

On the Choice of Average Solar

TIMOTHY W. CRONIN Program in Atmospheres, Oceans, and Climate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts

(Manuscript received 6 December 2013, in final form 19 March 2014)


Idealized climate modeling studies often choose to neglect spatiotemporal variations in solar radiation, but doing so comes with an important decision about how to average solar radiation in space and time. Since both clear-sky and cloud albedo are increasing functions of the solar zenith angle, one can choose an absorption- weighted zenith angle that reproduces the spatial- or time-mean absorbed solar radiation. Calculations are performed for a pure scattering atmosphere and with a more detailed radiative transfer model and show that the absorption-weighted zenith angle is usually between the -weighted and insolation-weighted zenith but much closer to the insolation-weighted zenith angle in most cases, especially if clouds are re- sponsible for much of the shortwave reflection. Use of daytime-average zenith angle may lead to a high bias in planetary albedo of approximately 3%, equivalent to a deficit in shortwave absorption of approximately 22 10 W m in the global energy budget (comparable to the radiative forcing of a roughly sixfold change in CO2 concentration). Other studies that have used general circulation models with spatially constant insolation have underestimated the global-mean zenith angle, with a consequent low bias in planetary albedo of ap- 2 proximately 2%–6% or a surplus in shortwave absorption of approximately 7–20 W m 2 in the global energy budget.

1. Introduction is simply the product of the solar constant S0 and the cosine of the solar zenith angle, m [ cosz: Comprehensive climate models suggest that a global 2 increase in absorbed solar radiation by 1 W m 2 would 5 I S0 cosz, (1) lead to a 0.68–1.18C increase in global-mean surface temperatures (Soden and Held 2006). The amount of where the planetary-mean insolation is simply hIi 5 ’ 22 solar radiation absorbed or reflected by depends on S0/4 342 W m (in this paper, we will denote spatial the solar zenith angle z or the angle that the makes averages with hxi and time averages with x). A global- with a line perpendicular to the surface. When the sun is average radiative transfer calculation requires specifying low in the sky (high z), much of the incident sunlight may both an effective cosine of solar zenith angle m*andan be reflected, even for a clear sky; when the sun is high effective solar constant S*0 such that the resulting in- in the sky (low z), even thick clouds may not reflect most solation matches the planetary-mean insolation: of the incident sunlight. The difference in average zenith h i 5 5 angle between the and poles is an important I S0/4 S*0 m*. (2) reason why the albedo is typically higher at high . To simulate the average climate of a in radiative– Matching the mean insolation constrains only the convective equilibrium, one must globally average the product S*0 m*, and not either parameter individually, so incident solar radiation and define either a solar zenith additional assumptions are needed. angle that is constant in time or that varies diurnally The details of these additional assumptions are quite (i.e., the sun rising and setting). The top-of-atmosphere important to the simulated climate, because radiative incident solar radiation per unit ground area, or insolation, transfer processes, most importantly cloud albedo, de- pend on m (e.g., Hartmann 1994). For instance, the most Corresponding author address: Timothy W. Cronin, MIT, 77 straightforward choice for a planetary-average calcula- Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139. tion might seem to be a simple average of m over the 5 E-mail: [email protected] whole planet, including the dark half, so that S*0S S0

