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1 Special Tribunal for

2 In the case of The Prosecutor v. Ayyash, Badreddine, Merhi,

3 Oneissi, and Sabra

4 STL-11-01

5 Presiding Judge David Re, Judge Janet Nosworthy,

6 Judge Micheline Braidy, Judge Walid Akoum, and

7 Judge Nicola Lettieri - [Trial Chamber]

8 Tuesday, 19 May 2015 - [Trial Hearing]

9 [Open Session]

10 --- Upon commencing at 10.05 a.m.

11 THE REGISTRAR: The Special Tribunal for Lebanon is sitting in an

12 open session in the case of the Prosecutor versus Ayyash, Badreddine,

13 Merhi, Oneissi, and Sabra, case number STL-11-01.

14 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Good morning to everyone.

15 Could we please have appearances starting with the Prosecutor?

16 Good morning, Mr. Cameron.

17 MR. CAMERON: Good morning, Your Honour. It's Graeme Cameron for

18 the Prosecution, assisted by Ms. Skye Winner.

19 MR. HAYNES: Morning, Your Honour. Peter Haynes for the

20 participating victims, together with Mohammad Mattar and our case manager

21 Kiat Wei Ng.

22 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: And for the Defence.

23 MR. HANNIS: Good morning, Your Honours. I'm Tom Hannis

24 representing the interests of Salim Ayyash.

25 MR. EDWARDS: Good morning, Your Honours, Iain Edwards

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1 representing the interests of Mustafa Badreddine, together with

2 Pauline Baranes.

3 MR. LAROCHELLE: [Interpretation] Good morning, Your Honour,

4 ladies and gentlemen, the Judges. Philippe Larochelle to represent

5 Mr. Oneissi. Good morning.

6 MR. ROBERTS: Good morning, Your Honours. Geoff Roberts on

7 behalf of Assad Sabra.

8 MS. LE FRAPER: [Interpretation] Good morning. My name is

9 Dorothée Le Fraper and Maître Jad Khalil defending Mr. Merhi. Thank you.

10 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: And I note there are two representatives of

11 the Defence Office seated in the court today.

12 Mr. Cameron, before we start with the witness, I think our Legal

13 Officer sent an e-mail yesterday in relation to some redactions. We

14 don't need to deal with it at the moment, but if at some point during the

15 day you could give us a progress report on that matter we would be

16 grateful.

17 MR. CAMERON: I can do it in very short order now if you wish.

18 We're very close as to -- counsel for Mr. Sabra had asked for unredacted

19 versions for six witnesses, but in actual fact only four witnesses gave

20 such statements. And of those four, all of the statements have been

21 disclosed in an unredacted form to Mr. Sabra's counsel except for one,

22 which was the subject of an order by the Trial Chamber of November the

23 8th, 2013, F1212, which was required to remain redacted. Now, we've

24 indicated to the Court through e-mail in the past that we would be

25 content to disclose unredacted, but it would require an adjustment to

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1 that particular order. And if you were content to make that adjustment,

2 we would disclose that remaining small statement immediately.

3 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: We can make the adjustment, but I would just

4 need a little bit more information to do it. But if you can get back to

5 me at some later point.

6 MR. CAMERON: I provided the information to your court officer

7 already and perhaps he can supply you with the relevant order.

8 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Thank you for that, Mr. Cameron.

9 The other matter was Mr. Larochelle --

10 MR. LAROCHELLE: [Interpretation] Yes, Your Honour.

11 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Yesterday you notified our Legal Officer --

12 senior Legal Officer about three possible questions for certification for

13 interlocutory appeal from our decision in relation to the Call Data

14 Records. They've been -- your question has been circulated to the other

15 parties and the Prosecutor. I just want to reiterate, because it

16 appeared from the e-mail that you wished to file written submissions in

17 support -- I reiterate we don't want them. We've already said and the

18 Prosecutor's agreed that it's a certifiable issue. The question is:

19 What question goes up, so to speak? So please don't burden yourself, the

20 Prosecution, the other parties, and the Chamber with a written motion, a

21 needless written motion.

22 If I can just turn to Mr. Cameron. Have you had a chance to look

23 at this particular question -- these three particular questions which

24 Mr. Larochelle has had circulated? And do you have any comment on them

25 at the moment? If you don't have any at the moment, we can return to it

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1 later. There's no urgency.

2 MR. CAMERON: I'd be grateful to return to it later. We have

3 looked at it. We would like to consider it further, but we can certainly

4 advise you today.

5 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Do counsel for any of the other accused have

6 any comments or is this, so to speak, a joint collaborative effort or has

7 there been consultation and you have nothing to say?

8 MR. EDWARDS: There's been a degree of consultation between the

9 Badreddine Defence and the Oneissi Defence, Your Honour, to the extent

10 that I think the Badreddine Defence team was the only other Defence team

11 to raise the matter of legality in its response to the Prosecution

12 motion, and reference to those submissions are made in paragraph 62 of

13 the Trial Chamber's decision. We ally ourselves to the Sabra team's

14 submissions. That's -- forgive me, the Oneissi team's submissions.

15 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Okay. Thank you for that.

16 If we could return to the Prosecutor. Mr. Cameron, we have

17 Mr. Hani Hammoud testifying and I take it he's outside ready to enter the

18 court in a moment. There is one point relating to protective measures of

19 someone he refers to. How are you going to deal with that?

20 MR. CAMERON: This is something that we've considered at length.

21 The protective measures relate to the person's role as a potential

22 witness in the proceedings, not necessarily as a historical actor in the

23 narrative of events. And so that's how we would deal with it.

24 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Okay. I understand. All right. Can the

25 witness please be brought into court.

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PUBLIC Official Transcript Witness: Hani Hammoud –PRH052 (Open Session) Page 5 Procedural Matters

1 Mr. Cameron, can you please let us know what your plans are, what

2 your road map or skeletal outline of Mr. Hammoud's evidence will be.

3 MR. CAMERON: Mr. ...

4 [Trial Chamber confers]

5 [The witness entered court]

6 MR. CAMERON: Mr. Hammoud --

7 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Good morning to you, Mr. Hammoud.

8 THE WITNESS: Good morning.

9 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Can you please take the solemn declaration.

10 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I solemnly declare that I will

11 speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.


13 [Witness answered through interpreter]

14 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: We just need to get some personal details

15 from you. I just will ask you if it's correct and if you could just say

16 yes or no. Your name is Hani Hammoud. You were born in Saida, in

17 Lebanon, in 1963. You're the editor-in-chief of Al Mustaqbal and

18 chairman of Future TV and you're a media adviser to the former Lebanese

19 Prime Minister Saad Hariri and you are a Lebanese national. Are those

20 details correct or do you need to correct them?

21 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Correct.

22 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Thank you. And in just a moment I'm going

23 to hand you over to the Prosecutor, but before I do that I'm going to say

24 something to you and he's going to give us a very brief outline of the

25 evidence he wants you to give or expects you to give which will also help

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PUBLIC Official Transcript Witness: Hani Hammoud –PRH052 (Open Session) Page 6 Procedural Matters

1 you. Just a short reminder, we know that you speak fluent ,

2 French, and English, the three languages of the Tribunal. You're likely

3 to get questions in all three languages. We have interpreters and a

4 court reporter over there and there's also a transcript just to your left

5 on the screen, so if you could just have a look at the transcript to your

6 left on the screen and watch the words being typed. You see? I paused.

7 You have to do the same. It's a discipline, but please just glance to

8 the left to follow that. When the typing stops, that's when you can

9 speak. Thank you.

10 Mr. Cameron.

11 MR. CAMERON: Thank you, Your Honour. As you will hear,

12 Mr. Hammoud was a journalist whose merit in his profession allowed him to

13 rise to the position of chief editor of Al Mustaqbal Newspaper and to

14 become one of the principal media advisers to the Prime Minister,

15 although, as I expect you'll hear, behind a veil for some period.

16 Mr. Hammoud met with the Prime Minister almost daily for many years and

17 accompanied him on most of his travels abroad. He was a witness to a

18 number of significant conversations which the Prime Minister had with

19 others, particularly in circumstances where messages were delivered to

20 the Prime Minister. He can also describe what the Prime Minister

21 personally told him about his meetings with people such as President

22 Bashar Al-Assad, Brigadier-General Rustom Ghazaleh, and Deputy Foreign

23 Minister Walid Moallem. As the chief editor of a major newspaper in

24 Lebanon, Mr. Hammoud is also in a position to describe some of the major

25 events occurring after the assassination of the Prime Minister, including

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PUBLIC Official Transcript Witness: Hani Hammoud –PRH052 (Open Session) Page 7 Examination by Mr. Cameron

1 the nature of the demonstrations on the 8th and 14th of March,

2 respectively.

3 Examination by Mr. Cameron:

4 Q. Good morning, Mr. Hammoud.

5 A. Good morning.

6 Q. I'd like to deal briefly with some of your background, if I may,

7 before going to the more salient aspects of your evidence. I understand

8 that you've been in the media business - if I can put it that way - since

9 1986 when you worked for the Arab business magazine in Paris; is that

10 correct?

11 A. Yes, in 1986.

12 Q. And around 1988 or 1989 you met Prime Minister Hariri, then

13 Rafik Hariri, and eventually he asked you to come and work with him in

14 Lebanon; is that right?

15 A. That is correct. At the beginning he asked me to work with him

16 in Paris and to be in charge of Radio Orient that he used to own, and

17 later on, namely, in 1998, he asked me to return to Lebanon and to work

18 with him in Lebanon.

19 Q. Was it 1992 or 1998 that you returned to Lebanon?

20 A. 1998.

21 Q. And I gather that after the Prime Minister's election in the year

22 2000 he also asked you to become his media adviser; is that correct?

23 A. Yes, that is correct.

24 Q. And you held that post in a formal sense from around the year

25 2000 up until the year 2003; is that right?

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1 A. Right.

2 Q. And then something happened in 2003 which I'm going to ask you

3 about. Now, there are some occasions when I'm going to ask you to

4 explain things in fairly small detail and other occasions where I'm going

5 to ask you to describe it in fairly broad-brush strokes. This is one of

6 the latter occasions when I'm going to ask you to describe for the

7 Tribunal in very broad terms and succinctly what generally happened in

8 2003 to alter your position as the public media adviser for

9 Prime Minister Hariri?

10 A. At the beginning of 2003 and, if I remember well, on the 4th of

11 January, 2004, our media office issued a statement regarding the

12 re-opening of MTV TV channel which was shut down upon an order from the

13 Lebanese judges due to pressure from the Lebanese-Syrian security

14 apparatus. This -- according to my knowledge, this has led to

15 creation -- to some anger from -- by the Syrian leadership and they

16 exerted pressure on Prime Minister Hariri to dismiss me and to put an end

17 to my work with him.

18 Q. And do you know how that message was communicated to the Prime

19 Minister?

20 A. To my recollection, the message was conveyed to him via

21 Mr. Rustom Ghazaleh, head of the Syrian intelligence in Lebanon back

22 then, and he told him this was a request from the Syrian President Bashar

23 Assad; based also on my recollection, I think that Rustom Ghazaleh called

24 Mr. Hariri by phone and later on a meeting was held between

25 Rustom Ghazaleh and late General Wissam El-Hassan.

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PUBLIC Official Transcript Witness: Hani Hammoud –PRH052 (Open Session) Page 9 Examination by Mr. Cameron

1 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: You're going to ask the witness how he knows

2 this? Thank you.


4 Q. And did you have conversations with the Prime Minister personally

5 about this issue and about his conversation with Rustom Ghazaleh?

6 A. Yes.

7 Q. And what did the Prime Minister tell you that Rustom Ghazaleh had

8 told him?

9 A. He told me, "They went crazy and they are holding you responsible

10 for this statement, and Rustom Ghazaleh is saying that you either have to

11 lay off Hani Hammoud or that if you don't do it, then it means that you

12 are approving this statement." He added, "I cannot protect you and I

13 don't want any problems with President Bashar Assad. That is why we will

14 try to apply a certain trick."

15 Q. Before you continue, what -- just to be sure, when is your

16 recollection that this conversation or series of conversations occurred?

17 A. I remember that they were held in the office of Mr. Hariri in the

18 Grand Serail in on the 7th of January, 2003.

19 Q. And in a nutshell, what was it about the statement or the

20 position that you had taken that caused such consternation?

21 A. In September 2002 MTV - also known as Murr Television - was

22 closed down based on a judicial order by the Lebanese judiciary. They

23 were forbidden from undertaking any broadcasting activities. This was

24 due to a pressure from the Syrian regime and also in particular from the

25 Lebanese President Emile Lahoud. At the end of the same year, at the end

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PUBLIC Official Transcript Witness: Hani Hammoud –PRH052 (Open Session) Page 10 Examination by Mr. Cameron

1 of 2002, New TV, known as Al Jadeed TV, advertised a political talk show.

2 If I remember well the title of the political talk show was "Bila Rakib"

3 or "Without Censorship." According to the advertisement, that episode

4 was about an attack or a campaign against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and

5 its government.

6 In order to provide you with some context, in the meantime let me

7 explain to you that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is very important for

8 Lebanon in terms of bilateral relationships. Hundreds of thousands of

9 Lebanese work in Saudi Arabia. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has granted

10 generous donations to Lebanon in terms of politics, economics, financial

11 assistance, et cetera, namely, in the era called era of reconstruction or

12 post-Israeli invasion.

13 Prime Minister Hariri thought or felt that broadcasting such an

14 episode would cause Lebanon huge problems.

15 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: I just need some context there, Mr. Hammoud.

16 Firstly, what was your job in September 2002 apart from being

17 Mr. Hariri's political adviser or media adviser? What was your position

18 with MTV?

19 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] My position was the media adviser

20 of the Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. I was also in charge of news and

21 political programmes in Future TV or Al Mustaqbal TV owned by Mr. Hariri.

22 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Thank you. What I'm trying to work out is

23 the relationship between the statement I think you said you were issuing

24 as Mr. Hariri's media adviser - is that correct? - and the closure of

25 MTV.

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PUBLIC Official Transcript Witness: Hani Hammoud –PRH052 (Open Session) Page 11 Examination by Mr. Cameron

1 THE WITNESS: I am getting there, Your Honour.

2 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Yes. As a journalist, I think you know

3 context before detail is very important. If you could give us the

4 context and then the small details, that would really help -- help me for

5 one.

6 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] You are right. The incident I'm

7 trying to relate to you is the following: MTV was closed down. New TV

8 had to stop its broadcast via satellite upon a request from the Lebanese

9 prime minister because it would have caused problems. Later on, based on

10 a request from the president of the republic, Emile Lahoud, it resumes

11 its broadcast via satellite. On this occasion we issued a statement

12 commenting on the resumption of broadcast via satellite that was allowed

13 to New TV and we asked for similar measures to re-open MTV. And this

14 statement issued by the office of Prime Minister Rafik Hariri was the

15 source of the problem I'm talking about.

16 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Okay. Let's just go back. Also about the

17 closure of MTV, you said it was based on a judicial order by the Lebanese

18 judiciary due to pressure from the Syrian regime and also in particular

19 from Lebanese President Emile Lahoud. What do you know about that? How

20 do you conclude that?

21 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] From direct information from

22 Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and from colleagues, journalists, and from

23 the people directly concerned, that is to say, the owners of the

24 television channel MTV.

25 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: You said it was closed by the Lebanese

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1 judiciary due to pressure from the Syrian regime. Can you please tell us

2 what you mean by that and how you know that? What was the pressure and

3 how do you know the Lebanese judiciary succumbed to it?

