Due for U.S. Ection UNITED NATIONS, NY
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DJtfrifcution Weat&er today 7 sum. teotentart B. Fair A 20,300. dtlir thrwtxii triiiy. Second Cl*n Po«t»i« BED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1962 VOL. 85, NO. 102 4 U AKUU««1 ValllBf Oltlcu. 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE So\i£t-Ciibaii Demands Due for U.S. ection UNITED NATIONS, NY. (AP) all missiles and other offensive The Soviet Union has balked at Geneva mat the International Red It will continue the quarantine un- —Some U.N. delegates assessed weapons, under adequate verifica- removing the jets, contending that Cms Committee had decided not til the bombers are out and will today new Soviet-Cuban de- tion. they were turned over to Castro to take part in inspection of Cuba- keep Cuba under air surveillance mands, reported to Include U.S. The President has (treated that and tre'under his control* bound stops under present condi- as long as it feels that necessary withdrawal from the base at considers the jet bombers of- Chances of lifting the blockade dons, to safeguard against re-establish- Guantanamo, as a bargaining fenstvo wtftpons* were remote following word from The United States has indicated of offensive weapons there. maneuver in negotiations to end Cuban crisis. "It U just another move in the game," said one diplomat. Legislature Lists Major Bills "Now.the Russians will wait for the United States to make a TRENTON (AP) - The New Jersey Legislature will meet for financially needy persons over 65, the program to be fi- love." ' two and possibly three- more times this year to catch up on nanced by the federal, state and county governments. < PETE AND HIS FRIENDS — Kindergarten through third grada students in Union' The United" States was certain a batch of pending and proposed legislation ranging from Sandman, said the Senate would approve a version under Beach went into new classrooms y«st«rday as the $250,000 12-raom addition to reject the package presented to 'medical care for the aged to a package of milk bills. which the state would pay 60 per cent of non-federal costs Memorial School was officially opened—three months behind schedule because of UN.-: .Acting Secretary-General U Gov. Richard J. ,Hugh«s asked for three meetings. He and the counties 40 per cent. Hughes had asked, that the Thant Tuesday by. Soviet Deputy expressed specific-Interest in legislation designed to crack state and counties spilt the non-federal costs 50-50. ; construction delays. The facility puts students in all grades on full sessions.. Here, Foreign .Minister Vasily V. Km- down on drudk drivers and on milk dealers who try to under- The Republican senators previously backed a version that children of Wlrs. Marian Eastmond's kindergarten class! peer through daisroom netsov and Cuban Ambassador sell competitors by selling milk below cost price, ' would require the state to, pay 75 per cent; the counties, 25 window for photographer. Left t» right, Mary Fanning, Peter Wiraver, Evelyn Carlos Lechuga. Charles W. Sandman, Jr.. R-Cape May, majority leader of per cent, , •;'••. .':,'.'•.' . • - • . ••--. •••••' Talk 'Constructive' the Senate, said his 'Republican colleagues have agreed to The program differs from President Kennedy's administra- Provost and Jacqueline Heckelmann. U.S. Ambassador Adlal E. two sessions but would wait and see concerning .a third. tion backed King-Anderson bill* which would tie medical care Stevenson met for VA hours Tues- TWO PROPOSALS • • • for the aged to social security. ' day night with Kuznetsov and said Hughes met with legislative leaders of both parties yes- Sandman listed these measures he said would ba approved the talk was "constructive." He terday to drum up support for his drunk driving and milk by the Senate: , • • -. •: "-. ' said it "served to identify and proposals. A tougher, air pollution control law, a bill prohibiting po- clarify the positions of both coun- The governor described the meeting as "friendly and litical activity by county prosecutors and an amended version tries on:the-unresolved issues. statesmanlike,"-but"said there was no agreement on what of a pension bill for public employees. * • ,-/>••. Kuznetsov presumably present- bills (night be acted on when the Legislature returns from The air pollution measure, passed earlier this year by the ed the new Soviet-Cuban proposal vacation Monday. Assembly by a 53-0 vote, would eliminate « requirement that to Stevenson. The American dele- After meeting with Hughes, Republican leaders held a, the state Health 'Department try to persuade violators to and} gate wrfs believed to have count- meeting of their own and Sandman emerged with, a,list of air pollution before court action Is instituted. The bill, in ef- For Renewal Aid ered with the main U.S. demands legislation he said would receive Senate approval. fect, would authorize the department to stop pollution causing - activity more quickly. ... .,.