DOI: 10.1175/JAS-D-13-0392.1

Ó 2014 American Meteorological Society AUGUST 2014 C R O N I N 2995

5 1 and m*S /4. However, this simple average would cor- respond to a sun that was always near setting, only about 158 above the horizon; with such a low sun, the albedo of clouds and the reflection by clear-sky Rayleigh scatter- ing would be highly exaggerated. A more thoughtful, and widely used, choice is to ignore the contribution of the dark half of the planet to the average zenith angle. With this choice of daytime-weighted zenith angle, 5 1 5 m*D /2, and S0*D S0/2. A slightly more complex option is to calculate the insolation-weighted cosine of the zenith angle: FIG. 1. Schematic example of three different choices of zenith ð angle and solar constant that give the same insolation. The solar zenith angle is shown for each of the three choices, which corre- mS0mP(m) dm spond to simple average, daytime-weighted, and insolation- 5 ð weighted choices of m, as in the text. m*I , (3) S0mP(m) dm that is constant in time. In this context, Hartmann (1994) where P(m) is the probability distribution function of strongly argues for the use of insolation-weighted zenith global surface area as a function of m over the illumi- angle and provides a figure with appropriate daily-mean nated hemisphere. For the purposes of a planetary av- insolation-weighted zenith angles as a function of lati- erage, P(m) simply equals 1. This can be seen by rotating tude for the and the (see Hartmann coordinates so that the North Pole is aligned with the 1994, his Fig. 2.8). Romps (2011) also uses an equatorial , where m 5 1; then m is given by the sine of insolation-weighted zenith angle in a study of radiative– the over the illuminated , convective equilibrium with a cloud-resolving model, and since area is uniformly distributed in the sine of the though other studies of tropical radiative–convective latitude, it follows that area is uniformly distributed over equilibrium with cloud-resolving models, such as the all values of m between 0 and 1. Hereafter, when dis- work by Tompkins and Craig (1998), have used a daytime- cussing planetary averages, it should be understood that weighted zenith angle. In large-eddy simulations of integrals over m implicitly contain the probability dis- marine low clouds, Bretherton et al. (2013) advocate for tribution function P(m) 5 1. Evaluation of Eq. (3) gives the greater accuracy of the insolation-weighted zenith 5 2 5 m*I /3, and S*0I 3S0/8. Since most of the sunlight angle, noting that the use of daytime-weighted zenith 2 falling on the daytime hemisphere occurs where the sun angle gives a 20 W m 2 stronger negative shortwave is high, m*I is considerably larger than m*D . A schematic cloud radiative effect than the insolation-weighted ze- comparison of these three different choices—simple nith angle. Biases of such a magnitude would be espe- average, daytime-weighted, and insolation-weighted cially disconcerting for situations where the surface zenith angles—is given in Fig. 1. temperature is interactive, as they could lead to dra- The daytime-average cosine zenith angle of 0.5 has matic biases in mean temperatures. been widely used. The early studies of radiative–convective Whether averaging in space or time, an objective equilibrium by Manabe and Strickler (1964), Manabe decision of whether to use daytime-weighted or insolation- and Wetherald (1967), Ramanathan (1976), and the weighted zenith angle requires some known and unbiased early review paper by Ramanathan and Coakley (1978) reference point. In section 2, we develop the idea of all took m* 5 0:5. The daytime-average zenith angle has absorption-weighted zenith angle as such an unbiased also been used in simulation of climate on other reference point. We show that if albedo depends nearly (e.g., Wordsworth et al. 2010) as well as estimation of linearly on the zenith angle, which is true if clouds play global radiative forcing by clouds and aerosols (Fu and a dominant role in solar reflection, then the insolation- Liou 1993; Zhang et al. 2013). weighted zenith angle is likely to be less biased than the To our knowledge, no studies of global-mean climate daytime-weighted zenith angle. We then calculate the with radiative–convective equilibrium models have used planetary-average absorption-weighted zenith angle for an insolation-weighted cosine zenith angle of 2/3. The the extremely idealized case of a purely conservative above considerations regarding the spatial averaging of scattering atmosphere. In section 3, we perform calcu- insolation, however, also apply to the temporal averaging lations with a more detailed shortwave radiative transfer of insolation that is required to represent the diurnal cycle, model and show that differences in planetary albedo 5 1 5 2 or combined diurnal and annual cycles, with a zenith angle between m*D /2 and m*I /3 can be approximately 3%, 2996 JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES VOLUME 71 equivalent to a radiative forcing difference of over where amax is the maximum albedo (for m 5 0), and aD is 2 10Wm 2.Insection 4 we show that the superiority of the drop in albedo in going from m 5 0tom 5 1. In this insolation-weighting also applies for diurnally or annu- case, we can show that the absorption-weighted zenith ally averaged insolation. Finally, in section 5, we discuss angle is exactly equal to the insolation-weighted zenith the implications of our findings for recent studies with angle, regardless of the form of P(m). From Eqs. (3), (4), global models. and (8), it follows that ð ð 2 2. Absorption-weighted zenith angle amax mP(m) dm aDm*A mP(m) dm ð ð For the purposes of minimizing biases in solar ab- 5 2 2 sorption, the zenith angle should be chosen to most amax mP(m) dm aD m P(m) dm closely match the spatial- or time-mean albedo. By this, ð we do not intend that the zenith angle should be tuned so m2P(m) dm 5 ð 5 as to match the observed albedo over a specific region or m*A m*I . (9) time period; rather, we wish to formulate a precise mP(m) dm geometric closure on Eq. (2). If the albedo is a known function of the zenith angle [i.e., a 5 f (m) 5 f (cosz)], a a Thus, if the albedo varies roughly linearly with m, then then we can choose a zenith angle m* such that its al- A we expect the insolation-weighted zenith angle to bedo matches the albedo that would be calculated from closely match the absorption-weighted zenith angle. a full average over space or time [as weighted by P(m)]: ð ð For planetary-average solar absorption, the simplicity of P(m) allows us to perform an additional analytic calcula- m* m m m 5 m m m m fa( A ) S0 P( ) d S0 fa( )P( ) d . (4) tion of the absorption-weighted zenith angle. Consider an albedo similar to Eq. (8), but which may now vary non-

