Connecticut Daily Campus Sewing Storrs Since 1896
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Connecticut Daily Campus Sewing Storrs Since 1896 VOL. CXVI. No. 45 STORRS. CONNECTICUT THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1962 f Comments On Elections -1962 v-n Election Results As of 9:50 last night, the elec- Hirschhorn Predicts Candidates Worked tion returns seem to show a gen eral split In the voting. With ten districts reporting, the USA was way in the lead of the Fourteen Victories Hard Says Wallace Senior Class, while the ISO party Connecticut Daily Campus re- campaigning? seemed to be ahead in the other The day was Election Day 1962 didates we can find and if pos- porter Evelyn Marshak inter- "Any plans for changing the class councils. at Uconn. On the morning of sible, get them elected to office. viewed Fred Wallace, president of campaign methods would have to Here is the unofficial tabulation classes officer elections, Connecti- This is not an easy task, especial- the Idependent Student Organi- include getting an issue that for the Senior Class with ten out cut Daily Campus reporter, Pete ly when one is in the minority. sation on the campaign for 1962. of eleven districts reporting: Kierys interviewed Joel Hirsch- Therefore it is necessary to have would arouse the imagination of horn* President of the United Stu- a highly developed organization His feelings on the campaign and the entire student body. If.this is For President, Zucchi 358, Julian, 185; Vice President, Clabby dents Association, on the results capable of conducting the cam- related issues follow. done, and the issue means some- of his party's campaign and re- paign. But an organization is a far What are the chances of Imtigat thing to everyone, then students 314, Dale Drummer 234; Secre- tary, Cathy Hawkins 338, and lated issues. The results of that cry from a machine. The days of Ins your program If the ISO can- will make a point to listen to the interview follow. "Boss Tweed'' and the ring are didates win? Jacquie Allison 210; and for candidates. The job of the can- Treasurer, Waiman 338, Combies. What did you think of your through, but even our national "Regardless if we win or not we didates is to inform the electorate 221. party's campaign? democratic parties require a high, will bring up our platform's ideas not only of the candidates qualifi- "Most of the campaign was degree of organization. In the Junirrr Class, with six I agree with one thought in the in the Student Senate," he said. cations but the issues and the districts reporting, Gadarowski hard work. The candidates for In view of this, when will be the way he stands on them. The best offices in the under-c lasses worked editorial and that being the in- was leading Twachtman 206 to efficiency of the attendance a* earliest possible dale for the place for this is at a convention 153. very hard, with the upper-class- bank? and if we could keep people's in- There were unsufficient returns men so-so. In every campaign "If everything goes through we terest and enthusiasm then the to make any judgment on the their is always room for improve- hope to have the bank by next fall campaign would be a tremendous other Class officers. ment. The campaign was better or the end of the year at the lat- success. This year only 16 peo- The total number of votes cast this year but there could be more ple came away from the conven- work." est."he stated. in yesterday's election is 3,350, Does a plan to change the method Wluit in your comments on the tion very enthusiastic.'' breaking down as follows: 593, of campaigning exist? What are your comments on Seniors, 936 Juniors, 809 Sopho ll*e editorial in Monday's Campus mores, and 1012 Freshmen. "The method of campaigning entitled Fiasco: :I all '62? will be altered. For the senate elections in the spring, groups of "Campaigns, not elections, are two rather than three, as in this hitting a new low. I don't think Daily Campus election and previous elections that the quality of candidates has will visit and speak at the houses readied a' new low. At conven- on campus. This vvill enable the tions you get your chance to pick Interviews For candidates to visit more houses the candidates to run and we try and thus permit them to acquaint our best, but less and less people Asst. Manager themselves with the students they are interested in running. This intend to represent. Also, more disinterest maybe followed back John S. Pur-till, Jr., Daily Cam- coffees and informal gatherings pus Business Manager, is looking will be scheduled to present the to the painting of parties back for an assistant. In an interview and those that are in them are candidates to the Uconn public." Joel Hirschhorn USA yesterday, Purl ill stated that rlie Do you think a great percentage (Campos Photo) horrible off-shoots of Huey Long." increase in Advertising has re- of the students will exercise their The candidates are not wallow- sulted in a similar increase in right to vote? the polls. Eventually someone on ing in generalities because banks paper work. Purlill will be hold- the senate will come up with a are made out of concrete and "I expect a larger percentage better means of identification for ing interviews until Thanksgiving of students to vote at this election steel. vacation for persons interested in than in previous years. This no voters and make it an integral Fred Wallace ISO People should come to an ISO applying for the position. doubt will be due to the editorials part of election procedure. Until (Campus Photo) convention to see how much party The Assistant Business Man- then we will just have to hope ager will be required to work at in the CDC along with generally sampaign? heads worry about looks. This least two hours a day in the of- more interest in campus politics. (Continued to Page 7 Col.I) "The candidates have worked business of looks is 'important' fice and will be in charge of the The percentage listings released exceptionally hard and if this is thanks to John Howland and financial department of the news- by the USA should effect the Photopool. paper, under the guidance of the amount of voters for each likes to • measure of their enthusiasm, be on top in something. I expect CDC Initiates ability and worth and if they are On the idea that the platform Business Manager. are long and meaningless; this Students applying for the job pretty close to a hundred percent elected, they will certainly fulfill at fraternity quadrangle." their offices." is a rhetorical statement and the should be juniors and preferably \New Ad Service platform takes only five lines. Business majors with some What is your opinion on the edi- What about accusations that knowledge of accounting proced- torial in Tuesday's CDC? Beginning with today's issue. there was little campaigning? (Continued to Page 3 Col. 1.2) ures. "I was quite upset with the the Daily Campus will offer its "All but the seniors candidates editorial for I didn't realise I was readers a new service. A fc>vo- campaigned in North Campus of such low moral character. The page entertainment special w ill practice of stuffing a ballot box be featured eacii Thursday as Dining Hall and male candidates part of a new Advertising poliej* have been campaigning door to New Requirements For was not instituted at Uconn. Politics here do not create fiascos. organized by Al Medeiros. Ad- door. All candidates have attempt- An individual can't be prevented vertising Manager of the CDC ed to speak in every dorm but the from voting two or three times. Medeiros said, 'We hope to response has been poor and if a A&S Effective Next Fall As president of a political party. eventually have a four-page sup- total of 5 persons listen in a dorm New requirements for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 1 get phone calls from different plement which will contain ln- M must be considered a good houses concerning political inter- ! formation aliout places to go and turnout," he commented. will go into effect in fall of 1963, not in the fall of 1965 as previously stated. Harrison Carter, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and est of certain members. I don't tilings to do for the Uconn stri- In view of this «re there any mention or even suggest that the dent seeking entertainment." plans to change the method of Sciences said that the new requirements would not only effect next best way to reach the top is the Although the initial accent of year's freshmen but any student dirty way. Rather, a person must the Services is on restaurants and now in another school who wants prove his abilities in organization- UtMtreS, (he Advertising iH-part- Student Injured In Car year's freshmen but any student al matters, his leadership qualifi- ment toraees future announce- to transfer to the College. cations and his general interest ments of concerts, art shows and The new requirements include and desire. Iother cultural events. "The sup- 2 yean of a foreign language plement is designed to enable stu- Accident On Whitney Road with a recommendation that three Whoever this party member is who boasts of voting close to dent to get the most enjoyment ' One student was injured in a David Smalley, was taken to the years be taken. Three years of fifty times in past slectiorj won't possible out of his entertainment three car accident yesterday on Infirmary and then to Windhaim matli will be required with recom- dollar,' said .Medeiros.