-.. .-.,.. / —that the Soviet Union withdraw The list didn't include Hughes' drinking and milk pro- KEANSBURG - This borough ager and executive director of the According to Mr. Blum, sever its IL28 jet bombers from Cuba posals. Sandman said toe drinking measures would require AFFIRMATIVE VOTE Local Planning Agency, told LPA al people were supposed to have further study,, that it might be advisable to assign a special took a giant step into the future and' permit adequate verification • Sandman said'all-Republican senators would vote In favor that he has learned some resi- been told that the borough was committee to consider them. - ' last nigbt when the Local Plan- that Soviet missile sites, have been of the political activity biU introduced In tha Senate earlier dents of the Grandview area have ready to oust them from th ning Agency formally applied for dismantled and all rockets and ' He said the milk legislation hasn't been whipped into final this year by Sen. Pierce Deamer, R-Bergen. '',.. been approached concerning sale property in the near -future, and federal' aid to cover urban re- other offensive weapons sent back form yet, that Republicans would want copies of Hughes' pro- The bill would prohibit political activity by county prose-: of their property. (See KEANSBURG, Page 2) posals at least seven 'days before the 'Senate would act on newal program costs. to the Soviet Union. cutors, assistant prosecutors, -legal- assistants to prosecutors, them. The resolution passed by tha Five-Point Demand county detectives or investigators. The state's 21 county prose- local Planning Agency author- The new Soviet-Cuban proposal Republicans bold an 11-10 majority in the Senate since cutors are all Democrats. ,.'. , ' ' ized application for (1,158,864. To- was reported based on Prime Assemblyman Nelson F, Stabler, R-Union, won election to Sandman, in response to a question by a newsman, said the upper house in a special election Nov. 6. Stamler will be tal cost of the 17-acre renewal Minister Fidel Castro's five-poinl he doubted whether-Hughes would, favor, the bill. ... Mistrial Declared sworn in to the Senate Monday.- . ••• . 1 plan is $1,651,522. demand made on Oct. 28 for ar The pension bill earmarked for Senate passage, Sandman The Assembly is controlled by Democrats. The borough share Is (383,- end to all U.S. activities againsl said, would.enable certain public employees- to,collect.both {88. his regime and U.S. withdrawal , ENOUGH SUPPORT full state pensions and social- security benefits, after retire- Major improvements such as In Kozickys' Suit from Guantanamo. The five points Sandman said he believes there is enough support in the ment with county and municipal governments paying the tab roads, drainage, water.and sew- apparently were worked over by Senate to pass a compromise version of the Kerr-MiUs Medi- lor county and municipal employees. .' er lines in existence will be ap- FREEHOLD — County Judge At the opening of the trial Soviet First Deputy Premier cal bill. He said he had no idea whether the Assembly would Hughes has indicated he would accept the bill as amended. plied to this amount and there- Anastas I. Mikoyan, who has Thomas J. Smith granted a. mo- Oct. 29, Mr. Heuser told the 14- go.along. •.•:.•;;...:.'•!••••..••:• Under toe original version, the state would haye, been -faced fore reduce the borough's actual member jury that the effluents been in Havana since Nov. 2. Tfce Herr-MUls program Is set up to provide'.medical care tion for a mistrial here yester- with paving the extra pension benefits for county and munici- "cash" outlay. raked nursery stock, which Informants said the Soviet-Cu- pal workers, as weU u state .workers, , .;.';:,..:...; •.'•;•" • day in the Kozicky brothers' $SMM Received included a special grade of-al- ban proposal dealt mainly witt U.S. withdrawal from Guantana- ':.. _ RABED QUESTIONS '•'••'•.•."V--.-,-. The borough has already re- suit against the. Bendix Corp. falfa and watercress, on the rno and' included,- an end to the Hughes said some of the senators have raised questions ceived *S6.800 of the total esti- The judge granted the dismis- Kozicky farm. The attorney said U.S. naval blockade of arms ship- , about I proposed implied consent law, which would provide mated project cost from tile fed- sal upon the receipt of an af- that this all started in 1957, and ments and measures by the Uni for the automatic revocation of a driver'! license if he refused eral government to carry' out fidavilt from the Kozickys* at- fa still continuing. ed.States to prevent hostile activi to take * driakometer test. the initial planning stages of the torney, R*Jph S. Heuser of Matt- Attorney for'the Bendix firm ty against Cuba by exiles. Sen. Frank Farley, R-Atiantic, said the major objection program. wan, stating that he is too ill Robert V.