63003 Spanish Song ... Mdme. Calv~ o84oo6 Traviata (Duet, Act IV.) Herold & Frl. E. Ulrich o84013 Duet fr om " The Pearl Fishers " Herren W. H eroltl and H. Nissen Ballet Music, "Faust." No. 1. French Symphony Valse les Nubiennes Orchestm Ballet Music, " Faust." No. 2, Adagio .Ballet Music, "Faust." Nos. 3 and 4· Danse Antique and Variations de Cleopatre 2-030503 BalletMusic, "Faust." ro . 7· Final, Danse de Phryné 2- 030504 Ballet Music, " Fau ,t. " No. S· Les Troyennes. No. 6. Variation du Miroir 2-DJ2000 Air de la Aeur ("Carmen") Ca ruso 2-DJ3000 Concert lt la Cour·Noel ... Alice Verlet 2--0J3001 Printemps qui commc:nce (11 Snmson Mdme. Ki rkby Lunn et Delilah ") 2-DJJ002 Mon Cceur s'ouvre ll ta voix ... 2-DJJOOJ Les Filies de Cadí• ... 2-DJ3004 Laura Hymn d'Amour 2-033005 Serenad e 2-DJJOOÓ Bell Son~, Part 1 2-DJJ007 Da Rosstgnol. .. 2-D3JOIO 11 segreto ...... Mdme.'Clata Bull 2-D3J011 Bell Song, Part li ... Mdlle. Verle! 2-DJJ012 Air des bijoux (" Faust ") Gernldine Farrar 2-DJJ020 Pleure. mes yeux ("Le Cid") Mdme. Melba 2-DJJC.21 Le Roí de Thulé (" F'aust '') Geraldine Forrar 2-D3J023 Sevillo.na ("Don César De Bazan ") Mdme. Mclba 2-034000 O merveille (" F"ust " ) ... Cuuso & Jo urnet 1 2-0J4001 The Duel-Act III. (" Faust ') Caruso, Joutne[, and Scotti Alerte ou vous·étes perdus-Prison Caruso, Gc:ra!dine Sctne, Part I. (" Faust ") Farrar, & Journet 2-034003 Seigneur Dieu-Garden Scene, Caruso, Ceraldine Part l. (" Faust") Forrar, ~ l dme. Gilibert, ,. Journet

2 o 034004 Eh quoi, toujours seule - Gtlrden Scene, Part II. (" Faust ") 2-034005 Mon ca:ur e;t pénétré d'epouvante Caruso and Geraldine - Prison Sccnc:, Part I. (" Faust '') Farmr Auend~l voici la rue-llrisonScene, Pan 1!. (" Faust ") 2-0J4007 Elle ouvre sa fen~tre - Garden G

11-lacb Recorda---cD•Ii,.,utf. 2-Q3401[ Il se fait tard (" Faust ") Caruso and Geraldine Farrar 2 -034'"2 O nuit d'amour (" Faust ") .. . 2-:>42000 The Two Grenndiers .. . Clarence Whitehill 2--042001 Aria-Messalina .. . 2--o5o5oo Overture,, u 1\'lidsummer Night's Dream ... La Scala Orche;tra 2--Q5050l Overture, In the South 2--o5o502 Hebrides (" Fingal's Cave") Over· ture 2--o50503 ''MidsummerNight'sDream"Scherzo .. 2 - 050504 Pastorale di' Na tale ... , and Chorus 2--o52003 Dio possente (" Faust " ) Scotti 2--Q5Z005 Maroma mia che vo sap: 1 ... Ca ruso 2-052006 Oh tu che segno a~l · angeli (" La Forta del Destino' ) .. 2--o52oo8 Piu bianca (" Gli U:-:onotti '') .. 2--Q52009 Il Sogno ("Otello ") ... Sammarco 2-0520ll Eri tu(" Un Bailo in Maschera ") ... Sammarco 2--o52012 Batlnta Adamastor (" L' Africana") Sa.mmarco 2--o52014 Cavatina- Largo al Factotum {11 ll Sammarco Barbiere di Siviglia ") 2-052015 Pari siamo (" Ricoletto ") Sammarco 2-052016 A Tanto Amor(" La Fn.vorita '') Sammarco 2--o52017 Oje Marena ... Sammarco 2--o52018 L ultimo Canzone ...... Sammarco 2-<>52019 1\forte d'Otello (" Otello ") ... Zerola 2--o52021 Racconto di Rodolfo ("La Boh€me") John McCormack 2--o5202a Una furtiva Jagrima (" L'Elisir John McCormack d'A morc ") 2--Q52023 Fra poco a me ricovero ("Lucia di John McCurmack Lamrnermoor ") 2--o5zoz4 Tu che a dio Sp,iegasti ("Lucia di John McCormack Lunmermoor '} 2--o52025 De' miei bol!enti spiriti ("La John :llcCurmsck Traviata ") 2--o52026 Per viver vici ·o ("La figlia del John McCormack Reggiment ~> u) :--o52o28 Salve di mora (" Faust " ) Johtl 'McCormark 2-052031 ProlcJgO {11 Pag liacci ") Sammarco 2-052032 Cido e mar (" G ioconda "1 ...... Caruso 2--o53000 O Don Fat~le (" Don Carlos") :lldme. Ki,kuy Lunn •• Hls Master's Volee "-Numerlcal Llst of Record•--

U.lach aecordl-c., .. ti•wd. 2-05JOIJ Wall% (" Mirella ") ..• Mdme. Tetrazzini 2-D5J019 Elaa's Dream (" Lohengrin ") Mdme. Melba 2-053020 Vissi d'arte (" La Tosca") ... Mdme. Melba 2-:053025 Mi chiamano Mimi ("La Boh~me ") Mdme. Melba 2-:053027 Voi che sapete (" Noue di Fígaro") Mdme. Melba .:z-05J02!S Addio (" La Bob ~ me " ) •. . •• • Mdme. Melba 2-:054005 Final Duet, Paat l . ("A ida " ) Caruso and Gadski 2-0S4oo6 Final Duet, Pa•t U.(" Aida") ••• 2-054007 M~r~r~ Scene (" 11 Trovatore ") .•• Caruso a~d Alda 2-<>54010 Solo Profugo ("Marta") ... Caruso and Joumet 2-054011 Ah Mimi tu piu ( "La Bobeme ") McCormack and Sammarco 2-<>54013 Duet, Act U.(" Madama Butterfty ") Caruso and Scotti 2-<>54014 Duet, Act l. ("Madama Butterfty ") Ca ruso and Scot ti 2-