STATE STEREO Lovell, Aldrin Gemini 12
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A X j d l V , I J 1 I • V > • . >. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1960 Averagt Daily Niet Presa Rna PAGE TWElillT* W>r tlw WMk IM M The Weather _ Ndt^ndMr 1», 1M6 Fair and cold tonight, low !■ 20s; mostly sunny and mlM t*> About Town 15,131 morrow, high in dOs.. MoMhetter^A CUy of VUU^e Chorm ,MenH^al Temple, Pythian OPEN DAILY Sik«ra will meet tonight at 8 SERVICE (Claselfled Adveittatng «m Page 17) PRICE SEVEN CBNIt at the Qdd Fellows Hall. The VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 46 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1966 annual roll call will be tak^. - A. O **• Officers for the coming year Our 9 M. to „ T M. will be nominated. Refresh ments will be served. Best INC. No Herald A XXa Chapiter, Beta Sigma Phi, Saturday 9 to 6 Tomorro\F K ^111 meet tonight at 8 at the Product Lovell, Aldrin home of Mrs. Howard lamdeil 445 HARTFORD RD. -- MANCHESTER, CONN. of 32 McCann Dr. Mra. Kenneth There will be no edition Freeman is in charge of the of The Herald tomorrow. p r o ^ w n . Thanksgiving Day. Have a plea8ant holiday and drive Miss flMsan Lundgren, daugh-' Beautiful Styling Is Only safely. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gemini 12 liundgren of 123 Conway Rd., X was chsdrman of a committee lor a Student Teachers Tea this Living Cost afternoon at Albertus Magnus Recruiter H a lf The Story.. College, New Haven. Capt Eugenia B. Bishop h^ Rises Again; Finger Glow Donald S. Cowell, son of Mr. recently been assigned as the Most stereos come in a cabinet. Of course, some are not as attractive as MagnavoVs. And by actual comparison and Mrs. Ralph E. Cowell of 88 Hartford area representative you’ll discover a world of difference because Magriavox’s.fine furniture cabinets are as functional as they are FoodDown Reported on Buckingham St., has recently for the Women’s' Army Corps been promoted to the rank of beautiful. But the true test of fine stereo is PERFORMANCE. The magnificent Magnavox surpasses all others recruiting service. WASHINGTON (AP) — Uv- cadet sergeant at Wentworth She is a 1957 graduate of for achievements in the re-creation of sound, greater listening pleasure plus lasting reliability. Come in and see Ing costa rose four-tenths of <me Space W a lk 2 Military Academy, Lexington, Montclair. (NJ.) High School, why Magnavox is truly the finest. and why it is your besrbuy on any basis of comparison! per cent last month as ■virtually M o. and she received her B~A. de all consumer goods and services MANNED SPACE CEN gree In 1961 from the College except food increased in price, TER, Houston, Tex. (AP) Cadet t.C. Nei! Wise, son of of Wooster (Ohio). She was the Laibor Department reported" Mr. and Mrs. Jack. Wise of 61 — Gemini 12’s champion employed in institutional re today. spacewalker said today h# Hilltop Dr., has recently com search at the University of Retail food prices went down pleted his Hirst m arking period saw a phenomenon while Rhode Island, Kingston. two-tenths of one per cent, but of his final year of study at The captain entered the costs continued for housing, workinsT outside his spac^ the Coast Guard Academy, New Army in February 1963, on di clothing, medical care, automd- ship: Rubbing his fingelN London. rect commission as a second Wild turkeys like these, extinct in Massachusetts for a century, may soon be btles and ' many other itema together sparked a faint lieutenant. She^as been an in common again in New England. Over 100 birds have been released in the Bay measured by the Bureau of La glow. - A. J. Hlrscdifeld of 81 Moun 3 structor of general military State woods. Thos^ in the photo are in Michigan. (AP Phbtofax). bor Statistics. “I noUced the peculiar thteg tain Rd. recently attended a 10- The October Increase, ■the during the night pass,” Air day Ihatiitute on Federal Taxa subjects, and platoon officer at the Women’s Army Corps ninth straight monthly rise, Force MaJ. Edwin E. (Buza) tion of New York University .brought the index- up to 114.5, Aldrin Jr. told a news confei^ School of Continuing Education ’Training Center, Ft. McClellan, Ala. Her last duty assignment meaning it . ooat $11.45 last ence. “I think its something we at the Hotel Commodore, New Wild Turkeys Try Again month to purchase itema worth should look at.” ^ was as commanding officer of York Caty. , . the Women’s Army Corps de $10 in the 1967-59 base period. Aldrin, who teamed witt The bureau also reported that tachment at F t Devens, Mass. ■STATE STEREO Navy Capt. James