If the albedo function fa is smooth and monotonic in the linearly, as some power of the cosine of the zenith angle: zenith angle—the likely (albeit not universal) case for f (m) 5 a 2 a mb . (10) planetary reflection—then fa can be inverted, and the a max D problem is well posed, with a unique solution: 2ð 3 The power b is likely equal to or less than 1, so that the albedo is more sensitive to the zenith angle when the sun 6 mfa(m)P(m) dm7 5 216 ð 7 is low than when the sun is high. For a general value of b, m*A fa 4 5, (5) mP(m) dm the planetary albedo and absorption-weighted zenith angle are given by

21 where f represents the inverse function of f . For the aD a a hai 5 a 2 , case of planetary-average solar absorption, the proba- max 1 1 b/2 bility density function of m over the sunlit half of the 1 1/b m* 5 . (11) globe is uniform [see discussion following Eq. (3)]. A 1 1 b/2 Taking P(m) 5 1, Eq. (5) simplifies to ð 1 As noted above, if the albedo depends linearly on m (b 5 h i 5 a 2 mfa(m) dm, (6) 1), then the absorption-weighted zenith angle has 0 acosineof2/3, which is equal to the planetary-average ð , , 1 value of m*I .For0 b 1, m*A always falls between 21 2 m 5 m m m 1/2 ’ 2 5 2 *A fa 2 fa( ) d , (7) e 0.607 and /3, suggesting that m*I /3 is generally 0 a good choice for the zenith angle in planetary-mean where hai is the planetary albedo or ratio of reflected to calculations. The albedo must be a strongly nonlinear m m incident global shortwave radiation. Note that a bias in function of , with significant weight at low , in order m , : planetary albedo by 1% would lead to a bias in to obtain values of *A 0 6. planetary-average absorbed shortwave radiation of 2 Example: A pure scattering atmosphere 3.42 W m 2. If the albedo is a linear function of the zenith angle, we How strongly does the planetary albedo depend on m can write for a less idealized function fa(m)? For a pure con- servative scattering atmosphere, with optical thickness 5 2 fa(m) amax aDm, (8) t*, two-stream coefficient g [which we will take equal AUGUST 2014 C R O N I N 2997 to 3/4, corresponding to the Eddington approximation (Pierrehumbert 2010)], and scattering asymmetry pa- rameter g^, Eq. (5.38) of Pierrehumbert (2010) gives the atmospheric albedo as

2 (1/2 2 gm)(1 2 e t*/m) 1 (1 2 g^)gt* a 5 . (12) a 1 1 (1 2 g^)gt*

Defining a constant surface albedo of ag, and a diffuse 0 atmospheric albedo aa, the total albedo is

(1 2 a )(1 2 a ) 5 2 g a a 1 2 0 1 2 0 . (13) (1 ag)aa (1 aa)