4 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] At the time when MTV television was

5 closed down, the Prime Minister Rafik Hariri - and I was working next to

6 him - did the impossible to stop the closure of this TV channel. And

7 when the date of the issuance of the judicial order came, Prime Minister

8 Hariri was certain that the judicial order would be taken against the

9 interest of MTV channel because of direct information in his possession

10 that things were done under direct pressure by the Syrian regime in

11 Lebanon and the representatives of the Syrian regime in Lebanon and by

12 the president of the republic, Emile Lahoud.

13 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: All right. You're going to have to do a

14 little bit better than that. You've got to the conclusion that the

15 judges closed it based upon pressure from Mr. Lahoud and the .

16 And you've said that Mr. Rafik Hariri had direct information about that.

17 Did he tell you what the information was?

18 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] He told me, "I have direct

19 information they are exerting pressure, the Syrians and Emile Lahoud are

20 exerting pressure." I heard that from Prime Minister Hariri.

21 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Is that the entirety of your knowledge about

22 the circumstances in the judicial order closing MTV? That Mr. Hariri

23 told you he had direct information that the Syrians and Mr. Lahoud had

24 exerted pressure on the judges or do you have something more you can tell

25 us?

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PUBLIC Official Transcript Witness: Hani Hammoud –PRH052 (Open Session) Page 13 Examination by Mr. Cameron

1 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] The other information came

2 constantly from colleagues, journalists, everybody in the country was

3 talking about the question of MTV. And the colleagues, journalists,

4 before the issuance of the order, were speaking constantly of the fact --

5 they were saying the rumours and information disclosed say that the

6 channel will be closed following a political decision by the regimes in

7 place in and Lebanon at the time.

8 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: What was the statement that -- about this

9 that you were issuing on behalf of Mr. Hariri in, I think, January 2004?

10 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Yes, please allow me. I would like

11 to complete the conditions around the issuance of the order and I will

12 give you the details of the order.

13 At the end of 2002, Prime Minister Hariri asked the minister of

14 communication at the time Jean-Louis Qordahi to stop the satellite

15 broadcasting of New TV channel because of this programme it intended to

16 broadcast. Minister Qordahi stopped the satellite broadcast and on the

17 4th of January, 2003, Minister Qordahi sent an official letter to Prime

18 Minister Rafik Hariri, informing him that because New TV channel went to

19 see the ISF and signed an agreement stipulated -- stipulating that it

20 would not broadcast the given programme on Saudi Arabia, it was

21 authorized once again to broadcast and he is informing the Prime Minister

22 of this decision. This document came before a meeting of the Council of

23 Ministers, during which the question was to be studied. When the letter

24 of the Minister Qordahi arrived, the media office of the Prime Minister

25 published a declaration and before that we distributed the letter to the

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PUBLIC Official Transcript Witness: Hani Hammoud –PRH052 (Open Session) Page 14 Examination by Mr. Cameron

1 media, which was unusual. Then we published a declaration saying: Since

2 New TV was authorized to restart broadcasting because it signed a

3 commitment to the ISF and because of the closure of MTV, Murr Television,

4 led to distorting the image of media in Lebanon, we ask Murr Television,

5 MTV, to go to the ISF to sign a similar commitment to be allowed to

6 restart broadcasting. So this is the declaration that has led to the

7 unrest of the Syrian regime and its allies in Lebanon.


9 Q. So --

10 JUDGE LETTIERI: Do you remember which were the legal grounds at

11 the basis of the judicial order for the closure of MTV?

12 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] If I recall well that it violated

13 the legislation on audio -- the law of audiovisual -- the audiovisual

14 law.

15 JUDGE BRAIDY: [Interpretation] Mr. Hani, were the conditions at

16 the time linked to the election of both Murr brothers and the conflict

17 between the two brothers? Were the conditions those? And one of the

18 brothers was close to the Syrians and the other was close to the

19 Christian opposition?

20 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Yes. MTV was closed after an

21 electoral campaign in the Metn area and this electoral battle, in

22 summary, was between the two brothers you have mentioned. But the

23 decision to close MTV, Murr Television, was mainly due -- it wasn't the

24 legal excuse but the real reason was the clear opposition to President

25 Emile Lahoud and the Syrian presence in Lebanon.

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PUBLIC Official Transcript Witness: Hani Hammoud –PRH052 (Open Session) Page 15 Examination by Mr. Cameron

1 JUDGE LETTIERI: There was the possibility to lodge an appeal

2 against the judicial order?

3 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I'm not a legal expert. I cannot

4 give you an accurate answer, but on the political front it was like a

5 life sentence on MTV television. There was no political hope of a

6 decision to allow MTV to broadcast again.

7 JUDGE LETTIERI: Which kind of violation of the legislation on

8 audio was in dispute, what was the basis of the judicial order of

9 closure?

10 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Honestly, I do not recall, but what

11 I can tell you is that MTV waited for seven years before it was able to

12 broadcast again, seven years.

13 JUDGE LETTIERI: So in conclusion, you don't -- you maintain that

14 this was a political option, the closure of the MTV, but anyway you

15 cannot enter into the details of the judicial -- of the legal grounds of

16 the judicial order, isn't it?

17 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] This is correct.


19 Q. Okay. The point I want to get to is this, that the statement

20 that caused such consternation was a statement relating to a request,

21 public request, for the re-opening of MTV. Is that it in a nutshell?

22 A. Yes.

23 Q. And as a result of that public request, as I understand your

24 evidence, there was a conversation or a series of conversations between

25 Rustom Ghazaleh on behalf of the Syrians and the Prime Minister and you

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1 knew about those conversations because the Prime Minister told you; is

2 that correct?

3 A. This is true.

4 Q. And the essential request was that -- from the Syrians via

5 Rustom Ghazaleh was that you be removed as the media adviser for the

6 Prime Minister on the basis that if he didn't do it the Prime Minister

7 was, in essence, agreeing with the statement; is that it?

8 A. Yes, this is correct.

9 Q. And then you said that the Prime Minister wanted to resort to a

10 trick in order to maintain your service to him. Now, in general terms,

11 general terms, what was the nature of your relationship with the Prime

12 Minister after that?

13 A. On that day the Prime Minister told me, "We will gather the

14 people from the media of the Serail, the Grand Serail, we will tell them

15 that you have left your position as media adviser and that you will be

16 entrusted as chief editor of Al Mustaqbal Newspaper, but I'm telling you

17 that I will not nominate another media adviser in your position. You

18 will remain my media adviser. Nothing changes except that you come home

19 every morning before you go to work and every evening when you finish

20 your work you come to my home and things continue as usual but your title

21 is no more media adviser."

22 I agreed. We gathered the journalists of the Grand Serail, they

23 were informed, and a declaration was made that I was nominated chief

24 editor of Al Mustaqbal Newspaper.

25 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Just on the transcript it says:

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1 "Nothing changes except that you come home every morning ..."

2 Did you say -- is Mr. Hariri saying: You will come to my home

3 every morning before you go off to your day job and then come to his

4 house afterwards? The translation is a little bit out, I think. Is that

5 right?

6 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Yes, this is correct.

7 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Was Mr. Hariri asking you to do more work

8 then or was it the same as you had been doing before?

9 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Operationally, the work was the

10 same except for the presence at the Grand Serail, the government Grand

11 Serail, next to him during office hours. The additional work was the

12 responsibility of being chief editor of Al Mustaqbal Newspaper.

13 JUDGE AKOUM: [Interpretation] When were you laid off of as media

14 adviser, what is the date?

15 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] If I recall well, my resignation

16 was declared on the 7th of January, 2003, before the journalists present

17 at the Grand Serail.

18 JUDGE AKOUM: [Interpretation] On the day Rustom Ghazaleh met with

19 Prime Minister Hariri, the same day?

20 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Rustom Ghazaleh did not meet Prime

21 Minister Hariri. Rustom Ghazaleh contacted by phone Prime Minister

22 Hariri and Wissam El-Hassan met with Rustom Ghazaleh either on the same

23 day or the day before.

24 JUDGE AKOUM: [Interpretation] To clarify a question put to you by

25 Judge Lettieri pertaining to the decision to close -- to appeal the

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1 decisions on the audiovisual law, there are no appeals in such situation.

2 Cases are sent to cassation and this is what happened. And the chamber

3 studying the question in cassation confirmed the decision in a majority

4 vote.


6 Q. What was your understanding as to why the Syrians cared one way

7 or the other about your statement that MTV should be re-opened? Why did

8 they care?

9 A. As the Syrian regime at the time was the main player that had

10 taken the political decision to close MTV channel with President Emile

11 Lahoud at the time, they considered this declaration by Prime Minister

12 Hariri as a direct challenge to their will. And in one way or another it

13 was a violation of what was called formally the Protocol which

14 had been agreed upon -- please, I correct myself. I strike this. The

15 Damascus Protocol took place later on. But it was considered as a direct

16 challenge to their political will by the prime minister of Lebanon and

17 this is something they could not bear with.

18 Q. So there's the call from Brigadier-General Ghazaleh to the Prime

19 Minister, a meeting with Wissam El-Hassan and Rustom Ghazaleh, then

20 there's a request that you be sacked, and instead of actually firing you

21 the Prime Minister doubles your workload. You continue to be his media

22 adviser and you become the editor of Al Mustaqbal, but as media adviser

23 you're now in the shadows. Is that it at this stage by maybe the middle

24 of February 2003?

25 A. At the beginning of 2003, yes.

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1 Q. So after this change of circumstance, what's a typical day like

2 with you in respect of your contact with the Prime Minister from this

3 period on until the time of his assassination?

4 A. An ordinary work day, between 7.00 and 8.00 in the morning I

5 would go to my house [as interpreted], which was 200 metres away from the

6 house of the Prime Minister, to his house. Usually I would go to his

7 private quarters on the seventh floor. I would spend the early morning

8 hours with him until 10.00 more or less. And at 10.00 we would go down

9 to the fifth floor which was the place where he would welcome people.

10 His office was on the fifth floor as well and he would either meet with

11 people who were waiting for him or would go to the Grand Serail,

12 depending on the days. Very often, but not all the time, I would come

13 back at lunch time, either to have lunch with him and many people. He

14 would welcome a delegation for lunch or had people he had invited for

15 lunch. And after that I would come back to his house in the evening in

16 two phases, around 5.00 until half past 7.00, 7.00, half past 7.00, then

17 I would go back to the newspaper and then come back a second time in the

18 evening between half past 8.00 or 9.00 and stay with him until he would

19 go to bed, around 11.00 in the evening.

20 And my work in his house, in his place of residence was the

21 following. In the morning we would do a press review, look at the

22 political situation, his programme if there was an important political

23 event in his programme. And in the afternoon and in the evening, my job

24 was to be here with colleagues, journalists, who would come and meet him

25 or in some situations to participate to some meetings he would invite me

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1 to join in in his house.

2 JUDGE NOSWORTHY: Mr. Hammoud, would it have been an open secret

3 that you continued as the media adviser of the Prime Minister,

4 Mr. Hariri? Do you think this fact would have been known by, apparent

5 to, Rustom Ghazaleh, Wissam El-Hassan, and the Lebanese-Syrian security?

6 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] To clarify, Wissam El-Hassan was

7 not a member of the Syrian-Lebanese services, only to clarify that point.

8 There is an official position clarified in a contract signed by me and

9 the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, according to which I was the

10 media adviser of the Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. This was a job

11 contract. This contract was ceased when I resigned, it was revoked when

12 I resigned. But I was working in the Al Mustaqbal television, Future

13 TV -- Future TV, so I was a journalist working for him on a private level

14 and people knew that, but I was not his official media adviser as Prime

15 Minister.

16 JUDGE NOSWORTHY: Yes, that was my understanding, that he carried

17 out this trick where you essentially continued working as his media

18 adviser, going to him in the mornings before work, returning to him after

19 work, consulting with him on other occasions, whilst you held down your

20 job with the other media house. So what I wanted to know, this trick

21 that you yourself have spoken of which the Prime Minister planned, do you

22 think that it was an open secret or common knowledge that you were still

23 effectively in the job which he pretended to have removed you from when

24 he made the announcement at the Grand Serail? That is what I wanted to

25 discover from you.

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1 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I resigned from my job in the Grand

2 Serail, that is to say, in the official institution belonging to the

3 Lebanese state called the Prime Minister's office or the Presidency of

4 the Council of Ministers. And the Prime Minister wanted to reduce the

5 pressure of the Syrians by saying: He resigned from his position. But

6 Prime Minister Hariri did not withdraw me from his private media

7 entourage.


9 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: The question was whether it was openly --

10 whether it was known, whether it was an open secret you were still

11 working for Mr. Hariri.

12 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Yes, and it was not a secret.


14 Q. Your job stayed pretty much the same, your working hours were

15 adjusted, but the essence of your job stayed pretty much the same, didn't

16 it, in terms of your advice to the Prime Minister on media issues; is

17 that right?

18 A. Correct.

19 Q. And just to follow-up on Judge Nosworthy's question, after your

20 formal resignation, people generally knew that you were still active in

21 that role, albeit not pursuant to a formal contract anymore; is that

22 right?

23 A. Correct.

24 Q. And sort of the daily schedule, which sounds very impressive,

25 each day, did that carry on from that period of time all the way up until

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1 mid-February of 2005 in general terms while the Prime Minister was in the

2 country?

3 A. Yes.

4 Q. And when the Prime Minister left the country and went abroad, how

5 often would you accompany him, if ever?

6 A. I would accompany him, but less often than when I would travel

7 with him when I was his official media adviser as prime minister. So in

8 official visits I would be 100 per cent with him, and after that, I only

9 participated to 50 per cent of the official visits. Now, on private

10 visits, I was almost always with him before and after.

11 Q. Now, in your conversations with the Prime Minister, how would you

12 characterize your relationship in terms of candour? Was he -- would you

13 consider that you spoke in candid terms to each other or did he tell you

14 certain things but not others? Do you have a sense of the degree to

15 which the Prime Minister -- how the Prime Minister spoke with you about

16 issues that were on his mind?

17 MR. EDWARDS: Your Honour, forgive me, before the witness the

18 answers that question, logically this witness cannot tell the Court what

19 it is that the Prime Minister didn't tell him. He may be able to give

20 the Court evidence that he, the witness, spoke candidly with

21 Rafik Hariri; but he's not in a position to give reliable evidence about

22 the candour of information given from the Prime Minister to him.

23 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Or unless he has his own sources to

24 independently verify whether the Prime Minister was being truthful or

25 otherwise with him. That's the experience of life. We can check up on

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1 what people are telling us, whether it's accurate or not.

2 MR. EDWARDS: Perhaps, but that wasn't the question.

3 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: The witness must be able to give the Court

4 his view as to whether he thought Mr. Hariri was candid with him and why.

5 You can't object to it in that -- if it's posed in that way. If he gives

6 his reasons to why he thought Mr. Hariri was being candid with him or

7 not.

8 MR. EDWARDS: We would all be interested in hearing why he

9 thought that, yes.


11 Q. Okay. Let's take it one step at a time. In your conversations

12 with the Prime Minister, were you candid and forthright in what you said

13 to him?

14 A. Yes.

15 Q. And did that occur even in circumstances where you might say

16 something he didn't want to hear?

17 A. Yes, but with all due respect.

18 Q. I'm sure you said things very politely to him. Now, on the other

19 side of the coin, just dealing first with your impression, was it your

20 impression that in turn the Prime Minister spoke candidly with you about

21 the issues that you discussed with him?

