1911. ''tUS MASTER' S VOICE" NUMERICAL By 7\ppolntmeot. LIST OF RECORD S. v"-- For tbe Trade only. r,§) ' -:L-..~~ - j ~. ' -· ·· ·-· 1'0011'\..,Ti!IP•ll'l 1111 J.ll• ••WI '' \h'-lP.o.l-UI!dtl ,,¡, ,p ,¡¡¡ 01ol\'I•WH '' l<ol' 111\1 I)(JI-. -.0111 \l< l!lh 1~\1•1 \1 ' INDEX TO NUMERICAL LIST. 464 lo 81110 Pages 3-16 •-so lo 2-6o226 16-20 3-2007 lo 3- 42931 .. 2D-23 4-2009 lo 4- 42og6 .. 2J- 2S 7- 30000 lo 7- S3002 •s 022 to o644 •S-30 01000 lo og•s• JD-42 o11soo to o84013 ... 42- SO 2-o30SOO - 2-o63001 so-s• " HIS MASTER'S VOl CE "-NUM ERICAL LI ST OF RECOR.DS 10-lllch Recordl. The Worblers Sousa's Band · The Choristers Waltz Bohemian Orch. Cupid's Carden Intermezzo .. Iotermeno (" Cavalleria Rusticana'') l:'ryor's Orch. Moonlight Serenade Bohemian Orch. The Mocking Bird .. Stafl'ord String of Peruls Waltz Pryor's Orch. The Whistler and his Dog .. Intermeuo Rococo ... Bohemian" Orch. Rouge e[ Noir ... Overture (" Cormen ") La Scala" Symphony Orch. Intermeno Act III. ("Carmen") ... Petronella Country Dance ... Bohemia~'orcb. Luna Waltt ... Dresdine ... .• " William Tell" Overture, Part I. La Scala" Symphony Orch. 773 Part II. 774 Part III. 775 u , l'a~t IV. 776 La Petite Tonkinoise Bohemia~' Orch. 781 March (" 'lerry Widow ")... ... 782 " Maxim" March (" Merry Widow ") 783 Waltz (" Merry Widow ") ... .. 784 u , • . La Scala" Orchestra 786 Barcarolle ("Tales of Hoffmann "1 Bohemiao Orch, 798 Songe d' Automne ... Vision of Salome ... ~ Hobomoko ... Metrop.;litan Orch. lSol Hearts antl Flowers 8o2 Rouge el Noir ... 8o4 "Esquisses de Crimc!e," Air de Danse Russian Orch. 8os K•s; of Spring Waltt Bohemian Orch. 8o6 Lock Stcp Two•Step 8o9 P1 eludium Grand Opera Orch. 1204 The Mocking Bird ... Dan Leno 1205 M y wifc's relaúons .. 1200 McG!ochell's m en ... 1207 Where are you going to, my pretty Maid? 1243 Spiritualism .. .. .. .. .. 1249 lm1talions of a railway train on a side Geori;e Mozart drum 1305 'l'rial by Ju ry Arthur Roberts 1307 Sharp T in Tacks Will Evans IJ II Specch on Education H. G. Arch. West· minster l j l2 llomlet's Soliloquy on Death Sir H. Deerbohm Tree 13 13 Svengali mesmerises 'frilby .. .. , 1314 Antony's Lamenl over the body of Julius Cresar ( 3 ) "Hl1 Master'& Volee "-Numerlcal Llst of Records-cm/i,uetl. 10-tnch Recorde-cc,,t;,.ud. 1315 Soliloquy on the Death of Kings .. Sir H. Becrbohm Tree 1316 Falstaf!'s Speech on Honour .. 1317 Scene from the u Scarlet Pimpemel '' F. Terr/~nd Julia Ncilson 1318 A Whistling Yarn ... G. H . Snazelle 1321 HowBill AdamswontheBattleofWaterloo 1322 Motoring . .. Harry T~te 1324 Triplets and Dogs in Church Lionel Brougb 1328 The Pigeon Story ... 1329 The Gramophone introducing itsclf and returning thanks 1331 An Australian story G. H. Snazelle 1332 Fishing ... .. Harry Tate 1333 La Jeune Filie Mourante ... Sir J. T. Sinclair 1351 Charge of the Light Brigade Lewis Waller Canon Flem ing :~~~ The neÍÍs, 1., II., 'in. Verses 1357 , .. 1':~ Ve;rse , 1358 Echo :;ong, Pnncess ..• 1359 Speech from Henry V. ... .. Lewis Wauer 136o Tbe Bailad of the Clampherdown 1361 Snarleyow ... 