Redactie: Gera Arts en Marko Bos Vaste medewerkers: Paul de Hen, Malgorzata Bos-Karczewska, Bart van Riel en Stefanie de Geus Reacties, artikelen, boekbesprekingen en andere bijdragen graag naar:
[email protected] Website: Secretariaat EBN: NIEUWSBRIEF OKTOBER 2012
[email protected] Postbus 93539 2509 AM Den Haag The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2012 is to be awarded to the European Union Contributie: € 40 per jaar; tot 26 jaar € 20; (EU) . The union and its forerunners have for over six decades voor 65+ minimaal € 30; contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, ING nr. 5031 van de EBN te Den Haag democracy and human rights in Europe. In the inter-war years, the Norwegian Nobel Committee made several awards to persons who were seeking reconciliation INHOUDSOPGAVE between Germany and France. Since 1945, that reconciliation has become a reality. The dreadful suffering in World War II demonstrated the need for a new Europe. Over a seventy-year Agenda 2 period, Germany and France had fought three wars. Today ‘20 jaar interne markt – Kansen in een open war between Germany and France is unthinkable. This shows Europa’ 2 how, through well-aimed efforts and by building up mutual Praktijkgerichte training EU fondsenwerven confidence, historical enemies can become close partners. voor young professionals 2 Honderd jaar heimwee. De geschiedenis van In the 1980s, Greece, Spain and Portugal joined the EU. The Polen in Nederland 2 introduction of democracy was a condition for their De EU en de implicaties voor de rijksbegroting 2 1 Kennisproeverij 2 membership.