22 A. Yes, in other terms I was employed by Rafik Hariri. I used to

23 work for him. I was not his friend, I was not his counterpart or peer.

24 I used to work for Rafik Hariri. Accordingly, Rafik Hariri was very

25 candid and forthright when he wanted to give an answer and also when he

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1 did not want to give an answer. Rafik Hariri was known to be a frank

2 person. However, when I used to put to him a question and if he did not

3 want to give me an answer, he used to tell me very frankly, very openly:

4 "I do not want to give you an answer to this question and please do not

5 interfere in this matter."

6 Q. Did you ever come across a circumstance where the Prime Minister

7 had told you something and that you later learned from other sources that

8 what the Prime Minister had told you was untrue or not as he had framed

9 it? Did that ever occur?

10 A. Not that I can remember.

11 Q. Now, you had a role in Future TV in 2003 I think you mentioned;

12 is that correct?

13 A. Yes, Al Mustaqbal TV, also known as Future TV.

14 Q. And you were the editor-in-chief by then of Al Mustaqbal

15 Newspaper. What was your role in Al Mustaqbal TV?

16 A. I am up to this day responsible for news and political programmes

17 in Future TV; however, I used in practical terms to supervise the content

18 of the news and political programmes.

19 Q. And I understand that there was an incident in June of 2003 in

20 the offices of Future TV. In very brief terms - very brief terms - can

21 you describe what that incident was?

22 A. If I remember well, in the night of the 5th to the 6th of June,

23 2003, two missiles or rockets were launched from a car that was parked

24 facing the news building of Future TV. So the rockets were launched at

25 night, targeting the news building of Future TV. At that time very few

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1 people were in the building. The aim was to cause great damages --

2 damage to the building.

3 Q. And was damage, in fact, caused to the building?

4 A. Yes, a fire took place and led to additional damage.

5 Q. And what was the Prime Minister's reaction, do you know, to the

6 attack upon the building occupied by Future TV?

7 A. Very early on the following day, Prime Minister Rafik Hariri

8 asked me to gather all the journalists from the news section or

9 department in that building. He came in person to the building and he

10 went to the floor of the news department. He came inside my office. He

11 asked me to gather all the journalists in the editorial room and we went

12 together to the editorial room and he addressed them in very short

13 sentences. He told them, "This attack is not targeting you. It is an

14 attack targeting me in person. I got the message. Please go back to

15 work."

16 Later on during that day, in his own residence, Prime Minister

17 Rafik Hariri told me that: "This was an attack on my backyard." The

18 reason was that the building of the news department in Raouche was very

19 close to his residence in Quraitem.

20 Q. And did you have any further conversation with the Prime Minister

21 about his perception that this was an attack launched personally against

22 him as opposed to the employees of Al Mustaqbal TV?

23 A. Yes. On many occasions. Prime Minister Hariri knew very well

24 and very clearly that this attack was perpetrated by the Syrian regime

25 and its actors in Lebanon.

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1 Q. Now moving forward, still in 2003, were you aware of a meeting

2 that occurred between Prime Minister Hariri and President Bashar Al-Assad

3 in Damascus in late December?

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. Did you know that the Prime Minister was going to Damascus before

6 the meeting occurred?

7 A. Yes.

8 Q. And in your conversations with the Prime Minister prior to the

9 meeting, what was your understanding of his perception of what the

10 meeting was going to be about?

11 A. I do not remember that I had put to him clear and direct

12 questions, what are you going to say or what will you hear, et cetera.

13 However, I remember that he addressed this meeting as a kind of a routine

14 meeting because they used to hold regular meetings when need be.

15 Q. And when was it that you next saw the Prime Minister following

16 his return from the meeting with President Bashar Al-Assad?

17 A. On the same day in the afternoon, late afternoon, in his own

18 residence, namely, his personal suite on the seventh floor in

19 Quraitem Palace.

20 Q. And when you saw the Prime Minister on that day, can you describe

21 his demeanour? How did he appear to you?

22 A. He looked like a broken man, a man whose heart was broken. He

23 was very sad. And when I arrived I asked him, "It seems or it looks like

24 the meeting was not a positive one." He replied, "It was a catastrophe."

25 Q. And what did he tell you about what had happened during the

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1 course of his meeting?

2 A. He told me, "It was not a meeting. It was a trial. I was

3 treated as if I was accused and as if there was an indictment sheet

4 addressing me. The meeting was attended by the Syrian president,

5 Bashar Assad, and three security officers, Rustom Ghazaleh, Ghazi Kanaan,

6 and Mohammed Khallouf. They accused me of very serious accusations and

7 charges," many of which belonged to or were pertaining to Al Mustaqbal

8 Newspaper, An-Nahar Newspaper, and his alleged campaign against President

9 Emile Lahoud. He also told me that: "I felt like leaving the office

10 where the meeting was held more than once; however, I don't -- I still do

11 not know how did I stay during the whole meeting. I considered seriously

12 standing up and telling the Syrian president, 'Mr. President, you are

13 addressing the Prime Minister of Lebanon. You cannot address the Prime

14 Minister of Lebanon in this way' and to leave the room. However, I

15 decided to stay until the end of the meeting, despite all."

16 Q. Did he describe the dynamic to you among the participants of the

17 meeting, and in particular Rustom Ghazaleh, Mohammed Khallouf, and

18 Ghazi Kanaan?

19 A. I do not remember that he discussed the details, namely, the

20 roles of each of them. However, he told me that they were addressing him

21 in unacceptable terms. "They accused me of being a traitor, of

22 conspiring against them. And President Bashar Assad agreed to what they

23 were saying. He did not even try to ask them to stop accusing me."

24 Q. And what, if anything, was the Prime Minister obliged to do as a

25 result of the meeting that he'd had in Damascus?

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1 A. In summary, three things. First of all, he asked me to stop any

2 rhetoric, negative rhetoric, in the TV channel or the newspaper against

3 the Syrian regime and against Emile Lahoud. During that meeting he was

4 accused of being the architect of the campaign launched by An-Nahar

5 Newspaper against the Syrian presence in Lebanon. He was also accused of

6 being the real owner of An-Nahar TV. In order to prove that he had

7 nothing to do with this campaign, he was asked to get rid of all his

8 shares in An-Nahar Newspaper. He used to own some shares in An-Nahar

9 Newspaper and he was told to get rid of all these shares. However,

10 implicitly they told him: If you will continue to keep your shares in

11 An-Nahar Newspaper, it means that you are funding An-Nahar Newspaper and

12 contributing to these campaigns.

13 Second, he was also asked to put an end to any confrontation or

14 any conflict that might arise with President Emile Lahoud.

15 Q. Now, did the Prime Minister give you any instructions as his

16 shadow media adviser and as the editor of Al Mustaqbal Newspaper and

17 having a senior position in Al Mustaqbal TV, did he give you any

18 instructions as a result of what had occurred in the meeting in Damascus?

19 A. Yes, he asked me to be very careful and to prevent any broadcast

20 or publication in the TV or in the newspaper, namely, any broadcast,

21 comments, programmes that are against the Syrian regime or President

22 Emile Lahoud.

23 JUDGE AKOUM: Mr. Cameron.

24 [Interpretation] In your previous answer you said that you will

25 mention three things; however, you mentioned only two. First of all, to

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1 stop any criticism of the Syrian regime or President Lahoud; and second,

2 you said that also putting an end to any confrontation with President

3 Emile Lahoud. You did not mention the third thing.

4 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] The third thing was to get rid of

5 his shares in An-Nahar Newspaper.

6 JUDGE AKOUM: [Interpretation] Thank you.


8 Q. Now, did the Prime Minister discuss with you a proscription

9 against or regarding his future conduct in his public statements

10 regarding Syria going forward, a code of conduct, as it were?

11 A. He did not tell me about it in these terms; however, it was

12 obvious that when he was asking his media group to be careful this

13 instruction would also be applied on his own behaviour.

14 Q. And do you know whether the Prime Minister was ever accused of

15 running afoul of that general prohibition against rhetoric related to

16 Syria or his position in respect of President Lahoud?

17 A. The first time this was mentioned in clear terms was when we

18 started to hear talks about an intent to extend the term of President

19 Lahoud. In parallel, accusations were levelled against Prime Minister

20 Rafik Hariri because he was opposed to the extension of President

21 Lahoud's term and this was true.

22 Q. And how was it communicated to him that this was contrary to what

23 had been discussed or mandated in December of 2003?

24 A. If I remember well, through the media. We used to read some

25 analysis, articles in some newspaper describing that as a breach of what

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1 was called later on the Damascus Protocol. I do not remember in precise

2 terms that this was said by any person who had a political or a security

3 role, but it might have happened.

4 Q. Did the Prime Minister as a result of the December meeting

5 provide you with any information as to his understanding of the pecking

6 order of Rustom Ghazaleh, Ghazi Kanaan, and Mohammed Khallouf by that

7 stage?

8 A. About how I understood what they said? No. He said that they

9 levelled accusations against him and that President Assad had asked them

10 to do so.

11 Q. My question relates to: Do you know whether the Prime Minister

12 had an understanding as a result of that meeting as to whether all three

13 were equal or was one of those three gentlemen pre-eminent?

14 A. From what I heard from him regarding this particular meeting, I

15 don't remember that he said anything in this context. However, later on,

16 during that period and the following period, it was clear that the person

17 who was in charge of the situation in Lebanon was Rustom Ghazaleh.

18 Q. And how did you come to understand that? When you say it was

19 clear that that was the case, what made it clear to you?

20 A. It was clear that Ghazi Kanaan was summoned to go back to Syria.

21 Rustom Ghazaleh was appointed as head of the Syrian intelligence in

22 Lebanon, and also Mohammed Khallouf was appointed to replace

23 Rustom Ghazaleh in Beirut. And after that, we stopped hearing anything

24 about Ghazi Kanaan when it came to Syria's role in Lebanon. It was clear

25 that all decisions and all orders of the Syrian tutelage were issued and

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1 implemented by Rustom Ghazaleh.

2 Q. Now, you mentioned that you understood the Prime Minister's

3 position in the middle of 2004 to be opposed to the extension of

4 President Lahoud. And are you aware of any discussion that occurred

5 between any of the Syrian officials and the Prime Minister about that

6 position prior to, say, late August 2004?

7 A. If I remember well, there used to be constant contacts with the

8 Syrian vice-president, Abdel-Halim Khaddam and it was obvious that Prime

9 Minister Hariri was opposed to the extension of the term of President

10 Emile Lahoud. Also, Prime Minister Rafik Hariri conveyed to me a

11 position of Rustom Ghazaleh, whereby he told Mr. Hariri, "Hajj, stop

12 dealing with this. This is a decision issued by President Bashar Assad."

13 It was obvious to everyone who dealt in the field of politics and media

14 that President -- Prime Minister Rafik Hariri was doing his utmost to

15 prevent the extension of the term of President Emile Lahoud. In

16 parallel, there was a kind of unclear Syrian position that was spread in

17 the media in Lebanon.

18 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Mr. Cameron, can we pause with Mr. Hammoud

19 here.

20 We're going to give you a break now. I just have to deal with

21 some other matter, so your break will start before ours, Mr. Hammoud.

22 [The witness stands down]

23 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Mr. Larochelle, I just wish to return to the

24 issue of the questions you were posing for certification. It appears to

25 me reading them that questions 1 and 2 -- I'll just read them on to the

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1 record. It appears to me that questions 1 and 2 are identical except for

2 one word in each, they're duplicative, and I don't think would be

3 certifying two identical questions. The questions you've posed are:

4 "1. Did the Trial Chamber in concluding that the UNIIIC, that's

5 the United Nations International Independent Investigating Commission,

6 could legally request and obtain the communication of all subscribers'

7 Call Data Records over several years from the Lebanese telecommunications

8 companies Alfa and MTC without the prior judicial authorization of an

9 independent judge or independent authority, whether Lebanese or

10 international.

11 "2. Did the Trial Chamber err in concluding that the Prosecutor

12 of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon could legally request and obtain the

13 communication of all subscribers' Call Data Records over several years

14 from the Lebanese telecommunications companies Alfa and MTC without the

15 prior judicial authorization of an independent judge or independent

16 authority, whether Lebanese or international.

17 "3. Did the Trial Chamber err in concluding that the absence of

18 judicial control does not violate any international human rights standard

19 on the right to privacy justifying the exclusion of the Call Data Records

20 under Rule 162."

21 Now, I'm just posing this back to you. It appears to me, just as

22 a matter of drafting, if you frame your question -- if you amalgamated

23 the first two into one along the lines of:

24 "Did the Trial Chamber err in concluding that the United Nations

25 International Independent Investigating Commission commissioner and the

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1 Prosecutor of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon could legally request and

2 obtain Call Data Records from the Lebanese telecommunications companies

3 Alfa and MTC without either judicial authorization" -- sorry, "without

4 either Lebanese or international judicial authorization?"

5 That would be combining the two questions into one, leaving the

6 third question as it is and taking out some of the words which may not be

7 necessary. So I'm just putting this on the record before we break as to

8 another way of approaching the two questions. We would, I think, more

9 inclined to look at the first two questions as one, it doesn't change the

10 substance of what you're asking for, and put that back to the Prosecutor

11 to come back to at a later point.

12 Mr. Larochelle, do you have anything to say on that particular

13 point at this moment?

14 MR. LAROCHELLE: I personally do not have anything to say. I

15 will consult with Maître Courcelle-Labrousse during the break. I suspect

16 he will be happy himself with the way the questions are drafted. But if

17 there's any issues, I may revert to it after the break.

18 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: I take it you appreciate when I say we would

19 approach it by putting those two questions together, we're not saying at

20 this point those are the two questions we would certify because we have

21 to hear from the Prosecutor and the Chamber has to deliberate on the

22 content. So it isn't really a counter-proposal, it's just -- all I'm

23 saying -- thinking is in terms of the current drafting.

24 Okay. We'll adjourn for a short break.

25 --- Recess taken at 11.30 a.m.

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1 [The witness takes the stand]

2 --- On resuming at 12.02 p.m.

3 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Mr. Larochelle.

4 MR. LAROCHELLE: [Interpretation] Your Honour, if I may, I

5 apologize for interrupting the witness deposition, but I would like to

6 respond briefly on the issue that was mentioned before the break. I

7 would like to add, for your reflections, that it is important for us to

8 relate these questions to the paragraph dated May 6, 2015, paragraphs 87

9 and 108 to 110, and generally speaking the paragraphs between paragraph

10 87 and 108 where the Chamber described its reasoning which brought it to

11 the conclusion whereby our response to that conclusion is no.

12 So let me repeat, paragraph 87 through to 110, emphasizing in

13 particular paragraph 87 and paragraphs 108 to 110.

14 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: There were two questions, Mr. Larochelle,

15 which I reformulated before. Are you saying it's paragraphs 87 through

16 to 110 for both questions? Or can you break it down?

17 MR. LAROCHELLE: [Interpretation] Yes, Your Honour.


19 Mr. Cameron.

20 JUDGE AKOUM: Just a clarification from Mr. Larochelle.

21 Mr. Larochelle, with respect to the two questions, I found out

22 that you are limiting it to just Alfa and MTC companies. If it's done on

23 purpose, you mean that you want to exclude the land-lines that are

24 provided by Ogero or what?

