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JANUARY 9, 1967 50 CENTS 36TH YEAR Broadcasting THE RUSINESSWEEKLY OF TELEVISION AND RADIO What's ahead in next TV season. p27 on Litra`'` Battlelines form fair -trial issue. p60 Cart B. Ylvsaker Moori;aad, Minn. Hill hearing on ABC -ITT seems certain. p44 licA FCC won't make major changes in CATV rules. p50 COMPLETE INDEX PAGE 7 25 Years of Advertising For The Puh!c ! 14,362,407,000 TV IMPRESSIONS To Help Sell U.S. Savings Bonds in 1966. That's the impact Petry represented TV stations registered for this Advertising Council campaign. They believe in serving as well as selling. THE ORIGINAL STATION REPRESENTATIVE EDWARD PETRY & THE PETRY REPRESENTED TELEVISION STATIONS- -RESPONSIBLE AND RESPONSIVE NEW YORK CHICAGO ATLANTA BOSTON DALLAS DETROIT LOS ANGELES PHILADELPHIA SAN FRANCISCO ST. LOUIS the Winner Every Week Whether it's the Big A, Hialeah, Saratoga, Gulfstream Park, Garden State or Tropical Park, SNI -TV cameras are on the winner from starting gate to finish line 50 Saturdays a year plus Holidays, 'live' on "The Race of the Week" from New York or "Feature Racing" from Florida and New Jersey. We've had the winners in over 400 Stakes Races in 6 years, and in 1967 all in color, we'll have the winners in $3 million dollars worth of races including such classics as: The Florida Derby The Garden State Stakes The Widener The Gulfstream Handicap The Jockey's Club Gold Cup The Wood Memorial The Suburban The Man o' War The Metropolitan The Jersey Derby The Coaching Club Oaks The Travers The Hopeful The Champagne Stakes The Brooklyn The Dwyer The Mother Goose and many many more... S.R.O. in 1966. First in its time period in 7- channel New York Market Outdrawing NCAA Football, NFL Countdown and Golf (Nielsen Instant Audimeter- October 1966) Now available in many new markets for 1967 For Information Call Today SPORTS NETWORK INCORPORATED 530 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10036 212/661 -1000 When your business is tool manufacturing, WGAL -TV is MULTI -CITY TV MARKET an outstanding atto, ., salesman for you . .....4a:r- $1,064,807,000 food sales -With top- audience LIWIVOMIN ekii reach in Lancaster, Harrisburg, and York - Channel 8 delivers a great purchasing -power READING LIBANON audience. Another plus factor is 23 %* color HARRISBURG penetration for its all -color local telecasts and LANCASTER NBC full -color programs. Whatever your product, YORK WGAL -TV delivers more sales action per dollar. Ic6TTYSauac Based on Oct. -Nov. 1966 Nielsen estimates; subject to inherent limitations of sampling techniques and other qualifications issued by Nielsen, available upon request. elVe r r _- rafee , ` LANCASTER,' PA. ;.ouoou Representative: The MEEKER Company, Inc. New York Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco Steinman Television Stations Clair McCollough, Pres. WGAL -TV Lancaster -Harrisburg -York, Pa. KOAT -TV Albuquerque, N.M. WTEV New Bedford -Fall River, Mass. /Providence, R.I. KVOA -TV Tucson, Ariz. BROADCASTING, January 9, 1967 Buy one, sell one CLOSED CIRCUIT' As sequel to its acquisition of ch. 13 KTRK -TV Houston for $21.3 million "orderly transfer of management." At ($65,000 to regular season AFL spon- (BROADCASTING, Dec. 12, 1966) Cap- that time he turned over responsibili- sors, $75,000 to others). Rationale is is said to ital Cities Broadcasting be ties as chief executive officer to Pres- same in both cases: CBS expects to of to in final drafting contract sell ident Frank Martin, but retained have bigger TV audience, NBC ex- 12 WPRO-AM -FM -TV Providence. ch. chairmanship of board and of execu- pects bigger radio audience. One con- R. 1., to B. Poole, Detroit at- John tive committee. tributing factor in radio: CBS has 33 torney- broadcaster, for $16.5 million. daytime -only affiliates, number of Because it has its multiple ownership which cannot carry complete game quota of five VHF's, Capital Cities Time and place before sign -off time, while NBC Ra- its TV entities must dispose of one of dio says all its affiliates are full -timers with limitations. to comply current One to paste in your hat: When with no such problem. Both transactions will be subject to 47th annual convention of National FCC approval. Association of Broadcasters is held in Washington, March 23 -26, 1969, Dramatic exit Lost are found it's odd's -on bet that occasion will mark dedication of association's new Blow has been dealt spot radio by Trouble with American Research $2 million headquarters building. American Tobacco Co. in sudden cut- Bureau's New York TV audience fig- Final approval of site plans is ex- back of schedules. Specific estimates ures in recent weeks has been traced pected at NAB's joint board meet- on extent of cutback, ordered by Sul- to faulty computer system tape. ARB ing in Mexico City later this