A. LoveH efter-tax eamingB of some 15 Young women interested in for the four-day Gemini 12 flight million factory workers rose 11 Board to Check learning more about the enlist- To Settle in New England that rang down the curtain oa cents, a week to $92,72 for single Project Gemini, had no expllip Accident Record w orkers and to $100-66 fo r ■work nation tor what it might be. sioned program in the Wom PLYMOUTH, Mass.. (AP) — and fly like a 20-pound grouse,” complete a round trip that start ers ■with .three dependents — but Over-aU, Aldrin said, apace- en’s Army Corps may contact The wild turkey is fighting to says Schlotterbeck. ed in Mexico. The Aztecs do Town Safety D irector So revolutionary...such a they ' io^ 20 cents a ■week in iiur- walking “went Quite a btt her at the U.S. Army Recruit make, a comeback in the land Turkeys didn’t come over on mesticated turkeys. Bmeat Tureck announced to- Contemporary—model 1-CP606 smoother than I actual^ ing Station at the Army and of the Pilgrims. the Mayflower. They were al Ben Franklin was the best ' (See Page Nineteen) * measures only 24' H on legs. thought it would.” . --day that » Safe Driving Cita- Navy Club, 1090- Main.._St, vast improvement in the But, don't shoot one for ready here, as native as the In- .friend a turkey ever had. He Aldrin, a rookie who mauttered ■■tlon Program, retroactive to Manchester or at the Recruit Thanksgiving Dinner. It could diaiu who . hunted them ■with proposed the turkey to be our the hosUliUes of apace wiQi ing Station, 63 Allyn St., Hart cost you up to $50 a pound., The snare or bow and arrow. national symbol instead of the July 1, haa been taatltuted by re-creation of music... three historic ventures totaling fine is $5(X> in Mauachusetts, The-.North American Indians' bald eagle, "a bird for bad the Town Safety Committee. ford. Selecj from these beautiful Canada Ignores 514 Hours, returned frt>m Upwards of 100 wild turkeys, n'aver bothered to domesticate moral character.” with the world’s title for apaM, Pins and certificates will be you must hear it to believe it! moatly from West Virginia, the turkey. They were always . The turkey by contrast is “ a Red China Blast, walking. awarded to drivers of town have been released in the Bay plenUful in the woods. bird of course who would not “We dihi’t run into a ringto vehicles on a yearly basis. The Crowd Control The turkey sold today for hesitate to attack a red-coated \ Vour $ State. Offers U.N* Plan problem that gave ua any trou program will Include drlvera Thanksgiving dltmer came to grenadier of .the British guard,” The last wild turkey was ble,” he noted. of heavy eQuipment as well as Conference Set sighted on Mt. Tom, of all this country from Europe to Franklin ■wrote. UNITED NA'nONS, N.Y. Lcr^l said the two men had m I>assenger cars, station wag '^Choice... places, more than a century (AP) — Despite a new blast by ons and Ught trucks. No pri For Policemen brief period of disappoiatmeat USES So dependable—the solid-state components are ago." Market huhters shot the Red China against the United vate cars will be Included. Also available In charming old-world - Nations, Canada pushed today Shortly after th^y got into space About 120 policemen, repre vast New E^land flocks to ex- Thanksgiving Goes South Tureck has appointed an guaranteed 5-years! Other parts guaranteed 1-year; all for the seating of both the Pe and were chaMng an Ajhf^ senting Manchester and five Moditorranean styling (not shown) - tincUon to Supply the cities of rocket for a rendezvous. Accident Review Board, con NO replaced by us if defective in normal use. Our sfpre also the eastern seaboard. king g;ovenunent aoid~ NationBl- other , area police departments, “Buzz noticed that (he com sisting of Police Capt. George Dr. William Sheldon of the let Chins as part, of 'a tempo along with Dr. •will attend a conference on provides f r e e service for 90-days. • 20-Watts undistorted music power— from the high-efficiency Astrppjjuta James A. Lovell, l(^t an0 E4win E. Aldrin, center, along puter .wasn’t giving ghy chsnBfi McCaughey, Rec. Department TUBES University <a M asasehusetto ta rary e d h iti^ ' 'tib tile China R o i> ^ Gflinuth; diirector h f the Mahned; Spacecraft Center, t«lt with newsmen Water Superintendent Law crowd control to be conducted solid-state amplifier e Four high fidelity speakers—two 8* plus in ilaiige,’’ Lcr^.soM , cxpUa- Nov. 29 and 30 by FBI agents. advisor to the state-FUb and reeentatioii fiMitroversy. 'a,lMut the Gemini 12 exercise. Lovell discussed the spaceship’s reactiem while rence Wlttkofske.