25 MR. LAROCHELLE: [Interpretation] Our response to the Prosecutor's

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1 motion was that the information requested came from Alfa and MTC. So if

2 there is a problem with the call records from other telephone lines, we

3 may have to bring up the same arguments. But for this particular issue,

4 what we're interested in is the data from Alfa and MTC. If I remember

5 correctly - and the Prosecutor will correct me if I'm mistaken - the

6 Prosecutor's motion dealt solely with the Call Data Records from Alfa and

7 MTC. So it would have been academic, if you will, to oppose other call

8 records which were not mentioned directly in the Prosecutor's motion.


10 MR. LAROCHELLE: [Interpretation] If I may add, Iain Edwards has

11 also supported our motion on the basis of what I've just said and I -- of

12 course perhaps he would like to add something himself.

13 MR. EDWARDS: I'm grateful. Nothing further to add.


15 Q. Mr. Hammoud, just before the break we were dealing with the

16 period of time prior to the end of August 2004 in which it was apparent

17 that the Prime Minister's position was not in favour of the extension of

18 President Lahoud's term. And you had indicated that there had been some

19 communication with Syrian officials, with Vice-President Khaddam and as

20 well with Rustom Ghazaleh, where I think you said that Mr. Ghazaleh or

21 Brigadier-General Ghazaleh said, "Hajj, stop dealing with this. This is

22 a decision issued by President Bashar Al-Assad."

23 Now, did you hear of that conversation from the Prime Minister

24 himself, the conversation with Rustom Ghazaleh?

25 A. I heard it, first of all, by the late Wissam El-Hassan and then I

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1 had the information confirmed by Prime Minister Hariri.

2 Q. And did that confirmation come prior to the next meeting that the

3 Prime Minister had in Damascus at the end of August 2004?

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. And do you know from your discussions with the Prime Minister

6 what his reaction was to that statement or position of Brigadier-General

7 Ghazaleh, communicating the position of Bashar Al-Assad?

8 A. It didn't change anything in the position of Prime Minister

9 Hariri, who continued all attempts through all possible means to stop the

10 extension of the term of President Lahoud.

11 Q. And I gather you were aware then of the meeting that occurred on

12 the 26th of August, 2004, between Prime Minister Hariri and President

13 Bashar Al-Assad in Damascus?

14 A. Yes.

15 Q. Did you have discussions with the Prime Minister before the

16 meeting about what he expected to occur?

17 A. I remember that Prime Minister Hariri was expecting this meeting

18 to be an important one. I believe he got himself ready to explain and

19 convince President Assad and in the best of scenarios to listen to an

20 agreement of President Assad that there was no necessity to extend the

21 term of President Lahoud.

22 Q. And does your belief in that regard arise from your conversations

23 with the Prime Minister or from other sources?

24 A. With the Prime Minister.

25 Q. And when did you next see the Prime Minister after his return

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1 from Damascus?

2 A. On the same day in his house in Faqra.

3 Q. And I take it you were a frequent visitor to the Faraya area

4 because you're a skier; is that correct?

5 A. That is true, but at the time it was summer and I sometimes went

6 to the area of Faraya in summer.

7 Q. And how did it come to pass that you met with the Prime Minister

8 that day?

9 A. Before going to Damascus he told me that he intended to come back

10 to his Faqra house. I waited for him in Faraya. He called me on the

11 phone and told me, "I have arrived to Faqra." So I went to Faqra to meet

12 him in his house.

13 Q. And what happened when you met him?

14 A. He was completely flabbergast. I saw a man that was completely

15 flabbergast. He was sitting in a place where he never sits usually in

16 his house. It was a rather isolated corner. He was wearing a white

17 "jelabiya" or "abayah," and his expression was that of complete surprise

18 and consternation.

19 Q. And was there anyone else present when you encountered the Prime

20 Minister in that state?

21 A. Yes. I remember that on that day I was with the late Bassel

22 Fuleihan. We were having lunch at Faraya and I remember that we went

23 together to the house of Prime Minister Hariri. And I also remember that

24 when we were coming in, his sister, Mrs. Bahia Hariri was leaving. And I

25 believe that one of the aides of the Prime Minister, Mr. Darwich

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1 El-Rabiaa was present as well.

2 Q. And what did you learn from the Prime Minister about what had

3 happened in Damascus?

4 A. To start with, when I asked Prime Minister Hariri, "How was the

5 meeting?" He says, "Very bad. Emile Lahoud's term will be extended."

6 His answer was: "Emile Lahoud's term will be extended." And when I

7 asked him, "Why?" He answered me that Bashar Al-Assad threatened him.

8 He told him, "You have not understood that I am Emile Lahoud and Emile

9 Lahoud is myself. And you and no one has to have an opinion on that

10 point. My decision is the extension of the term of Emile Lahoud. And if

11 your friend is Jacques Chirac and believes that he can break my will in

12 Lebanon, I will break the country on your head."

13 And I also recall that I tried to open up the discussion on other

14 topics. And I told him, "Your Excellency, how can he break this country

15 on your head?" And I remember very well he said, "I'm going to ask you a

16 question. If the Syrians asked to organize a protest from the

17 suburbs Dahyieh to the centre of Beirut, will they do it?" I answered

18 him, "Of course they will do it." So he said, "If the Syrians put

19 snipers over the building of the sports club on the way, will they shoot

20 people? They will shoot people and this will lead to fires, people will

21 burn Beirut, and this is how they will break the country on my head."

22 Q. Do you recall the reaction of the late Bassel Fuleihan to this

23 news?

24 A. I recall that Bassel Fuleihan was totally surprised, as I was,

25 and very disappointed by what he heard from Prime Minister Hariri, that

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1 is to say, we will extend the term of President Lahoud.

2 Q. Did the Prime Minister convey to you any efforts that he made to

3 attempt to reason with President Assad?

4 A. He told me very clearly, "He gave me no possibility to say

5 anything." And he told him his sentence or Prime Minister Hariri

6 understood by the way he behaved towards him that: "You have no other

7 choice but to accept what I'm telling you. The only thing you can say is

8 'yes.'"

9 Q. And did you have discussions with the Prime Minister as his media

10 adviser still as to how you would be able to cope with this change in

11 position?

12 A. On this day, no, I do not remember. I recall two things. First

13 of all, Prime Minister Hariri was not in a mood to speak, to talk; and I

14 recall that he moved to the living room in which there is a television

15 and he turned the television on and we sat for a while - no one was

16 speaking. And after 10 or 15 minutes, if I recall well, he told us, "The

17 Minister Fares Bouiez is coming to see me. Please leave me. I want to

18 see him." And I told him, "We are leaving your house and going to the

19 house of Deputy Fares Souaid in Faqra. What do you want us to tell him?"

20 He told me without details, "Tell him there is no way we will extend the

21 term of Emile Lahoud." And then we left.

22 THE INTERPRETER: Correction by the interpreter: We have to

23 extend, not we don't have to extend. We have to extend.

24 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Just a clarification. Was there any

25 significance in Mr. Hariri wanting to speak to Fares Bouiez?

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1 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] At the time, Minister Fares Bouiez

2 was one of the names mentioned as a candidate for the election if the

3 possibility was given to organize presidential elections in a normal

4 fashion.

5 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: You mean for him to be a presidential

6 candidate?

7 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Yes, if there was no extension of

8 the terms.


10 Q. So it's common ground that the Council of Ministers meets, the

11 Parliament meets, the extension, the constitutional amendment are

12 approved, and virtually simultaneously Resolution 1559 is passed or

13 adopted by the United Nations Security Council. And you are aware of all

14 of that?

15 A. Yes.

16 MR. CAMERON: I'd like the witness to be shown the document that

17 appears in the Arabic at position 14 and in the English at position 15 of

18 the Prosecution's presentation queue. It's a single-page document. It's

19 a press release dated the 15th of September, 2004, with an apparent

20 publication date in Al Mustaqbal Newspaper on the 16th of September,

21 2004. And the ERN number is D0004679. This was originally entered as

22 part of the package of exhibits in Exhibit 303.

23 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Do you wish to give it a separate exhibit

24 number?

25 MR. CAMERON: Yes, please, as we have been doing with these ones.

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1 As I understand it, the next exhibit number is 449.

2 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: It will be Exhibit P449.


4 Q. Now, this press release was issued from Madrid on the 15th of

5 September, and I want to ask you a series of questions generally about

6 this type of document. First, were you in Madrid with the Prime Minister

7 during this period of time, do you recall?

8 A. I recall that I was in Madrid with the Prime Minister, but my

9 memory fails me about this given trip. Honestly, I do not remember

10 whether I was in Madrid in September.

11 Q. Did you attend the awards ceremony in Barcelona on the 13th of

12 September, 2004, with the Prime Minister?

13 A. No.

14 Q. I'd like to explore with you two or three things. One is:

15 You're the press adviser for the Prime Minister in an -- albeit an

16 unofficial capacity and you're also the editor-in-chief of Al Mustaqbal

17 Newspaper, so I'd like to ask you what the relationship is between how

18 press releases are determined appropriate to issue and then in turn what

19 press releases are considered by you wearing your other hat as the

20 editor-in-chief of Al Mustaqbal Newspaper? So the first issue is: Does

21 the -- did the Prime Minister have a hand in formulating, in the normal

22 course, the content of press releases of this nature?

23 A. There are two types of information, news. Some press releases

24 are published in a routine fashion without presenting the content to the

25 Prime Minister, and this is linked to a given activity which has no

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1 political content and which forces the Prime Minister to express a

2 position more notably when it's a sensitive position. And there are

3 other types of press releases that either contain a declaration in the

4 name of the Prime Minister, we would say in the piece of information:

5 This is the declaration of the Prime Minister on a political position,

6 it's a very sensitive question, or political information that is also

7 sensitive information. And in such a case the Prime Minister is either

8 informed of this piece of information and his approval is requested

9 before the publication.

10 Q. And in the normal course, what percentage of press releases would

11 then be published in Al Mustaqbal Newspaper?

12 A. If it's not a hundred per cent, it's 99 per cent.

13 Q. And this particular press release relates in part to a discussion

14 between the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Prime Minister Hariri

15 who was conducting a European tour. And then there's a reference to

16 Egyptian television and in particular Lebanese issues and Security

17 Council Resolution 1559. Now, do you know whether this was the kind of

18 issue that you would speak directly with the Prime Minister about prior

19 to the publication in the newspaper?

20 A. Yes. This type of information which has a specific content was

21 to be viewed by myself or one of my colleagues and to be presented to the

22 Prime Minister by myself or a colleague before being distributed.

23 Q. And did you have discussions, and particularly in the area of

24 Resolution 1559, about why certain things were included in press releases

25 like this?

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1 A. No. I don't know what is the reason why this information was in

2 the press release. I was not present for this given press release. But

3 I suppose that Prime Minister Hariri informed my colleagues that were

4 travelling with him from the media bureau that he got a phone call from

5 President Mubarak or he called -- no, no, no, I correct myself. He

6 received a phone call from President Hosni Mubarak and following that a

7 press release is automatically drafted indicating that President Mubarak

8 telephoned Prime Minister Hariri. And if the media office is informed

9 that the Egyptian television published information on that phone call and

10 that the phone call concerned the Resolution 1559 of the Security

11 Council, Prime Minister Hariri would be automatically asked whether it is

12 possible to add a sentence on that, saying that the Egyptian television

13 touched on the topic. And because it is mentioned here, it is considered

14 as truth. And I believe that in such a situation Prime Minister Hariri

15 gave his approval for the sentence and maybe he added: Please add that

16 we spoke of the meeting of the Quartet which is to meet in New York.

17 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: What was the significance of Mr. Hariri

18 wanting it publicized that Mr. Mubarak had telephoned him?

19 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] In our political and journalistic

20 culture, when a Prime Minister or any political figure, prominent

21 political figure, receives a phone call from head of state, normally such

22 a phone call should be related in the media because it is considered as

23 an event.

24 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: What were the state of Egyptian and Syrian

25 relations at that point?

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1 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I cannot comment on the bilateral

2 relations between Syria and Egypt. I cannot remember anything, be it

3 positive or negative, in terms of their bilateral relations back then.

4 JUDGE AKOUM: [Interpretation] Mr. Hammoud, you are saying that

5 99 per cent of the press releases regarding the activities of Mr. Hariri

6 are published in Al Mustaqbal Newspaper. Does this mean that there is a

7 small percentage of press releases regarding the activities of Prime

8 Minister Rafik Hariri that are not published in Al Mustaqbal Newspaper?

9 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] What I meant to say is if it's not

10 100 per cent, then it's 99 per cent. I wanted to keep a margin of

11 1 per cent to justify some cases of non-publication of press releases in

12 Al Mustaqbal Newspaper. So if you want my opinion, I can clearly say

13 100 per cent, but I do not want anyone to come one day and say: This is

14 a press release that was not published in Al Mustaqbal Newspaper, but

15 this should be a minor and a marginal exception due to the nature of the

16 press release.

17 MR. CAMERON: The next document that I'd --

18 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Just before you finish with that one.

19 MR. CAMERON: Oh, sorry.

20 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: -- I just have one clarification.

21 Mr. Hammoud, just on my question about Mr. Mubarak, is it the

22 case that it was not so much significant that it was President Mubarak

23 who telephoned Mr. Hariri, but the fact that it was a head of state who

24 telephoned Mr. Hariri? That is, there was a telephone call between a

25 head of state and Mr. Hariri and it didn't matter who it was, it was just

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1 reported?

2 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] As I said earlier, in our political

3 and journalistic culture, we used to receive regularly news about phone

4 calls by any head of state calling Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, and

5 immediately we used to draft relevant press releases. I was trying to

6 explain why would we draft a press release relating that a head of state

7 contacted or called Mr. Hariri.

8 JUDGE BRAIDY: [Interpretation] Did Mr. Hariri convey to you the

9 content of the discussion he had with President Mubarak during that phone

10 call?

11 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] No, not to me in person. I do not

12 remember that.

13 JUDGE BRAIDY: [Interpretation] Do you remember that following

14 this phone call between Mr. Mubarak and Prime Minister Hariri a later

15 meeting was held between President Mubarak and President Assad?

16 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I remember many meetings between

17 President Mubarak and President Assad, but I cannot confirm the

18 chronology of events, whether it happened before or after, I cannot

19 remember.


21 Q. During a phone call such as the one that we just looked at as

22 reported in Exhibit 449, I take it that many things may have been

23 discussed but there was a specific mention of Resolution 1559 as being

24 the subject. And is it your understanding that that particular issue,

25 the inclusion of the discussion about Resolution 1559, would have been

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1 something that was passed by the Prime Minister both prior to the

2 issuance of the press release and prior to its reporting in Al Mustaqbal

3 Newspaper?

4 A. Yes. From what we read in this press release, the source of

5 information is the Egyptian TV that mentioned that they discussed

6 Resolution 1559. Adding this piece of information to a press release

7 issued by the office of Mr. Hariri is an indication that Prime Minister

8 Rafik Hariri had the opportunity to read the text of the press release

9 before its distribution.

10 Q. And I take it that it would go without saying, if he didn't want

11 it in, it wouldn't be in that particular press release; is that correct?

12 A. Correct.

13 MR. CAMERON: So the next document that I'd like to turn to is

14 found at position 12 in the Arabic and 13 in the English on the

15 Prosecution's presentation queue. It is another press release of the

16 same provenance admitted as part of Exhibit 303. It's dated the 30th of

17 September, 2004. It has an ERN range of D0004692 to D0004694. Indicates

18 at the outset that it's dated the 30th of September, 2004, and published

19 on October 1st, 2004, in Al Mustaqbal Newspaper.

20 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: We will make that Exhibit P450.

21 MR. CAMERON: Thank you.

22 Q. Do you recall being in Paris with the Prime Minister during this

23 period of time, the end of September 2004?