month, livan, Stauffer, Colwell & Bayles, New York, is recalling weekly reports covering and expectation is that coincidence couldn't be determined though it's period of Nov. 20 to Dec. 31 and of convention and dedication should noted tobacco firm spent some will reissue them within week or two. evolve. $4.2 million in spot radio in first half Company says problem has been cor- of 1966 for all its cigarette brands. rected and Monday (Jan. 9) report American has pulled out all of its cur- covering last week will be out as usual. Setting Maggie's stage rent schedule for Pall Mall Filters ARB's recent homes -using- television (more than $1.3 million spent in spot (HUT) levels for New York had There's talk of making Senate Com- radio in first six months) plus two trailed A. C. Nielsen's figures by as merce Committee hearing room into other unidentified brands; trimmed much as 18 -20% (CLOSED CIRCUIT, showcase for TV coverage. Network "slightly" still another schedule placed lighting experts have looked into pos- for all its cigarette brands but hasn't Jan. 2) . sibility of installing permanent illumi- touched its third campaign, on behalf nation that wouldn't bother senators of smaller spot -radio spenders, Mont- Big -shot one -shots or witnesses during hearings. Indica- clair and Carleton. tions are that Commerce Committee Wolper Productions is feeling strong aides would like to see some action All spot radio for American is push from such advertisers as Chem - soon -apparently in anticipation of placed through SSC &B on behalf of strand Co., Celanese Corp. of Amer- what they think will be newsy hear- all agencies handling individual ica and Electric Companies of America ings. brands. Agency and client have main- for entertainment specials. Most of tained silence as to reason for cut- talk is about $500,000 -or- more -pro- It's evident that Commerce Com- back, but there's talk that advertiser ductions starring big stars never be- mittee chairman, Senator Warren G. needed funds for other marketing fore seen in television productions. Magnuson (D- Wash.), plans to be ac- purposes (couponing and sampling) Wolper feels that such talents as Aud- tive on consumer- legislation front with vague references to needs of rey Hepburn, Jack Lemmon, Shirley this year. He's been drafting major "corporate acquisition." There's also MacLain, Brigette Bardot and Doris statement on subject for delivery soon. speculation by some station repre- Day will play television specials with- He's relinquished chairmanship of sentatives that budgets will be restored in next couple of years. Subcommittee on Merchant Marine within weeks. and Fisheries -important to his coast- al constituency-to head new Sub- Easing out committee on Consumer Affairs. Bond booster Hearings on consumer protection Word's circulating that John P. promise to generate wider interest than Massive promotion of U. S. savings Blair, one of few "original" station anything in merchant marine or fish- bonds, to relieve inflationary pressures representatives still active and also one eries field. and help finance Vietnam war, is tar- of most successful of any era, plans geted to begin next April. Campaign to build home in Naples, Fla., giving is being designed by task force under rise to speculation he's getting ready Pro prices direction of James S. Fish, vice pres- to curtail his activities at John Blair ident and director of corporate adver- & Co. It's considered unlikely, how- Sponsors of Super Bowl radio cover- tising of General Mills, Minneapolis, ever, that he'll retire completely from age on CBS and NBC are being who's been spending average of three firm he's built into one of biggest in charged more by NBC Radio ($2,000 days a week in Washington since last its field and in which he is still largest per minute) than by CBS Radio ($1,- October as special consultant to Secre- single stockholder. Now 66, he told 500). Opposite is true of TV networks, tary of Treasury. It's logical to assume Blair stations over year ago, when where per- minute price is higher on radio and television will be drafted to firm went public, that he was planning CBS -TV ($85,000) than NBC -TV carry heavy part of bond -selling load. BROADCASTING, January 9, 1967. Vol. 72, No. 2. Published every Monday, 53rd issue (Yearbook Number) published in January, by BROADCASTING PUBLICATIONS INC., 1735 DeSales Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. 20036. Second -class postage paid at Washington, D. C. and additional offices. Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to BROADCASTING. Washington, D. C. 20036. COMBO Effective immediately, WKOW -LAND ... the ...For the past ten years, H -R has sold the inter -connected ABC combo (WKOW -TV WAOW- great KELO -LAND combo (KELO -KDLO -KPLO) TV), blanketing Mid -Wisconsin, is being sold na- covering South Dakota.