Using this expression, we can calculate how the albedo depends on zenith angle for different sky conditions. FIG. 2. Plot of albedo against cosine of the zenith angle, for Figure 2 shows the dependence of the albedo on the a pure conservative scattering atmospheric column, based on Eq. (5.41) of Pierrehumbert (2010). We show calculations for a clear- cosine of the solar zenith angle, for a case of Rayleigh sky case with t* 5 0.12 and g^5 0 (blue), for a cloudy case with t* 5 scattering by the clear sky (t* ’ 0.12, g^5 0), for 3.92 and g^5 0:843 (gray) and a linear mix of the two for a sky that is a cloudy-sky example (t* 5 3.92, g^5 0:843), and for a 68.6% cloudy and 31.4% clear (blue-gray). The average cloud linear mix of 68.6% cloudy and 31.4% clear sky, which is fraction and optical thickness are taken from International Satellite roughly the observed cloud fraction as measured by Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) measurements (RS99), and the surface albedo is set to a constant of 0.12, independent of m. The satellites (Rossow and Schiffer 1999, hereafter RS99). values of the cosines of absorption-weighted zenith angle are in- Values of average cloud optical thickness are taken from dicated by the x locations of the vertical dotted lines, and the RS99, with the optical thickness equal to the sum of planetary-average albedos are indicated by the y locations of the cloud and Rayleigh scattering optical thicknesses (3.8 horizontal dotted lines (see also Table 1). and 0.12, respectively) and the asymmetry parameter set to a weighted average of cloud and Rayleigh scattering accurate choice than the insolation-weighted zenith asymmetry parameters (0.87 and 0, respectively). Figure 2 angle. On the other hand, for a cloudy sky with mod- also shows the appropriate choice of m*A for the clear- erate optical thickness, the insolation-weighted zenith and cloudy-sky examples. The clear-sky case has angle is essentially exact, and a daytime-weighted zenith 5 : 5 : m*A 0 55, the cloudy-sky case has m*A 0 665, and the angle may overestimate the planetary albedo by over 5 : mixed-sky case has m*A 0 653. In these calculations, 7%. For Earthlike conditions, with a mixed sky that has and others throughout the paper, we have fixed the low optical thickness in clear regions, and moderate surface albedo to a constant of 0.12, independent of m,in optical thickness in cloudy regions, a cosine-zenith angle order to focus on the atmospheric contribution to close to but slightly less than the planetary insolation- planetary reflection. The particular surface albedo value weighted mean value of 2/3 is likely the best choice. The of 0.12 is chosen following the observed global-mean common choice of m* 5 1/2 will overestimate the nega- surface reflectance from Fig. 5 of Donohoe and Battisti tive shortwave radiative effect of clouds, while choices (2011) (average of the hemispheric values from obser- of m* . 2/3 will underestimate the negative shortwave vations). Of course, surface reflection also generally radiative effect of clouds. Our calculations here, however, depends on m, with the direct-beam albedo increasing at are quite simplistic, and do not account for atmospheric lower m, but surface reflection plays a relatively minor absorption or wavelength dependence of optical pro- role in planetary albedo, in part because so much of perties. In the following section, we will use a more Earth is covered by clouds (Donohoe and Battisti 2011). detailed model to support the assertion that the We can also use these results to calculate what bias insolation-weighted zenith angle leads to smaller albedo would result from the use of the daytime-weighted ze- biases than the daytime-weighted zenith angle. 5 1 nith angle (m*D /2) or the insolation-weighted zenith angle (m* 5 2/3). The planetary albedo is generally I 3. Calculations with a full radiative transfer model overestimated by use of m*D and underestimated by use of m*I ; the first three rows of Table 1 summarize our The above calculations provide a sense for the mag- findings for a pure scattering atmosphere. For a clear nitude of planetary-albedo bias that may result from sky, the daytime-weighted zenith angle is a slightly more different choices of average solar zenith angle. In this 2998 JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES VOLUME 71

TABLE 1. Planetary albedos and biases.