24 A. I remember that I was accompanying the president in most of his

25 meetings with President Jacques Chirac. I used to accompany him in most

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1 of his meetings. However, frankly speaking, I cannot remember this date

2 in particular. I do not remember if I was part of that trip.

3 I want to clarify. I did not used to attend the meetings between

4 Hariri and Chirac, but I used to accompany him whenever he was going to

5 hold such a meeting.

6 Q. All right. There are two parts to this press release that I'd

7 like to draw your attention to. The first is in the first paragraph.

8 The general heading is:

9 "Prime Minister: This is a difficult stage and I hope that we

10 will continue with dialogue, Chirac reiterates to Hariri his adherence to

11 the implementation of SC Resolution 1559 and his willingness to

12 co-operate with the government for the interests of Lebanon?"

13 First paragraph reads:

14 "Prime Minister Rafik Hariri exited from a private meeting which

15 lasted an hour and ten minutes with the French President Jacques Chirac.

16 He stated that they discussed 'all the topics, and that President Chirac

17 is a friend of Lebanon and the region,' adding: 'I think and hope that

18 we will continue our discussions and dialogue; I'll say no more.'"

19 So in that passage Prime Minister Hariri doesn't, I think in

20 fairness, really say much of anything, does he, other than the fact that

21 the meeting occurred. But in his -- in the press release authorized by

22 his office, in the third paragraph we have the following:

23 "French presidential spokesman Jerome Bonavon said that

24 'President Jacques Chirac reiterated to PM Hariri France's support for

25 the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Lebanon and

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1 France's will for the implementation of Security Resolution 1559.' He

2 also assured that 'France is always to the side of Lebanon and ready to

3 co-operate with the Lebanese government for the interest of Lebanon.'"

4 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Mr. Cameron, just the preposition, France is

5 always "to the side" or "on the side" of Lebanon. Can one of the

6 interpreters tell us what it says in the Lebanese text, whether it is

7 "to" or "on," because there could be a difference.

8 THE INTERPRETER: It says in the Arabic text: France will always

9 be standing next to Lebanon or by Lebanon's side.

10 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: In other ways, beside Lebanon.

11 Thank you, Mr. Cameron.


13 Q. Now, I'm going to come back to this document in a second, but I

14 want to note that it was published on the 1st of October, 2004, which

15 would happen in the normal course, I take it, the day after the issuance

16 of the publication.

17 MR. CAMERON: But if I could also take the witness to another

18 document which is found at positions 19 in the Arabic and 18 in the

19 English and it's a report entitled: "Report of the Secretary-General

20 pursuant to Security Council Resolution 1559 (2004)." It has an ERN

21 range of 60211763 to 60211771. And this was deemed admissible pursuant

22 to the Trial Chamber's decision of the 30th of December, 2014, F1802.

23 And it appeared originally in the Prosecution's 154 motion of the 21st of

24 October, 2014, F1711, in annex 1.2 and row 2.

25 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Okay. We'll admit the Security Council --

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1 sorry, the report of the Secretary-General pursuant to Security Council

2 Resolution 1559 of 2004 as Exhibit P451.


4 Q. Now, I take it you were aware at the time that the Security

5 Council or that the Secretary-General had issued a report regarding

6 Resolution 1559 as the editor of your major newspaper?

7 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: And just -- and the date of the document is

8 the 1st of October, 2004, and it has the UN document number S/2004/777.

9 Thank you, Mr. Hammoud.


11 Q. I'd like to take you briefly to some passages in this report and

12 then return to the issue in the previous document. So this report

13 emerges on the same day that you publish the previous document, the press

14 release regarding the Prime Minister's meeting with Jacques Chirac. The

15 first --

16 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Mr. Cameron, the last question you answered,

17 there was no audible response from Mr. Hammoud but he nodded. I just

18 record that. Thank you.

19 Please continue. I meant the last question you asked, not

20 answered.


22 Q. You're nodding "yes" in accordance with the Trial Judge's --

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. I'll try and remember to get you to ...

25 The first page I'd like to take you to is ERN 60211763, that's

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1 the first page of the actual document. In the introduction paragraph 1,

2 it says:

3 "The present report is submitted pursuant to Resolution 1559

4 (2004) adopted on the 2nd of September, 2004, by the Security Council.

5 In paragraph 7 of that resolution, the Council requested that I report

6 within 30 days on the implementation by the parties of that resolution."

7 Now, I take it that Resolution 1559 was a widely discussed topic

8 in September in Lebanon; is that fair to say?

9 A. Yes. [In English] The most widely discussed topic.

10 Q. And do you recall whether the issuance of this follow-up report

11 which is presaged in the resolution itself was something that was widely

12 anticipated in Lebanon?

13 A. [Interpretation] Yes, it was expected. I don't know whether it

14 was expected, presaged by that date, but -- however, people who were

15 following up the matter, they knew very well that the Secretary-General

16 had a -- had to report back within 30 days on the implementation. The

17 decision was -- the resolution was adopted on the 2nd of September, 2004,

18 which means one month later he had to draft his report.

19 MR. CAMERON: And if I could take the witness to the fourth page

20 of the document which is at ERN 60211766 under the heading: "A. Foreign

21 forces deployed in Lebanon."

22 Q. At paragraph 12 the Secretary-General's report says the

23 following:

24 "Security Council Resolution 1559 (2004) calls for the withdrawal

25 of all remaining foreign forces from Lebanon. Apart from the

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1 United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), to the best of our

2 ability to ascertain, the only significant foreign forces deployed in

3 Lebanon, as of 30 September 2004, are Syrian."

4 Was that your understanding as well?

5 A. Yes.

6 Q. And there is a paragraph 13 which describes some of the history

7 relating to the presence of Syrian forces in Lebanon, and in 14 the

8 Secretary-General says the following:

9 "In addition to the uniformed armed forces, the Syrian Arab

10 Republic has deployed in Lebanon, the Syrian Government has informed the

11 United Nations that there is also a substantial presence of non-uniformed

12 military intelligence officials that, it says, are usual components of

13 military units. These officials, together with the uniformed forces,

14 constitute the full Syrian troop strength."

15 And on to paragraph 15:

16 "The Syrian military and intelligence apparatus in Lebanon has

17 not been withdrawn as of 30th of September, 2004. However, according to

18 announcements by the Lebanese and Syrian governments, the Syrian Arab

19 Republic has in recent weeks redeployed approximately 3.000 of its forces

20 formerly deployed south of Beirut. It has not been made clear to the

21 United Nations whether these redeployments are confined to regular troops

22 or include non-uniformed military intelligence, and whether they have all

23 returned to the Syrian Arab Republic. According to the parties, this is

24 the fifth such redeployment since the signing of the ."

25 Paragraph 16:

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1 "The Syrian Government has indicated to me that a total of about

2 14.000 Syrian troops remain in Lebanon. It says that a majority of these

3 forces are now based near the Syrian border and that they are not

4 deployed deep inside Lebanon. The Lebanese and Syrian Governments have

5 told me that the timing of further withdrawals would be determined by the

6 security situation in Lebanon and the region and through the joint

7 military committee established pursuant to the Taif Agreement."

8 Now, just stopping there, as a result of your discussions with

9 the Prime Minister, do you know what his position was in respect of --

10 during this period of time, did you know what his position was in respect

11 of the withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon?

12 A. He was confident that the Syrian forces would withdraw from

13 Lebanon, and in one occasion he bet on that with me. He was joking of

14 course. He said to me, "Do you bet that within one year from now all the

15 Syrian forces would be out of Lebanon?"

16 Q. And when did you have that wager?

17 A. I'm trying to remember. If I remember well, maybe this was

18 towards the end of the summer of 2004 or early fall 2004. We were

19 together in his car going to Syria, and if I remember well we were going

20 to pay a visit to the Syrian vice-president, Mr. Abdel-Halim Khaddam in

21 Bloudan. It was one of the rarest occasions whereby I was the only one

22 with him in the car. He was driving the car and I was sitting next to

23 him and we were part of a larger convoy. We reached the Syrian

24 check-point of the Syrian army -- of the Syrian army in Chtoura on the

25 highway leading to Syria. Back then a Syrian officer dressed in military

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1 uniform had stopped the traffic in order to allow the convoy of

2 Mr. Hariri to continue his route without any obstacle. And the car of

3 Mr. Rafik Hariri had normal glasses, not the tinted glasses, as we say in

4 Lebanon. So when the Syrian officer saw him, he greeted him; and after

5 we passed the check-point, apparently I was either smiling or expressing

6 my astonishment and Prime Minister Hariri asked me, "Why are you

7 smiling?" I said, "I'm smiling at this occurrence. I'm seeing the Prime

8 Minister of Lebanon receiving indications on how to drive and in which

9 direction on Lebanese territories. And he is greeted by the Syrian

10 official." His reply was very prompt and he told me, "In a year from now

11 you will not see them anymore in Lebanon." I said, "How come?" He said,

12 "I am telling you, in a year from now I bet you, you will not see any

13 Syrian officer in Lebanon. Please write it down. Please remind me in a

14 year from now that we had this wager on this topic."

15 Q. Now, the other aspect to Resolution 1559 related to the disarming

16 of Lebanese and non-Lebanese militia. And at paragraph 18 at ERN page

17 60211767, the Secretary-General writes the following:

18 "Security Council Resolution 1559 ... calls for the disbanding

19 and disarmament of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias. Since the end

20 of the civil war, the Government of Lebanon has made great strides in

21 significantly reducing the number of militias present in Lebanon.

22 Nevertheless, as of the 30th of September, 2004, several armed elements

23 remain in the South. The Government of Lebanon has told me it intends

24 that all irregular armed groups should ultimately be disarmed and

25 disbanded.

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1 "The most significant remaining armed group is Hezbollah. The

2 Government of Lebanon objects to the characterization of Hezbollah as a

3 Lebanese militia, and refers to it as a 'national resistance group' that

4 has as its goal the defence of Lebanon from and the removal of

5 Israeli forces from Lebanese soil, namely, the Shebaa farms. Lebanon

6 maintains that the Shebaa farms are Lebanese territory, not Syrian."

7 THE INTERPRETER: Interpreter's message: We kindly ask the

8 speaker to slow down when quoting from the report. Thank you very much.


10 Q. Finally, at the conclusion of the report which appears at page

11 60211770 at page -- paragraph 35 under the heading: "Observations," the

12 following appears:

13 "Lebanese public opinion appears to be divided over such issues

14 as the Syrian military presence in Lebanon, the constitutional situation

15 as it relates to presidential elections, and the continued existence of

16 armed groups not under the direct control of the Government. However,

17 many are of the view that full implementation of Resolution 1559 ...

18 would be in the interests not just of Lebanon, but of the Syrian Arab

19 Republic, too, and of the region and wider international community. It

20 is time, 14 years after the end of hostilities and four years after the

21 Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon, for all parties concerned to set aside

22 the remaining vestiges of the past. The withdrawal of foreign forces and

23 the disbandment and disarmament of militias would, with finality, end

24 that sad chapter of Lebanese history."

25 Now, having regard to statements such as that within the

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1 Secretary-General's report on Resolution 1559 and having regard to some

2 of the instances that we've looked at wherein press releases have

3 mentioned Resolution 1559 with the intention that they be published in

4 Al Mustaqbal Newspaper, my question is this: Did the Prime Minister take

5 a public position as to whether or not he was for or against

6 Resolution 1559 in either his press releases or the newspaper that he

7 owned?

8 A. If I recall well, Prime Minister Hariri did not take an official

9 position, neither for nor against Resolution 1559. Usually there were

10 hidden signs of his approval of Resolution 1559. It either came in a

11 sentence that would be repeated on a regular basis, full respect of the

12 international decision of the United Nations, et cetera, and it was meant

13 that he agreed with the Resolution 1559 which was the last and the most

14 important one issued by the United Nations; or by non-negative coverage

15 not opposed to Resolution 1559 in the media that belonged to him, that

16 were close to him, that were allied to him, and also in the policy of

17 Prime Minister Hariri.

18 Q. Were you aware of press coverage during September of 2004 and

19 onwards that the Prime Minister had had a hand in the drafting of

20 Resolution 1559?

21 A. Yes, this is an accusation that was repeated by those who could

22 be called the allies of Syria in Lebanon, and this was repeated in many

23 ways.

24 Q. And did you ever discuss with the Prime Minister why it was that

25 he did not come out in a public way and say that he was opposed to

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1 Resolution 1559 or that he fully supported the resolution?

2 A. In my discussions and exchanges on other topics, things were

3 clear to me. Prime Minister Hariri was happy of the issuance of

4 Resolution 1559 and he was not opposing such a resolution. Thus, it was

5 very difficult to try and imagine Prime Minister Hariri adopting open

6 positions and saying he was against Resolution 1559.

7 Now, for the second part, why did it not openly declare his

8 support for the Resolution 1559? What I understood and what I heard from

9 him showed me that Resolution 1559 was in two parts for him. One part

10 was the withdrawal of the Syrian forces from Lebanon and this part, as I

11 told you, was something Prime Minister Hariri was waiting for dearly, he

12 was waiting for the minute of their withdrawal. And another part of the

13 resolution was to dissolve Hezbollah who was an armed militia and had to

14 disband in the interest of the Lebanese state. Well, for the second

15 part, Prime Minister Hariri was expecting to reach this point through

16 dialogue, convincing people that it was common interest, he didn't want

17 to reach this point by opposing people or by threatening the stability of

18 Lebanon. This is why he would not support openly and officially the

19 Resolution 1559.

20 JUDGE AKOUM: Mr. Cameron.

21 [Interpretation] You said, Mr. Hani, that Prime Minister Hariri

22 in autumn of 2004 waged with you that the Syrians would necessarily leave

23 Lebanon within a year. What did Prime Minister Hariri rely on at the

24 time to say such a thing?

25 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Honestly, I did not ask him on the

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1 given day, but things were clear. The days that followed, the

2 discussions we had proved that he thought that Resolution 1559 would

3 apply for that part of the withdrawal.

4 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: We have different interpretations. A few

5 moments ago we heard "fall" this time we heard "autumn."


7 Q. I asked you a moment ago about whether there had been public

8 accusations about the Prime Minister being an architect or a draftsman of

9 Resolution 1559. And I'm going to ask you a similar question but on a

10 slightly different issue. Were there allegations that even if he were

11 not involved, he had the capacity to prevent it and didn't?

12 A. Yes. This is what I understood and it was my deep belief and

13 that of Prime Minister Hariri in relation -- that he was standing behind

14 Resolution 1559. And the Syrian regime and their allies, those that knew

15 the details of international politics at the time, considered that this

16 resolution could not have been drafted by one man only. It expressed a

17 strategic change in the international politics in the Middle East. And

18 more specifically, the international mandate given to Syria to control

19 Lebanon was withdrawn through this resolution. And the Syrian regime

20 accused Prime Minister Hariri, they said he could have stopped this

21 resolution or stopped its drafting because of his privileged relation

22 with President Chirac. President Chirac and George Bush were 50/50

23 partners in the drafting of this Resolution 1559 according to the

24 Syrians. And they thought he had an exceptional capacity to communicate

25 and to establish a dialogue with the heads of states and figures that

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1 were behind the international politics, amongst whom George Bush, the

2 American president; the Secretary-General of the UN, Kofi Annan. And

3 they thought if Prime Minister Hariri wanted to stop this resolution he

4 would stop the issuance, and since he didn't do it, it meant that he

5 wanted it. This is the accusation that was directed to Prime Minister

6 Hariri.

7 Q. And how were those accusations manifested? Were they in

8 speeches? In newspaper articles? How did you learn of such accusations?