1364 Presence of Mind ... G. P. Ii~n tley First Sunday after Asco! 1365 Samrling Beer .. ::: }Lionel Brough { Cut isself Shaving .. 1367 Limberger Cheese .. 1371 Rabbits G. P. Huntley 1372 The Golf Scene lluntlcy and Carro! 1382 A Gramophone on the Labmdor Coast Dr. Grenfdl, C.M.G. 1388 On Home Rule Right 1-lun. Walter Long, P.C., M.P. On the Navy . Hon. Arthur Lee, M. P. A Cura te Story .. Lioncl Brough A Christian Science Story Thoughts from the Book "For Every Doy " Coun;Leo Tolstoy (The late) No news : or, \Vhnt killed the dog? N. ~ 1. \\'ills The Tower of London Dan Leno May Day Firemen ... .. A Miller's Daughter Florence de Vere Looping the Loop .. Florrie Forde The Bull and Bush .. All a board for Margate The Flight of Ages ... Percc\';l Allen Auld Lang Syne .. Mdme. ~lel ba Come back to Erin .. O Id Folks at Ilome .. .. The Promise of Life ~I d m c. Dews Lo, here the gentle lar k ... ~Idme. Jones·Hudson Come and hear the Orchestra Florric Forde Annie Laurie Mdmc. Dews 4 • • Hi8 Master'• Volee "-Numerlcal Llst ot ~ccordS--<DIIIi•med. tO.Inch RecOrdl-cDiffj,cw6d. 3641 Caller Herrin' Mdme. Dews 3643 Genevieve 3645 Abide with me 3649 Love's Old Sweet S~~g 3654 Serenade Amy Casties" 3655 The Interferin5 Parrot ... .. Denise Orme 3656 Give mr regar S to Leicester Square Victoria Monks 3657 l'm gw1ne back to Jacksonviile ... 366o Come unto Him (" Messiah ") Percev~l Allen 3661 Rejoice Greatiy 3662 How beautifui 3663 Thc Sun whose rays Mdm~:Jones-Hudson. 3664 Ain't yer gwine to say Victoria Monks 366~ Winds in the trees ... Amy Casties 366 The Sandow Girl (" The Dairym~ids ") .'.'.' Carrie Tubb 3669 Hullo 1 little Stranger (" The Dairymaids ") 3670 La Serenata ... Amlí Casties 3671 Au revoir, littie Hyacinth (" Beauty of Phy lis Dare Bath") 3672 Whereyou go will I go("Belle ofMayfair") 3679 When a merry Mairlen marries (" The Sullivan" Opera tic Gondoliers ") Party s68o Hear ye, Israel(" Elijah ") Mdme. Jones-Hudson 3681 Woe unto them Mdme. Dews 3698 'Tis done, 1 am a Bride" Mdme. Jones-Hudson 3699 Were I thy Bride 3701 When Maiden Loves Carrie T~bb 3702 Shepherda' Cradle Song Mdme. Dews 3703 When our Gallant Norman Foes .. Florence Venning 3705 Glow, ~ow, little Gl'lwworm ... Ellaline Terriss 3710 Vilja's ong (" Merry Widow ") ... Mdme.~one• · H udson. 3725 Birthday Soug Susan trong 3726 There's a Girl Inside Victoria Monks 3727 Voung Men Lodgers Alice Lloyd 3732 Who can tell Mdme. Donalda 3736 I wnnt yer, m a honey M dile. Yvette Guilherl 3737 The Keys of Hea ven 3Z40 Angels guard tbee ... Amy CastÍ~s 3741 Humpty and Dumpty Ellaline Terriss 3742 Everybody !oves me ... ... ... 3745 Sweet Spirit, 1-Iear M y Prnyer (" Lurline ") llldme:)ones-Huc!son 3754 Kennst du das Land (" Mi~non " ) Mdme. Destino 3759 Arie ("Madama Butterfly' ) ... 3761 Der Schmied Elena Gerhardt 3765 Willst du deinen Liebsten sterben sehen 1 3770 JI! usetta's Song (" La Bohéme ") ... Mdme.'Jones-Hudson 3776 Love's Wa¡,· ... .. Pauline Donatda 3777 She is far rom the land Vioiet Elliott 3779 The bird that carne in Spring Mdme. Jones-Hudson 3791 Rose in the Bud 3795 Three Fishers went.Sailing Lady M. Warrender 3796 O that we two were Maying ( S ) " Hls Ma.ster's Volee "--Numerlcal Llst of Records-<outimud. tO-lDch Recorda-cPii,,ed. 3811 Ma Du•ky Maid Margnret Cooper 3812 Robin Adair ... .. .. .. Geraldire Farrar 3814 Manyalover (No. 13) ("Dnllar Princess") Dollar Princess Operalic Party 3815 A Self-made Maiden (" Dollar Princess ") 3!