Biases in a (%) h i 5 5 Radiative transfer model Atmospheric profile a (%) m*A m 1/2 m 2/3 Pure scattering Clear sky 19.9 0.550 0.78 21.40 68.6% ISCCP cloud, 31.4% clear 31.9 0.653 5.57 20.49 ISCCP cloud 37.4 0.665 7.77 20.08 RRTM U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1976—clear 14.1 0.576 0.56 20.53 U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1976—RS99 clouds 34.8 0.657 3.16 20.19 U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1976—stratocumulus 51.5 0.686 3.53 0.37

section, we calculate albedos using version 3.8 of the observed cloud fraction in layer i,andsi as the true cloud shortwave portion of the Rapid Radiative Transfer fraction in layer i. The true cloud fraction in layer i is Model for application to GCMs (RRTMG_SW, v3.8; !2 Iacono et al. 2008; Clough et al. 2005); we refer to this i21 1 model as simply ‘‘RRTM’’ for brevity. Calculations with 5 b 2 å b si si 1 sj , (14) RRTM allow for estimation of biases associated with j51 different choices of m when the atmosphere has more realistic scattering and absorption properties than we which can be seen because the summation gives the frac- assumed in the pure scattering expressions above [Eqs. tion of observed cloudy sky above level i,sothetermin (12) and (13)]. RRTM is a broadband, two-stream, parentheses gives the fraction of clear sky above level i, correlated-k distribution radiative transfer model, which is equal to the ratio of observed cloud fraction to which has been tested against line-by-line radiative true cloud fraction in layer i (again assuming random cloud transfer models, and is used in several GCMs. For cal- overlap). Applying this correction to observed cloud culation of radiative fluxes in partly cloudy skies, the fractions (sc1, sc2, sc3, sc4) 5 (0:196, 0:026, 0:190, 0:275) model uses the Monte Carlo independent column ap- from Table 4 of RS99 gives the cloud fractions listed in proximation (McICA; Pincus et al. 2003), which sto- Table 2:(s1, s2, s3, s4) 5 (0:196, 0:032, 0:244, 0:467). chastically samples 200 profiles over the possible range To isolate the contributions from changing atmo- of combinations of cloud overlap arising from pre- spheric (and especially cloud) albedo as a function of m, scribed clouds at different vertical levels and averages the surface albedo is set to a value of 0.12 for all calcu- the fluxes that result. lations, independent of the solar zenith angle. Using We use RRTM to calculate the albedo as a function of RRTM calculations of albedo at 22 roughly evenly zenith angle for a set of built-in reference atmospheric spaced values of m, we interpolate fa(m) to a grid in m profiles and several cloud-profile assumptions. The at- with spacing 0.001, calculate the planetary albedo hai mospheric profiles that we use are the tropical atmo- from Eq. (6), and find the value of mA* whose albedo sphere; the U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1976; and the most closely matches hai. The dependence of albedo on subarctic winter atmosphere, and we perform calcula- m is shown in Fig. 3; atmospheric absorption results in tions with clear skies, as well as two cloud-profile as- sumptions (Table 2). One cloud profile is a mixed sky, TABLE 2. Cloud profiles used in calculations with RRTM. The intended to mirror Earth’s climatological cloud distri- multiple cloud layers of RS99 are used together and are assumed to bution, with four cloud layers having fractional cover- overlap randomly. Cloud fractions are based on Table 4 of RS99 but adjusted for random overlap and observation from above (see age, water path, and altitudes based on RS99; we call this text). Cloud-top altitudes are based on top pressures from RS99 the RS99 case. The other cloud profile is simply fully and the pressure-height profile from the U.S. Standard Atmo- overcast with a low-level ‘‘stratocumulus’’ cloud deck, sphere, 1976. Cloud water/ice allocation uses 260 K as a threshold 2 having a water path of 100 g m 2. Table 2 gives the values temperature. for assumed cloud fractions, altitudes, and in-cloud- Top average liquid and ice water in clouds at each level. altitude Water path Ice path 2 2 Cloud fractions have been modified from Table 4 of RS99 Cloud profile Fraction (–) (km) (g m 2) (g m 2) because satellites see clouds from above and will un- RS99 low 0.467 2 51 0 derestimate the true low-cloud fraction that is overlain by RS99 medium 0.244 5 0 60 higher clouds. If multiple cloud layers are randomly RS99 convective 0.032 9 0 261 overlapping and seen from above, then, indexing cloud RS99 cirrus 0.196 10.5 0 23 Stratocumulus 1.0 2 100 0 layers as (1, 2, ...) from the top down, we denote sbi as the AUGUST 2014 C R O N I N 2999