9 A. Yes, there were open and official positions by Syrian allies

10 accusing Prime Minister Hariri directly of his responsibility with

11 Resolution 1559. There were press releases, articles, information in

12 media or there were journalists who were well-known to express the Syrian

13 position and they would make him responsible for Resolution 1559, yes.

14 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Let's give Mr. Hammoud a lunch break.

15 So you can go to lunch. We will metaphorically join you in a few

16 moments but not there physically with you. So thank you, Mr. Hammoud.

17 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Thank you.

18 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Mr. Cameron, we've got the question for

19 certification. Are you in a position to respond to it now or -- this was

20 the reformulated one which was putting two into one and taking out excess

21 words.

22 [The witness stands down]

23 MR. CAMERON: Yes. I'd be grateful if I could address you after

24 lunch on the issue.

25 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: We hope it doesn't spoil your lunch,

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1 Mr. Cameron.

2 Court is adjourned.

3 --- Luncheon recess taken at 1.11 p.m.

4 --- On resuming at 2.32 p.m.

5 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Mr. Cameron, what news do you have for us?

6 MR. CAMERON: I'm grateful for the time permitted me to look at

7 the questions again as reformulated by you. The Prosecution does not

8 object to the questions as framed, that is, the collapsing of the first

9 two questions into one question and the third question becoming the

10 second question. The certification, as I understand it, could only be

11 sought by the Oneissi Defence and joined by the Badreddine Defence and is

12 limited to those two Defence teams.

13 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Mr. Larochelle and Mr. Edwards, do we have

14 an oral motion before the Chamber to certify for interlocutory appeal the

15 questions as I reformulated them earlier today?

16 [The witness takes the stand]

17 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: I'm not going to deal with it on the spot.

18 I just want to know if we have a formal oral motion before the Chamber.

19 MR. LAROCHELLE: Yes, you do, Your Honour. So you have a formal

20 motion to certify the decision of 6 May 2015 and the questions we are

21 asking you to certify are those that were read by Your Honours earlier

22 on, the two questions as reformulated by the Bench.

23 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Mr. Edwards, are you joining

24 Mr. Larochelle's application?

25 MR. EDWARDS: Your Honour, we are.

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2 Welcome back, Mr. Hammoud.


4 Q. Good afternoon, Mr. Hammoud. Just before the lunch break we had

5 been dealing with the issue of the Prime Minister's position in respect

6 of Resolution 1559, and during this same period of time in September

7 there came what was known later as the Bristol Gathering with which I

8 take it you are familiar. Did you have discussions with the Prime

9 Minister after the extension of President Lahoud's term about his

10 political future and how he would conduct himself in the coming months in

11 the face of what had happened on September 2nd and 3rd?

12 A. Yes.

13 Q. And do you know what the Prime Minister's position was in respect

14 of the Bristol Gathering, and in particular the first Bristol Gathering

15 in September, September 22nd?

16 A. Yes. It was clear after the extension of the term, the forced

17 extension of the term of President Emile Lahoud, the decision of Prime

18 Minister Hariri was to join or create an alliance with the opposition,

19 the Christian opposition known as Qornet-Chehwan at the time and with the

20 leader for the coming elections of the year 2005, in order

21 to win those elections and reorganize the regime in Lebanon on the basis

22 of the results of the coming election. The result of those dynamics were

23 the birth of what was known as the Bristol Gathering that brought

24 together the three different parties I just mentioned.

25 Q. And by the time of the first Bristol meeting on the 22nd of

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1 September, the Prime Minister was still in office. He later, as you

2 know, resigns on the 20th of October. Did you have discussions with the

3 Prime Minister as to why it was that he chose the 20th of October to

4 actually resign?

5 A. I could say that by the 20th of October it seemed clear to Prime

6 Minister Hariri that he would not be able to create a government that he

7 wanted to set up. Prime Minister Hariri, in the period we are talking

8 about, was entrusted with constituting a government. He was the Prime

9 Minister of a government entrusted with managing daily work, he was like

10 a caretaker after the extension of the term of President Lahoud. And by

11 the 20th of October, many events had taken place, the most important one

12 was the attempt to kill the minister Marwan Hamade, and other events that

13 made Prime Minister Hariri understand that he would not be able to

14 constitute the government he wants. That is why he decided to forfeit

15 that and not form a government.

16 Q. Now prior to September 2004, was it your understanding that the

17 Prime Minister had at any point been able to form the government that he

18 wanted to form?

19 A. Prime Minister Hariri never formed the government he dreamed of.

20 There were several levels of intervention and pressure to form his

21 government. Between the moment President Bashar Al-Assad asked him to

22 extend the term of President Lahoud and the extension itself and in the

23 days that followed this extension, different direct and indirect messages

24 would arrive him, indicating that after the extension of the term of

25 Emile Lahoud, after also his participation to this extension of the

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1 president, he would be free to form the government. But what happened

2 was the opposite.

3 Q. And when you say that the messages were direct and indirect, do

4 you know from the Prime Minister how at least some of those messages were

5 communicated to him?

6 A. I do not recall specific messages, but the climate around people

7 who were close to the Syrians or could pass on messages from the Syrians

8 were going in this direction. And most certainly Prime Minister Hariri

9 had received a direct message from Rustom Ghazaleh going in this

10 direction and the sentence was: You will only be happy -- and at my own

11 level I felt this climate, the colleagues, journalists who would meet

12 with politicians that could be described as close to the Syrian or close

13 to President Emile Lahoud would pass on this sense of things to me.

14 Q. When you said that one of the direct mechanisms was through

15 Rustom Ghazaleh, I'm not sure I understood what you meant. What did

16 Rustom Ghazaleh convey and to whom? Do you remember?

17 A. I recall a specific message which I was informed of by Prime

18 Minister Hariri and Rustom Ghazaleh told Prime Minister Hariri in one of

19 their meetings, it was just either before the extension or just after it:

20 "You will create a government -- you will form a government and you'll be

21 happy of that."

22 Q. And based upon your conversations with the Prime Minister after

23 that period, were you privy to his efforts to actually form a government

24 that he would be content with?

25 A. Yes. I was studying proposals of government to try and take into

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1 account the political balance in the country, but qualitatively speaking,

2 those ministers could not be described as real bearers and implementers

3 of the Syrian will in Lebanon.

4 Q. Well, if the Prime Minister was able to choose his own ministers,

5 that would provide him with the government he would want. Am I correct

6 about that? So did something prevent him from choosing the ministers

7 that he wanted; and if so, what was that?

8 A. Things reached a certain point. Rustom Ghazaleh told him, in the

9 phase that preceded his declaration that it was impossible for him to

10 form the government, he was told by Rustom Ghazaleh, "You can have three

11 ministers in your government, including yours." Which means: You are

12 forming the government, you choose yourself and two other ministers, and

13 the other ministers will be chosen by us.

14 Q. I know it's a simple question, but when Rustom Ghazaleh told the

15 Prime Minister that, whom did you understand the "us" to be? The other

16 ministers would be chosen by "us," by whom?

17 A. "Us" means the Syrians and the Syrian regime and their henchmen

18 in Lebanon, including President Lahoud.

19 Q. And was that conversation related to you directly by the Prime

20 Minister?

21 A. Yes.

22 Q. And at what period of time did the Prime Minister's hope begin to

23 wane that he would be able to organize a government that he could work

24 with?

25 A. If I recall well, just after the attempt of assassination of

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1 Minister Marwan Hamade on the 1st of October, 2004.

2 Q. And did you have discussions with the Prime Minister about when

3 and how he would give effect to his resignation?

4 A. When the attempted assassination against Marwan Hamade happened,

5 we were in Paris. Prime Minister Hariri was in Paris and I was in the

6 delegation accompanying him. And I recall that the day or the second day

7 after the attempt assassination, the Prime Minister started to suggest

8 the idea that he would apologize and not form the government. And I was

9 informed of his final decision the day he presented this refusal to form

10 a government on the 20th of October, and he invited me to the palace in

11 Quraitem and he made me read the draft declaration of apology and he

12 asked me whether I had comments or amendments, things to add, as he

13 usually did.

14 MR. CAMERON: If I could ask the witness to be shown the document

15 that now appears at 65 -- position 65 in the Arabic and 66 in the English

16 of the Prosecution's presentation queue. It's a document entitled:

17 "Press release." It was admitted as part of the general Exhibit 303.

18 The date of the document is the 20th of October, 2004. It has the ERN

19 range D0004761 to D0004762. This is a document which, I think the

20 evidence will be, mistakenly attributes the publication date to the

21 21st of November, 2004. That is an accurate translation from the Arabic.

22 You may recall that during the evidence of the Witness Maarouf

23 Al-Daouq, Ms. Beri had taken Mr. Al-Daouq to a couple of examples where

24 the publication dates did not always accord or there were typographical

25 errors relating to the actual publication dates. They were sometimes a

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1 month off. And I think that you will find from the evidence of this

2 witness that the publication date was, in fact, the 20th of October, but

3 I'll get there in a moment.

4 But having said that, if we could make this the next exhibit, I

5 would be grateful.

6 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: It will be Exhibit P452.

7 Mr. Hammoud, can you just clarify for me. A moment ago you said:

8 "... made me read the draft declaration of apology ..." Can you just --

9 I think we've had some evidence about this, but can you just tell me in

10 your own words what the draft declaration of apology was? If you just

11 look on the transcript there, it might ...

12 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] This declaration is the final

13 declaration which I have looked at -- I looked at the draft document or

14 several draft documents before it became a final declaration.

15 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: The words I'm interested in are "of

16 apology." That's what I -- that's what it says in our transcript or I

17 heard interpreted so I was asking you to look at the transcript. Is that

18 what you're saying? Is it the resignation or is it an apology? Or what

19 is it?

20 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] In Arabic, when a person is

21 entrusted with forming the government and decides that he will not form

22 this government, the word used is the word "eitizar," impossibility to

23 form a government. [In English] Turning down the assignment.

24 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Just in English is "apology" the right word?

25 THE WITNESS: It could be in a sense if you ask me to do

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1 something and I apologize from doing it. I apologize that I cannot do

2 it. But this is a polite way to say no.


4 Q. It's a regretful decline?

5 A. It is. The exact translation would be "declining the task or the

6 responsibility of forming the government."

7 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Thank you. With that we might be able to

8 put you on the payroll upstairs in the booth.

9 Thank you, Mr. Cameron.


11 Q. I would like to take you to a couple of the passages and ask you

12 if these were the ones you had discussed with the Prime Minister in

13 advance and what they were intended to convey. So at the first page of

14 the press release D0004761, we see the following text in quotation marks

15 under the heading: "Prime Minister Hariri released the following

16 statement." It says:

17 "'No one disagrees on the magnitude of the domestic and foreign

18 challenges that beset Lebanon and our Arab world. However, the primary

19 challenge before us all concerns how to face these challenges and the

20 national elements required to stave off the present dangers from Lebanon

21 and the Arab world.'"

22 Now, is that part of the original draft that you looked at with

23 the Prime Minister and discussed?

24 A. [Interpretation] Honestly, I do not remember. Probably yes, but

25 honestly I don't recall.

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1 Q. And going to the second paragraph:

2 "Confronting these challenges - any challenges - cannot be except

3 through a cohesive domestic front in tune with the aspirations and will

4 of the Lebanese people and their trust in their nation and government.

5 These are the goals that I still consider to form a sound basis for a

6 government that assumes the responsibility of the public sphere; which

7 confirm the commitment of Lebanon's national foundations; and which do

8 not breach the elements of trust with the country's citizens."

9 Now, is that a passage that you spoke about with the Prime

10 Minister before its issuance?

11 A. Yes.

12 Q. And may I ask: What is this passage intended to convey to the

13 Lebanese citizenry?

14 A. I believe that this paragraph aims at the following: Informing

15 the Lebanese that I cannot form the government I wanted to form.

16 Q. And what specifically are the words that best convey that

17 sentiment in this passage.

18 A. "... a cohesive domestic front in tune with the aspiration and

19 the will of the Lebanese people and their trust in their nation and

20 government, they are goals that I still consider to form a sound basis

21 for a government that assumes the responsibility of the public sphere and

22 which confirms the commitments of Lebanon's national foundations and

23 which do not breach elements of trust with the country's citizens."

24 Q. On the following page there's a sentence that I'd like to ask you

25 about, page number 2 of the press release, and it says the following:

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1 "'I entrust this beloved country of Lebanon and its kind people

2 to God Almighty, and I express my deepest thanks and gratitude to those

3 who worked with me during this period.'"

4 Now, did you discuss this sentence with the Prime Minister before

5 it was included in the press release?

6 A. Yes.

7 Q. And what was the nature of the discussions?

8 A. I would like to clarify the following. When Prime Minister

9 Hariri summoned me to his office to read the draft and the other drafts,

10 Minister Bassem Sabeh, and I believe that the minister played a major

11 role in the drafting of this declaration and he usually played an

12 important role in drafting the very sensitive, vital declarations in the

13 political life of Prime Minister Hariri. And I recall that the

14 discussion on this paragraph centred around -- I'm sure that I said, and

15 I believe that Minister Sabeh said the same thing, "That this sentence,

16 Prime Minister, gives the following impression: That you are withdrawing

17 totally and completely from political life. Thus, we have to cross it

18 out." And Prime Minister Hariri insisted on keeping the sentence in the

19 text. And if my memory doesn't fail me, later on the Minister Marwan

20 Hamade arrived, he read the draft and made the same comment. If it

21 wasn't the three of us, at least two out of three were begging the Prime

22 Minister to cross out the sentence.

23 It reached a point where in one of the drafts, coming back from

24 the print, which were printed by the secretariat in the house of the

25 Prime Minister, I got the draft and I crossed it out with my hand and the

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1 Prime Minister with his pen re-wrote it in. So there was true discussion

2 over the sentence, but Prime Minister Hariri insisted on adding the

3 sentence in the declaration fully. It reached a point where he said,

4 "Cross out the whole declaration and leave the sentence. This is the

5 sentence which is the declaration."

6 Q. What was it about this sentence that you understood to be so

7 important to the Prime Minister to convey? What did it mean to him?

8 A. Back then, frankly speaking, I did not understand the

9 significance of this sentence; however, later on, in the coming

10 days - and here I would like to be very transparent - I would like to

11 tell you that this sentence took a different significance, a different

12 meaning, after the assassination of Prime Minister Hariri. It was clear

13 to me that in this sentence he was telling the Lebanese people that: I'm

14 not abandoning you, I'm not leaving you, I am compelled to leave you, I

15 am prevented -- I am being prevented from taking part in the public and

16 national life in my country. This was the message that I understood from

17 this sentence.

18 Q. And do you know when it was that the declaration or the release

19 was actually made public?

20 A. As soon as the declaration was ready to be read in its final

21 version, Prime Minister Rafik Hariri asked late Abou-Tareq to prepare the

22 convoy so that they can head to Baabda Palace and to have a meeting with

23 President Emile Lahoud and to submit to him his resignation practically,

24 his regretful decline. As soon as Prime Minister Hariri knew that the

25 convoy was ready, he asked me to join him to the living room on the fifth

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1 floor and this is an area that is reserved to major receptions,

2 et cetera. He asked me to stand next to a telephone headset that was on

3 a little table in the living area. He gave me the declaration and he

4 told me, "You stand here, you don't move from here, you don't talk to

5 anyone, you don't listen to anyone, you don't discuss anything with

6 anyone. As soon as you receive a phone call on this phone - and he

7 showed it to me - stating that I am about to enter the presidential

8 palace, as soon as you receive the phone call, you distribute the

9 declaration." And this is what happened, I received a phone call from

10 late Abou-Tareq, who told me, "Our master is about to enter the

11 presidential palace." I immediately called my colleagues in the media

12 office and we distributed the statement. This was before he started his

13 meeting with President Emile Lahoud.