>16 Psyche Susan Str..ong 3817 Yip, I Addy, J ay ... Blanche Ring 3818 So Long, Ma:y Corinne Morgan and Chorus 3819 Beücve me if all Gera1dine l<~ arro.r 3820 Love is meant lo make us glad Margaret Cooper 3821 Timc's Roses Palgrave Turner 3822 Melisande in the Wood ... .. .. 3824 Moonslruck (" Our Miss Gibbs ") .. M arion J erome 38•5 Mary (" Our Miss Gibbs ·•¡ .. Marion Jerome and Chorus 3826 In Yorkshire u " ... .. ¡831 Dir.gle Dongle Dell .. .. M argaret Cooper J832 The Pipes of Pan (" Arcadians ") ... Marion Jerome J837 The Lark now lenves Agnes Nicholls 3859 Should he upbraid ... Mdme. Jones-Hudson 3865 The little sil ver ring Gertrude Lon-dale 3867 You'll get heaps o' lickins ... M argaret Cooper 3868 De S un is a-smkin'. .. .. Mdme. Jones-Hudson 3875 The prelty creature Mdme. kirkby I.ur n 4158 Dinah Doe ... ... Meister Glee Singers 4166 Home, Sweet Horne Haydn Quartette 4345 In the good old summer lime 4373 You and 1 ("Cingalee") ... Isabel j~y and I.ouis Bradfield 4392 The Holy City Haydn Quartette 4394 Massa's in de cold, cold ground M instcr Singers 4395 Simple Simon Windsor Glee Sirgers 4399 Miséréré (" 11 Trovatore ") Jones-Hudson and Ernest Pike 4400 The Old Folks at borne Minstcr Singers 4401 On the banks of Allan Water vVindsor Gtee Singers 4402 The J udge's song (" Tria! by J ury ") Sullivan Operatic l'arty 4403 The Lord High Executioner (" The Mikado ") 4405 All'sWell John and J. Ilarrison 4407 Three lirtle Maids (" The Mikado ") Sullivao Operatic Party 1408 Here's a how d'ye do .. 44J9 The criminal cried P. Dawson and Amy Augarde 4410 Flowers that bloom in the Spring (" The S. Kirkby a n~ ~likado") Chorus 4411 S~ please you, Sir(" The Mikado ") Sullivan Operatir Party 4412 Mi-ya, sa-ma Amy Augarde, P. Dawson and . l:'arty ( 6 .J " Hls Muter's Volee "-Numerlcal Llst of Records-<Miinued. lO..Inoh Recordl-cmtli"IW" f. 4413 There is btauty in lhe btllow of the blast Amy Augarde and (" The Mikado ") P. Dnwson 4414 Were you not lo Koko plighted (" The Ernest Pike and Mikado") Mdme. Jo nes· Hudson Hl5 1 bave a son~tosing, O ("TbeYeomenof Mdme. Jones-Hudso n the Gunrd ') and Stnnley Kirkby 4416 To thy fraternal care (" The Yeomen of Su11ivan Opera tic the Guard ") Party 4417 Lift thine eyes (" Elijnh") Mdme. Iones· Hudson, f"Jorence Venning, Carric Tuhb, & Ernest Pi k e 4418 Cast thy burden (" Elijah ") Quartette 44 19 What hnve I todo wilh thee! (" Elijah ") Md me. Jom s· Hudsón and Dawson 4420 Raptnre, Rnpture (" Yeomen. of the Venning& Uawson Guard ") 4421 Hereupon we're both agreed (" Yeomen Kirkby & Dnwson of the Guard ") 4422 How sny you, maiden (" Yeomen of the Tones· Hudson, Guard") Kirkby& Dnwson 4423 Alas 1 I waver Venning, Pike and Dawson 4424 Strange adventure Sullivnn Op.
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