period both enter into the calculation of the probability density function P(m) as well as the bounds of the in-

tegrals in Eq. (5). We will look at how m*A varies as a function of latitude for two cases: an equinoctial di- urnal cycle and a full average over annual and diurnal

cycles. In both cases, we will use fa(m) as calculated by RRTM, for the U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1976, and the mixed-sky cloud profile of RS99. For an equinoctial diurnal cycle at latitude f, the cosine of the zenith angle is given by m(h) 5 cosf cos[p(h 2 12)/12], where h is the local solar time in hours. Since time h is uniformly distributed, this can be analytically transformed to obtain the probability den- sity function

2 FIG. 3. Plot of albedo against cosine of the zenith angle for cal- P(m) 5 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi, (15) culations from RRTM. Albedo is shown for three atmospheric p cos2f 2 m2 profiles: tropical (red), U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1976 (green), and subarctic winter (blue). We also show results for clear-sky radiative transfer (bottom set of lines) as well two cloud-profile which is valid for 0 # m , cosf. For the equinoctial di- 5 assumptions: observed RS99 cloud climatology (middle set of urnal cycle, daytime weighting gives m*D (2/p)cosf, lines), and stratocumulus overcast (top set of lines)—see Table 2 5 while insolation weighting gives m*I (p/4) cosf. Figure 4 for more details on cloud assumptions. The surface albedo is set to shows that the absorption-weighted zenith angle is once a constant of 0.12 in all cases, independent of m. again much closer to the insolation-weighted zenith angle than to the daytime-weighted zenith angle for generally lower values of albedo than in the pure scat- partly cloudy skies. We can also look at how the time- tering cases above as well as lower sensitivity of the al- mean albedo a compares to the albedo calculated from 2 bedo to zenith angle. For partly or fully cloudy skies, the m*D or m*I . Albedo biases at the equator are 0.2% for albedo is approximately linear in the zenith angle. Note insolation weighting and 12.6% for daytime weighting, that fa(m) here is not necessarily monotonic, as it de- which translates to solar absorption biases of 10.9 and 2 creases for very small m. This implies that the inverse 211.2 W m 2, respectively. For clear-sky calculations problem can return two solutions for m*A in some cases; (not shown), results are also similar to what we found for we select the larger result if this occurs. planetary-average calculations: the two choices are al- For clear skies, biases in hai are nearly equal in most equally biased, with albedo underestimated by magnitude for m*D and m*I (Table 1). For partly cloudy or about 0.5% when using m*I and overestimated by about h i overcast skies, however, biases in a are much larger for 0.5% when using m*D . m*D than for m*I ; the insolation-weighted zenith angle has For the full annual and diurnal cycles of insolation, an albedo bias that is lower by an order of magnitude P(m) must be numerically tabulated. For each latitude than the albedo bias of the daytime-weighted zenith band, we calculate m every minute over a year, and angle. The bias in solar absorption for partly cloudy or construct P(m) histograms with bin width 0.001 in m, 22 overcast skies for m*D is on the order of 10 W m . While then we calculate the insolation-weighted, daytime- we have only tabulated biases for the U.S. Standard weighted, and absorption-weighted cosine zenith angles Atmosphere, 1976, results are similar across other ref- and corresponding albedos (Fig. 5). For partly cloudy erence atmospheric profiles. skies, the insolation-weighted zenith angle is a good match to the absorption-weighted zenith angle, with biases in albedo of less than 0.2%. Albedo biases for the 4. Diurnal and annual averaging daytime-weighted zenith angle are generally about 2%– Thus far, we have presented examples of albedo bia- 3%, with a maximum of over 3% around 608 latitude. ses only for the case of planetary-mean calculations. The The solar absorption biases at the equator are similar to absorption-weighted zenith angle can also be calculated those found in the equinoctial diurnal average, though and compared to daytime-weighted and insolation- slightly smaller. Overall, these findings indicate that in- weighted zenith angles for the case of diurnal- or annual- solation weighting is generally a better approach than average solar radiation at a single point on Earth’s surface, daytime weighting for representing annual or diurnal using Eq. (5). The latitude and temporal-averaging variations in insolation. 3000 JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES VOLUME 71