14 Q. Do you know why it was that he engaged in this kind of sequence

15 of events?

16 A. First of all, he wanted to make sure that this sentence will not

17 be crossed out of the statement and that there should -- and that I would

18 not receive pressure or interventions from anyone to cross out the

19 sentence, and later on we found a solution to my disagreement with the

20 Prime Minister. But most importantly, he wanted to have resigned prior

21 to his meeting with President Emile Lahoud. He did not want to allow any

22 opportunity for any intimidation or attempt to convince him by President

23 Emile Lahoud or pressure, anything that would put on him pressure so that

24 he can go ahead with his assignment to form the cabinet. He wanted to

25 resign prior to the meeting.

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1 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Why would President Lahoud have wanted him

2 to stay on in power?

3 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I can give you an assessment

4 because I did not hear anything from President Lahoud on this matter. My

5 assessment was the following: First of all, it's much easier to control

6 Rafik Hariri and his political movements and line if he is a prime

7 minister, if he is in an official capacity. Second, Mr. Rafik Hariri was

8 a prominent personality in terms of economic relations, international

9 relations for any president's term. President Lahoud was about to embark

10 on a new term and he wanted to secure bigger chances in terms of public

11 administration, especially that he had a failed attempt earlier with a

12 government that was not headed by Prime Minister Rafik Hariri at the

13 beginning of his term in 1998 till 2000 and that government led the

14 country to some catastrophic results.

15 JUDGE AKOUM: [Interpretation] Mr. Hammoud, I am re-reading this

16 sentence: I place this beloved country Lebanon and its good people in

17 God's hands, blessed be his name. I didn't understand how you saw in

18 this something that he used in order to say that: I'm compelled to

19 resign.

20 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] In other terms, he was saying that:

21 I surrender, we cannot rely but on God, we are dealing with people who

22 are totally stubborn about that position. I am surrendering and I am

23 relying on God. This is what he meant through this sentence.


25 Q. By this time do I understand it that the Prime Minister had

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1 already developed an affinity with those who comprised the Bristol

2 Gathering who had met prior to the assassination attempt on Marwan Hamade

3 on the 22nd of September?

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. And did you have discussions with the Prime Minister throughout

6 the months in the latter end of 2004 as to whether or not he should

7 attend the Bristol Gathering personally or through one or more of his

8 representatives?

9 A. At the beginning, that means the period that was before the

10 resignation and the declaration turning down the assignment, it was

11 obvious that Premier Hariri wanted to be represented and not to attend

12 those meetings. His representation was due to take place through the

13 attendance of MP Ghattas Khoury, Ahmad Fatfat, and late Minister Bassel

14 Fuleihan. Bassel Fuleihan did not attend the first Bristol Group

15 meeting; it was attended only by Ghattas Khoury and Ahmad Fatfat.

16 On the following day, in the morning, when I saw Prime Minister

17 Hariri I asked him, "My understanding was that Bassel was due to attend

18 the Bristol meeting. Why didn't he attend it?" His answer was the

19 following, "I am a carrier, I'm not a scooter." I said, "How come?" He

20 said, "When a scooter wants to change his direction, it's very easy for a

21 scooter; however, it's very difficult for a plane carrier. They need to

22 take a lot of time and to walk for a long distance before being able tot

23 change their course. So be patient, do not rush."

24 During the second Bristol meeting, Bassel Fuleihan attended the

25 meeting after Prime Minister Hariri had submitted his declaration of

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1 resignation --

2 Q. If I could --

3 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Mr. Cameron, I'm still not understanding the

4 scooter versus carrier --

5 MR. CAMERON: I'll get to it --

6 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: -- analogy --

7 MR. CAMERON: -- let me get to it.

8 Q. I just want to clear up a factual scenario so that we're roughly

9 on the same page. If the evidence were to show that Ghattas Khoury did

10 not attend the first Bristol Group meeting on September the 22nd but did

11 attend the second Bristol Group meeting on the 13th of December, and then

12 Ghattas Khoury and Bassel Fuleihan attended the third Bristol Group

13 meeting on the 2nd of February, does that adjust your understanding of

14 when you had that conversation with the Prime Minister about the scooter

15 and the aircraft carrier?

16 A. Yes. The fact that MP Ghattas Khoury joined the Bristol

17 Gathering meetings meant that there is a kind of a defence margin prior

18 to having Prime Minister Rafik Hariri joining the Bristol Gathering

19 meetings.

20 In other terms, MP Ghattas Khoury is a Maronite Member of

21 Parliament representing the constituency of Achrafieh whose majority are

22 Christians. MP Ghattas Khoury has been present in the political life of

23 Lebanon prior to joining the bloc of Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. He is

24 known to -- throughout his political activities and he is known to be

25 close to the so-called Qornet-Chehwan Gatherings that were turned later

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1 into a wider opposition represented by the Bristol Gathering.

2 MP Ahmad Fatfat is an MP representing Dennieh, north of Lebanon.

3 He was elected within the context of a direct confrontation against the

4 will of the Syrians during the elections of the year 2000. He was not

5 deemed to be representing directly MP -- sorry, Premier Hariri.

6 As to Minister Bassel Fuleihan, it was obvious and clear to all

7 the political figures in Lebanon that if he would attend the Bristol

8 meetings, this would be anonymous [as interpreted] to the participation

9 of Premier Hariri in the Bristol meetings. So this analogy, this image

10 that he used when he described or talked about the airplane carrier, he

11 meant that he needed some time prior to enabling Bassel Fuleihan to

12 attend the Bristol Gathering meetings. This is what he meant, he needed

13 more time and a bigger strategy in order to join the Bristol Gathering

14 meeting.

15 Q. So the second Bristol Gathering meeting on the 13th of December,

16 Ghattas Khoury attends. You then have a conversation with the Prime

17 Minister on the following day and say, "What's up? I thought

18 Dr. Fuleihan would attend as well." That's when he says to you, "Be

19 patient, I'm not a scooter, I'm an aircraft carrier. It takes me time to

20 change positions and course." Is that what we're to take from what

21 you've said?

22 A. You are placing some doubts in my mind. From what I remember,

23 this happened after the first Bristol Gathering meeting. This is

24 according to what I remember. After the first Bristol Gathering meetings

25 I asked Prime Minister Hariri, "Why didn't Minister Bassel Fuleihan

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1 attend the first meeting?" From what I remember, Minister Fuleihan

2 attended the second Bristol Gathering meeting, but maybe I'm wrong, I

3 don't remember well.

4 Q. The two are not necessarily inconsistent, but I think the

5 evidence will show, from all of the previous witnesses and the film

6 footage, that Dr. Fuleihan attended for the first time the third Bristol

7 Group meeting which was held on the 2nd of February, 2005, and that

8 Ghattas Khoury attended the second Bristol Group Meeting on the 13th of

9 December, 2004. So having regard to that timing, I think which is on

10 common ground, is it still possible that you would ask the Prime Minister

11 after the first Bristol Group meeting, "Why didn't you send Dr. Fuleihan

12 then"?

13 A. [In English] I stand corrected --

14 Q. I don't want to correct you. I just want to get your best

15 recollection.

16 A. [Interpretation] I remember that one of the meetings of the

17 Bristol Gatherings - I don't remember if it was the first or the second

18 one - and where I was expecting that Bassel Fuleihan would attend based

19 on my discussions with both Mr. Hariri and Mr. Fuleihan, he did not

20 attend. And maybe I put that question to Mr. Hariri, most likely, maybe

21 it's on the -- after the second Bristol Gathering meeting, based on your

22 question and based also on what I remember right now.

23 JUDGE BRAIDY: [Interpretation] Mr. Hammoud, based on the image

24 that you have conveyed to us, this comparison between the aircraft

25 carrier and the scooter, we understand that he hadn't made up his mind

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1 yet to join the opposition ranks. Was he slowly dragged towards the

2 opposition?

3 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] He had made up his mind but he

4 needed enough time to implement his decision. This image is reflected by

5 the comparison with the long time it takes for an aircraft carrier to

6 change its course and direction.

7 JUDGE BRAIDY: [Interpretation] What was he waiting for between

8 the first Bristol Gathering meeting and the third one in order to make up

9 his mind to take his decision? Was he waiting for a certain message to

10 be conveyed to him from the Syrians? Why? What's the reason? Why

11 didn't he take this decision following Bristol 1 meeting?

12 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] When the Prime Minister resigned

13 and turned down the assignment, he had made up his mind to take part in

14 the upcoming elections from a position of opposition in order to break

15 the status quo and in order to be part of the Bristol Gathering. His

16 strategic decision was based on a previous experience when he ran for

17 elections in the year 2000 from a perspective of opposition and where he

18 won a landslide victory during that round of elections.

19 JUDGE BRAIDY: [Interpretation] So you are linking that to his

20 position regarding the elections, namely, his alliance with

21 Qornet-Chehwan and Bristol. As to the Bristol Gathering statements, they

22 were calling for the withdrawal of the Syrian army much more than calling

23 for other matters pertaining to the elections. So my questions -- my

24 question is the following: He did not make up his mind regarding the

25 call for the withdrawal of the Syrian army after Bristol 1?

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1 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Those requests by the Bristol

2 Gathering participants could constitute the electoral programme for the

3 upcoming elections. That's why endorsing such requests by joining the

4 Bristol Gathering was not a matter of political opportunism. He wanted

5 to win the elections from a perspective of opposition and accordingly

6 re-form the balance of power in Lebanon on the basis of the results of

7 the elections.

8 JUDGE BRAIDY: [Interpretation] Do you think that his decision was

9 a firm one, irrevocable decision?

10 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Yes, it was a final decision.

11 JUDGE BRAIDY: [Interpretation] Why wasn't he represented by more

12 than two or three members of his bloc?

13 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Because he was assassinated.

14 Because he was not given enough time to continue changing his course or

15 position, but it was clear that Prime Minister Rafik Hariri would one day

16 attend in person the Bristol Gathering meetings.


18 Q. Following the Prime Minister's resignation on the 20th of

19 October, were you aware of any diminution in his security?

20 A. Yes, yes. I remember that in November 2004 I was with Premier

21 Hariri in Monte Carlo where he was spending some time with his wife.

22 When we were there, we received the news from Lebanon that it has been

23 decided to reduce the security detail of the ISF that were in charge of

24 the personal protection of Premier Hariri. They were reduced to four

25 staff only.

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1 Q. And did the Prime Minister have an understanding as communicated

2 to you as to who was responsible for this reduction in his security?

3 A. This decision was under the scope of responsibility of the ISF

4 director general, back then Director Ali Hajj. But according to

5 Mr. Hariri's point of view and this is what he told me in Monte Carlo, he

6 said that such a decision cannot be taken or made without the approval or

7 without orders from either the Syrian regime or President Emile Lahoud.

8 At that time when we were discussing this matter he told me the

9 following, "When I submitted my regretful decline to form the government,

10 without asking him he said to me, 'Nothing will change for you, no one

11 will reduce the number of security staff, everything will remain the same

12 even though you have expressed your decline to form the government.'" But

13 Premier Hariri continued and said to me, "Look at the result now."

14 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Mr. Cameron, how was this communicated to

15 Mr. Hariri? It's not clear from the last answer. We're trying to work

16 out how this decision was communicated.

17 MR. CAMERON: Yes.

18 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: You're exploring that?

19 MR. CAMERON: Yes.



22 Q. I'm just going to back up a little bit. When you say that he was

23 informed at the time of his resignation, I took it to understand that you

24 were talking about President Lahoud had said nothing would change in

25 respect of his security, that was on the date of his resignation?

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1 A. Yes.

2 Q. And then when you were in Monte Carlo in November, how was it

3 that the Prime Minister got word that this had changed?

4 A. Simply put, he received a phone call from his security people in

5 his security detail in Beirut and he was told that all the security staff

6 of the ISF were withdrawn from his residence and that only four ISF staff

7 remained at the residence.

8 Q. And do you know which of his security staff gave him the bad news

9 offhand?

10 A. I think that the news came from late Abou-Tareq, his name was

11 Yahya El-Arab, and it was later on confirmed by martyr late Wissam

12 El-Hassan. I think after he received the news from Abou-Tareq he called

13 Wissam, and Wissam asked people in the ISF and he confirmed the news for

14 him. He told him that: This is what the law stipulates, you are

15 entitled to only four security staff because you are a former prime

16 minister and they have limited the number to four security staff.

17 However, it was known that all former prime ministers were accompanied

18 and escorted by much more than four ISF staff to ensure their protection.

19 Q. And do you know from your conversations with the Prime Minister

20 how he felt about this?

21 A. He considered it a childish decision. He considered it as a

22 decision justified by some hatred. He did not link it in front of me at

23 least to any security perspective. His reading of or his interpretation

24 of this decision was that it was a childish decision and that they were

25 turning something that is supposed to be stipulated by the law into a

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1 personal matter.

2 JUDGE NOSWORTHY: Mr. Hammoud, do you think Prime Minister

3 Hariri's death could have been avoided had this security not been reduced

4 in this way, that it might not have taken place?

5 THE WITNESS: The Italians say: "Chi lo sa?"

6 JUDGE NOSWORTHY: I'm so sorry, but I don't speak Italian, I have

7 to confess.

8 THE WITNESS: Who knows?

9 JUDGE NOSWORTHY: Thank you, Mr. Hammoud.

10 MR. CAMERON: The next document I would like to take the witness

11 to appears at position 11 in the Arabic and 10 in the English. It's a

12 Press Review issued by the United Nations Information Centre. It has

13 already been admitted as Exhibit P443, and it has an ERN range of

14 D0410080 to D0410088.

15 Q. And there are two brief passages that I wanted to ask you about.

16 The first is under the heading at the top of the page: "Chirac says

17 France to keep eyes open on implementation of 1559." And the Middle East

18 Reporter -- under the heading "The Middle East Reporter" appears the

19 following text:

20 "French President Jacques Chirac acknowledged Thursday that the

21 implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1559 is extremely

22 important to France and that the French government will keep its eyes

23 open on this issue especially in light of the Lebanese parliamentary

24 elections slated for spring."

25 Now, was it your impression that this kind of position from

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1 France and other countries as to the implementation of Resolution 1559

2 remained reasonably constant throughout the latter part of 2004 and into

3 2005?

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. The second passage that I'd like to draw your attention to

6 appears in the next paragraph under the heading: "Washington warns

7 against harming Lebanese opposition politicians." The following text

8 appears:

9 "US Assistant Deputy Secretary of State for Middle East Affairs

10 Elizabeth Debell said Thursday Washington will not be lenient with any

11 physical harm befalling Lebanese opposition politicians in an attempt to

12 sway the parliamentary elections, An-Nahar reported Friday. While

13 warning that the US will watch closely the general elections, Debell said

14 Washington will hold Syria and the Lebanese that support it responsible

15 for any 'physical liquidation' of Lebanese political figures. 'We will

16 also hold them responsible for any interference in the electoral

17 process,' Debell told the paper."

18 And my question of you is: Do you recall this statement of

19 Ms. Debell, the US Assistant Deputy Secretary of State, at this time?

20 A. Yes.

21 Q. And did you have discussions with the Prime Minister during this

22 period of time about potential security risks that in particular involved

23 his physical safety?