FIG. 4. (top) Diurnal-average zenith angles and (bottom) biases FIG. 5. (top) Annual-average zenith angles and (bottom) biases in time-mean albedo for equinoctial diurnal cycles, as a function in time-mean albedo for full annual and diurnal cycles of insolation, of latitude. Albedo is calculated in RRTM, using the U.S. Standard as a function of latitude. Albedo is calculated in RRTM, using the Atmosphere, 1976 and RS99 clouds (Table 2). Albedo biases for the U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1976 and RS99 clouds (Table 2). Al- daytime-weighted zenith angle (red) and the insolation-weighted bedo biases for the daytime-weighted zenith angle (red) and the zenith angle (blue) are calculated relative to the absorption- insolation-weighted zenith angle (blue) are calculated relative to weighted zenith angle (black). the absorption-weighted zenith angle (black).

averaging of solar radiation, however, can lead to bia- ses in total absorbed solar radiation on the order of 5. Discussion 2 10 W m 2, especially if the models used have a large The work presented here addresses potential climate cloud-area fraction. biases in two major lines of inquiry in climate science. The extent to which a radiative–convective equilib- One is the use of radiative–convective equilibrium, ei- rium model forced by global-average insolation accu- ther in single-column or small-domain cloud-resolving rately captures the global-mean surface temperature models, as a framework to simulate and understand of both the real Earth and more complex three- important aspects of planetary-mean climate, such as dimensional GCMs is a key test of the magnitude of surface temperature and precipitation. The second is the nonlinearities in the climate system. For instance, vari- increasing use of idealized three-dimensional general ability in tropospheric relative humidity, as induced by circulation models (GCMs) for understanding large- large-scale vertical motions in the , can give rise scale atmospheric dynamics. Both of these categories to dry-atmosphere ‘‘radiator fin’’ regions that emit span a broad range of topics, from understanding the longwave radiation to space more effectively than limits of the circumstellar habitable zone and the would a horizontally uniform atmosphere, resulting in scaling of global-mean precipitation with temperature a cooling of global-mean temperatures relative to in the case of radiative–convective models to the lo- a reference atmosphere with homogeneous relative cation of midlatitude storm tracks and the strength humidity (Pierrehumbert 1995). This radiator fin non- of the Hadley circulation in the case of idealized linearity can appear in radiative–convective equilibrium GCMs. Both categories of model often sensibly choose simulations with cloud-resolving models as a result of to ignore diurnal and annual variations in insolation so self-aggregation of convection with a large change in as to reduce simulation times and avoid unnecessary domain-average properties such as relative humidity and complexity. Our work suggests that spatial or temporal outgoing longwave radiation (Muller and Held 2012; AUGUST 2014 C R O N I N 3001