24 A. Yes.

25 Q. And were you concerned for the Prime Minister's physical safety

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1 during this period?

2 A. I was and I wasn't the only one in this case. I had fears over

3 the life of the martyr late Prime Minister Hariri, but I must admit that

4 I was also a victim of his -- the lack of importance he gave to those

5 questions and he thought this would be impossible. But yes, I did have

6 those fears that he might be assassinated.

7 Q. Why do you say that the Prime Minister thought it was impossible?

8 A. Every time the question was put to him, either on the occasion of

9 a warning message or when somebody spontaneously would say, "I fear for

10 your life," he had a complex answer. First of all, he'd say, "This is

11 destiny, the believer believes in destiny." And, "We will only be hurt

12 by what is written by God for us," which means what God wants will

13 happen, no need to worry about that. And the other part of this complex

14 answer would be, "They are not crazy. They'd be committing suicide if

15 they killed me and they are not crazy enough to commit suicide."

16 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Why did he believe that, the last part?

17 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I believe and in all truthfulness

18 that -- after the events I believe he was at peace. There were direct

19 messages that were sent to the Syrians in order not to harm him

20 physically or the Minister Walid Jumblatt. And more specifically, after

21 the attempt of assassination of Minister Marwan Hamade until the day

22 Prime Minister Hariri was assassinated, I believe he had great trust that

23 there were many warning messages passed on, messages that would stop

24 anyone who would think of killing him to try and kill him.

25 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: You've only referred to the Syrians. Were

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1 there others?

2 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] At the time it was clear, at least

3 to me, that anyone coming and saying Prime Minister Hariri's life is in

4 danger or even if I express my fear over his life, we meant from the

5 Syrians. The Syrians were controlling the whole country and anyone would

6 clearly see - and please allow me to say any child in any school knew -

7 that this would not happen unless the Syrians were behind it at the time.

8 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Why are you so categorical about excluding

9 anyone else from this equation?

10 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Because all the warnings, all the

11 scarecrows that spoke about his assassination, his physical elimination,

12 came around the Syrians. It would say the Syrians, the Syrians, and

13 around the problem between him and the Syrians. And his gradual joining

14 of the opposition and the accusation, the permanent accusation, that he

15 was the father of Resolution 1559.


17 Q. Now, were you aware of a meeting that occurred between the Prime

18 Minister, Rustom Ghazaleh, and Charles Ayoub on the 9th of January, 2005,

19 at Quraitem Palace?

20 A. Yes.

21 Q. And were you aware of the meeting before it occurred?

22 A. Yes.

23 Q. And did your understanding of the meeting come from the Prime

24 Minister himself?

25 A. Yes.

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1 Q. And what did the Prime Minister tell you about the meeting prior

2 to its occurrence?

3 A. Before the meeting he told me that: "Rustom Ghazaleh and

4 Mr. Charles Ayoub are coming to have lunch at my place." Full stop. He

5 didn't say anything else.

6 Q. And who did you understand Charles Ayoub to be?

7 A. Charles Ayoub, Mr. Charles Ayoub, was the chief editor of the

8 newspaper El-Diyar, which is a Lebanese Newspaper.

9 Q. And did you have an understanding of his political affiliation?

10 A. Yes, and this is common knowledge and he's not ashamed of saying

11 that he is a Syrian ally of the Syrian regime.

12 Q. And after the meeting did you have a discussion with the Prime

13 Minister about what had occurred?

14 A. Yes.

15 Q. And can you tell us what that discussion entailed?

16 A. I asked him how was this meeting and he answered in one sentence.

17 He said, "I have informed them that I'm not ready to take any candidate

18 on my election lists. I've informed the Brigadier-General

19 Rustom Ghazaleh."

20 Q. What did that mean to you? What was he talking about?

21 A. There were four Members of Parliament on the electoral lists of

22 Prime Minister Rafik Hariri that won seats in Beirut in the elections of

23 the year 2000. Those MPs were people that the Syrians wanted to have on

24 those lists. In preparation for the elections of 2005 while the lists

25 were prepared for the Beirut area, Prime Minister Rafik Hariri was

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1 informing the Syrian regime that this time round he would not put on his

2 own electoral lists any candidate requested by the Syrians on his lists.

3 Q. And did he describe anything about the participation in the

4 meeting of Charles Ayoub or Brigadier-General Rustom Ghazaleh?

5 A. My impression -- and honestly I don't remember whether he said so

6 clearly or not, but my feeling was that the role of Charles Ayoub was

7 only to accompany Rustom Ghazaleh to this lunch. As if he was the

8 intermediary who told Rustom Ghazaleh, "Please be kind enough to come and

9 have lunch at Mr. Rafik Hariri's house, he wants to have a discussion

10 with you." This is the feeling I have.

11 MR. CAMERON: I'd like now to take the witness to a document that

12 will contain a number of phone numbers in sequence and is intended to be

13 merely an aide-memoire for the moment about what I expect the evidence to

14 show in future. And I'm going to ask that because it's merely an

15 aide-memoire at this stage that it not be publicly broadcast, but

16 nevertheless in due course introduced as an exhibit because of the

17 identification of the phone numbers by Mr. Hammoud. And the --

18 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: So you want it marked for identification?

19 MR. CAMERON: Yes, please. It's a four-page document and I'll

20 probably take the witness to two of the pages, but the document appears

21 at number 25 in the English and 24 in the Arabic of the presentation

22 queue. And if I could ask -- it's not there? Just 25. And if that

23 could not be broadcast but nevertheless shown to the witness.

24 Q. Now, are you able with the font that is there to read the screen,

25 Mr. Hammoud?

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1 A. Yes.

2 Q. All right. Now, the first section of the table that I'd like to

3 take you to, this is at ERN 60305996, there are two tables that appear.

4 The first table has the heading: The 10th of January, 2005. This is the

5 day following the meeting with Rustom Ghazaleh, Charles Ayoub, and the

6 Prime Minister. And I expect the evidence will show that at 10:23:24,

7 Mr. Ali Jaber, using a mobile number in the -- from out of Lebanon calls

8 you in West Beirut and speaks to you for 124 seconds.

9 Now, can you tell me who Ali Jaber is, please.

10 A. Ali Jaber is a personal friend of mine. We met when we were

11 children. He's one of the best television people in the Arab world

12 today. We were colleagues for a very long time in Future TV,

13 Al Mustaqbal television. And at the time, if I recall well, he worked in

14 in the television, in the UAE.

15 Q. And at the second row of that table there is an indication that

16 11:18:07 there's a call from you. And is that your number there that's

17 listed in that box on the left-hand side under caller of row 2, that was

18 the phone number you were using at the time? Called back to Mr. Jaber on

19 a different number now. And do you happen to recognize that number as

20 his number at the time in Lebanon?

21 A. Yes.

22 Q. And you speak for 134 seconds. And then the third thing that

23 appears to happen that day is that both you and Mr. Jaber are recorded

24 as -- on the visitors log-book for Quraitem Palace as entering

25 Quraitem Palace at 13.40 hours and leaving at 15.55 hours.

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1 MR. CAMERON: And for the sake of the record, the visitors

2 log-book was entered as P301 and the entry on the 10th of January, 2005,

3 for this appears at ERN D0380846. In the PDF version of the log-book

4 it's page 324, and the entry relating to Mr. Hammoud is for -- is number

5 15702 and the entry for Mr. Jaber immediately after is 15703.

6 Q. Now, do you remember what happens during this sequence of calls

7 back and forth and then it appears an appearance of both of you at

8 Quraitem Palace? Do you remember what went on?

9 A. Yes. During the first phone conversation from his Emirate phone

10 number, Mr. Ali Jaber was informing me, by phone, that he had arrived on

11 Lebanese soil coming from Syria. He told me, "I just crossed the

12 border." And we agreed during this conversation that I would call him

13 later on, giving him enough time to arrive from the border post in Masnaa

14 to Beirut and to tell him where we would meet. So the second

15 conversation, when I called him after about 50 minutes from the first

16 phone call, I told him, "I'm in my office at the newspaper in the area of

17 Ramlet-El-Baida, join me at my office."

18 And the entrance and exit together from the Quraitem Palace is

19 due to the fact that after arriving to my office we stayed a little while

20 in my office, and then we went together to the Quraitem Palace. We met

21 together with Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. We had lunch together,

22 Mr. Ali Jaber, Prime Minister Hariri, and myself, and we left together

23 after lunch.

24 Q. All right. Now, breaking it down, when Mr. Jaber called you

25 initially, having just arrived back in Lebanon, what was the purpose of

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1 his call to you?

2 A. A week before that occurrence, it was the 4th of January, 2005, I

3 was in Paris with Prime Minister Hariri. Mr. Ali Jaber called me from

4 the UAE and told me: I am going to Syria. I will see -- and he told me

5 Bouthaina Chaaban, the adviser of President Assad, and Asef Chawkat, who

6 was the brother-in-law of President Assad and he was an important

7 intelligence director. And the Syrian television was using the Dubai

8 television to improve the image of the television and the work of the

9 television and the output of Syrian television, so they wanted somebody

10 from Dubai or the Arab world to come to Syria and help them improve their

11 image. And he was part of this team who was going to help the Syrian

12 television. And he asked me, Mr. Ali Jaber asked me: Do you want

13 something from there? By that he meant does the Prime Minister want

14 something from Syria? Can I serve him in one way or another? I informed

15 the Prime Minister and the Prime Minister told me: Just tell him to try

16 and see what is the atmosphere, it's a very general, elastic expression

17 we use in Lebanon, try and understand what's happening on the political

18 scene and let him come and see us when he finishes his visit to Syria.

19 So I gave Mr. Ali Jaber the answer of the Prime Minister and we agreed to

20 meet after his return. That is why on the day of his return on the 10th

21 of January, that is to say, five or six days from the call to Paris, he

22 told me first of all that he had entered Lebanese ground. We agreed we

23 would meet in my office. He came to my office and we went together in my

24 car to Quraitem and we had lunch with Prime Minister Hariri.

25 Q. And when did you understand that Mr. Jaber had actually met the

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1 officials in Syria? Had it been the same day or at some time earlier?

2 A. During the days when he was in Damascus in this media mission but

3 he didn't say today, yesterday, the day before, he said: I saw them.

4 Q. And so you take him to the Prime Minister and you have lunch

5 together and what does Mr. Jaber say?

6 A. Mr. Ali Jaber repeated what he had told me in summary in my

7 office before we both went together to lunch with Prime Minister Hariri.

8 And to summarize what was said, first of all, he informed Prime Minister

9 Hariri that he met with Bouthaina Chaaban and Asef Chawkat and Walid

10 Moallem and Ghazi Kanaan. Those are the names that I recall him

11 mentioning. And he said in summary: They're all going mad. [In

12 English] They're paranoid [Interpretation] He used the word "paranoid."

13 They are completely scared and they're ready to do anything possible and

14 they're all insulting you together. They are all putting the

15 responsibility of 1559 on your back. They are accusing you of being a

16 traitor and a traitor to Syria.

17 Q. And how did the Prime Minister take this news?

18 A. At first he concentrated on the word "paranoid." He said: What

19 do you mean by "paranoid"? So he said: Asef Chawkat told me that they

20 are doing fortifications in the Alawite mountain, which is a coastal area

21 in Syria, so they're building fortifications, they are gathering weapons,

22 they are expecting a military attack against them, they're so paranoid.

23 And at the time I remember the Prime Minister was talking to Ali and

24 meaning: Why would Asef Chawkat tell you such a thing? And jokingly I

25 said: Well, because he came in the car of Asef Chawkat to my office.

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1 And the Prime Minister said: How? I told Ali: Tell him. Ali said: He

2 came with a car with a Syrian plate. And Ali Jaber said: I came in a

3 car that was given to me by Asef Chawkat. And Prime Minister said: Oh,

4 you're so important.

5 And the other part the Prime Minister insisted on was Walid

6 Moallem. When he heard that Bouthaina Chaaban, Asef Chawkat, Ghazi

7 Kanaan are insulting him, calling him a traitor, well, fine. I mean,

8 there's nothing new there, is there? They've all been saying this for

9 years. And he said: Walid Moallem is saying the same thing? So the

10 Prime Minister said: Could you please repeat word for word what Walid

11 Moallem said? And Ali repeated: He is a traitor, he's plotting against

12 Syria, it's all his fault, et cetera, and the summary of the story that

13 they were going crazy because of 1559, contrary to other media leaks and

14 media positions they were publishing, we don't care about 1559, 1559 will

15 never be implemented, et cetera. And honestly Ali Jaber, Mr. Ali Jaber

16 was very worried. He was saying all this and he was deeply worried for

17 the safety of Prime Minister Hariri and what could be done to harm him.

18 And I recall that the first time I met my friend and colleague

19 Mr. Ali Jaber after that, it was on the day of the funeral of Prime

20 Minister Hariri. At the funeral he came and he was -- his eyes were

21 pouring with tears and he said: I told you, I told him, remember I came

22 and I told him: They'll kill you. This is what happened at this

23 meeting.

24 Q. What was your understanding as to why the Prime Minister was

25 particularly interested in what Walid Moallem had said during the

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1 meeting?

2 A. Information was seeping through that President Al-Assad had

3 understood that the Lebanese were not at ease, that politically they were

4 dealt with through intelligence officers, security officers. He was

5 preparing the way for a politician to be his intermediary, somebody who's

6 neither security nor intelligence, a "diplomate de carrière," a diplomat

7 by trade, somebody who understands, who's quiet. That was one thing.

8 And on the other hand, Prime Minister Hariri knew Walid Moallem

9 personally when Walid Moallem was ambassador in Washington. And I

10 believe maybe because of this personal relation, Prime Minister Hariri

11 did not expect that Walid Moallem would participate in this concert of

12 insults against him. But this is my own analysis.

13 JUDGE AKOUM: [Interpretation] Mr. Hammoud, you said that he

14 understood from Asef Chawkat that they were building fortifications

15 around the Alawite areas. Whom were they afraid of? If we go back in

16 history towards the beginning of the year 2005, which military force

17 that -- or would threaten them?

18 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] This was in parallel of the

19 American presence in Iraq and Resolution 1559. These two facts,

20 according to what Mr. Ali Jaber said, this created an atmosphere of

21 paranoia in Syria, namely, among the ranks of the senior military

22 officials in Syria. They were expecting a military attack against Syria.

23 That would lead them to withdraw back to their own areas, that is, the

24 coast, the Syrian coast, known as the Alawite mountain, where they would

25 be entrenched to defend themselves. And Mr. Ali Jaber told us that they

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1 were building fortifications, transporting ammunitions, weapons,

2 et cetera, to protect the Alawite area from a potential attack, according

3 to what Mr. Jaber said.

4 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Okay. Mr. Hammoud, we'll stop there for

5 today. Thank you for your testimony today. Just a brief caution to

6 please not discuss your evidence with anyone between now and tomorrow

7 morning when you come back to court. We will deal with the -- we'll

8 issue our decision on the certification tomorrow morning.

9 Is there anything else we need to deal with before we adjourn?

10 MR. CAMERON: There was the MFI number that I neglected to ask

11 you for. Can I ask you for it in the morning because we're going to

12 continue with that document? It would be --

13 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: We will mark it MFI P453. There's a reason

14 for that, not just the purity of the transcript but also for practical

15 reasons. So --

16 MR. CAMERON: Thank you.

17 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: -- court stands adjourned until tomorrow.

18 --- Whereupon the hearing adjourned at 4.03 p.m. 19







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