5 Wing and Emanuel 2014). But many other potentially diurnal cycle of insolation, with m*I p/4, also important climate nonlinearities—such as the influence contributes to the underestimation of both cloud and of ice on planetary albedo, interactions between clouds clear-sky albedo. For RS99 clouds and an equatorial and large-scale dynamics (including midlatitude bar- equinox diurnal cycle, we estimate a time-mean albedo oclinic eddies and the clouds that they generate), and of 32.7%; the same cloud field would give a planetary rectification of spatiotemporal variability in lapse rates— albedo of 34.6% if the planetary-average insolation- would be quite difficult to plausibly incorporate into a ra- weighted cosine zenith angle of 2/3 were used. In other diative–convective model. Thus, despite its simplicity, the words, if the cloud distribution from Popke et al. (2013) question of how important these and other climate non- were put on a realistically illuminated planet, then we linearities are—in the sense of how much they alter Earth’s estimate that the planetary albedo would be about 2% mean temperature as compared to a hypothetical radia- higher; the shortwave absorption in Popke et al. (2013) 2 tive–convective model of Earth—remains a fundamental may be biased by about 6.7 W m 2 owing to zenith-angle and unanswered question in climate science. considerations alone. The recent work of Popke et al. (2013) is possibly the Simulations by Kirtman and Schneider (2000) and first credible stab at setting up an answer to this broader Barsugli et al. (2005) also find very warm global-mean question of the significance of climate nonlinearities. temperatures when insolation contrasts are removed; Popke et al. (2013) use a global model (ECHAM6) with both studies retain planetary rotation. Kirtman and uniform insolation and no rotation to simulate planetary Schneider (2000) obtain a global-mean surface temper- radiative–convective equilibrium with column physics ature of approximately 268C with a reduced global-mean 2 over a slab ocean, thus allowing for interactions between insolation of only 315 W m 2; realistic global-mean in- convection and circulations up to planetary scales. One solation leads to too-warm temperatures and numerical could imagine a set of simulations with this modeling instability. Kirtman and Schneider (2000) offer little ex- framework in which various climate nonlinearities were planation for the extreme warmth of their simulations slowly dialed in. For example, simulations could be but apparently also choose to homogenize insolation conducted across a range of planetary rotation rates as by using an equatorial equinox diurnal cycle, with 5 well as with a range of equator-to-pole insolation con- m*I p/4. Barsugli et al. (2005) obtain a global-mean trasts; progressively stronger midlatitude eddies would surface temperature of about 388C with a realistic global- 2 emerge from the interaction between increasing rota- mean insolation of 340 W m 2.SimilartoPopke et al. tion rate and increasing insolation gradients, and the (2013), Barsugli et al. (2005) also invoke a low plane- influence of midlatitude dynamics on the mean tem- tary albedo of 0.21 as a plausible reason for their global perature of the Earth could be diagnosed. But the study warmth and explain their low albedo as a consequence of Popke et al. (2013) does not focus on comparing the of a dark all-ocean surface. This work, however, sug- mean state of their simulations to the mean climate gests that their unphysical use of constant m 5 1may of Earth; they find surface temperatures of approxi- lead to a large albedo bias on its own. For RS99 clouds, mately 288C, which are much warmer than the observed we estimate an albedo of 28.8% for m 5 1, as compared global-mean surface temperature of approximately to 34.6% for m 5 2/3, so their albedo bias may be as large 148C. The combination of warm temperatures and as 25.8%, with a resulting shortwave absorption bias 2 nonrotating dynamics prompts comparison of their of 119.8 W m 2. Use of these three studies (Kirtman simulated cloud and relative humidity distributions to and Schneider 2000; Barsugli et al. 2005; Popke et al. Earth’s tropics, where they find good agreement with 2013) as a starting point for questions about the im- the regime-sorted cloud radiative effects in the ob- portance of climate nonlinearities may thus be impeded served tropical atmosphere. by biases in planetary albedo and temperature due to The most obvious cause of the warmth of their simu- a sun that is too high in the sky. While it was not the lations is that Popke et al. (2013) also find an anoma- primary focus of these studies to query the importance of lously low planetary albedo of about 0.2, much lower climate nonlinearities, these studies nonetheless serve as than Earth’s observed value of 0.3 (e.g., Hartmann a reminder that care is required when using idealized 1994). Although part of the reason for this low albedo solar geometry in models. can be readily explained by the low surface albedo of Because global-mean temperatures are quite sensitive 0.07 in Popke et al. (2013), the remaining discrepancy is to planetary albedo, we have focused in this work on large, in excess of 5% of planetary albedo. It is possible matching the top-of-atmosphere shortwave absorption. that this remaining discrepancy arises principally because For either a radiative–convective model or a GCM, we of the lack of bright clouds from midlatitude storms. 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